
1052 lines
346 KiB

3 years ago
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Minimal Obsidian 5.1.6 by @kepano
User interface replacement for Obsidian.
Designed to be used with the Minimal Theme Settings
plugin and the Hider plugin.
Sponsor my work:
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Stephan Ango (@kepano)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
:root{--cursor:default;--text:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif;--text-editor:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif;--font-monospace:Menlo,SFMono-Regular,Consolas,"Roboto Mono",monospace;--font-ui:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif;--font-normal:16px;--font-small:13px;--font-smaller:11px;--font-smallest:10px;--font-inputs:13px;--font-settings:15px;--font-settings-small:12px;--normal-weight:400;--bold-weight:600;--link-weight:inherit;--title-size:1.1em;--title-weight:600;--h1:1.125em;--h2:1.05em;--h3:1em;--h4:0.90em;--h5:0.85em;--h6:0.85em;--h1-weight:600;--h2-weight:600;--h3-weight:500;--h4-weight:500;--h5-weight:500;--h6-weight:400;--h1-variant:normal;--h2-variant:normal;--h3-variant:normal;--h4-variant:small-caps;--h5-variant:small-caps;--h6-variant:small-caps;--h1-style:normal;--h2-style:normal;--h3-style:normal;--h4-style:normal;--h5-style:normal;--h6-style:normal;--blockquote-style:normal;--line-width:40rem;--line-height:1.5;--max-width:88%;--max-col-width:18em;--icon-muted:0.5;--border-width:1px;--border-width-alt:1px;--folding-offset:16px;--nested-padding:30px;--list-padding:2em;--list-spacing:0.075em;--radius-s:2px;--radius-m:5px;--radius-l:12px;--radius-xl:16px;--input-height:32px;--header-height:40px;--mobile-left-sidebar-width:280pt;--mobile-right-sidebar-width:240pt}:root{--base-h:0;--base-s:0%;--base-d:15%;--base-l:96%;--accent-h:201;--accent-s:17%;--accent-d:60%;--accent-l:50%;--red:#d04255;--yellow:#e5b567;--green:#a8c373;--orange:#d5763f;--cyan:#73bbb2;--blue:#6c99bb;--purple:#9e86c8;--pink:#b05279}.theme-light,.theme-light.minimal-default-light,body .excalidraw{--accent-l:50%;--base-l:96%;--bg1:white;--bg2:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), var(--base-l) );--bg3:hsla( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) - 50%), 0.12 );--ui1:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) - 6%) );--ui2:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) - 12%) );--ui3:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) - 20%) );--tx1:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) - 90%) );--tx2:hsl( var(--base-h), calc(var(--base-s) - 20%), calc(var(--base-l) - 45%) );--tx3:hsl( var(--base-h), calc(var(--base-s) - 10%), calc(var(--base-l) - 25%) );--tx4:hsl( var(--base-h), calc(var(--base-s) - 10%), calc(var(--base-l) - 60%) );--ax1:hsl( var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s), var(--accent-l) );--ax2:hsl( var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s), calc(var(--accent-l) - 10%) );--ax3:hsl( var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s), calc(var(--accent-l) + 10%) );--hl1:hsla( var(--accent-h), 50%, calc(var(--base-l) - 20%), 30% );--hl2:rgba(255, 225, 0, 0.5)}.excalidraw.theme--dark,.theme-dark,.theme-dark.minimal-default-dark,.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast .mod-left-split,.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast .titlebar,.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast .workspace-fake-target-overlay.is-in-sidebar,.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast .workspace-ribbon.mod-left:not(.is-collapsed),.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast.is-mobile .workspace-drawer.mod-left,.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast.minimal-status-off .status-bar{--accent-l:60%;--base-l:15%;--bg1:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), var(--base-l) );--bg2:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) - 2%) );--bg3:hsla( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) + 40%), 0.12 );--ui1:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) + 5%) );--ui2:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) + 8%) );--ui3:hsl( var(--base-h), var(--base-s), calc(var(--base-l) + 20%) );--tx1:hsl( var(--base-h), calc(var(--base-s) - 10%), calc(var(--base-l) + 67%) );--tx2:hsl( var(--base-h), calc(var(--base-s) - 20%), calc(var(--base-l) + 45%) );--tx3:hsl( var(--base-h), calc(var(--base-s) - 10%), calc(var(--base-l) + 20%) );--tx4:hsl( var(--base-h), calc(var(--base-s) - 10%), calc(var(--base-l) + 50%) );--ax1:hsl( var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s),
/* Plugin compatibility */
/* @plugins
- backlink
- command-palette
- daily-notes
- file-explorer
- file-recovery
- global-search
- graph
- outgoing-link
- outline
- page-preview
- publish
- random-note
- starred
- switcher
- sync
- tag-pane
- word-count
- buttons
- dataview
- calendar
- obsidian-checklist-plugin
- obsidian-codemirror-options
- obsidian-dictionary-plugin
- obsidian-embedded-note-titles
- obsidian-excalidraw-plugin
- obsidian-git
- obsidian-hider
- obsidian-kanban
- obsidian-minimal-settings
- obsidian-outliner
- obsidian-system-dark-mode
- obsidian-style-settings
- quickadd
- sliding-panes-obsidian
/* @settings
name: Minimal Custom Color Scheme
id: minimal-style
id: instructions
title: Welcome 👋
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
description: Use the Minimal Theme Settings plugin to access hotkeys, adjust features, select fonts, and choose from preset color schemes. Use the settings below for more granular customization.
id: interface
title: Interface colors
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: base
title: Base color
description: Defines all background and border colors unless overridden below
type: variable-themed-color
format: hsl-split
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: accent
title: Accent color
description: Defines link and checkbox colors unless overridden below
type: variable-themed-color
format: hsl-split
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: bg1
title: Main window background
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: bg2
title: Sidebar background
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: bg3
title: Active background
description: For hovered buttons and current file
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: ui1
title: Border color
type: variable-themed-color
description: For divider lines and outlined elements
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: ui2
title: Border color (highlighted)
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: ui3
title: Border color (focused)
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: extended-palette
title: Extended palette
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: red
title: Red
description: Extended palette colors are defaults used for progress bar status, syntax highlighting, colorful headings, and graph nodes
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: orange
title: Orange
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: yellow
title: Yellow
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: green
title: Green
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: cyan
title: Cyan
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: blue
title: Blue
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: purple
title: Purple
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: pink
title: Pink
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: icons
title: Icons
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: icon-muted
title: Icon opacity (inactive)
type: variable-number-slider
default: 0.5
min: 0.25
max: 1
step: 0.05
id: icon-color
title: Icon color
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: icon-color-hover
title: Icon color (hover)
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: icon-color-active
title: Icon color (active)
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: titlebar
title: Title bar
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: title-alignment
title: Title alignment
type: class-select
allowEmpty: false
default: title-align-body
label: Text body
value: title-align-body
label: Left
value: title-align-left
label: Center
value: title-align-center
id: show-grabber
title: Always show grabber icon
description: Dragging handle is always visible
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: header-height
title: Title bar height
type: variable-text
default: 42px
id: title-size
title: Title font size
description: Accepts any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: 1.1em
id: title-weight
title: Title font weight
description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight
type: variable-number
default: 600
id: title-color
title: Title font color (active)
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: title-color-inactive
title: Title font color (inactive)
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: links
title: Links
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: ax1
title: Link color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: ax2
title: Link color (hovering)
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: link-weight
title: Link font weight
description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight
type: variable-number
default: 400
id: text
title: Text
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: tx1
title: Normal text color
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: hl1
title: Selected text background
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: hl2
title: Highlighted text background
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: tx2
title: Muted text color
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: tx3
title: Faint text color
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-italic
title: Italic text color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-bold
title: Bold text color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: bold-weight
title: Bold text weight
description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight
type: variable-number
default: 600
id: headings
title: Headings
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: level-1-headings
title: Level 1 Headings
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: h1
title: H1 font size
description: Accepts any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: 1.125em
id: h1-weight
title: H1 font weight
description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight
type: variable-number
default: 600
id: h1-color
title: H1 font color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: h1-variant
title: H1 font variant
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Small caps
value: small-caps
label: All small caps
value: all-small-caps
id: h1-style
title: H1 font style
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Italic
value: italic
id: h1-l
title: H1 divider line
description: Adds a border below the heading
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: level-2-headings
title: Level 2 Headings
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: h2
title: H2 font size
description: Accepts any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: 1em
id: h2-weight
title: H2 font weight
description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight
type: variable-number
default: 600
id: h2-color
title: H2 font color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: h2-variant
title: H2 font variant
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Small caps
value: small-caps
label: All small caps
value: all-small-caps
id: h2-style
title: H2 font style
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Italic
value: italic
id: h2-l
title: H2 divider line
description: Adds a border below the heading
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: level-3-headings
title: Level 3 Headings
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: h3
title: H3 font size
description: Accepts any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: 1em
id: h3-weight
title: H3 font weight
description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight
type: variable-number
default: 600
id: h3-color
title: H3 font color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: h3-variant
title: H3 font variant
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Small caps
value: small-caps
label: All small caps
value: all-small-caps
id: h3-style
title: H3 font style
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Italic
value: italic
id: h3-l
title: H3 divider line
description: Adds a border below the heading
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: level-4-headings
title: Level 4 Headings
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: h4
title: H4 font size
description: Accepts any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: 0.9em
id: h4-weight
title: H4 font weight
description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight
type: variable-number
default: 500
id: h4-color
title: H4 font color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: h4-variant
title: H4 font variant
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: small-caps
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Small caps
value: small-caps
label: All small caps
value: all-small-caps
id: h4-style
title: H4 font style
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Italic
value: italic
id: h4-l
title: H4 divider line
description: Adds a border below the heading
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: level-5-headings
title: Level 5 Headings
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: h5
title: H5 font size
description: Accepts any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: 0.85em
id: h5-weight
title: H5 font weight
description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight
type: variable-number
default: 500
id: h5-color
title: H5 font color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: h5-variant
title: H5 font variant
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: small-caps
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Small caps
value: small-caps
label: All small caps
value: all-small-caps
id: h5-style
title: H5 font style
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Italic
value: italic
id: h5-l
title: H5 divider line
description: Adds a border below the heading
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: level-6-headings
title: Level 6 Headings
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: h6
title: H6 font size
description: Accepts any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: 0.85em
id: h6-weight
title: H6 font weight
description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight
type: variable-number
default: 400
id: h6-color
title: H6 font color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: h6-variant
title: H6 font variant
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: small-caps
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Small caps
value: small-caps
label: All small caps
value: all-small-caps
id: h6-style
title: H6 font style
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Italic
value: italic
id: h6-l
title: H6 divider line
type: class-toggle
description: Adds a border below the heading
default: false
id: blockquotes
title: Blockquotes
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: text-blockquote
title: Blockquotes text color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: blockquote-size
title: Blockquotes font size
description: Accepts any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: blockquote-style
title: Blockquotes font style
type: variable-select
allowEmpty: false
default: normal
label: Normal
value: normal
label: Italic
value: italic
id: lists
title: Lists and checkboxes
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: ax3
title: Checkbox color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: checkbox-shape
title: Checkbox shape
type: class-select
allowEmpty: false
default: checkbox-circle
label: Circle
value: checkbox-circle
label: Square
value: checkbox-square
id: minimal-strike-lists
title: Strike completed tasks
description: Use line through greyed text for completed tasks
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: list-spacing
title: List item spacing
description: Space between list items in em units
type: variable-number-slider
default: 0.075
min: 0
max: 0.3
step: 0.005
format: em
id: code-blocks
title: Code blocks
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: text-code
title: Code text color
description: Where syntax highlighting is not present
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: font-code
title: Code font size
description: Accepts any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: 13px
id: graphs
title: Graphs
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: node
title: Node color
description: Changing node colors requires closing and reopening graph panes or restarting Obsidian
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: node-focused
title: Active node color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: node-tag
title: Tag node color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: node-attachment
title: Attachment node color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: node-unresolved
title: Unresolved node color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: translucency
title: Translucency
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: bg-translucency-light
title: Translucency (light mode)
description: Sidebar translucency in light mode. Requires turning on "Translucent window" in Appearance settings, and "Translucent sidebar" in Minimal settings.
type: variable-number-slider
default: 0.7
min: 0
max: 1
step: 0.05
id: bg-translucency-dark
title: Translucency (dark mode)
description: Sidebar translucency in dark mode
type: variable-number-slider
default: 0.85
min: 0
max: 1
step: 0.05
/* @settings
name: Minimal Cards
id: minimal-cards-style
id: cards-min-width
title: Card minimum width
type: variable-text
default: 180px
id: cards-max-width
title: Card maximum width
description: Default fills the available width, accepts valid CSS units
type: variable-text
default: 1fr
id: cards-mobile-width
title: Card minimum width on mobile
type: variable-text
default: 120px
id: cards-padding
title: Card padding
type: variable-text
default: 1.2em
id: cards-image-height
title: Card maximum image height
type: variable-text
default: 400px
id: cards-border-width
title: Card border width
type: variable-text
default: 1px
id: cards-background
title: Card background color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
/* @settings
name: Minimal Advanced Settings
id: minimal-advanced
id: zoom-off
title: Disable image zoom
description: Turns off click/hold to zoom images
type: class-toggle
id: cursor
title: Cursor style
description: The cursor style for UI elements
type: variable-select
default: default
label: Default
value: default
label: Pointer
value: pointer
label: Crosshair
value: crosshair
id: font-smaller
title: Smaller font size
description: Font size in px of smaller text
type: variable-number
default: 11
format: px
id: font-smallest
title: Smallest font size
description: Font size in px of smallest text
type: variable-number
default: 10
format: px
id: mobile-left-sidebar-width
title: Mobile left sidebar width
description: Maximum width for pinned left sidebar on mobile
type: variable-number
default: 280
format: pt
id: mobile-right-sidebar-width
title: Mobile right sidebar width
description: Maximum width for pinned right sidebar on mobile
type: variable-number
default: 240
format: pt