Containers are created through docker-compose. Tutorial exist for each application to run in docker. In short:
1. A directory for the app must be created
2. A yaml file for docker-compose must be created in the folder
3. The docker-compose command for initialisation must be run from the folder:
`sudo docker-compose up -d`
#### Maintaining containers
Maintaining containers with docker is arduous and easier to do with docker-compose.
Easiest is to create aliases in the .bashrc of home directory by adding:
>alias dc-up='sudo docker-compose --compatibility up -d'
alias dc-update='sudo docker-compose pull && sudo docker-compose --compatibility up -d'
alias dc-update-all='for d in ./*/ ; do (cd "$d" && dc-update); done'
To the following file:
The command needs to be run periodically.
#### Updating containers
For updating containers, just amend the docker-compose file and run the following command to preserve the mounted data:
`docker-compose up -d`
From within the container folder.
#### Update environment variables
Docker does not have a standard way to update environment variables, and requires to take down and then re-initialise a container with the appropriate variable fed in the run script. To avoid that, the followong steps can be taken: