title: "GitHub - thingnotok/obsidian-google-mail: Fetch emails to Obsidian (in markdown) from Gmail server"
description: "Fetch emails to Obsidian (in markdown) from Gmail server - GitHub - thingnotok/obsidian-google-mail: Fetch emails to Obsidian (in markdown) from Gmail server"
title: "[Mobile] Automatic sync with GitHub on iOS (for free) via a-shell"
description: "I recently started using Obsidian and didn’t want to pay for Sync or Working Copy, so I thought I’d try to figure out a way to sync my vault everywhere for free. I saw in the comments of this post by rsteele and this post from ForceBru that people were able to get GitHub to sync with their iOS device using the a-shell app, but the way to do it was not really discussed. I hope that this tutorial will be useful for other non-tech-savvy people like myself who would like to get their vault synced ac..."
title: "GitHub - rien7/obsidian-colorful-tag at Obsidian Roundup-newsletter"
description: "A simple plugin to beauty your tags in obsidian! Contribute to rien7/obsidian-colorful-tag development by creating an account on GitHub."
title: "GitHub - mdelobelle/metadatamenu: For data quality enthousiasts (and dataview lovers): manage the metadata of your notes."
description: "For data quality enthousiasts (and dataview lovers): manage the metadata of your notes. - GitHub - mdelobelle/metadatamenu: For data quality enthousiasts (and dataview lovers): manage the metadata ..."
title: "GitHub - platers/obsidian-linter: An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focus on configurability and extensibility."
description: "An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focus on configurability and extensibility. - GitHub - platers/obsidian-linter: An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes wi..."
title: "GitHub - blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview: A high-performance data index and query language over Markdown files, for https://obsidian.md/."
description: "A high-performance data index and query language over Markdown files, for https://obsidian.md/. - GitHub - blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview: A high-performance data index and query language over Mark..."
title: "GitHub - SlRvb/Obsidian--ITS-Theme: Theme designed with readability and customizability in mind. Change it easily to your liking with the Style Settings plugin installed."
description: "Theme designed with readability and customizability in mind. Change it easily to your liking with the Style Settings plugin installed. - GitHub - SlRvb/Obsidian--ITS-Theme: Theme designed with read..."
title: "GitHub - Lisandra-dev/Obsidian-Snippet-collection: A collection of snippet to customize obsidian"
description: "A collection of snippet to customize obsidian. Contribute to Lisandra-dev/Obsidian-Snippet-collection development by creating an account on GitHub."
title: "advanced-tables-obsidian/help.md at main · tgrosinger/advanced-tables-obsidian"
description: "Improved table navigation, formatting, and manipulation in Obsidian.md - advanced-tables-obsidian/help.md at main · tgrosinger/advanced-tables-obsidian"