You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

19753 lines
2.2 MiB

3 years ago
'use strict';
var obsidian = require('obsidian');
3 years ago
var view = require('@codemirror/view');
var language = require('@codemirror/language');
3 years ago
3 years ago
// these aren't really private, but nor are they really useful to document
* @private
class LuxonError extends Error {}
3 years ago
* @private
class InvalidDateTimeError extends LuxonError {
constructor(reason) {
super(`Invalid DateTime: ${reason.toMessage()}`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
class InvalidIntervalError extends LuxonError {
constructor(reason) {
super(`Invalid Interval: ${reason.toMessage()}`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
class InvalidDurationError extends LuxonError {
constructor(reason) {
super(`Invalid Duration: ${reason.toMessage()}`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
class ConflictingSpecificationError extends LuxonError {}
3 years ago
* @private
class InvalidUnitError extends LuxonError {
constructor(unit) {
super(`Invalid unit ${unit}`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
class InvalidArgumentError extends LuxonError {}
3 years ago
* @private
class ZoneIsAbstractError extends LuxonError {
constructor() {
super("Zone is an abstract class");
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
const n$1 = "numeric",
s$2 = "short",
l$2 = "long";
const DATE_SHORT = {
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: n$1,
day: n$1,
3 years ago
const DATE_MED = {
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: s$2,
day: n$1,
3 years ago
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: s$2,
day: n$1,
weekday: s$2,
3 years ago
const DATE_FULL = {
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: l$2,
day: n$1,
3 years ago
const DATE_HUGE = {
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: l$2,
day: n$1,
weekday: l$2,
3 years ago
const TIME_SIMPLE = {
3 years ago
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
3 years ago
3 years ago
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
3 years ago
3 years ago
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
timeZoneName: s$2,
3 years ago
3 years ago
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
timeZoneName: l$2,
3 years ago
const TIME_24_SIMPLE = {
3 years ago
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
hourCycle: "h23",
3 years ago
const TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS = {
3 years ago
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
hourCycle: "h23",
3 years ago
3 years ago
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
hourCycle: "h23",
timeZoneName: s$2,
3 years ago
3 years ago
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
hourCycle: "h23",
timeZoneName: l$2,
3 years ago
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: n$1,
day: n$1,
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
3 years ago
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: n$1,
day: n$1,
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
3 years ago
const DATETIME_MED = {
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: s$2,
day: n$1,
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
3 years ago
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: s$2,
day: n$1,
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
3 years ago
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: s$2,
day: n$1,
weekday: s$2,
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
3 years ago
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: l$2,
day: n$1,
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
timeZoneName: s$2,
3 years ago
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: l$2,
day: n$1,
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
timeZoneName: s$2,
3 years ago
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: l$2,
day: n$1,
weekday: l$2,
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
timeZoneName: l$2,
3 years ago
3 years ago
year: n$1,
month: l$2,
day: n$1,
weekday: l$2,
hour: n$1,
minute: n$1,
second: n$1,
timeZoneName: l$2,
3 years ago
* @interface
3 years ago
class Zone {
* The type of zone
* @abstract
* @type {string}
get type() {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();
3 years ago
* The name of this zone.
* @abstract
* @type {string}
get name() {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();
3 years ago
3 years ago
get ianaName() {
3 years ago
* Returns whether the offset is known to be fixed for the whole year.
* @abstract
* @type {boolean}
get isUniversal() {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();
3 years ago
* Returns the offset's common name (such as EST) at the specified timestamp
* @abstract
* @param {number} ts - Epoch milliseconds for which to get the name
* @param {Object} opts - Options to affect the format
* @param {string} opts.format - What style of offset to return. Accepts 'long' or 'short'.
* @param {string} opts.locale - What locale to return the offset name in.
* @return {string}
offsetName(ts, opts) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();
3 years ago
* Returns the offset's value as a string
* @abstract
* @param {number} ts - Epoch milliseconds for which to get the offset
* @param {string} format - What style of offset to return.
* Accepts 'narrow', 'short', or 'techie'. Returning '+6', '+06:00', or '+0600' respectively
* @return {string}
formatOffset(ts, format) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();
3 years ago
* Return the offset in minutes for this zone at the specified timestamp.
* @abstract
* @param {number} ts - Epoch milliseconds for which to compute the offset
* @return {number}
offset(ts) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();
3 years ago
* Return whether this Zone is equal to another zone
* @abstract
* @param {Zone} otherZone - the zone to compare
* @return {boolean}
equals(otherZone) {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();
3 years ago
* Return whether this Zone is valid.
* @abstract
* @type {boolean}
get isValid() {
throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();
3 years ago
3 years ago
let singleton$1 = null;
* Represents the local zone for this JavaScript environment.
* @implements {Zone}
class SystemZone extends Zone {
* Get a singleton instance of the local zone
* @return {SystemZone}
static get instance() {
if (singleton$1 === null) {
singleton$1 = new SystemZone();
return singleton$1;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get type() {
return "system";
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get name() {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get isUniversal() {
return false;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
offsetName(ts, { format, locale }) {
return parseZoneInfo(ts, format, locale);
3 years ago
/** @override **/
formatOffset(ts, format) {
return formatOffset(this.offset(ts), format);
3 years ago
/** @override **/
offset(ts) {
return -new Date(ts).getTimezoneOffset();
3 years ago
/** @override **/
equals(otherZone) {
return otherZone.type === "system";
/** @override **/
get isValid() {
return true;
3 years ago
3 years ago
let dtfCache = {};
function makeDTF(zone) {
if (!dtfCache[zone]) {
dtfCache[zone] = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", {
hour12: false,
timeZone: zone,
year: "numeric",
month: "2-digit",
day: "2-digit",
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
second: "2-digit",
era: "short",
3 years ago
return dtfCache[zone];
3 years ago
const typeToPos = {
year: 0,
month: 1,
day: 2,
era: 3,
hour: 4,
minute: 5,
second: 6,
3 years ago
function hackyOffset(dtf, date) {
const formatted = dtf.format(date).replace(/\u200E/g, ""),
parsed = /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+) (AD|BC),? (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/.exec(formatted),
[, fMonth, fDay, fYear, fadOrBc, fHour, fMinute, fSecond] = parsed;
return [fYear, fMonth, fDay, fadOrBc, fHour, fMinute, fSecond];
3 years ago
function partsOffset(dtf, date) {
const formatted = dtf.formatToParts(date);
const filled = [];
for (let i = 0; i < formatted.length; i++) {
const { type, value } = formatted[i];
const pos = typeToPos[type];
3 years ago
if (type === "era") {
filled[pos] = value;
} else if (!isUndefined(pos)) {
filled[pos] = parseInt(value, 10);
3 years ago
return filled;
3 years ago
let ianaZoneCache = {};
* A zone identified by an IANA identifier, like America/New_York
* @implements {Zone}
class IANAZone extends Zone {
* @param {string} name - Zone name
* @return {IANAZone}
static create(name) {
if (!ianaZoneCache[name]) {
ianaZoneCache[name] = new IANAZone(name);
3 years ago
return ianaZoneCache[name];
3 years ago
* Reset local caches. Should only be necessary in testing scenarios.
* @return {void}
static resetCache() {
ianaZoneCache = {};
dtfCache = {};
3 years ago
* Returns whether the provided string is a valid specifier. This only checks the string's format, not that the specifier identifies a known zone; see isValidZone for that.
* @param {string} s - The string to check validity on
* @example IANAZone.isValidSpecifier("America/New_York") //=> true
* @example IANAZone.isValidSpecifier("Sport~~blorp") //=> false
* @deprecated This method returns false for some valid IANA names. Use isValidZone instead.
* @return {boolean}
static isValidSpecifier(s) {
return this.isValidZone(s);
3 years ago
* Returns whether the provided string identifies a real zone
* @param {string} zone - The string to check
* @example IANAZone.isValidZone("America/New_York") //=> true
* @example IANAZone.isValidZone("Fantasia/Castle") //=> false
* @example IANAZone.isValidZone("Sport~~blorp") //=> false
* @return {boolean}
static isValidZone(zone) {
if (!zone) {
return false;
try {
new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { timeZone: zone }).format();
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
3 years ago
constructor(name) {
/** @private **/
this.zoneName = name;
/** @private **/
this.valid = IANAZone.isValidZone(name);
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get type() {
return "iana";
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get name() {
return this.zoneName;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get isUniversal() {
return false;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
offsetName(ts, { format, locale }) {
return parseZoneInfo(ts, format, locale,;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
formatOffset(ts, format) {
return formatOffset(this.offset(ts), format);
3 years ago
/** @override **/
offset(ts) {
const date = new Date(ts);
3 years ago
if (isNaN(date)) return NaN;
3 years ago
const dtf = makeDTF(;
let [year, month, day, adOrBc, hour, minute, second] = dtf.formatToParts
? partsOffset(dtf, date)
: hackyOffset(dtf, date);
3 years ago
if (adOrBc === "BC") {
year = -Math.abs(year) + 1;
3 years ago
// because we're using hour12 and
const adjustedHour = hour === 24 ? 0 : hour;
3 years ago
const asUTC = objToLocalTS({
hour: adjustedHour,
millisecond: 0,
3 years ago
let asTS = +date;
const over = asTS % 1000;
asTS -= over >= 0 ? over : 1000 + over;
return (asUTC - asTS) / (60 * 1000);
3 years ago
/** @override **/
equals(otherZone) {
return otherZone.type === "iana" && ===;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get isValid() {
return this.valid;
3 years ago
// todo - remap caching
3 years ago
let intlLFCache = {};
function getCachedLF(locString, opts = {}) {
const key = JSON.stringify([locString, opts]);
let dtf = intlLFCache[key];
if (!dtf) {
dtf = new Intl.ListFormat(locString, opts);
intlLFCache[key] = dtf;
3 years ago
return dtf;
3 years ago
let intlDTCache = {};
function getCachedDTF(locString, opts = {}) {
const key = JSON.stringify([locString, opts]);
let dtf = intlDTCache[key];
if (!dtf) {
dtf = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locString, opts);
intlDTCache[key] = dtf;
3 years ago
return dtf;
3 years ago
let intlNumCache = {};
function getCachedINF(locString, opts = {}) {
const key = JSON.stringify([locString, opts]);
let inf = intlNumCache[key];
if (!inf) {
inf = new Intl.NumberFormat(locString, opts);
intlNumCache[key] = inf;
3 years ago
return inf;
3 years ago
let intlRelCache = {};
function getCachedRTF(locString, opts = {}) {
const { base, ...cacheKeyOpts } = opts; // exclude `base` from the options
const key = JSON.stringify([locString, cacheKeyOpts]);
let inf = intlRelCache[key];
if (!inf) {
inf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(locString, opts);
intlRelCache[key] = inf;
3 years ago
return inf;
3 years ago
let sysLocaleCache = null;
function systemLocale() {
if (sysLocaleCache) {
return sysLocaleCache;
} else {
sysLocaleCache = new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale;
return sysLocaleCache;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function parseLocaleString(localeStr) {
// I really want to avoid writing a BCP 47 parser
// see, e.g.
// Instead, we'll do this:
3 years ago
// a) if the string has no -u extensions, just leave it alone
// b) if it does, use Intl to resolve everything
// c) if Intl fails, try again without the -u
3 years ago
// private subtags and unicode subtags have ordering requirements,
// and we're not properly parsing this, so just strip out the
// private ones if they exist.
const xIndex = localeStr.indexOf("-x-");
if (xIndex !== -1) {
localeStr = localeStr.substring(0, xIndex);
3 years ago
const uIndex = localeStr.indexOf("-u-");
if (uIndex === -1) {
return [localeStr];
} else {
let options;
let selectedStr;
try {
options = getCachedDTF(localeStr).resolvedOptions();
selectedStr = localeStr;
} catch (e) {
const smaller = localeStr.substring(0, uIndex);
options = getCachedDTF(smaller).resolvedOptions();
selectedStr = smaller;
3 years ago
3 years ago
const { numberingSystem, calendar } = options;
return [selectedStr, numberingSystem, calendar];
3 years ago
function intlConfigString(localeStr, numberingSystem, outputCalendar) {
if (outputCalendar || numberingSystem) {
if (!localeStr.includes("-u-")) {
localeStr += "-u";
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (outputCalendar) {
localeStr += `-ca-${outputCalendar}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (numberingSystem) {
localeStr += `-nu-${numberingSystem}`;
3 years ago
return localeStr;
} else {
return localeStr;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function mapMonths(f) {
const ms = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
const dt = DateTime.utc(2016, i, 1);
3 years ago
return ms;
3 years ago
function mapWeekdays(f) {
const ms = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
const dt = DateTime.utc(2016, 11, 13 + i);
3 years ago
return ms;
3 years ago
function listStuff(loc, length, defaultOK, englishFn, intlFn) {
const mode = loc.listingMode(defaultOK);
if (mode === "error") {
return null;
} else if (mode === "en") {
return englishFn(length);
} else {
return intlFn(length);
3 years ago
3 years ago
function supportsFastNumbers(loc) {
if (loc.numberingSystem && loc.numberingSystem !== "latn") {
return false;
} else {
return (
loc.numberingSystem === "latn" ||
!loc.locale ||
loc.locale.startsWith("en") ||
new Intl.DateTimeFormat(loc.intl).resolvedOptions().numberingSystem === "latn"
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
class PolyNumberFormatter {
constructor(intl, forceSimple, opts) {
this.padTo = opts.padTo || 0;
this.floor = opts.floor || false;
3 years ago
const { padTo, floor, ...otherOpts } = opts;
if (!forceSimple || Object.keys(otherOpts).length > 0) {
const intlOpts = { useGrouping: false, ...opts };
if (opts.padTo > 0) intlOpts.minimumIntegerDigits = opts.padTo;
this.inf = getCachedINF(intl, intlOpts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
format(i) {
if (this.inf) {
const fixed = this.floor ? Math.floor(i) : i;
return this.inf.format(fixed);
} else {
// to match the browser's numberformatter defaults
const fixed = this.floor ? Math.floor(i) : roundTo(i, 3);
return padStart(fixed, this.padTo);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
3 years ago
class PolyDateFormatter {
constructor(dt, intl, opts) {
this.opts = opts;
3 years ago
let z = undefined;
if ( {
// UTC-8 or Etc/UTC-8 are not part of tzdata, only Etc/GMT+8 and the like.
// That is why fixed-offset TZ is set to that unless it is:
// 1. Representing offset 0 when UTC is used to maintain previous behavior and does not become GMT.
// 2. Unsupported by the browser:
// - some do not support Etc/
// - < Etc/GMT-14, > Etc/GMT+12, and 30-minute or 45-minute offsets are not part of tzdata
const gmtOffset = -1 * (dt.offset / 60);
const offsetZ = gmtOffset >= 0 ? `Etc/GMT+${gmtOffset}` : `Etc/GMT${gmtOffset}`;
if (dt.offset !== 0 && IANAZone.create(offsetZ).valid) {
z = offsetZ;
this.dt = dt;
} else {
// Not all fixed-offset zones like Etc/+4:30 are present in tzdata.
// So we have to make do. Two cases:
// 1. The format options tell us to show the zone. We can't do that, so the best
// we can do is format the date in UTC.
// 2. The format options don't tell us to show the zone. Then we can adjust them
// the time and tell the formatter to show it to us in UTC, so that the time is right
// and the bad zone doesn't show up.
z = "UTC";
if (opts.timeZoneName) {
this.dt = dt;
} else {
this.dt = dt.offset === 0 ? dt : DateTime.fromMillis(dt.ts + dt.offset * 60 * 1000);
} else if ( === "system") {
this.dt = dt;
} else {
this.dt = dt;
z =;
3 years ago
const intlOpts = { ...this.opts };
intlOpts.timeZone = intlOpts.timeZone || z;
this.dtf = getCachedDTF(intl, intlOpts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
format() {
return this.dtf.format(this.dt.toJSDate());
3 years ago
3 years ago
formatToParts() {
return this.dtf.formatToParts(this.dt.toJSDate());
3 years ago
3 years ago
resolvedOptions() {
return this.dtf.resolvedOptions();
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
class PolyRelFormatter {
constructor(intl, isEnglish, opts) {
this.opts = { style: "long", ...opts };
if (!isEnglish && hasRelative()) {
this.rtf = getCachedRTF(intl, opts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
format(count, unit) {
if (this.rtf) {
return this.rtf.format(count, unit);
} else {
return formatRelativeTime(unit, count, this.opts.numeric, !== "long");
3 years ago
3 years ago
formatToParts(count, unit) {
if (this.rtf) {
return this.rtf.formatToParts(count, unit);
} else {
return [];
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
class Locale {
static fromOpts(opts) {
return Locale.create(opts.locale, opts.numberingSystem, opts.outputCalendar, opts.defaultToEN);
3 years ago
static create(locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar, defaultToEN = false) {
const specifiedLocale = locale || Settings.defaultLocale;
// the system locale is useful for human readable strings but annoying for parsing/formatting known formats
const localeR = specifiedLocale || (defaultToEN ? "en-US" : systemLocale());
const numberingSystemR = numberingSystem || Settings.defaultNumberingSystem;
const outputCalendarR = outputCalendar || Settings.defaultOutputCalendar;
return new Locale(localeR, numberingSystemR, outputCalendarR, specifiedLocale);
3 years ago
static resetCache() {
sysLocaleCache = null;
intlDTCache = {};
intlNumCache = {};
intlRelCache = {};
3 years ago
static fromObject({ locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar } = {}) {
return Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar);
3 years ago
3 years ago
constructor(locale, numbering, outputCalendar, specifiedLocale) {
const [parsedLocale, parsedNumberingSystem, parsedOutputCalendar] = parseLocaleString(locale);
3 years ago
this.locale = parsedLocale;
this.numberingSystem = numbering || parsedNumberingSystem || null;
this.outputCalendar = outputCalendar || parsedOutputCalendar || null;
this.intl = intlConfigString(this.locale, this.numberingSystem, this.outputCalendar);
3 years ago
this.weekdaysCache = { format: {}, standalone: {} };
this.monthsCache = { format: {}, standalone: {} };
this.meridiemCache = null;
this.eraCache = {};
3 years ago
this.specifiedLocale = specifiedLocale;
this.fastNumbersCached = null;
get fastNumbers() {
if (this.fastNumbersCached == null) {
this.fastNumbersCached = supportsFastNumbers(this);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return this.fastNumbersCached;
3 years ago
3 years ago
listingMode() {
const isActuallyEn = this.isEnglish();
const hasNoWeirdness =
(this.numberingSystem === null || this.numberingSystem === "latn") &&
(this.outputCalendar === null || this.outputCalendar === "gregory");
return isActuallyEn && hasNoWeirdness ? "en" : "intl";
3 years ago
3 years ago
clone(alts) {
if (!alts || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(alts).length === 0) {
return this;
} else {
return Locale.create(
alts.locale || this.specifiedLocale,
alts.numberingSystem || this.numberingSystem,
alts.outputCalendar || this.outputCalendar,
alts.defaultToEN || false
3 years ago
3 years ago
redefaultToEN(alts = {}) {
return this.clone({ ...alts, defaultToEN: true });
3 years ago
redefaultToSystem(alts = {}) {
return this.clone({ ...alts, defaultToEN: false });
3 years ago
months(length, format = false, defaultOK = true) {
return listStuff(this, length, defaultOK, months, () => {
const intl = format ? { month: length, day: "numeric" } : { month: length },
formatStr = format ? "format" : "standalone";
if (!this.monthsCache[formatStr][length]) {
this.monthsCache[formatStr][length] = mapMonths((dt) => this.extract(dt, intl, "month"));
return this.monthsCache[formatStr][length];
3 years ago
weekdays(length, format = false, defaultOK = true) {
return listStuff(this, length, defaultOK, weekdays, () => {
const intl = format
? { weekday: length, year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric" }
: { weekday: length },
formatStr = format ? "format" : "standalone";
if (!this.weekdaysCache[formatStr][length]) {
this.weekdaysCache[formatStr][length] = mapWeekdays((dt) =>
this.extract(dt, intl, "weekday")
return this.weekdaysCache[formatStr][length];
3 years ago
meridiems(defaultOK = true) {
return listStuff(
() => meridiems,
() => {
// In theory there could be aribitrary day periods. We're gonna assume there are exactly two
// for AM and PM. This is probably wrong, but it's makes parsing way easier.
if (!this.meridiemCache) {
const intl = { hour: "numeric", hourCycle: "h12" };
this.meridiemCache = [DateTime.utc(2016, 11, 13, 9), DateTime.utc(2016, 11, 13, 19)].map(
(dt) => this.extract(dt, intl, "dayperiod")
3 years ago
return this.meridiemCache;
3 years ago
3 years ago
eras(length, defaultOK = true) {
return listStuff(this, length, defaultOK, eras, () => {
const intl = { era: length };
3 years ago
// This is problematic. Different calendars are going to define eras totally differently. What I need is the minimum set of dates
// to definitely enumerate them.
if (!this.eraCache[length]) {
this.eraCache[length] = [DateTime.utc(-40, 1, 1), DateTime.utc(2017, 1, 1)].map((dt) =>
this.extract(dt, intl, "era")
3 years ago
return this.eraCache[length];
3 years ago
3 years ago
extract(dt, intlOpts, field) {
const df = this.dtFormatter(dt, intlOpts),
results = df.formatToParts(),
matching = results.find((m) => m.type.toLowerCase() === field);
return matching ? matching.value : null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
numberFormatter(opts = {}) {
// this forcesimple option is never used (the only caller short-circuits on it, but it seems safer to leave)
// (in contrast, the rest of the condition is used heavily)
return new PolyNumberFormatter(this.intl, opts.forceSimple || this.fastNumbers, opts);
3 years ago
dtFormatter(dt, intlOpts = {}) {
return new PolyDateFormatter(dt, this.intl, intlOpts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
relFormatter(opts = {}) {
return new PolyRelFormatter(this.intl, this.isEnglish(), opts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
listFormatter(opts = {}) {
return getCachedLF(this.intl, opts);
3 years ago
isEnglish() {
return (
this.locale === "en" ||
this.locale.toLowerCase() === "en-us" ||
new Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.intl).resolvedOptions().locale.startsWith("en-us")
3 years ago
equals(other) {
return (
this.locale === other.locale &&
this.numberingSystem === other.numberingSystem &&
this.outputCalendar === other.outputCalendar
3 years ago
let singleton = null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* A zone with a fixed offset (meaning no DST)
* @implements {Zone}
class FixedOffsetZone extends Zone {
* Get a singleton instance of UTC
* @return {FixedOffsetZone}
static get utcInstance() {
if (singleton === null) {
singleton = new FixedOffsetZone(0);
return singleton;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get an instance with a specified offset
* @param {number} offset - The offset in minutes
* @return {FixedOffsetZone}
static instance(offset) {
3 years ago
return offset === 0 ? FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance : new FixedOffsetZone(offset);
3 years ago
* Get an instance of FixedOffsetZone from a UTC offset string, like "UTC+6"
* @param {string} s - The offset string to parse
* @example FixedOffsetZone.parseSpecifier("UTC+6")
* @example FixedOffsetZone.parseSpecifier("UTC+06")
* @example FixedOffsetZone.parseSpecifier("UTC-6:00")
* @return {FixedOffsetZone}
static parseSpecifier(s) {
3 years ago
if (s) {
const r = s.match(/^utc(?:([+-]\d{1,2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?$/i);
3 years ago
if (r) {
return new FixedOffsetZone(signedOffset(r[1], r[2]));
return null;
3 years ago
constructor(offset) {
3 years ago
/** @private **/
this.fixed = offset;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get type() {
return "fixed";
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get name() {
return this.fixed === 0 ? "UTC" : `UTC${formatOffset(this.fixed, "narrow")}`;
3 years ago
get ianaName() {
if (this.fixed === 0) {
return "Etc/UTC";
} else {
return `Etc/GMT${formatOffset(-this.fixed, "narrow")}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** @override **/
offsetName() {
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** @override **/
formatOffset(ts, format) {
3 years ago
return formatOffset(this.fixed, format);
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get isUniversal() {
return true;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** @override **/
offset() {
3 years ago
return this.fixed;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
equals(otherZone) {
3 years ago
return otherZone.type === "fixed" && otherZone.fixed === this.fixed;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get isValid() {
return true;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* A zone that failed to parse. You should never need to instantiate this.
* @implements {Zone}
class InvalidZone extends Zone {
constructor(zoneName) {
3 years ago
/** @private */
this.zoneName = zoneName;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get type() {
return "invalid";
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get name() {
return this.zoneName;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get isUniversal() {
return false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** @override **/
offsetName() {
3 years ago
return null;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
formatOffset() {
3 years ago
return "";
3 years ago
/** @override **/
offset() {
3 years ago
return NaN;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
equals() {
3 years ago
return false;
3 years ago
/** @override **/
get isValid() {
return false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
function normalizeZone(input, defaultZone) {
3 years ago
if (isUndefined(input) || input === null) {
return defaultZone;
} else if (input instanceof Zone) {
return input;
} else if (isString(input)) {
const lowered = input.toLowerCase();
if (lowered === "default") return defaultZone;
else if (lowered === "local" || lowered === "system") return SystemZone.instance;
else if (lowered === "utc" || lowered === "gmt") return FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance;
else return FixedOffsetZone.parseSpecifier(lowered) || IANAZone.create(input);
3 years ago
} else if (isNumber(input)) {
return FixedOffsetZone.instance(input);
} else if (typeof input === "object" && input.offset && typeof input.offset === "number") {
// This is dumb, but the instanceof check above doesn't seem to really work
// so we're duck checking it
return input;
} else {
return new InvalidZone(input);
3 years ago
let now = () =>,
defaultZone = "system",
defaultLocale = null,
defaultNumberingSystem = null,
defaultOutputCalendar = null,
twoDigitCutoffYear = 60,
3 years ago
* Settings contains static getters and setters that control Luxon's overall behavior. Luxon is a simple library with few options, but the ones it does have live here.
class Settings {
3 years ago
* Get the callback for returning the current timestamp.
* @type {function}
3 years ago
static get now() {
return now;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Set the callback for returning the current timestamp.
* The function should return a number, which will be interpreted as an Epoch millisecond count
* @type {function}
* @example = () => + 3000 // pretend it is 3 seconds in the future
* @example = () => 0 // always pretend it's Jan 1, 1970 at midnight in UTC time
static set now(n) {
now = n;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Set the default time zone to create DateTimes in. Does not affect existing instances.
* Use the value "system" to reset this value to the system's time zone.
* @type {string}
static set defaultZone(zone) {
defaultZone = zone;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the default time zone object currently used to create DateTimes. Does not affect existing instances.
* The default value is the system's time zone (the one set on the machine that runs this code).
* @type {Zone}
static get defaultZone() {
return normalizeZone(defaultZone, SystemZone.instance);
3 years ago
* Get the default locale to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.
* @type {string}
static get defaultLocale() {
return defaultLocale;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Set the default locale to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.
* @type {string}
static set defaultLocale(locale) {
defaultLocale = locale;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the default numbering system to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.
* @type {string}
static get defaultNumberingSystem() {
return defaultNumberingSystem;
3 years ago
* Set the default numbering system to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.
* @type {string}
static set defaultNumberingSystem(numberingSystem) {
defaultNumberingSystem = numberingSystem;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the default output calendar to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.
* @type {string}
static get defaultOutputCalendar() {
return defaultOutputCalendar;
3 years ago
* Set the default output calendar to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.
* @type {string}
static set defaultOutputCalendar(outputCalendar) {
defaultOutputCalendar = outputCalendar;
3 years ago
* Get the cutoff year after which a string encoding a year as two digits is interpreted to occur in the current century.
* @type {number}
static get twoDigitCutoffYear() {
return twoDigitCutoffYear;
3 years ago
* Set the cutoff year after which a string encoding a year as two digits is interpreted to occur in the current century.
* @type {number}
* @example Settings.twoDigitCutoffYear = 0 // cut-off year is 0, so all 'yy' are interpretted as current century
* @example Settings.twoDigitCutoffYear = 50 // '49' -> 1949; '50' -> 2050
* @example Settings.twoDigitCutoffYear = 1950 // interpretted as 50
* @example Settings.twoDigitCutoffYear = 2050 // ALSO interpretted as 50
static set twoDigitCutoffYear(cutoffYear) {
twoDigitCutoffYear = cutoffYear % 100;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get whether Luxon will throw when it encounters invalid DateTimes, Durations, or Intervals
* @type {boolean}
static get throwOnInvalid() {
return throwOnInvalid;
3 years ago
* Set whether Luxon will throw when it encounters invalid DateTimes, Durations, or Intervals
* @type {boolean}
static set throwOnInvalid(t) {
throwOnInvalid = t;
3 years ago
* Reset Luxon's global caches. Should only be necessary in testing scenarios.
* @return {void}
static resetCaches() {
3 years ago
3 years ago
This is just a junk drawer, containing anything used across multiple classes.
Because Luxon is small(ish), this should stay small and we won't worry about splitting
it up into, say, parsingUtil.js and basicUtil.js and so on. But they are divided up by feature area.
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
3 years ago
function isUndefined(o) {
return typeof o === "undefined";
3 years ago
function isNumber(o) {
return typeof o === "number";
3 years ago
function isInteger(o) {
return typeof o === "number" && o % 1 === 0;
3 years ago
function isString(o) {
return typeof o === "string";
3 years ago
function isDate(o) {
return === "[object Date]";
function hasRelative() {
try {
return typeof Intl !== "undefined" && !!Intl.RelativeTimeFormat;
} catch (e) {
return false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
function maybeArray(thing) {
return Array.isArray(thing) ? thing : [thing];
function bestBy(arr, by, compare) {
if (arr.length === 0) {
return undefined;
3 years ago
return arr.reduce((best, next) => {
const pair = [by(next), next];
if (!best) {
return pair;
} else if (compare(best[0], pair[0]) === best[0]) {
return best;
} else {
return pair;
}, null)[1];
3 years ago
function pick(obj, keys) {
return keys.reduce((a, k) => {
a[k] = obj[k];
return a;
}, {});
3 years ago
function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {
return, prop);
3 years ago
3 years ago
function integerBetween(thing, bottom, top) {
return isInteger(thing) && thing >= bottom && thing <= top;
3 years ago
// x % n but takes the sign of n instead of x
function floorMod(x, n) {
return x - n * Math.floor(x / n);
3 years ago
function padStart(input, n = 2) {
const isNeg = input < 0;
let padded;
if (isNeg) {
padded = "-" + ("" + -input).padStart(n, "0");
3 years ago
} else {
padded = ("" + input).padStart(n, "0");
3 years ago
return padded;
3 years ago
function parseInteger(string) {
if (isUndefined(string) || string === null || string === "") {
return undefined;
3 years ago
} else {
return parseInt(string, 10);
3 years ago
function parseFloating(string) {
if (isUndefined(string) || string === null || string === "") {
return undefined;
} else {
return parseFloat(string);
3 years ago
function parseMillis(fraction) {
// Return undefined (instead of 0) in these cases, where fraction is not set
if (isUndefined(fraction) || fraction === null || fraction === "") {
return undefined;
} else {
const f = parseFloat("0." + fraction) * 1000;
return Math.floor(f);
3 years ago
3 years ago
function roundTo(number, digits, towardZero = false) {
const factor = 10 ** digits,
rounder = towardZero ? Math.trunc : Math.round;
return rounder(number * factor) / factor;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function isLeapYear(year) {
return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);
3 years ago
function daysInYear(year) {
return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;
3 years ago
function daysInMonth(year, month) {
const modMonth = floorMod(month - 1, 12) + 1,
modYear = year + (month - modMonth) / 12;
3 years ago
if (modMonth === 2) {
return isLeapYear(modYear) ? 29 : 28;
} else {
return [31, null, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][modMonth - 1];
3 years ago
// covert a calendar object to a local timestamp (epoch, but with the offset baked in)
function objToLocalTS(obj) {
let d = Date.UTC(
obj.month - 1,,
// for legacy reasons, years between 0 and 99 are interpreted as 19XX; revert that
if (obj.year < 100 && obj.year >= 0) {
d = new Date(d);
d.setUTCFullYear(d.getUTCFullYear() - 1900);
return +d;
3 years ago
function weeksInWeekYear(weekYear) {
const p1 =
(weekYear +
Math.floor(weekYear / 4) -
Math.floor(weekYear / 100) +
Math.floor(weekYear / 400)) %
last = weekYear - 1,
p2 = (last + Math.floor(last / 4) - Math.floor(last / 100) + Math.floor(last / 400)) % 7;
return p1 === 4 || p2 === 3 ? 53 : 52;
3 years ago
function untruncateYear(year) {
if (year > 99) {
return year;
} else return year > Settings.twoDigitCutoffYear ? 1900 + year : 2000 + year;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function parseZoneInfo(ts, offsetFormat, locale, timeZone = null) {
const date = new Date(ts),
intlOpts = {
hourCycle: "h23",
year: "numeric",
month: "2-digit",
day: "2-digit",
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
3 years ago
if (timeZone) {
intlOpts.timeZone = timeZone;
3 years ago
const modified = { timeZoneName: offsetFormat, ...intlOpts };
3 years ago
const parsed = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, modified)
.find((m) => m.type.toLowerCase() === "timezonename");
return parsed ? parsed.value : null;
3 years ago
// signedOffset('-5', '30') -> -330
function signedOffset(offHourStr, offMinuteStr) {
let offHour = parseInt(offHourStr, 10);
3 years ago
// don't || this because we want to preserve -0
if (Number.isNaN(offHour)) {
offHour = 0;
3 years ago
const offMin = parseInt(offMinuteStr, 10) || 0,
offMinSigned = offHour < 0 ||, -0) ? -offMin : offMin;
return offHour * 60 + offMinSigned;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function asNumber(value) {
const numericValue = Number(value);
if (typeof value === "boolean" || value === "" || Number.isNaN(numericValue))
throw new InvalidArgumentError(`Invalid unit value ${value}`);
return numericValue;
3 years ago
function normalizeObject(obj, normalizer) {
const normalized = {};
for (const u in obj) {
if (hasOwnProperty(obj, u)) {
const v = obj[u];
if (v === undefined || v === null) continue;
normalized[normalizer(u)] = asNumber(v);
3 years ago
return normalized;
3 years ago
function formatOffset(offset, format) {
const hours = Math.trunc(Math.abs(offset / 60)),
minutes = Math.trunc(Math.abs(offset % 60)),
sign = offset >= 0 ? "+" : "-";
3 years ago
switch (format) {
case "short":
return `${sign}${padStart(hours, 2)}:${padStart(minutes, 2)}`;
case "narrow":
return `${sign}${hours}${minutes > 0 ? `:${minutes}` : ""}`;
case "techie":
return `${sign}${padStart(hours, 2)}${padStart(minutes, 2)}`;
throw new RangeError(`Value format ${format} is out of range for property format`);
3 years ago
function timeObject(obj) {
return pick(obj, ["hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond"]);
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
const monthsLong = [
const monthsShort = [
const monthsNarrow = ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"];
3 years ago
function months(length) {
switch (length) {
case "narrow":
return [...monthsNarrow];
case "short":
return [...monthsShort];
case "long":
return [...monthsLong];
case "numeric":
return ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"];
case "2-digit":
return ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"];
return null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
const weekdaysLong = [
3 years ago
const weekdaysShort = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"];
3 years ago
const weekdaysNarrow = ["M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S", "S"];
3 years ago
function weekdays(length) {
switch (length) {
case "narrow":
return [...weekdaysNarrow];
case "short":
return [...weekdaysShort];
case "long":
return [...weekdaysLong];
case "numeric":
return ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"];
return null;
3 years ago
const meridiems = ["AM", "PM"];
3 years ago
const erasLong = ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"];
3 years ago
const erasShort = ["BC", "AD"];
3 years ago
const erasNarrow = ["B", "A"];
3 years ago
function eras(length) {
switch (length) {
case "narrow":
return [...erasNarrow];
case "short":
return [...erasShort];
case "long":
return [...erasLong];
return null;
3 years ago
function meridiemForDateTime(dt) {
return meridiems[dt.hour < 12 ? 0 : 1];
3 years ago
function weekdayForDateTime(dt, length) {
return weekdays(length)[dt.weekday - 1];
3 years ago
function monthForDateTime(dt, length) {
return months(length)[dt.month - 1];
3 years ago
function eraForDateTime(dt, length) {
return eras(length)[dt.year < 0 ? 0 : 1];
function formatRelativeTime(unit, count, numeric = "always", narrow = false) {
const units = {
years: ["year", "yr."],
quarters: ["quarter", "qtr."],
months: ["month", "mo."],
weeks: ["week", "wk."],
days: ["day", "day", "days"],
hours: ["hour", "hr."],
minutes: ["minute", "min."],
seconds: ["second", "sec."],
3 years ago
3 years ago
const lastable = ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"].indexOf(unit) === -1;
3 years ago
if (numeric === "auto" && lastable) {
const isDay = unit === "days";
switch (count) {
case 1:
return isDay ? "tomorrow" : `next ${units[unit][0]}`;
case -1:
return isDay ? "yesterday" : `last ${units[unit][0]}`;
case 0:
return isDay ? "today" : `this ${units[unit][0]}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
const isInPast =, -0) || count < 0,
fmtValue = Math.abs(count),
singular = fmtValue === 1,
lilUnits = units[unit],
fmtUnit = narrow
? singular
? lilUnits[1]
: lilUnits[2] || lilUnits[1]
: singular
? units[unit][0]
: unit;
return isInPast ? `${fmtValue} ${fmtUnit} ago` : `in ${fmtValue} ${fmtUnit}`;
function stringifyTokens(splits, tokenToString) {
let s = "";
for (const token of splits) {
if (token.literal) {
s += token.val;
} else {
s += tokenToString(token.val);
3 years ago
return s;
3 years ago
const macroTokenToFormatOpts = {
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
class Formatter {
static create(locale, opts = {}) {
return new Formatter(locale, opts);
3 years ago
static parseFormat(fmt) {
let current = null,
currentFull = "",
bracketed = false;
const splits = [];
for (let i = 0; i < fmt.length; i++) {
const c = fmt.charAt(i);
if (c === "'") {
if (currentFull.length > 0) {
splits.push({ literal: bracketed, val: currentFull });
current = null;
currentFull = "";
bracketed = !bracketed;
} else if (bracketed) {
currentFull += c;
} else if (c === current) {
currentFull += c;
} else {
if (currentFull.length > 0) {
splits.push({ literal: false, val: currentFull });
currentFull = c;
current = c;
3 years ago
if (currentFull.length > 0) {
splits.push({ literal: bracketed, val: currentFull });
3 years ago
3 years ago
return splits;
3 years ago
static macroTokenToFormatOpts(token) {
return macroTokenToFormatOpts[token];
3 years ago
constructor(locale, formatOpts) {
this.opts = formatOpts;
this.loc = locale;
this.systemLoc = null;
3 years ago
formatWithSystemDefault(dt, opts) {
if (this.systemLoc === null) {
this.systemLoc = this.loc.redefaultToSystem();
3 years ago
const df = this.systemLoc.dtFormatter(dt, { ...this.opts, ...opts });
return df.format();
3 years ago
formatDateTime(dt, opts = {}) {
const df = this.loc.dtFormatter(dt, { ...this.opts, ...opts });
return df.format();
3 years ago
formatDateTimeParts(dt, opts = {}) {
const df = this.loc.dtFormatter(dt, { ...this.opts, ...opts });
return df.formatToParts();
3 years ago
formatInterval(interval, opts = {}) {
const df = this.loc.dtFormatter(interval.start, { ...this.opts, ...opts });
return df.dtf.formatRange(interval.start.toJSDate(), interval.end.toJSDate());
3 years ago
resolvedOptions(dt, opts = {}) {
const df = this.loc.dtFormatter(dt, { ...this.opts, ...opts });
return df.resolvedOptions();
3 years ago
num(n, p = 0) {
// we get some perf out of doing this here, annoyingly
if (this.opts.forceSimple) {
return padStart(n, p);
3 years ago
3 years ago
const opts = { ...this.opts };
3 years ago
if (p > 0) {
opts.padTo = p;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return this.loc.numberFormatter(opts).format(n);
3 years ago
formatDateTimeFromString(dt, fmt) {
const knownEnglish = this.loc.listingMode() === "en",
useDateTimeFormatter = this.loc.outputCalendar && this.loc.outputCalendar !== "gregory",
string = (opts, extract) => this.loc.extract(dt, opts, extract),
formatOffset = (opts) => {
if (dt.isOffsetFixed && dt.offset === 0 && opts.allowZ) {
return "Z";
3 years ago
return dt.isValid ?, opts.format) : "";
meridiem = () =>
? meridiemForDateTime(dt)
: string({ hour: "numeric", hourCycle: "h12" }, "dayperiod"),
month = (length, standalone) =>
? monthForDateTime(dt, length)
: string(standalone ? { month: length } : { month: length, day: "numeric" }, "month"),
weekday = (length, standalone) =>
? weekdayForDateTime(dt, length)
: string(
standalone ? { weekday: length } : { weekday: length, month: "long", day: "numeric" },
maybeMacro = (token) => {
const formatOpts = Formatter.macroTokenToFormatOpts(token);
if (formatOpts) {
return this.formatWithSystemDefault(dt, formatOpts);
} else {
return token;
era = (length) =>
knownEnglish ? eraForDateTime(dt, length) : string({ era: length }, "era"),
tokenToString = (token) => {
// Where possible:
switch (token) {
// ms
case "S":
return this.num(dt.millisecond);
case "u":
// falls through
case "SSS":
return this.num(dt.millisecond, 3);
// seconds
case "s":
return this.num(dt.second);
case "ss":
return this.num(dt.second, 2);
// fractional seconds
case "uu":
return this.num(Math.floor(dt.millisecond / 10), 2);
case "uuu":
return this.num(Math.floor(dt.millisecond / 100));
// minutes
case "m":
return this.num(dt.minute);
case "mm":
return this.num(dt.minute, 2);
// hours
case "h":
return this.num(dt.hour % 12 === 0 ? 12 : dt.hour % 12);
case "hh":
return this.num(dt.hour % 12 === 0 ? 12 : dt.hour % 12, 2);
case "H":
return this.num(dt.hour);
case "HH":
return this.num(dt.hour, 2);
// offset
case "Z":
// like +6
return formatOffset({ format: "narrow", allowZ: this.opts.allowZ });
case "ZZ":
// like +06:00
return formatOffset({ format: "short", allowZ: this.opts.allowZ });
case "ZZZ":
// like +0600
return formatOffset({ format: "techie", allowZ: this.opts.allowZ });
case "ZZZZ":
// like EST
return, { format: "short", locale: this.loc.locale });
case "ZZZZZ":
// like Eastern Standard Time
return, { format: "long", locale: this.loc.locale });
// zone
case "z":
// like America/New_York
return dt.zoneName;
// meridiems
case "a":
return meridiem();
// dates
case "d":
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string({ day: "numeric" }, "day") : this.num(;
case "dd":
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string({ day: "2-digit" }, "day") : this.num(, 2);
// weekdays - standalone
case "c":
// like 1
return this.num(dt.weekday);
case "ccc":
// like 'Tues'
return weekday("short", true);
case "cccc":
// like 'Tuesday'
return weekday("long", true);
case "ccccc":
// like 'T'
return weekday("narrow", true);
// weekdays - format
case "E":
// like 1
return this.num(dt.weekday);
case "EEE":
// like 'Tues'
return weekday("short", false);
case "EEEE":
// like 'Tuesday'
return weekday("long", false);
case "EEEEE":
// like 'T'
return weekday("narrow", false);
// months - standalone
case "L":
// like 1
return useDateTimeFormatter
? string({ month: "numeric", day: "numeric" }, "month")
: this.num(dt.month);
case "LL":
// like 01, doesn't seem to work
return useDateTimeFormatter
? string({ month: "2-digit", day: "numeric" }, "month")
: this.num(dt.month, 2);
case "LLL":
// like Jan
return month("short", true);
case "LLLL":
// like January
return month("long", true);
case "LLLLL":
// like J
return month("narrow", true);
// months - format
case "M":
// like 1
return useDateTimeFormatter
? string({ month: "numeric" }, "month")
: this.num(dt.month);
case "MM":
// like 01
return useDateTimeFormatter
? string({ month: "2-digit" }, "month")
: this.num(dt.month, 2);
case "MMM":
// like Jan
return month("short", false);
case "MMMM":
// like January
return month("long", false);
case "MMMMM":
// like J
return month("narrow", false);
// years
case "y":
// like 2014
return useDateTimeFormatter ? string({ year: "numeric" }, "year") : this.num(dt.year);
case "yy":
// like 14
return useDateTimeFormatter
? string({ year: "2-digit" }, "year")
: this.num(dt.year.toString().slice(-2), 2);
case "yyyy":
// like 0012
return useDateTimeFormatter
? string({ year: "numeric" }, "year")
: this.num(dt.year, 4);
case "yyyyyy":
// like 000012
return useDateTimeFormatter
? string({ year: "numeric" }, "year")
: this.num(dt.year, 6);
// eras
case "G":
// like AD
return era("short");
case "GG":
// like Anno Domini
return era("long");
case "GGGGG":
return era("narrow");
case "kk":
return this.num(dt.weekYear.toString().slice(-2), 2);
case "kkkk":
return this.num(dt.weekYear, 4);
case "W":
return this.num(dt.weekNumber);
case "WW":
return this.num(dt.weekNumber, 2);
case "o":
return this.num(dt.ordinal);
case "ooo":
return this.num(dt.ordinal, 3);
case "q":
// like 1
return this.num(dt.quarter);
case "qq":
// like 01
return this.num(dt.quarter, 2);
case "X":
return this.num(Math.floor(dt.ts / 1000));
case "x":
return this.num(dt.ts);
return maybeMacro(token);
3 years ago
return stringifyTokens(Formatter.parseFormat(fmt), tokenToString);
3 years ago
formatDurationFromString(dur, fmt) {
const tokenToField = (token) => {
switch (token[0]) {
case "S":
return "millisecond";
case "s":
return "second";
case "m":
return "minute";
case "h":
return "hour";
case "d":
return "day";
case "w":
return "week";
case "M":
return "month";
case "y":
return "year";
return null;
tokenToString = (lildur) => (token) => {
const mapped = tokenToField(token);
if (mapped) {
return this.num(lildur.get(mapped), token.length);
} else {
return token;
tokens = Formatter.parseFormat(fmt),
realTokens = tokens.reduce(
(found, { literal, val }) => (literal ? found : found.concat(val)),
collapsed = dur.shiftTo( => t));
return stringifyTokens(tokens, tokenToString(collapsed));
3 years ago
class Invalid {
constructor(reason, explanation) {
this.reason = reason;
this.explanation = explanation;
3 years ago
toMessage() {
if (this.explanation) {
return `${this.reason}: ${this.explanation}`;
} else {
return this.reason;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* This file handles parsing for well-specified formats. Here's how it works:
* Two things go into parsing: a regex to match with and an extractor to take apart the groups in the match.
* An extractor is just a function that takes a regex match array and returns a { year: ..., month: ... } object
* parse() does the work of executing the regex and applying the extractor. It takes multiple regex/extractor pairs to try in sequence.
* Extractors can take a "cursor" representing the offset in the match to look at. This makes it easy to combine extractors.
* combineExtractors() does the work of combining them, keeping track of the cursor through multiple extractions.
* Some extractions are super dumb and simpleParse and fromStrings help DRY them.
const ianaRegex = /[A-Za-z_+-]{1,256}(?::?\/[A-Za-z0-9_+-]{1,256}(?:\/[A-Za-z0-9_+-]{1,256})?)?/;
3 years ago
function combineRegexes(...regexes) {
const full = regexes.reduce((f, r) => f + r.source, "");
return RegExp(`^${full}$`);
3 years ago
function combineExtractors(...extractors) {
return (m) =>
([mergedVals, mergedZone, cursor], ex) => {
const [val, zone, next] = ex(m, cursor);
return [{ ...mergedVals, ...val }, zone || mergedZone, next];
[{}, null, 1]
.slice(0, 2);
3 years ago
function parse(s, ...patterns) {
3 years ago
if (s == null) {
return [null, null];
3 years ago
for (const [regex, extractor] of patterns) {
const m = regex.exec(s);
3 years ago
if (m) {
return extractor(m);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return [null, null];
3 years ago
function simpleParse(...keys) {
return (match, cursor) => {
const ret = {};
let i;
3 years ago
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
ret[keys[i]] = parseInteger(match[cursor + i]);
return [ret, null, cursor + i];
3 years ago
3 years ago
// ISO and SQL parsing
const offsetRegex = /(?:(Z)|([+-]\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)/;
const isoExtendedZone = `(?:${offsetRegex.source}?(?:\\[(${ianaRegex.source})\\])?)?`;
const isoTimeBaseRegex = /(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:[.,](\d{1,30}))?)?)?/;
const isoTimeRegex = RegExp(`${isoTimeBaseRegex.source}${isoExtendedZone}`);
const isoTimeExtensionRegex = RegExp(`(?:T${isoTimeRegex.source})?`);
const isoYmdRegex = /([+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:-?(\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d))?)?/;
const isoWeekRegex = /(\d{4})-?W(\d\d)(?:-?(\d))?/;
const isoOrdinalRegex = /(\d{4})-?(\d{3})/;
const extractISOWeekData = simpleParse("weekYear", "weekNumber", "weekDay");
const extractISOOrdinalData = simpleParse("year", "ordinal");
const sqlYmdRegex = /(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/; // dumbed-down version of the ISO one
const sqlTimeRegex = RegExp(
`${isoTimeBaseRegex.source} ?(?:${offsetRegex.source}|(${ianaRegex.source}))?`
const sqlTimeExtensionRegex = RegExp(`(?: ${sqlTimeRegex.source})?`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
function int(match, pos, fallback) {
const m = match[pos];
3 years ago
return isUndefined(m) ? fallback : parseInteger(m);
3 years ago
3 years ago
function extractISOYmd(match, cursor) {
const item = {
3 years ago
year: int(match, cursor),
month: int(match, cursor + 1, 1),
day: int(match, cursor + 2, 1),
3 years ago
3 years ago
return [item, null, cursor + 3];
3 years ago
3 years ago
function extractISOTime(match, cursor) {
const item = {
3 years ago
hours: int(match, cursor, 0),
minutes: int(match, cursor + 1, 0),
seconds: int(match, cursor + 2, 0),
milliseconds: parseMillis(match[cursor + 3]),
3 years ago
3 years ago
return [item, null, cursor + 4];
3 years ago
3 years ago
function extractISOOffset(match, cursor) {
const local = !match[cursor] && !match[cursor + 1],
fullOffset = signedOffset(match[cursor + 1], match[cursor + 2]),
zone = local ? null : FixedOffsetZone.instance(fullOffset);
3 years ago
return [{}, zone, cursor + 3];
3 years ago
3 years ago
function extractIANAZone(match, cursor) {
const zone = match[cursor] ? IANAZone.create(match[cursor]) : null;
3 years ago
return [{}, zone, cursor + 1];
3 years ago
// ISO time parsing
3 years ago
const isoTimeOnly = RegExp(`^T?${isoTimeBaseRegex.source}$`);
3 years ago
// ISO duration parsing
3 years ago
const isoDuration =
3 years ago
function extractISODuration(match) {
const [s, yearStr, monthStr, weekStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr, millisecondsStr] =
const hasNegativePrefix = s[0] === "-";
const negativeSeconds = secondStr && secondStr[0] === "-";
const maybeNegate = (num, force = false) =>
num !== undefined && (force || (num && hasNegativePrefix)) ? -num : num;
return [
years: maybeNegate(parseFloating(yearStr)),
months: maybeNegate(parseFloating(monthStr)),
weeks: maybeNegate(parseFloating(weekStr)),
days: maybeNegate(parseFloating(dayStr)),
hours: maybeNegate(parseFloating(hourStr)),
minutes: maybeNegate(parseFloating(minuteStr)),
seconds: maybeNegate(parseFloating(secondStr), secondStr === "-0"),
milliseconds: maybeNegate(parseMillis(millisecondsStr), negativeSeconds),
3 years ago
// These are a little braindead. EDT *should* tell us that we're in, say, America/New_York
3 years ago
// and not just that we're in -240 *right now*. But since I don't think these are used that often
// I'm just going to ignore that
const obsOffsets = {
3 years ago
GMT: 0,
EDT: -4 * 60,
EST: -5 * 60,
CDT: -5 * 60,
CST: -6 * 60,
MDT: -6 * 60,
MST: -7 * 60,
PDT: -7 * 60,
PST: -8 * 60,
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
function fromStrings(weekdayStr, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr) {
const result = {
3 years ago
year: yearStr.length === 2 ? untruncateYear(parseInteger(yearStr)) : parseInteger(yearStr),
month: monthsShort.indexOf(monthStr) + 1,
day: parseInteger(dayStr),
hour: parseInteger(hourStr),
minute: parseInteger(minuteStr),
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (secondStr) result.second = parseInteger(secondStr);
3 years ago
if (weekdayStr) {
result.weekday =
weekdayStr.length > 3
? weekdaysLong.indexOf(weekdayStr) + 1
: weekdaysShort.indexOf(weekdayStr) + 1;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
return result;
3 years ago
// RFC 2822/5322
const rfc2822 =
3 years ago
3 years ago
function extractRFC2822(match) {
const [
] = match,
result = fromStrings(weekdayStr, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr);
let offset;
3 years ago
if (obsOffset) {
offset = obsOffsets[obsOffset];
} else if (milOffset) {
offset = 0;
} else {
offset = signedOffset(offHourStr, offMinuteStr);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return [result, new FixedOffsetZone(offset)];
3 years ago
3 years ago
function preprocessRFC2822(s) {
// Remove comments and folding whitespace and replace multiple-spaces with a single space
return s
.replace(/\([^()]*\)|[\n\t]/g, " ")
.replace(/(\s\s+)/g, " ")
3 years ago
// http date
3 years ago
const rfc1123 =
/^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun), (\d\d) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) (\d{4}) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) GMT$/,
rfc850 =
/^(Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday), (\d\d)-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) GMT$/,
ascii =
/^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) ( \d|\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d{4})$/;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function extractRFC1123Or850(match) {
const [, weekdayStr, dayStr, monthStr, yearStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr] = match,
result = fromStrings(weekdayStr, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr);
3 years ago
return [result, FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance];
3 years ago
3 years ago
function extractASCII(match) {
const [, weekdayStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr, yearStr] = match,
result = fromStrings(weekdayStr, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr);
3 years ago
return [result, FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance];
3 years ago
const isoYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes(isoYmdRegex, isoTimeExtensionRegex);
const isoWeekWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes(isoWeekRegex, isoTimeExtensionRegex);
const isoOrdinalWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes(isoOrdinalRegex, isoTimeExtensionRegex);
const isoTimeCombinedRegex = combineRegexes(isoTimeRegex);
const extractISOYmdTimeAndOffset = combineExtractors(
const extractISOWeekTimeAndOffset = combineExtractors(
const extractISOOrdinalDateAndTime = combineExtractors(
const extractISOTimeAndOffset = combineExtractors(
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
3 years ago
function parseISODate(s) {
return parse(
[isoYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex, extractISOYmdTimeAndOffset],
[isoWeekWithTimeExtensionRegex, extractISOWeekTimeAndOffset],
[isoOrdinalWithTimeExtensionRegex, extractISOOrdinalDateAndTime],
[isoTimeCombinedRegex, extractISOTimeAndOffset]
3 years ago
3 years ago
function parseRFC2822Date(s) {
return parse(preprocessRFC2822(s), [rfc2822, extractRFC2822]);
3 years ago
function parseHTTPDate(s) {
return parse(
[rfc1123, extractRFC1123Or850],
[rfc850, extractRFC1123Or850],
[ascii, extractASCII]
3 years ago
3 years ago
function parseISODuration(s) {
return parse(s, [isoDuration, extractISODuration]);
const extractISOTimeOnly = combineExtractors(extractISOTime);
3 years ago
function parseISOTimeOnly(s) {
return parse(s, [isoTimeOnly, extractISOTimeOnly]);
3 years ago
const sqlYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes(sqlYmdRegex, sqlTimeExtensionRegex);
const sqlTimeCombinedRegex = combineRegexes(sqlTimeRegex);
3 years ago
const extractISOTimeOffsetAndIANAZone = combineExtractors(
3 years ago
function parseSQL(s) {
return parse(
[sqlYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex, extractISOYmdTimeAndOffset],
[sqlTimeCombinedRegex, extractISOTimeOffsetAndIANAZone]
const INVALID$2 = "Invalid Duration";
// unit conversion constants
const lowOrderMatrix = {
weeks: {
days: 7,
hours: 7 * 24,
minutes: 7 * 24 * 60,
seconds: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
milliseconds: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
days: {
hours: 24,
minutes: 24 * 60,
seconds: 24 * 60 * 60,
milliseconds: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
hours: { minutes: 60, seconds: 60 * 60, milliseconds: 60 * 60 * 1000 },
minutes: { seconds: 60, milliseconds: 60 * 1000 },
seconds: { milliseconds: 1000 },
casualMatrix = {
years: {
quarters: 4,
months: 12,
weeks: 52,
days: 365,
hours: 365 * 24,
minutes: 365 * 24 * 60,
seconds: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,
milliseconds: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
quarters: {
months: 3,
weeks: 13,
days: 91,
hours: 91 * 24,
minutes: 91 * 24 * 60,
seconds: 91 * 24 * 60 * 60,
milliseconds: 91 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
months: {
weeks: 4,
days: 30,
hours: 30 * 24,
minutes: 30 * 24 * 60,
seconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
milliseconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
3 years ago
daysInYearAccurate = 146097.0 / 400,
daysInMonthAccurate = 146097.0 / 4800,
accurateMatrix = {
years: {
quarters: 4,
months: 12,
weeks: daysInYearAccurate / 7,
days: daysInYearAccurate,
hours: daysInYearAccurate * 24,
minutes: daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60,
seconds: daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60,
milliseconds: daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
quarters: {
months: 3,
weeks: daysInYearAccurate / 28,
days: daysInYearAccurate / 4,
hours: (daysInYearAccurate * 24) / 4,
minutes: (daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60) / 4,
seconds: (daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60) / 4,
milliseconds: (daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 4,
months: {
weeks: daysInMonthAccurate / 7,
days: daysInMonthAccurate,
hours: daysInMonthAccurate * 24,
minutes: daysInMonthAccurate * 24 * 60,
seconds: daysInMonthAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60,
milliseconds: daysInMonthAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
3 years ago
// units ordered by size
const orderedUnits$1 = [
const reverseUnits = orderedUnits$1.slice(0).reverse();
// clone really means "create another instance just like this one, but with these changes"
function clone$1(dur, alts, clear = false) {
3 years ago
// deep merge for vals
const conf = {
values: clear ? alts.values : { ...dur.values, ...(alts.values || {}) },
3 years ago
loc: dur.loc.clone(alts.loc),
conversionAccuracy: alts.conversionAccuracy || dur.conversionAccuracy,
matrix: alts.matrix || dur.matrix,
3 years ago
3 years ago
return new Duration(conf);
3 years ago
3 years ago
function antiTrunc(n) {
return n < 0 ? Math.floor(n) : Math.ceil(n);
3 years ago
// NB: mutates parameters
3 years ago
function convert(matrix, fromMap, fromUnit, toMap, toUnit) {
const conv = matrix[toUnit][fromUnit],
raw = fromMap[fromUnit] / conv,
sameSign = Math.sign(raw) === Math.sign(toMap[toUnit]),
// ok, so this is wild, but see the matrix in the tests
added =
!sameSign && toMap[toUnit] !== 0 && Math.abs(raw) <= 1 ? antiTrunc(raw) : Math.trunc(raw);
3 years ago
toMap[toUnit] += added;
fromMap[fromUnit] -= added * conv;
3 years ago
// NB: mutates parameters
3 years ago
function normalizeValues(matrix, vals) {
reverseUnits.reduce((previous, current) => {
3 years ago
if (!isUndefined(vals[current])) {
if (previous) {
convert(matrix, vals, previous, vals, current);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return current;
} else {
return previous;
}, null);
// Remove all properties with a value of 0 from an object
function removeZeroes(vals) {
const newVals = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(vals)) {
if (value !== 0) {
newVals[key] = value;
return newVals;
3 years ago
* A Duration object represents a period of time, like "2 months" or "1 day, 1 hour". Conceptually, it's just a map of units to their quantities, accompanied by some additional configuration and methods for creating, parsing, interrogating, transforming, and formatting them. They can be used on their own or in conjunction with other Luxon types; for example, you can use {@link DateTime#plus} to add a Duration object to a DateTime, producing another DateTime.
* Here is a brief overview of commonly used methods and getters in Duration:
* * **Creation** To create a Duration, use {@link Duration.fromMillis}, {@link Duration.fromObject}, or {@link Duration.fromISO}.
* * **Unit values** See the {@link Duration#years}, {@link Duration#months}, {@link Duration#weeks}, {@link Duration#days}, {@link Duration#hours}, {@link Duration#minutes}, {@link Duration#seconds}, {@link Duration#milliseconds} accessors.
3 years ago
* * **Configuration** See {@link Duration#locale} and {@link Duration#numberingSystem} accessors.
* * **Transformation** To create new Durations out of old ones use {@link Duration#plus}, {@link Duration#minus}, {@link Duration#normalize}, {@link Duration#set}, {@link Duration#reconfigure}, {@link Duration#shiftTo}, and {@link Duration#negate}.
* * **Output** To convert the Duration into other representations, see {@link Duration#as}, {@link Duration#toISO}, {@link Duration#toFormat}, and {@link Duration#toJSON}
* There's are more methods documented below. In addition, for more information on subtler topics like internationalization and validity, see the external documentation.
class Duration {
3 years ago
* @private
constructor(config) {
const accurate = config.conversionAccuracy === "longterm" || false;
let matrix = accurate ? accurateMatrix : casualMatrix;
if (config.matrix) {
matrix = config.matrix;
3 years ago
* @access private
this.values = config.values;
* @access private
this.loc = config.loc || Locale.create();
* @access private
this.conversionAccuracy = accurate ? "longterm" : "casual";
* @access private
this.invalid = config.invalid || null;
* @access private
this.matrix = matrix;
3 years ago
* @access private
this.isLuxonDuration = true;
3 years ago
* Create Duration from a number of milliseconds.
* @param {number} count of milliseconds
* @param {Object} opts - options for parsing
* @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - the locale to use
* @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use
* @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use
* @return {Duration}
static fromMillis(count, opts) {
return Duration.fromObject({ milliseconds: count }, opts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a Duration from a JavaScript object with keys like 'years' and 'hours'.
* If this object is empty then a zero milliseconds duration is returned.
* @param {Object} obj - the object to create the DateTime from
* @param {number} obj.years
* @param {number} obj.quarters
* @param {number} obj.months
* @param {number} obj.weeks
* @param {number} obj.days
* @param {number} obj.hours
* @param {number} obj.minutes
* @param {number} obj.seconds
* @param {number} obj.milliseconds
* @param {Object} [opts=[]] - options for creating this Duration
* @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - the locale to use
* @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use
* @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the preset conversion system to use
* @param {string} [opts.matrix=Object] - the custom conversion system to use
3 years ago
* @return {Duration}
static fromObject(obj, opts = {}) {
3 years ago
if (obj == null || typeof obj !== "object") {
throw new InvalidArgumentError(
`Duration.fromObject: argument expected to be an object, got ${
obj === null ? "null" : typeof obj
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
return new Duration({
values: normalizeObject(obj, Duration.normalizeUnit),
loc: Locale.fromObject(opts),
conversionAccuracy: opts.conversionAccuracy,
matrix: opts.matrix,
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a Duration from DurationLike.
* @param {Object | number | Duration} durationLike
* One of:
* - object with keys like 'years' and 'hours'.
* - number representing milliseconds
* - Duration instance
* @return {Duration}
static fromDurationLike(durationLike) {
3 years ago
if (isNumber(durationLike)) {
return Duration.fromMillis(durationLike);
} else if (Duration.isDuration(durationLike)) {
return durationLike;
} else if (typeof durationLike === "object") {
return Duration.fromObject(durationLike);
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentError(
`Unknown duration argument ${durationLike} of type ${typeof durationLike}`
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a Duration from an ISO 8601 duration string.
* @param {string} text - text to parse
* @param {Object} opts - options for parsing
* @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - the locale to use
* @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use
* @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the preset conversion system to use
* @param {string} [opts.matrix=Object] - the preset conversion system to use
3 years ago
* @see
* @example Duration.fromISO('P3Y6M1W4DT12H30M5S').toObject() //=> { years: 3, months: 6, weeks: 1, days: 4, hours: 12, minutes: 30, seconds: 5 }
* @example Duration.fromISO('PT23H').toObject() //=> { hours: 23 }
* @example Duration.fromISO('P5Y3M').toObject() //=> { years: 5, months: 3 }
* @return {Duration}
static fromISO(text, opts) {
const [parsed] = parseISODuration(text);
3 years ago
if (parsed) {
return Duration.fromObject(parsed, opts);
} else {
return Duration.invalid("unparsable", `the input "${text}" can't be parsed as ISO 8601`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a Duration from an ISO 8601 time string.
* @param {string} text - text to parse
* @param {Object} opts - options for parsing
* @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - the locale to use
* @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use
* @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the preset conversion system to use
* @param {string} [opts.matrix=Object] - the conversion system to use
3 years ago
* @see
* @example Duration.fromISOTime('11:22:33.444').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 22, seconds: 33, milliseconds: 444 }
* @example Duration.fromISOTime('11:00').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }
* @example Duration.fromISOTime('T11:00').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }
* @example Duration.fromISOTime('1100').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }
* @example Duration.fromISOTime('T1100').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }
* @return {Duration}
static fromISOTime(text, opts) {
const [parsed] = parseISOTimeOnly(text);
3 years ago
if (parsed) {
return Duration.fromObject(parsed, opts);
} else {
return Duration.invalid("unparsable", `the input "${text}" can't be parsed as ISO 8601`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create an invalid Duration.
* @param {string} reason - simple string of why this datetime is invalid. Should not contain parameters or anything else data-dependent
* @param {string} [explanation=null] - longer explanation, may include parameters and other useful debugging information
* @return {Duration}
static invalid(reason, explanation = null) {
3 years ago
if (!reason) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError("need to specify a reason the Duration is invalid");
3 years ago
const invalid = reason instanceof Invalid ? reason : new Invalid(reason, explanation);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (Settings.throwOnInvalid) {
throw new InvalidDurationError(invalid);
} else {
return new Duration({ invalid });
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
static normalizeUnit(unit) {
const normalized = {
3 years ago
year: "years",
years: "years",
quarter: "quarters",
quarters: "quarters",
month: "months",
months: "months",
week: "weeks",
weeks: "weeks",
day: "days",
days: "days",
hour: "hours",
hours: "hours",
minute: "minutes",
minutes: "minutes",
second: "seconds",
seconds: "seconds",
millisecond: "milliseconds",
milliseconds: "milliseconds",
3 years ago
}[unit ? unit.toLowerCase() : unit];
3 years ago
if (!normalized) throw new InvalidUnitError(unit);
3 years ago
return normalized;
3 years ago
* Check if an object is a Duration. Works across context boundaries
* @param {object} o
* @return {boolean}
static isDuration(o) {
return (o && o.isLuxonDuration) || false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the locale of a Duration, such 'en-GB'
* @type {string}
get locale() {
return this.isValid ? this.loc.locale : null;
3 years ago
* Get the numbering system of a Duration, such 'beng'. The numbering system is used when formatting the Duration
* @type {string}
get numberingSystem() {
return this.isValid ? this.loc.numberingSystem : null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this Duration formatted according to the specified format string. You may use these tokens:
* * `S` for milliseconds
* * `s` for seconds
* * `m` for minutes
* * `h` for hours
* * `d` for days
* * `w` for weeks
* * `M` for months
* * `y` for years
* Notes:
* * Add padding by repeating the token, e.g. "yy" pads the years to two digits, "hhhh" pads the hours out to four digits
* * Tokens can be escaped by wrapping with single quotes.
3 years ago
* * The duration will be converted to the set of units in the format string using {@link Duration#shiftTo} and the Durations's conversion accuracy setting.
* @param {string} fmt - the format string
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {boolean} [opts.floor=true] - floor numerical values
* @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }).toFormat("y d s") //=> "1 6 2"
* @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }).toFormat("yy dd sss") //=> "01 06 002"
* @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }).toFormat("M S") //=> "12 518402000"
* @return {string}
toFormat(fmt, opts = {}) {
3 years ago
// reverse-compat since 1.2; we always round down now, never up, and we do it by default
const fmtOpts = {
floor: opts.round !== false && opts.floor !== false,
return this.isValid
? Formatter.create(this.loc, fmtOpts).formatDurationFromString(this, fmt)
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of a Duration with all units included.
* To modify its behavior use the `listStyle` and any Intl.NumberFormat option, though `unitDisplay` is especially relevant.
* @see
* @param opts - On option object to override the formatting. Accepts the same keys as the options parameter of the native `Int.NumberFormat` constructor, as well as `listStyle`.
* @example
* ```js
* var dur = Duration.fromObject({ days: 1, hours: 5, minutes: 6 })
* dur.toHuman() //=> '1 day, 5 hours, 6 minutes'
* dur.toHuman({ listStyle: "long" }) //=> '1 day, 5 hours, and 6 minutes'
* dur.toHuman({ unitDisplay: "short" }) //=> '1 day, 5 hr, 6 min'
* ```
toHuman(opts = {}) {
const l = orderedUnits$1
.map((unit) => {
const val = this.values[unit];
if (isUndefined(val)) {
return null;
return this.loc
.numberFormatter({ style: "unit", unitDisplay: "long", ...opts, unit: unit.slice(0, -1) })
.filter((n) => n);
3 years ago
return this.loc
.listFormatter({ type: "conjunction", style: opts.listStyle || "narrow", ...opts })
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a JavaScript object with this Duration's values.
* @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }).toObject() //=> { years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }
* @return {Object}
toObject() {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return {};
return { ...this.values };
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this Duration.
* @see
* @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 3, seconds: 45 }).toISO() //=> 'P3YT45S'
* @example Duration.fromObject({ months: 4, seconds: 45 }).toISO() //=> 'P4MT45S'
* @example Duration.fromObject({ months: 5 }).toISO() //=> 'P5M'
* @example Duration.fromObject({ minutes: 5 }).toISO() //=> 'PT5M'
* @example Duration.fromObject({ milliseconds: 6 }).toISO() //=> 'PT0.006S'
* @return {string}
toISO() {
3 years ago
// we could use the formatter, but this is an easier way to get the minimum string
if (!this.isValid) return null;
let s = "P";
3 years ago
if (this.years !== 0) s += this.years + "Y";
if (this.months !== 0 || this.quarters !== 0) s += this.months + this.quarters * 3 + "M";
if (this.weeks !== 0) s += this.weeks + "W";
if (this.days !== 0) s += this.days + "D";
if (this.hours !== 0 || this.minutes !== 0 || this.seconds !== 0 || this.milliseconds !== 0)
s += "T";
3 years ago
if (this.hours !== 0) s += this.hours + "H";
if (this.minutes !== 0) s += this.minutes + "M";
if (this.seconds !== 0 || this.milliseconds !== 0)
// this will handle "floating point madness" by removing extra decimal places
3 years ago
s += roundTo(this.seconds + this.milliseconds / 1000, 3) + "S";
if (s === "P") s += "T0S";
return s;
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this Duration, formatted as a time of day.
* Note that this will return null if the duration is invalid, negative, or equal to or greater than 24 hours.
* @see
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {boolean} [opts.suppressMilliseconds=false] - exclude milliseconds from the format if they're 0
* @param {boolean} [opts.suppressSeconds=false] - exclude seconds from the format if they're 0
* @param {boolean} [opts.includePrefix=false] - include the `T` prefix
* @param {string} [opts.format='extended'] - choose between the basic and extended format
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime() //=> '11:00:00.000'
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime({ suppressMilliseconds: true }) //=> '11:00:00'
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime({ suppressSeconds: true }) //=> '11:00'
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime({ includePrefix: true }) //=> 'T11:00:00.000'
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime({ format: 'basic' }) //=> '110000.000'
* @return {string}
toISOTime(opts = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return null;
const millis = this.toMillis();
3 years ago
if (millis < 0 || millis >= 86400000) return null;
opts = {
3 years ago
suppressMilliseconds: false,
suppressSeconds: false,
includePrefix: false,
format: "extended",
const value = this.shiftTo("hours", "minutes", "seconds", "milliseconds");
let fmt = opts.format === "basic" ? "hhmm" : "hh:mm";
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!opts.suppressSeconds || value.seconds !== 0 || value.milliseconds !== 0) {
fmt += opts.format === "basic" ? "ss" : ":ss";
if (!opts.suppressMilliseconds || value.milliseconds !== 0) {
fmt += ".SSS";
3 years ago
let str = value.toFormat(fmt);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (opts.includePrefix) {
str = "T" + str;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return str;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this Duration appropriate for use in JSON.
3 years ago
* @return {string}
toJSON() {
3 years ago
return this.toISO();
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this Duration appropriate for use in debugging.
3 years ago
* @return {string}
toString() {
3 years ago
return this.toISO();
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an milliseconds value of this Duration.
3 years ago
* @return {number}
toMillis() {
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an milliseconds value of this Duration. Alias of {@link toMillis}
* @return {number}
3 years ago
valueOf() {
3 years ago
return this.toMillis();
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Make this Duration longer by the specified amount. Return a newly-constructed Duration.
* @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The amount to add. Either a Luxon Duration, a number of milliseconds, the object argument to Duration.fromObject()
* @return {Duration}
3 years ago
plus(duration) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
3 years ago
const dur = Duration.fromDurationLike(duration),
result = {};
3 years ago
for (const k of orderedUnits$1) {
3 years ago
if (hasOwnProperty(dur.values, k) || hasOwnProperty(this.values, k)) {
result[k] = dur.get(k) + this.get(k);
3 years ago
return clone$1(this, { values: result }, true);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Make this Duration shorter by the specified amount. Return a newly-constructed Duration.
* @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The amount to subtract. Either a Luxon Duration, a number of milliseconds, the object argument to Duration.fromObject()
* @return {Duration}
minus(duration) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const dur = Duration.fromDurationLike(duration);
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Scale this Duration by the specified amount. Return a newly-constructed Duration.
* @param {function} fn - The function to apply to each unit. Arity is 1 or 2: the value of the unit and, optionally, the unit name. Must return a number.
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1, minutes: 30 }).mapUnits(x => x * 2) //=> { hours: 2, minutes: 60 }
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1, minutes: 30 }).mapUnits((x, u) => u === "hours" ? x * 2 : x) //=> { hours: 2, minutes: 30 }
3 years ago
* @return {Duration}
mapUnits(fn) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const result = {};
for (const k of Object.keys(this.values)) {
3 years ago
result[k] = asNumber(fn(this.values[k], k));
return clone$1(this, { values: result }, true);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the value of unit.
* @param {string} unit - a unit such as 'minute' or 'day'
* @example Duration.fromObject({years: 2, days: 3}).get('years') //=> 2
* @example Duration.fromObject({years: 2, days: 3}).get('months') //=> 0
* @example Duration.fromObject({years: 2, days: 3}).get('days') //=> 3
* @return {number}
get(unit) {
3 years ago
return this[Duration.normalizeUnit(unit)];
3 years ago
3 years ago
* "Set" the values of specified units. Return a newly-constructed Duration.
* @param {Object} values - a mapping of units to numbers
* @example dur.set({ years: 2017 })
* @example dur.set({ hours: 8, minutes: 30 })
* @return {Duration}
set(values) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
3 years ago
const mixed = { ...this.values, ...normalizeObject(values, Duration.normalizeUnit) };
return clone$1(this, { values: mixed });
3 years ago
3 years ago
* "Set" the locale and/or numberingSystem. Returns a newly-constructed Duration.
* @example dur.reconfigure({ locale: 'en-GB' })
* @return {Duration}
reconfigure({ locale, numberingSystem, conversionAccuracy, matrix } = {}) {
const loc = this.loc.clone({ locale, numberingSystem });
const opts = { loc, matrix, conversionAccuracy };
3 years ago
return clone$1(this, opts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return the length of the duration in the specified unit.
* @param {string} unit - a unit such as 'minutes' or 'days'
* @example Duration.fromObject({years: 1}).as('days') //=> 365
* @example Duration.fromObject({years: 1}).as('months') //=> 12
* @example Duration.fromObject({hours: 60}).as('days') //=> 2.5
* @return {number}
3 years ago
as(unit) {
3 years ago
return this.isValid ? this.shiftTo(unit).get(unit) : NaN;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Reduce this Duration to its canonical representation in its current units.
* @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 2, days: 5000 }).normalize().toObject() //=> { years: 15, days: 255 }
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 12, minutes: -45 }).normalize().toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 15 }
* @return {Duration}
3 years ago
normalize() {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const vals = this.toObject();
3 years ago
normalizeValues(this.matrix, vals);
return clone$1(this, { values: vals }, true);
* Rescale units to its largest representation
* @example Duration.fromObject({ milliseconds: 90000 }).rescale().toObject() //=> { minutes: 1, seconds: 30 }
* @return {Duration}
rescale() {
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const vals = removeZeroes(this.normalize().shiftToAll().toObject());
return clone$1(this, { values: vals }, true);
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Convert this Duration into its representation in a different set of units.
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1, seconds: 30 }).shiftTo('minutes', 'milliseconds').toObject() //=> { minutes: 60, milliseconds: 30000 }
* @return {Duration}
3 years ago
shiftTo(...units) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
if (units.length === 0) {
return this;
3 years ago
units = => Duration.normalizeUnit(u));
3 years ago
const built = {},
accumulated = {},
vals = this.toObject();
let lastUnit;
3 years ago
for (const k of orderedUnits$1) {
3 years ago
if (units.indexOf(k) >= 0) {
lastUnit = k;
3 years ago
let own = 0;
// anything we haven't boiled down yet should get boiled to this unit
for (const ak in accumulated) {
3 years ago
own += this.matrix[ak][k] * accumulated[ak];
accumulated[ak] = 0;
3 years ago
// plus anything that's already in this unit
3 years ago
if (isNumber(vals[k])) {
own += vals[k];
3 years ago
const i = Math.trunc(own);
3 years ago
built[k] = i;
accumulated[k] = (own * 1000 - i * 1000) / 1000;
3 years ago
// plus anything further down the chain that should be rolled up in to this
for (const down in vals) {
3 years ago
if (orderedUnits$1.indexOf(down) > orderedUnits$1.indexOf(k)) {
convert(this.matrix, vals, down, built, k);
// otherwise, keep it in the wings to boil it later
3 years ago
} else if (isNumber(vals[k])) {
accumulated[k] = vals[k];
3 years ago
// anything leftover becomes the decimal for the last unit
// lastUnit must be defined since units is not empty
for (const key in accumulated) {
3 years ago
if (accumulated[key] !== 0) {
built[lastUnit] +=
key === lastUnit ? accumulated[key] : accumulated[key] / this.matrix[lastUnit][key];
3 years ago
3 years ago
return clone$1(this, { values: built }, true).normalize();
* Shift this Duration to all available units.
* Same as shiftTo("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "milliseconds")
* @return {Duration}
shiftToAll() {
if (!this.isValid) return this;
return this.shiftTo(
* Return the negative of this Duration.
* @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1, seconds: 30 }).negate().toObject() //=> { hours: -1, seconds: -30 }
* @return {Duration}
negate() {
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const negated = {};
for (const k of Object.keys(this.values)) {
negated[k] = this.values[k] === 0 ? 0 : -this.values[k];
return clone$1(this, { values: negated }, true);
* Get the years.
* @type {number}
get years() {
return this.isValid ? this.values.years || 0 : NaN;
* Get the quarters.
* @type {number}
get quarters() {
return this.isValid ? this.values.quarters || 0 : NaN;
* Get the months.
* @type {number}
get months() {
return this.isValid ? this.values.months || 0 : NaN;
* Get the weeks
* @type {number}
get weeks() {
return this.isValid ? this.values.weeks || 0 : NaN;
* Get the days.
* @type {number}
get days() {
return this.isValid ? this.values.days || 0 : NaN;
* Get the hours.
* @type {number}
get hours() {
return this.isValid ? this.values.hours || 0 : NaN;
* Get the minutes.
* @type {number}
get minutes() {
return this.isValid ? this.values.minutes || 0 : NaN;
* Get the seconds.
* @return {number}
get seconds() {
return this.isValid ? this.values.seconds || 0 : NaN;
* Get the milliseconds.
* @return {number}
get milliseconds() {
return this.isValid ? this.values.milliseconds || 0 : NaN;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns whether the Duration is invalid. Invalid durations are returned by diff operations
* on invalid DateTimes or Intervals.
* @return {boolean}
3 years ago
get isValid() {
return this.invalid === null;
3 years ago
* Returns an error code if this Duration became invalid, or null if the Duration is valid
* @return {string}
get invalidReason() {
return this.invalid ? this.invalid.reason : null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an explanation of why this Duration became invalid, or null if the Duration is valid
* @type {string}
3 years ago
get invalidExplanation() {
return this.invalid ? this.invalid.explanation : null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Equality check
* Two Durations are equal iff they have the same units and the same values for each unit.
* @param {Duration} other
* @return {boolean}
equals(other) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid || !other.isValid) {
return false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!this.loc.equals(other.loc)) {
return false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function eq(v1, v2) {
// Consider 0 and undefined as equal
if (v1 === undefined || v1 === 0) return v2 === undefined || v2 === 0;
return v1 === v2;
3 years ago
for (const u of orderedUnits$1) {
3 years ago
if (!eq(this.values[u], other.values[u])) {
return false;
return true;
3 years ago
const INVALID$1 = "Invalid Interval";
3 years ago
// checks if the start is equal to or before the end
3 years ago
function validateStartEnd(start, end) {
if (!start || !start.isValid) {
return Interval.invalid("missing or invalid start");
} else if (!end || !end.isValid) {
return Interval.invalid("missing or invalid end");
} else if (end < start) {
return Interval.invalid(
"end before start",
`The end of an interval must be after its start, but you had start=${start.toISO()} and end=${end.toISO()}`
3 years ago
} else {
return null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* An Interval object represents a half-open interval of time, where each endpoint is a {@link DateTime}. Conceptually, it's a container for those two endpoints, accompanied by methods for creating, parsing, interrogating, comparing, transforming, and formatting them.
* Here is a brief overview of the most commonly used methods and getters in Interval:
* * **Creation** To create an Interval, use {@link Interval.fromDateTimes}, {@link Interval.after}, {@link Interval.before}, or {@link Interval.fromISO}.
3 years ago
* * **Accessors** Use {@link Interval#start} and {@link Interval#end} to get the start and end.
* * **Interrogation** To analyze the Interval, use {@link Interval#count}, {@link Interval#length}, {@link Interval#hasSame}, {@link Interval#contains}, {@link Interval#isAfter}, or {@link Interval#isBefore}.
* * **Transformation** To create other Intervals out of this one, use {@link Interval#set}, {@link Interval#splitAt}, {@link Interval#splitBy}, {@link Interval#divideEqually}, {@link Interval.merge}, {@link Interval.xor}, {@link Interval#union}, {@link Interval#intersection}, or {@link Interval#difference}.
3 years ago
* * **Comparison** To compare this Interval to another one, use {@link Interval#equals}, {@link Interval#overlaps}, {@link Interval#abutsStart}, {@link Interval#abutsEnd}, {@link Interval#engulfs}
* * **Output** To convert the Interval into other representations, see {@link Interval#toString}, {@link Interval#toLocaleString}, {@link Interval#toISO}, {@link Interval#toISODate}, {@link Interval#toISOTime}, {@link Interval#toFormat}, and {@link Interval#toDuration}.
3 years ago
class Interval {
3 years ago
* @private
constructor(config) {
3 years ago
* @access private
this.s = config.start;
* @access private
this.e = config.end;
* @access private
this.invalid = config.invalid || null;
* @access private
this.isLuxonInterval = true;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create an invalid Interval.
* @param {string} reason - simple string of why this Interval is invalid. Should not contain parameters or anything else data-dependent
* @param {string} [explanation=null] - longer explanation, may include parameters and other useful debugging information
* @return {Interval}
static invalid(reason, explanation = null) {
3 years ago
if (!reason) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError("need to specify a reason the Interval is invalid");
3 years ago
const invalid = reason instanceof Invalid ? reason : new Invalid(reason, explanation);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (Settings.throwOnInvalid) {
throw new InvalidIntervalError(invalid);
} else {
return new Interval({ invalid });
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create an Interval from a start DateTime and an end DateTime. Inclusive of the start but not the end.
* @param {DateTime|Date|Object} start
* @param {DateTime|Date|Object} end
* @return {Interval}
static fromDateTimes(start, end) {
const builtStart = friendlyDateTime(start),
builtEnd = friendlyDateTime(end);
3 years ago
const validateError = validateStartEnd(builtStart, builtEnd);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (validateError == null) {
return new Interval({
start: builtStart,
end: builtEnd,
3 years ago
} else {
return validateError;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create an Interval from a start DateTime and a Duration to extend to.
* @param {DateTime|Date|Object} start
* @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - the length of the Interval.
* @return {Interval}
static after(start, duration) {
const dur = Duration.fromDurationLike(duration),
dt = friendlyDateTime(start);
3 years ago
return Interval.fromDateTimes(dt,;
3 years ago
* Create an Interval from an end DateTime and a Duration to extend backwards to.
* @param {DateTime|Date|Object} end
* @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - the length of the Interval.
* @return {Interval}
static before(end, duration) {
const dur = Duration.fromDurationLike(duration),
dt = friendlyDateTime(end);
3 years ago
return Interval.fromDateTimes(dt.minus(dur), dt);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create an Interval from an ISO 8601 string.
* Accepts `<start>/<end>`, `<start>/<duration>`, and `<duration>/<end>` formats.
* @param {string} text - the ISO string to parse
* @param {Object} [opts] - options to pass {@link DateTime#fromISO} and optionally {@link Duration#fromISO}
* @see
* @return {Interval}
static fromISO(text, opts) {
const [s, e] = (text || "").split("/", 2);
3 years ago
if (s && e) {
let start, startIsValid;
3 years ago
try {
start = DateTime.fromISO(s, opts);
startIsValid = start.isValid;
} catch (e) {
startIsValid = false;
3 years ago
let end, endIsValid;
3 years ago
try {
end = DateTime.fromISO(e, opts);
endIsValid = end.isValid;
} catch (e) {
endIsValid = false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (startIsValid && endIsValid) {
return Interval.fromDateTimes(start, end);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (startIsValid) {
const dur = Duration.fromISO(e, opts);
3 years ago
if (dur.isValid) {
return Interval.after(start, dur);
} else if (endIsValid) {
const dur = Duration.fromISO(s, opts);
if (dur.isValid) {
return Interval.before(end, dur);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return Interval.invalid("unparsable", `the input "${text}" can't be parsed as ISO 8601`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Check if an object is an Interval. Works across context boundaries
* @param {object} o
* @return {boolean}
static isInterval(o) {
return (o && o.isLuxonInterval) || false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns the start of the Interval
* @type {DateTime}
get start() {
return this.isValid ? this.s : null;
* Returns the end of the Interval
* @type {DateTime}
get end() {
return this.isValid ? this.e : null;
* Returns whether this Interval's end is at least its start, meaning that the Interval isn't 'backwards'.
* @type {boolean}
get isValid() {
return this.invalidReason === null;
* Returns an error code if this Interval is invalid, or null if the Interval is valid
* @type {string}
get invalidReason() {
return this.invalid ? this.invalid.reason : null;
3 years ago
* Returns an explanation of why this Interval became invalid, or null if the Interval is valid
* @type {string}
get invalidExplanation() {
return this.invalid ? this.invalid.explanation : null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns the length of the Interval in the specified unit.
* @param {string} unit - the unit (such as 'hours' or 'days') to return the length in.
* @return {number}
length(unit = "milliseconds") {
return this.isValid ? this.toDuration(...[unit]).get(unit) : NaN;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns the count of minutes, hours, days, months, or years included in the Interval, even in part.
* Unlike {@link Interval#length} this counts sections of the calendar, not periods of time, e.g. specifying 'day'
* asks 'what dates are included in this interval?', not 'how many days long is this interval?'
* @param {string} [unit='milliseconds'] - the unit of time to count.
* @return {number}
count(unit = "milliseconds") {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return NaN;
const start = this.start.startOf(unit),
end = this.end.startOf(unit);
3 years ago
return Math.floor(end.diff(start, unit).get(unit)) + 1;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns whether this Interval's start and end are both in the same unit of time
* @param {string} unit - the unit of time to check sameness on
* @return {boolean}
hasSame(unit) {
3 years ago
return this.isValid ? this.isEmpty() || this.e.minus(1).hasSame(this.s, unit) : false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return whether this Interval has the same start and end DateTimes.
* @return {boolean}
isEmpty() {
3 years ago
return this.s.valueOf() === this.e.valueOf();
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return whether this Interval's start is after the specified DateTime.
* @param {DateTime} dateTime
* @return {boolean}
isAfter(dateTime) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return false;
return this.s > dateTime;
3 years ago
* Return whether this Interval's end is before the specified DateTime.
* @param {DateTime} dateTime
* @return {boolean}
isBefore(dateTime) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return false;
return this.e <= dateTime;
3 years ago
* Return whether this Interval contains the specified DateTime.
* @param {DateTime} dateTime
* @return {boolean}
contains(dateTime) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return false;
return this.s <= dateTime && this.e > dateTime;
3 years ago
* "Sets" the start and/or end dates. Returns a newly-constructed Interval.
* @param {Object} values - the values to set
* @param {DateTime} values.start - the starting DateTime
* @param {DateTime} values.end - the ending DateTime
* @return {Interval}
set({ start, end } = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
return Interval.fromDateTimes(start || this.s, end || this.e);
3 years ago
* Split this Interval at each of the specified DateTimes
* @param {...DateTime} dateTimes - the unit of time to count.
* @return {Array}
splitAt(...dateTimes) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return [];
const sorted = dateTimes
.filter((d) => this.contains(d))
results = [];
let { s } = this,
i = 0;
3 years ago
3 years ago
while (s < this.e) {
const added = sorted[i] || this.e,
next = +added > +this.e ? this.e : added;
3 years ago
results.push(Interval.fromDateTimes(s, next));
s = next;
i += 1;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return results;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Split this Interval into smaller Intervals, each of the specified length.
* Left over time is grouped into a smaller interval
* @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The length of each resulting interval.
* @return {Array}
splitBy(duration) {
const dur = Duration.fromDurationLike(duration);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid || !dur.isValid ||"milliseconds") === 0) {
return [];
3 years ago
let { s } = this,
idx = 1,
3 years ago
const results = [];
3 years ago
while (s < this.e) {
const added = => x * idx));
3 years ago
next = +added > +this.e ? this.e : added;
results.push(Interval.fromDateTimes(s, next));
s = next;
idx += 1;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return results;
3 years ago
* Split this Interval into the specified number of smaller intervals.
* @param {number} numberOfParts - The number of Intervals to divide the Interval into.
* @return {Array}
divideEqually(numberOfParts) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return [];
return this.splitBy(this.length() / numberOfParts).slice(0, numberOfParts);
3 years ago
* Return whether this Interval overlaps with the specified Interval
* @param {Interval} other
* @return {boolean}
overlaps(other) {
3 years ago
return this.e > other.s && this.s < other.e;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return whether this Interval's end is adjacent to the specified Interval's start.
* @param {Interval} other
* @return {boolean}
abutsStart(other) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return false;
return +this.e === +other.s;
3 years ago
* Return whether this Interval's start is adjacent to the specified Interval's end.
* @param {Interval} other
* @return {boolean}
abutsEnd(other) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return false;
return +other.e === +this.s;
3 years ago
* Return whether this Interval engulfs the start and end of the specified Interval.
* @param {Interval} other
* @return {boolean}
engulfs(other) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return false;
return this.s <= other.s && this.e >= other.e;
3 years ago
* Return whether this Interval has the same start and end as the specified Interval.
* @param {Interval} other
* @return {boolean}
equals(other) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid || !other.isValid) {
return false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return this.s.equals(other.s) && this.e.equals(other.e);
3 years ago
* Return an Interval representing the intersection of this Interval and the specified Interval.
* Specifically, the resulting Interval has the maximum start time and the minimum end time of the two Intervals.
* Returns null if the intersection is empty, meaning, the intervals don't intersect.
* @param {Interval} other
* @return {Interval}
intersection(other) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const s = this.s > other.s ? this.s : other.s,
e = this.e < other.e ? this.e : other.e;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (s >= e) {
return null;
} else {
return Interval.fromDateTimes(s, e);
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return an Interval representing the union of this Interval and the specified Interval.
* Specifically, the resulting Interval has the minimum start time and the maximum end time of the two Intervals.
* @param {Interval} other
* @return {Interval}
union(other) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const s = this.s < other.s ? this.s : other.s,
e = this.e > other.e ? this.e : other.e;
3 years ago
return Interval.fromDateTimes(s, e);
3 years ago
* Merge an array of Intervals into a equivalent minimal set of Intervals.
* Combines overlapping and adjacent Intervals.
* @param {Array} intervals
* @return {Array}
static merge(intervals) {
const [found, final] = intervals
.sort((a, b) => a.s - b.s)
([sofar, current], item) => {
if (!current) {
return [sofar, item];
} else if (current.overlaps(item) || current.abutsStart(item)) {
return [sofar, current.union(item)];
} else {
return [sofar.concat([current]), item];
[[], null]
3 years ago
if (final) {
return found;
3 years ago
* Return an array of Intervals representing the spans of time that only appear in one of the specified Intervals.
* @param {Array} intervals
* @return {Array}
static xor(intervals) {
let start = null,
currentCount = 0;
const results = [],
ends = => [
{ time: i.s, type: "s" },
{ time: i.e, type: "e" },
flattened = Array.prototype.concat(...ends),
arr = flattened.sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time);
for (const i of arr) {
3 years ago
currentCount += i.type === "s" ? 1 : -1;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (currentCount === 1) {
start = i.time;
} else {
if (start && +start !== +i.time) {
results.push(Interval.fromDateTimes(start, i.time));
3 years ago
3 years ago
start = null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return Interval.merge(results);
3 years ago
* Return an Interval representing the span of time in this Interval that doesn't overlap with any of the specified Intervals.
* @param {...Interval} intervals
* @return {Array}
difference(...intervals) {
return Interval.xor([this].concat(intervals))
.map((i) => this.intersection(i))
.filter((i) => i && !i.isEmpty());
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this Interval appropriate for debugging.
* @return {string}
toString() {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return INVALID$1;
return `[${this.s.toISO()} ${this.e.toISO()})`;
* Returns a localized string representing this Interval. Accepts the same options as the
* Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor and any presets defined by Luxon, such as
* {@link DateTime.DATE_FULL} or {@link DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE}. The exact behavior of this method
* is browser-specific, but in general it will return an appropriate representation of the
* Interval in the assigned locale. Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been
* specified.
* @see
* @param {Object} [formatOpts=DateTime.DATE_SHORT] - Either a DateTime preset or
* Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor options.
* @param {Object} opts - Options to override the configuration of the start DateTime.
* @example Interval.fromISO('2022-11-07T09:00Z/2022-11-08T09:00Z').toLocaleString(); //=> 11/7/2022 11/8/2022
* @example Interval.fromISO('2022-11-07T09:00Z/2022-11-08T09:00Z').toLocaleString(DateTime.DATE_FULL); //=> November 7 8, 2022
* @example Interval.fromISO('2022-11-07T09:00Z/2022-11-08T09:00Z').toLocaleString(DateTime.DATE_FULL, { locale: 'fr-FR' }); //=> 78 novembre 2022
* @example Interval.fromISO('2022-11-07T17:00Z/2022-11-07T19:00Z').toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE); //=> 6:00 8:00 PM
* @example Interval.fromISO('2022-11-07T17:00Z/2022-11-07T19:00Z').toLocaleString({ weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: '2-digit', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); //=> Mon, Nov 07, 6:00 8:00 p
* @return {string}
toLocaleString(formatOpts = DATE_SHORT, opts = {}) {
return this.isValid
? Formatter.create(this.s.loc.clone(opts), formatOpts).formatInterval(this)
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this Interval.
* @see
* @param {Object} opts - The same options as {@link DateTime#toISO}
* @return {string}
toISO(opts) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return INVALID$1;
return `${this.s.toISO(opts)}/${this.e.toISO(opts)}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of date of this Interval.
* The time components are ignored.
* @see
* @return {string}
toISODate() {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return INVALID$1;
return `${this.s.toISODate()}/${this.e.toISODate()}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of time of this Interval.
* The date components are ignored.
* @see
* @param {Object} opts - The same options as {@link DateTime#toISO}
* @return {string}
toISOTime(opts) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return INVALID$1;
return `${this.s.toISOTime(opts)}/${this.e.toISOTime(opts)}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this Interval formatted according to the specified format
* string. **You may not want this.** See {@link Interval#toLocaleString} for a more flexible
* formatting tool.
* @param {string} dateFormat - The format string. This string formats the start and end time.
* See {@link DateTime#toFormat} for details.
* @param {Object} opts - Options.
* @param {string} [opts.separator = ' '] - A separator to place between the start and end
* representations.
3 years ago
* @return {string}
toFormat(dateFormat, { separator = " " } = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return INVALID$1;
return `${this.s.toFormat(dateFormat)}${separator}${this.e.toFormat(dateFormat)}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return a Duration representing the time spanned by this interval.
* @param {string|string[]} [unit=['milliseconds']] - the unit or units (such as 'hours' or 'days') to include in the duration.
* @param {Object} opts - options that affect the creation of the Duration
* @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use
* @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration().toObject() //=> { milliseconds: 88489257 }
* @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration('days').toObject() //=> { days: 1.0241812152777778 }
* @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration(['hours', 'minutes']).toObject() //=> { hours: 24, minutes: 34.82095 }
* @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration(['hours', 'minutes', 'seconds']).toObject() //=> { hours: 24, minutes: 34, seconds: 49.257 }
* @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration('seconds').toObject() //=> { seconds: 88489.257 }
* @return {Duration}
toDuration(unit, opts) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) {
return Duration.invalid(this.invalidReason);
return this.e.diff(this.s, unit, opts);
3 years ago
* Run mapFn on the interval start and end, returning a new Interval from the resulting DateTimes
* @param {function} mapFn
* @return {Interval}
* @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).mapEndpoints(endpoint => endpoint.toUTC())
* @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).mapEndpoints(endpoint =>{ hours: 2 }))
mapEndpoints(mapFn) {
3 years ago
return Interval.fromDateTimes(mapFn(this.s), mapFn(this.e));
3 years ago
3 years ago
* The Info class contains static methods for retrieving general time and date related data. For example, it has methods for finding out if a time zone has a DST, for listing the months in any supported locale, and for discovering which of Luxon features are available in the current environment.
class Info {
3 years ago
* Return whether the specified zone contains a DST.
* @param {string|Zone} [zone='local'] - Zone to check. Defaults to the environment's local zone.
* @return {boolean}
static hasDST(zone = Settings.defaultZone) {
const proto ={ month: 12 });
3 years ago
return !zone.isUniversal && proto.offset !== proto.set({ month: 6 }).offset;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return whether the specified zone is a valid IANA specifier.
* @param {string} zone - Zone to check
* @return {boolean}
static isValidIANAZone(zone) {
3 years ago
return IANAZone.isValidZone(zone);
3 years ago
* Converts the input into a {@link Zone} instance.
* * If `input` is already a Zone instance, it is returned unchanged.
* * If `input` is a string containing a valid time zone name, a Zone instance
* with that name is returned.
* * If `input` is a string that doesn't refer to a known time zone, a Zone
* instance with {@link Zone#isValid} == false is returned.
* * If `input is a number, a Zone instance with the specified fixed offset
* in minutes is returned.
* * If `input` is `null` or `undefined`, the default zone is returned.
* @param {string|Zone|number} [input] - the value to be converted
* @return {Zone}
static normalizeZone(input) {
3 years ago
return normalizeZone(input, Settings.defaultZone);
3 years ago
* Return an array of standalone month names.
* @see
* @param {string} [length='long'] - the length of the month representation, such as "numeric", "2-digit", "narrow", "short", "long"
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code
* @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem=null] - the numbering system
* @param {string} [opts.locObj=null] - an existing locale object to use
* @param {string} [opts.outputCalendar='gregory'] - the calendar
* @example Info.months()[0] //=> 'January'
* @example Info.months('short')[0] //=> 'Jan'
* @example Info.months('numeric')[0] //=> '1'
* @example Info.months('short', { locale: 'fr-CA' } )[0] //=> 'janv.'
* @example Info.months('numeric', { locale: 'ar' })[0] //=> '١'
* @example Info.months('long', { outputCalendar: 'islamic' })[0] //=> 'Rabiʻ I'
* @return {Array}
static months(
length = "long",
{ locale = null, numberingSystem = null, locObj = null, outputCalendar = "gregory" } = {}
) {
3 years ago
return (locObj || Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar)).months(length);
3 years ago
* Return an array of format month names.
* Format months differ from standalone months in that they're meant to appear next to the day of the month. In some languages, that
* changes the string.
* See {@link Info#months}
* @param {string} [length='long'] - the length of the month representation, such as "numeric", "2-digit", "narrow", "short", "long"
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code
* @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem=null] - the numbering system
* @param {string} [opts.locObj=null] - an existing locale object to use
* @param {string} [opts.outputCalendar='gregory'] - the calendar
* @return {Array}
static monthsFormat(
length = "long",
{ locale = null, numberingSystem = null, locObj = null, outputCalendar = "gregory" } = {}
) {
3 years ago
return (locObj || Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar)).months(length, true);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return an array of standalone week names.
* @see
* @param {string} [length='long'] - the length of the weekday representation, such as "narrow", "short", "long".
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code
* @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem=null] - the numbering system
* @param {string} [opts.locObj=null] - an existing locale object to use
* @example Info.weekdays()[0] //=> 'Monday'
* @example Info.weekdays('short')[0] //=> 'Mon'
* @example Info.weekdays('short', { locale: 'fr-CA' })[0] //=> 'lun.'
* @example Info.weekdays('short', { locale: 'ar' })[0] //=> 'الاثنين'
* @return {Array}
static weekdays(length = "long", { locale = null, numberingSystem = null, locObj = null } = {}) {
3 years ago
return (locObj || Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, null)).weekdays(length);
3 years ago
* Return an array of format week names.
* Format weekdays differ from standalone weekdays in that they're meant to appear next to more date information. In some languages, that
* changes the string.
* See {@link Info#weekdays}
* @param {string} [length='long'] - the length of the month representation, such as "narrow", "short", "long".
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {string} [opts.locale=null] - the locale code
* @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem=null] - the numbering system
* @param {string} [opts.locObj=null] - an existing locale object to use
* @return {Array}
static weekdaysFormat(
length = "long",
{ locale = null, numberingSystem = null, locObj = null } = {}
) {
3 years ago
return (locObj || Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, null)).weekdays(length, true);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return an array of meridiems.
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code
* @example Info.meridiems() //=> [ 'AM', 'PM' ]
* @example Info.meridiems({ locale: 'my' }) //=> [ 'နံနက်', 'ညနေ' ]
* @return {Array}
static meridiems({ locale = null } = {}) {
3 years ago
return Locale.create(locale).meridiems();
3 years ago
* Return an array of eras, such as ['BC', 'AD']. The locale can be specified, but the calendar system is always Gregorian.
* @param {string} [length='short'] - the length of the era representation, such as "short" or "long".
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code
* @example Info.eras() //=> [ 'BC', 'AD' ]
* @example Info.eras('long') //=> [ 'Before Christ', 'Anno Domini' ]
* @example Info.eras('long', { locale: 'fr' }) //=> [ 'avant Jésus-Christ', 'après Jésus-Christ' ]
* @return {Array}
static eras(length = "short", { locale = null } = {}) {
3 years ago
return Locale.create(locale, null, "gregory").eras(length);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return the set of available features in this environment.
* Some features of Luxon are not available in all environments. For example, on older browsers, relative time formatting support is not available. Use this function to figure out if that's the case.
* Keys:
* * `relative`: whether this environment supports relative time formatting
* @example Info.features() //=> { relative: false }
* @return {Object}
static features() {
return { relative: hasRelative() };
3 years ago
3 years ago
function dayDiff(earlier, later) {
const utcDayStart = (dt) => dt.toUTC(0, { keepLocalTime: true }).startOf("day").valueOf(),
ms = utcDayStart(later) - utcDayStart(earlier);
3 years ago
return Math.floor(Duration.fromMillis(ms).as("days"));
3 years ago
3 years ago
function highOrderDiffs(cursor, later, units) {
const differs = [
["years", (a, b) => b.year - a.year],
["quarters", (a, b) => b.quarter - a.quarter + (b.year - a.year) * 4],
["months", (a, b) => b.month - a.month + (b.year - a.year) * 12],
(a, b) => {
const days = dayDiff(a, b);
return (days - (days % 7)) / 7;
["days", dayDiff],
3 years ago
const results = {};
const earlier = cursor;
let lowestOrder, highWater;
3 years ago
for (const [unit, differ] of differs) {
if (units.indexOf(unit) >= 0) {
3 years ago
lowestOrder = unit;
3 years ago
results[unit] = differ(cursor, later);
highWater =;
3 years ago
if (highWater > later) {
cursor =;
3 years ago
} else {
cursor = highWater;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
return [cursor, results, highWater, lowestOrder];
3 years ago
function diff (earlier, later, units, opts) {
let [cursor, results, highWater, lowestOrder] = highOrderDiffs(earlier, later, units);
3 years ago
const remainingMillis = later - cursor;
const lowerOrderUnits = units.filter(
(u) => ["hours", "minutes", "seconds", "milliseconds"].indexOf(u) >= 0
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (lowerOrderUnits.length === 0) {
if (highWater < later) {
highWater ={ [lowestOrder]: 1 });
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (highWater !== cursor) {
results[lowestOrder] = (results[lowestOrder] || 0) + remainingMillis / (highWater - cursor);
3 years ago
const duration = Duration.fromObject(results, opts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (lowerOrderUnits.length > 0) {
return Duration.fromMillis(remainingMillis, opts)
3 years ago
} else {
3 years ago
return duration;
3 years ago
const numberingSystems = {
3 years ago
arab: "[\u0660-\u0669]",
arabext: "[\u06F0-\u06F9]",
bali: "[\u1B50-\u1B59]",
beng: "[\u09E6-\u09EF]",
deva: "[\u0966-\u096F]",
fullwide: "[\uFF10-\uFF19]",
gujr: "[\u0AE6-\u0AEF]",
hanidec: "[|一|二|三|四|五|六|七|八|九]",
khmr: "[\u17E0-\u17E9]",
knda: "[\u0CE6-\u0CEF]",
laoo: "[\u0ED0-\u0ED9]",
limb: "[\u1946-\u194F]",
mlym: "[\u0D66-\u0D6F]",
mong: "[\u1810-\u1819]",
mymr: "[\u1040-\u1049]",
orya: "[\u0B66-\u0B6F]",
tamldec: "[\u0BE6-\u0BEF]",
telu: "[\u0C66-\u0C6F]",
thai: "[\u0E50-\u0E59]",
tibt: "[\u0F20-\u0F29]",
latn: "\\d",
3 years ago
const numberingSystemsUTF16 = {
3 years ago
arab: [1632, 1641],
arabext: [1776, 1785],
bali: [6992, 7001],
beng: [2534, 2543],
deva: [2406, 2415],
fullwide: [65296, 65303],
gujr: [2790, 2799],
khmr: [6112, 6121],
knda: [3302, 3311],
laoo: [3792, 3801],
limb: [6470, 6479],
mlym: [3430, 3439],
mong: [6160, 6169],
mymr: [4160, 4169],
orya: [2918, 2927],
tamldec: [3046, 3055],
telu: [3174, 3183],
thai: [3664, 3673],
tibt: [3872, 3881],
3 years ago
3 years ago
const hanidecChars = numberingSystems.hanidec.replace(/[\[|\]]/g, "").split("");
function parseDigits(str) {
let value = parseInt(str, 10);
3 years ago
if (isNaN(value)) {
value = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const code = str.charCodeAt(i);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (str[i].search(numberingSystems.hanidec) !== -1) {
value += hanidecChars.indexOf(str[i]);
} else {
for (const key in numberingSystemsUTF16) {
const [min, max] = numberingSystemsUTF16[key];
3 years ago
if (code >= min && code <= max) {
value += code - min;
return parseInt(value, 10);
} else {
return value;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
function digitRegex({ numberingSystem }, append = "") {
return new RegExp(`${numberingSystems[numberingSystem || "latn"]}${append}`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
const MISSING_FTP = "missing Intl.DateTimeFormat.formatToParts support";
3 years ago
function intUnit(regex, post = (i) => i) {
return { regex, deser: ([s]) => post(parseDigits(s)) };
3 years ago
const NBSP = String.fromCharCode(160);
const spaceOrNBSP = `[ ${NBSP}]`;
const spaceOrNBSPRegExp = new RegExp(spaceOrNBSP, "g");
3 years ago
3 years ago
function fixListRegex(s) {
// make dots optional and also make them literal
// make space and non breakable space characters interchangeable
return s.replace(/\./g, "\\.?").replace(spaceOrNBSPRegExp, spaceOrNBSP);
3 years ago
3 years ago
function stripInsensitivities(s) {
return s
.replace(/\./g, "") // ignore dots that were made optional
.replace(spaceOrNBSPRegExp, " ") // interchange space and nbsp
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
function oneOf(strings, startIndex) {
if (strings === null) {
return null;
} else {
return {
regex: RegExp("|")),
deser: ([s]) =>
strings.findIndex((i) => stripInsensitivities(s) === stripInsensitivities(i)) + startIndex,
3 years ago
function offset(regex, groups) {
return { regex, deser: ([, h, m]) => signedOffset(h, m), groups };
3 years ago
function simple(regex) {
return { regex, deser: ([s]) => s };
3 years ago
3 years ago
function escapeToken(value) {
return value.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
3 years ago
3 years ago
function unitForToken(token, loc) {
const one = digitRegex(loc),
two = digitRegex(loc, "{2}"),
three = digitRegex(loc, "{3}"),
four = digitRegex(loc, "{4}"),
six = digitRegex(loc, "{6}"),
oneOrTwo = digitRegex(loc, "{1,2}"),
oneToThree = digitRegex(loc, "{1,3}"),
oneToSix = digitRegex(loc, "{1,6}"),
oneToNine = digitRegex(loc, "{1,9}"),
twoToFour = digitRegex(loc, "{2,4}"),
fourToSix = digitRegex(loc, "{4,6}"),
literal = (t) => ({ regex: RegExp(escapeToken(t.val)), deser: ([s]) => s, literal: true }),
unitate = (t) => {
if (token.literal) {
return literal(t);
switch (t.val) {
// era
case "G":
return oneOf(loc.eras("short", false), 0);
case "GG":
return oneOf(loc.eras("long", false), 0);
// years
case "y":
return intUnit(oneToSix);
case "yy":
return intUnit(twoToFour, untruncateYear);
case "yyyy":
return intUnit(four);
case "yyyyy":
return intUnit(fourToSix);
case "yyyyyy":
return intUnit(six);
// months
case "M":
return intUnit(oneOrTwo);
case "MM":
return intUnit(two);
case "MMM":
return oneOf(loc.months("short", true, false), 1);
case "MMMM":
return oneOf(loc.months("long", true, false), 1);
case "L":
return intUnit(oneOrTwo);
case "LL":
return intUnit(two);
case "LLL":
return oneOf(loc.months("short", false, false), 1);
case "LLLL":
return oneOf(loc.months("long", false, false), 1);
// dates
case "d":
return intUnit(oneOrTwo);
case "dd":
return intUnit(two);
// ordinals
case "o":
return intUnit(oneToThree);
case "ooo":
return intUnit(three);
// time
case "HH":
return intUnit(two);
case "H":
return intUnit(oneOrTwo);
case "hh":
return intUnit(two);
case "h":
return intUnit(oneOrTwo);
case "mm":
return intUnit(two);
case "m":
return intUnit(oneOrTwo);
case "q":
return intUnit(oneOrTwo);
case "qq":
return intUnit(two);
case "s":
return intUnit(oneOrTwo);
case "ss":
return intUnit(two);
case "S":
return intUnit(oneToThree);
case "SSS":
return intUnit(three);
case "u":
return simple(oneToNine);
case "uu":
return simple(oneOrTwo);
case "uuu":
return intUnit(one);
// meridiem
case "a":
return oneOf(loc.meridiems(), 0);
// weekYear (k)
case "kkkk":
return intUnit(four);
case "kk":
return intUnit(twoToFour, untruncateYear);
// weekNumber (W)
case "W":
return intUnit(oneOrTwo);
case "WW":
return intUnit(two);
// weekdays
case "E":
case "c":
return intUnit(one);
case "EEE":
return oneOf(loc.weekdays("short", false, false), 1);
case "EEEE":
return oneOf(loc.weekdays("long", false, false), 1);
case "ccc":
return oneOf(loc.weekdays("short", true, false), 1);
case "cccc":
return oneOf(loc.weekdays("long", true, false), 1);
// offset/zone
case "Z":
case "ZZ":
return offset(new RegExp(`([+-]${oneOrTwo.source})(?::(${two.source}))?`), 2);
case "ZZZ":
return offset(new RegExp(`([+-]${oneOrTwo.source})(${two.source})?`), 2);
// we don't support ZZZZ (PST) or ZZZZZ (Pacific Standard Time) in parsing
// because we don't have any way to figure out what they are
case "z":
return simple(/[a-z_+-/]{1,256}?/i);
return literal(t);
3 years ago
3 years ago
const unit = unitate(token) || {
invalidReason: MISSING_FTP,
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
unit.token = token;
3 years ago
return unit;
3 years ago
const partTypeStyleToTokenVal = {
3 years ago
year: {
"2-digit": "yy",
numeric: "yyyyy",
3 years ago
month: {
numeric: "M",
"2-digit": "MM",
short: "MMM",
long: "MMMM",
3 years ago
day: {
numeric: "d",
"2-digit": "dd",
3 years ago
weekday: {
short: "EEE",
long: "EEEE",
3 years ago
dayperiod: "a",
dayPeriod: "a",
hour: {
numeric: "h",
"2-digit": "hh",
3 years ago
minute: {
numeric: "m",
"2-digit": "mm",
3 years ago
second: {
numeric: "s",
"2-digit": "ss",
timeZoneName: {
long: "ZZZZZ",
short: "ZZZ",
3 years ago
3 years ago
function tokenForPart(part, formatOpts) {
const { type, value } = part;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (type === "literal") {
return {
literal: true,
val: value,
3 years ago
const style = formatOpts[type];
3 years ago
let val = partTypeStyleToTokenVal[type];
3 years ago
if (typeof val === "object") {
val = val[style];
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (val) {
return {
literal: false,
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
return undefined;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function buildRegex(units) {
const re = => u.regex).reduce((f, r) => `${f}(${r.source})`, "");
return [`^${re}$`, units];
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
function match(input, regex, handlers) {
const matches = input.match(regex);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (matches) {
const all = {};
let matchIndex = 1;
for (const i in handlers) {
3 years ago
if (hasOwnProperty(handlers, i)) {
const h = handlers[i],
groups = h.groups ? h.groups + 1 : 1;
3 years ago
if (!h.literal && h.token) {
all[h.token.val[0]] = h.deser(matches.slice(matchIndex, matchIndex + groups));
matchIndex += groups;
return [matches, all];
} else {
return [matches, {}];
3 years ago
3 years ago
function dateTimeFromMatches(matches) {
const toField = (token) => {
3 years ago
switch (token) {
case "S":
return "millisecond";
case "s":
return "second";
case "m":
return "minute";
case "h":
case "H":
return "hour";
case "d":
return "day";
case "o":
return "ordinal";
case "L":
case "M":
return "month";
case "y":
return "year";
case "E":
case "c":
return "weekday";
case "W":
return "weekNumber";
case "k":
return "weekYear";
case "q":
return "quarter";
return null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
let zone = null;
let specificOffset;
3 years ago
if (!isUndefined(matches.z)) {
zone = IANAZone.create(matches.z);
if (!isUndefined(matches.Z)) {
if (!zone) {
zone = new FixedOffsetZone(matches.Z);
3 years ago
3 years ago
specificOffset = matches.Z;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!isUndefined(matches.q)) {
matches.M = (matches.q - 1) * 3 + 1;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!isUndefined(matches.h)) {
if (matches.h < 12 && matches.a === 1) {
matches.h += 12;
} else if (matches.h === 12 && matches.a === 0) {
matches.h = 0;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (matches.G === 0 && matches.y) {
matches.y = -matches.y;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!isUndefined(matches.u)) {
matches.S = parseMillis(matches.u);
3 years ago
const vals = Object.keys(matches).reduce((r, k) => {
const f = toField(k);
3 years ago
if (f) {
r[f] = matches[k];
3 years ago
3 years ago
return r;
}, {});
3 years ago
return [vals, zone, specificOffset];
3 years ago
let dummyDateTimeCache = null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function getDummyDateTime() {
if (!dummyDateTimeCache) {
dummyDateTimeCache = DateTime.fromMillis(1555555555555);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return dummyDateTimeCache;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function maybeExpandMacroToken(token, locale) {
if (token.literal) {
return token;
3 years ago
const formatOpts = Formatter.macroTokenToFormatOpts(token.val);
const tokens = formatOptsToTokens(formatOpts, locale);
3 years ago
if (tokens == null || tokens.includes(undefined)) {
3 years ago
return token;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return tokens;
function expandMacroTokens(tokens, locale) {
return Array.prototype.concat( => maybeExpandMacroToken(t, locale)));
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
3 years ago
function explainFromTokens(locale, input, format) {
const tokens = expandMacroTokens(Formatter.parseFormat(format), locale),
units = => unitForToken(t, locale)),
disqualifyingUnit = units.find((t) => t.invalidReason);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (disqualifyingUnit) {
return { input, tokens, invalidReason: disqualifyingUnit.invalidReason };
3 years ago
} else {
const [regexString, handlers] = buildRegex(units),
regex = RegExp(regexString, "i"),
[rawMatches, matches] = match(input, regex, handlers),
[result, zone, specificOffset] = matches
? dateTimeFromMatches(matches)
: [null, null, undefined];
3 years ago
if (hasOwnProperty(matches, "a") && hasOwnProperty(matches, "H")) {
throw new ConflictingSpecificationError(
"Can't include meridiem when specifying 24-hour format"
3 years ago
return { input, tokens, regex, rawMatches, matches, result, zone, specificOffset };
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
function parseFromTokens(locale, input, format) {
const { result, zone, specificOffset, invalidReason } = explainFromTokens(locale, input, format);
3 years ago
return [result, zone, specificOffset, invalidReason];
3 years ago
function formatOptsToTokens(formatOpts, locale) {
if (!formatOpts) {
return null;
const formatter = Formatter.create(locale, formatOpts);
const parts = formatter.formatDateTimeParts(getDummyDateTime());
return => tokenForPart(p, formatOpts));
const nonLeapLadder = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334],
leapLadder = [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335];
3 years ago
3 years ago
function unitOutOfRange(unit, value) {
return new Invalid(
"unit out of range",
`you specified ${value} (of type ${typeof value}) as a ${unit}, which is invalid`
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
function dayOfWeek(year, month, day) {
const d = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day));
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (year < 100 && year >= 0) {
d.setUTCFullYear(d.getUTCFullYear() - 1900);
3 years ago
const js = d.getUTCDay();
3 years ago
return js === 0 ? 7 : js;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function computeOrdinal(year, month, day) {
return day + (isLeapYear(year) ? leapLadder : nonLeapLadder)[month - 1];
3 years ago
3 years ago
function uncomputeOrdinal(year, ordinal) {
const table = isLeapYear(year) ? leapLadder : nonLeapLadder,
month0 = table.findIndex((i) => i < ordinal),
day = ordinal - table[month0];
return { month: month0 + 1, day };
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @private
3 years ago
3 years ago
function gregorianToWeek(gregObj) {
const { year, month, day } = gregObj,
ordinal = computeOrdinal(year, month, day),
weekday = dayOfWeek(year, month, day);
let weekNumber = Math.floor((ordinal - weekday + 10) / 7),
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (weekNumber < 1) {
weekYear = year - 1;
weekNumber = weeksInWeekYear(weekYear);
} else if (weekNumber > weeksInWeekYear(year)) {
weekYear = year + 1;
weekNumber = 1;
} else {
weekYear = year;
3 years ago
return { weekYear, weekNumber, weekday, ...timeObject(gregObj) };
3 years ago
3 years ago
function weekToGregorian(weekData) {
const { weekYear, weekNumber, weekday } = weekData,
weekdayOfJan4 = dayOfWeek(weekYear, 1, 4),
yearInDays = daysInYear(weekYear);
let ordinal = weekNumber * 7 + weekday - weekdayOfJan4 - 3,
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (ordinal < 1) {
year = weekYear - 1;
ordinal += daysInYear(year);
} else if (ordinal > yearInDays) {
year = weekYear + 1;
ordinal -= daysInYear(weekYear);
} else {
year = weekYear;
3 years ago
const { month, day } = uncomputeOrdinal(year, ordinal);
return { year, month, day, ...timeObject(weekData) };
3 years ago
3 years ago
function gregorianToOrdinal(gregData) {
const { year, month, day } = gregData;
const ordinal = computeOrdinal(year, month, day);
return { year, ordinal, ...timeObject(gregData) };
3 years ago
3 years ago
function ordinalToGregorian(ordinalData) {
const { year, ordinal } = ordinalData;
const { month, day } = uncomputeOrdinal(year, ordinal);
return { year, month, day, ...timeObject(ordinalData) };
3 years ago
3 years ago
function hasInvalidWeekData(obj) {
const validYear = isInteger(obj.weekYear),
validWeek = integerBetween(obj.weekNumber, 1, weeksInWeekYear(obj.weekYear)),
validWeekday = integerBetween(obj.weekday, 1, 7);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!validYear) {
return unitOutOfRange("weekYear", obj.weekYear);
} else if (!validWeek) {
return unitOutOfRange("week", obj.week);
} else if (!validWeekday) {
return unitOutOfRange("weekday", obj.weekday);
} else return false;
3 years ago
function hasInvalidOrdinalData(obj) {
const validYear = isInteger(obj.year),
validOrdinal = integerBetween(obj.ordinal, 1, daysInYear(obj.year));
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!validYear) {
return unitOutOfRange("year", obj.year);
} else if (!validOrdinal) {
return unitOutOfRange("ordinal", obj.ordinal);
} else return false;
3 years ago
function hasInvalidGregorianData(obj) {
const validYear = isInteger(obj.year),
validMonth = integerBetween(obj.month, 1, 12),
validDay = integerBetween(, 1, daysInMonth(obj.year, obj.month));
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!validYear) {
return unitOutOfRange("year", obj.year);
} else if (!validMonth) {
return unitOutOfRange("month", obj.month);
} else if (!validDay) {
return unitOutOfRange("day",;
} else return false;
3 years ago
function hasInvalidTimeData(obj) {
const { hour, minute, second, millisecond } = obj;
const validHour =
integerBetween(hour, 0, 23) ||
(hour === 24 && minute === 0 && second === 0 && millisecond === 0),
validMinute = integerBetween(minute, 0, 59),
validSecond = integerBetween(second, 0, 59),
validMillisecond = integerBetween(millisecond, 0, 999);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!validHour) {
return unitOutOfRange("hour", hour);
} else if (!validMinute) {
return unitOutOfRange("minute", minute);
} else if (!validSecond) {
return unitOutOfRange("second", second);
} else if (!validMillisecond) {
return unitOutOfRange("millisecond", millisecond);
} else return false;
3 years ago
const INVALID = "Invalid DateTime";
const MAX_DATE = 8.64e15;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function unsupportedZone(zone) {
return new Invalid("unsupported zone", `the zone "${}" is not supported`);
3 years ago
// we cache week data on the DT object and this intermediates the cache
3 years ago
function possiblyCachedWeekData(dt) {
if (dt.weekData === null) {
dt.weekData = gregorianToWeek(dt.c);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return dt.weekData;
3 years ago
// clone really means, "make a new object with these modifications". all "setters" really use this
// to create a new object while only changing some of the properties
3 years ago
function clone(inst, alts) {
const current = {
3 years ago
ts: inst.ts,
c: inst.c,
o: inst.o,
loc: inst.loc,
invalid: inst.invalid,
3 years ago
return new DateTime({ ...current, ...alts, old: current });
3 years ago
// find the right offset a given local time. The o input is our guess, which determines which
// offset we'll pick in ambiguous cases (e.g. there are two 3 AMs b/c Fallback DST)
3 years ago
function fixOffset(localTS, o, tz) {
// Our UTC time is just a guess because our offset is just a guess
let utcGuess = localTS - o * 60 * 1000;
3 years ago
// Test whether the zone matches the offset for this ts
const o2 = tz.offset(utcGuess);
3 years ago
// If so, offset didn't change and we're done
3 years ago
if (o === o2) {
return [utcGuess, o];
3 years ago
// If not, change the ts by the difference in the offset
utcGuess -= (o2 - o) * 60 * 1000;
3 years ago
// If that gives us the local time we want, we're done
const o3 = tz.offset(utcGuess);
3 years ago
if (o2 === o3) {
return [utcGuess, o2];
3 years ago
// If it's different, we're in a hole time. The offset has changed, but the we don't adjust the time
3 years ago
return [localTS - Math.min(o2, o3) * 60 * 1000, Math.max(o2, o3)];
3 years ago
// convert an epoch timestamp into a calendar object with the given offset
3 years ago
function tsToObj(ts, offset) {
ts += offset * 60 * 1000;
const d = new Date(ts);
3 years ago
return {
year: d.getUTCFullYear(),
month: d.getUTCMonth() + 1,
day: d.getUTCDate(),
hour: d.getUTCHours(),
minute: d.getUTCMinutes(),
second: d.getUTCSeconds(),
millisecond: d.getUTCMilliseconds(),
3 years ago
3 years ago
// convert a calendar object to a epoch timestamp
3 years ago
function objToTS(obj, offset, zone) {
return fixOffset(objToLocalTS(obj), offset, zone);
3 years ago
// create a new DT instance by adding a duration, adjusting for DSTs
3 years ago
function adjustTime(inst, dur) {
const oPre = inst.o,
year = inst.c.year + Math.trunc(dur.years),
month = inst.c.month + Math.trunc(dur.months) + Math.trunc(dur.quarters) * 3,
c = {
Math.min(, daysInMonth(year, month)) +
Math.trunc(dur.days) +
Math.trunc(dur.weeks) * 7,
millisToAdd = Duration.fromObject({
years: dur.years - Math.trunc(dur.years),
quarters: dur.quarters - Math.trunc(dur.quarters),
months: dur.months - Math.trunc(dur.months),
weeks: dur.weeks - Math.trunc(dur.weeks),
days: dur.days - Math.trunc(dur.days),
hours: dur.hours,
minutes: dur.minutes,
seconds: dur.seconds,
milliseconds: dur.milliseconds,
localTS = objToLocalTS(c);
let [ts, o] = fixOffset(localTS, oPre,;
3 years ago
if (millisToAdd !== 0) {
ts += millisToAdd;
// that could have changed the offset by going over a DST, but we want to keep the ts the same
3 years ago
o =;
3 years ago
return { ts, o };
3 years ago
// helper useful in turning the results of parsing into real dates
// by handling the zone options
3 years ago
function parseDataToDateTime(parsed, parsedZone, opts, format, text, specificOffset) {
const { setZone, zone } = opts;
3 years ago
if (parsed && Object.keys(parsed).length !== 0) {
const interpretationZone = parsedZone || zone,
inst = DateTime.fromObject(parsed, {
zone: interpretationZone,
3 years ago
return setZone ? inst : inst.setZone(zone);
} else {
return DateTime.invalid(
new Invalid("unparsable", `the input "${text}" can't be parsed as ${format}`)
3 years ago
3 years ago
// if you want to output a technical format (e.g. RFC 2822), this helper
// helps handle the details
function toTechFormat(dt, format, allowZ = true) {
return dt.isValid
? Formatter.create(Locale.create("en-US"), {
forceSimple: true,
}).formatDateTimeFromString(dt, format)
: null;
function toISODate(o, extended) {
const longFormat = o.c.year > 9999 || o.c.year < 0;
let c = "";
3 years ago
if (longFormat && o.c.year >= 0) c += "+";
c += padStart(o.c.year, longFormat ? 6 : 4);
if (extended) {
c += "-";
c += padStart(o.c.month);
c += "-";
c += padStart(;
} else {
c += padStart(o.c.month);
c += padStart(;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return c;
3 years ago
function toISOTime(
) {
let c = padStart(o.c.hour);
3 years ago
if (extended) {
c += ":";
c += padStart(o.c.minute);
if (o.c.second !== 0 || !suppressSeconds) {
c += ":";
} else {
c += padStart(o.c.minute);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (o.c.second !== 0 || !suppressSeconds) {
c += padStart(o.c.second);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (o.c.millisecond !== 0 || !suppressMilliseconds) {
c += ".";
c += padStart(o.c.millisecond, 3);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (includeOffset) {
3 years ago
if (o.isOffsetFixed && o.offset === 0 && !extendedZone) {
3 years ago
c += "Z";
} else if (o.o < 0) {
c += "-";
c += padStart(Math.trunc(-o.o / 60));
c += ":";
c += padStart(Math.trunc(-o.o % 60));
} else {
c += "+";
c += padStart(Math.trunc(o.o / 60));
c += ":";
c += padStart(Math.trunc(o.o % 60));
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (extendedZone) {
c += "[" + + "]";
3 years ago
return c;
3 years ago
// defaults for unspecified units in the supported calendars
const defaultUnitValues = {
month: 1,
day: 1,
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
millisecond: 0,
defaultWeekUnitValues = {
weekNumber: 1,
weekday: 1,
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
millisecond: 0,
defaultOrdinalUnitValues = {
ordinal: 1,
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
millisecond: 0,
3 years ago
// Units in the supported calendars, sorted by bigness
const orderedUnits = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond"],
orderedWeekUnits = [
orderedOrdinalUnits = ["year", "ordinal", "hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond"];
// standardize case and plurality in units
3 years ago
function normalizeUnit(unit) {
const normalized = {
3 years ago
year: "year",
years: "year",
month: "month",
months: "month",
day: "day",
days: "day",
hour: "hour",
hours: "hour",
minute: "minute",
minutes: "minute",
quarter: "quarter",
quarters: "quarter",
second: "second",
seconds: "second",
millisecond: "millisecond",
milliseconds: "millisecond",
weekday: "weekday",
weekdays: "weekday",
weeknumber: "weekNumber",
weeksnumber: "weekNumber",
weeknumbers: "weekNumber",
weekyear: "weekYear",
weekyears: "weekYear",
ordinal: "ordinal",
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (!normalized) throw new InvalidUnitError(unit);
3 years ago
return normalized;
// this is a dumbed down version of fromObject() that runs about 60% faster
3 years ago
// but doesn't do any validation, makes a bunch of assumptions about what units
// are present, and so on.
function quickDT(obj, opts) {
const zone = normalizeZone(, Settings.defaultZone),
loc = Locale.fromObject(opts),
tsNow =;
3 years ago
let ts, o;
3 years ago
// assume we have the higher-order units
if (!isUndefined(obj.year)) {
for (const u of orderedUnits) {
3 years ago
if (isUndefined(obj[u])) {
obj[u] = defaultUnitValues[u];
3 years ago
const invalid = hasInvalidGregorianData(obj) || hasInvalidTimeData(obj);
3 years ago
if (invalid) {
return DateTime.invalid(invalid);
3 years ago
const offsetProvis = zone.offset(tsNow);
[ts, o] = objToTS(obj, offsetProvis, zone);
3 years ago
} else {
ts = tsNow;
3 years ago
return new DateTime({ ts, zone, loc, o });
3 years ago
function diffRelative(start, end, opts) {
const round = isUndefined(opts.round) ? true : opts.round,
format = (c, unit) => {
c = roundTo(c, round || opts.calendary ? 0 : 2, true);
const formatter = end.loc.clone(opts).relFormatter(opts);
return formatter.format(c, unit);
differ = (unit) => {
if (opts.calendary) {
if (!end.hasSame(start, unit)) {
return end.startOf(unit).diff(start.startOf(unit), unit).get(unit);
} else return 0;
} else {
return end.diff(start, unit).get(unit);
3 years ago
if (opts.unit) {
return format(differ(opts.unit), opts.unit);
3 years ago
for (const unit of opts.units) {
const count = differ(unit);
3 years ago
if (Math.abs(count) >= 1) {
return format(count, unit);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return format(start > end ? -0 : 0, opts.units[opts.units.length - 1]);
3 years ago
3 years ago
function lastOpts(argList) {
let opts = {},
3 years ago
if (argList.length > 0 && typeof argList[argList.length - 1] === "object") {
opts = argList[argList.length - 1];
args = Array.from(argList).slice(0, argList.length - 1);
} else {
args = Array.from(argList);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return [opts, args];
3 years ago
* A DateTime is an immutable data structure representing a specific date and time and accompanying methods. It contains class and instance methods for creating, parsing, interrogating, transforming, and formatting them.
* A DateTime comprises of:
* * A timestamp. Each DateTime instance refers to a specific millisecond of the Unix epoch.
* * A time zone. Each instance is considered in the context of a specific zone (by default the local system's zone).
* * Configuration properties that effect how output strings are formatted, such as `locale`, `numberingSystem`, and `outputCalendar`.
* Here is a brief overview of the most commonly used functionality it provides:
* * **Creation**: To create a DateTime from its components, use one of its factory class methods: {@link DateTime.local}, {@link DateTime.utc}, and (most flexibly) {@link DateTime.fromObject}. To create one from a standard string format, use {@link DateTime.fromISO}, {@link DateTime.fromHTTP}, and {@link DateTime.fromRFC2822}. To create one from a custom string format, use {@link DateTime.fromFormat}. To create one from a native JS date, use {@link DateTime.fromJSDate}.
3 years ago
* * **Gregorian calendar and time**: To examine the Gregorian properties of a DateTime individually (i.e as opposed to collectively through {@link DateTime#toObject}), use the {@link DateTime#year}, {@link DateTime#month},
* {@link DateTime#day}, {@link DateTime#hour}, {@link DateTime#minute}, {@link DateTime#second}, {@link DateTime#millisecond} accessors.
* * **Week calendar**: For ISO week calendar attributes, see the {@link DateTime#weekYear}, {@link DateTime#weekNumber}, and {@link DateTime#weekday} accessors.
* * **Configuration** See the {@link DateTime#locale} and {@link DateTime#numberingSystem} accessors.
* * **Transformation**: To transform the DateTime into other DateTimes, use {@link DateTime#set}, {@link DateTime#reconfigure}, {@link DateTime#setZone}, {@link DateTime#setLocale}, {@link}, {@link DateTime#minus}, {@link DateTime#endOf}, {@link DateTime#startOf}, {@link DateTime#toUTC}, and {@link DateTime#toLocal}.
* * **Output**: To convert the DateTime to other representations, use the {@link DateTime#toRelative}, {@link DateTime#toRelativeCalendar}, {@link DateTime#toJSON}, {@link DateTime#toISO}, {@link DateTime#toHTTP}, {@link DateTime#toObject}, {@link DateTime#toRFC2822}, {@link DateTime#toString}, {@link DateTime#toLocaleString}, {@link DateTime#toFormat}, {@link DateTime#toMillis} and {@link DateTime#toJSDate}.
* There's plenty others documented below. In addition, for more information on subtler topics like internationalization, time zones, alternative calendars, validity, and so on, see the external documentation.
class DateTime {
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @access private
3 years ago
constructor(config) {
const zone = || Settings.defaultZone;
let invalid =
config.invalid ||
(Number.isNaN(config.ts) ? new Invalid("invalid input") : null) ||
(!zone.isValid ? unsupportedZone(zone) : null);
3 years ago
* @access private
this.ts = isUndefined(config.ts) ? : config.ts;
3 years ago
let c = null,
o = null;
3 years ago
if (!invalid) {
const unchanged = config.old && config.old.ts === this.ts &&;
3 years ago
if (unchanged) {
[c, o] = [config.old.c, config.old.o];
3 years ago
} else {
const ot = zone.offset(this.ts);
3 years ago
c = tsToObj(this.ts, ot);
invalid = Number.isNaN(c.year) ? new Invalid("invalid input") : null;
c = invalid ? null : c;
o = invalid ? null : ot;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @access private
3 years ago
3 years ago
this._zone = zone;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @access private
3 years ago
3 years ago
this.loc = config.loc || Locale.create();
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @access private
3 years ago
3 years ago
this.invalid = invalid;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @access private
3 years ago
3 years ago
this.weekData = null;
* @access private
this.c = c;
* @access private
this.o = o;
* @access private
this.isLuxonDateTime = true;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a DateTime for the current instant, in the system's time zone.
* Use Settings to override these default values if needed.
* @example //~> now in the ISO format
* @return {DateTime}
3 years ago
static now() {
3 years ago
return new DateTime({});
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a local DateTime
* @param {number} [year] - The calendar year. If omitted (as in, call `local()` with no arguments), the current time will be used
* @param {number} [month=1] - The month, 1-indexed
* @param {number} [day=1] - The day of the month, 1-indexed
* @param {number} [hour=0] - The hour of the day, in 24-hour time
* @param {number} [minute=0] - The minute of the hour, meaning a number between 0 and 59
* @param {number} [second=0] - The second of the minute, meaning a number between 0 and 59
* @param {number} [millisecond=0] - The millisecond of the second, meaning a number between 0 and 999
* @example DateTime.local() //~> now
* @example DateTime.local({ zone: "America/New_York" }) //~> now, in US east coast time
* @example DateTime.local(2017) //~> 2017-01-01T00:00:00
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 3) //~> 2017-03-01T00:00:00
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, { locale: "fr" }) //~> 2017-03-12T00:00:00, with a French locale
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, 5) //~> 2017-03-12T05:00:00
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, 5, { zone: "utc" }) //~> 2017-03-12T05:00:00, in UTC
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:00
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45, 10) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45, 10, 765) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10.765
* @return {DateTime}
3 years ago
static local() {
const [opts, args] = lastOpts(arguments),
[year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond] = args;
return quickDT({ year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond }, opts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a DateTime in UTC
* @param {number} [year] - The calendar year. If omitted (as in, call `utc()` with no arguments), the current time will be used
* @param {number} [month=1] - The month, 1-indexed
* @param {number} [day=1] - The day of the month
* @param {number} [hour=0] - The hour of the day, in 24-hour time
* @param {number} [minute=0] - The minute of the hour, meaning a number between 0 and 59
* @param {number} [second=0] - The second of the minute, meaning a number between 0 and 59
* @param {number} [millisecond=0] - The millisecond of the second, meaning a number between 0 and 999
* @param {Object} options - configuration options for the DateTime
* @param {string} [options.locale] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} [options.outputCalendar] - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} [options.numberingSystem] - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @example DateTime.utc() //~> now
* @example DateTime.utc(2017) //~> 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z
* @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3) //~> 2017-03-01T00:00:00Z
* @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12) //~> 2017-03-12T00:00:00Z
* @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12, 5) //~> 2017-03-12T05:00:00Z
* @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:00Z
* @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45, { locale: "fr" }) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:00Z with a French locale
* @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45, 10) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10Z
* @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45, 10, 765, { locale: "fr" }) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10.765Z with a French locale
* @return {DateTime}
3 years ago
static utc() {
const [opts, args] = lastOpts(arguments),
[year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond] = args;
3 years ago
3 years ago = FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance;
return quickDT({ year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond }, opts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a DateTime from a JavaScript Date object. Uses the default zone.
* @param {Date} date - a JavaScript Date object
* @param {Object} options - configuration options for the DateTime
* @param {string|Zone} ['local'] - the zone to place the DateTime into
* @return {DateTime}
3 years ago
static fromJSDate(date, options = {}) {
const ts = isDate(date) ? date.valueOf() : NaN;
3 years ago
if (Number.isNaN(ts)) {
return DateTime.invalid("invalid input");
3 years ago
const zoneToUse = normalizeZone(, Settings.defaultZone);
3 years ago
if (!zoneToUse.isValid) {
return DateTime.invalid(unsupportedZone(zoneToUse));
3 years ago
3 years ago
return new DateTime({
ts: ts,
zone: zoneToUse,
loc: Locale.fromObject(options),
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a DateTime from a number of milliseconds since the epoch (meaning since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Uses the default zone.
* @param {number} milliseconds - a number of milliseconds since 1970 UTC
* @param {Object} options - configuration options for the DateTime
* @param {string|Zone} ['local'] - the zone to place the DateTime into
* @param {string} [options.locale] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} options.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} options.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @return {DateTime}
3 years ago
static fromMillis(milliseconds, options = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!isNumber(milliseconds)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError(
`fromMillis requires a numerical input, but received a ${typeof milliseconds} with value ${milliseconds}`
3 years ago
} else if (milliseconds < -MAX_DATE || milliseconds > MAX_DATE) {
// this isn't perfect because because we can still end up out of range because of additional shifting, but it's a start
return DateTime.invalid("Timestamp out of range");
} else {
return new DateTime({
ts: milliseconds,
zone: normalizeZone(, Settings.defaultZone),
loc: Locale.fromObject(options),
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a DateTime from a number of seconds since the epoch (meaning since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Uses the default zone.
* @param {number} seconds - a number of seconds since 1970 UTC
* @param {Object} options - configuration options for the DateTime
* @param {string|Zone} ['local'] - the zone to place the DateTime into
* @param {string} [options.locale] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} options.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} options.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @return {DateTime}
3 years ago
static fromSeconds(seconds, options = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!isNumber(seconds)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError("fromSeconds requires a numerical input");
} else {
return new DateTime({
ts: seconds * 1000,
zone: normalizeZone(, Settings.defaultZone),
loc: Locale.fromObject(options),
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a DateTime from a JavaScript object with keys like 'year' and 'hour' with reasonable defaults.
* @param {Object} obj - the object to create the DateTime from
* @param {number} obj.year - a year, such as 1987
* @param {number} obj.month - a month, 1-12
* @param {number} - a day of the month, 1-31, depending on the month
* @param {number} obj.ordinal - day of the year, 1-365 or 366
* @param {number} obj.weekYear - an ISO week year
* @param {number} obj.weekNumber - an ISO week number, between 1 and 52 or 53, depending on the year
* @param {number} obj.weekday - an ISO weekday, 1-7, where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday
* @param {number} obj.hour - hour of the day, 0-23
* @param {number} obj.minute - minute of the hour, 0-59
* @param {number} obj.second - second of the minute, 0-59
* @param {number} obj.millisecond - millisecond of the second, 0-999
* @param {Object} opts - options for creating this DateTime
* @param {string|Zone} ['local'] - interpret the numbers in the context of a particular zone. Can take any value taken as the first argument to setZone()
* @param {string} [opts.locale='system's locale'] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} opts.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @example DateTime.fromObject({ year: 1982, month: 5, day: 25}).toISODate() //=> '1982-05-25'
* @example DateTime.fromObject({ year: 1982 }).toISODate() //=> '1982-01-01'
* @example DateTime.fromObject({ hour: 10, minute: 26, second: 6 }) //~> today at 10:26:06
* @example DateTime.fromObject({ hour: 10, minute: 26, second: 6 }, { zone: 'utc' }),
* @example DateTime.fromObject({ hour: 10, minute: 26, second: 6 }, { zone: 'local' })
* @example DateTime.fromObject({ hour: 10, minute: 26, second: 6 }, { zone: 'America/New_York' })
* @example DateTime.fromObject({ weekYear: 2016, weekNumber: 2, weekday: 3 }).toISODate() //=> '2016-01-13'
* @return {DateTime}
3 years ago
static fromObject(obj, opts = {}) {
3 years ago
obj = obj || {};
const zoneToUse = normalizeZone(, Settings.defaultZone);
3 years ago
if (!zoneToUse.isValid) {
return DateTime.invalid(unsupportedZone(zoneToUse));
3 years ago
const tsNow =,
offsetProvis = !isUndefined(opts.specificOffset)
? opts.specificOffset
: zoneToUse.offset(tsNow),
normalized = normalizeObject(obj, normalizeUnit),
containsOrdinal = !isUndefined(normalized.ordinal),
containsGregorYear = !isUndefined(normalized.year),
containsGregorMD = !isUndefined(normalized.month) || !isUndefined(,
containsGregor = containsGregorYear || containsGregorMD,
definiteWeekDef = normalized.weekYear || normalized.weekNumber,
loc = Locale.fromObject(opts);
// cases:
3 years ago
// just a weekday -> this week's instance of that weekday, no worries
// (gregorian data or ordinal) + (weekYear or weekNumber) -> error
// (gregorian month or day) + ordinal -> error
// otherwise just use weeks or ordinals or gregorian, depending on what's specified
3 years ago
3 years ago
if ((containsGregor || containsOrdinal) && definiteWeekDef) {
throw new ConflictingSpecificationError(
"Can't mix weekYear/weekNumber units with year/month/day or ordinals"
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (containsGregorMD && containsOrdinal) {
throw new ConflictingSpecificationError("Can't mix ordinal dates with month/day");
3 years ago
const useWeekData = definiteWeekDef || (normalized.weekday && !containsGregor);
3 years ago
// configure ourselves to deal with gregorian dates or week stuff
let units,
objNow = tsToObj(tsNow, offsetProvis);
3 years ago
if (useWeekData) {
units = orderedWeekUnits;
defaultValues = defaultWeekUnitValues;
objNow = gregorianToWeek(objNow);
} else if (containsOrdinal) {
units = orderedOrdinalUnits;
defaultValues = defaultOrdinalUnitValues;
objNow = gregorianToOrdinal(objNow);
} else {
units = orderedUnits;
defaultValues = defaultUnitValues;
3 years ago
// set default values for missing stuff
let foundFirst = false;
for (const u of units) {
const v = normalized[u];
3 years ago
if (!isUndefined(v)) {
foundFirst = true;
} else if (foundFirst) {
normalized[u] = defaultValues[u];
} else {
normalized[u] = objNow[u];
3 years ago
// make sure the values we have are in range
const higherOrderInvalid = useWeekData
? hasInvalidWeekData(normalized)
: containsOrdinal
? hasInvalidOrdinalData(normalized)
: hasInvalidGregorianData(normalized),
invalid = higherOrderInvalid || hasInvalidTimeData(normalized);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (invalid) {
return DateTime.invalid(invalid);
3 years ago
// compute the actual time
const gregorian = useWeekData
? weekToGregorian(normalized)
: containsOrdinal
? ordinalToGregorian(normalized)
: normalized,
[tsFinal, offsetFinal] = objToTS(gregorian, offsetProvis, zoneToUse),
inst = new DateTime({
ts: tsFinal,
zone: zoneToUse,
o: offsetFinal,
3 years ago
// gregorian data + weekday serves only to validate
3 years ago
if (normalized.weekday && containsGregor && obj.weekday !== inst.weekday) {
return DateTime.invalid(
"mismatched weekday",
`you can't specify both a weekday of ${normalized.weekday} and a date of ${inst.toISO()}`
3 years ago
3 years ago
return inst;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a DateTime from an ISO 8601 string
* @param {string} text - the ISO string
* @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation
* @param {string|Zone} ['local'] - use this zone if no offset is specified in the input string itself. Will also convert the time to this zone
* @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with a fixed-offset zone specified in the string itself, if it specifies one
* @param {string} [opts.locale='system's locale'] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} [opts.outputCalendar] - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem] - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-05-25T09:08:34.123')
* @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-05-25T09:08:34.123+06:00')
* @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-05-25T09:08:34.123+06:00', {setZone: true})
* @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-05-25T09:08:34.123', {zone: 'utc'})
* @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-W05-4')
* @return {DateTime}
static fromISO(text, opts = {}) {
const [vals, parsedZone] = parseISODate(text);
3 years ago
return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, "ISO 8601", text);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Create a DateTime from an RFC 2822 string
* @param {string} text - the RFC 2822 string
* @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation
* @param {string|Zone} ['local'] - convert the time to this zone. Since the offset is always specified in the string itself, this has no effect on the interpretation of string, merely the zone the resulting DateTime is expressed in.
* @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with a fixed-offset zone specified in the string itself, if it specifies one
* @param {string} [opts.locale='system's locale'] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} opts.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @example DateTime.fromRFC2822('25 Nov 2016 13:23:12 GMT')
* @example DateTime.fromRFC2822('Fri, 25 Nov 2016 13:23:12 +0600')
* @example DateTime.fromRFC2822('25 Nov 2016 13:23 Z')
* @return {DateTime}
static fromRFC2822(text, opts = {}) {
const [vals, parsedZone] = parseRFC2822Date(text);
return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, "RFC 2822", text);
* Create a DateTime from an HTTP header date
* @see
* @param {string} text - the HTTP header date
* @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation
* @param {string|Zone} ['local'] - convert the time to this zone. Since HTTP dates are always in UTC, this has no effect on the interpretation of string, merely the zone the resulting DateTime is expressed in.
* @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with the fixed-offset zone specified in the string. For HTTP dates, this is always UTC, so this option is equivalent to setting the `zone` option to 'utc', but this option is included for consistency with similar methods.
* @param {string} [opts.locale='system's locale'] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} opts.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @example DateTime.fromHTTP('Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT')
* @example DateTime.fromHTTP('Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT')
* @example DateTime.fromHTTP('Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994')
* @return {DateTime}
static fromHTTP(text, opts = {}) {
const [vals, parsedZone] = parseHTTPDate(text);
return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, "HTTP", opts);
* Create a DateTime from an input string and format string.
* Defaults to en-US if no locale has been specified, regardless of the system's locale. For a table of tokens and their interpretations, see [here](
* @param {string} text - the string to parse
* @param {string} fmt - the format the string is expected to be in (see the link below for the formats)
* @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation
* @param {string|Zone} ['local'] - use this zone if no offset is specified in the input string itself. Will also convert the DateTime to this zone
* @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with a zone specified in the string itself, if it specifies one
* @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - a locale string to use when parsing. Will also set the DateTime to this locale
* @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use when parsing. Will also set the resulting DateTime to this numbering system
* @param {string} opts.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @return {DateTime}
static fromFormat(text, fmt, opts = {}) {
if (isUndefined(text) || isUndefined(fmt)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError("fromFormat requires an input string and a format");
const { locale = null, numberingSystem = null } = opts,
localeToUse = Locale.fromOpts({
defaultToEN: true,
[vals, parsedZone, specificOffset, invalid] = parseFromTokens(localeToUse, text, fmt);
if (invalid) {
return DateTime.invalid(invalid);
} else {
return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, `format ${fmt}`, text, specificOffset);
* @deprecated use fromFormat instead
static fromString(text, fmt, opts = {}) {
return DateTime.fromFormat(text, fmt, opts);
* Create a DateTime from a SQL date, time, or datetime
* Defaults to en-US if no locale has been specified, regardless of the system's locale
* @param {string} text - the string to parse
* @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation
* @param {string|Zone} ['local'] - use this zone if no offset is specified in the input string itself. Will also convert the DateTime to this zone
* @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with a zone specified in the string itself, if it specifies one
* @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - a locale string to use when parsing. Will also set the DateTime to this locale
* @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use when parsing. Will also set the resulting DateTime to this numbering system
* @param {string} opts.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance
* @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15')
* @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34')
* @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342')
* @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342+06:00')
* @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342 America/Los_Angeles')
* @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342 America/Los_Angeles', { setZone: true })
* @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342', { zone: 'America/Los_Angeles' })
* @example DateTime.fromSQL('09:12:34.342')
* @return {DateTime}
static fromSQL(text, opts = {}) {
const [vals, parsedZone] = parseSQL(text);
return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, "SQL", text);
* Create an invalid DateTime.
* @param {DateTime} reason - simple string of why this DateTime is invalid. Should not contain parameters or anything else data-dependent
* @param {string} [explanation=null] - longer explanation, may include parameters and other useful debugging information
* @return {DateTime}
static invalid(reason, explanation = null) {
if (!reason) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError("need to specify a reason the DateTime is invalid");
const invalid = reason instanceof Invalid ? reason : new Invalid(reason, explanation);
if (Settings.throwOnInvalid) {
throw new InvalidDateTimeError(invalid);
} else {
return new DateTime({ invalid });
* Check if an object is an instance of DateTime. Works across context boundaries
* @param {object} o
* @return {boolean}
static isDateTime(o) {
return (o && o.isLuxonDateTime) || false;
* Produce the format string for a set of options
* @param formatOpts
* @param localeOpts
* @returns {string}
static parseFormatForOpts(formatOpts, localeOpts = {}) {
const tokenList = formatOptsToTokens(formatOpts, Locale.fromObject(localeOpts));
return !tokenList ? null : => (t ? t.val : null)).join("");
* Produce the the fully expanded format token for the locale
* Does NOT quote characters, so quoted tokens will not round trip correctly
* @param fmt
* @param localeOpts
* @returns {string}
static expandFormat(fmt, localeOpts = {}) {
const expanded = expandMacroTokens(Formatter.parseFormat(fmt), Locale.fromObject(localeOpts));
return => t.val).join("");
* Get the value of unit.
* @param {string} unit - a unit such as 'minute' or 'day'
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 7, 4).get('month'); //=> 7
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 7, 4).get('day'); //=> 4
* @return {number}
get(unit) {
return this[unit];
* Returns whether the DateTime is valid. Invalid DateTimes occur when:
* * The DateTime was created from invalid calendar information, such as the 13th month or February 30
* * The DateTime was created by an operation on another invalid date
* @type {boolean}
get isValid() {
return this.invalid === null;
* Returns an error code if this DateTime is invalid, or null if the DateTime is valid
* @type {string}
get invalidReason() {
return this.invalid ? this.invalid.reason : null;
* Returns an explanation of why this DateTime became invalid, or null if the DateTime is valid
* @type {string}
get invalidExplanation() {
return this.invalid ? this.invalid.explanation : null;
* Get the locale of a DateTime, such 'en-GB'. The locale is used when formatting the DateTime
* @type {string}
get locale() {
return this.isValid ? this.loc.locale : null;
3 years ago
* Get the numbering system of a DateTime, such 'beng'. The numbering system is used when formatting the DateTime
* @type {string}
get numberingSystem() {
return this.isValid ? this.loc.numberingSystem : null;
3 years ago
* Get the output calendar of a DateTime, such 'islamic'. The output calendar is used when formatting the DateTime
* @type {string}
get outputCalendar() {
return this.isValid ? this.loc.outputCalendar : null;
3 years ago
* Get the time zone associated with this DateTime.
* @type {Zone}
get zone() {
return this._zone;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the name of the time zone.
* @type {string}
3 years ago
get zoneName() {
return this.isValid ? : null;
3 years ago
* Get the year
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).year //=> 2017
* @type {number}
get year() {
return this.isValid ? this.c.year : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the quarter
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).quarter //=> 2
* @type {number}
get quarter() {
return this.isValid ? Math.ceil(this.c.month / 3) : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the month (1-12).
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).month //=> 5
* @type {number}
get month() {
return this.isValid ? this.c.month : NaN;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the day of the month (1-30ish).
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).day //=> 25
* @type {number}
3 years ago
get day() {
return this.isValid ? : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the hour of the day (0-23).
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25, 9).hour //=> 9
* @type {number}
get hour() {
return this.isValid ? this.c.hour : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the minute of the hour (0-59).
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25, 9, 30).minute //=> 30
* @type {number}
get minute() {
return this.isValid ? this.c.minute : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the second of the minute (0-59).
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25, 9, 30, 52).second //=> 52
* @type {number}
get second() {
return this.isValid ? this.c.second : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the millisecond of the second (0-999).
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25, 9, 30, 52, 654).millisecond //=> 654
* @type {number}
get millisecond() {
return this.isValid ? this.c.millisecond : NaN;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the week year
* @see
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 12, 31).weekYear //=> 2015
* @type {number}
3 years ago
get weekYear() {
return this.isValid ? possiblyCachedWeekData(this).weekYear : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the week number of the week year (1-52ish).
* @see
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).weekNumber //=> 21
* @type {number}
get weekNumber() {
return this.isValid ? possiblyCachedWeekData(this).weekNumber : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the day of the week.
* 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday
* @see
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 11, 31).weekday //=> 4
* @type {number}
get weekday() {
return this.isValid ? possiblyCachedWeekData(this).weekday : NaN;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the ordinal (meaning the day of the year)
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).ordinal //=> 145
* @type {number|DateTime}
3 years ago
get ordinal() {
return this.isValid ? gregorianToOrdinal(this.c).ordinal : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the human readable short month name, such as 'Oct'.
* Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 10, 30).monthShort //=> Oct
* @type {string}
get monthShort() {
return this.isValid ? Info.months("short", { locObj: this.loc })[this.month - 1] : null;
* Get the human readable long month name, such as 'October'.
* Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 10, 30).monthLong //=> October
* @type {string}
get monthLong() {
return this.isValid ? Info.months("long", { locObj: this.loc })[this.month - 1] : null;
3 years ago
* Get the human readable short weekday, such as 'Mon'.
* Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 10, 30).weekdayShort //=> Mon
* @type {string}
get weekdayShort() {
return this.isValid ? Info.weekdays("short", { locObj: this.loc })[this.weekday - 1] : null;
3 years ago
* Get the human readable long weekday, such as 'Monday'.
* Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 10, 30).weekdayLong //=> Monday
* @type {string}
get weekdayLong() {
return this.isValid ? Info.weekdays("long", { locObj: this.loc })[this.weekday - 1] : null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the UTC offset of this DateTime in minutes
* @example //=> -240
* @example DateTime.utc().offset //=> 0
* @type {number}
3 years ago
get offset() {
return this.isValid ? +this.o : NaN;
3 years ago
* Get the short human name for the zone's current offset, for example "EST" or "EDT".
* Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified
* @type {string}
get offsetNameShort() {
if (this.isValid) {
return, {
format: "short",
locale: this.locale,
} else {
return null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get the long human name for the zone's current offset, for example "Eastern Standard Time" or "Eastern Daylight Time".
* Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified
* @type {string}
get offsetNameLong() {
if (this.isValid) {
return, {
format: "long",
locale: this.locale,
} else {
return null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Get whether this zone's offset ever changes, as in a DST.
* @type {boolean}
get isOffsetFixed() {
return this.isValid ? : null;
3 years ago
* Get whether the DateTime is in a DST.
* @type {boolean}
get isInDST() {
if (this.isOffsetFixed) {
return false;
3 years ago
} else {
return (
this.offset > this.set({ month: 1, day: 1 }).offset ||
this.offset > this.set({ month: 5 }).offset
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns true if this DateTime is in a leap year, false otherwise
* @example DateTime.local(2016).isInLeapYear //=> true
* @example DateTime.local(2013).isInLeapYear //=> false
* @type {boolean}
3 years ago
get isInLeapYear() {
return isLeapYear(this.year);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns the number of days in this DateTime's month
* @example DateTime.local(2016, 2).daysInMonth //=> 29
* @example DateTime.local(2016, 3).daysInMonth //=> 31
* @type {number}
3 years ago
get daysInMonth() {
return daysInMonth(this.year, this.month);
3 years ago
* Returns the number of days in this DateTime's year
* @example DateTime.local(2016).daysInYear //=> 366
* @example DateTime.local(2013).daysInYear //=> 365
* @type {number}
get daysInYear() {
return this.isValid ? daysInYear(this.year) : NaN;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns the number of weeks in this DateTime's year
* @see
* @example DateTime.local(2004).weeksInWeekYear //=> 53
* @example DateTime.local(2013).weeksInWeekYear //=> 52
* @type {number}
3 years ago
get weeksInWeekYear() {
return this.isValid ? weeksInWeekYear(this.weekYear) : NaN;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns the resolved Intl options for this DateTime.
* This is useful in understanding the behavior of formatting methods
* @param {Object} opts - the same options as toLocaleString
* @return {Object}
resolvedLocaleOptions(opts = {}) {
const { locale, numberingSystem, calendar } = Formatter.create(
return { locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar: calendar };
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* "Set" the DateTime's zone to UTC. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.
* Equivalent to {@link DateTime#setZone}('utc')
* @param {number} [offset=0] - optionally, an offset from UTC in minutes
* @param {Object} [opts={}] - options to pass to `setZone()`
* @return {DateTime}
toUTC(offset = 0, opts = {}) {
3 years ago
return this.setZone(FixedOffsetZone.instance(offset), opts);
3 years ago
* "Set" the DateTime's zone to the host's local zone. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.
* Equivalent to `setZone('local')`
* @return {DateTime}
toLocal() {
3 years ago
return this.setZone(Settings.defaultZone);
3 years ago
* "Set" the DateTime's zone to specified zone. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.
* By default, the setter keeps the underlying time the same (as in, the same timestamp), but the new instance will report different local times and consider DSTs when making computations, as with {@link DateTime#plus}. You may wish to use {@link DateTime#toLocal} and {@link DateTime#toUTC} which provide simple convenience wrappers for commonly used zones.
* @param {string|Zone} [zone='local'] - a zone identifier. As a string, that can be any IANA zone supported by the host environment, or a fixed-offset name of the form 'UTC+3', or the strings 'local' or 'utc'. You may also supply an instance of a {@link DateTime#Zone} class.
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {boolean} [opts.keepLocalTime=false] - If true, adjust the underlying time so that the local time stays the same, but in the target zone. You should rarely need this.
* @return {DateTime}
setZone(zone, { keepLocalTime = false, keepCalendarTime = false } = {}) {
3 years ago
zone = normalizeZone(zone, Settings.defaultZone);
if (zone.equals( {
return this;
} else if (!zone.isValid) {
return DateTime.invalid(unsupportedZone(zone));
} else {
let newTS = this.ts;
3 years ago
if (keepLocalTime || keepCalendarTime) {
const offsetGuess = zone.offset(this.ts);
const asObj = this.toObject();
[newTS] = objToTS(asObj, offsetGuess, zone);
3 years ago
return clone(this, { ts: newTS, zone });
3 years ago
3 years ago
* "Set" the locale, numberingSystem, or outputCalendar. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.
* @param {Object} properties - the properties to set
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).reconfigure({ locale: 'en-GB' })
* @return {DateTime}
reconfigure({ locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar } = {}) {
const loc = this.loc.clone({ locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar });
return clone(this, { loc });
3 years ago
3 years ago
* "Set" the locale. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.
* Just a convenient alias for reconfigure({ locale })
* @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).setLocale('en-GB')
* @return {DateTime}
setLocale(locale) {
return this.reconfigure({ locale });
3 years ago
3 years ago
* "Set" the values of specified units. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.
* You can only set units with this method; for "setting" metadata, see {@link DateTime#reconfigure} and {@link DateTime#setZone}.
* @param {Object} values - a mapping of units to numbers
* @example dt.set({ year: 2017 })
* @example dt.set({ hour: 8, minute: 30 })
* @example dt.set({ weekday: 5 })
* @example dt.set({ year: 2005, ordinal: 234 })
* @return {DateTime}
set(values) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const normalized = normalizeObject(values, normalizeUnit),
settingWeekStuff =
!isUndefined(normalized.weekYear) ||
!isUndefined(normalized.weekNumber) ||
containsOrdinal = !isUndefined(normalized.ordinal),
containsGregorYear = !isUndefined(normalized.year),
containsGregorMD = !isUndefined(normalized.month) || !isUndefined(,
containsGregor = containsGregorYear || containsGregorMD,
definiteWeekDef = normalized.weekYear || normalized.weekNumber;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if ((containsGregor || containsOrdinal) && definiteWeekDef) {
throw new ConflictingSpecificationError(
"Can't mix weekYear/weekNumber units with year/month/day or ordinals"
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (containsGregorMD && containsOrdinal) {
throw new ConflictingSpecificationError("Can't mix ordinal dates with month/day");
3 years ago
let mixed;
3 years ago
if (settingWeekStuff) {
mixed = weekToGregorian({ ...gregorianToWeek(this.c), ...normalized });
3 years ago
} else if (!isUndefined(normalized.ordinal)) {
mixed = ordinalToGregorian({ ...gregorianToOrdinal(this.c), ...normalized });
3 years ago
} else {
mixed = { ...this.toObject(), ...normalized };
3 years ago
// if we didn't set the day but we ended up on an overflow date,
// use the last day of the right month
3 years ago
if (isUndefined( { = Math.min(daysInMonth(mixed.year, mixed.month),;
3 years ago
const [ts, o] = objToTS(mixed, this.o,;
return clone(this, { ts, o });
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Add a period of time to this DateTime and return the resulting DateTime
* Adding hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds increases the timestamp by the right number of milliseconds. Adding days, months, or years shifts the calendar, accounting for DSTs and leap years along the way. Thus, `{ hours: 24 })` may result in a different time than `{ days: 1 })` if there's a DST shift in between.
* @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The amount to add. Either a Luxon Duration, a number of milliseconds, the object argument to Duration.fromObject()
* @example //~> in 123 milliseconds
* @example{ minutes: 15 }) //~> in 15 minutes
* @example{ days: 1 }) //~> this time tomorrow
* @example{ days: -1 }) //~> this time yesterday
* @example{ hours: 3, minutes: 13 }) //~> in 3 hr, 13 min
* @example{ hours: 3, minutes: 13 })) //~> in 3 hr, 13 min
* @return {DateTime}
plus(duration) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const dur = Duration.fromDurationLike(duration);
3 years ago
return clone(this, adjustTime(this, dur));
3 years ago
* Subtract a period of time to this DateTime and return the resulting DateTime
* See {@link DateTime#plus}
* @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The amount to subtract. Either a Luxon Duration, a number of milliseconds, the object argument to Duration.fromObject()
@return {DateTime}
minus(duration) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const dur = Duration.fromDurationLike(duration).negate();
3 years ago
return clone(this, adjustTime(this, dur));
3 years ago
* "Set" this DateTime to the beginning of a unit of time.
* @param {string} unit - The unit to go to the beginning of. Can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', or 'millisecond'.
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).startOf('month').toISODate(); //=> '2014-03-01'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).startOf('year').toISODate(); //=> '2014-01-01'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).startOf('week').toISODate(); //=> '2014-03-03', weeks always start on Mondays
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3, 5, 30).startOf('day').toISOTime(); //=> '00:00.000-05:00'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3, 5, 30).startOf('hour').toISOTime(); //=> '05:00:00.000-05:00'
* @return {DateTime}
startOf(unit) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return this;
const o = {},
normalizedUnit = Duration.normalizeUnit(unit);
3 years ago
switch (normalizedUnit) {
case "years":
o.month = 1;
// falls through
case "quarters":
case "months": = 1;
// falls through
case "weeks":
case "days":
o.hour = 0;
// falls through
case "hours":
o.minute = 0;
// falls through
case "minutes":
o.second = 0;
// falls through
case "seconds":
o.millisecond = 0;
// no default, invalid units throw in normalizeUnit()
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (normalizedUnit === "weeks") {
o.weekday = 1;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (normalizedUnit === "quarters") {
const q = Math.ceil(this.month / 3);
3 years ago
o.month = (q - 1) * 3 + 1;
return this.set(o);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* "Set" this DateTime to the end (meaning the last millisecond) of a unit of time
* @param {string} unit - The unit to go to the end of. Can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', or 'millisecond'.
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).endOf('month').toISO(); //=> '2014-03-31T23:59:59.999-05:00'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).endOf('year').toISO(); //=> '2014-12-31T23:59:59.999-05:00'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).endOf('week').toISO(); // => '2014-03-09T23:59:59.999-05:00', weeks start on Mondays
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3, 5, 30).endOf('day').toISO(); //=> '2014-03-03T23:59:59.999-05:00'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3, 5, 30).endOf('hour').toISO(); //=> '2014-03-03T05:59:59.999-05:00'
* @return {DateTime}
endOf(unit) {
return this.isValid
?{ [unit]: 1 })
: this;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime formatted according to the specified format string.
* **You may not want this.** See {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} for a more flexible formatting tool. For a table of tokens and their interpretations, see [here](
* Defaults to en-US if no locale has been specified, regardless of the system's locale.
* @param {string} fmt - the format string
* @param {Object} opts - opts to override the configuration options on this DateTime
* @example'yyyy LLL dd') //=> '2017 Apr 22'
* @example'fr').toFormat('yyyy LLL dd') //=> '2017 avr. 22'
* @example'yyyy LLL dd', { locale: "fr" }) //=> '2017 avr. 22'
* @example"HH 'hours and' mm 'minutes'") //=> '20 hours and 55 minutes'
* @return {string}
toFormat(fmt, opts = {}) {
return this.isValid
? Formatter.create(this.loc.redefaultToEN(opts)).formatDateTimeFromString(this, fmt)
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a localized string representing this date. Accepts the same options as the Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor and any presets defined by Luxon, such as `DateTime.DATE_FULL` or `DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE`.
* The exact behavior of this method is browser-specific, but in general it will return an appropriate representation
* of the DateTime in the assigned locale.
* Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified
* @see
* @param formatOpts {Object} - Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor options and configuration options
* @param {Object} opts - opts to override the configuration options on this DateTime
* @example; //=> 4/20/2017
* @example'en-gb').toLocaleString(); //=> '20/04/2017'
* @example; //=> 'April 20, 2017'
* @example, { locale: 'fr' }); //=> '28 août 2022'
3 years ago
* @example; //=> '11:32 AM'
* @example; //=> '4/20/2017, 11:32 AM'
* @example{ weekday: 'long', month: 'long', day: '2-digit' }); //=> 'Thursday, April 20'
* @example{ weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: '2-digit', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); //=> 'Thu, Apr 20, 11:27 AM'
* @example{ hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', hourCycle: 'h23' }); //=> '11:32'
* @return {string}
toLocaleString(formatOpts = DATE_SHORT, opts = {}) {
return this.isValid
? Formatter.create(this.loc.clone(opts), formatOpts).formatDateTime(this)
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an array of format "parts", meaning individual tokens along with metadata. This is allows callers to post-process individual sections of the formatted output.
* Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified
* @see
* @param opts {Object} - Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor options, same as `toLocaleString`.
* @example; //=> [
* //=> { type: 'day', value: '25' },
* //=> { type: 'literal', value: '/' },
* //=> { type: 'month', value: '05' },
* //=> { type: 'literal', value: '/' },
* //=> { type: 'year', value: '1982' }
* //=> ]
toLocaleParts(opts = {}) {
return this.isValid
? Formatter.create(this.loc.clone(opts), opts).formatDateTimeParts(this)
: [];
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {boolean} [opts.suppressMilliseconds=false] - exclude milliseconds from the format if they're 0
* @param {boolean} [opts.suppressSeconds=false] - exclude seconds from the format if they're 0
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffset=true] - include the offset, such as 'Z' or '-04:00'
* @param {boolean} [opts.extendedZone=false] - add the time zone format extension
3 years ago
* @param {string} [opts.format='extended'] - choose between the basic and extended format
* @example DateTime.utc(1983, 5, 25).toISO() //=> '1982-05-25T00:00:00.000Z'
* @example //=> '2017-04-22T20:47:05.335-04:00'
* @example{ includeOffset: false }) //=> '2017-04-22T20:47:05.335'
* @example{ format: 'basic' }) //=> '20170422T204705.335-0400'
* @return {string}
format = "extended",
suppressSeconds = false,
suppressMilliseconds = false,
includeOffset = true,
extendedZone = false,
} = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) {
return null;
3 years ago
const ext = format === "extended";
3 years ago
let c = toISODate(this, ext);
3 years ago
c += "T";
c += toISOTime(this, ext, suppressSeconds, suppressMilliseconds, includeOffset, extendedZone);
3 years ago
return c;
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's date component
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {string} [opts.format='extended'] - choose between the basic and extended format
* @example DateTime.utc(1982, 5, 25).toISODate() //=> '1982-05-25'
* @example DateTime.utc(1982, 5, 25).toISODate({ format: 'basic' }) //=> '19820525'
* @return {string}
toISODate({ format = "extended" } = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) {
return null;
3 years ago
return toISODate(this, format === "extended");
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's week date
* @example DateTime.utc(1982, 5, 25).toISOWeekDate() //=> '1982-W21-2'
* @return {string}
toISOWeekDate() {
3 years ago
return toTechFormat(this, "kkkk-'W'WW-c");
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's time component
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {boolean} [opts.suppressMilliseconds=false] - exclude milliseconds from the format if they're 0
* @param {boolean} [opts.suppressSeconds=false] - exclude seconds from the format if they're 0
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffset=true] - include the offset, such as 'Z' or '-04:00'
3 years ago
* @param {boolean} [opts.extendedZone=true] - add the time zone format extension
3 years ago
* @param {boolean} [opts.includePrefix=false] - include the `T` prefix
* @param {string} [opts.format='extended'] - choose between the basic and extended format
* @example DateTime.utc().set({ hour: 7, minute: 34 }).toISOTime() //=> '07:34:19.361Z'
* @example DateTime.utc().set({ hour: 7, minute: 34, seconds: 0, milliseconds: 0 }).toISOTime({ suppressSeconds: true }) //=> '07:34Z'
* @example DateTime.utc().set({ hour: 7, minute: 34 }).toISOTime({ format: 'basic' }) //=> '073419.361Z'
* @example DateTime.utc().set({ hour: 7, minute: 34 }).toISOTime({ includePrefix: true }) //=> 'T07:34:19.361Z'
* @return {string}
suppressMilliseconds = false,
suppressSeconds = false,
includeOffset = true,
includePrefix = false,
extendedZone = false,
format = "extended",
} = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) {
return null;
3 years ago
let c = includePrefix ? "T" : "";
return (
c +
format === "extended",
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns an RFC 2822-compatible string representation of this DateTime
* @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13).toRFC2822() //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 00:00:00 +0000'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 7, 13).toRFC2822() //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 00:00:00 -0400'
* @return {string}
toRFC2822() {
3 years ago
return toTechFormat(this, "EEE, dd LLL yyyy HH:mm:ss ZZZ", false);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in HTTP headers. The output is always expressed in GMT.
* Specifically, the string conforms to RFC 1123.
* @see
* @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13).toHTTP() //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMT'
* @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13, 19).toHTTP() //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 19:00:00 GMT'
* @return {string}
toHTTP() {
3 years ago
return toTechFormat(this.toUTC(), "EEE, dd LLL yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'");
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL Date
* @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13).toSQLDate() //=> '2014-07-13'
* @return {string}
toSQLDate() {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) {
return null;
return toISODate(this, true);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL Time
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeZone=false] - include the zone, such as 'America/New_York'. Overrides includeOffset.
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffset=true] - include the offset, such as 'Z' or '-04:00'
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffsetSpace=true] - include the space between the time and the offset, such as '05:15:16.345 -04:00'
* @example DateTime.utc().toSQL() //=> '05:15:16.345'
* @example //=> '05:15:16.345 -04:00'
* @example{ includeOffset: false }) //=> '05:15:16.345'
* @example{ includeZone: false }) //=> '05:15:16.345 America/New_York'
* @return {string}
toSQLTime({ includeOffset = true, includeZone = false, includeOffsetSpace = true } = {}) {
let fmt = "HH:mm:ss.SSS";
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (includeZone || includeOffset) {
if (includeOffsetSpace) {
fmt += " ";
if (includeZone) {
fmt += "z";
} else if (includeOffset) {
fmt += "ZZ";
3 years ago
3 years ago
return toTechFormat(this, fmt, true);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL DateTime
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeZone=false] - include the zone, such as 'America/New_York'. Overrides includeOffset.
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffset=true] - include the offset, such as 'Z' or '-04:00'
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffsetSpace=true] - include the space between the time and the offset, such as '05:15:16.345 -04:00'
* @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13).toSQL() //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000 Z'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 7, 13).toSQL() //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000 -04:00'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 7, 13).toSQL({ includeOffset: false }) //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000'
* @example DateTime.local(2014, 7, 13).toSQL({ includeZone: true }) //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000 America/New_York'
* @return {string}
toSQL(opts = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) {
return null;
return `${this.toSQLDate()} ${this.toSQLTime(opts)}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for debugging
* @return {string}
toString() {
3 years ago
return this.isValid ? this.toISO() : INVALID;
3 years ago
* Returns the epoch milliseconds of this DateTime. Alias of {@link DateTime#toMillis}
* @return {number}
valueOf() {
3 years ago
return this.toMillis();
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns the epoch milliseconds of this DateTime.
* @return {number}
toMillis() {
3 years ago
return this.isValid ? this.ts : NaN;
3 years ago
* Returns the epoch seconds of this DateTime.
* @return {number}
toSeconds() {
3 years ago
return this.isValid ? this.ts / 1000 : NaN;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns the epoch seconds (as a whole number) of this DateTime.
* @return {number}
toUnixInteger() {
3 years ago
return this.isValid ? Math.floor(this.ts / 1000) : NaN;
3 years ago
* Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in JSON.
* @return {string}
toJSON() {
3 years ago
return this.toISO();
3 years ago
* Returns a BSON serializable equivalent to this DateTime.
* @return {Date}
toBSON() {
3 years ago
return this.toJSDate();
3 years ago
* Returns a JavaScript object with this DateTime's year, month, day, and so on.
* @param opts - options for generating the object
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeConfig=false] - include configuration attributes in the output
* @example //=> { year: 2017, month: 4, day: 22, hour: 20, minute: 49, second: 42, millisecond: 268 }
* @return {Object}
toObject(opts = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return {};
3 years ago
const base = { ...this.c };
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (opts.includeConfig) {
base.outputCalendar = this.outputCalendar;
base.numberingSystem = this.loc.numberingSystem;
base.locale = this.loc.locale;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return base;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a JavaScript Date equivalent to this DateTime.
* @return {Date}
toJSDate() {
3 years ago
return new Date(this.isValid ? this.ts : NaN);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return the difference between two DateTimes as a Duration.
* @param {DateTime} otherDateTime - the DateTime to compare this one to
* @param {string|string[]} [unit=['milliseconds']] - the unit or array of units (such as 'hours' or 'days') to include in the duration.
* @param {Object} opts - options that affect the creation of the Duration
* @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use
* @example
* var i1 = DateTime.fromISO('1982-05-25T09:45'),
* i2 = DateTime.fromISO('1983-10-14T10:30');
* i2.diff(i1).toObject() //=> { milliseconds: 43807500000 }
* i2.diff(i1, 'hours').toObject() //=> { hours: 12168.75 }
* i2.diff(i1, ['months', 'days']).toObject() //=> { months: 16, days: 19.03125 }
* i2.diff(i1, ['months', 'days', 'hours']).toObject() //=> { months: 16, days: 19, hours: 0.75 }
* @return {Duration}
diff(otherDateTime, unit = "milliseconds", opts = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid || !otherDateTime.isValid) {
return Duration.invalid("created by diffing an invalid DateTime");
3 years ago
const durOpts = { locale: this.locale, numberingSystem: this.numberingSystem, ...opts };
3 years ago
const units = maybeArray(unit).map(Duration.normalizeUnit),
otherIsLater = otherDateTime.valueOf() > this.valueOf(),
earlier = otherIsLater ? this : otherDateTime,
later = otherIsLater ? otherDateTime : this,
diffed = diff(earlier, later, units, durOpts);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return otherIsLater ? diffed.negate() : diffed;
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return the difference between this DateTime and right now.
* See {@link DateTime#diff}
* @param {string|string[]} [unit=['milliseconds']] - the unit or units units (such as 'hours' or 'days') to include in the duration
* @param {Object} opts - options that affect the creation of the Duration
* @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use
* @return {Duration}
diffNow(unit = "milliseconds", opts = {}) {
3 years ago
return this.diff(, unit, opts);
3 years ago
* Return an Interval spanning between this DateTime and another DateTime
* @param {DateTime} otherDateTime - the other end point of the Interval
* @return {Interval}
until(otherDateTime) {
3 years ago
return this.isValid ? Interval.fromDateTimes(this, otherDateTime) : this;
3 years ago
* Return whether this DateTime is in the same unit of time as another DateTime.
* Higher-order units must also be identical for this function to return `true`.
* Note that time zones are **ignored** in this comparison, which compares the **local** calendar time. Use {@link DateTime#setZone} to convert one of the dates if needed.
* @param {DateTime} otherDateTime - the other DateTime
* @param {string} unit - the unit of time to check sameness on
* @example, 'day'); //~> true if otherDT is in the same current calendar day
* @return {boolean}
hasSame(otherDateTime, unit) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return false;
const inputMs = otherDateTime.valueOf();
const adjustedToZone = this.setZone(, { keepLocalTime: true });
3 years ago
return adjustedToZone.startOf(unit) <= inputMs && inputMs <= adjustedToZone.endOf(unit);
3 years ago
* Equality check
* Two DateTimes are equal if and only if they represent the same millisecond, have the same zone and location, and are both valid.
3 years ago
* To compare just the millisecond values, use `+dt1 === +dt2`.
* @param {DateTime} other - the other DateTime
* @return {boolean}
equals(other) {
return (
this.isValid &&
other.isValid &&
this.valueOf() === other.valueOf() && &&
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of a this time relative to now, such as "in two days". Can only internationalize if your
* platform supports Intl.RelativeTimeFormat. Rounds down by default.
* @param {Object} options - options that affect the output
* @param {DateTime} [] - the DateTime to use as the basis to which this time is compared. Defaults to now.
* @param {string} ["long"] - the style of units, must be "long", "short", or "narrow"
* @param {string|string[]} options.unit - use a specific unit or array of units; if omitted, or an array, the method will pick the best unit. Use an array or one of "years", "quarters", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", or "seconds"
* @param {boolean} [options.round=true] - whether to round the numbers in the output.
* @param {number} [options.padding=0] - padding in milliseconds. This allows you to round up the result if it fits inside the threshold. Don't use in combination with {round: false} because the decimal output will include the padding.
* @param {string} options.locale - override the locale of this DateTime
* @param {string} options.numberingSystem - override the numberingSystem of this DateTime. The Intl system may choose not to honor this
* @example{ days: 1 }).toRelative() //=> "in 1 day"
* @example"es").toRelative({ days: 1 }) //=> "dentro de 1 día"
* @example{ days: 1 }).toRelative({ locale: "fr" }) //=> "dans 23 heures"
* @example{ days: 2 }).toRelative() //=> "2 days ago"
* @example{ days: 2 }).toRelative({ unit: "hours" }) //=> "48 hours ago"
* @example{ hours: 36 }).toRelative({ round: false }) //=> "1.5 days ago"
toRelative(options = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return null;
const base = options.base || DateTime.fromObject({}, { zone: }),
padding = options.padding ? (this < base ? -options.padding : options.padding) : 0;
let units = ["years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"];
let unit = options.unit;
3 years ago
if (Array.isArray(options.unit)) {
units = options.unit;
unit = undefined;
return diffRelative(base,, {
3 years ago
numeric: "always",
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Returns a string representation of this date relative to today, such as "yesterday" or "next month".
* Only internationalizes on platforms that supports Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.
* @param {Object} options - options that affect the output
* @param {DateTime} [] - the DateTime to use as the basis to which this time is compared. Defaults to now.
* @param {string} options.locale - override the locale of this DateTime
* @param {string} options.unit - use a specific unit; if omitted, the method will pick the unit. Use one of "years", "quarters", "months", "weeks", or "days"
* @param {string} options.numberingSystem - override the numberingSystem of this DateTime. The Intl system may choose not to honor this
* @example{ days: 1 }).toRelativeCalendar() //=> "tomorrow"
* @example"es").plus({ days: 1 }).toRelative() //=> ""mañana"
* @example{ days: 1 }).toRelativeCalendar({ locale: "fr" }) //=> "demain"
* @example{ days: 2 }).toRelativeCalendar() //=> "2 days ago"
toRelativeCalendar(options = {}) {
3 years ago
if (!this.isValid) return null;
return diffRelative(options.base || DateTime.fromObject({}, { zone: }), this, {
3 years ago
numeric: "auto",
units: ["years", "months", "days"],
calendary: true,
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return the min of several date times
* @param {...DateTime} dateTimes - the DateTimes from which to choose the minimum
* @return {DateTime} the min DateTime, or undefined if called with no argument
static min(...dateTimes) {
3 years ago
if (!dateTimes.every(DateTime.isDateTime)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError("min requires all arguments be DateTimes");
return bestBy(dateTimes, (i) => i.valueOf(), Math.min);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Return the max of several date times
* @param {...DateTime} dateTimes - the DateTimes from which to choose the maximum
* @return {DateTime} the max DateTime, or undefined if called with no argument
static max(...dateTimes) {
3 years ago
if (!dateTimes.every(DateTime.isDateTime)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError("max requires all arguments be DateTimes");
3 years ago
return bestBy(dateTimes, (i) => i.valueOf(), Math.max);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Explain how a string would be parsed by fromFormat()
* @param {string} text - the string to parse
* @param {string} fmt - the format the string is expected to be in (see description)
* @param {Object} options - options taken by fromFormat()
* @return {Object}
static fromFormatExplain(text, fmt, options = {}) {
const { locale = null, numberingSystem = null } = options,
localeToUse = Locale.fromOpts({
defaultToEN: true,
return explainFromTokens(localeToUse, text, fmt);
3 years ago
* @deprecated use fromFormatExplain instead
static fromStringExplain(text, fmt, options = {}) {
return DateTime.fromFormatExplain(text, fmt, options);
3 years ago
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 10/14/1983
* @type {Object}
static get DATE_SHORT() {
return DATE_SHORT;
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'Oct 14, 1983'
* @type {Object}
static get DATE_MED() {
return DATE_MED;
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'Fri, Oct 14, 1983'
* @type {Object}
static get DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'October 14, 1983'
* @type {Object}
static get DATE_FULL() {
return DATE_FULL;
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'Tuesday, October 14, 1983'
* @type {Object}
static get DATE_HUGE() {
return DATE_HUGE;
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '09:30 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
static get TIME_SIMPLE() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
static get TIME_WITH_SECONDS() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 AM EDT'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
static get TIME_WITH_LONG_OFFSET() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '09:30', always 24-hour.
* @type {Object}
static get TIME_24_SIMPLE() {
return TIME_24_SIMPLE;
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23', always 24-hour.
* @type {Object}
static get TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 EDT', always 24-hour.
* @type {Object}
static get TIME_24_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 Eastern Daylight Time', always 24-hour.
* @type {Object}
static get TIME_24_WITH_LONG_OFFSET() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '10/14/1983, 9:30 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
static get DATETIME_SHORT() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like '10/14/1983, 9:30:33 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'Oct 14, 1983, 9:30 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
static get DATETIME_MED() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'Oct 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'Fri, 14 Oct 1983, 9:30 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'October 14, 1983, 9:30 AM EDT'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
static get DATETIME_FULL() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'October 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM EDT'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'Friday, October 14, 1983, 9:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
static get DATETIME_HUGE() {
3 years ago
* {@link DateTime#toLocaleString} format like 'Friday, October 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.
* @type {Object}
* @private
3 years ago
function friendlyDateTime(dateTimeish) {
if (DateTime.isDateTime(dateTimeish)) {
return dateTimeish;
} else if (dateTimeish && dateTimeish.valueOf && isNumber(dateTimeish.valueOf())) {
return DateTime.fromJSDate(dateTimeish);
} else if (dateTimeish && typeof dateTimeish === "object") {
return DateTime.fromObject(dateTimeish);
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentError(
`Unknown datetime argument: ${dateTimeish}, of type ${typeof dateTimeish}`
const VERSION = "3.2.1";
var Luxon = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
DateTime: DateTime,
Duration: Duration,
Interval: Interval,
Info: Info,
Zone: Zone,
FixedOffsetZone: FixedOffsetZone,
InvalidZone: InvalidZone,
SystemZone: SystemZone,
Settings: Settings
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Query Settings //
renderNullAs: "\\-",
taskCompletionTracking: false,
3 years ago
taskCompletionUseEmojiShorthand: false,
3 years ago
taskCompletionText: "completion",
3 years ago
taskCompletionDateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd",
recursiveSubTaskCompletion: false,
3 years ago
warnOnEmptyResult: true,
refreshEnabled: true,
refreshInterval: 2500,
defaultDateFormat: "MMMM dd, yyyy",
defaultDateTimeFormat: "h:mm a - MMMM dd, yyyy",
maxRecursiveRenderDepth: 4,
tableIdColumnName: "File",
tableGroupColumnName: "Group",
showResultCount: true,
3 years ago
3 years ago
allowHtml: true,
3 years ago
/** Default settings for dataview on install. */
3 years ago
3 years ago
inlineQueryPrefix: "=",
inlineJsQueryPrefix: "$=",
3 years ago
inlineQueriesInCodeblocks: true,
enableInlineDataview: true,
3 years ago
enableDataviewJs: false,
enableInlineDataviewJs: false,
prettyRenderInlineFields: true,
dataviewJsKeyword: "dataviewjs",
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Functional return type for error handling. */
class Success {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
this.successful = true;
map(f) {
return new Success(f(this.value));
flatMap(f) {
return f(this.value);
mapErr(f) {
return this;
bimap(succ, _fail) {
orElse(_value) {
return this.value;
3 years ago
cast() {
return this;
3 years ago
orElseThrow(_message) {
return this.value;
/** Functional return type for error handling. */
class Failure {
constructor(error) {
this.error = error;
this.successful = false;
map(_f) {
return this;
flatMap(_f) {
return this;
mapErr(f) {
return new Failure(f(this.error));
bimap(_succ, fail) {
return this.mapErr(fail);
orElse(value) {
return value;
3 years ago
cast() {
return this;
3 years ago
orElseThrow(message) {
if (message)
throw new Error(message(this.error));
throw new Error("" + this.error);
/** Monadic 'Result' type which encapsulates whether a procedure succeeded or failed, as well as it's return value. */
var Result;
(function (Result) {
3 years ago
/** Construct a new success result wrapping the given value. */
3 years ago
function success(value) {
return new Success(value);
Result.success = success;
3 years ago
/** Construct a new failure value wrapping the given error. */
3 years ago
function failure(error) {
return new Failure(error);
Result.failure = failure;
3 years ago
/** Join two results with a bi-function and return a new result. */
3 years ago
function flatMap2(first, second, f) {
if (first.successful) {
if (second.successful)
return f(first.value, second.value);
return failure(second.error);
else {
return failure(first.error);
Result.flatMap2 = flatMap2;
3 years ago
/** Join two results with a bi-function and return a new result. */
3 years ago
function map2(first, second, f) {
return flatMap2(first, second, (a, b) => success(f(a, b)));
Result.map2 = map2;
})(Result || (Result = {}));
3 years ago
var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
function commonjsRequire (path) {
throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + path + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.');
3 years ago
var parsimmon_umd_min = {exports: {}};
3 years ago
3 years ago
(function (module, exports) {
!function(n,t){module.exports=t();}("undefined"!=typeof self?self:commonjsGlobal,function(){return function(n){var t={};function r(e){if(t[e])return t[e].exports;var u=t[e]={i:e,l:!1,exports:{}};return n[e].call(u.exports,u,u.exports,r),u.l=!0,u.exports}return r.m=n,r.c=t,r.d=function(n,t,e){r.o(n,t)||Object.defineProperty(n,t,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:e});},r.r=function(n){Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0});},r.n=function(n){var t=n&&n.__esModule?function(){return n.default}:function(){return n};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(n,t){return,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=0)}([function(n,t,r){function e(n){if(!(this instanceof e))return new e(n);this._=n;}var u=e.prototype;function o(n,t){for(var r=0;r<n;r++)t(r);}function i(n,t,r){return function(n,t){o(t.length,function(r){n(t[r],r,t);});}(function(r,e,u){t=n(t,r,e,u);},r),t}function a(n,t){return i(function(t,r,e,u){return t.concat([n(r,e,u)])},[],t)}function f(n,t){var r={v:0,buf:t};return o(n,function(){var n;r={v:r.v<<1|(n=r.buf,n[0]>>7),buf:function(n){var t=i(function(n,t,r,e){return n.concat(r===e.length-1?Buffer.from([t,0]).readUInt16BE(0):e.readUInt16BE(r))},[],n);return Buffer.from(a(function(n){return (n<<1&65535)>>8},t))}(r.buf)};}),r}function c(){return "undefined"!=typeof Buffer}function s(){if(!c())throw new Error("Buffer global does not exist; please use webpack if you need to parse Buffers in the browser.")}function l(n){s();var t=i(function(n,t){return n+t},0,n);if(t%8!=0)throw new Error("The bits ["+n.join(", ")+"] add up to "+t+" which is not an even number of bytes; the total should be divisible by 8");var r,u=t/8,o=(r=function(n){return n>48},i(function(n,t){return n||(r(t)?t:n)},null,n));if(o)throw new Error(o+" bit range requested exceeds 48 bit (6 byte) Number max.");return new e(function(t,r){var e=u+r;return e>t.length?x(r,u.toString()+" bytes"):b(e,i(function(n,t){var r=f(t,n.buf);return {coll:n.coll.concat(r.v),buf:r.buf}},{coll:[],buf:t.slice(r,e)},n).coll)})}function h(n,t){return new e(function(r,e){return s(),e+t>r.length?x(e,t+" bytes for "+n):b(e+t,r.slice(e,e+t))})}function p(n,t){if("number"!=typeof(r=t)||Math.floor(r)!==r||t<0||t>6)throw new Error(n+" requires integer length in range [0, 6].");var r;}function d(n){return p("uintBE",n),h("uintBE("+n+")",n).map(function(t){return t.readUIntBE(0,n)})}function v(n){return p("uintLE",n),h("uintLE("+n+")",n).map(function(t){return t.readUIntLE(0,n)})}function g(n){return p("intBE",n),h("intBE("+n+")",n).map(function(t){return t.readIntBE(0,n)})}function m(n){return p("intLE",n),h("intLE("+n+")",n).map(function(t){return t.readIntLE(0,n)})}function y(n){return n instanceof e}function E(n){return "[object Array]"==={}}function w(n){return c()&&Buffer.isBuffer(n)}function b(n,t){return {status:!0,index:n,value:t,furthest:-1,expected:[]}}function x(n,t){return E(t)||(t=[t]),{status:!1,index:-1,value:null,furthest:n,expected:t}}function B(n,t){if(!t)return n;if(n.furthest>t.furthest)return n;var r=n.furthest===t.furthest?function(n,t){if(function(){if(void 0!==e._supportsSet)return e._supportsSet;var n="undefined"!=typeof Set;return e._supportsSet=n,n}()&&Array.from){for(var r=new Set(n),u=0;u<t.length;u++)r.add(t[u]);var o=Array.from(r);return o.sort(),o}for(var i={},a=0;a<n.length;a++)i[n[a]]=!0;for(var f=0;f<t.length;f++)i[t[f]]=!0;var c=[];for(var s in i)({}),s)&&c.push(s);return c.sort(),c}(n.expected,t.expected):t.expected;return {status:n.status,index:n.index,value:n.value,furthest:t.furthest,expected:r}}var j={};function S(n,t){if(w(n))return {offset:t,line:-1,column:-1};n in j||(j[n]={});for(var r=j[n],e=0,u=0,o=0,i=t;i>=0;){if(i in r){e=r[i].line,0===o&&(o=r[i].lineStart);break}("\n"===n.charAt(i)||"\r"===n.charAt(i)&&"\n"!==n.charAt(i+1))&&(u++,0===o&&(o=i+1)),i--;}var a=e+u,f=t-o;return r[t]={line:a,lineStart:o},{offset:t,line:a+1,column:f+1}}function _(n){if(!y(n))throw new Error("not a parser: "+n)}function L(n,t){return "string"==typeof n?n.charAt(t):n[t]}function O(n){if("number"!=typeof
3 years ago
3 years ago
var emojiRegex = () => {
return /(?:[#*0-9]\uFE0F?\u20E3|[\xA9\xAE\u203C\u2049\u2122\u2139\u2194-\u2199\u21A9\u21AA\u231A\u231B\u2328\u23CF\u23ED-\u23EF\u23F1\u23F2\u23F8-\u23FA\u24C2\u25AA\u25AB\u25B6\u25C0\u25FB\u25FC\u25FE\u2600-\u2604\u260E\u2611\u2614\u2615\u2618\u2620\u2622\u2623\u2626\u262A\u262E\u262F\u2638-\u263A\u2640\u2642\u2648-\u2653\u265F\u2660\u2663\u2665\u2666\u2668\u267B\u267E\u267F\u2692\u2694-\u2697\u2699\u269B\u269C\u26A0\u26A7\u26AA\u26B0\u26B1\u26BD\u26BE\u26C4\u26C8\u26CF\u26D1\u26D3\u26E9\u26F0-\u26F5\u26F7\u26F8\u26FA\u2702\u2708\u2709\u270F\u2712\u2714\u2716\u271D\u2721\u2733\u2734\u2744\u2747\u2757\u2763\u27A1\u2934\u2935\u2B05-\u2B07\u2B1B\u2B1C\u2B55\u3030\u303D\u3297\u3299]\uFE0F?|[\u261D\u270C\u270D](?:\uFE0F|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?|[\u270A\u270B](?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?|[\u23E9-\u23EC\u23F0\u23F3\u25FD\u2693\u26A1\u26AB\u26C5\u26CE\u26D4\u26EA\u26FD\u2705\u2728\u274C\u274E\u2753-\u2755\u2795-\u2797\u27B0\u27BF\u2B50]|\u26F9(?:\uFE0F|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?(?:\u200D[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?)?|\u2764\uFE0F?(?:\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDD25|\uD83E\uDE79))?|\uD83C(?:[\uDC04\uDD70\uDD71\uDD7E\uDD7F\uDE02\uDE37\uDF21\uDF24-\uDF2C\uDF36\uDF7D\uDF96\uDF97\uDF99-\uDF9B\uDF9E\uDF9F\uDFCD\uDFCE\uDFD4-\uDFDF\uDFF5\uDFF7]\uFE0F?|[\uDF85\uDFC2\uDFC7](?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?|[\uDFC3\uDFC4\uDFCA](?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?(?:\u200D[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?)?|[\uDFCB\uDFCC](?:\uFE0F|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?(?:\u200D[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?)?|[\uDCCF\uDD8E\uDD91-\uDD9A\uDE01\uDE1A\uDE2F\uDE32-\uDE36\uDE38-\uDE3A\uDE50\uDE51\uDF00-\uDF20\uDF2D-\uDF35\uDF37-\uDF7C\uDF7E-\uDF84\uDF86-\uDF93\uDFA0-\uDFC1\uDFC5\uDFC6\uDFC8\uDFC9\uDFCF-\uDFD3\uDFE0-\uDFF0\uDFF8-\uDFFF]|\uDDE6\uD83C[\uDDE8-\uDDEC\uDDEE\uDDF1\uDDF2\uDDF4\uDDF6-\uDDFA\uDDFC\uDDFD\uDDFF]|\uDDE7\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE7\uDDE9-\uDDEF\uDDF1-\uDDF4\uDDF6-\uDDF9\uDDFB\uDDFC\uDDFE\uDDFF]|\uDDE8\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDE9\uDDEB-\uDDEE\uDDF0-\uDDF5\uDDF7\uDDFA-\uDDFF]|\uDDE9\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDEC\uDDEF\uDDF0\uDDF2\uDDF4\uDDFF]|\uDDEA\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDEA\uDDEC\uDDED\uDDF7-\uDDFA]|\uDDEB\uD83C[\uDDEE-\uDDF0\uDDF2\uDDF4\uDDF7]|\uDDEC\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE7\uDDE9-\uDDEE\uDDF1-\uDDF3\uDDF5-\uDDFA\uDDFC\uDDFE]|\uDDED\uD83C[\uDDF0\uDDF2\uDDF3\uDDF7\uDDF9\uDDFA]|\uDDEE\uD83C[\uDDE8-\uDDEA\uDDF1-\uDDF4\uDDF6-\uDDF9]|\uDDEF\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDF2\uDDF4\uDDF5]|\uDDF0\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDEC-\uDDEE\uDDF2\uDDF3\uDDF5\uDDF7\uDDFC\uDDFE\uDDFF]|\uDDF1\uD83C[\uDDE6-\uDDE8\uDDEE\uDDF0\uDDF7-\uDDFB\uDDFE]|\uDDF2\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8-\uDDED\uDDF0-\uDDFF]|\uDDF3\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDEA-\uDDEC\uDDEE\uDDF1\uDDF4\uDDF5\uDDF7\uDDFA\uDDFF]|\uDDF4\uD83C\uDDF2|\uDDF5\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDEA-\uDDED\uDDF0-\uDDF3\uDDF7-\uDDF9\uDDFC\uDDFE]|\uDDF6\uD83C\uDDE6|\uDDF7\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDF4\uDDF8\uDDFA\uDDFC]|\uDDF8\uD83C[\uDDE6-\uDDEA\uDDEC-\uDDF4\uDDF7-\uDDF9\uDDFB\uDDFD-\uDDFF]|\uDDF9\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDE9\uDDEB-\uDDED\uDDEF-\uDDF4\uDDF7\uDDF9\uDDFB\uDDFC\uDDFF]|\uDDFA\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDEC\uDDF2\uDDF3\uDDF8\uDDFE\uDDFF]|\uDDFB\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDEA\uDDEC\uDDEE\uDDF3\uDDFA]|\uDDFC\uD83C[\uDDEB\uDDF8]|\uDDFD\uD83C\uDDF0|\uDDFE\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDF9]|\uDDFF\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDF2\uDDFC]|\uDFF3\uFE0F?(?:\u200D(?:\u26A7\uFE0F?|\uD83C\uDF08))?|\uDFF4(?:\u200D\u2620\uFE0F?|\uDB40\uDC67\uDB40\uDC62\uDB40(?:\uDC65\uDB40\uDC6E\uDB40\uDC67|\uDC73\uDB40\uDC63\uDB40\uDC74|\uDC77\uDB40\uDC6C\uDB40\uDC73)\uDB40\uDC7F)?)|\uD83D(?:[\uDC3F\uDCFD\uDD49\uDD4A\uDD6F\uDD70\uDD73\uDD76-\uDD79\uDD87\uDD8A-\uDD8D\uDDA5\uDDA8\uDDB1\uDDB2\uDDBC\uDDC2-\uDDC4\uDDD1-\uDDD3\uDDDC-\uDDDE\uDDE1\uDDE3\uDDE8\uDDEF\uDDF3\uDDFA\uDECB\uDECD-\uDECF\uDEE0-\uDEE5\uDEE9\uDEF0\uDEF3]\uFE0F?|[\uDC42\uDC43\uDC46-\uDC50\uDC66\uDC67\uDC6B-\uDC6D\uDC72\uDC74-\uDC76\uDC78\uDC7C\uDC83\uDC85\uDC8F\uDC91\uDCAA\uDD7A\uDD95\uDD96\uDE4C\uDE4F\uDEC0\uDECC](?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?|[\uDC6E\uDC70\uDC71\uDC73\uDC77\uDC81\uDC82\uDC86\uDC87\uDE45-\uDE47\uDE4B\uDE4D\uDE4E\uDEA3\uDEB4-\uDEB6](?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?(?:\u200D[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?)?|[\uDD74\uDD90](?:\uFE0F|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?|[\uDC00-\uDC07\uDC09-\uDC14\uDC16-\uDC3A\uDC3C-\uDC3E\uDC40\uDC44\uDC45\uDC51-\uDC65\uDC6A\uDC79-\uDC7B\uDC7D-\uDC80\uDC84\uDC8
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Normalize a duration to all of the proper units. */
function normalizeDuration(dur) {
if (dur === undefined || dur === null)
return dur;
return dur.shiftToAll().normalize();
3 years ago
/** Strip the time components of a date time object. */
function stripTime(dt) {
if (dt === null || dt === undefined)
return dt;
return DateTime.fromObject({
3 years ago
year: dt.year,
month: dt.month,
/** Get the folder containing the given path (i.e., like computing 'path/..'). */
function getParentFolder(path) {
return path.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/");
/** Get the "title" for a file, by stripping other parts of the path as well as the extension. */
function getFileTitle(path) {
if (path.includes("/"))
path = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
if (path.endsWith(".md"))
path = path.substring(0, path.length - 3);
return path;
/** Get the extension of a file from the file path. */
function getExtension(path) {
if (!path.includes("."))
return "";
return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
/** Parse all subtags out of the given tag. I.e., #hello/i/am would yield [#hello/i/am, #hello/i, #hello]. */
function extractSubtags(tag) {
let result = [tag];
while (tag.includes("/")) {
tag = tag.substring(0, tag.lastIndexOf("/"));
return result;
/** Try calling the given function; on failure, return the error message. */
function tryOrPropogate(func) {
try {
return func();
catch (error) {
return Result.failure("" + error + "\n\n" + error.stack);
/** Try asynchronously calling the given function; on failure, return the error message. */
async function asyncTryOrPropogate(func) {
try {
return await func();
catch (error) {
return Result.failure("" + error + "\n\n" + error.stack);
* Escape regex characters in a string.
* See
function escapeRegex(str) {
return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&");
/** A parsimmon parser which canonicalizes variable names while properly respecting emoji. */
const VAR_NAME_CANONICALIZER = parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regex(new RegExp(emojiRegex(), "")), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regex(/[0-9\p{Letter}_-]+/u).map(str => str.toLocaleLowerCase()), => "-"), => ""))
.map(result => result.join(""));
/** Convert an arbitrary variable name into something JS/query friendly. */
function canonicalizeVarName(name) {
return VAR_NAME_CANONICALIZER.tryParse(name);
const HEADER_CANONICALIZER = parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regex(new RegExp(emojiRegex(), "")), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regex(/[0-9\p{Letter}_-]+/u), => " "), => " "))
.map(result => {
return result.join("").split(/\s+/).join(" ").trim();
* Normalizes the text in a header to be something that is actually linkable to. This mimics
* how Obsidian does it's normalization, collapsing repeated spaces and stripping out control characters.
function normalizeHeaderForLink(header) {
return HEADER_CANONICALIZER.tryParse(header);
/** Render a DateTime in a minimal format to save space. */
function renderMinimalDate(time, settings, locale) {
// If there is no relevant time specified, fall back to just rendering the date.
if (time.second == 0 && time.minute == 0 && time.hour == 0) {
3 years ago
return time.toLocal().toFormat(settings.defaultDateFormat, { locale });
3 years ago
3 years ago
return time.toLocal().toFormat(settings.defaultDateTimeFormat, { locale });
3 years ago
/** Render a duration in a minimal format to save space. */
function renderMinimalDuration(dur) {
dur = normalizeDuration(dur);
// toHuman outputs zero quantities e.g. "0 seconds"
dur = Duration.fromObject(Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(dur.toObject()).filter(([, quantity]) => quantity > 0)));
return dur.toHuman();
3 years ago
/** Determine if two sets are equal in contents. */
function setsEqual(first, second) {
if (first.size != second.size)
return false;
for (let elem of first)
if (!second.has(elem))
return false;
return true;
3 years ago
3 years ago
var Values;
(function (Values) {
/** Convert an arbitrary value into a reasonable, Markdown-friendly string if possible. */
3 years ago
function toString(field, setting = DEFAULT_QUERY_SETTINGS, recursive = false) {
let wrapped = wrapValue(field);
if (!wrapped)
3 years ago
return setting.renderNullAs;
3 years ago
switch (wrapped.type) {
3 years ago
case "null":
3 years ago
return setting.renderNullAs;
3 years ago
case "string":
return wrapped.value;
case "number":
case "boolean":
return "" + wrapped.value;
3 years ago
case "html":
return wrapped.value.outerHTML;
case "widget":
return wrapped.value.markdown();
3 years ago
case "link":
return wrapped.value.markdown();
case "function":
return "<function>";
case "array":
let result = "";
if (recursive)
result += "[";
result += => toString(f, setting, true)).join(", ");
if (recursive)
result += "]";
return result;
case "object":
return ("{ " +
.map(e => e[0] + ": " + toString(e[1], setting, true))
.join(", ") +
" }");
case "date":
if (wrapped.value.second == 0 && wrapped.value.hour == 0 && wrapped.value.minute == 0) {
return wrapped.value.toFormat(setting.defaultDateFormat);
return wrapped.value.toFormat(setting.defaultDateTimeFormat);
case "duration":
return renderMinimalDuration(wrapped.value);
Values.toString = toString;
/** Wrap a literal value so you can switch on it easily. */
function wrapValue(val) {
if (isNull(val))
return { type: "null", value: val };
else if (isNumber(val))
return { type: "number", value: val };
else if (isString(val))
return { type: "string", value: val };
else if (isBoolean(val))
return { type: "boolean", value: val };
else if (isDuration(val))
return { type: "duration", value: val };
else if (isDate(val))
return { type: "date", value: val };
3 years ago
else if (isWidget(val))
return { type: "widget", value: val };
3 years ago
else if (isArray(val))
return { type: "array", value: val };
else if (isLink(val))
return { type: "link", value: val };
else if (isFunction(val))
return { type: "function", value: val };
3 years ago
else if (isHtml(val))
return { type: "html", value: val };
3 years ago
else if (isObject(val))
return { type: "object", value: val };
return undefined;
Values.wrapValue = wrapValue;
/** Recursively map complex objects at the leaves. */
function mapLeaves(val, func) {
if (isObject(val)) {
let result = {};
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(val))
result[key] = mapLeaves(value, func);
return result;
else if (isArray(val)) {
let result = [];
for (let value of val)
result.push(mapLeaves(value, func));
return result;
else {
return func(val);
Values.mapLeaves = mapLeaves;
/** Compare two arbitrary JavaScript values. Produces a total ordering over ANY possible dataview value. */
function compareValue(val1, val2, linkNormalizer) {
var _a, _b;
// Handle undefined/nulls first.
if (val1 === undefined)
val1 = null;
if (val2 === undefined)
val2 = null;
if (val1 === null && val2 === null)
return 0;
else if (val1 === null)
return -1;
3 years ago
else if (val2 === null)
return 1;
3 years ago
// A non-null value now which we can wrap & compare on.
let wrap1 = wrapValue(val1);
let wrap2 = wrapValue(val2);
if (wrap1 === undefined && wrap2 === undefined)
return 0;
else if (wrap1 === undefined)
return -1;
3 years ago
else if (wrap2 === undefined)
return 1;
3 years ago
// Short-circuit on different types or on reference equality.
if (wrap1.type != wrap2.type)
return wrap1.type.localeCompare(wrap2.type);
if (wrap1.value === wrap2.value)
return 0;
switch (wrap1.type) {
case "string":
return wrap1.value.localeCompare(wrap2.value);
case "number":
if (wrap1.value < wrap2.value)
return -1;
else if (wrap1.value == wrap2.value)
return 0;
return 1;
case "null":
return 0;
case "boolean":
if (wrap1.value == wrap2.value)
return 0;
return wrap1.value ? 1 : -1;
case "link":
let link1 = wrap1.value;
let link2 = wrap2.value;
let normalize = linkNormalizer !== null && linkNormalizer !== void 0 ? linkNormalizer : ((x) => x);
// We can't compare by file name or display, since that would break link equality. Compare by path.
let pathCompare = normalize(link1.path).localeCompare(normalize(link2.path));
if (pathCompare != 0)
return pathCompare;
// Then compare by type.
let typeCompare = link1.type.localeCompare(link2.type);
if (typeCompare != 0)
return typeCompare;
// Then compare by subpath existence.
if (link1.subpath && !link2.subpath)
return 1;
if (!link1.subpath && link2.subpath)
return -1;
if (!link1.subpath && !link2.subpath)
return 0;
// Since both have a subpath, compare by subpath.
return ((_a = link1.subpath) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "").localeCompare((_b = link2.subpath) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "");
case "date":
return wrap1.value < wrap2.value
? -1
: wrap1.value.equals(wrap2.value)
? 0
: 1;
case "duration":
return wrap1.value < wrap2.value
? -1
: wrap1.value.equals(wrap2.value)
? 0
: 1;
case "array":
let f1 = wrap1.value;
let f2 = wrap2.value;
for (let index = 0; index < Math.min(f1.length, f2.length); index++) {
let comp = compareValue(f1[index], f2[index]);
if (comp != 0)
return comp;
return f1.length - f2.length;
case "object":
let o1 = wrap1.value;
let o2 = wrap2.value;
let k1 = Array.from(Object.keys(o1));
let k2 = Array.from(Object.keys(o2));
let keyCompare = compareValue(k1, k2);
if (keyCompare != 0)
return keyCompare;
for (let key of k1) {
let comp = compareValue(o1[key], o2[key]);
if (comp != 0)
return comp;
return 0;
3 years ago
case "widget":
3 years ago
case "html":
case "function":
return 0;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.compareValue = compareValue;
/** Find the corresponding Dataveiw type for an arbitrary value. */
function typeOf(val) {
var _a;
return (_a = wrapValue(val)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.typeOf = typeOf;
/** Determine if the given value is "truthy" (i.e., is non-null and has data in it). */
function isTruthy(field) {
let wrapped = wrapValue(field);
if (!wrapped)
return false;
switch (wrapped.type) {
case "number":
return wrapped.value != 0;
case "string":
return wrapped.value.length > 0;
case "boolean":
return wrapped.value;
case "link":
return !!wrapped.value.path;
case "date":
return wrapped.value.toMillis() != 0;
case "duration":
return"seconds") != 0;
case "object":
return Object.keys(wrapped.value).length > 0;
case "array":
return wrapped.value.length > 0;
case "null":
return false;
case "html":
3 years ago
case "widget":
3 years ago
case "function":
return true;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isTruthy = isTruthy;
/** Deep copy a field. */
function deepCopy(field) {
if (field === null || field === undefined)
return field;
if (Values.isArray(field)) {
return [].concat( => deepCopy(v)));
else if (Values.isObject(field)) {
let result = {};
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(field))
result[key] = deepCopy(value);
return result;
else {
return field;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.deepCopy = deepCopy;
function isString(val) {
return typeof val == "string";
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isString = isString;
function isNumber(val) {
return typeof val == "number";
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isNumber = isNumber;
function isDate(val) {
return val instanceof DateTime;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isDate = isDate;
function isDuration(val) {
return val instanceof Duration;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isDuration = isDuration;
function isNull(val) {
return val === null || val === undefined;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isNull = isNull;
function isArray(val) {
return Array.isArray(val);
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isArray = isArray;
function isBoolean(val) {
return typeof val === "boolean";
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isBoolean = isBoolean;
function isLink(val) {
return val instanceof Link;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isLink = isLink;
3 years ago
function isWidget(val) {
return val instanceof Widget;
Values.isWidget = isWidget;
3 years ago
function isHtml(val) {
if (typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined") {
return val instanceof HTMLElement;
3 years ago
else {
3 years ago
return false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isHtml = isHtml;
3 years ago
/** Checks if the given value is an object (and not any other dataview-recognized object-like type). */
3 years ago
function isObject(val) {
return (typeof val == "object" &&
!isHtml(val) &&
3 years ago
!isWidget(val) &&
3 years ago
!isArray(val) &&
!isDuration(val) &&
!isDate(val) &&
!isLink(val) &&
val !== undefined &&
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isObject = isObject;
function isFunction(val) {
return typeof val == "function";
3 years ago
3 years ago
Values.isFunction = isFunction;
})(Values || (Values = {}));
// Groupings //
var Groupings;
(function (Groupings) {
/** Determines if the given group entry is a standalone value, or a grouping of sub-entries. */
function isElementGroup(entry) {
return Values.isObject(entry) && Object.keys(entry).length == 2 && "key" in entry && "rows" in entry;
Groupings.isElementGroup = isElementGroup;
/** Determines if the given array is a grouping array. */
function isGrouping(entry) {
for (let element of entry)
if (!isElementGroup(element))
return false;
return true;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Groupings.isGrouping = isGrouping;
/** Count the total number of elements in a recursive grouping. */
function count(elements) {
if (isGrouping(elements)) {
let result = 0;
for (let subgroup of elements)
result += count(subgroup.rows);
return result;
else {
return elements.length;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Groupings.count = count;
})(Groupings || (Groupings = {}));
// LINK //
/** The Obsidian 'link', used for uniquely describing a file, header, or block. */
3 years ago
class Link {
constructor(fields) {
Object.assign(this, fields);
3 years ago
/** Create a link to a specific file. */
3 years ago
static file(path, embed = false, display) {
return new Link({
3 years ago
subpath: undefined,
3 years ago
type: "file",
3 years ago
static infer(linkpath, embed = false, display) {
if (linkpath.includes("#^")) {
let split = linkpath.split("#^");
return Link.block(split[0], split[1], embed, display);
else if (linkpath.includes("#")) {
let split = linkpath.split("#");
return Link.header(split[0], split[1], embed, display);
return Link.file(linkpath, embed, display);
3 years ago
/** Create a link to a specific file and header in that file. */
3 years ago
static header(path, header, embed, display) {
// Headers need to be normalized to alpha-numeric & with extra spacing removed.
return new Link({
subpath: normalizeHeaderForLink(header),
type: "header",
3 years ago
/** Create a link to a specific file and block in that file. */
3 years ago
static block(path, blockId, embed, display) {
return new Link({
subpath: blockId,
type: "block",
static fromObject(object) {
return new Link(object);
/** Checks for link equality (i.e., that the links are pointing to the same exact location). */
equals(other) {
3 years ago
if (other == undefined || other == null)
return false;
3 years ago
return this.path == other.path && this.type == other.type && this.subpath == other.subpath;
3 years ago
/** Convert this link to it's markdown representation. */
3 years ago
toString() {
return this.markdown();
3 years ago
/** Convert this link to a raw object which is serialization-friendly. */
3 years ago
toObject() {
return { path: this.path, type: this.type, subpath: this.subpath, display: this.display, embed: this.embed };
3 years ago
/** Update this link with a new path. */
3 years ago
//@ts-ignore; error appeared after updating Obsidian to 0.15.4; it also updated other packages but didn't say which
3 years ago
withPath(path) {
return new Link(Object.assign({}, this, { path }));
3 years ago
/** Return a new link which points to the same location but with a new display value. */
withDisplay(display) {
return new Link(Object.assign({}, this, { display }));
/** Convert a file link into a link to a specific header. */
withHeader(header) {
return Link.header(this.path, header, this.embed, this.display);
/** Convert any link into a link to its file. */
toFile() {
return Link.file(this.path, this.embed, this.display);
/** Convert this link into an embedded link. */
toEmbed() {
3 years ago
if (this.embed) {
3 years ago
return this;
3 years ago
3 years ago
else {
let link = new Link(this);
link.embed = true;
return link;
3 years ago
/** Convert this link into a non-embedded link. */
fromEmbed() {
if (!this.embed) {
return this;
else {
let link = new Link(this);
link.embed = false;
return link;
/** Convert this link to markdown so it can be rendered. */
markdown() {
let result = (this.embed ? "!" : "") + "[[" + this.obsidianLink();
if (this.display) {
result += "|" + this.display;
else {
result += "|" + getFileTitle(this.path);
if (this.type == "header" || this.type == "block")
result += " > " + this.subpath;
result += "]]";
return result;
/** Convert the inner part of the link to something that Obsidian can open / understand. */
obsidianLink() {
3 years ago
var _a, _b;
const escaped = this.path.replace("|", "\\|");
3 years ago
if (this.type == "header")
3 years ago
return escaped + "#" + ((_a = this.subpath) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.replace("|", "\\|"));
3 years ago
if (this.type == "block")
3 years ago
return escaped + "#^" + ((_b = this.subpath) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.replace("|", "\\|"));
3 years ago
3 years ago
return escaped;
3 years ago
/** The stripped name of the file this link points to. */
fileName() {
return getFileTitle(this.path).replace(".md", "");
3 years ago
* A trivial base class which just defines the '$widget' identifier type. Subtypes of
* widget are responsible for adding whatever metadata is relevant. If you want your widget
* to have rendering functionality (which you probably do), you should extend `RenderWidget`.
class Widget {
constructor($widget) {
this.$widget = $widget;
/** A trivial widget which renders a (key, value) pair, and allows accessing the key and value. */
class ListPairWidget extends Widget {
constructor(key, value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
markdown() {
return `${Values.toString(this.key)}: ${Values.toString(this.value)}`;
/** A simple widget which renders an external link. */
class ExternalLinkWidget extends Widget {
constructor(url, display) {
this.url = url;
this.display = display;
markdown() {
var _a;
return `[${(_a = this.display) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.url}](${this.url})`;
var Widgets;
(function (Widgets) {
/** Create a list pair widget matching the given key and value. */
function listPair(key, value) {
return new ListPairWidget(key, value);
Widgets.listPair = listPair;
/** Create an external link widget which renders an external Obsidian link. */
function externalLink(url, display) {
return new ExternalLinkWidget(url, display);
Widgets.externalLink = externalLink;
/** Checks if the given widget is a list pair widget. */
function isListPair(widget) {
return widget.$widget === "dataview:list-pair";
Widgets.isListPair = isListPair;
function isExternalLink(widget) {
return widget.$widget === "dataview:external-link";
Widgets.isExternalLink = isExternalLink;
/** Determines if the given widget is any kind of built-in widget with special rendering handling. */
function isBuiltin(widget) {
return isListPair(widget) || isExternalLink(widget);
Widgets.isBuiltin = isBuiltin;
})(Widgets || (Widgets = {}));
3 years ago
/** Implementation of DataArray, minus the dynamic variable access, which is implemented via proxy. */
class DataArrayImpl {
constructor(values, settings, defaultComparator = Values.compareValue) {
this.values = values;
this.settings = settings;
this.defaultComparator = defaultComparator;
this.length = values.length;
static wrap(arr, settings, defaultComparator = Values.compareValue) {
return new Proxy(new DataArrayImpl(arr, settings, defaultComparator), DataArrayImpl.ARRAY_PROXY);
lwrap(values) {
return DataArrayImpl.wrap(values, this.settings, this.defaultComparator);
where(predicate) {
return this.lwrap(this.values.filter(predicate));
filter(predicate) {
return this.where(predicate);
map(f) {
return this.lwrap(;
flatMap(f) {
let result = [];
for (let index = 0; index < this.length; index++) {
let value = f(this.values[index], index, this.values);
if (!value || value.length == 0)
for (let r of value)
return this.lwrap(result);
mutate(f) {
for (let index = 0; index < this.values.length; index++) {
f(this.values[index], index, this.values);
return this;
limit(count) {
return this.lwrap(this.values.slice(0, count));
slice(start, end) {
return this.lwrap(this.values.slice(start, end));
concat(other) {
return this.lwrap(this.values.concat(other.values));
/** Return the first index of the given (optionally starting the search) */
indexOf(element, fromIndex) {
return this.findIndex(e => this.defaultComparator(e, element) == 0, fromIndex);
/** Return the first element that satisfies the given predicate. */
find(pred) {
let index = this.findIndex(pred);
if (index == -1)
return undefined;
return this.values[index];
findIndex(pred, fromIndex) {
for (let index = fromIndex !== null && fromIndex !== void 0 ? fromIndex : 0; index < this.length; index++) {
if (pred(this.values[index], index, this.values))
return index;
return -1;
includes(element) {
return this.indexOf(element, 0) != -1;
join(sep) {
return => Values.toString(s, this.settings))
.join(sep !== null && sep !== void 0 ? sep : ", ");
sort(key, direction, comparator) {
if (this.values.length == 0)
return this;
let realComparator = comparator !== null && comparator !== void 0 ? comparator : this.defaultComparator;
let realKey = key !== null && key !== void 0 ? key : ((l) => l);
// Associate each entry with it's index for the key function, and then do a normal sort.
let copy = [].concat(this.array()).map((elem, index) => {
return { index: index, value: elem };
copy.sort((a, b) => {
let aKey = realKey(a.value, a.index, this.values);
let bKey = realKey(b.value, b.index, this.values);
return direction === "desc" ? -realComparator(aKey, bKey) : realComparator(aKey, bKey);
return this.lwrap( => e.value));
sortInPlace(key, direction, comparator) {
if (this.values.length == 0)
return this;
let realComparator = comparator !== null && comparator !== void 0 ? comparator : this.defaultComparator;
let realKey = key !== null && key !== void 0 ? key : ((l) => l);
this.values.sort((a, b) => {
let aKey = realKey(a);
let bKey = realKey(b);
return direction == "desc" ? -realComparator(aKey, bKey) : realComparator(aKey, bKey);
return this;
groupBy(key, comparator) {
if (this.values.length == 0)
return this.lwrap([]);
// JavaScript sucks and we can't make hash maps over arbitrary types (only strings/ints), so
// we do a poor man algorithm where we SORT, followed by grouping.
let intermediate = this.sort(key, "asc", comparator);
comparator = comparator !== null && comparator !== void 0 ? comparator : this.defaultComparator;
let result = [];
let currentRow = [intermediate[0]];
let current = key(intermediate[0], 0, intermediate.values);
for (let index = 1; index < intermediate.length; index++) {
let newKey = key(intermediate[index], index, intermediate.values);
if (comparator(current, newKey) != 0) {
result.push({ key: current, rows: this.lwrap(currentRow) });
current = newKey;
currentRow = [intermediate[index]];
else {
result.push({ key: current, rows: this.lwrap(currentRow) });
return this.lwrap(result);
groupIn(key, comparator) {
if (Groupings.isGrouping(this.values)) {
return => {
return {
key: v.key,
rows: DataArray.wrap(v.rows, this.settings).groupIn(key, comparator),
else {
return this.groupBy(key, comparator);
distinct(key, comparator) {
if (this.values.length == 0)
return this;
let realKey = key !== null && key !== void 0 ? key : (x => x);
// For similar reasons to groupBy, do a sort and take the first element of each block.
let intermediate =, index) => {
return { key: realKey(x, index, this.values), value: x };
}).sort(x => x.key, "asc", comparator);
comparator = comparator !== null && comparator !== void 0 ? comparator : this.defaultComparator;
let result = [intermediate[0].value];
for (let index = 1; index < intermediate.length; index++) {
if (comparator(intermediate[index - 1].key, intermediate[index].key) != 0) {
return this.lwrap(result);
every(f) {
return this.values.every(f);
some(f) {
return this.values.some(f);
none(f) {
return this.values.every((v, i, a) => !f(v, i, a));
first() {
return this.values.length > 0 ? this.values[0] : undefined;
last() {
return this.values.length > 0 ? this.values[this.values.length - 1] : undefined;
to(key) {
let result = [];
for (let child of this.values) {
let value = child[key];
if (value === undefined || value === null)
if (Array.isArray(value) || DataArray.isDataArray(value))
value.forEach(v => result.push(v));
return this.lwrap(result);
into(key) {
let result = [];
for (let child of this.values) {
let value = child[key];
if (value === undefined || value === null)
return this.lwrap(result);
expand(key) {
let result = [];
let queue = [].concat(this.values);
while (queue.length > 0) {
let next = queue.pop();
let value = next[key];
if (value === undefined || value === null)
if (Array.isArray(value))
value.forEach(v => queue.push(v));
else if (value instanceof DataArrayImpl)
value.forEach(v => queue.push(v));
return this.lwrap(result);
forEach(f) {
for (let index = 0; index < this.values.length; index++) {
f(this.values[index], index, this.values);
3 years ago
3 years ago
array() {
return [].concat(this.values);
3 years ago
3 years ago
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.values[Symbol.iterator]();
3 years ago
3 years ago
toString() {
return "[" + this.values.join(", ") + "]";
3 years ago
3 years ago
DataArrayImpl.ARRAY_FUNCTIONS = new Set([
DataArrayImpl.ARRAY_PROXY = {
get: function (target, prop, reciever) {
if (typeof prop === "symbol")
return target[prop];
else if (typeof prop === "number")
return target.values[prop];
else if (prop === "constructor")
return target.values.constructor;
else if (!isNaN(parseInt(prop)))
return target.values[parseInt(prop)];
else if (DataArrayImpl.ARRAY_FUNCTIONS.has(prop.toString()))
return target[prop.toString()];
/** Provides utility functions for generating data arrays. */
var DataArray;
(function (DataArray) {
/** Create a new Dataview data array. */
function wrap(raw, settings) {
if (isDataArray(raw))
return raw;
return DataArrayImpl.wrap(raw, settings);
3 years ago
3 years ago
DataArray.wrap = wrap;
/** Create a new DataArray from an iterable object. */
function from(raw, settings) {
if (isDataArray(raw))
return raw;
let data = [];
for (let elem of raw)
return DataArrayImpl.wrap(data, settings);
3 years ago
3 years ago
DataArray.from = from;
/** Return true if the given object is a data array. */
function isDataArray(obj) {
return obj instanceof DataArrayImpl;
3 years ago
3 years ago
DataArray.isDataArray = isDataArray;
})(DataArray || (DataArray = {}));
// A scary looking polyfill, sure, but it fixes up data array/array interop for us.
const oldArrayIsArray = Array.isArray;
Array.isArray = (arg) => {
return oldArrayIsArray(arg) || DataArray.isDataArray(arg);
/** Test-environment-friendly function which fetches the current system locale. */
function currentLocale() {
if (typeof window === "undefined")
return "en-US";
return window.navigator.language;
/** Render simple fields compactly, removing wrapping content like paragraph and span. */
async function renderCompactMarkdown(markdown, container, sourcePath, component) {
let subcontainer = container.createSpan();
await obsidian.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(markdown, subcontainer, sourcePath, component);
let paragraph = subcontainer.querySelector(":scope > p");
if (subcontainer.children.length == 1 && paragraph) {
while (paragraph.firstChild) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Render a pre block with an error in it; returns the element to allow for dynamic updating. */
function renderErrorPre(container, error) {
let pre = container.createEl("pre", { cls: ["dataview", "dataview-error"] });
return pre;
/** Render a static codeblock. */
function renderCodeBlock(container, source, language) {
let code = container.createEl("code", { cls: ["dataview"] });
if (language)
code.classList.add("language-" + language);
return code;
/** Prettily render a value into a container with the given settings. */
async function renderValue(field, container, originFile, component, settings, expandList = false, context = "root", depth = 0) {
3 years ago
var _a, _b, _c;
3 years ago
// Prevent infinite recursion.
if (depth > settings.maxRecursiveRenderDepth) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (Values.isNull(field)) {
await renderCompactMarkdown(settings.renderNullAs, container, originFile, component);
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isDate(field)) {
container.appendText(renderMinimalDate(field, settings, currentLocale()));
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isDuration(field)) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isString(field) || Values.isBoolean(field) || Values.isNumber(field)) {
await renderCompactMarkdown("" + field, container, originFile, component);
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isLink(field)) {
await renderCompactMarkdown(field.markdown(), container, originFile, component);
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isHtml(field)) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isWidget(field)) {
if (Widgets.isListPair(field)) {
await renderValue(field.key, container, originFile, component, settings, expandList, context, depth);
container.appendText(": ");
await renderValue(field.value, container, originFile, component, settings, expandList, context, depth);
else if (Widgets.isExternalLink(field)) {
let elem = document.createElement("a");
elem.textContent = (_a = field.display) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : field.url;
elem.rel = "noopener"; = "_blank";
elem.href = field.url;
else {
container.appendText(`<unknown widget '${field.$widget}>`);
3 years ago
else if (Values.isFunction(field)) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isArray(field) || DataArray.isDataArray(field)) {
if (expandList) {
let list = container.createEl("ul", {
cls: [
context == "list" ? "dataview-result-list-ul" : "dataview-result-list-root-ul",
for (let child of field) {
let li = list.createEl("li", { cls: "dataview-result-list-li" });
await renderValue(child, li, originFile, component, settings, expandList, "list", depth + 1);
3 years ago
else {
3 years ago
if (field.length == 0) {
container.appendText("<empty list>");
let span = container.createEl("span", { cls: ["dataview", "dataview-result-list-span"] });
let first = true;
for (let val of field) {
if (first)
first = false;
span.appendText(", ");
await renderValue(val, span, originFile, component, settings, expandList, "list", depth + 1);
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isObject(field)) {
// Don't render classes in case they have recursive references; spoopy.
3 years ago
if (((_b = field === null || field === void 0 ? void 0 : field.constructor) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : && ((_c = field === null || field === void 0 ? void 0 : field.constructor) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : != "Object") {
3 years ago
if (expandList) {
let list = container.createEl("ul", { cls: ["dataview", "dataview-ul", "dataview-result-object-ul"] });
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(field)) {
let li = list.createEl("li", { cls: ["dataview", "dataview-li", "dataview-result-object-li"] });
li.appendText(key + ": ");
await renderValue(value, li, originFile, component, settings, expandList, "list", depth + 1);
else {
if (Object.keys(field).length == 0) {
container.appendText("<empty object>");
let span = container.createEl("span", { cls: ["dataview", "dataview-result-object-span"] });
let first = true;
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(field)) {
if (first)
first = false;
span.appendText(", ");
span.appendText(key + ": ");
await renderValue(value, span, originFile, component, settings, expandList, "list", depth + 1);
3 years ago
3 years ago
else {
container.appendText("Unrecognized: " + JSON.stringify(field));
3 years ago
3 years ago
var papaparse_min = {exports: {}};
/* @license
Papa Parse
License: MIT
(function (module, exports) {
!function(e,t){module.exports=t();}(commonjsGlobal,function s(){var f="undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0!==f?f:{};var n=!f.document&&!!f.postMessage,o=n&&/blob:/i.test((f.location||{}).protocol),a={},h=0,b={parse:function(e,t){var i=(t=t||{}).dynamicTyping||!1;M(i)&&(t.dynamicTypingFunction=i,i={});if(t.dynamicTyping=i,t.transform=!!M(t.transform)&&t.transform,t.worker&&b.WORKERS_SUPPORTED){var r=function(){if(!b.WORKERS_SUPPORTED)return !1;var e=(i=f.URL||f.webkitURL||null,r=s.toString(),b.BLOB_URL||(b.BLOB_URL=i.createObjectURL(new Blob(["(",r,")();"],{type:"text/javascript"})))),t=new f.Worker(e);var i,r;return t.onmessage=_,,a[]=t}();return r.userStep=t.step,r.userChunk=t.chunk,r.userComplete=t.complete,r.userError=t.error,t.step=M(t.step),t.chunk=M(t.chunk),t.complete=M(t.complete),t.error=M(t.error),delete t.worker,void r.postMessage({input:e,config:t,})}var n=null;b.NODE_STREAM_INPUT,"string"==typeof e? l(t):new p(t):!0===e.readable&&M( g(t):(f.File&&e instanceof File||e instanceof Object)&&(n=new c(t));return},unparse:function(e,t){var n=!1,_=!0,m=",",y="\r\n",s='"',a=s+s,i=!1,r=null,o=!1;!function(){if("object"!=typeof t)return;"string"!=typeof t.delimiter||b.BAD_DELIMITERS.filter(function(e){return -1!==t.delimiter.indexOf(e)}).length||(m=t.delimiter);("boolean"==typeof t.quotes||"function"==typeof t.quotes||Array.isArray(t.quotes))&&(n=t.quotes);"boolean"!=typeof t.skipEmptyLines&&"string"!=typeof t.skipEmptyLines||(i=t.skipEmptyLines);"string"==typeof t.newline&&(y=t.newline);"string"==typeof t.quoteChar&&(s=t.quoteChar);"boolean"==typeof t.header&&(_=t.header);if(Array.isArray(t.columns)){if(0===t.columns.length)throw new Error("Option columns is empty");r=t.columns;}void 0!==t.escapeChar&&(a=t.escapeChar+s);("boolean"==typeof t.escapeFormulae||t.escapeFormulae instanceof RegExp)&&(o=t.escapeFormulae instanceof RegExp?t.escapeFormulae:/^[=+\-@\t\r].*$/);}();var h=new RegExp(j(s),"g");"string"==typeof e&&(e=JSON.parse(e));if(Array.isArray(e)){if(!e.length||Array.isArray(e[0]))return u(null,e,i);if("object"==typeof e[0])return u(r||Object.keys(e[0]),e,i)}else if("object"==typeof e)return "string"==typeof,Array.isArray(||(e.fields=e.meta&&e.meta.fields||r),e.fields||(e.fields=Array.isArray([0])?e.fields:"object"==typeof[0]?Object.keys([0]):[]),Array.isArray([0])||"object"==typeof[0]||([])),u(e.fields||[],||[],i);throw new Error("Unable to serialize unrecognized input");function u(e,t,i){var r="";"string"==typeof e&&(e=JSON.parse(e)),"string"==typeof t&&(t=JSON.parse(t));var n=Array.isArray(e)&&0<e.length,s=!Array.isArray(t[0]);if(n&&_){for(var a=0;a<e.length;a++)0<a&&(r+=m),r+=v(e[a],a);0<t.length&&(r+=y);}for(var o=0;o<t.length;o++){var h=n?e.length:t[o].length,u=!1,f=n?0===Object.keys(t[o]).length:0===t[o].length;if(i&&!n&&(u="greedy"===i?""===t[o].join("").trim():1===t[o].length&&0===t[o][0].length),"greedy"===i&&n){for(var d=[],l=0;l<h;l++){var c=s?e[l]:l;d.push(t[o][c]);}u=""===d.join("").trim();}if(!u){for(var p=0;p<h;p++){0<p&&!f&&(r+=m);var g=n&&s?e[p]:p;r+=v(t[o][g],p);}o<t.length-1&&(!i||0<h&&!f)&&(r+=y);}}return r}function v(e,t){if(null==e)return "";if(e.constructor===Date)return JSON.stringify(e).slice(1,25);var i=!1;o&&"string"==typeof e&&o.test(e)&&(e="'"+e,i=!0);var r=e.toString().replace(h,a);return (i=i||!0===n||"function"==typeof n&&n(e,t)||Array.isArray(n)&&n[t]||function(e,t){for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++)if(-1<e.indexOf(t[i]))return !0;return !1}(r,b.BAD_DELIMITERS)||-1<r.indexOf(m)||" "===r.charAt(0)||" "===r.charAt(r.length-1))?s+r+s:r}}};if(b.RECORD_SEP=String.fromCharCode(30),b.UNIT_SEP=String.fromCharCode(31),b.BYTE_ORDER_MARK="\ufeff",b.BAD_DELIMITERS=["\r","\n",'"',b.BYTE_ORDER_MARK],b.WORKERS_SUPPORTED=!n&&!!f.Worker,b.NODE_STREAM_INPUT=1,b.LocalChunkSize=10485760,b.RemoteChunkSize=5242880,b.DefaultDelimiter=",",b.Parser=E,b.ParserHandle=i,b.NetworkStreamer=l,b.FileStream
/** Utility methods for creating & comparing fields. */
var Fields;
(function (Fields) {
function variable(name) {
return { type: "variable", name };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.variable = variable;
function literal(value) {
return { type: "literal", value };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.literal = literal;
function binaryOp(left, op, right) {
return { type: "binaryop", left, op, right };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.binaryOp = binaryOp;
function index(obj, index) {
return { type: "index", object: obj, index };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.index = index;
/** Converts a string in dot-notation-format into a variable which indexes. */
function indexVariable(name) {
let parts = name.split(".");
let result = Fields.variable(parts[0]);
for (let index = 1; index < parts.length; index++) {
result = Fields.index(result, Fields.literal(parts[index]));
return result;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.indexVariable = indexVariable;
function lambda(args, value) {
return { type: "lambda", arguments: args, value };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.lambda = lambda;
function func(func, args) {
return { type: "function", func, arguments: args };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.func = func;
function list(values) {
return { type: "list", values };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.list = list;
function object(values) {
return { type: "object", values };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.object = object;
function negate(child) {
return { type: "negated", child };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.negate = negate;
function isCompareOp(op) {
return op == "<=" || op == "<" || op == ">" || op == ">=" || op == "!=" || op == "=";
3 years ago
3 years ago
Fields.isCompareOp = isCompareOp;
Fields.NULL = Fields.literal(null);
})(Fields || (Fields = {}));
/** AST implementation for queries over data sources. */
/** Utility functions for creating and manipulating sources. */
var Sources;
(function (Sources) {
3 years ago
/** Create a source which searches from a tag. */
3 years ago
function tag(tag) {
return { type: "tag", tag };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Sources.tag = tag;
3 years ago
/** Create a source which fetches from a CSV file. */
3 years ago
function csv(path) {
return { type: "csv", path };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Sources.csv = csv;
3 years ago
/** Create a source which searches for files under a folder prefix. */
3 years ago
function folder(prefix) {
return { type: "folder", folder: prefix };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Sources.folder = folder;
3 years ago
/** Create a source which searches for files which link to/from a given file. */
3 years ago
function link(file, incoming) {
return { type: "link", file, direction: incoming ? "incoming" : "outgoing" };
3 years ago
3 years ago = link;
3 years ago
/** Create a source which joins two sources by a logical operator (and/or). */
3 years ago
function binaryOp(left, op, right) {
return { type: "binaryop", left, op, right };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Sources.binaryOp = binaryOp;
3 years ago
/** Create a source which takes the intersection of two sources. */
function and(left, right) {
return { type: "binaryop", left, op: "&", right };
Sources.and = and;
/** Create a source which takes the union of two sources. */
function or(left, right) {
return { type: "binaryop", left, op: "|", right };
Sources.or = or;
/** Create a source which negates the underlying source. */
3 years ago
function negate(child) {
return { type: "negate", child };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Sources.negate = negate;
function empty() {
return { type: "empty" };
3 years ago
3 years ago
Sources.empty = empty;
})(Sources || (Sources = {}));
/** Emoji regex without any additional flags. */
const EMOJI_REGEX = new RegExp(emojiRegex(), "");
/** Provides a lookup table for unit durations of the given type. */
year: Duration.fromObject({ years: 1 }),
years: Duration.fromObject({ years: 1 }),
yr: Duration.fromObject({ years: 1 }),
yrs: Duration.fromObject({ years: 1 }),
month: Duration.fromObject({ months: 1 }),
months: Duration.fromObject({ months: 1 }),
mo: Duration.fromObject({ months: 1 }),
mos: Duration.fromObject({ months: 1 }),
week: Duration.fromObject({ weeks: 1 }),
weeks: Duration.fromObject({ weeks: 1 }),
wk: Duration.fromObject({ weeks: 1 }),
wks: Duration.fromObject({ weeks: 1 }),
w: Duration.fromObject({ weeks: 1 }),
day: Duration.fromObject({ days: 1 }),
days: Duration.fromObject({ days: 1 }),
d: Duration.fromObject({ days: 1 }),
hour: Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1 }),
hours: Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1 }),
hr: Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1 }),
hrs: Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1 }),
h: Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1 }),
minute: Duration.fromObject({ minutes: 1 }),
minutes: Duration.fromObject({ minutes: 1 }),
min: Duration.fromObject({ minutes: 1 }),
mins: Duration.fromObject({ minutes: 1 }),
m: Duration.fromObject({ minutes: 1 }),
second: Duration.fromObject({ seconds: 1 }),
seconds: Duration.fromObject({ seconds: 1 }),
sec: Duration.fromObject({ seconds: 1 }),
secs: Duration.fromObject({ seconds: 1 }),
s: Duration.fromObject({ seconds: 1 }),
3 years ago
/** Shorthand for common dates (relative to right now). */
now: () => DateTime.local(),
today: () => DateTime.local().startOf("day"),
yesterday: () => DateTime.local()
3 years ago
.minus(Duration.fromObject({ days: 1 })),
tomorrow: () => DateTime.local()
3 years ago
.plus(Duration.fromObject({ days: 1 })),
sow: () => DateTime.local().startOf("week"),
"start-of-week": () => DateTime.local().startOf("week"),
eow: () => DateTime.local().endOf("week"),
"end-of-week": () => DateTime.local().endOf("week"),
soy: () => DateTime.local().startOf("year"),
"start-of-year": () => DateTime.local().startOf("year"),
eoy: () => DateTime.local().endOf("year"),
"end-of-year": () => DateTime.local().endOf("year"),
som: () => DateTime.local().startOf("month"),
"start-of-month": () => DateTime.local().startOf("month"),
eom: () => DateTime.local().endOf("month"),
"end-of-month": () => DateTime.local().endOf("month"),
3 years ago
* Keywords which cannot be used as variables directly. Use `row.<thing>` if it is a variable you have defined and want
* to access.
// Utilities //
/** Split on unescaped pipes in an inner link. */
function splitOnUnescapedPipe(link) {
let pipe = -1;
while ((pipe = link.indexOf("|", pipe + 1)) >= 0) {
if (pipe > 0 && link[pipe - 1] == "\\")
return [link.substring(0, pipe).replace(/\\\|/g, "|"), link.substring(pipe + 1)];
3 years ago
3 years ago
return [link.replace(/\\\|/g, "|"), undefined];
/** Attempt to parse the inside of a link to pull out display name, subpath, etc. */
function parseInnerLink(rawlink) {
let [link, display] = splitOnUnescapedPipe(rawlink);
3 years ago
return Link.infer(link, false, display);
3 years ago
/** Create a left-associative binary parser which parses the given sub-element and separator. Handles whitespace. */
function createBinaryParser(child, sep, combine) {
return parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(child, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seq(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, sep, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, child).many(), (first, rest) => {
if (rest.length == 0)
return first;
let node = combine(first, rest[0][1], rest[0][3]);
for (let index = 1; index < rest.length; index++) {
node = combine(node, rest[index][1], rest[index][3]);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return node;
3 years ago
3 years ago
function chainOpt(base, ...funcs) {
return parsimmon_umd_min.exports.custom((success, failure) => {
return (input, i) => {
let result = base._(input, i);
if (!result.status)
3 years ago
return result;
3 years ago
for (let func of funcs) {
let next = func(result.value)._(input, result.index);
if (!next.status)
return result;
result = next;
return result;
const EXPRESSION = parsimmon_umd_min.exports.createLanguage({
// A floating point number; the decimal point is optional.
number: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/)
.map(str => Number.parseFloat(str))
// A quote-surrounded string which supports escape characters ('\').
string: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string('"')
.then(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(q.escapeCharacter, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.noneOf('"\\'))
.map(chars => chars.join("")))
escapeCharacter: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("\\")
.map(escaped => {
// If we are escaping a backslash or a quote, pass in on in escaped form
if (escaped === '"')
return '"';
if (escaped === "\\")
return "\\";
return "\\" + escaped;
// A boolean true/false value.
bool: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/true|false|True|False/)
.map(str => str.toLowerCase() == "true")
.desc("boolean ('true' or 'false')"),
// A tag of the form '#stuff/hello-there'.
tag: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("#"), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/[^\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F'!"#$%&()*+,.:;<=>?@^`{|}~\[\]\\\s]/).desc("text")).many(), (start, rest) => start + rest.join("")).desc("tag ('#hello/stuff')"),
3 years ago
// A variable identifier, which is alphanumeric and must start with a letter or... emoji.
identifier: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\p{Letter}/u), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(EMOJI_REGEX).desc("text")), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/[0-9\p{Letter}_-]/u), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(EMOJI_REGEX).desc("text")).many(), (first, rest) => first + rest.join("")).desc("variable identifier"),
// An Obsidian link of the form [[<link>]].
link: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\[\[([^\[\]]*?)\]\]/u, 1)
.map(linkInner => parseInnerLink(linkInner))
.desc("file link"),
// An embeddable link which can start with '!'. This overlaps with the normal negation operator, so it is only
// provided for metadata parsing.
embedLink: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("!").atMost(1),, (p, l) => {
if (p.length > 0)
l.embed = true;
return l;
}).desc("file link"),
// Binary plus or minus operator.
binaryPlusMinus: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\+|-/)
.map(str => str)
.desc("'+' or '-'"),
// Binary times or divide operator.
3 years ago
binaryMulDiv: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\*|\/|%/)
3 years ago
.map(str => str)
3 years ago
.desc("'*' or '/' or '%'"),
3 years ago
// Binary comparison operator.
binaryCompareOp: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/>=|<=|!=|>|<|=/)
.map(str => str)
.desc("'>=' or '<=' or '!=' or '=' or '>' or '<'"),
// Binary boolean combination operator.
binaryBooleanOp: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/and|or|&|\|/i)
.map(str => {
if (str.toLowerCase() == "and")
return "&";
else if (str.toLowerCase() == "or")
return "|";
return str;
.desc("'and' or 'or'"),
// A date which can be YYYY-MM[-DDTHH:mm:ss].
rootDate: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\d{4}/), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("-"), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\d{2}/), (year, _, month) => {
return DateTime.fromObject({ year: Number.parseInt(year), month: Number.parseInt(month) });
3 years ago
}).desc("date in format YYYY-MM[-DDTHH-MM-SS.MS]"),
dateShorthand: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(...Object.keys(DATE_SHORTHANDS)
.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length)
date: q => chainOpt(q.rootDate, (ym) => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("-"), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\d{2}/), (_, day) => ym.set({ day: Number.parseInt(day) })), (ymd) => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("T"), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\d{2}/), (_, hour) => ymd.set({ hour: Number.parseInt(hour) })), (ymdh) => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(":"), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\d{2}/), (_, minute) => ymdh.set({ minute: Number.parseInt(minute) })), (ymdhm) => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(":"), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\d{2}/), (_, second) => ymdhm.set({ second: Number.parseInt(second) })), (ymdhms) => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("."), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\d{3}/), (_, millisecond) => ymdhms.set({ millisecond: Number.parseInt(millisecond) })), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.succeed(ymdhms) // pass
), (dt) => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("+").or(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("-")), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/\d{1,2}(:\d{2})?/), (pm, hr) => dt.setZone("UTC" + pm + hr, { keepLocalTime: true })), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("Z"), () => dt.setZone("utc", { keepLocalTime: true })), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("["), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/[0-9A-Za-z+-\/]+/u), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("]"), (_a, zone, _b) => dt.setZone(zone, { keepLocalTime: true }))))
.assert((dt) => dt.isValid, "valid date")
.desc("date in format YYYY-MM[-DDTHH-MM-SS.MS]"),
// A date, plus various shorthand times of day it could be.
datePlus: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt( => DATE_SHORTHANDS[d]()),"date in format YYYY-MM[-DDTHH-MM-SS.MS] or in shorthand"),
// A duration of time.
durationType: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(...Object.keys(DURATION_TYPES)
.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length)
duration: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(q.number, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, q.durationType, (count, _, t) => DURATION_TYPES[t].mapUnits(x => x * count))
.map(durations => durations.reduce((p, c) =>
.desc("duration like 4hr2min"),
// A raw null value.
rawNull: _ => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("null"),
// Source parsing.
tagSource: q => => Sources.tag(tag)),
csvSource: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("csv(").skip(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace), q.string, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(")"), (_1, path, _2) => Sources.csv(path)),
linkIncomingSource: q => =>, true)),
linkOutgoingSource: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("outgoing(").skip(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace),, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(")"), (_1, link, _2) =>, false)),
folderSource: q => => Sources.folder(str)),
parensSource: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("("), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, q.source, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(")"), (_1, _2, field, _3, _4) => field),
negateSource: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("-"), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("!")), q.atomSource, (_, source) => Sources.negate(source)),
atomSource: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(q.parensSource, q.negateSource, q.linkOutgoingSource, q.linkIncomingSource, q.folderSource, q.tagSource, q.csvSource),
binaryOpSource: q => createBinaryParser(q.atomSource, => s), Sources.binaryOp),
source: q => q.binaryOpSource,
// Field parsing.
variableField: q => q.identifier
.chain(r => {
if (KEYWORDS.includes(r.toUpperCase())) {
return"Variable fields cannot be a keyword (" + KEYWORDS.join(" or ") + ")");
else {
return parsimmon_umd_min.exports.succeed(Fields.variable(r));
numberField: q => => Fields.literal(val)).desc("number"),
stringField: q => => Fields.literal(val)).desc("string"),
boolField: q => => Fields.literal(val)).desc("boolean"),
dateField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("date("), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, q.datePlus, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(")"), (prefix, _1, date, _2, postfix) => Fields.literal(date)).desc("date"),
durationField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("dur("), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, q.duration, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(")"), (prefix, _1, dur, _2, postfix) => Fields.literal(dur)).desc("duration"),
nullField: q => => Fields.NULL),
linkField: q => => Fields.literal(f)),
listField: q => q.field
.wrap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("[").skip(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace.then(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("]")))
.map(l => Fields.list(l))
.desc("list ('[1, 2, 3]')"),
objectField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(q.identifier.or(q.string), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(":").trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace), q.field, (name, _sep, value) => {
return { name, value };
.wrap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("{").skip(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace.then(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("}")))
.map(vals => {
let res = {};
for (let entry of vals)
res[] = entry.value;
return Fields.object(res);
.desc("object ('{ a: 1, b: 2 }')"),
atomInlineField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(, => normalizeDuration(d)), q.string, q.tag, q.embedLink, q.bool, q.number, q.rawNull),
inlineFieldList: q => q.atomInlineField.sepBy(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(",").trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace).lookahead(q.atomInlineField)),
inlineField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(q.atomInlineField, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(",").trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace), q.inlineFieldList, (f, _s, l) => [f].concat(l)), q.atomInlineField),
atomField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(
// Place embed links above negated fields as they are the special parser case '![[thing]]' and are generally unambigious. => Fields.literal(l)), q.negatedField, q.linkField, q.listField, q.objectField, q.lambdaField, q.parensField, q.boolField, q.numberField, q.stringField, q.dateField, q.durationField, q.nullField, q.variableField),
indexField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(q.atomField, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(q.dotPostfix, q.indexPostfix, q.functionPostfix).many(), (obj, postfixes) => {
let result = obj;
for (let post of postfixes) {
switch (post.type) {
case "dot":
3 years ago
result = Fields.index(result, Fields.literal(post.field));
3 years ago
case "index":
result = Fields.index(result, post.field);
case "function":
result = Fields.func(result, post.fields);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return result;
negatedField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("!"), q.indexField, (_, field) => Fields.negate(field)).desc("negated field"),
parensField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("("), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, q.field, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(")"), (_1, _2, field, _3, _4) => field),
lambdaField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(q.identifier
.wrap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("(").trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(")").trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace)), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("=>").trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace), q.field, (ident, _ignore, value) => {
return { type: "lambda", arguments: ident, value };
dotPostfix: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("."), q.identifier, (_, field) => {
3 years ago
return { type: "dot", field: field };
3 years ago
indexPostfix: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("["), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, q.field, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("]"), (_, _2, field, _3, _4) => {
return { type: "index", field };
functionPostfix: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string("("), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, q.field.sepBy(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(",").trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace)), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(")"), (_, _1, fields, _2, _3) => {
return { type: "function", fields };
// The precedence hierarchy of operators - multiply/divide, add/subtract, compare, and then boolean operations.
binaryMulDivField: q => createBinaryParser(q.indexField, q.binaryMulDiv, Fields.binaryOp),
binaryPlusMinusField: q => createBinaryParser(q.binaryMulDivField, q.binaryPlusMinus, Fields.binaryOp),
binaryCompareField: q => createBinaryParser(q.binaryPlusMinusField, q.binaryCompareOp, Fields.binaryOp),
binaryBooleanField: q => createBinaryParser(q.binaryCompareField, q.binaryBooleanOp, Fields.binaryOp),
binaryOpField: q => q.binaryBooleanField,
field: q => q.binaryOpField,
* Attempt to parse a field from the given text, returning a string error if the
* parse failed.
function parseField(text) {
try {
return Result.success(EXPRESSION.field.tryParse(text));
3 years ago
3 years ago
catch (error) {
return Result.failure("" + error);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Parse inline fields and other embedded metadata in a line. */
/** The wrapper characters that can be used to define an inline field. */
const INLINE_FIELD_WRAPPERS = Object.freeze({
"[": "]",
"(": ")",
* Find a matching closing bracket that occurs at or after `start`, respecting nesting and escapes. If found,
* returns the value contained within and the string index after the end of the value.
function findClosing(line, start, open, close) {
let nesting = 0;
let escaped = false;
for (let index = start; index < line.length; index++) {
let char = line.charAt(index);
// Allows for double escapes like '\\' to be rendered normally.
if (char == "\\") {
escaped = !escaped;
3 years ago
3 years ago
// If escaped, ignore the next character for computing nesting, regardless of what it is.
3 years ago
if (escaped) {
escaped = false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (char == open)
else if (char == close)
// Only occurs if we are on a close character and trhere is no more nesting.
if (nesting < 0)
return { value: line.substring(start, index).trim(), endIndex: index + 1 };
escaped = false;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return undefined;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Find the '::' separator in an inline field. */
function findSeparator(line, start) {
let sep = line.indexOf("::", start);
if (sep < 0)
return undefined;
return { key: line.substring(start, sep).trim(), valueIndex: sep + 2 };
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Try to completely parse an inline field starting at the given position. Assuems `start` is on a wrapping character. */
function findSpecificInlineField(line, start) {
let open = line.charAt(start);
let key = findSeparator(line, start + 1);
if (key === undefined)
return undefined;
// Fail the match if we find any separator characters (not allowed in keys).
for (let sep of Object.keys(INLINE_FIELD_WRAPPERS).concat(Object.values(INLINE_FIELD_WRAPPERS))) {
if (key.key.includes(sep))
return undefined;
3 years ago
3 years ago
let value = findClosing(line, key.valueIndex, open, INLINE_FIELD_WRAPPERS[open]);
if (value === undefined)
return undefined;
return {
key: key.key,
value: value.value,
start: start,
startValue: key.valueIndex,
end: value.endIndex,
wrapping: open,
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Parse a textual inline field value into something we can work with. */
function parseInlineValue(value) {
3 years ago
// Empty inline values (i.e., no text) should map to null to match long-term Dataview semantics.
// Null is also a more universal type to deal with than strings, since all functions accept nulls.
if (value.trim() == "")
return null;
3 years ago
// The stripped literal field parser understands all of the non-array/non-object fields and can parse them for us.
// Inline field objects are not currently supported; inline array objects have to be handled by the parser
// separately.
let inline = EXPRESSION.inlineField.parse(value);
if (inline.status)
return inline.value;
return value;
/** Extracts inline fields of the form '[key:: value]' from a line of text. This is done in a relatively
* "robust" way to avoid failing due to bad nesting or other interfering Markdown symbols:
* - Look for any wrappers ('[' and '(') in the line, trying to parse whatever comes after it as an inline key::.
* - If successful, scan until you find a matching end bracket, and parse whatever remains as an inline value.
function extractInlineFields(line, includeTaskFields = false) {
let fields = [];
for (let wrapper of Object.keys(INLINE_FIELD_WRAPPERS)) {
let foundIndex = line.indexOf(wrapper);
while (foundIndex >= 0) {
let parsedField = findSpecificInlineField(line, foundIndex);
if (!parsedField) {
foundIndex = line.indexOf(wrapper, foundIndex + 1);
3 years ago
3 years ago
foundIndex = line.indexOf(wrapper, parsedField.end);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (includeTaskFields)
fields = fields.concat(extractSpecialTaskFields(line));
fields.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);
3 years ago
let filteredFields = [];
for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (i == 0 || filteredFields[filteredFields.length - 1].end < fields[i].start) {
return filteredFields;
3 years ago
/** Validates that a raw field name has a valid form. */
const FULL_LINE_KEY_PART = parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(new RegExp(emojiRegex(), "u")), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/[0-9\p{Letter}\w\s_/-]+/u))
.map(parts => parts.join(""));
const CREATED_DATE_REGEX = /\u{2795}\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/u;
3 years ago
const DUE_DATE_REGEX = /(?:\u{1F4C5}|\u{1F4C6}|\u{1F5D3}\u{FE0F}?)\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/u;
3 years ago
const DONE_DATE_REGEX = /\u{2705}\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/u;
3 years ago
const SCHEDULED_DATE_REGEX = /[\u{23F3}\u{231B}]\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/u;
const START_DATE_REGEX = /\u{1F6EB}\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/u;
{ regex: CREATED_DATE_REGEX, key: "created" },
{ regex: START_DATE_REGEX, key: "start" },
{ regex: SCHEDULED_DATE_REGEX, key: "scheduled" },
{ regex: DUE_DATE_REGEX, key: "due" },
{ regex: DONE_DATE_REGEX, key: "completion" },
3 years ago
/** Parse special completed/due/done task fields which are marked via emoji. */
function extractSpecialTaskFields(line) {
let results = [];
3 years ago
for (let { regex, key } of EMOJI_REGEXES) {
const match = regex.exec(line);
if (!match)
3 years ago
3 years ago
value: match[1],
start: match.index,
startValue: match.index + 1,
end: match.index + match[0].length,
3 years ago
wrapping: "emoji-shorthand",
3 years ago
3 years ago
return results;
/** Sets or replaces the value of an inline field; if the value is 'undefined', deletes the key. */
function setInlineField(source, key, value) {
let existing = extractInlineFields(source);
let existingKeys = existing.filter(f => f.key == key);
// Don't do anything if there are duplicate keys OR the key already doesn't exist.
if (existingKeys.length > 2 || (existingKeys.length == 0 && !value))
return source;
let existingKey = existingKeys[0];
let annotation = value ? `[${key}:: ${value}]` : "";
if (existingKey) {
let prefix = source.substring(0, existingKey.start);
let suffix = source.substring(existingKey.end);
if (annotation)
return `${prefix}${annotation}${suffix}`;
return `${prefix}${suffix.trimStart()}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (annotation) {
return `${source.trimEnd()} ${annotation}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
return source;
3 years ago
function setEmojiShorthandCompletionField(source, value) {
const existing = extractInlineFields(source, true);
const existingKeys = existing.filter(f => f.key === "completion" && f.wrapping === "emoji-shorthand");
// Don't do anything if there are duplicate keys OR the key already doesn't exist.
if (existingKeys.length > 2 || (existingKeys.length == 0 && !value))
return source;
/* No wrapper, add own spacing at start */
const annotation = value ? `${value}` : "";
let existingKey = existingKeys[0];
if (existingKey) {
const prefix = source.substring(0, existingKey.start);
const suffix = source.substring(existingKey.end);
return `${prefix.trimEnd()}${annotation}${suffix}`;
else {
return `${source.trimEnd()}${annotation}`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** All extracted markdown file metadata obtained from a file. */
class PageMetadata {
constructor(path, init) {
this.path = path;
this.fields = new Map();
this.frontmatter = {};
this.tags = new Set();
this.aliases = new Set();
this.links = [];
Object.assign(this, init);
this.lists = (this.lists || []).map(l => new ListItem$1(l));
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Canonicalize raw links and other data in partial data with normalizers, returning a completed object. */
static canonicalize(data, linkNormalizer) {
// Mutate the data for now, which is probably a bad idea but... all well.
if (data.frontmatter) {
data.frontmatter = Values.mapLeaves(data.frontmatter, t => Values.isLink(t) ? linkNormalizer(t) : t);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (data.fields) {
for (let [key, value] of data.fields.entries()) {
data.fields.set(key, Values.mapLeaves(value, t => (Values.isLink(t) ? linkNormalizer(t) : t)));
if (data.lists) {
for (let item of data.lists) {
for (let [key, value] of item.fields.entries()) {
item.fields.set(key, => Values.mapLeaves(x, t => (Values.isLink(t) ? linkNormalizer(t) : t))));
if (data.links) {
data.links = => linkNormalizer(l));
// This is pretty ugly, but it's not possible to normalize on the worker thread that does parsing.
// The best way to improve this is to instead just canonicalize the entire data object; I can try to
// optimize `Values.mapLeaves` to only mutate if it actually changes things.
return new PageMetadata(data.path, data);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** The name (based on path) of this file. */
name() {
return getFileTitle(this.path);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** The containing folder (based on path) of this file. */
folder() {
return getParentFolder(this.path);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** The extension of this file (likely 'md'). */
extension() {
return getExtension(this.path);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Return a set of tags AND all of their parent tags (so #hello/yes would become #hello, #hello/yes). */
fullTags() {
let result = new Set();
for (let tag of this.tags) {
for (let subtag of extractSubtags(tag))
return result;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Convert all links in this file to file links. */
fileLinks() {
// We want to make them distinct, but where links are not raw links we
// now keep the additional metadata.
let distinctLinks = new Set(this.links);
return Array.from(distinctLinks);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Map this metadata to a full object; uses the index for additional data lookups. */
serialize(index, cache) {
// Convert list items via the canonicalization cache.
let realCache = cache !== null && cache !== void 0 ? cache : new ListSerializationCache(this.lists);
let result = {
file: {
path: this.path,
folder: this.folder(),
link: Link.file(this.path),
outlinks: this.fileLinks(),
inlinks: Array.from(index.links.getInverse(this.path)).map(l => Link.file(l)),
etags: Array.from(this.tags),
tags: Array.from(this.fullTags()),
aliases: Array.from(this.aliases),
lists: => realCache.get(l.line)),
tasks: this.lists.filter(l => !!l.task).map(l => realCache.get(l.line)),
ctime: this.ctime,
cday: stripTime(this.ctime),
mtime: this.mtime,
mday: stripTime(this.mtime),
size: this.size,
starred: index.starred.starred(this.path),
frontmatter: Values.deepCopy(this.frontmatter),
ext: this.extension(),
// Add the current day if present.
if ( =;
// Then append the computed fields.
for (let [key, value] of this.fields.entries()) {
if (key in result)
continue; // Don't allow fields to override existing keys.
result[key] = value;
return result;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** A list item inside of a list. */
class ListItem$1 {
constructor(init) {
Object.assign(this, init);
3 years ago
this.fields = this.fields || new Map();
this.tags = this.tags || new Set();
this.children = this.children || [];
this.links = this.links || [];
3 years ago
id() {
return `${this.file().path}-${this.line}`;
file() {
markdown() {
if (this.task)
return `${this.symbol} [${this.task.completed ? "x" : " "}] ${this.text}`;
return `${this.symbol} ${this.text}`;
created() {
var _a, _b, _c;
return (_c = ((_b = (_a = this.fields.get("created")) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.fields.get("ctime")) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.fields.get("cday"))) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0];
due() {
var _a, _b, _c;
return (_c = ((_b = (_a = this.fields.get("due")) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.fields.get("duetime")) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.fields.get("dueday"))) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0];
completed() {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
return (_d = ((_c = (_b = (_a = this.fields.get("completed")) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.fields.get("completion")) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.fields.get("comptime")) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : this.fields.get("compday"))) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d[0];
3 years ago
start() {
var _a;
return (_a = this.fields.get("start")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0];
scheduled() {
var _a;
return (_a = this.fields.get("scheduled")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0];
3 years ago
/** Create an API-friendly copy of this list item. De-duplication is done via the provided cache. */
serialize(cache) {
// Map children to their serialized/de-duplicated equivalents right away.
let children = => cache.get(l)).filter((l) => l !== undefined);
let result = {
symbol: this.symbol,
section: this.section,
text: this.text,
tags: Array.from(this.tags),
line: this.line,
lineCount: this.lineCount,
list: this.list,
3 years ago
outlinks: Array.from(this.links),
3 years ago
children: children,
task: !!this.task,
annotated: this.fields.size > 0,
position: Values.deepCopy(this.position),
subtasks: children,
real: !!this.task,
header: this.section, // @deprecated, use 'item.section' instead.
if (this.parent || this.parent === 0)
3 years ago
result.parent = this.parent;
if (this.blockId)
result.blockId = this.blockId;
addFields(this.fields, result);
if (this.task) {
result.status = this.task.status;
result.checked = this.task.checked;
result.completed = this.task.completed;
result.fullyCompleted = this.task.fullyCompleted;
3 years ago
let created = this.created(), due = this.due(), completed = this.completed(), start = this.start(), scheduled = this.scheduled();
3 years ago
if (created)
result.created = Values.deepCopy(created);
if (due)
result.due = Values.deepCopy(due);
if (completed)
result.completion = Values.deepCopy(completed);
3 years ago
if (start)
result.start = Values.deepCopy(start);
if (scheduled)
result.scheduled = Values.deepCopy(scheduled);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return result;
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Conversion / Serialization Utilities //
/** De-duplicates list items across section metadata and page metadata. */
class ListSerializationCache {
constructor(listItems) {
this.listItems = {};
this.cache = {};
this.seen = new Set();
for (let item of listItems)
this.listItems[item.line] = item;
get(lineno) {
if (lineno in this.cache)
return this.cache[lineno];
else if (this.seen.has(lineno)) {
console.log(`Dataview: Encountered a circular list (line number ${lineno}; children ${this.listItems[lineno].children.join(", ")})`);
return undefined;
let result = this.listItems[lineno].serialize(this);
this.cache[lineno] = result;
return result;
function addFields(fields, target) {
for (let [key, values] of fields.entries()) {
if (key in target)
target[key] = values.length == 1 ? values[0] : values;
return target;
/** Importer for markdown documents. */
// TODO: Consider using an actual parser in leiu of a more expensive regex.
const LIST_ITEM_REGEX = /^[\s>]*(\d+\.|\d+\)|\*|-|\+)\s*(\[.{0,1}\])?\s*(.*)$/mu;
/** Recursively convert frontmatter into fields. We have to dance around YAML structure. */
function parseFrontmatter(value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
else if (typeof value === "object") {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
let result = [];
for (let child of value) {
3 years ago
return result;
3 years ago
else {
let object = value;
let result = {};
for (let key in object) {
result[key] = parseFrontmatter(object[key]);
return result;
else if (typeof value === "number") {
return value;
else if (typeof value === "boolean") {
return value;
else if (typeof value === "string") {
let dateParse =;
if (dateParse.status)
return dateParse.value;
let durationParse = EXPRESSION.duration.parse(value);
if (durationParse.status)
return durationParse.value;
let linkParse = EXPRESSION.embedLink.parse(value);
if (linkParse.status)
return linkParse.value;
return value;
// Backup if we don't understand the type.
return null;
/** Parse a CSV file into a collection of data rows. */
function parseCsv(content) {
let parsed = papaparse_min.exports.parse(content, {
header: true,
skipEmptyLines: true,
comments: "#",
dynamicTyping: true,
3 years ago
3 years ago
let rows = [];
for (let parsedRow of {
let fields = parseFrontmatter(parsedRow);
let result = {};
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(fields)) {
result[key] = value;
result[canonicalizeVarName(key)] = value;
return rows;
/** Simplifies passing dataview values across the JS web worker barrier. */
var Transferable;
(function (Transferable) {
/** Convert a literal value to a serializer-friendly transferable value. */
function transferable(value) {
// Handle simple universal types first.
if (value instanceof Map) {
let copied = new Map();
for (let [key, val] of value.entries())
copied.set(transferable(key), transferable(val));
return copied;
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (value instanceof Set) {
let copied = new Set();
for (let val of value)
return copied;
3 years ago
3 years ago
let wrapped = Values.wrapValue(value);
if (wrapped === undefined)
throw Error("Unrecognized transferable value: " + value);
switch (wrapped.type) {
case "null":
case "number":
case "string":
case "boolean":
return wrapped.value;
case "date":
return {
"___transfer-type": "date",
value: transferable(wrapped.value.toObject()),
3 years ago
options: {
zone: ? undefined : wrapped.value.zoneName,
3 years ago
3 years ago
case "duration":
return { "___transfer-type": "duration", value: transferable(wrapped.value.toObject()) };
case "array":
return => transferable(v));
case "link":
return { "___transfer-type": "link", value: transferable(wrapped.value.toObject()) };
case "object":
let result = {};
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(wrapped.value))
result[key] = transferable(value);
return result;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Transferable.transferable = transferable;
/** Convert a transferable value back to a literal value we can work with. */
function value(transferable) {
if (transferable === null) {
return null;
else if (transferable === undefined) {
return undefined;
else if (transferable instanceof Map) {
let real = new Map();
for (let [key, val] of transferable.entries())
real.set(value(key), value(val));
return real;
else if (transferable instanceof Set) {
let real = new Set();
for (let val of transferable)
return real;
else if (Array.isArray(transferable)) {
return => value(v));
else if (typeof transferable === "object") {
if ("___transfer-type" in transferable) {
switch (transferable["___transfer-type"]) {
case "date":
let dateOpts = value(transferable.options);
3 years ago
let dateData = value(transferable.value);
return DateTime.fromObject(dateData, { zone: });
3 years ago
case "duration":
return Duration.fromObject(value(transferable.value));
3 years ago
case "link":
return Link.fromObject(value(transferable.value));
throw Error(`Unrecognized transfer type '${transferable["___transfer-type"]}'`);
let result = {};
for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(transferable))
result[key] = value(val);
return result;
return transferable;
3 years ago
3 years ago
Transferable.value = value;
})(Transferable || (Transferable = {}));
var localforage$1 = {exports: {}};
localForage -- Offline Storage, Improved
Version 1.10.0
(c) 2013-2017 Mozilla, Apache License 2.0
(function (module, exports) {
(function(f){{module.exports=f();}})(function(){return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof commonjsRequire=="function"&&commonjsRequire;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw (f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND", f)}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r);}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof commonjsRequire=="function"&&commonjsRequire;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
(function (global){
var Mutation = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver;
var scheduleDrain;
if (Mutation) {
var called = 0;
var observer = new Mutation(nextTick);
var element = global.document.createTextNode('');
observer.observe(element, {
characterData: true
scheduleDrain = function () { = (called = ++called % 2);
} else if (!global.setImmediate && typeof global.MessageChannel !== 'undefined') {
var channel = new global.MessageChannel();
channel.port1.onmessage = nextTick;
scheduleDrain = function () {
} else if ('document' in global && 'onreadystatechange' in global.document.createElement('script')) {
scheduleDrain = function () {
// Create a <script> element; its readystatechange event will be fired asynchronously once it is inserted
// into the document. Do so, thus queuing up the task. Remember to clean up once it's been called.
var scriptEl = global.document.createElement('script');
scriptEl.onreadystatechange = function () {
scriptEl.onreadystatechange = null;
scriptEl = null;
} else {
scheduleDrain = function () {
setTimeout(nextTick, 0);
var draining;
var queue = [];
//named nextTick for less confusing stack traces
function nextTick() {
draining = true;
var i, oldQueue;
var len = queue.length;
while (len) {
oldQueue = queue;
queue = [];
i = -1;
while (++i < len) {
len = queue.length;
draining = false;
module.exports = immediate;
function immediate(task) {
if (queue.push(task) === 1 && !draining) {
}).call(this,typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {});
var immediate = _dereq_(1);
/* istanbul ignore next */
function INTERNAL() {}
var handlers = {};
module.exports = Promise;
function Promise(resolver) {
if (typeof resolver !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('resolver must be a function');
this.state = PENDING;
this.queue = [];
this.outcome = void 0;
if (resolver !== INTERNAL) {
safelyResolveThenable(this, resolver);
Promise.prototype["catch"] = function (onRejected) {
return this.then(null, onRejected);
Promise.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
if (typeof onFulfilled !== 'function' && this.state === FULFILLED ||
typeof onRejected !== 'function' && this.state === REJECTED) {
return this;
var promise = new this.constructor(INTERNAL);
if (this.state !== PENDING) {
var resolver = this.state === FULFILLED ? onFulfilled : onRejected;
unwrap(promise, resolver, this.outcome);
} else {
this.queue.push(new QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected));
return promise;
function QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected) {
this.promise = promise;
if (typeof onFulfilled === 'function') {
this.onFulfilled = onFulfilled;
this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled;
if (typeof onRejected === 'function') {
this.onRejected = onRejected;
this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected;
QueueItem.prototype.callFulfilled = function (value) {
handlers.resolve(this.promise, value);
QueueItem.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function (value) {
unwrap(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, value);
QueueItem.prototype.callRejected = function (value) {
handlers.reject(this.promise, value);
QueueItem.prototype.otherCallRejected = function (value) {
unwrap(this.promise, this.onRejected, value);
function unwrap(promise, func, value) {
immediate(function () {
var returnValue;
try {
returnValue = func(value);
} catch (e) {
return handlers.reject(promise, e);
if (returnValue === promise) {
handlers.reject(promise, new TypeError('Cannot resolve promise with itself'));
} else {
handlers.resolve(promise, returnValue);
handlers.resolve = function (self, value) {
var result = tryCatch(getThen, value);
if (result.status === 'error') {
return handlers.reject(self, result.value);
var thenable = result.value;
if (thenable) {
safelyResolveThenable(self, thenable);
} else {
self.state = FULFILLED;
self.outcome = value;
var i = -1;
var len = self.queue.length;
while (++i < len) {
return self;
handlers.reject = function (self, error) {
self.state = REJECTED;
self.outcome = error;
var i = -1;
var len = self.queue.length;
while (++i < len) {
return self;
function getThen(obj) {
// Make sure we only access the accessor once as required by the spec
var then = obj && obj.then;
if (obj && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') && typeof then === 'function') {
return function appyThen() {
then.apply(obj, arguments);
function safelyResolveThenable(self, thenable) {
// Either fulfill, reject or reject with error
var called = false;
function onError(value) {
if (called) {
called = true;
handlers.reject(self, value);
function onSuccess(value) {
if (called) {
called = true;
handlers.resolve(self, value);
function tryToUnwrap() {
thenable(onSuccess, onError);
var result = tryCatch(tryToUnwrap);
if (result.status === 'error') {
function tryCatch(func, value) {
var out = {};
try {
out.value = func(value);
out.status = 'success';
} catch (e) {
out.status = 'error';
out.value = e;
return out;
Promise.resolve = resolve;
function resolve(value) {
if (value instanceof this) {
return value;
return handlers.resolve(new this(INTERNAL), value);
Promise.reject = reject;
function reject(reason) {
var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
return handlers.reject(promise, reason);
Promise.all = all;
function all(iterable) {
var self = this;
if ( !== '[object Array]') {
return this.reject(new TypeError('must be an array'));
var len = iterable.length;
var called = false;
if (!len) {
return this.resolve([]);
var values = new Array(len);
var resolved = 0;
var i = -1;
var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
while (++i < len) {
allResolver(iterable[i], i);
return promise;
function allResolver(value, i) {
self.resolve(value).then(resolveFromAll, function (error) {
if (!called) {
called = true;
handlers.reject(promise, error);
function resolveFromAll(outValue) {
values[i] = outValue;
if (++resolved === len && !called) {
called = true;
handlers.resolve(promise, values);
Promise.race = race;
function race(iterable) {
var self = this;
if ( !== '[object Array]') {
return this.reject(new TypeError('must be an array'));
var len = iterable.length;
var called = false;
if (!len) {
return this.resolve([]);
var i = -1;
var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
while (++i < len) {
return promise;
function resolver(value) {
self.resolve(value).then(function (response) {
if (!called) {
called = true;
handlers.resolve(promise, response);
}, function (error) {
if (!called) {
called = true;
handlers.reject(promise, error);
(function (global){
if (typeof global.Promise !== 'function') {
global.Promise = _dereq_(2);
}).call(this,typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {});
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function getIDB() {
/* global indexedDB,webkitIndexedDB,mozIndexedDB,OIndexedDB,msIndexedDB */
try {
if (typeof indexedDB !== 'undefined') {
return indexedDB;
if (typeof webkitIndexedDB !== 'undefined') {
return webkitIndexedDB;
if (typeof mozIndexedDB !== 'undefined') {
return mozIndexedDB;
if (typeof OIndexedDB !== 'undefined') {
return OIndexedDB;
if (typeof msIndexedDB !== 'undefined') {
return msIndexedDB;
} catch (e) {
var idb = getIDB();
function isIndexedDBValid() {
try {
// Initialize IndexedDB; fall back to vendor-prefixed versions
// if needed.
if (!idb || ! {
return false;
// We mimic PouchDB here;
// We test for openDatabase because IE Mobile identifies itself
// as Safari. Oh the lulz...
var isSafari = typeof openDatabase !== 'undefined' && /(Safari|iPhone|iPad|iPod)/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/BlackBerry/.test(navigator.platform);
var hasFetch = typeof fetch === 'function' && fetch.toString().indexOf('[native code') !== -1;
// Safari <10.1 does not meet our requirements for IDB support
// (see:
// Safari 10.1 shipped with fetch, we can use that to detect it.
// Note: this creates issues with `window.fetch` polyfills and
// overrides; see:
return (!isSafari || hasFetch) && typeof indexedDB !== 'undefined' &&
// some outdated implementations of IDB that appear on Samsung
// and HTC Android devices <4.4 are missing IDBKeyRange
// See:
// See:
typeof IDBKeyRange !== 'undefined';
} catch (e) {
return false;
// Abstracts constructing a Blob object, so it also works in older
// browsers that don't support the native Blob constructor. (i.e.
// old QtWebKit versions, at least).
// Abstracts constructing a Blob object, so it also works in older
// browsers that don't support the native Blob constructor. (i.e.
// old QtWebKit versions, at least).
function createBlob(parts, properties) {
/* global BlobBuilder,MSBlobBuilder,MozBlobBuilder,WebKitBlobBuilder */
parts = parts || [];
properties = properties || {};
try {
return new Blob(parts, properties);
} catch (e) {
if ( !== 'TypeError') {
throw e;
var Builder = typeof BlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? BlobBuilder : typeof MSBlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? MSBlobBuilder : typeof MozBlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? MozBlobBuilder : WebKitBlobBuilder;
var builder = new Builder();
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) {
return builder.getBlob(properties.type);
// This is CommonJS because lie is an external dependency, so Rollup
// can just ignore it.
if (typeof Promise === 'undefined') {
// In the "nopromises" build this will just throw if you don't have
// a global promise object, but it would throw anyway later.
var Promise$1 = Promise;
function executeCallback(promise, callback) {
if (callback) {
promise.then(function (result) {
callback(null, result);
}, function (error) {
function executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
if (typeof errorCallback === 'function') {
function normalizeKey(key) {
// Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key.
if (typeof key !== 'string') {
console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.');
key = String(key);
return key;
function getCallback() {
if (arguments.length && typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === 'function') {
return arguments[arguments.length - 1];
// Some code originally from async_storage.js in
// [Gaia](
var DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE = 'local-forage-detect-blob-support';
var supportsBlobs = void 0;
var dbContexts = {};
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
// Transaction Modes
var READ_ONLY = 'readonly';
var READ_WRITE = 'readwrite';
// Transform a binary string to an array buffer, because otherwise
// weird stuff happens when you try to work with the binary string directly.
// It is known.
// From (continues on next line)
// encode-decode-image-with-base64-breaks-image (2013-04-21)
function _binStringToArrayBuffer(bin) {
var length = bin.length;
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(length);
var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
arr[i] = bin.charCodeAt(i);
return buf;
// Blobs are not supported in all versions of IndexedDB, notably
// Chrome <37 and Android <5. In those versions, storing a blob will throw.
// Various other blob bugs exist in Chrome v37-42 (inclusive).
// Detecting them is expensive and confusing to users, and Chrome 37-42
// is at very low usage worldwide, so we do a hacky userAgent check instead.
// content-type bug:
// 404 bug:
// FileReader bug:
// Code borrowed from PouchDB. See:
function _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb) {
return new Promise$1(function (resolve) {
var txn = idb.transaction(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE, READ_WRITE);
var blob = createBlob(['']);
txn.objectStore(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE).put(blob, 'key');
txn.onabort = function (e) {
// If the transaction aborts now its due to not being able to
// write to the database, likely due to the disk being full
txn.oncomplete = function () {
var matchedChrome = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/);
var matchedEdge = navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\//);
// MS Edge pretends to be Chrome 42:
resolve(matchedEdge || !matchedChrome || parseInt(matchedChrome[1], 10) >= 43);
})["catch"](function () {
return false; // error, so assume unsupported
function _checkBlobSupport(idb) {
if (typeof supportsBlobs === 'boolean') {
return Promise$1.resolve(supportsBlobs);
return _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb).then(function (value) {
supportsBlobs = value;
return supportsBlobs;
function _deferReadiness(dbInfo) {
var dbContext = dbContexts[];
// Create a deferred object representing the current database operation.
var deferredOperation = {};
deferredOperation.promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
deferredOperation.resolve = resolve;
deferredOperation.reject = reject;
// Enqueue the deferred operation.
// Chain its promise to the database readiness.
if (!dbContext.dbReady) {
dbContext.dbReady = deferredOperation.promise;
} else {
dbContext.dbReady = dbContext.dbReady.then(function () {
return deferredOperation.promise;
function _advanceReadiness(dbInfo) {
var dbContext = dbContexts[];
// Dequeue a deferred operation.
var deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop();
// Resolve its promise (which is part of the database readiness
// chain of promises).
if (deferredOperation) {
return deferredOperation.promise;
function _rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err) {
var dbContext = dbContexts[];
// Dequeue a deferred operation.
var deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop();
// Reject its promise (which is part of the database readiness
// chain of promises).
if (deferredOperation) {
return deferredOperation.promise;
function _getConnection(dbInfo, upgradeNeeded) {
return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
dbContexts[] = dbContexts[] || createDbContext();
if (dbInfo.db) {
if (upgradeNeeded) {
} else {
return resolve(dbInfo.db);
var dbArgs = [];
if (upgradeNeeded) {
var openreq =, dbArgs);
if (upgradeNeeded) {
openreq.onupgradeneeded = function (e) {
var db = openreq.result;
try {
if (e.oldVersion <= 1) {
// Added when support for blob shims was added
} catch (ex) {
if ( === 'ConstraintError') {
console.warn('The database "' + + '"' + ' has been upgraded from version ' + e.oldVersion + ' to version ' + e.newVersion + ', but the storage "' + dbInfo.storeName + '" already exists.');
} else {
throw ex;
openreq.onerror = function (e) {
openreq.onsuccess = function () {
var db = openreq.result;
db.onversionchange = function (e) {
// Triggered when the database is modified (e.g. adding an objectStore) or
// deleted (even when initiated by other sessions in different tabs).
// Closing the connection here prevents those operations from being blocked.
// If the database is accessed again later by this instance, the connection
// will be reopened or the database recreated as needed.;
function _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo) {
return _getConnection(dbInfo, false);
function _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo) {
return _getConnection(dbInfo, true);
function _isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, defaultVersion) {
if (!dbInfo.db) {
return true;
var isNewStore = !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName);
var isDowngrade = dbInfo.version < dbInfo.db.version;
var isUpgrade = dbInfo.version > dbInfo.db.version;
if (isDowngrade) {
// If the version is not the default one
// then warn for impossible downgrade.
if (dbInfo.version !== defaultVersion) {
console.warn('The database "' + + '"' + " can't be downgraded from version " + dbInfo.db.version + ' to version ' + dbInfo.version + '.');
// Align the versions to prevent errors.
dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version;
if (isUpgrade || isNewStore) {
// If the store is new then increment the version (if needed).
// This will trigger an "upgradeneeded" event which is required
// for creating a store.
if (isNewStore) {
var incVersion = dbInfo.db.version + 1;
if (incVersion > dbInfo.version) {
dbInfo.version = incVersion;
return true;
return false;
// encode a blob for indexeddb engines that don't support blobs
function _encodeBlob(blob) {
return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onerror = reject;
reader.onloadend = function (e) {
var base64 = btoa( || '');
__local_forage_encoded_blob: true,
data: base64,
type: blob.type
// decode an encoded blob
function _decodeBlob(encodedBlob) {
var arrayBuff = _binStringToArrayBuffer(atob(;
return createBlob([arrayBuff], { type: encodedBlob.type });
// is this one of our fancy encoded blobs?
function _isEncodedBlob(value) {
return value && value.__local_forage_encoded_blob;
// Specialize the default `ready()` function by making it dependent
// on the current database operations. Thus, the driver will be actually
// ready when it's been initialized (default) *and* there are no pending
// operations on the database (initiated by some other instances).
function _fullyReady(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = self._initReady().then(function () {
var dbContext = dbContexts[];
if (dbContext && dbContext.dbReady) {
return dbContext.dbReady;
executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback);
return promise;
// Try to establish a new db connection to replace the
// current one which is broken (i.e. experiencing
// InvalidStateError while creating a transaction).
function _tryReconnect(dbInfo) {
var dbContext = dbContexts[];
var forages = dbContext.forages;
for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
var forage = forages[i];
if (forage._dbInfo.db) {
forage._dbInfo.db = null;
dbInfo.db = null;
return _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo).then(function (db) {
dbInfo.db = db;
if (_isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo)) {
// Reopen the database for upgrading.
return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
return db;
}).then(function (db) {
// store the latest db reference
// in case the db was upgraded
dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db;
for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
forages[i]._dbInfo.db = db;
})["catch"](function (err) {
_rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err);
throw err;
// FF doesn't like Promises (micro-tasks) and IDDB store operations,
// so we have to do it with callbacks
function createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries) {
if (retries === undefined) {
retries = 1;
try {
var tx = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, mode);
callback(null, tx);
} catch (err) {
if (retries > 0 && (!dbInfo.db || === 'InvalidStateError' || === 'NotFoundError')) {
return Promise$1.resolve().then(function () {
if (!dbInfo.db || === 'NotFoundError' && !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName) && dbInfo.version <= dbInfo.db.version) {
// increase the db version, to create the new ObjectStore
if (dbInfo.db) {
dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version + 1;
// Reopen the database for upgrading.
return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
}).then(function () {
return _tryReconnect(dbInfo).then(function () {
createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries - 1);
function createDbContext() {
return {
// Running localForages sharing a database.
forages: [],
// Shared database.
db: null,
// Database readiness (promise).
dbReady: null,
// Deferred operations on the database.
deferredOperations: []
// Open the IndexedDB database (automatically creates one if one didn't
// previously exist), using any options set in the config.
function _initStorage(options) {
var self = this;
var dbInfo = {
db: null
if (options) {
for (var i in options) {
dbInfo[i] = options[i];
// Get the current context of the database;
var dbContext = dbContexts[];
// ...or create a new context.
if (!dbContext) {
dbContext = createDbContext();
// Register the new context in the global container.
dbContexts[] = dbContext;
// Register itself as a running localForage in the current context.
// Replace the default `ready()` function with the specialized one.
if (!self._initReady) {
self._initReady = self.ready;
self.ready = _fullyReady;
// Create an array of initialization states of the related localForages.
var initPromises = [];
function ignoreErrors() {
// Don't handle errors here,
// just makes sure related localForages aren't pending.
return Promise$1.resolve();
for (var j = 0; j < dbContext.forages.length; j++) {
var forage = dbContext.forages[j];
if (forage !== self) {
// Don't wait for itself...
// Take a snapshot of the related localForages.
var forages = dbContext.forages.slice(0);
// Initialize the connection process only when
// all the related localForages aren't pending.
return Promise$1.all(initPromises).then(function () {
dbInfo.db = dbContext.db;
// Get the connection or open a new one without upgrade.
return _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo);
}).then(function (db) {
dbInfo.db = db;
if (_isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, self._defaultConfig.version)) {
// Reopen the database for upgrading.
return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
return db;
}).then(function (db) {
dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db;
self._dbInfo = dbInfo;
// Share the final connection amongst related localForages.
for (var k = 0; k < forages.length; k++) {
var forage = forages[k];
if (forage !== self) {
// Self is already up-to-date.
forage._dbInfo.db = dbInfo.db;
forage._dbInfo.version = dbInfo.version;
function getItem(key, callback) {
var self = this;
key = normalizeKey(key);
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
try {
var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
var req = store.get(key);
req.onsuccess = function () {
var value = req.result;
if (value === undefined) {
value = null;
if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) {
value = _decodeBlob(value);
req.onerror = function () {
} catch (e) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
// Iterate over all items stored in database.
function iterate(iterator, callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
try {
var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
var req = store.openCursor();
var iterationNumber = 1;
req.onsuccess = function () {
var cursor = req.result;
if (cursor) {
var value = cursor.value;
if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) {
value = _decodeBlob(value);
var result = iterator(value, cursor.key, iterationNumber++);
// when the iterator callback returns any
// (non-`undefined`) value, then we stop
// the iteration immediately
if (result !== void 0) {
} else {
} else {
req.onerror = function () {
} catch (e) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function setItem(key, value, callback) {
var self = this;
key = normalizeKey(key);
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
var dbInfo;
self.ready().then(function () {
dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
if ( === '[object Blob]') {
return _checkBlobSupport(dbInfo.db).then(function (blobSupport) {
if (blobSupport) {
return value;
return _encodeBlob(value);
return value;
}).then(function (value) {
createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function (err, transaction) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
try {
var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
// The reason we don't _save_ null is because IE 10 does
// not support saving the `null` type in IndexedDB. How
// ironic, given the bug below!
// See:
if (value === null) {
value = undefined;
var req = store.put(value, key);
transaction.oncomplete = function () {
// Cast to undefined so the value passed to
// callback/promise is the same as what one would get out
// of `getItem()` later. This leads to some weirdness
// (setItem('foo', undefined) will return `null`), but
// it's not my fault localStorage is our baseline and that
// it's weird.
if (value === undefined) {
value = null;
transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function () {
var err = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
} catch (e) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function removeItem(key, callback) {
var self = this;
key = normalizeKey(key);
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function (err, transaction) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
try {
var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
// We use a Grunt task to make this safe for IE and some
// versions of Android (including those used by Cordova).
// Normally IE won't like `.delete()` and will insist on
// using `['delete']()`, but we have a build step that
// fixes this for us now.
var req = store["delete"](key);
transaction.oncomplete = function () {
transaction.onerror = function () {
// The request will be also be aborted if we've exceeded our storage
// space.
transaction.onabort = function () {
var err = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
} catch (e) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function clear(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function (err, transaction) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
try {
var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
var req = store.clear();
transaction.oncomplete = function () {
transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function () {
var err = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
} catch (e) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function length(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
try {
var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
var req = store.count();
req.onsuccess = function () {
req.onerror = function () {
} catch (e) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function key(n, callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
if (n < 0) {
self.ready().then(function () {
createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
try {
var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
var advanced = false;
var req = store.openKeyCursor();
req.onsuccess = function () {
var cursor = req.result;
if (!cursor) {
// this means there weren't enough keys
if (n === 0) {
// We have the first key, return it if that's what they
// wanted.
} else {
if (!advanced) {
// Otherwise, ask the cursor to skip ahead n
// records.
advanced = true;
} else {
// When we get here, we've got the nth key.
req.onerror = function () {
} catch (e) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function keys(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
try {
var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
var req = store.openKeyCursor();
var keys = [];
req.onsuccess = function () {
var cursor = req.result;
if (!cursor) {
req.onerror = function () {
} catch (e) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function dropInstance(options, callback) {
callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
var currentConfig = this.config();
options = typeof options !== 'function' && options || {};
if (! { = ||;
options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
var self = this;
var promise;
if (! {
promise = Promise$1.reject('Invalid arguments');
} else {
var isCurrentDb = === && self._dbInfo.db;
var dbPromise = isCurrentDb ? Promise$1.resolve(self._dbInfo.db) : _getOriginalConnection(options).then(function (db) {
var dbContext = dbContexts[];
var forages = dbContext.forages;
dbContext.db = db;
for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
forages[i]._dbInfo.db = db;
return db;
if (!options.storeName) {
promise = dbPromise.then(function (db) {
var dbContext = dbContexts[];
var forages = dbContext.forages;
for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
var forage = forages[i];
forage._dbInfo.db = null;
var dropDBPromise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
var req = idb.deleteDatabase(;
req.onerror = function () {
var db = req.result;
if (db) {
req.onblocked = function () {
// Closing all open connections in onversionchange handler should prevent this situation, but if
// we do get here, it just means the request remains pending - eventually it will succeed or error
console.warn('dropInstance blocked for database "' + + '" until all open connections are closed');
req.onsuccess = function () {
var db = req.result;
if (db) {
return dropDBPromise.then(function (db) {
dbContext.db = db;
for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
var _forage = forages[i];
})["catch"](function (err) {
(_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$1.resolve())["catch"](function () {});
throw err;
} else {
promise = dbPromise.then(function (db) {
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(options.storeName)) {
var newVersion = db.version + 1;
var dbContext = dbContexts[];
var forages = dbContext.forages;
for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
var forage = forages[i];
forage._dbInfo.db = null;
forage._dbInfo.version = newVersion;
var dropObjectPromise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
var req =, newVersion);
req.onerror = function (err) {
var db = req.result;
req.onupgradeneeded = function () {
var db = req.result;
req.onsuccess = function () {
var db = req.result;
return dropObjectPromise.then(function (db) {
dbContext.db = db;
for (var j = 0; j < forages.length; j++) {
var _forage2 = forages[j];
_forage2._dbInfo.db = db;
})["catch"](function (err) {
(_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$1.resolve())["catch"](function () {});
throw err;
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
var asyncStorage = {
_driver: 'asyncStorage',
_initStorage: _initStorage,
_support: isIndexedDBValid(),
iterate: iterate,
getItem: getItem,
setItem: setItem,
removeItem: removeItem,
clear: clear,
length: length,
key: key,
keys: keys,
dropInstance: dropInstance
function isWebSQLValid() {
return typeof openDatabase === 'function';
// Sadly, the best way to save binary data in WebSQL/localStorage is serializing
// it to Base64, so this is how we store it to prevent very strange errors with less
// verbose ways of binary <-> string data storage.
var BASE_CHARS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX = '~~local_forage_type~';
var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX = /^~~local_forage_type~([^~]+)~/;
var SERIALIZED_MARKER = '__lfsc__:';
// OMG the serializations!
var TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER = 'arbf';
var TYPE_BLOB = 'blob';
var TYPE_INT8ARRAY = 'si08';
var TYPE_UINT8ARRAY = 'ui08';
var TYPE_INT16ARRAY = 'si16';
var TYPE_INT32ARRAY = 'si32';
var TYPE_UINT16ARRAY = 'ur16';
var TYPE_UINT32ARRAY = 'ui32';
var TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY = 'fl32';
var TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY = 'fl64';
var toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString;
function stringToBuffer(serializedString) {
// Fill the string into a ArrayBuffer.
var bufferLength = serializedString.length * 0.75;
var len = serializedString.length;
var i;
var p = 0;
var encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4;
if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 1] === '=') {
if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 2] === '=') {
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength);
var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
encoded1 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i]);
encoded2 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 1]);
encoded3 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 2]);
encoded4 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 3]);
/*jslint bitwise: true */
bytes[p++] = encoded1 << 2 | encoded2 >> 4;
bytes[p++] = (encoded2 & 15) << 4 | encoded3 >> 2;
bytes[p++] = (encoded3 & 3) << 6 | encoded4 & 63;
return buffer;
// Converts a buffer to a string to store, serialized, in the backend
// storage library.
function bufferToString(buffer) {
// base64-arraybuffer
var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
var base64String = '';
var i;
for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3) {
/*jslint bitwise: true */
base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i] >> 2];
base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i] & 3) << 4 | bytes[i + 1] >> 4];
base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2 | bytes[i + 2] >> 6];
base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i + 2] & 63];
if (bytes.length % 3 === 2) {
base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 1) + '=';
} else if (bytes.length % 3 === 1) {
base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 2) + '==';
return base64String;
// Serialize a value, afterwards executing a callback (which usually
// instructs the `setItem()` callback/promise to be executed). This is how
// we store binary data with localStorage.
function serialize(value, callback) {
var valueType = '';
if (value) {
valueType = toString$;
// Cannot use `value instanceof ArrayBuffer` or such here, as these
// checks fail when running the tests using casper.js...
// TODO: See why those tests fail and use a better solution.
if (value && (valueType === '[object ArrayBuffer]' || value.buffer && toString$ === '[object ArrayBuffer]')) {
// Convert binary arrays to a string and prefix the string with
// a special marker.
var buffer;
if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
buffer = value;
} else {
buffer = value.buffer;
if (valueType === '[object Int8Array]') {
marker += TYPE_INT8ARRAY;
} else if (valueType === '[object Uint8Array]') {
marker += TYPE_UINT8ARRAY;
} else if (valueType === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') {
} else if (valueType === '[object Int16Array]') {
marker += TYPE_INT16ARRAY;
} else if (valueType === '[object Uint16Array]') {
marker += TYPE_UINT16ARRAY;
} else if (valueType === '[object Int32Array]') {
marker += TYPE_INT32ARRAY;
} else if (valueType === '[object Uint32Array]') {
marker += TYPE_UINT32ARRAY;
} else if (valueType === '[object Float32Array]') {
marker += TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY;
} else if (valueType === '[object Float64Array]') {
marker += TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY;
} else {
callback(new Error('Failed to get type for BinaryArray'));
callback(marker + bufferToString(buffer));
} else if (valueType === '[object Blob]') {
// Conver the blob to a binaryArray and then to a string.
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function () {
// Backwards-compatible prefix for the blob type.
var str = BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX + value.type + '~' + bufferToString(this.result);
} else {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error("Couldn't convert value into a JSON string: ", value);
callback(null, e);
// Deserialize data we've inserted into a value column/field. We place
// special markers into our strings to mark them as encoded; this isn't
// as nice as a meta field, but it's the only sane thing we can do whilst
// keeping localStorage support intact.
// Oftentimes this will just deserialize JSON content, but if we have a
// special marker (SERIALIZED_MARKER, defined above), we will extract
// some kind of arraybuffer/binary data/typed array out of the string.
function deserialize(value) {
// If we haven't marked this string as being specially serialized (i.e.
// something other than serialized JSON), we can just return it and be
// done with it.
return JSON.parse(value);
// The following code deals with deserializing some kind of Blob or
// TypedArray. First we separate out the type of data we're dealing
// with from the data itself.
var serializedString = value.substring(TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH);
var blobType;
// Backwards-compatible blob type serialization strategy.
// DBs created with older versions of localForage will simply not have the blob type.
if (type === TYPE_BLOB && BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX.test(serializedString)) {
var matcher = serializedString.match(BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX);
blobType = matcher[1];
serializedString = serializedString.substring(matcher[0].length);
var buffer = stringToBuffer(serializedString);
// Return the right type based on the code/type set during
// serialization.
switch (type) {
return buffer;
return createBlob([buffer], { type: blobType });
return new Int8Array(buffer);
return new Uint8Array(buffer);
return new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer);
return new Int16Array(buffer);
return new Uint16Array(buffer);
return new Int32Array(buffer);
return new Uint32Array(buffer);
return new Float32Array(buffer);
return new Float64Array(buffer);
throw new Error('Unkown type: ' + type);
var localforageSerializer = {
serialize: serialize,
deserialize: deserialize,
stringToBuffer: stringToBuffer,
bufferToString: bufferToString
* Includes code from:
* base64-arraybuffer
* Copyright (c) 2012 Niklas von Hertzen
* Licensed under the MIT license.
function createDbTable(t, dbInfo, callback, errorCallback) {
t.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' ' + '(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key unique, value)', [], callback, errorCallback);
// Open the WebSQL database (automatically creates one if one didn't
// previously exist), using any options set in the config.
function _initStorage$1(options) {
var self = this;
var dbInfo = {
db: null
if (options) {
for (var i in options) {
dbInfo[i] = typeof options[i] !== 'string' ? options[i].toString() : options[i];
var dbInfoPromise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
// Open the database; the openDatabase API will automatically
// create it for us if it doesn't exist.
try {
dbInfo.db = openDatabase(, String(dbInfo.version), dbInfo.description, dbInfo.size);
} catch (e) {
return reject(e);
// Create our key/value table if it doesn't exist.
dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
createDbTable(t, dbInfo, function () {
self._dbInfo = dbInfo;
}, function (t, error) {
}, reject);
dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer;
return dbInfoPromise;
function tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback) {
t.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, function (t, error) {
if (error.code === error.SYNTAX_ERR) {
t.executeSql('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ' + "WHERE type='table' AND name = ?", [dbInfo.storeName], function (t, results) {
if (!results.rows.length) {
// if the table is missing (was deleted)
// re-create it table and retry
createDbTable(t, dbInfo, function () {
t.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback);
}, errorCallback);
} else {
errorCallback(t, error);
}, errorCallback);
} else {
errorCallback(t, error);
}, errorCallback);
function getItem$1(key, callback) {
var self = this;
key = normalizeKey(key);
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT * FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' WHERE key = ? LIMIT 1', [key], function (t, results) {
var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).value : null;
// Check to see if this is serialized content we need to
// unpack.
if (result) {
result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);
}, function (t, error) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function iterate$1(iterator, callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT * FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function (t, results) {
var rows = results.rows;
var length = rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var item = rows.item(i);
var result = item.value;
// Check to see if this is serialized content
// we need to unpack.
if (result) {
result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);
result = iterator(result, item.key, i + 1);
// void(0) prevents problems with redefinition
// of `undefined`.
if (result !== void 0) {
}, function (t, error) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function _setItem(key, value, callback, retriesLeft) {
var self = this;
key = normalizeKey(key);
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
// The localStorage API doesn't return undefined values in an
// "expected" way, so undefined is always cast to null in all
// drivers. See:
if (value === undefined) {
value = null;
// Save the original value to pass to the callback.
var originalValue = value;
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function (value, error) {
if (error) {
} else {
dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' ' + '(key, value) VALUES (?, ?)', [key, value], function () {
}, function (t, error) {
}, function (sqlError) {
// The transaction failed; check
// to see if it's a quota error.
if (sqlError.code === sqlError.QUOTA_ERR) {
// We reject the callback outright for now, but
// it's worth trying to re-run the transaction.
// Even if the user accepts the prompt to use
// more storage on Safari, this error will
// be called.
// Try to re-run the transaction.
if (retriesLeft > 0) {
resolve(_setItem.apply(self, [key, originalValue, callback, retriesLeft - 1]));
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function setItem$1(key, value, callback) {
return _setItem.apply(this, [key, value, callback, 1]);
function removeItem$1(key, callback) {
var self = this;
key = normalizeKey(key);
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'DELETE FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' WHERE key = ?', [key], function () {
}, function (t, error) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
// Deletes every item in the table.
// TODO: Find out if this resets the AUTO_INCREMENT number.
function clear$1(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'DELETE FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function () {
}, function (t, error) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
// Does a simple `COUNT(key)` to get the number of items stored in
// localForage.
function length$1(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
// Ahhh, SQL makes this one soooooo easy.
tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT COUNT(key) as c FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function (t, results) {
var result = results.rows.item(0).c;
}, function (t, error) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
// Return the key located at key index X; essentially gets the key from a
// `WHERE id = ?`. This is the most efficient way I can think to implement
// this rarely-used (in my experience) part of the API, but it can seem
// inconsistent, because we do `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO` on `setItem()`, so
// the ID of each key will change every time it's updated. Perhaps a stored
// procedure for the `setItem()` SQL would solve this problem?
// TODO: Don't change ID on `setItem()`.
function key$1(n, callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT key FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1', [n + 1], function (t, results) {
var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).key : null;
}, function (t, error) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function keys$1(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT key FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function (t, results) {
var keys = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
}, function (t, error) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
// > There is no way to enumerate or delete the databases available for an origin from this API.
function getAllStoreNames(db) {
return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
db.transaction(function (t) {
t.executeSql('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ' + "WHERE type='table' AND name <> '__WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__'", [], function (t, results) {
var storeNames = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
db: db,
storeNames: storeNames
}, function (t, error) {
}, function (sqlError) {
function dropInstance$1(options, callback) {
callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
var currentConfig = this.config();
options = typeof options !== 'function' && options || {};
if (! { = ||;
options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
var self = this;
var promise;
if (! {
promise = Promise$1.reject('Invalid arguments');
} else {
promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve) {
var db;
if ( === {
// use the db reference of the current instance
db = self._dbInfo.db;
} else {
db = openDatabase(, '', '', 0);
if (!options.storeName) {
// drop all database tables
} else {
db: db,
storeNames: [options.storeName]
}).then(function (operationInfo) {
return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
operationInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
function dropTable(storeName) {
return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
t.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + storeName, [], function () {
}, function (t, error) {
var operations = [];
for (var i = 0, len = operationInfo.storeNames.length; i < len; i++) {
Promise$1.all(operations).then(function () {
})["catch"](function (e) {
}, function (sqlError) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
var webSQLStorage = {
_driver: 'webSQLStorage',
_initStorage: _initStorage$1,
_support: isWebSQLValid(),
iterate: iterate$1,
getItem: getItem$1,
setItem: setItem$1,
removeItem: removeItem$1,
clear: clear$1,
length: length$1,
key: key$1,
keys: keys$1,
dropInstance: dropInstance$1
function isLocalStorageValid() {
try {
return typeof localStorage !== 'undefined' && 'setItem' in localStorage &&
// in IE8 typeof localStorage.setItem === 'object'
} catch (e) {
return false;
function _getKeyPrefix(options, defaultConfig) {
var keyPrefix = + '/';
if (options.storeName !== defaultConfig.storeName) {
keyPrefix += options.storeName + '/';
return keyPrefix;
// Check if localStorage throws when saving an item
function checkIfLocalStorageThrows() {
var localStorageTestKey = '_localforage_support_test';
try {
localStorage.setItem(localStorageTestKey, true);
return false;
} catch (e) {
return true;
// Check if localStorage is usable and allows to save an item
// This method checks if localStorage is usable in Safari Private Browsing
// mode, or in any other case where the available quota for localStorage
// is 0 and there wasn't any saved items yet.
function _isLocalStorageUsable() {
return !checkIfLocalStorageThrows() || localStorage.length > 0;
// Config the localStorage backend, using options set in the config.
function _initStorage$2(options) {
var self = this;
var dbInfo = {};
if (options) {
for (var i in options) {
dbInfo[i] = options[i];
dbInfo.keyPrefix = _getKeyPrefix(options, self._defaultConfig);
if (!_isLocalStorageUsable()) {
return Promise$1.reject();
self._dbInfo = dbInfo;
dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer;
return Promise$1.resolve();
// Remove all keys from the datastore, effectively destroying all data in
// the app's key/value store!
function clear$2(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
var keyPrefix = self._dbInfo.keyPrefix;
for (var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var key = localStorage.key(i);
if (key.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Retrieve an item from the store. Unlike the original async_storage
// library in Gaia, we don't modify return values at all. If a key's value
// is `undefined`, we pass that value to the callback function.
function getItem$2(key, callback) {
var self = this;
key = normalizeKey(key);
var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
var result = localStorage.getItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key);
// If a result was found, parse it from the serialized
// string into a JS object. If result isn't truthy, the key
// is likely undefined and we'll pass it straight to the
// callback.
if (result) {
result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);
return result;
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Iterate over all items in the store.
function iterate$2(iterator, callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
var keyPrefix = dbInfo.keyPrefix;
var keyPrefixLength = keyPrefix.length;
var length = localStorage.length;
// We use a dedicated iterator instead of the `i` variable below
// so other keys we fetch in localStorage aren't counted in
// the `iterationNumber` argument passed to the `iterate()`
// callback.
// See:
var iterationNumber = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var key = localStorage.key(i);
if (key.indexOf(keyPrefix) !== 0) {
var value = localStorage.getItem(key);
// If a result was found, parse it from the serialized
// string into a JS object. If result isn't truthy, the
// key is likely undefined and we'll pass it straight
// to the iterator.
if (value) {
value = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(value);
value = iterator(value, key.substring(keyPrefixLength), iterationNumber++);
if (value !== void 0) {
return value;
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
// Same as localStorage's key() method, except takes a callback.
function key$2(n, callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
var result;
try {
result = localStorage.key(n);
} catch (error) {
result = null;
// Remove the prefix from the key, if a key is found.
if (result) {
result = result.substring(dbInfo.keyPrefix.length);
return result;
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function keys$2(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
var length = localStorage.length;
var keys = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var itemKey = localStorage.key(i);
if (itemKey.indexOf(dbInfo.keyPrefix) === 0) {
return keys;
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
// Supply the number of keys in the datastore to the callback function.
function length$2(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = self.keys().then(function (keys) {
return keys.length;
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
// Remove an item from the store, nice and simple.
function removeItem$2(key, callback) {
var self = this;
key = normalizeKey(key);
var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
localStorage.removeItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key);
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
// Set a key's value and run an optional callback once the value is set.
// Unlike Gaia's implementation, the callback function is passed the value,
// in case you want to operate on that value only after you're sure it
// saved, or something like that.
function setItem$2(key, value, callback) {
var self = this;
key = normalizeKey(key);
var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
// Convert undefined values to null.
if (value === undefined) {
value = null;
// Save the original value to pass to the callback.
var originalValue = value;
return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function (value, error) {
if (error) {
} else {
try {
localStorage.setItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key, value);
} catch (e) {
// localStorage capacity exceeded.
// TODO: Make this a specific error/event.
if ( === 'QuotaExceededError' || === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED') {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
function dropInstance$2(options, callback) {
callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
options = typeof options !== 'function' && options || {};
if (! {
var currentConfig = this.config(); = ||;
options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
var self = this;
var promise;
if (! {
promise = Promise$1.reject('Invalid arguments');
} else {
promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve) {
if (!options.storeName) {
resolve( + '/');
} else {
resolve(_getKeyPrefix(options, self._defaultConfig));
}).then(function (keyPrefix) {
for (var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var key = localStorage.key(i);
if (key.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {
executeCallback(promise, callback);
return promise;
var localStorageWrapper = {
_driver: 'localStorageWrapper',
_initStorage: _initStorage$2,
_support: isLocalStorageValid(),
iterate: iterate$2,
getItem: getItem$2,
setItem: setItem$2,
removeItem: removeItem$2,
clear: clear$2,
length: length$2,
key: key$2,
keys: keys$2,
dropInstance: dropInstance$2
var sameValue = function sameValue(x, y) {
return x === y || typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number' && isNaN(x) && isNaN(y);
var includes = function includes(array, searchElement) {
var len = array.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < len) {
if (sameValue(array[i], searchElement)) {
return true;
return false;
var isArray = Array.isArray || function (arg) {
return === '[object Array]';
// Drivers are stored here when `defineDriver()` is called.
// They are shared across all instances of localForage.
var DefinedDrivers = {};
var DriverSupport = {};
var DefaultDrivers = {
INDEXEDDB: asyncStorage,
WEBSQL: webSQLStorage,
LOCALSTORAGE: localStorageWrapper
var DefaultDriverOrder = [DefaultDrivers.INDEXEDDB._driver, DefaultDrivers.WEBSQL._driver, DefaultDrivers.LOCALSTORAGE._driver];
var OptionalDriverMethods = ['dropInstance'];
var LibraryMethods = ['clear', 'getItem', 'iterate', 'key', 'keys', 'length', 'removeItem', 'setItem'].concat(OptionalDriverMethods);
var DefaultConfig = {
description: '',
driver: DefaultDriverOrder.slice(),
name: 'localforage',
// Default DB size is _JUST UNDER_ 5MB, as it's the highest size
// we can use without a prompt.
size: 4980736,
storeName: 'keyvaluepairs',
version: 1.0
function callWhenReady(localForageInstance, libraryMethod) {
localForageInstance[libraryMethod] = function () {
var _args = arguments;
return localForageInstance.ready().then(function () {
return localForageInstance[libraryMethod].apply(localForageInstance, _args);
3 years ago
3 years ago
function extend() {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var arg = arguments[i];
if (arg) {
for (var _key in arg) {
if (arg.hasOwnProperty(_key)) {
if (isArray(arg[_key])) {
arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key].slice();
} else {
arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key];
return arguments[0];
3 years ago
3 years ago
var LocalForage = function () {
function LocalForage(options) {
_classCallCheck(this, LocalForage);
for (var driverTypeKey in DefaultDrivers) {
if (DefaultDrivers.hasOwnProperty(driverTypeKey)) {
var driver = DefaultDrivers[driverTypeKey];
var driverName = driver._driver;
this[driverTypeKey] = driverName;
if (!DefinedDrivers[driverName]) {
// we don't need to wait for the promise,
// since the default drivers can be defined
// in a blocking manner
3 years ago
3 years ago
this._defaultConfig = extend({}, DefaultConfig);
this._config = extend({}, this._defaultConfig, options);
this._driverSet = null;
this._initDriver = null;
this._ready = false;
this._dbInfo = null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
this.setDriver(this._config.driver)["catch"](function () {});
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Set any config values for localForage; can be called anytime before
// the first API call (e.g. `getItem`, `setItem`).
// We loop through options so we don't overwrite existing config
// values.
3 years ago
3 years ago
LocalForage.prototype.config = function config(options) {
// If the options argument is an object, we use it to set values.
// Otherwise, we return either a specified config value or all
// config values.
if ((typeof options === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(options)) === 'object') {
// If localforage is ready and fully initialized, we can't set
// any new configuration values. Instead, we return an error.
if (this._ready) {
return new Error("Can't call config() after localforage " + 'has been used.');
for (var i in options) {
if (i === 'storeName') {
options[i] = options[i].replace(/\W/g, '_');
if (i === 'version' && typeof options[i] !== 'number') {
return new Error('Database version must be a number.');
this._config[i] = options[i];
// after all config options are set and
// the driver option is used, try setting it
if ('driver' in options && options.driver) {
return this.setDriver(this._config.driver);
return true;
} else if (typeof options === 'string') {
return this._config[options];
} else {
return this._config;
// Used to define a custom driver, shared across all instances of
// localForage.
LocalForage.prototype.defineDriver = function defineDriver(driverObject, callback, errorCallback) {
var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
try {
var driverName = driverObject._driver;
var complianceError = new Error('Custom driver not compliant; see ' + '');
// A driver name should be defined and not overlap with the
// library-defined, default drivers.
if (!driverObject._driver) {
var driverMethods = LibraryMethods.concat('_initStorage');
for (var i = 0, len = driverMethods.length; i < len; i++) {
var driverMethodName = driverMethods[i];
// when the property is there,
// it should be a method even when optional
var isRequired = !includes(OptionalDriverMethods, driverMethodName);
if ((isRequired || driverObject[driverMethodName]) && typeof driverObject[driverMethodName] !== 'function') {
var configureMissingMethods = function configureMissingMethods() {
var methodNotImplementedFactory = function methodNotImplementedFactory(methodName) {
return function () {
var error = new Error('Method ' + methodName + ' is not implemented by the current driver');
var promise = Promise$1.reject(error);
executeCallback(promise, arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
return promise;
for (var _i = 0, _len = OptionalDriverMethods.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
var optionalDriverMethod = OptionalDriverMethods[_i];
if (!driverObject[optionalDriverMethod]) {
driverObject[optionalDriverMethod] = methodNotImplementedFactory(optionalDriverMethod);
var setDriverSupport = function setDriverSupport(support) {
if (DefinedDrivers[driverName]) {'Redefining LocalForage driver: ' + driverName);
DefinedDrivers[driverName] = driverObject;
DriverSupport[driverName] = support;
// don't use a then, so that we can define
// drivers that have simple _support methods
// in a blocking manner
if ('_support' in driverObject) {
if (driverObject._support && typeof driverObject._support === 'function') {
driverObject._support().then(setDriverSupport, reject);
} else {
} else {
} catch (e) {
executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback);
return promise;
LocalForage.prototype.driver = function driver() {
return this._driver || null;
LocalForage.prototype.getDriver = function getDriver(driverName, callback, errorCallback) {
var getDriverPromise = DefinedDrivers[driverName] ? Promise$1.resolve(DefinedDrivers[driverName]) : Promise$1.reject(new Error('Driver not found.'));
executeTwoCallbacks(getDriverPromise, callback, errorCallback);
return getDriverPromise;
LocalForage.prototype.getSerializer = function getSerializer(callback) {
var serializerPromise = Promise$1.resolve(localforageSerializer);
executeTwoCallbacks(serializerPromise, callback);
return serializerPromise;
LocalForage.prototype.ready = function ready(callback) {
var self = this;
var promise = self._driverSet.then(function () {
if (self._ready === null) {
self._ready = self._initDriver();
return self._ready;
executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback);
return promise;
LocalForage.prototype.setDriver = function setDriver(drivers, callback, errorCallback) {
var self = this;
if (!isArray(drivers)) {
drivers = [drivers];
var supportedDrivers = this._getSupportedDrivers(drivers);
function setDriverToConfig() {
self._config.driver = self.driver();
function extendSelfWithDriver(driver) {
self._ready = self._initStorage(self._config);
return self._ready;
function initDriver(supportedDrivers) {
return function () {
var currentDriverIndex = 0;
function driverPromiseLoop() {
while (currentDriverIndex < supportedDrivers.length) {
var driverName = supportedDrivers[currentDriverIndex];
self._dbInfo = null;
self._ready = null;
return self.getDriver(driverName).then(extendSelfWithDriver)["catch"](driverPromiseLoop);
var error = new Error('No available storage method found.');
self._driverSet = Promise$1.reject(error);
return self._driverSet;
return driverPromiseLoop();
// There might be a driver initialization in progress
// so wait for it to finish in order to avoid a possible
// race condition to set _dbInfo
var oldDriverSetDone = this._driverSet !== null ? this._driverSet["catch"](function () {
return Promise$1.resolve();
}) : Promise$1.resolve();
this._driverSet = oldDriverSetDone.then(function () {
var driverName = supportedDrivers[0];
self._dbInfo = null;
self._ready = null;
return self.getDriver(driverName).then(function (driver) {
self._driver = driver._driver;
self._initDriver = initDriver(supportedDrivers);
})["catch"](function () {
var error = new Error('No available storage method found.');
self._driverSet = Promise$1.reject(error);
return self._driverSet;
executeTwoCallbacks(this._driverSet, callback, errorCallback);
return this._driverSet;
LocalForage.prototype.supports = function supports(driverName) {
return !!DriverSupport[driverName];
LocalForage.prototype._extend = function _extend(libraryMethodsAndProperties) {
extend(this, libraryMethodsAndProperties);
LocalForage.prototype._getSupportedDrivers = function _getSupportedDrivers(drivers) {
var supportedDrivers = [];
for (var i = 0, len = drivers.length; i < len; i++) {
var driverName = drivers[i];
if (this.supports(driverName)) {
return supportedDrivers;
LocalForage.prototype._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady = function _wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady() {
// Add a stub for each driver API method that delays the call to the
// corresponding driver method until localForage is ready. These stubs
// will be replaced by the driver methods as soon as the driver is
// loaded, so there is no performance impact.
for (var i = 0, len = LibraryMethods.length; i < len; i++) {
callWhenReady(this, LibraryMethods[i]);
LocalForage.prototype.createInstance = function createInstance(options) {
return new LocalForage(options);
return LocalForage;
// The actual localForage object that we expose as a module or via a
// global. It's extended by pulling in one of our other libraries.
var localforage_js = new LocalForage();
module.exports = localforage_js;
var localforage = localforage$1.exports;
/** Simpler wrapper for a file-backed cache for arbitrary metadata. */
class LocalStorageCache {
constructor(appId, version) {
this.appId = appId;
this.version = version;
this.persister = localforage.createInstance({
name: "dataview/cache/" + appId,
driver: [localforage.INDEXEDDB],
description: "Cache metadata about files and sections in the dataview index.",
3 years ago
/** Drop the entire cache instance and re-create a new fresh instance. */
async recreate() {
await localforage.dropInstance({ name: "dataview/cache/" + this.appId });
this.persister = localforage.createInstance({
name: "dataview/cache/" + this.appId,
driver: [localforage.INDEXEDDB],
description: "Cache metadata about files and sections in the dataview index.",
3 years ago
/** Load file metadata by path. */
async loadFile(path) {
return this.persister.getItem(this.fileKey(path)).then(raw => {
let result = raw;
if (result) = Transferable.value(;
3 years ago
return result;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Store file metadata by path. */
async storeFile(path, data) {
await this.persister.setItem(this.fileKey(path), {
version: this.version,
data: Transferable.transferable(data),
/** Drop old file keys that no longer exist. */
async synchronize(existing) {
let keys = new Set(await this.allFiles());
for (let exist of existing)
// Any keys remaining after deleting existing keys are non-existent keys that should be cleared from cache.
for (let key of keys)
await this.persister.removeItem(this.fileKey(key));
return keys;
/** Obtain a list of all metadata keys. */
async allKeys() {
return this.persister.keys();
/** Obtain a list of all persisted files. */
async allFiles() {
let keys = await this.allKeys();
return keys.filter(k => k.startsWith("file:")).map(k => k.substring(5));
fileKey(path) {
return "file:" + path;
3 years ago
function decodeBase64(base64, enableUnicode) {
var binaryString = atob(base64);
if (enableUnicode) {
var binaryView = new Uint8Array(binaryString.length);
for (var i = 0, n = binaryString.length; i < n; ++i) {
binaryView[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(binaryView.buffer));
return binaryString;
function createURL(base64, sourcemapArg, enableUnicodeArg) {
var sourcemap = sourcemapArg === undefined ? null : sourcemapArg;
var enableUnicode = enableUnicodeArg === undefined ? false : enableUnicodeArg;
var source = decodeBase64(base64, enableUnicode);
var start = source.indexOf('\n', 10) + 1;
var body = source.substring(start) + (sourcemap ? '\/\/# sourceMappingURL=' + sourcemap : '');
var blob = new Blob([body], { type: 'application/javascript' });
return URL.createObjectURL(blob);
function createBase64WorkerFactory(base64, sourcemapArg, enableUnicodeArg) {
var url;
return function WorkerFactory(options) {
url = url || createURL(base64, sourcemapArg, enableUnicodeArg);
return new Worker(url, options);
3 years ago
/* eslint-enable */
/** Controls and creates Dataview file importers, allowing for asynchronous loading and parsing of files. */
/** Multi-threaded file parser which debounces rapid file requests automatically. */
3 years ago
class FileImporter extends obsidian.Component {
3 years ago
constructor(numWorkers, vault, metadataCache) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
this.numWorkers = numWorkers;
this.vault = vault;
this.metadataCache = metadataCache;
this.workers = [];
this.busy = [];
this.reloadQueue = [];
this.reloadSet = new Set();
this.callbacks = new Map();
for (let index = 0; index < numWorkers; index++) {
let worker = new WorkerFactory({ name: "Dataview Indexer " + (index + 1) });
worker.onmessage = evt => this.finish(, Transferable.value(, index);
3 years ago
this.register(() => worker.terminate());
3 years ago
* Queue the given file for reloading. Multiple reload requests for the same file in a short time period will be de-bounced
* and all be resolved by a single actual file reload.
reload(file) {
3 years ago
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
3 years ago
var _a;
if (this.callbacks.has(file.path))
3 years ago
(_a = this.callbacks.get(file.path)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.push([resolve, reject]);
3 years ago
3 years ago
this.callbacks.set(file.path, [[resolve, reject]]);
3 years ago
// De-bounce repeated requests for the same file.
if (this.reloadSet.has(file.path))
return promise;
// Immediately run this task if there are available workers; otherwise, add it to the queue.
let workerId = this.nextAvailableWorker();
if (workerId !== undefined) {
this.send(file, workerId);
else {
return promise;
/** Finish the parsing of a file, potentially queueing a new file. */
finish(path, data, index) {
var _a;
// Cache the callbacks before we do book-keeping.
let calls = [].concat((_a = this.callbacks.get(path)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []);
// Book-keeping to clear metadata & allow the file to be re-loaded again.
// Notify the queue this file is available for new work.
this.busy[index] = false;
// Queue a new job onto this worker.
let job = this.reloadQueue.shift();
if (job !== undefined)
this.send(job, index);
// Resolve promises to let users know this file has finished.
3 years ago
if ("$error" in data) {
for (let [_, reject] of calls)
else {
for (let [callback, _] of calls)
3 years ago
/** Send a new task to the given worker ID. */
send(file, workerId) {
this.busy[workerId] = true;
3 years ago
this.vault.cachedRead(file).then(c => this.workers[workerId].postMessage({
3 years ago
path: file.path,
contents: c,
3 years ago
stat: file.stat,
3 years ago
metadata: this.metadataCache.getFileCache(file),
/** Find the next available, non-busy worker; return undefined if all workers are busy. */
nextAvailableWorker() {
let index = this.busy.indexOf(false);
return index == -1 ? undefined : index;
3 years ago
/** Stores various indices on all files in the vault to make dataview generation fast. */
3 years ago
/** Aggregate index which has several sub-indices and will initialize all of them. */
3 years ago
class FullIndex extends obsidian.Component {
3 years ago
/** Construct a new index using the app data and a current data version. */
constructor(app, indexVersion, onChange) {
3 years ago
3 years ago = app;
this.indexVersion = indexVersion;
3 years ago
this.onChange = onChange;
3 years ago
this.initialized = false;
this.vault = app.vault;
this.metadataCache = app.metadataCache;
3 years ago
this.pages = new Map();
3 years ago
this.tags = new ValueCaseInsensitiveIndexMap();
this.etags = new ValueCaseInsensitiveIndexMap();
3 years ago
this.links = new IndexMap();
this.revision = 0;
3 years ago
// Caches metadata via durable storage to speed up cache initialization when Obsidian restarts.
this.persister = new LocalStorageCache(app.appId || "shared", indexVersion);
3 years ago
// Handles asynchronous reloading of files on web workers.
3 years ago
this.addChild((this.importer = new FileImporter(2, this.vault, this.metadataCache)));
3 years ago
// Prefix listens to file creation/deletion/rename, and not modifies, so we let it set up it's own listeners.
3 years ago
this.addChild((this.prefix = PrefixIndex.create(this.vault, () => this.touch())));
3 years ago
// The CSV cache also needs to listen to filesystem events for cache invalidation.
3 years ago
this.addChild((this.csv = new CsvCache(this.vault)));
// The starred cache fetches starred entries semi-regularly via an interval.
this.addChild((this.starred = new StarredCache(, () => this.touch())));
3 years ago
/** Generate a full index from the given vault. */
3 years ago
static create(app, indexVersion, onChange) {
return new FullIndex(app, indexVersion, onChange);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Trigger a metadata event on the metadata cache. */
3 years ago
trigger(...args) {
this.metadataCache.trigger("dataview:metadata-change", ...args);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** "Touch" the index, incrementing the revision number and causing downstream views to reload. */
touch() {
this.revision += 1;
/** Runs through the whole vault to set up initial file metadata. */
3 years ago
initialize() {
3 years ago
// The metadata cache is updated on initial file index and file loads.
this.registerEvent(this.metadataCache.on("resolve", file => this.reload(file)));
3 years ago
// Renames do not set off the metadata cache; catch these explicitly.
3 years ago
this.registerEvent(this.vault.on("rename", this.rename, this));
3 years ago
// File creation does cause a metadata change, but deletes do not. Clear the caches for this.
3 years ago
this.registerEvent(this.vault.on("delete", af => {
3 years ago
if (!(af instanceof obsidian.TFile) || !PathFilters.markdown(af.path))
3 years ago
let file = af;
3 years ago
this.trigger("delete", file);
3 years ago
// Asynchronously initialize actual content in the background.
3 years ago
/** Drops the local storage cache and re-indexes all files; this should generally be used if you expect cache issues. */
async reinitialize() {
await this.persister.recreate();
const files = this.vault.getMarkdownFiles();
const start =;
let promises = => this.reload(file));
await Promise.all(promises);
console.log(`Dataview: re-initialized index with ${files.length} files (${( - start) / 1000.0}s)`);
3 years ago
/** Internal asynchronous initializer. */
async _initialize(files) {
let reloadStart =;
let promises = => this.reload(l));
let results = await Promise.all(promises);
let cached = 0, skipped = 0;
for (let item of results) {
if (item.skipped) {
skipped += 1;
if (item.cached)
cached += 1;
this.initialized = true;
console.log(`Dataview: all ${files.length} files have been indexed in ${( - reloadStart) / 1000.0}s (${cached} cached, ${skipped} skipped).`);
// Drop keys for files which do not exist anymore.
let remaining = await this.persister.synchronize( => l.path));
if (remaining.size > 0) {
console.log(`Dataview: Dropped cache entries for ${remaining.size} deleted files.`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
rename(file, oldPath) {
3 years ago
if (!(file instanceof obsidian.TFile) || !PathFilters.markdown(file.path))
if (this.pages.has(oldPath)) {
const oldMeta = this.pages.get(oldPath);
if (oldMeta) {
oldMeta.path = file.path;
this.pages.set(file.path, oldMeta);
3 years ago
3 years ago
this.tags.rename(oldPath, file.path);
this.links.rename(oldPath, file.path);
this.etags.rename(oldPath, file.path);
3 years ago
this.trigger("rename", file, oldPath);
3 years ago
/** Queue a file for reloading; this is done asynchronously in the background and may take a few seconds. */
3 years ago
async reload(file) {
if (!PathFilters.markdown(file.path))
return { cached: false, skipped: true };
// The first load of a file is attempted from persisted cache; subsequent loads just use the importer.
if (this.pages.has(file.path) || this.initialized) {
await this.import(file);
return { cached: false, skipped: false };
else {
// Check the cache for the latest data; if it is out of date or non-existent, then reload.
return this.persister.loadFile(file.path).then(async (cached) => {
if (!cached || cached.time < file.stat.mtime || cached.version != this.indexVersion) {
// This cache value is out of data, reload via the importer and update the cache.
// We will skip files with no active file metadata - they will be caught by a later reload
// via the 'resolve' metadata event.
let fileCache = this.metadataCache.getFileCache(file);
if (fileCache === undefined || fileCache === null)
return { cached: false, skipped: true };
await this.import(file);
return { cached: false, skipped: false };
else {
// Use the cached data since it is up to date and on the same version.
return { cached: true, skipped: false };
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Import a file directly from disk, skipping the cache. */
async import(file) {
return this.importer.reload(file).then(r => {
this.finish(file, r);
this.persister.storeFile(file.path, r);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Finish the reloading of file metadata by adding it to in memory indexes. */
finish(file, parsed) {
let meta = PageMetadata.canonicalize(parsed, link => {
let realPath = this.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(link.path, file.path);
if (realPath)
return link.withPath(realPath.path);
return link;
3 years ago
this.pages.set(file.path, meta);
this.tags.set(file.path, meta.fullTags());
this.etags.set(file.path, meta.tags);
this.links.set(file.path, new Set( => l.path)));
3 years ago
this.trigger("update", file);
3 years ago
/** Indexes files by their full prefix - essentially a simple prefix tree. */
3 years ago
class PrefixIndex extends obsidian.Component {
3 years ago
constructor(vault, updateRevision) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
this.vault = vault;
this.updateRevision = updateRevision;
static create(vault, updateRevision) {
return new PrefixIndex(vault, updateRevision);
3 years ago
*walk(folder, filter) {
for (const file of folder.children) {
if (file instanceof obsidian.TFolder) {
yield* this.walk(file, filter);
else if (filter ? filter(file.path) : true) {
yield file.path;
3 years ago
/** Get the list of all files under the given path. */
get(prefix, filter) {
3 years ago
let folder = this.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(prefix || "/");
return new Set(folder instanceof obsidian.TFolder ? this.walk(folder, filter) : []);
3 years ago
/** Determines if the given path exists in the prefix index. */
pathExists(path) {
3 years ago
return this.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(path || "/") != null;
3 years ago
/** Determines if the given prefix exists in the prefix index. */
nodeExists(prefix) {
3 years ago
return this.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(prefix || "/") instanceof obsidian.TFolder;
3 years ago
* Use the in-memory prefix index to convert a relative path to an absolute one.
resolveRelative(path, origin) {
if (!origin)
return path;
else if (path.startsWith("/"))
return path.substring(1);
let relativePath = getParentFolder(origin) + "/" + path;
if (this.pathExists(relativePath))
return relativePath;
return path;
/** Simple path filters which filter file types. */
var PathFilters;
(function (PathFilters) {
function csv(path) {
return path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv");
PathFilters.csv = csv;
function markdown(path) {
let lcPath = path.toLowerCase();
return lcPath.endsWith(".md") || lcPath.endsWith(".markdown");
PathFilters.markdown = markdown;
})(PathFilters || (PathFilters = {}));
* Caches in-use CSVs to make high-frequency reloads (such as actively looking at a document
* that uses CSV) fast.
3 years ago
class CsvCache extends obsidian.Component {
3 years ago
constructor(vault) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
this.vault = vault;
this.cache = new Map();
3 years ago
// Force-flush the cache on CSV file deletions or modifications.
this.registerEvent(this.vault.on("modify", file => {
if (file instanceof obsidian.TFile && PathFilters.csv(file.path))
this.registerEvent(this.vault.on("delete", file => {
if (file instanceof obsidian.TFile && PathFilters.csv(file.path))
3 years ago
/** Load a CSV file from the cache, doing a fresh load if it has not been loaded. */
3 years ago
async get(path) {
// Clear old entries on every fresh load, since the path being loaded may be stale.
let existing = this.cache.get(path);
if (existing)
return Result.success(;
else {
3 years ago
let value = await this.loadInternal(path);
3 years ago
if (value.successful)
this.cache.set(path, { data: value.value, loadTime: });
3 years ago
return value;
3 years ago
/** Do the actual raw loading of a CSV path (which is either local or an HTTP request). */
3 years ago
async loadInternal(path) {
3 years ago
// Allow http://, https://, and file:// prefixes which use AJAX.
if (path.startsWith("http://") || path.startsWith("https://") || path.startsWith("file://")) {
3 years ago
try {
3 years ago
let result = await fetch(path, {
method: "GET",
mode: "no-cors",
redirect: "follow",
return Result.success(parseCsv(await result.text()));
3 years ago
catch (ex) {
3 years ago
return Result.failure("" + ex + "\n\n" + ex.stack);
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Otherwise, assume it is a fully-qualified file path.
try {
let fileData = await;
return Result.success(parseCsv(fileData));
catch (ex) {
return Result.failure(`Failed to load data from path '${path}'.`);
3 years ago
/** Clear old entries in the cache (as measured by insertion time). */
clearOldEntries() {
let currentTime =;
3 years ago
let keysToRemove = new Set();
for (let [key, value] of this.cache.entries()) {
let entryAge = Math.abs(currentTime.diff(value.loadTime, "seconds").seconds);
if (entryAge > CsvCache.CACHE_EXPIRY_SECONDS)
keysToRemove.forEach(key => this.cache.delete(key));
3 years ago
/** Optional connector to the Obsidian 'Starred' plugin which allows for efficiently querying if a file is starred or not. */
class StarredCache extends obsidian.Component {
constructor(app, onUpdate) {
super(); = app;
this.onUpdate = onUpdate;
this.stars = StarredCache.fetch(;
this.registerInterval(window.setInterval(() => this.reload(), StarredCache.REFRESH_INTERVAL));
3 years ago
const initialHandler = window.setTimeout(() => this.reload(), StarredCache.INITIAL_DELAY);
this.register(() => window.clearTimeout(initialHandler));
3 years ago
/** Determines if the given path is starred. */
starred(path) {
return this.stars.has(path);
reload() {
let newStars = StarredCache.fetch(;
if (!setsEqual(this.stars, newStars)) {
this.stars = newStars;
/** Fetch all starred files from the stars plugin, if present. */
static fetch(app) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
let items = (_d = (_c = (_b = (_a = app === null || app === void 0 ? void 0 : app.internalPlugins) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.plugins) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.starred) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.instance) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.items;
if (items == undefined)
return new Set();
return new Set(items.filter((l) => l.type === "file").map(l => l.path));
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Initial delay before checking the cache; we need to wait for it to asynchronously load the initial stars. */
StarredCache.INITIAL_DELAY = 4 * 1000;
3 years ago
/** How frequently to check for star updates. */
StarredCache.REFRESH_INTERVAL = 30 * 1000;
/** A generic index which indexes variables of the form key -> value[], allowing both forward and reverse lookups. */
class IndexMap {
/** Create a new, empty index map. */
constructor() { = new Map();
this.invMap = new Map();
3 years ago
/** Returns all values for the given key. */
3 years ago
get(key) {
let result =;
if (result) {
return new Set(result);
else {
return new Set();
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Returns all keys that reference the given key. Mutating the returned set is not allowed. */
getInverse(value) {
return this.invMap.get(value) || IndexMap.EMPTY_SET;
/** Sets the key to the given values; this will delete the old mapping for the key if one was present. */
set(key, values) {
var _a, _b;
if (!values.size) {
// no need to store if no values
return this;
3 years ago
3 years ago
let oldValues =;
if (oldValues) {
for (let value of oldValues) {
// Only delete the ones we're not adding back
if (!values.has(key))
(_a = this.invMap.get(value)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.delete(key);
3 years ago
3 years ago, values);
for (let value of values) {
if (!this.invMap.has(value))
this.invMap.set(value, new Set([key]));
(_b = this.invMap.get(value)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.add(key);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return this;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Clears all values for the given key so they can be re-added. */
delete(key) {
var _a;
let oldValues =;
if (!oldValues)
return false;;
for (let value of oldValues) {
(_a = this.invMap.get(value)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.delete(key);
3 years ago
3 years ago
return true;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Rename all references to the given key to a new value. */
rename(oldKey, newKey) {
let oldValues =;
if (!oldValues)
return false;
this.set(newKey, oldValues);
return true;
/** Clear the entire index. */
clear() {;
3 years ago
IndexMap.EMPTY_SET = Object.freeze(new Set());
/** Index map wrapper which is case-insensitive in the key. */
class ValueCaseInsensitiveIndexMap {
/** Create a new, empty case insensitive index map. */
constructor(delegate = new IndexMap()) {
this.delegate = delegate;
/** Returns all values for the given key. */
get(key) {
return this.delegate.get(key);
/** Returns all keys that reference the given value. Mutating the returned set is not allowed. */
getInverse(value) {
return this.delegate.getInverse(value.toLocaleLowerCase());
/** Sets the key to the given values; this will delete the old mapping for the key if one was present. */
set(key, values) {
this.delegate.set(key, new Set(Array.from(values).map(v => v.toLocaleLowerCase())));
return this;
/** Clears all values for the given key so they can be re-added. */
delete(key) {
return this.delegate.delete(key);
/** Rename all references to the given key to a new value. */
rename(oldKey, newKey) {
return this.delegate.rename(oldKey, newKey);
/** Clear the entire index. */
clear() {
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Collect data matching a source query. */
/** Find source paths which match the given source. */
function matchingSourcePaths(source, index, originFile = "") {
var _a;
switch (source.type) {
case "empty":
return Result.success(new Set());
case "tag":
return Result.success(index.tags.getInverse(source.tag));
case "csv":
return Result.success(new Set([index.prefix.resolveRelative(source.path, originFile)]));
case "folder":
// Prefer loading from the folder at the given path.
if (index.prefix.nodeExists(source.folder))
return Result.success(index.prefix.get(source.folder, PathFilters.markdown));
// But allow for loading individual files if they exist.
if (index.prefix.pathExists(source.folder))
return Result.success(new Set([source.folder]));
else if (index.prefix.pathExists(source.folder + ".md"))
return Result.success(new Set([source.folder + ".md"]));
// For backwards-compat, return an empty result even if the folder does not exist.
return Result.success(new Set());
case "link":
let fullPath = (_a = index.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(source.file, originFile)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.path;
if (!fullPath) {
// Look in links which includes unresolved links
return Result.success(index.links.getInverse(source.file));
if (source.direction === "incoming") {
// To find all incoming links (i.e., things that link to this), use the index that Obsidian provides.
// TODO: Use an actual index so this isn't a fullscan.
let resolved = index.metadataCache.resolvedLinks;
let incoming = new Set();
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(resolved)) {
if (fullPath in value)
return Result.success(incoming);
else {
let resolved = index.metadataCache.resolvedLinks;
if (!(fullPath in resolved))
return Result.failure(`Could not find file "${source.file}" during link lookup - does it exist?`);
return Result.success(new Set(Object.keys(index.metadataCache.resolvedLinks[fullPath])));
case "binaryop":
return Result.flatMap2(matchingSourcePaths(source.left, index, originFile), matchingSourcePaths(source.right, index, originFile), (left, right) => {
if (source.op == "&") {
let result = new Set();
for (let elem of right) {
if (left.has(elem))
return Result.success(result);
else if (source.op == "|") {
let result = new Set(left);
for (let elem of right)
return Result.success(result);
else {
return Result.failure(`Unrecognized operator '${source.op}'.`);
case "negate":
return matchingSourcePaths(source.child, index, originFile).map(child => {
// TODO: This is obviously very inefficient. Can be improved by complicating the
// return type of this function & optimizing 'and' / 'or'.
let allFiles = new Set(index.vault.getMarkdownFiles().map(f => f.path));
child.forEach(f => allFiles.delete(f));
return allFiles;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Convert a path to the data for that path; usually markdown pages, but could also be other file types (like CSV). */
async function resolvePathData(path, index) {
if (PathFilters.csv(path))
return resolveCsvData(path, index);
return resolveMarkdownData(path, index);
// TODO: We shouldn't be doing path normalization here relative to an origin file,
/** Convert a CSV path to the data in the CSV (in dataview format). */
async function resolveCsvData(path, index) {
let rawData = await index.csv.get(path);
return => {
return, index) => {
return {
id: `${path}#${index}`,
data: row,
/** Convert a path pointing to a markdown page, into the associated metadata. */
function resolveMarkdownData(path, index) {
let page = index.pages.get(path);
if (!page)
return Result.success([]);
return Result.success([
id: Link.file(path),
data: page.serialize(index),
/** Resolve a source to the collection of data rows that it matches. */
async function resolveSource(source, index, originFile = "") {
let paths = matchingSourcePaths(source, index, originFile);
if (!paths.successful)
return Result.failure(paths.error);
let result = [];
for (let path of paths.value) {
let resolved = await resolvePathData(path, index);
if (!resolved.successful)
return resolved;
for (let val of resolved.value)
return Result.success(result);
3 years ago
/** Default function implementations for the expression evaluator. */
* Allows for the creation of functions that check the number and type of their arguments, and dispatch
* to different implemenations based on the types of the inputs.
class FunctionBuilder {
constructor(name) { = name;
this.variants = [];
this.vectorized = {};
/** Add a general function variant which accepts any number of arguments of any type. */
vararg(impl) {
this.variants.push({ args: [], varargs: true, impl });
return this;
/** Add a function variant which takes in a single argument. */
add1(argType, impl) {
args: [argType],
varargs: false,
impl: (c, => impl(rest[0], c),
return this;
/** Add a function variant which takes in two typed arguments. */
add2(arg1, arg2, impl) {
args: [arg1, arg2],
varargs: false,
impl: (c, => impl(rest[0], rest[1], c),
return this;
/** Add a function variant which takes in three typed arguments. */
add3(arg1, arg2, arg3, impl) {
args: [arg1, arg2, arg3],
varargs: false,
impl: (c, => impl(rest[0], rest[1], rest[2], c),
return this;
/** Add vectorized variants which accept the given number of arguments and delegate. */
vectorize(numArgs, positions) {
this.vectorized[numArgs] = positions;
return this;
/** Return a function which checks the number and type of arguments, passing them on to the first matching variant. */
build() {
let self = (context, ...args) => {
let types = [];
for (let arg of args) {
let argType = Values.typeOf(arg);
if (!argType)
throw Error(`Unrecognized argument type for argument '${arg}'`);
// Handle vectorization, possibly in multiple fields.
if (this.vectorized[types.length]) {
let vectorizedPositions = this.vectorized[types.length].filter(k => types[k] == "array");
if (vectorizedPositions.length > 0) {
let minLength = vectorizedPositions
.map(p => args[p].length)
.reduce((p, c) => Math.min(p, c));
// Call the subfunction for each element in the longest array.
// If you call a vectorized function with different-length arrays,
// the output is limited by the length of the shortest array.
let result = [];
for (let vpos = 0; vpos < minLength; vpos++) {
let subargs = [];
for (let index = 0; index < args.length; index++) {
if (vectorizedPositions.includes(index)) {
let arr = args[index];
else {
result.push(self(context, ...subargs));
return result;
outer: for (let variant of this.variants) {
if (variant.varargs)
return variant.impl(context, ...args);
if (variant.args.length != types.length)
for (let index = 0; index < variant.args.length; index++) {
if (variant.args[index] != "*" && variant.args[index] != types[index])
continue outer;
return variant.impl(context, ...args);
throw Error(`No implementation of '${}' found for arguments: ${types.join(", ")}`);
return self;
/** Utilities for managing function implementations. */
var Functions;
(function (Functions) {
/** Bind a context to a function implementation, yielding a function which does not need the context argument. */
function bind(func, context) {
return (...args) => func(context, ...args);
Functions.bind = bind;
/** Bind a context to all functions in the given map, yielding a new map of bound functions. */
function bindAll(funcs, context) {
let result = {};
for (let [key, func] of Object.entries(funcs)) {
result[key] = Functions.bind(func, context);
return result;
Functions.bindAll = bindAll;
})(Functions || (Functions = {}));
* Collection of all defined functions; defined here so that they can be called from within dataview,
* and test code.
var DefaultFunctions;
(function (DefaultFunctions) {
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.typeOf = new FunctionBuilder("type")
.add1("array", _ => "array")
.add1("boolean", _ => "boolean")
.add1("date", _ => "date")
.add1("duration", _ => "duration")
.add1("function", _ => "function")
3 years ago
.add1("widget", _ => "widget")
3 years ago
.add1("link", _ => "link")
.add1("null", _ => "null")
.add1("number", _ => "number")
.add1("object", _ => "object")
.add1("string", _ => "string")
.add1("*", _ => "unknown")
3 years ago
/** Compute the length of a data type. */
DefaultFunctions.length = new FunctionBuilder("length")
.add1("array", a => a.length)
.add1("object", a => Object.keys(a).length)
.add1("string", a => a.length)
.add1("null", _a => 0)
/** List constructor function. */
DefaultFunctions.list = (_context, ...args) => args;
/** Object constructor function. */
DefaultFunctions.object = (_context, ...args) => {
if (args.length % 2 != 0)
throw Error("object() requires an even number of arguments");
let result = {};
for (let index = 0; index < args.length; index += 2) {
let key = args[index];
if (!Values.isString(key))
throw Error("keys should be of type string for object(key1, value1, ...)");
result[key] = args[index + 1];
return result;
/** Internal link constructor function. */ = new FunctionBuilder("link")
.add1("string", (a, c) => Link.file(c.linkHandler.normalize(a), false))
.add1("link", a => a)
.add1("null", _a => null)
.vectorize(1, [0])
.add2("string", "string", (t, d, c) => Link.file(c.linkHandler.normalize(t), false, d))
3 years ago
.add3("string", "string", "boolean", (t, d, e, c) => Link.file(c.linkHandler.normalize(t), e, d))
3 years ago
.add2("link", "string", (t, d) => t.withDisplay(d))
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", (t, _n, c) =>, t))
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
3 years ago
/** Embed and un-embed a link. */
DefaultFunctions.embed = new FunctionBuilder("embed")
.add1("link", l => l.toEmbed())
.vectorize(1, [0])
.add2("link", "boolean", (l, e, c) => (e ? l.toEmbed() : l.fromEmbed()))
.add1("null", () => null)
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", () => null)
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
3 years ago
/** External link constructor function. */
DefaultFunctions.elink = new FunctionBuilder("elink")
3 years ago
.add2("string", "string", (a, d) => Widgets.externalLink(a, d))
3 years ago
.add2("string", "null", (s, _n, c) => DefaultFunctions.elink(c, s, s))
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.vectorize(2, [0])
.add1("string", (a, c) => DefaultFunctions.elink(c, a, a))
.add1("null", () => null)
.vectorize(1, [0])
/** Date constructor function. */ = new FunctionBuilder("date")
.add1("string", str => {
3 years ago
let parsedDate = EXPRESSION.datePlus.parse(str);
3 years ago
if (parsedDate.status)
return parsedDate.value;
return null;
.add1("date", d => d)
.add1("link", (link, c) => {
3 years ago
var _c, _d;
3 years ago
// Try to parse from the display...
if (link.display) {
let parsedDate =;
if (parsedDate.status)
return parsedDate.value;
// Then try to parse from the path...
let parsedDate =;
if (parsedDate.status)
return parsedDate.value;
// Then pull it from the file.
let resolved = c.linkHandler.resolve(link.path);
3 years ago
if (resolved && ((_c = resolved === null || resolved === void 0 ? void 0 : resolved.file) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : {
return (_d = resolved === null || resolved === void 0 ? void 0 : resolved.file) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 :;
3 years ago
return null;
.add1("null", () => null)
.vectorize(1, [0])
3 years ago
/** Duration constructor function. */
DefaultFunctions.dur = new FunctionBuilder("dur")
.add1("string", str => {
let parsedDur = EXPRESSION.duration.parse(str.trim());
if (parsedDur.status)
return parsedDur.value;
return null;
.add1("duration", d => d)
.add1("null", d => d)
.vectorize(1, [0])
3 years ago
/** Format a date using a luxon/moment-style date format. */
DefaultFunctions.dateformat = new FunctionBuilder("dateformat")
.add2("date", "string", (date, format) => date.toFormat(format, { locale: currentLocale() }))
3 years ago
.add2("null", "string", (_nul, _format) => null)
3 years ago
.vectorize(2, [0])
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.localtime = new FunctionBuilder("localtime")
.add1("date", d => d.toLocal())
.add1("null", () => null)
.vectorize(1, [0])
3 years ago
const NUMBER_REGEX = /-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/;
/** Number constructor function. */
DefaultFunctions.number = new FunctionBuilder("number")
.add1("number", a => a)
.add1("string", str => {
let match = NUMBER_REGEX.exec(str);
if (match)
return Number.parseFloat(match[0]);
return null;
.add1("null", () => null)
.vectorize(1, [0])
* Convert any value to a reasonable internal string representation. Most useful for dates, strings, numbers, and
* so on.
DefaultFunctions.string = new FunctionBuilder("string").add1("*", (a, ctx) => Values.toString(a, ctx.settings)).build();
DefaultFunctions.round = new FunctionBuilder("round")
.add1("number", n => Math.round(n))
.add1("null", () => null)
.vectorize(1, [0])
.add2("number", "number", (n, p) => {
if (p <= 0)
return Math.round(n);
return parseFloat(n.toFixed(p));
.add2("number", "null", n => Math.round(n))
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.vectorize(2, [0])
DefaultFunctions.min = new FunctionBuilder("min")
.add2("*", "null", (a, _n) => a)
.add2("null", "*", (_n, a) => a)
.add2("*", "*", (a, b, ctx) => (Values.compareValue(a, b, ctx.linkHandler.normalize) <= 0 ? a : b))
.add1("array", (a, ctx) => DefaultFunctions.min(ctx, ...a))
.vararg((ctx, ...args) => (args.length == 0 ? null : args.reduce((p, c) => DefaultFunctions.min(ctx, p, c))))
DefaultFunctions.max = new FunctionBuilder("max")
.add2("*", "null", (a, _n) => a)
.add2("null", "*", (_n, a) => a)
.add2("*", "*", (a, b, ctx) => (Values.compareValue(a, b, ctx.linkHandler.normalize) > 0 ? a : b))
.add1("array", (a, ctx) => DefaultFunctions.max(ctx, ...a))
.vararg((ctx, ...args) => (args.length == 0 ? null : args.reduce((p, c) => DefaultFunctions.max(ctx, p, c))))
DefaultFunctions.minby = new FunctionBuilder("minby")
.add2("array", "function", (arr, func, ctx) => {
if (arr.length == 0)
return null;
let values = => {
return { value: v, mapped: func(ctx, v) };
let filtered = values.filter(v => !Values.isNull(v.mapped));
if (filtered.length == 0)
return arr[0];
return filtered.reduce((p, c) => {
if (Values.compareValue(p.mapped, c.mapped, ctx.linkHandler.normalize) <= 0)
return p;
return c;
3 years ago
.add2("null", "function", (_arr, _func, _ctx) => null)
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.maxby = new FunctionBuilder("maxby")
.add2("array", "function", (arr, func, ctx) => {
if (arr.length == 0)
return null;
let values = => {
return { value: v, mapped: func(ctx, v) };
let filtered = values.filter(v => !Values.isNull(v.mapped));
if (filtered.length == 0)
return arr[0];
return filtered.reduce((p, c) => {
if (Values.compareValue(p.mapped, c.mapped, ctx.linkHandler.normalize) > 0)
return p;
return c;
3 years ago
.add2("null", "function", (_arr, _func, _ctx) => null)
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.striptime = new FunctionBuilder("striptime")
.add1("date", d => DateTime.fromObject({ year: d.year, month: d.month, day: }))
3 years ago
.add1("null", _n => null)
.vectorize(1, [0])
// Default contains, which looks through data structures recursively.
DefaultFunctions.contains = new FunctionBuilder("contains")
.add2("array", "*", (l, elem, context) => l.some(e => DefaultFunctions.contains(context, e, elem)))
.add2("string", "string", (haystack, needle) => haystack.includes(needle))
.add2("object", "string", (obj, key) => key in obj)
.add2("*", "*", (elem1, elem2, context) => context.evaluate(Fields.binaryOp(Fields.literal(elem1), "=", Fields.literal(elem2))).orElseThrow())
.vectorize(2, [1])
// Case insensitive version of contains.
DefaultFunctions.icontains = new FunctionBuilder("icontains")
.add2("array", "*", (l, elem, context) => l.some(e => DefaultFunctions.icontains(context, e, elem)))
.add2("string", "string", (haystack, needle) => haystack.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(needle.toLocaleLowerCase()))
.add2("object", "string", (obj, key) => key in obj)
.add2("*", "*", (elem1, elem2, context) => context.evaluate(Fields.binaryOp(Fields.literal(elem1), "=", Fields.literal(elem2))).orElseThrow())
.vectorize(2, [1])
// "exact" contains, does not look recursively.
DefaultFunctions.econtains = new FunctionBuilder("econtains")
.add2("array", "*", (l, elem, context) => l.some(e => context.evaluate(Fields.binaryOp(Fields.literal(elem), "=", Fields.literal(e))).orElseThrow()))
.add2("string", "string", (haystack, needle) => haystack.includes(needle))
.add2("object", "string", (obj, key) => key in obj)
.add2("*", "*", (elem1, elem2, context) => context.evaluate(Fields.binaryOp(Fields.literal(elem1), "=", Fields.literal(elem2))).orElseThrow())
.vectorize(2, [1])
// Case insensitive contains which looks for exact word matches (i.e., boundry-to-boundry match).
DefaultFunctions.containsword = new FunctionBuilder("containsword")
.add2("string", "string", (hay, needle) => !!hay.match(new RegExp(".*\\b" + escapeRegex(needle) + "\\b.*", "i")))
.add2("null", "*", (_a, _b) => null)
.add2("*", "null", (_a, _b) => null)
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
/** Extract 0 or more keys from a given object via indexing. */
DefaultFunctions.extract = (context, ...args) => {
if (args.length == 0)
return "extract(object, key1, ...) requires at least 1 argument";
// Manually handle vectorization in the first argument.
let object = args[0];
if (Values.isArray(object))
return => DefaultFunctions.extract(context, v, ...args.slice(1)));
let result = {};
for (let index = 1; index < args.length; index++) {
let key = args[index];
if (!Values.isString(key))
throw Error("extract(object, key1, ...) must be called with string keys");
result[key] = context.evaluate(Fields.index(Fields.literal(object), Fields.literal(key))).orElseThrow();
return result;
3 years ago
// Reverse an array or string.
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.reverse = new FunctionBuilder("reverse")
.add1("array", l => {
let result = [];
for (let index = l.length - 1; index >= 0; index--)
return result;
.add1("string", l => {
let result = "";
for (let c = 0; c < l.length; c++)
result += l[l.length - c - 1];
return result;
.add1("*", e => e)
// Sort an array; if given two arguments, sorts by the key returned.
DefaultFunctions.sort = new FunctionBuilder("sort")
.add1("array", (list, context) => DefaultFunctions.sort(context, list, (_ctx, a) => a))
.add2("array", "function", (list, key, context) => {
let result = [].concat(list);
result.sort((a, b) => {
let akey = key(context, a);
let bkey = key(context, b);
let le = context
.evaluate(Fields.binaryOp(Fields.literal(akey), "<", Fields.literal(bkey)))
if (Values.isTruthy(le))
return -1;
let eq = context
.evaluate(Fields.binaryOp(Fields.literal(akey), "=", Fields.literal(bkey)))
if (Values.isTruthy(eq))
return 0;
return 1;
return result;
.add1("*", e => e)
DefaultFunctions.regextest = new FunctionBuilder("regextest")
.add2("string", "string", (pattern, field) => RegExp(pattern).test(field))
.add2("null", "*", (_n, _a) => false)
.add2("*", "null", (_a, _n) => false)
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.regexmatch = new FunctionBuilder("regexmatch")
.add2("string", "string", (pattern, field) => {
if (!pattern.startsWith("^") && !pattern.endsWith("$"))
pattern = "^" + pattern + "$";
return !!field.match(pattern);
.add2("null", "*", (_n, _a) => false)
.add2("*", "null", (_a, _n) => false)
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
DefaultFunctions.regexreplace = new FunctionBuilder("regexreplace")
.add3("string", "string", "string", (field, pat, rep) => {
try {
let reg = new RegExp(pat, "g");
return field.replace(reg, rep);
catch (ex) {
throw Error(`Invalid regexp '${pat}' in regexreplace`);
.add3("null", "*", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "null", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "*", "null", () => null)
.vectorize(3, [0, 1, 2])
DefaultFunctions.lower = new FunctionBuilder("lower")
.add1("string", s => s.toLocaleLowerCase())
.add1("null", () => null)
.vectorize(1, [0])
DefaultFunctions.upper = new FunctionBuilder("upper")
.add1("string", s => s.toLocaleUpperCase())
.add1("null", () => null)
.vectorize(1, [0])
DefaultFunctions.replace = new FunctionBuilder("replace")
.add3("string", "string", "string", (str, pat, repr) => str.split(pat).join(repr))
.add3("null", "*", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "null", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "*", "null", () => null)
.vectorize(3, [0, 1, 2])
// Ensure undefined matches turn into empty strings for split/2 and split/3.
const splitImpl = (str, delim, limit) => str.split(new RegExp(delim), limit).map(str => str || "");
/** Split a string on a given string. */
DefaultFunctions.split = new FunctionBuilder("split")
.add2("string", "string", (string, splitter) => splitImpl(string, splitter))
.add3("string", "string", "number", (string, splitter, limit) => splitImpl(string, splitter, limit))
3 years ago
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", () => null)
.add3("*", "*", "null", () => null)
.add3("*", "null", "*", () => null)
.add3("null", "*", "*", () => null)
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.startswith = new FunctionBuilder("startswith")
.add2("string", "string", (str, starting) => str.startsWith(starting))
3 years ago
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", () => null)
3 years ago
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
DefaultFunctions.endswith = new FunctionBuilder("endswith")
.add2("string", "string", (str, ending) => str.endsWith(ending))
3 years ago
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", () => null)
3 years ago
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
DefaultFunctions.padleft = new FunctionBuilder("padleft")
.add2("string", "number", (str, len) => str.padStart(len, " "))
.add3("string", "number", "string", (str, len, padding) => str.padStart(len, padding))
3 years ago
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", () => null)
.add3("null", "*", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "null", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "*", "null", () => null)
3 years ago
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
.vectorize(3, [0, 1, 2])
DefaultFunctions.padright = new FunctionBuilder("padright")
.add2("string", "number", (str, len) => str.padEnd(len, " "))
.add3("string", "number", "string", (str, len, padding) => str.padEnd(len, padding))
3 years ago
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", () => null)
.add3("null", "*", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "null", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "*", "null", () => null)
3 years ago
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
.vectorize(3, [0, 1, 2])
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.substring = new FunctionBuilder("substring")
.add2("string", "number", (str, start) => str.substring(start))
.add3("string", "number", "number", (str, start, end) => str.substring(start, end))
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", () => null)
.add3("null", "*", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "null", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "*", "null", () => null)
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
.vectorize(3, [0, 1, 2])
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.truncate = new FunctionBuilder("truncate")
.add3("string", "number", "string", (str, length, suffix) => {
if (str.length > length - suffix.length) {
return str.substring(0, Math.max(0, length - suffix.length)) + suffix;
else {
return str;
.add2("string", "number", (str, length, ctx) => DefaultFunctions.truncate(ctx, str, length, "..."))
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", () => null)
.add3("null", "*", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "null", "*", () => null)
.add3("*", "*", "null", () => null)
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
.vectorize(3, [0, 1, 2])
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.fdefault = new FunctionBuilder("default")
.add2("*", "*", (v, bk) => (Values.isNull(v) ? bk : v))
.vectorize(2, [0, 1])
DefaultFunctions.ldefault = new FunctionBuilder("ldefault")
.add2("*", "*", (v, bk) => (Values.isNull(v) ? bk : v))
DefaultFunctions.choice = new FunctionBuilder("choice")
.add3("*", "*", "*", (b, left, right) => (Values.isTruthy(b) ? left : right))
.vectorize(3, [0])
DefaultFunctions.reduce = new FunctionBuilder("reduce")
.add2("array", "string", (lis, op, context) => {
if (lis.length == 0)
return null;
if (op != "+" && op != "-" && op != "*" && op != "/" && op != "&" && op != "|")
throw Error("reduce(array, op) supports '+', '-', '/', '*', '&', and '|'");
let value = lis[0];
for (let index = 1; index < lis.length; index++) {
value = context
.evaluate(Fields.binaryOp(Fields.literal(value), op, Fields.literal(lis[index])))
return value;
.add2("array", "function", (lis, op, context) => {
if (lis.length == 0)
return null;
let value = lis[0];
for (let index = 1; index < lis.length; index++) {
// Skip null values to reduce the pain of summing over fields that may or may not exist.
if (Values.isNull(lis[index]))
value = op(context, value, lis[index]);
return value;
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.add2("*", "null", () => null)
.vectorize(2, [1])
DefaultFunctions.sum = new FunctionBuilder("sum")
.add1("array", (arr, c) => DefaultFunctions.reduce(c, arr, "+"))
.add1("*", e => e)
DefaultFunctions.average = new FunctionBuilder("average")
.add1("array", (array, context) => {
if (array.length == 0)
return null;
const add = DefaultFunctions.sum(context, array);
if (add == null || add == undefined)
return null;
return context
.evaluate(Fields.binaryOp(Fields.literal(add), "/", Fields.literal(array.length)))
.add1("*", e => e)
3 years ago
DefaultFunctions.product = new FunctionBuilder("product")
.add1("array", (arr, c) => DefaultFunctions.reduce(c, arr, "*"))
.add1("*", e => e)
DefaultFunctions.join = new FunctionBuilder("join")
.add2("array", "string", (arr, sep, ctx) => => Values.toString(e, ctx.settings)).join(sep))
.add2("array", "null", (arr, _s, context) => DefaultFunctions.join(context, arr, ", "))
.add2("*", "string", (elem, sep, ctx) => Values.toString(elem, ctx.settings))
.add1("array", (arr, context) => DefaultFunctions.join(context, arr, ", "))
.add1("*", (e, ctx) => Values.toString(e, ctx.settings))
.vectorize(2, [1])
DefaultFunctions.any = new FunctionBuilder("any")
.add1("array", arr => arr.some(v => Values.isTruthy(v)))
.add2("array", "function", (arr, f, ctx) => arr.some(v => Values.isTruthy(f(ctx, v))))
.vararg((_ctx, ...args) => args.some(v => Values.isTruthy(v)))
DefaultFunctions.all = new FunctionBuilder("all")
.add1("array", arr => arr.every(v => Values.isTruthy(v)))
.add2("array", "function", (arr, f, ctx) => arr.every(v => Values.isTruthy(f(ctx, v))))
.vararg((_ctx, ...args) => args.every(v => Values.isTruthy(v)))
DefaultFunctions.none = new FunctionBuilder("all")
.add1("array", arr => !arr.some(v => Values.isTruthy(v)))
.add2("array", "function", (arr, f, ctx) => !arr.some(v => Values.isTruthy(f(ctx, v))))
.vararg((_ctx, ...args) => !args.some(v => Values.isTruthy(v)))
DefaultFunctions.filter = new FunctionBuilder("filter")
.add2("array", "function", (arr, f, ctx) => arr.filter(v => Values.isTruthy(f(ctx, v))))
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
.build(); = new FunctionBuilder("map")
.add2("array", "function", (arr, f, ctx) => => f(ctx, v)))
.add2("null", "*", () => null)
DefaultFunctions.nonnull = new FunctionBuilder("nonnull")
.add1("array", arr => arr.filter(v => Values.typeOf(v) != "null"))
3 years ago
.vararg((_ctx, ...args) => args.filter(v => Values.typeOf(v) != "null"))
3 years ago
/** Gets an object containing a link's own properties */
DefaultFunctions.meta = new FunctionBuilder("meta")
.add1("link", link => {
var _c, _d;
return ({
display: (_c = link.display) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : null,
embed: link.embed,
path: link.path,
subpath: (_d = link.subpath) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : null,
type: link.type,
3 years ago
})(DefaultFunctions || (DefaultFunctions = {}));
/** Default function implementations for the expression evaluator. */
// Constructors.
list: DefaultFunctions.list,
array: DefaultFunctions.list,
3 years ago
embed: DefaultFunctions.embed,
3 years ago
elink: DefaultFunctions.elink,
3 years ago
dur: DefaultFunctions.dur,
3 years ago
dateformat: DefaultFunctions.dateformat,
3 years ago
localtime: DefaultFunctions.localtime,
3 years ago
number: DefaultFunctions.number,
string: DefaultFunctions.string,
object: DefaultFunctions.object,
3 years ago
typeof: DefaultFunctions.typeOf,
3 years ago
// Math Operations.
round: DefaultFunctions.round,
min: DefaultFunctions.min,
max: DefaultFunctions.max,
minby: DefaultFunctions.minby,
maxby: DefaultFunctions.maxby,
// String operations.
regexreplace: DefaultFunctions.regexreplace,
regextest: DefaultFunctions.regextest,
3 years ago
regexmatch: DefaultFunctions.regexmatch,
replace: DefaultFunctions.replace,
lower: DefaultFunctions.lower,
upper: DefaultFunctions.upper,
split: DefaultFunctions.split,
startswith: DefaultFunctions.startswith,
endswith: DefaultFunctions.endswith,
padleft: DefaultFunctions.padleft,
padright: DefaultFunctions.padright,
3 years ago
substring: DefaultFunctions.substring,
3 years ago
truncate: DefaultFunctions.truncate,
3 years ago
// Date Operations.
striptime: DefaultFunctions.striptime,
// List operations.
length: DefaultFunctions.length,
contains: DefaultFunctions.contains,
icontains: DefaultFunctions.icontains,
econtains: DefaultFunctions.econtains,
containsword: DefaultFunctions.containsword,
reverse: DefaultFunctions.reverse,
sort: DefaultFunctions.sort,
// Aggregation operations like reduce.
reduce: DefaultFunctions.reduce,
join: DefaultFunctions.join,
sum: DefaultFunctions.sum,
product: DefaultFunctions.product,
average: DefaultFunctions.average,
3 years ago
all: DefaultFunctions.all,
any: DefaultFunctions.any,
none: DefaultFunctions.none,
filter: DefaultFunctions.filter,
nonnull: DefaultFunctions.nonnull,
// Object/Utility operations.
extract: DefaultFunctions.extract,
default: DefaultFunctions.fdefault,
ldefault: DefaultFunctions.ldefault,
choice: DefaultFunctions.choice,
3 years ago
meta: DefaultFunctions.meta,
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Provides a global dispatch table for evaluating binary operators, including comparison. */
/** Provides implementations for binary operators on two types using a registry. */
class BinaryOpHandler {
constructor() { = new Map();
static create() {
return new BinaryOpHandler();
register(left, op, right, func) {, left, right), func);
return this;
registerComm(left, op, right, func) {
return this.register(left, op, right, func).register(right, op, left, (a, b, ctx) => func(b, a, ctx));
/** Implement a comparison function. */
compare(type, compare) {
return this.register(type, "<", type, (a, b, ctx) => compare(a, b, ctx) < 0)
.register(type, "<=", type, (a, b, ctx) => compare(a, b, ctx) <= 0)
.register(type, ">", type, (a, b, ctx) => compare(a, b, ctx) > 0)
.register(type, ">=", type, (a, b, ctx) => compare(a, b, ctx) >= 0)
.register(type, "=", type, (a, b, ctx) => compare(a, b, ctx) == 0)
.register(type, "!=", type, (a, b, ctx) => compare(a, b, ctx) != 0);
/** Attempt to evaluate the given binary operator on the two literal fields. */
evaluate(op, left, right, ctx) {
let leftType = Values.typeOf(left);
let rightType = Values.typeOf(right);
if (!leftType)
return Result.failure(`Unrecognized value '${left}'`);
else if (!rightType)
return Result.failure(`Unrecognized value '${right}'`);
let handler =, leftType, rightType));
if (handler)
return Result.success(handler(left, right, ctx));
// Right-'*' fallback:
let handler2 =, leftType, "*"));
if (handler2)
return Result.success(handler2(left, right, ctx));
// Left-'*' fallback:
let handler3 =, "*", rightType));
if (handler3)
return Result.success(handler3(left, right, ctx));
// Double '*' fallback.
let handler4 =, "*", "*"));
if (handler4)
return Result.success(handler4(left, right, ctx));
return Result.failure(`No implementation found for '${leftType} ${op} ${rightType}'`);
/** Create a string representation of the given triplet for unique lookup in the map. */
static repr(op, left, right) {
return `${left},${op},${right}`;
/** Configure and create a binary OP handler with the given parameters. */
function createBinaryOps(linkNormalizer) {
return (BinaryOpHandler.create()
// TODO: Consider not using a universal comparison function.
.compare("*", (a, b) => Values.compareValue(a, b, linkNormalizer))
// Global boolean operations.
.register("*", "&", "*", (a, b) => Values.isTruthy(a) && Values.isTruthy(b))
.register("*", "|", "*", (a, b) => Values.isTruthy(a) || Values.isTruthy(b))
// Number implementations.
.register("number", "+", "number", (a, b) => a + b)
.register("number", "-", "number", (a, b) => a - b)
.register("number", "*", "number", (a, b) => a * b)
.register("number", "/", "number", (a, b) => a / b)
3 years ago
.register("number", "%", "number", (a, b) => a % b)
3 years ago
// String implementations.
.register("string", "+", "*", (a, b, ctx) => a + Values.toString(b, ctx.settings))
.register("*", "+", "string", (a, b, ctx) => Values.toString(a, ctx.settings) + b)
.registerComm("string", "*", "number", (a, b) => (b < 0 ? "" : a.repeat(b)))
// Date Operations.
.register("date", "-", "date", (a, b) => {
return normalizeDuration(a.diff(b, ["years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "milliseconds"]));
.register("date", "-", "duration", (a, b) => a.minus(b))
.registerComm("date", "+", "duration", (a, b) =>
// Duration Operations.
.register("duration", "+", "duration", (a, b) => normalizeDuration(
.register("duration", "-", "duration", (a, b) => normalizeDuration(a.minus(b)))
.register("duration", "/", "number", (a, b) => normalizeDuration(a.mapUnits(x => x / b)))
.registerComm("duration", "*", "number", (a, b) => normalizeDuration(a.mapUnits(x => x * b)))
// Array operations.
.register("array", "+", "array", (a, b) => [].concat(a).concat(b))
// Object operations.
3 years ago
.register("object", "+", "object", (a, b) => Object.assign({}, a, b))
// Null handling operators.
.register("null", "+", "null", (_a, _b) => null)
.register("null", "-", "null", (_a, _b) => null)
.register("null", "*", "null", (_a, _b) => null)
.register("null", "/", "null", (_a, _b) => null)
2 years ago
.register("null", "%", "null", (_a, _b) => null)
.register("date", "+", "null", (_a, _b) => null)
.register("null", "+", "date", (_a, _b) => null)
.register("date", "-", "null", (_a, _b) => null)
.register("null", "-", "date", (_a, _b) => null));
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Core implementation of the query language evaluation engine. */
* Evaluation context that expressions can be evaluated in. Includes global state, as well as available functions and a handler
* for binary operators.
class Context {
* Create a new context with the given namespace of globals, as well as optionally with custom binary operator, function,
* and link handlers.
constructor(linkHandler, settings, globals = {}, binaryOps = createBinaryOps(linkHandler.normalize), functions = DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS) {
this.linkHandler = linkHandler;
this.settings = settings;
this.globals = globals;
this.binaryOps = binaryOps;
this.functions = functions;
/** Set a global value in this context. */
set(name, value) {
this.globals[name] = value;
return this;
/** Get the value of a global variable by name. Returns null if not present. */
get(name) {
var _a;
return (_a = this.globals[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
/** Try to evaluate an arbitrary field in this context, raising an exception on failure. */
3 years ago
tryEvaluate(field, data = {}) {
return this.evaluate(field, data).orElseThrow();
/** Evaluate an arbitrary field in this context. */
evaluate(field, data = {}) {
var _a, _b;
switch (field.type) {
case "literal":
return Result.success(field.value);
case "variable":
if ( in data)
return Result.success(data[]);
else if ( in this.globals)
return Result.success(this.globals[]);
return Result.success(null);
case "negated":
return this.evaluate(field.child, data).map(s => !Values.isTruthy(s));
case "binaryop":
return Result.flatMap2(this.evaluate(field.left, data), this.evaluate(field.right, data), (a, b) => this.binaryOps.evaluate(field.op, a, b, this));
case "list":
let result = [];
for (let child of field.values) {
let subeval = this.evaluate(child, data);
if (!subeval.successful)
return subeval;
return Result.success(result);
case "object":
let objResult = {};
3 years ago
for (let [key, child] of Object.entries(field.values)) {
3 years ago
let subeval = this.evaluate(child, data);
if (!subeval.successful)
return subeval;
objResult[key] = subeval.value;
return Result.success(objResult);
case "lambda":
// Just relying on JS to capture 'data' for us implicitly; unsure
// if this is correct thing to do. Could cause weird behaviors.
3 years ago
return Result.success((ctx, ...args) => {
let copy = Object.assign({}, data);
for (let arg = 0; arg < Math.min(args.length, field.arguments.length); arg++) {
copy[field.arguments[arg]] = args[arg];
return ctx.evaluate(field.value, copy).orElseThrow();
case "function":
let rawFunc = field.func.type == "variable"
? Result.success(
: this.evaluate(field.func, data);
if (!rawFunc.successful)
return rawFunc;
let func = rawFunc.value;
let args = [];
for (let arg of field.arguments) {
let resolved = this.evaluate(arg, data);
if (!resolved.successful)
return resolved;
let call;
if (Values.isFunction(func))
call = func;
else if (Values.isString(func) && func in this.functions)
call = this.functions[func];
else if (Values.isString(func))
return Result.failure(`Unrecognized function name '${func}'`);
return Result.failure(`Cannot call type '${Values.typeOf(func)}' as a function`);
try {
return Result.success(call(this, ...args));
catch (e) {
return Result.failure(e.message);
case "index":
// TODO: Will move this out to an 'primitives' module and add more content to it.
3 years ago
let literalIndex = this.evaluate(field.index, data);
let checkedIndex = literalIndex.flatMap(s => Values.isString(s) || Values.isNumber(s) || Values.isNull(s)
3 years ago
? Result.success(s)
3 years ago
: Result.failure("Can only index with a string or number"));
3 years ago
if (!checkedIndex.successful)
return checkedIndex;
let index = checkedIndex.value;
3 years ago
if (Values.isNull(index))
return Result.success(null);
3 years ago
let checkedObject = field.object.type == "variable" && == "row"
? Result.success(Object.assign({}, this.globals, data))
: this.evaluate(field.object, data);
if (!checkedObject.successful)
return checkedObject;
let object = Values.wrapValue(checkedObject.value);
if (!object)
return Result.failure("Unrecognized object to index into: " + object);
switch (object.type) {
case "object":
if (!Values.isString(index))
return Result.failure('can only index into objects with strings (a.b or a["b"])');
return Result.success((_a = object.value[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null);
case "link":
if (!Values.isString(index))
return Result.failure('can only index into links with strings (a.b or a["b"])');
let linkValue = this.linkHandler.resolve(object.value.path);
if (Values.isNull(linkValue))
return Result.success(null);
return Result.success((_b = linkValue[index]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null);
case "array":
if (Values.isNumber(index)) {
if (index >= object.value.length || index < 0)
return Result.success(null);
return Result.success(object.value[index]);
else if (Values.isString(index)) {
let result = [];
for (let value of object.value) {
let next = this.evaluate(Fields.index(Fields.literal(value), Fields.literal(index)));
if (!next.successful)
return Result.success(result);
else {
return Result.failure("Array indexing requires either a number (to get a specific element), or a string (to map all elements inside the array)");
case "string":
if (!Values.isNumber(index))
return Result.failure("string indexing requires a numeric index (string[index])");
if (index >= object.value.length || index < 0)
return Result.success(null);
return Result.success(object.value[index]);
case "date":
if (!Values.isString(index))
return Result.failure("date indexing requires a string representing the unit");
switch (index) {
case "year":
return Result.success(object.value.year);
case "month":
return Result.success(object.value.month);
case "weekyear":
return Result.success(object.value.weekNumber);
case "week":
return Result.success(Math.floor( / 7) + 1);
case "weekday":
return Result.success(object.value.weekday);
case "day":
return Result.success(;
case "hour":
return Result.success(object.value.hour);
case "minute":
return Result.success(object.value.minute);
case "second":
return Result.success(object.value.second);
case "millisecond":
return Result.success(object.value.millisecond);
return Result.success(null);
case "duration":
if (!Values.isString(index))
return Result.failure("duration indexing requires a string representing the unit");
switch (index) {
case "year":
case "years":
3 years ago
return Result.success(object.value.shiftTo("years").years);
3 years ago
case "month":
case "months":
3 years ago
return Result.success(object.value.shiftTo("months").months);
3 years ago
case "weeks":
3 years ago
return Result.success(object.value.shiftTo("weeks").weeks);
3 years ago
case "day":
case "days":
3 years ago
return Result.success(object.value.shiftTo("days").days);
3 years ago
case "hour":
case "hours":
3 years ago
return Result.success(object.value.shiftTo("hours").hours);
3 years ago
case "minute":
case "minutes":
3 years ago
return Result.success(object.value.shiftTo("minutes").minutes);
3 years ago
case "second":
case "seconds":
3 years ago
return Result.success(object.value.shiftTo("seconds").seconds);
3 years ago
case "millisecond":
case "milliseconds":
3 years ago
return Result.success(object.value.shiftTo("milliseconds").milliseconds);
3 years ago
return Result.success(null);
return Result.success(null);
3 years ago
function iden(x) {
return x;
/** Shared execution code which just takes in arbitrary data, runs operations over it, and returns it + per-row errors. */
function executeCore(rows, context, ops) {
let diagnostics = [];
let identMeaning = { type: "path" };
3 years ago
let startTime =;
3 years ago
for (let op of ops) {
3 years ago
let opStartTime =;
3 years ago
let incomingRows = rows.length;
let errors = [];
switch (op.type) {
case "where":
let whereResult = [];
for (let index = 0; index < rows.length; index++) {
let row = rows[index];
let value = context.evaluate(op.clause,;
if (!value.successful)
errors.push({ index, message: value.error });
else if (Values.isTruthy(value.value))
3 years ago
3 years ago
rows = whereResult;
case "sort":
let sortFields = op.fields;
let taggedData = [];
outer: for (let index = 0; index < rows.length; index++) {
let row = rows[index];
let rowSorts = [];
for (let sIndex = 0; sIndex < sortFields.length; sIndex++) {
let value = context.evaluate(sortFields[sIndex].field,;
if (!value.successful) {
errors.push({ index, message: value.error });
continue outer;
taggedData.push({ data: row, fields: rowSorts });
// Sort rows by the sort fields, and then return the finished result.
taggedData.sort((a, b) => {
for (let index = 0; index < sortFields.length; index++) {
let factor = sortFields[index].direction === "ascending" ? 1 : -1;
let le = context.binaryOps
.evaluate("<", a.fields[index], b.fields[index], context)
if (Values.isTruthy(le))
return factor * -1;
let ge = context.binaryOps
.evaluate(">", a.fields[index], b.fields[index], context)
if (Values.isTruthy(ge))
return factor * 1;
return 0;
rows = =>;
case "limit":
let limiting = context.evaluate(op.amount);
if (!limiting.successful)
return Result.failure("Failed to execute 'limit' statement: " + limiting.error);
if (!Values.isNumber(limiting.value))
return Result.failure(`Failed to execute 'limit' statement: limit should be a number, but got '${Values.typeOf(limiting.value)}' (${limiting.value})`);
rows = rows.slice(0, limiting.value);
case "group":
let groupData = [];
for (let index = 0; index < rows.length; index++) {
let value = context.evaluate(op.field.field, rows[index].data);
if (!value.successful) {
errors.push({ index, message: value.error });
groupData.push({ data: rows[index], key: value.value });
// Sort by the key, which we will group on shortly.
groupData.sort((a, b) => {
let le = context.binaryOps.evaluate("<", a.key, b.key, context).orElse(false);
if (Values.isTruthy(le))
return -1;
let ge = context.binaryOps.evaluate(">", a.key, b.key, context).orElse(false);
if (Values.isTruthy(ge))
return 1;
return 0;
// Then walk through and find fields that are equal.
let finalGroupData = [];
if (groupData.length > 0)
key: groupData[0].key,
rows: [groupData[0]],
[]: groupData[0].key,
for (let index = 1; index < groupData.length; index++) {
let curr = groupData[index], prev = groupData[index - 1];
if (context.binaryOps.evaluate("=", curr.key, prev.key, context).orElse(false)) {
finalGroupData[finalGroupData.length - 1].rows.push(;
else {
key: curr.key,
rows: [],
[]: curr.key,
rows = => {
return { id: d.key, data: d };
identMeaning = { type: "group", name:, on: identMeaning };
case "flatten":
let flattenResult = [];
for (let index = 0; index < rows.length; index++) {
let row = rows[index];
let value = context.evaluate(op.field.field,;
if (!value.successful) {
errors.push({ index, message: value.error });
let datapoints = Values.isArray(value.value) ? value.value : [value.value];
for (let v of datapoints) {
let copy = Values.deepCopy(row);[] = v;
rows = flattenResult;
if (identMeaning.type == "group" && ==
identMeaning = identMeaning.on;
return Result.failure("Unrecognized query operation '" + op.type + "'");
if (errors.length >= incomingRows && incomingRows > 0) {
return Result.failure(`Every row during operation '${op.type}' failed with an error; first ${Math.min(3, errors.length)}:\n
.slice(0, 3)
.map(d => "- " + d.message)
outgoingRows: rows.length,
3 years ago
timeMs: - opStartTime,
3 years ago
return Result.success({
data: rows,
idMeaning: identMeaning,
3 years ago
timeMs: - startTime,
3 years ago
/** Expanded version of executeCore which adds an additional "extraction" step to the pipeline. */
function executeCoreExtract(rows, context, ops, fields) {
let internal = executeCore(rows, context, ops);
if (!internal.successful)
return internal;
let core = internal.value;
3 years ago
let startTime =;
3 years ago
let errors = [];
let res = [];
outer: for (let index = 0; index <; index++) {
let page = { id:[index].id, data: {} };
for (let [name, field] of Object.entries(fields)) {
let value = context.evaluate(field,[index].data);
if (!value.successful) {
errors.push({ index: index, message: value.error });
continue outer;
3 years ago
3 years ago[name] = value.value;
if (errors.length >= && > 0) {
return Result.failure(`Every row during final data extraction failed with an error; first ${Math.max(errors.length, 3)}:\n
.slice(0, 3)
.map(d => "- " + d.message)
3 years ago
let execTime = - startTime;
3 years ago
return Result.success({
data: res,
idMeaning: core.idMeaning,
diagnostics: core.diagnostics.concat([
timeMs: execTime,
outgoingRows: res.length,
ops: core.ops.concat([{ type: "extract", fields }]),
timeMs: core.timeMs + execTime,
/** Execute a list-based query, returning the final results. */
async function executeList(query, index, origin, settings) {
var _a, _b;
// Start by collecting all of the files that match the 'from' queries.
let fileset = await resolveSource(query.source, index, origin);
if (!fileset.successful)
return Result.failure(fileset.error);
// Extract information about the origin page to add to the root context.
let rootContext = new Context(defaultLinkHandler(index, origin), settings, {
this: (_b = (_a = index.pages.get(origin)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.serialize(index)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {},
let targetField = query.header.format;
3 years ago
let showId = query.header.showId;
3 years ago
let fields = targetField ? { target: targetField } : {};
return executeCoreExtract(fileset.value, rootContext, query.operations, fields).map(core => {
3 years ago
let data;
if (showId && targetField) {
data = => { var _a; return Widgets.listPair(, (_a =["target"]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null); });
else if (targetField) {
data = => { var _a; return (_a =["target"]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null; });
else {
data = =>;
3 years ago
return { primaryMeaning: core.idMeaning, core, data };
/** Execute a table query. */
async function executeTable(query, index, origin, settings) {
var _a, _b;
// Start by collecting all of the files that match the 'from' queries.
let fileset = await resolveSource(query.source, index, origin);
if (!fileset.successful)
return Result.failure(fileset.error);
// Extract information about the origin page to add to the root context.
let rootContext = new Context(defaultLinkHandler(index, origin), settings, {
this: (_b = (_a = index.pages.get(origin)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.serialize(index)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {},
let targetFields = query.header.fields;
3 years ago
let showId = query.header.showId;
3 years ago
let fields = {};
for (let field of targetFields)
fields[] = field.field;
return executeCoreExtract(fileset.value, rootContext, query.operations, fields).map(core => {
3 years ago
if (showId) {
3 years ago
const idName = core.idMeaning.type === "group" ? : settings.tableIdColumnName;
3 years ago
let names = [idName].concat( =>;
let data = => [].concat( =>[])));
return { core, names, data, idMeaning: core.idMeaning };
else {
let names = =>;
let data = => =>[]));
return { core, names, data, idMeaning: core.idMeaning };
3 years ago
/** Maps a raw core execution result to a task grouping which is much easier to render. */
function extractTaskGroupings(id, rows) {
switch (id.type) {
case "path":
return rows;
case "group":
let key =;
return => iden({
key: r[key],
rows: extractTaskGroupings(id.on, r.rows),
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Execute a task query, returning all matching tasks. */
async function executeTask(query, origin, index, settings) {
var _a, _b;
let fileset = matchingSourcePaths(query.source, index, origin);
if (!fileset.successful)
return Result.failure(fileset.error);
// Collect tasks from pages which match.
let incomingTasks = [];
for (let path of fileset.value) {
let page = index.pages.get(path);
if (!page)
let pageData = page.serialize(index);
let pageTasks = => {
const tcopy = Values.deepCopy(t);
// Add page data to this copy.
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(pageData)) {
if (key in tcopy)
tcopy[key] = value;
return { id: `${pageData.path}#${t.line}`, data: tcopy };
for (let task of pageTasks)
// Extract information about the origin page to add to the root context.
let rootContext = new Context(defaultLinkHandler(index, origin), settings, {
this: (_b = (_a = index.pages.get(origin)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.serialize(index)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {},
return executeCore(incomingTasks, rootContext, query.operations).map(core => {
return {
tasks: extractTaskGroupings(core.idMeaning, =>,
/** Execute a single field inline a file, returning the evaluated result. */
function executeInline(field, origin, index, settings) {
var _a, _b;
return new Context(defaultLinkHandler(index, origin), settings, {
this: (_b = (_a = index.pages.get(origin)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.serialize(index)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {},
/** The default link resolver used when creating contexts. */
function defaultLinkHandler(index, origin) {
return {
resolve: link => {
let realFile = index.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(link, origin);
if (!realFile)
return null;
let realPage = index.pages.get(realFile.path);
if (!realPage)
return null;
return realPage.serialize(index);
normalize: link => {
var _a;
let realFile = index.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(link, origin);
return (_a = realFile === null || realFile === void 0 ? void 0 : realFile.path) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : link;
exists: link => {
let realFile = index.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(link, origin);
return !!realFile;
/** Execute a calendar-based query, returning the final results. */
async function executeCalendar(query, index, origin, settings) {
var _a, _b;
// Start by collecting all of the files that match the 'from' queries.
let fileset = await resolveSource(query.source, index, origin);
if (!fileset.successful)
return Result.failure(fileset.error);
// Extract information about the origin page to add to the root context.
let rootContext = new Context(defaultLinkHandler(index, origin), settings, {
this: (_b = (_a = index.pages.get(origin)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.serialize(index)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {},
let targetField = query.header.field.field;
let fields = {
target: targetField,
3 years ago
link: Fields.indexVariable(""),
3 years ago
return executeCoreExtract(fileset.value, rootContext, query.operations, fields).map(core => {
let data = => iden({
return { core, data };
function compareVersions(v1, v2) {
// validate input and split into segments
const n1 = validateAndParse(v1);
const n2 = validateAndParse(v2);
// pop off the patch
const p1 = n1.pop();
const p2 = n2.pop();
// validate numbers
const r = compareSegments(n1, n2);
if (r !== 0) return r;
// validate pre-release
if (p1 && p2) {
return compareSegments(p1.split('.'), p2.split('.'));
} else if (p1 || p2) {
return p1 ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
const validate = (v) =>
typeof v === 'string' && /^[v\d]/.test(v) && semver.test(v);
const compare = (v1, v2, operator) => {
// validate input operator
// since result of compareVersions can only be -1 or 0 or 1
// a simple map can be used to replace switch
const res = compareVersions(v1, v2);
return operatorResMap[operator].includes(res);
const satisfies = (v, r) => {
// if no range operator then "="
const m = r.match(/^([<>=~^]+)/);
const op = m ? m[1] : '=';
// if gt/lt/eq then operator compare
if (op !== '^' && op !== '~') return compare(v, r, op);
// else range of either "~" or "^" is assumed
const [v1, v2, v3] = validateAndParse(v);
const [r1, r2, r3] = validateAndParse(r);
if (compareStrings(v1, r1) !== 0) return false;
if (op === '^') {
return compareSegments([v2, v3], [r2, r3]) >= 0;
if (compareStrings(v2, r2) !== 0) return false;
return compareStrings(v3, r3) >= 0;
// export CJS style for parity
compareVersions.validate = validate; = compare;
compareVersions.sastisfies = satisfies;
const semver =
const validateAndParse = (v) => {
if (typeof v !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Invalid argument expected string');
const match = v.match(semver);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument not valid semver ('${v}' received)`);
return match;
const isWildcard = (s) => s === '*' || s === 'x' || s === 'X';
const tryParse = (v) => {
const n = parseInt(v, 10);
return isNaN(n) ? v : n;
const forceType = (a, b) =>
typeof a !== typeof b ? [String(a), String(b)] : [a, b];
const compareStrings = (a, b) => {
if (isWildcard(a) || isWildcard(b)) return 0;
const [ap, bp] = forceType(tryParse(a), tryParse(b));
if (ap > bp) return 1;
if (ap < bp) return -1;
return 0;
const compareSegments = (a, b) => {
for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(a.length, b.length); i++) {
const r = compareStrings(a[i] || 0, b[i] || 0);
if (r !== 0) return r;
return 0;
const operatorResMap = {
'>': [1],
'>=': [0, 1],
'=': [0],
'<=': [-1, 0],
'<': [-1],
const allowedOperators = Object.keys(operatorResMap);
const assertValidOperator = (op) => {
if (typeof op !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError(
`Invalid operator type, expected string but got ${typeof op}`
if (allowedOperators.indexOf(op) === -1) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid operator, expected one of ${allowedOperators.join('|')}`
var n,l$1,u$1,t$1,o$1,r$1,f$1,e$1={},c$1=[],s$1=/acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i;function a$1(n,l){for(var u in l)n[u]=l[u];return n}function h$1(n){var l=n.parentNode;l&&l.removeChild(n);}function v$1(l,u,i){var t,o,r,f={};for(r in u)"key"==r?t=u[r]:"ref"==r?o=u[r]:f[r]=u[r];if(arguments.length>2&&(f.children=arguments.length>3?,2):i),"function"==typeof l&&null!=l.defaultProps)for(r in l.defaultProps)void 0===f[r]&&(f[r]=l.defaultProps[r]);return y$1(l,f,t,o,null)}function y$1(n,i,t,o,r){var f={type:n,props:i,key:t,ref:o,__k:null,__:null,__b:0,__e:null,__d:void 0,__c:null,__h:null,constructor:void 0,__v:null==r?++u$1:r};return null==r&&null!=l$1.vnode&&l$1.vnode(f),f}function p$1(){return {current:null}}function d$1(n){return n.children}function _$1(n,l){this.props=n,this.context=l;}function k$2(n,l){if(null==l)return n.__?k$2(n.__,n.__.__k.indexOf(n)+1):null;for(var u;l<n.__k.length;l++)if(null!=(u=n.__k[l])&&null!=u.__e)return u.__e;return "function"==typeof n.type?k$2(n):null}function b$1(n){var l,u;if(null!=(n=n.__)&&null!=n.__c){for(n.__e=n.__c.base=null,l=0;l<n.__k.length;l++)if(null!=(u=n.__k[l])&&null!=u.__e){n.__e=n.__c.base=u.__e;break}return b$1(n)}}function m$1(n){(!n.__d&&(n.__d=!0)&&t$1.push(n)&&!g$2.__r++||r$1!==l$1.debounceRendering)&&((r$1=l$1.debounceRendering)||o$1)(g$2);}function g$2(){for(var n;g$2.__r=t$1.length;)n=t$1.sort(function(n,l){return n.__v.__b-l.__v.__b}),t$1=[],n.some(function(n){var l,u,i,t,o,r;n.__d&&(o=(t=(l=n).__v).__e,(r=l.__P)&&(u=[],(i=a$1({},t)).__v=t.__v+1,j$2(r,t,i,l.__n,void 0!==r.ownerSVGElement,null!=t.__h?[o]:null,u,null==o?k$2(t):o,t.__h),z$1(u,t),t.__e!=o&&b$1(t)));});}function w$2(n,l,u,i,t,o,r,f,s,a){var h,v,p,_,b,m,g,w=i&&i.__k||c$1,A=w.length;for(u.__k=[],h=0;h<l.length;h++)if(null!=(_=u.__k[h]=null==(_=l[h])||"boolean"==typeof _?null:"string"==typeof _||"number"==typeof _||"bigint"==typeof _?y$1(null,_,null,null,_):Array.isArray(_)?y$1(d$1,{children:_},null,null,null):_.__b>0?y$1(_.type,_.props,_.key,null,_.__v):_)){if(_.__=u,_.__b=u.__b+1,null===(p=w[h])||p&&_.key==p.key&&_.type===p.type)w[h]=void 0;else for(v=0;v<A;v++){if((p=w[v])&&_.key==p.key&&_.type===p.type){w[v]=void 0;break}p=null;}j$2(n,_,p=p||e$1,t,o,r,f,s,a),b=_.__e,(v=_.ref)&&p.ref!=v&&(g||(g=[]),p.ref&&g.push(p.ref,null,_),g.push(v,_.__c||b,_)),null!=b?(null==m&&(m=b),"function"==typeof _.type&&_.__k===p.__k?_.__d=s=x$2(_,s,n):s=P$1(n,_,p,w,b,s),"function"==typeof u.type&&(u.__d=s)):s&&p.__e==s&&s.parentNode!=n&&(s=k$2(p));}for(u.__e=m,h=A;h--;)null!=w[h]&&("function"==typeof u.type&&null!=w[h].__e&&w[h].__e==u.__d&&(u.__d=k$2(i,h+1)),N$1(w[h],w[h]));if(g)for(h=0;h<g.length;h++)M$1(g[h],g[++h],g[++h]);}function x$2(n,l,u){for(var i,t=n.__k,o=0;t&&o<t.length;o++)(i=t[o])&&(i.__=n,l="function"==typeof i.type?x$2(i,l,u):P$1(u,i,i,t,i.__e,l));return l}function A$2(n,l){return l=l||[],null==n||"boolean"==typeof n||(Array.isArray(n)?n.some(function(n){A$2(n,l);}):l.push(n)),l}function P$1(n,l,u,i,t,o){var r,f,e;if(void 0!==l.__d)r=l.__d,l.__d=void 0;else if(null==u||t!=o||null==t.parentNode)n:if(null==o||o.parentNode!==n)n.appendChild(t),r=null;else {for(f=o,e=0;(f=f.nextSibling)&&e<i.length;e+=2)if(f==t)break n;n.insertBefore(t,o),r=o;}return void 0!==r?r:t.nextSibling}function C$1(n,l,u,i,t){var o;for(o in u)"children"===o||"key"===o||o in l||H$1(n,o,null,u[o],i);for(o in l)t&&"function"!=typeof l[o]||"children"===o||"key"===o||"value"===o||"checked"===o||u[o]===l[o]||H$1(n,o,l[o],u[o],i);}function $$1(n,l,u){"-"===l[0]?n.setProperty(l,u):n[l]=null==u?"":"number"!=typeof u||s$1.test(l)?u:u+"px";}function H$1(n,l,u,i,t){var o;n:if("style"===l)if("string"==typeof u);else {if("string"==typeof i&&(""),i)for(l in i)u&&l in u||$$1(,l,"");if(u)for(l in u)i&&u[l]===i[l]||$$1(,l,u[l]);}else if("o"===l[0]&&"n"===l[1])o=l!==(l=l.replace(/Capture$/,"")),l=l.toLowerCase()in n?l.toLowerCase().slice(2):l.slice(2),n.l||(n.l={}),n.l[l+o]=u,u?i||n.addEventListener(l,o?T$2:I$1,o):n.removeEventListener(l,o?T$2:I$1,o);else if("
var t,u,r,o=0,i=[],c=l$1.__b,f=l$1.__r,e=l$1.diffed,a=l$1.__c,v=l$1.unmount;function l(t,r){l$1.__h&&l$1.__h(u,t,o||r),o=0;var i=u.__H||(u.__H={__:[],__h:[]});return t>=i.__.length&&i.__.push({}),i.__[t]}function m(n){return o=1,p(w$1,n)}function p(n,r,o){var i=l(t++,2);return i.t=n,i.__c||(i.__=[o?o(r):w$1(void 0,r),function(n){var t=i.t(i.__[0],n);i.__[0]!==t&&(i.__=[t,i.__[1]],i.__c.setState({}));}],i.__c=u),i.__}function y(r,o){var i=l(t++,3);!l$1.__s&&k$1(i.__H,o)&&(i.__=r,i.__H=o,u.__H.__h.push(i));}function d(r,o){var i=l(t++,4);!l$1.__s&&k$1(i.__H,o)&&(i.__=r,i.__H=o,u.__h.push(i));}function h(n){return o=5,_(function(){return {current:n}},[])}function s(n,t,u){o=6,d(function(){return "function"==typeof n?(n(t()),function(){return n(null)}):n?(n.current=t(),function(){return n.current=null}):void 0},null==u?u:u.concat(n));}function _(n,u){var r=l(t++,7);return k$1(r.__H,u)&&(r.__=n(),r.__H=u,r.__h=n),r.__}function A$1(n,t){return o=8,_(function(){return n},t)}function F$1(n){var r=u.context[n.__c],o=l(t++,9);return o.c=n,r?(null==o.__&&(o.__=!0,r.sub(u)),r.props.value):n.__}function T$1(t,u){l$1.useDebugValue&&l$1.useDebugValue(u?u(t):t);}function x$1(){for(var t;t=i.shift();)if(t.__P)try{t.__H.__h.forEach(g$1),t.__H.__h.forEach(j$1),t.__H.__h=[];}catch(u){t.__H.__h=[],l$1.__e(u,t.__v);}}l$1.__b=function(n){u=null,c&&c(n);},l$1.__r=function(n){f&&f(n),t=0;var r=(u=n.__c).__H;r&&(r.__h.forEach(g$1),r.__h.forEach(j$1),r.__h=[]);},l$1.diffed=function(t){e&&e(t);var o=t.__c;o&&o.__H&&o.__H.__h.length&&(1!==i.push(o)&&r===l$1.requestAnimationFrame||((r=l$1.requestAnimationFrame)||function(n){var t,u=function(){clearTimeout(r),b&&cancelAnimationFrame(t),setTimeout(n);},r=setTimeout(u,100);b&&(t=requestAnimationFrame(u));})(x$1)),u=null;},l$1.__c=function(t,u){u.some(function(t){try{t.__h.forEach(g$1),t.__h=t.__h.filter(function(n){return !n.__||j$1(n)});}catch(r){u.some(function(n){n.__h&&(n.__h=[]);}),u=[],l$1.__e(r,t.__v);}}),a&&a(t,u);},l$1.unmount=function(t){v&&v(t);var u,r=t.__c;r&&r.__H&&(r.__H.__.forEach(function(n){try{g$1(n);}catch(n){u=n;}}),u&&l$1.__e(u,r.__v));};var b="function"==typeof requestAnimationFrame;function g$1(n){var t=u,r=n.__c;"function"==typeof r&&(n.__c=void 0,r()),u=t;}function j$1(n){var t=u;n.__c=n.__(),u=t;}function k$1(n,t){return !n||n.length!==t.length||t.some(function(t,u){return t!==n[u]})}function w$1(n,t){return "function"==typeof t?t(n):t}
3 years ago
function C(n,t){for(var e in t)n[e]=t[e];return n}function S(n,t){for(var e in n)if("__source"!==e&&!(e in t))return !0;for(var r in t)if("__source"!==r&&n[r]!==t[r])return !0;return !1}function E(n){this.props=n;}function g(n,t){function e(n){var e=this.props.ref,r=e==n.ref;return !r&&e&&(,t?!t(this.props,n)||!r:S(this.props,n)}function r(t){return this.shouldComponentUpdate=e,v$1(n,t)}return r.displayName="Memo("+(n.displayName||")",r.prototype.isReactComponent=!0,r.__f=!0,r}(E.prototype=new _$1).isPureReactComponent=!0,E.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate=function(n,t){return S(this.props,n)||S(this.state,t)};var w=l$1.__b;l$1.__b=function(n){n.type&&n.type.__f&&n.ref&&(n.props.ref=n.ref,n.ref=null),w&&w(n);};var R="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for&&Symbol.for("react.forward_ref")||3911;function x(n){function t(t){var e=C({},t);return delete e.ref,n(e,t.ref||null)}return t.$$typeof=R,t.render=t,t.prototype.isReactComponent=t.__f=!0,t.displayName="ForwardRef("+(n.displayName||")",t}var N=function(n,t){return null==n?null:A$2(A$2(n).map(t))},k={map:N,forEach:N,count:function(n){return n?A$2(n).length:0},only:function(n){var t=A$2(n);if(1!==t.length)throw "Children.only";return t[0]},toArray:A$2},A=l$1.__e;l$1.__e=function(n,t,e,r){if(n.then)for(var u,o=t;o=o.__;)if((u=o.__c)&&u.__c)return null==t.__e&&(t.__e=e.__e,t.__k=e.__k),u.__c(n,t);A(n,t,e,r);};var O=l$1.unmount;function L(){this.__u=0,this.t=null,this.__b=null;}function U(n){var t=n.__.__c;return t&&t.__e&&t.__e(n)}function F(n){var t,e,r;function u(u){if(t||(t=n()).then(function(n){e=n.default||n;},function(n){r=n;}),r)throw r;if(!e)throw t;return v$1(e,u)}return u.displayName="Lazy",u.__f=!0,u}function M(){this.u=null,this.o=null;}l$1.unmount=function(n){var t=n.__c;t&&t.__R&&t.__R(),t&&!0===n.__h&&(n.type=null),O&&O(n);},(L.prototype=new _$1).__c=function(n,t){var e=t.__c,r=this;null==r.t&&(r.t=[]),r.t.push(e);var u=U(r.__v),o=!1,i=function(){o||(o=!0,e.__R=null,u?u(l):l());};e.__R=i;var l=function(){if(!--r.__u){if(r.state.__e){var n=r.state.__e;r.__v.__k[0]=function n(t,e,r){return t&&(t.__v=null,t.__k=t.__k&&{return n(t,e,r)}),t.__c&&t.__c.__P===e&&(t.__e&&r.insertBefore(t.__e,t.__d),t.__c.__e=!0,t.__c.__P=r)),t}(n,n.__c.__P,n.__c.__O);}var t;for(r.setState({__e:r.__b=null});t=r.t.pop();)t.forceUpdate();}},f=!0===t.__h;r.__u++||f||r.setState({__e:r.__b=r.__v.__k[0]}),n.then(i,i);},L.prototype.componentWillUnmount=function(){this.t=[];},L.prototype.render=function(n,t){if(this.__b){if(this.__v.__k){var e=document.createElement("div"),r=this.__v.__k[0].__c;this.__v.__k[0]=function n(t,e,r){return t&&(t.__c&&t.__c.__H&&(t.__c.__H.__.forEach(function(n){"function"==typeof n.__c&&n.__c();}),t.__c.__H=null),null!=(t=C({},t)).__c&&(t.__c.__P===r&&(t.__c.__P=e),t.__c=null),t.__k=t.__k&&{return n(t,e,r)})),t}(this.__b,e,r.__O=r.__P);}this.__b=null;}var u=t.__e&&v$1(d$1,null,n.fallback);return u&&(u.__h=null),[v$1(d$1,null,t.__e?null:n.children),u]};var T=function(n,t,e){if(++e[1]===e[0]&&n.o.delete(t),n.props.revealOrder&&("t"!==n.props.revealOrder[0]||!n.o.size))for(e=n.u;e;){for(;e.length>3;)e.pop()();if(e[1]<e[0])break;n.u=e=e[2];}};function D(n){return this.getChildContext=function(){return n.context},n.children}function I(n){var t=this,e=n.i;t.componentWillUnmount=function(){S$1(null,t.l),t.l=null,t.i=null;},t.i&&t.i!==e&&t.componentWillUnmount(),n.__v?(t.l||(t.i=e,t.l={nodeType:1,parentNode:e,childNodes:[],appendChild:function(n){this.childNodes.push(n),t.i.appendChild(n);},insertBefore:function(n,e){this.childNodes.push(n),t.i.appendChild(n);},removeChild:function(n){this.childNodes.splice(this.childNodes.indexOf(n)>>>1,1),t.i.removeChild(n);}}),S$1(v$1(D,{context:t.context},n.__v),t.l)):t.l&&t.componentWillUnmount();}function W(n,t){var e=v$1(I,{__v:n,i:t});return e.containerInfo=t,e}(M.prototype=new _$1).__e=function(n){var t=this,e=U(t.__v),r=t.o.get(n);return r[0]++,function(u){var o=function(){t.props.revealOrder?(r.push(u),T(t,n,r)):u();};e?e(o):o();}},M.prototype
3 years ago
const IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = Object.freeze(new Set([
/** Determines if the given link points to an embedded image. */
function isImageEmbed(link) {
if (!link.path.contains("."))
return false;
let extension = link.path.substring(link.path.lastIndexOf("."));
return link.type == "file" && link.embed && IMAGE_EXTENSIONS.has(extension);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Extract text of the form 'WxH' or 'W' from the display of a link. */
function extractImageDimensions(link) {
if (!link.display)
return undefined;
let match = /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/iu.exec(link.display);
if (match)
return [parseInt(match[1]), parseInt(match[2])];
let match2 = /^(\d+)/.exec(link.display);
if (match2)
return [parseInt(match2[1])];
// No match.
return undefined;
/** Provides core preact / rendering utilities for all view types. */
const DataviewContext = D$1(undefined);
/** Hacky preact component which wraps Obsidian's markdown renderer into a neat component. */
function RawMarkdown({ content, sourcePath, inline = true, style, cls, onClick, }) {
const container = h(null);
const component = F$1(DataviewContext).component;
y(() => {
if (!container.current)
container.current.innerHTML = "";
obsidian.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(content, container.current, sourcePath, component).then(() => {
if (!container.current || !inline)
// Unwrap any created paragraph elements if we are inline.
let paragraph = container.current.querySelector("p");
while (paragraph) {
let children = paragraph.childNodes;
paragraph = container.current.querySelector("p");
3 years ago
3 years ago
}, [content, sourcePath, container.current]);
return v$1("span", { ref: container, style: style, class: cls, onClick: onClick });
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Hacky preact component which wraps Obsidian's markdown renderer into a neat component. */
const Markdown = React.memo(RawMarkdown);
/** Embeds an HTML element in the react DOM. */
function RawEmbedHtml({ element }) {
const container = h(null);
y(() => {
if (!container.current)
container.current.innerHTML = "";
}, [container.current, element]);
return v$1("span", { ref: container });
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Embeds an HTML element in the react DOM. */
const EmbedHtml = React.memo(RawEmbedHtml);
/** Intelligently render an arbitrary literal value. */
function RawLit({ value, sourcePath, inline = false, depth = 0, }) {
3 years ago
var _a, _b, _c;
3 years ago
const context = F$1(DataviewContext);
// Short-circuit if beyond the maximum render depth.
if (depth >= context.settings.maxRecursiveRenderDepth)
return v$1(d$1, null, "...");
if (Values.isNull(value) || value === undefined) {
return v$1(Markdown, { content: context.settings.renderNullAs, sourcePath: sourcePath });
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isString(value)) {
return v$1(Markdown, { content: value, sourcePath: sourcePath });
else if (Values.isNumber(value)) {
return v$1(d$1, null, "" + value);
else if (Values.isBoolean(value)) {
return v$1(d$1, null, "" + value);
else if (Values.isDate(value)) {
return v$1(d$1, null, renderMinimalDate(value, context.settings, currentLocale()));
else if (Values.isDuration(value)) {
return v$1(d$1, null, renderMinimalDuration(value));
else if (Values.isLink(value)) {
// Special case handling of image/video/etc embeddings to bypass the Obsidian API not working.
if (isImageEmbed(value)) {
let realFile =, sourcePath);
if (!realFile)
return v$1(Markdown, { content: value.markdown(), sourcePath: sourcePath });
let dimensions = extractImageDimensions(value);
let resourcePath =;
if (dimensions && dimensions.length == 2)
return v$1("img", { alt: value.path, src: resourcePath, width: dimensions[0], height: dimensions[1] });
else if (dimensions && dimensions.length == 1)
return v$1("img", { alt: value.path, src: resourcePath, width: dimensions[0] });
return v$1("img", { alt: value.path, src: resourcePath });
return v$1(Markdown, { content: value.markdown(), sourcePath: sourcePath });
else if (Values.isHtml(value)) {
return v$1(EmbedHtml, { element: value });
3 years ago
else if (Values.isWidget(value)) {
if (Widgets.isListPair(value)) {
return (v$1(d$1, null,
v$1(Lit, { value: value.key, sourcePath: sourcePath }),
" ",
v$1(Lit, { value: value.value, sourcePath: sourcePath })));
else if (Widgets.isExternalLink(value)) {
return (v$1("a", { href: value.url, rel: "noopener", target: "_blank", class: "external-link" }, (_a = value.display) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : value.url));
else {
return v$1("b", null,
"<unknown widget '",
3 years ago
else if (Values.isFunction(value)) {
return v$1(d$1, null, "<function>");
else if (Values.isArray(value) || DataArray.isDataArray(value)) {
if (!inline) {
return (v$1("ul", { class: "dataview dataview-ul dataview-result-list-ul" }, => (v$1("li", { class: "dataview-result-list-li" },
v$1(Lit, { value: subvalue, sourcePath: sourcePath, inline: inline, depth: depth + 1 }))))));
3 years ago
3 years ago
else {
if (value.length == 0)
return v$1(d$1, null, "<Empty List>");
return (v$1("span", { class: "dataview dataview-result-list-span" },, index) => (v$1(d$1, null,
index == 0 ? "" : ", ",
v$1(Lit, { value: subvalue, sourcePath: sourcePath, inline: inline, depth: depth + 1 }))))));
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if (Values.isObject(value)) {
// Don't render classes in case they have recursive references; spoopy.
3 years ago
if (((_b = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.constructor) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : && ((_c = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.constructor) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : != "Object") {
3 years ago
return v$1(d$1, null,
if (!inline) {
return (v$1("ul", { class: "dataview dataview-ul dataview-result-object-ul" }, Object.entries(value).map(([key, value]) => (v$1("li", { class: "dataview dataview-li dataview-result-object-li" },
": ",
v$1(Lit, { value: value, sourcePath: sourcePath, inline: inline, depth: depth + 1 }))))));
else {
if (Object.keys(value).length == 0)
return v$1(d$1, null, "<Empty Object>");
return (v$1("span", { class: "dataview dataview-result-object-span" }, Object.entries(value).map(([key, value], index) => (v$1(d$1, null,
index == 0 ? "" : ", ",
": ",
v$1(Lit, { value: value, sourcePath: sourcePath, inline: inline, depth: depth + 1 }))))));
return v$1(d$1, null,
"<Unrecognized: ",
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Intelligently render an arbitrary literal value. */
const Lit = React.memo(RawLit);
/** Render a simple nice looking error box in a code style. */
function ErrorPre(props, {}) {
return v$1("pre", { class: "dataview dataview-error" }, props.children);
/** Render a pretty centered error message in a box. */
function ErrorMessage({ message }) {
return (v$1("div", { class: "dataview dataview-error-box" },
v$1("p", { class: "dataview dataview-error-message" }, message)));
* Complex convienence hook which calls `compute` every time the index updates, updating the current state.
function useIndexBackedState(container, app, settings, index, initial, compute) {
let [initialized, setInitialized] = m(false);
let [state, updateState] = m(initial);
let [lastReload, setLastReload] = m(index.revision);
3 years ago
// Initial setup to queue fetching the correct state.
3 years ago
if (!initialized) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Updated on every container re-create; automatically updates state.
y(() => {
3 years ago
const refreshOperation = () => {
3 years ago
if (lastReload != index.revision && container.isShown() && settings.refreshEnabled) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Refresh after index changes stop.
let workEvent = app.workspace.on("dataview:refresh-views", refreshOperation);
// ...or when the DOM is shown (sidebar expands, tab selected, nodes scrolled into view).
let nodeEvent = container.onNodeInserted(refreshOperation);
return () => {
3 years ago
}, [container, lastReload]);
3 years ago
return state;
/** A trivial wrapper which allows a react component to live for the duration of a `MarkdownRenderChild`. */
class ReactRenderer extends obsidian.MarkdownRenderChild {
constructor(init, element) {
this.init = init;
this.element = element;
onload() {
const context = Object.assign({}, { component: this }, this.init);
S$1(v$1(DataviewContext.Provider, { value: context }, this.element), this.containerEl);
onunload() {
/** Function used to test if a given event correspond to a pressed link */
function wasLinkPressed(evt) {
return != null && != undefined && == "A";
3 years ago
/** JSX component which renders a task element recursively. */
function TaskItem({ item }) {
var _a;
let context = F$1(DataviewContext);
// Navigate to the given task on click.
const onClicked = (evt) => {
if (wasLinkPressed(evt)) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
const selectionState = {
eState: {
cursor: {
from: { line: item.line, ch: item.position.start.col },
to: { line: item.line + item.lineCount - 1, ch: item.position.end.col },
line: item.line,
3 years ago
// MacOS interprets the Command key as Meta., item.path, evt.ctrlKey || (evt.metaKey && obsidian.Platform.isMacOS), selectionState);
3 years ago
// Check/uncheck the task in the original file.
3 years ago
const onChecked = (evt) => {
const completed = evt.currentTarget.checked;
const status = completed ? "x" : " ";
// Update data-task on the parent element (css style)
const parent = evt.currentTarget.parentElement;
parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.setAttribute("data-task", status);
let flatted = [item];
if (context.settings.recursiveSubTaskCompletion) {
function flatter(iitem) {
flatted = flatted.flat(Infinity);
async function effectFn() {
for (let i = 0; i < flatted.length; i++) {
const _item = flatted[i];
let updatedText = _item.text;
if (context.settings.taskCompletionTracking) {
updatedText = setTaskCompletion(_item.text, context.settings.taskCompletionUseEmojiShorthand, context.settings.taskCompletionText, context.settings.taskCompletionDateFormat, completed);
await rewriteTask(, _item, status, updatedText);
3 years ago
const checked = item.status !== " ";
return (v$1("li", { class: "dataview task-list-item" + (checked ? " is-checked" : ""), onClick: onClicked, "data-task": item.status },
v$1("input", { class: "dataview task-list-item-checkbox", type: "checkbox", checked: checked, onClick: onChecked }),
v$1(Markdown, { inline: true, content: (_a = item.visual) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : item.text, sourcePath: item.path }),
item.children.length > 0 && v$1(TaskList, { items: item.children })));
/** JSX component which renders a plain list item recursively. */
function ListItem({ item }) {
var _a;
let context = F$1(DataviewContext);
// Navigate to the given task on click.
const onClicked = (evt) => {
if (wasLinkPressed(evt)) {
const selectionState = {
eState: {
cursor: {
from: { line: item.line, ch: item.position.start.col },
to: { line: item.line + item.lineCount - 1, ch: item.position.end.col },
line: item.line,
// MacOS interprets the Command key as Meta., item.path, evt.ctrlKey || (evt.metaKey && obsidian.Platform.isMacOS), selectionState);
return (v$1("li", { class: "dataview task-list-basic-item", onClick: onClicked },
3 years ago
v$1(Markdown, { inline: true, content: (_a = item.visual) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : item.text, sourcePath: item.path }),
item.children.length > 0 && v$1(TaskList, { items: item.children })));
/** JSX component which renders a list of task items recursively. */
function TaskList({ items }) {
const settings = F$1(DataviewContext).settings;
if (items.length == 0 && settings.warnOnEmptyResult)
return v$1(ErrorMessage, { message: "Dataview: No results to show for task query." });
let [nest, _mask] = nestItems(items);
3 years ago
return (v$1("ul", { class: "contains-task-list" }, => item.task ? v$1(TaskItem, { key: listId(item), item: item }) : v$1(ListItem, { key: listId(item), item: item }))));
3 years ago
/** JSX component which returns the result count. */
function ResultCount$1(props) {
const { settings } = F$1(DataviewContext);
return settings.showResultCount ? (v$1("span", { class: "dataview small-text" }, Groupings.count(props.item.rows))) : (v$1(d$1, null));
3 years ago
/** JSX component which recursively renders grouped tasks. */
function TaskGrouping({ items, sourcePath }) {
const isGrouping = items.length > 0 && Groupings.isGrouping(items);
return (v$1(d$1, null,
isGrouping &&
3 years ago => (v$1(d$1, { key: item.key },
3 years ago
v$1("h4", null,
v$1(Lit, { value: item.key, sourcePath: sourcePath }),
v$1(ResultCount$1, { item: item })),
3 years ago
v$1("div", { class: "dataview result-group" },
v$1(TaskGrouping, { items: item.rows, sourcePath: sourcePath }))))),
!isGrouping && v$1(TaskList, { items: items })));
* Pure view over (potentially grouped) tasks and list items which allows for checking/unchecking tasks and manipulating
* the task view.
function TaskView({ query, sourcePath }) {
let context = F$1(DataviewContext);
let items = useIndexBackedState(context.container,, context.settings, context.index, { state: "loading" }, async () => {
let result = await asyncTryOrPropogate(() => executeTask(query, sourcePath, context.index, context.settings));
if (!result.successful)
return { state: "error", error: result.error, sourcePath };
return { state: "ready", items: result.value.tasks };
if (items.state == "loading")
return (v$1(d$1, null,
v$1(ErrorPre, null, "Loading")));
else if (items.state == "error")
return (v$1(d$1, null,
v$1(ErrorPre, null,
"Dataview: ",
return (v$1("div", { class: "dataview dataview-container" },
v$1(TaskGrouping, { items: items.items, sourcePath: sourcePath })));
function createTaskView(init, query, sourcePath) {
return new ReactRenderer(init, v$1(TaskView, { query: query, sourcePath: sourcePath }));
function createFixedTaskView(init, items, sourcePath) {
return new ReactRenderer(init, v$1(TaskGrouping, { items: items, sourcePath: sourcePath }));
// Task De-Duplication //
function listId(item) {
return item.path + ":" + item.line;
function parentListId(item) {
return item.path + ":" + item.parent;
/** Compute a map of all task IDs -> tasks. */
function enumerateChildren(item, output) {
if (!output.has(listId(item)))
output.set(listId(item), item);
for (let child of item.children)
enumerateChildren(child, output);
return output;
/** Replace basic tasks with tasks from a lookup map. Retains the original order of the list. */
function replaceChildren(elements, lookup) {
return => {
element.children = replaceChildren(element.children, lookup);
const id = listId(element);
const map = lookup.get(id);
if (map)
return map;
return element;
* Removes tasks from a list if they are already present by being a child of another task. Fixes child pointers.
* Retains original order of input list.
function nestItems(raw) {
let elements = new Map();
let mask = new Set();
for (let elem of raw) {
let id = listId(elem);
elements.set(id, elem);
// List all elements & their children in the lookup map.
for (let elem of raw)
enumerateChildren(elem, elements);
let roots = raw.filter(elem => elem.parent == undefined || elem.parent == null || !elements.has(parentListId(elem)));
return [replaceChildren(roots, elements), mask];
3 years ago
* Recursively removes tasks from each subgroup if they are already present by being a child of another task.
* Fixes child pointers. Retains original order of input list.
function nestGroups(raw) {
if (Groupings.isGrouping(raw)) {
return => {
return { key: g.key, rows: nestGroups(g.rows) };
else {
return nestItems(raw)[0];
3 years ago
// Task Manipulation //
/** Trim empty ending lines. */
function trimEndingLines(text) {
let parts = text.split(/\r?\n/u);
let trim = parts.length - 1;
while (trim > 0 && parts[trim].trim() == "")
return parts.join("\n");
/** Set the task completion key on check. */
3 years ago
function setTaskCompletion(originalText, useEmojiShorthand, completionKey, completionDateFormat, complete) {
const blockIdRegex = /\^[a-z0-9\-]+/i;
3 years ago
if (!complete && !useEmojiShorthand)
return trimEndingLines(setInlineField(originalText.trimEnd(), completionKey)).trimEnd();
3 years ago
let parts = originalText.split(/\r?\n/u);
const matches = blockIdRegex.exec(parts[parts.length - 1]);
console.debug("matchreg", matches);
let processedPart = parts[parts.length - 1].split(blockIdRegex).join(""); // last part without block id
3 years ago
if (useEmojiShorthand) {
processedPart = setEmojiShorthandCompletionField(processedPart, complete ?"yyyy-MM-dd") : "");
3 years ago
else {
processedPart = setInlineField(processedPart, completionKey,;
3 years ago
processedPart = `${processedPart.trimEnd()}${(matches === null || matches === void 0 ? void 0 : matches.length) ? " " + matches[0].trim() : ""}`.trimEnd(); // add back block id
parts[parts.length - 1] = processedPart;
3 years ago
return parts.join("\n");
/** Rewrite a task with the given completion status and new text. */
async function rewriteTask(vault, task, desiredStatus, desiredText) {
if (desiredStatus == task.status && (desiredText == undefined || desiredText == task.text))
desiredStatus = desiredStatus == "" ? " " : desiredStatus;
let rawFiletext = await;
let hasRN = rawFiletext.contains("\r");
let filetext = rawFiletext.split(/\r?\n/u);
if (filetext.length < task.line)
let match = LIST_ITEM_REGEX.exec(filetext[task.line]);
if (!match || match[2].length == 0)
let taskTextParts = task.text.split("\n");
if (taskTextParts[0].trim() != match[3].trim())
// We have a positive match here at this point, so go ahead and do the rewrite of the status.
let initialSpacing = /^[\s>]*/u.exec(filetext[task.line])[0];
if (desiredText) {
let desiredParts = desiredText.split("\n");
let newTextLines = [`${initialSpacing}${task.symbol} [${desiredStatus}] ${desiredParts[0]}`].concat(desiredParts.slice(1).map(l => initialSpacing + "\t" + l));
filetext.splice(task.line, task.lineCount, ...newTextLines);
else {
filetext[task.line] = `${initialSpacing}${task.symbol} [${desiredStatus}] ${taskTextParts[0].trim()}`;
let newText = filetext.join(hasRN ? "\r\n" : "\n");
await vault.adapter.write(task.path, newText);
3 years ago
function ListGrouping({ items, sourcePath }) {
3 years ago
return (v$1("ul", { class: "dataview list-view-ul" }, => (v$1("li", null,
v$1(Lit, { value: item, sourcePath: sourcePath }))))));
/** Pure view over list elements. */
function ListView({ query, sourcePath }) {
let context = F$1(DataviewContext);
let items = useIndexBackedState(context.container,, context.settings, context.index, { state: "loading" }, async () => {
let result = await asyncTryOrPropogate(() => executeList(query, context.index, sourcePath, context.settings));
if (!result.successful)
return { state: "error", error: result.error, sourcePath };
3 years ago
return { state: "ready", items: };
3 years ago
if (items.state == "loading")
return (v$1(d$1, null,
v$1(ErrorPre, null, "Loading...")));
else if (items.state == "error")
return (v$1(d$1, null,
" ",
v$1(ErrorPre, null,
"Dataview: ",
" "));
if (items.items.length == 0 && context.settings.warnOnEmptyResult)
return v$1(ErrorMessage, { message: "Dataview: No results to show for list query." });
3 years ago
return v$1(ListGrouping, { items: items.items, sourcePath: sourcePath });
3 years ago
function createListView(init, query, sourcePath) {
return new ReactRenderer(init, v$1(ListView, { query: query, sourcePath: sourcePath }));
function createFixedListView(init, elements, sourcePath) {
3 years ago
return new ReactRenderer(init, v$1(ListGrouping, { items: elements, sourcePath: sourcePath }));
3 years ago
/** JSX component which returns the result count. */
function ResultCount(props) {
const { settings } = F$1(DataviewContext);
return settings.showResultCount ? v$1("span", { class: "dataview small-text" }, props.length) : v$1(d$1, null);
3 years ago
/** Simple table over headings and corresponding values. */
function TableGrouping({ headings, values, sourcePath, }) {
let settings = F$1(DataviewContext).settings;
return (v$1(d$1, null,
v$1("table", { class: "dataview table-view-table" },
v$1("thead", { class: "table-view-thead" },
v$1("tr", { class: "table-view-tr-header" },, index) => (v$1("th", { class: "table-view-th" },
v$1(Markdown, { sourcePath: sourcePath, content: heading }),
index == 0 && v$1(ResultCount, { length: values.length })))))),
3 years ago
v$1("tbody", { class: "table-view-tbody" }, => (v$1("tr", null, => (v$1("td", null,
v$1(Lit, { value: element, sourcePath: sourcePath }))))))))),
settings.warnOnEmptyResult && values.length == 0 && (v$1(ErrorMessage, { message: "Dataview: No results to show for table query." }))));
/** Pure view over list elements. */
function TableView({ query, sourcePath }) {
let context = F$1(DataviewContext);
let items = useIndexBackedState(context.container,, context.settings, context.index, { state: "loading" }, async () => {
let result = await asyncTryOrPropogate(() => executeTable(query, context.index, sourcePath, context.settings));
if (!result.successful)
return { state: "error", error: result.error };
3 years ago
return { state: "ready", headings: result.value.names, values: };
3 years ago
if (items.state == "loading")
return (v$1(d$1, null,
v$1(ErrorPre, null, "Loading...")));
else if (items.state == "error")
return (v$1(d$1, null,
" ",
v$1(ErrorPre, null,
"Dataview: ",
" "));
return v$1(TableGrouping, { headings: items.headings, values: items.values, sourcePath: sourcePath });
function createTableView(init, query, sourcePath) {
return new ReactRenderer(init, v$1(TableView, { query: query, sourcePath: sourcePath }));
function createFixedTableView(init, headings, values, sourcePath) {
return new ReactRenderer(init, v$1(TableGrouping, { values: values, headings: headings, sourcePath: sourcePath }));
3 years ago
/** Utility functions for quickly creating fields. */
var QueryFields;
(function (QueryFields) {
function named(name, field) {
return { name, field };
3 years ago
3 years ago
QueryFields.named = named;
function sortBy(field, dir) {
return { field, direction: dir };
3 years ago
3 years ago
QueryFields.sortBy = sortBy;
})(QueryFields || (QueryFields = {}));
/** Return a new parser which executes the underlying parser and returns it's raw string representation. */
function captureRaw(base) {
return parsimmon_umd_min.exports.custom((success, failure) => {
return (input, i) => {
let result = base._(input, i);
if (!result.status)
return result;
return Object.assign({}, result, { value: [result.value, input.substring(i, result.index)] });
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Strip newlines and excess whitespace out of text. */
function stripNewlines(text) {
return text
.map(t => t.trim())
/** A parsimmon-powered parser-combinator implementation of the query language. */
const QUERY_LANGUAGE = parsimmon_umd_min.exports.createLanguage({
// Simple atom parsing, like words, identifiers, numbers.
queryType: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/TABLE|LIST|TASK|CALENDAR/i))
.map(str => str.toLowerCase())
.desc("query type ('TABLE', 'LIST', 'TASK', or 'CALENDAR')"),
explicitNamedField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(EXPRESSION.field.skip(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.whitespace), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/AS/i).skip(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.whitespace), EXPRESSION.identifier.or(EXPRESSION.string), (field, _as, ident) => QueryFields.named(ident, field)),
namedField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(q.explicitNamedField, captureRaw(EXPRESSION.field).map(([value, text]) => QueryFields.named(stripNewlines(text), value))),
sortField: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(EXPRESSION.field.skip(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/ASCENDING|DESCENDING|ASC|DESC/i).atMost(1), (field, dir) => {
let direction = dir.length == 0 ? "ascending" : dir[0].toLowerCase();
if (direction == "desc")
direction = "descending";
if (direction == "asc")
direction = "ascending";
return {
field: field,
direction: direction,
headerClause: q => q.queryType
.chain(qtype => {
switch (qtype) {
case "table":
return parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/WITHOUT\s+ID/i)
.atMost(1), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.sepBy(q.namedField, parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(",").trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace)), (withoutId, fields) => {
return { type: "table", fields, showId: withoutId.length == 0 };
case "list":
return parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/WITHOUT\s+ID/i)
.atMost(1), EXPRESSION.field.atMost(1), (withoutId, format) => {
return {
type: "list",
format: format.length == 1 ? format[0] : undefined,
showId: withoutId.length == 0,
case "task":
return parsimmon_umd_min.exports.succeed({ type: "task" });
case "calendar":
return parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(q.namedField, field => {
return {
type: "calendar",
showId: true,
return`Unrecognized query type '${qtype}'`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
.desc("TABLE or LIST or TASK or CALENDAR"),
fromClause: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/FROM/i), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.whitespace, EXPRESSION.source, (_1, _2, source) => source),
whereClause: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/WHERE/i), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.whitespace, EXPRESSION.field, (where, _, field) => {
return { type: "where", clause: field };
}).desc("WHERE <expression>"),
sortByClause: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/SORT/i), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.whitespace, q.sortField.sepBy1(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.string(",").trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace)), (sort, _1, fields) => {
return { type: "sort", fields };
}).desc("SORT field [ASC/DESC]"),
limitClause: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/LIMIT/i), parsimmon_umd_min.exports.whitespace, EXPRESSION.field, (limit, _1, field) => {
return { type: "limit", amount: field };
}).desc("LIMIT <value>"),
flattenClause: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/FLATTEN/i).skip(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.whitespace), q.namedField, (_, field) => {
return { type: "flatten", field };
}).desc("FLATTEN <value> [AS <name>]"),
groupByClause: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.regexp(/GROUP BY/i).skip(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.whitespace), q.namedField, (_, field) => {
return { type: "group", field };
}).desc("GROUP BY <value> [AS <name>]"),
// Full query parsing.
clause: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.alt(q.fromClause, q.whereClause, q.sortByClause, q.limitClause, q.groupByClause, q.flattenClause),
query: q => parsimmon_umd_min.exports.seqMap(q.headerClause.trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace), q.fromClause.trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace).atMost(1), q.clause.trim(parsimmon_umd_min.exports.optWhitespace).many(), (header, from, clauses) => {
return {
source: from.length == 0 ? Sources.folder("") : from[0],
operations: clauses,
* Attempt to parse a query from the given query text, returning a string error
* if the parse failed.
function parseQuery(text) {
try {
let query = QUERY_LANGUAGE.query.tryParse(text);
return Result.success(query);
3 years ago
3 years ago
catch (error) {
return Result.failure("" + error);
3 years ago
function noop() { }
function assign(tar, src) {
// @ts-ignore
for (const k in src)
tar[k] = src[k];
return tar;
function is_promise(value) {
return value && typeof value === 'object' && typeof value.then === 'function';
function run(fn) {
return fn();
function blank_object() {
return Object.create(null);
function run_all(fns) {
function is_function(thing) {
return typeof thing === 'function';
function safe_not_equal(a, b) {
return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || ((a && typeof a === 'object') || typeof a === 'function');
function not_equal(a, b) {
return a != a ? b == b : a !== b;
function is_empty(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
function create_slot(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) {
if (definition) {
const slot_ctx = get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn);
return definition[0](slot_ctx);
function get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) {
return definition[1] && fn
? assign($$scope.ctx.slice(), definition[1](fn(ctx)))
: $$scope.ctx;
function get_slot_changes(definition, $$scope, dirty, fn) {
if (definition[2] && fn) {
const lets = definition[2](fn(dirty));
if ($$scope.dirty === undefined) {
return lets;
if (typeof lets === 'object') {
const merged = [];
const len = Math.max($$scope.dirty.length, lets.length);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
merged[i] = $$scope.dirty[i] | lets[i];
return merged;
return $$scope.dirty | lets;
return $$scope.dirty;
function update_slot(slot, slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, dirty, get_slot_changes_fn, get_slot_context_fn) {
const slot_changes = get_slot_changes(slot_definition, $$scope, dirty, get_slot_changes_fn);
if (slot_changes) {
const slot_context = get_slot_context(slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, get_slot_context_fn);
slot.p(slot_context, slot_changes);
function null_to_empty(value) {
return value == null ? '' : value;
function append(target, node) {
function insert(target, node, anchor) {
target.insertBefore(node, anchor || null);
function detach(node) {
function destroy_each(iterations, detaching) {
for (let i = 0; i < iterations.length; i += 1) {
if (iterations[i])
function element(name) {
return document.createElement(name);
function svg_element(name) {
return document.createElementNS('', name);
function text(data) {
return document.createTextNode(data);
function space() {
return text(' ');
function empty() {
return text('');
function listen(node, event, handler, options) {
node.addEventListener(event, handler, options);
return () => node.removeEventListener(event, handler, options);
function attr(node, attribute, value) {
if (value == null)
else if (node.getAttribute(attribute) !== value)
node.setAttribute(attribute, value);
function set_attributes(node, attributes) {
// @ts-ignore
const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(node.__proto__);
for (const key in attributes) {
if (attributes[key] == null) {
else if (key === 'style') { = attributes[key];
else if (key === '__value') {
node.value = node[key] = attributes[key];
else if (descriptors[key] && descriptors[key].set) {
node[key] = attributes[key];
else {
attr(node, key, attributes[key]);
function children(element) {
return Array.from(element.childNodes);
function set_data(text, data) {
data = '' + data;
if (text.wholeText !== data) = data;
function toggle_class(element, name, toggle) {
element.classList[toggle ? 'add' : 'remove'](name);
let current_component;
function set_current_component(component) {
current_component = component;
function get_current_component() {
if (!current_component)
throw new Error('Function called outside component initialization');
return current_component;
const dirty_components = [];
const binding_callbacks = [];
const render_callbacks = [];
const flush_callbacks = [];
const resolved_promise = Promise.resolve();
let update_scheduled = false;
function schedule_update() {
if (!update_scheduled) {
update_scheduled = true;
function add_render_callback(fn) {
let flushing = false;
const seen_callbacks = new Set();
function flush() {
if (flushing)
flushing = true;
do {
// first, call beforeUpdate functions
// and update components
for (let i = 0; i < dirty_components.length; i += 1) {
const component = dirty_components[i];
dirty_components.length = 0;
while (binding_callbacks.length)
// then, once components are updated, call
// afterUpdate functions. This may cause
// subsequent updates...
for (let i = 0; i < render_callbacks.length; i += 1) {
const callback = render_callbacks[i];
if (!seen_callbacks.has(callback)) {
// guard against infinite loops
render_callbacks.length = 0;
} while (dirty_components.length);
while (flush_callbacks.length) {
update_scheduled = false;
flushing = false;
function update($$) {
if ($$.fragment !== null) {
const dirty = $$.dirty;
$$.dirty = [-1];
$$.fragment && $$.fragment.p($$.ctx, dirty);
const outroing = new Set();
let outros;
function group_outros() {
outros = {
r: 0,
c: [],
p: outros // parent group
function check_outros() {
if (!outros.r) {
outros = outros.p;
function transition_in(block, local) {
if (block && block.i) {
function transition_out(block, local, detach, callback) {
if (block && block.o) {
if (outroing.has(block))
outros.c.push(() => {
if (callback) {
if (detach)
function handle_promise(promise, info) {
const token = info.token = {};
function update(type, index, key, value) {
if (info.token !== token)
info.resolved = value;
let child_ctx = info.ctx;
if (key !== undefined) {
child_ctx = child_ctx.slice();
child_ctx[key] = value;
const block = type && (info.current = type)(child_ctx);
let needs_flush = false;
if (info.block) {
if (info.blocks) {
info.blocks.forEach((block, i) => {
if (i !== index && block) {
transition_out(block, 1, 1, () => {
if (info.blocks[i] === block) {
info.blocks[i] = null;
else {
transition_in(block, 1);
block.m(info.mount(), info.anchor);
needs_flush = true;
info.block = block;
if (info.blocks)
info.blocks[index] = block;
if (needs_flush) {
if (is_promise(promise)) {
const current_component = get_current_component();
promise.then(value => {
update(info.then, 1, info.value, value);
}, error => {
update(info.catch, 2, info.error, error);
if (!info.hasCatch) {
throw error;
// if we previously had a then/catch block, destroy it
if (info.current !== info.pending) {
update(info.pending, 0);
return true;
else {
if (info.current !== info.then) {
update(info.then, 1, info.value, promise);
return true;
info.resolved = promise;
function outro_and_destroy_block(block, lookup) {
transition_out(block, 1, 1, () => {
function update_keyed_each(old_blocks, dirty, get_key, dynamic, ctx, list, lookup, node, destroy, create_each_block, next, get_context) {
let o = old_blocks.length;
let n = list.length;
let i = o;
const old_indexes = {};
while (i--)
old_indexes[old_blocks[i].key] = i;
const new_blocks = [];
const new_lookup = new Map();
const deltas = new Map();
i = n;
while (i--) {
const child_ctx = get_context(ctx, list, i);
const key = get_key(child_ctx);
let block = lookup.get(key);
if (!block) {
block = create_each_block(key, child_ctx);
else if (dynamic) {
block.p(child_ctx, dirty);
new_lookup.set(key, new_blocks[i] = block);
if (key in old_indexes)
deltas.set(key, Math.abs(i - old_indexes[key]));
const will_move = new Set();
const did_move = new Set();
function insert(block) {
transition_in(block, 1);
block.m(node, next);
lookup.set(block.key, block);
next = block.first;
while (o && n) {
const new_block = new_blocks[n - 1];
const old_block = old_blocks[o - 1];
const new_key = new_block.key;
const old_key = old_block.key;
if (new_block === old_block) {
// do nothing
next = new_block.first;
else if (!new_lookup.has(old_key)) {
// remove old block
destroy(old_block, lookup);
else if (!lookup.has(new_key) || will_move.has(new_key)) {
else if (did_move.has(old_key)) {
else if (deltas.get(new_key) > deltas.get(old_key)) {
else {
while (o--) {
const old_block = old_blocks[o];
if (!new_lookup.has(old_block.key))
destroy(old_block, lookup);
while (n)
insert(new_blocks[n - 1]);
return new_blocks;
function get_spread_update(levels, updates) {
const update = {};
const to_null_out = {};
const accounted_for = { $$scope: 1 };
let i = levels.length;
while (i--) {
const o = levels[i];
const n = updates[i];
if (n) {
for (const key in o) {
if (!(key in n))
to_null_out[key] = 1;
for (const key in n) {
if (!accounted_for[key]) {
update[key] = n[key];
accounted_for[key] = 1;
levels[i] = n;
else {
for (const key in o) {
accounted_for[key] = 1;
for (const key in to_null_out) {
if (!(key in update))
update[key] = undefined;
return update;
function get_spread_object(spread_props) {
return typeof spread_props === 'object' && spread_props !== null ? spread_props : {};
function create_component(block) {
block && block.c();
function mount_component(component, target, anchor, customElement) {
const { fragment, on_mount, on_destroy, after_update } = component.$$;
fragment && fragment.m(target, anchor);
if (!customElement) {
// onMount happens before the initial afterUpdate
add_render_callback(() => {
const new_on_destroy =;
if (on_destroy) {
else {
// Edge case - component was destroyed immediately,
// most likely as a result of a binding initialising
component.$$.on_mount = [];
function destroy_component(component, detaching) {
const $$ = component.$$;
if ($$.fragment !== null) {
$$.fragment && $$.fragment.d(detaching);
// TODO null out other refs, including component.$$ (but need to
// preserve final state?)
$$.on_destroy = $$.fragment = null;
$$.ctx = [];
function make_dirty(component, i) {
if (component.$$.dirty[0] === -1) {
component.$$.dirty[(i / 31) | 0] |= (1 << (i % 31));
function init(component, options, instance, create_fragment, not_equal, props, dirty = [-1]) {
const parent_component = current_component;
const $$ = component.$$ = {
fragment: null,
ctx: null,
// state
update: noop,
bound: blank_object(),
// lifecycle
on_mount: [],
on_destroy: [],
on_disconnect: [],
before_update: [],
after_update: [],
context: new Map(parent_component ? parent_component.$$.context : []),
// everything else
callbacks: blank_object(),
skip_bound: false
let ready = false;
$$.ctx = instance
? instance(component, options.props || {}, (i, ret, => {
const value = rest.length ? rest[0] : ret;
if ($$.ctx && not_equal($$.ctx[i], $$.ctx[i] = value)) {
if (!$$.skip_bound && $$.bound[i])
if (ready)
make_dirty(component, i);
return ret;
: [];
ready = true;
// `false` as a special case of no DOM component
$$.fragment = create_fragment ? create_fragment($$.ctx) : false;
if ( {
if (options.hydrate) {
const nodes = children(;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
$$.fragment && $$.fragment.l(nodes);
else {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
$$.fragment && $$.fragment.c();
if (options.intro)
mount_component(component,, options.anchor, options.customElement);
* Base class for Svelte components. Used when dev=false.
class SvelteComponent {
$destroy() {
destroy_component(this, 1);
this.$destroy = noop;
$on(type, callback) {
const callbacks = (this.$$.callbacks[type] || (this.$$.callbacks[type] = []));
return () => {
const index = callbacks.indexOf(callback);
if (index !== -1)
callbacks.splice(index, 1);
$set($$props) {
if (this.$$set && !is_empty($$props)) {
this.$$.skip_bound = true;
this.$$.skip_bound = false;
* dateUID is a way of weekly identifying daily/weekly/monthly notes.
* They are prefixed with the granularity to avoid ambiguity.
function getDateUID(date, granularity = "day") {
const ts = date.clone().startOf(granularity).format();
return `${granularity}-${ts}`;
var getDateUID_1 = getDateUID;
/* src/components/Dot.svelte generated by Svelte v3.35.0 */
function add_css$5() {
var style = element("style"); = "svelte-1widvzq-style";
style.textContent = ".dot.svelte-1widvzq,.hollow.svelte-1widvzq{display:inline-block;height:6px;width:6px;margin:0 1px}.filled.svelte-1widvzq{fill:var(--color-dot)}.active.filled.svelte-1widvzq{fill:var(--text-on-accent)}.hollow.svelte-1widvzq{fill:none;stroke:var(--color-dot)}.active.hollow.svelte-1widvzq{fill:none;stroke:var(--text-on-accent)}";
append(document.head, style);
// (14:0) {:else}
function create_else_block$1(ctx) {
let svg;
let circle;
let svg_class_value;
return {
c() {
svg = svg_element("svg");
circle = svg_element("circle");
attr(circle, "cx", "3");
attr(circle, "cy", "3");
attr(circle, "r", "2");
attr(svg, "class", svg_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(`hollow ${/*className*/ ctx[0]}`) + " svelte-1widvzq"));
attr(svg, "viewBox", "0 0 6 6");
attr(svg, "xmlns", "");
toggle_class(svg, "active", /*isActive*/ ctx[2]);
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, svg, anchor);
append(svg, circle);
p(ctx, dirty) {
if (dirty & /*className*/ 1 && svg_class_value !== (svg_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(`hollow ${/*className*/ ctx[0]}`) + " svelte-1widvzq"))) {
attr(svg, "class", svg_class_value);
if (dirty & /*className, isActive*/ 5) {
toggle_class(svg, "active", /*isActive*/ ctx[2]);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(svg);
// (6:0) {#if isFilled}
function create_if_block$2(ctx) {
let svg;
let circle;
let svg_class_value;
return {
c() {
svg = svg_element("svg");
circle = svg_element("circle");
attr(circle, "cx", "3");
attr(circle, "cy", "3");
attr(circle, "r", "2");
attr(svg, "class", svg_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(`dot filled ${/*className*/ ctx[0]}`) + " svelte-1widvzq"));
attr(svg, "viewBox", "0 0 6 6");
attr(svg, "xmlns", "");
toggle_class(svg, "active", /*isActive*/ ctx[2]);
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, svg, anchor);
append(svg, circle);
p(ctx, dirty) {
if (dirty & /*className*/ 1 && svg_class_value !== (svg_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(`dot filled ${/*className*/ ctx[0]}`) + " svelte-1widvzq"))) {
attr(svg, "class", svg_class_value);
if (dirty & /*className, isActive*/ 5) {
toggle_class(svg, "active", /*isActive*/ ctx[2]);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(svg);
function create_fragment$6(ctx) {
let if_block_anchor;
function select_block_type(ctx, dirty) {
if (/*isFilled*/ ctx[1]) return create_if_block$2;
return create_else_block$1;
let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx);
let if_block = current_block_type(ctx);
return {
c() {
if_block_anchor = empty();
m(target, anchor) {
if_block.m(target, anchor);
insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
p(ctx, [dirty]) {
if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx)) && if_block) {
if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
} else {
if_block = current_block_type(ctx);
if (if_block) {
if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
i: noop,
o: noop,
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor);
function instance$6($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { className = "" } = $$props;
let { isFilled } = $$props;
let { isActive } = $$props;
$$self.$$set = $$props => {
if ("className" in $$props) $$invalidate(0, className = $$props.className);
if ("isFilled" in $$props) $$invalidate(1, isFilled = $$props.isFilled);
if ("isActive" in $$props) $$invalidate(2, isActive = $$props.isActive);
return [className, isFilled, isActive];
class Dot extends SvelteComponent {
constructor(options) {
if (!document.getElementById("svelte-1widvzq-style")) add_css$5();
init(this, options, instance$6, create_fragment$6, safe_not_equal, { className: 0, isFilled: 1, isActive: 2 });
/* src/components/MetadataResolver.svelte generated by Svelte v3.35.0 */
const get_default_slot_changes_1 = dirty => ({});
const get_default_slot_context_1 = ctx => ({ metadata: null });
const get_default_slot_changes = dirty => ({ metadata: dirty & /*metadata*/ 1 });
const get_default_slot_context = ctx => ({ metadata: /*resolvedMeta*/ ctx[3] });
// (11:0) {:else}
function create_else_block(ctx) {
let current;
const default_slot_template = /*#slots*/ ctx[2].default;
const default_slot = create_slot(default_slot_template, ctx, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], get_default_slot_context_1);
return {
c() {
if (default_slot) default_slot.c();
m(target, anchor) {
if (default_slot) {
default_slot.m(target, anchor);
current = true;
p(ctx, dirty) {
if (default_slot) {
if (default_slot.p && dirty & /*$$scope*/ 2) {
update_slot(default_slot, default_slot_template, ctx, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], dirty, get_default_slot_changes_1, get_default_slot_context_1);
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(default_slot, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(default_slot, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (default_slot) default_slot.d(detaching);
// (7:0) {#if metadata}
function create_if_block$1(ctx) {
let await_block_anchor;
let promise;
let current;
let info = {
current: null,
token: null,
hasCatch: false,
pending: create_pending_block,
then: create_then_block,
catch: create_catch_block,
value: 3,
blocks: [,,,]
handle_promise(promise = /*metadata*/ ctx[0], info);
return {
c() {
await_block_anchor = empty();
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, await_block_anchor, anchor);
info.block.m(target, info.anchor = anchor);
info.mount = () => await_block_anchor.parentNode;
info.anchor = await_block_anchor;
current = true;
p(new_ctx, dirty) {
ctx = new_ctx;
info.ctx = ctx;
if (dirty & /*metadata*/ 1 && promise !== (promise = /*metadata*/ ctx[0]) && handle_promise(promise, info)) ; else {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[3] = info.resolved;
info.block.p(child_ctx, dirty);
i(local) {
if (current) return;
current = true;
o(local) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
const block = info.blocks[i];
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(await_block_anchor);
info.token = null;
info = null;
// (1:0) <svelte:options immutable /> <script lang="ts">; export let metadata; </script> {#if metadata}
function create_catch_block(ctx) {
return {
c: noop,
m: noop,
p: noop,
i: noop,
o: noop,
d: noop
// (8:37) <slot metadata="{resolvedMeta}
function create_then_block(ctx) {
let current;
const default_slot_template = /*#slots*/ ctx[2].default;
const default_slot = create_slot(default_slot_template, ctx, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], get_default_slot_context);
return {
c() {
if (default_slot) default_slot.c();
m(target, anchor) {
if (default_slot) {
default_slot.m(target, anchor);
current = true;
p(ctx, dirty) {
if (default_slot) {
if (default_slot.p && dirty & /*$$scope, metadata*/ 3) {
update_slot(default_slot, default_slot_template, ctx, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], dirty, get_default_slot_changes, get_default_slot_context);
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(default_slot, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(default_slot, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (default_slot) default_slot.d(detaching);
// (1:0) <svelte:options immutable /> <script lang="ts">; export let metadata; </script> {#if metadata}
function create_pending_block(ctx) {
return {
c: noop,
m: noop,
p: noop,
i: noop,
o: noop,
d: noop
function create_fragment$5(ctx) {
let current_block_type_index;
let if_block;
let if_block_anchor;
let current;
const if_block_creators = [create_if_block$1, create_else_block];
const if_blocks = [];
function select_block_type(ctx, dirty) {
if (/*metadata*/ ctx[0]) return 0;
return 1;
current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx);
if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx);
return {
c() {
if_block_anchor = empty();
m(target, anchor) {
if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(target, anchor);
insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
current = true;
p(ctx, [dirty]) {
let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index;
current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx);
if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) {
if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx, dirty);
} else {
transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => {
if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null;
if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index];
if (!if_block) {
if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx);
} else {
if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
transition_in(if_block, 1);
if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
i(local) {
if (current) return;
current = true;
o(local) {
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor);
function instance$5($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
let { metadata } = $$props;
$$self.$$set = $$props => {
if ("metadata" in $$props) $$invalidate(0, metadata = $$props.metadata);
if ("$$scope" in $$props) $$invalidate(1, $$scope = $$props.$$scope);
return [metadata, $$scope, slots];
class MetadataResolver extends SvelteComponent {
constructor(options) {
init(this, options, instance$5, create_fragment$5, not_equal, { metadata: 0 });
function isMacOS() {
return navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") !== -1;
function isMetaPressed(e) {
return isMacOS() ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey;
function getDaysOfWeek(..._args) {
return window.moment.weekdaysShort(true);
function isWeekend(date) {
return date.isoWeekday() === 6 || date.isoWeekday() === 7;
function getStartOfWeek(days) {
return days[0].weekday(0);
* Generate a 2D array of daily information to power
* the calendar view.
function getMonth(displayedMonth, ..._args) {
const locale = window.moment().locale();
const month = [];
let week;
const startOfMonth = displayedMonth.clone().locale(locale).date(1);
const startOffset = startOfMonth.weekday();
let date = startOfMonth.clone().subtract(startOffset, "days");
for (let _day = 0; _day < 42; _day++) {
if (_day % 7 === 0) {
week = {
days: [],
weekNum: date.week(),
date = date.clone().add(1, "days");
return month;
/* src/components/Day.svelte generated by Svelte v3.35.0 */
function add_css$4() {
var style = element("style"); = "svelte-q3wqg9-style";
style.textContent = ".day.svelte-q3wqg9{background-color:var(--color-background-day);border-radius:4px;color:var(--color-text-day);cursor:pointer;font-size:0.8em;height:100%;padding:4px;position:relative;text-align:center;transition:background-color 0.1s ease-in, color 0.1s ease-in;vertical-align:baseline}.day.svelte-q3wqg9:hover{background-color:var(--interactive-hover)}{background-color:var(--interactive-accent-hover)}.adjacent-month.svelte-q3wqg9{opacity:0.25}.today.svelte-q3wqg9{color:var(--color-text-today)}.day.svelte-q3wqg9:active,.active.svelte-q3wqg9,{color:var(--text-on-accent);background-color:var(--interactive-accent)}.dot-container.svelte-q3wqg9{display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content:center;line-height:6px;min-height:6px}";
append(document.head, style);
function get_each_context$2(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[11] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
// (36:8) {#each metadata.dots as dot}
function create_each_block$2(ctx) {
let dot;
let current;
const dot_spread_levels = [/*dot*/ ctx[11]];
let dot_props = {};
for (let i = 0; i < dot_spread_levels.length; i += 1) {
dot_props = assign(dot_props, dot_spread_levels[i]);
dot = new Dot({ props: dot_props });
return {
c() {
m(target, anchor) {
mount_component(dot, target, anchor);
current = true;
p(ctx, dirty) {
const dot_changes = (dirty & /*metadata*/ 128)
? get_spread_update(dot_spread_levels, [get_spread_object(/*dot*/ ctx[11])])
: {};
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(dot.$$.fragment, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(dot.$$.fragment, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
destroy_component(dot, detaching);
// (22:2) <MetadataResolver metadata="{metadata}" let:metadata>
function create_default_slot$1(ctx) {
let div1;
let t0_value = /*date*/ ctx[0].format("D") + "";
let t0;
let t1;
let div0;
let div1_class_value;
let current;
let mounted;
let dispose;
let each_value = /*metadata*/ ctx[7].dots;
let each_blocks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$2(get_each_context$2(ctx, each_value, i));
const out = i => transition_out(each_blocks[i], 1, 1, () => {
each_blocks[i] = null;
let div1_levels = [
class: div1_class_value = `day ${/*metadata*/ ctx[7].classes.join(" ")}`
/*metadata*/ ctx[7].dataAttributes || {}
let div1_data = {};
for (let i = 0; i < div1_levels.length; i += 1) {
div1_data = assign(div1_data, div1_levels[i]);
return {
c() {
div1 = element("div");
t0 = text(t0_value);
t1 = space();
div0 = element("div");
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
attr(div0, "class", "dot-container svelte-q3wqg9");
set_attributes(div1, div1_data);
toggle_class(div1, "active", /*selectedId*/ ctx[6] === getDateUID_1(/*date*/ ctx[0], "day"));
toggle_class(div1, "adjacent-month", !/*date*/ ctx[0].isSame(/*displayedMonth*/ ctx[5], "month"));
toggle_class(div1, "today", /*date*/ ctx[0].isSame(/*today*/ ctx[4], "day"));
toggle_class(div1, "svelte-q3wqg9", true);
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, div1, anchor);
append(div1, t0);
append(div1, t1);
append(div1, div0);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
current = true;
if (!mounted) {
dispose = [
listen(div1, "click", function () {
if (is_function(/*onClick*/ ctx[2] && /*click_handler*/ ctx[8])) (/*onClick*/ ctx[2] && /*click_handler*/ ctx[8]).apply(this, arguments);
listen(div1, "contextmenu", function () {
if (is_function(/*onContextMenu*/ ctx[3] && /*contextmenu_handler*/ ctx[9])) (/*onContextMenu*/ ctx[3] && /*contextmenu_handler*/ ctx[9]).apply(this, arguments);
listen(div1, "pointerover", function () {
if (is_function(/*onHover*/ ctx[1] && /*pointerover_handler*/ ctx[10])) (/*onHover*/ ctx[1] && /*pointerover_handler*/ ctx[10]).apply(this, arguments);
mounted = true;
p(new_ctx, dirty) {
ctx = new_ctx;
if ((!current || dirty & /*date*/ 1) && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*date*/ ctx[0].format("D") + "")) set_data(t0, t0_value);
if (dirty & /*metadata*/ 128) {
each_value = /*metadata*/ ctx[7].dots;
let i;
for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
const child_ctx = get_each_context$2(ctx, each_value, i);
if (each_blocks[i]) {
each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1);
} else {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$2(child_ctx);
transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1);
each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
for (i = each_value.length; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
set_attributes(div1, div1_data = get_spread_update(div1_levels, [
(!current || dirty & /*metadata*/ 128 && div1_class_value !== (div1_class_value = `day ${/*metadata*/ ctx[7].classes.join(" ")}`)) && { class: div1_class_value },
dirty & /*metadata*/ 128 && (/*metadata*/ ctx[7].dataAttributes || {})
toggle_class(div1, "active", /*selectedId*/ ctx[6] === getDateUID_1(/*date*/ ctx[0], "day"));
toggle_class(div1, "adjacent-month", !/*date*/ ctx[0].isSame(/*displayedMonth*/ ctx[5], "month"));
toggle_class(div1, "today", /*date*/ ctx[0].isSame(/*today*/ ctx[4], "day"));
toggle_class(div1, "svelte-q3wqg9", true);
i(local) {
if (current) return;
for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
current = true;
o(local) {
each_blocks = each_blocks.filter(Boolean);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(div1);
destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
mounted = false;
function create_fragment$4(ctx) {
let td;
let metadataresolver;
let current;
metadataresolver = new MetadataResolver({
props: {
metadata: /*metadata*/ ctx[7],
$$slots: {
default: [
({ metadata }) => ({ 7: metadata }),
({ metadata }) => metadata ? 128 : 0
$$scope: { ctx }
return {
c() {
td = element("td");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, td, anchor);
mount_component(metadataresolver, td, null);
current = true;
p(ctx, [dirty]) {
const metadataresolver_changes = {};
if (dirty & /*metadata*/ 128) metadataresolver_changes.metadata = /*metadata*/ ctx[7];
if (dirty & /*$$scope, metadata, selectedId, date, displayedMonth, today, onClick, onContextMenu, onHover*/ 16639) {
metadataresolver_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx };
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(metadataresolver.$$.fragment, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(metadataresolver.$$.fragment, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(td);
function instance$4($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { date } = $$props;
let { metadata } = $$props;
let { onHover } = $$props;
let { onClick } = $$props;
let { onContextMenu } = $$props;
let { today } = $$props;
let { displayedMonth = null } = $$props;
let { selectedId = null } = $$props;
const click_handler = e => onClick(date, isMetaPressed(e));
const contextmenu_handler = e => onContextMenu(date, e);
const pointerover_handler = e => onHover(date,, isMetaPressed(e));
$$self.$$set = $$props => {
if ("date" in $$props) $$invalidate(0, date = $$;
if ("metadata" in $$props) $$invalidate(7, metadata = $$props.metadata);
if ("onHover" in $$props) $$invalidate(1, onHover = $$props.onHover);
if ("onClick" in $$props) $$invalidate(2, onClick = $$props.onClick);
if ("onContextMenu" in $$props) $$invalidate(3, onContextMenu = $$props.onContextMenu);
if ("today" in $$props) $$invalidate(4, today = $$;
if ("displayedMonth" in $$props) $$invalidate(5, displayedMonth = $$props.displayedMonth);
if ("selectedId" in $$props) $$invalidate(6, selectedId = $$props.selectedId);
return [
class Day extends SvelteComponent {
constructor(options) {
if (!document.getElementById("svelte-q3wqg9-style")) add_css$4();
init(this, options, instance$4, create_fragment$4, not_equal, {
date: 0,
metadata: 7,
onHover: 1,
onClick: 2,
onContextMenu: 3,
today: 4,
displayedMonth: 5,
selectedId: 6
/* src/components/Arrow.svelte generated by Svelte v3.35.0 */
function add_css$3() {
var style = element("style"); = "svelte-156w7na-style";
style.textContent = ".arrow.svelte-156w7na.svelte-156w7na{align-items:center;cursor:pointer;display:flex;justify-content:center;width:24px}{width:32px}.right.svelte-156w7na.svelte-156w7na{transform:rotate(180deg)}.arrow.svelte-156w7na svg.svelte-156w7na{color:var(--color-arrow);height:16px;width:16px}";
append(document.head, style);
function create_fragment$3(ctx) {
let div;
let svg;
let path;
let mounted;
let dispose;
return {
c() {
div = element("div");
svg = svg_element("svg");
path = svg_element("path");
attr(path, "fill", "currentColor");
attr(path, "d", "M34.52 239.03L228.87 44.69c9.37-9.37 24.57-9.37 33.94 0l22.67 22.67c9.36 9.36 9.37 24.52.04 33.9L131.49 256l154.02 154.75c9.34 9.38 9.32 24.54-.04 33.9l-22.67 22.67c-9.37 9.37-24.57 9.37-33.94 0L34.52 272.97c-9.37-9.37-9.37-24.57 0-33.94z");
attr(svg, "focusable", "false");
attr(svg, "role", "img");
attr(svg, "xmlns", "");
attr(svg, "viewBox", "0 0 320 512");
attr(svg, "class", "svelte-156w7na");
attr(div, "class", "arrow svelte-156w7na");
attr(div, "aria-label", /*tooltip*/ ctx[1]);
toggle_class(div, "is-mobile", /*isMobile*/ ctx[3]);
toggle_class(div, "right", /*direction*/ ctx[2] === "right");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, div, anchor);
append(div, svg);
append(svg, path);
if (!mounted) {
dispose = listen(div, "click", function () {
if (is_function(/*onClick*/ ctx[0])) /*onClick*/ ctx[0].apply(this, arguments);
mounted = true;
p(new_ctx, [dirty]) {
ctx = new_ctx;
if (dirty & /*tooltip*/ 2) {
attr(div, "aria-label", /*tooltip*/ ctx[1]);
if (dirty & /*direction*/ 4) {
toggle_class(div, "right", /*direction*/ ctx[2] === "right");
i: noop,
o: noop,
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(div);
mounted = false;
function instance$3($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { onClick } = $$props;
let { tooltip } = $$props;
let { direction } = $$props;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
let isMobile =;
$$self.$$set = $$props => {
if ("onClick" in $$props) $$invalidate(0, onClick = $$props.onClick);
if ("tooltip" in $$props) $$invalidate(1, tooltip = $$props.tooltip);
if ("direction" in $$props) $$invalidate(2, direction = $$props.direction);
return [onClick, tooltip, direction, isMobile];
class Arrow extends SvelteComponent {
constructor(options) {
if (!document.getElementById("svelte-156w7na-style")) add_css$3();
init(this, options, instance$3, create_fragment$3, safe_not_equal, { onClick: 0, tooltip: 1, direction: 2 });
/* src/components/Nav.svelte generated by Svelte v3.35.0 */
function add_css$2() {
var style = element("style"); = "svelte-1vwr9dd-style";
style.textContent = ".nav.svelte-1vwr9dd.svelte-1vwr9dd{align-items:center;display:flex;margin:0.6em 0 1em;padding:0 8px;width:100%}{padding:0}.title.svelte-1vwr9dd.svelte-1vwr9dd{color:var(--color-text-title);font-size:1.5em;margin:0}.is-mobile.svelte-1vwr9dd .title.svelte-1vwr9dd{font-size:1.3em}.month.svelte-1vwr9dd.svelte-1vwr9dd{font-weight:500;text-transform:capitalize}.year.svelte-1vwr9dd.svelte-1vwr9dd{color:var(--interactive-accent)}.right-nav.svelte-1vwr9dd.svelte-1vwr9dd{display:flex;justify-content:center;margin-left:auto}.reset-button.svelte-1vwr9dd.svelte-1vwr9dd{cursor:pointer;border-radius:4px;color:var(--text-muted);font-size:0.7em;font-weight:600;letter-spacing:1px;margin:0 4px;padding:0px 4px;text-transform:uppercase}.is-mobile.svelte-1vwr9dd .reset-button.svelte-1vwr9dd{display:none}";
append(document.head, style);
function create_fragment$2(ctx) {
let div2;
let h3;
let span0;
let t0_value = /*displayedMonth*/ ctx[0].format("MMM") + "";
let t0;
let t1;
let span1;
let t2_value = /*displayedMonth*/ ctx[0].format("YYYY") + "";
let t2;
let t3;
let div1;
let arrow0;
let t4;
let div0;
let t6;
let arrow1;
let current;
let mounted;
let dispose;
arrow0 = new Arrow({
props: {
direction: "left",
onClick: /*decrementDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[3],
tooltip: "Previous Month"
arrow1 = new Arrow({
props: {
direction: "right",
onClick: /*incrementDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[2],
tooltip: "Next Month"
return {
c() {
div2 = element("div");
h3 = element("h3");
span0 = element("span");
t0 = text(t0_value);
t1 = space();
span1 = element("span");
t2 = text(t2_value);
t3 = space();
div1 = element("div");
t4 = space();
div0 = element("div");
div0.textContent = `${/*todayDisplayStr*/ ctx[4]}`;
t6 = space();
attr(span0, "class", "month svelte-1vwr9dd");
attr(span1, "class", "year svelte-1vwr9dd");
attr(h3, "class", "title svelte-1vwr9dd");
attr(div0, "class", "reset-button svelte-1vwr9dd");
attr(div1, "class", "right-nav svelte-1vwr9dd");
attr(div2, "class", "nav svelte-1vwr9dd");
toggle_class(div2, "is-mobile", /*isMobile*/ ctx[5]);
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, div2, anchor);
append(div2, h3);
append(h3, span0);
append(span0, t0);
append(h3, t1);
append(h3, span1);
append(span1, t2);
append(div2, t3);
append(div2, div1);
mount_component(arrow0, div1, null);
append(div1, t4);
append(div1, div0);
append(div1, t6);
mount_component(arrow1, div1, null);
current = true;
if (!mounted) {
dispose = [
listen(h3, "click", function () {
if (is_function(/*resetDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[1])) /*resetDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[1].apply(this, arguments);
listen(div0, "click", function () {
if (is_function(/*resetDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[1])) /*resetDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[1].apply(this, arguments);
mounted = true;
p(new_ctx, [dirty]) {
ctx = new_ctx;
if ((!current || dirty & /*displayedMonth*/ 1) && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*displayedMonth*/ ctx[0].format("MMM") + "")) set_data(t0, t0_value);
if ((!current || dirty & /*displayedMonth*/ 1) && t2_value !== (t2_value = /*displayedMonth*/ ctx[0].format("YYYY") + "")) set_data(t2, t2_value);
const arrow0_changes = {};
if (dirty & /*decrementDisplayedMonth*/ 8) arrow0_changes.onClick = /*decrementDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[3];
const arrow1_changes = {};
if (dirty & /*incrementDisplayedMonth*/ 4) arrow1_changes.onClick = /*incrementDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[2];
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(arrow0.$$.fragment, local);
transition_in(arrow1.$$.fragment, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(arrow0.$$.fragment, local);
transition_out(arrow1.$$.fragment, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(div2);
mounted = false;
function instance$2($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { displayedMonth } = $$props;
let { today } = $$props;
let { resetDisplayedMonth } = $$props;
let { incrementDisplayedMonth } = $$props;
let { decrementDisplayedMonth } = $$props;
// Get the word 'Today' but localized to the current language
const todayDisplayStr = today.calendar().split(/\d|\s/)[0];
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
let isMobile =;
$$self.$$set = $$props => {
if ("displayedMonth" in $$props) $$invalidate(0, displayedMonth = $$props.displayedMonth);
if ("today" in $$props) $$invalidate(6, today = $$;
if ("resetDisplayedMonth" in $$props) $$invalidate(1, resetDisplayedMonth = $$props.resetDisplayedMonth);
if ("incrementDisplayedMonth" in $$props) $$invalidate(2, incrementDisplayedMonth = $$props.incrementDisplayedMonth);
if ("decrementDisplayedMonth" in $$props) $$invalidate(3, decrementDisplayedMonth = $$props.decrementDisplayedMonth);
return [
class Nav extends SvelteComponent {
constructor(options) {
if (!document.getElementById("svelte-1vwr9dd-style")) add_css$2();
init(this, options, instance$2, create_fragment$2, safe_not_equal, {
displayedMonth: 0,
today: 6,
resetDisplayedMonth: 1,
incrementDisplayedMonth: 2,
decrementDisplayedMonth: 3
/* src/components/WeekNum.svelte generated by Svelte v3.35.0 */
function add_css$1() {
var style = element("style"); = "svelte-egt0yd-style";
style.textContent = "td.svelte-egt0yd{border-right:1px solid var(--background-modifier-border)}.week-num.svelte-egt0yd{background-color:var(--color-background-weeknum);border-radius:4px;color:var(--color-text-weeknum);cursor:pointer;font-size:0.65em;height:100%;padding:4px;text-align:center;transition:background-color 0.1s ease-in, color 0.1s ease-in;vertical-align:baseline}.week-num.svelte-egt0yd:hover{background-color:var(--interactive-hover)}{background-color:var(--interactive-accent-hover)}.active.svelte-egt0yd{color:var(--text-on-accent);background-color:var(--interactive-accent)}.dot-container.svelte-egt0yd{display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content:center;line-height:6px;min-height:6px}";
append(document.head, style);
function get_each_context$1(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[11] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
// (35:8) {#each metadata.dots as dot}
function create_each_block$1(ctx) {
let dot;
let current;
const dot_spread_levels = [/*dot*/ ctx[11]];
let dot_props = {};
for (let i = 0; i < dot_spread_levels.length; i += 1) {
dot_props = assign(dot_props, dot_spread_levels[i]);
dot = new Dot({ props: dot_props });
return {
c() {
m(target, anchor) {
mount_component(dot, target, anchor);
current = true;
p(ctx, dirty) {
const dot_changes = (dirty & /*metadata*/ 64)
? get_spread_update(dot_spread_levels, [get_spread_object(/*dot*/ ctx[11])])
: {};
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(dot.$$.fragment, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(dot.$$.fragment, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
destroy_component(dot, detaching);
// (24:2) <MetadataResolver metadata="{metadata}" let:metadata>
function create_default_slot(ctx) {
let div1;
let t0;
let t1;
let div0;
let div1_class_value;
let current;
let mounted;
let dispose;
let each_value = /*metadata*/ ctx[6].dots;
let each_blocks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$1(get_each_context$1(ctx, each_value, i));
const out = i => transition_out(each_blocks[i], 1, 1, () => {
each_blocks[i] = null;
return {
c() {
div1 = element("div");
t0 = text(/*weekNum*/ ctx[0]);
t1 = space();
div0 = element("div");
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
attr(div0, "class", "dot-container svelte-egt0yd");
attr(div1, "class", div1_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(`week-num ${/*metadata*/ ctx[6].classes.join(" ")}`) + " svelte-egt0yd"));
toggle_class(div1, "active", /*selectedId*/ ctx[5] === getDateUID_1(/*days*/ ctx[1][0], "week"));
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, div1, anchor);
append(div1, t0);
append(div1, t1);
append(div1, div0);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
current = true;
if (!mounted) {
dispose = [
listen(div1, "click", function () {
if (is_function(/*onClick*/ ctx[3] && /*click_handler*/ ctx[8])) (/*onClick*/ ctx[3] && /*click_handler*/ ctx[8]).apply(this, arguments);
listen(div1, "contextmenu", function () {
if (is_function(/*onContextMenu*/ ctx[4] && /*contextmenu_handler*/ ctx[9])) (/*onContextMenu*/ ctx[4] && /*contextmenu_handler*/ ctx[9]).apply(this, arguments);
listen(div1, "pointerover", function () {
if (is_function(/*onHover*/ ctx[2] && /*pointerover_handler*/ ctx[10])) (/*onHover*/ ctx[2] && /*pointerover_handler*/ ctx[10]).apply(this, arguments);
mounted = true;
p(new_ctx, dirty) {
ctx = new_ctx;
if (!current || dirty & /*weekNum*/ 1) set_data(t0, /*weekNum*/ ctx[0]);
if (dirty & /*metadata*/ 64) {
each_value = /*metadata*/ ctx[6].dots;
let i;
for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
const child_ctx = get_each_context$1(ctx, each_value, i);
if (each_blocks[i]) {
each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1);
} else {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$1(child_ctx);
transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1);
each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
for (i = each_value.length; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
if (!current || dirty & /*metadata*/ 64 && div1_class_value !== (div1_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(`week-num ${/*metadata*/ ctx[6].classes.join(" ")}`) + " svelte-egt0yd"))) {
attr(div1, "class", div1_class_value);
if (dirty & /*metadata, selectedId, getDateUID, days*/ 98) {
toggle_class(div1, "active", /*selectedId*/ ctx[5] === getDateUID_1(/*days*/ ctx[1][0], "week"));
i(local) {
if (current) return;
for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
current = true;
o(local) {
each_blocks = each_blocks.filter(Boolean);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(div1);
destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
mounted = false;
function create_fragment$1(ctx) {
let td;
let metadataresolver;
let current;
metadataresolver = new MetadataResolver({
props: {
metadata: /*metadata*/ ctx[6],
$$slots: {
default: [
({ metadata }) => ({ 6: metadata }),
({ metadata }) => metadata ? 64 : 0
$$scope: { ctx }
return {
c() {
td = element("td");
attr(td, "class", "svelte-egt0yd");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, td, anchor);
mount_component(metadataresolver, td, null);
current = true;
p(ctx, [dirty]) {
const metadataresolver_changes = {};
if (dirty & /*metadata*/ 64) metadataresolver_changes.metadata = /*metadata*/ ctx[6];
if (dirty & /*$$scope, metadata, selectedId, days, onClick, startOfWeek, onContextMenu, onHover, weekNum*/ 16639) {
metadataresolver_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx };
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(metadataresolver.$$.fragment, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(metadataresolver.$$.fragment, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(td);
function instance$1($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { weekNum } = $$props;
let { days } = $$props;
let { metadata } = $$props;
let { onHover } = $$props;
let { onClick } = $$props;
let { onContextMenu } = $$props;
let { selectedId = null } = $$props;
let startOfWeek;
const click_handler = e => onClick(startOfWeek, isMetaPressed(e));
const contextmenu_handler = e => onContextMenu(days[0], e);
const pointerover_handler = e => onHover(startOfWeek,, isMetaPressed(e));
$$self.$$set = $$props => {
if ("weekNum" in $$props) $$invalidate(0, weekNum = $$props.weekNum);
if ("days" in $$props) $$invalidate(1, days = $$props.days);
if ("metadata" in $$props) $$invalidate(6, metadata = $$props.metadata);
if ("onHover" in $$props) $$invalidate(2, onHover = $$props.onHover);
if ("onClick" in $$props) $$invalidate(3, onClick = $$props.onClick);
if ("onContextMenu" in $$props) $$invalidate(4, onContextMenu = $$props.onContextMenu);
if ("selectedId" in $$props) $$invalidate(5, selectedId = $$props.selectedId);
$$self.$$.update = () => {
if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*days*/ 2) {
$$invalidate(7, startOfWeek = getStartOfWeek(days));
return [
class WeekNum extends SvelteComponent {
constructor(options) {
if (!document.getElementById("svelte-egt0yd-style")) add_css$1();
init(this, options, instance$1, create_fragment$1, not_equal, {
weekNum: 0,
days: 1,
metadata: 6,
onHover: 2,
onClick: 3,
onContextMenu: 4,
selectedId: 5
async function metadataReducer(promisedMetadata) {
const meta = {
dots: [],
classes: [],
dataAttributes: {},
const metas = await Promise.all(promisedMetadata);
return metas.reduce((acc, meta) => ({
classes: [...acc.classes, ...(meta.classes || [])],
dataAttributes: Object.assign(acc.dataAttributes, meta.dataAttributes),
dots: [...acc.dots, ...(meta.dots || [])],
}), meta);
function getDailyMetadata(sources, date, ..._args) {
return metadataReducer( => source.getDailyMetadata(date)));
function getWeeklyMetadata(sources, date, ..._args) {
return metadataReducer( => source.getWeeklyMetadata(date)));
/* src/components/Calendar.svelte generated by Svelte v3.35.0 */
function add_css() {
var style = element("style"); = "svelte-pcimu8-style";
style.textContent = ".container.svelte-pcimu8{--color-background-heading:transparent;--color-background-day:transparent;--color-background-weeknum:transparent;--color-background-weekend:transparent;--color-dot:var(--text-muted);--color-arrow:var(--text-muted);--color-button:var(--text-muted);--color-text-title:var(--text-normal);--color-text-heading:var(--text-muted);--color-text-day:var(--text-normal);--color-text-today:var(--interactive-accent);--color-text-weeknum:var(--text-muted)}.container.svelte-pcimu8{padding:0 8px}{padding:0}th.svelte-pcimu8{text-align:center}.weekend.svelte-pcimu8{background-color:var(--color-background-weekend)}.calendar.svelte-pcimu8{border-collapse:collapse;width:100%}th.svelte-pcimu8{background-color:var(--color-background-heading);color:var(--color-text-heading);font-size:0.6em;letter-spacing:1px;padding:4px;text-transform:uppercase}";
append(document.head, style);
function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[18] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[21] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_2(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[24] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_3(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[27] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
// (55:6) {#if showWeekNums}
function create_if_block_2(ctx) {
let col;
return {
c() {
col = element("col");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, col, anchor);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(col);
// (58:6) {#each month[1].days as date}
function create_each_block_3(ctx) {
let col;
return {
c() {
col = element("col");
attr(col, "class", "svelte-pcimu8");
toggle_class(col, "weekend", isWeekend(/*date*/ ctx[27]));
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, col, anchor);
p(ctx, dirty) {
if (dirty & /*isWeekend, month*/ 16384) {
toggle_class(col, "weekend", isWeekend(/*date*/ ctx[27]));
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(col);
// (64:8) {#if showWeekNums}
function create_if_block_1(ctx) {
let th;
return {
c() {
th = element("th");
th.textContent = "W";
attr(th, "class", "svelte-pcimu8");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, th, anchor);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(th);
// (67:8) {#each daysOfWeek as dayOfWeek}
function create_each_block_2(ctx) {
let th;
let t_value = /*dayOfWeek*/ ctx[24] + "";
let t;
return {
c() {
th = element("th");
t = text(t_value);
attr(th, "class", "svelte-pcimu8");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, th, anchor);
append(th, t);
p(ctx, dirty) {
if (dirty & /*daysOfWeek*/ 32768 && t_value !== (t_value = /*dayOfWeek*/ ctx[24] + "")) set_data(t, t_value);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(th);
// (75:10) {#if showWeekNums}
function create_if_block(ctx) {
let weeknum;
let current;
const weeknum_spread_levels = [
/*week*/ ctx[18],
metadata: getWeeklyMetadata(/*sources*/ ctx[8], /*week*/ ctx[18].days[0], /*today*/ ctx[10])
{ onClick: /*onClickWeek*/ ctx[7] },
onContextMenu: /*onContextMenuWeek*/ ctx[5]
{ onHover: /*onHoverWeek*/ ctx[3] },
{ selectedId: /*selectedId*/ ctx[9] }
let weeknum_props = {};
for (let i = 0; i < weeknum_spread_levels.length; i += 1) {
weeknum_props = assign(weeknum_props, weeknum_spread_levels[i]);
weeknum = new WeekNum({ props: weeknum_props });
return {
c() {
m(target, anchor) {
mount_component(weeknum, target, anchor);
current = true;
p(ctx, dirty) {
const weeknum_changes = (dirty & /*month, getWeeklyMetadata, sources, today, onClickWeek, onContextMenuWeek, onHoverWeek, selectedId*/ 18344)
? get_spread_update(weeknum_spread_levels, [
dirty & /*month*/ 16384 && get_spread_object(/*week*/ ctx[18]),
dirty & /*getWeeklyMetadata, sources, month, today*/ 17664 && {
metadata: getWeeklyMetadata(/*sources*/ ctx[8], /*week*/ ctx[18].days[0], /*today*/ ctx[10])
dirty & /*onClickWeek*/ 128 && { onClick: /*onClickWeek*/ ctx[7] },
dirty & /*onContextMenuWeek*/ 32 && {
onContextMenu: /*onContextMenuWeek*/ ctx[5]
dirty & /*onHoverWeek*/ 8 && { onHover: /*onHoverWeek*/ ctx[3] },
dirty & /*selectedId*/ 512 && { selectedId: /*selectedId*/ ctx[9] }
: {};
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(weeknum.$$.fragment, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(weeknum.$$.fragment, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
destroy_component(weeknum, detaching);
3 years ago
3 years ago
// (85:10) {#each week.days as day (day.format())}
function create_each_block_1(key_1, ctx) {
let first;
let day;
let current;
3 years ago
3 years ago
day = new Day({
props: {
date: /*day*/ ctx[21],
today: /*today*/ ctx[10],
displayedMonth: /*displayedMonth*/ ctx[0],
onClick: /*onClickDay*/ ctx[6],
onContextMenu: /*onContextMenuDay*/ ctx[4],
onHover: /*onHoverDay*/ ctx[2],
metadata: getDailyMetadata(/*sources*/ ctx[8], /*day*/ ctx[21], /*today*/ ctx[10]),
selectedId: /*selectedId*/ ctx[9]
3 years ago
3 years ago
return {
key: key_1,
first: null,
c() {
first = empty();
this.first = first;
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, first, anchor);
mount_component(day, target, anchor);
current = true;
p(new_ctx, dirty) {
ctx = new_ctx;
const day_changes = {};
if (dirty & /*month*/ 16384) = /*day*/ ctx[21];
if (dirty & /*today*/ 1024) = /*today*/ ctx[10];
if (dirty & /*displayedMonth*/ 1) day_changes.displayedMonth = /*displayedMonth*/ ctx[0];
if (dirty & /*onClickDay*/ 64) day_changes.onClick = /*onClickDay*/ ctx[6];
if (dirty & /*onContextMenuDay*/ 16) day_changes.onContextMenu = /*onContextMenuDay*/ ctx[4];
if (dirty & /*onHoverDay*/ 4) day_changes.onHover = /*onHoverDay*/ ctx[2];
if (dirty & /*sources, month, today*/ 17664) day_changes.metadata = getDailyMetadata(/*sources*/ ctx[8], /*day*/ ctx[21], /*today*/ ctx[10]);
if (dirty & /*selectedId*/ 512) day_changes.selectedId = /*selectedId*/ ctx[9];
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(day.$$.fragment, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(day.$$.fragment, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(first);
destroy_component(day, detaching);
3 years ago
3 years ago
// (73:6) {#each month as week (week.weekNum)}
function create_each_block(key_1, ctx) {
let tr;
let t0;
let each_blocks = [];
let each_1_lookup = new Map();
let t1;
let current;
let if_block = /*showWeekNums*/ ctx[1] && create_if_block(ctx);
let each_value_1 = /*week*/ ctx[18].days;
const get_key = ctx => /*day*/ ctx[21].format();
3 years ago
3 years ago
for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
let child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i);
let key = get_key(child_ctx);
each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(key, child_ctx));
3 years ago
3 years ago
return {
key: key_1,
first: null,
c() {
tr = element("tr");
if (if_block) if_block.c();
t0 = space();
3 years ago
3 years ago
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
t1 = space();
this.first = tr;
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, tr, anchor);
if (if_block) if_block.m(tr, null);
append(tr, t0);
3 years ago
3 years ago
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i].m(tr, null);
3 years ago
3 years ago
append(tr, t1);
current = true;
p(new_ctx, dirty) {
ctx = new_ctx;
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (/*showWeekNums*/ ctx[1]) {
if (if_block) {
if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
3 years ago
3 years ago
if (dirty & /*showWeekNums*/ 2) {
transition_in(if_block, 1);
} else {
if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
transition_in(if_block, 1);
if_block.m(tr, t0);
} else if (if_block) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => {
if_block = null;
if (dirty & /*month, today, displayedMonth, onClickDay, onContextMenuDay, onHoverDay, getDailyMetadata, sources, selectedId*/ 18261) {
each_value_1 = /*week*/ ctx[18].days;
each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx, each_value_1, each_1_lookup, tr, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block_1, t1, get_each_context_1);
i(local) {
if (current) return;
for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
current = true;
o(local) {
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(tr);
if (if_block) if_block.d();
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
function create_fragment(ctx) {
let div;
let nav;
let t0;
let table;
let colgroup;
let t1;
let t2;
let thead;
let tr;
let t3;
let t4;
let tbody;
let each_blocks = [];
let each2_lookup = new Map();
let current;
nav = new Nav({
props: {
today: /*today*/ ctx[10],
displayedMonth: /*displayedMonth*/ ctx[0],
incrementDisplayedMonth: /*incrementDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[11],
decrementDisplayedMonth: /*decrementDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[12],
resetDisplayedMonth: /*resetDisplayedMonth*/ ctx[13]
let if_block0 = /*showWeekNums*/ ctx[1] && create_if_block_2();
let each_value_3 = /*month*/ ctx[14][1].days;
let each_blocks_2 = [];
for (let i = 0; i < each_value_3.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks_2[i] = create_each_block_3(get_each_context_3(ctx, each_value_3, i));
let if_block1 = /*showWeekNums*/ ctx[1] && create_if_block_1();
let each_value_2 = /*daysOfWeek*/ ctx[15];
let each_blocks_1 = [];
for (let i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks_1[i] = create_each_block_2(get_each_context_2(ctx, each_value_2, i));
3 years ago
3 years ago
let each_value = /*month*/ ctx[14];
const get_key = ctx => /*week*/ ctx[18].weekNum;
3 years ago
3 years ago
for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
let child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
let key = get_key(child_ctx);
each2_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(key, child_ctx));
3 years ago
3 years ago
return {
c() {
div = element("div");
t0 = space();
table = element("table");
colgroup = element("colgroup");
if (if_block0) if_block0.c();
t1 = space();
3 years ago
3 years ago
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_2.length; i += 1) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
t2 = space();
thead = element("thead");
tr = element("tr");
if (if_block1) if_block1.c();
t3 = space();
3 years ago
3 years ago
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
t4 = space();
tbody = element("tbody");
3 years ago
3 years ago
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
attr(table, "class", "calendar svelte-pcimu8");
attr(div, "id", "calendar-container");
attr(div, "class", "container svelte-pcimu8");
toggle_class(div, "is-mobile", /*isMobile*/ ctx[16]);
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, div, anchor);
mount_component(nav, div, null);
append(div, t0);
append(div, table);
append(table, colgroup);
if (if_block0) if_block0.m(colgroup, null);
append(colgroup, t1);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_2.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks_2[i].m(colgroup, null);
append(table, t2);
append(table, thead);
append(thead, tr);
if (if_block1) if_block1.m(tr, null);
append(tr, t3);
3 years ago
3 years ago
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks_1[i].m(tr, null);
append(table, t4);
append(table, tbody);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i].m(tbody, null);
current = true;
p(ctx, [dirty]) {
const nav_changes = {};
if (dirty & /*today*/ 1024) = /*today*/ ctx[10];
if (dirty & /*displayedMonth*/ 1) nav_changes.displayedMonth = /*displayedMonth*/ ctx[0];
if (/*showWeekNums*/ ctx[1]) {
if (if_block0) ; else {
if_block0 = create_if_block_2();
if_block0.m(colgroup, t1);
} else if (if_block0) {
if_block0 = null;
if (dirty & /*isWeekend, month*/ 16384) {
each_value_3 = /*month*/ ctx[14][1].days;
let i;
for (i = 0; i < each_value_3.length; i += 1) {
const child_ctx = get_each_context_3(ctx, each_value_3, i);
if (each_blocks_2[i]) {
each_blocks_2[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
} else {
each_blocks_2[i] = create_each_block_3(child_ctx);
each_blocks_2[i].m(colgroup, null);
for (; i < each_blocks_2.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks_2.length = each_value_3.length;
if (/*showWeekNums*/ ctx[1]) {
if (if_block1) ; else {
if_block1 = create_if_block_1();
if_block1.m(tr, t3);
} else if (if_block1) {
if_block1 = null;
if (dirty & /*daysOfWeek*/ 32768) {
each_value_2 = /*daysOfWeek*/ ctx[15];
let i;
for (i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) {
const child_ctx = get_each_context_2(ctx, each_value_2, i);
if (each_blocks_1[i]) {
each_blocks_1[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
} else {
each_blocks_1[i] = create_each_block_2(child_ctx);
each_blocks_1[i].m(tr, null);
for (; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks_1.length = each_value_2.length;
if (dirty & /*month, today, displayedMonth, onClickDay, onContextMenuDay, onHoverDay, getDailyMetadata, sources, selectedId, getWeeklyMetadata, onClickWeek, onContextMenuWeek, onHoverWeek, showWeekNums*/ 18431) {
each_value = /*month*/ ctx[14];
each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx, each_value, each2_lookup, tbody, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block, null, get_each_context);
i(local) {
if (current) return;
transition_in(nav.$$.fragment, local);
for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(nav.$$.fragment, local);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(div);
if (if_block0) if_block0.d();
destroy_each(each_blocks_2, detaching);
if (if_block1) if_block1.d();
destroy_each(each_blocks_1, detaching);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { localeData } = $$props;
let { showWeekNums = false } = $$props;
let { onHoverDay } = $$props;
let { onHoverWeek } = $$props;
let { onContextMenuDay } = $$props;
let { onContextMenuWeek } = $$props;
let { onClickDay } = $$props;
let { onClickWeek } = $$props;
let { sources = [] } = $$props;
let { selectedId } = $$props;
let { today = window.moment() } = $$props;
let { displayedMonth = today } = $$props;
let month;
let daysOfWeek;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
let isMobile =;
function incrementDisplayedMonth() {
$$invalidate(0, displayedMonth = displayedMonth.clone().add(1, "month"));
function decrementDisplayedMonth() {
$$invalidate(0, displayedMonth = displayedMonth.clone().subtract(1, "month"));
function resetDisplayedMonth() {
$$invalidate(0, displayedMonth = today.clone());
$$self.$$set = $$props => {
if ("localeData" in $$props) $$invalidate(17, localeData = $$props.localeData);
if ("showWeekNums" in $$props) $$invalidate(1, showWeekNums = $$props.showWeekNums);
if ("onHoverDay" in $$props) $$invalidate(2, onHoverDay = $$props.onHoverDay);
if ("onHoverWeek" in $$props) $$invalidate(3, onHoverWeek = $$props.onHoverWeek);
if ("onContextMenuDay" in $$props) $$invalidate(4, onContextMenuDay = $$props.onContextMenuDay);
if ("onContextMenuWeek" in $$props) $$invalidate(5, onContextMenuWeek = $$props.onContextMenuWeek);
if ("onClickDay" in $$props) $$invalidate(6, onClickDay = $$props.onClickDay);
if ("onClickWeek" in $$props) $$invalidate(7, onClickWeek = $$props.onClickWeek);
if ("sources" in $$props) $$invalidate(8, sources = $$props.sources);
if ("selectedId" in $$props) $$invalidate(9, selectedId = $$props.selectedId);
if ("today" in $$props) $$invalidate(10, today = $$;
if ("displayedMonth" in $$props) $$invalidate(0, displayedMonth = $$props.displayedMonth);
$$self.$$.update = () => {
if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*displayedMonth, localeData*/ 131073) {
$$invalidate(14, month = getMonth(displayedMonth, localeData));
if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*today, localeData*/ 132096) {
$$invalidate(15, daysOfWeek = getDaysOfWeek(today, localeData));
return [
class Calendar extends SvelteComponent {
constructor(options) {
if (!document.getElementById("svelte-pcimu8-style")) add_css();
init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, not_equal, {
localeData: 17,
showWeekNums: 1,
onHoverDay: 2,
onHoverWeek: 3,
onContextMenuDay: 4,
onContextMenuWeek: 5,
onClickDay: 6,
onClickWeek: 7,
sources: 8,
selectedId: 9,
today: 10,
displayedMonth: 0,
incrementDisplayedMonth: 11,
decrementDisplayedMonth: 12,
resetDisplayedMonth: 13
get incrementDisplayedMonth() {
return this.$$.ctx[11];
get decrementDisplayedMonth() {
return this.$$.ctx[12];
get resetDisplayedMonth() {
return this.$$.ctx[13];
/** Generic code for embedded Dataviews. */
class DataviewRefreshableRenderer extends obsidian.MarkdownRenderChild {
3 years ago
constructor(container, index, app, settings) {
this.container = container;
this.index = index; = app;
this.settings = settings;
3 years ago
this.maybeRefresh = () => {
// If the index revision has changed recently, then queue a reload.
// But only if we're mounted in the DOM and auto-refreshing is active.
if (this.lastReload != this.index.revision && this.container.isShown() && this.settings.refreshEnabled) {
this.lastReload = this.index.revision;
3 years ago
this.lastReload = 0;
3 years ago
3 years ago
onload() {
this.lastReload = this.index.revision;
// Refresh after index changes stop.
this.registerEvent("dataview:refresh-views", this.maybeRefresh));
// ...or when the DOM is shown (sidebar expands, tab selected, nodes scrolled into view).
3 years ago
3 years ago
class DataviewCalendarRenderer extends DataviewRefreshableRenderer {
constructor(query, container, index, origin, settings, app) {
3 years ago
super(container, index, app, settings);
3 years ago
this.query = query;
this.container = container;
this.index = index;
this.origin = origin;
this.settings = settings; = app;
3 years ago
3 years ago
async render() {
var _a;
this.container.innerHTML = "";
let maybeResult = await asyncTryOrPropogate(() => executeCalendar(this.query, this.index, this.origin, this.settings));
if (!maybeResult.successful) {
renderErrorPre(this.container, "Dataview: " + maybeResult.error);
3 years ago
3 years ago
else if ( == 0 && this.settings.warnOnEmptyResult) {
renderErrorPre(this.container, "Dataview: Query returned 0 results.");
3 years ago
3 years ago
let dateMap = new Map();
for (let data of {
const dot = {
color: "default",
className: "note",
isFilled: true,
const d ="yyyyLLdd");
if (!dateMap.has(d)) {
dateMap.set(d, [dot]);
3 years ago
3 years ago
else {
(_a = dateMap.get(d)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.push(dot);
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
const querySource = {
getDailyMetadata: async (date) => {
return {
dots: dateMap.get(date.format("YYYYMMDD")) || [],
3 years ago
3 years ago
const sources = [querySource];
const renderer = this;
this.calendar = new Calendar({
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
target: this.container,
props: {
onHoverDay(date, targetEl) {
const vals = dateMap.get(date.format("YYYYMMDD"));
if (!vals || vals.length == 0) {
if ((vals === null || vals === void 0 ? void 0 : vals.length) == 0) {
}"link-hover", {}, targetEl, vals[0].link.path, vals[0].link.path);
onClickDay: async (date) => {
const vals = dateMap.get(date.format("YYYYMMDD"));
if (!vals || vals.length == 0) {
if ((vals === null || vals === void 0 ? void 0 : vals.length) == 0) {
const file =[0].link.path, "");
if (file == null) {
const leaf =;
await leaf.openFile(file, { active: true });
showWeekNums: false,
3 years ago
3 years ago
onClose() {
if (this.calendar) {
return Promise.resolve();
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Fancy wrappers for the JavaScript API, used both by external plugins AND by the dataview javascript view. */
/** Asynchronous API calls related to file / system IO. */
class DataviewInlineIOApi {
constructor(api, currentFile) {
this.api = api;
this.currentFile = currentFile;
/** Load the contents of a CSV asynchronously, returning a data array of rows (or undefined if it does not exist). */
async csv(path, originFile) {
return this.api.csv(path, originFile || this.currentFile);
/** Asynchronously load the contents of any link or path in an Obsidian vault. */
async load(path, originFile) {
return this.api.load(path, originFile || this.currentFile);
/** Normalize a link or path relative to an optional origin file. Returns a textual fully-qualified-path. */
normalize(path, originFile) {
return this.api.normalize(path, originFile || this.currentFile);
class DataviewInlineApi {
constructor(api, component, container, currentFilePath) {
var _a, _b;
/** Value utilities which allow for type-checking and comparisons. */
this.value = Values;
/** Widget utility functions for creating built-in widgets. */
this.widget = Widgets;
/** Re-exporting of luxon for people who can't easily require it. Sorry! */
this.luxon = Luxon;
this.index = api.index; =;
this.settings = api.settings;
this.component = component;
this.container = container;
this.currentFilePath = currentFilePath;
this.api = api; = new DataviewInlineIOApi(, this.currentFilePath);
// Set up the evaluation context with variables from the current file.
let fileMeta = (_b = (_a = this.index.pages.get(this.currentFilePath)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.serialize(this.index)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {};
this.evaluationContext = new Context(defaultLinkHandler(this.index, this.currentFilePath), this.settings, {
this: fileMeta,
this.func = Functions.bindAll(DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS, this.evaluationContext);
// Index + Data Collection //
/** Return an array of paths (as strings) corresponding to pages which match the query. */
pagePaths(query) {
return this.api.pagePaths(query, this.currentFilePath);
/** Map a page path to the actual data contained within that page. */
page(path) {
return, this.currentFilePath);
/** Return an array of page objects corresponding to pages which match the query. */
pages(query) {
return this.api.pages(query, this.currentFilePath);
/** Return the information about the current page. */
current() {
// Dataview Query Evaluation //
/** Execute a Dataview query, returning the results in programmatic form. */
async query(source, originFile, settings) {
3 years ago
return this.api.query(source, originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : this.currentFilePath, settings);
3 years ago
/** Error-throwing version of {@link query}. */
async tryQuery(source, originFile, settings) {
3 years ago
return this.api.tryQuery(source, originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : this.currentFilePath, settings);
/** Execute a Dataview query, returning the results in Markdown. */
async queryMarkdown(source, originFile, settings) {
return this.api.queryMarkdown(source, originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : this.currentFilePath, settings);
/** Error-throwing version of {@link queryMarkdown}. */
async tryQueryMarkdown(source, originFile, settings) {
return this.api.tryQueryMarkdown(source, originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : this.currentFilePath, settings);
3 years ago
* Evaluate a dataview expression (like '2 + 2' or 'link("hello")'), returning the evaluated result.
* This takes an optional second argument which provides definitions for variables, such as:
* ```
* dv.evaluate("x + 6", { x: 2 }) = 8
* dv.evaluate('link(target)', { target: "Okay" }) = [[Okay]]
* ```
* Note that `this` is implicitly available and refers to the current file.
* This method returns a Result type instead of throwing an error; you can check the result of the
* execution via `result.successful` and obtain `result.value` or `result.error` resultingly. If
* you'd rather this method throw on an error, use `dv.tryEvaluate`.
evaluate(expression, context) {
let field = EXPRESSION.field.parse(expression);
if (!field.status)
return Result.failure(`Failed to parse expression "${expression}"`);
return this.evaluationContext.evaluate(field.value, context);
/** Error-throwing version of `dv.evaluate`. */
tryEvaluate(expression, context) {
return this.evaluate(expression, context).orElseThrow();
/** Execute a Dataview query and embed it into the current view. */
async execute(source) {
this.api.execute(source, this.container, this.component, this.currentFilePath);
/** Execute a DataviewJS query and embed it into the current view. */
async executeJs(code) {
this.api.executeJs(code, this.container, this.component, this.currentFilePath);
// Utility //
* Convert an input element or array into a Dataview data-array. If the input is already a data array,
* it is returned unchanged.
array(raw) {
return this.api.array(raw);
/** Return true if theg given value is a javascript array OR a dataview data array. */
isArray(raw) {
return this.api.isArray(raw);
/** Return true if the given value is a dataview data array; this returns FALSE for plain JS arrays. */
isDataArray(raw) {
return DataArray.isDataArray(raw);
/** Create a dataview file link to the given path. */
fileLink(path, embed = false, display) {
return Link.file(path, embed, display);
/** Create a dataview section link to the given path. */
sectionLink(path, section, embed = false, display) {
return Link.header(path, section, embed, display);
/** Create a dataview block link to the given path. */
blockLink(path, blockId, embed = false, display) {
return Link.block(path, blockId, embed, display);
/** Attempt to extract a date from a string, link or date. */
date(pathlike) {
/** Attempt to extract a duration from a string or duration. */
duration(dur) {
return this.api.duration(dur);
/** Parse a raw textual value into a complex Dataview type, if possible. */
parse(value) {
return this.api.parse(value);
/** Convert a basic JS type into a Dataview type by parsing dates, links, durations, and so on. */
literal(value) {
return this.api.literal(value);
/** Deep clone the given literal, returning a new literal which is independent of the original. */
clone(value) {
return Values.deepCopy(value);
* Compare two arbitrary JavaScript values using Dataview's default comparison rules. Returns a negative value if
* a < b, 0 if a = b, and a positive value if a > b.
compare(a, b) {
return Values.compareValue(a, b);
/** Return true if the two given JavaScript values are equal using Dataview's default comparison rules. */
equal(a, b) {
return, b) == 0;
// Rendering Functions //
/** Render an HTML element, containing arbitrary text. */
el(el, text, { container = this.container, ...options } = {}) {
let wrapped = Values.wrapValue(text);
if (wrapped === null || wrapped === undefined) {
return container.createEl(el, Object.assign({ text }, options));
let _el = container.createEl(el, options);
renderValue(wrapped.value, _el, this.currentFilePath, this.component, this.settings, true);
return _el;
/** Render an HTML header; the level can be anything from 1 - 6. */
header(level, text, options) {
let header = { 1: "h1", 2: "h2", 3: "h3", 4: "h4", 5: "h5", 6: "h6" }[level];
if (!header)
throw Error(`Unrecognized level '${level}' (expected 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6)`);
return this.el(header, text, options);
/** Render an HTML paragraph, containing arbitrary text. */
paragraph(text, options) {
return this.el("p", text, options);
/** Render an inline span, containing arbitrary text. */
span(text, options) {
return this.el("span", text, options);
* Render HTML from the output of a template "view" saved as a file in the vault.
* Takes a filename and arbitrary input data.
async view(viewName, input) {
// Look for `${viewName}.js` first, then for `${viewName}/view.js`.
let simpleViewFile = + ".js", this.currentFilePath);
if (simpleViewFile) {
let contents = await;
if (contents.contains("await"))
contents = "(async () => { " + contents + " })()";
let func = new Function("dv", "input", contents);
try {
// This may directly render, in which case it will likely return undefined or null.
let result = await Promise.resolve(func(this, input));
if (result)
await renderValue(result, this.container, this.currentFilePath, this.component, this.settings, true);
catch (ex) {
renderErrorPre(this.container, `Dataview: Failed to execute view '${simpleViewFile.path}'.\n\n${ex}`);
// No `{viewName}.js`, so look for a folder instead.
let viewPath = `${viewName}/view.js`;
let viewFile =, this.currentFilePath);
if (!viewFile) {
renderErrorPre(this.container, `Dataview: custom view not found for '${viewPath}' or '${viewName}.js'.`);
let viewContents = await;
if (viewContents.contains("await"))
viewContents = "(async () => { " + viewContents + " })()";
let viewFunction = new Function("dv", "input", viewContents);
try {
let result = await Promise.resolve(viewFunction(this, input));
if (result)
await renderValue(result, this.container, this.currentFilePath, this.component, this.settings, true);
catch (ex) {
renderErrorPre(this.container, `Dataview: Error while executing view '${viewFile.path}'.\n\n${ex}`);
// Check for optional CSS.
let cssFile =`${viewName}/view.css`, this.currentFilePath);
if (!cssFile)
let cssContents = await;
this.container.createEl("style", { text: cssContents, attr: { scope: " " } });
/** Render a dataview list of the given values. */
list(values) {
return this.api.list(values, this.container, this.component, this.currentFilePath);
/** Render a dataview table with the given headers, and the 2D array of values. */
table(headers, values) {
return this.api.table(headers, values, this.container, this.component, this.currentFilePath);
/** Render a dataview task view with the given tasks. */
taskList(tasks, groupByFile = true) {
return this.api.taskList(tasks, groupByFile, this.container, this.component, this.currentFilePath);
3 years ago
// Markdown Rendering //
/** Render a table directly to markdown, returning the markdown. */
markdownTable(headers, values, settings) {
return this.api.markdownTable(headers, values, settings);
/** Render a list directly to markdown, returning the markdown. */
markdownList(values, settings) {
return this.api.markdownList(values, settings);
/** Render at ask list directly to markdown, returning the markdown. */
markdownTaskList(values, settings) {
return this.api.markdownTaskList(values, settings);
3 years ago
* Evaluate a script where 'this' for the script is set to the given context. Allows you to define global variables.
function evalInContext(script, context) {
return function () {
return eval(script);
* Evaluate a script possibly asynchronously, if the script contains `async/await` blocks.
async function asyncEvalInContext(script, context) {
if (script.includes("await")) {
return evalInContext("(async () => { " + script + " })()", context);
else {
return Promise.resolve(evalInContext(script, context));
class DataviewJSRenderer extends DataviewRefreshableRenderer {
constructor(api, script, container, origin) {
super(container, api.index,, api.settings);
this.api = api;
this.script = script;
this.container = container;
this.origin = origin;
async render() {
this.container.innerHTML = "";
if (!this.settings.enableDataviewJs) {
this.containerEl.innerHTML = "";
renderErrorPre(this.container, "Dataview JS queries are disabled. You can enable them in the Dataview settings.");
// Assume that the code is javascript, and try to eval it.
try {
await asyncEvalInContext(DataviewJSRenderer.PREAMBLE + this.script, new DataviewInlineApi(this.api, this, this.container, this.origin));
catch (e) {
this.containerEl.innerHTML = "";
renderErrorPre(this.container, "Evaluation Error: " + e.stack);
DataviewJSRenderer.PREAMBLE = "const dataview = this;const dv = this;";
/** Inline JS renderer accessible using '=$' by default. */
class DataviewInlineJSRenderer extends DataviewRefreshableRenderer {
constructor(api, script, container, target, origin) {
super(container, api.index,, api.settings);
this.api = api;
this.script = script;
3 years ago
this.container = container;
3 years ago = target;
3 years ago
this.origin = origin;
3 years ago
async render() {
3 years ago
var _a;
(_a = this.errorbox) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove();
3 years ago
if (!this.settings.enableDataviewJs || !this.settings.enableInlineDataviewJs) {
let temp = document.createElement("span");
temp.innerText = "(disabled; enable in settings)";; = temp;
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Assume that the code is javascript, and try to eval it.
try {
3 years ago
let temp = document.createElement("span");
3 years ago
let result = await asyncEvalInContext(DataviewInlineJSRenderer.PREAMBLE + this.script, new DataviewInlineApi(this.api, this, temp, this.origin));
3 years ago;
3 years ago = temp;
if (result === undefined)
renderValue(result, temp, this.origin, this, this.settings, false);
catch (e) {
this.errorbox = this.container.createEl("div");
renderErrorPre(this.errorbox, "Dataview (for inline JS query '" + this.script + "'): " + e);
DataviewInlineJSRenderer.PREAMBLE = "const dataview = this;const dv=this;";
3 years ago
// Tables //
3 years ago
/** Render a table of literals to Markdown. */
function markdownTable(headers, values, settings) {
if (values.length > 0 && headers.length != values[0].length)
throw new Error(`The number of headers (${headers.length}) must match the number of columns (${values[0].length})`);
settings = settings !== null && settings !== void 0 ? settings : DEFAULT_SETTINGS;
const mvalues = [];
3 years ago
const maxLengths = Array.from(headers, v => escapeTable(v).length);
3 years ago
// Pre-construct the table in memory so we can size columns.
for (let row = 0; row < values.length; row++) {
const current = [];
for (let col = 0; col < values[row].length; col++) {
const text = tableLiteral(values[row][col], settings.allowHtml, settings);
maxLengths[col] = Math.max(maxLengths[col], text.length);
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Then construct the actual table...
// Append the header fields first.
3 years ago
let table = `| ${, i) => padright(escapeTable(v), " ", maxLengths[i])).join(" | ")} |\n`;
3 years ago
// Then the separating column.
table += `| ${ => padright("", "-", i)).join(" | ")} |\n`;
// Then the data colunns.
for (let row = 0; row < values.length; row++) {
table += `| ${mvalues[row].map((v, i) => padright(v, " ", maxLengths[i])).join(" | ")} |\n`;
return table;
/** Convert a value to a Markdown-friendly string. */
function tableLiteral(value, allowHtml = true, settings) {
return escapeTable(rawTableLiteral(value, allowHtml, settings));
/** Convert a value to a Markdown-friendly string; does not do escaping. */
function rawTableLiteral(value, allowHtml = true, settings) {
if (!allowHtml)
return Values.toString(value, settings);
if (Values.isArray(value)) {
return `<ul>${ => "<li>" + tableLiteral(v, allowHtml, settings) + "</li>").join("")}</ul>`;
else if (Values.isObject(value)) {
const inner = Object.entries(value)
.map(([k, v]) => {
return `<li><b>${tableLiteral(k, allowHtml, settings)}</b>: ${tableLiteral(v, allowHtml, settings)}</li>`;
return `<ul>${inner}</ul>`;
3 years ago
3 years ago
else {
return Values.toString(value, settings);
/** Don't need to import a library for this one... */
function padright(text, padding, length) {
if (text.length >= length)
return text;
return text + padding.repeat(length - text.length);
/** Escape bars inside table content to prevent it from messing up table rows. */
function escapeTable(text) {
3 years ago
return text.split(/(?!\\)\|/i).join("\\|");
// Lists //
/** Render a list of literal elements to a markdown list. */
function markdownList(values, settings) {
return markdownListRec(values, settings, 0);
/** Internal recursive function which renders markdown lists. */
function markdownListRec(input, settings, depth = 0) {
if (Values.isArray(input)) {
let result = depth == 0 ? "" : "\n";
for (let value of input) {
result += " ".repeat(depth) + "- ";
result += markdownListRec(value, settings, depth);
result += "\n";
return result;
else if (Values.isObject(input)) {
let result = depth == 0 ? "" : "\n";
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(input)) {
result += " ".repeat(depth) + "- ";
result += Values.toString(key) + ": ";
result += markdownListRec(value, settings, depth);
result += "\n";
return result;
else if (Values.isWidget(input) && Widgets.isListPair(input)) {
return `${Values.toString(input.key)}: ${markdownListRec(input.value, settings, depth + 1)}`;
return Values.toString(input);
// Tasks //
/** Render the result of a task query to markdown. */
function markdownTaskList(tasks, settings, depth = 0) {
var _a, _b;
3 years ago
if (Groupings.isGrouping(tasks)) {
let result = "";
for (let element of tasks) {
result += "#".repeat(depth + 1) + " " + Values.toString(element.key) + "\n\n";
result += markdownTaskList(element.rows, settings, depth + 1);
return result;
else {
// Remove task line duplicates if present to match `taskList()` behavior.
const [dedupTasks, _] = nestItems(tasks);
3 years ago
let result = "";
for (let element of dedupTasks) {
3 years ago
result += " ".repeat(depth) + "- ";
if (element.task) {
result += `[${element.status}] ${((_a = element.visual) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : element.text).split("\n").join(" ")}\n`;
3 years ago
else {
result += `${((_b = element.visual) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : element.text).split("\n").join(" ")}\n`;
3 years ago
result += markdownTaskList(element.children, settings, depth + 1);
3 years ago
return result;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** The general, externally accessible plugin API (available at `app.plugins.plugins.dataview.api` or as global `DataviewAPI`). */
3 years ago
/** Asynchronous API calls related to file / system IO. */
3 years ago
class DataviewIOApi {
constructor(api) {
3 years ago
this.api = api;
/** Load the contents of a CSV asynchronously, returning a data array of rows (or undefined if it does not exist). */
async csv(path, originFile) {
3 years ago
if (!Values.isLink(path) && !Values.isString(path)) {
throw Error(` only handles string or link paths; was provided type '${typeof path}'.`);
let data = await this.api.index.csv.get(this.normalize(path, originFile));
if (data.successful)
return DataArray.from(data.value, this.api.settings);
throw Error(`Could not find CSV for path '${path}' (relative to origin '${originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : "/"}')`);
3 years ago
/** Asynchronously load the contents of any link or path in an Obsidian vault. */
async load(path, originFile) {
3 years ago
if (!Values.isLink(path) && !Values.isString(path)) {
throw Error(` only handles string or link paths; was provided type '${typeof path}'.`);
let existingFile = this.api.index.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(this.normalize(path, originFile));
if (!existingFile || !(existingFile instanceof obsidian.TFile))
return undefined;
return this.api.index.vault.cachedRead(existingFile);
3 years ago
/** Normalize a link or path relative to an optional origin file. Returns a textual fully-qualified-path. */
normalize(path, originFile) {
3 years ago
let realPath;
if (Values.isLink(path))
realPath = path.path;
realPath = path;
return this.api.index.prefix.resolveRelative(realPath, originFile);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Global API for accessing the Dataview API, executing dataview queries, and */
class DataviewApi {
constructor(app, index, settings, verNum) { = app;
this.index = index;
this.settings = settings;
this.verNum = verNum;
/** Value utility functions for comparisons and type-checking. */
3 years ago
this.value = Values;
3 years ago
/** Widget utility functions for creating built-in widgets. */
this.widget = Widgets;
3 years ago
/** Re-exporting of luxon for people who can't easily require it. Sorry! */
this.luxon = Luxon;
3 years ago
/** Utilities to check the current Dataview version and comapre it to SemVer version ranges. */
this.version = (() => {
const { verNum: version } = this;
return {
get current() {
return version;
compare: (op, ver) => compare(version, ver, op),
satisfies: (range) => satisfies(version, range),
this.evaluationContext = new Context(defaultLinkHandler(index, ""), settings);
3 years ago
this.func = Functions.bindAll(DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS, this.evaluationContext);
3 years ago = new DataviewIOApi(this);
3 years ago
// Index + Data Collection //
/** Return an array of paths (as strings) corresponding to pages which match the query. */
3 years ago
pagePaths(query, originFile) {
let source;
try {
if (!query || query.trim() === "")
source = Sources.folder("");
source = EXPRESSION.source.tryParse(query);
catch (ex) {
throw new Error(`Failed to parse query in 'pagePaths': ${ex}`);
return matchingSourcePaths(source, this.index, originFile)
.map(s => DataArray.from(s, this.settings))
3 years ago
/** Map a page path to the actual data contained within that page. */
3 years ago
page(path, originFile) {
if (!(typeof path === "string") && !Values.isLink(path)) {
throw Error(" only handles string and link paths; was provided type '" + typeof path + "'");
let rawPath = path instanceof Link ? path.path : path;
let normPath =, originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : "");
if (!normPath)
return undefined;
let pageObject = this.index.pages.get(normPath.path);
if (!pageObject)
return undefined;
return this._addDataArrays(pageObject.serialize(this.index));
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Return an array of page objects corresponding to pages which match the source query. */
pages(query, originFile) {
return this.pagePaths(query, originFile).flatMap(p => {
let res =, originFile);
return res ? [res] : [];
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Remaps important metadata to add data arrays. */
_addDataArrays(pageObject) {
// Remap the "file" metadata entries to be data arrays.
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(pageObject.file)) {
if (Array.isArray(value))
pageObject.file[key] = DataArray.wrap(value, this.settings);
return pageObject;
3 years ago
// Utility //
* Convert an input element or array into a Dataview data-array. If the input is already a data array,
* it is returned unchanged.
array(raw) {
3 years ago
if (DataArray.isDataArray(raw))
return raw;
if (Array.isArray(raw))
return DataArray.wrap(raw, this.settings);
return DataArray.wrap([raw], this.settings);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Return true if the given value is a javascript array OR a dataview data array. */
3 years ago
isArray(raw) {
3 years ago
return DataArray.isDataArray(raw) || Array.isArray(raw);
3 years ago
/** Return true if the given value is a dataview data array; this returns FALSE for plain JS arrays. */
isDataArray(raw) {
return DataArray.isDataArray(raw);
/** Create a dataview file link to the given path. */
fileLink(path, embed = false, display) {
return Link.file(path, embed, display);
/** Create a dataview section link to the given path. */
sectionLink(path, section, embed = false, display) {
return Link.header(path, section, embed, display);
/** Create a dataview block link to the given path. */
blockLink(path, blockId, embed = false, display) {
return Link.block(path, blockId, embed, display);
/** Attempt to extract a date from a string, link or date. */
date(pathlike) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Attempt to extract a duration from a string or duration. */
3 years ago
duration(str) {
return this.func.dur(str);
3 years ago
/** Parse a raw textual value into a complex Dataview type, if possible. */
parse(value) {
3 years ago
let raw = EXPRESSION.inlineField.parse(value);
if (raw.status)
return raw.value;
return value;
3 years ago
/** Convert a basic JS type into a Dataview type by parsing dates, links, durations, and so on. */
literal(value) {
3 years ago
return parseFrontmatter(value);
/** Deep clone the given literal, returning a new literal which is independent of the original. */
clone(value) {
return Values.deepCopy(value);
3 years ago
* Compare two arbitrary JavaScript values using Dataview's default comparison rules. Returns a negative value if
* a < b, 0 if a = b, and a positive value if a > b.
compare(a, b) {
3 years ago
return Values.compareValue(a, b, this.evaluationContext.linkHandler.normalize);
3 years ago
/** Return true if the two given JavaScript values are equal using Dataview's default comparison rules. */
equal(a, b) {
return, b) == 0;
3 years ago
// Dataview Query Evaluation //
* Execute an arbitrary Dataview query, returning a query result which:
* 1. Indicates the type of query,
* 2. Includes the raw AST of the parsed query.
* 3. Includes the output in the form relevant to that query type.
* List queries will return a list of objects ({ id, value }); table queries return a header array
* and a 2D array of values; and task arrays return a Grouping<Task> type which allows for recursive
* task nesting.
async query(source, originFile, settings) {
const query = typeof source === "string" ? parseQuery(source) : Result.success(source);
if (!query.successful)
return query.cast();
const header = query.value.header;
switch (header.type) {
case "calendar":
const cres = await executeCalendar(query.value, this.index, originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : "", this.settings);
if (!cres.successful)
return cres.cast();
return Result.success({ type: "calendar", values: });
case "task":
const tasks = await executeTask(query.value, originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : "", this.index, this.settings);
if (!tasks.successful)
return tasks.cast();
return Result.success({ type: "task", values: tasks.value.tasks });
case "list":
if ((settings === null || settings === void 0 ? void 0 : settings.forceId) !== undefined)
header.showId = settings.forceId;
const lres = await executeList(query.value, this.index, originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : "", this.settings);
if (!lres.successful)
return lres.cast();
// TODO: WITHOUT ID probably shouldn't exist, or should be moved to the engine itself.
// For now, until I fix it up in an upcoming refactor, we re-implement the behavior here.
return Result.success({
type: "list",
primaryMeaning: lres.value.primaryMeaning,
case "table":
if ((settings === null || settings === void 0 ? void 0 : settings.forceId) !== undefined)
header.showId = settings.forceId;
const tres = await executeTable(query.value, this.index, originFile !== null && originFile !== void 0 ? originFile : "", this.settings);
if (!tres.successful)
return tres.cast();
return Result.success({
type: "table",
headers: tres.value.names,
idMeaning: tres.value.idMeaning,
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Error-throwing version of {@link query}. */
async tryQuery(source, originFile, settings) {
return (await this.query(source, originFile, settings)).orElseThrow();
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Execute an arbitrary dataview query, returning the results in well-formatted markdown. */
async queryMarkdown(source, originFile, settings) {
const result = await this.query(source, originFile, settings);
if (!result.successful)
return result.cast();
switch (result.value.type) {
case "list":
return Result.success(this.markdownList(result.value.values, settings));
case "table":
return Result.success(this.markdownTable(result.value.headers, result.value.values, settings));
case "task":
return Result.success(this.markdownTaskList(result.value.values, settings));
case "calendar":
return Result.failure("Cannot render calendar queries to markdown.");
/** Error-throwing version of {@link queryMarkdown}. */
async tryQueryMarkdown(source, originFile, settings) {
return (await this.queryMarkdown(source, originFile, settings)).orElseThrow();
3 years ago
* Evaluate a dataview expression (like '2 + 2' or 'link("hello")'), returning the evaluated result.
* This takes an optional second argument which provides definitions for variables, such as:
* ```
* dv.evaluate("x + 6", { x: 2 }) = 8
* dv.evaluate('link(target)', { target: "Okay" }) = [[Okay]]
* ```
* This method returns a Result type instead of throwing an error; you can check the result of the
* execution via `result.successful` and obtain `result.value` or `result.error` resultingly. If
* you'd rather this method throw on an error, use `dv.tryEvaluate`.
evaluate(expression, context) {
let field = EXPRESSION.field.parse(expression);
if (!field.status)
return Result.failure(`Failed to parse expression "${expression}"`);
return this.evaluationContext.evaluate(field.value, context);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Error-throwing version of `dv.evaluate`. */
tryEvaluate(expression, context) {
return this.evaluate(expression, context).orElseThrow();
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Rendering //
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Execute the given query, rendering results into the given container using the components lifecycle.
* Your component should be a *real* component which calls onload() on it's child components at some point,
* or a MarkdownPostProcessorContext!
* Note that views made in this way are live updating and will automatically clean themselves up when
* the component is unloaded or the container is removed.
3 years ago
3 years ago
async execute(source, container, component, filePath) {
if (isDataviewDisabled(filePath)) {
renderCodeBlock(container, source);
3 years ago
3 years ago
let maybeQuery = tryOrPropogate(() => parseQuery(source));
// In case of parse error, just render the error.
if (!maybeQuery.successful) {
renderErrorPre(container, "Dataview: " + maybeQuery.error);
3 years ago
3 years ago
let query = maybeQuery.value;
let init = { app:, settings: this.settings, index: this.index, container };
let childComponent;
3 years ago
switch (query.header.type) {
case "task":
childComponent = createTaskView(init, query, filePath);
3 years ago
case "list":
childComponent = createListView(init, query, filePath);
3 years ago
case "table":
childComponent = createTableView(init, query, filePath);
3 years ago
case "calendar":
childComponent = new DataviewCalendarRenderer(query, container, this.index, filePath, this.settings,;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
* Execute the given DataviewJS query, rendering results into the given container using the components lifecycle.
* See {@link execute} for general rendering semantics.
async executeJs(code, container, component, filePath) {
if (isDataviewDisabled(filePath)) {
renderCodeBlock(container, code, "javascript");
3 years ago
3 years ago
const renderer = new DataviewJSRenderer(this, code, container, filePath);
3 years ago
/** Render a dataview list of the given values. */
3 years ago
async list(values, container, component, filePath) {
if (!values)
if (values !== undefined && values !== null && !Array.isArray(values) && !DataArray.isDataArray(values))
values = Array.from(values);
// Append a child div, since React will keep re-rendering otherwise.
let subcontainer = container.createEl("div");
component.addChild(createFixedListView({ app:, settings: this.settings, index: this.index, container: subcontainer }, values, filePath));
3 years ago
/** Render a dataview table with the given headers, and the 2D array of values. */
3 years ago
async table(headers, values, container, component, filePath) {
if (!headers)
headers = [];
if (!values)
values = [];
if (!Array.isArray(headers) && !DataArray.isDataArray(headers))
headers = Array.from(headers);
// Append a child div, since React will keep re-rendering otherwise.
let subcontainer = container.createEl("div");
component.addChild(createFixedTableView({ app:, settings: this.settings, index: this.index, container: subcontainer }, headers, values, filePath));
3 years ago
/** Render a dataview task view with the given tasks. */
3 years ago
async taskList(tasks, groupByFile = true, container, component, filePath = "") {
let groupedTasks = !Groupings.isGrouping(tasks) && groupByFile ? this.array(tasks).groupBy(t => Link.file(t.path)) : tasks;
// Append a child div, since React will override several task lists otherwise.
let taskContainer = container.createEl("div");
component.addChild(createFixedTaskView({ app:, settings: this.settings, index: this.index, container: taskContainer }, groupedTasks, filePath));
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Render an arbitrary value into a container. */
async renderValue(value, container, component, filePath, inline = false) {
return renderValue(value, container, filePath, component, this.settings, inline);
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Data Export //
3 years ago
/** Render data to a markdown table. */
3 years ago
markdownTable(headers, values, settings) {
if (!headers)
headers = [];
if (!values)
values = [];
const combined = Object.assign({}, this.settings, settings);
return markdownTable(headers, values, combined);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Render data to a markdown list. */
markdownList(values, settings) {
if (!values)
values = [];
const combined = Object.assign({}, this.settings, settings);
return markdownList(values, combined);
/** Render tasks or list items to a markdown task list. */
markdownTaskList(values, settings) {
if (!values)
values = [];
const sparse = nestGroups(values);
const combined = Object.assign({}, this.settings, settings);
return markdownTaskList(sparse, combined);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Determines if source-path has a `?no-dataview` annotation that disables dataview. */
function isDataviewDisabled(sourcePath) {
let questionLocation = sourcePath.lastIndexOf("?");
if (questionLocation == -1)
return false;
return sourcePath.substring(questionLocation).contains("no-dataview");
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Refreshable renderer which renders inline instead of in a div. */
class DataviewInlineRenderer extends DataviewRefreshableRenderer {
constructor(field, fieldText, container, target, index, origin, settings, app) {
super(container, index, app, settings);
this.field = field;
this.fieldText = fieldText;
3 years ago
this.container = container;
3 years ago = target;
3 years ago
this.index = index;
this.origin = origin;
this.settings = settings;
3 years ago = app;
3 years ago
async render() {
var _a;
3 years ago
(_a = this.errorbox) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove();
3 years ago
let result = tryOrPropogate(() => executeInline(this.field, this.origin, this.index, this.settings));
if (!result.successful) {
this.errorbox = this.container.createEl("div");
renderErrorPre(this.errorbox, "Dataview (for inline query '" + this.fieldText + "'): " + result.error);
3 years ago
3 years ago
else {
3 years ago
let temp = document.createElement("span");
3 years ago
temp.addClasses(["dataview", "dataview-inline-query"]);
await renderValue(result.value, temp, this.origin, this, this.settings, false);
3 years ago;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Replaces raw textual inline fields in text containers with pretty HTML equivalents. */
async function replaceInlineFields(ctx, init) {
let inlineFields = extractInlineFields(init.container.innerHTML);
if (inlineFields.length == 0)
let component = new obsidian.MarkdownRenderChild(init.container);
// Iterate through the raw HTML and replace inline field matches with corresponding rendered values.
let result = init.container.innerHTML;
for (let x = inlineFields.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
let field = inlineFields[x];
let renderContainer = document.createElement("span");
renderContainer.addClasses(["dataview", "inline-field"]);
// Block inline fields render the key, parenthesis ones do not.
if (field.wrapping == "[") {
const key = renderContainer.createSpan({
cls: ["dataview", "inline-field-key"],
attr: {
"data-dv-key": field.key,
"data-dv-norm-key": canonicalizeVarName(field.key),
// Explicitly set the inner HTML to respect any key formatting that we should carry over.
key.innerHTML = field.key;
cls: ["dataview", "inline-field-value"],
attr: { id: "dataview-inline-field-" + x },
else {
cls: ["dataview", "inline-field-standalone-value"],
attr: { id: "dataview-inline-field-" + x },
result = result.slice(0, field.start) + renderContainer.outerHTML + result.slice(field.end);
// Use a <template> block to render this HTML properly to nodes.
const template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = result;
// Replace the container children with the new rendered children.
// TODO: Replace this with a dom-to-dom diff to reduce the actual amount of updates.
for (let index = 0; index < inlineFields.length; index++) {
const box = init.container.querySelector("#dataview-inline-field-" + index);
if (!box)
const context = Object.assign({}, init, { container: box, component: component });
S$1(v$1(DataviewContext.Provider, { value: context },
v$1(Lit, { value: parseInlineValue(inlineFields[index].value), inline: true, sourcePath: ctx.sourcePath })), box);
3 years ago
* inspired and adapted from
* The original work is MIT-licensed.
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2022 artisticat1
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* */
function selectionAndRangeOverlap(selection, rangeFrom, rangeTo) {
for (const range of selection.ranges) {
if (range.from <= rangeTo && >= rangeFrom) {
return true;
return false;
class InlineWidget extends view.WidgetType {
constructor(cssClasses, rawQuery, el, view) {
this.cssClasses = cssClasses;
this.rawQuery = rawQuery;
this.el = el;
this.view = view;
// Widgets only get updated when the raw query changes/the element gets focus and loses it
// to prevent redraws when the editor updates.
eq(other) {
if (other.rawQuery === this.rawQuery) {
// change CSS classes without redrawing the element
for (let value of other.cssClasses) {
if (!this.cssClasses.includes(value)) {
else {
return true;
return false;
// Add CSS classes and return HTML element.
// In "complex" cases it will get filled with the correct text/child elements later.
toDOM(view) {
return this.el;
/* Make queries only editable when shift is pressed (or navigated inside with the keyboard
* or the mouse is placed at the end, but that is always possible regardless of this method).
* Mostly useful for links, and makes results selectable.
* If the widgets should always be expandable, make this always return false.
ignoreEvent(event) {
// instanceof check does not work in pop-out windows, so check it like this
if (event.type === "mousedown") {
const currentPos = this.view.posAtCoords({ x: event.x, y: event.y });
if (event.shiftKey) {
// Set the cursor after the element so that it doesn't select starting from the last cursor position.
if (currentPos) {
const { editor } = this.view.state.field(obsidian.editorEditorField).state.field(obsidian.editorViewField);
return false;
return true;
function getCssClasses(nodeName) {
const classes = [];
if (nodeName.includes("strong")) {
if (nodeName.includes("em")) {
if (nodeName.includes("highlight")) {
if (nodeName.includes("strikethrough")) {
if (nodeName.includes("comment")) {
return classes;
function inlineRender(view$1, index, dvSettings, api) {
// still doesn't work as expected for tables and callouts
if (!index.initialized)
const currentFile = app.workspace.getActiveFile();
if (!currentFile)
const widgets = [];
const selection = view$1.state.selection;
/* before:
* em for italics
* highlight for highlight
* after:
* strong for bold
* strikethrough for strikethrough
const regex = new RegExp(".*?_?inline-code_?.*");
const PREAMBLE = "const dataview=this;const dv=this;";
for (const { from, to } of view$1.visibleRanges) {
enter: ({ node }) => {
const type = node.type;
// markdown formatting symbols
if ("formatting"))
// current node is not inline code
if (!regex.test(
// contains the position of inline code
const start = node.from;
const end =;
// don't continue if current cursor position and inline code node (including formatting
// symbols) overlap
if (selectionAndRangeOverlap(selection, start - 1, end + 1))
const text = view$1.state.doc.sliceString(start, end);
let code = "";
let result = "";
const el = createSpan({
cls: ["dataview", "dataview-inline"],
/* If the query result is predefined text (e.g. in the case of errors), set innerText to it.
* Otherwise, pass on an empty element and fill it in later.
* This is necessary because {@link InlineWidget.toDOM} is synchronous but some rendering
* asynchronous.
if (dvSettings.inlineQueryPrefix.length > 0 && text.startsWith(dvSettings.inlineQueryPrefix)) {
code = text.substring(dvSettings.inlineQueryPrefix.length).trim();
const field = tryOrPropogate(() => parseField(code));
if (!field.successful) {
result = `Dataview (inline field '${code}'): ${field.error}`;
el.innerText = result;
else {
const fieldValue = field.value;
const intermediateResult = tryOrPropogate(() => executeInline(fieldValue, currentFile.path, index, dvSettings));
if (!intermediateResult.successful) {
result = `Dataview (for inline query '${fieldValue}'): ${intermediateResult.error}`;
el.innerText = result;
else {
const { value } = intermediateResult;
result = value;
renderValue(result, el, currentFile.path, null, dvSettings);
else if (dvSettings.inlineJsQueryPrefix.length > 0 &&
text.startsWith(dvSettings.inlineJsQueryPrefix)) {
if (dvSettings.enableInlineDataviewJs) {
code = text.substring(dvSettings.inlineJsQueryPrefix.length).trim();
try {
// for setting the correct context for dv/dataview
const myEl = createDiv();
const dvInlineApi = new DataviewInlineApi(api, null, myEl, currentFile.path);
if (code.includes("await")) {
evalInContext("(async () => { " + PREAMBLE + code + " })()").then((result) => {
renderValue(result, el, currentFile.path, null, dvSettings);
else {
result = evalInContext(PREAMBLE + code);
renderValue(result, el, currentFile.path, null, dvSettings);
function evalInContext(script) {
return function () {
return eval(script);
catch (e) {
result = `Dataview (for inline JS query '${code}'): ${e}`;
el.innerText = result;
else {
result = "(disabled; enable in settings)";
el.innerText = result;
else {
const classes = getCssClasses(;
widget: new InlineWidget(classes, code, el, view$1),
inclusive: false,
block: false,
}).range(start - 1, end + 1));
return view.Decoration.set(widgets, true);
function inlinePlugin(index, settings, api) {
return view.ViewPlugin.fromClass(class {
constructor(view$1) {
var _a;
this.decorations = (_a = inlineRender(view$1, index, settings, api)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : view.Decoration.none;
update(update) {
var _a;
// only activate in LP and not source mode
if (!update.state.field(obsidian.editorLivePreviewField)) {
this.decorations = view.Decoration.none;
if (update.docChanged || update.viewportChanged || update.selectionSet) {
this.decorations = (_a = inlineRender(update.view, index, settings, api)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : view.Decoration.none;
}, { decorations: v => v.decorations });
3 years ago
class DataviewPlugin extends obsidian.Plugin {
constructor() {
this.debouncedRefresh = () => null;
3 years ago
3 years ago
async onload() {
3 years ago
var _a;
3 years ago
// Settings initialization; write defaults first time around.
this.settings = Object.assign(DEFAULT_SETTINGS, (_a = (await this.loadData())) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {});
this.addSettingTab(new GeneralSettingsTab(, this));
this.index = this.addChild(FullIndex.create(, this.manifest.version, () => {
if (this.settings.refreshEnabled)
// Set up automatic (intelligent) view refreshing that debounces.
// From this point onwards the dataview API is fully functional (even if the index needs to do some background indexing).
this.api = new DataviewApi(, this.index, this.settings, this.manifest.version);
// Register API to global window object.
3 years ago
(window["DataviewAPI"] = this.api) && this.register(() => delete window["DataviewAPI"]);
3 years ago
// Dataview query language code blocks.
this.registerPriorityCodeblockPostProcessor("dataview", -100, async (source, el, ctx) => this.dataview(source, el, ctx, ctx.sourcePath));
// DataviewJS codeblocks.
this.registerPriorityCodeblockPostProcessor(this.settings.dataviewJsKeyword, -100, async (source, el, ctx) => this.dataviewjs(source, el, ctx, ctx.sourcePath));
3 years ago
// Dataview inline queries.
this.registerPriorityMarkdownPostProcessor(-100, async (el, ctx) => {
// Allow for turning off inline queries.
if (!this.settings.enableInlineDataview || isDataviewDisabled(ctx.sourcePath))
3 years ago
this.dataviewInline(el, ctx, ctx.sourcePath);
// Dataview inline-inline query fancy rendering. Runs at a low priority; should apply to Dataview views.
this.registerPriorityMarkdownPostProcessor(100, async (el, ctx) => {
// Allow for lame people to disable the pretty rendering.
if (!this.settings.prettyRenderInlineFields || isDataviewDisabled(ctx.sourcePath))
3 years ago
// Handle p, header elements explicitly (opt-in rather than opt-out for now).
for (let p of el.findAllSelf("p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,li,span,th,td")) {
const init = {
index: this.index,
settings: this.settings,
container: p,
await replaceInlineFields(ctx, init);
3 years ago
3 years ago
// editor extension for inline queries
this.cmExtension = [inlinePlugin(this.index, this.settings, this.api)];
3 years ago
// Dataview "force refresh" operation.
id: "dataview-force-refresh-views",
name: "Force Refresh All Views and Blocks",
callback: () => {
3 years ago
this.index.revision += 1;
3 years ago"dataview:refresh-views");
3 years ago
id: "dataview-drop-cache",
name: "Drop All Cached File Metadata",
callback: () => {
3 years ago
// Run index initialization, which actually traverses the vault to index files.
if (! { () => this.index.initialize());
3 years ago
else {
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
// Not required anymore, though holding onto it for backwards-compatibility."dataview:api-ready", this.api);
console.log(`Dataview: version ${this.manifest.version} (requires obsidian ${this.manifest.minAppVersion})`);
3 years ago
3 years ago
updateRefreshSettings() {
this.debouncedRefresh = obsidian.debounce(() =>"dataview:refresh-views"), this.settings.refreshInterval, true);
3 years ago
3 years ago
onunload() {
console.log(`Dataview: version ${this.manifest.version} unloaded.`);
3 years ago
/** Register a markdown post processor with the given priority. */
registerPriorityMarkdownPostProcessor(priority, processor) {
let registered = this.registerMarkdownPostProcessor(processor);
registered.sortOrder = priority;
/** Register a markdown codeblock post processor with the given priority. */
registerPriorityCodeblockPostProcessor(language, priority, processor) {
let registered = this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor(language, processor);
registered.sortOrder = priority;
* Based on the source, generate a dataview view. This works by doing an initial parsing pass, and then adding
* a long-lived view object to the given component for life-cycle management.
async dataview(source, el, component, sourcePath) {
3 years ago
this.api.execute(source, el, component, sourcePath);
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Generate a DataviewJS view running the given source in the given element. */
async dataviewjs(source, el, component, sourcePath) {
3 years ago
this.api.executeJs(source, el, component, sourcePath);
3 years ago
/** Render all dataview inline expressions in the given element. */
async dataviewInline(el, component, sourcePath) {
if (isDataviewDisabled(sourcePath))
// Search for <code> blocks inside this element; for each one, look for things of the form `= ...`.
let codeblocks = el.querySelectorAll("code");
for (let index = 0; index < codeblocks.length; index++) {
let codeblock = codeblocks.item(index);
3 years ago
// Skip code inside of pre elements if not explicitly enabled.
if (codeblock.parentElement &&
codeblock.parentElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "pre" &&
3 years ago
let text = codeblock.innerText.trim();
if (this.settings.inlineJsQueryPrefix.length > 0 && text.startsWith(this.settings.inlineJsQueryPrefix)) {
let code = text.substring(this.settings.inlineJsQueryPrefix.length).trim();
if (code.length == 0)
3 years ago
component.addChild(new DataviewInlineJSRenderer(this.api, code, el, codeblock, sourcePath));
3 years ago
else if (this.settings.inlineQueryPrefix.length > 0 && text.startsWith(this.settings.inlineQueryPrefix)) {
let potentialField = text.substring(this.settings.inlineQueryPrefix.length).trim();
if (potentialField.length == 0)
let field = tryOrPropogate(() => parseField(potentialField));
if (!field.successful) {
let errorBlock = el.createEl("div");
renderErrorPre(errorBlock, `Dataview (inline field '${potentialField}'): ${field.error}`);
else {
let fieldValue = field.value;
component.addChild(new DataviewInlineRenderer(fieldValue, text, el, codeblock, this.index, sourcePath, this.settings,;
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** Update plugin settings. */
async updateSettings(settings) {
Object.assign(this.settings, settings);
await this.saveData(this.settings);
/** @deprecated Call the given callback when the dataview API has initialized. */
withApi(callback) {
* Create an API element localized to the given path, with lifecycle management managed by the given component.
* The API will output results to the given HTML element.
localApi(path, component, el) {
3 years ago
return new DataviewInlineApi(this.api, component, el, path);
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
/** All of the dataview settings in a single, nice tab. */
class GeneralSettingsTab extends obsidian.PluginSettingTab {
constructor(app, plugin) {
super(app, plugin);
this.plugin = plugin;
3 years ago
3 years ago
display() {
this.containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "General Settings" });
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Enable Inline Queries")
.setDesc("Enable or disable executing regular inline Dataview queries.")
.addToggle(toggle => toggle
.onChange(async (value) => await this.plugin.updateSettings({ enableInlineDataview: value })));
3 years ago
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Enable JavaScript Queries")
.setDesc("Enable or disable executing DataviewJS queries.")
.addToggle(toggle => toggle
.onChange(async (value) => await this.plugin.updateSettings({ enableDataviewJs: value })));
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Enable Inline JavaScript Queries")
.setDesc("Enable or disable executing inline DataviewJS queries. Requires that DataviewJS queries are enabled.")
.addToggle(toggle => toggle
.onChange(async (value) => await this.plugin.updateSettings({ enableInlineDataviewJs: value })));
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Enable Inline Field Highlighting")
.setDesc("Enables or disables visual highlighting / pretty rendering for inline fields.")
.addToggle(toggle => toggle
.onChange(async (value) => await this.plugin.updateSettings({ prettyRenderInlineFields: value })));
this.containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Codeblock Settings" });
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("DataviewJS Keyword")
.setDesc("Keyword for DataviewJS blocks. Defaults to 'dataviewjs'. Reload required for changes to take effect.")
.addText(text => text
.onChange(async (value) => {
if (value.length == 0)
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ dataviewJsKeyword: value });
3 years ago
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Inline Query Prefix")
.setDesc("The prefix to inline queries (to mark them as Dataview queries). Defaults to '='.")
.addText(text => text
.onChange(async (value) => {
if (value.length == 0)
3 years ago
3 years ago
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ inlineQueryPrefix: value });
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("JavaScript Inline Query Prefix")
.setDesc("The prefix to JavaScript inline queries (to mark them as DataviewJS queries). Defaults to '$='.")
.addText(text => text
.onChange(async (value) => {
if (value.length == 0)
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ inlineJsQueryPrefix: value });
3 years ago
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Codeblock Inline Queries")
.setDesc("If enabled, inline queries will also be evaluated inside full codeblocks.")
.addToggle(toggle => toggle
.onChange(async (value) => await this.plugin.updateSettings({ inlineQueriesInCodeblocks: value })));
3 years ago
this.containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "View Settings" });
this.containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "General" });
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Display result count")
.setDesc("If toggled off, the small number in the result header of TASK and TABLE Queries will be hidden.")
.addToggle(toggle => toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.showResultCount).onChange(async (value) => {
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ showResultCount: value });
3 years ago
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Warn on Empty Result")
.setDesc("If set, queries which return 0 results will render a warning message.")
.addToggle(toggle => toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.warnOnEmptyResult).onChange(async (value) => {
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ warnOnEmptyResult: value });
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Render Null As")
.setDesc("What null/non-existent should show up as in tables, by default. This supports Markdown notation.")
.addText(text => text
.onChange(async (value) => {
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ renderNullAs: value });
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Automatic View Refreshing")
.setDesc("If enabled, views will automatically refresh when files in your vault change; this can negatively affect" +
" some functionality like embeds in views, so turn it off if such functionality is not working.")
.addToggle(toggle => toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.refreshEnabled).onChange(async (value) => {
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ refreshEnabled: value });
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Refresh Interval")
.setDesc("How long to wait (in milliseconds) for files to stop changing before updating views.")
.addText(text => text
.setValue("" + this.plugin.settings.refreshInterval)
.onChange(async (value) => {
let parsed = parseInt(value);
if (isNaN(parsed))
parsed = parsed < 100 ? 100 : parsed;
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ refreshInterval: parsed });
let dformat = new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Date Format")
.setDesc("The default date format (see Luxon date format options)." +
" Currently: " +, { locale: currentLocale() }))
3 years ago
.addText(text => text
.onChange(async (value) => {
dformat.setDesc("The default date format (see Luxon date format options)." +
" Currently: " +, { locale: currentLocale() }));
3 years ago
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ defaultDateFormat: value });
let dtformat = new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Date + Time Format")
.setDesc("The default date and time format (see Luxon date format options)." +
" Currently: " +, { locale: currentLocale() }))
3 years ago
.addText(text => text
.onChange(async (value) => {
dtformat.setDesc("The default date and time format (see Luxon date format options)." +
" Currently: " +, { locale: currentLocale() }));
3 years ago
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ defaultDateTimeFormat: value });
this.containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Table Settings" });
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Primary Column Name")
.setDesc("The name of the default ID column in tables; this is the auto-generated first column that links to the source file.")
.addText(text => text
.onChange(async (value) => {
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ tableIdColumnName: value });
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Grouped Column Name")
.setDesc("The name of the default ID column in tables, when the table is on grouped data; this is the auto-generated first column" +
"that links to the source file/group.")
.addText(text => text
.onChange(async (value) => {
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ tableGroupColumnName: value });
this.containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Task Settings" });
3 years ago
let taskCompletionSubsettingsEnabled = this.plugin.settings.taskCompletionTracking;
let taskCompletionInlineSubsettingsEnabled = taskCompletionSubsettingsEnabled && !this.plugin.settings.taskCompletionUseEmojiShorthand;
3 years ago
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Automatic Task Completion Tracking")
3 years ago
.setDesc(createFragment(el => {
el.appendText("If enabled, Dataview will automatically append tasks with their completion date when they are checked in Dataview views.");
el.appendText("Example with default field name and date format: - [x] my task [completion:: 2022-01-01]");
3 years ago
.addToggle(toggle => toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.taskCompletionTracking).onChange(async (value) => {
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ taskCompletionTracking: value });
3 years ago
taskCompletionSubsettingsEnabled = value;
3 years ago
3 years ago
let taskEmojiShorthand = new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Use Emoji Shorthand for Completion")
if (taskCompletionSubsettingsEnabled)
.setDesc(createFragment(el => {
el.appendText('If enabled, will use emoji shorthand instead of inline field formatting to fill out implicit task field "completion".');
el.appendText("Example: - [x] my task ✅ 2022-01-01");
el.appendText("Disable this to customize the completion date format or field name, or to use Dataview inline field formatting.");
el.appendText('Only available when "Automatic Task Completion Tracking" is enabled.');
.addToggle(toggle => toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.taskCompletionUseEmojiShorthand).onChange(async (value) => {
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ taskCompletionUseEmojiShorthand: value });
taskCompletionInlineSubsettingsEnabled = taskCompletionSubsettingsEnabled && !value;
taskEmojiShorthand.setDesc('Only available when "Automatic Task Completion Tracking" is enabled.');
let taskFieldName = new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Completion Field Name")
if (taskCompletionInlineSubsettingsEnabled)
.setDesc(createFragment(el => {
el.appendText("Text used as inline field key for task completion date when toggling a task's checkbox in a dataview view.");
el.appendText('Only available when "Automatic Task Completion Tracking" is enabled and "Use Emoji Shorthand for Completion" is disabled.');
.addText(text => text.setValue(this.plugin.settings.taskCompletionText).onChange(async (value) => {
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ taskCompletionText: value.trim() });
taskFieldName.setDesc('Only available when "Automatic Task Completion Tracking" is enabled and "Use Emoji Shorthand for Completion" is disabled.');
let taskDtFormat = new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Completion Date Format")
if (taskCompletionInlineSubsettingsEnabled) {
let descTextLines = [
"Date-time format for task completion date when toggling a task's checkbox in a dataview view (see Luxon date format options).",
'Only available when "Automatic Task Completion Tracking" is enabled and "Use Emoji Shorthand for Completion" is disabled.',
"Currently: ",
.setDesc(createFragment(el => {
el.appendText(descTextLines[2] +, {
3 years ago
locale: currentLocale(),
.addText(text => text
.onChange(async (value) => {
taskDtFormat.setDesc(createFragment(el => {
el.appendText(descTextLines[2] +, { locale: currentLocale() }));
3 years ago
await this.plugin.updateSettings({ taskCompletionDateFormat: value.trim() });
else {
taskDtFormat.setDesc('Only available when "Automatic Task Completion Tracking" is enabled and "Use Emoji Shorthand for Completion" is disabled.');
new obsidian.Setting(this.containerEl)
.setName("Recursive Sub-Task Completion")
// I gotta word this better :/
.setDesc("If enabled, completing a task in a DataView will automatically complete its subtasks too.")
.addToggle(toggle => toggle
.onChange(async (value) => await this.plugin.updateSettings({ recursiveSubTaskCompletion: value })));
3 years ago
module.exports = DataviewPlugin;
//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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