sunday push

iOS 1 year ago
parent f2aa5fdc2d
commit 8f8de1d424

@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
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sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc" />
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sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc" />
d="m 95.55608,176.34749 -2.5,2 -3.125,-2.1875 -3.0625,2.25 -2.625,-2.125 -3,1.75 -2.375,-1.875 -2.9375,1.875 -2,-2 -3.125,1.5625 -2.1875,-2.3125 -3.125,1.4375 -2.4375,-2.5 -3.1875,1.5 -1.8125,-2 -3,0.9375 -1.9375,-2.4375 -3.3125,1.0625 -1.0625,-2.3125 -3.5,0.6875 -1.3125,-2.3125 -3.25,0.5 -1.125,-2.625 -3.4375,0.1875 -1.0625,-2.625 -2.875,0.1875 -0.5625,-3 -2.3125,0.375 0.125,-2.5625 -2.562496,-0.6875 0.3125,-2.9375 -2.3125,-1.375 0.5625,-3.1875 -2.3125,-2 0.625,-3.3125 -2.1875,-2.125 0.2755,-2.41996 -1.41498,-2.29848 0.23151,-2.94499 1.49201,2.56716 2.58461,0.80006 -0.13568,2.77214 2.967026,-0.60093 0.6875,2.5 3,-0.3125 1,2.75 3.1875,-0.25 1.375,2.75 3.75,-0.5625 0.9375,2.5 3.75,-0.5625 2.03551,2.875 3.54572,-1.25 2.29815,2.875 3.67704,-1.5625 1.96984,2.4375 3.34874,-1.375 2.76437,2.125 3.3101,-1.375 2.16184,2.0625 2.95417,-1.4375 3.22307,2.125 3.02573,-1.6875 3.22306,2.125 3.02573,-2 3.03343,2.375 2.46656,-2.03125 2.971,2.90094 10.1567,-1.32736 10.1567,1.32736 2.971,-2.90094 2.46656,2.03125 3.03343,-2.375 3.02573,2 3.22306,-2.125 3.02573,1.6875 3.22307,-2.125 2.95417,1.4375 2.16184,-2.0625 3.3101,1.375 2.76437,-2.125 3.34874,1.375 1.96984,-2.4375 3.67704,1.5625 2.29815,-2.875 3.54572,1.25 2.03551,-2.875 3.75,0.5625 0.9375,-2.5 3.75,0.5625 1.375,-2.75 3.1875,0.25 1,-2.75 3,0.3125 0.6875,-2.5 2.96703,0.60093 -0.13568,-2.77214 2.58461,-0.80006 1.49201,-2.56716 0.23151,2.94499 -1.41498,2.29848 0.2755,2.41996 -2.1875,2.125 0.625,3.3125 -2.3125,2 0.5625,3.1875 -2.3125,1.375 0.3125,2.9375 -2.5625,0.6875 0.125,2.5625 -2.3125,-0.375 -0.5625,3 -2.875,-0.1875 -1.0625,2.625 -3.4375,-0.1875 -1.125,2.625 -3.25,-0.5 -1.3125,2.3125 -3.5,-0.6875 -1.0625,2.3125 -3.3125,-1.0625 -1.9375,2.4375 -3,-0.9375 -1.8125,2 -3.1875,-1.5 -2.4375,2.5 -3.125,-1.4375 -2.1875,2.3125 -3.125,-1.5625 -2,2 -2.9375,-1.875 -2.375,1.875 -3,-1.75 -2.625,2.125 -3.0625,-2.25 -3.125,2.1875 -2.5,-2 -8.87826,0.5 z"
sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc" />
d="m 125.77662,217.96288 c 3.79695,-5.47817 11.9942,-13.13215 21.92031,-12.85017 9.57029,0.27187 14.41969,5.30646 14.93763,13.47819 0.35929,5.66865 -0.68007,9.46231 -6.82029,13.83937 -15.054,7.1538 -35.40631,12.00499 -51.38403,11.23355 z"
sodipodi:nodetypes="cssccc" />
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d="m 108.66649,40.513851 c 0.62618,-3.401431 1.24222,-6.389545 2.58301,-9.628487 3.09554,-7.477898 2.03849,-11.843107 1.26803,-14.291316 -0.47119,0.314171 -1.23326,1.411659 -1.68252,2.058143 -0.0565,-1.533508 -0.24812,-3.184273 -0.49916,-4.765523 -0.61267,0.490241 -1.22346,1.342491 -1.74685,2.074995 -0.0986,-1.416607 -0.0911,-3.340591 -0.55998,-4.681683 -0.63703,0.770294 -0.98442,1.238946 -1.42098,1.905982 -0.2928,-2.165224 -1.13502,-4.2191505 -2.17375,-5.3209085 -1.03873,1.101758 -1.88095,3.1556845 -2.17375,5.3209085 -0.43656,-0.667036 -0.78395,-1.135688 -1.42098,-1.905982 -0.46886,1.341092 -0.46134,3.265076 -0.55998,4.681683 -0.52339,-0.732504 -1.13418,-1.584754 -1.74685,-2.074995 -0.25104,1.58125 -0.44269,3.232015 -0.49916,4.765522 -0.44926,-0.646484 -1.21133,-1.743971 -1.68252,-2.058142 -0.77046,2.448208 -1.82751,6.813417 1.26803,14.291315 1.34079,3.238942 1.95683,6.227056 2.58301,9.628487 l 4.2322,0 z"
sodipodi:nodetypes="cscccccccccccccsccc" />
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transform="scale(-1,1)" />
transform="scale(-1,1)" />
transform="scale(-1,1)" />
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"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Barfussbar </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Barfussbar </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/The Old\"> The Old Crow </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-22 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/\"> Household </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Klewenalp </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.03 Family/Joséphine Bé\"> Joséphine Bédier </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG (1-4).md\"> 2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG (1-4) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans -\"> 2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans -\"> 2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans -\"> 2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/Hoch\"> Hoch Ybrig </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Hoch\"> Hoch Ybrig </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Configuring\"> Configuring UFW </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/Bandes Dessiné\"> Bandes Dessinées </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Sawerdo </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Les Sales\"> Les Sales Gosses </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Le\"> Le Bologne </a>",
@ -12755,24 +12880,34 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-11 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/Storage and\"> Storage and Syncing </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/\"> Household </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.08 Bookmarks/Bookmarks - Gift\"> Bookmarks - Gift ideas </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Bookmarks - Gift\"> Bookmarks - Gift ideas </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-06 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.01 Life Orga/\"> @Finances </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Vesoul (by Jacques Brel).md\"> Vesoul (by Jacques Brel) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Sings & Plays 12 Negro Spirituals (by Bill Coleman - 1968).md\"> Sings & Plays 12 Negro Spirituals (by Bill Coleman - 1968) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"04.01\"> Hosting Tasks </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-05 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/\"> @Vinyls </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Collection Barbara (by Barbara - 1992).md\"> Collection Barbara (by Barbara - 1992) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/I Can Understand It (by Bobby Womack - 1974).md\"> I Can Understand It (by Bobby Womack - 1974) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Reggea Rebel (by Bob Marley & the Wailers - 1984).md\"> Reggea Rebel (by Bob Marley & the Wailers - 1984) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Templates/Template\"> Template Music </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Nastradamus (by Nas - 1999).md\"> Nastradamus (by Nas - 1999) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Test Sheet\"> Test Sheet 2 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Nas -\"> Nas - Nastradamus </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.08 Bookmarks/Bookmarks - Gift\"> Bookmarks - Gift ideas </a>"
"Created": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Highway to Hell (by ACDC - 1979).md\"> Highway to Hell (by ACDC - 1979) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers) (by WuTang Clan - 1993).md\"> Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers) (by WuTang Clan - 1993) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Thriller (by Michael Jackson - 1982).md\"> Thriller (by Michael Jackson - 1982) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-28 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-27 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-26 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-25 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Interview with the Vampire - The Vampire Chronicles (1994).md\"> Interview with the Vampire - The Vampire Chronicles (1994) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/When Jewelry Influences\"> When Jewelry Influences Watchmakers </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-24 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Rain Man (1988).md\"> Rain Man (1988) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Inside the house shows that bolster Bostons lacking\"> Inside the house shows that bolster Bostons lacking nightlife </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-23 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-22 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Olympic Champion Carissa Moore Goes in Search of a New\"> Olympic Champion Carissa Moore Goes in Search of a New Identity </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went\"> Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went AWOL </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/The ballad of Lars and\"> The ballad of Lars and Bruno </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/My cousin was killed by a car bomb in Milwaukee. A mob boss was the top suspect. Now, Im looking for\"> My cousin was killed by a car bomb in Milwaukee. A mob boss was the top suspect. Now, Im looking for answers. </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-21 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans -\"> 2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-20 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/I Walk the Line (by Johnny Cash - 1987).md\"> I Walk the Line (by Johnny Cash - 1987) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Première Consultation (by Doc Gynéco - 1996).md\"> Première Consultation (by Doc Gynéco - 1996) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Untitled </a>",
@ -12798,34 +12933,23 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/An Iowa paperboy disappeared 41 years ago. His mother is still on the\"> An Iowa paperboy disappeared 41 years ago. His mother is still on the case </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Skipping School Americas Hidden Education\"> Skipping School Americas Hidden Education Crisis </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/A Knife Forged in\"> A Knife Forged in Fire </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-14 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-13 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Ferrari (2023).md\"> Ferrari (2023) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-12 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-11 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-10 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-09 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/The Sea Beyond (2020).md\"> The Sea Beyond (2020) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-08 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Perfect Days (2023).md\"> Perfect Days (2023) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Galette des rois à la frangipane la recette légère et moelleuse de Christian Le\"> Galette des rois à la frangipane la recette légère et moelleuse de Christian Le Squer </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Fifth\"> Fifth Sun </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/A Gaza Conundrum The Story Behind the Rise of\"> A Gaza Conundrum The Story Behind the Rise of Hamas </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Why Parents Struggle So Much in the World's Richest\"> Why Parents Struggle So Much in the World's Richest Country </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Was Frank Gore the Last NFL Running Back -\"> Was Frank Gore the Last NFL Running Back - ESPN </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Fun is\"> Fun is dead. </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/How a Script Doctor Found His Own\"> How a Script Doctor Found His Own Voice </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-07 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Dogman (2018).md\"> Dogman (2018) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/For Greater Glory - The True Story of Cristiada (2012).md\"> For Greater Glory - The True Story of Cristiada (2012) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-06 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Babylon (2022).md\"> Babylon (2022) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Duets (by Nas).md\"> Duets (by Nas) </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-14 </a>"
"Renamed": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Highway to Hell (by ACDC - 1979).md\"> Highway to Hell (by ACDC - 1979) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers) (by WuTang Clan - 1993).md\"> Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers) (by WuTang Clan - 1993) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Thriller (by Michael Jackson - 1982).md\"> Thriller (by Michael Jackson - 1982) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/\"> Barfussbar </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/Old\"> Old Crow </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/The Old\"> The Old Crow </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Interview with the Vampire - The Vampire Chronicles (1994).md\"> Interview with the Vampire - The Vampire Chronicles (1994) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Rain Man (1988).md\"> Rain Man (1988) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Inside the house shows that bolster Bostons lacking\"> Inside the house shows that bolster Bostons lacking nightlife </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went\"> Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went AWOL </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/My cousin was killed by a car bomb in Milwaukee. A mob boss was the top suspect. Now, Im looking for\"> My cousin was killed by a car bomb in Milwaukee. A mob boss was the top suspect. Now, Im looking for answers. </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> Klewenalp </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG (1-4).md\"> 2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG (1-4) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/Hoch\"> Hoch Ybrig </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/I Walk the Line (by Johnny Cash - 1987).md\"> I Walk the Line (by Johnny Cash - 1987) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Première Consultation (by Doc Gynéco - 1996).md\"> Première Consultation (by Doc Gynéco - 1996) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> Sawerdo </a>",
@ -12862,23 +12986,18 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/How a Script Doctor Found His Own\"> How a Script Doctor Found His Own Voice </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Dogman (2018).md\"> Dogman (2018) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/For Greater Glory - The True Story of Cristiada (2012).md\"> For Greater Glory - The True Story of Cristiada (2012) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Babylon (2022).md\"> Babylon (2022) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Vesoul (by Jacques Brel - 1975).md\"> Vesoul (by Jacques Brel - 1975) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Vesoul (by Jacques Brel - 1975).md\"> Vesoul (by Jacques Brel - 1975) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Sings & Plays 12 Negro Spirituals (by Bill Coleman - 1968).md\"> Sings & Plays 12 Negro Spirituals (by Bill Coleman - 1968) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Duets (by Nas).md\"> Duets (by Nas) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Timeless (by Thylacine - 2020).md\"> Timeless (by Thylacine - 2020) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/9 Pieces (by Thylacine - 2022).md\"> 9 Pieces (by Thylacine - 2022) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Space Is Only Noise (by Nicolas Jaar - 2011).md\"> Space Is Only Noise (by Nicolas Jaar - 2011) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Talisman (by Fakear - 2023).md\"> Talisman (by Fakear - 2023) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Animal (by Fakear - 2016).md\"> Animal (by Fakear - 2016) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/In the Heat of the Night (by Imagination - 1982).md\"> In the Heat of the Night (by Imagination - 1982) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Im Every Woman (by Chaka Khan - 1978).md\"> Im Every Woman (by Chaka Khan - 1978) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/East Saint Louis Toodle-Oo Black Beauty (by Duke Ellington And His Orchestra - 1936).md\"> East Saint Louis Toodle-Oo Black Beauty (by Duke Ellington And His Orchestra - 1936) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Ethiopian Modern Instrumentals Hits (by Various Artists - 2003).md\"> Ethiopian Modern Instrumentals Hits (by Various Artists - 2003) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/King of the Delta Blues Singers (by Robert Johnson - 1961).md\"> King of the Delta Blues Singers (by Robert Johnson - 1961) </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Babylon (2022).md\"> Babylon (2022) </a>"
"Tagged": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Barfussbar </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/The Old\"> The Old Crow </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Inside the house shows that bolster Bostons lacking\"> Inside the house shows that bolster Bostons lacking nightlife </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went\"> Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went AWOL </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/My cousin was killed by a car bomb in Milwaukee. A mob boss was the top suspect. Now, Im looking for\"> My cousin was killed by a car bomb in Milwaukee. A mob boss was the top suspect. Now, Im looking for answers. </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Klewenalp </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/Hoch\"> Hoch Ybrig </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/Hoch\"> Hoch Ybrig </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/Hoch\"> Hoch Ybrig </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> Sawerdo </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Les Sales\"> Les Sales Gosses </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/Le\"> Le Bologne </a>",
@ -12920,18 +13039,10 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Templates/Template\"> Template Music </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/2023-12-15\"> 2023-12-15 Eczema </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/2023-04-29 Wedding\"> 2023-04-29 Wedding Marguerite </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.03 Family/2023-02-11 Wedding\"> 2023-02-11 Wedding Eloi </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/2023-02-10 Wedding\"> 2023-02-10 Wedding Eloi </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/2022-12-26 Christmas with\"> 2022-12-26 Christmas with Papa </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.03 Family/2024-01-01 Unsollicited\"> 2024-01-01 Unsollicited Contact </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/2023-12-18 Preparation for\"> 2023-12-18 Preparation for 2024 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/2023-12-21 Christmas with\"> 2023-12-21 Christmas with Papa </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/2023-12-21 Arrival\"> 2023-12-21 Arrival Papa </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Galbar </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/Bei\"> Bei Babette </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Kafi\"> Kafi Dihei </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.03 Family/2023-02-11 Wedding\"> 2023-02-11 Wedding Eloi </a>"
"Refactored": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-23 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> Geneva </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Warm lemon and Parmesan\"> Warm lemon and Parmesan couscous </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Cucumber Lemon Feta Cheese Couscous\"> Cucumber Lemon Feta Cheese Couscous Salad </a>",
@ -12981,10 +13092,12 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/\"> Household </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2023-09-23 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2023-09-20 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2023-09-16 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2023-08-28 </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2023-09-16 </a>"
"Deleted": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/When Jewelry Influences\"> When Jewelry Influences Watchmakers </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Olympic Champion Carissa Moore Goes in Search of a New\"> Olympic Champion Carissa Moore Goes in Search of a New Identity </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/The ballad of Lars and\"> The ballad of Lars and Bruno </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> 2024-01-19 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Notice 2024-01-15\"> Notice 2024-01-15 19-56-51 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/Seasonal\"> Seasonal Activities </a>",
@ -13032,63 +13145,60 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Bunkers </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2023-02-14 Bayern -\"> 2023-02-14 Bayern - PSG </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Pictures/\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.02 Paris/Andy\"> Andy Wahlou </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2023-04-07 Mum in Zü\"> 2023-04-07 Mum in Zürich </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Test </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Why are Americans dying so\"> Why are Americans dying so young </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.02 Paris/Andy\"> Andy Wahlou </a>"
"Linked": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> Sawerdo </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Les Sales\"> Les Sales Gosses </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Le\"> Le Bologne </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Chez\"> Chez Philippe </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-18 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/Bleu\"> Bleu Nuit </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-26 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-28 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Highway to Hell (by ACDC - 1979).md\"> Highway to Hell (by ACDC - 1979) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Thriller (by Michael Jackson - 1982).md\"> Thriller (by Michael Jackson - 1982) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers) (by WuTang Clan - 1993).md\"> Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers) (by WuTang Clan - 1993) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-27 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went\"> Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went AWOL </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-27 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/After Two Decades Undercover, Shes Ready to Tell the Real Story of Human\"> After Two Decades Undercover, Shes Ready to Tell the Real Story of Human Trafficking </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-26 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-25 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-26 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-24 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Barfussbar </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/The Old\"> The Old Crow </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-25 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-24 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Interview with the Vampire - The Vampire Chronicles (1994).md\"> Interview with the Vampire - The Vampire Chronicles (1994) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-24 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-23 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Rain Man (1988).md\"> Rain Man (1988) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-23 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-21 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-22 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Inside the house shows that bolster Bostons lacking\"> Inside the house shows that bolster Bostons lacking nightlife </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-23 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-22 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-22 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-22 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-22 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-22 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-21 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Olympic Champion Carissa Moore Goes in Search of a New\"> Olympic Champion Carissa Moore Goes in Search of a New Identity </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went\"> Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went AWOL </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/My cousin was killed by a car bomb in Milwaukee. A mob boss was the top suspect. Now, Im looking for\"> My cousin was killed by a car bomb in Milwaukee. A mob boss was the top suspect. Now, Im looking for answers. </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-21 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/\"> Klewenalp </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-21 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans -\"> 2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-20 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Why Parents Struggle So Much in the World's Richest\"> Why Parents Struggle So Much in the World's Richest Country </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-20 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/Hoch\"> Hoch Ybrig </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-20 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-19 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-18 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-18 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-17 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/The Color of Money (1986).md\"> The Color of Money (1986) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-17 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-17 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-17 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-17 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-16 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Skipping School Americas Hidden Education\"> Skipping School Americas Hidden Education Crisis </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-16 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-15 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/More American Graffiti (1979).md\"> More American Graffiti (1979) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/A Gaza Conundrum The Story Behind the Rise of\"> A Gaza Conundrum The Story Behind the Rise of Hamas </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Sicilian aubergine stew with\"> Sicilian aubergine stew with couscous </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Incredible Sicilian aubergine stew with couscous Jamie\"> Incredible Sicilian aubergine stew with couscous Jamie Oliver </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Warm lemon and Parmesan\"> Warm lemon and Parmesan couscous </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Warm lemon and Parmesan\"> Warm lemon and Parmesan couscous </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Cucumber Lemon Feta Cheese Couscous\"> Cucumber Lemon Feta Cheese Couscous Salad </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.03 Food & Wine/Spicy Mongolian\"> Spicy Mongolian Beef </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Spicy Mongolian Beef - 30 Minute\"> Spicy Mongolian Beef - 30 Minute Meal </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-15 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Was Frank Gore the Last NFL Running Back -\"> Was Frank Gore the Last NFL Running Back - ESPN </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-14 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/Events/2024-01-14 ⚽️ RC Lens -\"> 2024-01-14 ⚽️ RC Lens - PSG </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/After Two Decades Undercover, Shes Ready to Tell the Real Story of Human\"> After Two Decades Undercover, Shes Ready to Tell the Real Story of Human Trafficking </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/A Knife Forged in\"> A Knife Forged in Fire </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Skipping School Americas Hidden Education\"> Skipping School Americas Hidden Education Crisis </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/An Iowa paperboy disappeared 41 years ago. His mother is still on the\"> An Iowa paperboy disappeared 41 years ago. His mother is still on the case </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.06 Health/2023-12-15\"> 2023-12-15 Eczema </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-14 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/How a Script Doctor Found His Own\"> How a Script Doctor Found His Own Voice </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-13 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> @@Travels </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/@@Zü\"> @@Zürich </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.01 Life Orga/@Life\"> @Life Admin </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> @Italy </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> @Switzerland </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> Geneva </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/\"> Household </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/@@Zü\"> @@Zürich </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2024-01-13 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/\"> Entertainment </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/\"> Interiors </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/Première Consultation (by Doc Gynéco - 1996).md\"> Première Consultation (by Doc Gynéco - 1996) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.05 Vinyls/I Walk the Line (by Johnny Cash - 1987).md\"> I Walk the Line (by Johnny Cash - 1987) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> Sawerdo </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Les Sales\"> Les Sales Gosses </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Le\"> Le Bologne </a>"
"Removed Tags from": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.03 Food & Wine/Warm lemon and Parmesan\"> Warm lemon and Parmesan couscous </a>",

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
"emojiStyle": "native",
"iconColor": null,
"recentlyUsedIcons": [
"recentlyUsedIconsSize": 5,
"rules": [],
@ -118,5 +118,6 @@
"03.05 Vinyls": "TpBenBoisVinylRecords",
"03.05 Vinyls/": "TpBenBoisVinylRecords",
"01.06 Health": "TpPharmacieLogoSvgVector",
"05.02 Networks": "TpServerRemix1ByMerlin2525"
"05.02 Networks": "TpServerRemix1ByMerlin2525",
"03.02 Travels/Hoch": "TpUnteribergBlazon"

@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
"01.03 Family/Joséphine Bé": [
"title": ":birthday: **[[Joséphine Bédier|Joséphine]]** %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-01-21",
"time": "2025-01-21",
"rowNumber": 105
@ -334,13 +334,8 @@
"01.02 Home/": [
"title": "🛎 🧻 REMINDER [[Household]]: check need for toilet paper %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-01-22",
"rowNumber": 88
"title": "♻ [[Household]]: *Cardboard* recycling collection %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-01-23",
"rowNumber": 78
"time": "2024-01-29",
"rowNumber": 89
"title": "♻ [[Household]]: *Paper* recycling collection %%done_del%%",
@ -350,32 +345,37 @@
"title": "🛎️ :house: [[Household]]: Pay rent %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-01-31",
"rowNumber": 86
"rowNumber": 87
"title": ":bed: [[Household]] Change bedsheets %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-02-03",
"rowNumber": 93
"rowNumber": 95
"title": "♻ [[Household]]: *Cardboard* recycling collection %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-02-06",
"rowNumber": 78
"title": ":blue_car: [[Household]]: Change to Summer tyres @ [[Rex Automobile CH]] %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-04-15",
"rowNumber": 101
"rowNumber": 103
"title": ":blue_car: [[Household]]: Change to Winter tyres @ [[Rex Automobile CH]] %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-10-15",
"rowNumber": 102
"rowNumber": 104
"title": ":ski: [[Household]]: Organise yearly ski servicing ([[Ski Rental Zürich]]) %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-10-31",
"rowNumber": 109
"rowNumber": 111
"title": ":blue_car: [[Household]]: Renew [road vignette]( %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-12-20",
"rowNumber": 103
"rowNumber": 105
"01.03 Family/Pia Bousquié.md": [
@ -468,13 +468,13 @@
"05.02 Networks/Configuring": [
"title": "🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-01-20",
"time": "2024-02-03",
"rowNumber": 239
"title": "🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]]: Update the Blocked IP list %%done_del%%",
"time": "2024-01-20",
"rowNumber": 292
"time": "2024-02-03",
"rowNumber": 294
"01.03 Family/Amélie": [
@ -749,7 +749,7 @@
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": [
"title": "07:40 :racehorse: [[@Lifestyle|Polo]]: Ask [[Juan Bautista Bossio|Juan]] to buy tacos (2 52; 1 53)",
"time": "2024-01-31",
"time": "2024-02-01",
"rowNumber": 103
@ -780,11 +780,6 @@
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": [
"title": "19:55 :fried_egg: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Buy tupperware",
"time": "2024-01-31",
"rowNumber": 104
"title": "17:08 :grapes: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Re-buy white wines [[Finca Racons]] [[Nadine Saxer - Blanc de Noir]]",
"time": "2024-05-30",
@ -820,7 +815,7 @@
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": [
"title": "15:31 :man_in_tuxedo: [[@Lifestyle|Social]]: Contact Thomas de Villoutreys (:test_wappen_genf_matt:)",
"time": "2024-01-21",
"time": "2024-02-21",
"rowNumber": 104
@ -1010,21 +1005,18 @@
"title": "12:53 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Encheres a suivre",
"time": "2024-02-13",
"rowNumber": 104
"title": "12:54 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchere a mettre",
"time": "2024-01-21",
"rowNumber": 105
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": [
"title": "19:48 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchere à suivre",
"time": "2024-01-29",
"rowNumber": 106
"title": "10:44 :computer: [[@IT & Computer|Computer]]: Check battery issue of file server",
"time": "2024-02-02",
"rowNumber": 103
"title": "20:35 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchere à suivre",
"time": "2024-01-27",
"rowNumber": 107
"title": "16:06 :ski: [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Look for a ski bag & a ski boot bag",
"time": "2024-04-15",
"rowNumber": 104

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"id": "obsidian-tasks-plugin",
"name": "Tasks",
"version": "5.6.0",
"version": "6.0.0",
"minAppVersion": "1.1.1",
"description": "Task management for Obsidian",
"helpUrl": "",

@ -46,19 +46,27 @@ ul.contains-task-list .task-list-item-checkbox {
/* Pencil icon. */
.tasks-edit {
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mask-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,");
-webkit-mask-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,");
mask-size: contain;
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
display: inline-block;
/* Edit and postpone */
.tasks-edit, .tasks-postpone {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-left: 0.5em;
margin-left: .33em;
cursor: pointer;
font-family: var(--font-interface);
color: var(--text-accent);
a.tasks-edit, a.tasks-postpone {
text-decoration: none;
.tasks-edit::after {
content: '📝';
.tasks-postpone::after {
content: '⏩';
/* Urgency score */
@ -77,16 +85,6 @@ ul.contains-task-list .task-list-item-checkbox {
text-decoration: none;
/* Postpone icon. */
.tasks-postpone {
background-color: transparent;
padding: 0;
font-size: var(--font-text-size);
background-color: transparent;
display: contents;
cursor: pointer;
.tasks-list-text {
position: relative;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"id": "obsidian-tracker",
"name": "Tracker",
"version": "1.13.1",
"version": "1.13.2",
"minAppVersion": "0.9.12",
"description": "A plugin tracks occurrences and numbers in your notes",
"author": "pyrochlore",

@ -2704,7 +2704,7 @@ var PromptModal = class extends import_obsidian9.Modal {
onClose() {
if (!this.submitted) {
this.reject(new TemplaterError("Cancelled prompt"));
createForm() {

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"id": "templater-obsidian",
"name": "Templater",
"version": "1.18.3",
"version": "1.18.4",
"description": "Create and use templates",
"minAppVersion": "0.11.13",
"author": "SilentVoid",

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"state": {
"type": "markdown",
"state": {
"file": "00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"file": "00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"mode": "preview",
"source": true
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
"state": {
"type": "backlink",
"state": {
"file": "00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"file": "00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"collapseAll": false,
"extraContext": false,
"sortOrder": "alphabetical",
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
"state": {
"type": "outgoing-link",
"state": {
"file": "00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"file": "00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"linksCollapsed": false,
"unlinkedCollapsed": false
@ -213,8 +213,7 @@
"state": {}
"currentTab": 1
"left-ribbon": {
"hiddenItems": {
@ -237,43 +236,43 @@
"obsidian-full-calendar:Open Full Calendar": false,
"obsidian-book-search-plugin:Create new book note": false,
"obsidian-read-it-later:ReadItLater: Save clipboard": false,
"templater-obsidian:Templater": false,
"obsidian-media-db-plugin:Add new Media DB entry": false,
"table-editor-obsidian:Advanced Tables Toolbar": false,
"meld-encrypt:New encrypted note": false,
"meld-encrypt:Convert to or from an Encrypted note": false,
"obsidian42-brat:BRAT": false,
"templater-obsidian:Templater": false,
"obsidian-memos:Memos": false
"active": "7f7ef82aa074f90a",
"lastOpenFiles": [
"01.02 Home/@Main",
"03.05 Vinyls/I Walk the Line (by Johnny Cash - 1987).md",
"00.02 Inbox/",
"03.05 Vinyls/Première Consultation (by Doc Gynéco - 1996).md",
"03.05 Vinyls/",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"03.05 Vinyls/Highway to Hell (by ACDC - 1979).md",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"03.05 Vinyls/Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers) (by WuTang Clan - 1993).md",
"03.05 Vinyls/Thriller (by Michael Jackson - 1982).md",
"00.03 News/Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went",
"01.02 Home/Bandes Dessiné",
"03.02 Travels/",
"03.02 Travels/",
"03.02 Travels/Les Sales",
"03.02 Travels/Le",
"01.07 Animals/",
"03.02 Travels/Chez",
"03.02 Travels/",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"03.02 Travels/New",
"03.02 Travels/Bleu",
"03.02 Travels/",
"03.02 Travels/Potluck",
"03.02 Travels/Bonnie'",
"03.03 Food & Wine/!!",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"03.04 Cinematheque/The Color of Money (1986).md",
"00.03 News/After Two Decades Undercover, Shes Ready to Tell the Real Story of Human",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"01.02 Home/@Shopping",
"03.03 Food & Wine/Chicken Fried",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"02.03 Zürich/@Bars Zü",
"02.03 Zürich/",
"02.03 Zürich/Old",
"03.04 Cinematheque/",
"03.04 Cinematheque/Interview with the Vampire - The Vampire Chronicles (1994).md",
"00.02 Inbox/When Jewelry Influences",
"00.02 Inbox/",
"03.04 Cinematheque/Dexter (20062013).md",
"03.04 Cinematheque/Rain Man (1988).md",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"03.03 Food & Wine/Chilli con",
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/",
"06.01 Finances/2024.ledger",
"00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_vinyl.js",
"03.05 Vinyls",

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ hide task count
This section does serve for quick memos.
- [ ] 07:40 :racehorse: [[@Lifestyle|Polo]]: Ask [[Juan Bautista Bossio|Juan]] to buy tacos (2 52; 1 53) 📅2024-01-31
- [ ] 07:40 :racehorse: [[@Lifestyle|Polo]]: Ask [[Juan Bautista Bossio|Juan]] to buy tacos (2 52; 1 53) 📅 2024-02-01
- [x] 22:17 :racehorse: [[@Sally|Sally]]: Organise a visit to the fields 📅 2023-11-01 ✅ 2023-11-01
- [ ] 22:25 :potted_plant: [[Household]]: Start organising the aromatic garden rack 📅2024-02-28

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
- [ ] 17:08 :grapes: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Re-buy white wines [[Finca Racons]] [[Nadine Saxer - Blanc de Noir]] 📅2024-05-30
- [ ] 19:55 :fried_egg: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Buy tupperware 📅2024-01-31 ^g5hlxg
- [x] 19:55 :fried_egg: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Buy tupperware 📅 2024-01-31 ✅ 2024-01-20 ^g5hlxg
%% --- %%

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
- [x] 09:20 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Encheres à suivre 📅 2024-01-11 ✅ 2024-01-11
- [ ] 15:31 :man_in_tuxedo: [[@Lifestyle|Social]]: Contact Thomas de Villoutreys (:test_wappen_genf_matt:) 📅2024-01-21
- [ ] 15:31 :man_in_tuxedo: [[@Lifestyle|Social]]: Contact Thomas de Villoutreys (:test_wappen_genf_matt:) 📅 2024-02-21
%% --- %%

@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
- [ ] 09:58 :minidisc: [[@Vinyls|Vinyls]]: Buy cleaning kit 📅2024-01-30
- [ ] 12:53 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Encheres a suivre 📅2024-02-13
- [ ] 12:54 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchere a mettre 📅2024-01-21
- [ ] 19:48 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchere à suivre 📅2024-01-29
- [ ] 20:35 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchere à suivre 📅2024-01-27
- [x] 12:54 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchere a mettre 📅 2024-01-21 ✅ 2024-01-21
- [x] 19:48 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchere à suivre 📅 2024-01-29 ✅ 2024-01-27
- [x] 20:35 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchere à suivre 📅 2024-01-27 ✅ 2024-01-27
%% --- %%

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 1.5
Water: 3.3
Coffee: 5
Steps: 9521
@ -114,7 +114,10 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
Loret ipsum
💽: [[Première Consultation (by Doc Gynéco - 1996)]], [[I Walk the Line (by Johnny Cash - 1987)]]
🚆: [[Geneva|Genève]] à [[@@Zürich|Zürich]]
Ligne Fribourg - Berne coupée

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
title: "🗒 Daily Note"
allDay: true
date: 2024-01-20
Date: 2024-01-20
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: true
Sleep: 8
Happiness: 80
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 2.16
Coffee: 1
Steps: 7985
Ski: 8
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2024-01-19|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2024-01-21|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2024-01-20
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2024-01-20
style: number
### ✅ Tasks of the day
not done
due on 2024-01-20
path does not include Templates
hide backlinks
hide task count
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
🎿: [[Hoch Ybrig]]
🍽️: [[Korean Barbecue-Style Meatballs]]
📺: [[2024-01-20 ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG (1-4)]]
Je nai pas compris. Tout va bien de mon coté, quest-ce que tu racontes?
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2024-01-20]]

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
title: "🗒 Daily Note"
allDay: true
date: 2024-01-21
Date: 2024-01-21
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: true
Sleep: 8.5
Happiness: 85
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 3.75
Coffee: 1
Steps: 4323
Ski: 9
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2024-01-20|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2024-01-22|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2024-01-21
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2024-01-21
style: number
### ✅ Tasks of the day
not done
due on 2024-01-21
path does not include Templates
hide backlinks
hide task count
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
- [x] 16:52 :judge: [[@Life Admin|Admin]]: Enchère à suivre 📅 2024-01-25 ✅ 2024-01-25
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
🎿: [[Klewenalp]]
🍽️: [[Warm lemon and Parmesan couscous]]
📺: [[Tschugger (2021)]]
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2024-01-21]]

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
title: "🗒 Daily Note"
allDay: true
date: 2024-01-22
Date: 2024-01-22
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: true
Sleep: 8
Happiness: 85
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 3.5
Coffee: 5
Steps: 13547
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2024-01-21|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2024-01-23|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2024-01-22
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2024-01-22
style: number
### ✅ Tasks of the day
not done
due on 2024-01-22
path does not include Templates
hide backlinks
hide task count
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
- [ ] 10:44 :computer: [[@IT & Computer|Computer]]: Check battery issue of file server 📅2024-02-02
- [ ] 16:06 :ski: [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Look for a ski bag & a ski boot bag 📅2024-04-15
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
🍴: [[Big Shells With Spicy Lamb Sausage and Pistachios]]
🍽️: [[Spicy Szechuan Noodles with Garlic Chilli Oil]]
📺: [[Tschugger (2021)]]
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2024-01-22]]

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
title: "🗒 Daily Note"
allDay: true
date: 2024-01-23
Date: 2024-01-23
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: true
Sleep: 8
Happiness: 85
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 3
Coffee: 6
Steps: 17702
Weight: 93.6
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2024-01-22|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2024-01-24|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2024-01-23
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2024-01-23
style: number
### ✅ Tasks of the day
not done
due on 2024-01-23
path does not include Templates
hide backlinks
hide task count
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
🍽️: [[Chilli con Carne]]
📺: [[Rain Man (1988)]]
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2024-01-23]]

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
title: "🗒 Daily Note"
allDay: true
date: 2024-01-24
Date: 2024-01-24
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: true
Sleep: 7
Happiness: 85
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 3.8
Coffee: 6
Steps: 12985
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2024-01-23|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2024-01-25|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2024-01-24
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2024-01-24
style: number
### ✅ Tasks of the day
not done
due on 2024-01-24
path does not include Templates
hide backlinks
hide task count
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
📺: [[Interview with the Vampire - The Vampire Chronicles (1994)]]
🍸: [[Old Crow]]
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2024-01-24]]

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
title: "🗒 Daily Note"
allDay: true
date: 2024-01-25
Date: 2024-01-25
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: true
Sleep: 4
Happiness: 85
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 3.6
Coffee: 3
Steps: 10346
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2024-01-24|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2024-01-26|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2024-01-25
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2024-01-25
style: number
### ✅ Tasks of the day
not done
due on 2024-01-25
path does not include Templates
hide backlinks
hide task count
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
🍽️: [[Korean Barbecue-Style Meatballs]]
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2024-01-25]]

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
title: "🗒 Daily Note"
allDay: true
date: 2024-01-26
Date: 2024-01-26
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: true
Sleep: 8.5
Happiness: 85
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 3.25
Coffee: 3
Steps: 7995
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2024-01-25|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2024-01-27|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2024-01-26
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2024-01-26
style: number
### ✅ Tasks of the day
not done
due on 2024-01-26
path does not include Templates
hide backlinks
hide task count
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
🚗: [[@@Zürich|Zürich]] à [[@France|Villefranche s/Saone]] puis [[@France|Macon]]
💽: [[Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers) (by WuTang Clan - 1993)]], [[Thriller (by Michael Jackson - 1982)]], [[Highway to Hell (by ACDC - 1979)]]
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2024-01-26]]

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
title: "🗒 Daily Note"
allDay: true
date: 2024-01-27
Date: 2024-01-27
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: true
Sleep: 9
Happiness: 85
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 2.58
Coffee: 5
Steps: 7127
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2024-01-26|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2024-01-28|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2024-01-27
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2024-01-27
style: number
### ✅ Tasks of the day
not done
due on 2024-01-27
path does not include Templates
hide backlinks
hide task count
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
🚗: [[@France|Macon]] à [[@@Zürich|Zürich]] via [[Geneva|Genève]]
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2024-01-27]]

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
title: "🗒 Daily Note"
allDay: true
date: 2024-01-28
Date: 2024-01-28
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: true
Sleep: 7
Happiness: 85
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Coffee: 3
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2024-01-27|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2024-01-29|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2024-01-28
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2024-01-28
style: number
### ✅ Tasks of the day
not done
due on 2024-01-28
path does not include Templates
hide backlinks
hide task count
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
Loret ipsum
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2024-01-28]]

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "🧚🏼 Arrivée Meggi-mo"
allDay: true
date: 2022-03-19
endDate: 2022-03-20
CollapseMetaTable: true
# Arrivée de [[@@MRCK|Meggi-mo]]
- [l] Arrivée à [[@@Zürich|Zürich]] de Meggi-mo, le [[2022-03-19|19/03/2022]].

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: "🧚🏼 Départ de Meggi-mo"
allDay: true
date: 2022-03-24
endDate: 2022-03-25
CollapseMetaTable: true
# Départ de Meggi-mo
Départ de ma [[@@MRCK|Meggi-mo]] le [[2022-03-24|24/03/2022]].

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: "👨‍👩‍👧 Arrivée de Papa"
allDay: false
startTime: 20:25
endTime: 20:30
date: 2022-03-31
- [l] [[2022-03-31]], arrivée de [[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]] à [[@@Zürich|Zürich]]

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: "👨‍👩‍👧 Départ Papa"
allDay: false
startTime: 13:30
endTime: 14:00
date: 2022-04-04
[[2022-04-04]], départ de [[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]]

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: "🗳 1er tour Présidentielle"
allDay: true
date: 2022-04-10
endDate: 2022-04-11
CollapseMetaTable: true
1er tour des élections présidentielles à [[@@Paris|Paris]], le [[2022-04-10|10 avril 2022]]; avec [[@@MRCK|Meggi-mo]] dans l'isoloir.

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: "🗳 2nd tour élections présidentielles"
allDay: true
date: 2022-04-24
endDate: 2022-04-25
2nd tour des élections présidentielles le [[2022-04-24|24 Avril]] à [[@@Paris|Paris]].

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: "🛩 Arrivée à Lisbonne"
allDay: false
startTime: 16:00
endTime: 16:30
date: 2022-04-27
Arrival on [[2022-04-27|this day]] in [[Lisbon]].

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: "🛩 Départ de Lisbonne"
allDay: false
startTime: 15:30
endTime: 16:00
date: 2022-05-01
Departure from [[Lisbon]] to [[@@Zürich|Zürich]] [[2022-05-01|this day]].

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: "🧚🏼 Definite arrival of Meggi-mo to Züzü"
allDay: true
startTime: 06:30
endTime: 07:00
date: 2022-05-15
[[@@MRCK|Meggi-mo]] is arriving to [[@@Zürich|Zürich]] for good on [[2022-05-15|that day]].

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: "🚆 Weekend in GVA"
allDay: true
date: 2022-10-14
endDate: 2022-10-17
CollapseMetaTable: true
Weekend à [[Geneva]] avec [[@@MRCK|Meggi-mo]].
Départ: [[2022-10-14]] de [[@@Zürich|Zürich]]
Retour: [[2022-10-16]] à [[@@Zürich|Zürich]]

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
title: "🗼 Weekend à Paris"
allDay: true
date: 2022-10-21
endDate: 2022-10-24
CollapseMetaTable: true
Weekend à [[@@Paris|Paris]] avec [[@@MRCK|Meggi-mo]].
Départ: [[2022-10-21]] de [[@@Zürich|Zürich]]
Retour: [[2022-10-23]] à [[@@Zürich|Zürich]]

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: "💍 Fiançailles Marguerite & Arnold"
allDay: false
startTime: 16:30
endTime: 15:00
date: 2022-11-19
CollapseMetaTable: true
Fiançailles de [[Marguerite de Villeneuve|Marguerite]] et [[Arnold Moulin|Arnold]] [[2022-11-19|ce jour]] à [[Geneva|Genève]].

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "👪 Papa à Zürich"
allDay: true
date: 2022-12-26
endDate: 2022-12-31
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
[[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]] arrive à [[@@Zürich|Zürich]] le [[2022-12-26|26 décembre]] à 13h26.

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "Stef & Kyna in Zürich"
allDay: true
date: 2022-12-30
endDate: 2023-01-05
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
Stef & Kyna arrivent à [[@@Zürich|Zürich]] le [[2022-12-30|30 décembre]] avec Swiss le matin.

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: Médecin
allDay: false
startTime: 11:15
endTime: 12:15
date: 2023-01-23
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
[[2023-01-23|Ce jour]], 1er RDV avec [[Dr Cleopatra Morales]].

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: Genève
allDay: true
date: 2023-02-06
endDate: 2023-02-08
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
Depart à [[Geneva|Genève]] [[2023-02-06|ce jour]] et retour le [[223-02-07|lendemain]].

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: ⚕ Médecin
allDay: false
startTime: 12:15
endTime: 13:15
date: 2023-02-09
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
[[2023-02-09|Ce jour]], RDV de suivi avec [[Dr Cleopatra Morales]]

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
title: "👰‍♀ Mariage Eloi & Zélie"
allDay: true
date: 2023-02-10
endDate: 2023-02-12
CollapseMetaTable: true
Mariage d[[Eloi de Villeneuve|Éloi]] avec [[Zélie]] en [[@France|Bretagne]] (Rennes) [[2023-02-11|ce jour]].
🚆: 23h11, arrivée à Rennes
🏨: **Hotel Saint Antoine**<br>27 avenue Janvier<br>Rennes
### Vendredi 10 Février
#### 17h: Mariage civil
Mairie de Montfort-sur-Meu (35)
#### 20h30: Veillée de Prière
Chapelle du château de la Châsse
Iffendic (35)
### Samedi 11 Février
#### 14h: Messe de Mariage
Montfort-sur-Meu (35)
#### 16h30: Cocktail
Château de la Châsse
Iffendic (35)
#### 19h30: Dîner
Château de la Châsse
Iffendic (35)
### Dimanche 12 Février
#### 11h: Messe
Chapelle du château de la Châsse
Iffendic (35)
#### 12h: Déjeuner breton
Château de la Châsse
Iffendic (35)
🚆: 13h35, départ de Rennes

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: 🎬 Tár @ Riff Raff
allDay: false
startTime: 20:30
endTime: 22:30
date: 2023-02-19
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
[[2023-02-19|Ce jour]], [[Tár (2022)]] @ [[Riff Raff Kino Bar]].

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: 🩺 Médecin
allDay: false
startTime: 15:00
endTime: 15:30
date: 2023-03-06
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
[[2023-03-06|Ce jour]], rdv avec [[Dr Awad Abuawad]]

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Marg & Arnold à Zürich
allDay: true
date: 2023-03-11
endDate: 2023-03-13
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
Arrivée le [[2023-03-11|11 mars]] de [[Marguerite de Villeneuve|Marg]] et [[Arnold Moulin|Arnold]].
Départ le [[2023-03-12|lendemain]].

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Molly & boyfriend in Zürich
allDay: true
date: 2023-03-18
endDate: 2023-03-20
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
Weekend in [[@@Zürich|Zürich]] for [[@@MRCK|Meggi-mo]]s cousin Molly and boyfriend.
Arrival on [[2023-03-18|18th March]] and departure on Monday [[2023-03-20|20th March]].

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: 🩺 Médecin
allDay: false
startTime: 11:45
endTime: 12:15
date: 2023-04-14
completed: null
CollapseMetaTable: true
[[2023-04-14|Ce jour]], rdv avec [[Dr Cleopatra Morales]]

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: 🏠 Arrivée Papa
allDay: false
startTime: 20:26
endTime: 21:26
date: 2023-12-21
completed: null
[[2023-12-21|Ce jour]], arrivée de [[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]] à [[@@Zürich|Zürich]]

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: 🗼 Départ Papa
allDay: false
startTime: 13:30
endTime: 14:30
date: 2023-12-27
completed: null
[[2023-12-27|Ce jour]], départ de [[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]] de [[@@Zürich|Zürich]] pour [[@@Paris|Paris]]

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: ⚽️ US Orleans - PSG (1-4)
allDay: false
startTime: 20:45
endTime: 22:45
date: 2024-01-20
completed: null
[[2024-01-20|Ce jour]], US Orléans - [[Paris SG]]: 1-4
Buteurs:: ⚽️ Saint Ruf (USO)<br>⚽️⚽️ MBappé<br>⚽️ G. Ramos<br>⚽️ Mayulu

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ This is accompanying text on that floating situation.
- [-] Cancelled `- [-]`
- [/] In Progress `- [/]`
- [x] In Progress `- [/]` ✅ 2024-01-20
- [?] Question `- [?]`

@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ players: Donnarumma,Bernat,Marquinhos,Kimpembe,Hakimi,Villeneuve,Verratti,St Hil
- [-] Cancelled `- [-]`
- [/] In Progress `- [/]`
- [x] In Progress `- [/]` ✅ 2024-01-20
- [?] Question `- [?]`

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CollapseMetaTable: true
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: 🟥
Read:: [[2024-01-26]]
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ Eventually, Bolen asked Paulina to send pictures of her daughter, and she agreed
On Sept. 17, just as theyd arranged, Paulina sat on a bench outside Perimeter Mall with a stroller parked in front of her, scanning the parking lot nervously. Part of her hoped Bolen wouldnt show. When he did, she could see he was handsome, a preppy guy in a pink polo shirt and khakis. “Paulina?” he asked eagerly. She nodded. As he smiled and pulled back the blanket draped across the stroller, he found himself surrounded, handcuffs slipped around his wrists.
## Editors picks
“Paulina” watched his face fall, his confusion giving way to distress as [FBI]( agents took him into custody. It was her first undercover arrest. It would be the first of many.

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CollapseMetaTable: true
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: 🟥
Read:: [[2024-01-19]]

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
Alias: [""]
Tag: ["🏕️", "🐋"]
Date: 2024-01-21
DocType: "WebClipping"
TimeStamp: 2024-01-21
CollapseMetaTable: true
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: [[2024-01-27]]
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Hvaldimir, the Whale Who Went AWOL
Hvaldimir near a salmon farm in the fjords off the coast of Stavanger, Norway, in Nov.Credit...Conor McDonnell
The Great Read
Hvaldimir escaped captivity and became a global celebrity. Now, no one can agree about what to do with him.
Hvaldimir near a salmon farm in the fjords off the coast of Stavanger, Norway, in Nov.Credit...Conor McDonnell
- Published Jan. 14, 2024Updated Jan. 18, 2024
On April 26, 2019, a beluga whale appeared near Tufjord, a village in northern Norway, immediately alarming fishermen in the area. Belugas in that part of the world typically inhabit the remote Arctic and are rarely spotted as far south as the Norwegian mainland. Although they occasionally travel solo, they tend to live and move in groups. This particular whale was entirely alone and unusually comfortable around humans, trailing boats and opening his mouth as though expecting to be fed. And he seemed to be tangled in rope.
When a commercial fisherman named Joar Hesten got a closer look, he realized that the whale was in fact wearing a harness: one strap girdling his neck and another gripping his torso just behind his flippers. Hesten contacted a local scientist, and word eventually reached the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries, which dispatched an inspector, Jorgen Ree Wiig. After several failed attempts by Wiig and a colleague to free the beluga while onboard a dinghy, Hesten put on an immersion suit and plunged into the water. Though the whale was not quite as hefty as an average adult male of his species, he was still a formidable presence, by best estimates close to 14 feet long and about 2,700 pounds. Swimming beside him, Hesten managed to unclasp one of the straps. Together, they used a grappling-hook-like device to remove the rest of the stubborn harness.
A few days later, the beluga followed a boat to Hammerfest, one of the northernmost towns in the world, where he took up residence, frequently interacting with people in the harbor. News of the friendly white whale spread quickly. In early May, a video of the [beluga went viral, eventually earning a spot on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”]( In it, several young women stand on a dock in Hammerfest, speaking excitedly with their hands outstretched just above the water. The beluga levitates to the surface in an upright position, as smooth, plump and silent as a balloon. There is something in his mouth — something rectangular. “Oh, my God!” one woman exclaims as the whale returns a smartphone her friend dropped in the sea. The women cheer and caress the whale, whose mouth continues to hang open. Later viral videos would show him [stealing (and returning) a kayakers GoPro]( and [playing fetch with a rugby ball]( By midsummer, he had become an international celebrity, drawing large groups of tourists.
After escaping captivity, Hvaldimir took up residence in Hammerfest, Norway, where he quickly became an international celebrity.Credit...Joakim Eskildsen/Institute, for The New York Times
All the while, marine experts had been speculating about the whales origin. Clearly this animal had spent time in captivity — but where? The first major clues came from the harness: One of its plastic buckles was embossed with the words “Equipment St. Petersburg.” And it appeared to have a camera mount, hinting at reconnaissance of some kind. The beluga also knew how to closely follow boats and had a habit of wrapping rope around propellers, which could suggest specialized training. As several experts told media outlets at the time, the whale had most likely escaped from the nearby Russian Navy. Based on a poll of more than 25,000 respondents, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation christened the beluga Hvaldimir, a portmanteau of *hval*, the Norwegian word for whale, and the Russian name Vladimir.
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`$= dv.el('center', 'Source: ' + dv.current().Link + ', ' + dv.current().Date.toLocaleString("fr-FR"))`

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Alias: [""]
Tag: ["🎭", "🇺🇸", "🎸", "🎫"]
Date: 2024-01-23
DocType: "WebClipping"
TimeStamp: 2024-01-23
CollapseMetaTable: true
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: 🟥
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action Save current file
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# Inside the house shows that bolster Bostons lacking nightlife
Local concerts like these are one reason Joe and other young people migrate to Boston. In a city with a [lackluster nightlife scene]( thats financially and logistically inaccessible for many young people, student-run house shows provide a place for twenty-somethings to hang out at a cost far lower than clubs or bars.
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Your guide to staying entertained, from live shows and outdoor fun to the newest in museums, movies, TV, books, dining, and more.
“We came to Berklee looking for something like this,” said Joe, who also plays with his roommates in their band, Mt. Greylock. “This is the part of Berklee that Berklee doesnt promote. You learn how to perform, how to create crowds, how to control crowds, how to network.”
The shows at Mt. Greylock started in the fall of 2021, after Joe and his bandmates moved to their new digs. When things were at their busiest, the crew hosted three or four shows a month — sometimes two in one weekend, Joe said. Now, the group has aged and gone their separate ways, but they still “throw together a bill” every month or so.
Although its incredibly popular among young people, Bostons DIY concert scene is one wary of newcomers. Cryptic Instagram accounts post their playbills without show addresses. Sometimes, a private message yields a mysterious instruction — “walk through the fence gate ... do not walk down the driveway” — while others elicit no response. For many members of Generation Z, its the last remaining thing passed through word of mouth.
But after visitors find their way inside, this behind-the-scenes concert crowd is inclusive, curious, and supportive. Already a niche of its own, the DIY concert scene is full of microcosms for just about every artist and genre, from punk to rap to shoegaze.
This late-October show has the first Berklee-only lineup at Mt. Greylock in at least a year, Joe says. The houses “Halloweekend” shows are always busy, and this one is no exception: Dozens of young people pack into the two-room venue. The living room is unfurnished except for two couches against the walls, facing the area where musicians set up their amps, mics, and instruments.
The house looks like a typical college students apartment: lost-and-found street signs and posters adorn the walls, green plastic ivy dangles from the ceiling, and pink and orange lights cast a warm glow over the ever-growing crowd. The music starts with opener Anson Chen Trio, and the crowd gathers just feet away from the musicians, bopping and swaying to alternative rock.
![Christopher Normann performs at a house show in Allston.](
Christopher Normann performs at a house show in Allston.Josh Reynolds for The Boston Globe
Mt. Greylock is one of dozens of venues in Allston, each with its own regular crowd, music style, and visual aesthetic. In the close-knit community, show-hopping is not uncommon — especially for artists.
After finishing a set with Anson Chen Trio, drummer Sebastian Salazar quickly packed his equipment to play at another venue nearby. The Berklee student said he is used to multi-gig days — last weekend, he started the morning at a church gig and ended backing for a rapper at the Allston-Brighton concert venue, Roadrunner — and the underground scene in Allston gives him plenty of opportunities to get exposure.
Joe said the two years since shows started at Greylock have been mostly smooth sailing. The house shows get loud, but neighbors rarely complain — theres a sense of camaraderie between this unit and the others in its complex that keeps them all safe from noise complaints or angry knocks.
“Oh, they hear,” Joe said when asked whether his neighbors know the shows are going on. “Most of the time we get shut down or have issues is when the cops are just driving by and they see a \[expletive\] ton of kids on the street by our house.”
For Will Doley, a Boston University sophomore from Atlanta, Bostons concert scene is far different from the idea of college he grew up with in the South — in a good way.
“I came to Boston to go to a school where I didnt have to rush a fraternity,” Doley said while standing with a group of friends outside Mt. Greylock venue in between sets.
And Doleys not alone. In fact, college students have begun moving to the neighborhood just to be closer to the music, Joe said.
“The word spreads pretty quickly that Allston has a really good scene going on,” he said. “Its definitely a poppin area in Boston in terms of art.”
Cameron Lane, a Berklee student and solo artist who plays many of Bostons secret venues, said the DIY concert scene has been nothing but kind to her — and the secrecy among the community is what keeps it safe.
“I understand why people want to gatekeep the community to people who you know are going to treat it with love and care,” Lane said. “Its a beautiful thing, and its something we want to protect forever.”
Vivi Smilgius can be reached at []( Follow her [@viviraye](
`$= dv.el('center', 'Source: ' + dv.current().Link + ', ' + dv.current().Date.toLocaleString("fr-FR"))`

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Date: 2024-01-21
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Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: 🟥
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# My cousin was killed by a car bomb in Milwaukee. A mob boss was the top suspect. Now, Im looking for answers.
Florence Grady and Augie Palmisano reached the elevator doors at the same time.
Both were tenants at Juneau Village Garden Apartments in downtown Milwaukee. And shortly before 9 a.m. that Friday — June 30, 1978 — both were heading to the basement of the apartment complex.
Grady was carrying a basket of clothes to the laundry. Augie was going to the underground parking garage. They chatted about the weather and Summerfest.
When they reached the basement, she went to the laundry room. He walked to his car, a 1977 Mercury Marquis.
Less than a minute later, there was a massive explosion. Grady thought the boiler had exploded. But when she looked into the garage, she saw Augies car in flames.
The blast shook the city. Paintings fell from walls and books tumbled off shelves. One woman said her recliner lifted off the ground. Tenants ran from the building as firefighters and police rushed to the scene.
Augie Palmisano was my cousin.
His murder has never been solved.
## We don't talk about Augie
I was told very little about Augies life when I was a child. I heard even less about his death — except when my father was trying to scare me straight.
“Dont fall in with the wrong crowd. Look what happened to Cousin Augie.”
“Dont gamble. You dont want to end up like Cousin Augie.”
“Dont talk back to the wrong person. You know what happened to Cousin Augie.”
I actually knew almost nothing about what happened to Augie. I was four years old when he was killed, and have no memory of ever meeting him. 
The most I heard about Augie probably came from TV news in the early 1980s when reputed Milwaukee crime boss Frank Balistrieri was facing gambling and extortion charges. I remember a TV reporter talking about how Balistrieri was suspected of being involved in Augies murder. I hurried from the living room to the kitchen, where my mom was making dinner, and told her they were talking about Cousin Augie on the news. She looked mortified.
Through the years my siblings and I have heard various stories, typically passed on in hushed conspiratorial tones, about why Augie was murdered. In one version, he was killed over gambling debts. In another, he became some sort of Mafia kingpin. In yet another widely believed — and still often repeated — theory, he was an informant.
I had no idea which of those stories was true.
I was raised hearing stories about my grandparents and their families coming from Sicily to the United States, and how they rose to success through hard work and sacrifice. They were more than family stories to me. They were lessons in how to live.
But my father didnt ever want to talk about Augie. He was the youngest of 13 in a Sicilian immigrant family, and I think he wanted to keep his own children out of trouble and far away from even the mention of organized crime. 
After my dad died 11 years ago, I thought my Aunt Marjorie — the last survivor of the 13 Spicuzza siblings — might tell me why Augie was killed.
“Why do you want to talk about *that*?” she snapped, ending the discussion before it started.
Now an investigative reporter at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, I mustered the courage to try to find out what happened to Augie, and why. 
I turned to police files, FBI reports and newspaper articles — and tracked down former detectives, FBI agents, prosecutors and others who knew Augie, many of whom agreed to speak with me about the case for the first time.
What I found was a story about loyalty, jealousy, and power — and what some people are willing to do for it.
## 'The King of Commission Row'
Agostino (August) Palmisano was born in 1928. He was the son of my great-uncle Giovanni (John) Palmisano and his wife, Angeline, making him my father's first cousin.
Like many Sicilian Americans in Milwaukee, Augies story is [rooted in the Third Ward](
The Third Ward which lies on the southern edge of downtown was an Irish enclave for much of the 19th century. It came to be known as the “Bloody Third” due to its rough reputation, thanks in part to the high number of saloons and brawls. 
After a massive fire in 1892 destroyed more than 400 buildings and left some 2,000 people homeless, Italian immigrants moved into the neighborhood. 
Most, including my fathers family, came from Sicily. And many of them made a living in the produce business, selling fruits and vegetables first from push carts, then horse-drawn wagons and eventually trucks. The Palmisano and Spicuzza families were among them.
Augie grew up helping at his fathers produce business in the heart of what was then known as Commission Row — a gritty stretch of Broadway that was packed with fruit and vegetable merchants. One fading black and white photograph shows a John Palmisano & Sons Wholesale Produce truck with “AUGIE” painted on the drivers side door.
Augie graduated from Lincoln High School on Milwaukees east side, where he ran cross country, acted in plays, and was a manager for the football team. Ive been told so many Sicilian Americans attended Lincoln High that at one point plays were called from the sideline in Italian. It was the same school that Frank Balistrieri graduated from a decade earlier. 
In 1952, Augie married Jean Rose Lassa. They had four children together and bought a home for the family in Whitefish Bay. He worked second shift at American Motors while helping run the family produce company. After his father died in 1964, Augie took over the company, which by then was named Palmisano Produce. 
In the years that followed, Augie started running the tavern adjacent to Palmisano Produce. It was called Richies on Broadway, but he eventually renamed it Palmys.
Augies side-by-side businesses perched on the corner of North Broadway and East St. Paul Avenue became a gateway of sorts to Commission Row. 
The tavern was especially popular with Commission Rows produce workers. It had a long bar, a pool table, a couple of pinball machines, and a jukebox that frequently played Frank Sinatra songs. A typical Friday night included a fish fry featuring the catch of the day from Lake Michigan.
By many accounts, it was a wild place where illegal craps games were sometimes played on the pool table, people would stop for dice or card games, and a lot of money changed hands.
Most nights, Augie held court while tending bar, ready with a witty remark or practical joke, or just to loan a friend some cash or a sympathetic ear. 
Behind the bar hung a painting that showed Augie and a bottle of Early Times whisky, both hovering larger than life over his two businesses. The artist who painted it said it was meant to portray him as “the King of Commission Row.”
As his legitimate businesses grew, so did his gambling operation. 
## 'A Harvard education in the hustle game'
One afternoon, I went to the now-shuttered Journal Sentinel printing plant in West Milwaukee to search for more information in our archives, known by people in the industry as “the morgue.” I found several small, musty-smelling manila envelopes and file cards with Augies name on them all stamped “DEAD” in green ink and many more devoted to Frank Balistrieri. I borrowed them all. 
The envelopes were filled with newspaper clippings and microfiche that offered more glimpses into Augies life. 
He first became front page news in the early 1960s.
“Gambling Crackdown! 3 Arrested,” was splashed across the top of the Milwaukee Sentinel above the name of the newspaper on March 23, 1962. 
The front page of The Milwaukee Journal that same day featured a photograph of Augie with his hand covering his face. It was the first picture I can remember seeing of my cousin.
Augie was nearly 6 feet tall and had a slender build, which made him appear even taller. He had dark brown eyes and black hair parted on the side. But in the photograph, it looked like he was trying to disappear beneath his left hand and hat. Only his nose and ear were visible.
The articles detailed how Augie was accused of accepting bets on college basketball games. He was eventually convicted and fined $1,000. 
Through the clips — and hundreds of pages of FBI records — I learned that Augie grew his small gambling activities into a fairly large bookmaking operation, one that reportedly spanned several taverns across the city. Although profitable, it also drew unwanted attention from law enforcement, who seemingly had his tavern under constant surveillance for months at a time.
Augies tavern was one of nine locations raided on Super Bowl Sunday in 1974, when 60 FBI agents searched locations in and around Milwaukee. In the raids, agents confiscated piles of gambling records, guns and about $20,000 in cash.
Agents also found something else in the basement of Augies tavern 93 sticks of dynamite stashed in a crawlspace. It was unclear how long the dynamite had been there, and Augie said he had no idea where it came from. The charges linked to the dynamite were dropped, and he eventually pleaded guilty to conducting a gambling business. 
A Milwaukee Sentinel article about the case said Augies attorney argued he “comes from a good family, is the father of four children, gets up daily at 4 a.m. to start operations at Palmisano Produce, works eight hours operating a truck and then helps run his tavern.” The article said Augie “had been working 12 to 14 hours a day, six days a week since he was a young man.”
One of Augie's former employees, who asked not to be identified because of safety concerns, told me he was “a good dude” who “had his hands in everything.”
“I got a Harvard education working at Palmys,” the man said. “I really got a Harvard education in the hustle game.”
The way he tells it, Augie was “bigger than God,” and at the center of it all.
He, like others, described Augie as well-liked and funny, somebody who played by his own rules but would also lend people money or give them food when they needed it.
I asked the former employee who said he fled town after Augies murder why my cousin was killed. His eyes filled with tears.
“He was too big. He got too big,” he said. “And Frank Balistrieri couldnt put up with it.”
## Fancy pants
Most Sicilian Americans in Milwaukee had nothing to do with organized crime.
The same could not be said about Frank Balistrieri.
Born in 1918, Balistrieri graduated from Marquette University and briefly attended law school there. But by the 1950s, the FBI had placed him on its nationwide list of "top hoodlums."
Balistrieri reportedly took over as Milwaukees organized crime boss by the early 1960s, and had a wide range of legal and illegal business interests: nightclubs, restaurants, strip clubs, vending machines and gambling.
FBI documents show that starting around that time, Balistrieri decided bookmakers in Milwaukee should be required to give him a cut of their profits, and sent his enforcers to collect. 
And Balistrieri who frequently conducted business from a table at Snugs restaurant on the ground floor of the Shorecrest Hotel, which was owned by his family became a key figure in skimming money from Las Vegas casinos, a story made famous in the 1995 movie “Casino.”
Balistrieri was a short man, but had an ominous presence. Franklyn Gimbel, a former federal prosecutor who won a tax evasion case against Balistrieri in 1967, said his eyes were like “spotlights… from his skull that penetrated everything he looked at.”
Some called him “Frankie Bal,” “Mr. Big,” or “Mr. B.” He was also known as "Fancy Pants" due to his hand-tailored, custom-made suits. That nickname was especially popular among people who didn't like him.
Balistrieri demanded respect, and was notoriously ruthless when it came to getting it.
Longtime Milwaukee Sentinel investigative reporter Mary Zahn and columnist Bill Janz [once reported that Balistrieris willingness to resort to violence]( even drew criticism from his father-in-law, John Alioto, who preceded him as Milwaukees crime boss. Alioto pleaded for more merciful solutions after Balistrieri threatened to kill two men during an argument secretly recorded by the FBI.
“Lamazzari,” Balistrieri said in Sicilian. *Ive got to kill them.*
He was suspected by law enforcement of ordering a [string of murders in and around Milwaukee](, none of which were ever solved.
In 1960, nightclub owner [Isadore “Izzy” Pogrob was shot to death]( and left in a ditch in Mequon. The murder reportedly happened soon after Balistrieri got a phone call at one of his taverns, glanced over at several of his associates, and slid his index finger across his throat.
In 1963, the body of Anthony Biernat, a jukebox distributor, was found in the basement of a vacant farmhouse near Kenosha. Hed been tied up and beaten to death, and his body was covered in lime in an apparent effort to speed decay.
In 1972, [Louis Fazio was shot several times]( with a .38-caliber gun outside his home. Balistrieri was later heard gloating about Fazios death.
In 1975, August Maniaci was murdered outside his East Side home by someone with a .22-caliber pistol equipped with a silencer. Maniaci had openly feuded with Balistrieri.
Soon after, an informant told the FBI that Balistrieri thought Maniacis brother Vince might try to get revenge. Balistrieri reportedly put out the word that Vince “should be killed like his brother.”
Balistrieri was never charged in any of the murders.
## Vincent Maniaci
Vincent Maniaci was my cousins best friend. They were so close, they were like brothers, a former FBI agent told me. 
Vince ran a bar on Water Street named Little Caesars Cocktail Lounge, later known as Under the Bridge. He was also a regular at Augies tavern, often seen laughing and joking with my cousin as he tended bar. 
Like Augie, Vince had some run-ins with the law. The same year his brother was murdered, Vince was sent to prison for fencing four stolen mink coats and threatening someone who owed him money.
When he was released from prison, the FBI was so convinced somebody wanted Vince dead that agents started following him everywhere he went. 
The morning of Aug. 17, 1977, Vince tried to start his car but could tell something was wrong. The accelerator was so stiff he couldnt push it down to the floor. He drove 15 to 20 mph as fast as it would go from the north side halfway house where he was staying to the East Side. 
After a brief stop he went to his mechanic, who opened the hood and immediately spotted a package with wires coming out of it. “Im going to call police,” he told a shaken Vince. “It looks like a bomb.”
Vince ran for cover and was picked up by the FBI agents whod been following him. They took him to an agents house, where he had a stiff drink and told investigators he had no idea who would want him dead. Soon afterward, federal officials sent Vince back to prison for his own protection.
Members of the Milwaukee Police Department bomb squad found a taped-up gray package placed near the engine on the driver's side of Vinces car, jammed near the accelerator and wired to the ignition with alligator clips. The bomb had 20 sticks of dynamite and a booster but luckily failed to detonate, possibly due to faulty wiring.
A police report described the device as an “overkill bomb” designed to “destroy all traces of possible evidence that could connect anyone” with the crime.  
## Donnie Brasco
Not long after someone planted a bomb in Vinces car, the FBI brought in an agent named Joseph Pistone to help infiltrate the Balistrieri crime family.
Today, Pistone is better known by his undercover name: Donnie Brasco.
He wrote about his experience in a book, which inspired the 1997 movie starring Johnny Depp as Pistone and Al Pacino as [New York crime family member Benjamin “Lefty” Ruggiero]( 
One scene from Pistones book in particular stuck with me the strong reaction Ruggiero had when Pistone mentioned Milwaukee. Ruggiero didnt know it at the time, but “Donnie” was trying to help another undercover FBI agent who was posing as a new vending machine company owner in Milwaukee.
*“Hes crazy, Donnie. Doesnt the f------ guy know you cant operate a vending business anywhere without connections? Especially Milwaukee. Theyre crazy out there. It aint like in New York, Donnie, where they may just throw you a beating and chase you out. Out there theyre vicious. They answer to Chicago, you know. They blow people up. Donnie, if this guys a friend of yours, you better tell him to get the hell out of that town.”* 
[When I reached Pistone](, he was gracious with his time, patient, and had an impressive memory.
At the time, organized crime in Milwaukee wasnt as well-known as the Outfit in Chicago or the Mafia in New York. But Pistone said Balistrieri was a [“very well-known” Mafia boss]( throughout the U.S. who was closely aligned with the Chicago Outfit — and notorious for his brutality. 
Pistone recalled one night when Balistrieri took him and others to a charity banquet on a whim. Pistone said people scrambled to clear a table in a prime spot for Balistrieri and his entourage. 
“It had to be a couple hundred people. Everything just stopped when they saw him. The maitre d came over and said, Oh, Mr. Balistrieri, I didn't know you were coming,'" Pistone remembered. "It was like, you know, if you were in a foreign country, a president walking in. Or the queen walked in, I mean, you could see that that everybody knew who he was. And either they were terribly afraid of him or respected him."
“But he was the man," Pistone said. "He was the man in Milwaukee.”
Despite Pistones encyclopedic knowledge of the Mafia, he didnt have a lot of answers when it came to Augie.
Pistone told me he doesnt believe he ever met my cousin, but clearly remembers his murder which he also wrote about in his book. 
“He wasnt a boss,” Pistone said. “I think he probably was involved in bookmaking operations.”
He did recall Balistrieri claiming that Augie was “a snitch.” 
“Whether he was, I don't know,” Pistone said, adding that he made it a point not to know.
“It's human nature,” he said. “Youre going to act differently if you know that somebody, you know, is on your side.”
Pistones work in Milwaukee in 1978 would eventually help dismantle organized crime here. But not before it claimed another life -- Augie's.
## Closing time
Augie spent his final hours like he did much of his life. He was working.
He closed his tavern at 2 a.m., then spent 20 minutes cleaning up with his 24-year-old son, John, before they left together. 
"I'll see you tomorrow," Augie told his son as he walked toward his car.
Augie stopped at Pitchs Lounge and Restaurant on the East Side, where he joined an old friend known as “Teach” for breakfast. “Teach” would later tell police Augie came and left alone, but that he was too drunk to remember the exact time.
Augies routine was to stay awake after closing his tavern long enough to go back to the Third Ward and check on the days produce delivery, which typically arrived at 4 a.m. It was Friday, an especially busy day at work, so he would often sleep for only a few hours at his apartment before heading back to work on Commission Row.
Thats where he was going when he stepped into the elevator with his neighbor, Florence Grady.
She was the last person to see him alive.
## The seat of the blast
Augies car was still engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived.
The explosion mangled the overhead door to the parking garage so badly that firefighters had to pry it open and prop it up with wooden beams. The blast also shattered the lights, leaving it almost pitch-black inside. The air was heavy with smoke, and the garage was flooded from the sprinkler system and water streaming from burst pipes in the ceiling. 
The front of Augies Marquis was essentially gone, and parts of his car lay scattered across the garage. The damage spread to 28 nearby cars, but miraculously no one else was injured because Augie was alone in the garage that morning.
It wasnt until firefighters extinguished the flames that they found Augies body. His right foot was missing — investigators determined it had been incinerated by the blast. His face was so badly burned that police identified him through fingerprints.
He was 49 years old.
Those who responded to the crime scene that morning included about 25 firefighters, members of the Milwaukee Police Department bomb squad, the state fire marshal, and Milwaukee County District Attorney E. Michael McCann, as well as numerous police officers and FBI agents.
Notably absent, according to police reports: longtime Milwaukee Police Chief Harold Breier, who famously said there was “no prosecutable evidence of organized crime” in the city. 
“We demand honest government in Milwaukee,” Breier said in that 1975 TV interview. “Our city wouldnt stand for it. Were different. Were quite a community."
Ted Engelbart, then a new member of the bomb squad, was at the crime scene that morning. He told me that they quickly realized it wasnt an accidental fire.
Engelbart said they determined the “seat of the blast” was in the front of the car, and the bomb was placed near the engine. The explosion followed the path of least resistance right toward Augie.
The bomb even moved the foundation of the apartment building. Had it exploded outside, the damage would have extended several city blocks, said Engelbart, whos now retired.
“That is sending a message,” Engelbart said. “Something like this tells other people, Oh, watch your ass.’”
The bomb likely had numerous sticks of dynamite and a booster, much like the one found in Vinces car. Among the debris, investigators found a key component: an alligator clip just like the one in the bomb that nearly killed Augies best friend.
McCann, the former DA, told me that the incident was “clearly no act of passing violence.” 
## John Palmisano
The explosion woke up Augies son, John, who like his dad had an apartment at Juneau Village. 
After the building manager knocked on Johns door and told him Augies car was on fire, John called Palmys, then drove to Commission Row to look for his dad. Somebody said they thought theyd seen Augie early that morning, but nobody knew where he was.
After John returned to the apartment building, an officer showed him a silver watch with a broken band found near the mangled car. John recognized it as his fathers watch. 
Police who stopped at Palmys later that day found a locked door with a note that read: “Sorry, the tavern is closed. My father died today.”
## 'Augie got put on a troublemaker list'
In the aftermath of Augies murder, Milwaukee police detectives interviewed nearly every resident of Juneau Village Garden Apartments, talked to business owners and workers along Commission Row, and spoke to Augies friends throughout the city, according to police reports from the time.
Just hours after the bombing, an anonymous caller reported seeing a late model white Cadillac with Ohio license plates occupied by people “who appeared to be gangster types.” The FBI traced the license plate number to a car dealership, whose manager said the sedan had been leased to a “self employed contractor” named Larry John. The reports dont say whether investigators found him or determined if that was the getaway car.
Several days after the murder, a detective stopped at a halfway house to question Anthony Francis Pipito, a Balistrieri employee whod been convicted of armed burglary and other crimes. Asked whether he had any information about Augies murder, Pipito told the detective he wouldnt give him “any information regarding Frank Balistrieri.” 
Asked why he brought up Balistrieri, Pipito refused to answer.
Others dropped similar hints. When detectives went to the Iron Horse Diner in Glendale to interview its owner, Anthony Fazio, he told them that only four or five people in Milwaukee “would be able to hire a bomber.” He added that police “should probably start looking on Prospect Avenue.”
The detective wrote, “Probably meant Snugs bar Frank Balistrieri.”
Fazio, whose brother Louis was murdered six years earlier, told detectives he and others believed “that some people in the Milwaukee Police Department are on the take and therefore we are not conducting a proper investigation into this homicide,” the report said.
He also warned them people “who might have information regarding this murder are afraid to come forward because they fear for their lives.”
A newspaper article about the murder quoted a Palmisano Produce truck driver who said Augie was “good to bums, paupers, rich men and poor men” and would feed people off the street. The owner of the building described Augie as a “nice fellow” who always paid his rent on time and slept very little, often starting work before 5 a.m.
But the narrative that Augie was a Mafia leader or suspected informant seemed to stick.
One front-page article, quoting police sources, described Augie as a “substantial figure in organized crime in Milwaukee,” and said that “somebody thought he was going to talk.” 
Another said his killing was “part of a long standing feud between criminal factions in the city.”
Yet another said Augie “had been branded as a troublemaker by organized crime leaders” for protesting too publicly about the attempted bombing of his close friend, Vince Maniaci. 
“Augie got put on a troublemaker list,” a source told The Milwaukee Journal.
## The Satin Doll
One person didnt hesitate to name Balistrieri as a suspect in Augies murder: lounge owner Minnette Wilson.
Today, a fading Schlitz sign still hangs over the lounge Wilson owned on West Fond du Lac Avenue. The concrete walls of the now-shuttered tavern are covered in graffiti, and weeds grow through cracks in the parking lot.
But in 1978, Satin Dolls Lounge was a hotspot for jazz, vice and wild characters. And few were wilder than its owner. Wilson was a stunning former dancer who performed with Duke Ellington and claimed to have inspired his hit song “Satin Doll.” 
She often went by the Satin Doll, or just the Doll.
When a pair of detectives first went to the lounge to interview Wilson about Augies murder, she was visibly distraught. The lounge was packed, and she told them she was too busy and upset about her old friends death to talk noting Augies funeral had just been held.
Detectives spotted two large portraits of Augie hanging on the back walls of the lounge and suggested a follow-up interview.
“It is apparent that she is more than just a close friend of the deceased,” they wrote in their report. “We were unable to determine at this time just how close the relationship was.”
But theres nothing else that might indicate they were romantically involved. 
Wilson told another pair of detectives who returned the following night that she and Augie had dinner together a couple of times in the days leading up to his murder, and he didnt show any signs of concern about his safety. But she added he was “the type of person that if something was bothering him, even though it would be quite serious, he would not tell anyone else about it,” the police report said.
“She several times stated that she feels that one Frank Balistrieri, otherwise known as Frankie Bal, was responsible for having August Palmisano killed,” detectives wrote.
As they were leaving, Wilson told detectives: “Frankie Bal has gone too far this time.”
## 'I'm in a lot of trouble'
Detectives kept getting hints Balistrieri was behind Augies murder, but they struggled to find details about a motive. 
A painting found in Augies apartment led them to his close friend, a stockbroker named Sante DiAntoni, who went by Sam Denton. Denton told police that when he and his wife found out Augie was murdered, they both sat on their bed and cried. 
After what detectives described as a “long conversation,” Denton revealed more. He said about six months before the murder, Augie confided in him that hed been threatened over his friendship with Vince Maniaci, who by then had fled town for Hawaii. 
“I think Im in a lot of trouble,” Denton recalled Augie saying. “I was told if I help Vince, I would be in more trouble that I should stay away from Vince forever.” 
Three months later Vince decided to come back to Milwaukee, and Augie went to pick him up at the airport, Denton said. Augie waited for three hours but Vince never showed up. Augie later found out that Vince had arrived in Milwaukee but immediately took a flight back to Hawaii. Denton told police that Augie was very upset and frightened, and thought Vince may have been threatened when he arrived at the airport.
Then, a month before the murder, Vince again called Augie and told him that he was having trouble finding a job, and wanted to come home to Milwaukee.
“Its better for you to stay where you are, and Ill stay where I am. That will be best for both of us,” Denton overheard Augie tell Vince. 
Denton told detectives he hoped they would solve the case, but said he didnt think it would be possible.
## A meeting at FBI headquarters
Less than a week after Augie was killed, a group of federal agents met with Milwaukee police detectives at FBI headquarters in downtown Milwaukee. 
There had been tension simmering between the FBI and Milwaukee Police Department for years, with some officers accusing agents of not sharing enough information with them. Several former FBI agents told me they knew some officers were on Balistrieris payroll and were worried about corrupt cops leaking information — concerns also documented in FBI reports from the time. 
But that day, the agents had information to share. They told detectives the FBI was contemplating a grand jury investigation focused on the attempted car bombing of Vincent Maniaci as well as Augies murder, and said the agency might be willing to give out immunity in some cases with the idea of “shaking loose information not forthcoming at this time.”
The agents then told police theyd identified a possible hit man in the Maniaci car bombing case, and said he was also a suspect in Augies murder. His name was Nick George Montos, a career criminal who escaped from prison five times and was the first person to make the FBIs Ten Most Wanted list twice. 
FBI agents conducting surveillance had spotted Montos following Vince Maniaci before someone tried to kill him. 
Gary Magnesen, one of the FBI agents at the meeting that day, told me they nicknamed Montos “The Mope” because he looked so unremarkable.
“A car pulled up almost right in front of us - a black sedan - and a short little guy dressed in gray work clothes got out of the car,” Magnesen said. “He was a Chicago guy. They had used him quite a bit. He was not Italian and he was not part of the mob, but he was a guy that was an expert in bomb making.”
Retired FBI Agent Bob Walsh told me he also saw Montos in Milwaukee when he noticed him trailing Vince into a McDonalds shortly before the attempted bombing.
But neither police nor FBI knew whether Montos was in Milwaukee the day Augie was murdered. 
The FBI also asked about similarities in the explosives used in the two bombings. They suspected both bombs were closely linked, and likely built by the same person.
## No answer
A few weeks later, Milwaukee police detectives tried to talk to Frank Balistrieri at his large Shepard Avenue home on Milwaukees East Side. Detectives stopped several times one day, noting the car in the driveway.
“No one would come to the door,” they wrote of the visit. “However, it seemed as if someone was present in the home.”
They also went to the home of Peter Balistrieri, Franks brother. Nobody answered there either.
“In addition, we checked at the Shorecrest Hotel,” the report said. “But found that neither one of the Balistrieri brothers were in.”
It appears the officers never returned.
Over time, tips coming into the Milwaukee police slowed to a trickle.
One anonymous caller told police that someone using the name “Michael Block” had moved into Juneau Village shortly before Augie was killed and hadnt been seen since the murder. He reportedly left behind an expensive razor and nice clothing.  
Another tipster told police the killer was a Mafia hitman named Richard Montey, whod since gone into hiding using the alias “Dick Montage” and was living in a cabin behind a tavern near Athens, in northern Wisconsin. 
Yet another called police and said their sons friend, a man nicknamed “Dough Pop,” would get high on cocaine and brag that he had something to do with Augies murder.
Police hit one dead end after another. But the feds were just getting started.
## 'He called me a name to my face'
Frank Balistrieri had been on the FBIs radar for years. Augies murder helped inspire an all-out crackdown, former agents told me.
“Now we had a crime, a very serious crime a homicide to tie him to,” Magnesen said. “Once those murders began, we knew he was behind it. The problem was to prove it. So thats when we started pushing really hard.”
Just weeks after the meeting at FBI headquarters, undercover FBI agent Gail Cobb, who was posing as a new vending machine company owner named Tony Conte, was summoned by Balistrieri to a meeting at Snugs restaurant in the Shorecrest Hotel. 
He went with New York Mafia member “Lefty” Ruggiero, who was helping him work out an arrangement between the New York and Milwaukee crime families over vending machine profits [with the help of undercover agent Joe Pistone]( posing as "Donnie Brasco."
It was July 29, 1978 — nearly a month after Augie's murder.
Balistrieri, sitting across the table from Cobb, had reached out to shake his hand when Ruggiero introduced him as Conte. Balistrieri recoiled in shock.
“Weve been looking for you all week. We were going to hit you," Cobb remembered him saying. "We figured you were the G.” (The G, or G-man, is short for a government agent.)
[Balistrieri reportedly laughed]( as he explained that hed had three guys following Cobb. The would-be hit men had even trailed Cobb to the meeting and were still waiting until Balistrieri waved them away.
After Ruggiero reassured him Cobb wasnt an informant, Balistrieri made it clear the vending machine business in Milwaukee belonged to him. 
Then the conversation turned to Augie. 
“He was arrogant. He called me a name to my face,” Balistrieri said, touching his fingers to his face. 
He added: “Now they cant find his skin.”  
There was no recording of the exchange. It would have been too dangerous for Cobb to wear a wire to the Shorecrest that night.
Shortly afterward, a shaken Cobb told Pistone: “First thing Im going to do is put a remote starter in my Cadillac.”
A few weeks later, Cobb and Pistone were at a bar with Balistrieri when they ran into Peter Picciurro, the owner of Pitchs Lounge & Restaurant, where Augie had his last meal.
Balistrieri reportedly laughed as he told the two men that Picciurro hadnt talked to him since “the guy had his accident” and “got blown up.”
“They were buddies — goombahs — real close,” Balistrieri added.
That same night, Balistrieri bragged to the undercover agents that nobody had ever lived to be a witness against him.
Only in this case, if Balistrieri was trying to gain power by making an example out of Augie, he may have instead set in motion his own downfall.
## A full-court press
In October 1978, Cobb was frozen out by Balistrieri, who reportedly had discovered that he was an undercover agent. But by then he and Pistone had already gathered extensive information about Balistrieris gambling ring and extortion activities. 
The FBIs investigations into Balistrieri and his associates would ultimately involve a federal grand jury, subpoenas, search warrants, wiretapping and other physical and electronic surveillance.
“We call it a full-court press,” said Magnesen, the longtime FBI agent whos now retired.
The FBI targeted several locations for surveillance, including the Shorecrest Hotel. After obtaining blueprints to the Shorecrest and a search warrant, a group of [FBI agents broke into the building]( one night. They were able to slip in through the front door after two agents pretended to make out in front of the entrance -- blocking the door from view as an FBI lock expert cut a key in real time. 
Magnesen, one of the agents who broke in that night, said he still remembers the concrete dust falling on them as they drilled a hole in the basement ceiling. They then placed a listening device under the carpet.
It turned out they had put the microphone in the wrong place, and had to enter the Shorecrest for a second time to move the microphone.
Magnesen said one of the conversations agents heard thanks to that microphone was a worried discussion about a subpoena served to Nick Montos, who Balistrieri warned had “real, real, real good information” on what he called “the boom.”
That quote was one of several glimmers of hope that prosecutors would be able to charge Balistrieri with the murders they believed hed ordered. 
Despite Balistrieri gloating about the deaths, officials never felt like they had enough evidence to win a homicide conviction.
In 1980, after months of around-the-clock surveillance, the FBI broke down Balistrieris front door with a sledgehammer. He was later charged with gambling, tax evasion and extortion.
## John Franke
One September afternoon, former federal prosecutor John Franke led me down the staircase to the basement of his suburban Milwaukee home, stopping at a stash of bankers boxes. 
“They sat in storage in different houses for the last, what is it, 40 years?” he said.
Franke peered inside one of the boxes, which was filled with court documents, FBI wiretap transcripts, notebooks and other files from the years he spent working to win convictions against Balistrieri and his associates.
As Franke flipped through a manila folder, an old black and white photograph caught my eye.  
“Is that Augie?” I asked.  
“That might be your cousin. Yeah, it probably is,” Franke said, turning it over and reading the name on the back. “Augie Palmisano.”  
The file also held pictures of Balistrieri, including a booking photo and another of him dressed in one of his custom suits.  
“Fancy Pants,” Franke said. "Well-dressed as always."
Frank Balistrieri had proven to be slippery in the past. About a decade before Franke joined what was known as the Organized Crime Strike Force, a federal tax evasion case against Balistrieri was nearly derailed when Balistrieri discovered the FBI had illegally planted microphones to conduct electronic surveillance without a warrant.
To prepare for the Balistrieri trials some 10 years later, Franke and others on the Organized Crime Strike Force spent weeks listening to hours of conversations between Balistrieri and his associates that had been secretly -- but this time, legally -- recorded by the FBI.
“I don't know how many hours I spent in that room with those big old reel-to-reel tapes running,” Franke told me.  
In 1983, Balistrieri was convicted of gambling and tax charges. The following year, he and his two sons were convicted of extortion. At the trials, former undercover agents Pistone and Cobb were among those who testified.
Franke said one thing that "caught everyone's attention" was the explosion that killed Augie. While he was prosecuting the case, people would tell him where they were when the bomb went off, he said, because it could be felt from blocks away.
“That was a pretty dramatic moment in terms of, creating the sense in the community that maybe there is organized crime here, and maybe its something that we should actually worry about,” Franke said. “Because its not just, you know, gangsters gunning down gangsters. Its people doing things that could kill innocent people easily.”
When I asked if he thought Balistrieri got away with murder, Franke fell silent. 
“The most compelling statement from Frank was not recorded,” he said after a long pause. “That would be they can't find his skin. He was arrogant to my face.’”
But it was clear he was reviewing the case in his mind.  
“Look, you're making me pause. Because I'm sure if we thought that was enough, we would have pursued it. But, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that he ordered it just because he was gloating about someone's death,” Franke said. “I don't know. Maybe we missed something. But it really probably wasn't enough to convince a jury.” 
## Bad blood  
The convictions of Balistrieri and his associates dealt [a massive blow to organized crime in Milwaukee](, and the investigations that led to them are widely considered to be among the greatest success stories for the FBI here.
For his crimes in Milwaukee, Balistrieri was sentenced to 13 years in prison.
Two years later, in a separate federal case involving [skimming money from Las Vegas casinos](, Balistrieri pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a concurrent 10 years. 
He was released from prison early due to his failing health in 1991, and died two years later at age 74.
Nick Montos had a long criminal career and spent years as a fugitive. In 1995, he tried to rob a Massachusetts antique store, where he tied up the 73-year-old Jewish owner and called her an antisemitic slur. She was able to escape and fight off Montos, then 78, with a baseball bat. He was still a prisoner when he died at age 92.
Montos was never charged in Augie's murder or Vince's attempted car bombing. But to this day, retired FBI agents Magnesen and Walsh told me they believe that Montos built the bomb that killed my cousin on the orders of Balistrieri. 
As for motive? Magnesen said it was well known Augie “had contempt" for Frank Balistrieri. And he wasnt the only one.
“All of the soldiers and so on despised (Balistrieri) because he didnt have cred. He was a nobody really. He had never really shown himself to be a good criminal or anything like that. So they didnt like him,” Magnesen said. “And Augie Palmisano although he was not a made member he didnt like (Balistrieri) at all either. And would talk about him on the street.”
Magnesen said Balistrieri, through his enforcer, put pressure on Augie to pay a percentage of his gambling winnings to him — “or else.” That enforcer was observed by another FBI agent in a big argument with Augie shortly before he was murdered, he added.
Magnesen stressed that my cousin was neither a made member of the Mafia nor was he a "rat," as Balistrieri had claimed.
“Palmisano was not an informant. But (Balistrieri) told the Chicago people he was, and therefore a threat to him and therefore a threat to them,” Magnesen said. “He just lied. He did everything he could to get them to do his dirty work.”
FBI documents corroborate that there was bad blood between the two, including a July 1978 report stating that Augie had “openly showed his disgust with Balistrieri for having a bomb placed in Vincent Maniacis vehicle.” 
The report also said that Balistrieri had previously accused Augie of operating a bookmaking business without paying off “the LCN,” or La Cosa Nostra.
Family history suggests the bad blood may have started years earlier, when Augies brother married Balistrieris sister, against the Palmisano family's wishes. The relationship reportedly got worse when Balistrieri and Augie began [feuding over a shared relative]( they both wanted to hire who'd taken a job as a bartender at Augie's tavern. 
Former FBI Agent Bob Walsh said Augie and Vince refused to take orders from Balistrieri. 
“They were sort of outsiders,” Walsh said. “He couldnt control them. They were kind of on their own.”
He believes Balistrieri used them as an example to scare others into doing as they were told.
“I think he wanted to show that hes in charge here,” Walsh said. “And every once in a while, youve got to flex your muscles and put somebody down.”
## Chasing ghosts
In the more than four decades since Augies murder, the Third Ward has undergone a seismic shift. What was once the working-class stretch known as Commission Row has been replaced by posh boutiques, restaurants, bars and other high-end businesses that now line Broadway.
The building that was home to Palmisano Produce and Richies on Broadway, or Palmys, is now Café Benelux. The boards that used to cover the windows are gone, as is the pool table. Now the bar serves Belgian beers and craft cocktails, and a staircase leads to a rooftop patio.
As for me, trying to report on the 45-year-old unsolved murder of a cousin I never knew has felt a bit like chasing ghosts or trying to put together a puzzle with too many missing pieces. 
Many of the key figures involved have died. Some would only talk anonymously because they were still afraid of the reach of organized crime, or simply didnt return my phone calls. Others declined to be interviewed, like Frank Balistrieris son, John. Augies children did not respond to interview requests.
Its been a relief to learn that Augie was not some murderer or Mafia kingpin nor was he a “made” member, according to the FBI agents I interviewed who knew him. Those same agents said that while Augie was no angel, he was funny, charismatic and well liked. And many of his gambling activities that were front-page news decades ago are now basically legal. 
Months spent poring over hundreds of pages of police reports, FBI files, court records and wiretap transcripts made me realize that in a sense Id been blaming Augie for his own murder or at least trying to figure out what he did that led to the car bombing.
Franke noticed I was still struggling to make sense of the murder when I called him months after our initial interview to ask about additional documents that may shed some light on the case.
“Mary, I know youre trying to understand what your cousin did or didnt do that led to his death,” Franke told me. “But this was about power.”
He was right. Augie may have been a gambler who refused to give Balistrieri a cut of his profits, and criticized the attempted murder of his best friend. And he probably even called Balistrieri a name to his face. But he didn't deserve to die the way he did. 
He was a businessman and a hustler. A convicted gambler and a devoted friend. A rebel who bucked authority. He was adored. And he had some powerful enemies.
His name was Augie Palmisano, and he was my cousin.
*Contact Mary Spicuzza at (414) 224-2324 or Follow her on Twitter at @MSpicuzzaMJS*.
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`$= dv.el('center', 'Source: ' + dv.current().Link + ', ' + dv.current().Date.toLocaleString("fr-FR"))`

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CollapseMetaTable: true
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: 🟥
Read:: [[2024-01-20]]

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ style: number
#### Dairy
- [x] 🧈 Beurre ✅ 2024-01-13
- [x] 🧈 Beurre ✅ 2024-01-23
- [x] 🧀 Fromage à servir ✅ 2023-06-12
- [x] 🧀 Fromage rapé ✅ 2023-10-26
- [x] 🧀 Parmeggiano ✅ 2024-01-13
@ -117,19 +117,19 @@ style: number
#### Fresh
- [x] 🍎 Fruit ✅ 2024-01-13
- [x] 🍎 Fruit ✅ 2024-01-23
- [x] 🍌 Bananas ✅ 2023-09-23
- [x] 🌰 Walnuts ✅ 2024-01-17
- [x] 🌰 Walnuts ✅ 2024-01-23
- [x] 🥜 Peanuts ✅ 2024-01-16
- [x] 🥜 Pine nuts ✅ 2023-10-08
- [x] 🍅 Tomatoes ✅ 2024-01-06
- [x] 🥜 Pine nuts ✅ 2024-01-22
- [x] 🍅 Tomatoes ✅ 2024-01-23
- [x] 🫑 Bell pepper ✅ 2023-12-08
- [x] 🥦 Fennel ✅ 2022-10-29
- [x] 🥦 Radish ✅ 2022-10-29
- [x] 🥦 Broccoli ✅ 2023-12-08
- [x] 🫛 Green beans ✅ 2024-01-13
- [x] 🫛 Green peas ✅ 2024-01-16
- [x] 🫘 Red beans ✅ 2023-12-23
- [x] 🫛 Green peas ✅ 2024-01-22
- [x] 🫘 Red beans ✅ 2024-01-23
- [x] 🍄 Mushrooms ✅ 2024-01-08
- [x] 🧅 Onions ✅ 2024-01-06
- [x] 🧅 Spring onion ✅ 2024-01-06
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ style: number
- [x] 🥩 Cured meat ✅ 2022-12-31
- [x] 🍖 Fresh meat ✅ 2023-11-04
- [x] 🍖 Minced meat ✅ 2024-01-06
- [x] 🍖 Minced meat ✅ 2024-01-23
- [x] 🥓 Bacon ✅ 2023-04-07
- [x] 🐑 Lamb shank ✅ 2023-12-23
- [x] 🐔 Chicken thighs ✅ 2023-10-07
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ style: number
#### Bases
- [x] 🍝 Pasta ✅ 2023-12-23
- [x] 🍜 Noodles ✅ 2024-01-13
- [x] 🍜 Noodles ✅ 2024-01-23
- [x] 🌾 Bulgur ✅ 2022-10-29
- [x] 🍚 Rice ✅ 2023-11-10
- [x] 🥔 Potatoes ✅ 2024-01-13
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ style: number
- [x] 🌿 Bay leaves ✅ 2022-08-05
- [x] 🌿 Oregano ✅ 2022-03-14
- [x] 🌿 Herbes de Provence ✅ 2022-03-14
- [x] 🌿 Coriander ✅ 2023-12-21
- [x] 🌿 Coriander ✅ 2024-01-23
- [x] 🌿 Parsley ✅ 2024-01-16
- [x] 🌿 Fresh mint ✅ 2023-12-23

@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ style: number
12. Shadow
13. Le Prix de lArgent
14. La Loi du Dollar
15. Les Trois Yeux des Gardiens du Tao
16. Les Voies de la Vertu
17. Mer Noire
18. Colère Rouge
@ -92,6 +96,7 @@ style: number
12. Un Monde Parfait
13. Point de Non-Retour
14. Piégés!
15. Deuil & Espoir
@ -164,6 +169,7 @@ Articles: [[Why Bill Watterson Vanished - The American Conservative]], [[Bill Wa
6. Cixi Impératrice
7. Les Pétaures se cachent pour mourir
8. La Bête Fabuleuse
9. La Forêt Noiseuse

@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ style: number
- [ ] ♻ [[Household]]: *Paper* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2024-01-30
- [x] ♻ [[Household]]: *Paper* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2024-01-16 ✅ 2024-01-15
- [x] ♻ [[Household]]: *Paper* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2024-01-02 ✅ 2024-01-01
- [ ] ♻ [[Household]]: *Cardboard* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2024-01-23
- [ ] ♻ [[Household]]: *Cardboard* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2024-02-06
- [x] ♻ [[Household]]: *Cardboard* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2024-01-23 ✅ 2024-01-22
- [x] ♻ [[Household]]: *Cardboard* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2024-01-09 ✅ 2024-01-08
- [x] ♻ [[Household]]: *Cardboard* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2023-12-26 ✅ 2023-12-26
@ -86,7 +87,8 @@ style: number
- [ ] 🛎️ :house: [[Household]]: Pay rent %%done_del%% 🔁 every month on the last 📅 2024-01-31
- [x] 🛎️ :house: [[Household]]: Pay rent %%done_del%% 🔁 every month on the last 📅 2023-12-31 ✅ 2023-12-25
- [ ] 🛎 🧻 REMINDER [[Household]]: check need for toilet paper %%done_del%% 🔁 every week 📅 2024-01-22
- [ ] 🛎 🧻 REMINDER [[Household]]: check need for toilet paper %%done_del%% 🔁 every week 📅 2024-01-29
- [x] 🛎 🧻 REMINDER [[Household]]: check need for toilet paper %%done_del%% 🔁 every week 📅 2024-01-22 ✅ 2024-01-21
- [x] 🛎 🧻 REMINDER [[Household]]: check need for toilet paper %%done_del%% 🔁 every week 📅 2024-01-15 ✅ 2024-01-12
- [x] 🛎 🧻 REMINDER [[Household]]: check need for toilet paper %%done_del%% 🔁 every week 📅 2024-01-08 ✅ 2024-01-06
- [x] 🛎 🧻 REMINDER [[Household]]: check need for toilet paper %%done_del%% 🔁 every week 📅 2024-01-01 ✅ 2023-12-25

@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ style: number
- [w] :birthday: **[[Joséphine Bédier|Joséphine]]** %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2024-01-21
- [ ] :birthday: **[[Joséphine Bédier|Joséphine]]** %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2025-01-21
- [x] :birthday: **[[Joséphine Bédier|Joséphine]]** %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2024-01-21 ✅ 2024-01-21
- [x] :birthday: **[[Joséphine Bédier|Joséphine]]** %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2023-01-21 ✅ 2023-01-21
- [x] :birthday: **[[Joséphine Bédier|Joséphine]]** 🔁 every year 📅 2022-01-21 ✅ 2022-01-21

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Alias: [""]
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Date: 2024-01-25
DocType: "Place"
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location: [47.3683852,8.54202963182996]
Type: Bar
SubType: Pool
Style: Swiss
Location: Altstadt
Country: CH
Status: Recommended
CollapseMetaTable: true
Phone: "+41 44 251 33 31"
Email: ""
Website: "[Die Bar an der Limmat | Barfussbar in der Frauenbadi Zürich]("
Parent:: [[@@Zürich|Zürich]], [[@Bars Zürich|Bars in Zürich]]
let tempPhone = dv.current().Phone ? dv.current().Phone.replaceAll(" ", "") : '+000'
let tempMail = dv.current().Email ? dv.current().Email : ""
let tempCoorSet = dv.current().location ? dv.current().location : [0,0]
dv.el('center', '[📲](tel:' + tempPhone + ') &emsp; &emsp; [📧](mailto:' + tempMail + ') &emsp; &emsp; [🗺️](' + "" + tempCoorSet[0] + "%2C" + tempCoorSet[1] + "&navigate=yes" + ')')
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Barfussbar
> [!summary]+
> Note Description
style: number
### 📇 Contact
> [!address] 🗺
> Stadthausquai 12
> 8001 Zürich
> Switzerland
☎️ `= this.Phone`
📧 `= this.Email`
🌐 `= this.Website`
### 🗒 Notes
Loret ipsum
### 🔗 Other activity
Table DocType as "Doc type" from [[Barfussbar]]
where !contains(, "@@Travel")
sort DocType asc

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Alias: [""]
Tag: ["🍸"]
Date: 2024-01-25
DocType: "Place"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
location: [47.37214125,8.541222271172717]
Type: Bar
SubType: Cocktail
Style: Swiss
Location: Altstadt
Country: CH
Status: Test
CollapseMetaTable: true
Phone: "+41 43 233 53 35"
Email: ""
Website: "[Old Crow Zurich rare spirits & cocktails]("
Parent:: [[@@Zürich|Zürich]], [[@Bars Zürich|Bars in Zürich]]
let tempPhone = dv.current().Phone ? dv.current().Phone.replaceAll(" ", "") : '+000'
let tempMail = dv.current().Email ? dv.current().Email : ""
let tempCoorSet = dv.current().location ? dv.current().location : [0,0]
dv.el('center', '[📲](tel:' + tempPhone + ') &emsp; &emsp; [📧](mailto:' + tempMail + ') &emsp; &emsp; [🗺️](' + "" + tempCoorSet[0] + "%2C" + tempCoorSet[1] + "&navigate=yes" + ')')
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Old Crow
> [!summary]+
> Note Description
style: number
### 📇 Contact
> [!address] 🗺
> Schwanengasse 4
> 8001 Zürich
> Switzerland
☎️ `= this.Phone`
📧 `= this.Email`
🌐 `= this.Website`
### 🗒 Notes
Loret ipsum
### 🔗 Other activity
Table DocType as "Doc type" from [[The Old Crow]]
where !contains(, "@@Travel")
sort DocType asc

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
Alias: [""]
Tag: ["🏔️", "🎿", "🇨🇭"]
Date: 2024-01-20
DocType: "Place"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
location: [47.0385782,8.7994732]
Type: Sport
SubType: Skiing
Style: Swiss
Location: Zug
Country: CH
Status: Tested
CollapseMetaTable: true
Phone: "+41 55 414 60 60"
Email: ""
Website: "[Hoch-Ybrig - Das Ski- und Snowboard-Paradies]("
Parent:: [[@Switzerland|Switzerland]], [[Skiing in Switzerland]]
let tempPhone = dv.current().Phone ? dv.current().Phone.replaceAll(" ", "") : '+000'
let tempMail = dv.current().Email ? dv.current().Email : ""
let tempCoorSet = dv.current().location ? dv.current().location : [0,0]
dv.el('center', '[📲](tel:' + tempPhone + ') &emsp; &emsp; [📧](mailto:' + tempMail + ') &emsp; &emsp; [🗺️](' + "" + tempCoorSet[0] + "%2C" + tempCoorSet[1] + "&navigate=yes" + ')')
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Hoch Ybrig
> [!summary]+
> Note Description
style: number
### 📇 Contact
> [!address] 🗺
> Talstation Weglosen
> Waagtalstrasse 127
> Unteriberg
> Switzerland
☎️ `= this.Phone`
📧 `= this.Email`
🌐 `= this.Website`
### 🗒 Notes
| &emsp; | &emsp; |
| --------------------- |:--------------------------:|
| **Day pass** | *CHF 57* |
| **Size of domain** | *Medium* |
| **Restaurants** | *10* |
| **Time to ZH** | Car: *1h* |
| **Easy car park** | *Yes* |
| **Parking for 1 day** | *free* |
### 🔗 Other activity
Table DocType as "Doc type" from [[Hoch Ybrig]]
where !contains(, "@@Travel")
sort DocType asc

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Alias: [""]
Tag: ["🏔️", "🎿", "🇨🇭"]
Date: 2024-01-21
DocType: "Place"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
location: [46.9663843,8.4730327]
Type: Sport
SubType: Skiing
Style: Swiss
Location: Luzern
Country: CH
Status: Tested
CollapseMetaTable: true
Phone: "+41 41 624 66 00"
Email: ""
Website: "[Klewenalp-Stockhütte - Ihr Ausflugsparadies im Herzen der Zentralschweiz]("
Parent:: [[@Switzerland|Switzerland]], [[Skiing in Switzerland]]
let tempPhone = dv.current().Phone ? dv.current().Phone.replaceAll(" ", "") : '+000'
let tempMail = dv.current().Email ? dv.current().Email : ""
let tempCoorSet = dv.current().location ? dv.current().location : [0,0]
dv.el('center', '[📲](tel:' + tempPhone + ') &emsp; &emsp; [📧](mailto:' + tempMail + ') &emsp; &emsp; [🗺️](' + "" + tempCoorSet[0] + "%2C" + tempCoorSet[1] + "&navigate=yes" + ')')
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Klewenalp
> [!summary]+
> Note Description
style: number
### 📇 Contact
> [!address] 🗺
> Kirchweg 27
> 6375 Beckenried
> Switzerland
☎️ `= this.Phone`
📧 `= this.Email`
🌐 `= this.Website`
### 🗒 Notes
Loret ipsum
### 🔗 Other activity
Table DocType as "Doc type" from [[Klewenalp]]
where !contains(, "@@Travel")
sort DocType asc

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ airedFrom: "01/10/2006"
airedTo: "unknown"
watched: true
lastWatched: "2014"
personalRating: 8.5
personalRating: 8
CollapseMetaTable: true

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
type: "movie"
subType: null
title: "Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles"
englishTitle: "Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles"
year: "1994"
dataSource: "OMDbAPI"
url: ""
id: "tt0110148"
plot: "A vampire tells his epic life story: love, betrayal, loneliness, and hunger."
- "Drama"
- "Fantasy"
- "Horror"
- "Neil Jordan"
- "Anne Rice"
- "N/A"
duration: "123 min"
onlineRating: 7.5
- "Brad Pitt"
- "Tom Cruise"
- "Antonio Banderas"
image: ""
released: true
premiere: "11/11/1994"
watched: true
lastWatched: "[[2024-01-24]]"
personalRating: 0
Parent:: [[@Cinematheque]]
dv.paragraph(`> [!${dv.current().watched ? 'SUCCESS' : 'WARNING'}] ${dv.current().watched ? 'last watched on ' + dv.current().lastWatched : 'not yet watched'}`)
# `$= dv.current().title`
`$= dv.current().watched ? '**Rating**: ' + dv.current().personalRating + ' out of 10' : ''`
### Details
`$= dv.current().genres.length === 0 ? ' - none' : dv.list(dv.current().genres)`
`$= !dv.current().released ? '**Not released** The movie is not yet released.' : ''`
list without id
"<table><tbody><tr><td><a class=heading>Type</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.type + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Online Rating</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.onlineRating + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Duration</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.duration + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Premiered</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.premiere + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Producer</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.producer + "</span></td></tr></tbody></table>"
FROM "03.04 Cinematheque/Interview with the Vampire - The Vampire Chronicles (1994)"
### Poster
`$= '![Image|360](' + dv.current().image + ')'`

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
type: "movie"
subType: null
title: "Rain Man"
englishTitle: "Rain Man"
year: "1988"
dataSource: "OMDbAPI"
url: ""
id: "tt0095953"
plot: "After a selfish L.A. yuppie learns his estranged father left a fortune to an autistic-savant brother in Ohio that he didn't know existed, he absconds with his brother and sets out across the country, hoping to gain a larger inheri..."
- "Drama"
- "Barry Levinson"
- "Barry Morrow"
- "Ron Bass"
- "N/A"
duration: "133 min"
onlineRating: 8
- "Dustin Hoffman"
- "Tom Cruise"
- "Valeria Golino"
image: ""
released: true
premiere: "16/12/1988"
watched: true
lastWatched: "[[2024-01-23]]"
personalRating: 8
Parent:: [[@Cinematheque]]
dv.paragraph(`> [!${dv.current().watched ? 'SUCCESS' : 'WARNING'}] ${dv.current().watched ? 'last watched on ' + dv.current().lastWatched : 'not yet watched'}`)
# `$= dv.current().title`
`$= dv.current().watched ? '**Rating**: ' + dv.current().personalRating + ' out of 10' : ''`
### Details
`$= dv.current().genres.length === 0 ? ' - none' : dv.list(dv.current().genres)`
`$= !dv.current().released ? '**Not released** The movie is not yet released.' : ''`
list without id
"<table><tbody><tr><td><a class=heading>Type</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.type + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Online Rating</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.onlineRating + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Duration</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.duration + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Premiered</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.premiere + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Producer</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.producer + "</span></td></tr></tbody></table>"
FROM "03.04 Cinematheque/Rain Man (1988)"
### Poster
`$= '![Image|360](' + dv.current().image + ')'`

@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_vinyl", {genres: "variete"})
- [x] Fugees - The Score ✅ 2023-11-08
- [ ] Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
- [x] NTM - Paris Sous Les Bombes ✅ 2023-11-08
- [x] Wu Tang - Enter the Wu Tang (36 Chambers) ✅ 2024-01-26
- [ ] Wu Tang
- [ ] Cypress Hill
- [ ] Notorious B.I.G.
@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_vinyl", {genres: "variete"})
- [x] Queen - Greatest Hits ✅ 2023-11-08
- [x] Prince ✅ 2023-11-08
- [ ] Prince - When doves cry
- [x] Michael Jackson - Thriller ✅ 2024-01-26
- [x] David Bowie ✅ 2023-12-30
- [ ] The Rolling Stones
- [ ] The Doors
@ -208,6 +210,7 @@ dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_vinyl", {genres: "variete"})
- [x] Rage Against the Machine ✅ 2023-11-01
- [ ] Metallica
- [ ] Nirvana
- [x] AC/DC - Highway to Hell ✅ 2024-01-26
- [ ] Noir Désir
- [ ] The Clash - London Calling

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
DocType: "Vinyl"
type: "musicRelease"
subType: "Album"
title: "Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers)"
englishTitle: "Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers)"
year: "1993"
dataSource: "MusicBrainz API"
url: ""
id: "610fb60f-900a-3c42-ac7d-f6b6aa8035f9"
- "boom bap"
- "east coast hip hop"
- "gangsta rap"
- "hardcore hip hop"
- "hip hop"
- "WuTang Clan"
image: ""
rating: 9.4
personalRating: 0
Parent:: [[@Vinyls|Vinyls]]
# `$= dv.current().title`
### Details
`$= dv.current().genres.length === 0 ? ' - none' : dv.list(dv.current().genres)`
list without id
"<table><tbody><tr><td><a class=heading>Type</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.subType + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Online Rating</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.rating + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Artists</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.artists + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Premiered</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.year + "</span></td></tr></tbody></table>"
FROM "03.05 Vinyls/Enter the WuTang (36 Chambers) (by WuTang Clan - 1993)"
### Poster
`$= '![Image|360](' + dv.current().image + ')'`

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
DocType: "Vinyl"
type: "musicRelease"
subType: "Album"
title: "Highway to Hell"
englishTitle: "Highway to Hell"
year: "1979"
dataSource: "MusicBrainz API"
url: ""
id: "f85647ec-a69b-3b0a-ad04-bb6076c4dcf1"
- "arena rock"
- "classic rock"
- "hard rock"
- "rock"
- "AC/DC"
image: ""
rating: 9
personalRating: 0
Parent:: [[@Vinyls|Vinyls]]
# `$= dv.current().title`
### Details
`$= dv.current().genres.length === 0 ? ' - none' : dv.list(dv.current().genres)`
list without id
"<table><tbody><tr><td><a class=heading>Type</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.subType + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Online Rating</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.rating + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Artists</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.artists + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Premiered</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.year + "</span></td></tr></tbody></table>"
FROM "03.05 Vinyls/Highway to Hell (by ACDC - 1979)"
### Poster
`$= '![Image|360](' + dv.current().image + ')'`

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ year: "1996"
dataSource: "MusicBrainz API"
url: ""
id: "854d43f7-a8d3-3ead-9d45-1e72a92577f1"
- "g-funk"
- "hip hop"
- "pop rap"

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
DocType: "Vinyl"
type: "musicRelease"
subType: "Album"
title: "Thriller"
englishTitle: "Thriller"
year: "1982"
dataSource: "MusicBrainz API"
url: ""
id: "f32fab67-77dd-3937-addc-9062e28e4c37"
- "contemporary r&b"
- "dance"
- "dance-pop"
- "disco"
- "pop"
- "pop rock"
- "r&b"
- "rock"
- "Michael Jackson"
image: ""
rating: 8.8
personalRating: 0
Parent:: [[@Vinyls|Vinyls]]
# `$= dv.current().title`
### Details
`$= dv.current().genres.length === 0 ? ' - none' : dv.list(dv.current().genres)`
list without id
"<table><tbody><tr><td><a class=heading>Type</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.subType + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Online Rating</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.rating + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Artists</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.artists + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Premiered</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.year + "</span></td></tr></tbody></table>"
FROM "03.05 Vinyls/Thriller (by Michael Jackson - 1982)"
### Poster
`$= '![Image|360](' + dv.current().image + ')'`

@ -237,7 +237,9 @@ sudo bash /etc/addip4ban/
#### Ban List Tasks
- [ ] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2024-01-20
- [ ] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2024-02-03
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2024-01-27 ✅ 2024-01-27
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2024-01-20 ✅ 2024-01-20
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2024-01-13 ✅ 2024-01-12
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2024-01-06 ✅ 2024-01-06
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2023-12-30 ✅ 2023-12-31
@ -290,7 +292,9 @@ sudo bash /etc/addip4ban/
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2023-08-12 ✅ 2023-08-07
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2023-08-05 ✅ 2023-08-05
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]] Get IP addresses caught by Postfix %%done_del%% 🔁 every week on Saturday 📅 2023-07-29 ✅ 2023-08-04
- [ ] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]]: Update the Blocked IP list %%done_del%% 🔁 every month on Saturday 📅 2024-01-20
- [ ] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]]: Update the Blocked IP list %%done_del%% 🔁 every month on Saturday 📅 2024-02-03
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]]: Update the Blocked IP list %%done_del%% 🔁 every month on Saturday 📅 2024-01-27 ✅ 2024-01-27
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]]: Update the Blocked IP list %%done_del%% 🔁 every month on Saturday 📅 2024-01-20 ✅ 2024-01-20
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]]: Update the Blocked IP list %%done_del%% 🔁 every month on Saturday 📅 2024-01-13 ✅ 2024-01-12
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]]: Update the Blocked IP list %%done_del%% 🔁 every month on Saturday 📅 2024-01-06 ✅ 2024-01-06
- [x] 🖥 [[Selfhosting]], [[Configuring UFW|Firewall]]: Update the Blocked IP list %%done_del%% 🔁 every month on Saturday 📅 2023-12-30 ✅ 2023-12-31

@ -227,4 +227,140 @@ alias i=income
2024/01/19 Manor
expenses:Food:CHF CHF17.70
2024/01/19 Fnac
expenses:Electronics:CHF CHF58.95
2024/01/20 Petrol
expenses:Car:CHF CHF23.30
2024/01/18 Drinks
expenses:Social:CHF CHF57.00
2024/01/20 Ski Pass: Hoch Ybrig
expenses:Sport:CHF CHF57.00
2024/01/20 Lunch
expenses:Food:CHF CHF31.00
2024/01/20 Migros
expenses:Food:CHF CHF48.75
2024/01/21 Petrol
expenses:Car:CHF CHF40.00
2024/01/21 Klewenalp day pass
expenses:Sport:CHF CHF54.00
2024/01/21 Lunch
expenses:Food:CHF CHF24.5
2024/01/21 Parking
expenses:Car:CHF CHF4.25
2024/01/22 Migros
expenses:Food:CHF CHF10.25
2024/01/19 Uber Eats
expenses:Food:CHF CHF41.84
2024/01/23 Migros
expenses:Food:CHF CHF26.95
2024/01/23 Migros
expenses:Food:CHF CHF6.45
2024/01/24 Vicafé
expenses:Food:CHF CHF5.80
2024/01/24 Lunch
expenses:Food:CHF CHF17.80
2024/01/24 Bakery
expenses:Food:CHF CHF5.50
2024/01/24 Coffee & dessert
expenses:Food:CHF CHF18.00
2024/01/26 Petrol
expenses:Car:CHF CHF68.25
2024/01/26 Peages
expenses:Car:CHF €20.40
2024/01/26 Dej
expenses:Food:CHF €16.20
2024/01/26 Hotel
expenses:Travel:CHF €2.40
2024/01/26 Peages
expenses:Car:CHF €3.20
2024/01/26 Fnac
expenses:Entertainment:CHF €107.90
2024/01/26 Carrefour
expenses:Food:CHF €4.10
2024/01/26 Drinks
expenses:Social:CHF €7.00
2024/01/26 Dinner
expenses:Food:CHF €24.50
2024/01/27 Petrol
expenses:Car:CHF €77.80
2024/01/27 Petit dej
expenses:Food:CHF €8.80
2024/01/27 Coffee
expenses:Food:CHF €3.40
2024/01/27 Parking
expenses:Car:CHF €2.40
2024/01/27 Peages
expenses:Car:CHF €18.00
2024/01/27 Lunch Laure
expenses:Social:CHF CHF103.30
2024/01/28 Lunch
expenses:Social:CHF CHF95.80