Obsidian/05.02 Networks/Configuring Telegram bots.md

179 lines
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3 years ago
Alias: ["Telegram bot"]
Tag: ["Computer", "Server", "Communication", "Monitoring"]
Date: 2022-03-10
3 years ago
DocType: "Personal"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Parent:: [[Selfhosting]], [[Server Alias]], [[Server Cloud]], [[Server Tools]], [[Server VPN]]
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Configuring Telegram bots
title: Summary
collapse: open
This note allows to configure Telegram bots for pairing with certain services.
style: number
### Linking services with a Telegram bot
#### Creating a Telegram Bot
1. In Telegram, look for '@BotFather'
2. Initialise with `/start`
3. Create bot with `/newbot`
Record the Token from the message from *BotFather*.
#### Getting the Bot's Chat ID
In a terminal, run:
title: Telegram Chat ID
curl https://api.telegram.org/bot$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/getUpdates | jq .message.chat.id
#### Linking Logwatch
Please see full documentation [[GitHub - fxkjdlogwatch-telegram-bot Send logwatch results to your telegram account|here]].
#### Linking monit
Please see full documentation [[GitHub - matriphemonit2telegram A simple script to send Monit alerts using Telegram bot.|here]].
3 years ago
#### Linking fail2ban
Please see full documentation [[GitHub - deividgdtfail2ban_telegram_notifications Sending fail2ban notifications using a Telegram bot|here]] for SSH monitoring.
3 years ago
### Current bots
#### Logwatch and Monit
A bot has been created for [[Configuring Monit|monit]] and Logwatch.
title: Credentials
| Variable | Value
| - | -
| Name | Logwatch_servers
| Username | [mbvservers_bot](https://t.me/mbvservers_bot)
| Token | 5218097204:AAEnsZLTk4TTk-X-MceuoIGX0IQWLkngM4E
| Chat ID | 1622082350
3 years ago
#### Alias Server
title: Credentials
| Variable | Value
| - | -
| Name | Alias Server
| Username | [AliasServer_bot](https://t.me/AliasServer_bot)
| Token | 5152026161:AAEz4uzDmu8NwrQ5keVmeQNoW4crFVNA0Mg
| Chat ID | 1622082350
#### Cloud Server
title: Credentials
| Variable | Value
| - | -
| Name | Cloud Server
| Username | [CloudServer_mfxm_bot](https://t.me/CloudServer_mfxm_bot)
| Token | 5195880175:AAHn9EeBWX0tNszSX4MvWUtJ2I3K8wmCIKw
| Chat ID | 1622082350
#### Tools Server
title: Credentials
| Variable | Value
| - | -
| Name | Tools Server
| Username | [Tools_mfxm_bot](https://t.me/Tools_mfxm_bot)
| Token | 5084726395:AAGCxr7VvG_fsrO7JWexlQgPt3dtwCijKjY
| Chat ID | 1622082350
#### VPN Server
title: Credentials
| Variable | Value
| - | -
| Name | VPN Server
| Username | [VPN_mfxm_bot](https://t.me/VPN_mfxm_bot)
| Token | 5159102890:AAFt6QIaUiWZsskc9CFveJBHORjmZYgzTiE
| Chat ID | 1622082350