/ *
if you want to view the source , please visit the github repository of this plugin
* /
var _ _create = Object . create ;
var _ _defProp = Object . defineProperty ;
var _ _getOwnPropDesc = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ;
var _ _getOwnPropNames = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ;
var _ _getProtoOf = Object . getPrototypeOf ;
var _ _hasOwnProp = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
var _ _markAsModule = ( target ) => _ _defProp ( target , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
var _ _commonJS = ( cb , mod ) => function _ _require ( ) {
return mod || ( 0 , cb [ Object . keys ( cb ) [ 0 ] ] ) ( ( mod = { exports : { } } ) . exports , mod ) , mod . exports ;
} ;
var _ _export = ( target , all ) => {
_ _markAsModule ( target ) ;
for ( var name in all )
_ _defProp ( target , name , { get : all [ name ] , enumerable : true } ) ;
} ;
var _ _reExport = ( target , module2 , desc ) => {
if ( module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function" ) {
for ( let key of _ _getOwnPropNames ( module2 ) )
if ( ! _ _hasOwnProp . call ( target , key ) && key !== "default" )
_ _defProp ( target , key , { get : ( ) => module2 [ key ] , enumerable : ! ( desc = _ _getOwnPropDesc ( module2 , key ) ) || desc . enumerable } ) ;
return target ;
} ;
var _ _toModule = ( module2 ) => {
return _ _reExport ( _ _markAsModule ( _ _defProp ( module2 != null ? _ _create ( _ _getProtoOf ( module2 ) ) : { } , "default" , module2 && module2 . _ _esModule && "default" in module2 ? { get : ( ) => module2 . default , enumerable : true } : { value : module2 , enumerable : true } ) ) , module2 ) ;
} ;
var _ _async = ( _ _this , _ _arguments , generator ) => {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
var fulfilled = ( value ) => {
try {
step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
reject ( e ) ;
} ;
var rejected = ( value ) => {
try {
step ( generator . throw ( value ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
reject ( e ) ;
} ;
var step = ( x ) => x . done ? resolve ( x . value ) : Promise . resolve ( x . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ;
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( _ _this , _ _arguments ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// node_modules/showdown/dist/showdown.js
var require _showdown = _ _commonJS ( {
"node_modules/showdown/dist/showdown.js" ( exports , module2 ) {
( function ( ) {
function getDefaultOpts ( simple ) {
"use strict" ;
var defaultOptions = {
omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Omit the default extra whiteline added to code blocks" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
noHeaderId : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Turn on/off generated header id" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
prefixHeaderId : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Add a prefix to the generated header ids. Passing a string will prefix that string to the header id. Setting to true will add a generic 'section-' prefix" ,
type : "string"
} ,
rawPrefixHeaderId : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : 'Setting this option to true will prevent showdown from modifying the prefix. This might result in malformed IDs (if, for instance, the " char is used in the prefix)' ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
ghCompatibleHeaderId : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Generate header ids compatible with github style (spaces are replaced with dashes, a bunch of non alphanumeric chars are removed)" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
rawHeaderId : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : ` Remove only spaces, ' and " from generated header ids (including prefixes), replacing them with dashes (-). WARNING: This might result in malformed ids ` ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
headerLevelStart : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "The header blocks level start" ,
type : "integer"
} ,
parseImgDimensions : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Turn on/off image dimension parsing" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
simplifiedAutoLink : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Turn on/off GFM autolink style" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Excludes trailing punctuation from links generated with autoLinking" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
literalMidWordUnderscores : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Parse midword underscores as literal underscores" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
literalMidWordAsterisks : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Parse midword asterisks as literal asterisks" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
strikethrough : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Turn on/off strikethrough support" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
tables : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Turn on/off tables support" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
tablesHeaderId : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Add an id to table headers" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
ghCodeBlocks : {
defaultValue : true ,
describe : "Turn on/off GFM fenced code blocks support" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
tasklists : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Turn on/off GFM tasklist support" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
smoothLivePreview : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Prevents weird effects in live previews due to incomplete input" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
smartIndentationFix : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Tries to smartly fix indentation in es6 strings" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Disables the requirement of indenting nested sublists by 4 spaces" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
simpleLineBreaks : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Parses simple line breaks as <br> (GFM Style)" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Makes adding a space between `#` and the header text mandatory (GFM Style)" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
ghMentions : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Enables github @mentions" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
ghMentionsLink : {
defaultValue : "https://github.com/{u}" ,
describe : "Changes the link generated by @mentions. Only applies if ghMentions option is enabled." ,
type : "string"
} ,
encodeEmails : {
defaultValue : true ,
describe : "Encode e-mail addresses through the use of Character Entities, transforming ASCII e-mail addresses into its equivalent decimal entities" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
openLinksInNewWindow : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Open all links in new windows" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
backslashEscapesHTMLTags : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Support for HTML Tag escaping. ex: <div>foo</div>" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
emoji : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Enable emoji support. Ex: `this is a :smile: emoji`" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
underline : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Enable support for underline. Syntax is double or triple underscores: `__underline word__`. With this option enabled, underscores no longer parses into `<em>` and `<strong>`" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
ellipsis : {
defaultValue : true ,
describe : "Replaces three dots with the ellipsis unicode character" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
completeHTMLDocument : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Outputs a complete html document, including `<html>`, `<head>` and `<body>` tags" ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
metadata : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Enable support for document metadata (defined at the top of the document between `\xAB\xAB\xAB` and `\xBB\xBB\xBB` or between `---` and `---`)." ,
type : "boolean"
} ,
splitAdjacentBlockquotes : {
defaultValue : false ,
describe : "Split adjacent blockquote blocks" ,
type : "boolean"
} ;
if ( simple === false ) {
return JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( defaultOptions ) ) ;
var ret = { } ;
for ( var opt in defaultOptions ) {
if ( defaultOptions . hasOwnProperty ( opt ) ) {
ret [ opt ] = defaultOptions [ opt ] . defaultValue ;
return ret ;
function allOptionsOn ( ) {
"use strict" ;
var options = getDefaultOpts ( true ) , ret = { } ;
for ( var opt in options ) {
if ( options . hasOwnProperty ( opt ) ) {
ret [ opt ] = true ;
return ret ;
var showdown2 = { } , parsers = { } , extensions = { } , globalOptions = getDefaultOpts ( true ) , setFlavor = "vanilla" , flavor = {
github : {
omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks : true ,
simplifiedAutoLink : true ,
excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs : true ,
literalMidWordUnderscores : true ,
strikethrough : true ,
tables : true ,
tablesHeaderId : true ,
ghCodeBlocks : true ,
tasklists : true ,
disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists : true ,
simpleLineBreaks : true ,
requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText : true ,
ghCompatibleHeaderId : true ,
ghMentions : true ,
backslashEscapesHTMLTags : true ,
emoji : true ,
splitAdjacentBlockquotes : true
} ,
original : {
noHeaderId : true ,
ghCodeBlocks : false
} ,
ghost : {
omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks : true ,
parseImgDimensions : true ,
simplifiedAutoLink : true ,
excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs : true ,
literalMidWordUnderscores : true ,
strikethrough : true ,
tables : true ,
tablesHeaderId : true ,
ghCodeBlocks : true ,
tasklists : true ,
smoothLivePreview : true ,
simpleLineBreaks : true ,
requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText : true ,
ghMentions : false ,
encodeEmails : true
} ,
vanilla : getDefaultOpts ( true ) ,
allOn : allOptionsOn ( )
} ;
showdown2 . helper = { } ;
showdown2 . extensions = { } ;
showdown2 . setOption = function ( key , value ) {
"use strict" ;
globalOptions [ key ] = value ;
return this ;
} ;
showdown2 . getOption = function ( key ) {
"use strict" ;
return globalOptions [ key ] ;
} ;
showdown2 . getOptions = function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
return globalOptions ;
} ;
showdown2 . resetOptions = function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
globalOptions = getDefaultOpts ( true ) ;
} ;
showdown2 . setFlavor = function ( name ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! flavor . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) {
throw Error ( name + " flavor was not found" ) ;
showdown2 . resetOptions ( ) ;
var preset = flavor [ name ] ;
setFlavor = name ;
for ( var option in preset ) {
if ( preset . hasOwnProperty ( option ) ) {
globalOptions [ option ] = preset [ option ] ;
} ;
showdown2 . getFlavor = function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
return setFlavor ;
} ;
showdown2 . getFlavorOptions = function ( name ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( flavor . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) {
return flavor [ name ] ;
} ;
showdown2 . getDefaultOptions = function ( simple ) {
"use strict" ;
return getDefaultOpts ( simple ) ;
} ;
showdown2 . subParser = function ( name , func ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( showdown2 . helper . isString ( name ) ) {
if ( typeof func !== "undefined" ) {
parsers [ name ] = func ;
} else {
if ( parsers . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) {
return parsers [ name ] ;
} else {
throw Error ( "SubParser named " + name + " not registered!" ) ;
} ;
showdown2 . extension = function ( name , ext ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isString ( name ) ) {
throw Error ( "Extension 'name' must be a string" ) ;
name = showdown2 . helper . stdExtName ( name ) ;
if ( showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( ext ) ) {
if ( ! extensions . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) {
throw Error ( "Extension named " + name + " is not registered!" ) ;
return extensions [ name ] ;
} else {
if ( typeof ext === "function" ) {
ext = ext ( ) ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isArray ( ext ) ) {
ext = [ ext ] ;
var validExtension = validate ( ext , name ) ;
if ( validExtension . valid ) {
extensions [ name ] = ext ;
} else {
throw Error ( validExtension . error ) ;
} ;
showdown2 . getAllExtensions = function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
return extensions ;
} ;
showdown2 . removeExtension = function ( name ) {
"use strict" ;
delete extensions [ name ] ;
} ;
showdown2 . resetExtensions = function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
extensions = { } ;
} ;
function validate ( extension , name ) {
"use strict" ;
var errMsg = name ? "Error in " + name + " extension->" : "Error in unnamed extension" , ret = {
valid : true ,
error : ""
} ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isArray ( extension ) ) {
extension = [ extension ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < extension . length ; ++ i ) {
var baseMsg = errMsg + " sub-extension " + i + ": " , ext = extension [ i ] ;
if ( typeof ext !== "object" ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + "must be an object, but " + typeof ext + " given" ;
return ret ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isString ( ext . type ) ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + 'property "type" must be a string, but ' + typeof ext . type + " given" ;
return ret ;
var type = ext . type = ext . type . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( type === "language" ) {
type = ext . type = "lang" ;
if ( type === "html" ) {
type = ext . type = "output" ;
if ( type !== "lang" && type !== "output" && type !== "listener" ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + "type " + type + ' is not recognized. Valid values: "lang/language", "output/html" or "listener"' ;
return ret ;
if ( type === "listener" ) {
if ( showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( ext . listeners ) ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + '. Extensions of type "listener" must have a property called "listeners"' ;
return ret ;
} else {
if ( showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( ext . filter ) && showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( ext . regex ) ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + type + ' extensions must define either a "regex" property or a "filter" method' ;
return ret ;
if ( ext . listeners ) {
if ( typeof ext . listeners !== "object" ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + '"listeners" property must be an object but ' + typeof ext . listeners + " given" ;
return ret ;
for ( var ln in ext . listeners ) {
if ( ext . listeners . hasOwnProperty ( ln ) ) {
if ( typeof ext . listeners [ ln ] !== "function" ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + '"listeners" property must be an hash of [event name]: [callback]. listeners.' + ln + " must be a function but " + typeof ext . listeners [ ln ] + " given" ;
return ret ;
if ( ext . filter ) {
if ( typeof ext . filter !== "function" ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + '"filter" must be a function, but ' + typeof ext . filter + " given" ;
return ret ;
} else if ( ext . regex ) {
if ( showdown2 . helper . isString ( ext . regex ) ) {
ext . regex = new RegExp ( ext . regex , "g" ) ;
if ( ! ( ext . regex instanceof RegExp ) ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + '"regex" property must either be a string or a RegExp object, but ' + typeof ext . regex + " given" ;
return ret ;
if ( showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( ext . replace ) ) {
ret . valid = false ;
ret . error = baseMsg + '"regex" extensions must implement a replace string or function' ;
return ret ;
return ret ;
showdown2 . validateExtension = function ( ext ) {
"use strict" ;
var validateExtension = validate ( ext , null ) ;
if ( ! validateExtension . valid ) {
console . warn ( validateExtension . error ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
if ( ! showdown2 . hasOwnProperty ( "helper" ) ) {
showdown2 . helper = { } ;
showdown2 . helper . isString = function ( a ) {
"use strict" ;
return typeof a === "string" || a instanceof String ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . isFunction = function ( a ) {
"use strict" ;
var getType = { } ;
return a && getType . toString . call ( a ) === "[object Function]" ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . isArray = function ( a ) {
"use strict" ;
return Array . isArray ( a ) ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . isUndefined = function ( value ) {
"use strict" ;
return typeof value === "undefined" ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . forEach = function ( obj , callback ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( obj ) ) {
throw new Error ( "obj param is required" ) ;
if ( showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( callback ) ) {
throw new Error ( "callback param is required" ) ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isFunction ( callback ) ) {
throw new Error ( "callback param must be a function/closure" ) ;
if ( typeof obj . forEach === "function" ) {
obj . forEach ( callback ) ;
} else if ( showdown2 . helper . isArray ( obj ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < obj . length ; i ++ ) {
callback ( obj [ i ] , i , obj ) ;
} else if ( typeof obj === "object" ) {
for ( var prop in obj ) {
if ( obj . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) ) {
callback ( obj [ prop ] , prop , obj ) ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "obj does not seem to be an array or an iterable object" ) ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . stdExtName = function ( s ) {
"use strict" ;
return s . replace ( /[_?*+\/\\.^-]/g , "" ) . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ;
function escapeCharactersCallback ( wholeMatch , m1 ) {
"use strict" ;
var charCodeToEscape = m1 . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ;
return "\xA8E" + charCodeToEscape + "E" ;
showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback = escapeCharactersCallback ;
showdown2 . helper . escapeCharacters = function ( text , charsToEscape , afterBackslash ) {
"use strict" ;
var regexString = "([" + charsToEscape . replace ( /([\[\]\\])/g , "\\$1" ) + "])" ;
if ( afterBackslash ) {
regexString = "\\\\" + regexString ;
var regex = new RegExp ( regexString , "g" ) ;
text = text . replace ( regex , escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
return text ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . unescapeHTMLEntities = function ( txt ) {
"use strict" ;
return txt . replace ( /"/g , '"' ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( />/g , ">" ) . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) ;
} ;
var rgxFindMatchPos = function ( str , left , right , flags ) {
"use strict" ;
var f = flags || "" , g = f . indexOf ( "g" ) > - 1 , x = new RegExp ( left + "|" + right , "g" + f . replace ( /g/g , "" ) ) , l = new RegExp ( left , f . replace ( /g/g , "" ) ) , pos = [ ] , t , s , m , start , end ;
do {
t = 0 ;
while ( m = x . exec ( str ) ) {
if ( l . test ( m [ 0 ] ) ) {
if ( ! t ++ ) {
s = x . lastIndex ;
start = s - m [ 0 ] . length ;
} else if ( t ) {
if ( ! -- t ) {
end = m . index + m [ 0 ] . length ;
var obj = {
left : { start , end : s } ,
match : { start : s , end : m . index } ,
right : { start : m . index , end } ,
wholeMatch : { start , end }
} ;
pos . push ( obj ) ;
if ( ! g ) {
return pos ;
} while ( t && ( x . lastIndex = s ) ) ;
return pos ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . matchRecursiveRegExp = function ( str , left , right , flags ) {
"use strict" ;
var matchPos = rgxFindMatchPos ( str , left , right , flags ) , results = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < matchPos . length ; ++ i ) {
results . push ( [
str . slice ( matchPos [ i ] . wholeMatch . start , matchPos [ i ] . wholeMatch . end ) ,
str . slice ( matchPos [ i ] . match . start , matchPos [ i ] . match . end ) ,
str . slice ( matchPos [ i ] . left . start , matchPos [ i ] . left . end ) ,
str . slice ( matchPos [ i ] . right . start , matchPos [ i ] . right . end )
] ) ;
return results ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . replaceRecursiveRegExp = function ( str , replacement , left , right , flags ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isFunction ( replacement ) ) {
var repStr = replacement ;
replacement = function ( ) {
return repStr ;
} ;
var matchPos = rgxFindMatchPos ( str , left , right , flags ) , finalStr = str , lng = matchPos . length ;
if ( lng > 0 ) {
var bits = [ ] ;
if ( matchPos [ 0 ] . wholeMatch . start !== 0 ) {
bits . push ( str . slice ( 0 , matchPos [ 0 ] . wholeMatch . start ) ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < lng ; ++ i ) {
bits . push ( replacement ( str . slice ( matchPos [ i ] . wholeMatch . start , matchPos [ i ] . wholeMatch . end ) , str . slice ( matchPos [ i ] . match . start , matchPos [ i ] . match . end ) , str . slice ( matchPos [ i ] . left . start , matchPos [ i ] . left . end ) , str . slice ( matchPos [ i ] . right . start , matchPos [ i ] . right . end ) ) ) ;
if ( i < lng - 1 ) {
bits . push ( str . slice ( matchPos [ i ] . wholeMatch . end , matchPos [ i + 1 ] . wholeMatch . start ) ) ;
if ( matchPos [ lng - 1 ] . wholeMatch . end < str . length ) {
bits . push ( str . slice ( matchPos [ lng - 1 ] . wholeMatch . end ) ) ;
finalStr = bits . join ( "" ) ;
return finalStr ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . regexIndexOf = function ( str , regex , fromIndex ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isString ( str ) ) {
throw "InvalidArgumentError: first parameter of showdown.helper.regexIndexOf function must be a string" ;
if ( regex instanceof RegExp === false ) {
throw "InvalidArgumentError: second parameter of showdown.helper.regexIndexOf function must be an instance of RegExp" ;
var indexOf = str . substring ( fromIndex || 0 ) . search ( regex ) ;
return indexOf >= 0 ? indexOf + ( fromIndex || 0 ) : indexOf ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . splitAtIndex = function ( str , index ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isString ( str ) ) {
throw "InvalidArgumentError: first parameter of showdown.helper.regexIndexOf function must be a string" ;
return [ str . substring ( 0 , index ) , str . substring ( index ) ] ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . encodeEmailAddress = function ( mail ) {
"use strict" ;
var encode = [
function ( ch ) {
return "&#" + ch . charCodeAt ( 0 ) + ";" ;
} ,
function ( ch ) {
return "&#x" + ch . charCodeAt ( 0 ) . toString ( 16 ) + ";" ;
} ,
function ( ch ) {
return ch ;
] ;
mail = mail . replace ( /./g , function ( ch ) {
if ( ch === "@" ) {
ch = encode [ Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) ] ( ch ) ;
} else {
var r = Math . random ( ) ;
ch = r > 0.9 ? encode [ 2 ] ( ch ) : r > 0.45 ? encode [ 1 ] ( ch ) : encode [ 0 ] ( ch ) ;
return ch ;
} ) ;
return mail ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . padEnd = function padEnd ( str , targetLength , padString ) {
"use strict" ;
targetLength = targetLength >> 0 ;
padString = String ( padString || " " ) ;
if ( str . length > targetLength ) {
return String ( str ) ;
} else {
targetLength = targetLength - str . length ;
if ( targetLength > padString . length ) {
padString += padString . repeat ( targetLength / padString . length ) ;
return String ( str ) + padString . slice ( 0 , targetLength ) ;
} ;
if ( typeof console === "undefined" ) {
console = {
warn : function ( msg ) {
"use strict" ;
alert ( msg ) ;
} ,
log : function ( msg ) {
"use strict" ;
alert ( msg ) ;
} ,
error : function ( msg ) {
"use strict" ;
throw msg ;
} ;
showdown2 . helper . regexes = {
asteriskDashAndColon : /([*_:~])/g
} ;
showdown2 . helper . emojis = {
"+1" : "\u{1F44D}" ,
"-1" : "\u{1F44E}" ,
"100" : "\u{1F4AF}" ,
"1234" : "\u{1F522}" ,
"1st_place_medal" : "\u{1F947}" ,
"2nd_place_medal" : "\u{1F948}" ,
"3rd_place_medal" : "\u{1F949}" ,
"8ball" : "\u{1F3B1}" ,
"a" : "\u{1F170}\uFE0F" ,
"ab" : "\u{1F18E}" ,
"abc" : "\u{1F524}" ,
"abcd" : "\u{1F521}" ,
"accept" : "\u{1F251}" ,
"aerial_tramway" : "\u{1F6A1}" ,
"airplane" : "\u2708\uFE0F" ,
"alarm_clock" : "\u23F0" ,
"alembic" : "\u2697\uFE0F" ,
"alien" : "\u{1F47D}" ,
"ambulance" : "\u{1F691}" ,
"amphora" : "\u{1F3FA}" ,
"anchor" : "\u2693\uFE0F" ,
"angel" : "\u{1F47C}" ,
"anger" : "\u{1F4A2}" ,
"angry" : "\u{1F620}" ,
"anguished" : "\u{1F627}" ,
"ant" : "\u{1F41C}" ,
"apple" : "\u{1F34E}" ,
"aquarius" : "\u2652\uFE0F" ,
"aries" : "\u2648\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_backward" : "\u25C0\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_double_down" : "\u23EC" ,
"arrow_double_up" : "\u23EB" ,
"arrow_down" : "\u2B07\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_down_small" : "\u{1F53D}" ,
"arrow_forward" : "\u25B6\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_heading_down" : "\u2935\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_heading_up" : "\u2934\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_left" : "\u2B05\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_lower_left" : "\u2199\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_lower_right" : "\u2198\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_right" : "\u27A1\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_right_hook" : "\u21AA\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_up" : "\u2B06\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_up_down" : "\u2195\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_up_small" : "\u{1F53C}" ,
"arrow_upper_left" : "\u2196\uFE0F" ,
"arrow_upper_right" : "\u2197\uFE0F" ,
"arrows_clockwise" : "\u{1F503}" ,
"arrows_counterclockwise" : "\u{1F504}" ,
"art" : "\u{1F3A8}" ,
"articulated_lorry" : "\u{1F69B}" ,
"artificial_satellite" : "\u{1F6F0}" ,
"astonished" : "\u{1F632}" ,
"athletic_shoe" : "\u{1F45F}" ,
"atm" : "\u{1F3E7}" ,
"atom_symbol" : "\u269B\uFE0F" ,
"avocado" : "\u{1F951}" ,
"b" : "\u{1F171}\uFE0F" ,
"baby" : "\u{1F476}" ,
"baby_bottle" : "\u{1F37C}" ,
"baby_chick" : "\u{1F424}" ,
"baby_symbol" : "\u{1F6BC}" ,
"back" : "\u{1F519}" ,
"bacon" : "\u{1F953}" ,
"badminton" : "\u{1F3F8}" ,
"baggage_claim" : "\u{1F6C4}" ,
"baguette_bread" : "\u{1F956}" ,
"balance_scale" : "\u2696\uFE0F" ,
"balloon" : "\u{1F388}" ,
"ballot_box" : "\u{1F5F3}" ,
"ballot_box_with_check" : "\u2611\uFE0F" ,
"bamboo" : "\u{1F38D}" ,
"banana" : "\u{1F34C}" ,
"bangbang" : "\u203C\uFE0F" ,
"bank" : "\u{1F3E6}" ,
"bar_chart" : "\u{1F4CA}" ,
"barber" : "\u{1F488}" ,
"baseball" : "\u26BE\uFE0F" ,
"basketball" : "\u{1F3C0}" ,
"basketball_man" : "\u26F9\uFE0F" ,
"basketball_woman" : "\u26F9\uFE0F‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"bat" : "\u{1F987}" ,
"bath" : "\u{1F6C0}" ,
"bathtub" : "\u{1F6C1}" ,
"battery" : "\u{1F50B}" ,
"beach_umbrella" : "\u{1F3D6}" ,
"bear" : "\u{1F43B}" ,
"bed" : "\u{1F6CF}" ,
"bee" : "\u{1F41D}" ,
"beer" : "\u{1F37A}" ,
"beers" : "\u{1F37B}" ,
"beetle" : "\u{1F41E}" ,
"beginner" : "\u{1F530}" ,
"bell" : "\u{1F514}" ,
"bellhop_bell" : "\u{1F6CE}" ,
"bento" : "\u{1F371}" ,
"biking_man" : "\u{1F6B4}" ,
"bike" : "\u{1F6B2}" ,
"biking_woman" : "\u{1F6B4}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"bikini" : "\u{1F459}" ,
"biohazard" : "\u2623\uFE0F" ,
"bird" : "\u{1F426}" ,
"birthday" : "\u{1F382}" ,
"black_circle" : "\u26AB\uFE0F" ,
"black_flag" : "\u{1F3F4}" ,
"black_heart" : "\u{1F5A4}" ,
"black_joker" : "\u{1F0CF}" ,
"black_large_square" : "\u2B1B\uFE0F" ,
"black_medium_small_square" : "\u25FE\uFE0F" ,
"black_medium_square" : "\u25FC\uFE0F" ,
"black_nib" : "\u2712\uFE0F" ,
"black_small_square" : "\u25AA\uFE0F" ,
"black_square_button" : "\u{1F532}" ,
"blonde_man" : "\u{1F471}" ,
"blonde_woman" : "\u{1F471}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"blossom" : "\u{1F33C}" ,
"blowfish" : "\u{1F421}" ,
"blue_book" : "\u{1F4D8}" ,
"blue_car" : "\u{1F699}" ,
"blue_heart" : "\u{1F499}" ,
"blush" : "\u{1F60A}" ,
"boar" : "\u{1F417}" ,
"boat" : "\u26F5\uFE0F" ,
"bomb" : "\u{1F4A3}" ,
"book" : "\u{1F4D6}" ,
"bookmark" : "\u{1F516}" ,
"bookmark_tabs" : "\u{1F4D1}" ,
"books" : "\u{1F4DA}" ,
"boom" : "\u{1F4A5}" ,
"boot" : "\u{1F462}" ,
"bouquet" : "\u{1F490}" ,
"bowing_man" : "\u{1F647}" ,
"bow_and_arrow" : "\u{1F3F9}" ,
"bowing_woman" : "\u{1F647}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"bowling" : "\u{1F3B3}" ,
"boxing_glove" : "\u{1F94A}" ,
"boy" : "\u{1F466}" ,
"bread" : "\u{1F35E}" ,
"bride_with_veil" : "\u{1F470}" ,
"bridge_at_night" : "\u{1F309}" ,
"briefcase" : "\u{1F4BC}" ,
"broken_heart" : "\u{1F494}" ,
"bug" : "\u{1F41B}" ,
"building_construction" : "\u{1F3D7}" ,
"bulb" : "\u{1F4A1}" ,
"bullettrain_front" : "\u{1F685}" ,
"bullettrain_side" : "\u{1F684}" ,
"burrito" : "\u{1F32F}" ,
"bus" : "\u{1F68C}" ,
"business_suit_levitating" : "\u{1F574}" ,
"busstop" : "\u{1F68F}" ,
"bust_in_silhouette" : "\u{1F464}" ,
"busts_in_silhouette" : "\u{1F465}" ,
"butterfly" : "\u{1F98B}" ,
"cactus" : "\u{1F335}" ,
"cake" : "\u{1F370}" ,
"calendar" : "\u{1F4C6}" ,
"call_me_hand" : "\u{1F919}" ,
"calling" : "\u{1F4F2}" ,
"camel" : "\u{1F42B}" ,
"camera" : "\u{1F4F7}" ,
"camera_flash" : "\u{1F4F8}" ,
"camping" : "\u{1F3D5}" ,
"cancer" : "\u264B\uFE0F" ,
"candle" : "\u{1F56F}" ,
"candy" : "\u{1F36C}" ,
"canoe" : "\u{1F6F6}" ,
"capital_abcd" : "\u{1F520}" ,
"capricorn" : "\u2651\uFE0F" ,
"car" : "\u{1F697}" ,
"card_file_box" : "\u{1F5C3}" ,
"card_index" : "\u{1F4C7}" ,
"card_index_dividers" : "\u{1F5C2}" ,
"carousel_horse" : "\u{1F3A0}" ,
"carrot" : "\u{1F955}" ,
"cat" : "\u{1F431}" ,
"cat2" : "\u{1F408}" ,
"cd" : "\u{1F4BF}" ,
"chains" : "\u26D3" ,
"champagne" : "\u{1F37E}" ,
"chart" : "\u{1F4B9}" ,
"chart_with_downwards_trend" : "\u{1F4C9}" ,
"chart_with_upwards_trend" : "\u{1F4C8}" ,
"checkered_flag" : "\u{1F3C1}" ,
"cheese" : "\u{1F9C0}" ,
"cherries" : "\u{1F352}" ,
"cherry_blossom" : "\u{1F338}" ,
"chestnut" : "\u{1F330}" ,
"chicken" : "\u{1F414}" ,
"children_crossing" : "\u{1F6B8}" ,
"chipmunk" : "\u{1F43F}" ,
"chocolate_bar" : "\u{1F36B}" ,
"christmas_tree" : "\u{1F384}" ,
"church" : "\u26EA\uFE0F" ,
"cinema" : "\u{1F3A6}" ,
"circus_tent" : "\u{1F3AA}" ,
"city_sunrise" : "\u{1F307}" ,
"city_sunset" : "\u{1F306}" ,
"cityscape" : "\u{1F3D9}" ,
"cl" : "\u{1F191}" ,
"clamp" : "\u{1F5DC}" ,
"clap" : "\u{1F44F}" ,
"clapper" : "\u{1F3AC}" ,
"classical_building" : "\u{1F3DB}" ,
"clinking_glasses" : "\u{1F942}" ,
"clipboard" : "\u{1F4CB}" ,
"clock1" : "\u{1F550}" ,
"clock10" : "\u{1F559}" ,
"clock1030" : "\u{1F565}" ,
"clock11" : "\u{1F55A}" ,
"clock1130" : "\u{1F566}" ,
"clock12" : "\u{1F55B}" ,
"clock1230" : "\u{1F567}" ,
"clock130" : "\u{1F55C}" ,
"clock2" : "\u{1F551}" ,
"clock230" : "\u{1F55D}" ,
"clock3" : "\u{1F552}" ,
"clock330" : "\u{1F55E}" ,
"clock4" : "\u{1F553}" ,
"clock430" : "\u{1F55F}" ,
"clock5" : "\u{1F554}" ,
"clock530" : "\u{1F560}" ,
"clock6" : "\u{1F555}" ,
"clock630" : "\u{1F561}" ,
"clock7" : "\u{1F556}" ,
"clock730" : "\u{1F562}" ,
"clock8" : "\u{1F557}" ,
"clock830" : "\u{1F563}" ,
"clock9" : "\u{1F558}" ,
"clock930" : "\u{1F564}" ,
"closed_book" : "\u{1F4D5}" ,
"closed_lock_with_key" : "\u{1F510}" ,
"closed_umbrella" : "\u{1F302}" ,
"cloud" : "\u2601\uFE0F" ,
"cloud_with_lightning" : "\u{1F329}" ,
"cloud_with_lightning_and_rain" : "\u26C8" ,
"cloud_with_rain" : "\u{1F327}" ,
"cloud_with_snow" : "\u{1F328}" ,
"clown_face" : "\u{1F921}" ,
"clubs" : "\u2663\uFE0F" ,
"cocktail" : "\u{1F378}" ,
"coffee" : "\u2615\uFE0F" ,
"coffin" : "\u26B0\uFE0F" ,
"cold_sweat" : "\u{1F630}" ,
"comet" : "\u2604\uFE0F" ,
"computer" : "\u{1F4BB}" ,
"computer_mouse" : "\u{1F5B1}" ,
"confetti_ball" : "\u{1F38A}" ,
"confounded" : "\u{1F616}" ,
"confused" : "\u{1F615}" ,
"congratulations" : "\u3297\uFE0F" ,
"construction" : "\u{1F6A7}" ,
"construction_worker_man" : "\u{1F477}" ,
"construction_worker_woman" : "\u{1F477}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"control_knobs" : "\u{1F39B}" ,
"convenience_store" : "\u{1F3EA}" ,
"cookie" : "\u{1F36A}" ,
"cool" : "\u{1F192}" ,
"policeman" : "\u{1F46E}" ,
"copyright" : "\xA9\uFE0F" ,
"corn" : "\u{1F33D}" ,
"couch_and_lamp" : "\u{1F6CB}" ,
"couple" : "\u{1F46B}" ,
"couple_with_heart_woman_man" : "\u{1F491}" ,
"couple_with_heart_man_man" : "\u{1F468}‍\u2764\uFE0F‍\u{1F468}" ,
"couple_with_heart_woman_woman" : "\u{1F469}‍\u2764\uFE0F‍\u{1F469}" ,
"couplekiss_man_man" : "\u{1F468}‍\u2764\uFE0F‍\u{1F48B}‍\u{1F468}" ,
"couplekiss_man_woman" : "\u{1F48F}" ,
"couplekiss_woman_woman" : "\u{1F469}‍\u2764\uFE0F‍\u{1F48B}‍\u{1F469}" ,
"cow" : "\u{1F42E}" ,
"cow2" : "\u{1F404}" ,
"cowboy_hat_face" : "\u{1F920}" ,
"crab" : "\u{1F980}" ,
"crayon" : "\u{1F58D}" ,
"credit_card" : "\u{1F4B3}" ,
"crescent_moon" : "\u{1F319}" ,
"cricket" : "\u{1F3CF}" ,
"crocodile" : "\u{1F40A}" ,
"croissant" : "\u{1F950}" ,
"crossed_fingers" : "\u{1F91E}" ,
"crossed_flags" : "\u{1F38C}" ,
"crossed_swords" : "\u2694\uFE0F" ,
"crown" : "\u{1F451}" ,
"cry" : "\u{1F622}" ,
"crying_cat_face" : "\u{1F63F}" ,
"crystal_ball" : "\u{1F52E}" ,
"cucumber" : "\u{1F952}" ,
"cupid" : "\u{1F498}" ,
"curly_loop" : "\u27B0" ,
"currency_exchange" : "\u{1F4B1}" ,
"curry" : "\u{1F35B}" ,
"custard" : "\u{1F36E}" ,
"customs" : "\u{1F6C3}" ,
"cyclone" : "\u{1F300}" ,
"dagger" : "\u{1F5E1}" ,
"dancer" : "\u{1F483}" ,
"dancing_women" : "\u{1F46F}" ,
"dancing_men" : "\u{1F46F}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"dango" : "\u{1F361}" ,
"dark_sunglasses" : "\u{1F576}" ,
"dart" : "\u{1F3AF}" ,
"dash" : "\u{1F4A8}" ,
"date" : "\u{1F4C5}" ,
"deciduous_tree" : "\u{1F333}" ,
"deer" : "\u{1F98C}" ,
"department_store" : "\u{1F3EC}" ,
"derelict_house" : "\u{1F3DA}" ,
"desert" : "\u{1F3DC}" ,
"desert_island" : "\u{1F3DD}" ,
"desktop_computer" : "\u{1F5A5}" ,
"male_detective" : "\u{1F575}\uFE0F" ,
"diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside" : "\u{1F4A0}" ,
"diamonds" : "\u2666\uFE0F" ,
"disappointed" : "\u{1F61E}" ,
"disappointed_relieved" : "\u{1F625}" ,
"dizzy" : "\u{1F4AB}" ,
"dizzy_face" : "\u{1F635}" ,
"do_not_litter" : "\u{1F6AF}" ,
"dog" : "\u{1F436}" ,
"dog2" : "\u{1F415}" ,
"dollar" : "\u{1F4B5}" ,
"dolls" : "\u{1F38E}" ,
"dolphin" : "\u{1F42C}" ,
"door" : "\u{1F6AA}" ,
"doughnut" : "\u{1F369}" ,
"dove" : "\u{1F54A}" ,
"dragon" : "\u{1F409}" ,
"dragon_face" : "\u{1F432}" ,
"dress" : "\u{1F457}" ,
"dromedary_camel" : "\u{1F42A}" ,
"drooling_face" : "\u{1F924}" ,
"droplet" : "\u{1F4A7}" ,
"drum" : "\u{1F941}" ,
"duck" : "\u{1F986}" ,
"dvd" : "\u{1F4C0}" ,
"e-mail" : "\u{1F4E7}" ,
"eagle" : "\u{1F985}" ,
"ear" : "\u{1F442}" ,
"ear_of_rice" : "\u{1F33E}" ,
"earth_africa" : "\u{1F30D}" ,
"earth_americas" : "\u{1F30E}" ,
"earth_asia" : "\u{1F30F}" ,
"egg" : "\u{1F95A}" ,
"eggplant" : "\u{1F346}" ,
"eight_pointed_black_star" : "\u2734\uFE0F" ,
"eight_spoked_asterisk" : "\u2733\uFE0F" ,
"electric_plug" : "\u{1F50C}" ,
"elephant" : "\u{1F418}" ,
"email" : "\u2709\uFE0F" ,
"end" : "\u{1F51A}" ,
"envelope_with_arrow" : "\u{1F4E9}" ,
"euro" : "\u{1F4B6}" ,
"european_castle" : "\u{1F3F0}" ,
"european_post_office" : "\u{1F3E4}" ,
"evergreen_tree" : "\u{1F332}" ,
"exclamation" : "\u2757\uFE0F" ,
"expressionless" : "\u{1F611}" ,
"eye" : "\u{1F441}" ,
"eye_speech_bubble" : "\u{1F441}‍\u{1F5E8}" ,
"eyeglasses" : "\u{1F453}" ,
"eyes" : "\u{1F440}" ,
"face_with_head_bandage" : "\u{1F915}" ,
"face_with_thermometer" : "\u{1F912}" ,
"fist_oncoming" : "\u{1F44A}" ,
"factory" : "\u{1F3ED}" ,
"fallen_leaf" : "\u{1F342}" ,
"family_man_woman_boy" : "\u{1F46A}" ,
"family_man_boy" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_man_boy_boy" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F466}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_man_girl" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"family_man_girl_boy" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_man_girl_girl" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"family_man_man_boy" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F468}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_man_man_boy_boy" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F468}‍\u{1F466}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_man_man_girl" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F468}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"family_man_man_girl_boy" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F468}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_man_man_girl_girl" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F468}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"family_man_woman_boy_boy" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F469}‍\u{1F466}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_man_woman_girl" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F469}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"family_man_woman_girl_boy" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F469}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_man_woman_girl_girl" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F469}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"family_woman_boy" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_woman_boy_boy" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F466}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_woman_girl" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"family_woman_girl_boy" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_woman_girl_girl" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"family_woman_woman_boy" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F469}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_woman_woman_boy_boy" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F469}‍\u{1F466}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_woman_woman_girl" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F469}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"family_woman_woman_girl_boy" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F469}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F466}" ,
"family_woman_woman_girl_girl" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F469}‍\u{1F467}‍\u{1F467}" ,
"fast_forward" : "\u23E9" ,
"fax" : "\u{1F4E0}" ,
"fearful" : "\u{1F628}" ,
"feet" : "\u{1F43E}" ,
"female_detective" : "\u{1F575}\uFE0F‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"ferris_wheel" : "\u{1F3A1}" ,
"ferry" : "\u26F4" ,
"field_hockey" : "\u{1F3D1}" ,
"file_cabinet" : "\u{1F5C4}" ,
"file_folder" : "\u{1F4C1}" ,
"film_projector" : "\u{1F4FD}" ,
"film_strip" : "\u{1F39E}" ,
"fire" : "\u{1F525}" ,
"fire_engine" : "\u{1F692}" ,
"fireworks" : "\u{1F386}" ,
"first_quarter_moon" : "\u{1F313}" ,
"first_quarter_moon_with_face" : "\u{1F31B}" ,
"fish" : "\u{1F41F}" ,
"fish_cake" : "\u{1F365}" ,
"fishing_pole_and_fish" : "\u{1F3A3}" ,
"fist_raised" : "\u270A" ,
"fist_left" : "\u{1F91B}" ,
"fist_right" : "\u{1F91C}" ,
"flags" : "\u{1F38F}" ,
"flashlight" : "\u{1F526}" ,
"fleur_de_lis" : "\u269C\uFE0F" ,
"flight_arrival" : "\u{1F6EC}" ,
"flight_departure" : "\u{1F6EB}" ,
"floppy_disk" : "\u{1F4BE}" ,
"flower_playing_cards" : "\u{1F3B4}" ,
"flushed" : "\u{1F633}" ,
"fog" : "\u{1F32B}" ,
"foggy" : "\u{1F301}" ,
"football" : "\u{1F3C8}" ,
"footprints" : "\u{1F463}" ,
"fork_and_knife" : "\u{1F374}" ,
"fountain" : "\u26F2\uFE0F" ,
"fountain_pen" : "\u{1F58B}" ,
"four_leaf_clover" : "\u{1F340}" ,
"fox_face" : "\u{1F98A}" ,
"framed_picture" : "\u{1F5BC}" ,
"free" : "\u{1F193}" ,
"fried_egg" : "\u{1F373}" ,
"fried_shrimp" : "\u{1F364}" ,
"fries" : "\u{1F35F}" ,
"frog" : "\u{1F438}" ,
"frowning" : "\u{1F626}" ,
"frowning_face" : "\u2639\uFE0F" ,
"frowning_man" : "\u{1F64D}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"frowning_woman" : "\u{1F64D}" ,
"middle_finger" : "\u{1F595}" ,
"fuelpump" : "\u26FD\uFE0F" ,
"full_moon" : "\u{1F315}" ,
"full_moon_with_face" : "\u{1F31D}" ,
"funeral_urn" : "\u26B1\uFE0F" ,
"game_die" : "\u{1F3B2}" ,
"gear" : "\u2699\uFE0F" ,
"gem" : "\u{1F48E}" ,
"gemini" : "\u264A\uFE0F" ,
"ghost" : "\u{1F47B}" ,
"gift" : "\u{1F381}" ,
"gift_heart" : "\u{1F49D}" ,
"girl" : "\u{1F467}" ,
"globe_with_meridians" : "\u{1F310}" ,
"goal_net" : "\u{1F945}" ,
"goat" : "\u{1F410}" ,
"golf" : "\u26F3\uFE0F" ,
"golfing_man" : "\u{1F3CC}\uFE0F" ,
"golfing_woman" : "\u{1F3CC}\uFE0F‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"gorilla" : "\u{1F98D}" ,
"grapes" : "\u{1F347}" ,
"green_apple" : "\u{1F34F}" ,
"green_book" : "\u{1F4D7}" ,
"green_heart" : "\u{1F49A}" ,
"green_salad" : "\u{1F957}" ,
"grey_exclamation" : "\u2755" ,
"grey_question" : "\u2754" ,
"grimacing" : "\u{1F62C}" ,
"grin" : "\u{1F601}" ,
"grinning" : "\u{1F600}" ,
"guardsman" : "\u{1F482}" ,
"guardswoman" : "\u{1F482}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"guitar" : "\u{1F3B8}" ,
"gun" : "\u{1F52B}" ,
"haircut_woman" : "\u{1F487}" ,
"haircut_man" : "\u{1F487}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"hamburger" : "\u{1F354}" ,
"hammer" : "\u{1F528}" ,
"hammer_and_pick" : "\u2692" ,
"hammer_and_wrench" : "\u{1F6E0}" ,
"hamster" : "\u{1F439}" ,
"hand" : "\u270B" ,
"handbag" : "\u{1F45C}" ,
"handshake" : "\u{1F91D}" ,
"hankey" : "\u{1F4A9}" ,
"hatched_chick" : "\u{1F425}" ,
"hatching_chick" : "\u{1F423}" ,
"headphones" : "\u{1F3A7}" ,
"hear_no_evil" : "\u{1F649}" ,
"heart" : "\u2764\uFE0F" ,
"heart_decoration" : "\u{1F49F}" ,
"heart_eyes" : "\u{1F60D}" ,
"heart_eyes_cat" : "\u{1F63B}" ,
"heartbeat" : "\u{1F493}" ,
"heartpulse" : "\u{1F497}" ,
"hearts" : "\u2665\uFE0F" ,
"heavy_check_mark" : "\u2714\uFE0F" ,
"heavy_division_sign" : "\u2797" ,
"heavy_dollar_sign" : "\u{1F4B2}" ,
"heavy_heart_exclamation" : "\u2763\uFE0F" ,
"heavy_minus_sign" : "\u2796" ,
"heavy_multiplication_x" : "\u2716\uFE0F" ,
"heavy_plus_sign" : "\u2795" ,
"helicopter" : "\u{1F681}" ,
"herb" : "\u{1F33F}" ,
"hibiscus" : "\u{1F33A}" ,
"high_brightness" : "\u{1F506}" ,
"high_heel" : "\u{1F460}" ,
"hocho" : "\u{1F52A}" ,
"hole" : "\u{1F573}" ,
"honey_pot" : "\u{1F36F}" ,
"horse" : "\u{1F434}" ,
"horse_racing" : "\u{1F3C7}" ,
"hospital" : "\u{1F3E5}" ,
"hot_pepper" : "\u{1F336}" ,
"hotdog" : "\u{1F32D}" ,
"hotel" : "\u{1F3E8}" ,
"hotsprings" : "\u2668\uFE0F" ,
"hourglass" : "\u231B\uFE0F" ,
"hourglass_flowing_sand" : "\u23F3" ,
"house" : "\u{1F3E0}" ,
"house_with_garden" : "\u{1F3E1}" ,
"houses" : "\u{1F3D8}" ,
"hugs" : "\u{1F917}" ,
"hushed" : "\u{1F62F}" ,
"ice_cream" : "\u{1F368}" ,
"ice_hockey" : "\u{1F3D2}" ,
"ice_skate" : "\u26F8" ,
"icecream" : "\u{1F366}" ,
"id" : "\u{1F194}" ,
"ideograph_advantage" : "\u{1F250}" ,
"imp" : "\u{1F47F}" ,
"inbox_tray" : "\u{1F4E5}" ,
"incoming_envelope" : "\u{1F4E8}" ,
"tipping_hand_woman" : "\u{1F481}" ,
"information_source" : "\u2139\uFE0F" ,
"innocent" : "\u{1F607}" ,
"interrobang" : "\u2049\uFE0F" ,
"iphone" : "\u{1F4F1}" ,
"izakaya_lantern" : "\u{1F3EE}" ,
"jack_o_lantern" : "\u{1F383}" ,
"japan" : "\u{1F5FE}" ,
"japanese_castle" : "\u{1F3EF}" ,
"japanese_goblin" : "\u{1F47A}" ,
"japanese_ogre" : "\u{1F479}" ,
"jeans" : "\u{1F456}" ,
"joy" : "\u{1F602}" ,
"joy_cat" : "\u{1F639}" ,
"joystick" : "\u{1F579}" ,
"kaaba" : "\u{1F54B}" ,
"key" : "\u{1F511}" ,
"keyboard" : "\u2328\uFE0F" ,
"keycap_ten" : "\u{1F51F}" ,
"kick_scooter" : "\u{1F6F4}" ,
"kimono" : "\u{1F458}" ,
"kiss" : "\u{1F48B}" ,
"kissing" : "\u{1F617}" ,
"kissing_cat" : "\u{1F63D}" ,
"kissing_closed_eyes" : "\u{1F61A}" ,
"kissing_heart" : "\u{1F618}" ,
"kissing_smiling_eyes" : "\u{1F619}" ,
"kiwi_fruit" : "\u{1F95D}" ,
"koala" : "\u{1F428}" ,
"koko" : "\u{1F201}" ,
"label" : "\u{1F3F7}" ,
"large_blue_circle" : "\u{1F535}" ,
"large_blue_diamond" : "\u{1F537}" ,
"large_orange_diamond" : "\u{1F536}" ,
"last_quarter_moon" : "\u{1F317}" ,
"last_quarter_moon_with_face" : "\u{1F31C}" ,
"latin_cross" : "\u271D\uFE0F" ,
"laughing" : "\u{1F606}" ,
"leaves" : "\u{1F343}" ,
"ledger" : "\u{1F4D2}" ,
"left_luggage" : "\u{1F6C5}" ,
"left_right_arrow" : "\u2194\uFE0F" ,
"leftwards_arrow_with_hook" : "\u21A9\uFE0F" ,
"lemon" : "\u{1F34B}" ,
"leo" : "\u264C\uFE0F" ,
"leopard" : "\u{1F406}" ,
"level_slider" : "\u{1F39A}" ,
"libra" : "\u264E\uFE0F" ,
"light_rail" : "\u{1F688}" ,
"link" : "\u{1F517}" ,
"lion" : "\u{1F981}" ,
"lips" : "\u{1F444}" ,
"lipstick" : "\u{1F484}" ,
"lizard" : "\u{1F98E}" ,
"lock" : "\u{1F512}" ,
"lock_with_ink_pen" : "\u{1F50F}" ,
"lollipop" : "\u{1F36D}" ,
"loop" : "\u27BF" ,
"loud_sound" : "\u{1F50A}" ,
"loudspeaker" : "\u{1F4E2}" ,
"love_hotel" : "\u{1F3E9}" ,
"love_letter" : "\u{1F48C}" ,
"low_brightness" : "\u{1F505}" ,
"lying_face" : "\u{1F925}" ,
"m" : "\u24C2\uFE0F" ,
"mag" : "\u{1F50D}" ,
"mag_right" : "\u{1F50E}" ,
"mahjong" : "\u{1F004}\uFE0F" ,
"mailbox" : "\u{1F4EB}" ,
"mailbox_closed" : "\u{1F4EA}" ,
"mailbox_with_mail" : "\u{1F4EC}" ,
"mailbox_with_no_mail" : "\u{1F4ED}" ,
"man" : "\u{1F468}" ,
"man_artist" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F3A8}" ,
"man_astronaut" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F680}" ,
"man_cartwheeling" : "\u{1F938}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"man_cook" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F373}" ,
"man_dancing" : "\u{1F57A}" ,
"man_facepalming" : "\u{1F926}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"man_factory_worker" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F3ED}" ,
"man_farmer" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F33E}" ,
"man_firefighter" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F692}" ,
"man_health_worker" : "\u{1F468}‍\u2695\uFE0F" ,
"man_in_tuxedo" : "\u{1F935}" ,
"man_judge" : "\u{1F468}‍\u2696\uFE0F" ,
"man_juggling" : "\u{1F939}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"man_mechanic" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F527}" ,
"man_office_worker" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F4BC}" ,
"man_pilot" : "\u{1F468}‍\u2708\uFE0F" ,
"man_playing_handball" : "\u{1F93E}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"man_playing_water_polo" : "\u{1F93D}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"man_scientist" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F52C}" ,
"man_shrugging" : "\u{1F937}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"man_singer" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F3A4}" ,
"man_student" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F393}" ,
"man_teacher" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F3EB}" ,
"man_technologist" : "\u{1F468}‍\u{1F4BB}" ,
"man_with_gua_pi_mao" : "\u{1F472}" ,
"man_with_turban" : "\u{1F473}" ,
"tangerine" : "\u{1F34A}" ,
"mans_shoe" : "\u{1F45E}" ,
"mantelpiece_clock" : "\u{1F570}" ,
"maple_leaf" : "\u{1F341}" ,
"martial_arts_uniform" : "\u{1F94B}" ,
"mask" : "\u{1F637}" ,
"massage_woman" : "\u{1F486}" ,
"massage_man" : "\u{1F486}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"meat_on_bone" : "\u{1F356}" ,
"medal_military" : "\u{1F396}" ,
"medal_sports" : "\u{1F3C5}" ,
"mega" : "\u{1F4E3}" ,
"melon" : "\u{1F348}" ,
"memo" : "\u{1F4DD}" ,
"men_wrestling" : "\u{1F93C}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"menorah" : "\u{1F54E}" ,
"mens" : "\u{1F6B9}" ,
"metal" : "\u{1F918}" ,
"metro" : "\u{1F687}" ,
"microphone" : "\u{1F3A4}" ,
"microscope" : "\u{1F52C}" ,
"milk_glass" : "\u{1F95B}" ,
"milky_way" : "\u{1F30C}" ,
"minibus" : "\u{1F690}" ,
"minidisc" : "\u{1F4BD}" ,
"mobile_phone_off" : "\u{1F4F4}" ,
"money_mouth_face" : "\u{1F911}" ,
"money_with_wings" : "\u{1F4B8}" ,
"moneybag" : "\u{1F4B0}" ,
"monkey" : "\u{1F412}" ,
"monkey_face" : "\u{1F435}" ,
"monorail" : "\u{1F69D}" ,
"moon" : "\u{1F314}" ,
"mortar_board" : "\u{1F393}" ,
"mosque" : "\u{1F54C}" ,
"motor_boat" : "\u{1F6E5}" ,
"motor_scooter" : "\u{1F6F5}" ,
"motorcycle" : "\u{1F3CD}" ,
"motorway" : "\u{1F6E3}" ,
"mount_fuji" : "\u{1F5FB}" ,
"mountain" : "\u26F0" ,
"mountain_biking_man" : "\u{1F6B5}" ,
"mountain_biking_woman" : "\u{1F6B5}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"mountain_cableway" : "\u{1F6A0}" ,
"mountain_railway" : "\u{1F69E}" ,
"mountain_snow" : "\u{1F3D4}" ,
"mouse" : "\u{1F42D}" ,
"mouse2" : "\u{1F401}" ,
"movie_camera" : "\u{1F3A5}" ,
"moyai" : "\u{1F5FF}" ,
"mrs_claus" : "\u{1F936}" ,
"muscle" : "\u{1F4AA}" ,
"mushroom" : "\u{1F344}" ,
"musical_keyboard" : "\u{1F3B9}" ,
"musical_note" : "\u{1F3B5}" ,
"musical_score" : "\u{1F3BC}" ,
"mute" : "\u{1F507}" ,
"nail_care" : "\u{1F485}" ,
"name_badge" : "\u{1F4DB}" ,
"national_park" : "\u{1F3DE}" ,
"nauseated_face" : "\u{1F922}" ,
"necktie" : "\u{1F454}" ,
"negative_squared_cross_mark" : "\u274E" ,
"nerd_face" : "\u{1F913}" ,
"neutral_face" : "\u{1F610}" ,
"new" : "\u{1F195}" ,
"new_moon" : "\u{1F311}" ,
"new_moon_with_face" : "\u{1F31A}" ,
"newspaper" : "\u{1F4F0}" ,
"newspaper_roll" : "\u{1F5DE}" ,
"next_track_button" : "\u23ED" ,
"ng" : "\u{1F196}" ,
"no_good_man" : "\u{1F645}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"no_good_woman" : "\u{1F645}" ,
"night_with_stars" : "\u{1F303}" ,
"no_bell" : "\u{1F515}" ,
"no_bicycles" : "\u{1F6B3}" ,
"no_entry" : "\u26D4\uFE0F" ,
"no_entry_sign" : "\u{1F6AB}" ,
"no_mobile_phones" : "\u{1F4F5}" ,
"no_mouth" : "\u{1F636}" ,
"no_pedestrians" : "\u{1F6B7}" ,
"no_smoking" : "\u{1F6AD}" ,
"non-potable_water" : "\u{1F6B1}" ,
"nose" : "\u{1F443}" ,
"notebook" : "\u{1F4D3}" ,
"notebook_with_decorative_cover" : "\u{1F4D4}" ,
"notes" : "\u{1F3B6}" ,
"nut_and_bolt" : "\u{1F529}" ,
"o" : "\u2B55\uFE0F" ,
"o2" : "\u{1F17E}\uFE0F" ,
"ocean" : "\u{1F30A}" ,
"octopus" : "\u{1F419}" ,
"oden" : "\u{1F362}" ,
"office" : "\u{1F3E2}" ,
"oil_drum" : "\u{1F6E2}" ,
"ok" : "\u{1F197}" ,
"ok_hand" : "\u{1F44C}" ,
"ok_man" : "\u{1F646}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"ok_woman" : "\u{1F646}" ,
"old_key" : "\u{1F5DD}" ,
"older_man" : "\u{1F474}" ,
"older_woman" : "\u{1F475}" ,
"om" : "\u{1F549}" ,
"on" : "\u{1F51B}" ,
"oncoming_automobile" : "\u{1F698}" ,
"oncoming_bus" : "\u{1F68D}" ,
"oncoming_police_car" : "\u{1F694}" ,
"oncoming_taxi" : "\u{1F696}" ,
"open_file_folder" : "\u{1F4C2}" ,
"open_hands" : "\u{1F450}" ,
"open_mouth" : "\u{1F62E}" ,
"open_umbrella" : "\u2602\uFE0F" ,
"ophiuchus" : "\u26CE" ,
"orange_book" : "\u{1F4D9}" ,
"orthodox_cross" : "\u2626\uFE0F" ,
"outbox_tray" : "\u{1F4E4}" ,
"owl" : "\u{1F989}" ,
"ox" : "\u{1F402}" ,
"package" : "\u{1F4E6}" ,
"page_facing_up" : "\u{1F4C4}" ,
"page_with_curl" : "\u{1F4C3}" ,
"pager" : "\u{1F4DF}" ,
"paintbrush" : "\u{1F58C}" ,
"palm_tree" : "\u{1F334}" ,
"pancakes" : "\u{1F95E}" ,
"panda_face" : "\u{1F43C}" ,
"paperclip" : "\u{1F4CE}" ,
"paperclips" : "\u{1F587}" ,
"parasol_on_ground" : "\u26F1" ,
"parking" : "\u{1F17F}\uFE0F" ,
"part_alternation_mark" : "\u303D\uFE0F" ,
"partly_sunny" : "\u26C5\uFE0F" ,
"passenger_ship" : "\u{1F6F3}" ,
"passport_control" : "\u{1F6C2}" ,
"pause_button" : "\u23F8" ,
"peace_symbol" : "\u262E\uFE0F" ,
"peach" : "\u{1F351}" ,
"peanuts" : "\u{1F95C}" ,
"pear" : "\u{1F350}" ,
"pen" : "\u{1F58A}" ,
"pencil2" : "\u270F\uFE0F" ,
"penguin" : "\u{1F427}" ,
"pensive" : "\u{1F614}" ,
"performing_arts" : "\u{1F3AD}" ,
"persevere" : "\u{1F623}" ,
"person_fencing" : "\u{1F93A}" ,
"pouting_woman" : "\u{1F64E}" ,
"phone" : "\u260E\uFE0F" ,
"pick" : "\u26CF" ,
"pig" : "\u{1F437}" ,
"pig2" : "\u{1F416}" ,
"pig_nose" : "\u{1F43D}" ,
"pill" : "\u{1F48A}" ,
"pineapple" : "\u{1F34D}" ,
"ping_pong" : "\u{1F3D3}" ,
"pisces" : "\u2653\uFE0F" ,
"pizza" : "\u{1F355}" ,
"place_of_worship" : "\u{1F6D0}" ,
"plate_with_cutlery" : "\u{1F37D}" ,
"play_or_pause_button" : "\u23EF" ,
"point_down" : "\u{1F447}" ,
"point_left" : "\u{1F448}" ,
"point_right" : "\u{1F449}" ,
"point_up" : "\u261D\uFE0F" ,
"point_up_2" : "\u{1F446}" ,
"police_car" : "\u{1F693}" ,
"policewoman" : "\u{1F46E}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"poodle" : "\u{1F429}" ,
"popcorn" : "\u{1F37F}" ,
"post_office" : "\u{1F3E3}" ,
"postal_horn" : "\u{1F4EF}" ,
"postbox" : "\u{1F4EE}" ,
"potable_water" : "\u{1F6B0}" ,
"potato" : "\u{1F954}" ,
"pouch" : "\u{1F45D}" ,
"poultry_leg" : "\u{1F357}" ,
"pound" : "\u{1F4B7}" ,
"rage" : "\u{1F621}" ,
"pouting_cat" : "\u{1F63E}" ,
"pouting_man" : "\u{1F64E}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"pray" : "\u{1F64F}" ,
"prayer_beads" : "\u{1F4FF}" ,
"pregnant_woman" : "\u{1F930}" ,
"previous_track_button" : "\u23EE" ,
"prince" : "\u{1F934}" ,
"princess" : "\u{1F478}" ,
"printer" : "\u{1F5A8}" ,
"purple_heart" : "\u{1F49C}" ,
"purse" : "\u{1F45B}" ,
"pushpin" : "\u{1F4CC}" ,
"put_litter_in_its_place" : "\u{1F6AE}" ,
"question" : "\u2753" ,
"rabbit" : "\u{1F430}" ,
"rabbit2" : "\u{1F407}" ,
"racehorse" : "\u{1F40E}" ,
"racing_car" : "\u{1F3CE}" ,
"radio" : "\u{1F4FB}" ,
"radio_button" : "\u{1F518}" ,
"radioactive" : "\u2622\uFE0F" ,
"railway_car" : "\u{1F683}" ,
"railway_track" : "\u{1F6E4}" ,
"rainbow" : "\u{1F308}" ,
"rainbow_flag" : "\u{1F3F3}\uFE0F‍\u{1F308}" ,
"raised_back_of_hand" : "\u{1F91A}" ,
"raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed" : "\u{1F590}" ,
"raised_hands" : "\u{1F64C}" ,
"raising_hand_woman" : "\u{1F64B}" ,
"raising_hand_man" : "\u{1F64B}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"ram" : "\u{1F40F}" ,
"ramen" : "\u{1F35C}" ,
"rat" : "\u{1F400}" ,
"record_button" : "\u23FA" ,
"recycle" : "\u267B\uFE0F" ,
"red_circle" : "\u{1F534}" ,
"registered" : "\xAE\uFE0F" ,
"relaxed" : "\u263A\uFE0F" ,
"relieved" : "\u{1F60C}" ,
"reminder_ribbon" : "\u{1F397}" ,
"repeat" : "\u{1F501}" ,
"repeat_one" : "\u{1F502}" ,
"rescue_worker_helmet" : "\u26D1" ,
"restroom" : "\u{1F6BB}" ,
"revolving_hearts" : "\u{1F49E}" ,
"rewind" : "\u23EA" ,
"rhinoceros" : "\u{1F98F}" ,
"ribbon" : "\u{1F380}" ,
"rice" : "\u{1F35A}" ,
"rice_ball" : "\u{1F359}" ,
"rice_cracker" : "\u{1F358}" ,
"rice_scene" : "\u{1F391}" ,
"right_anger_bubble" : "\u{1F5EF}" ,
"ring" : "\u{1F48D}" ,
"robot" : "\u{1F916}" ,
"rocket" : "\u{1F680}" ,
"rofl" : "\u{1F923}" ,
"roll_eyes" : "\u{1F644}" ,
"roller_coaster" : "\u{1F3A2}" ,
"rooster" : "\u{1F413}" ,
"rose" : "\u{1F339}" ,
"rosette" : "\u{1F3F5}" ,
"rotating_light" : "\u{1F6A8}" ,
"round_pushpin" : "\u{1F4CD}" ,
"rowing_man" : "\u{1F6A3}" ,
"rowing_woman" : "\u{1F6A3}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"rugby_football" : "\u{1F3C9}" ,
"running_man" : "\u{1F3C3}" ,
"running_shirt_with_sash" : "\u{1F3BD}" ,
"running_woman" : "\u{1F3C3}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"sa" : "\u{1F202}\uFE0F" ,
"sagittarius" : "\u2650\uFE0F" ,
"sake" : "\u{1F376}" ,
"sandal" : "\u{1F461}" ,
"santa" : "\u{1F385}" ,
"satellite" : "\u{1F4E1}" ,
"saxophone" : "\u{1F3B7}" ,
"school" : "\u{1F3EB}" ,
"school_satchel" : "\u{1F392}" ,
"scissors" : "\u2702\uFE0F" ,
"scorpion" : "\u{1F982}" ,
"scorpius" : "\u264F\uFE0F" ,
"scream" : "\u{1F631}" ,
"scream_cat" : "\u{1F640}" ,
"scroll" : "\u{1F4DC}" ,
"seat" : "\u{1F4BA}" ,
"secret" : "\u3299\uFE0F" ,
"see_no_evil" : "\u{1F648}" ,
"seedling" : "\u{1F331}" ,
"selfie" : "\u{1F933}" ,
"shallow_pan_of_food" : "\u{1F958}" ,
"shamrock" : "\u2618\uFE0F" ,
"shark" : "\u{1F988}" ,
"shaved_ice" : "\u{1F367}" ,
"sheep" : "\u{1F411}" ,
"shell" : "\u{1F41A}" ,
"shield" : "\u{1F6E1}" ,
"shinto_shrine" : "\u26E9" ,
"ship" : "\u{1F6A2}" ,
"shirt" : "\u{1F455}" ,
"shopping" : "\u{1F6CD}" ,
"shopping_cart" : "\u{1F6D2}" ,
"shower" : "\u{1F6BF}" ,
"shrimp" : "\u{1F990}" ,
"signal_strength" : "\u{1F4F6}" ,
"six_pointed_star" : "\u{1F52F}" ,
"ski" : "\u{1F3BF}" ,
"skier" : "\u26F7" ,
"skull" : "\u{1F480}" ,
"skull_and_crossbones" : "\u2620\uFE0F" ,
"sleeping" : "\u{1F634}" ,
"sleeping_bed" : "\u{1F6CC}" ,
"sleepy" : "\u{1F62A}" ,
"slightly_frowning_face" : "\u{1F641}" ,
"slightly_smiling_face" : "\u{1F642}" ,
"slot_machine" : "\u{1F3B0}" ,
"small_airplane" : "\u{1F6E9}" ,
"small_blue_diamond" : "\u{1F539}" ,
"small_orange_diamond" : "\u{1F538}" ,
"small_red_triangle" : "\u{1F53A}" ,
"small_red_triangle_down" : "\u{1F53B}" ,
"smile" : "\u{1F604}" ,
"smile_cat" : "\u{1F638}" ,
"smiley" : "\u{1F603}" ,
"smiley_cat" : "\u{1F63A}" ,
"smiling_imp" : "\u{1F608}" ,
"smirk" : "\u{1F60F}" ,
"smirk_cat" : "\u{1F63C}" ,
"smoking" : "\u{1F6AC}" ,
"snail" : "\u{1F40C}" ,
"snake" : "\u{1F40D}" ,
"sneezing_face" : "\u{1F927}" ,
"snowboarder" : "\u{1F3C2}" ,
"snowflake" : "\u2744\uFE0F" ,
"snowman" : "\u26C4\uFE0F" ,
"snowman_with_snow" : "\u2603\uFE0F" ,
"sob" : "\u{1F62D}" ,
"soccer" : "\u26BD\uFE0F" ,
"soon" : "\u{1F51C}" ,
"sos" : "\u{1F198}" ,
"sound" : "\u{1F509}" ,
"space_invader" : "\u{1F47E}" ,
"spades" : "\u2660\uFE0F" ,
"spaghetti" : "\u{1F35D}" ,
"sparkle" : "\u2747\uFE0F" ,
"sparkler" : "\u{1F387}" ,
"sparkles" : "\u2728" ,
"sparkling_heart" : "\u{1F496}" ,
"speak_no_evil" : "\u{1F64A}" ,
"speaker" : "\u{1F508}" ,
"speaking_head" : "\u{1F5E3}" ,
"speech_balloon" : "\u{1F4AC}" ,
"speedboat" : "\u{1F6A4}" ,
"spider" : "\u{1F577}" ,
"spider_web" : "\u{1F578}" ,
"spiral_calendar" : "\u{1F5D3}" ,
"spiral_notepad" : "\u{1F5D2}" ,
"spoon" : "\u{1F944}" ,
"squid" : "\u{1F991}" ,
"stadium" : "\u{1F3DF}" ,
"star" : "\u2B50\uFE0F" ,
"star2" : "\u{1F31F}" ,
"star_and_crescent" : "\u262A\uFE0F" ,
"star_of_david" : "\u2721\uFE0F" ,
"stars" : "\u{1F320}" ,
"station" : "\u{1F689}" ,
"statue_of_liberty" : "\u{1F5FD}" ,
"steam_locomotive" : "\u{1F682}" ,
"stew" : "\u{1F372}" ,
"stop_button" : "\u23F9" ,
"stop_sign" : "\u{1F6D1}" ,
"stopwatch" : "\u23F1" ,
"straight_ruler" : "\u{1F4CF}" ,
"strawberry" : "\u{1F353}" ,
"stuck_out_tongue" : "\u{1F61B}" ,
"stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes" : "\u{1F61D}" ,
"stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye" : "\u{1F61C}" ,
"studio_microphone" : "\u{1F399}" ,
"stuffed_flatbread" : "\u{1F959}" ,
"sun_behind_large_cloud" : "\u{1F325}" ,
"sun_behind_rain_cloud" : "\u{1F326}" ,
"sun_behind_small_cloud" : "\u{1F324}" ,
"sun_with_face" : "\u{1F31E}" ,
"sunflower" : "\u{1F33B}" ,
"sunglasses" : "\u{1F60E}" ,
"sunny" : "\u2600\uFE0F" ,
"sunrise" : "\u{1F305}" ,
"sunrise_over_mountains" : "\u{1F304}" ,
"surfing_man" : "\u{1F3C4}" ,
"surfing_woman" : "\u{1F3C4}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"sushi" : "\u{1F363}" ,
"suspension_railway" : "\u{1F69F}" ,
"sweat" : "\u{1F613}" ,
"sweat_drops" : "\u{1F4A6}" ,
"sweat_smile" : "\u{1F605}" ,
"sweet_potato" : "\u{1F360}" ,
"swimming_man" : "\u{1F3CA}" ,
"swimming_woman" : "\u{1F3CA}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"symbols" : "\u{1F523}" ,
"synagogue" : "\u{1F54D}" ,
"syringe" : "\u{1F489}" ,
"taco" : "\u{1F32E}" ,
"tada" : "\u{1F389}" ,
"tanabata_tree" : "\u{1F38B}" ,
"taurus" : "\u2649\uFE0F" ,
"taxi" : "\u{1F695}" ,
"tea" : "\u{1F375}" ,
"telephone_receiver" : "\u{1F4DE}" ,
"telescope" : "\u{1F52D}" ,
"tennis" : "\u{1F3BE}" ,
"tent" : "\u26FA\uFE0F" ,
"thermometer" : "\u{1F321}" ,
"thinking" : "\u{1F914}" ,
"thought_balloon" : "\u{1F4AD}" ,
"ticket" : "\u{1F3AB}" ,
"tickets" : "\u{1F39F}" ,
"tiger" : "\u{1F42F}" ,
"tiger2" : "\u{1F405}" ,
"timer_clock" : "\u23F2" ,
"tipping_hand_man" : "\u{1F481}‍\u2642\uFE0F" ,
"tired_face" : "\u{1F62B}" ,
"tm" : "\u2122\uFE0F" ,
"toilet" : "\u{1F6BD}" ,
"tokyo_tower" : "\u{1F5FC}" ,
"tomato" : "\u{1F345}" ,
"tongue" : "\u{1F445}" ,
"top" : "\u{1F51D}" ,
"tophat" : "\u{1F3A9}" ,
"tornado" : "\u{1F32A}" ,
"trackball" : "\u{1F5B2}" ,
"tractor" : "\u{1F69C}" ,
"traffic_light" : "\u{1F6A5}" ,
"train" : "\u{1F68B}" ,
"train2" : "\u{1F686}" ,
"tram" : "\u{1F68A}" ,
"triangular_flag_on_post" : "\u{1F6A9}" ,
"triangular_ruler" : "\u{1F4D0}" ,
"trident" : "\u{1F531}" ,
"triumph" : "\u{1F624}" ,
"trolleybus" : "\u{1F68E}" ,
"trophy" : "\u{1F3C6}" ,
"tropical_drink" : "\u{1F379}" ,
"tropical_fish" : "\u{1F420}" ,
"truck" : "\u{1F69A}" ,
"trumpet" : "\u{1F3BA}" ,
"tulip" : "\u{1F337}" ,
"tumbler_glass" : "\u{1F943}" ,
"turkey" : "\u{1F983}" ,
"turtle" : "\u{1F422}" ,
"tv" : "\u{1F4FA}" ,
"twisted_rightwards_arrows" : "\u{1F500}" ,
"two_hearts" : "\u{1F495}" ,
"two_men_holding_hands" : "\u{1F46C}" ,
"two_women_holding_hands" : "\u{1F46D}" ,
"u5272" : "\u{1F239}" ,
"u5408" : "\u{1F234}" ,
"u55b6" : "\u{1F23A}" ,
"u6307" : "\u{1F22F}\uFE0F" ,
"u6708" : "\u{1F237}\uFE0F" ,
"u6709" : "\u{1F236}" ,
"u6e80" : "\u{1F235}" ,
"u7121" : "\u{1F21A}\uFE0F" ,
"u7533" : "\u{1F238}" ,
"u7981" : "\u{1F232}" ,
"u7a7a" : "\u{1F233}" ,
"umbrella" : "\u2614\uFE0F" ,
"unamused" : "\u{1F612}" ,
"underage" : "\u{1F51E}" ,
"unicorn" : "\u{1F984}" ,
"unlock" : "\u{1F513}" ,
"up" : "\u{1F199}" ,
"upside_down_face" : "\u{1F643}" ,
"v" : "\u270C\uFE0F" ,
"vertical_traffic_light" : "\u{1F6A6}" ,
"vhs" : "\u{1F4FC}" ,
"vibration_mode" : "\u{1F4F3}" ,
"video_camera" : "\u{1F4F9}" ,
"video_game" : "\u{1F3AE}" ,
"violin" : "\u{1F3BB}" ,
"virgo" : "\u264D\uFE0F" ,
"volcano" : "\u{1F30B}" ,
"volleyball" : "\u{1F3D0}" ,
"vs" : "\u{1F19A}" ,
"vulcan_salute" : "\u{1F596}" ,
"walking_man" : "\u{1F6B6}" ,
"walking_woman" : "\u{1F6B6}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"waning_crescent_moon" : "\u{1F318}" ,
"waning_gibbous_moon" : "\u{1F316}" ,
"warning" : "\u26A0\uFE0F" ,
"wastebasket" : "\u{1F5D1}" ,
"watch" : "\u231A\uFE0F" ,
"water_buffalo" : "\u{1F403}" ,
"watermelon" : "\u{1F349}" ,
"wave" : "\u{1F44B}" ,
"wavy_dash" : "\u3030\uFE0F" ,
"waxing_crescent_moon" : "\u{1F312}" ,
"wc" : "\u{1F6BE}" ,
"weary" : "\u{1F629}" ,
"wedding" : "\u{1F492}" ,
"weight_lifting_man" : "\u{1F3CB}\uFE0F" ,
"weight_lifting_woman" : "\u{1F3CB}\uFE0F‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"whale" : "\u{1F433}" ,
"whale2" : "\u{1F40B}" ,
"wheel_of_dharma" : "\u2638\uFE0F" ,
"wheelchair" : "\u267F\uFE0F" ,
"white_check_mark" : "\u2705" ,
"white_circle" : "\u26AA\uFE0F" ,
"white_flag" : "\u{1F3F3}\uFE0F" ,
"white_flower" : "\u{1F4AE}" ,
"white_large_square" : "\u2B1C\uFE0F" ,
"white_medium_small_square" : "\u25FD\uFE0F" ,
"white_medium_square" : "\u25FB\uFE0F" ,
"white_small_square" : "\u25AB\uFE0F" ,
"white_square_button" : "\u{1F533}" ,
"wilted_flower" : "\u{1F940}" ,
"wind_chime" : "\u{1F390}" ,
"wind_face" : "\u{1F32C}" ,
"wine_glass" : "\u{1F377}" ,
"wink" : "\u{1F609}" ,
"wolf" : "\u{1F43A}" ,
"woman" : "\u{1F469}" ,
"woman_artist" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F3A8}" ,
"woman_astronaut" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F680}" ,
"woman_cartwheeling" : "\u{1F938}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"woman_cook" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F373}" ,
"woman_facepalming" : "\u{1F926}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"woman_factory_worker" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F3ED}" ,
"woman_farmer" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F33E}" ,
"woman_firefighter" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F692}" ,
"woman_health_worker" : "\u{1F469}‍\u2695\uFE0F" ,
"woman_judge" : "\u{1F469}‍\u2696\uFE0F" ,
"woman_juggling" : "\u{1F939}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"woman_mechanic" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F527}" ,
"woman_office_worker" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F4BC}" ,
"woman_pilot" : "\u{1F469}‍\u2708\uFE0F" ,
"woman_playing_handball" : "\u{1F93E}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"woman_playing_water_polo" : "\u{1F93D}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"woman_scientist" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F52C}" ,
"woman_shrugging" : "\u{1F937}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"woman_singer" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F3A4}" ,
"woman_student" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F393}" ,
"woman_teacher" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F3EB}" ,
"woman_technologist" : "\u{1F469}‍\u{1F4BB}" ,
"woman_with_turban" : "\u{1F473}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"womans_clothes" : "\u{1F45A}" ,
"womans_hat" : "\u{1F452}" ,
"women_wrestling" : "\u{1F93C}‍\u2640\uFE0F" ,
"womens" : "\u{1F6BA}" ,
"world_map" : "\u{1F5FA}" ,
"worried" : "\u{1F61F}" ,
"wrench" : "\u{1F527}" ,
"writing_hand" : "\u270D\uFE0F" ,
"x" : "\u274C" ,
"yellow_heart" : "\u{1F49B}" ,
"yen" : "\u{1F4B4}" ,
"yin_yang" : "\u262F\uFE0F" ,
"yum" : "\u{1F60B}" ,
"zap" : "\u26A1\uFE0F" ,
"zipper_mouth_face" : "\u{1F910}" ,
"zzz" : "\u{1F4A4}" ,
"octocat" : '<img alt=":octocat:" height="20" width="20" align="absmiddle" src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/octocat.png">' ,
"showdown" : ` <span style="font-family: 'Anonymous Pro', monospace; text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: dashed; text-decoration-color: #3e8b8a;text-underline-position: under;">S</span> `
} ;
showdown2 . Converter = function ( converterOptions ) {
"use strict" ;
var options = { } , langExtensions = [ ] , outputModifiers = [ ] , listeners = { } , setConvFlavor = setFlavor , metadata = {
parsed : { } ,
raw : "" ,
format : ""
} ;
_constructor ( ) ;
function _constructor ( ) {
converterOptions = converterOptions || { } ;
for ( var gOpt in globalOptions ) {
if ( globalOptions . hasOwnProperty ( gOpt ) ) {
options [ gOpt ] = globalOptions [ gOpt ] ;
if ( typeof converterOptions === "object" ) {
for ( var opt in converterOptions ) {
if ( converterOptions . hasOwnProperty ( opt ) ) {
options [ opt ] = converterOptions [ opt ] ;
} else {
throw Error ( "Converter expects the passed parameter to be an object, but " + typeof converterOptions + " was passed instead." ) ;
if ( options . extensions ) {
showdown2 . helper . forEach ( options . extensions , _parseExtension ) ;
function _parseExtension ( ext , name ) {
name = name || null ;
if ( showdown2 . helper . isString ( ext ) ) {
ext = showdown2 . helper . stdExtName ( ext ) ;
name = ext ;
if ( showdown2 . extensions [ ext ] ) {
console . warn ( "DEPRECATION WARNING: " + ext + " is an old extension that uses a deprecated loading method.Please inform the developer that the extension should be updated!" ) ;
legacyExtensionLoading ( showdown2 . extensions [ ext ] , ext ) ;
return ;
} else if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( extensions [ ext ] ) ) {
ext = extensions [ ext ] ;
} else {
throw Error ( 'Extension "' + ext + '" could not be loaded. It was either not found or is not a valid extension.' ) ;
if ( typeof ext === "function" ) {
ext = ext ( ) ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isArray ( ext ) ) {
ext = [ ext ] ;
var validExt = validate ( ext , name ) ;
if ( ! validExt . valid ) {
throw Error ( validExt . error ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ext . length ; ++ i ) {
switch ( ext [ i ] . type ) {
case "lang" :
langExtensions . push ( ext [ i ] ) ;
break ;
case "output" :
outputModifiers . push ( ext [ i ] ) ;
break ;
if ( ext [ i ] . hasOwnProperty ( "listeners" ) ) {
for ( var ln in ext [ i ] . listeners ) {
if ( ext [ i ] . listeners . hasOwnProperty ( ln ) ) {
listen ( ln , ext [ i ] . listeners [ ln ] ) ;
function legacyExtensionLoading ( ext , name ) {
if ( typeof ext === "function" ) {
ext = ext ( new showdown2 . Converter ( ) ) ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isArray ( ext ) ) {
ext = [ ext ] ;
var valid = validate ( ext , name ) ;
if ( ! valid . valid ) {
throw Error ( valid . error ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ext . length ; ++ i ) {
switch ( ext [ i ] . type ) {
case "lang" :
langExtensions . push ( ext [ i ] ) ;
break ;
case "output" :
outputModifiers . push ( ext [ i ] ) ;
break ;
default :
throw Error ( "Extension loader error: Type unrecognized!!!" ) ;
function listen ( name , callback ) {
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isString ( name ) ) {
throw Error ( "Invalid argument in converter.listen() method: name must be a string, but " + typeof name + " given" ) ;
if ( typeof callback !== "function" ) {
throw Error ( "Invalid argument in converter.listen() method: callback must be a function, but " + typeof callback + " given" ) ;
if ( ! listeners . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) {
listeners [ name ] = [ ] ;
listeners [ name ] . push ( callback ) ;
function rTrimInputText ( text ) {
var rsp = text . match ( /^\s*/ ) [ 0 ] . length , rgx = new RegExp ( "^\\s{0," + rsp + "}" , "gm" ) ;
return text . replace ( rgx , "" ) ;
this . _dispatch = function dispatch ( evtName , text , options2 , globals ) {
if ( listeners . hasOwnProperty ( evtName ) ) {
for ( var ei = 0 ; ei < listeners [ evtName ] . length ; ++ ei ) {
var nText = listeners [ evtName ] [ ei ] ( evtName , text , this , options2 , globals ) ;
if ( nText && typeof nText !== "undefined" ) {
text = nText ;
return text ;
} ;
this . listen = function ( name , callback ) {
listen ( name , callback ) ;
return this ;
} ;
this . makeHtml = function ( text ) {
if ( ! text ) {
return text ;
var globals = {
gHtmlBlocks : [ ] ,
gHtmlMdBlocks : [ ] ,
gHtmlSpans : [ ] ,
gUrls : { } ,
gTitles : { } ,
gDimensions : { } ,
gListLevel : 0 ,
hashLinkCounts : { } ,
langExtensions ,
outputModifiers ,
converter : this ,
ghCodeBlocks : [ ] ,
metadata : {
parsed : { } ,
raw : "" ,
format : ""
} ;
text = text . replace ( /¨/g , "\xA8T" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\$/g , "\xA8D" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\r\n/g , "\n" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\r/g , "\n" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\u00A0/g , " " ) ;
if ( options . smartIndentationFix ) {
text = rTrimInputText ( text ) ;
text = "\n\n" + text + "\n\n" ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "detab" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /^[ \t]+$/mg , "" ) ;
showdown2 . helper . forEach ( langExtensions , function ( ext ) {
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "runExtension" ) ( ext , text , options , globals ) ;
} ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "metadata" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "hashPreCodeTags" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "githubCodeBlocks" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "hashHTMLBlocks" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "hashCodeTags" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "stripLinkDefinitions" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "blockGamut" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "unhashHTMLSpans" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "unescapeSpecialChars" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨D/g , "$$" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨T/g , "\xA8" ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "completeHTMLDocument" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
showdown2 . helper . forEach ( outputModifiers , function ( ext ) {
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "runExtension" ) ( ext , text , options , globals ) ;
} ) ;
metadata = globals . metadata ;
return text ;
} ;
this . makeMarkdown = this . makeMd = function ( src , HTMLParser ) {
src = src . replace ( /\r\n/g , "\n" ) ;
src = src . replace ( /\r/g , "\n" ) ;
src = src . replace ( />[ \t]+</ , ">\xA8NBSP;<" ) ;
if ( ! HTMLParser ) {
if ( window && window . document ) {
HTMLParser = window . document ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "HTMLParser is undefined. If in a webworker or nodejs environment, you need to provide a WHATWG DOM and HTML such as JSDOM" ) ;
var doc = HTMLParser . createElement ( "div" ) ;
doc . innerHTML = src ;
var globals = {
preList : substitutePreCodeTags ( doc )
} ;
clean ( doc ) ;
var nodes = doc . childNodes , mdDoc = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < nodes . length ; i ++ ) {
mdDoc += showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( nodes [ i ] , globals ) ;
function clean ( node ) {
for ( var n = 0 ; n < node . childNodes . length ; ++ n ) {
var child = node . childNodes [ n ] ;
if ( child . nodeType === 3 ) {
if ( ! /\S/ . test ( child . nodeValue ) && ! /^[ ]+$/ . test ( child . nodeValue ) ) {
node . removeChild ( child ) ;
-- n ;
} else {
child . nodeValue = child . nodeValue . split ( "\n" ) . join ( " " ) ;
child . nodeValue = child . nodeValue . replace ( /(\s)+/g , "$1" ) ;
} else if ( child . nodeType === 1 ) {
clean ( child ) ;
function substitutePreCodeTags ( doc2 ) {
var pres = doc2 . querySelectorAll ( "pre" ) , presPH = [ ] ;
for ( var i2 = 0 ; i2 < pres . length ; ++ i2 ) {
if ( pres [ i2 ] . childElementCount === 1 && pres [ i2 ] . firstChild . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) === "code" ) {
var content = pres [ i2 ] . firstChild . innerHTML . trim ( ) , language = pres [ i2 ] . firstChild . getAttribute ( "data-language" ) || "" ;
if ( language === "" ) {
var classes = pres [ i2 ] . firstChild . className . split ( " " ) ;
for ( var c = 0 ; c < classes . length ; ++ c ) {
var matches = classes [ c ] . match ( /^language-(.+)$/ ) ;
if ( matches !== null ) {
language = matches [ 1 ] ;
break ;
content = showdown2 . helper . unescapeHTMLEntities ( content ) ;
presPH . push ( content ) ;
pres [ i2 ] . outerHTML = '<precode language="' + language + '" precodenum="' + i2 . toString ( ) + '"></precode>' ;
} else {
presPH . push ( pres [ i2 ] . innerHTML ) ;
pres [ i2 ] . innerHTML = "" ;
pres [ i2 ] . setAttribute ( "prenum" , i2 . toString ( ) ) ;
return presPH ;
return mdDoc ;
} ;
this . setOption = function ( key , value ) {
options [ key ] = value ;
} ;
this . getOption = function ( key ) {
return options [ key ] ;
} ;
this . getOptions = function ( ) {
return options ;
} ;
this . addExtension = function ( extension , name ) {
name = name || null ;
_parseExtension ( extension , name ) ;
} ;
this . useExtension = function ( extensionName ) {
_parseExtension ( extensionName ) ;
} ;
this . setFlavor = function ( name ) {
if ( ! flavor . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) {
throw Error ( name + " flavor was not found" ) ;
var preset = flavor [ name ] ;
setConvFlavor = name ;
for ( var option in preset ) {
if ( preset . hasOwnProperty ( option ) ) {
options [ option ] = preset [ option ] ;
} ;
this . getFlavor = function ( ) {
return setConvFlavor ;
} ;
this . removeExtension = function ( extension ) {
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isArray ( extension ) ) {
extension = [ extension ] ;
for ( var a = 0 ; a < extension . length ; ++ a ) {
var ext = extension [ a ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < langExtensions . length ; ++ i ) {
if ( langExtensions [ i ] === ext ) {
langExtensions . splice ( i , 1 ) ;
for ( var ii = 0 ; ii < outputModifiers . length ; ++ ii ) {
if ( outputModifiers [ ii ] === ext ) {
outputModifiers . splice ( ii , 1 ) ;
} ;
this . getAllExtensions = function ( ) {
return {
language : langExtensions ,
output : outputModifiers
} ;
} ;
this . getMetadata = function ( raw ) {
if ( raw ) {
return metadata . raw ;
} else {
return metadata . parsed ;
} ;
this . getMetadataFormat = function ( ) {
return metadata . format ;
} ;
this . _setMetadataPair = function ( key , value ) {
metadata . parsed [ key ] = value ;
} ;
this . _setMetadataFormat = function ( format ) {
metadata . format = format ;
} ;
this . _setMetadataRaw = function ( raw ) {
metadata . raw = raw ;
} ;
} ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "anchors" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "anchors.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var writeAnchorTag = function ( wholeMatch , linkText , linkId , url , m5 , m6 , title ) {
if ( showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( title ) ) {
title = "" ;
linkId = linkId . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( wholeMatch . search ( /\(<?\s*>? ?(['"].*['"])?\)$/m ) > - 1 ) {
url = "" ;
} else if ( ! url ) {
if ( ! linkId ) {
linkId = linkText . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( / ?\n/g , " " ) ;
url = "#" + linkId ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( globals . gUrls [ linkId ] ) ) {
url = globals . gUrls [ linkId ] ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( globals . gTitles [ linkId ] ) ) {
title = globals . gTitles [ linkId ] ;
} else {
return wholeMatch ;
url = url . replace ( showdown2 . helper . regexes . asteriskDashAndColon , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
var result = '<a href="' + url + '"' ;
if ( title !== "" && title !== null ) {
title = title . replace ( /"/g , """ ) ;
title = title . replace ( showdown2 . helper . regexes . asteriskDashAndColon , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
result += ' title="' + title + '"' ;
if ( options . openLinksInNewWindow && ! /^#/ . test ( url ) ) {
result += ' rel="noopener noreferrer" target="\xA8E95Eblank"' ;
result += ">" + linkText + "</a>" ;
return result ;
} ;
text = text . replace ( /\[((?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*)] ?(?:\n *)?\[(.*?)]()()()()/g , writeAnchorTag ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\[((?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*)]()[ \t]*\([ \t]?<([^>]*)>(?:[ \t]*((["'])([^"]*?)\5))?[ \t]?\)/g , writeAnchorTag ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\[((?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*)]()[ \t]*\([ \t]?<?([\S]+?(?:\([\S]*?\)[\S]*?)?)>?(?:[ \t]*((["'])([^"]*?)\5))?[ \t]?\)/g , writeAnchorTag ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\[([^\[\]]+)]()()()()()/g , writeAnchorTag ) ;
if ( options . ghMentions ) {
text = text . replace ( /(^|\s)(\\)?(@([a-z\d]+(?:[a-z\d.-]+?[a-z\d]+)*))/gmi , function ( wm , st , escape , mentions , username ) {
if ( escape === "\\" ) {
return st + mentions ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isString ( options . ghMentionsLink ) ) {
throw new Error ( "ghMentionsLink option must be a string" ) ;
var lnk = options . ghMentionsLink . replace ( /\{u}/g , username ) , target = "" ;
if ( options . openLinksInNewWindow ) {
target = ' rel="noopener noreferrer" target="\xA8E95Eblank"' ;
return st + '<a href="' + lnk + '"' + target + ">" + mentions + "</a>" ;
} ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "anchors.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
var simpleURLRegex = /([*~_]+|\b)(((https?|ftp|dict):\/\/|www\.)[^'">\s]+?\.[^'">\s]+?)()(\1)?(?=\s|$)(?!["<>])/gi , simpleURLRegex2 = /([*~_]+|\b)(((https?|ftp|dict):\/\/|www\.)[^'">\s]+\.[^'">\s]+?)([.!?,()\[\]])?(\1)?(?=\s|$)(?!["<>])/gi , delimUrlRegex = /()<(((https?|ftp|dict):\/\/|www\.)[^'">\s]+)()>()/gi , simpleMailRegex = /(^|\s)(?:mailto:)?([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~.]+@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)(?=$|\s)/gmi , delimMailRegex = /<()(?:mailto:)?([-.\w]+@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)>/gi , replaceLink = function ( options ) {
"use strict" ;
return function ( wm , leadingMagicChars , link , m2 , m3 , trailingPunctuation , trailingMagicChars ) {
link = link . replace ( showdown2 . helper . regexes . asteriskDashAndColon , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
var lnkTxt = link , append = "" , target = "" , lmc = leadingMagicChars || "" , tmc = trailingMagicChars || "" ;
if ( /^www\./i . test ( link ) ) {
link = link . replace ( /^www\./i , "http://www." ) ;
if ( options . excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs && trailingPunctuation ) {
append = trailingPunctuation ;
if ( options . openLinksInNewWindow ) {
target = ' rel="noopener noreferrer" target="\xA8E95Eblank"' ;
return lmc + '<a href="' + link + '"' + target + ">" + lnkTxt + "</a>" + append + tmc ;
} ;
} , replaceMail = function ( options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
return function ( wholeMatch , b , mail ) {
var href = "mailto:" ;
b = b || "" ;
mail = showdown2 . subParser ( "unescapeSpecialChars" ) ( mail , options , globals ) ;
if ( options . encodeEmails ) {
href = showdown2 . helper . encodeEmailAddress ( href + mail ) ;
mail = showdown2 . helper . encodeEmailAddress ( mail ) ;
} else {
href = href + mail ;
return b + '<a href="' + href + '">' + mail + "</a>" ;
} ;
} ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "autoLinks" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "autoLinks.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( delimUrlRegex , replaceLink ( options ) ) ;
text = text . replace ( delimMailRegex , replaceMail ( options , globals ) ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "autoLinks.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "simplifiedAutoLinks" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! options . simplifiedAutoLink ) {
return text ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "simplifiedAutoLinks.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
if ( options . excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs ) {
text = text . replace ( simpleURLRegex2 , replaceLink ( options ) ) ;
} else {
text = text . replace ( simpleURLRegex , replaceLink ( options ) ) ;
text = text . replace ( simpleMailRegex , replaceMail ( options , globals ) ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "simplifiedAutoLinks.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "blockGamut" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "blockGamut.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "blockQuotes" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "headers" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "horizontalRule" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "lists" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "codeBlocks" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "tables" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "hashHTMLBlocks" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "paragraphs" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "blockGamut.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "blockQuotes" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "blockQuotes.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text + "\n\n" ;
var rgx = /(^ {0,3}>[ \t]?.+\n(.+\n)*\n*)+/gm ;
if ( options . splitAdjacentBlockquotes ) {
rgx = /^ {0,3}>[\s\S]*?(?:\n\n)/gm ;
text = text . replace ( rgx , function ( bq ) {
bq = bq . replace ( /^[ \t]*>[ \t]?/gm , "" ) ;
bq = bq . replace ( /¨0/g , "" ) ;
bq = bq . replace ( /^[ \t]+$/gm , "" ) ;
bq = showdown2 . subParser ( "githubCodeBlocks" ) ( bq , options , globals ) ;
bq = showdown2 . subParser ( "blockGamut" ) ( bq , options , globals ) ;
bq = bq . replace ( /(^|\n)/g , "$1 " ) ;
bq = bq . replace ( /(\s*<pre>[^\r]+?<\/pre>)/gm , function ( wholeMatch , m1 ) {
var pre = m1 ;
pre = pre . replace ( /^ /mg , "\xA80" ) ;
pre = pre . replace ( /¨0/g , "" ) ;
return pre ;
} ) ;
return showdown2 . subParser ( "hashBlock" ) ( "<blockquote>\n" + bq + "\n</blockquote>" , options , globals ) ;
} ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "blockQuotes.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "codeBlocks" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "codeBlocks.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text += "\xA80" ;
var pattern = /(?:\n\n|^)((?:(?:[ ]{4}|\t).*\n+)+)(\n*[ ]{0,3}[^ \t\n]|(?=¨0))/g ;
text = text . replace ( pattern , function ( wholeMatch , m1 , m2 ) {
var codeblock = m1 , nextChar = m2 , end = "\n" ;
codeblock = showdown2 . subParser ( "outdent" ) ( codeblock , options , globals ) ;
codeblock = showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeCode" ) ( codeblock , options , globals ) ;
codeblock = showdown2 . subParser ( "detab" ) ( codeblock , options , globals ) ;
codeblock = codeblock . replace ( /^\n+/g , "" ) ;
codeblock = codeblock . replace ( /\n+$/g , "" ) ;
if ( options . omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks ) {
end = "" ;
codeblock = "<pre><code>" + codeblock + end + "</code></pre>" ;
return showdown2 . subParser ( "hashBlock" ) ( codeblock , options , globals ) + nextChar ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨0/ , "" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "codeBlocks.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "codeSpans" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "codeSpans.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
if ( typeof text === "undefined" ) {
text = "" ;
text = text . replace ( /(^|[^\\])(`+)([^\r]*?[^`])\2(?!`)/gm , function ( wholeMatch , m1 , m2 , m3 ) {
var c = m3 ;
c = c . replace ( /^([ \t]*)/g , "" ) ;
c = c . replace ( /[ \t]*$/g , "" ) ;
c = showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeCode" ) ( c , options , globals ) ;
c = m1 + "<code>" + c + "</code>" ;
c = showdown2 . subParser ( "hashHTMLSpans" ) ( c , options , globals ) ;
return c ;
} ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "codeSpans.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "completeHTMLDocument" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! options . completeHTMLDocument ) {
return text ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "completeHTMLDocument.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var doctype = "html" , doctypeParsed = "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n" , title = "" , charset = '<meta charset="utf-8">\n' , lang = "" , metadata = "" ;
if ( typeof globals . metadata . parsed . doctype !== "undefined" ) {
doctypeParsed = "<!DOCTYPE " + globals . metadata . parsed . doctype + ">\n" ;
doctype = globals . metadata . parsed . doctype . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( doctype === "html" || doctype === "html5" ) {
charset = '<meta charset="utf-8">' ;
for ( var meta in globals . metadata . parsed ) {
if ( globals . metadata . parsed . hasOwnProperty ( meta ) ) {
switch ( meta . toLowerCase ( ) ) {
case "doctype" :
break ;
case "title" :
title = "<title>" + globals . metadata . parsed . title + "</title>\n" ;
break ;
case "charset" :
if ( doctype === "html" || doctype === "html5" ) {
charset = '<meta charset="' + globals . metadata . parsed . charset + '">\n' ;
} else {
charset = '<meta name="charset" content="' + globals . metadata . parsed . charset + '">\n' ;
break ;
case "language" :
case "lang" :
lang = ' lang="' + globals . metadata . parsed [ meta ] + '"' ;
metadata += '<meta name="' + meta + '" content="' + globals . metadata . parsed [ meta ] + '">\n' ;
break ;
default :
metadata += '<meta name="' + meta + '" content="' + globals . metadata . parsed [ meta ] + '">\n' ;
text = doctypeParsed + "<html" + lang + ">\n<head>\n" + title + charset + metadata + "</head>\n<body>\n" + text . trim ( ) + "\n</body>\n</html>" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "completeHTMLDocument.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "detab" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "detab.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\t(?=\t)/g , " " ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\t/g , "\xA8A\xA8B" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨B(.+?)¨A/g , function ( wholeMatch , m1 ) {
var leadingText = m1 , numSpaces = 4 - leadingText . length % 4 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < numSpaces ; i ++ ) {
leadingText += " " ;
return leadingText ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨A/g , " " ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨B/g , "" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "detab.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "ellipsis" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! options . ellipsis ) {
return text ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "ellipsis.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\.\.\./g , "\u2026" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "ellipsis.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "emoji" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! options . emoji ) {
return text ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "emoji.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var emojiRgx = /:([\S]+?):/g ;
text = text . replace ( emojiRgx , function ( wm , emojiCode ) {
if ( showdown2 . helper . emojis . hasOwnProperty ( emojiCode ) ) {
return showdown2 . helper . emojis [ emojiCode ] ;
return wm ;
} ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "emoji.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeAmpsAndAngles" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "encodeAmpsAndAngles.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w+);)/g , "&" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /<(?![a-z\/?$!])/gi , "<" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /</g , "<" ) ;
text = text . replace ( />/g , ">" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "encodeAmpsAndAngles.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeBackslashEscapes" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "encodeBackslashEscapes.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\\(\\)/g , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\\([`*_{}\[\]()>#+.!~=|:-])/g , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "encodeBackslashEscapes.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeCode" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "encodeCode.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( />/g , ">" ) . replace ( /([*_{}\[\]\\=~-])/g , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "encodeCode.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var tags = /<\/?[a-z\d_:-]+(?:[\s]+[\s\S]+?)?>/gi , comments = /<!(--(?:(?:[^>-]|-[^>])(?:[^-]|-[^-])*)--)>/gi ;
text = text . replace ( tags , function ( wholeMatch ) {
return wholeMatch . replace ( /(.)<\/?code>(?=.)/g , "$1`" ) . replace ( /([\\`*_~=|])/g , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( comments , function ( wholeMatch ) {
return wholeMatch . replace ( /([\\`*_~=|])/g , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
} ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "githubCodeBlocks" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! options . ghCodeBlocks ) {
return text ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "githubCodeBlocks.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text += "\xA80" ;
text = text . replace ( /(?:^|\n)(?: {0,3})(```+|~~~+)(?: *)([^\s`~]*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n(?: {0,3})\1/g , function ( wholeMatch , delim , language , codeblock ) {
var end = options . omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks ? "" : "\n" ;
codeblock = showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeCode" ) ( codeblock , options , globals ) ;
codeblock = showdown2 . subParser ( "detab" ) ( codeblock , options , globals ) ;
codeblock = codeblock . replace ( /^\n+/g , "" ) ;
codeblock = codeblock . replace ( /\n+$/g , "" ) ;
codeblock = "<pre><code" + ( language ? ' class="' + language + " language-" + language + '"' : "" ) + ">" + codeblock + end + "</code></pre>" ;
codeblock = showdown2 . subParser ( "hashBlock" ) ( codeblock , options , globals ) ;
return "\n\n\xA8G" + ( globals . ghCodeBlocks . push ( { text : wholeMatch , codeblock } ) - 1 ) + "G\n\n" ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨0/ , "" ) ;
return globals . converter . _dispatch ( "githubCodeBlocks.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "hashBlock" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashBlock.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /(^\n+|\n+$)/g , "" ) ;
text = "\n\n\xA8K" + ( globals . gHtmlBlocks . push ( text ) - 1 ) + "K\n\n" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashBlock.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "hashCodeTags" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashCodeTags.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var repFunc = function ( wholeMatch , match , left , right ) {
var codeblock = left + showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeCode" ) ( match , options , globals ) + right ;
return "\xA8C" + ( globals . gHtmlSpans . push ( codeblock ) - 1 ) + "C" ;
} ;
text = showdown2 . helper . replaceRecursiveRegExp ( text , repFunc , "<code\\b[^>]*>" , "</code>" , "gim" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashCodeTags.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "hashElement" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
return function ( wholeMatch , m1 ) {
var blockText = m1 ;
blockText = blockText . replace ( /\n\n/g , "\n" ) ;
blockText = blockText . replace ( /^\n/ , "" ) ;
blockText = blockText . replace ( /\n+$/g , "" ) ;
blockText = "\n\n\xA8K" + ( globals . gHtmlBlocks . push ( blockText ) - 1 ) + "K\n\n" ;
return blockText ;
} ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "hashHTMLBlocks" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashHTMLBlocks.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var blockTags = [
"pre" ,
"div" ,
"h1" ,
"h2" ,
"h3" ,
"h4" ,
"h5" ,
"h6" ,
"blockquote" ,
"table" ,
"dl" ,
"ol" ,
"ul" ,
"script" ,
"noscript" ,
"form" ,
"fieldset" ,
"iframe" ,
"math" ,
"style" ,
"section" ,
"header" ,
"footer" ,
"nav" ,
"article" ,
"aside" ,
"address" ,
"audio" ,
"canvas" ,
"figure" ,
"hgroup" ,
"output" ,
"video" ,
] , repFunc = function ( wholeMatch , match , left , right ) {
var txt = wholeMatch ;
if ( left . search ( /\bmarkdown\b/ ) !== - 1 ) {
txt = left + globals . converter . makeHtml ( match ) + right ;
return "\n\n\xA8K" + ( globals . gHtmlBlocks . push ( txt ) - 1 ) + "K\n\n" ;
} ;
if ( options . backslashEscapesHTMLTags ) {
text = text . replace ( /\\<(\/?[^>]+?)>/g , function ( wm , inside ) {
return "<" + inside + ">" ;
} ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < blockTags . length ; ++ i ) {
var opTagPos , rgx1 = new RegExp ( "^ {0,3}(<" + blockTags [ i ] + "\\b[^>]*>)" , "im" ) , patLeft = "<" + blockTags [ i ] + "\\b[^>]*>" , patRight = "</" + blockTags [ i ] + ">" ;
while ( ( opTagPos = showdown2 . helper . regexIndexOf ( text , rgx1 ) ) !== - 1 ) {
var subTexts = showdown2 . helper . splitAtIndex ( text , opTagPos ) , newSubText1 = showdown2 . helper . replaceRecursiveRegExp ( subTexts [ 1 ] , repFunc , patLeft , patRight , "im" ) ;
if ( newSubText1 === subTexts [ 1 ] ) {
break ;
text = subTexts [ 0 ] . concat ( newSubText1 ) ;
text = text . replace ( /(\n {0,3}(<(hr)\b([^<>])*?\/?>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g , showdown2 . subParser ( "hashElement" ) ( text , options , globals ) ) ;
text = showdown2 . helper . replaceRecursiveRegExp ( text , function ( txt ) {
return "\n\n\xA8K" + ( globals . gHtmlBlocks . push ( txt ) - 1 ) + "K\n\n" ;
} , "^ {0,3}<!--" , "-->" , "gm" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /(?:\n\n)( {0,3}(?:<([?%])[^\r]*?\2>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g , showdown2 . subParser ( "hashElement" ) ( text , options , globals ) ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashHTMLBlocks.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "hashHTMLSpans" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashHTMLSpans.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
function hashHTMLSpan ( html ) {
return "\xA8C" + ( globals . gHtmlSpans . push ( html ) - 1 ) + "C" ;
text = text . replace ( /<[^>]+?\/>/gi , function ( wm ) {
return hashHTMLSpan ( wm ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /<([^>]+?)>[\s\S]*?<\/\1>/g , function ( wm ) {
return hashHTMLSpan ( wm ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /<([^>]+?)\s[^>]+?>[\s\S]*?<\/\1>/g , function ( wm ) {
return hashHTMLSpan ( wm ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /<[^>]+?>/gi , function ( wm ) {
return hashHTMLSpan ( wm ) ;
} ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashHTMLSpans.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "unhashHTMLSpans" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "unhashHTMLSpans.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < globals . gHtmlSpans . length ; ++ i ) {
var repText = globals . gHtmlSpans [ i ] , limit = 0 ;
while ( /¨C(\d+)C/ . test ( repText ) ) {
var num = RegExp . $1 ;
repText = repText . replace ( "\xA8C" + num + "C" , globals . gHtmlSpans [ num ] ) ;
if ( limit === 10 ) {
console . error ( "maximum nesting of 10 spans reached!!!" ) ;
break ;
++ limit ;
text = text . replace ( "\xA8C" + i + "C" , repText ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "unhashHTMLSpans.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "hashPreCodeTags" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashPreCodeTags.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var repFunc = function ( wholeMatch , match , left , right ) {
var codeblock = left + showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeCode" ) ( match , options , globals ) + right ;
return "\n\n\xA8G" + ( globals . ghCodeBlocks . push ( { text : wholeMatch , codeblock } ) - 1 ) + "G\n\n" ;
} ;
text = showdown2 . helper . replaceRecursiveRegExp ( text , repFunc , "^ {0,3}<pre\\b[^>]*>\\s*<code\\b[^>]*>" , "^ {0,3}</code>\\s*</pre>" , "gim" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "hashPreCodeTags.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "headers" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "headers.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var headerLevelStart = isNaN ( parseInt ( options . headerLevelStart ) ) ? 1 : parseInt ( options . headerLevelStart ) , setextRegexH1 = options . smoothLivePreview ? /^(.+)[ \t]*\n={2,}[ \t]*\n+/gm : /^(.+)[ \t]*\n=+[ \t]*\n+/gm , setextRegexH2 = options . smoothLivePreview ? /^(.+)[ \t]*\n-{2,}[ \t]*\n+/gm : /^(.+)[ \t]*\n-+[ \t]*\n+/gm ;
text = text . replace ( setextRegexH1 , function ( wholeMatch , m1 ) {
var spanGamut = showdown2 . subParser ( "spanGamut" ) ( m1 , options , globals ) , hID = options . noHeaderId ? "" : ' id="' + headerId ( m1 ) + '"' , hLevel = headerLevelStart , hashBlock = "<h" + hLevel + hID + ">" + spanGamut + "</h" + hLevel + ">" ;
return showdown2 . subParser ( "hashBlock" ) ( hashBlock , options , globals ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( setextRegexH2 , function ( matchFound , m1 ) {
var spanGamut = showdown2 . subParser ( "spanGamut" ) ( m1 , options , globals ) , hID = options . noHeaderId ? "" : ' id="' + headerId ( m1 ) + '"' , hLevel = headerLevelStart + 1 , hashBlock = "<h" + hLevel + hID + ">" + spanGamut + "</h" + hLevel + ">" ;
return showdown2 . subParser ( "hashBlock" ) ( hashBlock , options , globals ) ;
} ) ;
var atxStyle = options . requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText ? /^(#{1,6})[ \t]+(.+?)[ \t]*#*\n+/gm : /^(#{1,6})[ \t]*(.+?)[ \t]*#*\n+/gm ;
text = text . replace ( atxStyle , function ( wholeMatch , m1 , m2 ) {
var hText = m2 ;
if ( options . customizedHeaderId ) {
hText = m2 . replace ( /\s?\{([^{]+?)}\s*$/ , "" ) ;
var span = showdown2 . subParser ( "spanGamut" ) ( hText , options , globals ) , hID = options . noHeaderId ? "" : ' id="' + headerId ( m2 ) + '"' , hLevel = headerLevelStart - 1 + m1 . length , header = "<h" + hLevel + hID + ">" + span + "</h" + hLevel + ">" ;
return showdown2 . subParser ( "hashBlock" ) ( header , options , globals ) ;
} ) ;
function headerId ( m ) {
var title , prefix ;
if ( options . customizedHeaderId ) {
var match = m . match ( /\{([^{]+?)}\s*$/ ) ;
if ( match && match [ 1 ] ) {
m = match [ 1 ] ;
title = m ;
if ( showdown2 . helper . isString ( options . prefixHeaderId ) ) {
prefix = options . prefixHeaderId ;
} else if ( options . prefixHeaderId === true ) {
prefix = "section-" ;
} else {
prefix = "" ;
if ( ! options . rawPrefixHeaderId ) {
title = prefix + title ;
if ( options . ghCompatibleHeaderId ) {
title = title . replace ( / /g , "-" ) . replace ( /&/g , "" ) . replace ( /¨T/g , "" ) . replace ( /¨D/g , "" ) . replace ( /[&+$,\/:;=?@"#{}|^¨~\[\]`\\*)(%.!'<>]/g , "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} else if ( options . rawHeaderId ) {
title = title . replace ( / /g , "-" ) . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) . replace ( /¨T/g , "\xA8" ) . replace ( /¨D/g , "$" ) . replace ( /["']/g , "-" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} else {
title = title . replace ( /[^\w]/g , "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( options . rawPrefixHeaderId ) {
title = prefix + title ;
if ( globals . hashLinkCounts [ title ] ) {
title = title + "-" + globals . hashLinkCounts [ title ] ++ ;
} else {
globals . hashLinkCounts [ title ] = 1 ;
return title ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "headers.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "horizontalRule" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "horizontalRule.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var key = showdown2 . subParser ( "hashBlock" ) ( "<hr />" , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /^ {0,2}( ?-){3,}[ \t]*$/gm , key ) ;
text = text . replace ( /^ {0,2}( ?\*){3,}[ \t]*$/gm , key ) ;
text = text . replace ( /^ {0,2}( ?_){3,}[ \t]*$/gm , key ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "horizontalRule.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "images" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "images.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
var inlineRegExp = /!\[([^\]]*?)][ \t]*()\([ \t]?<?([\S]+?(?:\([\S]*?\)[\S]*?)?)>?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*(?:(["'])([^"]*?)\6)?[ \t]?\)/g , crazyRegExp = /!\[([^\]]*?)][ \t]*()\([ \t]?<([^>]*)>(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*(?:(?:(["'])([^"]*?)\6))?[ \t]?\)/g , base64RegExp = /!\[([^\]]*?)][ \t]*()\([ \t]?<?(data:.+?\/.+?;base64,[A-Za-z0-9+/=\n]+?)>?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*(?:(["'])([^"]*?)\6)?[ \t]?\)/g , referenceRegExp = /!\[([^\]]*?)] ?(?:\n *)?\[([\s\S]*?)]()()()()()/g , refShortcutRegExp = /!\[([^\[\]]+)]()()()()()/g ;
function writeImageTagBase64 ( wholeMatch , altText , linkId , url , width , height , m5 , title ) {
url = url . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) ;
return writeImageTag ( wholeMatch , altText , linkId , url , width , height , m5 , title ) ;
function writeImageTag ( wholeMatch , altText , linkId , url , width , height , m5 , title ) {
var gUrls = globals . gUrls , gTitles = globals . gTitles , gDims = globals . gDimensions ;
linkId = linkId . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( ! title ) {
title = "" ;
if ( wholeMatch . search ( /\(<?\s*>? ?(['"].*['"])?\)$/m ) > - 1 ) {
url = "" ;
} else if ( url === "" || url === null ) {
if ( linkId === "" || linkId === null ) {
linkId = altText . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( / ?\n/g , " " ) ;
url = "#" + linkId ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( gUrls [ linkId ] ) ) {
url = gUrls [ linkId ] ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( gTitles [ linkId ] ) ) {
title = gTitles [ linkId ] ;
if ( ! showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( gDims [ linkId ] ) ) {
width = gDims [ linkId ] . width ;
height = gDims [ linkId ] . height ;
} else {
return wholeMatch ;
altText = altText . replace ( /"/g , """ ) . replace ( showdown2 . helper . regexes . asteriskDashAndColon , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
url = url . replace ( showdown2 . helper . regexes . asteriskDashAndColon , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
var result = '<img src="' + url + '" alt="' + altText + '"' ;
if ( title && showdown2 . helper . isString ( title ) ) {
title = title . replace ( /"/g , """ ) . replace ( showdown2 . helper . regexes . asteriskDashAndColon , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
result += ' title="' + title + '"' ;
if ( width && height ) {
width = width === "*" ? "auto" : width ;
height = height === "*" ? "auto" : height ;
result += ' width="' + width + '"' ;
result += ' height="' + height + '"' ;
result += " />" ;
return result ;
text = text . replace ( referenceRegExp , writeImageTag ) ;
text = text . replace ( base64RegExp , writeImageTagBase64 ) ;
text = text . replace ( crazyRegExp , writeImageTag ) ;
text = text . replace ( inlineRegExp , writeImageTag ) ;
text = text . replace ( refShortcutRegExp , writeImageTag ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "images.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "italicsAndBold" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "italicsAndBold.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
function parseInside ( txt , left , right ) {
return left + txt + right ;
if ( options . literalMidWordUnderscores ) {
text = text . replace ( /\b___(\S[\s\S]*?)___\b/g , function ( wm , txt ) {
return parseInside ( txt , "<strong><em>" , "</em></strong>" ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\b__(\S[\s\S]*?)__\b/g , function ( wm , txt ) {
return parseInside ( txt , "<strong>" , "</strong>" ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\b_(\S[\s\S]*?)_\b/g , function ( wm , txt ) {
return parseInside ( txt , "<em>" , "</em>" ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
text = text . replace ( /___(\S[\s\S]*?)___/g , function ( wm , m ) {
return /\S$/ . test ( m ) ? parseInside ( m , "<strong><em>" , "</em></strong>" ) : wm ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /__(\S[\s\S]*?)__/g , function ( wm , m ) {
return /\S$/ . test ( m ) ? parseInside ( m , "<strong>" , "</strong>" ) : wm ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /_([^\s_][\s\S]*?)_/g , function ( wm , m ) {
return /\S$/ . test ( m ) ? parseInside ( m , "<em>" , "</em>" ) : wm ;
} ) ;
if ( options . literalMidWordAsterisks ) {
text = text . replace ( /([^*]|^)\B\*\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*\*\B(?!\*)/g , function ( wm , lead , txt ) {
return parseInside ( txt , lead + "<strong><em>" , "</em></strong>" ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /([^*]|^)\B\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*\B(?!\*)/g , function ( wm , lead , txt ) {
return parseInside ( txt , lead + "<strong>" , "</strong>" ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /([^*]|^)\B\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\B(?!\*)/g , function ( wm , lead , txt ) {
return parseInside ( txt , lead + "<em>" , "</em>" ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
text = text . replace ( /\*\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*\*/g , function ( wm , m ) {
return /\S$/ . test ( m ) ? parseInside ( m , "<strong><em>" , "</em></strong>" ) : wm ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*/g , function ( wm , m ) {
return /\S$/ . test ( m ) ? parseInside ( m , "<strong>" , "</strong>" ) : wm ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\*([^\s*][\s\S]*?)\*/g , function ( wm , m ) {
return /\S$/ . test ( m ) ? parseInside ( m , "<em>" , "</em>" ) : wm ;
} ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "italicsAndBold.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "lists" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
function processListItems ( listStr , trimTrailing ) {
globals . gListLevel ++ ;
listStr = listStr . replace ( /\n{2,}$/ , "\n" ) ;
listStr += "\xA80" ;
var rgx = /(\n)?(^ {0,3})([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+((\[(x|X| )?])?[ \t]*[^\r]+?(\n{1,2}))(?=\n*(¨0| {0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+))/gm , isParagraphed = /\n[ \t]*\n(?!¨0)/ . test ( listStr ) ;
if ( options . disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists ) {
rgx = /(\n)?(^ {0,3})([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+((\[(x|X| )?])?[ \t]*[^\r]+?(\n{1,2}))(?=\n*(¨0|\2([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+))/gm ;
listStr = listStr . replace ( rgx , function ( wholeMatch , m1 , m2 , m3 , m4 , taskbtn , checked ) {
checked = checked && checked . trim ( ) !== "" ;
var item = showdown2 . subParser ( "outdent" ) ( m4 , options , globals ) , bulletStyle = "" ;
if ( taskbtn && options . tasklists ) {
bulletStyle = ' class="task-list-item" style="list-style-type: none;"' ;
item = item . replace ( /^[ \t]*\[(x|X| )?]/m , function ( ) {
var otp = '<input type="checkbox" disabled style="margin: 0px 0.35em 0.25em -1.6em; vertical-align: middle;"' ;
if ( checked ) {
otp += " checked" ;
otp += ">" ;
return otp ;
} ) ;
item = item . replace ( /^([-*+]|\d\.)[ \t]+[\S\n ]*/g , function ( wm2 ) {
return "\xA8A" + wm2 ;
} ) ;
if ( m1 || item . search ( /\n{2,}/ ) > - 1 ) {
item = showdown2 . subParser ( "githubCodeBlocks" ) ( item , options , globals ) ;
item = showdown2 . subParser ( "blockGamut" ) ( item , options , globals ) ;
} else {
item = showdown2 . subParser ( "lists" ) ( item , options , globals ) ;
item = item . replace ( /\n$/ , "" ) ;
item = showdown2 . subParser ( "hashHTMLBlocks" ) ( item , options , globals ) ;
item = item . replace ( /\n\n+/g , "\n\n" ) ;
if ( isParagraphed ) {
item = showdown2 . subParser ( "paragraphs" ) ( item , options , globals ) ;
} else {
item = showdown2 . subParser ( "spanGamut" ) ( item , options , globals ) ;
item = item . replace ( "\xA8A" , "" ) ;
item = "<li" + bulletStyle + ">" + item + "</li>\n" ;
return item ;
} ) ;
listStr = listStr . replace ( /¨0/g , "" ) ;
globals . gListLevel -- ;
if ( trimTrailing ) {
listStr = listStr . replace ( /\s+$/ , "" ) ;
return listStr ;
function styleStartNumber ( list , listType ) {
if ( listType === "ol" ) {
var res = list . match ( /^ *(\d+)\./ ) ;
if ( res && res [ 1 ] !== "1" ) {
return ' start="' + res [ 1 ] + '"' ;
return "" ;
function parseConsecutiveLists ( list , listType , trimTrailing ) {
var olRgx = options . disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists ? /^ ?\d+\.[ \t]/gm : /^ {0,3}\d+\.[ \t]/gm , ulRgx = options . disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists ? /^ ?[*+-][ \t]/gm : /^ {0,3}[*+-][ \t]/gm , counterRxg = listType === "ul" ? olRgx : ulRgx , result = "" ;
if ( list . search ( counterRxg ) !== - 1 ) {
( function parseCL ( txt ) {
var pos = txt . search ( counterRxg ) , style2 = styleStartNumber ( list , listType ) ;
if ( pos !== - 1 ) {
result += "\n\n<" + listType + style2 + ">\n" + processListItems ( txt . slice ( 0 , pos ) , ! ! trimTrailing ) + "</" + listType + ">\n" ;
listType = listType === "ul" ? "ol" : "ul" ;
counterRxg = listType === "ul" ? olRgx : ulRgx ;
parseCL ( txt . slice ( pos ) ) ;
} else {
result += "\n\n<" + listType + style2 + ">\n" + processListItems ( txt , ! ! trimTrailing ) + "</" + listType + ">\n" ;
} ) ( list ) ;
} else {
var style = styleStartNumber ( list , listType ) ;
result = "\n\n<" + listType + style + ">\n" + processListItems ( list , ! ! trimTrailing ) + "</" + listType + ">\n" ;
return result ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "lists.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text += "\xA80" ;
if ( globals . gListLevel ) {
text = text . replace ( /^(( {0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(¨0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/gm , function ( wholeMatch , list , m2 ) {
var listType = m2 . search ( /[*+-]/g ) > - 1 ? "ul" : "ol" ;
return parseConsecutiveLists ( list , listType , true ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
text = text . replace ( /(\n\n|^\n?)(( {0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(¨0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/gm , function ( wholeMatch , m1 , list , m3 ) {
var listType = m3 . search ( /[*+-]/g ) > - 1 ? "ul" : "ol" ;
return parseConsecutiveLists ( list , listType , false ) ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨0/ , "" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "lists.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "metadata" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! options . metadata ) {
return text ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "metadata.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
function parseMetadataContents ( content ) {
globals . metadata . raw = content ;
content = content . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) . replace ( /"/g , """ ) ;
content = content . replace ( /\n {4}/g , " " ) ;
content . replace ( /^([\S ]+): +([\s\S]+?)$/gm , function ( wm , key , value ) {
globals . metadata . parsed [ key ] = value ;
return "" ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /^\s*«««+(\S*?)\n([\s\S]+?)\n»»»+\n/ , function ( wholematch , format , content ) {
parseMetadataContents ( content ) ;
return "\xA8M" ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /^\s*---+(\S*?)\n([\s\S]+?)\n---+\n/ , function ( wholematch , format , content ) {
if ( format ) {
globals . metadata . format = format ;
parseMetadataContents ( content ) ;
return "\xA8M" ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨M/g , "" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "metadata.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "outdent" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "outdent.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /^(\t|[ ]{1,4})/gm , "\xA80" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨0/g , "" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "outdent.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "paragraphs" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "paragraphs.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /^\n+/g , "" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\n+$/g , "" ) ;
var grafs = text . split ( /\n{2,}/g ) , grafsOut = [ ] , end = grafs . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < end ; i ++ ) {
var str = grafs [ i ] ;
if ( str . search ( /¨(K|G)(\d+)\1/g ) >= 0 ) {
grafsOut . push ( str ) ;
} else if ( str . search ( /\S/ ) >= 0 ) {
str = showdown2 . subParser ( "spanGamut" ) ( str , options , globals ) ;
str = str . replace ( /^([ \t]*)/g , "<p>" ) ;
str += "</p>" ;
grafsOut . push ( str ) ;
end = grafsOut . length ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < end ; i ++ ) {
var blockText = "" , grafsOutIt = grafsOut [ i ] , codeFlag = false ;
while ( /¨(K|G)(\d+)\1/ . test ( grafsOutIt ) ) {
var delim = RegExp . $1 , num = RegExp . $2 ;
if ( delim === "K" ) {
blockText = globals . gHtmlBlocks [ num ] ;
} else {
if ( codeFlag ) {
blockText = showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeCode" ) ( globals . ghCodeBlocks [ num ] . text , options , globals ) ;
} else {
blockText = globals . ghCodeBlocks [ num ] . codeblock ;
blockText = blockText . replace ( /\$/g , "$$$$" ) ;
grafsOutIt = grafsOutIt . replace ( /(\n\n)?¨(K|G)\d+\2(\n\n)?/ , blockText ) ;
if ( /^<pre\b[^>]*>\s*<code\b[^>]*>/ . test ( grafsOutIt ) ) {
codeFlag = true ;
grafsOut [ i ] = grafsOutIt ;
text = grafsOut . join ( "\n" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /^\n+/g , "" ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\n+$/g , "" ) ;
return globals . converter . _dispatch ( "paragraphs.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "runExtension" , function ( ext , text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ext . filter ) {
text = ext . filter ( text , globals . converter , options ) ;
} else if ( ext . regex ) {
var re = ext . regex ;
if ( ! ( re instanceof RegExp ) ) {
re = new RegExp ( re , "g" ) ;
text = text . replace ( re , ext . replace ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "spanGamut" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "spanGamut.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "codeSpans" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeBackslashEscapes" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "images" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "anchors" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "autoLinks" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "simplifiedAutoLinks" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "emoji" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "underline" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "italicsAndBold" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "strikethrough" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "ellipsis" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "hashHTMLSpans" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
text = showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeAmpsAndAngles" ) ( text , options , globals ) ;
if ( options . simpleLineBreaks ) {
if ( ! /\n\n¨K/ . test ( text ) ) {
text = text . replace ( /\n+/g , "<br />\n" ) ;
} else {
text = text . replace ( / +\n/g , "<br />\n" ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "spanGamut.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "strikethrough" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
function parseInside ( txt ) {
if ( options . simplifiedAutoLink ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "simplifiedAutoLinks" ) ( txt , options , globals ) ;
return "<del>" + txt + "</del>" ;
if ( options . strikethrough ) {
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "strikethrough.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /(?:~){2}([\s\S]+?)(?:~){2}/g , function ( wm , txt ) {
return parseInside ( txt ) ;
} ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "strikethrough.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "stripLinkDefinitions" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var regex = /^ {0,3}\[([^\]]+)]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*<?([^>\s]+)>?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["|'(](.+?)["|')][ \t]*)?(?:\n+|(?=¨0))/gm , base64Regex = /^ {0,3}\[([^\]]+)]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*<?(data:.+?\/.+?;base64,[A-Za-z0-9+/=\n]+?)>?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["|'(](.+?)["|')][ \t]*)?(?:\n\n|(?=¨0)|(?=\n\[))/gm ;
text += "\xA80" ;
var replaceFunc = function ( wholeMatch , linkId , url , width , height , blankLines , title ) {
linkId = linkId . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( text . toLowerCase ( ) . split ( linkId ) . length - 1 < 2 ) {
return wholeMatch ;
if ( url . match ( /^data:.+?\/.+?;base64,/ ) ) {
globals . gUrls [ linkId ] = url . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) ;
} else {
globals . gUrls [ linkId ] = showdown2 . subParser ( "encodeAmpsAndAngles" ) ( url , options , globals ) ;
if ( blankLines ) {
return blankLines + title ;
} else {
if ( title ) {
globals . gTitles [ linkId ] = title . replace ( /"|'/g , """ ) ;
if ( options . parseImgDimensions && width && height ) {
globals . gDimensions [ linkId ] = {
width ,
} ;
return "" ;
} ;
text = text . replace ( base64Regex , replaceFunc ) ;
text = text . replace ( regex , replaceFunc ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨0/ , "" ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "tables" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! options . tables ) {
return text ;
var tableRgx = /^ {0,3}\|?.+\|.+\n {0,3}\|?[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[ \t]*:?[ \t]*\|[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[\s\S]+?(?:\n\n|¨0)/gm , singeColTblRgx = /^ {0,3}\|.+\|[ \t]*\n {0,3}\|[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[ \t]*:?[ \t]*\|[ \t]*\n( {0,3}\|.+\|[ \t]*\n)*(?:\n|¨0)/gm ;
function parseStyles ( sLine ) {
if ( /^:[ \t]*--*$/ . test ( sLine ) ) {
return ' style="text-align:left;"' ;
} else if ( /^--*[ \t]*:[ \t]*$/ . test ( sLine ) ) {
return ' style="text-align:right;"' ;
} else if ( /^:[ \t]*--*[ \t]*:$/ . test ( sLine ) ) {
return ' style="text-align:center;"' ;
} else {
return "" ;
function parseHeaders ( header , style ) {
var id = "" ;
header = header . trim ( ) ;
if ( options . tablesHeaderId || options . tableHeaderId ) {
id = ' id="' + header . replace ( / /g , "_" ) . toLowerCase ( ) + '"' ;
header = showdown2 . subParser ( "spanGamut" ) ( header , options , globals ) ;
return "<th" + id + style + ">" + header + "</th>\n" ;
function parseCells ( cell , style ) {
var subText = showdown2 . subParser ( "spanGamut" ) ( cell , options , globals ) ;
return "<td" + style + ">" + subText + "</td>\n" ;
function buildTable ( headers , cells ) {
var tb = "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n" , tblLgn = headers . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tblLgn ; ++ i ) {
tb += headers [ i ] ;
tb += "</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n" ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < cells . length ; ++ i ) {
tb += "<tr>\n" ;
for ( var ii = 0 ; ii < tblLgn ; ++ ii ) {
tb += cells [ i ] [ ii ] ;
tb += "</tr>\n" ;
tb += "</tbody>\n</table>\n" ;
return tb ;
function parseTable ( rawTable ) {
var i , tableLines = rawTable . split ( "\n" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tableLines . length ; ++ i ) {
if ( /^ {0,3}\|/ . test ( tableLines [ i ] ) ) {
tableLines [ i ] = tableLines [ i ] . replace ( /^ {0,3}\|/ , "" ) ;
if ( /\|[ \t]*$/ . test ( tableLines [ i ] ) ) {
tableLines [ i ] = tableLines [ i ] . replace ( /\|[ \t]*$/ , "" ) ;
tableLines [ i ] = showdown2 . subParser ( "codeSpans" ) ( tableLines [ i ] , options , globals ) ;
var rawHeaders = tableLines [ 0 ] . split ( "|" ) . map ( function ( s ) {
return s . trim ( ) ;
} ) , rawStyles = tableLines [ 1 ] . split ( "|" ) . map ( function ( s ) {
return s . trim ( ) ;
} ) , rawCells = [ ] , headers = [ ] , styles = [ ] , cells = [ ] ;
tableLines . shift ( ) ;
tableLines . shift ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tableLines . length ; ++ i ) {
if ( tableLines [ i ] . trim ( ) === "" ) {
continue ;
rawCells . push ( tableLines [ i ] . split ( "|" ) . map ( function ( s ) {
return s . trim ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
if ( rawHeaders . length < rawStyles . length ) {
return rawTable ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < rawStyles . length ; ++ i ) {
styles . push ( parseStyles ( rawStyles [ i ] ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < rawHeaders . length ; ++ i ) {
if ( showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( styles [ i ] ) ) {
styles [ i ] = "" ;
headers . push ( parseHeaders ( rawHeaders [ i ] , styles [ i ] ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < rawCells . length ; ++ i ) {
var row = [ ] ;
for ( var ii = 0 ; ii < headers . length ; ++ ii ) {
if ( showdown2 . helper . isUndefined ( rawCells [ i ] [ ii ] ) ) {
row . push ( parseCells ( rawCells [ i ] [ ii ] , styles [ ii ] ) ) ;
cells . push ( row ) ;
return buildTable ( headers , cells ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "tables.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\\(\|)/g , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
text = text . replace ( tableRgx , parseTable ) ;
text = text . replace ( singeColTblRgx , parseTable ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "tables.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "underline" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! options . underline ) {
return text ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "underline.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
if ( options . literalMidWordUnderscores ) {
text = text . replace ( /\b___(\S[\s\S]*?)___\b/g , function ( wm , txt ) {
return "<u>" + txt + "</u>" ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /\b__(\S[\s\S]*?)__\b/g , function ( wm , txt ) {
return "<u>" + txt + "</u>" ;
} ) ;
} else {
text = text . replace ( /___(\S[\s\S]*?)___/g , function ( wm , m ) {
return /\S$/ . test ( m ) ? "<u>" + m + "</u>" : wm ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /__(\S[\s\S]*?)__/g , function ( wm , m ) {
return /\S$/ . test ( m ) ? "<u>" + m + "</u>" : wm ;
} ) ;
text = text . replace ( /(_)/g , showdown2 . helper . escapeCharactersCallback ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "underline.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "unescapeSpecialChars" , function ( text , options , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "unescapeSpecialChars.before" , text , options , globals ) ;
text = text . replace ( /¨E(\d+)E/g , function ( wholeMatch , m1 ) {
var charCodeToReplace = parseInt ( m1 ) ;
return String . fromCharCode ( charCodeToReplace ) ;
} ) ;
text = globals . converter . _dispatch ( "unescapeSpecialChars.after" , text , options , globals ) ;
return text ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.blockquote" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
var children = node . childNodes , childrenLength = children . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLength ; ++ i ) {
var innerTxt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( children [ i ] , globals ) ;
if ( innerTxt === "" ) {
continue ;
txt += innerTxt ;
txt = txt . trim ( ) ;
txt = "> " + txt . split ( "\n" ) . join ( "\n> " ) ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.codeBlock" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var lang = node . getAttribute ( "language" ) , num = node . getAttribute ( "precodenum" ) ;
return "```" + lang + "\n" + globals . preList [ num ] + "\n```" ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.codeSpan" , function ( node ) {
"use strict" ;
return "`" + node . innerHTML + "`" ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.emphasis" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
txt += "*" ;
var children = node . childNodes , childrenLength = children . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLength ; ++ i ) {
txt += showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( children [ i ] , globals ) ;
txt += "*" ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.header" , function ( node , globals , headerLevel ) {
"use strict" ;
var headerMark = new Array ( headerLevel + 1 ) . join ( "#" ) , txt = "" ;
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
txt = headerMark + " " ;
var children = node . childNodes , childrenLength = children . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLength ; ++ i ) {
txt += showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( children [ i ] , globals ) ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.hr" , function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
return "---" ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.image" , function ( node ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( node . hasAttribute ( "src" ) ) {
txt += " + ">" ;
if ( node . hasAttribute ( "width" ) && node . hasAttribute ( "height" ) ) {
txt += " =" + node . getAttribute ( "width" ) + "x" + node . getAttribute ( "height" ) ;
if ( node . hasAttribute ( "title" ) ) {
txt += ' "' + node . getAttribute ( "title" ) + '"' ;
txt += ")" ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.links" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) && node . hasAttribute ( "href" ) ) {
var children = node . childNodes , childrenLength = children . length ;
txt = "[" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLength ; ++ i ) {
txt += showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( children [ i ] , globals ) ;
txt += "](" ;
txt += "<" + node . getAttribute ( "href" ) + ">" ;
if ( node . hasAttribute ( "title" ) ) {
txt += ' "' + node . getAttribute ( "title" ) + '"' ;
txt += ")" ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.list" , function ( node , globals , type ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( ! node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
return "" ;
var listItems = node . childNodes , listItemsLenght = listItems . length , listNum = node . getAttribute ( "start" ) || 1 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < listItemsLenght ; ++ i ) {
if ( typeof listItems [ i ] . tagName === "undefined" || listItems [ i ] . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) !== "li" ) {
continue ;
var bullet = "" ;
if ( type === "ol" ) {
bullet = listNum . toString ( ) + ". " ;
} else {
bullet = "- " ;
txt += bullet + showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.listItem" ) ( listItems [ i ] , globals ) ;
++ listNum ;
txt += "\n<!-- -->\n" ;
return txt . trim ( ) ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.listItem" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var listItemTxt = "" ;
var children = node . childNodes , childrenLenght = children . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLenght ; ++ i ) {
listItemTxt += showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( children [ i ] , globals ) ;
if ( ! /\n$/ . test ( listItemTxt ) ) {
listItemTxt += "\n" ;
} else {
listItemTxt = listItemTxt . split ( "\n" ) . join ( "\n " ) . replace ( /^ {4}$/gm , "" ) . replace ( /\n\n+/g , "\n\n" ) ;
return listItemTxt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" , function ( node , globals , spansOnly ) {
"use strict" ;
spansOnly = spansOnly || false ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( node . nodeType === 3 ) {
return showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.txt" ) ( node , globals ) ;
if ( node . nodeType === 8 ) {
return "<!--" + node . data + "-->\n\n" ;
if ( node . nodeType !== 1 ) {
return "" ;
var tagName = node . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
switch ( tagName ) {
case "h1" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.header" ) ( node , globals , 1 ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "h2" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.header" ) ( node , globals , 2 ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "h3" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.header" ) ( node , globals , 3 ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "h4" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.header" ) ( node , globals , 4 ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "h5" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.header" ) ( node , globals , 5 ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "h6" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.header" ) ( node , globals , 6 ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "p" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.paragraph" ) ( node , globals ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "blockquote" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.blockquote" ) ( node , globals ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "hr" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.hr" ) ( node , globals ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "ol" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.list" ) ( node , globals , "ol" ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "ul" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.list" ) ( node , globals , "ul" ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "precode" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.codeBlock" ) ( node , globals ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "pre" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.pre" ) ( node , globals ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "table" :
if ( ! spansOnly ) {
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.table" ) ( node , globals ) + "\n\n" ;
break ;
case "code" :
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.codeSpan" ) ( node , globals ) ;
break ;
case "em" :
case "i" :
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.emphasis" ) ( node , globals ) ;
break ;
case "strong" :
case "b" :
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.strong" ) ( node , globals ) ;
break ;
case "del" :
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.strikethrough" ) ( node , globals ) ;
break ;
case "a" :
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.links" ) ( node , globals ) ;
break ;
case "img" :
txt = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.image" ) ( node , globals ) ;
break ;
default :
txt = node . outerHTML + "\n\n" ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.paragraph" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
var children = node . childNodes , childrenLength = children . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLength ; ++ i ) {
txt += showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( children [ i ] , globals ) ;
txt = txt . trim ( ) ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.pre" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var num = node . getAttribute ( "prenum" ) ;
return "<pre>" + globals . preList [ num ] + "</pre>" ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.strikethrough" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
txt += "~~" ;
var children = node . childNodes , childrenLength = children . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLength ; ++ i ) {
txt += showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( children [ i ] , globals ) ;
txt += "~~" ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.strong" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
txt += "**" ;
var children = node . childNodes , childrenLength = children . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLength ; ++ i ) {
txt += showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( children [ i ] , globals ) ;
txt += "**" ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.table" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" , tableArray = [ [ ] , [ ] ] , headings = node . querySelectorAll ( "thead>tr>th" ) , rows = node . querySelectorAll ( "tbody>tr" ) , i , ii ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < headings . length ; ++ i ) {
var headContent = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.tableCell" ) ( headings [ i ] , globals ) , allign = "---" ;
if ( headings [ i ] . hasAttribute ( "style" ) ) {
var style = headings [ i ] . getAttribute ( "style" ) . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) ;
switch ( style ) {
case "text-align:left;" :
allign = ":---" ;
break ;
case "text-align:right;" :
allign = "---:" ;
break ;
case "text-align:center;" :
allign = ":---:" ;
break ;
tableArray [ 0 ] [ i ] = headContent . trim ( ) ;
tableArray [ 1 ] [ i ] = allign ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < rows . length ; ++ i ) {
var r = tableArray . push ( [ ] ) - 1 , cols = rows [ i ] . getElementsByTagName ( "td" ) ;
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < headings . length ; ++ ii ) {
var cellContent = " " ;
if ( typeof cols [ ii ] !== "undefined" ) {
cellContent = showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.tableCell" ) ( cols [ ii ] , globals ) ;
tableArray [ r ] . push ( cellContent ) ;
var cellSpacesCount = 3 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tableArray . length ; ++ i ) {
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < tableArray [ i ] . length ; ++ ii ) {
var strLen = tableArray [ i ] [ ii ] . length ;
if ( strLen > cellSpacesCount ) {
cellSpacesCount = strLen ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tableArray . length ; ++ i ) {
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < tableArray [ i ] . length ; ++ ii ) {
if ( i === 1 ) {
if ( tableArray [ i ] [ ii ] . slice ( - 1 ) === ":" ) {
tableArray [ i ] [ ii ] = showdown2 . helper . padEnd ( tableArray [ i ] [ ii ] . slice ( - 1 ) , cellSpacesCount - 1 , "-" ) + ":" ;
} else {
tableArray [ i ] [ ii ] = showdown2 . helper . padEnd ( tableArray [ i ] [ ii ] , cellSpacesCount , "-" ) ;
} else {
tableArray [ i ] [ ii ] = showdown2 . helper . padEnd ( tableArray [ i ] [ ii ] , cellSpacesCount ) ;
txt += "| " + tableArray [ i ] . join ( " | " ) + " |\n" ;
return txt . trim ( ) ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.tableCell" , function ( node , globals ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = "" ;
if ( ! node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
return "" ;
var children = node . childNodes , childrenLength = children . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLength ; ++ i ) {
txt += showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.node" ) ( children [ i ] , globals , true ) ;
return txt . trim ( ) ;
} ) ;
showdown2 . subParser ( "makeMarkdown.txt" , function ( node ) {
"use strict" ;
var txt = node . nodeValue ;
txt = txt . replace ( / +/g , " " ) ;
txt = txt . replace ( /¨NBSP;/g , " " ) ;
txt = showdown2 . helper . unescapeHTMLEntities ( txt ) ;
txt = txt . replace ( /([*_~|`])/g , "\\$1" ) ;
txt = txt . replace ( /^(\s*)>/g , "\\$1>" ) ;
txt = txt . replace ( /^#/gm , "\\#" ) ;
txt = txt . replace ( /^(\s*)([-=]{3,})(\s*)$/ , "$1\\$2$3" ) ;
txt = txt . replace ( /^( {0,3}\d+)\./gm , "$1\\." ) ;
txt = txt . replace ( /^( {0,3})([+-])/gm , "$1\\$2" ) ;
txt = txt . replace ( /]([\s]*)\(/g , "\\]$1\\(" ) ;
txt = txt . replace ( /^ {0,3}\[([\S \t]*?)]:/gm , "\\[$1]:" ) ;
return txt ;
} ) ;
var root = this ;
if ( typeof define === "function" && define . amd ) {
define ( function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
return showdown2 ;
} ) ;
} else if ( typeof module2 !== "undefined" && module2 . exports ) {
module2 . exports = showdown2 ;
} else {
root . showdown = showdown2 ;
} ) . call ( exports ) ;
} ) ;
// main.ts
_ _export ( exports , {
default : ( ) => MarkdownToHTML
} ) ;
var import _obsidian = _ _toModule ( require ( "obsidian" ) ) ;
var showdown = _ _toModule ( require _showdown ( ) ) ;
var MarkdownToHTML = class extends import _obsidian . Plugin {
onload ( ) {
return _ _async ( this , null , function * ( ) {
this . addCommand ( {
id : "copy-as-html-command" ,
name : "Copy as HTML command" ,
editorCallback : ( editor ) => this . markdownToHTML ( editor )
} ) ;
} ) ;
markdownToHTML ( editor ) {
const converter = new showdown . Converter ( ) ;
converter . setFlavor ( "github" ) ;
converter . setOption ( "ellipsis" , false ) ;
const text = editor . getSelection ( ) ;
const noBrackets = text . replace ( /\[\[(?:[^\]]+\|)?([^\]]+)\]\]/g , "$1" ) ;
const html = converter . makeHtml ( noBrackets ) . toString ( ) ;
const withDivWrapper = ` <!-- directives:[] -->
< div id = "content" > $ { html } < / d i v > ` ;
const blob = new Blob ( [ withDivWrapper ] , {
type : [ "text/plain" , "text/html" ]
} ) ;
const data = [ new ClipboardItem ( {
[ "text/plain" ] : blob ,
[ "text/html" ] : blob
} ) ] ;
navigator . clipboard . write ( data ) ;
onunload ( ) {
} ;
/*! showdown v 2.1.0 - 21-04-2022 */