/ *
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var _o = Object . create ; var Xt = Object . defineProperty ; var So = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ; var Eo = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ; var Lo = Object . getPrototypeOf , Do = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; var Ei = n => Xt ( n , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) ; var Li = ( n , e ) => ( ) => ( e || n ( ( e = { exports : { } } ) . exports , e ) , e . exports ) , To = ( n , e ) => { Ei ( n ) ; for ( var t in e ) Xt ( n , t , { get : e [ t ] , enumerable : ! 0 } ) } , Ho = ( n , e , t ) => { if ( e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function" ) for ( let i of Eo ( e ) ) ! Do . call ( n , i ) && i !== "default" && Xt ( n , i , { get : ( ) => e [ i ] , enumerable : ! ( t = So ( e , i ) ) || t . enumerable } ) ; return n } , ue = n => Ho ( Ei ( Xt ( n != null ? _o ( Lo ( n ) ) : { } , "default" , n && n . _ _esModule && "default" in n ? { get : ( ) => n . default , enumerable : ! 0 } : { value : n , enumerable : ! 0 } ) ) , n ) ; var ha = Li ( ( t6 , vt ) => { ( function ( n ) { var e = typeof t6 == "object" && t6 , t = typeof vt == "object" && vt && vt . exports == e && vt , i = typeof global == "object" && global ; ( i . global === i || i . window === i ) && ( n = i ) ; var a = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g , r = /[\x01-\x7F]/g , s = /[\x01-\t\x0B\f\x0E-\x1F\x7F\x81\x8D\x8F\x90\x9D\xA0-\uFFFF]/g , o = / < \ u 2 0 D 2 | = \ u 2 0 E 5 | > \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 0 5 F \ u 2 0 0 A | \ u 2 1 9 D \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 0 2 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 2 0 \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 2 9 \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 2 A \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 3 C \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 3 D \ u 0 3 3 1 | \ u 2 2 3 E \ u 0 3 3 3 | \ u 2 2 4 2 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 4 B \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 4 D \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 4 E \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 4 F \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 5 0 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 6 1 \ u 2 0 E 5 | \ u 2 2 6 4 \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 6 5 \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 6 6 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 6 7 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 6 8 \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 6 9 \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 6 A \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 6 A \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 6 B \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 6 B \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 7 F \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 8 2 \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 8 3 \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 8 A \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 8 B \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 8 F \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 9 0 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 9 3 \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 9 4 \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 B 4 \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 B 5 \ u 2 0 D 2 | \ u 2 2 D 8 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 D 9 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 D A \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 D B \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 2 F 5 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 2 F 9 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 9 3 3 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 9 C F \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 9 D 0 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A 6 D \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A 7 0 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A 7 D \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A 7 E \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A A 1 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A A 2 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A A C \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 A A D \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 A A F \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A B 0 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A C 5 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A C 6 \ u 0 3 3 8 | \ u 2 A C B \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 A C C \ u F E 0 0 | \ u 2 A F D \ u 2 0 E 5 | [ \ x A 0 - \ u 0 1 1 3 \ u 0 1 1 6 - \ u 0 1 2 2 \ u 0 1 2 4 - \ u 0 1 2 B \ u 0 1 2 E - \ u 0 1 4 D \ u 0 1 5 0 - \ u 0 1 7 E \ u 0 1 9 2 \ u 0 1 B 5 \ u 0 1 F 5 \ u 0 2 3 7 \ u 0 2 C 6 \ u 0 2 C 7 \ u 0 2 D 8 - \ u 0 2 D D \ u 0 3 1 1 \ u 0 3 9 1 - \ u 0 3 A 1 \ u 0 3 A 3 - \ u 0 3 A 9 \ u 0 3 B 1 - \ u 0 3 C 9 \ u 0 3 D 1 \ u 0 3 D 2 \ u 0 3 D 5 \ u 0 3 D 6 \ u 0 3 D C \ u 0 3 D D \ u 0 3 F 0 \ u 0 3 F 1 \ u 0 3 F 5 \ u 0 3 F 6 \ u 0 4 0 1 - \ u 0 4 0 C \ u 0 4 0 E - \ u 0 4 4 F \ u 0 4 5 1 - \ u 0 4 5 C \ u 0 4 5 E \ u 0 4 5 F \ u 2 0 0 2 - \ u 2 0 0 5 \ u 2 0 0 7 - \ u 2 0 1 0 \ u 2 0 1 3 - \ u 2 0 1 6 \ u 2 0 1 8 - \ u 2 0 1 A \ u 2 0 1 C - \ u 2 0 1 E \ u 2 0 2 0 - \ u 2 0 2 2 \ u 2 0 2 5 \ u 2 0 2 6 \ u 2 0 3 0 - \ u 2 0 3 5 \ u 2 0 3 9 \ u 2 0 3 A \ u 2 0 3 E \ u 2 0 4 1 \ u 2 0 4 3 \ u 2 0 4 4 \ u 2 0 4 F \ u 2 0 5 7 \ u 2 0 5 F - \ u 2 0 6 3 \ u 2 0 A C \ u 2 0 D B \ u 2 0 D C \ u 2 1 0 2 \ u 2 1 0 5 \ u 2 1 0 A - \ u 2 1 1 3 \ u 2 1 1 5 - \ u 2 1 1 E \ u 2 1 2 2 \ u 2 1 2 4 \ u 2 1 2 7 - \ u 2 1 2 9 \ u 2 1 2 C \ u 2 1 2 D \ u 2 1 2 F - \ u 2 1 3 1 \ u 2 1 3 3 - \ u 2 1 3 8 \ u 2 1 4 5 - \ u 2 1 4 8 \ u 2 1 5 3 - \ u 2 1 5 E \ u 2 1 9 0 - \ u 2 1 9 B \ u 2 1 9 D - \ u 2 1 A 7 \ u 2 1 A 9 - \ u 2 1 A E \ u 2 1 B 0 - \ u 2 1 B 3 \ u 2 1 B 5 - \ u 2 1 B 7 \ u 2 1 B A - \ u 2 1 D B \ u 2 1 D D \ u 2 1 E 4 \ u 2 1 E 5 \ u 2 1 F 5 \ u 2 1 F D - \ u 2 2 0 5 \ u 2 2 0 7 - \ u 2 2 0 9 \ u 2 2 0 B \ u 2 2 0 C \ u 2 2 0 F - \ u 2 2 1 4 \ u 2 2 1 6 - \ u 2 2 1 8 \ u 2 2 1 A \ u 2 2 1 D - \ u 2 2 3 8 \ u 2 2 3 A - \ u 2 2 5 7 \ u 2 2 5 9 \ u 2 2 5 A \ u 2 2 5 C \ u 2 2 5 F - \ u 2 2 6 2 \ u 2 2 6 4 - \ u 2 2 8 B \ u 2 2 8 D - \ u 2 2 9 B \ u 2 2 9 D - \ u 2 2 A 5 \ u 2 2 A 7 - \ u 2 2 B 0 \ u 2 2 B 2 - \ u 2 2 B B \ u 2 2 B D - \ u 2 2 D B \ u 2 2 D E - \ u 2 2 E 3 \ u 2 2 E 6 - \ u 2 2 F 7 \ u 2 2 F 9 - \ u 2 2 F E \ u 2 3 0 5 \ u 2 3 0 6 \ u 2 3 0 8 - \ u 2 3 1 0 \ u 2 3 1 2 \ u 2 3 1 3 \ u 2 3 1 5 \ u 2 3 1 6 \ u 2 3 1 C - \ u 2 3 1 F \ u 2 3 2 2 \ u 2 3 2 3 \ u 2 3 2 D \ u 2 3 2 E \ u 2 3 3 6 \ u 2 3 3 D \ u 2 3 3 F \ u 2 3 7 C \ u 2 3 B 0 \ u 2 3 B 1 \ u 2 3 B 4 - \ u 2 3 B 6 \ u 2 3 D C - \ u 2 3 D F \ u 2 3 E 2 \ u 2 3 E 7 \ u 2 4 2 3 \ u 2 4 C 8 \ u 2 5 0 0 \ u 2 5 0 2 \ u 2 5 0 C \ u 2 5 1 0 \ u 2 5 1 4 \ u 2 5 1 8 \ u 2 5 1 C \ u 2 5 2 4 \ u 2 5 2 C \ u 2 5 3 4 \ u 2 5 3 C \ u 2 5 5 0 - \ u 2 5 6 C \ u 2 5 8 0 \ u 2 5 8 4 \ u 2 5 8 8 \ u 2 5 9 1 - \ u 2 5 9 3 \ u 2 5 A 1 \ u 2 5 A A \ u 2 5 A B \ u 2 5 A D \ u 2 5 A E \ u 2 5 B 1 \ u 2 5 B 3 - \ u 2 5 B 5 \ u 2 5 B 8 \ u 2 5 B 9 \ u 2 5 B D - \ u 2 5 B F \ u 2 5 C 2 \ u 2 5 C 3 \ u 2 5 C A \ u 2 5 C B \ u 2 5 E C \ u 2 5 E F \ u 2 5 F 8 - \ u 2 5 F C \ u 2 6 0 5 \ u 2 6 0 6 \ u 2 6 0 E \ u 2 6 4 0 \ u 2 6 4 2 \ u 2 6 6 0 \ u 2 6 6 3 \ u 2 6 6 5 \ u 2 6 6 6 \ u 2 6 6 A \ u 2 6 6 D - \ u 2 6 6 F \ u 2 7 1 3 \ u 2 7 1 7 \ u 2 7 2 0 \ u 2 7 3 6 \ u 2 7 5 8 \ u 2 7 7 2 \ u 2 7 7 3 \ u 2 7 C 8 \ u 2 7 C 9 \ u 2 7 E 6 - \ u 2 7 E D \ u 2 7 F 5 - \ u 2 7 F A \ u 2 7 F C \ u 2 7 F F \ u 2 9 0 2 - \ u 2 9 0 5 \ u 2 9 0 C - \ u 2 9 1 3 \ u 2 9 1 6 \ u 2 9 1 9 - \ u 2 9 2 0 \ u 2 9 2 3 - \ u 2 9 2 A \ u 2 9 3 3 \ u 2 9 3 5 - \ u 2 9 3 9 \ u 2 9 3 C \ u 2 9 3 D \ u 2 9 4 5 \ u 2 9 4 8 - \ u 2 9 4 B \ u 2 9 4 E - \ u 2 9 7 6 \ u 2 9 7 8 \ u 2 9 7 9 \ u 2 9 7 B - \ u 2 9 7 F \ u 2 9 8 5 \ u 2 9 8 6 \ u 2 9 8 B - \ u 2 9 9 6 \ u 2 9 9 A \ u 2 9 9 C \ u 2 9 9 D \ u 2 9 A 4 - \ u 2 9 B 7 \ u 2 9 B 9 \ u 2 9 B B \ u 2 9 B C \ u 2 9 B E - \ u 2 9 C 5 \ u 2 9 C 9 \ u 2 9 C D - \ u 2 9 D 0 \ u 2 9 D C - \ u 2 9 D E \ u 2 9 E 3 - \ u 2 9 E 5 \ u 2 9 E B \ u 2 9 F 4 \ u 2 9 F 6 \ u 2 A 0 0 - \ u 2 A 0 2 \ u 2 A 0 4 \ u 2 A 0 6 \ u 2 A 0 C \ u 2 A 0 D \ u 2 A 1 0 - \ u 2 A 1 7 \ u 2 A 2 2 - \ u 2 A 2 7 \ u 2 A 2 9 \ u 2 A 2 A \ u 2 A 2 D - \ u 2 A 3 1 \ u 2 A 3 3 - \ u 2 A 3 C \ u 2 A 3 F \ u 2 A 4 0 \ u 2 A 4 2 - \ u 2 A 4 D \ u 2 A 5 0 \ u 2 A 5 3 - \ u 2 A 5 8 \ u 2 A 5 A - \ u 2 A 5 D \ u 2 A 5 F \ u 2 A 6 6 \ u 2 A 6 A \ u 2 A 6 D - \ u 2 A 7 5 \ u 2 A 7 7 - \ u 2 A 9 A \ u 2 A 9 D - \ u 2 A A 2 \ u 2 A A 4 - \ u 2 A B 0 \ u 2 A B 3 - \ u 2 A C 8 \ u 2 A C B \ u 2 A C C \ u 2 A C F - \ u 2 A D B \ u 2 A E 4 \ u 2 A E 6 - \ u 2 A E 9 \ u 2 A E B - \ u 2 A F 3 \ u 2 A F D \ u F B 0 0 - \ u F B 0 4 ] | \ u D 8 3 5 [ \ u D C 9 C \ u D C 9 E \ u D C 9 F \ u D C A 2 \ u D C A 5 \ u D C A 6 \ u D C A 9 - \ u D C A C \ u D C A E - \ u D C B 9 \ u D C B B \ u D C B D - \ u D C C 3 \ u D C C 5 - \ u D C C F \ u D D 0 4 \ u D D 0 5 \ u D D 0 7 - \ u D D 0 A \ u D D 0 D - \ u D D 1 4 \ u D D 1 6 - \ u D D 1 C \ u D D 1 E - \ u D D 3 9 \ u D D 3 B - \ u D D 3 E \ u D D 4 0 - \ u D D 4
` ,nexist:" \u 2204",nexists:" \u 2204",nfr:" \u {1D52B}",Nfr:" \u {1D511}",nge:" \u 2271",ngE:" \u 2267 \u 0338",ngeq:" \u 2271",ngeqq:" \u 2267 \u 0338",ngeqslant:" \u 2A7E \u 0338",nges:" \u 2A7E \u 0338",nGg:" \u 22D9 \u 0338",ngsim:" \u 2275",ngt:" \u 226F",nGt:" \u 226B \u 20D2",ngtr:" \u 226F",nGtv:" \u 226B \u 0338",nharr:" \u 21AE",nhArr:" \u 21CE",nhpar:" \u 2AF2",ni:" \u 220B",nis:" \u 22FC",nisd:" \u 22FA",niv:" \u 220B",njcy:" \u 045A",NJcy:" \u 040A",nlarr:" \u 219A",nlArr:" \u 21CD",nldr:" \u 2025",nle:" \u 2270",nlE:" \u 2266 \u 0338",nleftarrow:" \u 219A",nLeftarrow:" \u 21CD",nleftrightarrow:" \u 21AE",nLeftrightarrow:" \u 21CE",nleq:" \u 2270",nleqq:" \u 2266 \u 0338",nleqslant:" \u 2A7D \u 0338",nles:" \u 2A7D \u 0338",nless:" \u 226E",nLl:" \u 22D8 \u 0338",nlsim:" \u 2274",nlt:" \u 226E",nLt:" \u 226A \u 20D2",nltri:" \u 22EA",nltrie:" \u 22EC",nLtv:" \u 226A \u 0338",nmid:" \u 2224",NoBreak:" \u 2060",NonBreakingSpace:" \x A0",nopf:" \u {1D55F}",Nopf:" \u 2115",not:" \x AC",Not:" \u 2AEC",NotCongruent:" \u 2262",NotCupCap:" \u 226D",NotDoubleVerticalBar:" \u 2226",NotElement:" \u 2209",NotEqual:" \u 2260",NotEqualTilde:" \u 2242 \u 0338",NotExists:" \u 2204",NotGreater:" \u 226F",NotGreaterEqual:" \u 2271",NotGreaterFullEqual:" \u 2267 \u 0338",NotGreaterGreater:" \u 226B \u 0338",NotGreaterLess:" \u 2279",NotGreaterSlantEqual:" \u 2A7E \u 0338",NotGreaterTilde:" \u 2275",NotHumpDownHump:" \u 224E \u 0338",NotHumpEqual:" \u 224F \u 0338",notin:" \u 2209",notindot:" \u 22F5 \u 0338",notinE:" \u 22F9 \u 0338",notinva:" \u 2209",notinvb:" \u 22F7",notinvc:" \u 22F6",NotLeftTriangle:" \u 22EA",NotLeftTriangleBar:" \u 29CF \u 0338",NotLeftTriangleEqual:" \u 22EC",NotLess:" \u 226E",NotLessEqual:" \u 2270",NotLessGreater:" \u 2278",NotLessLess:" \u 226A \u 0338",NotLessSlantEqual:" \u 2A7D \u 0338",NotLessTilde:" \u 2274",NotNestedGreaterGreater:" \u 2AA2 \u 0338",NotNestedLessLess:" \u 2AA1 \u 0338",notni:" \u 220C",notniva:" \u 220C",notnivb:" \u 22FE",notnivc:" \u 22FD",NotPrecedes:" \u 2280",NotPrecedesEqual:" \u 2AAF \u 0338",NotPrecedesSlantEqual:" \u 22E0",NotReverseElement:" \u 220C",NotRightTriangle:" \u 22EB",NotRightTriangleBar:" \u 29D0 \u 0338",NotRightTriangleEqual:" \u 22ED",NotSquareSubset:" \u 228F \u 0338",NotSquareSubsetEqual:" \u 22E2",NotSquareSuperset:" \u 2290 \u 0338",NotSquareSupersetEqual:" \u 22E3",NotSubset:" \u 2282 \u 20D2",NotSubsetEqual:" \u 2288",NotSucceeds:" \u 2281",NotSucceedsEqual:" \u 2AB0 \u 0338",NotSucceedsSlantEqual:" \u 22E1",NotSucceedsTilde:" \u 227F \u 0338",NotSuperset:" \u 2283 \u 20D2",NotSupersetEqual:" \u 2289",NotTilde:" \u 2241",NotTildeEqual:" \u 2244",NotTildeFullEqual:" \u 2247",NotTildeTilde:" \u 2249",NotVerticalBar:" \u 2224",npar:" \u 2226",nparallel:" \u 2226",nparsl:" \u 2AFD \u 20E5",npart:" \u 2202 \u 0338",npolint:" \u 2A14",npr:" \u 2280",nprcue:" \u 22E0",npre:" \u 2AAF \u 0338",nprec:" \u 2280",npreceq:" \u 2AAF \u 0338",nrarr:" \u 219B",nrArr:" \u 21CF",nrarrc:" \u 2933 \u 0338",nrarrw:" \u 219D \u 0338",nrightarrow:" \u 219B",nRightarrow:" \u 21CF",nrtri:" \u 22EB",nrtrie:" \u 22ED",nsc:" \u 2281",nsccue:" \u 22E1",nsce:" \u 2AB0 \u 0338",nscr:" \u {1D4C3}",Nscr:" \u {1D4A9}",nshortmid:" \u 2224",nshortparallel:" \u 2226",nsim:" \u 2241",nsime:" \u 2244",nsimeq:" \u 2244",nsmid:" \u 2224",nspar:" \u 2226",nsqsube:" \u 22E2",nsqsupe:" \u 22E3",nsub:" \u 2284",nsube:" \u 2288",nsubE:" \u 2AC5 \u 0338",nsubset:" \u 2282 \u 20D2",nsubseteq:" \u 2288",nsubseteqq:" \u 2AC5 \u 0338",nsucc:" \u 2281",nsucceq:" \u 2AB0 \u 0338",nsup:" \u 2285",nsupe:" \u 2289",nsupE:" \u 2AC6 \u 0338",nsupset:" \u 2283 \u 20D2",nsupseteq:" \u 2289",nsupseteqq:" \u 2AC6 \u 0338",ntgl:" \u 2279",ntilde:" \x F1",Ntilde:" \x D1",ntlg:" \u 2278",ntriangleleft:" \u 22EA",ntrianglelefteq:" \u 22EC",ntriangleright:" \u 22EB",ntrianglerighteq:" \u 22ED",nu:" \u 03BD",Nu:" \u 039D",num:"#",numero:" \u 2116",numsp:" \u 2007",nvap:" \u 224D \u 20D2",nvdash:" \u 22AC",nvDash:" \u 22AD",nVdash:" \u 22AE",nVDash:" \u 22AF",nvge:" \u 2265 \u 20D2",nvgt:"> \u 20D2",nvHarr:" \u 2904",nvinfin:" \u 29DE",nvlArr:" \u 2902",nvle:" \u 2264 \u 20D2",nvlt:"< \u 20D2",nvltrie:" \u 22B4 \u 20D2",nvrArr:" \u 2903",nvrtrie:" \u 22B5 \u 20D2",nvsim:" \u 223C \u 20D2",nwarhk:" \u 2923",nwarr:" \u 2196",nwArr:" \u 21D6",nwarrow:" \u 2196",nwnear:" \u 2927",oacute:" \x F3",Oacute:" \x D3",oast:" \u 229B",ocir:" \u 229A",ocirc:" \x F4",Ocirc:" \x D4",ocy:" \u 043E",Ocy:" \u 041E",odash:" \u 229D",odblac:" \u 0151",Odblac:" \u 0150",odiv:" \u 2A38",odot:" \u 2299",odsold:" \u 29BC",oelig:" \u 0153",OElig:" \u 01
Use ( ? : \u2026 ) instead ` );if(!N.lineBreaks&&Q.test( `
` ))throw new Error("Rule should declare lineBreaks: "+Q);V.push(o(X))}}var B=F&&F.fallback,M1=t&&!B?"ym":"gm",u1=t||B?"":"|";z===!0&&(M1+="u");var v1=new RegExp(l(V)+u1,M1);return{regexp:v1,groups:H,fast:M,error:F||v}}function x(_){var P=g(m(_));return new b({start:P},"start")}function p(_,P,F){var M=_&&(_.push||_.next);if(M&&!F[M])throw new Error("Missing state '"+M+"' (in token '"+_.defaultType+"' of state '"+P+"')");if(_&&_.pop&&+_.pop!=1)throw new Error("pop must be 1 (in token '"+_.defaultType+"' of state '"+P+"')")}function d(_,P){var F=_. $ all?m(_. $ all):[];delete _. $ all;var M=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(_);P||(P=M[0]);for(var D=Object.create(null),z=0;z<M.length;z++){var H=M[z];D[H]=m(_[H]).concat(F)}for(var z=0;z<M.length;z++)for(var H=M[z],V=D[H],L=Object.create(null),N=0;N<V.length;N++){var U=V[N];if(!!U.include){var Z=[N,1];if(U.include!==H&&!L[U.include]){L[U.include]=!0;var O=D[U.include];if(!O)throw new Error("Cannot include nonexistent state '"+U.include+"' (in state '"+H+"')");for(var W=0;W<O.length;W++){var X=O[W];V.indexOf(X)===-1&&Z.push(X)}}V.splice.apply(V,Z),N--}}for(var Q=Object.create(null),z=0;z<M.length;z++){var H=M[z];Q[H]=g(D[H],!0)}for(var z=0;z<M.length;z++){for(var a1=M[z],B=Q[a1],M1=B.groups,N=0;N<M1.length;N++)p(M1[N],a1,Q);for(var u1=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(B.fast),N=0;N<u1.length;N++)p(B.fast[u1[N]],a1,Q)}return new b(Q,P)}function A(_){for(var P=Object.create(null),F=Object.create(null),M=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(_),D=0;D<M.length;D++){var z=M[D],H=_[z],V=Array.isArray(H)?H:[H];V.forEach(function(O){if((F[O.length]=F[O.length]||[]).push(O),typeof O!="string")throw new Error("keyword must be string (in keyword '"+z+"')");P[O]=z})}function L(O){return JSON.stringify(O)}var N="";N+= ` switch ( value . length ) {
` ;for(var U in F){var Z=F[U];N+="case "+U+ ` :
` ,N+= ` switch ( value ) {
` ,Z.forEach(function(O){var W=P[O];N+="case "+L(O)+": return "+L(W)+ `
` }),N+= ` }
` }return N+= ` }
` ,Function("value",N)}var b=function(_,P){this.startState=P,this.states=_,this.buffer="",this.stack=[],this.reset()};b.prototype.reset=function(_,P){return this.buffer=_||"",this.index=0,this.line=P?P.line:1,this.col=P?P.col:1,this.queuedToken=P?P.queuedToken:null,this.queuedThrow=P?P.queuedThrow:null,this.setState(P?P.state:this.startState),this.stack=P&&P.stack?P.stack.slice():[],this},b.prototype.save=function(){return{line:this.line,col:this.col,state:this.state,stack:this.stack.slice(),queuedToken:this.queuedToken,queuedThrow:this.queuedThrow}},b.prototype.setState=function(_){if(!(!_||this.state===_)){this.state=_;var P=this.states[_];this.groups=P.groups,this.error=P.error,this.re=P.regexp,this.fast=P.fast}},b.prototype.popState=function(){this.setState(this.stack.pop())},b.prototype.pushState=function(_){this.stack.push(this.state),this.setState(_)};var C=t?function(_,P){return _.exec(P)}:function(_,P){var F=_.exec(P);return F[0].length===0?null:F};b.prototype._getGroup=function(_){for(var P=this.groups.length,F=0;F<P;F++)if(_[F+1]!==void 0)return this.groups[F];throw new Error("Cannot find token type for matched text")};function E(){return this.value}if(b.prototype.next=function(){var _=this.index;if(this.queuedGroup){var P=this._token(this.queuedGroup,this.queuedText,_);return this.queuedGroup=null,this.queuedText="",P}var F=this.buffer;if(_!==F.length){var M=this.fast[F.charCodeAt(_)];if(M)return this._token(M,F.charAt(_),_);var D=this.re;D.lastIndex=_;var z=C(D,F),H=this.error;if(z==null)return this._token(H,F.slice(_,F.length),_);var M=this._getGroup(z),V=z[0];return H.fallback&&z.index!==_?(this.queuedGroup=M,this.queuedText=V,this._token(H,F.slice(_,z.index),_)):this._token(M,V,_)}},b.prototype._token=function(_,P,F){var M=0;if(_.lineBreaks){var D=/ \n /g,z=1;if(P=== `
` )M=1;else for(;D.exec(P);)M++,z=D.lastIndex}var H={type:typeof _.type=="function"&&_.type(P)||_.defaultType,value:typeof _.value=="function"?_.value(P):P,text:P,toString:E,offset:F,lineBreaks:M,line:this.line,col:this.col},V=P.length;if(this.index+=V,this.line+=M,M!==0?this.col=V-z+1:this.col+=V,_.shouldThrow)throw new Error(this.formatError(H,"invalid syntax"));return _.pop?this.popState():_.push?this.pushState(_.push):_.next&&this.setState(_.next),H},typeof Symbol!="undefined"&&Symbol.iterator){var T=function(_){this.lexer=_};T.prototype.next=function(){var _=this.lexer.next();return{value:_,done:!_}},T.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this},b.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return new T(this)}}return b.prototype.formatError=function(_,P){if(_==null)var F=this.buffer.slice(this.index),_={text:F,offset:this.index,lineBreaks:F.indexOf( `
` )===-1?0:1,line:this.line,col:this.col};var M=Math.max(0,_.offset-_.col+1),D=_.lineBreaks?_.text.indexOf( `
` ):_.text.length,z=this.buffer.substring(M,_.offset+D);return P+=" at line "+_.line+" col "+_.col+ ` :
` ,P+=" "+z+ `
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` ).join(" -> ")} -> ` } async onClick ( e ) { e . stopPropagation ( ) , e . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) , window . getSelection ( ) ? . isCollapsed && await this . roll ( ) } } , m4 = class extends pa { } , R4 = class extends m4 { constructor ( e , t , i , a , r = e . data . showDice ) { super ( e , t , [ i ] , r ) ; this . plugin = e ; this . original = t ; this . lexeme = i ; this . source = a ; this . watch = ! 0 ; this . getPath ( ) , this . init = this . getFile ( ) } async getFile ( ) { if ( this . file = this . plugin . app . metadataCache . getFirstLinkpathDest ( this . path , this . source ) , ! this . file || ! ( this . file instanceof N4 . TFile ) ) throw new Error ( "Could not load file." ) ; await this . load ( ) , this . registerFileWatcher ( ) } registerFileWatcher ( ) { this . plugin . registerEvent ( this . plugin . app . vault . on ( "modify" , async e => { ! this . watch || this . save || e === this . file && await this . getOptions ( ) } ) ) } } ; var P2 = class { constructor ( e , t = { value : e , conditions : [ ] , type : "dice" } ) { this . lexeme = t ; this . modifiers = new Map ; this . modifiersAllowed = ! 0 ; this . static = ! 1 ; this . conditions = [ ] ; this . fudge = ! 1 ; if ( ! /(\-?\d+)[dD]?(\d+|%|\[\d+,\s?\d+\])?/ . test ( e ) ) throw new Error ( "Non parseable dice string passed to DiceRoll." ) ; this . dice = e . split ( " " ) . join ( "" ) , /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ . test ( this . dice ) && ( this . static = ! 0 , this . modifiersAllowed = ! 1 ) ; let [ , i , a = null , r = 1 ] = this . dice . match ( /(\-?\d+)[dD]\[?(?:(-?\d+)\s?,)?\s?(-?\d+|%|F)\]?/ ) || [ , 1 , null , 1 ] ; this . multiplier = i < 0 ? - 1 : 1 , this . rolls = Math . abs ( Number ( i ) ) || 1 , Number ( r ) < 0 && ! a && ( a = - 1 ) , r === "%" && ( r = 100 ) , r === "F" && ( r = 1 , a = - 1 , this . fudge = ! 0 ) , Number ( r ) < Number ( a ) && ( [ r , a ] = [ a , r ] ) , this . faces = { max : r ? Number ( r ) : 1 , min : a ? Number ( a ) : 1 } , this . conditions = this . lexeme . conditions ? ? [ ] , this . results = new Map ( [ ... this . roll ( ) ] . map ( ( s , o ) => [ o , { usable : ! 0 , value : s , display : ` ${ s } ` , modifiers : new Set } ] ) ) } get text ( ) { return ` ${ this . result } ` } get result ( ) { return this . static ? Number ( this . dice ) : [ ... this . results ] . map ( ( [ , { usable : t , value : i } ] ) => t ? i : 0 ) . reduce ( ( t , i ) => t + i , 0 ) } get display ( ) { return this . static ? ` ${ this . result } ` : ` [ ${ [ ... this . results ] . map ( ( [ , { modifiers : e , display : t } ])=> ` $ { t } $ { [ ... e ] . join ( "" ) } ` ).join(", ")}] ` } get modifierText ( ) { if ( ! this . modifiers . size ) return "" ; let e = [ ... this . conditions ] . map ( ( { value : i } ) => i ) . join ( "" ) , t = [ ... this . modifiers ] . map ( ( [ i , { conditionals : a , value : r } ] ) => { let s = a . map ( o => o . value ) ; return ` ${ r } ${ s . join ( "" ) } ` } ) . join ( "" ) ; return ` ${ e } ${ t } ` } keepLow ( e = 1 ) { if ( ! this . modifiersAllowed ) { new F4 . Notice ( "Modifiers are only allowed on dice rolls." ) ; return } [ ... this . results ] . sort ( ( t , i ) => t [ 1 ] . value - i [ 1 ] . value ) . slice ( e - this . results . size ) . forEach ( ( [ t ] ) => { let i = this . results . get ( t ) ; i . usable = ! 1 , i . modifiers . add ( "d" ) , this . results . set ( t , { ... i } ) } ) } keepHigh ( e = 1 ) { if ( ! this . modifiersAllowed ) { new F4 . Notice ( "Modifiers are only allowed on dice rolls." ) ; return } [ ... this . results ] . sort ( ( t , i ) => i [ 1 ] . value - t [ 1 ] . value ) . slice ( e ) . forEach ( ( [ t ] ) => { let i = this . results . get ( t ) ; i . usable = ! 1 , i . modifiers . add ( "d" ) , this . results . set ( t , { ... i } ) } ) } reroll ( e , t ) { if ( ! this . modifiersAllowed ) { new F4 . Notice ( "Modifiers are only allowed on dice rolls." ) ; return } t . length || t . push ( { operator : "=" , comparer : this . faces . min , value : "" } ) ; let i = 0 , a = [ ... this . results ] . filter ( ( [ , { value : r } ] ) => this . checkCondition ( r , t ) ) ; for ( ; i < e && a . filter ( ( [ , { value : r } ] ) => this . checkCondition ( r , t ) ) . length > 0 ; ) i ++ , a . map ( ( [ , r ] ) => { r . modifiers . add ( "r" ) , r . value = this . getRandomBetween ( this . faces . min , this . faces . max ) } ) ; a . forEach ( ( [ r , s ] ) => { this . results . set ( r , s ) } ) } explodeAndCombine ( e , t ) { if ( ! this . modifiersAllowed ) { new F4 . Notice ( "Modifiers are only allowed on dice rolls." ) ; return } t . length || t . push ( { operator : "=" , comparer : this . faces . max , value : "" } ) ; let i = 0 ; [ ... this . results ] . filter ( ( [ , { value : r } ] ) => this . checkCondition ( r , t ) ) . forEach ( ( [ r , s ] ) => { let o = this . getRandomBetween ( this . faces . min , this . faces . max ) ; for ( i ++ , s . modifiers . add ( "!" ) , s . value += o , s . display = ` ${ s . value } ` , this . results . set ( r , s ) ; i < e && this . checkCondition ( o , t ) ; ) i ++ , o = this . getRandomBetween ( this . faces . min , this . faces . max ) , s . value += o , s . display = ` ${ s . value } ` , this . results . set ( r , s ) } ) } explode ( e , t ) { if ( ! this . modifiersAllowed ) { new F4 . Notice ( "Modifiers are only allowed on dice rolls." ) ; return } t . length || t . push ( { operator : "=" , comparer : this . faces . max , value : "" } ) ; let i = [ ... this . results ] . filter ( ( [ , { value : r } ] ) => this . checkCondition ( r , t ) ) , a = 0 ; i . forEach ( ( [ r , s ] ) => { let o = s . value , l = 0 ; for ( ; l < e && this . checkCondition ( o , t ) ; ) this . re
$ { this . result } = $ { this . resultText } ` : ` $ { this . original }
$ { this . resultText } ` :this.expectedValue===A2.Average?this.displayFixedText? ` $ { this . original }
$ { this . result } = average : $ { this . resultText } ` : ` $ { this . original }
average : $ { this . resultText } ` : ` $ { this . original }
empty ` }allowAverage(){let e=t=>t.allowAverage();return this.dynamic.every(e)}async build(){if(this.expectedValue===A2.Average&&!this.shouldRender){if(this.allowAverage())for(let a of this.dynamic){let r=a.average();var e=Array(a.rolls).fill(r);a.setResults(e),this.recalculate()}else this.expectedValue=A2.Roll;this.result=Math.floor(this.result),this.setTooltip()}let t=this.result;switch(this.plugin.data.round){case fe.None:{t=Math.trunc(t*100)/100;break}case fe.Normal:{t=Math.round(t);break}case fe.Up:{t=Math.ceil(t);break}case fe.Down:{t=Math.floor(t);break}}let i;this.expectedValue===A2.None&&!this.shouldRender?(this.showDice?i=[""]:i=[" \x A0"],this.showFormula&&i.unshift(this.original+" -> ")):(i=[ ` $ { t } ` ],this.showFormula&&i.unshift(this.inlineText)),this.expectedValue=A2.Roll,this.displayFixedText?this.resultEl.setText(this.fixedText):this.resultEl.setText(i.join("")+this.stunted)}async onClick(e){e.stopPropagation(),e.stopImmediatePropagation(),e.getModifierState("Alt")?this.expectedValue=A2.Average:e.getModifierState("Control")&&(this.expectedValue=A2.None),window.getSelection()?.isCollapsed&&await this.roll()}get dynamic(){return this.dice.filter(e=>!e.static)}get static(){return this.dice.filter(e=>e.static)}get isStatic(){return this.dice.every(e=>e.static)}async roll(){let e=0;this.stunted="";for(let t of this.lexemes)switch(t.type){case"+":case"-":case"*":case"/":case"^":case"math":let i=this.stack.pop(),a=this.stack.pop();if(!a){t.value==="-"&&(i=new P2( ` - $ { i . dice } ` ,i.lexeme)),this.stackCopy.push(t.value),this.stack.push(i);continue}i.roll(),i instanceof gt&&i.doubles&&(this.stunted= ` - $ { i . results . get ( 0 ) . value } Stunt Points ` ),a.roll(),a instanceof gt&&a.doubles&&(this.stunted= ` - $ { a . results . get ( 0 ) . value } Stunt Points ` );let r=this.operators[t.value](a.result,i.result);this.stackCopy.push(t.value),this.stack.push(new P2( ` $ { r } ` ,t));break;case"kh":{let s=this.dice[e-1],o=t.value?Number(t.value):1;s.modifiers.set("kh",{data:o,conditionals:[],value:t.text});break}case"dl":{let s=this.dice[e-1],o=t.value?Number(t.value):1;o=s.results.size-o,s.modifiers.set("kh",{data:o,conditionals:[],value:t.text});break}case"kl":{let s=this.dice[e-1],o=t.value?Number(t.value):1;s.modifiers.set("kl",{data:o,conditionals:[],value:t.text});break}case"dh":{let s=this.dice[e-1],o=t.value?Number(t.value):1;o=s.results.size-o,s.modifiers.set("kl",{data:o,conditionals:[],value:t.text});break}case"!":{let s=this.dice[e-1],o=Number(t.value)||1;s.modifiers.set("!",{data:o,conditionals:t.conditions??[],value:t.text});break}case"!!":{let s=this.dice[e-1],o=Number(t.value)||1;s.modifiers.set("!!",{data:o,conditionals:t.conditions??[],value:t.text});break}case"r":{let s=this.dice[e-1],o=Number(t.value)||1;s.modifiers.set("r",{data:o,conditionals:t.conditions??[],value:t.text});break}case"dice":{if(t.parenedDice&&/^d/.test(t.value)&&this.stack.length){let s=this.stack.pop();t.value= ` $ { s . result } $ { t . value } ` ,this.dice[e]=new P2(t.value,t)}this.dice[e]||(this.dice[e]=new P2(t.value,t)),this.stack.push(this.dice[e]),this.stackCopy.push(this.dice[e]),e++;break}case"stunt":{this.dice[e]||(this.dice[e]=new gt(t.value,t)),this.stack.push(this.dice[e]),this.stackCopy.push(this.dice[e]),e++;break}case"%":{this.dice[e]||(this.dice[e]=new ma(t.value,t)),this.stack.push(this.dice[e]),this.stackCopy.push(this.dice[e]),e++;break}}if(this.shouldRender)await this.plugin.renderRoll(this);else{let t=this.stack.pop();t.roll(),t instanceof gt&&t.doubles&&(this.stunted= ` - $ { t . results . get ( 0 ) . value } Stunt Points ` ),this.result=t.result,this._tooltip=null}return this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),this.result}recalculate(){let e=[],t=0;for(let i of this.stackCopy)if(typeof i=="string"){let a=e.pop(),r=e.pop();if(!r){i==="-"&&(a=new P2( ` - $ { a . result } ` ,a.lexeme)),e.push(a);continue}let s=this.operators[i](r.result,a.result);e.push(new P2( ` $ { s } ` ))}else e.push(i),i instanceof P2&&i.applyModifiers();e.length&&e[0]instanceof P2&&(e[0].applyModifiers(),t+=e[0].result),this.result=t}toResult(){return{type:"dice",result:this.result,tooltip:this.tooltip}}async applyResult(e){
$ { this . path } ` }async build(){if(this.resultEl.empty(),this.plugin.data.displayResultsInline&&this.inline&&this.resultEl.createSpan({text:this.inlineText}),!this.results||!this.results.length){this.resultEl.createDiv({cls:"dice-no-results",text:"No results."});return}this.plugin.data.copyContentButton&&this.copy.removeClass("no-show");for(let e of this.results){this.resultEl.onclick=async i=>{if(i&&i.getModifierState("Control")||i.getModifierState("Meta")){i.stopPropagation();return}};let t=this.resultEl.createDiv({cls:"markdown-embed"});if(!this.plugin.data.displayResultsInline){let i="type"in e?e.type:"List Item";t.setAttrs({"aria-label": ` $ { this . file . basename } : $ { i } ` })}if(!e){t.createDiv({cls:"dice-no-results",text:"No results."});continue}if(g2.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(this.displayFromCache(e),t.createDiv(),this.source,null),this.plugin.data.copyContentButton&&this.results.length>1){let i=t.createDiv({cls:"dice-content-copy dice-roller-button",attr:{"aria-label":"Copy Contents"}});i.addEventListener("click",a=>{a.stopPropagation(),navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.displayFromCache(e).trim()).then(async()=>{new g2.Notice("Result copied to clipboard.")})}),(0,g2.setIcon)(i,De)}}}async load(){await this.getOptions()}displayFromCache(...e){let t=[];for(let i of e)t.push(this.content.slice(i.position.start.offset,i.position.end.offset));return t.join( `
` )}getBlockId(e){let t=this.cache.blocks??{},i=Object.entries(t).find(([a,r])=>va(r.position,e.position));if(!i){let a= ` $ { Ac ( 4 ) } ` ,r= ` $ { this . content . slice ( 0 , this . result . position . end . offset + 1 ) } ^ $ { a } $ { this . content . slice ( this . result . position . end . offset ) } ` ;return this.watch=!1,this.plugin.app.vault.modify(this.file,r),a}return i[0]}getPath(){let{groups:e}=this.lexeme.value.match(_0),{roll:t=1,link:i,types:a}=e;if(!i)throw new Error("Could not parse link.");this.rolls=(t&&!isNaN(Number(t))&&Number(t))??1,this.path=decodeURIComponent(i.replace(/( \[ | \] | \( | \) )/g,"")),this.types=a?.split(","),this.levels=a?.split(",").map(r=>/heading \- \d +/.test(r)?r.split("-").pop():null).filter(r=>r),this.types=a?.split(",").map(r=>/heading \- \d +/.test(r)?r.split("-").shift():r)}async getOptions(){if(this.cache=this.plugin.app.metadataCache.getFileCache(this.file),!this.cache||!this.cache.sections)throw new Error("Could not read file cache.");this.content=await this.plugin.app.vault.cachedRead(this.file),this.options=this.cache.sections.filter(({type:e,position:t})=>this.types?e=="heading"&&this.types.includes(e)&&this.levels.length?(this.cache.headings??[]).filter(({level:a})=>this.levels.includes( ` $ { a } ` )).some(({position:a})=>va(a,t)):this.types.includes(e):!["yaml","thematicBreak"].includes(e)),this.types&&this.types.includes("listItem")&&this.options.push(...this.cache.listItems),this.loaded=!0,this.trigger("loaded")}async roll(){return new Promise((e,t)=>{if(!this.loaded)this.on("loaded",()=>{let i=[...this.options];this.results=[...Array(this.rolls)].map(()=>{let a=i[this.getRandomBetween(0,i.length-1)];return i.splice(i.indexOf(a),1),a}).filter(a=>a),this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),this.result=this.results[0],e(this.results[0])});else{let i=[...this.options];this.results=[...Array(this.rolls)].map(()=>{let a=i[this.getRandomBetween(0,i.length-1)];return i.splice(i.indexOf(a),1),a}).filter(a=>a),this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),this.result=this.results[0],e(this.results[0])}})}toResult(){return{type:"section",result:this.results}}async applyResult(e){e.type==="section"&&(e.result&&(this.results=e.result),await this.render())}},S0=class extends m4{constructor(e,t,i,a,r=e.data.showDice){super(e,t,[i],r);this.plugin=e;this.original=t;this.lexeme=i;this.source=a;this.loaded=!1;if(!this.plugin.canUseDataview)throw new g2.Notice("A tag can only be rolled with the Dataview plugin enabled."),new Error("A tag can only be rolled with the Dataview plugin enabled.");this.containerEl.addClasses(["has-embed","markdown-embed"]);let{roll:s=1,tag:o,collapse:l,types:c}=i.value.match(w0).groups;this.collapse=l==="-"?!0:l==="+"?!1:!this.plugin.data.returnAllTags,this.tag= ` # $ { o } ` ,this.rolls=Number(s),this.types=c,this.getFiles()}get replacer(){return this.result.replacer}get typeText(){return this.types?.length? ` | $ { this . types } ` :""}async getFiles(){await this.plugin.dataviewReady();let e=this.plugin.dataview.index.tags.invMap.get(this.tag);if(e&&e.delete(this.source),!e||!e.size)throw new Error( ` No files found with that tag . Is the tag correct ?
` +this.tag);let t=Array.from(e).map(i=> ` $ { this . rolls } d [ [ $ { i } ] ] $ { this . typeText } ` );this.results=t.map(i=>new i6(this.plugin,i,{...this.lexeme,value:i,type:"section"},this.source,!1)),this.loaded=!0,this.trigger("loaded")}async build(){if(this.resultEl.empty(),this.plugin.data.displayResultsInline&&this.resultEl.createSpan({text:this.inlineText}),this.collapse){this.chosen=this.random??this.getRandomBetween(0,this.results.length-1);let e=this.results[this.chosen];this.random=null;let t=this.resultEl.createDiv();t.createEl("h5",{cls:"dice-file-name",text:e.file.basename}),t.appendChild(e.containerEl)}else for(let e of this.results){let t=this.resultEl.createDiv();t.createEl("h5",{cls:"dice-file-name",text:e.file.basename}),t.appendChild(e.containerEl)}}async roll(){return new Promise((e,t)=>{this.loaded?(this.results.forEach(async i=>await i.roll()),this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),this.result=this.results[0],e(this.result)):this.on("loaded",()=>{this.results.forEach(async i=>await i.roll()),this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),this.result=this.results[0],e(this.result)})})}get tooltip(){return this.original}toResult(){return{type:"tag",random:this.chosen,result:Object.fromEntries(this.results.map(e=>[e.path,e.toResult()]))}}async applyResult(e){if(e.type==="tag"){if(e.result)for(let t in e.result){let i=this.results.find(a=>a.path===t);!i||i.applyResult(e.result[t])}e.random&&(this.random=e.random),await this.render()}}},E0=class extends m4{constructor(e,t,i,a,r=e.data.showDice){super(e,t,[i],r);this.plugin=e;this.original=t;this.lexeme=i;this.source=a;let{roll:s=1,tag:o}=i.value.match(w0).groups;this.tag= ` # $ { o } ` ,this.rolls=(s&&!isNaN(Number(s))&&Number(s))??1,this.getFiles()}get replacer(){return ` [ [ $ { this . result . basename } ] ] ` }get tooltip(){return ` $ { this . original }
$ { this . result . basename } ` }async roll(){return new Promise((e,t)=>{this.loaded?(this.result=this.links[this.getRandomBetween(0,this.links.length-1)],this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),e(this.result)):this.on("loaded",()=>{this.result=this.links[this.getRandomBetween(0,this.links.length-1)],this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),e(this.result)})})}async build(){this.resultEl.empty(),this.plugin.data.displayResultsInline&&this.resultEl.createSpan({text:this.inlineText});let e=this.resultEl.createEl("a",{cls:"internal-link",text:this.result.basename});e.onclick=async t=>{t.stopPropagation(),this.plugin.app.workspace.openLinkText(this.result.path,this.plugin.app.workspace.getActiveFile()?.path,t.getModifierState("Control"))},e.onmouseenter=async t=>{this.plugin.app.workspace.trigger("link-hover",this,e,this.result.path,this.plugin.app.workspace.getActiveFile()?.path)}}async getFiles(){await this.plugin.dataviewReady();let e=this.plugin.dataview.index.tags.invMap.get(this.tag);if(e&&e.delete(this.source),!e||!e.size)throw new Error( ` No files found with that tag . Is the tag correct ?
` +this.tag);this.links=Array.from(e).map(t=>this.plugin.app.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(t,this.source)),this.loaded=!0,this.trigger("loaded")}toResult(){return{type:"link",result:this.result.path}}async applyResult(e){if(e.type==="link"){if(e.result){let t=this.plugin.app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(e.result);t&&t instanceof g2.TFile&&(this.result=t)}await this.render()}}},L0=class extends R4{constructor(e,t,i,a,r=!0,s=e.data.showDice){super(e,t,i,a,s);this.plugin=e;this.original=t;this.lexeme=i;this.inline=r;this.containerEl.addClasses(["has-embed","markdown-embed"]),this.resultEl.addClass("internal-embed"),this.resultEl.setAttrs({src:a}),this.copy=this.containerEl.createDiv({cls:"dice-content-copy dice-roller-button no-show",attr:{"aria-label":"Copy Contents"}}),this.copy.addEventListener("click",o=>{o.stopPropagation(),navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.results.join( `
` )).then(async()=>{new g2.Notice("Result copied to clipboard.")})}),(0,g2.setIcon)(this.copy,De)}get replacer(){return this.result}get tooltip(){return ` $ { this . original }
$ { this . path } ` }async build(){if(this.resultEl.empty(),this.plugin.data.displayResultsInline&&this.inline&&this.resultEl.createSpan({text:this.inlineText}),!this.results||!this.results.length){this.resultEl.createDiv({cls:"dice-no-results",text:"No results."});return}this.plugin.data.copyContentButton&&this.copy.removeClass("no-show");for(let e of this.results){this.resultEl.onclick=async i=>{if(i&&i.getModifierState("Control")||i.getModifierState("Meta")){i.stopPropagation();return}};let t=this.resultEl.createDiv({cls:"markdown-embed"});if(!e){t.createDiv({cls:"dice-no-results",text:"No results."});continue}if(g2.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(e,t.createDiv(),this.source,null),this.plugin.data.copyContentButton&&this.results.length>1){let i=t.createDiv({cls:"dice-content-copy dice-roller-button",attr:{"aria-label":"Copy Contents"}});i.addEventListener("click",a=>{a.stopPropagation(),navigator.clipboard.writeText(e).then(async()=>{new g2.Notice("Result copied to clipboard.")})}),(0,g2.setIcon)(i,De)}}}async load(){await this.getOptions()}getPath(){let{groups:e}=this.lexeme.value.match(_0),{roll:t=1,link:i,types:a}=e;if(!i)throw new Error("Could not parse link.");this.rolls=(t&&!isNaN(Number(t))&&Number(t))??1,this.path=i.replace(/( \[ | \] )/g,""),this.types=a?.split(",")}async getOptions(){if(this.content=await this.plugin.app.vault.cachedRead(this.file),!this.content)throw new Error("Could not read file cache.");this.options=this.content.trim().split( `
` ).map(e=>e.trim()).filter(e=>e&&e.length),this.loaded=!0,this.trigger("loaded")}async roll(){return new Promise((e,t)=>{if(!this.loaded)this.on("loaded",()=>{let i=[...this.options];this.results=[...Array(this.rolls)].map(()=>{let a=i[this.getRandomBetween(0,i.length-1)];return i.splice(i.indexOf(a),1),a}).filter(a=>a),this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),e(this.results[0])});else{let i=[...this.options];this.results=[...Array(this.rolls)].map(()=>{let a=i[this.getRandomBetween(0,i.length-1)];return i.splice(i.indexOf(a),1),a}).filter(a=>a),this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),e(this.results[0])}})}toResult(){return{type:"section",result:this.results}}async applyResult(e){e.type==="section"&&(e.result&&(this.results=e.result),await this.render())}},va=(n,e)=>n.start.col==e.start.col&&n.start.line==e.start.line&&n.start.offset==e.start.offset;var ga=ue(require("obsidian"));var xa=class{constructor(){this.result="";this.combinedTooltip=""}},xt=class extends R4{constructor(){super(...arguments);this.combinedTooltip="";this.prettyTooltip=""}getPath(){let{groups:e}=this.lexeme.value.match(fa),{roll:t=1,link:i,block:a,header:r}=e;if(!i||!a)throw new Error("Could not parse link.");this.rolls=(t&&!isNaN(Number(t))&&Number(t))??1,this.path=decodeURIComponent(i.replace(/( \[ | \] | \( | \) )/g,"")),this.block=a.replace(/( \^ |#)/g,"").trim().toLowerCase(),this.header=r}get tooltip(){return this.prettyTooltip}get replacer(){return this.result}async build(){this.resultEl.empty();let e=[this.result];this.plugin.data.displayResultsInline&&e.unshift(this.inlineText),ga.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(e.join(""),this.resultEl.createSpan("embedded-table-result"),this.source,null)}prettify(e){let t=/(.*?)( \( | \) |;| \| \| )(.*)/,i=" ",a=0,r="",s=e,o;for(;o=s.match(t);){let[,l,c,u]=o;r+=l,c==")"?(a--,r+= `
` ,r+=i.repeat(a),r+=")"):(c=="("?(a++,r+="("):c==";"?r+=",":c=="||"&&(r+="|"),r+= `
` ,r+=i.repeat(a)),s=u}return r+=s,r}async getSubResult(e){let t=new xa;typeof e=="number"?t.result=e.toString():t.result=e;let i=[];if(typeof e=="string"){let a=/(?: \` dice:)(.*?)(?: \` )/g,r=e.matchAll(a);for(let s of r){let o=s[1].trim(),l=await this.plugin.getRoller(o,this.source);await l.roll();let c=await this.getSubResult(l.result);if(t.result=t.result.replace(s[0],c.result),l instanceof xt)i.push(l.combinedTooltip);else{let[u,f]=l.tooltip.split( `
` );i.push(u+" --> "+f)}}}return t.combinedTooltip=i.join(";"),t}async getResult(){let e=[],t=[];for(let i=0;i<this.rolls;i++){let a="",r,s="";if(this.isLookup){let o=await this.lookupRoller.roll(),l=this.lookupRanges.find(([c])=>c[1]===void 0&&o===c[0]||o>=c[0]&&c[1]>=o);l&&(a=this.lookupRoller.original.trim()+" --> "+ ` $ { this . lookupRoller . resultText } $ { this . header ? " | " + this . header : "" } ` .trim(),s=l[1])}else{let o=[...this.options],l=this.getRandomBetween(0,o.length-1);a=o.length+" rows --> [row "+(l+1)+"]",s=o[l]}r=await this.getSubResult(s),e.push(r.result),r.combinedTooltip&&(a+=" > ("+r.combinedTooltip+")"),t.push(a)}return t.length==0?this.combinedTooltip=this.original:t.length==1?this.combinedTooltip=this.original+" "+t.join(""):this.combinedTooltip=this.original+" ==> ("+t.join(" ||")+")",this.prettyTooltip=this.prettify(this.combinedTooltip),e.join("||")}async roll(){return new Promise(async e=>{this.loaded?(this.result=await this.getResult(),this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),e(this.result)):this.on("loaded",async()=>{this.result=await this.getResult(),this.render(),this.trigger("new-result"),e(this.result)})})}async load(){await this.getOptions()}async getOptions(){if(this.cache=this.plugin.app.metadataCache.getFileCache(this.file),!this.cache||!this.cache.blocks||!(this.block in this.cache.blocks))throw new Error( ` Could not read file cache . Does the block reference exist ?
$ { this . path } > $ { this . block } ` );let e=this.cache.sections?.find(t=>t.position==this.cache.blocks[this.block].position);if(this.position=this.cache.blocks[this.block].position,this.content=(await this.plugin.app.vault.cachedRead(this.file))?.slice(this.position.start.offset,this.position.end.offset),e&&e.type==="list")this.options=this.content.split( `
` );else{let t=_c(this.content);if(Object.keys(t.columns).length===2&&/dice: \s *([ \s \S ]+) \s *?/.test(Object.keys(t.columns)[0])){let i=await this.plugin.getRoller(Object.keys(t.columns)[0].split(":").pop(),this.source);i instanceof de&&(this.lookupRoller=i,this.lookupRanges=t.rows.map(a=>{let[r,s]=a.replace(/ \\ \| /g,"{ESCAPED_PIPE}").split("|").map(c=>c.replace(/{ESCAPED_PIPE}/g," \\ |")).map(c=>c.trim()),[,o,l]=r.match(/( \d +)(?:[^ \d ]+?( \d +))?/)??[];if(!(!o&&!l))return[[Number(o),l?Number(l):void 0],s]}),this.isLookup=!0)}if(this.header&&t.columns[this.header])this.options=t.columns[this.header];else{if(this.header)throw new Error( ` Header $ { this . header } was not found in table $ { this . path } > $ { this . block } . ` );this.options=t.rows}}this.loaded=!0,this.trigger("loaded")}toResult(){return{type:"table",result:this.result}}async applyResult(e){e.type==="table"&&(e.result&&(this.result=e.result),await this.render())}},wc=/^ \| ?([ \s \S ]+?) \| ? $ /,Ma=/ \| /g;function _c(n){let e=n.split( `
` ),i=e.map(s=>(s.trim().match(wc)??[,s.trim()])[1])[0].replace(" \\ |","{ESCAPED_PIPE}").split(Ma),a=[],r=[];for(let s in i){let o=i[s];o.trim().length||(o=s),r.push([o.trim(),[]])}for(let s of e.slice(2)){let o=s.trim().replace(/ \\ \| /g,"{ESCAPED_PIPE}").split(Ma).map(l=>l.replace(/{ESCAPED_PIPE}/g," \\ |")).map(l=>l.trim()).filter(l=>l.length);a.push(o.join(" | "));for(let l in o){let c=o[l].trim();!c.length||!r[l]||r[l][1].push(c)}}return{columns:Object.fromEntries(r),rows:a}}var D1=ue(require("obsidian"));var a6=class extends D1.PluginSettingTab{constructor(e,t){super(e,t);this.plugin=t;this.plugin=t}async display(){let{containerEl:e}=this;e.empty(),e.addClass("dice-roller-settings"),e.createEl("h2",{text:"Dice Roller Settings"}),this.buildGenerics(e.createDiv()),this.buildDisplay(e.createDiv()),this.buildDice(e.createDiv()),this.buildTables(e.createDiv()),this.buildSections(e.createDiv()),this.buildTags(e.createDiv()),this.buildView(e.createDiv()),this.buildRender(e.createDiv()),this.buildFormulaSettings(e.createDiv("dice-roller-setting-additional-container")),e.createDiv("coffee").createEl("a",{href:"https://www.buymeacoffee.com/valentine195"}).createEl("img",{attr:{src:"https://img.buymeacoffee.com/button-api/?text=Buy me a coffee&emoji= \u 2615&slug=valentine195&button_colour=e3e7ef&font_colour=262626&font_family=Inter&outline_colour=262626&coffee_colour=ff0000"}})}buildGenerics(e){e.empty(),new D1.Setting(e).setName("Globally Save Results").setDesc(createFragment(t=>{t.createSpan({text:"Dice results will be saved by default. This can be overridden using "}),t.createEl("code",{text:"dice-: formula"}),t.createEl("p",{text:"Please note that the plugin will attempt to save the result but may not be able to."})})).addToggle(t=>{t.setValue(this.plugin.data.persistResults),t.onChange(async i=>{this.plugin.data.persistResults=i,await this.plugin.saveSettings()})})}buildDisplay(e){e.empty(),new D1.Setting(e).setHeading().setName("Dice Display"),new D1.Setting(e).setName("Display Formula With Results").setDesc("Both the formula and the results will both be displayed in preview mode.").addToggle(t=>{t.setValue(this.plugin.data.displayResultsInline),t.onChange(async i=>{this.plugin.data.displayResultsInline=i,await this.plugin.saveSettings()})}),new D1.Setting(e).setName("Display Dice Button With Results").setDesc("A dice button will appear next to results.").addToggle(t=>{t.setValue(this.plugin.data.showDice),t.onChange(async i=>{this.plugin.data.showDice=i,await this.plugin.saveSettings()})}),new D1.Setting(e).setName("Add Formula When Using Modify Dice").setDesc(createFragment(t=>{t.createSpan({text:"Both the formula and the results will both be added to the note when using "}),t.createEl("code",{text:"dice-mod"}),t.createSpan({text:"."})})).addToggle(t=>{t.setValue(this.plugin.data.displayFormulaForMod),t.onChange(async i=>{this.plugin.data.displayFormulaForMod=i,await this.plugin.saveSettings()})})}buildDice(e){e.empty(),new D1.Setting(e).setHeading().setName("Dice Rollers"),new D1.Setting(e).setName("Default Face").setDesc("Use this as the number of faces when it is omitted.").addText(t=>{t.setValue( ` $ { this . plugin . data . defaultFace } ` ),t.inputEl.onblur=async()=>{isNaN(Number(t.inputEl.value))&&new D1.Notice("The default face must be a number."),this.plugin.data.defaultFace=Number(t.inputEl.value),await this.plugin.saveSettings()}}),new D1.Setting(e).setName("Round Results").setDesc("Determine the rounding behavior for dice results.").addDropdown(t=>{t.addOptions(fe).setValue(this.plugin.data.round).onChange(i=>{this.plugin.data.round=i,this.plugin.saveSettings()})}),new D1.Setting(e).setName("Always Render Dice").setDesc(createFragment(t=>{t.createSpan({text:"Dice rolled in notes will always be rendered. Use the "}),t.createEl("code",{text:"|norender"}),t.createSpan({text:" flag to prevent it."})})).addToggle(t=>{t.setValue(this.plugin.data.renderAllDice).onChange(i=>{this.plugin.data.renderAllDice=i,this.plugin.saveSettings()})})}buildTables(e){e.empty(),new D1.Setting(e).setHeading().setName("Table Rollers"),new D1.Setting(
` );c.length>1&&(o=o/c.length,s.font= ` $ { o } pt '${this.fontFace}' ` ,l=s.measureText("M").width*1.2,a-=l*c.length/2);for(let f=0,h=c.length;f<h;f++){let m=c[f].trim();s.fillText(c[f],r,a),(m=="6"||m=="9")&&s.fillText(" .",r,a),a+=l*1.5}let u=new K1(i);return u.needsUpdate=!0,i.detach(),u}getContext(e){let t=e.getContext("2d",{alpha:!0});t.clearRect(0,0,e.width,e.height);let i=e.width/(1+2*this.margin);return this.sides==100&&(i*=.75),t.font= ` $ { i } pt '${this.fontFace}' ` ,t.fillStyle=this.diceColor,t.fillRect(0,0,e.width,e.height),t.textAlign="center",t.textBaseline="middle",(this.sides==10||this.sides==100)&&(t.translate(e.width/2,e.height/2),t.rotate(60*Math.PI/180),t.translate(-e.width/2,-e.height/2)),t.fillStyle=this.textColor,{context:t,fontsize:i}}clone(){return{body:new i1({mass:this.mass,shape:this.shape}),geometry:this.geometry.clone(),values:this.values}}},W3=class extends te{constructor(e,t,i=O2){super(e,t,i);this.sides=20;this.tab=-.2;this.af=-Math.PI/4/2;this.chamfer=.955;this.vertices=[];this.faces=[[0,11,5,1],[0,5,1,2],[0,1,7,3],[0,7,10,4],[0,10,11,5],[1,5,9,6],[5,11,4,7],[11,10,2,8],[10,7,6,9],[7,1,8,10],[3,9,4,11],[3,4,2,12],[3,2,6,13],[3,6,8,14],[3,8,9,15],[4,9,5,16],[2,4,11,17],[6,2,10,18],[8,6,7,19],[9,8,1,20]];this.scaleFactor=1;this.values=[...Array(20).keys()];this.margin=1;this.mass=400;let a=(1+Math.sqrt(5))/2;this.vertices=[[-1,a,0],[1,a,0],[-1,-a,0],[1,-a,0],[0,-1,a],[0,1,a],[0,-1,-a],[0,1,-a],[a,0,-1],[a,0,1],[-a,0,-1],[-a,0,1]]}},j3=class extends te{constructor(e,t,i=O2){super(e,t,i);this.mass=350;this.sides=12;this.tab=.2;this.af=-Math.PI/4/2;this.chamfer=.968;this.vertices=[];this.faces=[[2,14,4,12,0,1],[15,9,11,19,3,2],[16,10,17,7,6,3],[6,7,19,11,18,4],[6,18,2,0,16,5],[18,11,9,14,2,6],[1,17,10,8,13,7],[1,13,5,15,3,8],[13,8,12,4,5,9],[5,4,14,9,15,10],[0,12,8,10,16,11],[3,19,7,17,1,12]];this.scaleFactor=.9;this.values=[...Array(12).keys()];this.margin=1;let a=(1+Math.sqrt(5))/2,r=1/a;this.vertices=[[0,r,a],[0,r,-a],[0,-r,a],[0,-r,-a],[a,0,r],[a,0,-r],[-a,0,r],[-a,0,-r],[r,a,0],[r,-a,0],[-r,a,0],[-r,-a,0],[1,1,1],[1,1,-1],[1,-1,1],[1,-1,-1],[-1,1,1],[-1,1,-1],[-1,-1,1],[-1,-1,-1]]}},X3=class extends te{constructor(e,t,i=O2){super(e,t,i);this.mass=350;this.sides=10;this.tab=0;this.af=-Math.PI*6/5;this.chamfer=.945;this.vertices=[];this.faces=[[5,7,11,0],[4,2,10,1],[1,3,11,2],[0,8,10,3],[7,9,11,4],[8,6,10,5],[9,1,11,6],[2,0,10,7],[3,5,11,8],[6,4,10,9],[1,0,2,-1],[1,2,3,-1],[3,2,4,-1],[3,4,5,-1],[5,4,6,-1],[5,6,7,-1],[7,6,8,-1],[7,8,9,-1],[9,8,0,-1],[9,0,1,-1]];this.scaleFactor=.9;this.values=[...Array(10).keys()];this.margin=1;for(let a=0,r=0;a<10;++a,r+=Math.PI*2/10)this.vertices.push([Math.cos(r),Math.sin(r),.105*(a%2?1:-1)]);this.vertices.push([0,0,-1]),this.vertices.push([0,0,1])}},Z3=class extends te{constructor(e,t,i=O2){super(e,t,i);this.labels=["","00","10","20","30","40","50","60","70","80","90"];this.sides=100;this.mass=350;this.tab=0;this.af=-Math.PI*6/5;this.chamfer=.945;this.vertices=[];this.faces=[[5,7,11,0],[4,2,10,1],[1,3,11,2],[0,8,10,3],[7,9,11,4],[8,6,10,5],[9,1,11,6],[2,0,10,7],[3,5,11,8],[6,4,10,9],[1,0,2,-1],[1,2,3,-1],[3,2,4,-1],[3,4,5,-1],[5,4,6,-1],[5,6,7,-1],[7,6,8,-1],[7,8,9,-1],[9,8,0,-1],[9,0,1,-1]];this.scaleFactor=.9;this.values=[...Array(10).keys()];this.margin=1;for(let a=0,r=0;a<10;++a,r+=Math.PI*2/10)this.vertices.push([Math.cos(r),Math.sin(r),.105*(a%2?1:-1)]);this.vertices.push([0,0,-1]),this.vertices.push([0,0,1])}},Y3=class extends te{constructor(){super(...arguments);this.mass=340;this.sides=8;this.tab=0;this.af=-Math.PI/4/2;this.chamfer=.965;this.vertices=[[1,0,0],[-1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,-1,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,-1]];this.faces=[[0,2,4,1],[0,4,3,2],[0,3,5,3],[0,5,2,4],[1,3,4,5],[1,4,2,6],[1,2,5,7],[1,5,3,8]];this.scaleFactor=1;this.values=[...Array(8).keys()];this.margin=1.2}},K3=class extends te{constructor(){super(...arguments);this.mass=300;this.tab=.1;this.af=Math.PI/4;this.chamfer=.96;this.vertices=[[-1,-1,-1],[1,-1,-1],[1,1,-1],[-1,1,-1],[-1,-1,1],[1,-1,1],[1,1,1],[-1,1,1]];this.faces=[[0,3,2,1,1],[1,2,6,5,2],[0,1,5,4,3],[3,7,6,2,4],[0,4,7,3,5],[4,5,6,7,6]];this.sc
a ` ,"a", ` a
a ` ,"x","s", ` s
a ` ,"s", ` s
a ` , ` s
s ` , ` s
a ` , ` s
s ` ,""];this.setColor({diceColor:"#FEF035",textColor:"#000000"})}},ti=class extends Q3{constructor(e,t,i=O2){super(e,t,i);this.labels=["","", ` t
t ` ,"t", ` t
t ` ,"t", ` t
f ` ,"f", ` t
f ` ,"f", ` f
f ` ,"y", ` f
f ` ,""];this.setColor({diceColor:"#751317",textColor:"#FFFFFF"})}},ii=class extends q6{constructor(){super(...arguments);this.mass=340;this.sides=8;this.tab=0;this.af=-Math.PI/4/2;this.chamfer=.965;this.vertices=[[1,0,0],[-1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,-1,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,-1]];this.faces=[[0,2,4,1],[0,4,3,2],[0,3,5,3],[0,5,2,4],[1,3,4,5],[1,4,2,6],[1,2,5,7],[1,5,3,8]];this.scaleFactor=1;this.values=[...Array(8).keys()];this.margin=1.2}},ai=class extends ii{constructor(e,t,i=O2){super(e,t,i);this.labels=["","","s","a", ` s
a ` , ` s
s ` ,"a","s", ` a
a ` ,""];this.setColor({diceColor:"#46AC4E",textColor:"#000000"})}},ri=class extends ii{constructor(e,t,i=O2){super(e,t,i);this.labels=["","","t","f", ` f
t ` ,"t","", ` t
t ` , ` f
f ` ,"t",""];this.setColor({diceColor:"#52287E",textColor:"#FFFFFF"})}},ni=class extends q6{constructor(){super(...arguments);this.mass=300;this.tab=.1;this.af=Math.PI/4;this.chamfer=.96;this.vertices=[[-1,-1,-1],[1,-1,-1],[1,1,-1],[-1,1,-1],[-1,-1,1],[1,-1,1],[1,1,1],[-1,1,1]];this.faces=[[0,3,2,1,1],[1,2,6,5,2],[0,1,5,4,3],[3,7,6,2,4],[0,4,7,3,5],[4,5,6,7,6]];this.scaleFactor=.9;this.sides=6;this.margin=1;this.values=[null,1,-1,0,1,-1,0]}},si=class extends ni{constructor(e,t,i=O2){super(e,t,i);this.labels=["","","","","s", ` s
a ` , ` a
a ` ,"a","",""];this.setColor({diceColor:"#76CDDB",textColor:"#000000"})}},oi=class extends ni{constructor(e,t,i=O2){super(e,t,i);this.labels=["","","","t","f","",""];this.setColor({diceColor:"#000000",textColor:"#FFFFFF"})}};var s9={pos:{x:0+100*Math.random(),y:0+100*Math.random(),z:0+250},velocity:{x:600*(Math.random()*2+1),y:750*(Math.random()*2+1),z:0},angular:{x:200*Math.random(),y:200*Math.random(),z:100*Math.random()},axis:{x:Math.random(),y:Math.random(),z:Math.random(),w:Math.random()}},_4=class{constructor(e,t,i){this.w=e;this.h=t;this.data=i;this.scale=50;this.stopped=!1;this.iteration=0;this.vector={...s9};this.exploded=!1;this.rerolled=0;this.geometry=i.geometry,this.body=i.body}generateVector(e){let t=Math.sqrt(e.x*e.x+e.y*e.y),i=(Math.random()+3)*t,a={x:e.x/t,y:e.y/t},r=this.makeRandomVector(a),s={x:this.w*(r.x>0?-1:1)*.9,y:this.h*(r.y>0?-1:1)*.9,z:Math.random()*200+200},o=Math.abs(r.x/r.y);o>1?s.y/=o:s.x*=o;let l=this.makeRandomVector(a),c={x:l.x*i,y:l.y*i,z:-10},u={x:-(Math.random()*r.y*5+this.inertia*r.y),y:Math.random()*r.x*5+this.inertia*r.x,z:0},f={x:Math.random(),y:Math.random(),z:Math.random(),w:Math.random()};return{pos:s,velocity:c,angular:u,axis:f}}makeRandomVector(e){let t=Math.random()*Math.PI/5-Math.PI/5/2,i={x:e.x*Math.cos(t)-e.y*Math.sin(t),y:e.x*Math.sin(t)+e.y*Math.cos(t)};return i.x==0&&(i.x=.01),i.y==0&&(i.y=.01),i}get buffer(){return this.geometry.geometry}get result(){return this.getUpsideValue()}getUpsideValue(){let e=new k(0,0,this.sides==4?-1:1),t,i=Math.PI*2,a=this.buffer.getAttribute("normal").array;for(let s=0,o=this.buffer.groups.length;s<o;++s){let l=this.buffer.groups[s];if(l.materialIndex==0)continue;let c=s*9,f=new k(a[c],a[c+1],a[c+2]).clone().applyQuaternion(new O1(this.body.quaternion.x,this.body.quaternion.y,this.body.quaternion.z,this.body.quaternion.w)).angleTo(e);f<i&&(i=f,t=l)}let r=t.materialIndex-1;return this.sides==10&&r==0&&(r=10),this.data.values?.[r]??r}shiftUpperValue(e){let t=this.geometry.geometry.clone(),i=this.getUpsideValue();for(let a=0,r=t.groups.length;a<r;++a){let s=t.groups[a].materialIndex;if(s!==0){for(s+=e-i-1;s>this.sides;)s-=this.sides;for(;s<1;)s+=this.sides;t.groups[a].materialIndex=s+1}}this.updateMaterialsForValue(e-i),this.geometry.geometry=t}resetBody(){this.body.vlambda=new y,this.body.position=new y,this.body.previousPosition=new y,this.body.initPosition=new y,this.body.velocity=new y,this.body.initVelocity=new y,this.body.force=new y,this.body.torque=new y,this.body.quaternion=new O1,this.body.initQuaternion=new O1,this.body.angularVelocity=new y,this.body.initAngularVelocity=new y,this.body.interpolatedPosition=new y,this.body.interpolatedQuaternion=new O1,this.body.inertia=new y,this.body.invInertia=new y,this.body.invInertiaWorld=new w2,this.body.invInertiaSolve=new y,this.body.invInertiaWorldSolve=new w2,this.body.wlambda=new y,this.body.updateMassProperties()}updateMaterialsForValue(e){}set(){this.geometry.position.set(this.body.position.x,this.body.position.y,this.body.position.z),this.geometry.quaternion.set(this.body.quaternion.x,this.body.quaternion.y,this.body.quaternion.z,this.body.quaternion.w)}create(){this.body.position.set(this.vector.pos.x,this.vector.pos.y,this.vector.pos.z),this.body.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(new y(this.vector.axis.x,this.vector.axis.y,this.vector.axis.z),this.vector.axis.w*Math.PI*2),this.body.angularVelocity.set(this.vector.angular.x,this.vector.angular.y,this.vector.angular.z),this.body.velocity.set(this.vector.velocity.x,this.vector.velocity.y,this.vector.velocity.z),this.body.linearDamping=.1,this.body.angularDamping=.1}},ci=class extends _4{constructor(e,t,i,a){super(e,t,i);this.w=e;this.h=t;this.data=i;this.sides=20;this.inertia=6;a&&(this.vector=this.generateVector(a)),this.create()}},li=class extends _4{constructor(e,t,i,a){super(e,t,i);this.w=e;this.h=t;this.data=i;this.sides=12;this.inertia=8;a&&(this.vector=this.generateVector(a)),this.create()}},S4=class extends _4{constructor(e,t,i,a,r=!1){super(e,t,i);this.w=e;this.h=t;this.data=i;this.isPercentile=r;this.sides=10;this.inertia=9;a&&
void main ( ) {
gl _Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4 ( position , 1.0 ) ;
` ;var R8= `
void main ( ) {
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ;
` ;var ae=class extends L2{constructor(e){super();this.type="ShaderMaterial",this.defines={},this.uniforms={},this.vertexShader=N8,this.fragmentShader=R8,this.linewidth=1,this.wireframe=!1,this.wireframeLinewidth=1,this.fog=!1,this.lights=!1,this.clipping=!1,this.extensions={derivatives:!1,fragDepth:!1,drawBuffers:!1,shaderTextureLOD:!1},this.defaultAttributeValues={color:[1,1,1],uv:[0,0],uv2:[0,0]},this.index0AttributeName=void 0,this.uniformsNeedUpdate=!1,this.glslVersion=null,e!==void 0&&(e.attributes!==void 0&&console.error("THREE.ShaderMaterial: attributes should now be defined in THREE.BufferGeometry instead."),this.setValues(e))}copy(e){return super.copy(e),this.fragmentShader=e.fragmentShader,this.vertexShader=e.vertexShader,this.uniforms=Ke(e.uniforms),this.defines=Object.assign({},e.defines),this.wireframe=e.wireframe,this.wireframeLinewidth=e.wireframeLinewidth,this.lights=e.lights,this.clipping=e.clipping,this.extensions=Object.assign({},e.extensions),this.glslVersion=e.glslVersion,this}toJSON(e){let t=super.toJSON(e);t.glslVersion=this.glslVersion,t.uniforms={};for(let a in this.uniforms){let s=this.uniforms[a].value;s&&s.isTexture?t.uniforms[a]={type:"t",value:s.toJSON(e).uuid}:s&&s.isColor?t.uniforms[a]={type:"c",value:s.getHex()}:s&&s.isVector2?t.uniforms[a]={type:"v2",value:s.toArray()}:s&&s.isVector3?t.uniforms[a]={type:"v3",value:s.toArray()}:s&&s.isVector4?t.uniforms[a]={type:"v4",value:s.toArray()}:s&&s.isMatrix3?t.uniforms[a]={type:"m3",value:s.toArray()}:s&&s.isMatrix4?t.uniforms[a]={type:"m4",value:s.toArray()}:t.uniforms[a]={value:s}}Object.keys(this.defines).length>0&&(t.defines=this.defines),t.vertexShader=this.vertexShader,t.fragmentShader=this.fragmentShader;let i={};for(let a in this.extensions)this.extensions[a]===!0&&(i[a]=!0);return Object.keys(i).length>0&&(t.extensions=i),t}};ae.prototype.isShaderMaterial=!0;var F8= `
diffuseColor . a *= texture2D ( alphaMap , vUv ) . g ;
# endif
` ;var B8= `
uniform sampler2D alphaMap ;
# endif
` ;var P8= `
if ( diffuseColor . a < alphaTest ) discard ;
# endif
` ;var I8= `
uniform float alphaTest ;
# endif
` ;var k8= `
# ifdef USE _AOMAP
// reads channel R, compatible with a combined OcclusionRoughnessMetallic (RGB) texture
float ambientOcclusion = ( texture2D ( aoMap , vUv2 ) . r - 1.0 ) * aoMapIntensity + 1.0 ;
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse *= ambientOcclusion ;
# if defined ( USE _ENVMAP ) && defined ( STANDARD )
float dotNV = saturate ( dot ( geometry . normal , geometry . viewDir ) ) ;
reflectedLight . indirectSpecular *= computeSpecularOcclusion ( dotNV , ambientOcclusion , material . roughness ) ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var U8= `
# ifdef USE _AOMAP
uniform sampler2D aoMap ;
uniform float aoMapIntensity ;
# endif
` ;var O8= `
vec3 transformed = vec3 ( position ) ;
` ;var G8= `
vec3 objectNormal = vec3 ( normal ) ;
# ifdef USE _TANGENT
vec3 objectTangent = vec3 ( tangent . xyz ) ;
# endif
` ;var q8= `
vec3 BRDF _Lambert ( const in vec3 diffuseColor ) {
return RECIPROCAL _PI * diffuseColor ;
} // validated
vec3 F _Schlick ( const in vec3 f0 , const in float f90 , const in float dotVH ) {
// Original approximation by Christophe Schlick '94
// float fresnel = pow( 1.0 - dotVH, 5.0 );
// Optimized variant (presented by Epic at SIGGRAPH '13)
// https://cdn2.unrealengine.com/Resources/files/2013SiggraphPresentationsNotes-26915738.pdf
float fresnel = exp2 ( ( - 5.55473 * dotVH - 6.98316 ) * dotVH ) ;
return f0 * ( 1.0 - fresnel ) + ( f90 * fresnel ) ;
} // validated
// Moving Frostbite to Physically Based Rendering 3.0 - page 12, listing 2
// https://seblagarde.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr_v32.pdf
float V _GGX _SmithCorrelated ( const in float alpha , const in float dotNL , const in float dotNV ) {
float a2 = pow2 ( alpha ) ;
float gv = dotNL * sqrt ( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2 ( dotNV ) ) ;
float gl = dotNV * sqrt ( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2 ( dotNL ) ) ;
return 0.5 / max ( gv + gl , EPSILON ) ;
// Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces - equation (33)
// http://graphicrants.blogspot.com/2013/08/specular-brdf-reference.html
// alpha is "roughness squared" in Disney\u2019s reparameterization
float D _GGX ( const in float alpha , const in float dotNH ) {
float a2 = pow2 ( alpha ) ;
float denom = pow2 ( dotNH ) * ( a2 - 1.0 ) + 1.0 ; // avoid alpha = 0 with dotNH = 1
return RECIPROCAL _PI * a2 / pow2 ( denom ) ;
// GGX Distribution, Schlick Fresnel, GGX_SmithCorrelated Visibility
vec3 BRDF _GGX ( const in vec3 lightDir , const in vec3 viewDir , const in vec3 normal , const in vec3 f0 , const in float f90 , const in float roughness ) {
float alpha = pow2 ( roughness ) ; // UE4's roughness
vec3 halfDir = normalize ( lightDir + viewDir ) ;
float dotNL = saturate ( dot ( normal , lightDir ) ) ;
float dotNV = saturate ( dot ( normal , viewDir ) ) ;
float dotNH = saturate ( dot ( normal , halfDir ) ) ;
float dotVH = saturate ( dot ( viewDir , halfDir ) ) ;
vec3 F = F _Schlick ( f0 , f90 , dotVH ) ;
float V = V _GGX _SmithCorrelated ( alpha , dotNL , dotNV ) ;
float D = D _GGX ( alpha , dotNH ) ;
return F * ( V * D ) ;
// Rect Area Light
// Real-Time Polygonal-Light Shading with Linearly Transformed Cosines
// by Eric Heitz, Jonathan Dupuy, Stephen Hill and David Neubelt
// code: https://github.com/selfshadow/ltc_code/
vec2 LTC _Uv ( const in vec3 N , const in vec3 V , const in float roughness ) {
const float LUT _SIZE = 64.0 ;
const float LUT _SCALE = ( LUT _SIZE - 1.0 ) / LUT _SIZE ;
const float LUT _BIAS = 0.5 / LUT _SIZE ;
float dotNV = saturate ( dot ( N , V ) ) ;
// texture parameterized by sqrt( GGX alpha ) and sqrt( 1 - cos( theta ) )
vec2 uv = vec2 ( roughness , sqrt ( 1.0 - dotNV ) ) ;
uv = uv * LUT _SCALE + LUT _BIAS ;
return uv ;
float LTC _ClippedSphereFormFactor ( const in vec3 f ) {
// Real-Time Area Lighting: a Journey from Research to Production (p.102)
// An approximation of the form factor of a horizon-clipped rectangle.
float l = length ( f ) ;
return max ( ( l * l + f . z ) / ( l + 1.0 ) , 0.0 ) ;
vec3 LTC _EdgeVectorFormFactor ( const in vec3 v1 , const in vec3 v2 ) {
float x = dot ( v1 , v2 ) ;
float y = abs ( x ) ;
// rational polynomial approximation to theta / sin( theta ) / 2PI
float a = 0.8543985 + ( 0.4965155 + 0.0145206 * y ) * y ;
float b = 3.4175940 + ( 4.1616724 + y ) * y ;
float v = a / b ;
float theta _sintheta = ( x > 0.0 ) ? v : 0.5 * inversesqrt ( max ( 1.0 - x * x , 1e-7 ) ) - v ;
return cross ( v1 , v2 ) * theta _sintheta ;
vec3 LTC _Evaluate ( const in vec3 N , const in vec3 V , const in vec3 P , const in mat3 mInv , const in vec3 rectCoords [ 4 ] ) {
// bail if point is on back side of plane of light
// assumes ccw winding order of light vertices
vec3 v1 = rectCoords [ 1 ] - rectCoords [ 0 ] ;
vec3 v2 = rectCoords [ 3 ] - rectCoords [ 0 ] ;
vec3 lightNormal = cross ( v1 , v2 ) ;
if ( dot ( lightNormal , P - rectCoords [ 0 ] ) < 0.0 ) return vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
// construct orthonormal basis around N
vec3 T1 , T2 ;
T1 = normalize ( V - N * dot ( V , N ) ) ;
T2 = - cross ( N , T1 ) ; // negated from paper; possibly due to a different handedness of world coordinate system
// compute transform
mat3 mat = mInv * transposeMat3 ( mat3 ( T1 , T2 , N ) ) ;
// transform rect
vec3 coords [ 4 ] ;
coords [ 0 ] = mat * ( rectCoords [ 0 ] - P ) ;
coords [ 1 ] = mat * ( rectCoords [ 1 ] - P ) ;
coords [ 2 ] = mat * ( rectCoords [ 2 ] - P ) ;
coords [ 3 ] = mat * ( rectCoords [ 3 ] - P ) ;
// project rect onto sphere
coords [ 0 ] = normalize ( coords [ 0 ] ) ;
coords [ 1 ] = normalize ( coords [ 1 ] ) ;
coords [ 2 ] = normalize ( coords [ 2 ] ) ;
coords [ 3 ] = normalize ( coords [ 3 ] ) ;
// calculate vector form factor
vec3 vectorFormFactor = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vectorFormFactor += LTC _EdgeVectorFormFactor ( coords [ 0 ] , coords [ 1 ] ) ;
vectorFormFactor += LTC _EdgeVectorFormFactor ( coords [ 1 ] , coords [ 2 ] ) ;
vectorFormFactor += LTC _EdgeVectorFormFactor ( coords [ 2 ] , coords [ 3 ] ) ;
vectorFormFactor += LTC _EdgeVectorFormFactor ( coords [ 3 ] , coords [ 0 ] ) ;
// adjust for horizon clipping
float result = LTC _ClippedSphereFormFactor ( vectorFormFactor ) ;
/ *
// alternate method of adjusting for horizon clipping (see referece)
// refactoring required
float len = length ( vectorFormFactor ) ;
float z = vectorFormFactor . z / len ;
const float LUT _SIZE = 64.0 ;
const float LUT _SCALE = ( LUT _SIZE - 1.0 ) / LUT _SIZE ;
const float LUT _BIAS = 0.5 / LUT _SIZE ;
// tabulated horizon-clipped sphere, apparently...
vec2 uv = vec2 ( z * 0.5 + 0.5 , len ) ;
uv = uv * LUT _SCALE + LUT _BIAS ;
float scale = texture2D ( ltc _2 , uv ) . w ;
float result = len * scale ;
* /
return vec3 ( result ) ;
// End Rect Area Light
float G _BlinnPhong _Implicit ( /* const in float dotNL, const in float dotNV */ ) {
// geometry term is (n dot l)(n dot v) / 4(n dot l)(n dot v)
return 0.25 ;
float D _BlinnPhong ( const in float shininess , const in float dotNH ) {
return RECIPROCAL _PI * ( shininess * 0.5 + 1.0 ) * pow ( dotNH , shininess ) ;
vec3 BRDF _BlinnPhong ( const in vec3 lightDir , const in vec3 viewDir , const in vec3 normal , const in vec3 specularColor , const in float shininess ) {
vec3 halfDir = normalize ( lightDir + viewDir ) ;
float dotNH = saturate ( dot ( normal , halfDir ) ) ;
float dotVH = saturate ( dot ( viewDir , halfDir ) ) ;
vec3 F = F _Schlick ( specularColor , 1.0 , dotVH ) ;
float G = G _BlinnPhong _Implicit ( /* dotNL, dotNV */ ) ;
float D = D _BlinnPhong ( shininess , dotNH ) ;
return F * ( G * D ) ;
} // validated
# if defined ( USE _SHEEN )
// https://github.com/google/filament/blob/master/shaders/src/brdf.fs
float D _Charlie ( float roughness , float dotNH ) {
float alpha = pow2 ( roughness ) ;
// Estevez and Kulla 2017, "Production Friendly Microfacet Sheen BRDF"
float invAlpha = 1.0 / alpha ;
float cos2h = dotNH * dotNH ;
float sin2h = max ( 1.0 - cos2h , 0.0078125 ) ; // 2^(-14/2), so sin2h^2 > 0 in fp16
return ( 2.0 + invAlpha ) * pow ( sin2h , invAlpha * 0.5 ) / ( 2.0 * PI ) ;
// https://github.com/google/filament/blob/master/shaders/src/brdf.fs
float V _Neubelt ( float dotNV , float dotNL ) {
// Neubelt and Pettineo 2013, "Crafting a Next-gen Material Pipeline for The Order: 1886"
return saturate ( 1.0 / ( 4.0 * ( dotNL + dotNV - dotNL * dotNV ) ) ) ;
vec3 BRDF _Sheen ( const in vec3 lightDir , const in vec3 viewDir , const in vec3 normal , vec3 sheenColor , const in float sheenRoughness ) {
vec3 halfDir = normalize ( lightDir + viewDir ) ;
float dotNL = saturate ( dot ( normal , lightDir ) ) ;
float dotNV = saturate ( dot ( normal , viewDir ) ) ;
float dotNH = saturate ( dot ( normal , halfDir ) ) ;
float D = D _Charlie ( sheenRoughness , dotNH ) ;
float V = V _Neubelt ( dotNV , dotNL ) ;
return sheenColor * ( D * V ) ;
# endif
` ;var W8= `
# ifdef USE _BUMPMAP
uniform sampler2D bumpMap ;
uniform float bumpScale ;
// Bump Mapping Unparametrized Surfaces on the GPU by Morten S. Mikkelsen
// https://mmikk.github.io/papers3d/mm_sfgrad_bump.pdf
// Evaluate the derivative of the height w.r.t. screen-space using forward differencing (listing 2)
vec2 dHdxy _fwd ( ) {
vec2 dSTdx = dFdx ( vUv ) ;
vec2 dSTdy = dFdy ( vUv ) ;
float Hll = bumpScale * texture2D ( bumpMap , vUv ) . x ;
float dBx = bumpScale * texture2D ( bumpMap , vUv + dSTdx ) . x - Hll ;
float dBy = bumpScale * texture2D ( bumpMap , vUv + dSTdy ) . x - Hll ;
return vec2 ( dBx , dBy ) ;
vec3 perturbNormalArb ( vec3 surf _pos , vec3 surf _norm , vec2 dHdxy , float faceDirection ) {
// Workaround for Adreno 3XX dFd*( vec3 ) bug. See #9988
vec3 vSigmaX = vec3 ( dFdx ( surf _pos . x ) , dFdx ( surf _pos . y ) , dFdx ( surf _pos . z ) ) ;
vec3 vSigmaY = vec3 ( dFdy ( surf _pos . x ) , dFdy ( surf _pos . y ) , dFdy ( surf _pos . z ) ) ;
vec3 vN = surf _norm ; // normalized
vec3 R1 = cross ( vSigmaY , vN ) ;
vec3 R2 = cross ( vN , vSigmaX ) ;
float fDet = dot ( vSigmaX , R1 ) * faceDirection ;
vec3 vGrad = sign ( fDet ) * ( dHdxy . x * R1 + dHdxy . y * R2 ) ;
return normalize ( abs ( fDet ) * surf _norm - vGrad ) ;
# endif
` ;var j8= `
vec4 plane ;
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < UNION _CLIPPING _PLANES ; i ++ ) {
plane = clippingPlanes [ i ] ;
if ( dot ( vClipPosition , plane . xyz ) > plane . w ) discard ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
bool clipped = true ;
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = UNION _CLIPPING _PLANES ; i < NUM _CLIPPING _PLANES ; i ++ ) {
plane = clippingPlanes [ i ] ;
clipped = ( dot ( vClipPosition , plane . xyz ) > plane . w ) && clipped ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
if ( clipped ) discard ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var X8= `
varying vec3 vClipPosition ;
uniform vec4 clippingPlanes [ NUM _CLIPPING _PLANES ] ;
# endif
` ;var Z8= `
varying vec3 vClipPosition ;
# endif
` ;var Y8= `
vClipPosition = - mvPosition . xyz ;
# endif
` ;var K8= `
# if defined ( USE _COLOR _ALPHA )
diffuseColor *= vColor ;
# elif defined ( USE _COLOR )
diffuseColor . rgb *= vColor ;
# endif
` ;var $ 8= `
# if defined ( USE _COLOR _ALPHA )
varying vec4 vColor ;
# elif defined ( USE _COLOR )
varying vec3 vColor ;
# endif
` ;var J8= `
# if defined ( USE _COLOR _ALPHA )
varying vec4 vColor ;
# elif defined ( USE _COLOR ) || defined ( USE _INSTANCING _COLOR )
varying vec3 vColor ;
# endif
` ;var Q8= `
# if defined ( USE _COLOR _ALPHA )
vColor = vec4 ( 1.0 ) ;
# elif defined ( USE _COLOR ) || defined ( USE _INSTANCING _COLOR )
vColor = vec3 ( 1.0 ) ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _COLOR
vColor *= color ;
# endif
vColor . xyz *= instanceColor . xyz ;
# endif
` ;var en= `
# define PI 3.141592653589793
# define PI2 6.283185307179586
# define PI _HALF 1.5707963267948966
# define RECIPROCAL _PI 0.3183098861837907
# define RECIPROCAL _PI2 0.15915494309189535
# define EPSILON 1e-6
# ifndef saturate
// <tonemapping_pars_fragment> may have defined saturate() already
# define saturate ( a ) clamp ( a , 0.0 , 1.0 )
# endif
# define whiteComplement ( a ) ( 1.0 - saturate ( a ) )
float pow2 ( const in float x ) { return x * x ; }
float pow3 ( const in float x ) { return x * x * x ; }
float pow4 ( const in float x ) { float x2 = x * x ; return x2 * x2 ; }
float max3 ( const in vec3 v ) { return max ( max ( v . x , v . y ) , v . z ) ; }
float average ( const in vec3 color ) { return dot ( color , vec3 ( 0.3333 ) ) ; }
// expects values in the range of [0,1]x[0,1], returns values in the [0,1] range.
// do not collapse into a single function per: http://byteblacksmith.com/improvements-to-the-canonical-one-liner-glsl-rand-for-opengl-es-2-0/
highp float rand ( const in vec2 uv ) {
const highp float a = 12.9898 , b = 78.233 , c = 43758.5453 ;
highp float dt = dot ( uv . xy , vec2 ( a , b ) ) , sn = mod ( dt , PI ) ;
return fract ( sin ( sn ) * c ) ;
float precisionSafeLength ( vec3 v ) { return length ( v ) ; }
# else
float precisionSafeLength ( vec3 v ) {
float maxComponent = max3 ( abs ( v ) ) ;
return length ( v / maxComponent ) * maxComponent ;
# endif
struct IncidentLight {
vec3 color ;
vec3 direction ;
bool visible ;
} ;
struct ReflectedLight {
vec3 directDiffuse ;
vec3 directSpecular ;
vec3 indirectDiffuse ;
vec3 indirectSpecular ;
} ;
struct GeometricContext {
vec3 position ;
vec3 normal ;
vec3 viewDir ;
vec3 clearcoatNormal ;
# endif
} ;
vec3 transformDirection ( in vec3 dir , in mat4 matrix ) {
return normalize ( ( matrix * vec4 ( dir , 0.0 ) ) . xyz ) ;
vec3 inverseTransformDirection ( in vec3 dir , in mat4 matrix ) {
// dir can be either a direction vector or a normal vector
// upper-left 3x3 of matrix is assumed to be orthogonal
return normalize ( ( vec4 ( dir , 0.0 ) * matrix ) . xyz ) ;
mat3 transposeMat3 ( const in mat3 m ) {
mat3 tmp ;
tmp [ 0 ] = vec3 ( m [ 0 ] . x , m [ 1 ] . x , m [ 2 ] . x ) ;
tmp [ 1 ] = vec3 ( m [ 0 ] . y , m [ 1 ] . y , m [ 2 ] . y ) ;
tmp [ 2 ] = vec3 ( m [ 0 ] . z , m [ 1 ] . z , m [ 2 ] . z ) ;
return tmp ;
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_luminance
float linearToRelativeLuminance ( const in vec3 color ) {
vec3 weights = vec3 ( 0.2126 , 0.7152 , 0.0722 ) ;
return dot ( weights , color . rgb ) ;
bool isPerspectiveMatrix ( mat4 m ) {
return m [ 2 ] [ 3 ] == - 1.0 ;
vec2 equirectUv ( in vec3 dir ) {
// dir is assumed to be unit length
float u = atan ( dir . z , dir . x ) * RECIPROCAL _PI2 + 0.5 ;
float v = asin ( clamp ( dir . y , - 1.0 , 1.0 ) ) * RECIPROCAL _PI + 0.5 ;
return vec2 ( u , v ) ;
` ;var tn= `
# define cubeUV _maxMipLevel 8.0
# define cubeUV _minMipLevel 4.0
# define cubeUV _maxTileSize 256.0
# define cubeUV _minTileSize 16.0
// These shader functions convert between the UV coordinates of a single face of
// a cubemap, the 0-5 integer index of a cube face, and the direction vector for
// sampling a textureCube (not generally normalized ).
float getFace ( vec3 direction ) {
vec3 absDirection = abs ( direction ) ;
float face = - 1.0 ;
if ( absDirection . x > absDirection . z ) {
if ( absDirection . x > absDirection . y )
face = direction . x > 0.0 ? 0.0 : 3.0 ;
face = direction . y > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 4.0 ;
} else {
if ( absDirection . z > absDirection . y )
face = direction . z > 0.0 ? 2.0 : 5.0 ;
face = direction . y > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 4.0 ;
return face ;
// RH coordinate system; PMREM face-indexing convention
vec2 getUV ( vec3 direction , float face ) {
vec2 uv ;
if ( face == 0.0 ) {
uv = vec2 ( direction . z , direction . y ) / abs ( direction . x ) ; // pos x
} else if ( face == 1.0 ) {
uv = vec2 ( - direction . x , - direction . z ) / abs ( direction . y ) ; // pos y
} else if ( face == 2.0 ) {
uv = vec2 ( - direction . x , direction . y ) / abs ( direction . z ) ; // pos z
} else if ( face == 3.0 ) {
uv = vec2 ( - direction . z , direction . y ) / abs ( direction . x ) ; // neg x
} else if ( face == 4.0 ) {
uv = vec2 ( - direction . x , direction . z ) / abs ( direction . y ) ; // neg y
} else {
uv = vec2 ( direction . x , direction . y ) / abs ( direction . z ) ; // neg z
return 0.5 * ( uv + 1.0 ) ;
vec3 bilinearCubeUV ( sampler2D envMap , vec3 direction , float mipInt ) {
float face = getFace ( direction ) ;
float filterInt = max ( cubeUV _minMipLevel - mipInt , 0.0 ) ;
mipInt = max ( mipInt , cubeUV _minMipLevel ) ;
float faceSize = exp2 ( mipInt ) ;
float texelSize = 1.0 / ( 3.0 * cubeUV _maxTileSize ) ;
vec2 uv = getUV ( direction , face ) * ( faceSize - 1.0 ) + 0.5 ;
if ( face > 2.0 ) {
uv . y += faceSize ;
face -= 3.0 ;
uv . x += face * faceSize ;
if ( mipInt < cubeUV _maxMipLevel ) {
uv . y += 2.0 * cubeUV _maxTileSize ;
uv . y += filterInt * 2.0 * cubeUV _minTileSize ;
uv . x += 3.0 * max ( 0.0 , cubeUV _maxTileSize - 2.0 * faceSize ) ;
uv *= texelSize ;
return texture2D ( envMap , uv ) . rgb ;
// These defines must match with PMREMGenerator
# define r0 1.0
# define v0 0.339
# define m0 - 2.0
# define r1 0.8
# define v1 0.276
# define m1 - 1.0
# define r4 0.4
# define v4 0.046
# define m4 2.0
# define r5 0.305
# define v5 0.016
# define m5 3.0
# define r6 0.21
# define v6 0.0038
# define m6 4.0
float roughnessToMip ( float roughness ) {
float mip = 0.0 ;
if ( roughness >= r1 ) {
mip = ( r0 - roughness ) * ( m1 - m0 ) / ( r0 - r1 ) + m0 ;
} else if ( roughness >= r4 ) {
mip = ( r1 - roughness ) * ( m4 - m1 ) / ( r1 - r4 ) + m1 ;
} else if ( roughness >= r5 ) {
mip = ( r4 - roughness ) * ( m5 - m4 ) / ( r4 - r5 ) + m4 ;
} else if ( roughness >= r6 ) {
mip = ( r5 - roughness ) * ( m6 - m5 ) / ( r5 - r6 ) + m5 ;
} else {
mip = - 2.0 * log2 ( 1.16 * roughness ) ; // 1.16 = 1.79^0.25
return mip ;
vec4 textureCubeUV ( sampler2D envMap , vec3 sampleDir , float roughness ) {
float mip = clamp ( roughnessToMip ( roughness ) , m0 , cubeUV _maxMipLevel ) ;
float mipF = fract ( mip ) ;
float mipInt = floor ( mip ) ;
vec3 color0 = bilinearCubeUV ( envMap , sampleDir , mipInt ) ;
if ( mipF == 0.0 ) {
return vec4 ( color0 , 1.0 ) ;
} else {
vec3 color1 = bilinearCubeUV ( envMap , sampleDir , mipInt + 1.0 ) ;
return vec4 ( mix ( color0 , color1 , mipF ) , 1.0 ) ;
# endif
` ;var an= `
vec3 transformedNormal = objectNormal ;
// this is in lieu of a per-instance normal-matrix
// shear transforms in the instance matrix are not supported
mat3 m = mat3 ( instanceMatrix ) ;
transformedNormal /= vec3 ( dot ( m [ 0 ] , m [ 0 ] ) , dot ( m [ 1 ] , m [ 1 ] ) , dot ( m [ 2 ] , m [ 2 ] ) ) ;
transformedNormal = m * transformedNormal ;
# endif
transformedNormal = normalMatrix * transformedNormal ;
# ifdef FLIP _SIDED
transformedNormal = - transformedNormal ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _TANGENT
vec3 transformedTangent = ( modelViewMatrix * vec4 ( objectTangent , 0.0 ) ) . xyz ;
# ifdef FLIP _SIDED
transformedTangent = - transformedTangent ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var rn= `
uniform sampler2D displacementMap ;
uniform float displacementScale ;
uniform float displacementBias ;
# endif
` ;var nn= `
transformed += normalize ( objectNormal ) * ( texture2D ( displacementMap , vUv ) . x * displacementScale + displacementBias ) ;
# endif
` ;var sn= `
vec4 emissiveColor = texture2D ( emissiveMap , vUv ) ;
totalEmissiveRadiance *= emissiveColor . rgb ;
# endif
` ;var on= `
uniform sampler2D emissiveMap ;
# endif
` ;var cn= `
gl _FragColor = linearToOutputTexel ( gl _FragColor ) ;
` ;var ln= `
vec4 LinearToLinear ( in vec4 value ) {
return value ;
vec4 LinearTosRGB ( in vec4 value ) {
return vec4 ( mix ( pow ( value . rgb , vec3 ( 0.41666 ) ) * 1.055 - vec3 ( 0.055 ) , value . rgb * 12.92 , vec3 ( lessThanEqual ( value . rgb , vec3 ( 0.0031308 ) ) ) ) , value . a ) ;
` ;var un= `
# ifdef USE _ENVMAP
vec3 cameraToFrag ;
if ( isOrthographic ) {
cameraToFrag = normalize ( vec3 ( - viewMatrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] , - viewMatrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] , - viewMatrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) ) ;
} else {
cameraToFrag = normalize ( vWorldPosition - cameraPosition ) ;
// Transforming Normal Vectors with the Inverse Transformation
vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection ( normal , viewMatrix ) ;
vec3 reflectVec = reflect ( cameraToFrag , worldNormal ) ;
# else
vec3 reflectVec = refract ( cameraToFrag , worldNormal , refractionRatio ) ;
# endif
# else
vec3 reflectVec = vReflect ;
# endif
vec4 envColor = textureCube ( envMap , vec3 ( flipEnvMap * reflectVec . x , reflectVec . yz ) ) ;
# elif defined ( ENVMAP _TYPE _CUBE _UV )
vec4 envColor = textureCubeUV ( envMap , reflectVec , 0.0 ) ;
# else
vec4 envColor = vec4 ( 0.0 ) ;
# endif
outgoingLight = mix ( outgoingLight , outgoingLight * envColor . xyz , specularStrength * reflectivity ) ;
# elif defined ( ENVMAP _BLENDING _MIX )
outgoingLight = mix ( outgoingLight , envColor . xyz , specularStrength * reflectivity ) ;
# elif defined ( ENVMAP _BLENDING _ADD )
outgoingLight += envColor . xyz * specularStrength * reflectivity ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var hn= `
# ifdef USE _ENVMAP
uniform float envMapIntensity ;
uniform float flipEnvMap ;
uniform samplerCube envMap ;
# else
uniform sampler2D envMap ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var fn= `
# ifdef USE _ENVMAP
uniform float reflectivity ;
# if defined ( USE _BUMPMAP ) || defined ( USE _NORMALMAP ) || defined ( PHONG )
# define ENV _WORLDPOS
# endif
varying vec3 vWorldPosition ;
uniform float refractionRatio ;
# else
varying vec3 vReflect ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var dn= `
# ifdef USE _ENVMAP
# if defined ( USE _BUMPMAP ) || defined ( USE _NORMALMAP ) || defined ( PHONG )
# define ENV _WORLDPOS
# endif
varying vec3 vWorldPosition ;
# else
varying vec3 vReflect ;
uniform float refractionRatio ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var pn= `
# ifdef USE _ENVMAP
vWorldPosition = worldPosition . xyz ;
# else
vec3 cameraToVertex ;
if ( isOrthographic ) {
cameraToVertex = normalize ( vec3 ( - viewMatrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] , - viewMatrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] , - viewMatrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) ) ;
} else {
cameraToVertex = normalize ( worldPosition . xyz - cameraPosition ) ;
vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection ( transformedNormal , viewMatrix ) ;
vReflect = reflect ( cameraToVertex , worldNormal ) ;
# else
vReflect = refract ( cameraToVertex , worldNormal , refractionRatio ) ;
# endif
# endif
# endif
` ;var mn= `
# ifdef USE _FOG
vFogDepth = - mvPosition . z ;
# endif
` ;var vn= `
# ifdef USE _FOG
varying float vFogDepth ;
# endif
` ;var gn= `
# ifdef USE _FOG
# ifdef FOG _EXP2
float fogFactor = 1.0 - exp ( - fogDensity * fogDensity * vFogDepth * vFogDepth ) ;
# else
float fogFactor = smoothstep ( fogNear , fogFar , vFogDepth ) ;
# endif
gl _FragColor . rgb = mix ( gl _FragColor . rgb , fogColor , fogFactor ) ;
# endif
` ;var xn= `
# ifdef USE _FOG
uniform vec3 fogColor ;
varying float vFogDepth ;
# ifdef FOG _EXP2
uniform float fogDensity ;
# else
uniform float fogNear ;
uniform float fogFar ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var Mn= `
uniform sampler2D gradientMap ;
# endif
vec3 getGradientIrradiance ( vec3 normal , vec3 lightDirection ) {
// dotNL will be from -1.0 to 1.0
float dotNL = dot ( normal , lightDirection ) ;
vec2 coord = vec2 ( dotNL * 0.5 + 0.5 , 0.0 ) ;
return vec3 ( texture2D ( gradientMap , coord ) . r ) ;
# else
return ( coord . x < 0.7 ) ? vec3 ( 0.7 ) : vec3 ( 1.0 ) ;
# endif
` ;var bn= `
vec4 lightMapTexel = texture2D ( lightMap , vUv2 ) ;
vec3 lightMapIrradiance = lightMapTexel . rgb * lightMapIntensity ;
lightMapIrradiance *= PI ;
# endif
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse += lightMapIrradiance ;
# endif
` ;var yn= `
uniform sampler2D lightMap ;
uniform float lightMapIntensity ;
# endif
` ;var Cn= `
vec3 diffuse = vec3 ( 1.0 ) ;
GeometricContext geometry ;
geometry . position = mvPosition . xyz ;
geometry . normal = normalize ( transformedNormal ) ;
geometry . viewDir = ( isOrthographic ) ? vec3 ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) : normalize ( - mvPosition . xyz ) ;
GeometricContext backGeometry ;
backGeometry . position = geometry . position ;
backGeometry . normal = - geometry . normal ;
backGeometry . viewDir = geometry . viewDir ;
vLightFront = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vIndirectFront = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vLightBack = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vIndirectBack = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
# endif
IncidentLight directLight ;
float dotNL ;
vec3 directLightColor _Diffuse ;
vIndirectFront += getAmbientLightIrradiance ( ambientLightColor ) ;
vIndirectFront += getLightProbeIrradiance ( lightProbe , geometry . normal ) ;
vIndirectBack += getAmbientLightIrradiance ( ambientLightColor ) ;
vIndirectBack += getLightProbeIrradiance ( lightProbe , backGeometry . normal ) ;
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _POINT _LIGHTS ; i ++ ) {
getPointLightInfo ( pointLights [ i ] , geometry , directLight ) ;
dotNL = dot ( geometry . normal , directLight . direction ) ;
directLightColor _Diffuse = directLight . color ;
vLightFront += saturate ( dotNL ) * directLightColor _Diffuse ;
vLightBack += saturate ( - dotNL ) * directLightColor _Diffuse ;
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# if NUM _SPOT _LIGHTS > 0
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _SPOT _LIGHTS ; i ++ ) {
getSpotLightInfo ( spotLights [ i ] , geometry , directLight ) ;
dotNL = dot ( geometry . normal , directLight . direction ) ;
directLightColor _Diffuse = directLight . color ;
vLightFront += saturate ( dotNL ) * directLightColor _Diffuse ;
vLightBack += saturate ( - dotNL ) * directLightColor _Diffuse ;
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# if NUM _DIR _LIGHTS > 0
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _DIR _LIGHTS ; i ++ ) {
getDirectionalLightInfo ( directionalLights [ i ] , geometry , directLight ) ;
dotNL = dot ( geometry . normal , directLight . direction ) ;
directLightColor _Diffuse = directLight . color ;
vLightFront += saturate ( dotNL ) * directLightColor _Diffuse ;
vLightBack += saturate ( - dotNL ) * directLightColor _Diffuse ;
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# if NUM _HEMI _LIGHTS > 0
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _HEMI _LIGHTS ; i ++ ) {
vIndirectFront += getHemisphereLightIrradiance ( hemisphereLights [ i ] , geometry . normal ) ;
vIndirectBack += getHemisphereLightIrradiance ( hemisphereLights [ i ] , backGeometry . normal ) ;
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
` ;var zn= `
uniform bool receiveShadow ;
uniform vec3 ambientLightColor ;
uniform vec3 lightProbe [ 9 ] ;
// get the irradiance (radiance convolved with cosine lobe) at the point 'normal' on the unit sphere
// source: https://graphics.stanford.edu/papers/envmap/envmap.pdf
vec3 shGetIrradianceAt ( in vec3 normal , in vec3 shCoefficients [ 9 ] ) {
// normal is assumed to have unit length
float x = normal . x , y = normal . y , z = normal . z ;
// band 0
vec3 result = shCoefficients [ 0 ] * 0.886227 ;
// band 1
result += shCoefficients [ 1 ] * 2.0 * 0.511664 * y ;
result += shCoefficients [ 2 ] * 2.0 * 0.511664 * z ;
result += shCoefficients [ 3 ] * 2.0 * 0.511664 * x ;
// band 2
result += shCoefficients [ 4 ] * 2.0 * 0.429043 * x * y ;
result += shCoefficients [ 5 ] * 2.0 * 0.429043 * y * z ;
result += shCoefficients [ 6 ] * ( 0.743125 * z * z - 0.247708 ) ;
result += shCoefficients [ 7 ] * 2.0 * 0.429043 * x * z ;
result += shCoefficients [ 8 ] * 0.429043 * ( x * x - y * y ) ;
return result ;
vec3 getLightProbeIrradiance ( const in vec3 lightProbe [ 9 ] , const in vec3 normal ) {
vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection ( normal , viewMatrix ) ;
vec3 irradiance = shGetIrradianceAt ( worldNormal , lightProbe ) ;
return irradiance ;
vec3 getAmbientLightIrradiance ( const in vec3 ambientLightColor ) {
vec3 irradiance = ambientLightColor ;
return irradiance ;
float getDistanceAttenuation ( const in float lightDistance , const in float cutoffDistance , const in float decayExponent ) {
// based upon Frostbite 3 Moving to Physically-based Rendering
// page 32, equation 26: E[window1]
// https://seblagarde.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr_v32.pdf
float distanceFalloff = 1.0 / max ( pow ( lightDistance , decayExponent ) , 0.01 ) ;
if ( cutoffDistance > 0.0 ) {
distanceFalloff *= pow2 ( saturate ( 1.0 - pow4 ( lightDistance / cutoffDistance ) ) ) ;
return distanceFalloff ;
# else
if ( cutoffDistance > 0.0 && decayExponent > 0.0 ) {
return pow ( saturate ( - lightDistance / cutoffDistance + 1.0 ) , decayExponent ) ;
return 1.0 ;
# endif
float getSpotAttenuation ( const in float coneCosine , const in float penumbraCosine , const in float angleCosine ) {
return smoothstep ( coneCosine , penumbraCosine , angleCosine ) ;
# if NUM _DIR _LIGHTS > 0
struct DirectionalLight {
vec3 direction ;
vec3 color ;
} ;
uniform DirectionalLight directionalLights [ NUM _DIR _LIGHTS ] ;
void getDirectionalLightInfo ( const in DirectionalLight directionalLight , const in GeometricContext geometry , out IncidentLight light ) {
light . color = directionalLight . color ;
light . direction = directionalLight . direction ;
light . visible = true ;
# endif
struct PointLight {
vec3 position ;
vec3 color ;
float distance ;
float decay ;
} ;
uniform PointLight pointLights [ NUM _POINT _LIGHTS ] ;
// light is an out parameter as having it as a return value caused compiler errors on some devices
void getPointLightInfo ( const in PointLight pointLight , const in GeometricContext geometry , out IncidentLight light ) {
vec3 lVector = pointLight . position - geometry . position ;
light . direction = normalize ( lVector ) ;
float lightDistance = length ( lVector ) ;
light . color = pointLight . color ;
light . color *= getDistanceAttenuation ( lightDistance , pointLight . distance , pointLight . decay ) ;
light . visible = ( light . color != vec3 ( 0.0 ) ) ;
# endif
# if NUM _SPOT _LIGHTS > 0
struct SpotLight {
vec3 position ;
vec3 direction ;
vec3 color ;
float distance ;
float decay ;
float coneCos ;
float penumbraCos ;
} ;
uniform SpotLight spotLights [ NUM _SPOT _LIGHTS ] ;
// light is an out parameter as having it as a return value caused compiler errors on some devices
void getSpotLightInfo ( const in SpotLight spotLight , const in GeometricContext geometry , out IncidentLight light ) {
vec3 lVector = spotLight . position - geometry . position ;
light . direction = normalize ( lVector ) ;
float angleCos = dot ( light . direction , spotLight . direction ) ;
float spotAttenuation = getSpotAttenuation ( spotLight . coneCos , spotLight . penumbraCos , angleCos ) ;
if ( spotAttenuation > 0.0 ) {
float lightDistance = length ( lVector ) ;
light . color = spotLight . color * spotAttenuation ;
light . color *= getDistanceAttenuation ( lightDistance , spotLight . distance , spotLight . decay ) ;
light . visible = ( light . color != vec3 ( 0.0 ) ) ;
} else {
light . color = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
light . visible = false ;
# endif
struct RectAreaLight {
vec3 color ;
vec3 position ;
vec3 halfWidth ;
vec3 halfHeight ;
} ;
// Pre-computed values of LinearTransformedCosine approximation of BRDF
// BRDF approximation Texture is 64x64
uniform sampler2D ltc _1 ; // RGBA Float
uniform sampler2D ltc _2 ; // RGBA Float
uniform RectAreaLight rectAreaLights [ NUM _RECT _AREA _LIGHTS ] ;
# endif
# if NUM _HEMI _LIGHTS > 0
struct HemisphereLight {
vec3 direction ;
vec3 skyColor ;
vec3 groundColor ;
} ;
uniform HemisphereLight hemisphereLights [ NUM _HEMI _LIGHTS ] ;
vec3 getHemisphereLightIrradiance ( const in HemisphereLight hemiLight , const in vec3 normal ) {
float dotNL = dot ( normal , hemiLight . direction ) ;
float hemiDiffuseWeight = 0.5 * dotNL + 0.5 ;
vec3 irradiance = mix ( hemiLight . groundColor , hemiLight . skyColor , hemiDiffuseWeight ) ;
return irradiance ;
# endif
` ;var An= `
# if defined ( USE _ENVMAP )
uniform float refractionRatio ;
# endif
vec3 getIBLIrradiance ( const in vec3 normal ) {
# if defined ( ENVMAP _TYPE _CUBE _UV )
vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection ( normal , viewMatrix ) ;
vec4 envMapColor = textureCubeUV ( envMap , worldNormal , 1.0 ) ;
return PI * envMapColor . rgb * envMapIntensity ;
# else
return vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
# endif
vec3 getIBLRadiance ( const in vec3 viewDir , const in vec3 normal , const in float roughness ) {
# if defined ( ENVMAP _TYPE _CUBE _UV )
vec3 reflectVec ;
reflectVec = reflect ( - viewDir , normal ) ;
// Mixing the reflection with the normal is more accurate and keeps rough objects from gathering light from behind their tangent plane.
reflectVec = normalize ( mix ( reflectVec , normal , roughness * roughness ) ) ;
# else
reflectVec = refract ( - viewDir , normal , refractionRatio ) ;
# endif
reflectVec = inverseTransformDirection ( reflectVec , viewMatrix ) ;
vec4 envMapColor = textureCubeUV ( envMap , reflectVec , roughness ) ;
return envMapColor . rgb * envMapIntensity ;
# else
return vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var wn= `
ToonMaterial material ;
material . diffuseColor = diffuseColor . rgb ;
` ;var _n= `
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
struct ToonMaterial {
vec3 diffuseColor ;
} ;
void RE _Direct _Toon ( const in IncidentLight directLight , const in GeometricContext geometry , const in ToonMaterial material , inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
vec3 irradiance = getGradientIrradiance ( geometry . normal , directLight . direction ) * directLight . color ;
reflectedLight . directDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF _Lambert ( material . diffuseColor ) ;
void RE _IndirectDiffuse _Toon ( const in vec3 irradiance , const in GeometricContext geometry , const in ToonMaterial material , inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF _Lambert ( material . diffuseColor ) ;
# define RE _Direct RE _Direct _Toon
# define RE _IndirectDiffuse RE _IndirectDiffuse _Toon
# define Material _LightProbeLOD ( material ) ( 0 )
` ;var Sn= `
BlinnPhongMaterial material ;
material . diffuseColor = diffuseColor . rgb ;
material . specularColor = specular ;
material . specularShininess = shininess ;
material . specularStrength = specularStrength ;
` ;var En= `
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
struct BlinnPhongMaterial {
vec3 diffuseColor ;
vec3 specularColor ;
float specularShininess ;
float specularStrength ;
} ;
void RE _Direct _BlinnPhong ( const in IncidentLight directLight , const in GeometricContext geometry , const in BlinnPhongMaterial material , inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
float dotNL = saturate ( dot ( geometry . normal , directLight . direction ) ) ;
vec3 irradiance = dotNL * directLight . color ;
reflectedLight . directDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF _Lambert ( material . diffuseColor ) ;
reflectedLight . directSpecular += irradiance * BRDF _BlinnPhong ( directLight . direction , geometry . viewDir , geometry . normal , material . specularColor , material . specularShininess ) * material . specularStrength ;
void RE _IndirectDiffuse _BlinnPhong ( const in vec3 irradiance , const in GeometricContext geometry , const in BlinnPhongMaterial material , inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF _Lambert ( material . diffuseColor ) ;
# define RE _Direct RE _Direct _BlinnPhong
# define RE _IndirectDiffuse RE _IndirectDiffuse _BlinnPhong
# define Material _LightProbeLOD ( material ) ( 0 )
` ;var Ln= `
PhysicalMaterial material ;
material . diffuseColor = diffuseColor . rgb * ( 1.0 - metalnessFactor ) ;
vec3 dxy = max ( abs ( dFdx ( geometryNormal ) ) , abs ( dFdy ( geometryNormal ) ) ) ;
float geometryRoughness = max ( max ( dxy . x , dxy . y ) , dxy . z ) ;
material . roughness = max ( roughnessFactor , 0.0525 ) ; // 0.0525 corresponds to the base mip of a 256 cubemap.
material . roughness += geometryRoughness ;
material . roughness = min ( material . roughness , 1.0 ) ;
# ifdef IOR
# ifdef SPECULAR
float specularIntensityFactor = specularIntensity ;
vec3 specularColorFactor = specularColor ;
specularIntensityFactor *= texture2D ( specularIntensityMap , vUv ) . a ;
# endif
specularColorFactor *= texture2D ( specularColorMap , vUv ) . rgb ;
# endif
material . specularF90 = mix ( specularIntensityFactor , 1.0 , metalnessFactor ) ;
# else
float specularIntensityFactor = 1.0 ;
vec3 specularColorFactor = vec3 ( 1.0 ) ;
material . specularF90 = 1.0 ;
# endif
material . specularColor = mix ( min ( pow2 ( ( ior - 1.0 ) / ( ior + 1.0 ) ) * specularColorFactor , vec3 ( 1.0 ) ) * specularIntensityFactor , diffuseColor . rgb , metalnessFactor ) ;
# else
material . specularColor = mix ( vec3 ( 0.04 ) , diffuseColor . rgb , metalnessFactor ) ;
material . specularF90 = 1.0 ;
# endif
material . clearcoat = clearcoat ;
material . clearcoatRoughness = clearcoatRoughness ;
material . clearcoatF0 = vec3 ( 0.04 ) ;
material . clearcoatF90 = 1.0 ;
material . clearcoat *= texture2D ( clearcoatMap , vUv ) . x ;
# endif
material . clearcoatRoughness *= texture2D ( clearcoatRoughnessMap , vUv ) . y ;
# endif
material . clearcoat = saturate ( material . clearcoat ) ; // Burley clearcoat model
material . clearcoatRoughness = max ( material . clearcoatRoughness , 0.0525 ) ;
material . clearcoatRoughness += geometryRoughness ;
material . clearcoatRoughness = min ( material . clearcoatRoughness , 1.0 ) ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _SHEEN
material . sheenColor = sheenColor ;
material . sheenColor *= texture2D ( sheenColorMap , vUv ) . rgb ;
# endif
material . sheenRoughness = clamp ( sheenRoughness , 0.07 , 1.0 ) ;
material . sheenRoughness *= texture2D ( sheenRoughnessMap , vUv ) . a ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var Dn= `
struct PhysicalMaterial {
vec3 diffuseColor ;
float roughness ;
vec3 specularColor ;
float specularF90 ;
float clearcoat ;
float clearcoatRoughness ;
vec3 clearcoatF0 ;
float clearcoatF90 ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _SHEEN
vec3 sheenColor ;
float sheenRoughness ;
# endif
} ;
// temporary
vec3 clearcoatSpecular = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vec3 sheenSpecular = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
// This is a curve-fit approxmation to the "Charlie sheen" BRDF integrated over the hemisphere from
// Estevez and Kulla 2017, "Production Friendly Microfacet Sheen BRDF". The analysis can be found
// in the Sheen section of https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T0D1VSyR4AllqIJTQAraEIzjlb5h4FKH/view?usp=sharing
float IBLSheenBRDF ( const in vec3 normal , const in vec3 viewDir , const in float roughness ) {
float dotNV = saturate ( dot ( normal , viewDir ) ) ;
float r2 = roughness * roughness ;
float a = roughness < 0.25 ? - 339.2 * r2 + 161.4 * roughness - 25.9 : - 8.48 * r2 + 14.3 * roughness - 9.95 ;
float b = roughness < 0.25 ? 44.0 * r2 - 23.7 * roughness + 3.26 : 1.97 * r2 - 3.27 * roughness + 0.72 ;
float DG = exp ( a * dotNV + b ) + ( roughness < 0.25 ? 0.0 : 0.1 * ( roughness - 0.25 ) ) ;
return saturate ( DG * RECIPROCAL _PI ) ;
// Analytical approximation of the DFG LUT, one half of the
// split-sum approximation used in indirect specular lighting.
// via 'environmentBRDF' from "Physically Based Shading on Mobile"
// https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/physically-based-shading-on-mobile
vec2 DFGApprox ( const in vec3 normal , const in vec3 viewDir , const in float roughness ) {
float dotNV = saturate ( dot ( normal , viewDir ) ) ;
const vec4 c0 = vec4 ( - 1 , - 0.0275 , - 0.572 , 0.022 ) ;
const vec4 c1 = vec4 ( 1 , 0.0425 , 1.04 , - 0.04 ) ;
vec4 r = roughness * c0 + c1 ;
float a004 = min ( r . x * r . x , exp2 ( - 9.28 * dotNV ) ) * r . x + r . y ;
vec2 fab = vec2 ( - 1.04 , 1.04 ) * a004 + r . zw ;
return fab ;
vec3 EnvironmentBRDF ( const in vec3 normal , const in vec3 viewDir , const in vec3 specularColor , const in float specularF90 , const in float roughness ) {
vec2 fab = DFGApprox ( normal , viewDir , roughness ) ;
return specularColor * fab . x + specularF90 * fab . y ;
// Fdez-Ag\xFCera's "Multiple-Scattering Microfacet Model for Real-Time Image Based Lighting"
// Approximates multiscattering in order to preserve energy.
// http://www.jcgt.org/published/0008/01/03/
void computeMultiscattering ( const in vec3 normal , const in vec3 viewDir , const in vec3 specularColor , const in float specularF90 , const in float roughness , inout vec3 singleScatter , inout vec3 multiScatter ) {
vec2 fab = DFGApprox ( normal , viewDir , roughness ) ;
vec3 FssEss = specularColor * fab . x + specularF90 * fab . y ;
float Ess = fab . x + fab . y ;
float Ems = 1.0 - Ess ;
vec3 Favg = specularColor + ( 1.0 - specularColor ) * 0.047619 ; // 1/21
vec3 Fms = FssEss * Favg / ( 1.0 - Ems * Favg ) ;
singleScatter += FssEss ;
multiScatter += Fms * Ems ;
void RE _Direct _RectArea _Physical ( const in RectAreaLight rectAreaLight , const in GeometricContext geometry , const in PhysicalMaterial material , inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
vec3 normal = geometry . normal ;
vec3 viewDir = geometry . viewDir ;
vec3 position = geometry . position ;
vec3 lightPos = rectAreaLight . position ;
vec3 halfWidth = rectAreaLight . halfWidth ;
vec3 halfHeight = rectAreaLight . halfHeight ;
vec3 lightColor = rectAreaLight . color ;
float roughness = material . roughness ;
vec3 rectCoords [ 4 ] ;
rectCoords [ 0 ] = lightPos + halfWidth - halfHeight ; // counterclockwise; light shines in local neg z direction
rectCoords [ 1 ] = lightPos - halfWidth - halfHeight ;
rectCoords [ 2 ] = lightPos - halfWidth + halfHeight ;
rectCoords [ 3 ] = lightPos + halfWidth + halfHeight ;
vec2 uv = LTC _Uv ( normal , viewDir , roughness ) ;
vec4 t1 = texture2D ( ltc _1 , uv ) ;
vec4 t2 = texture2D ( ltc _2 , uv ) ;
mat3 mInv = mat3 (
vec3 ( t1 . x , 0 , t1 . y ) ,
vec3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ,
vec3 ( t1 . z , 0 , t1 . w )
) ;
// LTC Fresnel Approximation by Stephen Hill
// http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2016-advances/s2016_ltc_fresnel.pdf
vec3 fresnel = ( material . specularColor * t2 . x + ( vec3 ( 1.0 ) - material . specularColor ) * t2 . y ) ;
reflectedLight . directSpecular += lightColor * fresnel * LTC _Evaluate ( normal , viewDir , position , mInv , rectCoords ) ;
reflectedLight . directDiffuse += lightColor * material . diffuseColor * LTC _Evaluate ( normal , viewDir , position , mat3 ( 1.0 ) , rectCoords ) ;
# endif
void RE _Direct _Physical ( const in IncidentLight directLight , const in GeometricContext geometry , const in PhysicalMaterial material , inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
float dotNL = saturate ( dot ( geometry . normal , directLight . direction ) ) ;
vec3 irradiance = dotNL * directLight . color ;
float dotNLcc = saturate ( dot ( geometry . clearcoatNormal , directLight . direction ) ) ;
vec3 ccIrradiance = dotNLcc * directLight . color ;
clearcoatSpecular += ccIrradiance * BRDF _GGX ( directLight . direction , geometry . viewDir , geometry . clearcoatNormal , material . clearcoatF0 , material . clearcoatF90 , material . clearcoatRoughness ) ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _SHEEN
sheenSpecular += irradiance * BRDF _Sheen ( directLight . direction , geometry . viewDir , geometry . normal , material . sheenColor , material . sheenRoughness ) ;
# endif
reflectedLight . directSpecular += irradiance * BRDF _GGX ( directLight . direction , geometry . viewDir , geometry . normal , material . specularColor , material . specularF90 , material . roughness ) ;
reflectedLight . directDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF _Lambert ( material . diffuseColor ) ;
void RE _IndirectDiffuse _Physical ( const in vec3 irradiance , const in GeometricContext geometry , const in PhysicalMaterial material , inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF _Lambert ( material . diffuseColor ) ;
void RE _IndirectSpecular _Physical ( const in vec3 radiance , const in vec3 irradiance , const in vec3 clearcoatRadiance , const in GeometricContext geometry , const in PhysicalMaterial material , inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {
clearcoatSpecular += clearcoatRadiance * EnvironmentBRDF ( geometry . clearcoatNormal , geometry . viewDir , material . clearcoatF0 , material . clearcoatF90 , material . clearcoatRoughness ) ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _SHEEN
sheenSpecular += irradiance * material . sheenColor * IBLSheenBRDF ( geometry . normal , geometry . viewDir , material . sheenRoughness ) ;
# endif
// Both indirect specular and indirect diffuse light accumulate here
vec3 singleScattering = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vec3 multiScattering = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vec3 cosineWeightedIrradiance = irradiance * RECIPROCAL _PI ;
computeMultiscattering ( geometry . normal , geometry . viewDir , material . specularColor , material . specularF90 , material . roughness , singleScattering , multiScattering ) ;
vec3 diffuse = material . diffuseColor * ( 1.0 - ( singleScattering + multiScattering ) ) ;
reflectedLight . indirectSpecular += radiance * singleScattering ;
reflectedLight . indirectSpecular += multiScattering * cosineWeightedIrradiance ;
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse += diffuse * cosineWeightedIrradiance ;
# define RE _Direct RE _Direct _Physical
# define RE _Direct _RectArea RE _Direct _RectArea _Physical
# define RE _IndirectDiffuse RE _IndirectDiffuse _Physical
# define RE _IndirectSpecular RE _IndirectSpecular _Physical
// ref: https://seblagarde.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr_v32.pdf
float computeSpecularOcclusion ( const in float dotNV , const in float ambientOcclusion , const in float roughness ) {
return saturate ( pow ( dotNV + ambientOcclusion , exp2 ( - 16.0 * roughness - 1.0 ) ) - 1.0 + ambientOcclusion ) ;
` ;var Tn= `
/ * *
* This is a template that can be used to light a material , it uses pluggable
* RenderEquations ( RE ) for specific lighting scenarios .
* Instructions for use :
* - Ensure that both RE _Direct , RE _IndirectDiffuse and RE _IndirectSpecular are defined
* - If you have defined an RE _IndirectSpecular , you need to also provide a Material _LightProbeLOD . < -- -- ? ? ?
* - Create a material parameter that is to be passed as the third parameter to your lighting functions .
* TODO :
* - Add area light support .
* - Add sphere light support .
* - Add diffuse light probe ( irradiance cubemap ) support .
* /
GeometricContext geometry ;
geometry . position = - vViewPosition ;
geometry . normal = normal ;
geometry . viewDir = ( isOrthographic ) ? vec3 ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) : normalize ( vViewPosition ) ;
geometry . clearcoatNormal = clearcoatNormal ;
# endif
IncidentLight directLight ;
# if ( NUM _POINT _LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined ( RE _Direct )
PointLight pointLight ;
# if defined ( USE _SHADOWMAP ) && NUM _POINT _LIGHT _SHADOWS > 0
PointLightShadow pointLightShadow ;
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _POINT _LIGHTS ; i ++ ) {
pointLight = pointLights [ i ] ;
getPointLightInfo ( pointLight , geometry , directLight ) ;
pointLightShadow = pointLightShadows [ i ] ;
directLight . color *= all ( bvec2 ( directLight . visible , receiveShadow ) ) ? getPointShadow ( pointShadowMap [ i ] , pointLightShadow . shadowMapSize , pointLightShadow . shadowBias , pointLightShadow . shadowRadius , vPointShadowCoord [ i ] , pointLightShadow . shadowCameraNear , pointLightShadow . shadowCameraFar ) : 1.0 ;
# endif
RE _Direct ( directLight , geometry , material , reflectedLight ) ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# if ( NUM _SPOT _LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined ( RE _Direct )
SpotLight spotLight ;
# if defined ( USE _SHADOWMAP ) && NUM _SPOT _LIGHT _SHADOWS > 0
SpotLightShadow spotLightShadow ;
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _SPOT _LIGHTS ; i ++ ) {
spotLight = spotLights [ i ] ;
getSpotLightInfo ( spotLight , geometry , directLight ) ;
spotLightShadow = spotLightShadows [ i ] ;
directLight . color *= all ( bvec2 ( directLight . visible , receiveShadow ) ) ? getShadow ( spotShadowMap [ i ] , spotLightShadow . shadowMapSize , spotLightShadow . shadowBias , spotLightShadow . shadowRadius , vSpotShadowCoord [ i ] ) : 1.0 ;
# endif
RE _Direct ( directLight , geometry , material , reflectedLight ) ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# if ( NUM _DIR _LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined ( RE _Direct )
DirectionalLight directionalLight ;
# if defined ( USE _SHADOWMAP ) && NUM _DIR _LIGHT _SHADOWS > 0
DirectionalLightShadow directionalLightShadow ;
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _DIR _LIGHTS ; i ++ ) {
directionalLight = directionalLights [ i ] ;
getDirectionalLightInfo ( directionalLight , geometry , directLight ) ;
directionalLightShadow = directionalLightShadows [ i ] ;
directLight . color *= all ( bvec2 ( directLight . visible , receiveShadow ) ) ? getShadow ( directionalShadowMap [ i ] , directionalLightShadow . shadowMapSize , directionalLightShadow . shadowBias , directionalLightShadow . shadowRadius , vDirectionalShadowCoord [ i ] ) : 1.0 ;
# endif
RE _Direct ( directLight , geometry , material , reflectedLight ) ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# if ( NUM _RECT _AREA _LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined ( RE _Direct _RectArea )
RectAreaLight rectAreaLight ;
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _RECT _AREA _LIGHTS ; i ++ ) {
rectAreaLight = rectAreaLights [ i ] ;
RE _Direct _RectArea ( rectAreaLight , geometry , material , reflectedLight ) ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# if defined ( RE _IndirectDiffuse )
vec3 iblIrradiance = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vec3 irradiance = getAmbientLightIrradiance ( ambientLightColor ) ;
irradiance += getLightProbeIrradiance ( lightProbe , geometry . normal ) ;
# if ( NUM _HEMI _LIGHTS > 0 )
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _HEMI _LIGHTS ; i ++ ) {
irradiance += getHemisphereLightIrradiance ( hemisphereLights [ i ] , geometry . normal ) ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# endif
# if defined ( RE _IndirectSpecular )
vec3 radiance = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vec3 clearcoatRadiance = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
# endif
` ;var Hn= `
# if defined ( RE _IndirectDiffuse )
vec4 lightMapTexel = texture2D ( lightMap , vUv2 ) ;
vec3 lightMapIrradiance = lightMapTexel . rgb * lightMapIntensity ;
lightMapIrradiance *= PI ;
# endif
irradiance += lightMapIrradiance ;
# endif
# if defined ( USE _ENVMAP ) && defined ( STANDARD ) && defined ( ENVMAP _TYPE _CUBE _UV )
iblIrradiance += getIBLIrradiance ( geometry . normal ) ;
# endif
# endif
# if defined ( USE _ENVMAP ) && defined ( RE _IndirectSpecular )
radiance += getIBLRadiance ( geometry . viewDir , geometry . normal , material . roughness ) ;
clearcoatRadiance += getIBLRadiance ( geometry . viewDir , geometry . clearcoatNormal , material . clearcoatRoughness ) ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var Vn= `
# if defined ( RE _IndirectDiffuse )
RE _IndirectDiffuse ( irradiance , geometry , material , reflectedLight ) ;
# endif
# if defined ( RE _IndirectSpecular )
RE _IndirectSpecular ( radiance , iblIrradiance , clearcoatRadiance , geometry , material , reflectedLight ) ;
# endif
` ;var Nn= `
# if defined ( USE _LOGDEPTHBUF ) && defined ( USE _LOGDEPTHBUF _EXT )
// Doing a strict comparison with == 1.0 can cause noise artifacts
// on some platforms. See issue #17623.
gl _FragDepthEXT = vIsPerspective == 0.0 ? gl _FragCoord . z : log2 ( vFragDepth ) * logDepthBufFC * 0.5 ;
# endif
` ;var Rn= `
# if defined ( USE _LOGDEPTHBUF ) && defined ( USE _LOGDEPTHBUF _EXT )
uniform float logDepthBufFC ;
varying float vFragDepth ;
varying float vIsPerspective ;
# endif
` ;var Fn= `
varying float vFragDepth ;
varying float vIsPerspective ;
# else
uniform float logDepthBufFC ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var Bn= `
vFragDepth = 1.0 + gl _Position . w ;
vIsPerspective = float ( isPerspectiveMatrix ( projectionMatrix ) ) ;
# else
if ( isPerspectiveMatrix ( projectionMatrix ) ) {
gl _Position . z = log2 ( max ( EPSILON , gl _Position . w + 1.0 ) ) * logDepthBufFC - 1.0 ;
gl _Position . z *= gl _Position . w ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var Pn= `
# ifdef USE _MAP
vec4 sampledDiffuseColor = texture2D ( map , vUv ) ;
// inline sRGB decode (TODO: Remove this code when https://crbug.com/1256340 is solved)
sampledDiffuseColor = vec4 ( mix ( pow ( sampledDiffuseColor . rgb * 0.9478672986 + vec3 ( 0.0521327014 ) , vec3 ( 2.4 ) ) , sampledDiffuseColor . rgb * 0.0773993808 , vec3 ( lessThanEqual ( sampledDiffuseColor . rgb , vec3 ( 0.04045 ) ) ) ) , sampledDiffuseColor . w ) ;
# endif
diffuseColor *= sampledDiffuseColor ;
# endif
` ;var In= `
# ifdef USE _MAP
uniform sampler2D map ;
# endif
` ;var kn= `
# if defined ( USE _MAP ) || defined ( USE _ALPHAMAP )
vec2 uv = ( uvTransform * vec3 ( gl _PointCoord . x , 1.0 - gl _PointCoord . y , 1 ) ) . xy ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _MAP
diffuseColor *= texture2D ( map , uv ) ;
# endif
diffuseColor . a *= texture2D ( alphaMap , uv ) . g ;
# endif
` ;var Un= `
# if defined ( USE _MAP ) || defined ( USE _ALPHAMAP )
uniform mat3 uvTransform ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _MAP
uniform sampler2D map ;
# endif
uniform sampler2D alphaMap ;
# endif
` ;var On= `
float metalnessFactor = metalness ;
vec4 texelMetalness = texture2D ( metalnessMap , vUv ) ;
// reads channel B, compatible with a combined OcclusionRoughnessMetallic (RGB) texture
metalnessFactor *= texelMetalness . b ;
# endif
` ;var Gn= `
uniform sampler2D metalnessMap ;
# endif
` ;var qn= `
// morphTargetBaseInfluence is set based on BufferGeometry.morphTargetsRelative value:
// When morphTargetsRelative is false, this is set to 1 - sum(influences); this results in normal = sum((target - base) * influence)
// When morphTargetsRelative is true, this is set to 1; as a result, all morph targets are simply added to the base after weighting
objectNormal *= morphTargetBaseInfluence ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MORPHTARGETS _COUNT ; i ++ ) {
if ( morphTargetInfluences [ i ] != 0.0 ) objectNormal += getMorph ( gl _VertexID , i , 1 , 2 ) * morphTargetInfluences [ i ] ;
# else
objectNormal += morphNormal0 * morphTargetInfluences [ 0 ] ;
objectNormal += morphNormal1 * morphTargetInfluences [ 1 ] ;
objectNormal += morphNormal2 * morphTargetInfluences [ 2 ] ;
objectNormal += morphNormal3 * morphTargetInfluences [ 3 ] ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var Wn= `
uniform float morphTargetBaseInfluence ;
uniform float morphTargetInfluences [ MORPHTARGETS _COUNT ] ;
uniform sampler2DArray morphTargetsTexture ;
uniform vec2 morphTargetsTextureSize ;
vec3 getMorph ( const in int vertexIndex , const in int morphTargetIndex , const in int offset , const in int stride ) {
float texelIndex = float ( vertexIndex * stride + offset ) ;
float y = floor ( texelIndex / morphTargetsTextureSize . x ) ;
float x = texelIndex - y * morphTargetsTextureSize . x ;
vec3 morphUV = vec3 ( ( x + 0.5 ) / morphTargetsTextureSize . x , y / morphTargetsTextureSize . y , morphTargetIndex ) ;
return texture ( morphTargetsTexture , morphUV ) . xyz ;
# else
uniform float morphTargetInfluences [ 8 ] ;
# else
uniform float morphTargetInfluences [ 4 ] ;
# endif
# endif
# endif
` ;var jn= `
// morphTargetBaseInfluence is set based on BufferGeometry.morphTargetsRelative value:
// When morphTargetsRelative is false, this is set to 1 - sum(influences); this results in position = sum((target - base) * influence)
// When morphTargetsRelative is true, this is set to 1; as a result, all morph targets are simply added to the base after weighting
transformed *= morphTargetBaseInfluence ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MORPHTARGETS _COUNT ; i ++ ) {
if ( morphTargetInfluences [ i ] != 0.0 ) transformed += getMorph ( gl _VertexID , i , 0 , 1 ) * morphTargetInfluences [ i ] ;
# else
if ( morphTargetInfluences [ i ] != 0.0 ) transformed += getMorph ( gl _VertexID , i , 0 , 2 ) * morphTargetInfluences [ i ] ;
# endif
# else
transformed += morphTarget0 * morphTargetInfluences [ 0 ] ;
transformed += morphTarget1 * morphTargetInfluences [ 1 ] ;
transformed += morphTarget2 * morphTargetInfluences [ 2 ] ;
transformed += morphTarget3 * morphTargetInfluences [ 3 ] ;
transformed += morphTarget4 * morphTargetInfluences [ 4 ] ;
transformed += morphTarget5 * morphTargetInfluences [ 5 ] ;
transformed += morphTarget6 * morphTargetInfluences [ 6 ] ;
transformed += morphTarget7 * morphTargetInfluences [ 7 ] ;
# endif
# endif
# endif
` ;var Xn= `
float faceDirection = gl _FrontFacing ? 1.0 : - 1.0 ;
# ifdef FLAT _SHADED
// Workaround for Adreno GPUs not able to do dFdx( vViewPosition )
vec3 fdx = vec3 ( dFdx ( vViewPosition . x ) , dFdx ( vViewPosition . y ) , dFdx ( vViewPosition . z ) ) ;
vec3 fdy = vec3 ( dFdy ( vViewPosition . x ) , dFdy ( vViewPosition . y ) , dFdy ( vViewPosition . z ) ) ;
vec3 normal = normalize ( cross ( fdx , fdy ) ) ;
# else
vec3 normal = normalize ( vNormal ) ;
normal = normal * faceDirection ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _TANGENT
vec3 tangent = normalize ( vTangent ) ;
vec3 bitangent = normalize ( vBitangent ) ;
tangent = tangent * faceDirection ;
bitangent = bitangent * faceDirection ;
# endif
mat3 vTBN = mat3 ( tangent , bitangent , normal ) ;
# endif
# endif
# endif
// non perturbed normal for clearcoat among others
vec3 geometryNormal = normal ;
` ;var Zn= `
normal = texture2D ( normalMap , vUv ) . xyz * 2.0 - 1.0 ; // overrides both flatShading and attribute normals
# ifdef FLIP _SIDED
normal = - normal ;
# endif
normal = normal * faceDirection ;
# endif
normal = normalize ( normalMatrix * normal ) ;
# elif defined ( TANGENTSPACE _NORMALMAP )
vec3 mapN = texture2D ( normalMap , vUv ) . xyz * 2.0 - 1.0 ;
mapN . xy *= normalScale ;
# ifdef USE _TANGENT
normal = normalize ( vTBN * mapN ) ;
# else
normal = perturbNormal2Arb ( - vViewPosition , normal , mapN , faceDirection ) ;
# endif
# elif defined ( USE _BUMPMAP )
normal = perturbNormalArb ( - vViewPosition , normal , dHdxy _fwd ( ) , faceDirection ) ;
# endif
` ;var Yn= `
# ifndef FLAT _SHADED
varying vec3 vNormal ;
# ifdef USE _TANGENT
varying vec3 vTangent ;
varying vec3 vBitangent ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var Kn= `
# ifndef FLAT _SHADED
varying vec3 vNormal ;
# ifdef USE _TANGENT
varying vec3 vTangent ;
varying vec3 vBitangent ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var $ n= `
# ifndef FLAT _SHADED // normal is computed with derivatives when FLAT_SHADED
vNormal = normalize ( transformedNormal ) ;
# ifdef USE _TANGENT
vTangent = normalize ( transformedTangent ) ;
vBitangent = normalize ( cross ( vNormal , vTangent ) * tangent . w ) ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var Jn= `
uniform sampler2D normalMap ;
uniform vec2 normalScale ;
# endif
uniform mat3 normalMatrix ;
# endif
# if ! defined ( USE _TANGENT ) && ( defined ( TANGENTSPACE _NORMALMAP ) || defined ( USE _CLEARCOAT _NORMALMAP ) )
// Normal Mapping Without Precomputed Tangents
// http://www.thetenthplanet.de/archives/1180
vec3 perturbNormal2Arb ( vec3 eye _pos , vec3 surf _norm , vec3 mapN , float faceDirection ) {
// Workaround for Adreno 3XX dFd*( vec3 ) bug. See #9988
vec3 q0 = vec3 ( dFdx ( eye _pos . x ) , dFdx ( eye _pos . y ) , dFdx ( eye _pos . z ) ) ;
vec3 q1 = vec3 ( dFdy ( eye _pos . x ) , dFdy ( eye _pos . y ) , dFdy ( eye _pos . z ) ) ;
vec2 st0 = dFdx ( vUv . st ) ;
vec2 st1 = dFdy ( vUv . st ) ;
vec3 N = surf _norm ; // normalized
vec3 q1perp = cross ( q1 , N ) ;
vec3 q0perp = cross ( N , q0 ) ;
vec3 T = q1perp * st0 . x + q0perp * st1 . x ;
vec3 B = q1perp * st0 . y + q0perp * st1 . y ;
float det = max ( dot ( T , T ) , dot ( B , B ) ) ;
float scale = ( det == 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : faceDirection * inversesqrt ( det ) ;
return normalize ( T * ( mapN . x * scale ) + B * ( mapN . y * scale ) + N * mapN . z ) ;
# endif
` ;var Qn= `
vec3 clearcoatNormal = geometryNormal ;
# endif
` ;var es= `
vec3 clearcoatMapN = texture2D ( clearcoatNormalMap , vUv ) . xyz * 2.0 - 1.0 ;
clearcoatMapN . xy *= clearcoatNormalScale ;
# ifdef USE _TANGENT
clearcoatNormal = normalize ( vTBN * clearcoatMapN ) ;
# else
clearcoatNormal = perturbNormal2Arb ( - vViewPosition , clearcoatNormal , clearcoatMapN , faceDirection ) ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var ts= `
uniform sampler2D clearcoatMap ;
# endif
uniform sampler2D clearcoatRoughnessMap ;
# endif
uniform sampler2D clearcoatNormalMap ;
uniform vec2 clearcoatNormalScale ;
# endif
` ;var is= `
# ifdef OPAQUE
diffuseColor . a = 1.0 ;
# endif
// https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/pull/22425
diffuseColor . a *= transmissionAlpha + 0.1 ;
# endif
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( outgoingLight , diffuseColor . a ) ;
` ;var as= `
vec3 packNormalToRGB ( const in vec3 normal ) {
return normalize ( normal ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ;
vec3 unpackRGBToNormal ( const in vec3 rgb ) {
return 2.0 * rgb . xyz - 1.0 ;
const float PackUpscale = 256. / 255. ; // fraction -> 0..1 (including 1)
const float UnpackDownscale = 255. / 256. ; // 0..1 -> fraction (excluding 1)
const vec3 PackFactors = vec3 ( 256. * 256. * 256. , 256. * 256. , 256. ) ;
const vec4 UnpackFactors = UnpackDownscale / vec4 ( PackFactors , 1. ) ;
const float ShiftRight8 = 1. / 256. ;
vec4 packDepthToRGBA ( const in float v ) {
vec4 r = vec4 ( fract ( v * PackFactors ) , v ) ;
r . yzw -= r . xyz * ShiftRight8 ; // tidy overflow
return r * PackUpscale ;
float unpackRGBAToDepth ( const in vec4 v ) {
return dot ( v , UnpackFactors ) ;
vec4 pack2HalfToRGBA ( vec2 v ) {
vec4 r = vec4 ( v . x , fract ( v . x * 255.0 ) , v . y , fract ( v . y * 255.0 ) ) ;
return vec4 ( r . x - r . y / 255.0 , r . y , r . z - r . w / 255.0 , r . w ) ;
vec2 unpackRGBATo2Half ( vec4 v ) {
return vec2 ( v . x + ( v . y / 255.0 ) , v . z + ( v . w / 255.0 ) ) ;
// NOTE: viewZ/eyeZ is < 0 when in front of the camera per OpenGL conventions
float viewZToOrthographicDepth ( const in float viewZ , const in float near , const in float far ) {
return ( viewZ + near ) / ( near - far ) ;
float orthographicDepthToViewZ ( const in float linearClipZ , const in float near , const in float far ) {
return linearClipZ * ( near - far ) - near ;
// NOTE: https://twitter.com/gonnavis/status/1377183786949959682
float viewZToPerspectiveDepth ( const in float viewZ , const in float near , const in float far ) {
return ( ( near + viewZ ) * far ) / ( ( far - near ) * viewZ ) ;
float perspectiveDepthToViewZ ( const in float invClipZ , const in float near , const in float far ) {
return ( near * far ) / ( ( far - near ) * invClipZ - far ) ;
` ;var rs= `
// Get get normal blending with premultipled, use with CustomBlending, OneFactor, OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor, AddEquation.
gl _FragColor . rgb *= gl _FragColor . a ;
# endif
` ;var ns= `
vec4 mvPosition = vec4 ( transformed , 1.0 ) ;
mvPosition = instanceMatrix * mvPosition ;
# endif
mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * mvPosition ;
gl _Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition ;
` ;var ss= `
gl _FragColor . rgb = dithering ( gl _FragColor . rgb ) ;
# endif
` ;var os= `
// based on https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MslGR8
vec3 dithering ( vec3 color ) {
//Calculate grid position
float grid _position = rand ( gl _FragCoord . xy ) ;
//Shift the individual colors differently, thus making it even harder to see the dithering pattern
vec3 dither _shift _RGB = vec3 ( 0.25 / 255.0 , - 0.25 / 255.0 , 0.25 / 255.0 ) ;
//modify shift acording to grid position.
dither _shift _RGB = mix ( 2.0 * dither _shift _RGB , - 2.0 * dither _shift _RGB , grid _position ) ;
//shift the color by dither_shift
return color + dither _shift _RGB ;
# endif
` ;var cs= `
float roughnessFactor = roughness ;
vec4 texelRoughness = texture2D ( roughnessMap , vUv ) ;
// reads channel G, compatible with a combined OcclusionRoughnessMetallic (RGB) texture
roughnessFactor *= texelRoughness . g ;
# endif
` ;var ls= `
uniform sampler2D roughnessMap ;
# endif
` ;var us= `
uniform sampler2D directionalShadowMap [ NUM _DIR _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
varying vec4 vDirectionalShadowCoord [ NUM _DIR _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
struct DirectionalLightShadow {
float shadowBias ;
float shadowNormalBias ;
float shadowRadius ;
vec2 shadowMapSize ;
} ;
uniform DirectionalLightShadow directionalLightShadows [ NUM _DIR _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
# endif
uniform sampler2D spotShadowMap [ NUM _SPOT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
varying vec4 vSpotShadowCoord [ NUM _SPOT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
struct SpotLightShadow {
float shadowBias ;
float shadowNormalBias ;
float shadowRadius ;
vec2 shadowMapSize ;
} ;
uniform SpotLightShadow spotLightShadows [ NUM _SPOT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
# endif
uniform sampler2D pointShadowMap [ NUM _POINT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
varying vec4 vPointShadowCoord [ NUM _POINT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
struct PointLightShadow {
float shadowBias ;
float shadowNormalBias ;
float shadowRadius ;
vec2 shadowMapSize ;
float shadowCameraNear ;
float shadowCameraFar ;
} ;
uniform PointLightShadow pointLightShadows [ NUM _POINT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
# endif
/ *
// TODO (abelnation): create uniforms for area light shadows
# endif
* /
float texture2DCompare ( sampler2D depths , vec2 uv , float compare ) {
return step ( compare , unpackRGBAToDepth ( texture2D ( depths , uv ) ) ) ;
vec2 texture2DDistribution ( sampler2D shadow , vec2 uv ) {
return unpackRGBATo2Half ( texture2D ( shadow , uv ) ) ;
float VSMShadow ( sampler2D shadow , vec2 uv , float compare ) {
float occlusion = 1.0 ;
vec2 distribution = texture2DDistribution ( shadow , uv ) ;
float hard _shadow = step ( compare , distribution . x ) ; // Hard Shadow
if ( hard _shadow != 1.0 ) {
float distance = compare - distribution . x ;
float variance = max ( 0.00000 , distribution . y * distribution . y ) ;
float softness _probability = variance / ( variance + distance * distance ) ; // Chebeyshevs inequality
softness _probability = clamp ( ( softness _probability - 0.3 ) / ( 0.95 - 0.3 ) , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ; // 0.3 reduces light bleed
occlusion = clamp ( max ( hard _shadow , softness _probability ) , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ;
return occlusion ;
float getShadow ( sampler2D shadowMap , vec2 shadowMapSize , float shadowBias , float shadowRadius , vec4 shadowCoord ) {
float shadow = 1.0 ;
shadowCoord . xyz /= shadowCoord . w ;
shadowCoord . z += shadowBias ;
// if ( something && something ) breaks ATI OpenGL shader compiler
// if ( all( something, something ) ) using this instead
bvec4 inFrustumVec = bvec4 ( shadowCoord . x >= 0.0 , shadowCoord . x <= 1.0 , shadowCoord . y >= 0.0 , shadowCoord . y <= 1.0 ) ;
bool inFrustum = all ( inFrustumVec ) ;
bvec2 frustumTestVec = bvec2 ( inFrustum , shadowCoord . z <= 1.0 ) ;
bool frustumTest = all ( frustumTestVec ) ;
if ( frustumTest ) {
# if defined ( SHADOWMAP _TYPE _PCF )
vec2 texelSize = vec2 ( 1.0 ) / shadowMapSize ;
float dx0 = - texelSize . x * shadowRadius ;
float dy0 = - texelSize . y * shadowRadius ;
float dx1 = + texelSize . x * shadowRadius ;
float dy1 = + texelSize . y * shadowRadius ;
float dx2 = dx0 / 2.0 ;
float dy2 = dy0 / 2.0 ;
float dx3 = dx1 / 2.0 ;
float dy3 = dy1 / 2.0 ;
shadow = (
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx0 , dy0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( 0.0 , dy0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx1 , dy0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx2 , dy2 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( 0.0 , dy2 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx3 , dy2 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx0 , 0.0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx2 , 0.0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx3 , 0.0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx1 , 0.0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx2 , dy3 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( 0.0 , dy3 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx3 , dy3 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx0 , dy1 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( 0.0 , dy1 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy + vec2 ( dx1 , dy1 ) , shadowCoord . z )
) * ( 1.0 / 17.0 ) ;
# elif defined ( SHADOWMAP _TYPE _PCF _SOFT )
vec2 texelSize = vec2 ( 1.0 ) / shadowMapSize ;
float dx = texelSize . x ;
float dy = texelSize . y ;
vec2 uv = shadowCoord . xy ;
vec2 f = fract ( uv * shadowMapSize + 0.5 ) ;
uv -= f * texelSize ;
shadow = (
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( dx , 0.0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( 0.0 , dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + texelSize , shadowCoord . z ) +
mix ( texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( - dx , 0.0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( 2.0 * dx , 0.0 ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
f . x ) +
mix ( texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( - dx , dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( 2.0 * dx , dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
f . x ) +
mix ( texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( 0.0 , - dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( 0.0 , 2.0 * dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
f . y ) +
mix ( texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( dx , - dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( dx , 2.0 * dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
f . y ) +
mix ( mix ( texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( - dx , - dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( 2.0 * dx , - dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
f . x ) ,
mix ( texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( - dx , 2.0 * dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , uv + vec2 ( 2.0 * dx , 2.0 * dy ) , shadowCoord . z ) ,
f . x ) ,
f . y )
) * ( 1.0 / 9.0 ) ;
# elif defined ( SHADOWMAP _TYPE _VSM )
shadow = VSMShadow ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy , shadowCoord . z ) ;
# else // no percentage-closer filtering:
shadow = texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , shadowCoord . xy , shadowCoord . z ) ;
# endif
return shadow ;
// cubeToUV() maps a 3D direction vector suitable for cube texture mapping to a 2D
// vector suitable for 2D texture mapping. This code uses the following layout for the
// 2D texture:
// xzXZ
// y Y
// Y - Positive y direction
// y - Negative y direction
// X - Positive x direction
// x - Negative x direction
// Z - Positive z direction
// z - Negative z direction
// Source and test bed:
// https://gist.github.com/tschw/da10c43c467ce8afd0c4
vec2 cubeToUV ( vec3 v , float texelSizeY ) {
// Number of texels to avoid at the edge of each square
vec3 absV = abs ( v ) ;
// Intersect unit cube
float scaleToCube = 1.0 / max ( absV . x , max ( absV . y , absV . z ) ) ;
absV *= scaleToCube ;
// Apply scale to avoid seams
// two texels less per square (one texel will do for NEAREST)
v *= scaleToCube * ( 1.0 - 2.0 * texelSizeY ) ;
// Unwrap
// space: -1 ... 1 range for each square
// #X## dim := ( 4 , 2 )
// # # center := ( 1 , 1 )
vec2 planar = v . xy ;
float almostATexel = 1.5 * texelSizeY ;
float almostOne = 1.0 - almostATexel ;
if ( absV . z >= almostOne ) {
if ( v . z > 0.0 )
planar . x = 4.0 - v . x ;
} else if ( absV . x >= almostOne ) {
float signX = sign ( v . x ) ;
planar . x = v . z * signX + 2.0 * signX ;
} else if ( absV . y >= almostOne ) {
float signY = sign ( v . y ) ;
planar . x = v . x + 2.0 * signY + 2.0 ;
planar . y = v . z * signY - 2.0 ;
// Transform to UV space
// scale := 0.5 / dim
// translate := ( center + 0.5 ) / dim
return vec2 ( 0.125 , 0.25 ) * planar + vec2 ( 0.375 , 0.75 ) ;
float getPointShadow ( sampler2D shadowMap , vec2 shadowMapSize , float shadowBias , float shadowRadius , vec4 shadowCoord , float shadowCameraNear , float shadowCameraFar ) {
vec2 texelSize = vec2 ( 1.0 ) / ( shadowMapSize * vec2 ( 4.0 , 2.0 ) ) ;
// for point lights, the uniform @vShadowCoord is re-purposed to hold
// the vector from the light to the world-space position of the fragment.
vec3 lightToPosition = shadowCoord . xyz ;
// dp = normalized distance from light to fragment position
float dp = ( length ( lightToPosition ) - shadowCameraNear ) / ( shadowCameraFar - shadowCameraNear ) ; // need to clamp?
dp += shadowBias ;
// bd3D = base direction 3D
vec3 bd3D = normalize ( lightToPosition ) ;
# if defined ( SHADOWMAP _TYPE _PCF ) || defined ( SHADOWMAP _TYPE _PCF _SOFT ) || defined ( SHADOWMAP _TYPE _VSM )
vec2 offset = vec2 ( - 1 , 1 ) * shadowRadius * texelSize . y ;
return (
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D + offset . xyy , texelSize . y ) , dp ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D + offset . yyy , texelSize . y ) , dp ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D + offset . xyx , texelSize . y ) , dp ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D + offset . yyx , texelSize . y ) , dp ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D , texelSize . y ) , dp ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D + offset . xxy , texelSize . y ) , dp ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D + offset . yxy , texelSize . y ) , dp ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D + offset . xxx , texelSize . y ) , dp ) +
texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D + offset . yxx , texelSize . y ) , dp )
) * ( 1.0 / 9.0 ) ;
# else // no percentage-closer filtering
return texture2DCompare ( shadowMap , cubeToUV ( bd3D , texelSize . y ) , dp ) ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var hs= `
uniform mat4 directionalShadowMatrix [ NUM _DIR _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
varying vec4 vDirectionalShadowCoord [ NUM _DIR _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
struct DirectionalLightShadow {
float shadowBias ;
float shadowNormalBias ;
float shadowRadius ;
vec2 shadowMapSize ;
} ;
uniform DirectionalLightShadow directionalLightShadows [ NUM _DIR _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
# endif
uniform mat4 spotShadowMatrix [ NUM _SPOT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
varying vec4 vSpotShadowCoord [ NUM _SPOT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
struct SpotLightShadow {
float shadowBias ;
float shadowNormalBias ;
float shadowRadius ;
vec2 shadowMapSize ;
} ;
uniform SpotLightShadow spotLightShadows [ NUM _SPOT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
# endif
uniform mat4 pointShadowMatrix [ NUM _POINT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
varying vec4 vPointShadowCoord [ NUM _POINT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
struct PointLightShadow {
float shadowBias ;
float shadowNormalBias ;
float shadowRadius ;
vec2 shadowMapSize ;
float shadowCameraNear ;
float shadowCameraFar ;
} ;
uniform PointLightShadow pointLightShadows [ NUM _POINT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ] ;
# endif
/ *
// TODO (abelnation): uniforms for area light shadows
# endif
* /
# endif
` ;var fs= `
// Offsetting the position used for querying occlusion along the world normal can be used to reduce shadow acne.
vec3 shadowWorldNormal = inverseTransformDirection ( transformedNormal , viewMatrix ) ;
vec4 shadowWorldPosition ;
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _DIR _LIGHT _SHADOWS ; i ++ ) {
shadowWorldPosition = worldPosition + vec4 ( shadowWorldNormal * directionalLightShadows [ i ] . shadowNormalBias , 0 ) ;
vDirectionalShadowCoord [ i ] = directionalShadowMatrix [ i ] * shadowWorldPosition ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _SPOT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ; i ++ ) {
shadowWorldPosition = worldPosition + vec4 ( shadowWorldNormal * spotLightShadows [ i ] . shadowNormalBias , 0 ) ;
vSpotShadowCoord [ i ] = spotShadowMatrix [ i ] * shadowWorldPosition ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _POINT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ; i ++ ) {
shadowWorldPosition = worldPosition + vec4 ( shadowWorldNormal * pointLightShadows [ i ] . shadowNormalBias , 0 ) ;
vPointShadowCoord [ i ] = pointShadowMatrix [ i ] * shadowWorldPosition ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
/ *
// TODO (abelnation): update vAreaShadowCoord with area light info
# endif
* /
# endif
` ;var ds= `
float getShadowMask ( ) {
float shadow = 1.0 ;
DirectionalLightShadow directionalLight ;
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _DIR _LIGHT _SHADOWS ; i ++ ) {
directionalLight = directionalLightShadows [ i ] ;
shadow *= receiveShadow ? getShadow ( directionalShadowMap [ i ] , directionalLight . shadowMapSize , directionalLight . shadowBias , directionalLight . shadowRadius , vDirectionalShadowCoord [ i ] ) : 1.0 ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
SpotLightShadow spotLight ;
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _SPOT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ; i ++ ) {
spotLight = spotLightShadows [ i ] ;
shadow *= receiveShadow ? getShadow ( spotShadowMap [ i ] , spotLight . shadowMapSize , spotLight . shadowBias , spotLight . shadowRadius , vSpotShadowCoord [ i ] ) : 1.0 ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
PointLightShadow pointLight ;
# pragma unroll _loop _start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM _POINT _LIGHT _SHADOWS ; i ++ ) {
pointLight = pointLightShadows [ i ] ;
shadow *= receiveShadow ? getPointShadow ( pointShadowMap [ i ] , pointLight . shadowMapSize , pointLight . shadowBias , pointLight . shadowRadius , vPointShadowCoord [ i ] , pointLight . shadowCameraNear , pointLight . shadowCameraFar ) : 1.0 ;
# pragma unroll _loop _end
# endif
/ *
// TODO (abelnation): update shadow for Area light
# endif
* /
# endif
return shadow ;
` ;var ps= `
mat4 boneMatX = getBoneMatrix ( skinIndex . x ) ;
mat4 boneMatY = getBoneMatrix ( skinIndex . y ) ;
mat4 boneMatZ = getBoneMatrix ( skinIndex . z ) ;
mat4 boneMatW = getBoneMatrix ( skinIndex . w ) ;
# endif
` ;var ms= `
uniform mat4 bindMatrix ;
uniform mat4 bindMatrixInverse ;
uniform highp sampler2D boneTexture ;
uniform int boneTextureSize ;
mat4 getBoneMatrix ( const in float i ) {
float j = i * 4.0 ;
float x = mod ( j , float ( boneTextureSize ) ) ;
float y = floor ( j / float ( boneTextureSize ) ) ;
float dx = 1.0 / float ( boneTextureSize ) ;
float dy = 1.0 / float ( boneTextureSize ) ;
y = dy * ( y + 0.5 ) ;
vec4 v1 = texture2D ( boneTexture , vec2 ( dx * ( x + 0.5 ) , y ) ) ;
vec4 v2 = texture2D ( boneTexture , vec2 ( dx * ( x + 1.5 ) , y ) ) ;
vec4 v3 = texture2D ( boneTexture , vec2 ( dx * ( x + 2.5 ) , y ) ) ;
vec4 v4 = texture2D ( boneTexture , vec2 ( dx * ( x + 3.5 ) , y ) ) ;
mat4 bone = mat4 ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 ) ;
return bone ;
# else
uniform mat4 boneMatrices [ MAX _BONES ] ;
mat4 getBoneMatrix ( const in float i ) {
mat4 bone = boneMatrices [ int ( i ) ] ;
return bone ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var vs= `
vec4 skinVertex = bindMatrix * vec4 ( transformed , 1.0 ) ;
vec4 skinned = vec4 ( 0.0 ) ;
skinned += boneMatX * skinVertex * skinWeight . x ;
skinned += boneMatY * skinVertex * skinWeight . y ;
skinned += boneMatZ * skinVertex * skinWeight . z ;
skinned += boneMatW * skinVertex * skinWeight . w ;
transformed = ( bindMatrixInverse * skinned ) . xyz ;
# endif
` ;var gs= `
mat4 skinMatrix = mat4 ( 0.0 ) ;
skinMatrix += skinWeight . x * boneMatX ;
skinMatrix += skinWeight . y * boneMatY ;
skinMatrix += skinWeight . z * boneMatZ ;
skinMatrix += skinWeight . w * boneMatW ;
skinMatrix = bindMatrixInverse * skinMatrix * bindMatrix ;
objectNormal = vec4 ( skinMatrix * vec4 ( objectNormal , 0.0 ) ) . xyz ;
# ifdef USE _TANGENT
objectTangent = vec4 ( skinMatrix * vec4 ( objectTangent , 0.0 ) ) . xyz ;
# endif
# endif
` ;var xs= `
float specularStrength ;
vec4 texelSpecular = texture2D ( specularMap , vUv ) ;
specularStrength = texelSpecular . r ;
# else
specularStrength = 1.0 ;
# endif
` ;var Ms= `
uniform sampler2D specularMap ;
# endif
` ;var bs= `
# if defined ( TONE _MAPPING )
gl _FragColor . rgb = toneMapping ( gl _FragColor . rgb ) ;
# endif
` ;var ys= `
# ifndef saturate
// <common> may have defined saturate() already
# define saturate ( a ) clamp ( a , 0.0 , 1.0 )
# endif
uniform float toneMappingExposure ;
// exposure only
vec3 LinearToneMapping ( vec3 color ) {
return toneMappingExposure * color ;
// source: https://www.cs.utah.edu/docs/techreports/2002/pdf/UUCS-02-001.pdf
vec3 ReinhardToneMapping ( vec3 color ) {
color *= toneMappingExposure ;
return saturate ( color / ( vec3 ( 1.0 ) + color ) ) ;
// source: http://filmicworlds.com/blog/filmic-tonemapping-operators/
vec3 OptimizedCineonToneMapping ( vec3 color ) {
// optimized filmic operator by Jim Hejl and Richard Burgess-Dawson
color *= toneMappingExposure ;
color = max ( vec3 ( 0.0 ) , color - 0.004 ) ;
return pow ( ( color * ( 6.2 * color + 0.5 ) ) / ( color * ( 6.2 * color + 1.7 ) + 0.06 ) , vec3 ( 2.2 ) ) ;
// source: https://github.com/selfshadow/ltc_code/blob/master/webgl/shaders/ltc/ltc_blit.fs
vec3 RRTAndODTFit ( vec3 v ) {
vec3 a = v * ( v + 0.0245786 ) - 0.000090537 ;
vec3 b = v * ( 0.983729 * v + 0.4329510 ) + 0.238081 ;
return a / b ;
// this implementation of ACES is modified to accommodate a brighter viewing environment.
// the scale factor of 1/0.6 is subjective. see discussion in #19621.
vec3 ACESFilmicToneMapping ( vec3 color ) {
// sRGB => XYZ => D65_2_D60 => AP1 => RRT_SAT
const mat3 ACESInputMat = mat3 (
vec3 ( 0.59719 , 0.07600 , 0.02840 ) , // transposed from source
vec3 ( 0.35458 , 0.90834 , 0.13383 ) ,
vec3 ( 0.04823 , 0.01566 , 0.83777 )
) ;
// ODT_SAT => XYZ => D60_2_D65 => sRGB
const mat3 ACESOutputMat = mat3 (
vec3 ( 1.60475 , - 0.10208 , - 0.00327 ) , // transposed from source
vec3 ( - 0.53108 , 1.10813 , - 0.07276 ) ,
vec3 ( - 0.07367 , - 0.00605 , 1.07602 )
) ;
color *= toneMappingExposure / 0.6 ;
color = ACESInputMat * color ;
// Apply RRT and ODT
color = RRTAndODTFit ( color ) ;
color = ACESOutputMat * color ;
// Clamp to [0, 1]
return saturate ( color ) ;
vec3 CustomToneMapping ( vec3 color ) { return color ; }
` ;var Cs= `
float transmissionAlpha = 1.0 ;
float transmissionFactor = transmission ;
float thicknessFactor = thickness ;
transmissionFactor *= texture2D ( transmissionMap , vUv ) . r ;
# endif
thicknessFactor *= texture2D ( thicknessMap , vUv ) . g ;
# endif
vec3 pos = vWorldPosition ;
vec3 v = normalize ( cameraPosition - pos ) ;
vec3 n = inverseTransformDirection ( normal , viewMatrix ) ;
vec4 transmission = getIBLVolumeRefraction (
n , v , roughnessFactor , material . diffuseColor , material . specularColor , material . specularF90 ,
pos , modelMatrix , viewMatrix , projectionMatrix , ior , thicknessFactor ,
attenuationColor , attenuationDistance ) ;
totalDiffuse = mix ( totalDiffuse , transmission . rgb , transmissionFactor ) ;
transmissionAlpha = mix ( transmissionAlpha , transmission . a , transmissionFactor ) ;
# endif
` ;var zs= `
// Transmission code is based on glTF-Sampler-Viewer
// https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Viewer
uniform float transmission ;
uniform float thickness ;
uniform float attenuationDistance ;
uniform vec3 attenuationColor ;
uniform sampler2D transmissionMap ;
# endif
uniform sampler2D thicknessMap ;
# endif
uniform vec2 transmissionSamplerSize ;
uniform sampler2D transmissionSamplerMap ;
uniform mat4 modelMatrix ;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix ;
varying vec3 vWorldPosition ;
vec3 getVolumeTransmissionRay ( const in vec3 n , const in vec3 v , const in float thickness , const in float ior , const in mat4 modelMatrix ) {
// Direction of refracted light.
vec3 refractionVector = refract ( - v , normalize ( n ) , 1.0 / ior ) ;
// Compute rotation-independant scaling of the model matrix.
vec3 modelScale ;
modelScale . x = length ( vec3 ( modelMatrix [ 0 ] . xyz ) ) ;
modelScale . y = length ( vec3 ( modelMatrix [ 1 ] . xyz ) ) ;
modelScale . z = length ( vec3 ( modelMatrix [ 2 ] . xyz ) ) ;
// The thickness is specified in local space.
return normalize ( refractionVector ) * thickness * modelScale ;
float applyIorToRoughness ( const in float roughness , const in float ior ) {
// Scale roughness with IOR so that an IOR of 1.0 results in no microfacet refraction and
// an IOR of 1.5 results in the default amount of microfacet refraction.
return roughness * clamp ( ior * 2.0 - 2.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ;
vec4 getTransmissionSample ( const in vec2 fragCoord , const in float roughness , const in float ior ) {
float framebufferLod = log2 ( transmissionSamplerSize . x ) * applyIorToRoughness ( roughness , ior ) ;
return texture2DLodEXT ( transmissionSamplerMap , fragCoord . xy , framebufferLod ) ;
# else
return texture2D ( transmissionSamplerMap , fragCoord . xy , framebufferLod ) ;
# endif
vec3 applyVolumeAttenuation ( const in vec3 radiance , const in float transmissionDistance , const in vec3 attenuationColor , const in float attenuationDistance ) {
if ( attenuationDistance == 0.0 ) {
// Attenuation distance is +\u221E (which we indicate by zero), i.e. the transmitted color is not attenuated at all.
return radiance ;
} else {
// Compute light attenuation using Beer's law.
vec3 attenuationCoefficient = - log ( attenuationColor ) / attenuationDistance ;
vec3 transmittance = exp ( - attenuationCoefficient * transmissionDistance ) ; // Beer's law
return transmittance * radiance ;
vec4 getIBLVolumeRefraction ( const in vec3 n , const in vec3 v , const in float roughness , const in vec3 diffuseColor ,
const in vec3 specularColor , const in float specularF90 , const in vec3 position , const in mat4 modelMatrix ,
const in mat4 viewMatrix , const in mat4 projMatrix , const in float ior , const in float thickness ,
const in vec3 attenuationColor , const in float attenuationDistance ) {
vec3 transmissionRay = getVolumeTransmissionRay ( n , v , thickness , ior , modelMatrix ) ;
vec3 refractedRayExit = position + transmissionRay ;
// Project refracted vector on the framebuffer, while mapping to normalized device coordinates.
vec4 ndcPos = projMatrix * viewMatrix * vec4 ( refractedRayExit , 1.0 ) ;
vec2 refractionCoords = ndcPos . xy / ndcPos . w ;
refractionCoords += 1.0 ;
refractionCoords /= 2.0 ;
// Sample framebuffer to get pixel the refracted ray hits.
vec4 transmittedLight = getTransmissionSample ( refractionCoords , roughness , ior ) ;
vec3 attenuatedColor = applyVolumeAttenuation ( transmittedLight . rgb , length ( transmissionRay ) , attenuationColor , attenuationDistance ) ;
// Get the specular component.
vec3 F = EnvironmentBRDF ( n , v , specularColor , specularF90 , roughness ) ;
return vec4 ( ( 1.0 - F ) * attenuatedColor * diffuseColor , transmittedLight . a ) ;
# endif
` ;var As= `
# if ( defined ( USE _UV ) && ! defined ( UVS _VERTEX _ONLY ) )
varying vec2 vUv ;
# endif
` ;var ws= `
# ifdef USE _UV
vec2 vUv ;
# else
varying vec2 vUv ;
# endif
uniform mat3 uvTransform ;
# endif
` ;var _s= `
# ifdef USE _UV
vUv = ( uvTransform * vec3 ( uv , 1 ) ) . xy ;
# endif
` ;var Ss= `
# if defined ( USE _LIGHTMAP ) || defined ( USE _AOMAP )
varying vec2 vUv2 ;
# endif
` ;var Es= `
# if defined ( USE _LIGHTMAP ) || defined ( USE _AOMAP )
attribute vec2 uv2 ;
varying vec2 vUv2 ;
uniform mat3 uv2Transform ;
# endif
` ;var Ls= `
# if defined ( USE _LIGHTMAP ) || defined ( USE _AOMAP )
vUv2 = ( uv2Transform * vec3 ( uv2 , 1 ) ) . xy ;
# endif
` ;var Ds= `
# if defined ( USE _ENVMAP ) || defined ( DISTANCE ) || defined ( USE _SHADOWMAP ) || defined ( USE _TRANSMISSION )
vec4 worldPosition = vec4 ( transformed , 1.0 ) ;
worldPosition = instanceMatrix * worldPosition ;
# endif
worldPosition = modelMatrix * worldPosition ;
# endif
` ;var Ts= `
varying vec2 vUv ;
uniform mat3 uvTransform ;
void main ( ) {
vUv = ( uvTransform * vec3 ( uv , 1 ) ) . xy ;
gl _Position = vec4 ( position . xy , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
` ,Hs= `
uniform sampler2D t2D ;
varying vec2 vUv ;
void main ( ) {
gl _FragColor = texture2D ( t2D , vUv ) ;
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
` ;var Vs= `
varying vec3 vWorldDirection ;
# include < common >
void main ( ) {
vWorldDirection = transformDirection ( position , modelMatrix ) ;
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
gl _Position . z = gl _Position . w ; // set z to camera.far
` ,Ns= `
# include < envmap _common _pars _fragment >
uniform float opacity ;
varying vec3 vWorldDirection ;
# include < cube _uv _reflection _fragment >
void main ( ) {
vec3 vReflect = vWorldDirection ;
# include < envmap _fragment >
gl _FragColor = envColor ;
gl _FragColor . a *= opacity ;
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
` ;var Rs= `
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
// This is used for computing an equivalent of gl_FragCoord.z that is as high precision as possible.
// Some platforms compute gl_FragCoord at a lower precision which makes the manually computed value better for
// depth-based postprocessing effects. Reproduced on iPad with A10 processor / iPadOS 13.3.1.
varying vec2 vHighPrecisionZW ;
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# endif
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
vHighPrecisionZW = gl _Position . zw ;
` ,Fs= `
# if DEPTH _PACKING == 3200
uniform float opacity ;
# endif
# include < common >
# include < packing >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < map _pars _fragment >
# include < alphamap _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
varying vec2 vHighPrecisionZW ;
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( 1.0 ) ;
# if DEPTH _PACKING == 3200
diffuseColor . a = opacity ;
# endif
# include < map _fragment >
# include < alphamap _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
// Higher precision equivalent of gl_FragCoord.z. This assumes depthRange has been left to its default values.
float fragCoordZ = 0.5 * vHighPrecisionZW [ 0 ] / vHighPrecisionZW [ 1 ] + 0.5 ;
# if DEPTH _PACKING == 3200
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( vec3 ( 1.0 - fragCoordZ ) , opacity ) ;
# elif DEPTH _PACKING == 3201
gl _FragColor = packDepthToRGBA ( fragCoordZ ) ;
# endif
` ;var Bs= `
# define DISTANCE
varying vec3 vWorldPosition ;
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# endif
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < worldpos _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
vWorldPosition = worldPosition . xyz ;
` ,Ps= `
# define DISTANCE
uniform vec3 referencePosition ;
uniform float nearDistance ;
uniform float farDistance ;
varying vec3 vWorldPosition ;
# include < common >
# include < packing >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < map _pars _fragment >
# include < alphamap _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( 1.0 ) ;
# include < map _fragment >
# include < alphamap _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
float dist = length ( vWorldPosition - referencePosition ) ;
dist = ( dist - nearDistance ) / ( farDistance - nearDistance ) ;
dist = saturate ( dist ) ; // clamp to [ 0, 1 ]
gl _FragColor = packDepthToRGBA ( dist ) ;
` ;var Is= `
varying vec3 vWorldDirection ;
# include < common >
void main ( ) {
vWorldDirection = transformDirection ( position , modelMatrix ) ;
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
` ,ks= `
uniform sampler2D tEquirect ;
varying vec3 vWorldDirection ;
# include < common >
void main ( ) {
vec3 direction = normalize ( vWorldDirection ) ;
vec2 sampleUV = equirectUv ( direction ) ;
gl _FragColor = texture2D ( tEquirect , sampleUV ) ;
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
` ;var Us= `
uniform float scale ;
attribute float lineDistance ;
varying float vLineDistance ;
# include < common >
# include < color _pars _vertex >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
vLineDistance = scale * lineDistance ;
# include < color _vertex >
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
` ,Os= `
uniform vec3 diffuse ;
uniform float opacity ;
uniform float dashSize ;
uniform float totalSize ;
varying float vLineDistance ;
# include < common >
# include < color _pars _fragment >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
if ( mod ( vLineDistance , totalSize ) > dashSize ) {
discard ;
vec3 outgoingLight = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( diffuse , opacity ) ;
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < color _fragment >
outgoingLight = diffuseColor . rgb ; // simple shader
# include < output _fragment >
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
# include < premultiplied _alpha _fragment >
` ;var Gs= `
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < uv2 _pars _vertex >
# include < envmap _pars _vertex >
# include < color _pars _vertex >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
# include < uv2 _vertex >
# include < color _vertex >
# if defined ( USE _ENVMAP ) || defined ( USE _SKINNING )
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# include < defaultnormal _vertex >
# endif
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
# include < worldpos _vertex >
# include < envmap _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
` ,qs= `
uniform vec3 diffuse ;
uniform float opacity ;
# ifndef FLAT _SHADED
varying vec3 vNormal ;
# endif
# include < common >
# include < dithering _pars _fragment >
# include < color _pars _fragment >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < uv2 _pars _fragment >
# include < map _pars _fragment >
# include < alphamap _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < aomap _pars _fragment >
# include < lightmap _pars _fragment >
# include < envmap _common _pars _fragment >
# include < envmap _pars _fragment >
# include < cube _uv _reflection _fragment >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < specularmap _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( diffuse , opacity ) ;
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < map _fragment >
# include < color _fragment >
# include < alphamap _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
# include < specularmap _fragment >
ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight ( vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) ) ;
// accumulation (baked indirect lighting only)
vec4 lightMapTexel = texture2D ( lightMap , vUv2 ) ;
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse += lightMapTexel . rgb * lightMapIntensity ;
# else
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse += vec3 ( 1.0 ) ;
# endif
// modulation
# include < aomap _fragment >
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse *= diffuseColor . rgb ;
vec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse ;
# include < envmap _fragment >
# include < output _fragment >
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
# include < premultiplied _alpha _fragment >
# include < dithering _fragment >
` ;var Ws= `
# define LAMBERT
varying vec3 vLightFront ;
varying vec3 vIndirectFront ;
varying vec3 vLightBack ;
varying vec3 vIndirectBack ;
# endif
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < uv2 _pars _vertex >
# include < envmap _pars _vertex >
# include < bsdfs >
# include < lights _pars _begin >
# include < color _pars _vertex >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
# include < uv2 _vertex >
# include < color _vertex >
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# include < defaultnormal _vertex >
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
# include < worldpos _vertex >
# include < envmap _vertex >
# include < lights _lambert _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
` ,js= `
uniform vec3 diffuse ;
uniform vec3 emissive ;
uniform float opacity ;
varying vec3 vLightFront ;
varying vec3 vIndirectFront ;
varying vec3 vLightBack ;
varying vec3 vIndirectBack ;
# endif
# include < common >
# include < packing >
# include < dithering _pars _fragment >
# include < color _pars _fragment >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < uv2 _pars _fragment >
# include < map _pars _fragment >
# include < alphamap _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < aomap _pars _fragment >
# include < lightmap _pars _fragment >
# include < emissivemap _pars _fragment >
# include < envmap _common _pars _fragment >
# include < envmap _pars _fragment >
# include < cube _uv _reflection _fragment >
# include < bsdfs >
# include < lights _pars _begin >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < shadowmap _pars _fragment >
# include < shadowmask _pars _fragment >
# include < specularmap _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( diffuse , opacity ) ;
ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight ( vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) ) ;
vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive ;
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < map _fragment >
# include < color _fragment >
# include < alphamap _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
# include < specularmap _fragment >
# include < emissivemap _fragment >
// accumulation
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse += ( gl _FrontFacing ) ? vIndirectFront : vIndirectBack ;
# else
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse += vIndirectFront ;
# endif
# include < lightmap _fragment >
reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse *= BRDF _Lambert ( diffuseColor . rgb ) ;
reflectedLight . directDiffuse = ( gl _FrontFacing ) ? vLightFront : vLightBack ;
# else
reflectedLight . directDiffuse = vLightFront ;
# endif
reflectedLight . directDiffuse *= BRDF _Lambert ( diffuseColor . rgb ) * getShadowMask ( ) ;
// modulation
# include < aomap _fragment >
vec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight . directDiffuse + reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse + totalEmissiveRadiance ;
# include < envmap _fragment >
# include < output _fragment >
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
# include < premultiplied _alpha _fragment >
# include < dithering _fragment >
` ;var Xs= `
# define MATCAP
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < color _pars _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _pars _vertex >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < normal _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
# include < color _vertex >
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# include < defaultnormal _vertex >
# include < normal _vertex >
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
vViewPosition = - mvPosition . xyz ;
` ,Zs= `
# define MATCAP
uniform vec3 diffuse ;
uniform float opacity ;
uniform sampler2D matcap ;
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
# include < common >
# include < dithering _pars _fragment >
# include < color _pars _fragment >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < map _pars _fragment >
# include < alphamap _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < normal _pars _fragment >
# include < bumpmap _pars _fragment >
# include < normalmap _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( diffuse , opacity ) ;
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < map _fragment >
# include < color _fragment >
# include < alphamap _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
# include < normal _fragment _begin >
# include < normal _fragment _maps >
vec3 viewDir = normalize ( vViewPosition ) ;
vec3 x = normalize ( vec3 ( viewDir . z , 0.0 , - viewDir . x ) ) ;
vec3 y = cross ( viewDir , x ) ;
vec2 uv = vec2 ( dot ( x , normal ) , dot ( y , normal ) ) * 0.495 + 0.5 ; // 0.495 to remove artifacts caused by undersized matcap disks
# ifdef USE _MATCAP
vec4 matcapColor = texture2D ( matcap , uv ) ;
# else
vec4 matcapColor = vec4 ( vec3 ( mix ( 0.2 , 0.8 , uv . y ) ) , 1.0 ) ; // default if matcap is missing
# endif
vec3 outgoingLight = diffuseColor . rgb * matcapColor . rgb ;
# include < output _fragment >
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
# include < premultiplied _alpha _fragment >
# include < dithering _fragment >
` ;var Ys= `
# define NORMAL
# if defined ( FLAT _SHADED ) || defined ( USE _BUMPMAP ) || defined ( TANGENTSPACE _NORMALMAP )
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
# endif
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _pars _vertex >
# include < normal _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# include < defaultnormal _vertex >
# include < normal _vertex >
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
# if defined ( FLAT _SHADED ) || defined ( USE _BUMPMAP ) || defined ( TANGENTSPACE _NORMALMAP )
vViewPosition = - mvPosition . xyz ;
# endif
` ,Ks= `
# define NORMAL
uniform float opacity ;
# if defined ( FLAT _SHADED ) || defined ( USE _BUMPMAP ) || defined ( TANGENTSPACE _NORMALMAP )
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
# endif
# include < packing >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < normal _pars _fragment >
# include < bumpmap _pars _fragment >
# include < normalmap _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < normal _fragment _begin >
# include < normal _fragment _maps >
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( packNormalToRGB ( normal ) , opacity ) ;
` ;var $ s= `
# define PHONG
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < uv2 _pars _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _pars _vertex >
# include < envmap _pars _vertex >
# include < color _pars _vertex >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < normal _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
# include < uv2 _vertex >
# include < color _vertex >
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# include < defaultnormal _vertex >
# include < normal _vertex >
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
vViewPosition = - mvPosition . xyz ;
# include < worldpos _vertex >
# include < envmap _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
` ,Js= `
# define PHONG
uniform vec3 diffuse ;
uniform vec3 emissive ;
uniform vec3 specular ;
uniform float shininess ;
uniform float opacity ;
# include < common >
# include < packing >
# include < dithering _pars _fragment >
# include < color _pars _fragment >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < uv2 _pars _fragment >
# include < map _pars _fragment >
# include < alphamap _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < aomap _pars _fragment >
# include < lightmap _pars _fragment >
# include < emissivemap _pars _fragment >
# include < envmap _common _pars _fragment >
# include < envmap _pars _fragment >
# include < cube _uv _reflection _fragment >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < bsdfs >
# include < lights _pars _begin >
# include < normal _pars _fragment >
# include < lights _phong _pars _fragment >
# include < shadowmap _pars _fragment >
# include < bumpmap _pars _fragment >
# include < normalmap _pars _fragment >
# include < specularmap _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( diffuse , opacity ) ;
ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight ( vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) ) ;
vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive ;
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < map _fragment >
# include < color _fragment >
# include < alphamap _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
# include < specularmap _fragment >
# include < normal _fragment _begin >
# include < normal _fragment _maps >
# include < emissivemap _fragment >
// accumulation
# include < lights _phong _fragment >
# include < lights _fragment _begin >
# include < lights _fragment _maps >
# include < lights _fragment _end >
// modulation
# include < aomap _fragment >
vec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight . directDiffuse + reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse + reflectedLight . directSpecular + reflectedLight . indirectSpecular + totalEmissiveRadiance ;
# include < envmap _fragment >
# include < output _fragment >
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
# include < premultiplied _alpha _fragment >
# include < dithering _fragment >
` ;var Qs= `
# define STANDARD
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
varying vec3 vWorldPosition ;
# endif
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < uv2 _pars _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _pars _vertex >
# include < color _pars _vertex >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < normal _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
# include < uv2 _vertex >
# include < color _vertex >
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# include < defaultnormal _vertex >
# include < normal _vertex >
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
vViewPosition = - mvPosition . xyz ;
# include < worldpos _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
vWorldPosition = worldPosition . xyz ;
# endif
` ,e5= `
# define STANDARD
# ifdef PHYSICAL
# define IOR
# define SPECULAR
# endif
uniform vec3 diffuse ;
uniform vec3 emissive ;
uniform float roughness ;
uniform float metalness ;
uniform float opacity ;
# ifdef IOR
uniform float ior ;
# endif
# ifdef SPECULAR
uniform float specularIntensity ;
uniform vec3 specularColor ;
uniform sampler2D specularIntensityMap ;
# endif
uniform sampler2D specularColorMap ;
# endif
# endif
uniform float clearcoat ;
uniform float clearcoatRoughness ;
# endif
# ifdef USE _SHEEN
uniform vec3 sheenColor ;
uniform float sheenRoughness ;
uniform sampler2D sheenColorMap ;
# endif
uniform sampler2D sheenRoughnessMap ;
# endif
# endif
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
# include < common >
# include < packing >
# include < dithering _pars _fragment >
# include < color _pars _fragment >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < uv2 _pars _fragment >
# include < map _pars _fragment >
# include < alphamap _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < aomap _pars _fragment >
# include < lightmap _pars _fragment >
# include < emissivemap _pars _fragment >
# include < bsdfs >
# include < cube _uv _reflection _fragment >
# include < envmap _common _pars _fragment >
# include < envmap _physical _pars _fragment >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < lights _pars _begin >
# include < normal _pars _fragment >
# include < lights _physical _pars _fragment >
# include < transmission _pars _fragment >
# include < shadowmap _pars _fragment >
# include < bumpmap _pars _fragment >
# include < normalmap _pars _fragment >
# include < clearcoat _pars _fragment >
# include < roughnessmap _pars _fragment >
# include < metalnessmap _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( diffuse , opacity ) ;
ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight ( vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) ) ;
vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive ;
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < map _fragment >
# include < color _fragment >
# include < alphamap _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
# include < roughnessmap _fragment >
# include < metalnessmap _fragment >
# include < normal _fragment _begin >
# include < normal _fragment _maps >
# include < clearcoat _normal _fragment _begin >
# include < clearcoat _normal _fragment _maps >
# include < emissivemap _fragment >
// accumulation
# include < lights _physical _fragment >
# include < lights _fragment _begin >
# include < lights _fragment _maps >
# include < lights _fragment _end >
// modulation
# include < aomap _fragment >
vec3 totalDiffuse = reflectedLight . directDiffuse + reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse ;
vec3 totalSpecular = reflectedLight . directSpecular + reflectedLight . indirectSpecular ;
# include < transmission _fragment >
vec3 outgoingLight = totalDiffuse + totalSpecular + totalEmissiveRadiance ;
# ifdef USE _SHEEN
// Sheen energy compensation approximation calculation can be found at the end of
// https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T0D1VSyR4AllqIJTQAraEIzjlb5h4FKH/view?usp=sharing
float sheenEnergyComp = 1.0 - 0.157 * max3 ( material . sheenColor ) ;
outgoingLight = outgoingLight * sheenEnergyComp + sheenSpecular ;
# endif
float dotNVcc = saturate ( dot ( geometry . clearcoatNormal , geometry . viewDir ) ) ;
vec3 Fcc = F _Schlick ( material . clearcoatF0 , material . clearcoatF90 , dotNVcc ) ;
outgoingLight = outgoingLight * ( 1.0 - material . clearcoat * Fcc ) + clearcoatSpecular * material . clearcoat ;
# endif
# include < output _fragment >
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
# include < premultiplied _alpha _fragment >
# include < dithering _fragment >
` ;var t5= `
# define TOON
varying vec3 vViewPosition ;
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < uv2 _pars _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _pars _vertex >
# include < color _pars _vertex >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < normal _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
# include < uv2 _vertex >
# include < color _vertex >
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# include < defaultnormal _vertex >
# include < normal _vertex >
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < displacementmap _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
vViewPosition = - mvPosition . xyz ;
# include < worldpos _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
` ,i5= `
# define TOON
uniform vec3 diffuse ;
uniform vec3 emissive ;
uniform float opacity ;
# include < common >
# include < packing >
# include < dithering _pars _fragment >
# include < color _pars _fragment >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < uv2 _pars _fragment >
# include < map _pars _fragment >
# include < alphamap _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < aomap _pars _fragment >
# include < lightmap _pars _fragment >
# include < emissivemap _pars _fragment >
# include < gradientmap _pars _fragment >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < bsdfs >
# include < lights _pars _begin >
# include < normal _pars _fragment >
# include < lights _toon _pars _fragment >
# include < shadowmap _pars _fragment >
# include < bumpmap _pars _fragment >
# include < normalmap _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( diffuse , opacity ) ;
ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight ( vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) , vec3 ( 0.0 ) ) ;
vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive ;
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < map _fragment >
# include < color _fragment >
# include < alphamap _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
# include < normal _fragment _begin >
# include < normal _fragment _maps >
# include < emissivemap _fragment >
// accumulation
# include < lights _toon _fragment >
# include < lights _fragment _begin >
# include < lights _fragment _maps >
# include < lights _fragment _end >
// modulation
# include < aomap _fragment >
vec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight . directDiffuse + reflectedLight . indirectDiffuse + totalEmissiveRadiance ;
# include < output _fragment >
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
# include < premultiplied _alpha _fragment >
# include < dithering _fragment >
` ;var a5= `
uniform float size ;
uniform float scale ;
# include < common >
# include < color _pars _vertex >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < color _vertex >
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
gl _PointSize = size ;
bool isPerspective = isPerspectiveMatrix ( projectionMatrix ) ;
if ( isPerspective ) gl _PointSize *= ( scale / - mvPosition . z ) ;
# endif
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
# include < worldpos _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
` ,r5= `
uniform vec3 diffuse ;
uniform float opacity ;
# include < common >
# include < color _pars _fragment >
# include < map _particle _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec3 outgoingLight = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( diffuse , opacity ) ;
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < map _particle _fragment >
# include < color _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
outgoingLight = diffuseColor . rgb ;
# include < output _fragment >
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
# include < premultiplied _alpha _fragment >
` ;var n5= `
# include < common >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _pars _vertex >
# include < skinning _pars _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < beginnormal _vertex >
# include < morphnormal _vertex >
# include < skinbase _vertex >
# include < skinnormal _vertex >
# include < defaultnormal _vertex >
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < morphtarget _vertex >
# include < skinning _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
# include < worldpos _vertex >
# include < shadowmap _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
` ,s5= `
uniform vec3 color ;
uniform float opacity ;
# include < common >
# include < packing >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < bsdfs >
# include < lights _pars _begin >
# include < shadowmap _pars _fragment >
# include < shadowmask _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( color , opacity * ( 1.0 - getShadowMask ( ) ) ) ;
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
` ;var o5= `
uniform float rotation ;
uniform vec2 center ;
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _vertex >
# include < fog _pars _vertex >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _vertex >
void main ( ) {
# include < uv _vertex >
vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ;
vec2 scale ;
scale . x = length ( vec3 ( modelMatrix [ 0 ] . x , modelMatrix [ 0 ] . y , modelMatrix [ 0 ] . z ) ) ;
scale . y = length ( vec3 ( modelMatrix [ 1 ] . x , modelMatrix [ 1 ] . y , modelMatrix [ 1 ] . z ) ) ;
bool isPerspective = isPerspectiveMatrix ( projectionMatrix ) ;
if ( isPerspective ) scale *= - mvPosition . z ;
# endif
vec2 alignedPosition = ( position . xy - ( center - vec2 ( 0.5 ) ) ) * scale ;
vec2 rotatedPosition ;
rotatedPosition . x = cos ( rotation ) * alignedPosition . x - sin ( rotation ) * alignedPosition . y ;
rotatedPosition . y = sin ( rotation ) * alignedPosition . x + cos ( rotation ) * alignedPosition . y ;
mvPosition . xy += rotatedPosition ;
gl _Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition ;
# include < logdepthbuf _vertex >
# include < clipping _planes _vertex >
# include < fog _vertex >
` ,c5= `
uniform vec3 diffuse ;
uniform float opacity ;
# include < common >
# include < uv _pars _fragment >
# include < map _pars _fragment >
# include < alphamap _pars _fragment >
# include < alphatest _pars _fragment >
# include < fog _pars _fragment >
# include < logdepthbuf _pars _fragment >
# include < clipping _planes _pars _fragment >
void main ( ) {
# include < clipping _planes _fragment >
vec3 outgoingLight = vec3 ( 0.0 ) ;
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4 ( diffuse , opacity ) ;
# include < logdepthbuf _fragment >
# include < map _fragment >
# include < alphamap _fragment >
# include < alphatest _fragment >
outgoingLight = diffuseColor . rgb ;
# include < output _fragment >
# include < tonemapping _fragment >
# include < encodings _fragment >
# include < fog _fragment >
` ;var _1={alphamap_fragment:F8,alphamap_pars_fragment:B8,alphatest_fragment:P8,alphatest_pars_fragment:I8,aomap_fragment:k8,aomap_pars_fragment:U8,begin_vertex:O8,beginnormal_vertex:G8,bsdfs:q8,bumpmap_pars_fragment:W8,clipping_planes_fragment:j8,clipping_planes_pars_fragment:X8,clipping_planes_pars_vertex:Z8,clipping_planes_vertex:Y8,color_fragment:K8,color_pars_fragment: $ 8,color_pars_vertex:J8,color_vertex:Q8,common:en,cube_uv_reflection_fragment:tn,defaultnormal_vertex:an,displacementmap_pars_vertex:rn,displacementmap_vertex:nn,emissivemap_fragment:sn,emissivemap_pars_fragment:on,encodings_fragment:cn,encodings_pars_fragment:ln,envmap_fragment:un,envmap_common_pars_fragment:hn,envmap_pars_fragment:fn,envmap_pars_vertex:dn,envmap_physical_pars_fragment:An,envmap_vertex:pn,fog_vertex:mn,fog_pars_vertex:vn,fog_fragment:gn,fog_pars_fragment:xn,gradientmap_pars_fragment:Mn,lightmap_fragment:bn,lightmap_pars_fragment:yn,lights_lambert_vertex:Cn,lights_pars_begin:zn,lights_toon_fragment:wn,lights_toon_pars_fragment:_n,lights_phong_fragment:Sn,lights_phong_pars_fragment:En,lights_physical_fragment:Ln,lights_physical_pars_fragment:Dn,lights_fragment_begin:Tn,lights_fragment_maps:Hn,lights_fragment_end:Vn,logdepthbuf_fragment:Nn,logdepthbuf_pars_fragment:Rn,logdepthbuf_pars_vertex:Fn,logdepthbuf_vertex:Bn,map_fragment:Pn,map_pars_fragment:In,map_particle_fragment:kn,map_particle_pars_fragment:Un,metalnessmap_fragment:On,metalnessmap_pars_fragment:Gn,morphnormal_vertex:qn,morphtarget_pars_vertex:Wn,morphtarget_vertex:jn,normal_fragment_begin:Xn,normal_fragment_maps:Zn,normal_pars_fragment:Yn,normal_pars_vertex:Kn,normal_vertex: $ n,normalmap_pars_fragment:Jn,clearcoat_normal_fragment_begin:Qn,clearcoat_normal_fragment_maps:es,clearcoat_pars_fragment:ts,output_fragment:is,packing:as,premultiplied_alpha_fragment:rs,project_vertex:ns,dithering_fragment:ss,dithering_pars_fragment:os,roughnessmap_fragment:cs,roughnessmap_pars_fragment:ls,shadowmap_pars_fragment:us,shadowmap_pars_vertex:hs,shadowmap_vertex:fs,shadowmask_pars_fragment:ds,skinbase_vertex:ps,skinning_pars_vertex:ms,skinning_vertex:vs,skinnormal_vertex:gs,specularmap_fragment:xs,specularmap_pars_fragment:Ms,tonemapping_fragment:bs,tonemapping_pars_fragment:ys,transmission_fragment:Cs,transmission_pars_fragment:zs,uv_pars_fragment:As,uv_pars_vertex:ws,uv_vertex:_s,uv2_pars_fragment:Ss,uv2_pars_vertex:Es,uv2_vertex:Ls,worldpos_vertex:Ds,background_vert:Ts,background_frag:Hs,cube_vert:Vs,cube_frag:Ns,depth_vert:Rs,depth_frag:Fs,distanceRGBA_vert:Bs,distanceRGBA_frag:Ps,equirect_vert:Is,equirect_frag:ks,linedashed_vert:Us,linedashed_frag:Os,meshbasic_vert:Gs,meshbasic_frag:qs,meshlambert_vert:Ws,meshlambert_frag:js,meshmatcap_vert:Xs,meshmatcap_frag:Zs,meshnormal_vert:Ys,meshnormal_frag:Ks,meshphong_vert: $ s,meshphong_frag:Js,meshphysical_vert:Qs,meshphysical_frag:e5,meshtoon_vert:t5,meshtoon_frag:i5,points_vert:a5,points_frag:r5,shadow_vert:n5,shadow_frag:s5,sprite_vert:o5,sprite_frag:c5};var e1={common:{diffuse:{value:new x1(16777215)},opacity:{value:1},map:{value:null},uvTransform:{value:new r2},uv2Transform:{value:new r2},alphaMap:{value:null},alphaTest:{value:0}},specularmap:{specularMap:{value:null}},envmap:{envMap:{value:null},flipEnvMap:{value:-1},reflectivity:{value:1},ior:{value:1.5},refractionRatio:{value:.98}},aomap:{aoMap:{value:null},aoMapIntensity:{value:1}},lightmap:{lightMap:{value:null},lightMapIntensity:{value:1}},emissivemap:{emissiveMap:{value:null}},bumpmap:{bumpMap:{value:null},bumpScale:{value:1}},normalmap:{normalMap:{value:null},normalScale:{value:new z1(1,1)}},displacementmap:{displacementMap:{value:null},displacementScale:{value:1},displacementBias:{value:0}},roughnessmap:{roughnessMap:{value:null}},metalnessmap:{metalnessMap:{value:null}},gradientmap:{gradientMap:{value:null}},fog:{fogDensity:{value:25e-5},fogNear:{value:1},fogFar:{value:2e3},fogColor:{value:new x1(16777215)}},lights:{ambientLightColor:{value:[]},lightProbe:{value:[]},directionalLights:{value:[],properties:{direction:{},color:{}}},directionalLightShadows:{value:[],properties:{shadow
varying vec3 vWorldDirection ;
vec3 transformDirection ( in vec3 dir , in mat4 matrix ) {
return normalize ( ( matrix * vec4 ( dir , 0.0 ) ) . xyz ) ;
void main ( ) {
vWorldDirection = transformDirection ( position , modelMatrix ) ;
# include < begin _vertex >
# include < project _vertex >
` ,fragmentShader: `
uniform sampler2D tEquirect ;
varying vec3 vWorldDirection ;
# include < common >
void main ( ) {
vec3 direction = normalize ( vWorldDirection ) ;
vec2 sampleUV = equirectUv ( direction ) ;
gl _FragColor = texture2D ( tEquirect , sampleUV ) ;
` },a=new Ye(5,5,5),r=new ae({name:"CubemapFromEquirect",uniforms:Ke(i.uniforms),vertexShader:i.vertexShader,fragmentShader:i.fragmentShader,side:P1,blending:I2});r.uniforms.tEquirect.value=t;let s=new c2(a,r),o=t.minFilter;return t.minFilter===a4&&(t.minFilter=e2),new pi(1,10,this).update(e,s),t.minFilter=o,s.geometry.dispose(),s.material.dispose(),this}clear(e,t,i,a){let r=e.getRenderTarget();for(let s=0;s<6;s++)e.setRenderTarget(this,s),e.clear(t,i,a);e.setRenderTarget(r)}};X6.prototype.isWebGLCubeRenderTarget=!0;function p5(n){let e=new WeakMap;function t(s,o){return o===wt?s.mapping=Me:o===_t&&(s.mapping=ke),s}function i(s){if(s&&s.isTexture&&s.isRenderTargetTexture===!1){let o=s.mapping;if(o===wt||o===_t)if(e.has(s)){let l=e.get(s).texture;return t(l,s.mapping)}else{let l=s.image;if(l&&l.height>0){let c=new X6(l.height/2);return c.fromEquirectangularTexture(n,s),e.set(s,c),s.addEventListener("dispose",a),t(c.texture,s.mapping)}else return null}}return s}function a(s){let o=s.target;o.removeEventListener("dispose",a);let l=e.get(o);l!==void 0&&(e.delete(o),l.dispose())}function r(){e=new WeakMap}return{get:i,dispose:r}}var Z6=class extends et{constructor(e=-1,t=1,i=1,a=-1,r=.1,s=2e3){super();this.type="OrthographicCamera",this.zoom=1,this.view=null,this.left=e,this.right=t,this.top=i,this.bottom=a,this.near=r,this.far=s,this.updateProjectionMatrix()}copy(e,t){return super.copy(e,t),this.left=e.left,this.right=e.right,this.top=e.top,this.bottom=e.bottom,this.near=e.near,this.far=e.far,this.zoom=e.zoom,this.view=e.view===null?null:Object.assign({},e.view),this}setViewOffset(e,t,i,a,r,s){this.view===null&&(this.view={enabled:!0,fullWidth:1,fullHeight:1,offsetX:0,offsetY:0,width:1,height:1}),this.view.enabled=!0,this.view.fullWidth=e,this.view.fullHeight=t,this.view.offsetX=i,this.view.offsetY=a,this.view.width=r,this.view.height=s,this.updateProjectionMatrix()}clearViewOffset(){this.view!==null&&(this.view.enabled=!1),this.updateProjectionMatrix()}updateProjectionMatrix(){let e=(this.right-this.left)/(2*this.zoom),t=(this.top-this.bottom)/(2*this.zoom),i=(this.right+this.left)/2,a=(this.top+this.bottom)/2,r=i-e,s=i+e,o=a+t,l=a-t;if(this.view!==null&&this.view.enabled){let c=(this.right-this.left)/this.view.fullWidth/this.zoom,u=(this.top-this.bottom)/this.view.fullHeight/this.zoom;r+=c*this.view.offsetX,s=r+c*this.view.width,o-=u*this.view.offsetY,l=o-u*this.view.height}this.projectionMatrix.makeOrthographic(r,s,o,l,this.near,this.far),this.projectionMatrixInverse.copy(this.projectionMatrix).invert()}toJSON(e){let t=super.toJSON(e);return t.object.zoom=this.zoom,t.object.left=this.left,t.object.right=this.right,t.object.top=this.top,t.object.bottom=this.bottom,t.object.near=this.near,t.object.far=this.far,this.view!==null&&(t.object.view=Object.assign({},this.view)),t}};Z6.prototype.isOrthographicCamera=!0;var rt=class extends ae{constructor(e){super(e);this.type="RawShaderMaterial"}};rt.prototype.isRawShaderMaterial=!0;var nt=4,f4=8,ze=Math.pow(2,f4),m5=[.125,.215,.35,.446,.526,.582],v5=f4-nt+1+m5.length,st=20,mi=new Z6,{_lodPlanes:It,_sizeLods:g5,_sigmas:Y6}=w9(),x5=new x1,vi=null,D4=(1+Math.sqrt(5))/2,ot=1/D4,M5=[new k(1,1,1),new k(-1,1,1),new k(1,1,-1),new k(-1,1,-1),new k(0,D4,ot),new k(0,D4,-ot),new k(ot,0,D4),new k(-ot,0,D4),new k(D4,ot,0),new k(-D4,ot,0)],K6=class{constructor(e){this._renderer=e,this._pingPongRenderTarget=null,this._blurMaterial=_9(st),this._equirectShader=null,this._cubemapShader=null,this._compileMaterial(this._blurMaterial)}fromScene(e,t=0,i=.1,a=100){vi=this._renderer.getRenderTarget();let r=this._allocateTargets();return this._sceneToCubeUV(e,i,a,r),t>0&&this._blur(r,0,0,t),this._applyPMREM(r),this._cleanup(r),r}fromEquirectangular(e,t=null){return this._fromTexture(e,t)}fromCubemap(e,t=null){return this._fromTexture(e,t)}compileCubemapShader(){this._cubemapShader===null&&(this._cubemapShader=C5(),this._compileMaterial(this._cubemapShader))}compileEquirectangularShader(){this._equirectShader===null&&(this._equirectShader=y5(),this._compileMaterial(this._equirectShader))}dispose(){this._
precision mediump float ;
precision mediump int ;
varying vec3 vOutputDirection ;
uniform sampler2D envMap ;
uniform int samples ;
uniform float weights [ n ] ;
uniform bool latitudinal ;
uniform float dTheta ;
uniform float mipInt ;
uniform vec3 poleAxis ;
# include < cube _uv _reflection _fragment >
vec3 getSample ( float theta , vec3 axis ) {
float cosTheta = cos ( theta ) ;
// Rodrigues' axis-angle rotation
vec3 sampleDirection = vOutputDirection * cosTheta
+ cross ( axis , vOutputDirection ) * sin ( theta )
+ axis * dot ( axis , vOutputDirection ) * ( 1.0 - cosTheta ) ;
return bilinearCubeUV ( envMap , sampleDirection , mipInt ) ;
void main ( ) {
vec3 axis = latitudinal ? poleAxis : cross ( poleAxis , vOutputDirection ) ;
if ( all ( equal ( axis , vec3 ( 0.0 ) ) ) ) {
axis = vec3 ( vOutputDirection . z , 0.0 , - vOutputDirection . x ) ;
axis = normalize ( axis ) ;
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ;
gl _FragColor . rgb += weights [ 0 ] * getSample ( 0.0 , axis ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
if ( i >= samples ) {
break ;
float theta = dTheta * float ( i ) ;
gl _FragColor . rgb += weights [ i ] * getSample ( - 1.0 * theta , axis ) ;
gl _FragColor . rgb += weights [ i ] * getSample ( theta , axis ) ;
` ,blending:I2,depthTest:!1,depthWrite:!1})}function y5(){let n=new z1(1,1);return new rt({name:"EquirectangularToCubeUV",uniforms:{envMap:{value:null},texelSize:{value:n}},vertexShader:gi(),fragmentShader: `
precision mediump float ;
precision mediump int ;
varying vec3 vOutputDirection ;
uniform sampler2D envMap ;
uniform vec2 texelSize ;
# include < common >
void main ( ) {
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ;
vec3 outputDirection = normalize ( vOutputDirection ) ;
vec2 uv = equirectUv ( outputDirection ) ;
vec2 f = fract ( uv / texelSize - 0.5 ) ;
uv -= f * texelSize ;
vec3 tl = texture2D ( envMap , uv ) . rgb ;
uv . x += texelSize . x ;
vec3 tr = texture2D ( envMap , uv ) . rgb ;
uv . y += texelSize . y ;
vec3 br = texture2D ( envMap , uv ) . rgb ;
uv . x -= texelSize . x ;
vec3 bl = texture2D ( envMap , uv ) . rgb ;
vec3 tm = mix ( tl , tr , f . x ) ;
vec3 bm = mix ( bl , br , f . x ) ;
gl _FragColor . rgb = mix ( tm , bm , f . y ) ;
` ,blending:I2,depthTest:!1,depthWrite:!1})}function C5(){return new rt({name:"CubemapToCubeUV",uniforms:{envMap:{value:null},flipEnvMap:{value:-1}},vertexShader:gi(),fragmentShader: `
precision mediump float ;
precision mediump int ;
uniform float flipEnvMap ;
varying vec3 vOutputDirection ;
uniform samplerCube envMap ;
void main ( ) {
gl _FragColor = textureCube ( envMap , vec3 ( flipEnvMap * vOutputDirection . x , vOutputDirection . yz ) ) ;
` ,blending:I2,depthTest:!1,depthWrite:!1})}function gi(){return `
precision mediump float ;
precision mediump int ;
attribute vec3 position ;
attribute vec2 uv ;
attribute float faceIndex ;
varying vec3 vOutputDirection ;
// RH coordinate system; PMREM face-indexing convention
vec3 getDirection ( vec2 uv , float face ) {
uv = 2.0 * uv - 1.0 ;
vec3 direction = vec3 ( uv , 1.0 ) ;
if ( face == 0.0 ) {
direction = direction . zyx ; // ( 1, v, u ) pos x
} else if ( face == 1.0 ) {
direction = direction . xzy ;
direction . xz *= - 1.0 ; // ( -u, 1, -v ) pos y
} else if ( face == 2.0 ) {
direction . x *= - 1.0 ; // ( -u, v, 1 ) pos z
} else if ( face == 3.0 ) {
direction = direction . zyx ;
direction . xz *= - 1.0 ; // ( -1, v, -u ) neg x
} else if ( face == 4.0 ) {
direction = direction . xzy ;
direction . xy *= - 1.0 ; // ( -u, -1, v ) neg y
} else if ( face == 5.0 ) {
direction . z *= - 1.0 ; // ( u, v, -1 ) neg z
return direction ;
void main ( ) {
vOutputDirection = getDirection ( uv , faceIndex ) ;
gl _Position = vec4 ( position , 1.0 ) ;
` }function z5(n){let e=new WeakMap,t=null;function i(o){if(o&&o.isTexture){let l=o.mapping,c=l===wt||l===_t,u=l===Me||l===ke;if(c||u)if(o.isRenderTargetTexture&&o.needsPMREMUpdate===!0){o.needsPMREMUpdate=!1;let f=e.get(o);return t===null&&(t=new K6(n)),f=c?t.fromEquirectangular(o,f):t.fromCubemap(o,f),e.set(o,f),f.texture}else{if(e.has(o))return e.get(o).texture;{let f=o.image;if(c&&f&&f.height>0||u&&f&&a(f)){t===null&&(t=new K6(n));let h=c?t.fromEquirectangular(o):t.fromCubemap(o);return e.set(o,h),o.addEventListener("dispose",r),h.texture}else return null}}}return o}function a(o){let l=0,c=6;for(let u=0;u<c;u++)o[u]!==void 0&&l++;return l===c}function r(o){let l=o.target;l.removeEventListener("dispose",r);let c=e.get(l);c!==void 0&&(e.delete(l),c.dispose())}function s(){e=new WeakMap,t!==null&&(t.dispose(),t=null)}return{get:i,dispose:s}}function A5(n){let e={};function t(i){if(e[i]!==void 0)return e[i];let a;switch(i){case"WEBGL_depth_texture":a=n.getExtension("WEBGL_depth_texture")||n.getExtension("MOZ_WEBGL_depth_texture")||n.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_depth_texture");break;case"EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic":a=n.getExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic")||n.getExtension("MOZ_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic")||n.getExtension("WEBKIT_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic");break;case"WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc":a=n.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc")||n.getExtension("MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc")||n.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc");break;case"WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc":a=n.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc")||n.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc");break;default:a=n.getExtension(i)}return e[i]=a,a}return{has:function(i){return t(i)!==null},init:function(i){i.isWebGL2?t("EXT_color_buffer_float"):(t("WEBGL_depth_texture"),t("OES_texture_float"),t("OES_texture_half_float"),t("OES_texture_half_float_linear"),t("OES_standard_derivatives"),t("OES_element_index_uint"),t("OES_vertex_array_object"),t("ANGLE_instanced_arrays")),t("OES_texture_float_linear"),t("EXT_color_buffer_half_float"),t("WEBGL_multisampled_render_to_texture")},get:function(i){let a=t(i);return a===null&&console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: "+i+" extension not supported."),a}}}function w5(n,e,t,i){let a={},r=new WeakMap;function s(f){let h=f.target;h.index!==null&&e.remove(h.index);for(let v in h.attributes)e.remove(h.attributes[v]);h.removeEventListener("dispose",s),delete a[h.id];let m=r.get(h);m&&(e.remove(m),r.delete(h)),i.releaseStatesOfGeometry(h),h.isInstancedBufferGeometry===!0&&delete h._maxInstanceCount,t.memory.geometries--}function o(f,h){return a[h.id]===!0||(h.addEventListener("dispose",s),a[h.id]=!0,t.memory.geometries++),h}function l(f){let h=f.attributes;for(let v in h)e.update(h[v],n.ARRAY_BUFFER);let m=f.morphAttributes;for(let v in m){let g=m[v];for(let x=0,p=g.length;x<p;x++)e.update(g[x],n.ARRAY_BUFFER)}}function c(f){let h=[],m=f.index,v=f.attributes.position,g=0;if(m!==null){let d=m.array;g=m.version;for(let A=0,b=d.length;A<b;A+=3){let C=d[A+0],E=d[A+1],T=d[A+2];h.push(C,E,E,T,T,C)}}else{let d=v.array;g=v.version;for(let A=0,b=d.length/3-1;A<b;A+=3){let C=A+0,E=A+1,T=A+2;h.push(C,E,E,T,T,C)}}let x=new(V6(h)?Ht:Tt)(h,1);x.version=g;let p=r.get(f);p&&e.remove(p),r.set(f,x)}function u(f){let h=r.get(f);if(h){let m=f.index;m!==null&&h.version<m.version&&c(f)}else c(f);return r.get(f)}return{get:o,update:l,getWireframeAttribute:u}}function _5(n,e,t,i){let a=i.isWebGL2,r;function s(h){r=h}let o,l;function c(h){o=h.type,l=h.bytesPerElement}function u(h,m){n.drawElements(r,m,o,h*l),t.update(m,r,1)}function f(h,m,v){if(v===0)return;let g,x;if(a)g=n,x="drawElementsInstanced";else if(g=e.get("ANGLE_instanced_arrays"),x="drawElementsInstancedANGLE",g===null){console.error("THREE.WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer: using THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry but hardware does not support extension ANGLE_instanced_arrays.");return}g[x](r,m,o,h*l,v),t.update(m,r,v)}this.setMode=s,this.setIndex=c,this.render=u,this.renderInstances=f}function S5(n){let e={geometries:0,textures:0},t={frame:0,calls
` );for(let t=0;t<e.length;t++)e[t]=t+1+": "+e[t];return e.join( `
` )}function Mu(n){switch(n){case V2:return["Linear","( value )"];case I1:return["sRGB","( value )"];default:return console.warn("THREE.WebGLProgram: Unsupported encoding:",n),["Linear","( value )"]}}function G5(n,e,t){let i=n.getShaderParameter(e,n.COMPILE_STATUS),a=n.getShaderInfoLog(e).trim();return i&&a===""?"":t.toUpperCase()+ `
` +a+ `
` +xu(n.getShaderSource(e))}function bu(n,e){let t=Mu(e);return"vec4 "+n+"( vec4 value ) { return LinearTo"+t[0]+t[1]+"; }"}function yu(n,e){let t;switch(e){case Kr:t="Linear";break;case $ r:t="Reinhard";break;case Jr:t="OptimizedCineon";break;case Qr:t="ACESFilmic";break;case e8:t="Custom";break;default:console.warn("THREE.WebGLProgram: Unsupported toneMapping:",e),t="Linear"}return"vec3 "+n+"( vec3 color ) { return "+t+"ToneMapping( color ); }"}function Cu(n){return[n.extensionDerivatives||n.envMapCubeUV||n.bumpMap||n.tangentSpaceNormalMap||n.clearcoatNormalMap||n.flatShading||n.shaderID==="physical"?"#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable":"",(n.extensionFragDepth||n.logarithmicDepthBuffer)&&n.rendererExtensionFragDepth?"#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable":"",n.extensionDrawBuffers&&n.rendererExtensionDrawBuffers?"#extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers : require":"",(n.extensionShaderTextureLOD||n.envMap||n.transmission)&&n.rendererExtensionShaderTextureLod?"#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable":""].filter(kt).join( `
` )}function zu(n){let e=[];for(let t in n){let i=n[t];i!==!1&&e.push("#define "+t+" "+i)}return e.join( `
` )}function Au(n,e){let t={},i=n.getProgramParameter(e,n.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES);for(let a=0;a<i;a++){let r=n.getActiveAttrib(e,a),s=r.name,o=1;r.type===n.FLOAT_MAT2&&(o=2),r.type===n.FLOAT_MAT3&&(o=3),r.type===n.FLOAT_MAT4&&(o=4),t[s]={type:r.type,location:n.getAttribLocation(e,s),locationSize:o}}return t}function kt(n){return n!==""}function q5(n,e){return n.replace(/NUM_DIR_LIGHTS/g,e.numDirLights).replace(/NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS/g,e.numSpotLights).replace(/NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS/g,e.numRectAreaLights).replace(/NUM_POINT_LIGHTS/g,e.numPointLights).replace(/NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS/g,e.numHemiLights).replace(/NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS/g,e.numDirLightShadows).replace(/NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS/g,e.numSpotLightShadows).replace(/NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS/g,e.numPointLightShadows)}function W5(n,e){return n.replace(/NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES/g,e.numClippingPlanes).replace(/UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES/g,e.numClippingPlanes-e.numClipIntersection)}var wu=/^[ \t ]*#include +<([ \w \d ./]+)>/gm;function bi(n){return n.replace(wu,_u)}function _u(n,e){let t=_1[e];if(t===void 0)throw new Error("Can not resolve #include <"+e+">");return bi(t)}var Su=/#pragma unroll_loop[ \s ]+?for \( int i \= ( \d +) \; i < ( \d +) \; i \+ \+ \) \{ ([ \s \S ]+?)(?= \} ) \} /g,Eu=/#pragma unroll_loop_start \s +for \s * \( \s *int \s +i \s *= \s *( \d +) \s *; \s *i \s *< \s *( \d +) \s *; \s *i \s * \+ \+ \s * \) \s *{([ \s \S ]+?)} \s +#pragma unroll_loop_end/g;function j5(n){return n.replace(Eu,X5).replace(Su,Lu)}function Lu(n,e,t,i){return console.warn("WebGLProgram: #pragma unroll_loop shader syntax is deprecated. Please use #pragma unroll_loop_start syntax instead."),X5(n,e,t,i)}function X5(n,e,t,i){let a="";for(let r=parseInt(e);r<parseInt(t);r++)a+=i.replace(/ \[ \s *i \s * \] /g,"[ "+r+" ]").replace(/UNROLLED_LOOP_INDEX/g,r);return a}function Z5(n){let e="precision "+n.precision+ ` float ;
precision ` +n.precision+" int;";return n.precision==="highp"?e+= `
# define HIGH _PRECISION ` :n.precision==="mediump"?e+= `
# define MEDIUM _PRECISION ` :n.precision==="lowp"&&(e+= `
# define LOW _PRECISION ` ),e}function Du(n){let e="SHADOWMAP_TYPE_BASIC";return n.shadowMapType===g6?e="SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF":n.shadowMapType===x6?e="SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT":n.shadowMapType===b4&&(e="SHADOWMAP_TYPE_VSM"),e}function Tu(n){let e="ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE";if(n.envMap)switch(n.envMapMode){case Me:case ke:e="ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE";break;case i4:case St:e="ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV";break}return e}function Hu(n){let e="ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION";if(n.envMap)switch(n.envMapMode){case ke:case St:e="ENVMAP_MODE_REFRACTION";break}return e}function Vu(n){let e="ENVMAP_BLENDING_NONE";if(n.envMap)switch(n.combine){case k4:e="ENVMAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY";break;case Zr:e="ENVMAP_BLENDING_MIX";break;case Yr:e="ENVMAP_BLENDING_ADD";break}return e}function Y5(n,e,t,i){let a=n.getContext(),r=t.defines,s=t.vertexShader,o=t.fragmentShader,l=Du(t),c=Tu(t),u=Hu(t),f=Vu(t),h=t.isWebGL2?"":Cu(t),m=zu(r),v=a.createProgram(),g,x,p=t.glslVersion?"#version "+t.glslVersion+ `
` :"";t.isRawShaderMaterial?(g=[m].filter(kt).join( `
` ),g.length>0&&(g+= `
` ),x=[h,m].filter(kt).join( `
` ),x.length>0&&(x+= `
` )):(g=[Z5(t),"#define SHADER_NAME "+t.shaderName,m,t.instancing?"#define USE_INSTANCING":"",t.instancingColor?"#define USE_INSTANCING_COLOR":"",t.supportsVertexTextures?"#define VERTEX_TEXTURES":"","#define MAX_BONES "+t.maxBones,t.useFog&&t.fog?"#define USE_FOG":"",t.useFog&&t.fogExp2?"#define FOG_EXP2":"",t.map?"#define USE_MAP":"",t.envMap?"#define USE_ENVMAP":"",t.envMap?"#define "+u:"",t.lightMap?"#define USE_LIGHTMAP":"",t.aoMap?"#define USE_AOMAP":"",t.emissiveMap?"#define USE_EMISSIVEMAP":"",t.bumpMap?"#define USE_BUMPMAP":"",t.normalMap?"#define USE_NORMALMAP":"",t.normalMap&&t.objectSpaceNormalMap?"#define OBJECTSPACE_NORMALMAP":"",t.normalMap&&t.tangentSpaceNormalMap?"#define TANGENTSPACE_NORMALMAP":"",t.clearcoatMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOATMAP":"",t.clearcoatRoughnessMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",t.clearcoatNormalMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP":"",t.displacementMap&&t.supportsVertexTextures?"#define USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP":"",t.specularMap?"#define USE_SPECULARMAP":"",t.specularIntensityMap?"#define USE_SPECULARINTENSITYMAP":"",t.specularColorMap?"#define USE_SPECULARCOLORMAP":"",t.roughnessMap?"#define USE_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",t.metalnessMap?"#define USE_METALNESSMAP":"",t.alphaMap?"#define USE_ALPHAMAP":"",t.transmission?"#define USE_TRANSMISSION":"",t.transmissionMap?"#define USE_TRANSMISSIONMAP":"",t.thicknessMap?"#define USE_THICKNESSMAP":"",t.sheenColorMap?"#define USE_SHEENCOLORMAP":"",t.sheenRoughnessMap?"#define USE_SHEENROUGHNESSMAP":"",t.vertexTangents?"#define USE_TANGENT":"",t.vertexColors?"#define USE_COLOR":"",t.vertexAlphas?"#define USE_COLOR_ALPHA":"",t.vertexUvs?"#define USE_UV":"",t.uvsVertexOnly?"#define UVS_VERTEX_ONLY":"",t.flatShading?"#define FLAT_SHADED":"",t.skinning?"#define USE_SKINNING":"",t.useVertexTexture?"#define BONE_TEXTURE":"",t.morphTargets?"#define USE_MORPHTARGETS":"",t.morphNormals&&t.flatShading===!1?"#define USE_MORPHNORMALS":"",t.morphTargets&&t.isWebGL2?"#define MORPHTARGETS_TEXTURE":"",t.morphTargets&&t.isWebGL2?"#define MORPHTARGETS_COUNT "+t.morphTargetsCount:"",t.doubleSided?"#define DOUBLE_SIDED":"",t.flipSided?"#define FLIP_SIDED":"",t.shadowMapEnabled?"#define USE_SHADOWMAP":"",t.shadowMapEnabled?"#define "+l:"",t.sizeAttenuation?"#define USE_SIZEATTENUATION":"",t.logarithmicDepthBuffer?"#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF":"",t.logarithmicDepthBuffer&&t.rendererExtensionFragDepth?"#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT":"","uniform mat4 modelMatrix;","uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;","uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;","uniform mat4 viewMatrix;","uniform mat3 normalMatrix;","uniform vec3 cameraPosition;","uniform bool isOrthographic;","#ifdef USE_INSTANCING"," attribute mat4 instanceMatrix;","#endif","#ifdef USE_INSTANCING_COLOR"," attribute vec3 instanceColor;","#endif","attribute vec3 position;","attribute vec3 normal;","attribute vec2 uv;","#ifdef USE_TANGENT"," attribute vec4 tangent;","#endif","#if defined( USE_COLOR_ALPHA )"," attribute vec4 color;","#elif defined( USE_COLOR )"," attribute vec3 color;","#endif","#if ( defined( USE_MORPHTARGETS ) && ! defined( MORPHTARGETS_TEXTURE ) )"," attribute vec3 morphTarget0;"," attribute vec3 morphTarget1;"," attribute vec3 morphTarget2;"," attribute vec3 morphTarget3;"," #ifdef USE_MORPHNORMALS"," attribute vec3 morphNormal0;"," attribute vec3 morphNormal1;"," attribute vec3 morphNormal2;"," attribute vec3 morphNormal3;"," #else"," attribute vec3 morphTarget4;"," attribute vec3 morphTarget5;"," attribute vec3 morphTarget6;"," attribute vec3 morphTarget7;"," #endif","#endif","#ifdef USE_SKINNING"," attribute vec4 skinIndex;"," attribute vec4 skinWeight;","#endif", `
` ].filter(kt).join( `
` ),x=[h,Z5(t),"#define SHADER_NAME "+t.shaderName,m,t.useFog&&t.fog?"#define USE_FOG":"",t.useFog&&t.fogExp2?"#define FOG_EXP2":"",t.map?"#define USE_MAP":"",t.matcap?"#define USE_MATCAP":"",t.envMap?"#define USE_ENVMAP":"",t.envMap?"#define "+c:"",t.envMap?"#define "+u:"",t.envMap?"#define "+f:"",t.lightMap?"#define USE_LIGHTMAP":"",t.aoMap?"#define USE_AOMAP":"",t.emissiveMap?"#define USE_EMISSIVEMAP":"",t.bumpMap?"#define USE_BUMPMAP":"",t.normalMap?"#define USE_NORMALMAP":"",t.normalMap&&t.objectSpaceNormalMap?"#define OBJECTSPACE_NORMALMAP":"",t.normalMap&&t.tangentSpaceNormalMap?"#define TANGENTSPACE_NORMALMAP":"",t.clearcoat?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT":"",t.clearcoatMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOATMAP":"",t.clearcoatRoughnessMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",t.clearcoatNormalMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP":"",t.specularMap?"#define USE_SPECULARMAP":"",t.specularIntensityMap?"#define USE_SPECULARINTENSITYMAP":"",t.specularColorMap?"#define USE_SPECULARCOLORMAP":"",t.roughnessMap?"#define USE_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",t.metalnessMap?"#define USE_METALNESSMAP":"",t.alphaMap?"#define USE_ALPHAMAP":"",t.alphaTest?"#define USE_ALPHATEST":"",t.sheen?"#define USE_SHEEN":"",t.sheenColorMap?"#define USE_SHEENCOLORMAP":"",t.sheenRoughnessMap?"#define USE_SHEENROUGHNESSMAP":"",t.transmission?"#define USE_TRANSMISSION":"",t.transmissionMap?"#define USE_TRANSMISSIONMAP":"",t.thicknessMap?"#define USE_THICKNESSMAP":"",t.decodeVideoTexture?"#define DECODE_VIDEO_TEXTURE":"",t.vertexTangents?"#define USE_TANGENT":"",t.vertexColors||t.instancingColor?"#define USE_COLOR":"",t.vertexAlphas?"#define USE_COLOR_ALPHA":"",t.vertexUvs?"#define USE_UV":"",t.uvsVertexOnly?"#define UVS_VERTEX_ONLY":"",t.gradientMap?"#define USE_GRADIENTMAP":"",t.flatShading?"#define FLAT_SHADED":"",t.doubleSided?"#define DOUBLE_SIDED":"",t.flipSided?"#define FLIP_SIDED":"",t.shadowMapEnabled?"#define USE_SHADOWMAP":"",t.shadowMapEnabled?"#define "+l:"",t.premultipliedAlpha?"#define PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA":"",t.physicallyCorrectLights?"#define PHYSICALLY_CORRECT_LIGHTS":"",t.logarithmicDepthBuffer?"#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF":"",t.logarithmicDepthBuffer&&t.rendererExtensionFragDepth?"#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT":"",(t.extensionShaderTextureLOD||t.envMap)&&t.rendererExtensionShaderTextureLod?"#define TEXTURE_LOD_EXT":"","uniform mat4 viewMatrix;","uniform vec3 cameraPosition;","uniform bool isOrthographic;",t.toneMapping!==k2?"#define TONE_MAPPING":"",t.toneMapping!==k2?_1.tonemapping_pars_fragment:"",t.toneMapping!==k2?yu("toneMapping",t.toneMapping):"",t.dithering?"#define DITHERING":"",t.alphaWrite?"":"#define OPAQUE",_1.encodings_pars_fragment,bu("linearToOutputTexel",t.outputEncoding),t.depthPacking?"#define DEPTH_PACKING "+t.depthPacking:"", `
` ].filter(kt).join( `
` )),s=bi(s),s=q5(s,t),s=W5(s,t),o=bi(o),o=q5(o,t),o=W5(o,t),s=j5(s),o=j5(o),t.isWebGL2&&t.isRawShaderMaterial!==!0&&(p= ` # version 300 es
` ,g=["precision mediump sampler2DArray;","#define attribute in","#define varying out","#define texture2D texture"].join( `
` )+ `
` +g,x=["#define varying in",t.glslVersion===_3?"":"layout(location = 0) out highp vec4 pc_fragColor;",t.glslVersion===_3?"":"#define gl_FragColor pc_fragColor","#define gl_FragDepthEXT gl_FragDepth","#define texture2D texture","#define textureCube texture","#define texture2DProj textureProj","#define texture2DLodEXT textureLod","#define texture2DProjLodEXT textureProjLod","#define textureCubeLodEXT textureLod","#define texture2DGradEXT textureGrad","#define texture2DProjGradEXT textureProjGrad","#define textureCubeGradEXT textureGrad"].join( `
` )+ `
` +x);let d=p+g+s,A=p+x+o,b=Mi(a,a.VERTEX_SHADER,d),C=Mi(a,a.FRAGMENT_SHADER,A);if(a.attachShader(v,b),a.attachShader(v,C),t.index0AttributeName!==void 0?a.bindAttribLocation(v,0,t.index0AttributeName):t.morphTargets===!0&&a.bindAttribLocation(v,0,"position"),a.linkProgram(v),n.debug.checkShaderErrors){let _=a.getProgramInfoLog(v).trim(),P=a.getShaderInfoLog(b).trim(),F=a.getShaderInfoLog(C).trim(),M=!0,D=!0;if(a.getProgramParameter(v,a.LINK_STATUS)===!1){M=!1;let z=G5(a,b,"vertex"),H=G5(a,C,"fragment");console.error("THREE.WebGLProgram: Shader Error "+a.getError()+" - VALIDATE_STATUS "+a.getProgramParameter(v,a.VALIDATE_STATUS)+ `
Program Info Log : ` +_+ `
` +z+ `
` +H)}else _!==""?console.warn("THREE.WebGLProgram: Program Info Log:",_):(P===""||F==="")&&(D=!1);D&&(this.diagnostics={runnable:M,programLog:_,vertexShader:{log:P,prefix:g},fragmentShader:{log:F,prefix:x}})}a.deleteShader(b),a.deleteShader(C);let E;this.getUniforms=function(){return E===void 0&&(E=new Ae(a,v)),E};let T;return this.getAttributes=function(){return T===void 0&&(T=Au(a,v)),T},this.destroy=function(){i.releaseStatesOfProgram(this),a.deleteProgram(v),this.program=void 0},this.name=t.shaderName,this.id=gu++,this.cacheKey=e,this.usedTimes=1,this.program=v,this.vertexShader=b,this.fragmentShader=C,this}var Nu=0,yi=class{constructor(){this.shaderCache=new Map,this.materialCache=new Map}update(e){let t=e.vertexShader,i=e.fragmentShader,a=this._getShaderStage(t),r=this._getShaderStage(i),s=this._getShaderCacheForMaterial(e);return s.has(a)===!1&&(s.add(a),a.usedTimes++),s.has(r)===!1&&(s.add(r),r.usedTimes++),this}remove(e){let t=this.materialCache.get(e);for(let i of t)i.usedTimes--,i.usedTimes===0&&this.shaderCache.delete(i);return this.materialCache.delete(e),this}getVertexShaderID(e){return this._getShaderStage(e.vertexShader).id}getFragmentShaderID(e){return this._getShaderStage(e.fragmentShader).id}dispose(){this.shaderCache.clear(),this.materialCache.clear()}_getShaderCacheForMaterial(e){let t=this.materialCache;return t.has(e)===!1&&t.set(e,new Set),t.get(e)}_getShaderStage(e){let t=this.shaderCache;if(t.has(e)===!1){let i=new K5;t.set(e,i)}return t.get(e)}},K5=class{constructor(){this.id=Nu++,this.usedTimes=0}};function $ 5(n,e,t,i,a,r,s){let o=new Nt,l=new yi,c=[],u=a.isWebGL2,f=a.logarithmicDepthBuffer,h=a.floatVertexTextures,m=a.maxVertexUniforms,v=a.vertexTextures,g=a.precision,x={MeshDepthMaterial:"depth",MeshDistanceMaterial:"distanceRGBA",MeshNormalMaterial:"normal",MeshBasicMaterial:"basic",MeshLambertMaterial:"lambert",MeshPhongMaterial:"phong",MeshToonMaterial:"toon",MeshStandardMaterial:"physical",MeshPhysicalMaterial:"physical",MeshMatcapMaterial:"matcap",LineBasicMaterial:"basic",LineDashedMaterial:"dashed",PointsMaterial:"points",ShadowMaterial:"shadow",SpriteMaterial:"sprite"};function p(M){let z=M.skeleton.bones;if(h)return 1024;{let V=Math.floor((m-20)/4),L=Math.min(V,z.length);return L<z.length?(console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Skeleton has "+z.length+" bones. This GPU supports "+L+"."),0):L}}function d(M,D,z,H,V){let L=H.fog,N=M.isMeshStandardMaterial?H.environment:null,U=(M.isMeshStandardMaterial?t:e).get(M.envMap||N),Z=x[M.type],O=V.isSkinnedMesh?p(V):0;M.precision!==null&&(g=a.getMaxPrecision(M.precision),g!==M.precision&&console.warn("THREE.WebGLProgram.getParameters:",M.precision,"not supported, using",g,"instead."));let W,X,Q,a1;if(Z){let n1=G2[Z];W=n1.vertexShader,X=n1.fragmentShader}else W=M.vertexShader,X=M.fragmentShader,l.update(M),Q=l.getVertexShaderID(M),a1=l.getFragmentShaderID(M);let B=n.getRenderTarget(),M1=M.alphaTest>0,u1=M.clearcoat>0;return{isWebGL2:u,shaderID:Z,shaderName:M.type,vertexShader:W,fragmentShader:X,defines:M.defines,customVertexShaderID:Q,customFragmentShaderID:a1,isRawShaderMaterial:M.isRawShaderMaterial===!0,glslVersion:M.glslVersion,precision:g,instancing:V.isInstancedMesh===!0,instancingColor:V.isInstancedMesh===!0&&V.instanceColor!==null,supportsVertexTextures:v,outputEncoding:B===null?n.outputEncoding:B.isXRRenderTarget===!0?B.texture.encoding:V2,map:!!M.map,matcap:!!M.matcap,envMap:!!U,envMapMode:U&&U.mapping,envMapCubeUV:!!U&&(U.mapping===i4||U.mapping===St),lightMap:!!M.lightMap,aoMap:!!M.aoMap,emissiveMap:!!M.emissiveMap,bumpMap:!!M.bumpMap,normalMap:!!M.normalMap,objectSpaceNormalMap:M.normalMapType===x8,tangentSpaceNormalMap:M.normalMapType===w6,decodeVideoTexture:!!M.map&&M.map.isVideoTexture===!0&&M.map.encoding===I1,clearcoat:u1,clearcoatMap:u1&&!!M.clearcoatMap,clearcoatRoughnessMap:u1&&!!M.clearcoatRoughnessMap,clearcoatNormalMap:u1&&!!M.clearcoatNormalMap,displacementMap:!!M.displacementMap,roughnessMap:!!M.roughnessMap,metalnessMap:!!M.metalnessMap,specularMap:!!M.specularMap,specularIntensityMap:!!M.specularIntensityMap,specularColor
void main ( ) {
gl _Position = vec4 ( position , 1.0 ) ;
` ,so= `
uniform sampler2D shadow _pass ;
uniform vec2 resolution ;
uniform float radius ;
# include < packing >
void main ( ) {
const float samples = float ( VSM _SAMPLES ) ;
float mean = 0.0 ;
float squared _mean = 0.0 ;
// This seems totally useless but it's a crazy work around for a Adreno compiler bug
// float depth = unpackRGBAToDepth( texture2D( shadow_pass, ( gl_FragCoord.xy ) / resolution ) );
float uvStride = samples <= 1.0 ? 0.0 : 2.0 / ( samples - 1.0 ) ;
float uvStart = samples <= 1.0 ? 0.0 : - 1.0 ;
for ( float i = 0.0 ; i < samples ; i ++ ) {
float uvOffset = uvStart + i * uvStride ;
vec2 distribution = unpackRGBATo2Half ( texture2D ( shadow _pass , ( gl _FragCoord . xy + vec2 ( uvOffset , 0.0 ) * radius ) / resolution ) ) ;
mean += distribution . x ;
squared _mean += distribution . y * distribution . y + distribution . x * distribution . x ;
# else
float depth = unpackRGBAToDepth ( texture2D ( shadow _pass , ( gl _FragCoord . xy + vec2 ( 0.0 , uvOffset ) * radius ) / resolution ) ) ;
mean += depth ;
squared _mean += depth * depth ;
# endif
mean = mean / samples ;
squared _mean = squared _mean / samples ;
float std _dev = sqrt ( squared _mean - mean * mean ) ;
gl _FragColor = pack2HalfToRGBA ( vec2 ( mean , std _dev ) ) ;
` ;function oo(n,e,t){let i=new E4,a=new z1,r=new z1,s=new q1,o=new e0({depthPacking:g8}),l=new t0,c={},u=t.maxTextureSize,f={0:P1,1:Ie,2:Y2},h=new ae({defines:{VSM_SAMPLES:8},uniforms:{shadow_pass:{value:null},resolution:{value:new z1},radius:{value:4}},vertexShader:no,fragmentShader:so}),m=h.clone();m.defines.HORIZONTAL_PASS=1;let v=new M2;v.setAttribute("position",new x2(new Float32Array([-1,-1,.5,3,-1,.5,-1,3,.5]),3));let g=new c2(v,h),x=this;this.enabled=!1,this.autoUpdate=!0,this.needsUpdate=!1,this.type=g6,this.render=function(b,C,E){if(x.enabled===!1||x.autoUpdate===!1&&x.needsUpdate===!1||b.length===0)return;let T=n.getRenderTarget(),_=n.getActiveCubeFace(),P=n.getActiveMipmapLevel(),F=n.state;F.setBlending(I2),F.buffers.color.setClear(1,1,1,1),F.buffers.depth.setTest(!0),F.setScissorTest(!1);for(let M=0,D=b.length;M<D;M++){let z=b[M],H=z.shadow;if(H===void 0){console.warn("THREE.WebGLShadowMap:",z,"has no shadow.");continue}if(H.autoUpdate===!1&&H.needsUpdate===!1)continue;a.copy(H.mapSize);let V=H.getFrameExtents();if(a.multiply(V),r.copy(H.mapSize),(a.x>u||a.y>u)&&(a.x>u&&(r.x=Math.floor(u/V.x),a.x=r.x*V.x,H.mapSize.x=r.x),a.y>u&&(r.y=Math.floor(u/V.y),a.y=r.y*V.y,H.mapSize.y=r.y)),H.map===null&&!H.isPointLightShadow&&this.type===b4){let N={minFilter:e2,magFilter:e2,format:W1};H.map=new d2(a.x,a.y,N),H.map.texture.name=z.name+".shadowMap",H.mapPass=new d2(a.x,a.y,N),H.camera.updateProjectionMatrix()}if(H.map===null){let N={minFilter:Q1,magFilter:Q1,format:W1};H.map=new d2(a.x,a.y,N),H.map.texture.name=z.name+".shadowMap",H.camera.updateProjectionMatrix()}n.setRenderTarget(H.map),n.clear();let L=H.getViewportCount();for(let N=0;N<L;N++){let U=H.getViewport(N);s.set(r.x*U.x,r.y*U.y,r.x*U.z,r.y*U.w),F.viewport(s),H.updateMatrices(z,N),i=H.getFrustum(),A(C,E,H.camera,z,this.type)}!H.isPointLightShadow&&this.type===b4&&p(H,E),H.needsUpdate=!1}x.needsUpdate=!1,n.setRenderTarget(T,_,P)};function p(b,C){let E=e.update(g);h.defines.VSM_SAMPLES!==b.blurSamples&&(h.defines.VSM_SAMPLES=b.blurSamples,m.defines.VSM_SAMPLES=b.blurSamples,h.needsUpdate=!0,m.needsUpdate=!0),h.uniforms.shadow_pass.value=b.map.texture,h.uniforms.resolution.value=b.mapSize,h.uniforms.radius.value=b.radius,n.setRenderTarget(b.mapPass),n.clear(),n.renderBufferDirect(C,null,E,h,g,null),m.uniforms.shadow_pass.value=b.mapPass.texture,m.uniforms.resolution.value=b.mapSize,m.uniforms.radius.value=b.radius,n.setRenderTarget(b.map),n.clear(),n.renderBufferDirect(C,null,E,m,g,null)}function d(b,C,E,T,_,P,F){let M=null,D=T.isPointLight===!0?b.customDistanceMaterial:b.customDepthMaterial;if(D!==void 0?M=D:M=T.isPointLight===!0?l:o,n.localClippingEnabled&&E.clipShadows===!0&&E.clippingPlanes.length!==0||E.displacementMap&&E.displacementScale!==0||E.alphaMap&&E.alphaTest>0){let z=M.uuid,H=E.uuid,V=c[z];V===void 0&&(V={},c[z]=V);let L=V[H];L===void 0&&(L=M.clone(),V[H]=L),M=L}return M.visible=E.visible,M.wireframe=E.wireframe,F===b4?M.side=E.shadowSide!==null?E.shadowSide:E.side:M.side=E.shadowSide!==null?E.shadowSide:f[E.side],M.alphaMap=E.alphaMap,M.alphaTest=E.alphaTest,M.clipShadows=E.clipShadows,M.clippingPlanes=E.clippingPlanes,M.clipIntersection=E.clipIntersection,M.displacementMap=E.displacementMap,M.displacementScale=E.displacementScale,M.displacementBias=E.displacementBias,M.wireframeLinewidth=E.wireframeLinewidth,M.linewidth=E.linewidth,T.isPointLight===!0&&M.isMeshDistanceMaterial===!0&&(M.referencePosition.setFromMatrixPosition(T.matrixWorld),M.nearDistance=_,M.farDistance=P),M}function A(b,C,E,T,_){if(b.visible===!1)return;if(b.layers.test(C.layers)&&(b.isMesh||b.isLine||b.isPoints)&&(b.castShadow||b.receiveShadow&&_===b4)&&(!b.frustumCulled||i.intersectsObject(b))){b.modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices(E.matrixWorldInverse,b.matrixWorld);let M=e.update(b),D=b.material;if(Array.isArray(D)){let z=M.groups;for(let H=0,V=z.length;H<V;H++){let L=z[H],N=D[L.materialIndex];if(N&&N.visible){let U=d(b,M,N,T,E.near,E.far,_);n.renderBufferDirect(E,null,M,U,b,L)}}}else if(D.visible){let z=d(b,M,D,T,E.near,E.far,_);n.renderBufferDirect(E,null,M,z,b,null)}}let F
` ),h=!0);let[x,p]=g.innerText.match(/^dice \- mod: \s *([ \s \S ]+) \s *?/),d=this.data.displayFormulaForMod;p.includes("|noform")&&(d=!1),p.includes("|form")&&(d=!0),p=p.replace("|noform","").replace("|form","");let A=await this.getRoller(p,a.sourcePath);m.push(new Promise((b,C)=>{A.on("new-result",async()=>{let E=f.slice(o.lineStart,o.lineEnd+1),T=A.replacer;if(!T){new l2.Notice("Dice Roller: There was an issue modifying the file.");return}let _=d? ` $ { A . inlineText } * * $ { T } * * ` : ` $ { T } ` ;E=E.join( `
` ).replace( ` \ ` ${ x } \` ` , _ ) . split ( `
` ),f.splice(o.lineStart,o.lineEnd-o.lineStart+1,...E),b()})})),await A.roll();continue}catch(x){console.error(x)}if(!!/^dice(?: \+ | \- | \- mod)?: \s *([ \s \S ]+) \s *?/.test(g.innerText))try{let[,x]=g.innerText.match(/^dice(?: \+ | \- | \- mod)?: \s *([ \s \S ]+) \s *?/),p=await this.getRoller(x,a.sourcePath),d=this.data.results?.[s]?.[l]?.[v]??null;(this.data.persistResults&&!/dice \- /.test(g.innerText)||/dice \+ /.test(g.innerText))&&(this.persistingFiles.add(a.sourcePath),u[v]=p,p.save=!0);let A=async()=>{await p.roll(),p.save&&d&&await p.applyResult(d),g.replaceWith(p.containerEl)};p.loaded?await A():p.on("loaded",async()=>{await A()}),this.fileMap.has(c)||this.fileMap.set(c,[]),this.fileMap.set(c,[...this.fileMap.get(c),p]);let b=this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(l2.MarkdownView);if(b&&this.fileMap.has(c)&&this.fileMap.get(c).length===1){let C=this,E=A0(b,{onUnloadFile:function(T){return async function(_){return _==c&&(C.fileMap.delete(c),E()),await T.call(this,_)}}});b.register(E),b.register(()=>this.fileMap.delete(c))}}catch(x){console.error(x),new l2.Notice( ` There was an error parsing the dice string : $ { g . innerText } .
$ { x } ` ,5e3);continue}}if(h&&m.length&&(await Promise.all(m),await this.app.vault.modify(c,f.join( `
` ))),s in this.data.results&&(this.data.results[s][l]={}),Object.entries(u).length){let v=this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(l2.MarkdownView);if(v){let g=this,x=A0(v,{onUnloadFile:function(p){return async function(d){if(d=c){g.persistingFiles.has(s)&&(g.persistingFiles.delete(s),g.data.results[s]={});for(let A in u){let b=u[A],C=a.getSectionInfo(i)?.lineStart;if(C==null)continue;let E={[C]:{...g.data.results[s]?.[C]??{},[A]:b.toResult()}};g.data.results[s]={...g.data.results[s]??{},...E},await g.saveSettings()}}return x(),await p.call(this,d)}}});v.register(x),v.register(async()=>{this.persistingFiles.has(s)&&(this.persistingFiles.delete(s),this.data.results[s]={});for(let p in u){let d=u[p],A=a.getSectionInfo(i)?.lineStart;if(A==null)continue;let b={[A]:{...this.data.results[s]?.[A]??{},[p]:d.toResult()}};this.data.results[s]={...this.data.results[s]??{},...b},await this.saveSettings()}})}}}),this.app.workspace.onLayoutReady(async()=>{await this.registerDataviewInlineFields()})}get canUseDataview(){return this.app.plugins.getPlugin("dataview")!=null}get dataview(){return this.app.plugins.getPlugin("dataview")}async dataviewReady(){return new Promise(e=>{this.canUseDataview||e(!1),this.dataview.api&&e(!0),this.registerEvent(this.app.metadataCache.on("dataview:api-ready",()=>{e(!0)}))})}get view(){let e=this.app.workspace.getLeavesOfType(v4),t=e.length?e[0]:null;if(t&&t.view&&t.view instanceof $ e)return t.view}async addDiceView(e=!1){e&&!this.data.showLeafOnStartup||this.app.workspace.getLeavesOfType(v4).length||await this.app.workspace.getRightLeaf(!1).setViewState({type:v4})}async registerDataviewInlineFields(){if(!this.canUseDataview)return;await this.dataviewReady(),this.dataview.index.pages.forEach(({fields:t})=>{for(let[i,a]of t)typeof a!="number"||Number.isNaN(a)||a==null||this.inline.set(i,a)}),this.registerEvent(this.app.metadataCache.on("dataview:metadata-change",(t,i)=>{if(t==="update"){let a=this.dataview.api.page(i.path);if(!a)return;for(let r in a){let s=a[r];typeof s!="number"||Number.isNaN(s)||s==null||this.inline.set(r,s)}}}))}async renderRoll(e){if(!(e instanceof de)||!e?.dice?.length){new l2.Notice( ` This dice roll can ' t be rendered : $ { e . original } ` );return}this.addChild(this.renderer),this.renderer.setDice(e),await this.renderer.start(),e.recalculate()}async parseDice(e,t){let i=await this.getRoller(e,t);return{result:await i.roll(),roller:i}}clearEmpties(e){for(var t in e)!e[t]||typeof e[t]!="object"||(this.clearEmpties(e[t]),Object.keys(e[t]).length===0&&delete e[t])}async saveSettings(){this.clearEmpties(this.data.results),await this.saveData(this.data)}get dataview_regex(){let e=Array.from(this.inline.keys());return e.length?new RegExp( ` ( $ { e . join ( "|" ) } ) ` ,"g"):null}async getRoller(e,t,i=this.data.showDice){e=e.replace(/ \\ \| /g,"|");let a=e.includes("|nodice")?!1:i,r=this.data.renderAllDice,s=this.data.displayResultsInline,o=A2.Roll,l="",c=/ \| text \( (.*) \) /;if(e.includes("|render")&&(r=!0),e.includes("|norender")&&(r=!1),e.includes("|form")&&(s=!0),e.includes("|noform")&&(s=!1),e.includes("|avg")&&(o=A2.Average),e.includes("|none")&&(o=A2.None),e.includes("|text(")){let[,h]=e.match(c)??[null,""];l=h}e=(0,yo.decode)(e.replace("|nodice","").replace("|render","").replace("|norender","").replace("|noform","").replace("|form","").replace("|avg","").replace("|none","").replace(c,"")),e in this.data.formulas&&(e=this.data.formulas[e]);let u=this.parse(e);switch(this.getTypeFromLexemes(u)){case"dice":{let h=new de(this,e,u,a,l,o);return h.shouldRender=r,h.showFormula=s,h}case"table":{let h=new xt(this,e,u[0],t,a);return await h.init,h}case"section":return new i6(this,e,u[0],t,a);case"tag":{if(!this.canUseDataview)throw new Error("Tags are only supported with the Dataview plugin installed.");return new S0(this,e,u[0],t,a)}case"link":return new E0(this,e,u[0],t,a);case"line":return new L0(this,e,u[0],t,a)}}getTypeFromLexemes(e){return e.some(({type:t})=>t==="table")?"table":e.some(({type:t})=>t==="section")?"section":e.some(({type:t})=>t==="tag")?"tag":e.some(({type:t})=>t==="link")?"link":e.some(({type:t})=>
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