Alias: [""]
Tag: ["🍴", "🇺🇸", "👨🏾🦱"]
Date: 2023-07-31
DocType: "Place"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
location: [32.0798625,-81.0976641]
Type: Restaurant
SubType: Dinner
Style: American
Location: Savannah
Country: USA
Status: 🟥
CollapseMetaTable: true
Phone: "+1 912 662 5999"
Website: "[The Grey](https://thegreyrestaurant.com/)"
Parent:: [[@United States|United States]]
let tempPhone = dv.current().Phone ? dv.current().Phone.replaceAll(" ", "") : '+000'
let tempMail = dv.current().Email ? dv.current().Email : ""
let tempCoorSet = dv.current().location ? dv.current().location : [0,0]
dv.el('center', '[📲](tel:' + tempPhone + ')     [📧 ](mailto:' + tempMail + ' )     [🗺️ ](' + "https://waze.com/ul?ll=" + tempCoorSet[0] + "%2C" + tempCoorSet[1] + "&navigate=yes" + ' )')
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# The Grey
> [!summary]+
> Note Description
style: number
### 📇 Contact
> [!address] 🗺
> 109 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
> 31401 Savannah, Georgia
> United States of America
☎️ `= this.Phone`
📧 `= this.Email`
🌐 `= this.Website`
### 🗒 Notes
url: https://www.courrierinternational.com/long-format/gastronomie-a-savannah-mashama-bailey-reinvente-la-cuisine-noire-americaine
title: "Gastronomie. À Savannah, Mashama Bailey réinvente la cuisine noire américaine"
description: "Série d’ été – Militants des saveurs 2/9. En 2014, elle a ouvert le Grey à Savannah, en Géorgie, dans une ancienne gare routière où régnait autrefois la ségrégat..."
host: www.courrierinternational.com
favicon: /bucket/assets/21491c3c18f91521eeb3acba7dda16de673234cd/img/logos/favicon.ico
image: https://focus.courrierinternational.com/2023/07/11/0/0/2400/1880/1200/630/60/0/628531e_1689070348129-financialtimes-1-2-1-w.jpg
### 🔗 Other activity
Table DocType as "Doc type" from [[The Grey]]
where !contains(file.name, "@@Travel")
sort DocType asc