> Summary of anything relating to movies and TV shows
style: number
### Movies
#### Last movie watched
table without id "" as "Cover", file.link as "Title", genres as "Themes", "Rating: " + personalRating as "Rating", "IMDb Rating: " + onlineRating as "Online Rating", duration as "Duration", "Producer: " + producer as "Producer" from "03.04 Cinematheque"
table without id "" as "Cover", file.link as "Title", genres as "Themes", "Rating: " + personalRating as "Rating", "IMDb Rating: " + onlineRating as "Online Rating", duration as "Duration", "Producer: " + producer as "Producer" from "03.04 Cinematheque"
table without id "" as "Cover", file.link as "Title", genres as "Themes", "Rating: " + personalRating as "Rating", "IMDb Rating: " + onlineRating as "Online Rating", duration as "Duration", "Producer: " + producer as "Producer" from "03.04 Cinematheque"