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if you want to view the source visit the plugins github repository
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License obsidian - tasks :
MIT License
Copyright ( c ) 2021 Martin Schenck and Clare Macrae
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ) , to deal
in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights
to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell
copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software .
* /
/ *
License rrule ( included library ) :
rrule . js : Library for working with recurrence rules for calendar dates .
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ==
Copyright 2010 , Jakub Roztocil < jakub @ roztocil . name > and Lars Schöning
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions are met :
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice ,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
3. Neither the name of The author nor the names of its contributors may
be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission .
. / rrule . js and . / test / tests . js is based on python - dateutil . LICENCE :
python - dateutil - Extensions to the standard Python datetime module .
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ==
Copyright ( c ) 2003 - 2011 - Gustavo Niemeyer < gustavo @ niemeyer . net >
Copyright ( c ) 2012 - Tomi Pieviläinen < tomi . pievilainen @ iki . fi >
All rights reserved .
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions are met :
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice ,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice ,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission .
* /
/ *
License chrono - node ( included library ) :
The MIT License
Copyright ( c ) 2014 , Wanasit Tanakitrungruang
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ) , to deal
in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights
to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell
copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software .
* /
"use strict" ; var Pk = Object . create ; var $i = Object . defineProperty , Nk = Object . defineProperties , Ck = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor , Ik = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors , Fk = Object . getOwnPropertyNames , om = Object . getOwnPropertySymbols , Lk = Object . getPrototypeOf , lm = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty , Yk = Object . prototype . propertyIsEnumerable ; var um = ( r , e , t ) => e in r ? $i ( r , e , { enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 , value : t } ) : r [ e ] = t , Pe = ( r , e ) => { for ( var t in e || ( e = { } ) ) lm . call ( e , t ) && um ( r , t , e [ t ] ) ; if ( om ) for ( var t of om ( e ) ) Yk . call ( e , t ) && um ( r , t , e [ t ] ) ; return r } , tr = ( r , e ) => Nk ( r , Ik ( e ) ) ; var S = ( r , e ) => ( ) => ( e || r ( ( e = { exports : { } } ) . exports , e ) , e . exports ) , Uk = ( r , e ) => { for ( var t in e ) $i ( r , t , { get : e [ t ] , enumerable : ! 0 } ) } , cm = ( r , e , t , n ) => { if ( e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function" ) for ( let s of Fk ( e ) ) ! lm . call ( r , s ) && s !== t && $i ( r , s , { get : ( ) => e [ s ] , enumerable : ! ( n = Ck ( e , s ) ) || n . enumerable } ) ; return r } ; var In = ( r , e , t ) => ( t = r != null ? Pk ( Lk ( r ) ) : { } , cm ( e || ! r || ! r . _ _esModule ? $i ( t , "default" , { value : r , enumerable : ! 0 } ) : t , r ) ) , Wk = r => cm ( $i ( { } , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , r ) ; var Q = ( r , e , t ) => new Promise ( ( n , s ) => { var a = c => { try { l ( t . next ( c ) ) } catch ( f ) { s ( f ) } } , o = c => { try { l ( t . throw ( c ) ) } catch ( f ) { s ( f ) } } , l = c => c . done ? n ( c . value ) : Promise . resolve ( c . value ) . then ( a , o ) ; l ( ( t = t . apply ( r , e ) ) . next ( ) ) } ) ; var Ie = S ( Fn => { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( Fn , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) ; Fn . matchAnyPattern = Fn . extractTerms = Fn . repeatedTimeunitPattern = void 0 ; function Gk ( r , e ) { let t = e . replace ( /\((?!\?)/g , "(?:" ) ; return ` ${ r } ${ t } \\ s{0,5}(?:,? \\ s{0,5} ${ t } ){0,10} ` } Fn . repeatedTimeunitPattern = Gk ; function dm ( r ) { let e ; return r instanceof Array ? e = [ ... r ] : r instanceof Map ? e = Array . from ( r . keys ( ) ) : e = Object . keys ( r ) , e } Fn . extractTerms = dm ; function Hk ( r ) { return ` (?: ${ dm ( r ) . sort ( ( t , n ) => n . length - t . length ) . join ( "|" ) . replace ( /\./g , "\\." ) } ) ` } Fn . matchAnyPattern = Hk } ) ; var Re = S ( ( Wl , ql ) => { ( function ( r , e ) { typeof Wl == "object" && typeof ql != "undefined" ? ql . exports = e ( ) : typeof define == "function" && define . amd ? define ( e ) : ( r = typeof globalThis != "undefined" ? globalThis : r || self ) . dayjs = e ( ) } ) ( Wl , function ( ) { "use strict" ; var r = 1e3 , e = 6e4 , t = 36e5 , n = "millisecond" , s = "second" , a = "minute" , o = "hour" , l = "day" , c = "week" , f = "month" , p = "quarter" , g = "year" , T = "date" , O = "Invalid Date" , b = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/ , x = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g , I = { name : "en" , weekdays : "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday" . split ( "_" ) , months : "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December" . split ( "_" ) } , $ = function ( V , q , A ) { var J = String ( V ) ; return ! J || J . length >= q ? V : "" + Array ( q + 1 - J . length ) . join ( A ) + V } , H = { s : $ , z : function ( V ) { var q = - V . utcOffset ( ) , A = Math . abs ( q ) , J = Math . floor ( A / 60 ) , Y = A % 60 ; return ( q <= 0 ? "+" : "-" ) + $ ( J , 2 , "0" ) + ":" + $ ( Y , 2 , "0" ) } , m : function V ( q , A ) { if ( q . date ( ) < A . date ( ) ) return - V ( A , q ) ; var J = 12 * ( A . year ( ) - q . year ( ) ) + ( A . month ( ) - q . month ( ) ) , Y = q . clone ( ) . add ( J , f ) , oe = A - Y < 0 , y = q . clone ( ) . add ( J + ( oe ? - 1 : 1 ) , f ) ; return + ( - ( J + ( A - Y ) / ( oe ? Y - y : y - Y ) ) || 0 ) } , a : function ( V ) { return V < 0 ? Math . ceil ( V ) || 0 : Math . floor ( V ) } , p : function ( V ) { return { M : f , y : g , w : c , d : l , D : T , h : o , m : a , s , ms : n , Q : p } [ V ] || String ( V || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /s$/ , "" ) } , u : function ( V ) { return V === void 0 } } , W = "en" , ke = { } ; ke [ W ] = I ; var Te = function ( V ) { return V instanceof Ft } , be = function ( V , q , A ) { var J ; if ( ! V ) return W ; if ( typeof V == "string" ) ke [ V ] && ( J = V ) , q && ( ke [ V ] = q , J = V ) ; else { var Y = V . name ; ke [ Y ] = V , J = Y } return ! A && J && ( W = J ) , J || ! A && W } , ee = function ( V , q ) { if ( Te ( V ) ) return V . clone ( ) ; var A = typeof q == "object" ? q : { } ; return A . date = V , A . args = arguments , new Ft ( A ) } , ne = H ; ne . l = be , ne . i = Te , ne . w = function ( V , q ) { return ee ( V , { locale : q . $L , utc : q . $u , x : q . $x , $offset : q . $offset } ) } ; var Ft = function ( ) { function V ( A ) { this . $L = be ( A . locale , null , ! 0 ) , this . parse ( A ) } var q = V . prototype ; return q . parse = function ( A ) { this . $d = function ( J ) { var Y = J . date , oe = J . utc ; if ( Y === null ) return new Date ( NaN ) ; if ( ne . u ( Y ) ) return new Date ; if ( Y instanceof Date ) return new Date ( Y ) ; if ( typeof Y == "string" && ! /Z$/i . test ( Y ) ) { var y = Y . match ( b ) ; if ( y ) { var _ = y [ 2 ] - 1 || 0 , w = ( y [ 7 ] || "0" ) . substring ( 0 , 3 ) ; return oe ? new Date ( Date . UTC ( y [ 1 ] , _ , y [ 3 ] || 1 , y [ 4 ] || 0 , y [ 5 ] || 0 , y [ 6 ] || 0 , w ) ) : new Date ( y [ 1 ] , _ , y [ 3 ] || 1 , y [ 4 ] || 0 , y [ 5 ] || 0 , y [ 6 ] || 0 , w ) } } return new Date ( Y ) } ( A ) , this . $x = A . x || { }
[ ` +v+"] ";for(R in arguments[0])a(arguments[0],R)&&(m+=R+": "+arguments[0][R]+", ");m=m.slice(0,-2)}else m=arguments[v];h.push(m)}ee(i+ `
Arguments : ` +Array.prototype.slice.call(h).join("")+ `
` +new Error().stack),d=!1}return u.apply(this,arguments)},u)}var Ft={};function _t(i,u){e.deprecationHandler!=null&&e.deprecationHandler(i,u),Ft[i]||(ee(u),Ft[i]=!0)}e.suppressDeprecationWarnings=!1,e.deprecationHandler=null;function V(i){return typeof Function!="undefined"&&i instanceof Function||Object.prototype.toString.call(i)==="[object Function]"}function q(i){var u,d;for(d in i)a(i,d)&&(u=i[d],V(u)?this[d]=u:this["_"+d]=u);this._config=i,this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient=new RegExp((this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source||this._ordinalParse.source)+"|"+/ \d {1,2}/.source)}function A(i,u){var d=g({},i),h;for(h in u)a(u,h)&&(s(i[h])&&s(u[h])?(d[h]={},g(d[h],i[h]),g(d[h],u[h])):u[h]!=null?d[h]=u[h]:delete d[h]);for(h in i)a(i,h)&&!a(u,h)&&s(i[h])&&(d[h]=g({},d[h]));return d}function J(i){i!=null&&this.set(i)}var Y;Object.keys?Y=Object.keys:Y=function(i){var u,d=[];for(u in i)a(i,u)&&d.push(u);return d};var oe={sameDay:"[Today at] LT",nextDay:"[Tomorrow at] LT",nextWeek:"dddd [at] LT",lastDay:"[Yesterday at] LT",lastWeek:"[Last] dddd [at] LT",sameElse:"L"};function y(i,u,d){var h=this._calendar[i]||this._calendar.sameElse;return V(h)?h.call(u,d):h}function _(i,u,d){var h=""+Math.abs(i),m=u-h.length,v=i>=0;return(v?d?"+":"":"-")+Math.pow(10,Math.max(0,m)).toString().substr(1)+h}var w=/( \[ [^ \[ ]* \] )|( \\ )?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|N{1,5}|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|y{2,4}|yo?|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g,k=/( \[ [^ \[ ]* \] )|( \\ )?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g,D={},M={};function E(i,u,d,h){var m=h;typeof h=="string"&&(m=function(){return this[h]()}),i&&(M[i]=m),u&&(M[u[0]]=function(){return _(m.apply(this,arguments),u[1],u[2])}),d&&(M[d]=function(){return this.localeData().ordinal(m.apply(this,arguments),i)})}function C(i){return i.match(/ \[ [ \s \S ]/)?i.replace(/^ \[ | \] $ /g,""):i.replace(/ \\ /g,"")}function P(i){var u=i.match(w),d,h;for(d=0,h=u.length;d<h;d++)M[u[d]]?u[d]=M[u[d]]:u[d]=C(u[d]);return function(m){var v="",R;for(R=0;R<h;R++)v+=V(u[R])?u[R].call(m,i):u[R];return v}}function N(i,u){return i.isValid()?(u=j(u,i.localeData()),D[u]=D[u]||P(u),D[u](i)):i.localeData().invalidDate()}function j(i,u){var d=5;function h(m){return u.longDateFormat(m)||m}for(k.lastIndex=0;d>=0&&k.test(i);)i=i.replace(k,h),k.lastIndex=0,d-=1;return i}var Ee={LTS:"h:mm:ss A",LT:"h:mm A",L:"MM/DD/YYYY",LL:"MMMM D, YYYY",LLL:"MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A",LLLL:"dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A"};function pe(i){var u=this._longDateFormat[i],d=this._longDateFormat[i.toUpperCase()];return u||!d?u:(this._longDateFormat[i]=d.match(w).map(function(h){return h==="MMMM"||h==="MM"||h==="DD"||h==="dddd"?h.slice(1):h}).join(""),this._longDateFormat[i])}var ce="Invalid date";function Ce(){return this._invalidDate}var K="%d",qe=/ \d {1,2}/;function Xe(i){return this._ordinal.replace("%d",i)}var dt={future:"in %s",past:"%s ago",s:"a few seconds",ss:"%d seconds",m:"a minute",mm:"%d minutes",h:"an hour",hh:"%d hours",d:"a day",dd:"%d days",w:"a week",ww:"%d weeks",M:"a month",MM:"%d months",y:"a year",yy:"%d years"};function Or(i,u,d,h){var m=this._relativeTime[d];return V(m)?m(i,u,d,h):m.replace(/%d/i,i)}function at(i,u){var d=this._relativeTime[i>0?"future":"past"];return V(d)?d(u):d.replace(/%s/i,u)}var je={};function ft(i,u){var d=i.toLowerCase();je[d]=je[d+"s"]=je[u]=i}function Tt(i){return typeof i=="string"?je[i]||je[i.toLowerCase()]:void 0}function On(i){var u={},d,h;for(h in i)a(i,h)&&(d=Tt(h),d&&(u[d]=i[h]));return u}var Ii={};function $ e(i,u){Ii[i]=u}function Ws(i){var u=[],d;for(d in i)a(i,d)&&u.push({unit:d,priority:Ii[d]});return u.sort(function(h,m){return h.priority-m.priority}),u}function ts(i){return i%4===0&&i%100!==0||i%400===0}function ht(i){return i<0?Math.ceil(i)||0:Math.floor(i)}function de(i){var u=+i,d=0;return u!==0&&isFinite(u)&&(d=ht(u)),d}function Qr(i,u){return function(d){return d!=null?(rs(this,i,d),e.updateOffset(this,u),this):xt(this,i)}}function xt(i,u){return i.isValid()?i._d["get"+(i._isUTC?"UTC":"")+u]():NaN}function rs(i,u,d){i.isValid()&&!isNaN(d)&&(u==="FullYear"&&ts(i.ye
` ).map(mI).filter(function(t){return t!==null});return Bt(Bt({},e[0]),e[1])}function za(r){var e={},t=/DTSTART(?:;TZID=([^:=]+?))?(?::|=)([^; \s ]+)/i.exec(r);if(!t)return e;var n=t[1],s=t[2];return n&&(e.tzid=n),e.dtstart=se.untilStringToDate(s),e}function mI(r){if(r=r.replace(/^ \s +| \s + $ /,""),!r.length)return null;var e=/^([A-Z]+?)[:;]/.exec(r.toUpperCase());if(!e)return Tb(r);var t=e[1];switch(t.toUpperCase()){case"RRULE":case"EXRULE":return Tb(r);case"DTSTART":return za(r);default:throw new Error("Unsupported RFC prop ".concat(t," in ").concat(r))}}function Tb(r){var e=r.replace(/^RRULE:/i,""),t=za(e),n=r.replace(/^(?:RRULE|EXRULE):/i,"").split(";");return n.forEach(function(s){var a=s.split("="),o=a[0],l=a[1];switch(o.toUpperCase()){case"FREQ":t.freq=_e[l.toUpperCase()];break;case"WKST":t.wkst=Er[l.toUpperCase()];break;case"COUNT":case"INTERVAL":case"BYSETPOS":case"BYMONTH":case"BYMONTHDAY":case"BYYEARDAY":case"BYWEEKNO":case"BYHOUR":case"BYMINUTE":case"BYSECOND":var c=yI(l),f=o.toLowerCase();t[f]=c;break;case"BYWEEKDAY":case"BYDAY":t.byweekday=gI(l);break;case"DTSTART":case"TZID":var p=za(r);t.tzid=p.tzid,t.dtstart=p.dtstart;break;case"UNTIL":t.until=se.untilStringToDate(l);break;case"BYEASTER":t.byeaster=Number(l);break;default:throw new Error("Unknown RRULE property '"+o+"'")}}),t}function yI(r){if(r.indexOf(",")!==-1){var e=r.split(",");return e.map(bb)}return bb(r)}function bb(r){return/^[+-]? \d + $ /.test(r)?Number(r):r}function gI(r){var e=r.split(",");return e.map(function(t){if(t.length===2)return Er[t];var n=t.match(/^([+-]? \d {1,2})([A-Z]{2}) $ /);if(!n||n.length<3)throw new SyntaxError("Invalid weekday string: ".concat(t));var s=Number(n[1]),a=n[2],o=Er[a].weekday;return new ct(o,s)})}var ks=function(){function r(e,t){if(isNaN(e.getTime()))throw new RangeError("Invalid date passed to DateWithZone");this.date=e,this.tzid=t}return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype,"isUTC",{get:function(){return!this.tzid||this.tzid.toUpperCase()==="UTC"},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),r.prototype.toString=function(){var e=se.timeToUntilString(this.date.getTime(),this.isUTC);return this.isUTC?":".concat(e):";TZID=".concat(this.tzid,":").concat(e)},r.prototype.getTime=function(){return this.date.getTime()},r.prototype.rezonedDate=function(){var e;if(this.isUTC)return this.date;var t=Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone,n=new Date(this.date.toLocaleString(void 0,{timeZone:t})),s=new Date(this.date.toLocaleString(void 0,{timeZone:(e=this.tzid)!==null&&e!==void 0?e:"UTC"})),a=s.getTime()-n.getTime();return new Date(this.date.getTime()-a)},r}();function Ka(r){for(var e=[],t="",n=Object.keys(r),s=Object.keys(Ba),a=0;a<n.length;a++)if(n[a]!=="tzid"&&!!De(s,n[a])){var o=n[a].toUpperCase(),l=r[n[a]],c="";if(!(!Ve(l)||Ct(l)&&!l.length)){switch(o){case"FREQ":c=X.FREQUENCIES[r.freq];break;case"WKST":ar(l)?c=new ct(l).toString():c=l.toString();break;case"BYWEEKDAY":o="BYDAY",c=WT(l).map(function(O){return O instanceof ct?O:Ct(O)?new ct(O[0],O[1]):new ct(O)}).toString();break;case"DTSTART":t=_I(l,r.tzid);break;case"UNTIL":c=se.timeToUntilString(l,!r.tzid);break;default:if(Ct(l)){for(var f=[],p=0;p<l.length;p++)f[p]=String(l[p]);c=f.toString()}else c=String(l)}c&&e.push([o,c])}}var g=e.map(function(O){var b=O[0],x=O[1];return"".concat(b,"=").concat(x.toString())}).join(";"),T="";return g!==""&&(T="RRULE:".concat(g)),[t,T].filter(function(O){return!!O}).join( `
` )}function _I(r,e){return r?"DTSTART"+new ks(new Date(r),e).toString():""}function TI(r,e){return Array.isArray(r)?!Array.isArray(e)||r.length!==e.length?!1:r.every(function(t,n){return t.getTime()===e[n].getTime()}):r instanceof Date?e instanceof Date&&r.getTime()===e.getTime():r===e}var vb=function(){function r(){this.all=!1,this.before=[],this.after=[],this.between=[]}return r.prototype._cacheAdd=function(e,t,n){t&&(t=t instanceof Date?se.clone(t):se.cloneDates(t)),e==="all"?this.all=t:(n._value=t,this[e].push(n))},r.prototype._cacheGet=function(e,t){var n=!1,s=t?Object.keys(t):[],a=function(p){for(var g=0;g<s.length;g++){var T=s[g];if(!TI(t[T],p[T]))return!0}return!1},o=this[e];if(e==="all")n=this.all;else if(Ct(o))for(var l=0;l<o.length;l++){var c=o[l];if(!(s.length&&a(c))){n=c._value;break}}if(!n&&this.all){for(var f=new yn(e,t),l=0;l<this.all.length&&f.accept(this.all[l]);l++);n=f.getValue(),this._cacheAdd(e,n,t)}return Ct(n)?se.cloneDates(n):n instanceof Date?se.clone(n):n},r}();var wb=U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U([],we(1,31),!0),we(2,28),!0),we(3,31),!0),we(4,30),!0),we(5,31),!0),we(6,30),!0),we(7,31),!0),we(8,31),!0),we(9,30),!0),we(10,31),!0),we(11,30),!0),we(12,31),!0),we(1,7),!0),kb=U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U([],we(1,31),!0),we(2,29),!0),we(3,31),!0),we(4,30),!0),we(5,31),!0),we(6,30),!0),we(7,31),!0),we(8,31),!0),we(9,30),!0),we(10,31),!0),we(11,30),!0),we(12,31),!0),we(1,7),!0),bI=kr(1,29),vI=kr(1,30),Gn=kr(1,31),Ut=kr(1,32),Eb=U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U([],Ut,!0),vI,!0),Ut,!0),Gn,!0),Ut,!0),Gn,!0),Ut,!0),Ut,!0),Gn,!0),Ut,!0),Gn,!0),Ut,!0),Ut.slice(0,7),!0),Db=U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U([],Ut,!0),bI,!0),Ut,!0),Gn,!0),Ut,!0),Gn,!0),Ut,!0),Ut,!0),Gn,!0),Ut,!0),Gn,!0),Ut,!0),Ut.slice(0,7),!0),wI=kr(-28,0),kI=kr(-29,0),Hn=kr(-30,0),Wt=kr(-31,0),Sb=U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U([],Wt,!0),kI,!0),Wt,!0),Hn,!0),Wt,!0),Hn,!0),Wt,!0),Wt,!0),Hn,!0),Wt,!0),Hn,!0),Wt,!0),Wt.slice(0,7),!0),Ob=U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U(U([],Wt,!0),wI,!0),Wt,!0),Hn,!0),Wt,!0),Hn,!0),Wt,!0),Wt,!0),Hn,!0),Wt,!0),Hn,!0),Wt,!0),Wt.slice(0,7),!0),Mb=[0,31,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335,366],Rb=[0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365],Ih=function(){for(var r=[],e=0;e<55;e++)r=r.concat(kr(7));return r}();function xb(r,e){var t=new Date(Date.UTC(r,0,1)),n=se.isLeapYear(r)?366:365,s=se.isLeapYear(r+1)?366:365,a=se.toOrdinal(t),o=se.getWeekday(t),l=Bt(Bt({yearlen:n,nextyearlen:s,yearordinal:a,yearweekday:o},EI(r)),{wnomask:null});if(or(e.byweekno))return l;l.wnomask=we(0,n+7);var c,f,p=c=Yt(7-o+e.wkst,7);p>=4?(p=0,f=l.yearlen+Yt(o-e.wkst,7)):f=n-p;for(var g=Math.floor(f/7),T=Yt(f,7),O=Math.floor(g+T/4),b=0;b<e.byweekno.length;b++){var x=e.byweekno[b];if(x<0&&(x+=O+1),x>0&&x<=O){var I=void 0;x>1?(I=p+(x-1)*7,p!==c&&(I-=7-c)):I=p;for(var $ =0; $ <7&&(l.wnomask[I]=1,I++,l.wdaymask[I]!==e.wkst); $ ++);}}if(De(e.byweekno,1)){var I=p+O*7;if(p!==c&&(I-=7-c),I<n)for(var b=0;b<7&&(l.wnomask[I]=1,I+=1,l.wdaymask[I]!==e.wkst);b++);}if(p){var H=void 0;if(De(e.byweekno,-1))H=-1;else{var W=se.getWeekday(new Date(Date.UTC(r-1,0,1))),ke=Yt(7-W.valueOf()+e.wkst,7),Te=se.isLeapYear(r-1)?366:365,be=void 0;ke>=4?(ke=0,be=Te+Yt(W-e.wkst,7)):be=n-p,H=Math.floor(52+Yt(be,7)/4)}if(De(e.byweekno,H))for(var I=0;I<p;I++)l.wnomask[I]=1}return l}function EI(r){var e=se.isLeapYear(r)?366:365,t=new Date(Date.UTC(r,0,1)),n=se.getWeekday(t);return e===365?{mmask:wb,mdaymask:Db,nmdaymask:Ob,wdaymask:Ih.slice(n),mrange:Rb}:{mmask:kb,mdaymask:Eb,nmdaymask:Sb,wdaymask:Ih.slice(n),mrange:Mb}}function Ab(r,e,t,n,s,a){var o={lastyear:r,lastmonth:e,nwdaymask:[]},l=[];if(a.freq===X.YEARLY)if(or(a.bymonth))l=[[0,t]];else for(var c=0;c<a.bymonth.length;c++)e=a.bymonth[c],l.push(n.slice(e-1,e+1));else a.freq===X.MONTHLY&&(l=[n.slice(e-1,e+1)]);if(or(l))return o;o.nwdaymask=we(0,t);for(var c=0;c<l.length;c++)for(var f=l[c],p=f[0],g=f[1]-1,T=0;T<a.bynweekday.length;T++){var O=void 0,b=a.bynweekday[T],x=b[0],I=b[1];I<0?(O=g+(I+1)*7,O-=Yt(s[O]-x,7)):(O=p+(I-1)*7,O+=Yt(7-s[O]+x,7)),p<=O&&O<=g&&(o.nwdaymask[O]=1)}return o}function Pb(r,e){e===void 0&&(e=0);var t=r%19,n=Math.floor(r/100),s=r%100,a=M
` ),n=0;n<t.length;){var s=t[n]=t[n].replace(/ \s + $ /g,"");s?n>0&&s[0]===" "?(t[n-1]+=s.slice(1),t.splice(n,1)):n+=1:t.splice(n,1)}return t}function II(r){r.forEach(function(e){if(!/(VALUE=DATE(-TIME)?)|(TZID=)/.test(e))throw new Error("unsupported RDATE/EXDATE parm: "+e)})}function Yb(r,e){return II(e),r.split(",").map(function(t){return se.untilStringToDate(t)})}function Ub(r){var e=this;return function(t){if(t!==void 0&&(e["_".concat(r)]=t),e["_".concat(r)]!==void 0)return e["_".concat(r)];for(var n=0;n<e._rrule.length;n++){var s=e._rrule[n].origOptions[r];if(s)return s}}}var Lh=function(r){pi(e,r);function e(t){t===void 0&&(t=!1);var n=r.call(this,{},t)||this;return n.dtstart=Ub.apply(n,["dtstart"]),n.tzid=Ub.apply(n,["tzid"]),n._rrule=[],n._rdate=[],n._exrule=[],n._exdate=[],n}return e.prototype._iter=function(t){return Fb(t,this._rrule,this._exrule,this._rdate,this._exdate,this.tzid())},e.prototype.rrule=function(t){Wb(t,this._rrule)},e.prototype.exrule=function(t){Wb(t,this._exrule)},e.prototype.rdate=function(t){qb(t,this._rdate)},e.prototype.exdate=function(t){qb(t,this._exdate)},e.prototype.rrules=function(){return this._rrule.map(function(t){return Ru(t.toString())})},e.prototype.exrules=function(){return this._exrule.map(function(t){return Ru(t.toString())})},e.prototype.rdates=function(){return this._rdate.map(function(t){return new Date(t.getTime())})},e.prototype.exdates=function(){return this._exdate.map(function(t){return new Date(t.getTime())})},e.prototype.valueOf=function(){var t=[];return!this._rrule.length&&this._dtstart&&(t=t.concat(Ka({dtstart:this._dtstart}))),this._rrule.forEach(function(n){t=t.concat(n.toString().split( `
` ))}),this._exrule.forEach(function(n){t=t.concat(n.toString().split( `
` ).map(function(s){return s.replace(/^RRULE:/,"EXRULE:")}).filter(function(s){return!/^DTSTART/.test(s)}))}),this._rdate.length&&t.push(jb("RDATE",this._rdate,this.tzid())),this._exdate.length&&t.push(jb("EXDATE",this._exdate,this.tzid())),t},e.prototype.toString=function(){return this.valueOf().join( `
` )},e.prototype.clone=function(){var t=new e(!!this._cache);return this._rrule.forEach(function(n){return t.rrule(n.clone())}),this._exrule.forEach(function(n){return t.exrule(n.clone())}),this._rdate.forEach(function(n){return t.rdate(new Date(n.getTime()))}),this._exdate.forEach(function(n){return t.exdate(new Date(n.getTime()))}),t},e}(X);function Wb(r,e){if(!(r instanceof X))throw new TypeError(String(r)+" is not RRule instance");De(e.map(String),String(r))||e.push(r)}function qb(r,e){if(!(r instanceof Date))throw new TypeError(String(r)+" is not Date instance");De(e.map(Number),Number(r))||(e.push(r),se.sort(e))}function jb(r,e,t){var n=!t||t.toUpperCase()==="UTC",s=n?"".concat(r,":"):"".concat(r,";TZID=").concat(t,":"),a=e.map(function(o){return se.timeToUntilString(o.valueOf(),n)}).join(",");return"".concat(s).concat(a)}function Br(r,e){return r!==null&&e===null?-1:r===null&&e!==null?1:r!==null&&e!==null?r.isValid()&&!e.isValid()?-1:!r.isValid()&&e.isValid()||r.isAfter(e)?1:r.isBefore(e)?-1:0:0}var Mt=class{constructor({rrule:e,baseOnToday:t,referenceDate:n,startDate:s,scheduledDate:a,dueDate:o}){this.rrule=e,this.baseOnToday=t,this.referenceDate=n,this.startDate=s,this.scheduledDate=a,this.dueDate=o}static fromText({recurrenceRuleText:e,startDate:t,scheduledDate:n,dueDate:s}){try{let a=e.match(/^([a-zA-Z0-9, !]+?)( when done)? $ /i);if(a==null)return null;let o=a[1].trim(),l=a[2]!==void 0,c=X.parseText(o);if(c!==null){let f=null;s?f=window.moment(s):n?f=window.moment(n):t&&(f=window.moment(t)),!l&&f!==null?c.dtstart=window.moment(f).startOf("day").utc(!0).toDate():c.dtstart=window.moment().startOf("day").utc(!0).toDate();let p=new X(c);return new Mt({rrule:p,baseOnToday:l,referenceDate:f,startDate:t,scheduledDate:n,dueDate:s})}}catch(a){}return null}toText(){let e=this.rrule.toText();return this.baseOnToday&&(e+=" when done"),e}next(){let e=this.nextReferenceDate();if(e!==null){let t=null,n=null,s=null;if(this.referenceDate){if(this.startDate){let a=window.moment.duration(this.startDate.diff(this.referenceDate));t=window.moment(e),t.add(Math.round(a.asDays()),"days")}if(this.scheduledDate){let a=window.moment.duration(this.scheduledDate.diff(this.referenceDate));n=window.moment(e),n.add(Math.round(a.asDays()),"days")}if(this.dueDate){let a=window.moment.duration(this.dueDate.diff(this.referenceDate));s=window.moment(e),s.add(Math.round(a.asDays()),"days")}}return{startDate:t,scheduledDate:n,dueDate:s}}return null}identicalTo(e){return this.baseOnToday!==e.baseOnToday||Br(this.startDate,e.startDate)!==0||Br(this.scheduledDate,e.scheduledDate)!==0||Br(this.dueDate,e.dueDate)!==0?!1:this.toText()===e.toText()}nextReferenceDate(){if(this.baseOnToday){let e=window.moment();return this.nextReferenceDateFromToday(e).toDate()}else return this.nextReferenceDateFromOriginalReferenceDate().toDate()}nextReferenceDateFromToday(e){let t=new X(tr(Pe({},this.rrule.origOptions),{dtstart:e.startOf("day").utc(!0).toDate()}));return this.nextAfter(e.endOf("day"),t)}nextReferenceDateFromOriginalReferenceDate(){var t;let e=window.moment((t=this.referenceDate)!=null?t:void 0).endOf("day");return this.nextAfter(e,this.rrule)}nextAfter(e,t){e.utc(!0);let n=window.moment(t.after(e.toDate())),s=this.toText(),a=s.match(/every( \d +)? month(s)?(.*)?/);a!==null&&(s.includes(" on ")||(n=Mt.nextAfterMonths(e,n,t,a[1])));let o=s.match(/every( \d +)? year(s)?(.*)?/);return o!==null&&(n=Mt.nextAfterYears(e,n,t,o[1])),Mt.addTimezone(n)}static nextAfterMonths(e,t,n,s){let a=1;for(s!==void 0&&(a=Number.parseInt(s.trim(),10));Mt.isSkippingTooManyMonths(e,t,a);)t=Mt.fromOneDayEarlier(e,n);return t}static isSkippingTooManyMonths(e,t,n){let s=t.month()-e.month();return s+=(t.year()-e.year())*12,s>n}static nextAfterYears(e,t,n,s){let a=1;for(s!==void 0&&(a=Number.parseInt(s.trim(),10));Mt.isSkippingTooManyYears(e,t,a);)t=Mt.fromOneDayEarlier(e,n);return t}static isSkippingTooManyYears(e,t,n){return t.year()-e.year()>n}static fromOneDayEarlier(e,t){e.subtract(1,"days").endOf("day");let n=t.origOptions;return n.dtstart=e.startOf("day").toDate(),t=new X(n),wind
` }),o=o.slice(0,a.autoSuggestMaxItems),o}}function FI(r,e,t,n){let s=c=>Object.values(n.prioritySymbols).some(f=>f.length>0&&c.includes(f)),a=[];if(r.includes(n.dueDateSymbol)||a.push({displayText: ` $ { n . dueDateSymbol } due date ` ,appendText: ` $ { n . dueDateSymbol } ` }),r.includes(n.startDateSymbol)||a.push({displayText: ` $ { n . startDateSymbol } start date ` ,appendText: ` $ { n . startDateSymbol } ` }),r.includes(n.scheduledDateSymbol)||a.push({displayText: ` $ { n . scheduledDateSymbol } scheduled date ` ,appendText: ` $ { n . scheduledDateSymbol } ` }),s(r)||(a.push({displayText: ` $ { n . prioritySymbols . High } high priority ` ,appendText: ` $ { n . prioritySymbols . High } ` }),a.push({displayText: ` $ { n . prioritySymbols . Medium } medium priority ` ,appendText: ` $ { n . prioritySymbols . Medium } ` }),a.push({displayText: ` $ { n . prioritySymbols . Low } low priority ` ,appendText: ` $ { n . prioritySymbols . Low } ` })),r.includes(n.recurrenceSymbol)||a.push({displayText: ` $ { n . recurrenceSymbol } recurring ( repeat ) ` ,appendText: ` $ { n . recurrenceSymbol } ` }),!r.includes(n.createdDateSymbol)){let f=ir.parseDate("today",!0).format(ie.dateFormat);a.push({textToMatch: ` $ { n . createdDateSymbol } created ` ,displayText: ` $ { n . createdDateSymbol } created today ( $ { f } ) ` ,appendText: ` $ { n . createdDateSymbol } $ { f } ` })}let o=Wh(r,/([a-zA-Z'_-]*)/g,e),l=[];if(o&&o.length>0){let c=o[0];if(c.length>=Math.max(1,t.autoSuggestMinMatch)){let f=a.filter(p=>(p.textToMatch||p.displayText).toLowerCase().includes(c.toLowerCase()));for(let p of f)l.push({suggestionType:"match",displayText:p.displayText,appendText:p.appendText,insertAt:o.index,insertSkip:c.length})}}return l.length===0&&t.autoSuggestMinMatch===0?a:l}function LI(r,e,t,n,s){let a=["today","tomorrow","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","next week","next month","next year"],o=[],l=new RegExp( ` ( $ { n } ) \ \ s * ( [ 0 - 9 a - zA - Z ] * ) ` ,"ug"),c=Wh(r,l,e);if(c&&c.length>=2){let f=c[1],p=c[2];if(p.length<t.autoSuggestMinMatch)return[];let g=p&&p.length>1?ir.parseDate(fi(p),!0):null;g&&g.isValid()&&o.push({displayText: ` $ { g . format ( ie . dateFormat ) } ` ,appendText: ` $ { f } $ { g . format ( ie . dateFormat ) } ` ,insertAt:c.index,insertSkip:c[0].length});let T=1,O=a.filter(b=>p&&p.length>=T&&b.toLowerCase().includes(p.toLowerCase())).slice(0,s);O.length===0&&(O=a.slice(0,s));for(let b of O){let I= ` $ { ir . parseDate ( b , ! 0 ) . format ( ie . dateFormat ) } ` ;o.push({suggestionType:"match",displayText: ` $ { b } ( $ { I } ) ` ,appendText: ` $ { f } $ { I } ` ,insertAt:c.index,insertSkip:c[0].length})}}return o}function YI(r,e,t,n){var c;let s=["every","every day","every week","every month","every month on the","every year","every week on Sunday","every week on Monday","every week on Tuesday","every week on Wednesday","every week on Thursday","every week on Friday","every week on Saturday"],a=[],o=new RegExp( ` ( $ { n } ) \ \ s * ( [ 0 - 9 a - zA - Z ] * ) ` ,"ug"),l=Wh(r,o,e);if(l&&l.length>=2){let f=l[1],p=l[2];if(p.length<t.autoSuggestMinMatch)return[];if(p.length>0){let b=(c=Mt.fromText({recurrenceRuleText:p,startDate:null,scheduledDate:null,dueDate:null}))==null?void 0:c.toText();if(b){let x= ` $ { f } $ { b } ` ;if(a.push({suggestionType:"match",displayText: ` \u2705 $ { b } ` ,appendText:x,insertAt:l.index,insertSkip:l[0].length}),l[0]==x)return[]}}let g=1,T=t.autoSuggestMaxItems/2,O=s.filter(b=>p&&p.length>=g&&b.toLowerCase().includes(p.toLowerCase())).slice(0,T);O.length===0&&p.trim().length===0&&(O=s.slice(0,T));for(let b of O)a.push({suggestionType:"match",displayText: ` $ { b } ` ,appendText: ` $ { f } $ { b } ` ,insertAt:l.index,insertSkip:l[0].length})}return a}function Wh(r,e,t){let n=r.matchAll(e);for(let s of n)if((s==null?void 0:s.index)&&s.index<=t&&t<=s.index+s[0].length)return s}var Za=class{constructor(){this.hideTaskCount=!1;this.hideBacklinks=!1;this.hidePriority=!1;this.hideCreatedDate=!1;this.hideStartDate=!1;this.hideScheduledDate=!1;this.hideDoneDate=!1;this.hideDueDate=!1;this.hideRecurrenceRule=!1;this.hideEditButton=!1;this.hideUrgency=!0;this.shortMode=!1;this.explainQuery=!1}},Bn=class{constructor(e,t){this.defaultLayout=["description","priority","recurrenceRule","createdDate","startDate","scheduledDate","dueDate","doneDate","blockLink"];this.hiddenComponents
The task line not updated is :
$ { r . originalMarkdown }
In this markdown file :
Note : further clicks on this checkbox will usually now be ignored until the file is opened ( or certain , specific edits are made - it ' s complicated ) .
Recommendations :
1. Close all panes that have the above file open , and then re - open the file .
2. Check for exactly identical copies of the task line , in this file , and see if you can make them different .
` ;Cu(f);return}let c=Math.min(Math.pow(10,a),100);eo.debug( ` timeout = $ { c } ` ),setTimeout(()=>{Jb({originalTask:r,newTasks:e,vault:t,metadataCache:n,workspace:s,previousTries:a+1})},c)};try{let[c,f,p]=yield ev(r,t),g=[...p.slice(0,c),...e.map(T=>T.toFileLineString()),...p.slice(c+1)];yield t.modify(f,g.join( `
` ))}catch(c){if(c instanceof Vn)return c.message&&Xb(c.message),l();if(c instanceof Iu)return l();c instanceof Error&&Cu(c.message)}});function ev(r,e){return Q(this,null,function*(){if(Ja===void 0)throw new Vn;let t=e.getAbstractFileByPath(r.path);if(!(t instanceof to.TFile))throw new Vn( ` Tasks : No file found for task $ { r . description } . Retrying ... ` );if(!jI.includes(t.extension))throw new Error( ` Tasks : Does not support files with the $ { t . extension } file extension . ` );let n=Ja.getFileCache(t);if(n==null||n===null)throw new Vn( ` Tasks : No file cache found for file $ { t . path } . Retrying ... ` );let s=n.listItems;if(s===void 0||s.length===0)throw new Vn( ` Tasks : No list items found in file cache of $ { t . path } . Retrying ... ` );let o=(yield e.read(t)).split( `
` ),l=GI(r,o,s, $ I);if(l===void 0)throw new Iu;return[l,t,o]})}function Vh(r,e){return Q(this,null,function*(){try{let[t,n,s]=yield ev(r,e);return[t,n]}catch(t){t instanceof Vn?t.message&&Xb(t.message):t instanceof Error&&Cu(t.message)}})}function tv(r,e){return r<e.length}function GI(r,e,t,n){let s=HI(r,e);return s!==void 0||(s=BI(r,e),s!==void 0)?s:zI(r,e,t,n)}function HI(r,e){let t=r.taskLocation.lineNumber;if(tv(t,e)&&e[t]===r.originalMarkdown)return eo.debug( ` Found original markdown at original line number $ { t } ` ),t}function BI(r,e){let t=[];for(let n=0;n<e.length;n++)e[n]===r.originalMarkdown&&t.push(n);if(t.length===1)return t[0]}function zI(r,e,t,n){let s,a=0;for(let o of t){let l=o.position.start.line;if(!tv(l,e))return;if(l<r.taskLocation.sectionStart||o.task===void 0)continue;let c=e[l];if(Fe.includedIn(c)){if(a===r.taskLocation.sectionIndex){if(c===r.originalMarkdown)s=l;else{n( ` Tasks : Unable to find task in file $ { r . taskLocation . path } .
Expected task :
$ { r . originalMarkdown }
Found task :
$ { c } ` );return}break}a++}}return s}var Kn={description:"task-description",priority:"task-priority",dueDate:"task-due",startDate:"task-start",createdDate:"task-created",scheduledDate:"task-scheduled",doneDate:"task-done",recurrenceRule:"task-recurring",blockLink:""},VI=7,KI="far";function ZI(r,e,t){return Q(this,null,function*(){yield rv.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(r,e,t,null)})}function nv(r,e,t=null){return Q(this,null,function*(){var l;t||(t=ZI);let n=document.createElement("li");e.parentUlElement.appendChild(n),n.classList.add("task-list-item","plugin-tasks-list-item");let s=document.createElement("span");n.appendChild(s),s.classList.add("tasks-list-text");let a=yield QI(r,e,s,t);for(let c in a)n.dataset[c]=a[c];let o=document.createElement("input");return n.appendChild(o),o.classList.add("task-list-item-checkbox"),o.type="checkbox",r.status.symbol!==" "&&(o.checked=!0,n.classList.add("is-checked")),o.addEventListener("click",c=>{c.preventDefault(),c.stopPropagation(),o.disabled=!0;let f=r.toggle();Fu({originalTask:r,newTasks:f})}),n.prepend(o),n.setAttribute("data-task",r.status.symbol.trim()),n.setAttribute("data-line",e.listIndex.toString()),n.setAttribute("data-task-status-name",r.status.name),n.setAttribute("data-task-status-type",r.status.type),o.setAttribute("data-line",e.listIndex.toString()),(l=e.layoutOptions)!=null&&l.shortMode&&rF({task:r,element:s,isFilenameUnique:e.isFilenameUnique}),n})}function QI(r,e,t,n){return Q(this,null,function*(){let s={},a=new Bn(e.layoutOptions),o=_n.tasksPluginEmoji.taskSerializer;for(let l of a.layoutComponents){let c=o.componentToString(r,a,l);if(c){l==="description"&&(c=Fe.removeAsSubstringFromDependingOnSettings(c));let f=document.createElement("span");if(t.appendChild(f),f){let p=document.createElement("span");f.appendChild(p),yield XI(p,c,l,r,n);let[g,T]=Kh(l,r);JI(l,p),f.classList.add(...g);for(let O in T)f.dataset[O]=T[O];s=Pe(Pe({},s),T)}}}for(let l of a.hiddenComponents){let[c,f]=Kh(l,r);s=Pe(Pe({},s),f)}if(s.taskPriority===void 0){let[l,c]=Kh("priority",r);s=Pe(Pe({},s),c)}return s})}function XI(r,e,t,n,s){return Q(this,null,function*(){if(t==="description"){let{debugSettings:a}=le();a.showTaskHiddenData&&(e+= ` < br > \ u { 1 F41B } < b > $ { n . lineNumber } < / b > . $ { n . s e c t i o n S t a r t } . $ { n . s e c t i o n I n d e x } . ' < c o d e > $ { n . o r i g i n a l M a r k d o w n } < / c o d e > ' < b r > ' < c o d e > $ { n . p a t h } < / c o d e > ' > ' < c o d e > $ { n . p r e c e d i n g H e a d e r } < / c o d e > ' < b r > ` ) , y i e l d s ( e , r , n . p a t h ) ; l e t o = r . q u e r y S e l e c t o r ( " b l o c k q u o t e " ) , l = o ! = n u l l ? o : r , c = l . q u e r y S e l e c t o r ( " p " ) ; i f ( c ! = = n u l l ) { f o r ( ; c . f i r s t C h i l d ; ) l . i n s e r t B e f o r e ( c . f i r s t C h i l d , c ) ; c . r e m o v e ( ) } r . q u e r y S e l e c t o r A l l ( " p " ) . f o r E a c h ( f = > { f . h a s C h i l d N o d e s ( ) | | f . r e m o v e ( ) } ) , r . q u e r y S e l e c t o r A l l ( " . f o o t n o t e s " ) . f o r E a c h ( f = > { f . r e m o v e ( ) } ) } e l s e r . i n n e r H T M L = e } ) } f u n c t i o n K h ( r , e ) { l e t t = [ ] , n = { } , s = ( a , o ) = > { l e t l = e F ( a ) ; l & & ( n [ o ] = l ) } ; s w i t c h ( r ) { c a s e " d e s c r i p t i o n " : t . p u s h ( K n . d e s c r i p t i o n ) ; b r e a k ; c a s e " p r i o r i t y " : { l e t a = n u l l ; e . p r i o r i t y = = = " 1 " ? a = " h i g h " : e . p r i o r i t y = = = " 2 " ? a = " m e d i u m " : e . p r i o r i t y = = = " 4 " ? a = " l o w " : a = " n o r m a l " , n . t a s k P r i o r i t y = a , t . p u s h ( K n . p r i o r i t y ) ; b r e a k } c a s e " c r e a t e d D a t e " : { l e t a = e . c r e a t e d D a t e ; a & & ( t . p u s h ( K n . c r e a t e d D a t e ) , s ( a , " t a s k C r e a t e d " ) ) ; b r e a k } c a s e " d u e D a t e " : { l e t a = e . d u e D a t e ; a & & ( t . p u s h ( K n . d u e D a t e ) , s ( a , " t a s k D u e " ) ) ; b r e a k } c a s e " s t a r t D a t e " : { l e t a = e . s t a r t D a t e ; a & & ( t . p u s h ( K n . s t a r t D a t e ) , s ( a , " t a s k S t a r t " ) ) ; b r e a k } c a s e " s c h e d u l e d D a t e " : { l e t a = e . s c h e d u l e d D a t e ; a & & ( t . p u s h ( K n . s c h e d u l e d D a t e ) , s ( a , " t a s k S c h e d u l e d " ) ) ; b r e a k } c a s e " d o n e D a t e " : { l e t a = e . d o n e D a t e ; a & & ( t . p u s h ( K n . d o n e D a t e ) , s ( a , " t a s k D o n e " ) ) ; b r e a k } c a s e " r e c u r r e n c e R u l e " : { t . p u s h ( K n . r e c u r r e n c e R u l e ) ; b r e a k } } r e t u r n [ t , n ] } f u n c t i o n J I ( r , e ) { i f ( r = = = " d e s c r i p t i o n " ) { l e t t = e . g e t E l e m e n t s B y C l a s s N a m e ( " t a g " ) ; f o r ( l e t n = 0 ; n < t . l e n g t h ; n + + ) { l e t s = t [ n ] . t e x t C o n t e n t ; i f ( s ) { l e t a = t F ( s ) , o = t [ n ] ; a & & ( o . d a t a s e t . t a g N a m e = a ) } } } } f u n c t i o n e F ( r ) { l e t e = w i n d o w . m o m e n t ( ) . s t a r t O f ( " d a y " ) , t = " " , n = e . d i f f ( r , " d a y s " ) ; r e t u r n i s N a N ( n ) ? n u l l : n = = = 0 ? " t o d a y " : ( n > 0 ? t + = " p a s t - " : n < 0 & & ( t + = " f u t u r e - " ) , M a t h . a b s ( n ) < = V I ? t + = M a t h . a b s ( n ) . t o S t r i n g ( ) + " d " : t + = K I , t ) } f u n c t i o n t F ( r ) { l e t e = / [ " & \ x 0 0 \ r \ n ] / g , t = r . r e p l a c e ( e , " - " ) ; r e t u r n t = t . r e p l a c e ( / ^ [ - _ ] + / , " " ) , t . l e n g t h > 0 ? t : n u l l } f u n c t i o n r F ( { t a s k : r , e l e m e n t : e , i s F i l e n a m e U n i q u e : t } ) { l e t { r e c u r r e n c e S y m b o l : n , s t a r t D a t e S y m b o l : s , c r e a t e d D a t e S y m b o l : a , s c
` ),l=o.length,c=new no(()=>Xt.fromPath(s.path)),f=null,p=0;for(let g of t)if(g.task!==void 0){let T=g.position.start.line;if(T>=l)return console.log( ` $ { s . path } Obsidian gave us a line number $ { T } past the end of the file . $ { l } . ` ),a;if((f===null||f.position.end.line<T)&&(f=Os.getSection(T,n.sections),p=0),f===null)continue;let O=o[T];if(O===void 0){console.log( ` $ { s . path } : line $ { T } - ignoring 'undefined' line . ` );continue}let b;try{b=Ge.fromLine({line:O,taskLocation:new It(s.path,T,f.position.start.line,p,Os.getPrecedingHeader(T,n.headings)),fallbackDate:c.value})}catch(x){this.reportTaskParsingErrorToUser(x,s,g,O);continue}b!==null&&(p++,a.push(b))}return a}reportTaskParsingErrorToUser(e,t,n,s){let a= ` There was an error reading one of the tasks in this vault .
The following task has been ignored , to prevent Tasks queries getting stuck with 'Loading Tasks ...'
Error : $ { e }
File : $ { t . path }
Line number : $ { n . position . start . line }
Task line : $ { s }
Please create a bug report for this message at
https : //github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks/issues/new/choose
to help us find and fix the underlying issue .
Include :
- either a screenshot of the error popup , or copy the text from the console , if on a desktop machine .
- the output from running the Obsidian command 'Show debug info'
The error popup will only be shown when Tasks is starting up , but if the error persists ,
it will be shown in the console every time this file is edited during the Obsidian
session .
` ;console.error(a),e instanceof Error&&console.error(e.stack),this.state==="Initializing"&&new gi.Notice(a,1e4)}static getSection(e,t){if(t===void 0)return null;for(let n of t)if(n.position.start.line<=e&&n.position.end.line>=e)return n;return null}static getPrecedingHeader(e,t){if(t===void 0)return null;let n=null;for(let s of t){if(s.position.start.line>e)return n;n=s.heading}return n}};var ap=require("obsidian");var vv=require("obsidian");function Rs(){}function Xh(r){return r()}function iv(){return Object.create(null)}function xs(r){r.forEach(Xh)}function ov(r){return typeof r=="function"}function uv(r,e){return r!=r?e==e:r!==e||r&&typeof r=="object"||typeof r=="function"}function lv(r){return Object.keys(r).length===0}var cv=!1;function nF(){cv=!0}function sF(){cv=!1}function L(r,e){r.appendChild(e)}function _i(r,e,t){r.insertBefore(e,t||null)}function As(r){r.parentNode.removeChild(r)}function Jh(r,e){for(let t=0;t<r.length;t+=1)r[t]&&r[t].d(e)}function ae(r){return document.createElement(r)}function iF(r){return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",r)}function Jt(r){return document.createTextNode(r)}function Se(){return Jt(" ")}function zt(r,e,t,n){return r.addEventListener(e,t,n),()=>r.removeEventListener(e,t,n)}function dv(r){return function(e){return e.preventDefault(),r.call(this,e)}}function z(r,e,t){t==null?r.removeAttribute(e):r.getAttribute(e)!==t&&r.setAttribute(e,t)}function aF(r){return Array.from(r.childNodes)}function ep(r,e){e=""+e,r.wholeText!==e&&(r.data=e)}function Fr(r,e){r.value=e==null?"":e}function tp(r,e){for(let t=0;t<r.options.length;t+=1){let n=r.options[t];if(n.__value===e){n.selected=!0;return}}r.selectedIndex=-1}function fv(r){let e=r.querySelector(":checked")||r.options[0];return e&&e.__value}function Lr(r,e,t){r.classList[t?"add":"remove"](e)}var Ms=class{constructor(e=!1){this.is_svg=!1,this.is_svg=e,this.e=this.n=null}c(e){this.h(e)}m(e,t,n=null){this.e||(this.is_svg?this.e=iF(t.nodeName):this.e=ae(t.nodeName),this.t=t,this.c(e)),this.i(n)}h(e){this.e.innerHTML=e,this.n=Array.from(this.e.childNodes)}i(e){for(let t=0;t<this.n.length;t+=1)_i(this.t,this.n[t],e)}p(e){this.d(),this.h(e),this.i(this.a)}d(){this.n.forEach(As)}};var ao;function io(r){ao=r}function oF(){if(!ao)throw new Error("Function called outside component initialization");return ao}function rp(r){oF(). $ $ .on_mount.push(r)}var so=[];var Uu=[],Yu=[],av=[],uF=Promise.resolve(),Qh=!1;function lF(){Qh||(Qh=!0,uF.then(hv))}function oo(r){Yu.push(r)}var Zh=new Set,Lu=0;function hv(){let r=ao;do{for(;Lu<so.length;){let e=so[Lu];Lu++,io(e),cF(e. $ $ )}for(io(null),so.length=0,Lu=0;Uu.length;)Uu.pop()();for(let e=0;e<Yu.length;e+=1){let t=Yu[e];Zh.has(t)||(Zh.add(t),t())}Yu.length=0}while(so.length);for(;av.length;)av.pop()();Qh=!1,Zh.clear(),io(r)}function cF(r){if(r.fragment!==null){r.update(),xs(r.before_update);let e=r.dirty;r.dirty=[-1],r.fragment&&r.fragment.p(r.ctx,e),r.after_update.forEach(oo)}}var dF=new Set;function fF(r,e){r&&r.i&&(dF.delete(r),r.i(e))}var Cj=typeof window!="undefined"?window:typeof globalThis!="undefined"?globalThis:global;function hF(r,e,t,n){let{fragment:s,on_mount:a,on_destroy:o,after_update:l}=r. $ $ ;s&&s.m(e,t),n||oo(()=>{let c=a.map(Xh).filter(ov);o?o.push(...c):xs(c),r. $ $ .on_mount=[]}),l.forEach(oo)}function pv(r,e){let t=r. $ $ ;t.fragment!==null&&(xs(t.on_destroy),t.fragment&&t.fragment.d(e),t.on_destroy=t.fragment=null,t.ctx=[])}function pF(r,e){r. $ $ .dirty[0]===-1&&(so.push(r),lF(),r. $ $ .dirty.fill(0)),r. $ $ .dirty[e/31|0]|=1<<e%31}function mv(r,e,t,n,s,a,o,l=[-1]){let c=ao;io(r);let f=r. $ $ ={fragment:null,ctx:null,props:a,update:Rs,not_equal:s,bound:iv(),on_mount:[],on_destroy:[],on_disconnect:[],before_update:[],after_update:[],context:new Map(e.context||(c?c. $ $ .context:[])),callbacks:iv(),dirty:l,skip_bound:!1,root:e.target||c. $ $ .root};o&&o(f.root);let p=!1;if(f.ctx=t?t(r,e.props||{},(g,T,...O)=>{let b=O.length?O[0]:T;return f.ctx&&s(f.ctx[g],f.ctx[g]=b)&&(!f.skip_bound&&f.bound[g]&&f.bound[g](b),p&&pF(r,g)),T}):[],f.update(),p=!0,xs(f.before_update),f.fragment=n?n(f.ctx):!1,e.targe
< span class = "accesskey-first" > future < / s p a n > d a t e s : ` , I i = S e ( ) , $ e = a e ( " i n p u t " ) , t s = S e ( ) , h t = a e ( " d i v " ) , d e = a e ( " l a b e l " ) , d e . i n n e r H T M L = ' S t a t < s p a n c l a s s = " a c c e s s k e y " > u < / s p a n > s ' , Q r = S e ( ) , x t = a e ( " s e l e c t " ) ; f o r ( l e t G = 0 ; G < J e . l e n g t h ; G + = 1 ) J e [ G ] . c ( ) ; h o = S e ( ) , U r = a e ( " d i v " ) , M n = a e ( " d i v " ) , b t = a e ( " l a b e l " ) , b t . t e x t C o n t e n t = " C o m p l e t e d : " , F i = S e ( ) , d r = a e ( " i n p u t " ) , Y e = S e ( ) , R n = a e ( " d i v " ) , q s = a e ( " s p a n " ) , q s . t e x t C o n t e n t = " C r e a t e d o n : " , n s = S e ( ) , x n = a e ( " c o d e " ) , s s = S e ( ) , f r = a e ( " d i v " ) , A n = a e ( " s p a n " ) , A n . t e x t C o n t e n t = " D o n e o n : " , p o = S e ( ) , J r = a e ( " c o d e " ) , m o = S e ( ) , h r = a e ( " d i v " ) , p r = a e ( " b u t t o n " ) , B = J t ( " A p p l y " ) , y o = S e ( ) , p t = a e ( " b u t t o n " ) , p t . t e x t C o n t e n t = " C a n c e l " , z ( s , " f o r " , " d e s c r i p t i o n " ) , z ( o , " i d " , " d e s c r i p t i o n " ) , z ( o , " t y p e " , " t e x t " ) , z ( o , " c l a s s " , " t a s k s - m o d a l - d e s c r i p t i o n " ) , z ( o , " p l a c e h o l d e r " , " T a k e o u t t h e t r a s h " ) , z ( o , " a c c e s s k e y " , l = r [ 1 5 ] ( " t " ) ) , z ( n , " c l a s s " , " t a s k s - m o d a l - s e c t i o n " ) , z ( p , " f o r " , T = " p r i o r i t y - " + r [ 1 ] . p r i o r i t y ) , z ( f , " c l a s s " , " t a s k s - m o d a l - s e c t i o n t a s k s - m o d a l - p r i o r i t i e s " ) , z ( I , " f o r " , " r e c u r r e n c e " ) , z ( I , " c l a s s " , " a c c e s s k e y - f i r s t " ) , z ( H , " i d " , " r e c u r r e n c e " ) , z ( H , " t y p e " , " t e x t " ) , z ( H , " p l a c e h o l d e r " , " T r y ' e v e r y 2 w e e k s o n T h u r s d a y ' . " ) , z ( H , " a c c e s s k e y " , W = r [ 1 5 ] ( " r " ) ) , L r ( H , " t a s k s - m o d a l - e r r o r " , ! r [ 8 ] ) , n e . a = n u l l , z ( _ t , " f o r " , " d u e " ) , z ( _ t , " c l a s s " , " a c c e s s k e y - f i r s t " ) , z ( q , " i d " , " d u e " ) , z ( q , " t y p e " , " t e x t " ) , z ( q , " p l a c e h o l d e r " , n p ) , z ( q , " a c c e s s k e y " , A = r [ 1 5 ] ( " d " ) ) , L r ( q , " t a s k s - m o d a l - e r r o r " , ! r [ 7 ] ) , _ . a = n u l l , z ( k , " f o r " , " s c h e d u l e d " ) , z ( k , " c l a s s " , " a c c e s s k e y - f i r s t " ) , z ( M , " i d " , " s c h e d u l e d " ) , z ( M , " t y p e " , " t e x t " ) , z ( M , " p l a c e h o l d e r " , n p ) , z ( M , " a c c e s s k e y " , E = r [ 1 5 ] ( " s " ) ) , L r ( M , " t a s k s - m o d a l - e r r o r " , ! r [ 5 ] ) , E e . a = n u l l , z ( c e , " f o r " , " s t a r t " ) , z ( K , " i d " , " s t a r t " ) , z ( K , " t y p e " , " t e x t " ) , z ( K , " p l a c e h o l d e r " , n p ) , z ( K , " a c c e s s k e y " , q e = r [ 1 5 ] ( " a " ) ) , L r ( K , " t a s k s - m o d a l - e r r o r " , ! r [ 3 ] ) , j e . a = n u l l , z ( O n , " f o r " , " f o r w a r d O n l y " ) , z ( $ e , " i d " , " f o r w a r d O n l y " ) , z ( $ e , " t y p e " , " c h e c k b o x " ) , z ( $ e , " c l a s s " , " t a s k - l i s t - i t e m - c h e c k b o x t a s k s - m o d a l - c h e c k b o x " ) , z ( $ e , " a c c e s s k e y " , W s = r [ 1 5 ] ( " f " ) ) , z ( x , " c l a s s " , " t a s k s - m o d a l - s e c t i o n t a s k s - m o d a l - d a t e s " ) , z ( d e , " f o r " , " s t a t u s " ) , z ( x t , " i d " , " s t a t u s - t y p e " ) , z ( x t , " c l a s s " , " d r o p d o w n " ) , z ( x t , " a c c e s s k e y " , r s = r [ 1 5 ] ( " u " ) ) , r [ 1 ] . s t a t u s = = = v o i d 0 & & o o ( ( ) = > r [ 3 9 ] . c a l l ( x t ) ) , z ( h t , " c l a s s " , " t a s k s - m o d a l - s e c t i o n " ) , z ( b t , " f o r " , " s t a t u s " ) , z ( d r , " i d " , " s t a t u s " ) , z ( d r , " t y p e " , " c h e c k b o x " ) , z ( d r , " c l a s s " , " t a s k - l i s t - i t e m - c h e c k b o x t a s k s - m o d a l - c h e c k b o x " ) , d r . c h e c k e d = X r = r [ 1 ] . s t a t u s . i s C o m p l e t e d ( ) , d r . d i s a b l e d = ! 0 , z ( U r , " c l a s s " , " t a s k s - m o d a l - s e c t i o n t a s k s - m o d a l - s t a t u s " ) , p r . d i s a b l e d = j s = ! r [ 1 4 ] , z ( p r , " t y p e " , " s u b m i t " ) , z ( p r , " c l a s s " , " m o d - c t a " ) , z ( p t , " t y p e " , " b u t t o n " ) , z ( h r , " c l a s s " , " t a s k s - m o d a l - s e c t i o n t a s k s - m o d a l - b u t t o n s " ) , L r ( t , " w i t h - a c c e s s k e y s " , r [ 9 ] ) , z ( e , " c l a s s " , " t a s k s - m o d a l " ) } , m ( G , r e ) { _ i ( G , e , r e ) , L ( e , t ) , L ( t , n ) , L ( n , s ) , L ( n , a ) , L ( n , o ) , F r ( o , r [ 1 ] . d e s c r i p t i o n ) , r [ 3 1 ] ( o ) , L ( t , c ) , L ( t , f ) , L ( f , p ) , L ( p , g ) , L ( f , O ) ; f o r ( l e t u e = 0 ; u e < L t . l e n g t h ; u e + = 1 ) L t [ u e ] . m ( f , n u l l ) ; L ( t , b ) , L ( t , x ) , L ( x , I ) , L ( x , $ ) , L ( x , H ) , F r ( H , r [ 1 ] . r e c u r r e n c e R u l e ) , L ( x , k e ) , L ( x , T e ) , L ( T e , b e ) , L ( T e , e e ) , n e . m ( r [ 1 2 ] , T e ) , L ( x , F t ) , L ( x , _ t ) , L ( x , V ) , L ( x , q ) , F r ( q , r [ 1 ] . d u e D a t e ) , L ( x , J ) , L ( x , Y ) , L ( Y , o e ) , L ( Y , y ) , _ . m ( r [ 6 ] , Y ) , L ( x , w ) , L ( x , k ) , L ( x , D ) , L ( x , M ) , F r ( M , r [ 1 ] . s c h e d u l e d D a t e ) , L ( x , C ) , L ( x , P ) , L ( P , N ) , L ( P , j ) , E e . m ( r [ 4 ] , P ) , L ( x , p e ) , L ( x , c e ) , L ( x , C e ) , L ( x , K ) , F r ( K , r [ 1 ] . s t a r t D a t e ) , L ( x , X e ) , L ( x , d t ) , L ( d t , O r ) , L ( d t , a t ) , j e . m ( r [ 2 ] , d t ) , L ( x , f t ) , L ( x , T t ) , L ( T t , O n ) , L ( T t , I i ) , L ( T t , $ e ) , $ e . c h e c k e d = r [ 1 ] . f o r w a r d O n l y , L ( t , t s ) , L ( t , h t ) , L ( h t , d e ) , L ( h t , Q r ) , L ( h t , x t ) ; f o r ( l e t u e = 0 ; u e < J e . l e n g t h ; u e + = 1 ) J e [ u e ] . m ( x t , n u l l ) ; t p ( x t , r [ 1 ] . s t a t u s ) , L ( t , h o ) , L ( t , U r ) , L ( U r , M n ) , L ( M n , b t ) , L ( M n , F i ) , L ( M n , d r ) , L ( U r , Y e ) , L ( U r , R n ) , L ( R n , q s ) , L ( R n , n s ) , L ( R n , x n ) , x n . i n n e r H T M L = r [ 1 1 ] , L ( U r , s s ) , L ( U r , f r ) , L ( f r , A n ) , L ( f r , p o ) , L ( f r , J r ) , J r . i n n e r H T M L = r [ 1 3 ] , L ( t , m o ) , L ( t , h r ) , L ( h r , p r ) , L ( p r , B ) , L ( h r , y o ) , L ( h r , p t ) , i s | | ( A e = [ z t ( o , " i n p u t " , r [ 3 0 ] ) , z t ( o , " k e y d o w n " , r [ 2 3 ] ) , z t ( o , " p a s t e " , r [ 2 4 ] ) , z t ( o , " d r o p " , r [ 2 4 ] ) , z t ( f , " k e y u p " , r [ 2 1 ] ) , z t ( H , " i n p u t " , r [ 3 4 ] ) , z t ( q , " i n p u t " , r [ 3 5 ] ) , z t ( M , " i n p u t " , r [ 3 6 ] ) , z t ( K , " i n p u t " , r [ 3 7 ] ) , z t ( $ e , " c h a n g e " , r [ 3 8 ] ) , z t ( x t , " c h a n g e " , r [ 3 9 ] ) , z t ( p t , " c l i c k " , r [ 2 2 ] ) , z t ( t , " s u b m i t " , d v ( r [ 2 5 ] ) ) ] , i s = ! 0 ) } , p ( G , r e ) { i f ( r e [ 0 ] & 3 2 7 6 8 & & l ! = = ( l = G [ 1 5 ] ( " t " ) ) & & z ( o , " a c c e s s k e y " , l ) , r e [ 0 ] & 3 & & F r ( o , G [ 1 ] . d e s c r i p t i o n ) , r e [ 0 ] & 3 & & T ! = = ( T = " p r i o r i t y - " + G [ 1 ] . p r i o r i t y ) & & z ( p , " f o r " , T ) , r e [ 0 ] & 1 0 8 1 3 4 6 ) { m r = G [ 2 0 ] ; l e t u e ; f o r ( u e = 0 ; u e < m r . l e n g t h ; u e + = 1 ) { l e t j t = g v ( G , m r , u e ) ; L t [ u e ] ? L t [ u e ] . p ( j t , r e ) : ( L t [ u e ] = _ v ( j t ) , L t [ u e ] . c ( ) , L t [ u e ] . m ( f , n u l l ) ) } f o r ( ; u e < L t . l e n g t h ; u e
` );e.setLine(o,O)};new Zn({app:n,task:c,onSubmit:f}).open()};var op=require("obsidian");var kv=(r,e,t)=>{var c;if(r)return t instanceof op.MarkdownView;if(!(t instanceof op.MarkdownView))return;let n=(c=t.file)==null?void 0:c.path;if(n===void 0)return;let s=e.getCursor(),a=s.line,o=e.getLine(a),l=TF(o,n);e.setLine(a,l.text),e.setCursor(bF(s,l))},TF=(r,e)=>{let t=Ge.fromLine({line:r,taskLocation:It.fromUnknownPosition(e),fallbackDate:null});if(t!==null){let n=t.toggle().map(s=>s.toFileLineString());return{text:n.join( `
` ),moveTo:{line:n.length-1}}}else{let n=r.match(ie.taskRegex);if(n!==null){let s=n[3],o=He.getInstance().bySymbol(s).nextStatusSymbol;return{text:r.replace(ie.taskRegex, ` $1 - [ $ { o } ] $4 ` )}}else if(ie.listItemRegex.test(r)){let s=r.replace(ie.listItemRegex," $ 1 $ 2 [ ]");return{text:s,moveTo:{ch:s.length}}}else{let s=r.replace(ie.indentationRegex," $ 1- ");return{text:s,moveTo:{ch:s.length}}}}},bF=(r,e)=>{var a;let t={line:0,ch:r.ch},n=Pe(Pe({},t),(a=e.moveTo)!=null?a:{}),s=e.text.split( `
` )[n.line].length;return{line:r.line+n.line,ch:Math.min(n.ch,s)}};var ju=class{get app(){return this.plugin.app}constructor({plugin:e}){this.plugin=e,e.addCommand({id:"edit-task",name:"Create or edit task",icon:"pencil",editorCheckCallback:(t,n,s)=>wv(t,n,s,this.app)}),e.addCommand({id:"toggle-done",name:"Toggle task done",icon:"check-in-circle",editorCheckCallback:kv})}};var $ u=class{constructor({obsidianEvents:e}){this.obsidianEvents=e}onCacheUpdate(e){return this.obsidianEvents.on("obsidian-tasks-plugin:cache-update",e)}triggerCacheUpdate(e){this.obsidianEvents.trigger("obsidian-tasks-plugin:cache-update",e)}onRequestCacheUpdate(e){return this.obsidianEvents.on("obsidian-tasks-plugin:request-cache-update",e)}triggerRequestCacheUpdate(e){this.obsidianEvents.trigger("obsidian-tasks-plugin:request-cache-update",e)}off(e){this.obsidianEvents.offref(e)}};var Gu=class{constructor({plugin:e}){this.markdownPostProcessor=this._markdownPostProcessor.bind(this);e.registerMarkdownPostProcessor(this._markdownPostProcessor.bind(this))}_markdownPostProcessor(e,t){return Q(this,null,function*(){var f;let n=e.findAll(".task-list-item").filter(p=>{var O;let g=(O=p.textContent)==null?void 0:O.split( `
` );if(g===void 0)return!1;let T=null;for(let b=0;b<g.length;b=b+1)if(g[b]!==""){T=g[b];break}return T===null?!1:Fe.includedIn(T)});if(n.length===0)return;let s=t.sourcePath,a=t.getSectionInfo(e);if(a===null)return;let o=a.text.split( `
` ),l=0,c=[];for(let p=a.lineStart;p<=a.lineEnd;p++){let g=o[p];if(g===void 0)continue;let T=null,O=Ge.fromLine({line:g,taskLocation:new It(s,p,a.lineStart,l,T),fallbackDate:null});O!==null&&(c.push(O),l++)}for(let p=0;p<n.length;p++){let g=c[p],T=n[p];if(g===void 0||T===void 0)continue;let O=(f=T.getAttr("data-line"))!=null?f:"0",b=Number.parseInt(O,10),x=yield g.toLi({parentUlElement:e,listIndex:b}),I=T.childNodes;for(let W=0;W<I.length;W=W+1){let ke=I[W];ke.nodeName.toLowerCase()==="div"?x.prepend(ke):ke.nodeName.toLowerCase()==="ul"&&x.append(ke)}let $ =T.querySelectorAll("[data-footnote-id]"),H=x.querySelectorAll("[data-footnote-id]");if( $ .length===H.length)for(let W=0;W< $ .length;W++)H[W].replaceWith( $ [W]);T.replaceWith(x)}})}};var Ev=require("@codemirror/view"),Dv=require("obsidian");var Sv=()=>Ev.ViewPlugin.fromClass(up),up=class{constructor(e){this.view=e,this.handleClickEvent=this.handleClickEvent.bind(this),this.view.dom.addEventListener("click",this.handleClickEvent)}destroy(){this.view.dom.removeEventListener("click",this.handleClickEvent)}handleClickEvent(e){let{target:t}=e;if(!t||!(t instanceof HTMLInputElement)||t.type!=="checkbox")return!1;let n=t.closest("ul.plugin-tasks-query-result, div.callout-content");if(n){if(n.matches("div.callout-content")){let T= ` obsidian - tasks - plugin warning : Tasks cannot add or remove completion dates or make the next copy of a recurring task for tasks written inside a callout when you click their checkboxes in Live Preview .
If you wanted Tasks to do these things , please undo your change , then either click the line of the task and use the "Toggle Task Done" command , or switch to Reading View to click the checkbox . ` ;console.warn(T),new Dv.Notice(T,45e3)}return!1}let{state:s}=this.view,a=this.view.posAtDOM(t),o=s.doc.lineAt(a),l=Ge.fromLine({line:o.text,taskLocation:It.fromUnknownPosition(""),fallbackDate:null});if(console.debug( ` Live Preview Extension : toggle called . Position : $ { a } Line : $ { o . text } ` ),l===null)return!1;e.preventDefault();let f=l.toggle().map(T=>T.toFileLineString()).join(s.lineBreak),p=s.update({changes:{from:o.from,to:o.to,insert:f}});this.view.dispatch(p);let g=t.checked;return setTimeout(()=>{t.checked=g},1),!0}};var Ni=require("obsidian");var vn=class{constructor(e,t,n){this.property=e,this.comparator=vn.maybeReverse(n,t)}static maybeReverse(e,t){return e?vn.makeReversedComparator(t):t}static makeReversedComparator(e){return(t,n)=>e(t,n)*-1}};var Ti=class{constructor(e,t,n){this.property=e,this.grouper=t,this.reverse=n}};var Be=class{canCreateFilterForLine(e){return Be.lineMatchesFilter(this.filterRegExp(),e)}static lineMatchesFilter(e,t){return e?e.test(t):!1}static getMatch(e,t){return e?t.match(e):null}fieldNameSingular(){return this.fieldName()}fieldNameSingularEscaped(){return Pu(this.fieldNameSingular())}supportsSorting(){return!1}parseSortLine(e){return!this.supportsSorting()||!this.canCreateSorterForLine(e)?null:this.createSorterFromLine(e)}canCreateSorterForLine(e){return this.supportsSorting()?Be.lineMatchesFilter(this.sorterRegExp(),e):!1}createSorterFromLine(e){if(!this.supportsSorting())return null;let t=Be.getMatch(this.sorterRegExp(),e);if(t===null)return null;let n=!!t[1];return this.createSorter(n)}sorterRegExp(){if(!this.supportsSorting())throw Error( ` sorterRegExp ( ) unimplemented for $ { this . fieldNameSingular ( ) } ` );return new RegExp( ` ^ sort by $ { this . fieldNameSingularEscaped ( ) } ( reverse ) ? ` )}comparator(){throw Error( ` comparator ( ) unimplemented for $ { this . fieldNameSingular ( ) } ` )}createSorter(e){return new vn(this.fieldNameSingular(),this.comparator(),e)}createNormalSorter(){return this.createSorter(!1)}createReverseSorter(){return this.createSorter(!0)}supportsGrouping(){return!1}parseGroupLine(e){return!this.supportsGrouping()||!this.canCreateGrouperForLine(e)?null:this.createGrouperFromLine(e)}canCreateGrouperForLine(e){return this.supportsGrouping()?Be.lineMatchesFilter(this.grouperRegExp(),e):!1}createGrouperFromLine(e){if(!this.supportsGrouping())return null;let t=Be.getMatch(this.grouperRegExp(),e);if(t===null)return null;let n=!!t[1];return this.createGrouper(n)}grouperRegExp(){if(!this.supportsGrouping())throw Error( ` grouperRegExp ( ) unimplemented for $ { this . fieldNameSingular ( ) } ` );return new RegExp( ` ^ group by $ { this . fieldNameSingularEscaped ( ) } ( reverse ) ? $ ` )}grouper(){throw Error( ` grouper ( ) unimplemented for $ { this . fieldNameSingular ( ) } ` )}createGrouper(e){return new Ti(this.fieldNameSingular(),this.grouper(),e)}createNormalGrouper(){return this.createGrouper(!1)}createReverseGrouper(){return this.createGrouper(!0)}};var Qe=class{constructor(e,t=[],n=""){this.description=e,this.symbol=n,this.children=t}static booleanAnd(e){return this.combineOrCreateExplanation("All of",e,"AND")}static booleanOr(e){return this.combineOrCreateExplanation("At least one of",e,"OR")}static booleanNot(e){return new Qe("None of",e,"NOT")}static booleanXor(e){return new Qe("Exactly one of",e,"XOR")}asString(e=""){if(this.children.length==0)return e+this.description;let t=e;this.symbol===""?t+=this.description:(t+=this.symbol,this.children.length>1&&(t+= ` ( $ { this . description } ) ` ),t+=":");let n=e+" ";for(let s=0;s<this.children.length;s++)t+= `
$ { this . children [ s ] . asString ( n ) } ` ;return t}static combineOrCreateExplanation(e,t,n){if(t.length===2){let s=t[0],a=t[1];if(s.symbol===n&&a.symbol==="")return s.children.push(a),s}return new Qe(e,t,n)}};var er=class{constructor(e,t,n){this.instruction=e,this.explanation=n,this.filterFunction=t}explainFilterIndented(e){let t=this.explanation;return t.asString()===this.instruction? ` $ { e } $ { this . instruction }
` : ` $ { e } $ { this . instruction } =>
$ { t . asString ( " " ) }
` }},ze=class{constructor(e){this.instruction=e}get filter(){return this._filter}set filter(e){this._filter=e}get filterFunction(){if(this._filter)return this._filter.filterFunction}static fromFilter(e){let t=new ze(e.instruction);return t.filter=e,t}static fromError(e,t){let n=new ze(e);return n.error=t,n}};var Hu=class{constructor(e,t){this._instruction=e,this._filter=t}canCreateFilterForLine(e){return e==this._instruction}createFilterOrErrorMessage(e){let t=new ze(e);return e===this._instruction?(t.filter=new er(e,this._filter,new Qe(e)),t):(t.error= ` do not understand filter : $ { e } ` ,t)}};var Vr=class{constructor(){this._filters=[]}add(e,t){this._filters.push(new Hu(e,t))}canCreateFilterForLine(e){for(let t of this._filters)if(t.canCreateFilterForLine(e))return!0;return!1}createFilterOrErrorMessage(e){for(let n of this._filters){let s=n.createFilterOrErrorMessage(e);if(s.error===void 0)return s}let t=new ze(e);return t.error= ` do not understand filter : $ { e } ` ,t}};var Qn=class extends Be{constructor(){super(...arguments);this._filters=new Vr}canCreateFilterForLine(t){return this._filters.canCreateFilterForLine(t)}createFilterOrErrorMessage(t){return this._filters.createFilterOrErrorMessage(t)}filterRegExp(){return null}};var Kr=class extends Qn{constructor(){super(),this._filters.add("done",e=>e.status.type==="DONE"||e.status.type==="CANCELLED"||e.status.type==="NON_TASK"),this._filters.add("not done",e=>e.status.type==="TODO"||e.status.type==="IN_PROGRESS")}fieldName(){return"status"}supportsSorting(){return!0}comparator(){return(e,t)=>{let n=Kr.oldStatusName(e),s=Kr.oldStatusName(t);return n<s?1:n>s?-1:0}}static oldStatusName(e){return e.status.symbol===" "?"Todo":"Done"}supportsGrouping(){return!0}grouper(){return e=>[Kr.oldStatusName(e)]}};var qt=class extends Be{constructor(t=null){super();t!==null?this.filterInstructions=t:(this.filterInstructions=new Vr,this.filterInstructions.add( ` has $ { this . fieldName ( ) } date ` ,n=>this.date(n)!==null),this.filterInstructions.add( ` no $ { this . fieldName ( ) } date ` ,n=>this.date(n)===null),this.filterInstructions.add( ` $ { this . fieldName ( ) } date is invalid ` ,n=>{let s=this.date(n);return s!==null&&!s.isValid()}))}canCreateFilterForLine(t){return this.filterInstructions.canCreateFilterForLine(t)?!0:super.canCreateFilterForLine(t)}createFilterOrErrorMessage(t){let n=this.filterInstructions.createFilterOrErrorMessage(t);if(n.filter!==void 0)return n;let s=new ze(t),a=Be.getMatch(this.filterRegExp(),t);if(a!==null){let o=a[1],l=a[2],c=a[3],f=ir.parseDateRange(c);if(!f.isValid()){let p=ir.parseDate(o);p.isValid()&&(f=new Ht(p,p))}if(!f.isValid())s.error="do not understand "+this.fieldName()+" date";else{let p=this.buildFilterFunction(l,f),g=qt.buildExplanation(this.fieldNameForExplanation(),l,this.filterResultIfFieldMissing(),f);s.filter=new er(t,p,g)}}else s.error="do not understand query filter ("+this.fieldName()+" date)";return s}buildFilterFunction(t,n){let s;return t==="before"?s=a=>a?a.isBefore(n.start):this.filterResultIfFieldMissing():t==="after"?s=a=>a?a.isAfter(n.end):this.filterResultIfFieldMissing():s=a=>a?a.isSameOrAfter(n.start)&&a.isSameOrBefore(n.end):this.filterResultIfFieldMissing(),this.getFilter(s)}getFilter(t){return n=>t(this.date(n))}filterRegExp(){return new RegExp( ` ^ $ { this . fieldNameForFilterInstruction ( ) } ( ( before | after | on | in ) ? ? ( . * ) ) ` )}fieldNameForFilterInstruction(){return this.fieldName()}static buildExplanation(t,n,s,a){let o,l="YYYY-MM-DD (dddd Do MMMM YYYY)",c;switch(n){case"before":o=n,c=a.start.format(l);break;case"after":o=n,c=a.end.format(l);break;default:if(a.start.isSame(a.end))o="on",c=a.start.format(l);else{let p= ` $ { t } date is between : ` ,g=[new Qe( ` $ { a . start . format ( l ) } and ` ),new Qe( ` $ { a . end . format ( l ) } inclusive ` )];return s&&g.push(new Qe( ` OR no $ { t } date ` )),new Qe(p,g)}break}let f= ` $ { t } date is $ { o } $ { c } ` ;return s&&(f+= ` OR no $ { t } date ` ),new Qe(f)}fieldNameForExplanation(){return this.fieldName()}supportsSorting(){return!0}comparator(){return(t,n)=>Br(this.date(t),this.date(n))}supportsGrouping(){return!0}grouper(){return t=>{let n=this.date(t);return n===null
` ;return e}toString(){let e= `
` ;e+= ` Group names : [ $ { this . groups } ]
` ;for(let t of this.groupHeadings)e+= ` $ { "#" . repeat ( 4 + t . nestingLevel ) } $ { t . displayName }
` ;return e+=this.tasksAsStringOfLines(),e}};var Xu=class{constructor(e,t){this._groups=new Array;this._totalTaskCount=0;this._totalTaskCount=t.length,this._groupers=e;let n=new Zu(e,t);this.addTasks(n)}get groups(){return this._groups}totalTasksCount(){return this._totalTaskCount}toString(){let e="";for(let n of this.groups)e+=n.toString(),e+= `
-- -
` ;return e+= `
$ { this . totalTasksCount ( ) } tasks
` ,e}addTasks(e){for(let[n,s]of e.groups){let a=new Qu(n,s);this.add(a)}this.sortTaskGroups();let t=new zu(e.groups);for(let n of this._groups)n.setGroupHeadings(t.getHeadingsForTaskGroup(n.groups))}add(e){this._groups.push(e)}sortTaskGroups(){let e=(t,n)=>{let s=t.groups,a=n.groups;for(let o=0;o<s.length;o++){let l=this._groupers[o],c=s[o].localeCompare(a[o],void 0,{numeric:!0});if(c!==0)return l.reverse?-c:c}return 0};this._groups.sort(e)}};var Ns=class extends Ke{fieldName(){return"description"}value(e){return Fe.removeAsSubstringFrom(e.description)}supportsSorting(){return!0}comparator(){return(e,t)=>{let n=Ns.cleanDescription(e.description),s=Ns.cleanDescription(t.description);return n.localeCompare(s,void 0,{numeric:!0})}}static cleanDescription(e){e=Fe.removeAsSubstringFrom(e);let t=/^ \[ \[ ?([^ \] ]*)]]?/,n=e.match(t);if(n!==null){let s=n[1];e=s.substring(s.indexOf("|")+1)+e.replace(t,"")}return e=this.replaceFormatting(e,/^ \* \* ([^*]+) \* \* /),e=this.replaceFormatting(e,/^ \* ([^*]+) \* /),e=this.replaceFormatting(e,/^==([^=]+)==/),e=this.replaceFormatting(e,/^__([^_]+)__/),e=this.replaceFormatting(e,/^_([^_]+)_/),e}static replaceFormatting(e,t){let n=e.match(t);return n!==null&&(e=n[1]+e.replace(t,"")),e}};var Ju=class extends qt{fieldName(){return"created"}date(e){return e.createdDate}filterResultIfFieldMissing(){return!1}};var el=class extends qt{fieldName(){return"done"}date(e){return e.doneDate}filterResultIfFieldMissing(){return!1}};var tl=class extends Qn{constructor(){super(),this._filters.add("exclude sub-items",e=>{if(e.indentation==="")return!0;let t=e.indentation.lastIndexOf(">");return t===-1?!1:/^ ? $ /.test(e.indentation.slice(t+1))})}fieldName(){return"exclude"}};var rl=class extends Ke{fieldName(){return"heading"}value(e){return e.precedingHeader?e.precedingHeader:""}supportsSorting(){return!0}supportsGrouping(){return!0}grouper(){return e=>e.precedingHeader===null||e.precedingHeader.length===0?["(No heading)"]:[e.precedingHeader]}};var nl=class extends qt{fieldName(){return"scheduled"}date(e){return e.scheduledDate}filterResultIfFieldMissing(){return!1}};var sl=class extends qt{fieldName(){return"start"}fieldNameForFilterInstruction(){return"starts"}date(e){return e.startDate}filterResultIfFieldMissing(){return!0}};var Oi=class extends qt{constructor(){let e=new Vr;e.add("has happens date",t=>this.dates(t).some(n=>n!==null)),e.add("no happens date",t=>!this.dates(t).some(n=>n!==null)),super(e)}fieldName(){return"happens"}fieldNameForExplanation(){return"due, start or scheduled"}date(e){return this.earliestDate(e)}dates(e){return Array.of(e.startDate,e.scheduledDate,e.dueDate)}earliestDate(e){return new Oi().dates(e).sort(Br)[0]}filterResultIfFieldMissing(){return!1}getFilter(e){return t=>this.dates(t).some(n=>e(n))}};var il=class extends Qn{constructor(){super(),this._filters.add("is recurring",e=>e.recurrence!==null),this._filters.add("is not recurring",e=>e.recurrence===null)}fieldName(){return"recurring"}supportsSorting(){return!0}comparator(){return(e,t)=>e.recurrence!==null&&t.recurrence===null?-1:e.recurrence===null&&t.recurrence!==null?1:0}supportsGrouping(){return!0}grouper(){return e=>e.recurrence!==null?["Recurring"]:["Not Recurring"]}};var al=class extends Ke{fieldNamePlural(){return this.fieldNameSingular()+"s"}fieldName(){return ` $ { this . fieldNameSingular ( ) } / $ { this . fieldNamePlural ( ) } ` }fieldPattern(){return ` $ { this . fieldNameSingular ( ) } | $ { this . fieldNamePlural ( ) } ` }filterOperatorPattern(){return ` $ { super . filterOperatorPattern ( ) } | include | do not include ` }value(e){return this.values(e).join(", ")}getFilter(e,t){return n=>{let s=e.matchesAnyOf(this.values(n));return t?!s:s}}createGrouper(e){return new Ti(this.fieldNamePlural(),this.grouper(),e)}grouperRegExp(){if(!this.supportsGrouping())throw Error( ` grouperRegExp ( ) unimplemented for $ { this . fieldNameSingular ( ) } ` );return new RegExp( ` ^ group by $ { this . fieldNamePlural ( ) } ( reverse ) ? $ ` )}};var Cs=class extends al{constructor(){super();this.filterInstructions=new Vr,this.filterInstructions.add( ` has $ { this . fieldNameSingular ( ) } ` ,t=>this.values(t).length>0),this.filt
Allowed options : 'is' and 'is not' ( without quotes ) .
Allowed values : $ { t }
Note : values are case - insensitive ,
so 'in_progress' works too , for example .
Example : $ { this . fieldNameSingular ( ) } is not NON _TASK ` ;return ze.fromError(e,n)}fieldName(){return"status.type"}value(e){return e.status.type}supportsSorting(){return!0}comparator(){return(e,t)=>{let n=Jn.groupName(e),s=Jn.groupName(t);return n.localeCompare(s,void 0,{numeric:!0})}}supportsGrouping(){return!0}grouper(){return e=>[Jn.groupName(e)]}static groupName(e){let t;switch(e.status.type){case"IN_PROGRESS":t="1";break;case"TODO":t="2";break;case"DONE":t="3";break;case"CANCELLED":t="4";break;case"NON_TASK":t="5";break;case"EMPTY":t="6";break}return t+" "+e.status.type}};var pl=class extends Ke{fieldName(){return"recurrence"}value(e){return e.recurrence!==null?e.recurrence.toText():""}supportsGrouping(){return!0}grouper(){return e=>e.recurrence!==null?[e.recurrence.toText()]:["None"]}};var ml=class extends Ke{fieldName(){return"folder"}value(e){let t=e.path,n=e.filename+".md",s=t.substring(0,t.lastIndexOf(n));return s===""?"/":s}supportsGrouping(){return!0}grouper(){return e=>[Ke.escapeMarkdownCharacters(this.value(e))]}};var yl=class extends Ke{fieldName(){return"root"}value(e){let t=e.path.replace(/ \\ /g,"/");t.charAt(0)==="/"&&(t=t.substring(1));let n=t.indexOf("/");return n==-1?"/":t.substring(0,n+1)}supportsGrouping(){return!0}grouper(){return e=>[Ke.escapeMarkdownCharacters(this.value(e))]}};var gl=class extends Ke{fieldName(){return"backlink"}value(e){let t=e.getLinkText({isFilenameUnique:!0});return t===null?"Unknown Location":t}createFilterOrErrorMessage(e){return ze.fromError(e,"backlink field does not support filtering")}canCreateFilterForLine(e){return!1}supportsGrouping(){return!0}grouper(){return e=>{let t=e.filename;if(t===null)return["Unknown Location"];let n=Ke.escapeMarkdownCharacters(t);return e.precedingHeader&&e.precedingHeader!==t&&(n+=" > "+e.precedingHeader),[n]}}};var wp=[()=>new hl,()=>new Jn,()=>new Kr,()=>new il,()=>new Ps,()=>new Oi,()=>new Ju,()=>new sl,()=>new nl,()=>new bi,()=>new el,()=>new Ei,()=>new ml,()=>new yl,()=>new gl,()=>new Ns,()=>new Cs,()=>new rl,()=>new tl,()=>new fl,()=>new Di,()=>new pl,()=>new cl];function dl(r){for(let e of wp){let t=e();if(t.canCreateFilterForLine(r))return t.createFilterOrErrorMessage(r)}return null}function Wv(r){let e=/^sort by /;if(r.match(e)===null)return null;for(let t of wp){let s=t().parseSortLine(r);if(s)return s}return null}function qv(r){let e=/^group by /;if(r.match(e)===null)return null;for(let t of wp){let s=t().parseGroupLine(r);if(s)return s}return null}var Sn=class{constructor({source:e}){this._limit=void 0;this._layoutOptions=new Za;this._filters=[];this._error=void 0;this._sorting=[];this._grouping=[];this.hideOptionsRegexp=/^(hide|show) (task count|backlink|priority|created date|start date|scheduled date|done date|due date|recurrence rule|edit button|urgency)/;this.shortModeRegexp=/^short/;this.explainQueryRegexp=/^explain/;this.limitRegexp=/^limit (to )?( \d +)( tasks?)?/;this.commentRegexp=/^#.*/;this.source=e,e.split( `
` ).map(t=>t.trim()).forEach(t=>{switch(!0){case t==="":break;case this.shortModeRegexp.test(t):this._layoutOptions.shortMode=!0;break;case this.explainQueryRegexp.test(t):this._layoutOptions.explainQuery=!0;break;case this.limitRegexp.test(t):this.parseLimit({line:t});break;case this.parseSortBy({line:t}):break;case this.parseGroupBy({line:t}):break;case this.hideOptionsRegexp.test(t):this.parseHideOptions({line:t});break;case this.commentRegexp.test(t):break;case this.parseFilter(t):break;default:this._error= ` do not understand query : $ { t } ` }})}append(e){return this.source===""?e:e.source===""?this:new Sn({source: ` $ { this . source }
$ { e . source } ` })}explainQuery(){let e="",t=this.filters.length;if(t===0)e+="No filters supplied. All tasks will match the query.";else for(let s=0;s<t;s++)s>0&&(e+= `
` ),e+=this.filters[s].explainFilterIndented("");this._limit!==void 0&&(e+= `
At most $ { this . _limit } task ` ,this._limit!==1&&(e+="s"),e+= ` .
` );let{debugSettings:n}=le();return n.ignoreSortInstructions&&(e+= `
NOTE : All sort instructions , including default sort order , are disabled , due to 'ignoreSortInstructions' setting . ` ),e}get limit(){return this._limit}get layoutOptions(){return this._layoutOptions}get filters(){return this._filters}get sorting(){return this._sorting}get grouping(){return this._grouping}get error(){return this._error}applyQueryToTasks(e){this.filters.forEach(a=>{e=e.filter(a.filterFunction)});let{debugSettings:t}=le(),s=(t.ignoreSortInstructions?e:Si.by(this.sorting,e)).slice(0,this.limit);return new Xu(this.grouping,s)}parseHideOptions({line:e}){let t=e.match(this.hideOptionsRegexp);if(t!==null){let n=t[1]==="hide";switch(t[2]){case"task count":this._layoutOptions.hideTaskCount=n;break;case"backlink":this._layoutOptions.hideBacklinks=n;break;case"priority":this._layoutOptions.hidePriority=n;break;case"created date":this._layoutOptions.hideCreatedDate=n;break;case"start date":this._layoutOptions.hideStartDate=n;break;case"scheduled date":this._layoutOptions.hideScheduledDate=n;break;case"due date":this._layoutOptions.hideDueDate=n;break;case"done date":this._layoutOptions.hideDoneDate=n;break;case"recurrence rule":this._layoutOptions.hideRecurrenceRule=n;break;case"edit button":this._layoutOptions.hideEditButton=n;break;case"urgency":this._layoutOptions.hideUrgency=n;break;default:this._error="do not understand hide/show option"}}}parseFilter(e){let t=dl(e);return t!=null?(t.filter?this._filters.push(t.filter):this._error=t.error,!0):!1}parseLimit({line:e}){let t=e.match(this.limitRegexp);t!==null?this._limit=Number.parseInt(t[2],10):this._error="do not understand query limit"}parseSortBy({line:e}){let t=Wv(e);return t?(this._sorting.push(t),!0):!1}parseGroupBy({line:e}){let t=qv(e);return t?(this._grouping.push(t),!0):!1}};function jv(r){let e="";Fe.isEmpty()||(e+= ` Only tasks containing the global filter '${Fe.get()}' .
` );let t=new Sn( $ h());return t.source.trim()!==""&&(e+= ` Explanation of the global query :
$ { t . explainQuery ( ) }
` ),e+= ` Explanation of this Tasks code block query :
$ { new Sn ( { source : r } ) . explainQuery ( ) } ` ,e}function _l(r){return new Sn( $ h()).append(new Sn({source:r}))}var Tl=class{constructor({plugin:e,events:t}){this.addQueryRenderChild=this._addQueryRenderChild.bind(this);this.app=e.app,this.events=t,e.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor("tasks",this._addQueryRenderChild.bind(this))}_addQueryRenderChild(e,t,n){return Q(this,null,function*(){n.addChild(new kp({app:this.app,events:this.events,container:t,source:e,filePath:n.sourcePath}))})}},kp=class extends Ni.MarkdownRenderChild{constructor({app:t,events:n,container:s,source:a,filePath:o}){super(s);switch(this.app=t,this.events=n,this.source=a,this.filePath=o,this.containerEl.className){case"block-language-tasks":this.query=_l(this.source),this.queryType="tasks";break;default:this.query=_l(this.source),this.queryType="tasks";break}}onload(){this.events.triggerRequestCacheUpdate(this.render.bind(this)),this.renderEventRef=this.events.onCacheUpdate(this.render.bind(this)),this.reloadQueryAtMidnight()}onunload(){this.renderEventRef!==void 0&&this.events.off(this.renderEventRef),this.queryReloadTimeout!==void 0&&clearTimeout(this.queryReloadTimeout)}reloadQueryAtMidnight(){let t=new Date;t.setHours(24,0,0,0);let n=new Date,s=t.getTime()-n.getTime();this.queryReloadTimeout=setTimeout(()=>{this.query=_l(this.source),this.events.triggerRequestCacheUpdate(this.render.bind(this)),this.reloadQueryAtMidnight()},s+1e3)}render(s){return Q(this,arguments,function*({tasks:t,state:n}){var o;let a=this.containerEl.createEl("div");if(n==="Warm"&&this.query.error===void 0){console.debug( ` Render $ { this . queryType } called for a block in active file "${this.filePath}" , to select from $ { t . length } tasks : plugin state : $ { n } ` ),this.query.layoutOptions.explainQuery&&this.createExplanation(a);let l=this.query.applyQueryToTasks(t);for(let f of l.groups){this.addGroupHeadings(a,f.groupHeadings);let{taskList:p}=yield this.createTasksList({tasks:f.tasks,content:a});a.appendChild(p)}let c=l.totalTasksCount();console.debug( ` $ { c } of $ { t . length } tasks displayed in a block in "${this.filePath}" ` ),this.addTaskCount(a,c)}else this.query.error!==void 0?a.createDiv().innerHTML= ` < pre > Tasks query : $ { this . query . error . replace ( /\n/g , "<br>" ) } < / p r e > ` : a . s e t T e x t ( " L o a d i n g T a s k s . . . " ) ; ( o = t h i s . c o n t a i n e r E l . f i r s t C h i l d ) = = n u l l | | o . r e p l a c e W i t h ( a ) } ) } c r e a t e E x p l a n a t i o n ( t ) { l e t n = j v ( t h i s . s o u r c e ) , s = t . c r e a t e E l ( " p r e " ) ; s . a d d C l a s s e s ( [ " p l u g i n - t a s k s - q u e r y - e x p l a n a t i o n " ] ) , s . s e t T e x t ( n ) , t . a p p e n d C h i l d ( s ) } c r e a t e T a s k s L i s t ( s ) { r e t u r n Q ( t h i s , a r g u m e n t s , f u n c t i o n * ( { t a s k s : t , c o n t e n t : n } ) { l e t a = t . l e n g t h , o = n e w B n ( t h i s . q u e r y . l a y o u t O p t i o n s ) , l = n . c r e a t e E l ( " u l " ) ; l . a d d C l a s s e s ( [ " c o n t a i n s - t a s k - l i s t " , " p l u g i n - t a s k s - q u e r y - r e s u l t " ] ) , l . a d d C l a s s e s ( o . s p e c i f i c C l a s s e s ) ; l e t c = t h i s . g e t G r o u p i n g A t t r i b u t e ( ) ; c & & c . l e n g t h > 0 & & ( l . d a t a s e t . t a s k G r o u p B y = c ) ; f o r ( l e t f = 0 ; f < a ; f + + ) { l e t p = t [ f ] , g = t h i s . i s F i l e n a m e U n i q u e ( { t a s k : p } ) , T = y i e l d p . t o L i ( { p a r e n t U l E l e m e n t : l , l i s t I n d e x : f , l a y o u t O p t i o n s : t h i s . q u e r y . l a y o u t O p t i o n s , i s F i l e n a m e U n i q u e : g , t a s k L a y o u t : o } ) ; T . q u e r y S e l e c t o r A l l ( " [ d a t a - f o o t n o t e - i d ] " ) . f o r E a c h ( I = > I . r e m o v e ( ) ) ; l e t b = t h i s . q u e r y . l a y o u t O p t i o n s . s h o r t M o d e , x = T . c r e a t e S p a n ( " t a s k - e x t r a s " ) ; t h i s . q u e r y . l a y o u t O p t i o n s . h i d e U r g e n c y | | t h i s . a d d U r g e n c y ( x , p ) , t h i s . q u e r y . l a y o u t O p t i o n s . h i d e B a c k l i n k s | | t h i s . a d d B a c k l i n k s ( x , p , b , g ) , t h i s . q u e r y . l a y o u t O p t i o n s . h i d e E d i t B u t t o n | | t h i s . a d d E d i t B u t t o n ( x , p ) , l . a p p e n d C h i l d ( T ) } r e t u r n { t a s k L i s t : l , t a s k s C o u n t : a } } ) } a d d E d i t B u t t o n ( t , n ) { t . c r e a t e E l ( " a " , { c l s : " t a s k s - e d i t " } ) . o n C l i c k E v e n t ( a = > { a . p r e v e n t D e f a u l t ( ) ; l e t o = c = > { F u ( { o r i g i n a l T a s k : n , n e w T a s k s : X t . r e m o v e I n f e r r e d S t a t u s I f N e e d e d ( n , c ) } ) } ; n e w Z n ( { a p p : t h i s . a p p , t a s k : n , o n S u b m i t : o } ) . o p e n ( ) } ) } a d d U r g e n c y ( t , n ) { l e t s = n e w I n t l . N u m b e r F o r m a t ( ) . f o r m a t ( n . u r g e n c y ) ; t . c r e a t e S p a n ( { t e x t : s , c l s : " t a s k s - u r g e n c y " } ) } a d d G r o u p H e a d i n g s ( t , n ) { f o r ( l e t s o f n ) t h i s . a d d G r o u p H e a d i n g ( t , s ) } a d d G r o u p H e a d i n g ( t , n ) { r e t u r n Q ( t h i s , n u l l , f u n c t i o n * ( ) { l e t s = " h 6 " ; n . n e s t i n g L e v e l = = = 0 ? s = " h 4 " : n . n e s t i n g L e v e l = = = 1 & & ( s = " h 5 " ) ; l e t a = t . c r e a t e E l ( s , { c l s : " t a s k s - g r o u p - h e a d i n g " } ) ; y i e l d N i . M a r k d o w n R e n d e r e r . r e n d e r M a r k d o w n ( n . d i s p l a y N a m e , a , t h i s . f i l e P a t h , t h i s ) } ) } a d d B a c k l i n k s ( t , n , s , a ) { v a r p ; l e t o = t . c r e a t e S p a n ( { c l s : " t a s k s - b a c k l i n k " } ) ; s | | o . a p p e n d ( " ( " ) ; l e t l = o . c r e a t e E l ( " a " ) ; l . r e l = " n o o p e n e
` )+ `
Fix errors before saving . ` ;new Yr.Notice(g);return}this.saved=!0,this.close()})),f)),c.addExtraButton(f=>(f.setIcon("cross").setTooltip("Cancel").onClick(()=>{this.saved=!1,this.close()}),f))})}onOpen(){this.display()}static setValidationError(t){t.inputEl.addClass("tasks-settings-is-invalid")}static removeValidationError(t){t.inputEl.removeClass("tasks-settings-is-invalid")}static setValid(t,n){n.length===0?cr.removeValidationError(t):cr.setValidationError(t)}};var es=class extends Le.PluginSettingTab{constructor({plugin:t}){super(t.app,t);this.customFunctions={insertTaskCoreStatusSettings:this.insertTaskCoreStatusSettings.bind(this),insertCustomTaskStatusSettings:this.insertCustomTaskStatusSettings.bind(this)};this.plugin=t}saveSettings(t){return Q(this,null,function*(){yield this.plugin.saveSettings(),t&&this.display()})}display(){let{containerEl:t}=this;t.empty(),this.containerEl.addClass("tasks-settings"),t.createEl("h3",{text:"Tasks Settings"}),t.createEl("p",{cls:"tasks-setting-important",text:"Changing any settings requires a restart of obsidian."}),t.createEl("h4",{text:"Task Format Settings"}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Task Format").setDesc(es.createFragmentWithHTML('<p>The format that Tasks uses to read and write tasks.</p><p><b>Important:</b> Tasks currently only supports one format at a time. Selecting Dataview will currently <b>stop Tasks reading its own emoji signifiers</b>.</p><p>See the <a href="https://publish.obsidian.md/tasks/Reference/Task+Formats/About+Task+Formats">documentation</a>.</p>')).addDropdown(s=>{for(let a of Object.keys(_n))s.addOption(a,_n[a].displayName);s.setValue(le().taskFormat).onChange(a=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({taskFormat:a}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))}),t.createEl("h4",{text:"Global filter Settings"}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Global task filter").setDesc(es.createFragmentWithHTML('<p><b>Recommended: Leave empty if you want all checklist items in your vault to be tasks managed by this plugin.</b></p><p>Use a global filter if you want Tasks to only act on a subset of your "<code>- [ ]</code>" checklist items, so that a checklist item must include the specified string in its description in order to be considered a task.<p><p>For example, if you set the global filter to <code>#task</code>, the Tasks plugin will only handle checklist items tagged with <code>#task</code>.</br>Other checklist items will remain normal checklist items and not appear in queries or get a done date set.</p><p>See the <a href="https://publish.obsidian.md/tasks/Getting+Started/Global+Filter">documentation</a>.</p>')).addText(s=>{s.setPlaceholder("e.g. #task or TODO").setValue(Fe.get()).onChange(a=>Q(this,null,function*(){Fe.set(a),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Remove global filter from description").setDesc("Enabling this removes the string that you set as global filter from the task description when displaying a task.").addToggle(s=>{let a=le();s.setValue(a.removeGlobalFilter).onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({removeGlobalFilter:o}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))}),t.createEl("h4",{text:"Global Query"}),NF(new Le.Setting(t).setDesc(es.createFragmentWithHTML('<p>A query that is automatically included at the start of every Tasks block in the vault. Useful for adding default filters, or layout options.</p><p>See the <a href="https://publish.obsidian.md/tasks/Queries/Global+Query">documentation</a>.</p>')).addTextArea(s=>{let a=le();s.inputEl.rows=4,s.setPlaceholder( ` # For example ...
path does not include _templates /
limit 300
show urgency ` ).setValue(a.globalQuery).onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({globalQuery:o}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))})),t.createEl("h4",{text:"Task Statuses"});let{headingOpened:n}=le();Zv.forEach(s=>{this.addOneSettingsBlock(t,s,n)}),t.createEl("h4",{text:"Date Settings"}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Set created date on every added task").setDesc("Enabling this will add a timestamp \u 2795 YYYY-MM-DD before other date values, when a task is created with 'Create or edit task', or by completing a recurring task.").addToggle(s=>{let a=le();s.setValue(a.setCreatedDate).onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({setCreatedDate:o}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Set done date on every completed task").setDesc("Enabling this will add a timestamp \u 2705 YYYY-MM-DD at the end when a task is toggled to done.").addToggle(s=>{let a=le();s.setValue(a.setDoneDate).onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({setDoneDate:o}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Use filename as Scheduled date for undated tasks").setDesc(es.createFragmentWithHTML('Save time entering Scheduled ( \u 23F3) dates.</br>If this option is enabled, any undated tasks will be given a default Scheduled date extracted from their file name.</br>The date in the file name must be in one of <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code> or <code>YYYYMMDD</code> formats.</br>Undated tasks have none of Due ( \u {1F4C5} ), Scheduled ( \u 23F3) and Start ( \u {1F6EB}) dates.</br><p>See the <a href="https://publish.obsidian.md/tasks/Getting+Started/Use+Filename+as+Default+Date">documentation</a>.</p>')).addToggle(s=>{let a=le();s.setValue(a.useFilenameAsScheduledDate).onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({useFilenameAsScheduledDate:o}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Folders with default Scheduled dates").setDesc("Leave empty if you want to use default Scheduled dates everywhere, or enter a comma-separated list of folders.").addText(s=>Q(this,null,function*(){let a=le();yield this.plugin.saveSettings(),s.setValue(es.renderFolderArray(a.filenameAsDateFolders)).onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){let l=es.parseCommaSeparatedFolders(o);gt({filenameAsDateFolders:l}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))})),t.createEl("h4",{text:"Auto-suggest Settings"}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Auto-suggest task content").setDesc("Enabling this will open an intelligent suggest menu while typing inside a recognized task line.").addToggle(s=>{let a=le();s.setValue(a.autoSuggestInEditor).onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({autoSuggestInEditor:o}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Minimum match length for auto-suggest").setDesc("If higher than 0, auto-suggest will be triggered only when the beginning of any supported keywords is recognized.").addSlider(s=>{let a=le();s.setLimits(0,3,1).setValue(a.autoSuggestMinMatch).setDynamicTooltip().onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({autoSuggestMinMatch:o}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Maximum number of auto-suggestions to show").setDesc('How many suggestions should be shown when an auto-suggest menu pops up (including the " \u 23CE" option).').addSlider(s=>{let a=le();s.setLimits(3,12,1).setValue(a.autoSuggestMaxItems).setDynamicTooltip().onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({autoSuggestMaxItems:o}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))}),t.createEl("h4",{text:"Dialog Settings"}),new Le.Setting(t).setName("Provide access keys in dialogs").setDesc("If the access keys (keyboard shortcuts) for various controls in dialog boxes conflict with system keyboard shortcuts or assistive technology functionality that is important for you, you may want to deactivate them here.").addToggle(s=>{let a=le();s.setValue(a.provideAccessKeys).onChange(o=>Q(this,null,function*(){gt({provideAccessKeys:o}),yield this.plugin.saveSettings()}))})}addOneSettingsBlock(t,n,s){let a=t.createEl("details",{cls:"tasks-nested-settings",attr:Pe({},n.open||s[n.text]?{open:!0}:{})});a.empty(),a.ontoggle=()=>{s[n.text]=a.open,gt({headingOpened:s}),this.plug
` );t(l)}).open(),n};var ew=(r,e)=>{let t=qu({line:"",path:""});return new Zn({app:r,task:t,onSubmit:e})};var tw=r=>({createTaskLineModal:()=>Jv(r,ew)});var vl=class extends rw.Plugin{get apiV1(){return tw(app)}onload(){return Q(this,null,function*(){Nu.registerConsoleLogger(),console.log('loading plugin "tasks"'),yield this.loadSettings(),this.addSettingTab(new fo({plugin:this})),Qb({metadataCache:this.app.metadataCache,vault:this.app.vault,workspace:this.app.workspace}),yield this.loadTaskStatuses();let t=new $ u({obsidianEvents:this.app.workspace});this.cache=new Os({metadataCache:this.app.metadataCache,vault:this.app.vault,events:t}),this.inlineRenderer=new Gu({plugin:this}),this.queryRenderer=new Tl({plugin:this,events:t}),this.registerEditorExtension(Sv()),this.registerEditorSuggest(new bl(this.app,le())),new ju({plugin:this})})}loadTaskStatuses(){return Q(this,null,function*(){let{statusSettings:t}=le();yt.applyToStatusRegistry(t,He.getInstance())})}onunload(){var t;console.log('unloading plugin "tasks"'),(t=this.cache)==null||t.unload()}loadSettings(){return Q(this,null,function*(){let t=yield this.loadData();gt(t),yield this.loadTaskStatuses()})}saveSettings(){return Q(this,null,function*(){yield this.saveData(le())})}getTasks(){var t;return(t=this.cache)==null?void 0:t.getTasks()}};
/ * !
* EventEmitter2
* https : //github.com/hij1nx/EventEmitter2
* Copyright ( c ) 2013 hij1nx
* Licensed under the MIT license .
* /
//! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors
//! license : MIT
//! moment.js
//! momentjs.com
//! version : 2.29.4