/ *
if you want to view the source , please visit the github repository of this plugin
* /
var _ _defProp = Object . defineProperty ;
var _ _getOwnPropDesc = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ;
var _ _getOwnPropNames = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ;
var _ _hasOwnProp = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
var _ _export = ( target , all ) => {
for ( var name in all )
_ _defProp ( target , name , { get : all [ name ] , enumerable : true } ) ;
} ;
var _ _copyProps = ( to , from , except , desc ) => {
if ( from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function" ) {
for ( let key of _ _getOwnPropNames ( from ) )
if ( ! _ _hasOwnProp . call ( to , key ) && key !== except )
_ _defProp ( to , key , { get : ( ) => from [ key ] , enumerable : ! ( desc = _ _getOwnPropDesc ( from , key ) ) || desc . enumerable } ) ;
return to ;
} ;
var _ _toCommonJS = ( mod ) => _ _copyProps ( _ _defProp ( { } , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) , mod ) ;
// main.ts
var main _exports = { } ;
_ _export ( main _exports , {
default : ( ) => ScrollToTopPlugin
} ) ;
module . exports = _ _toCommonJS ( main _exports ) ;
var import _obsidian2 = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
// src/command.ts
var addPluginCommand = ( plugin , id , name , callback ) => {
plugin . addCommand ( {
id ,
name ,
} ) ;
} ;
// utils/index.ts
var isPreview = ( markdownView ) => {
const mode = markdownView . getMode ( ) ;
return mode === "preview" ;
} ;
var isSource = ( markdownView ) => {
const mode = markdownView . getMode ( ) ;
return mode === "source" ;
} ;
// src/setting.ts
var import _obsidian = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
var scrollToTopSetting = {
enabledScrollToTop : true ,
enabledScrollToBottom : true ,
enabledScrollToCursor : true ,
iconScrollToTop : "arrow-up" ,
iconScrollToBottom : "arrow-down" ,
iconScrollToCursor : "text-cursor-input" ,
showTooltip : true ,
scrollTopTooltipText : "Scroll to top" ,
scrollBottomTooltipText : "Scroll to bottom" ,
scrollCursorTooltipText : "Scroll to cursor position" ,
enableSurfingPlugin : false ,
resizeButton : 1
} ;
var ScrollToTopSettingTab = class extends import _obsidian . PluginSettingTab {
constructor ( app , plugin ) {
super ( app , plugin ) ;
this . plugin = plugin ;
createSpanWithLinks ( text , href , linkText ) {
const span = activeDocument . createElement ( "span" ) ;
span . innerText = text ;
const link = activeDocument . createElement ( "a" ) ;
link . href = href ;
link . innerText = linkText ;
span . appendChild ( link ) ;
return span ;
rebuildButton ( ) {
this . plugin . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToTop" ) ;
this . plugin . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToBottom" ) ;
this . plugin . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToCursor" ) ;
this . plugin . createButton ( ) ;
if ( this . plugin . windowSet . size > 0 ) {
this . plugin . windowSet . forEach ( ( window2 ) => {
this . plugin . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToTop" , window2 ) ;
this . plugin . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToBottom" , window2 ) ;
this . plugin . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToCursor" , window2 ) ;
this . plugin . createButton ( window2 ) ;
} ) ;
display ( ) {
const { containerEl } = this ;
containerEl . empty ( ) ;
containerEl . createEl ( "h2" , { text : "Scroll To Top Settings" } ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Show scroll to top button" ) . setDesc ( "Show scroll to top button in the right bottom corner." ) . addToggle ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . enabledScrollToTop ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . enabledScrollToTop = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Show scroll to bottom button" ) . setDesc ( "Show scroll to bottom button in the right bottom corner." ) . addToggle ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . enabledScrollToBottom ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . enabledScrollToBottom = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Show scroll to cursor button" ) . setDesc ( "Show scroll to cursor button in the right bottom corner." ) . addToggle ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . enabledScrollToCursor ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . enabledScrollToCursor = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Show Tooltip" ) . setDesc ( "Show tooltip when hover on the button." ) . addToggle ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . showTooltip ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . showTooltip = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Scroll on WebView (Beta)" ) . setDesc ( "Scroll on WebView (Should work with Surfing Plugin)." ) . addToggle ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . enableSurfingPlugin ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . enableSurfingPlugin = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Resize buttons" ) . setDesc ( "Change size of buttons." ) . addSlider ( ( slider ) => {
slider . setLimits ( 0.7 , 1.4 , 0.1 ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . resizeButton ) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . resizeButton = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . addExtraButton ( ( btn ) => {
btn . setIcon ( "reset" ) . setTooltip ( "Reset to default" ) . onClick ( async ( ) => {
this . plugin . settings . resizeButton = scrollToTopSetting . resizeButton ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
this . display ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "tooltip config for top button" ) . setDesc ( "Change tooltip text of scroll to top button." ) . addText ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . scrollTopTooltipText ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . scrollTopTooltipText = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "tooltip config for bottom button" ) . setDesc ( "Change tooltip text of scroll to bottom button." ) . addText ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . scrollBottomTooltipText ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . scrollBottomTooltipText = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "tooltip config for cursor button" ) . setDesc ( "Change tooltip text of scroll to cursor button." ) . addText ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . scrollCursorTooltipText ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . scrollCursorTooltipText = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Change icon of scroll to top button" ) . setDesc ( this . createSpanWithLinks ( "Change icon of scroll to top button. You can visit available icons here: " , "https://lucide.dev/" , "lucide.dev" ) ) . addText ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . iconScrollToTop ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . iconScrollToTop = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Change icon of scroll to bottom button" ) . setDesc ( this . createSpanWithLinks ( "Change icon of scroll to bottom button. You can visit available icons here: " , "https://lucide.dev/" , "lucide.dev" ) ) . addText ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . iconScrollToBottom ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . iconScrollToBottom = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Change icon of scroll to cursor button" ) . setDesc ( this . createSpanWithLinks ( "Change icon of scroll to cursor button. You can visit available icons here: " , "https://lucide.dev/" , "lucide.dev" ) ) . addText ( ( value ) => {
value . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . iconScrollToCursor ) . onChange ( async ( value2 ) => {
this . plugin . settings . iconScrollToCursor = value2 ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . rebuildButton ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// plugins/surfing.ts
var isContainSurfingWebview = ( settings ) => {
return settings . enableSurfingPlugin && ( activeDocument . querySelector ( ".wb-frame" ) || activeDocument . querySelector ( ".wb-page-search-bar" ) ) ;
} ;
var injectSurfingComponent = ( top = true ) => {
const webViewList = activeDocument . querySelectorAll ( "webview" ) ;
const webView = Array . from ( webViewList ) . find ( ( item ) => {
var _a ;
const workspaceLeafElem = item . parentElement . parentElement . parentElement ;
const display = ( _a = workspaceLeafElem . style ) == null ? void 0 : _a . display ;
const modActive = workspaceLeafElem . classList . contains ( "mod-active" ) ;
return display != "none" && modActive ;
} ) ;
if ( webView ) {
if ( top ) {
webView . executeJavaScript ( ` window.scrollTo(0,0) ` ) ;
} else {
webView . executeJavaScript ( ` window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight) ` ) ;
} ;
// main.ts
var ROOT _WORKSPACE _CLASS = ".mod-vertical.mod-root" ;
var globalMarkdownView = null ;
var ScrollToTopPlugin = class extends import _obsidian2 . Plugin {
constructor ( ) {
super ( ... arguments ) ;
this . windowSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( ) ;
this . scrollToBottom = async ( ) => {
const markdownView = this . getCurrentViewOfType ( ) ;
if ( markdownView ) {
const file = this . app . workspace . getActiveFile ( ) ;
const content = await this . app . vault . cachedRead ( file ) ;
const lines = content . split ( "\n" ) ;
let numberOfLines = lines . length ;
if ( markdownView . getMode ( ) === "preview" ) {
while ( numberOfLines > 0 && lines [ numberOfLines - 1 ] . trim ( ) === "" ) {
numberOfLines -- ;
markdownView . currentMode . applyScroll ( numberOfLines - 1 ) ;
} else if ( isContainSurfingWebview ( this . settings ) ) {
injectSurfingComponent ( false ) ;
} ;
scrollToCursor ( ) {
const markdownView = this . getCurrentViewOfType ( ) ;
if ( markdownView ) {
const editor = markdownView . editor ;
const anchor = editor . getCursor ( "anchor" ) ;
const head = editor . getCursor ( "head" ) ;
setTimeout ( async ( ) => {
editor . setSelection ( anchor , head ) ;
} , 200 ) ;
editor . scrollIntoView ( {
from : anchor ,
to : head
} , true ) ;
this . app . workspace . setActiveLeaf ( markdownView . leaf , {
focus : true
} ) ;
} else if ( isContainSurfingWebview ( this . settings ) ) {
injectSurfingComponent ( false ) ;
scrollToTop ( ) {
const markdownView = this . getCurrentViewOfType ( ) ;
if ( markdownView ) {
const preview = markdownView . previewMode ;
if ( isSource ( markdownView ) ) {
const editor = markdownView . editor ;
setTimeout ( async ( ) => {
editor . setCursor ( 0 , 0 ) ;
} , 200 ) ;
editor . scrollTo ( 0 , 0 ) ;
this . app . workspace . setActiveLeaf ( markdownView . leaf , {
focus : true
} ) ;
} else {
isPreview ( markdownView ) && preview . applyScroll ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( isContainSurfingWebview ( this . settings ) ) {
injectSurfingComponent ( true ) ;
createScrollElement ( config , fn ) {
var _a ;
let topWidget = createEl ( "div" ) ;
topWidget . setAttribute ( "class" , ` div- ${ config . className } ` ) ;
topWidget . setAttribute ( "id" , config . id ) ;
document . body . style . setProperty ( "--size-ratio" , this . settings . resizeButton . toString ( ) ) ;
let button = new import _obsidian2 . ButtonComponent ( topWidget ) ;
button . setIcon ( config . icon ) . setClass ( "buttonItem" ) . onClick ( fn ) ;
if ( config . tooltipConfig . showTooltip ) {
button . setTooltip ( config . tooltipConfig . tooltipText ) ;
let curWindow = config . curWindow || window ;
const markdownView = this . getCurrentViewOfType ( ) ;
( _a = curWindow . document . body . querySelector ( ROOT _WORKSPACE _CLASS ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . insertAdjacentElement ( "afterbegin" , topWidget ) ;
if ( ! markdownView && ! isContainSurfingWebview ( this . settings ) ) {
topWidget . style . visibility = "hidden" ;
removeButton ( id , curWindow ) {
let curWin = curWindow || window ;
const element = curWin . activeDocument . getElementById ( id ) ;
if ( element ) {
element . remove ( ) ;
getCurrentViewOfType ( ) {
let markdownView = this . app . workspace . getActiveViewOfType ( import _obsidian2 . MarkdownView ) ;
let currentView = this . app . workspace . getActiveViewOfType ( import _obsidian2 . View ) ;
if ( markdownView !== null ) {
globalMarkdownView = markdownView ;
} else {
if ( currentView == null || currentView . file . extension == "md" ) {
markdownView = globalMarkdownView ;
return markdownView ;
createButton ( window2 ) {
const {
enabledScrollToTop ,
enabledScrollToBottom ,
enabledScrollToCursor ,
iconScrollToTop ,
iconScrollToBottom ,
iconScrollToCursor ,
showTooltip ,
scrollTopTooltipText ,
scrollBottomTooltipText ,
} = this . settings ;
if ( enabledScrollToTop ) {
this . createScrollElement ( {
id : "__C_scrollToTop" ,
className : "scrollToTop" ,
icon : iconScrollToTop ,
curWindow : window2 ,
tooltipConfig : {
showTooltip ,
tooltipText : scrollTopTooltipText
} , this . scrollToTop . bind ( this ) ) ;
if ( enabledScrollToBottom ) {
this . createScrollElement ( {
id : "__C_scrollToBottom" ,
className : "scrollToBottom" ,
icon : iconScrollToBottom ,
curWindow : window2 ,
tooltipConfig : {
showTooltip ,
tooltipText : scrollBottomTooltipText
} , this . scrollToBottom . bind ( this ) ) ;
if ( enabledScrollToCursor ) {
this . createScrollElement ( {
id : "__C_scrollToCursor" ,
className : "scrollToCursor" ,
icon : iconScrollToCursor ,
curWindow : window2 ,
tooltipConfig : {
showTooltip ,
tooltipText : scrollCursorTooltipText
} , this . scrollToCursor . bind ( this ) ) ;
toggleIconView ( ) {
let BottomButton = activeDocument . querySelector ( ".div-scrollToBottom" ) ;
let TopButton = activeDocument . querySelector ( ".div-scrollToTop" ) ;
let CursorButton = activeDocument . querySelector ( ".div-scrollToCursor" ) ;
const markdownView = this . getCurrentViewOfType ( ) ;
if ( ! markdownView && ! isContainSurfingWebview ( this . settings ) ) {
if ( BottomButton )
BottomButton . style . visibility = "hidden" ;
if ( TopButton )
TopButton . style . visibility = "hidden" ;
if ( CursorButton )
CursorButton . style . visibility = "hidden" ;
} else {
if ( BottomButton )
BottomButton . style . visibility = "visible" ;
if ( TopButton )
TopButton . style . visibility = "visible" ;
if ( markdownView && isSource ( markdownView ) ) {
if ( CursorButton )
CursorButton . style . visibility = "visible" ;
} else {
if ( CursorButton )
CursorButton . style . visibility = "hidden" ;
async onload ( ) {
await this . loadSettings ( ) ;
this . addSettingTab ( new ScrollToTopSettingTab ( this . app , this ) ) ;
this . app . workspace . onLayoutReady ( ( ) => {
this . createButton ( ) ;
this . registerEvent ( this . app . workspace . on ( "file-open" , ( ) => {
this . toggleIconView ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . registerEvent ( this . app . workspace . on ( "window-open" , ( win , window2 ) => {
this . windowSet . add ( window2 ) ;
this . createButton ( window2 ) ;
this . toggleIconView ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . registerEvent ( this . app . workspace . on ( "window-close" , ( win , window2 ) => {
this . windowSet . delete ( window2 ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . registerEvent ( this . app . workspace . on ( "layout-change" , ( ) => {
this . toggleIconView ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
addPluginCommand ( this , "scroll-to-top" , "Scroll to Top" , this . scrollToTop . bind ( this ) ) ;
addPluginCommand ( this , "scroll-to-bottom" , "Scroll to Bottom" , this . scrollToBottom . bind ( this ) ) ;
addPluginCommand ( this , "scroll-to-cursor" , "Scroll to Cursor" , this . scrollToCursor . bind ( this ) ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
this . app . workspace . trigger ( "css-change" ) ;
} , 300 ) ;
async saveSettings ( ) {
await this . saveData ( this . settings ) ;
async loadSettings ( ) {
this . settings = Object . assign ( { } , scrollToTopSetting , await this . loadData ( ) ) ;
onunload ( ) {
this . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToTop" ) ;
this . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToBottom" ) ;
this . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToCursor" ) ;
if ( this . windowSet . size > 0 ) {
this . windowSet . forEach ( ( window2 ) => {
this . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToTop" , window2 ) ;
this . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToBottom" , window2 ) ;
this . removeButton ( "__C_scrollToCursor" , window2 ) ;
} ) ;
} ;