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2 months ago
type: movie
title: Life Is a Miracle
englishTitle: Life Is a Miracle
year: "2004"
dataSource: OMDbAPI
id: tt0322420
plot: What could be better for the village than a scenic railway to bring in the tourists? What could be worse for tourism than war? Luka builds the railway and shuts his eyes to war. Then Luka's wife runs off with a musician and his so...
- Comedy
- Romance
- Music
- Emir Kusturica
- Ranko Bozic
- Emir Kusturica
- N/A
duration: 155 min
onlineRating: 7.5
- Slavko Stimac
- Natasa Tapuskovic
- Vesna Trivalic
released: true
streamingServices: []
premiere: 14/05/2004
watched: true
lastWatched: "[[2024-12-25]]"
personalRating: 6.5
tags: mediaDB/tv/movie
Parent:: [[@Cinematheque]]
dv.paragraph(`> [!${dv.current().watched ? 'SUCCESS' : 'WARNING'}] ${dv.current().watched ? 'last watched on ' + dv.current().lastWatched : 'not yet watched'}`)
# `$= dv.current().title`
`$= dv.current().watched ? '**Rating**: ' + dv.current().personalRating + ' out of 10' : ''`
### Details
`$= dv.current().genres.length === 0 ? ' - none' : dv.list(dv.current().genres)`
`$= !dv.current().released ? '**Not released** The movie is not yet released.' : ''`
list without id
"<table><tbody><tr><td><a class=heading>Type</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.type + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Online Rating</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.onlineRating + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Duration</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.duration + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Premiered</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.premiere + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Producer</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.producer + "</span></td></tr></tbody></table>"
FROM "03.04 Cinematheque/Life Is a Miracle (2004)"
### Poster
`$= '![Image|360](' + dv.current().image + ')'`