diff --git a/.obsidian/community-plugins.json b/.obsidian/community-plugins.json
index 67c33fad..01b022a8 100644
--- a/.obsidian/community-plugins.json
+++ b/.obsidian/community-plugins.json
@@ -38,5 +38,6 @@
- "link-favicon"
+ "link-favicon",
+ "matter"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.obsidian/plugins/matter/data.json b/.obsidian/plugins/matter/data.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdae3e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.obsidian/plugins/matter/data.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "accessToken": null,
+ "refreshToken": null,
+ "qrSessionToken": "1ecdb767c28ddf874843b91aed135b3806cd65f0f53ce0b66c93e40e49780309",
+ "dataDir": "00.03 News",
+ "syncInterval": 60,
+ "hasCompletedInitialSetup": false,
+ "lastSync": null,
+ "isSyncing": false,
+ "contentMap": {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.obsidian/plugins/matter/main.js b/.obsidian/plugins/matter/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5623ab64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.obsidian/plugins/matter/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2799 @@
+if you want to view the source, please visit the github repository of this plugin
+var __create = Object.create;
+var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
+var __defProps = Object.defineProperties;
+var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
+var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
+var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
+var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
+var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
+var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
+var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
+var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
+ for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
+ if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
+ __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
+ if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
+ for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
+ if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
+ __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
+ }
+ return a;
+var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b));
+var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
+ return mod || (0, cb[Object.keys(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
+var __export = (target, all) => {
+ __markAsModule(target);
+ for (var name in all)
+ __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
+var __reExport = (target, module2, desc) => {
+ if (module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function") {
+ for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module2))
+ if (!__hasOwnProp.call(target, key) && key !== "default")
+ __defProp(target, key, { get: () => module2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module2, key)) || desc.enumerable });
+ }
+ return target;
+var __toModule = (module2) => {
+ return __reExport(__markAsModule(__defProp(module2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(module2)) : {}, "default", module2 && module2.__esModule && "default" in module2 ? { get: () => module2.default, enumerable: true } : { value: module2, enumerable: true })), module2);
+var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ var fulfilled = (value) => {
+ try {
+ step(generator.next(value));
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(e);
+ }
+ };
+ var rejected = (value) => {
+ try {
+ step(generator.throw(value));
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(e);
+ }
+ };
+ var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
+ step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next());
+ });
+// node_modules/qrious/dist/qrious.js
+var require_qrious = __commonJS({
+ "node_modules/qrious/dist/qrious.js"(exports, module2) {
+ (function(global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === "object" && typeof module2 !== "undefined" ? module2.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : global.QRious = factory();
+ })(exports, function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var Constructor = function() {
+ };
+ var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ function createObject(prototype, properties) {
+ var result;
+ if (typeof Object.create === "function") {
+ result = Object.create(prototype);
+ } else {
+ Constructor.prototype = prototype;
+ result = new Constructor();
+ Constructor.prototype = null;
+ }
+ if (properties) {
+ extendObject(true, result, properties);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function extend(name, constructor, prototype, statics) {
+ var superConstructor = this;
+ if (typeof name !== "string") {
+ statics = prototype;
+ prototype = constructor;
+ constructor = name;
+ name = null;
+ }
+ if (typeof constructor !== "function") {
+ statics = prototype;
+ prototype = constructor;
+ constructor = function() {
+ return superConstructor.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ }
+ extendObject(false, constructor, superConstructor, statics);
+ constructor.prototype = createObject(superConstructor.prototype, prototype);
+ constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor;
+ constructor.class_ = name || superConstructor.class_;
+ constructor.super_ = superConstructor;
+ return constructor;
+ }
+ function extendObject(own, target, sources) {
+ sources = slice.call(arguments, 2);
+ var property;
+ var source;
+ for (var i = 0, length = sources.length; i < length; i++) {
+ source = sources[i];
+ for (property in source) {
+ if (!own || hasOwnProperty.call(source, property)) {
+ target[property] = source[property];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var extend_1 = extend;
+ function Nevis() {
+ }
+ Nevis.class_ = "Nevis";
+ Nevis.super_ = Object;
+ Nevis.extend = extend_1;
+ var nevis = Nevis;
+ var lite = nevis;
+ var Renderer = lite.extend(function(qrious, element, enabled) {
+ this.qrious = qrious;
+ this.element = element;
+ this.element.qrious = qrious;
+ this.enabled = Boolean(enabled);
+ }, {
+ draw: function(frame) {
+ },
+ getElement: function() {
+ if (!this.enabled) {
+ this.enabled = true;
+ this.render();
+ }
+ return this.element;
+ },
+ getModuleSize: function(frame) {
+ var qrious = this.qrious;
+ var padding = qrious.padding || 0;
+ var pixels = Math.floor((qrious.size - padding * 2) / frame.width);
+ return Math.max(1, pixels);
+ },
+ getOffset: function(frame) {
+ var qrious = this.qrious;
+ var padding = qrious.padding;
+ if (padding != null) {
+ return padding;
+ }
+ var moduleSize = this.getModuleSize(frame);
+ var offset = Math.floor((qrious.size - moduleSize * frame.width) / 2);
+ return Math.max(0, offset);
+ },
+ render: function(frame) {
+ if (this.enabled) {
+ this.resize();
+ this.reset();
+ this.draw(frame);
+ }
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ },
+ resize: function() {
+ }
+ });
+ var Renderer_1 = Renderer;
+ var CanvasRenderer = Renderer_1.extend({
+ draw: function(frame) {
+ var i, j;
+ var qrious = this.qrious;
+ var moduleSize = this.getModuleSize(frame);
+ var offset = this.getOffset(frame);
+ var context = this.element.getContext("2d");
+ context.fillStyle = qrious.foreground;
+ context.globalAlpha = qrious.foregroundAlpha;
+ for (i = 0; i < frame.width; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < frame.width; j++) {
+ if (frame.buffer[j * frame.width + i]) {
+ context.fillRect(moduleSize * i + offset, moduleSize * j + offset, moduleSize, moduleSize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ var qrious = this.qrious;
+ var context = this.element.getContext("2d");
+ var size = qrious.size;
+ context.lineWidth = 1;
+ context.clearRect(0, 0, size, size);
+ context.fillStyle = qrious.background;
+ context.globalAlpha = qrious.backgroundAlpha;
+ context.fillRect(0, 0, size, size);
+ },
+ resize: function() {
+ var element = this.element;
+ element.width = element.height = this.qrious.size;
+ }
+ });
+ var CanvasRenderer_1 = CanvasRenderer;
+ var Alignment = lite.extend(null, {
+ BLOCK: [
+ 0,
+ 11,
+ 15,
+ 19,
+ 23,
+ 27,
+ 31,
+ 16,
+ 18,
+ 20,
+ 22,
+ 24,
+ 26,
+ 28,
+ 20,
+ 22,
+ 24,
+ 24,
+ 26,
+ 28,
+ 28,
+ 22,
+ 24,
+ 24,
+ 26,
+ 26,
+ 28,
+ 28,
+ 24,
+ 24,
+ 26,
+ 26,
+ 26,
+ 28,
+ 28,
+ 24,
+ 26,
+ 26,
+ 26,
+ 28,
+ 28
+ ]
+ });
+ var Alignment_1 = Alignment;
+ var ErrorCorrection = lite.extend(null, {
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 19,
+ 7,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 16,
+ 10,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 13,
+ 13,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 9,
+ 17,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 34,
+ 10,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 28,
+ 16,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 22,
+ 22,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 16,
+ 28,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 55,
+ 15,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 44,
+ 26,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 13,
+ 22,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 80,
+ 20,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 32,
+ 18,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 24,
+ 26,
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ 9,
+ 16,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 108,
+ 26,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 43,
+ 24,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 15,
+ 18,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 11,
+ 22,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 68,
+ 18,
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ 27,
+ 16,
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ 19,
+ 24,
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ 15,
+ 28,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 78,
+ 20,
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ 31,
+ 18,
+ 2,
+ 4,
+ 14,
+ 18,
+ 4,
+ 1,
+ 13,
+ 26,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 97,
+ 24,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 38,
+ 22,
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ 18,
+ 22,
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ 14,
+ 26,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 116,
+ 30,
+ 3,
+ 2,
+ 36,
+ 22,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 16,
+ 20,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 12,
+ 24,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 68,
+ 18,
+ 4,
+ 1,
+ 43,
+ 26,
+ 6,
+ 2,
+ 19,
+ 24,
+ 6,
+ 2,
+ 15,
+ 28,
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ 81,
+ 20,
+ 1,
+ 4,
+ 50,
+ 30,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 22,
+ 28,
+ 3,
+ 8,
+ 12,
+ 24,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 92,
+ 24,
+ 6,
+ 2,
+ 36,
+ 22,
+ 4,
+ 6,
+ 20,
+ 26,
+ 7,
+ 4,
+ 14,
+ 28,
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ 107,
+ 26,
+ 8,
+ 1,
+ 37,
+ 22,
+ 8,
+ 4,
+ 20,
+ 24,
+ 12,
+ 4,
+ 11,
+ 22,
+ 3,
+ 1,
+ 115,
+ 30,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 40,
+ 24,
+ 11,
+ 5,
+ 16,
+ 20,
+ 11,
+ 5,
+ 12,
+ 24,
+ 5,
+ 1,
+ 87,
+ 22,
+ 5,
+ 5,
+ 41,
+ 24,
+ 5,
+ 7,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 11,
+ 7,
+ 12,
+ 24,
+ 5,
+ 1,
+ 98,
+ 24,
+ 7,
+ 3,
+ 45,
+ 28,
+ 15,
+ 2,
+ 19,
+ 24,
+ 3,
+ 13,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 1,
+ 5,
+ 107,
+ 28,
+ 10,
+ 1,
+ 46,
+ 28,
+ 1,
+ 15,
+ 22,
+ 28,
+ 2,
+ 17,
+ 14,
+ 28,
+ 5,
+ 1,
+ 120,
+ 30,
+ 9,
+ 4,
+ 43,
+ 26,
+ 17,
+ 1,
+ 22,
+ 28,
+ 2,
+ 19,
+ 14,
+ 28,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 113,
+ 28,
+ 3,
+ 11,
+ 44,
+ 26,
+ 17,
+ 4,
+ 21,
+ 26,
+ 9,
+ 16,
+ 13,
+ 26,
+ 3,
+ 5,
+ 107,
+ 28,
+ 3,
+ 13,
+ 41,
+ 26,
+ 15,
+ 5,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 15,
+ 10,
+ 15,
+ 28,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 116,
+ 28,
+ 17,
+ 0,
+ 42,
+ 26,
+ 17,
+ 6,
+ 22,
+ 28,
+ 19,
+ 6,
+ 16,
+ 30,
+ 2,
+ 7,
+ 111,
+ 28,
+ 17,
+ 0,
+ 46,
+ 28,
+ 7,
+ 16,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 34,
+ 0,
+ 13,
+ 24,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 121,
+ 30,
+ 4,
+ 14,
+ 47,
+ 28,
+ 11,
+ 14,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 16,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 6,
+ 4,
+ 117,
+ 30,
+ 6,
+ 14,
+ 45,
+ 28,
+ 11,
+ 16,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 30,
+ 2,
+ 16,
+ 30,
+ 8,
+ 4,
+ 106,
+ 26,
+ 8,
+ 13,
+ 47,
+ 28,
+ 7,
+ 22,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 22,
+ 13,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 114,
+ 28,
+ 19,
+ 4,
+ 46,
+ 28,
+ 28,
+ 6,
+ 22,
+ 28,
+ 33,
+ 4,
+ 16,
+ 30,
+ 8,
+ 4,
+ 122,
+ 30,
+ 22,
+ 3,
+ 45,
+ 28,
+ 8,
+ 26,
+ 23,
+ 30,
+ 12,
+ 28,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 3,
+ 10,
+ 117,
+ 30,
+ 3,
+ 23,
+ 45,
+ 28,
+ 4,
+ 31,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 11,
+ 31,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 7,
+ 7,
+ 116,
+ 30,
+ 21,
+ 7,
+ 45,
+ 28,
+ 1,
+ 37,
+ 23,
+ 30,
+ 19,
+ 26,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 5,
+ 10,
+ 115,
+ 30,
+ 19,
+ 10,
+ 47,
+ 28,
+ 15,
+ 25,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 23,
+ 25,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 13,
+ 3,
+ 115,
+ 30,
+ 2,
+ 29,
+ 46,
+ 28,
+ 42,
+ 1,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 23,
+ 28,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 17,
+ 0,
+ 115,
+ 30,
+ 10,
+ 23,
+ 46,
+ 28,
+ 10,
+ 35,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 19,
+ 35,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 17,
+ 1,
+ 115,
+ 30,
+ 14,
+ 21,
+ 46,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 19,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 11,
+ 46,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 13,
+ 6,
+ 115,
+ 30,
+ 14,
+ 23,
+ 46,
+ 28,
+ 44,
+ 7,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 59,
+ 1,
+ 16,
+ 30,
+ 12,
+ 7,
+ 121,
+ 30,
+ 12,
+ 26,
+ 47,
+ 28,
+ 39,
+ 14,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 22,
+ 41,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 6,
+ 14,
+ 121,
+ 30,
+ 6,
+ 34,
+ 47,
+ 28,
+ 46,
+ 10,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 2,
+ 64,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 17,
+ 4,
+ 122,
+ 30,
+ 29,
+ 14,
+ 46,
+ 28,
+ 49,
+ 10,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 24,
+ 46,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 4,
+ 18,
+ 122,
+ 30,
+ 13,
+ 32,
+ 46,
+ 28,
+ 48,
+ 14,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 42,
+ 32,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 20,
+ 4,
+ 117,
+ 30,
+ 40,
+ 7,
+ 47,
+ 28,
+ 43,
+ 22,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 10,
+ 67,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 19,
+ 6,
+ 118,
+ 30,
+ 18,
+ 31,
+ 47,
+ 28,
+ 34,
+ 34,
+ 24,
+ 30,
+ 20,
+ 61,
+ 15,
+ 30
+ ],
+ 30660,
+ 29427,
+ 32170,
+ 30877,
+ 26159,
+ 25368,
+ 27713,
+ 26998,
+ 21522,
+ 20773,
+ 24188,
+ 23371,
+ 17913,
+ 16590,
+ 20375,
+ 19104,
+ 13663,
+ 12392,
+ 16177,
+ 14854,
+ 9396,
+ 8579,
+ 11994,
+ 11245,
+ 5769,
+ 5054,
+ 7399,
+ 6608,
+ 1890,
+ 597,
+ 3340,
+ 2107
+ ],
+ L: 1,
+ M: 2,
+ Q: 3,
+ H: 4
+ }
+ });
+ var ErrorCorrection_1 = ErrorCorrection;
+ var Galois = lite.extend(null, {
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 4,
+ 8,
+ 16,
+ 32,
+ 64,
+ 128,
+ 29,
+ 58,
+ 116,
+ 232,
+ 205,
+ 135,
+ 19,
+ 38,
+ 76,
+ 152,
+ 45,
+ 90,
+ 180,
+ 117,
+ 234,
+ 201,
+ 143,
+ 3,
+ 6,
+ 12,
+ 24,
+ 48,
+ 96,
+ 192,
+ 157,
+ 39,
+ 78,
+ 156,
+ 37,
+ 74,
+ 148,
+ 53,
+ 106,
+ 212,
+ 181,
+ 119,
+ 238,
+ 193,
+ 159,
+ 35,
+ 70,
+ 140,
+ 5,
+ 10,
+ 20,
+ 40,
+ 80,
+ 160,
+ 93,
+ 186,
+ 105,
+ 210,
+ 185,
+ 111,
+ 222,
+ 161,
+ 95,
+ 190,
+ 97,
+ 194,
+ 153,
+ 47,
+ 94,
+ 188,
+ 101,
+ 202,
+ 137,
+ 15,
+ 30,
+ 60,
+ 120,
+ 240,
+ 253,
+ 231,
+ 211,
+ 187,
+ 107,
+ 214,
+ 177,
+ 127,
+ 254,
+ 225,
+ 223,
+ 163,
+ 91,
+ 182,
+ 113,
+ 226,
+ 217,
+ 175,
+ 67,
+ 134,
+ 17,
+ 34,
+ 68,
+ 136,
+ 13,
+ 26,
+ 52,
+ 104,
+ 208,
+ 189,
+ 103,
+ 206,
+ 129,
+ 31,
+ 62,
+ 124,
+ 248,
+ 237,
+ 199,
+ 147,
+ 59,
+ 118,
+ 236,
+ 197,
+ 151,
+ 51,
+ 102,
+ 204,
+ 133,
+ 23,
+ 46,
+ 92,
+ 184,
+ 109,
+ 218,
+ 169,
+ 79,
+ 158,
+ 33,
+ 66,
+ 132,
+ 21,
+ 42,
+ 84,
+ 168,
+ 77,
+ 154,
+ 41,
+ 82,
+ 164,
+ 85,
+ 170,
+ 73,
+ 146,
+ 57,
+ 114,
+ 228,
+ 213,
+ 183,
+ 115,
+ 230,
+ 209,
+ 191,
+ 99,
+ 198,
+ 145,
+ 63,
+ 126,
+ 252,
+ 229,
+ 215,
+ 179,
+ 123,
+ 246,
+ 241,
+ 255,
+ 227,
+ 219,
+ 171,
+ 75,
+ 150,
+ 49,
+ 98,
+ 196,
+ 149,
+ 55,
+ 110,
+ 220,
+ 165,
+ 87,
+ 174,
+ 65,
+ 130,
+ 25,
+ 50,
+ 100,
+ 200,
+ 141,
+ 7,
+ 14,
+ 28,
+ 56,
+ 112,
+ 224,
+ 221,
+ 167,
+ 83,
+ 166,
+ 81,
+ 162,
+ 89,
+ 178,
+ 121,
+ 242,
+ 249,
+ 239,
+ 195,
+ 155,
+ 43,
+ 86,
+ 172,
+ 69,
+ 138,
+ 9,
+ 18,
+ 36,
+ 72,
+ 144,
+ 61,
+ 122,
+ 244,
+ 245,
+ 247,
+ 243,
+ 251,
+ 235,
+ 203,
+ 139,
+ 11,
+ 22,
+ 44,
+ 88,
+ 176,
+ 125,
+ 250,
+ 233,
+ 207,
+ 131,
+ 27,
+ 54,
+ 108,
+ 216,
+ 173,
+ 71,
+ 142,
+ 0
+ ],
+ LOG: [
+ 255,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 25,
+ 2,
+ 50,
+ 26,
+ 198,
+ 3,
+ 223,
+ 51,
+ 238,
+ 27,
+ 104,
+ 199,
+ 75,
+ 4,
+ 100,
+ 224,
+ 14,
+ 52,
+ 141,
+ 239,
+ 129,
+ 28,
+ 193,
+ 105,
+ 248,
+ 200,
+ 8,
+ 76,
+ 113,
+ 5,
+ 138,
+ 101,
+ 47,
+ 225,
+ 36,
+ 15,
+ 33,
+ 53,
+ 147,
+ 142,
+ 218,
+ 240,
+ 18,
+ 130,
+ 69,
+ 29,
+ 181,
+ 194,
+ 125,
+ 106,
+ 39,
+ 249,
+ 185,
+ 201,
+ 154,
+ 9,
+ 120,
+ 77,
+ 228,
+ 114,
+ 166,
+ 6,
+ 191,
+ 139,
+ 98,
+ 102,
+ 221,
+ 48,
+ 253,
+ 226,
+ 152,
+ 37,
+ 179,
+ 16,
+ 145,
+ 34,
+ 136,
+ 54,
+ 208,
+ 148,
+ 206,
+ 143,
+ 150,
+ 219,
+ 189,
+ 241,
+ 210,
+ 19,
+ 92,
+ 131,
+ 56,
+ 70,
+ 64,
+ 30,
+ 66,
+ 182,
+ 163,
+ 195,
+ 72,
+ 126,
+ 110,
+ 107,
+ 58,
+ 40,
+ 84,
+ 250,
+ 133,
+ 186,
+ 61,
+ 202,
+ 94,
+ 155,
+ 159,
+ 10,
+ 21,
+ 121,
+ 43,
+ 78,
+ 212,
+ 229,
+ 172,
+ 115,
+ 243,
+ 167,
+ 87,
+ 7,
+ 112,
+ 192,
+ 247,
+ 140,
+ 128,
+ 99,
+ 13,
+ 103,
+ 74,
+ 222,
+ 237,
+ 49,
+ 197,
+ 254,
+ 24,
+ 227,
+ 165,
+ 153,
+ 119,
+ 38,
+ 184,
+ 180,
+ 124,
+ 17,
+ 68,
+ 146,
+ 217,
+ 35,
+ 32,
+ 137,
+ 46,
+ 55,
+ 63,
+ 209,
+ 91,
+ 149,
+ 188,
+ 207,
+ 205,
+ 144,
+ 135,
+ 151,
+ 178,
+ 220,
+ 252,
+ 190,
+ 97,
+ 242,
+ 86,
+ 211,
+ 171,
+ 20,
+ 42,
+ 93,
+ 158,
+ 132,
+ 60,
+ 57,
+ 83,
+ 71,
+ 109,
+ 65,
+ 162,
+ 31,
+ 45,
+ 67,
+ 216,
+ 183,
+ 123,
+ 164,
+ 118,
+ 196,
+ 23,
+ 73,
+ 236,
+ 127,
+ 12,
+ 111,
+ 246,
+ 108,
+ 161,
+ 59,
+ 82,
+ 41,
+ 157,
+ 85,
+ 170,
+ 251,
+ 96,
+ 134,
+ 177,
+ 187,
+ 204,
+ 62,
+ 90,
+ 203,
+ 89,
+ 95,
+ 176,
+ 156,
+ 169,
+ 160,
+ 81,
+ 11,
+ 245,
+ 22,
+ 235,
+ 122,
+ 117,
+ 44,
+ 215,
+ 79,
+ 174,
+ 213,
+ 233,
+ 230,
+ 231,
+ 173,
+ 232,
+ 116,
+ 214,
+ 244,
+ 234,
+ 168,
+ 80,
+ 88,
+ 175
+ ]
+ });
+ var Galois_1 = Galois;
+ var Version = lite.extend(null, {
+ BLOCK: [
+ 3220,
+ 1468,
+ 2713,
+ 1235,
+ 3062,
+ 1890,
+ 2119,
+ 1549,
+ 2344,
+ 2936,
+ 1117,
+ 2583,
+ 1330,
+ 2470,
+ 1667,
+ 2249,
+ 2028,
+ 3780,
+ 481,
+ 4011,
+ 142,
+ 3098,
+ 831,
+ 3445,
+ 592,
+ 2517,
+ 1776,
+ 2234,
+ 1951,
+ 2827,
+ 1070,
+ 2660,
+ 1345,
+ 3177
+ ]
+ });
+ var Version_1 = Version;
+ var Frame = lite.extend(function(options) {
+ var dataBlock, eccBlock, index2, neccBlock1, neccBlock2;
+ var valueLength = options.value.length;
+ this._badness = [];
+ this._level = ErrorCorrection_1.LEVELS[options.level];
+ this._polynomial = [];
+ this._value = options.value;
+ this._version = 0;
+ this._stringBuffer = [];
+ while (this._version < 40) {
+ this._version++;
+ index2 = (this._level - 1) * 4 + (this._version - 1) * 16;
+ neccBlock1 = ErrorCorrection_1.BLOCKS[index2++];
+ neccBlock2 = ErrorCorrection_1.BLOCKS[index2++];
+ dataBlock = ErrorCorrection_1.BLOCKS[index2++];
+ eccBlock = ErrorCorrection_1.BLOCKS[index2];
+ index2 = dataBlock * (neccBlock1 + neccBlock2) + neccBlock2 - 3 + (this._version <= 9);
+ if (valueLength <= index2) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this._dataBlock = dataBlock;
+ this._eccBlock = eccBlock;
+ this._neccBlock1 = neccBlock1;
+ this._neccBlock2 = neccBlock2;
+ var width = this.width = 17 + 4 * this._version;
+ this.buffer = Frame._createArray(width * width);
+ this._ecc = Frame._createArray(dataBlock + (dataBlock + eccBlock) * (neccBlock1 + neccBlock2) + neccBlock2);
+ this._mask = Frame._createArray((width * (width + 1) + 1) / 2);
+ this._insertFinders();
+ this._insertAlignments();
+ this.buffer[8 + width * (width - 8)] = 1;
+ this._insertTimingGap();
+ this._reverseMask();
+ this._insertTimingRowAndColumn();
+ this._insertVersion();
+ this._syncMask();
+ this._convertBitStream(valueLength);
+ this._calculatePolynomial();
+ this._appendEccToData();
+ this._interleaveBlocks();
+ this._pack();
+ this._finish();
+ }, {
+ _addAlignment: function(x, y) {
+ var i;
+ var buffer = this.buffer;
+ var width = this.width;
+ buffer[x + width * y] = 1;
+ for (i = -2; i < 2; i++) {
+ buffer[x + i + width * (y - 2)] = 1;
+ buffer[x - 2 + width * (y + i + 1)] = 1;
+ buffer[x + 2 + width * (y + i)] = 1;
+ buffer[x + i + 1 + width * (y + 2)] = 1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ this._setMask(x - 1, y + i);
+ this._setMask(x + 1, y - i);
+ this._setMask(x - i, y - 1);
+ this._setMask(x + i, y + 1);
+ }
+ },
+ _appendData: function(data, dataLength, ecc, eccLength) {
+ var bit, i, j;
+ var polynomial = this._polynomial;
+ var stringBuffer = this._stringBuffer;
+ for (i = 0; i < eccLength; i++) {
+ stringBuffer[ecc + i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
+ bit = Galois_1.LOG[stringBuffer[data + i] ^ stringBuffer[ecc]];
+ if (bit !== 255) {
+ for (j = 1; j < eccLength; j++) {
+ stringBuffer[ecc + j - 1] = stringBuffer[ecc + j] ^ Galois_1.EXPONENT[Frame._modN(bit + polynomial[eccLength - j])];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (j = ecc; j < ecc + eccLength; j++) {
+ stringBuffer[j] = stringBuffer[j + 1];
+ }
+ }
+ stringBuffer[ecc + eccLength - 1] = bit === 255 ? 0 : Galois_1.EXPONENT[Frame._modN(bit + polynomial[0])];
+ }
+ },
+ _appendEccToData: function() {
+ var i;
+ var data = 0;
+ var dataBlock = this._dataBlock;
+ var ecc = this._calculateMaxLength();
+ var eccBlock = this._eccBlock;
+ for (i = 0; i < this._neccBlock1; i++) {
+ this._appendData(data, dataBlock, ecc, eccBlock);
+ data += dataBlock;
+ ecc += eccBlock;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this._neccBlock2; i++) {
+ this._appendData(data, dataBlock + 1, ecc, eccBlock);
+ data += dataBlock + 1;
+ ecc += eccBlock;
+ }
+ },
+ _applyMask: function(mask) {
+ var r3x, r3y, x, y;
+ var buffer = this.buffer;
+ var width = this.width;
+ switch (mask) {
+ case 0:
+ for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ if (!(x + y & 1) && !this._isMasked(x, y)) {
+ buffer[x + y * width] ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ if (!(y & 1) && !this._isMasked(x, y)) {
+ buffer[x + y * width] ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
+ for (r3x = 0, x = 0; x < width; x++, r3x++) {
+ if (r3x === 3) {
+ r3x = 0;
+ }
+ if (!r3x && !this._isMasked(x, y)) {
+ buffer[x + y * width] ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ for (r3y = 0, y = 0; y < width; y++, r3y++) {
+ if (r3y === 3) {
+ r3y = 0;
+ }
+ for (r3x = r3y, x = 0; x < width; x++, r3x++) {
+ if (r3x === 3) {
+ r3x = 0;
+ }
+ if (!r3x && !this._isMasked(x, y)) {
+ buffer[x + y * width] ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
+ for (r3x = 0, r3y = y >> 1 & 1, x = 0; x < width; x++, r3x++) {
+ if (r3x === 3) {
+ r3x = 0;
+ r3y = !r3y;
+ }
+ if (!r3y && !this._isMasked(x, y)) {
+ buffer[x + y * width] ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ for (r3y = 0, y = 0; y < width; y++, r3y++) {
+ if (r3y === 3) {
+ r3y = 0;
+ }
+ for (r3x = 0, x = 0; x < width; x++, r3x++) {
+ if (r3x === 3) {
+ r3x = 0;
+ }
+ if (!((x & y & 1) + !(!r3x | !r3y)) && !this._isMasked(x, y)) {
+ buffer[x + y * width] ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ for (r3y = 0, y = 0; y < width; y++, r3y++) {
+ if (r3y === 3) {
+ r3y = 0;
+ }
+ for (r3x = 0, x = 0; x < width; x++, r3x++) {
+ if (r3x === 3) {
+ r3x = 0;
+ }
+ if (!((x & y & 1) + (r3x && r3x === r3y) & 1) && !this._isMasked(x, y)) {
+ buffer[x + y * width] ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ for (r3y = 0, y = 0; y < width; y++, r3y++) {
+ if (r3y === 3) {
+ r3y = 0;
+ }
+ for (r3x = 0, x = 0; x < width; x++, r3x++) {
+ if (r3x === 3) {
+ r3x = 0;
+ }
+ if (!((r3x && r3x === r3y) + (x + y & 1) & 1) && !this._isMasked(x, y)) {
+ buffer[x + y * width] ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ _calculateMaxLength: function() {
+ return this._dataBlock * (this._neccBlock1 + this._neccBlock2) + this._neccBlock2;
+ },
+ _calculatePolynomial: function() {
+ var i, j;
+ var eccBlock = this._eccBlock;
+ var polynomial = this._polynomial;
+ polynomial[0] = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < eccBlock; i++) {
+ polynomial[i + 1] = 1;
+ for (j = i; j > 0; j--) {
+ polynomial[j] = polynomial[j] ? polynomial[j - 1] ^ Galois_1.EXPONENT[Frame._modN(Galois_1.LOG[polynomial[j]] + i)] : polynomial[j - 1];
+ }
+ polynomial[0] = Galois_1.EXPONENT[Frame._modN(Galois_1.LOG[polynomial[0]] + i)];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= eccBlock; i++) {
+ polynomial[i] = Galois_1.LOG[polynomial[i]];
+ }
+ },
+ _checkBadness: function() {
+ var b, b1, h, x, y;
+ var bad = 0;
+ var badness = this._badness;
+ var buffer = this.buffer;
+ var width = this.width;
+ for (y = 0; y < width - 1; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < width - 1; x++) {
+ if (buffer[x + width * y] && buffer[x + 1 + width * y] && buffer[x + width * (y + 1)] && buffer[x + 1 + width * (y + 1)] || !(buffer[x + width * y] || buffer[x + 1 + width * y] || buffer[x + width * (y + 1)] || buffer[x + 1 + width * (y + 1)])) {
+ bad += Frame.N2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var bw = 0;
+ for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
+ h = 0;
+ badness[0] = 0;
+ for (b = 0, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ b1 = buffer[x + width * y];
+ if (b === b1) {
+ badness[h]++;
+ } else {
+ badness[++h] = 1;
+ }
+ b = b1;
+ bw += b ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ bad += this._getBadness(h);
+ }
+ if (bw < 0) {
+ bw = -bw;
+ }
+ var count = 0;
+ var big = bw;
+ big += big << 2;
+ big <<= 1;
+ while (big > width * width) {
+ big -= width * width;
+ count++;
+ }
+ bad += count * Frame.N4;
+ for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ h = 0;
+ badness[0] = 0;
+ for (b = 0, y = 0; y < width; y++) {
+ b1 = buffer[x + width * y];
+ if (b === b1) {
+ badness[h]++;
+ } else {
+ badness[++h] = 1;
+ }
+ b = b1;
+ }
+ bad += this._getBadness(h);
+ }
+ return bad;
+ },
+ _convertBitStream: function(length) {
+ var bit, i;
+ var ecc = this._ecc;
+ var version = this._version;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ ecc[i] = this._value.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ var stringBuffer = this._stringBuffer = ecc.slice();
+ var maxLength = this._calculateMaxLength();
+ if (length >= maxLength - 2) {
+ length = maxLength - 2;
+ if (version > 9) {
+ length--;
+ }
+ }
+ var index2 = length;
+ if (version > 9) {
+ stringBuffer[index2 + 2] = 0;
+ stringBuffer[index2 + 3] = 0;
+ while (index2--) {
+ bit = stringBuffer[index2];
+ stringBuffer[index2 + 3] |= 255 & bit << 4;
+ stringBuffer[index2 + 2] = bit >> 4;
+ }
+ stringBuffer[2] |= 255 & length << 4;
+ stringBuffer[1] = length >> 4;
+ stringBuffer[0] = 64 | length >> 12;
+ } else {
+ stringBuffer[index2 + 1] = 0;
+ stringBuffer[index2 + 2] = 0;
+ while (index2--) {
+ bit = stringBuffer[index2];
+ stringBuffer[index2 + 2] |= 255 & bit << 4;
+ stringBuffer[index2 + 1] = bit >> 4;
+ }
+ stringBuffer[1] |= 255 & length << 4;
+ stringBuffer[0] = 64 | length >> 4;
+ }
+ index2 = length + 3 - (version < 10);
+ while (index2 < maxLength) {
+ stringBuffer[index2++] = 236;
+ stringBuffer[index2++] = 17;
+ }
+ },
+ _getBadness: function(length) {
+ var i;
+ var badRuns = 0;
+ var badness = this._badness;
+ for (i = 0; i <= length; i++) {
+ if (badness[i] >= 5) {
+ badRuns += Frame.N1 + badness[i] - 5;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 3; i < length - 1; i += 2) {
+ if (badness[i - 2] === badness[i + 2] && badness[i + 2] === badness[i - 1] && badness[i - 1] === badness[i + 1] && badness[i - 1] * 3 === badness[i] && (badness[i - 3] === 0 || i + 3 > length || badness[i - 3] * 3 >= badness[i] * 4 || badness[i + 3] * 3 >= badness[i] * 4)) {
+ badRuns += Frame.N3;
+ }
+ }
+ return badRuns;
+ },
+ _finish: function() {
+ this._stringBuffer = this.buffer.slice();
+ var currentMask, i;
+ var bit = 0;
+ var mask = 3e4;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ this._applyMask(i);
+ currentMask = this._checkBadness();
+ if (currentMask < mask) {
+ mask = currentMask;
+ bit = i;
+ }
+ if (bit === 7) {
+ break;
+ }
+ this.buffer = this._stringBuffer.slice();
+ }
+ if (bit !== i) {
+ this._applyMask(bit);
+ }
+ mask = ErrorCorrection_1.FINAL_FORMAT[bit + (this._level - 1 << 3)];
+ var buffer = this.buffer;
+ var width = this.width;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, mask >>= 1) {
+ if (mask & 1) {
+ buffer[width - 1 - i + width * 8] = 1;
+ if (i < 6) {
+ buffer[8 + width * i] = 1;
+ } else {
+ buffer[8 + width * (i + 1)] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++, mask >>= 1) {
+ if (mask & 1) {
+ buffer[8 + width * (width - 7 + i)] = 1;
+ if (i) {
+ buffer[6 - i + width * 8] = 1;
+ } else {
+ buffer[7 + width * 8] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _interleaveBlocks: function() {
+ var i, j;
+ var dataBlock = this._dataBlock;
+ var ecc = this._ecc;
+ var eccBlock = this._eccBlock;
+ var k = 0;
+ var maxLength = this._calculateMaxLength();
+ var neccBlock1 = this._neccBlock1;
+ var neccBlock2 = this._neccBlock2;
+ var stringBuffer = this._stringBuffer;
+ for (i = 0; i < dataBlock; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < neccBlock1; j++) {
+ ecc[k++] = stringBuffer[i + j * dataBlock];
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < neccBlock2; j++) {
+ ecc[k++] = stringBuffer[neccBlock1 * dataBlock + i + j * (dataBlock + 1)];
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < neccBlock2; j++) {
+ ecc[k++] = stringBuffer[neccBlock1 * dataBlock + i + j * (dataBlock + 1)];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < eccBlock; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < neccBlock1 + neccBlock2; j++) {
+ ecc[k++] = stringBuffer[maxLength + i + j * eccBlock];
+ }
+ }
+ this._stringBuffer = ecc;
+ },
+ _insertAlignments: function() {
+ var i, x, y;
+ var version = this._version;
+ var width = this.width;
+ if (version > 1) {
+ i = Alignment_1.BLOCK[version];
+ y = width - 7;
+ for (; ; ) {
+ x = width - 7;
+ while (x > i - 3) {
+ this._addAlignment(x, y);
+ if (x < i) {
+ break;
+ }
+ x -= i;
+ }
+ if (y <= i + 9) {
+ break;
+ }
+ y -= i;
+ this._addAlignment(6, y);
+ this._addAlignment(y, 6);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _insertFinders: function() {
+ var i, j, x, y;
+ var buffer = this.buffer;
+ var width = this.width;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ j = 0;
+ y = 0;
+ if (i === 1) {
+ j = width - 7;
+ }
+ if (i === 2) {
+ y = width - 7;
+ }
+ buffer[y + 3 + width * (j + 3)] = 1;
+ for (x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
+ buffer[y + x + width * j] = 1;
+ buffer[y + width * (j + x + 1)] = 1;
+ buffer[y + 6 + width * (j + x)] = 1;
+ buffer[y + x + 1 + width * (j + 6)] = 1;
+ }
+ for (x = 1; x < 5; x++) {
+ this._setMask(y + x, j + 1);
+ this._setMask(y + 1, j + x + 1);
+ this._setMask(y + 5, j + x);
+ this._setMask(y + x + 1, j + 5);
+ }
+ for (x = 2; x < 4; x++) {
+ buffer[y + x + width * (j + 2)] = 1;
+ buffer[y + 2 + width * (j + x + 1)] = 1;
+ buffer[y + 4 + width * (j + x)] = 1;
+ buffer[y + x + 1 + width * (j + 4)] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _insertTimingGap: function() {
+ var x, y;
+ var width = this.width;
+ for (y = 0; y < 7; y++) {
+ this._setMask(7, y);
+ this._setMask(width - 8, y);
+ this._setMask(7, y + width - 7);
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
+ this._setMask(x, 7);
+ this._setMask(x + width - 8, 7);
+ this._setMask(x, width - 8);
+ }
+ },
+ _insertTimingRowAndColumn: function() {
+ var x;
+ var buffer = this.buffer;
+ var width = this.width;
+ for (x = 0; x < width - 14; x++) {
+ if (x & 1) {
+ this._setMask(8 + x, 6);
+ this._setMask(6, 8 + x);
+ } else {
+ buffer[8 + x + width * 6] = 1;
+ buffer[6 + width * (8 + x)] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _insertVersion: function() {
+ var i, j, x, y;
+ var buffer = this.buffer;
+ var version = this._version;
+ var width = this.width;
+ if (version > 6) {
+ i = Version_1.BLOCK[version - 7];
+ j = 17;
+ for (x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
+ for (y = 0; y < 3; y++, j--) {
+ if (1 & (j > 11 ? version >> j - 12 : i >> j)) {
+ buffer[5 - x + width * (2 - y + width - 11)] = 1;
+ buffer[2 - y + width - 11 + width * (5 - x)] = 1;
+ } else {
+ this._setMask(5 - x, 2 - y + width - 11);
+ this._setMask(2 - y + width - 11, 5 - x);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _isMasked: function(x, y) {
+ var bit = Frame._getMaskBit(x, y);
+ return this._mask[bit] === 1;
+ },
+ _pack: function() {
+ var bit, i, j;
+ var k = 1;
+ var v = 1;
+ var width = this.width;
+ var x = width - 1;
+ var y = width - 1;
+ var length = (this._dataBlock + this._eccBlock) * (this._neccBlock1 + this._neccBlock2) + this._neccBlock2;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ bit = this._stringBuffer[i];
+ for (j = 0; j < 8; j++, bit <<= 1) {
+ if (128 & bit) {
+ this.buffer[x + width * y] = 1;
+ }
+ do {
+ if (v) {
+ x--;
+ } else {
+ x++;
+ if (k) {
+ if (y !== 0) {
+ y--;
+ } else {
+ x -= 2;
+ k = !k;
+ if (x === 6) {
+ x--;
+ y = 9;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (y !== width - 1) {
+ y++;
+ } else {
+ x -= 2;
+ k = !k;
+ if (x === 6) {
+ x--;
+ y -= 8;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ v = !v;
+ } while (this._isMasked(x, y));
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _reverseMask: function() {
+ var x, y;
+ var width = this.width;
+ for (x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
+ this._setMask(x, 8);
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
+ this._setMask(x + width - 8, 8);
+ this._setMask(8, x);
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < 7; y++) {
+ this._setMask(8, y + width - 7);
+ }
+ },
+ _setMask: function(x, y) {
+ var bit = Frame._getMaskBit(x, y);
+ this._mask[bit] = 1;
+ },
+ _syncMask: function() {
+ var x, y;
+ var width = this.width;
+ for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x <= y; x++) {
+ if (this.buffer[x + width * y]) {
+ this._setMask(x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ _createArray: function(length) {
+ var i;
+ var array = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ array[i] = 0;
+ }
+ return array;
+ },
+ _getMaskBit: function(x, y) {
+ var bit;
+ if (x > y) {
+ bit = x;
+ x = y;
+ y = bit;
+ }
+ bit = y;
+ bit += y * y;
+ bit >>= 1;
+ bit += x;
+ return bit;
+ },
+ _modN: function(x) {
+ while (x >= 255) {
+ x -= 255;
+ x = (x >> 8) + (x & 255);
+ }
+ return x;
+ },
+ N1: 3,
+ N2: 3,
+ N3: 40,
+ N4: 10
+ });
+ var Frame_1 = Frame;
+ var ImageRenderer = Renderer_1.extend({
+ draw: function() {
+ this.element.src = this.qrious.toDataURL();
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ this.element.src = "";
+ },
+ resize: function() {
+ var element = this.element;
+ element.width = element.height = this.qrious.size;
+ }
+ });
+ var ImageRenderer_1 = ImageRenderer;
+ var Option = lite.extend(function(name, modifiable, defaultValue, valueTransformer) {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.modifiable = Boolean(modifiable);
+ this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
+ this._valueTransformer = valueTransformer;
+ }, {
+ transform: function(value) {
+ var transformer = this._valueTransformer;
+ if (typeof transformer === "function") {
+ return transformer(value, this);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ });
+ var Option_1 = Option;
+ var Utilities = lite.extend(null, {
+ abs: function(value) {
+ return value != null ? Math.abs(value) : null;
+ },
+ hasOwn: function(object, name) {
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, name);
+ },
+ noop: function() {
+ },
+ toUpperCase: function(string) {
+ return string != null ? string.toUpperCase() : null;
+ }
+ });
+ var Utilities_1 = Utilities;
+ var OptionManager = lite.extend(function(options) {
+ this.options = {};
+ options.forEach(function(option) {
+ this.options[option.name] = option;
+ }, this);
+ }, {
+ exists: function(name) {
+ return this.options[name] != null;
+ },
+ get: function(name, target) {
+ return OptionManager._get(this.options[name], target);
+ },
+ getAll: function(target) {
+ var name;
+ var options = this.options;
+ var result = {};
+ for (name in options) {
+ if (Utilities_1.hasOwn(options, name)) {
+ result[name] = OptionManager._get(options[name], target);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ init: function(options, target, changeHandler) {
+ if (typeof changeHandler !== "function") {
+ changeHandler = Utilities_1.noop;
+ }
+ var name, option;
+ for (name in this.options) {
+ if (Utilities_1.hasOwn(this.options, name)) {
+ option = this.options[name];
+ OptionManager._set(option, option.defaultValue, target);
+ OptionManager._createAccessor(option, target, changeHandler);
+ }
+ }
+ this._setAll(options, target, true);
+ },
+ set: function(name, value, target) {
+ return this._set(name, value, target);
+ },
+ setAll: function(options, target) {
+ return this._setAll(options, target);
+ },
+ _set: function(name, value, target, allowUnmodifiable) {
+ var option = this.options[name];
+ if (!option) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid option: " + name);
+ }
+ if (!option.modifiable && !allowUnmodifiable) {
+ throw new Error("Option cannot be modified: " + name);
+ }
+ return OptionManager._set(option, value, target);
+ },
+ _setAll: function(options, target, allowUnmodifiable) {
+ if (!options) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var name;
+ var changed = false;
+ for (name in options) {
+ if (Utilities_1.hasOwn(options, name) && this._set(name, options[name], target, allowUnmodifiable)) {
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ }, {
+ _createAccessor: function(option, target, changeHandler) {
+ var descriptor = {
+ get: function() {
+ return OptionManager._get(option, target);
+ }
+ };
+ if (option.modifiable) {
+ descriptor.set = function(value) {
+ if (OptionManager._set(option, value, target)) {
+ changeHandler(value, option);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(target, option.name, descriptor);
+ },
+ _get: function(option, target) {
+ return target["_" + option.name];
+ },
+ _set: function(option, value, target) {
+ var fieldName = "_" + option.name;
+ var oldValue = target[fieldName];
+ var newValue = option.transform(value != null ? value : option.defaultValue);
+ target[fieldName] = newValue;
+ return newValue !== oldValue;
+ }
+ });
+ var OptionManager_1 = OptionManager;
+ var ServiceManager = lite.extend(function() {
+ this._services = {};
+ }, {
+ getService: function(name) {
+ var service = this._services[name];
+ if (!service) {
+ throw new Error("Service is not being managed with name: " + name);
+ }
+ return service;
+ },
+ setService: function(name, service) {
+ if (this._services[name]) {
+ throw new Error("Service is already managed with name: " + name);
+ }
+ if (service) {
+ this._services[name] = service;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var ServiceManager_1 = ServiceManager;
+ var optionManager = new OptionManager_1([
+ new Option_1("background", true, "white"),
+ new Option_1("backgroundAlpha", true, 1, Utilities_1.abs),
+ new Option_1("element"),
+ new Option_1("foreground", true, "black"),
+ new Option_1("foregroundAlpha", true, 1, Utilities_1.abs),
+ new Option_1("level", true, "L", Utilities_1.toUpperCase),
+ new Option_1("mime", true, "image/png"),
+ new Option_1("padding", true, null, Utilities_1.abs),
+ new Option_1("size", true, 100, Utilities_1.abs),
+ new Option_1("value", true, "")
+ ]);
+ var serviceManager = new ServiceManager_1();
+ var QRious2 = lite.extend(function(options) {
+ optionManager.init(options, this, this.update.bind(this));
+ var element = optionManager.get("element", this);
+ var elementService = serviceManager.getService("element");
+ var canvas = element && elementService.isCanvas(element) ? element : elementService.createCanvas();
+ var image = element && elementService.isImage(element) ? element : elementService.createImage();
+ this._canvasRenderer = new CanvasRenderer_1(this, canvas, true);
+ this._imageRenderer = new ImageRenderer_1(this, image, image === element);
+ this.update();
+ }, {
+ get: function() {
+ return optionManager.getAll(this);
+ },
+ set: function(options) {
+ if (optionManager.setAll(options, this)) {
+ this.update();
+ }
+ },
+ toDataURL: function(mime) {
+ return this.canvas.toDataURL(mime || this.mime);
+ },
+ update: function() {
+ var frame = new Frame_1({
+ level: this.level,
+ value: this.value
+ });
+ this._canvasRenderer.render(frame);
+ this._imageRenderer.render(frame);
+ }
+ }, {
+ use: function(service) {
+ serviceManager.setService(service.getName(), service);
+ }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperties(QRious2.prototype, {
+ canvas: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._canvasRenderer.getElement();
+ }
+ },
+ image: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._imageRenderer.getElement();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var QRious_1$2 = QRious2;
+ var index = QRious_1$2;
+ var Service = lite.extend({
+ getName: function() {
+ }
+ });
+ var Service_1 = Service;
+ var ElementService = Service_1.extend({
+ createCanvas: function() {
+ },
+ createImage: function() {
+ },
+ getName: function() {
+ return "element";
+ },
+ isCanvas: function(element) {
+ },
+ isImage: function(element) {
+ }
+ });
+ var ElementService_1 = ElementService;
+ var BrowserElementService = ElementService_1.extend({
+ createCanvas: function() {
+ return document.createElement("canvas");
+ },
+ createImage: function() {
+ return document.createElement("img");
+ },
+ isCanvas: function(element) {
+ return element instanceof HTMLCanvasElement;
+ },
+ isImage: function(element) {
+ return element instanceof HTMLImageElement;
+ }
+ });
+ var BrowserElementService_1 = BrowserElementService;
+ index.use(new BrowserElementService_1());
+ var QRious_1 = index;
+ return QRious_1;
+ });
+ }
+// src/main.ts
+__export(exports, {
+ default: () => MatterPlugin
+var import_obsidian2 = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
+// src/api.ts
+var CLIENT_TYPE = "integration";
+var MATTER_API_VERSION = "v11";
+var MATTER_API_DOMAIN = "api.getmatter.app";
+var ENDPOINTS = {
+ QR_LOGIN_TRIGGER: `${MATTER_API_HOST}/qr_login/trigger/`,
+ QR_LOGIN_EXCHANGE: `${MATTER_API_HOST}/qr_login/exchange/`,
+ HIGHLIGHTS_FEED: `${MATTER_API_HOST}/library_items/highlights_feed/`
+var RequestError = class extends Error {
+ constructor(response, message) {
+ super(message);
+ this.response = response;
+ }
+function authedRequest(_0, _1) {
+ return __async(this, arguments, function* (accessToken, url, fetchArgs = {}) {
+ const headers = new Headers();
+ headers.set("Authorization", `Bearer ${accessToken}`);
+ headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
+ const response = yield fetch(url, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, fetchArgs), {
+ headers
+ }));
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new RequestError(response, "Matter authenticated request failed");
+ }
+ return yield response.json();
+ });
+// src/settings.ts
+var import_obsidian = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
+var import_qrious = __toModule(require_qrious());
+// src/utils.ts
+var sleep = (ms) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
+var toFilename = (s) => {
+ return s.replace(/[/\\?%*:|"<>]/g, "-");
+// src/settings.ts
+ accessToken: null,
+ refreshToken: null,
+ qrSessionToken: null,
+ dataDir: "Matter",
+ syncInterval: 60,
+ hasCompletedInitialSetup: false,
+ lastSync: null,
+ isSyncing: false,
+ contentMap: {}
+var MatterSettingsTab = class extends import_obsidian.PluginSettingTab {
+ constructor(app, plugin) {
+ super(app, plugin);
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ }
+ display() {
+ const { containerEl } = this;
+ containerEl.empty();
+ this.loadInterface();
+ }
+ loadInterface() {
+ const { containerEl } = this;
+ containerEl.createEl("h1", { text: "Matter" });
+ if (!this.plugin.settings.accessToken || !this.plugin.settings.hasCompletedInitialSetup) {
+ this.displaySetup();
+ } else {
+ this.displaySettings();
+ }
+ }
+ displaySetup() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ const { containerEl } = this;
+ try {
+ const headers = new Headers();
+ headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
+ const triggerResponse = yield fetch(ENDPOINTS.QR_LOGIN_TRIGGER, {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: JSON.stringify({ client_type: CLIENT_TYPE }),
+ headers
+ });
+ this.plugin.settings.qrSessionToken = (yield triggerResponse.json()).session_token;
+ } catch (error) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const qrSetting = new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Scan this QR code in the Matter app").setDesc("Go to Profile > Settings > Connected Accounts > Obsidian");
+ const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
+ canvas.className = "matter-qr";
+ qrSetting.settingEl.appendChild(canvas);
+ new import_qrious.default({
+ element: canvas,
+ value: this.plugin.settings.qrSessionToken,
+ size: 80,
+ backgroundAlpha: 0.2
+ });
+ new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Matter Sync Folder").setDesc("Where do you want your Matter data to live in Obsidian?").addText((text) => text.setPlaceholder("Enter location").setValue(this.plugin.settings.dataDir).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
+ value = value.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, "");
+ this.plugin.settings.dataDir = (0, import_obsidian.normalizePath)(value);
+ yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
+ })));
+ console.log(this.plugin.app.workspace.getLayout());
+ const startBtn = new import_obsidian.ButtonComponent(containerEl).setButtonText("Start Syncing").setClass("mod-cta").setClass("matter-setup-btn").setDisabled(true).onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
+ this.plugin.settings.hasCompletedInitialSetup = true;
+ yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
+ this.plugin.sync();
+ this.plugin.loopSync();
+ this.display();
+ }));
+ const { access_token, refresh_token } = yield this._pollQRLoginExchange();
+ if (access_token) {
+ this.plugin.settings.accessToken = access_token;
+ this.plugin.settings.refreshToken = refresh_token;
+ yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
+ canvas.remove();
+ const authConfirmation = document.createElement("p");
+ authConfirmation.className = "matter-auth-confirmation";
+ authConfirmation.appendText("\u2705");
+ qrSetting.settingEl.appendChild(authConfirmation);
+ startBtn.setDisabled(false);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ displaySettings() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ const { containerEl } = this;
+ let newDataDir = this.plugin.settings.dataDir;
+ new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Matter Sync Folder").setDesc('Where do you want your Matter data to live in Obsidian? Once you click "Apply" all of your current data will be moved').addText((text) => text.setPlaceholder("Enter location").setValue(newDataDir).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
+ value = value.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, "");
+ newDataDir = value;
+ }))).addButton((button) => button.setButtonText("Apply").setClass("matter-folder-button").onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
+ if (newDataDir === this.plugin.settings.dataDir) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.plugin.settings.isSyncing) {
+ new import_obsidian.Notice("Wait for the current sync to end and try again.");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.plugin.settings.isSyncing = true;
+ yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
+ const fs = this.plugin.app.vault.adapter;
+ try {
+ yield fs.rename(this.plugin.settings.dataDir, newDataDir);
+ } catch (e) {
+ new import_obsidian.Notice(e.message);
+ this.plugin.settings.isSyncing = false;
+ yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.plugin.settings.dataDir = (0, import_obsidian.normalizePath)(newDataDir);
+ this.plugin.settings.isSyncing = false;
+ yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
+ new import_obsidian.Notice("Sync folder updated");
+ })));
+ new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Sync Frequency").setDesc("How often should Obsidian sync with Matter?").addDropdown((dropdown) => dropdown.addOption("30", "Every half hour").addOption("60", "Every hour").addOption("720", "Every 12 hours").addOption("1440", "Every 24 hours").setValue(this.plugin.settings.syncInterval.toString()).onChange((val) => __async(this, null, function* () {
+ this.plugin.settings.syncInterval = parseInt(val, 10);
+ yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
+ })));
+ new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Sync Now").setDesc("Manually start a sync with Matter").addButton((button) => button.setButtonText("Sync Now").onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
+ yield this.plugin.sync();
+ })));
+ });
+ }
+ _pollQRLoginExchange() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ if (!this.plugin.settings.qrSessionToken) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let attempts = 0;
+ while (attempts < 600) {
+ try {
+ const loginSession = yield this._qrLoginExchange(this.plugin.settings.qrSessionToken);
+ if (loginSession == null ? void 0 : loginSession.access_token) {
+ return {
+ access_token: loginSession.access_token,
+ refresh_token: loginSession.refresh_token
+ };
+ }
+ } finally {
+ attempts++;
+ yield sleep(1e3);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _qrLoginExchange(sessionToken) {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ const headers = new Headers();
+ headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
+ const response = yield fetch(ENDPOINTS.QR_LOGIN_EXCHANGE, {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ session_token: sessionToken
+ }),
+ headers
+ });
+ return response.json();
+ });
+ }
+// src/main.ts
+var LOOP_SYNC_INTERVAL = 60 * 1e3;
+var MatterPlugin = class extends import_obsidian2.Plugin {
+ onload() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ yield this.loadSettings();
+ this.addSettingTab(new MatterSettingsTab(this.app, this));
+ this.initialSync();
+ this.registerInterval(window.setInterval(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
+ yield this.loopSync();
+ });
+ }
+ onunload() {
+ }
+ initialSync() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ this.settings.isSyncing = false;
+ yield this.saveSettings();
+ if (this.settings.accessToken && this.settings.hasCompletedInitialSetup) {
+ yield this.sync();
+ } else {
+ new import_obsidian2.Notice("Finish setting up Matter in settings");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ loadSettings() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ this.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, yield this.loadData());
+ });
+ }
+ saveSettings() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ yield this.saveData(this.settings);
+ });
+ }
+ loopSync() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ const msSinceLastSync = new Date().valueOf() - new Date(this.settings.lastSync).valueOf();
+ const mssyncInterval = this.settings.syncInterval * 60 * 1e3;
+ if (this.settings.accessToken && this.settings.hasCompletedInitialSetup && msSinceLastSync >= mssyncInterval) {
+ this.sync();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ sync() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ if (this.settings.isSyncing || !this.settings.accessToken) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.settings.isSyncing = true;
+ yield this.saveSettings();
+ try {
+ new import_obsidian2.Notice("Syncing with Matter");
+ yield this._pageAnnotations();
+ this.settings.lastSync = new Date();
+ new import_obsidian2.Notice("Finished syncing with Matter");
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ new import_obsidian2.Notice("There was a problem syncing with Matter, try again later.");
+ }
+ this.settings.isSyncing = false;
+ yield this.saveSettings();
+ });
+ }
+ _pageAnnotations() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ let feedEntries = [];
+ while (url !== null) {
+ const response = yield this._authedRequest(url);
+ feedEntries = feedEntries.concat(response.feed);
+ url = response.next;
+ }
+ feedEntries = feedEntries.reverse();
+ for (const feedEntry of feedEntries) {
+ yield this._handleFeedEntry(feedEntry);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _authedRequest(url) {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ try {
+ return yield authedRequest(this.settings.accessToken, url);
+ } catch (e) {
+ yield this._refreshTokenExchange();
+ return yield authedRequest(this.settings.accessToken, url);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _refreshTokenExchange() {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ const headers = new Headers();
+ headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
+ const response = yield fetch(ENDPOINTS.REFRESH_TOKEN_EXCHANGE, {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers,
+ body: JSON.stringify({ refresh_token: this.settings.refreshToken })
+ });
+ const payload = yield response.json();
+ this.settings.accessToken = payload.access_token;
+ this.settings.refreshToken = payload.refresh_token;
+ yield this.saveSettings();
+ if (!this.settings.accessToken) {
+ new import_obsidian2.Notice("Unable to sync with Matter, please sign in again.");
+ throw new Error("Authentication failed");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _handleFeedEntry(feedEntry) {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ const fs = this.app.vault.adapter;
+ if (!(yield fs.exists(this.settings.dataDir))) {
+ yield fs.mkdir(this.settings.dataDir);
+ }
+ const entryName = yield this._generateEntryName(feedEntry);
+ const entryPath = this._getPath(entryName);
+ if (yield fs.exists(entryPath)) {
+ const after = new Date(this.settings.lastSync);
+ const content = yield fs.read(entryPath);
+ const newContent = this._appendAnnotations(feedEntry, content, after);
+ if (newContent != content) {
+ yield fs.write(entryPath, newContent);
+ }
+ } else {
+ yield fs.write(entryPath, this._renderFeedEntry(feedEntry));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _getPath(name) {
+ return (0, import_obsidian2.normalizePath)(`${this.settings.dataDir}/${name}`);
+ }
+ _generateEntryName(feedEntry) {
+ return __async(this, null, function* () {
+ const fs = this.app.vault.adapter;
+ let name = `${toFilename(feedEntry.content.title)}.md`;
+ let i = 1;
+ while ((yield fs.exists(this._getPath(name))) && this.settings.contentMap[name] !== feedEntry.id) {
+ i++;
+ name = `${toFilename(feedEntry.content.title)}-${i}.md`;
+ }
+ this.settings.contentMap[name] = feedEntry.id;
+ yield this.saveSettings();
+ return name;
+ });
+ }
+ _appendAnnotations(feedEntry, content, after) {
+ const newAnnotations = feedEntry.content.my_annotations.filter((a) => new Date(a.created_date) > after);
+ if (!newAnnotations.length) {
+ return content;
+ }
+ if (content[-1] !== "\n") {
+ content += "\n";
+ }
+ return content + `${newAnnotations.map(this._renderAnnotation).join("\n")}`;
+ }
+ _renderFeedEntry(feedEntry) {
+ const annotations = feedEntry.content.my_annotations.sort((a, b) => a.word_start - b.word_start);
+ return `
+## Metadata
+## Highlights
+ }
+ _renderMetadata(feedEntry) {
+ let metadata = `* URL: [${feedEntry.content.url}](${feedEntry.content.url})`;
+ if (feedEntry.content.publication_date) {
+ const publicationDate = new Date(feedEntry.content.publication_date);
+ const publicationDateStr = publicationDate.toISOString().slice(0, 10);
+ metadata += `
+* Published Date: ${publicationDateStr}`;
+ }
+ if (feedEntry.content.author) {
+ metadata += `
+* Author: [[${feedEntry.content.author.any_name}]]`;
+ }
+ metadata += "\n";
+ return metadata;
+ }
+ _renderAnnotation(annotation) {
+ return `
+* ${annotation.text}${annotation.note ? `
+ * **Note**: ${annotation.note}` : ""}
+ }
diff --git a/.obsidian/plugins/matter/manifest.json b/.obsidian/plugins/matter/manifest.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df92ac08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.obsidian/plugins/matter/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "matter",
+ "name": "Matter",
+ "version": "1.0.1",
+ "minAppVersion": "0.12.0",
+ "description": "The official Matter <> Obsidian plugin",
+ "author": "Matter",
+ "authorUrl": "https://hq.getmatter.app",
+ "isDesktopOnly": false
diff --git a/.obsidian/plugins/matter/styles.css b/.obsidian/plugins/matter/styles.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2e0201e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.obsidian/plugins/matter/styles.css
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+.matter-setup-btn {
+ margin-top: 16px;
+ float: right;
+.matter-folder-button {
+ margin-left: 4px;
diff --git a/.obsidian/plugins/rss-reader/data.json b/.obsidian/plugins/rss-reader/data.json
index 31c670dc..c61cf742 100644
--- a/.obsidian/plugins/rss-reader/data.json
+++ b/.obsidian/plugins/rss-reader/data.json
@@ -135,6 +135,279 @@
"image": null,
"description": "The son of 2003 WRC champion Petter Solberg delivered one of his best showings to date in a Hyundai i20 WRC car to end Friday sitting fifth of the nine WRC runners.
Solberg, partnered with his fourth different co-driver of the season in Elliott Edmondson, finished six of the seven stages with a top-five time, and three of the tests with the fourth-quickest time.
As a result, the 20-year-old ...Keep reading",
"items": [
+ {
+ "title": "Ogier tests Toyota 2022 WRC Rally1 Yaris for first time",
+ "description": "The newly crowned eight-time world champion has teamed up with the Japanese marque for a two-day test, beginning today (Saturday) in France.
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+ "description": "The Red Bull driver produced a stunning lap to take his 10th pole position of the season, beating title rival Lewis Hamilton by 0.371s who will join him on the front row for the finale.
With both drives on equal points going into the title decider, the simple equation is whoever finishes in front between Verstappen and Hamilton will seal the title, unless both finish outside of the points then ...Keep reading",
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+ "description": "The Briton will enter his fourth F1 title decider at Abu Dhabi in Sunday's race at Yas Marina, following the 2010 event that ended with Sebastian Vettel's first championship triumph in a four-way scrap against Fernando Alonso, Mark Webber and Hamilton, then in 2014 and 2016 Hamilton and Rosberg had to-the-wire title battles decided at the same venue.
In the latter contest, Hamilton won the race ...Keep reading",
+ "content": "The Briton will enter his fourth F1 title decider at Abu Dhabi in Sunday's race at Yas Marina, following the 2010 event that ended with Sebastian Vettel's first championship triumph in a four-way scrap against Fernando Alonso, Mark Webber and Hamilton, then in 2014 and 2016 Hamilton and Rosberg had to-the-wire title battles decided at the same venue.
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But after posting a time that would have got him through to Q3 on the mediums, Verstappen locked up at Turn 1 as his run on the yellow-walled rubber ...Keep reading",
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Following his departure from Mercedes at the end of 2013 Brawn enjoyed a period of relaxation and ...Keep reading",
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Once ahead, Zhou made no mistakes to clinch ...Keep reading",
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+ "description": "Verstappen appeared to have been on the backfoot in pace terms compared to title rival Lewis Hamilton through the first two qualifying stages at the Yas Marina circuit.
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While the scale of the gap to Hamilton after that first Q3 ...Keep reading",
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Alpine driver Alonso was impeded by the McLaren of Daniel Ricciardo, one of the drivers under investigation.
Alonso was knocked out of Q2 as a result of the incident, and the ...Keep reading",
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While Norris has no allegiance to either of the two drivers, so is free to race them as he chooses if he gets away well, he knows it’s not a straightforward situation.
The youngster is well aware that he ...Keep reading",
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+ "description": "Verstappen pulled off a brilliant effort in his first run in Q3 to deliver a lap that was half a second clear of everyone else – although it was slightly helped by a tow from team-mate Sergio Perez.
But despite Hamilton improving on his second run to close the gap, with his first lap having been hurt by a lock up at Turn 5, Verstappen had pole in the bag.
Hamilton said he could not ...Keep reading",
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Hamilton said he could not ...Keep reading",
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Abu Dhabi Grand Prix qualifying results: Verstappen on pole from ...Keep reading",
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On the first Q3 runs, Red Bull sent Perez out ahead of Verstappen and ordered him to push to create a gap while ...Keep reading",
+ "content": "The two title contenders will start Sunday’s race on different strategies after Verstappen used the softs to go through Q2, where Hamilton progressed on the mediums, and they will start ahead of McLaren’s Lando Norris with their respective team-mates down in fourth and sixth.
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"description": "Neuville has heaped further praise on the new stronger and safer 2022 WRC chassis after he and co-driver Martijn Wydaeghe escaped relatively unscathed after plunging into a ravine.
Speaking to Autosport Neuville has explained that while driving in challenging weather conditions the pair were caught out and headed off the road after hitting the brakes.
Unfortunately beyond the road was a ...Keep reading",
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", + "content": "As Oscar Piastri finished third ahead of Robert Shwartzman to secure the FIA Formula 2 Drivers’ Championship, one of the drivers who competed in the previous round was not present in Abu Dhabi. Enzo Fittipaldi, who drove for Charouz in Jeddah, is still recovering after fracturing his heel in a tremendous crash on the…
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(39-7), ce samedi après-midi, pour démarrer la campagne européenne. Même s'il regrette un certain manque de maîtrise collective face à une équipe galloise très diminuée.", + "content": "Le manager du Stade Toulousain Ugo Mola est évidemment satisfait de la victoire bonifiée de son équipe à Cardiff (39-7), ce samedi après-midi, pour démarrer la campagne européenne. 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''C'est pas de la nostalgie, c'est autre chose'', comme une autre discipline.", + "content": "C'est pas de la nostalgie, c'est autre chose. C'est presque un autre sport, sans entraînement à haute intensité, sans data multiples qui compilent les stats collectives et individuelles des équipes et des joueurs. C'était une époque où l’on s'entraînait trois fois par semaine au grand max et s'il ne pleuvait pas trop. L'herbe était grasse dès octobre et boueuse de novembre à mars, giboulées comprises. Canal + balbutiait ses premiers pas au royaume des chaînes cryptées. Le rugby se conjuguait avec Couderc et Bala, toujours au Parc des Princes qui n'imaginait sûrement pas finir en jardin qatari. Les surnoms fleuraient bon le 1er degré, voire même le zéro ; en première ligne Jean-Michel était Mumu et Roland devenait Pipo, les Pierre, c'était juste La Grande ou Chipitey ; en troisième ligne Joseph répondait au doux nom de Ttotte et Patrick n'était que Tonton ; Stéphane était tout simplement Steph, on peut continuer longtemps encore, on trouvera du Mendioche à la mêlée, La boussole à l'arrière, lui qui transformait des relances en contre-attaque tout en laissant croire que l'inverse était pareille. On croisait La feuille ou Le cake au centre et tant d'autres encore... C'était une époque où les skills étaient, au mieux, des aller-retour sur des terrains délabrés à faire des passes, des deux côtés, inlassablement, comme un pianiste avec ses gammes. Il n'existait que deux lancements en touche, et un et demi en mêlée où la seule règle était \"on les défonce\". Le reste dépendait de l'intelligence situationnelle du 8, mais tous n'avaient pas le sens du rugby d'un Cigagna, véritable gare de triage du jeu des années 80/90, le seul et véritable Matabiau Toulousain. Et puis il y a les milliers d'anecdotes, oubliées aujourd'hui, excepté pour tous ces inconnus qui les ont vécues et qui en ont gardé un souvenir grandiloquent, flirtant avec la légende qui s'écrit dans les livres et dont les mots ne meurent jamais. Ces repas d'après entraînement, où se retrouvent presque tous les joueurs, en milieu de semaine, pour continuer la nuit et la cohésion d'équipe. Tous les célibataires font des heures sup, quelques bières en centre-ville, des belotes coinchées au bout du comptoir. Des filles qui passent, des sourires qui s'échangent, la licorne légendaire esquisse la suite de ses aventures. La nuit conte ses aventures en sanskrit, certains y voient déjà leurs épopées picaresques sous l'angle d'un Kamasutra réinventé. Et ce match, perdu dans une bourgade de Gascogne, dans un vestiaire minuscule partagé en deux par une porte en forme de soupente. Le plus facétieux joue au matador, l'autre, insaisissable, fait le taureau, sans Cabrel à la musique. Pourtant, on jurerait entendre la mélodie de sa Corrida. Le matador improvise passes et véroniques, domptant les charges du taureau hilare sous les vivats du reste de l'équipe réduit au rôle de spectateurs volontaires, oubliant de se changer à moins d'une heure du coup d'envoi du match. C'était un 1/4 de finale contre l'ogre narbonnais et les dingueries de ses spadassins les plus célèbres, de Ros à Dejean ou de Colomines à Martinez. Peu importe le résultat du match, il ne rentrera même pas dans les annales du petit bleu d'Agen. On se rappellera juste cet instant, cette tauromachie ovale dans un espace réduit, où les rires ont tout emporté, même la drôle de tête des entraîneurs devant ce tableau d'impression goyesque. Cordobes et son fidèle Miura sont rentrés, à jamais, dans la postérité de leurs admirateurs en culottes courtes et en crampons iconiques. Ils ont sûrement fait plus pour les si fameuses valeurs du rugby avec cet impromptu tauromachique, que mille passes croisées oubliées... Comme le disait Jean-Pierre Rives : \"Le rugby, c'est l'histoire d'un ballon avec des copains autour et quand il n'y a plus le ballon, il reste les copains\". C'est leur richesse et ça ne rentre pas dans les statistiques...\nPierre Navarron travaille dans le consulting après avoir longuement exercé dans le domaine de l'assurance et de la gestion de patrimoine. Parallèlement à cette vie professionnelle, en 2005 il est devenu éducateur en cadet puis dirigeant à l'association Aviron Bayonnais. Il s'occupe plus particulièrement de l'équipe espoirs depuis 2014. Auparavant, presque dans une autre vie, il a été joueur, forcément dans son club de coeur, l'Aviron Bayonnais (1973-1987), puis à l'US Mouguerre (1987-1994) et au Boucau-Tarnos Stade (1994-1996). \n\"J'aime raconter le rugby, celui que j'ai connu, celui que j'imagine et celui que l'on voit.J'aime les histoires que ce ballon ovale nous donne avec ses rebonds de traviole, ses rires, ses chants et son folklore qui n'appartient qu'à lui et qu'on a tous dans le cœur.Je pourrai vous narrer les envolées de ces grands joueurs que j'ai croisé sur un terrain, comme toutes celles de tous ces anonymes, juste connu dans leurs villages, mais qui faisaient chanter la gonfle comme personne, je pourrai vous confier les débuts de ces rugbymen du top 14 d'aujourd'hui qui portaient déjà les espoirs, devenus nos certitudes contemporaines et qu'ils nous montrent, dorénavant, chaque week-end...Peut-être qu'un jour j'écrirai tout cela...\"\n\n", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lerugbynistere.fr/news/des-hommes-et-un-ballon-ou-quand-le-rugby-cetait-les-copains-avant-les-datas-et-les-resultats-1112211724.php", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11 17:25:00", + "enclosure": "https://www.lerugbynistere.fr/photos/amateur-11-12-21-2271.jpg", + "enclosureType": "image/jpeg", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/Sport - FR", + "feed": "Le Rugbynistere", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "17b954c72b1c5f73dd911291714b8849" + }, + { + "title": "VIDEO. INSOLITE. Et soudain, Harry Potter a disparu comme par magie face à l'UBB", + "description": "Le match de Champions Cup entre l'UBB et Leicester a été marqué par une scène insolite. Poussé en touche, Harry Potter a soudainement disparu des écrans.", + "content": "\nHarry Potter dons his invisibility cloak at Stade Chaban-Delmas... 🧙Fortunately he's all good and back in action!#HeinekenChampionsCup pic.twitter.com/NcKtO1zICi\n— Heineken Champions Cup (@ChampionsCup) December 11, 2021\n\nPlus de peur que de mal pour Harry Potter. Lors de la première période du match de Champions Cup entre l'UBB et Leicester, le joueur de la formation anglaise a vécu un moment à la fois effrayant et insolite. Alors que les Girondins étaient à l'attaque, le 3/4 a récupéré le cuir avant d'être ceinturé par Ben Lam. Le Néo-Zélandais l'a tout de suite amené vers la touche. Dans son élan et poussé par l'ancien joueur des Hurricanes, Potter a sauté par-dessus les panneaux publicitaires... sans savoir que la pelouse est entourée d'une fosse. On ne sait pas si l'ailier a eu le temps de lancer un sort pour ralentir sa chute, mais il est heureusement sorti de cette mésaventure sans blessure.\n\n", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lerugbynistere.fr/videos/video-insolite-et-soudain-harry-potter-a-disparu-comme-par-magie-face-a-lubb-1112211657.php", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11 16:59:00", + "enclosure": "https://www.lerugbynistere.fr/photos/et-soudain-harry-potter-a-disparu-comme-par-magie-face-a-lubb-11-12-21-8719.jpg", + "enclosureType": "image/jpeg", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/Sport - FR", + "feed": "Le Rugbynistere", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "633a05b2e1187faf12d69e66275bc963" + }, + { + "title": "Champions Cup. La Coupe d'Europe, une bouffée d'oxygène pour le Stade Français ?", + "description": "Le Stade Français se rend en Irlande pour y défier le Connacht ce dimanche (14h). Le club de la capitale a-t-il intérêt de jouer à fond cette compétition ?", + "content": "Dire que le Stade Français vit un début de saison agité serait un doux euphémisme. Dixièmes du Top 14, les Parisiens sont pour l'instant loin du niveau qui leur était prédit en début d'exercice. Et pourtant, malgré les dires, et alors que bon nombre d'observateurs se sont montrés inquiets, n'hésitant pas à pointer du doigt les diverses lacunes des joueurs de la capitale sur les plateaux télés, force est de constater que les soldats roses ne sont pas largués dans la course au Top 6. À seulement six unités de Castres, les Parisiens peuvent encore rêver d'une remontée folle afin d'entrevoir une qualification. Car ce club a à chaque fois fait preuve de grandes vertus, en puisant des ressources insoupçonnables, lorsqu'on le croit mort.\n\nAlors oui, on vous l'accorde, cela reste hypothétique, car n'oublions pas non plus que les Parisiens sont seulement à cinq points de la zone rouge et ne sont pas encore sauvés, loin de là ! Surtout que le prochain déplacement à Toulouse s'annonce compliqué contre une équipe en quête de rachat. Une défaite et le spectre d'une relégation pourrait alors refaire surface. De là donc à nous poser la question suivante : cette Coupe d'Europe arrive-t-elle à point nommé, cinq ans après la dernière participation de club de la capitale à la Champions Cup ?\nVIDÉO. Top 14. Au forceps, Waisea et le Stade Français battent La Rochelle et se donnent de l'air !Durant les années 2000, la bande à Max Guazzini est un habitué des phases finales de Coupe d'Europe. Deux finales (2000-2004), plusieurs quarts et demies jouées. Une histoire d'amour donc avec la compétition du Vieux Continent. Comme évoqué précédemment, il serait regrettable que les joueurs parisiens galvaudent cette Champions Cup, et ce, pour plusieurs raisons. Déjà, car les hommes de Gonzalo Quesada se sont donnés le droit de disputer la prestigieuse compétition continentale, au gré d'une remontée folle l'an passé en championnat, les qualifiant in-extremis en barrages. Puis le Stade Français n'a plus connu les joies de la grande Coupe d'Europe depuis quelques années. Une seule participation en 10 ans. C'est dire. Surtout, les pensionnaires du stade Jean Bouin ont toujours fait bonne figure en Coupe d'Europe. Leurs adversaires que sont le Connacht et Bristol restent relativement dans leurs cordes. Même si bon nombre d'équipes se sont cassées les dents à Galway, la province irlandaise reste plus abordable sur le papier que ses homologues du Leinster, Munster voire même Ulster.\nBristol de son côté, malgré sa pléiade de joueurs de renom, galère en Premiership. Avant-derniers du championnat outre-Manche, les ''Ours'' n'ont remporté que trois petites rencontres. Bien loin de leur standing de la précédente saison, où les coéquipiers de Radradra figuraient parmi les favoris au titre, balayés malheureusement, en demie par une équipe des Harlequins euphoriques. Pour les soldats roses donc, une séduisante campagne européenne pourrait engendrer une bonne dynamique pour la suite du Top 14 alors qu'à l'inverse, des défaites emmèneraient de manière rédhibitoire la formation parisienne dans une spirale négative. \nTop 14. Après Ruiz à Montpellier, Romain Poite au Stade Français !Pour sa première journée, en déplacement au Connacht en Irlande, les Parisiens enverront donc une équipe que l'on peut juger ''hybride''. Certains joueurs cadres comme Joris Segonds, Waisea, Antoine Burban ou Kylan Hamdaoui ne seront pas du voyage. Des éléments en manque de temps de jeu apparaissent alors que d'autres stadistes effectuent leur retour à la compétition. On pense à Quentin Béthune ou les Pumas Marcos Kremer et Nicolas Sanchez. Des come-back non négligeables. Des incontournables comme Latu, Laumape, Etien ou Veainu seront dans le XV de départ. Enfin, il sera intéressant d'observer les débuts du jeune ailier Paul Champ, âgé d'à peine 20 ans. Bref, une équipe qui a de quoi rivaliser avec la province irlandaise. Découvrez la composition parisienne. \nTop 14. Stade Français. Waisea est-il le plus grand centre de l'histoire du club ?\n\nStade Français\n\n1\nBéthune\n2\nLatu\n3\nRoelofse\n\n\n4\nDe Giovanni\n5\nVan Der Merscht\n\n\n6\nKremer\n8\nGray (cap)\n7\nFrancoz\n\n\n9\nHall\n10\nSanchez\n\n\n11\nEtien\n12\nLaumape\n13\nArrate\n14\nChamp\n\n\n15\nVeainu\n\n\n16\nDa Silva\n17\nM.Alo-Emile\n18\nP.Alo-Emile\n19\nGabrillagues\n\n20\nGodener\n21\nPercillier\n22\nBarré\n23\nLapègue\n\n\nEn revanche, si par malheur le Stade Français venait à sortir de ce bloc avec deux défaites, cela pourrait avoir un impact négatif sur la dynamique du groupe. Les Parisiens seraient alors contraints de se reconcentrer sur le championnat. Car malgré toutes nos argumentations, et avant de parler de qualification en Top 14 ou en Champion Cup, les Parisiens devront d'abord assurer leur maintien. C'est toute l'équation donc pour Gonzalo Quesada et son staff. L'effectif parisien étant de grande qualité, mais ne possédant pas une profondeur d'effectif comme certains autres cadors du Top 14, il faudra trouver la bonne formule pour faire bonne figure au cours des deux compétitions. Mais cette Champions Cup arrive à point nommé, afin de s'évader de la pression quotidienne du Top 14 et de basculer sur un autre challenge. Puis, Quentin Béthune l'a affirmé en conférence de presse : ''On a hâte d'y être''. Maintenant, place aux actes. Et dieu sait que cette équipe est capable de sortir un nouveau tour de son chapeau et nous surprendre. 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Sans son demi de mêlée et face à une équipe de Cardiff avec tous ses moyens humains, cette entrée en matière en Champions Cup aurait été différente. Les Blues ont donné du fil à retordre aux Toulousains. Sans doute avaient-ils bien travaillé à la vidéo et vu que l'UBB ou encore Brive avaient malmené le Stade en mettant beaucoup d'agressivité devant. Ce n'est pas le grand Toulouse qu'on a vu ce samedi après-midi au Pays de Galles. Mais Antoine Dupont, lui, a joué au niveau auquel on le connaît. Décisif sur le premier essai de Jelonch, il y est aussi allé de son essai à la 55e en exploitant un ballon perdu par l'alignement adverse. D'une double feinte de passe, il a mis le feu à la défense pour un essai entre les perches. Dix minutes plus tard, sa vista et un excellent jeu au pied ont permis à Bonneval d'offrir le bonus offensif aux visiteurs. Avant la pause, c'est également lui qui avait percé la défense de Cardiff pour mettre son équipe dans l'avancée. Une course qui débouchera sur l'essai d'Ahki. Si les Toulousains veulent conserver leur titre, ils vont devoir mettre plus d'envie et être plus précis. Car Dupont, qui a logiquement été désigné homme du match, ne pourra pas toujours faire la différence face à des équipes plus solides et expérimentées. Un premier match plein d'enseignements pour le Stade Toulousain.\n ", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lerugbynistere.fr/videos/video-champions-cup-lomnipresent-antoine-dupont-a-tout-fait-a-cardiff-1112211553.php", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11 16:25:00", + "enclosure": "https://www.lerugbynistere.fr/photos/lomnipresent-antoine-dupont-a-fait-la-totale-aux-gallois-de-cardiff-11-12-21-8639.jpg", + "enclosureType": "image/jpeg", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/Sport - FR", + "feed": "Le Rugbynistere", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "e93b9599cf99290bdd5e8347215fa192" + }, { "title": "RUGBY. Pro D2. 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But sometimes the most elaborately decorated houses aren’t located on main roads.
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A railroad company said one of its trains had derailed in Kentucky.", "category": "", "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/12/11/us/tornadoes-midwest-south", "creator": "The New York Times", - "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 13:40:14 +0000", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 16:56:07 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -87205,7 +88801,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "8b10810d23f8d0d657a0596d716b02c9" + "hash": "9ad66a3978951b81d9f48de866c2c4f3" }, { "title": "Deaths Confirmed After Tornado Hits Amazon Warehouse in Illinois", @@ -87334,13 +88930,13 @@ "hash": "355acdc28dd124912ddd12531ef884c9" }, { - "title": "Omicron is speeding through Britain, and vaccines provide reduced protection, U.K. scientists say.", - "description": "", - "content": "Lining up to get a Covid-19 vaccine shot in London last week.", + "title": "British Studies Warn of Omicron’s Speed; One Notes Need for Boosters", + "description": "A study showed a drop in protection in cases caused by the variant, but also indicated that third vaccine doses improved defense. Here’s the latest on Covid.", + "content": "A study showed a drop in protection in cases caused by the variant, but also indicated that third vaccine doses improved defense. Here’s the latest on Covid.", "category": "", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/health/britain-omicron.html", - "creator": "Benjamin Mueller", - "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 02:49:48 +0000", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/12/11/world/covid-omicron-vaccines", + "creator": "The New York Times", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 18:48:13 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -87352,7 +88948,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "9ff92413055678686fe696fc7b44633d" + "hash": "767bd4df9f47fac8a44e52d53afd27f8" }, { "title": "Helicopters and High-Speed Chases: Inside Texas’ Push to Arrest Migrants", @@ -87439,13 +89035,13 @@ "hash": "4ccccd56a40a4dd1abb2d5639f96bc75" }, { - "title": "Patti LuPone on 'Company,' Stephen Sondheim and More", - "description": "“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh, I’ll drink to that!” she belts onstage in Stephen Sondheim’s “Company,” as Broadway reopens. So. Will. We.", - "content": "“Your talent will out,” Ms. LuPone said. “Your talent will carry you, if you stick to it and honor your talent.”", - "category": "Theater", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/11/style/patti-lupone-company-stephen-sondheim.html", - "creator": "Maureen Dowd", - "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 10:00:14 +0000", + "title": "Can Parties Help Us Heal?", + "description": "Inside a night of release at Nowadays, hosted by the group Nocturnal Medicine.", + "content": "Nocturnal Medicine held a therapy rave at a Queens nightclub to help people transition into winter.", + "category": "Nowadays (Queens, NY, Bar)", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/11/style/party-rave-healing.html", + "creator": "Anna P. 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It’s really a family affair.", + "content": "The sparkling cider has long had a place on the kid’s table. It’s really a family affair.", + "category": "Cider", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/11/style/martinellis-sparkling-cider.html", + "creator": "Natalie Shutler", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 10:00:11 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -87499,7 +89095,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "7a694971a83b215e86643624bd9e0bb3" + "hash": "e1ce2775efc04957430be26c717a5c55" }, { "title": "How the United States Can Break Putin’s Hold on Ukraine", @@ -87544,13 +89140,13 @@ "hash": "1ad2ffaca506566d6ae004e61e7238f7" }, { - "title": "Relax. 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It’s about the social fabric.", - "content": "It’s not just about shady deals. It’s about the social fabric.", + "title": "What Can Schools Do About Disturbed Students?", + "description": "“There is no profile of a school shooter that is reliable.”", + "content": "“There is no profile of a school shooter that is reliable.”", "category": "internal-sub-only-nl", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/opinion/scams-trust-institutions.html", - "creator": "Tressie McMillan Cottom", - "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 01:10:24 +0000", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/11/opinion/schools-students-staff.html", + "creator": "Jessica Grose", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 13:55:26 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -87583,16 +89179,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "361e02b6477d07e92dfd850011605646" + "hash": "e872942b7bd9d66681552788ccc71574" }, { - "title": "Will Covid Evolve to Be Milder?", - "description": "While we may care, the virus really doesn’t.", - "content": "While we may care, the virus really doesn’t.", - "category": "Coronavirus Omicron Variant", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/opinion/covid-evolve-milder.html", - "creator": "Andrew Pekosz", - "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 10:00:19 +0000", + "title": "The Inflation Suspense Goes On", + "description": "The data refuse to settle the big debate. 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It’s also about society’s faith in the very idea of money.", - "content": "It’s not just about the demise of coins and dollar bills. 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And a politician is questioning why 850 titles are on library shelves. The result: “A lot of our teachers are petrified.”", + "content": "A new state law constricts teachers when it comes to race and history. And a politician is questioning why 850 titles are on library shelves. The result: “A lot of our teachers are petrified.”", + "category": "Education (K-12)", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/us/texas-critical-race-theory-ban-books.html", + "creator": "Michael Powell", + "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 20:14:14 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -87898,16 +89494,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "2480bde220d752656712e1a8bdc954d7" + "hash": "545ad2e020d50a6e8bdf682bd5562e06" }, { - "title": "Review: ‘And Just Like That,’ It All Went Wrong", - "description": "The “Sex and the City” revival is part dramedy about heartbreak, part awkward bid at relevance.", - "content": "The “Sex and the City” revival is part dramedy about heartbreak, part awkward bid at relevance.", - "category": "Television", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/09/arts/television/review-and-just-like-that.html", - "creator": "James Poniewozik", - "pubDate": "Thu, 09 Dec 2021 18:31:17 +0000", + "title": "Elon Musk’s Latest Innovation: Troll Philanthropy", + "description": "Some very wealthy people give their money away in an attempt to burnish their reputations. Not the Tesla C.E.O.", + "content": "Some very wealthy people give their money away in an attempt to burnish their reputations. Not the Tesla C.E.O.", + "category": "Philanthropy", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/business/elon-musk-philanthropy.html", + "creator": "Nicholas Kulish", + "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 16:59:25 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -87919,16 +89515,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "4cdfef632e494823c7f74491afbaf190" + "hash": "9b7f287447e1f1916f4413ee47109655" }, { - "title": "What a Times Journalist Learned From His ‘Don’t Look Up’ Moment", - "description": "A new film about a killer comet revives memories of a nail-biting night in The Times newsroom two decades ago.", - "content": "A new film about a killer comet revives memories of a nail-biting night in The Times newsroom two decades ago.", - "category": "Asteroids", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/09/science/dont-look-up-movie.html", - "creator": "Dennis Overbye", - "pubDate": "Thu, 09 Dec 2021 22:45:11 +0000", + "title": "‘I Would Give Anything to Hold Their Hands Again’", + "description": "A husband and wife find a way to talk to their young sons about an unspeakable event.", + "content": "A husband and wife find a way to talk to their young sons about an unspeakable event.", + "category": "Earthquakes", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/style/moderrn-love-haiti-earthquake-hold-their-hands-again.html", + "creator": "Jessica Alexander", + "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 05:00:06 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -87940,7 +89536,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "3f8cc2df7d5e7adbcc758a475b838810" + "hash": "36182a7a68cf812ac19604068a98b832" }, { "title": "The Spectacle of Yoko Ono Disrupting the Beatles and the Variant Hunters: The Week in Narrated Articles", @@ -88006,13 +89602,13 @@ "hash": "10a99ecd53dfa2ea29a35fc9c6593a23" }, { - "title": "Small Court Victories Change Nothing for Women Seeking Abortions in Texas", - "description": "A Texas statute that bans abortion after six weeks of pregnancy was seemingly undercut by two court rulings, but the reality on the ground has not changed.", - "content": "A Texas statute that bans abortion after six weeks of pregnancy was seemingly undercut by two court rulings, but the reality on the ground has not changed.", + "title": "Some Voters Are at Odds With Their Party on Abortion", + "description": "Despite decades of partisan fighting in Washington, Americans are not as neatly divided on abortion as politicians and activists.", + "content": "The number of Americans who support or oppose abortion can vary widely, depending on how pollsters phrase the question. 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The Russians intercepted the Ukrainian ship on Thursday night.", - "category": "Defense and Military Forces", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/world/europe/ukraine-russia-war-naval-vessel.html", - "creator": "Michael Schwirtz", - "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 08:53:14 +0000", + "title": "Should Police Investigate Residential Schools Cases in Canada?", + "description": "The Six Nations in Ontario have set up a special group to oversee the investigation of student deaths, in a rare collaboration between an Indigenous group and the police.", + "content": "The former Mohawk Institute Residential School in Brantford, Ontario where police officers and members of this Six Nations community are working together to look for unmarked graves.", + "category": "Indigenous People", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/11/world/canada/missing-indigenous-children-police.html", + "creator": "Ian Austen", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 15:10:56 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -88045,7 +89641,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "4736557ef4ef3bb4afcf54cee9eb8ed7" + "hash": "78ca564d6b04faac44e84090d18776f7" }, { "title": "First Fires, Then Floods: Climate Extremes Batter Australia", @@ -88069,13 +89665,13 @@ "hash": "5d8805117c5d799304a4aec383d2662a" }, { - "title": "Analysis: Biden Sees Booming Economy, but Many Americans Don't", - "description": "The president has struggled to sell strong growth and job gains to a public that appears more concerned about rising prices — and remains anxious about Covid.", - "content": "The president has struggled to sell strong growth and job gains to a public that appears more concerned about rising prices — and remains anxious about Covid.", - "category": "United States Economy", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/business/biden-economy-growth-jobs.html", - "creator": "Jim Tankersley", - "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 20:06:57 +0000", + "title": "Less Mange, More Frills: Rome’s New Mayor Bets on His Christmas Tree", + "description": "The annual Christmas tree in the Italian capital has come under scrutiny ever since a 2017 debacle. Will this year’s pass social media muster?", + "content": "Workers using a crane to decorate the annual Christmas tree this past week in central Rome.", + "category": "Christmas", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/11/world/europe/rome-christmas-tree.html", + "creator": "Elisabetta Povoledo", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 18:32:25 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -88083,11 +89679,32 @@ "language": "en", "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", "feed": "NYTimes", - "read": true, + "read": false, "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "6115db8465b3b8d4621499b2e370118f" + "hash": "441dfabd51783b7137d6178484a0c61b" + }, + { + "title": "Russia-Ukraine Sea Encounter Highlights Jittery Nerves in the Region", + "description": "The Russians intercepted a half-century-old Ukrainian naval vessel, then portrayed its actions as a provocative prelude to war.", + "content": "The half-century-old Donbas at anchor in Mariupol on the Sea of Azov in 2018. The Russians intercepted the Ukrainian ship on Thursday night.", + "category": "Defense and Military Forces", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/world/europe/ukraine-russia-war-naval-vessel.html", + "creator": "Michael Schwirtz", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 08:53:14 +0000", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "NYTimes", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "4736557ef4ef3bb4afcf54cee9eb8ed7" }, { "title": "Self-Proclaimed Proud Boys Member Gets 10 Years for Violence at Portland Protests", @@ -88132,13 +89749,13 @@ "hash": "53561b3b9477d4b163a81c9c7a22ea02" }, { - "title": "Migrant Truck Crash in Mexico Kills More Than 50", - "description": "The migrants, mostly from Guatemala and apparently U.S.-bound, had been crammed into a tractor-trailer that flipped and slammed into a bridge in southern Mexico.", - "content": "The migrants, mostly from Guatemala and apparently U.S.-bound, had been crammed into a tractor-trailer that flipped and slammed into a bridge in southern Mexico.", - "category": "Immigration and Emigration", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/world/americas/mexico-truck-crash.html", - "creator": "Oscar Lopez", - "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 19:49:43 +0000", + "title": "Echoes of Trump at Zemmour’s Rally in France ", + "description": "Éric Zemmour, the polarizing far-right polemicist, launched his presidential campaign last week with a frenzied rally that was disrupted by a violent brawl.", + "content": "Éric Zemmour, a French far-right candidate for the 2022 presidential election, made a theatrical entrance at his campaign rally in Villepinte, northeast of Paris.", + "category": "Politics and Government", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/11/world/europe/eric-zemmour-rally-france.html", + "creator": "Constant Méheut", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 16:03:31 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -88150,7 +89767,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "a0fac76a24d3b498fe866fa6c5fe0b86" + "hash": "56a48ea87291e907aac0ba47a8733902" }, { "title": "Michael Nesmith, the ‘Quiet Monkee,’ Is Dead at 78", @@ -88194,27 +89811,6 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "788c5742609879936d2ba69a876b9b59" }, - { - "title": "The Game Awards Returns With Glitz and an Industry Asserting Its Muscle", - "description": "On Thursday night, the video game industry held its big awards event, which is quickly becoming as important — and as long — as certain other entertainment occasions.", - "content": "On Thursday night, the video game industry held its big awards event, which is quickly becoming as important — and as long — as certain other entertainment occasions.", - "category": "Computer and Video Games", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/business/the-game-awards.html", - "creator": "Kellen Browning", - "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 00:08:50 +0000", - "enclosure": "", - "enclosureType": "", - "image": "", - "id": "", - "language": "en", - "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", - "feed": "NYTimes", - "read": false, - "favorite": false, - "created": false, - "tags": [], - "hash": "e7bd67f315fc0c43b179c56cd1e01024" - }, { "title": "Another Death at Rikers Continues ‘Very Difficult Year’ at N.Y.C. Jails", "description": "A Brooklyn man, who went into cardiac arrest on Friday, became the 15th person to die this year within New York City’s correction system.", @@ -88237,13 +89833,13 @@ "hash": "38b9767bef4520f5b994d237c9cca5b9" }, { - "title": "Our Favorite Healthy Habits of 2021", - "description": "From labeling your feelings to exercise snacks, here’s a roundup of some of Well’s best advice for better living.", - "content": "From labeling your feelings to exercise snacks, here’s a roundup of some of Well’s best advice for better living.", - "category": "Content Type: Service", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/09/well/mind/healthy-habits.html", - "creator": "Tara Parker-Pope", - "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 14:43:31 +0000", + "title": "In Search of Black Santa", + "description": "My kids shouldn’t have to color their Santa Claus figurines with brown ink like I did.", + "content": "Kelvin Douglas is a jolly Santa Claus for children in Houston.", + "category": "Santa Claus", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/09/well/family/black-santa.html", + "creator": "Nancy Redd", + "pubDate": "Thu, 09 Dec 2021 18:21:20 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -88255,16 +89851,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "ee0802cf9bba35fad8da5ce23d58914e" + "hash": "3409388253d4d3aed03b33e2a72c0abe" }, { - "title": "How Can You Learn to Be More Resilient?", - "description": "Pandemic life doesn’t have to be just about survival. 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Your Questions Answered", + "description": "Alarmed by the arrival of the new variant, health officials have called for everyone who is eligible to get a booster shot.", + "content": "Alarmed by the arrival of the new variant, health officials have called for everyone who is eligible to get a booster shot.", + "category": "Content Type: Service", + "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/article/booster-shots-questions-answers.html", + "creator": "Tara Parker-Pope", + "pubDate": "Tue, 07 Dec 2021 16:04:00 +0000", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -88276,16 +89872,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "6450f63f95df1b4c6f3ab9c3cb9efce6" + "hash": "b1346156dbb106e3c999352a3a3a6a62" }, { - "title": "What Bears Can Teach Us About Our Exercise Habits", - "description": "Scientists have found that grizzlies, like people, seem to choose the path of least resistance.", - "content": "Scientists have found that grizzlies, like people, seem to choose the path of least resistance.", - "category": "Animal Behavior", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/07/well/move/bears-exercise-laziness-humans.html", - "creator": "Gretchen Reynolds", - "pubDate": "Thu, 08 Apr 2021 14:12:19 +0000", + "title": "Why a Child’s Rude Behavior May Be Good for Development", + "description": "The safer children feel, the more they can show their true selves — warts and all — experts say. 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Here’s the latest on Covid.", + "content": "A study showed a drop in protection in cases caused by the variant, but also indicated that third vaccine doses improved defense. 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{ - "title": "Supreme Court Allows Challenge to Texas Abortion Law but Leaves It in Effect", - "description": "The law, which bans most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, was drafted to evade review in federal court and has been in effect since September.", - "content": "The law, which bans most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, was drafted to evade review in federal court and has been in effect since September.", - "category": "Abortion", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/us/politics/texas-abortion-supreme-court.html", - "creator": "Adam Liptak", - "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 18:50:50 +0000", - "enclosure": "", - "enclosureType": "", - "image": "", - "id": "", - "language": "en", - "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", - "feed": "NYTimes", - "read": false, - "favorite": false, - "created": false, - "tags": [], - "hash": "6fdbff3354b3a78273568b08a9b06cf0" - }, { "title": "Vaccine Mandates Rekindle Fierce Debate Over Civil Liberties", "description": "Tougher requirements in some European nations have inspired pushback from angry citizens as leaders grapple with how far to go in the name of public health.", @@ -88782,27 +90924,6 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "7f9322cc485e26ca937e11e9c3c41db3" }, - { - "title": "Rift Between Wyden and Son Shows the Challenge of Taxing the Ultrarich", - "description": "A dispute between Ron Wyden, the Democratic Senate Finance Committee chairman, and his hedge fund-manager son illustrates how the merely rich help the fabulously rich resist tax increases.", - "content": "A dispute between Ron Wyden, the Democratic Senate Finance Committee chairman, and his hedge fund-manager son illustrates how the merely rich help the fabulously rich resist tax increases.", - "category": "Tax Shelters", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/us/politics/taxing-the-rich.html", - "creator": "Jonathan Weisman", - "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 10:00:25 +0000", - "enclosure": "", - "enclosureType": "", - "image": "", - "id": "", - "language": "en", - "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", - "feed": "NYTimes", - "read": false, - "favorite": false, - "created": false, - "tags": [], - "hash": "4257ec2c62db603e3c14c19a3da52aa6" - }, { "title": "How Bank Regulators Are Trying to Oust a Trump Holdover", "description": "Jelena McWilliams, the FDIC’s chairwoman, doesn’t always go along with President Biden’s agenda. Other regulators want to push her out.", @@ -89110,26 +91231,6 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "f001baed3d053d6f61fba70c21810bfd" }, - { - "title": "In Texas, Panic Over Critical Race Theory Extends to Bookshelves", - "description": "A new state law constricts teachers when it comes to race and history. And a politician is questioning why 850 titles are on library shelves. The result: “A lot of our teachers are petrified.”", - "content": "A new state law constricts teachers when it comes to race and history. And a politician is questioning why 850 titles are on library shelves. The result: “A lot of our teachers are petrified.”", - "category": "Education (K-12)", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/us/texas-critical-race-theory-ban-books.html", - "creator": "Michael Powell", - "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 20:14:14 +0000", - "enclosure": "", - "enclosureType": "", - "image": "", - "language": "en", - "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", - "feed": "NYTimes", - "read": false, - "favorite": false, - "created": false, - "tags": [], - "hash": "545ad2e020d50a6e8bdf682bd5562e06" - }, { "title": "A Murder, Gold Bars, a Jailbreak and Questions About Justice", "description": "Was the 1993 killing of a woman near Buffalo committed by a prison escapee? Was the detective who solved the case involved? Is there anything straightforward about this crime?", @@ -89150,26 +91251,6 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "2747421b959fa1568ccaaffd1c4e0007" }, - { - "title": "Elon Musk’s Latest Innovation: Troll Philanthropy", - "description": "Some very wealthy people give their money away in an attempt to burnish their reputations. Not the Tesla C.E.O.", - "content": "Some very wealthy people give their money away in an attempt to burnish their reputations. Not the Tesla C.E.O.", - "category": "Philanthropy", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/business/elon-musk-philanthropy.html", - "creator": "Nicholas Kulish", - "pubDate": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 16:59:25 +0000", - "enclosure": "", - "enclosureType": "", - "image": "", - "language": "en", - "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", - "feed": "NYTimes", - "read": false, - "favorite": false, - "created": false, - "tags": [], - "hash": "9b7f287447e1f1916f4413ee47109655" - }, { "title": "10 Works of Art That Evaded the Algorithm This Year", "description": "Contemplation, not clicks: Our critic looks back on marble sculptures in Rome, songs of “atmospheric anxiety” and the Frick Collection in a new light.", @@ -92590,26 +94671,6 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "30a9a7b3afb9cc06b752c53d49a5176a" }, - { - "title": "Climate Change Is Thawing Arctic Alaska", - "description": "The landscape resembles frozen spinach left out on the kitchen counter too long.", - "content": "The landscape resembles frozen spinach left out on the kitchen counter too long.", - "category": "Rivers", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/07/opinion/climate-change-alaska.html", - "creator": "Jon Waterman", - "pubDate": "Tue, 07 Dec 2021 10:00:21 +0000", - "enclosure": "", - "enclosureType": "", - "image": "", - "language": "en", - "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", - "feed": "NYTimes", - "read": false, - "favorite": false, - "created": false, - "tags": [], - "hash": "7b6b7354b0a48a3582e8c50c76a5c36d" - }, { "title": "How Tech Is Helping Poor People Get Government Aid", "description": "Even as the government expanded aid programs, many people faced barriers to using them. That problem is now being addressed with apps and streamlined websites.", @@ -93030,26 +95091,6 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "3e3b34d5b15c61ca3b6d7c3ce9d1a351" }, - { - "title": "Do Booster Shots Work Against the Omicron Variant? Your Questions Answered", - "description": "Alarmed by the arrival of the new variant, health officials have called for everyone who is eligible to get a booster shot.", - "content": "Alarmed by the arrival of the new variant, health officials have called for everyone who is eligible to get a booster shot.", - "category": "Content Type: Service", - "link": "https://www.nytimes.com/article/booster-shots-questions-answers.html", - "creator": "Tara Parker-Pope", - "pubDate": "Tue, 07 Dec 2021 16:04:00 +0000", - "enclosure": "", - "enclosureType": "", - "image": "", - "language": "en", - "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", - "feed": "NYTimes", - "read": false, - "favorite": false, - "created": false, - "tags": [], - "hash": "b1346156dbb106e3c999352a3a3a6a62" - }, { "title": "Michael Steinhardt, Billionaire, Surrenders $70 Million in Stolen Relics", "description": "The hedge fund pioneer is barred for life from buying more antiquities. He turned over 180 stolen objects that had decorated his homes and office.", @@ -114708,13 +116749,13 @@ "hash": "87275dd3d6d8c43f2d8728f04a363fc1" }, { - "title": "‘I was always curious’: Indian woman, 104, fulfils dream of learning to read", - "description": "Daily newspaper is new joy for Kuttiyamma, who began taking lessons from her neighbour a year ago
For almost a century, Kuttiyamma’s daily routine had been much the same. Rising early at home in the village of Thiruvanchoor in Kerala, the 104-year-old would begin her day’s work of cooking, cleaning and feeding the cows and chickens.
But now, every morning, there’s something new to get up for. She eagerly awaits the paperboy to deliver Malayala Manorama, the local newspaper.
Continue reading...", - "content": "Daily newspaper is new joy for Kuttiyamma, who began taking lessons from her neighbour a year ago
For almost a century, Kuttiyamma’s daily routine had been much the same. Rising early at home in the village of Thiruvanchoor in Kerala, the 104-year-old would begin her day’s work of cooking, cleaning and feeding the cows and chickens.
But now, every morning, there’s something new to get up for. She eagerly awaits the paperboy to deliver Malayala Manorama, the local newspaper.
Continue reading...", - "category": "India", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/11/curious-indian-woman-104-fulfils-dream-learning-read", - "creator": "KA Shaji in Kottayam and Hannah Ellis-Petersen in Delhi", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T08:00:04Z", + "title": "Tens of thousands protest against compulsory Covid jabs in Austria", + "description": "Crowds in Vienna demonstrate against mandatory vaccines and confinement orders for unvaccinated
Tens of thousands of people have gathered in Austria’s capital Vienna to protest against mandatory Covid vaccines and home confinement orders for those who have not yet received the jabs.
Police said an estimated 44,000 people attended the demonstration on Saturday, the latest in a string of huge weekend protests since Austria last month became the first EU country to say it would make Covid vaccinations mandatory.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Crowds in Vienna demonstrate against mandatory vaccines and confinement orders for unvaccinated
Tens of thousands of people have gathered in Austria’s capital Vienna to protest against mandatory Covid vaccines and home confinement orders for those who have not yet received the jabs.
Police said an estimated 44,000 people attended the demonstration on Saturday, the latest in a string of huge weekend protests since Austria last month became the first EU country to say it would make Covid vaccinations mandatory.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Austria", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/11/tens-of-thousands-protest-against-compulsory-covid-jabs-in-austria", + "creator": "Agence France-Presse", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T17:47:15Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114726,16 +116767,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "dfc04f49d9adabcacd7a53f9a8f6a251" + "hash": "6a9f3ca2e648041a91876d7de60cd7d5" }, { - "title": "Treasury defends ‘impromptu’ drinks party after Sunak’s autumn budget", - "description": "Staff celebrated chancellor’s autumn spending review with wine and beer during lockdown, while pubs and bars were shuttered
The Treasury has been forced to defend officials holding an “impromptu” drinks party to celebrate Rishi Sunak’s autumn spending review during lockdown.
A spokesperson insisted it was a “small number” of staff who celebrated around their desks, despite reports putting the number closer to two dozen civil servants at the event.
Continue reading...", - "content": "Staff celebrated chancellor’s autumn spending review with wine and beer during lockdown, while pubs and bars were shuttered
The Treasury has been forced to defend officials holding an “impromptu” drinks party to celebrate Rishi Sunak’s autumn spending review during lockdown.
A spokesperson insisted it was a “small number” of staff who celebrated around their desks, despite reports putting the number closer to two dozen civil servants at the event.
Continue reading...", - "category": "Politics", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/dec/11/treasury-defends-impromptu-drinks-party-after-rishi-sunak-autumn-budget", - "creator": "Tom Ambrose", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T11:42:39Z", + "title": "Fresh evidence on UK’s botched Afghan withdrawal backs whistleblower’s story", + "description": "MPs’ inquiry given further details of Britain’s mismanagement of Afghanistan exit with ‘people left to die at the hands of the Taliban’
Further evidence alleging that the government seriously mishandled the withdrawal from Afghanistan has been handed to a parliamentary inquiry examining the operation, the Observer has been told.
Details from several government departments and agencies are understood to back damning testimony from a Foreign Office whistleblower, who has claimed that bureaucratic chaos, ministerial intervention, and a lack of planning and resources led to “people being left to die at the hands of the Taliban”.
Continue reading...", + "content": "MPs’ inquiry given further details of Britain’s mismanagement of Afghanistan exit with ‘people left to die at the hands of the Taliban’
Further evidence alleging that the government seriously mishandled the withdrawal from Afghanistan has been handed to a parliamentary inquiry examining the operation, the Observer has been told.
Details from several government departments and agencies are understood to back damning testimony from a Foreign Office whistleblower, who has claimed that bureaucratic chaos, ministerial intervention, and a lack of planning and resources led to “people being left to die at the hands of the Taliban”.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Taliban", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/11/fresh-evidence-on-uks-botched-afghan-withdrawal-backs-whistleblowers-story", + "creator": "Michael Savage", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T18:02:40Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114747,16 +116788,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "69ec86a4c48f894d35bbaa398ffd1479" + "hash": "6f0e24e1fbfb4b25ac66f8fb5286ee88" }, { - "title": "Banksy designs T-shirts to raise funds for ‘Colston Four’ accused of Bristol statue damage", - "description": "Anonymous artist says sales proceeds will go to the four people accused of Edward Colston statue damage ‘so they can go for a pint’
Banksy says he has made T-shirts that he will be selling to support four people facing trial accused of criminal damage over the toppling of a statue of slave trader Edward Colston.
The anonymous artist posted on Instagram pictures of limited-edition grey souvenir T-shirts, which will go on sale on Saturday in Bristol.
Continue reading...", - "content": "Anonymous artist says sales proceeds will go to the four people accused of Edward Colston statue damage ‘so they can go for a pint’
Banksy says he has made T-shirts that he will be selling to support four people facing trial accused of criminal damage over the toppling of a statue of slave trader Edward Colston.
The anonymous artist posted on Instagram pictures of limited-edition grey souvenir T-shirts, which will go on sale on Saturday in Bristol.
Continue reading...", - "category": "Banksy", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2021/dec/11/banksy-designs-t-shirts-to-raise-funds-for-colston-four-accused-of-bristol-statue-damage", - "creator": "Staff and agencies", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T05:13:59Z", + "title": "Police step up search for missing hospital worker Petra Srncova", + "description": "Harriet Harman launches appeal for information on 32-year-old Czech national who was last seen on 28 November
A missing children’s hospital worker is believed to have disappeared on her way home from work, police said on Saturday, as Labour MP Harriet Harman launched an appeal for information on her constituent.
Petra Srncova, 32, a senior nurse assistant at Evelina London children’s hospital in Westminster, was reported missing on 3 December by a concerned colleague, and officers are intensifying their efforts to try to find her.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Harriet Harman launches appeal for information on 32-year-old Czech national who was last seen on 28 November
A missing children’s hospital worker is believed to have disappeared on her way home from work, police said on Saturday, as Labour MP Harriet Harman launched an appeal for information on her constituent.
Petra Srncova, 32, a senior nurse assistant at Evelina London children’s hospital in Westminster, was reported missing on 3 December by a concerned colleague, and officers are intensifying their efforts to try to find her.
Continue reading...", + "category": "UK news", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/11/harriest-harman-launches-appeal-to-find-missing-nurse", + "creator": "Jedidajah Otte", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T17:09:51Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114768,16 +116809,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "10517b8276bdd05efaf60b14fdac9500" + "hash": "663baf175a5b8fb20bac8dbcaf215be9" }, { - "title": "No ho ho: Italian church apologises over bishop’s claim about Santa Claus", - "description": "Antonio Stagliano was trying to focus on the story of Saint Nicholas when he told children Santa did not exist, says church in Sicily
A Roman Catholic diocese in Sicily has publicly apologised to outraged parents after its bishop told a group of children that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
Bishop Antonio Stagliano didn’t mean the comments, and was trying to underline the true meaning of Christmas and the story of Saint Nicholas, a bishop who gave gifts to the poor and was persecuted by a Roman emperor, said the Rev Alessandro Paolino, the communications director for the diocese of Noto.
Continue reading...", - "content": "Antonio Stagliano was trying to focus on the story of Saint Nicholas when he told children Santa did not exist, says church in Sicily
A Roman Catholic diocese in Sicily has publicly apologised to outraged parents after its bishop told a group of children that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
Bishop Antonio Stagliano didn’t mean the comments, and was trying to underline the true meaning of Christmas and the story of Saint Nicholas, a bishop who gave gifts to the poor and was persecuted by a Roman emperor, said the Rev Alessandro Paolino, the communications director for the diocese of Noto.
Continue reading...", - "category": "Italy", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/11/no-ho-ho-italian-church-apologises-over-bishops-claim-about-santa-claus", - "creator": "Associated Press", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T04:22:30Z", + "title": "Daughter of US astronaut rockets into space aboard Blue Origin spacecraft", + "description": "Laura Shepard Churchley, whose father, Alan Shepard, made history in 1961 as the first American to travel into space, was among the crew of six
The eldest daughter of pioneering US astronaut Alan Shepard took a joyride to the edge of space aboard Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket on Saturday, 60 years after her late father’s famed suborbital Nasa flight at the dawn of the Space Age.
Laura Shepard Churchley, 74, who was a schoolgirl when her father first streaked into space, was one of six passengers buckled into the cabin of Blue Origin‘s New Shepard spacecraft as it lifted off from a launch site outside the west Texas town of Van Horn.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Laura Shepard Churchley, whose father, Alan Shepard, made history in 1961 as the first American to travel into space, was among the crew of six
The eldest daughter of pioneering US astronaut Alan Shepard took a joyride to the edge of space aboard Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket on Saturday, 60 years after her late father’s famed suborbital Nasa flight at the dawn of the Space Age.
Laura Shepard Churchley, 74, who was a schoolgirl when her father first streaked into space, was one of six passengers buckled into the cabin of Blue Origin‘s New Shepard spacecraft as it lifted off from a launch site outside the west Texas town of Van Horn.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Blue Origin", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/dec/11/blue-origin-rocket-laura-shepard-churchley-michael-strahan", + "creator": "Reuters", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T15:58:17Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114789,16 +116830,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "4dc9dd87974fb4b6d4e505196067d586" + "hash": "a6c00f8adc32ec7ca0006a9ec0511fd1" }, { - "title": "French court finds UK man guilty of murder for running over his wife", - "description": "Former Tory Councillor David Turtle has been sentenced to 14 years in jail after driving into his wife outside their home in France
A former Tory councillor has been convicted of killing his wife by deliberately running over her in his Mercedes at their home in France.
David Turtle, 67, was found guilty of murder by a French court and sentenced to 14 years in jail.
Continue reading...", - "content": "Former Tory Councillor David Turtle has been sentenced to 14 years in jail after driving into his wife outside their home in France
A former Tory councillor has been convicted of killing his wife by deliberately running over her in his Mercedes at their home in France.
David Turtle, 67, was found guilty of murder by a French court and sentenced to 14 years in jail.
Continue reading...", - "category": "France", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/11/french-court-finds-uk-man-david-turtle-guilty-of-killing-his-wife", - "creator": "Kim Willsher", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T13:35:59Z", + "title": "Former head of Barcelona’s youth system accused of sexual abuse of children", + "description": "Albert Benaiges, the former head of FC Barcelona’s youth system and the man who was credited with having discovered Andrés Iniesta, has been accused of sexual abuse of children in his charge over 20 years, accusations the 71-year-old strongly denies.
According to an investigation carried out by the Catalan newspaper Ara, more than 60 witnesses have come forward to detail his actions when he was a PE teacher at a school in the Les Corts neighbourhood of Barcelona during the 1980s and 1990s. One former student has made a formal statement to the police and others are expected to follow.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Albert Benaiges, the former head of FC Barcelona’s youth system and the man who was credited with having discovered Andrés Iniesta, has been accused of sexual abuse of children in his charge over 20 years, accusations the 71-year-old strongly denies.
According to an investigation carried out by the Catalan newspaper Ara, more than 60 witnesses have come forward to detail his actions when he was a PE teacher at a school in the Les Corts neighbourhood of Barcelona during the 1980s and 1990s. One former student has made a formal statement to the police and others are expected to follow.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Barcelona", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/dec/11/former-head-of-barcelonas-youth-system-accused-of-sexual-abuse-of-children", + "creator": "Sid Lowe in Madrid", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T15:48:01Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114810,16 +116851,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "3d91e49f93bdb8b656e39f41ab074e7f" + "hash": "479d2ca856fe0c3305a27425020426aa" }, { - "title": "Trump launched profane tirade about Netanyahu in interview – report", - "description": "Former president was furious over ex-Israeli PM’s acknowledgment Biden won election, book says
Donald Trump spat an expletive about his old ally, Israel’s ex-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for congratulating Joe Biden on his victory in last year’s election, according to a new book.
Trump lashed out in an interview for a book on US-Israel relations during his presidency, the author Barak Ravid wrote on the Axios website on Friday. Trump’s remarks were also published by the English-language website of Israel’s Yediot Aharonot newspaper.
Continue reading...", - "content": "Former president was furious over ex-Israeli PM’s acknowledgment Biden won election, book says
Donald Trump spat an expletive about his old ally, Israel’s ex-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for congratulating Joe Biden on his victory in last year’s election, according to a new book.
Trump lashed out in an interview for a book on US-Israel relations during his presidency, the author Barak Ravid wrote on the Axios website on Friday. Trump’s remarks were also published by the English-language website of Israel’s Yediot Aharonot newspaper.
Continue reading...", - "category": "Donald Trump", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/10/donald-trump-benjamin-netanyahu-book", - "creator": "Guardian staff and agencies", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T02:59:19Z", + "title": "‘I was always curious’: Indian woman, 104, fulfils dream of learning to read", + "description": "Daily newspaper is new joy for Kuttiyamma, who began taking lessons from her neighbour a year ago
For almost a century, Kuttiyamma’s daily routine had been much the same. Rising early at home in the village of Thiruvanchoor in Kerala, the 104-year-old would begin her day’s work of cooking, cleaning and feeding the cows and chickens.
But now, every morning, there’s something new to get up for. She eagerly awaits the paperboy to deliver Malayala Manorama, the local newspaper.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Daily newspaper is new joy for Kuttiyamma, who began taking lessons from her neighbour a year ago
For almost a century, Kuttiyamma’s daily routine had been much the same. Rising early at home in the village of Thiruvanchoor in Kerala, the 104-year-old would begin her day’s work of cooking, cleaning and feeding the cows and chickens.
But now, every morning, there’s something new to get up for. She eagerly awaits the paperboy to deliver Malayala Manorama, the local newspaper.
Continue reading...", + "category": "India", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/11/curious-indian-woman-104-fulfils-dream-learning-read", + "creator": "KA Shaji in Kottayam and Hannah Ellis-Petersen in Delhi", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T08:00:04Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114831,16 +116872,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "a39462e4a814e899a529e69db7715b8c" + "hash": "dfc04f49d9adabcacd7a53f9a8f6a251" }, { - "title": "John Lewis removes ‘Lollita’ child’s party dress from sale after criticism", - "description": "Store pulls dress from website and apologises ‘for upset caused’ after Twitter users connect name to child abuse novel
John Lewis has pulled a child’s party dress named “Lollita” from its shelves after receiving criticism for stocking it. The Chi Chi London “Lollita” dress was on sale for children aged three to 11 years old on the retailer’s website for £50.
The name is similar to Vladimir Nabokov’s 1955 novel Lolita, which details child sexual abuse. It outlines how a middle-aged professor abuses a 12-year-old girl.
Continue reading...", - "content": "Store pulls dress from website and apologises ‘for upset caused’ after Twitter users connect name to child abuse novel
John Lewis has pulled a child’s party dress named “Lollita” from its shelves after receiving criticism for stocking it. The Chi Chi London “Lollita” dress was on sale for children aged three to 11 years old on the retailer’s website for £50.
The name is similar to Vladimir Nabokov’s 1955 novel Lolita, which details child sexual abuse. It outlines how a middle-aged professor abuses a 12-year-old girl.
Continue reading...", - "category": "Retail industry", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/dec/11/john-lewis-removes-lollita-childs-party-dress-from-sale-after-backlash", + "title": "UK and Jersey issue more licences to French fishing boats in post-Brexit row", + "description": "British government says move agreed during talks before Friday midnight deadline set by Brussels
The UK and Jersey governments have issued further licences to French fishing boats to trawl British waters in an apparent attempt to ease cross-Channel tensions.
The Brussels-imposed deadline of midnight on Friday for solving the post-Brexit fishing row passed without an agreement being announced.
Continue reading...", + "content": "British government says move agreed during talks before Friday midnight deadline set by Brussels
The UK and Jersey governments have issued further licences to French fishing boats to trawl British waters in an apparent attempt to ease cross-Channel tensions.
The Brussels-imposed deadline of midnight on Friday for solving the post-Brexit fishing row passed without an agreement being announced.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Fishing industry", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/dec/11/uk-and-jersey-issue-more-licences-to-french-fishing-boats-in-post-brexit-row", "creator": "PA Media", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T14:06:29Z", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T15:09:35Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114852,16 +116893,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "f30091f6149711a535466cb2c81479d7" + "hash": "b6c624215019ea01bcb207590650446e" }, { - "title": "Covid live: Omicron could cause 75,000 deaths in England; booster ‘significantly reduces’ risk of symptoms", + "title": "Covid live: 633 new Omicron cases detected in UK with overall daily infections at 54,073", "description": "UK health officials urge those eligible to get third vaccine dose; Taiwan and Mauritius detect first cases of new variant
What’s the truth about lockdown-busting parties at No 10? Don’t ask Shagatha Christie, writes Marina Hyde in her column this week.
Here are some extracts:
There was simply no other place a Johnson government would ever end up but mired in rampant lies, chaos, negligence, financial sponging and the live evisceration of public service. To the Conservatives and media outriders somehow only now discovering this about their guy, I think we have to say: you ordered this. Now eat it.
Regrettably, though, space constraints must end our recap of the week here. But on it all goes, as Omicron closes in. We’ll play out with a reminder that in a pandemic that has so far killed 146,000 of the Britons who these people are supposed to be in politics to serve, the absolutely vital public health message has now TWICE been most fatally undermined by people who worked at the very heart of No 10 with Boris Johnson. That is absolutely a disgrace, and absolutely not a coincidence.
Continue reading...", "content": "UK health officials urge those eligible to get third vaccine dose; Taiwan and Mauritius detect first cases of new variant
What’s the truth about lockdown-busting parties at No 10? Don’t ask Shagatha Christie, writes Marina Hyde in her column this week.
Here are some extracts:
There was simply no other place a Johnson government would ever end up but mired in rampant lies, chaos, negligence, financial sponging and the live evisceration of public service. To the Conservatives and media outriders somehow only now discovering this about their guy, I think we have to say: you ordered this. Now eat it.
Regrettably, though, space constraints must end our recap of the week here. But on it all goes, as Omicron closes in. We’ll play out with a reminder that in a pandemic that has so far killed 146,000 of the Britons who these people are supposed to be in politics to serve, the absolutely vital public health message has now TWICE been most fatally undermined by people who worked at the very heart of No 10 with Boris Johnson. That is absolutely a disgrace, and absolutely not a coincidence.
Continue reading...", "category": "Coronavirus", "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2021/dec/11/covid-live-booster-significantly-reduces-risk-of-omicron-symptoms-taiwan-detects-first-case-of-variant", - "creator": "Lucy Campbell", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T12:59:09Z", + "creator": "Nadeem Badshah (now); Lucy Campbell (earlier)", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T17:22:33Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114873,7 +116914,28 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "9749d48d3a722f6f1728883c494737cb" + "hash": "6624f2f30b1b3aa7e0523cd96081496e" + }, + { + "title": "As Covid mutates, the vaccine makers are adapting too", + "description": "Focus on the exciting potential of T-cell immunity is spurring the sector on to create a new generation of jabs
The speed at which scientists worked to develop the first Covid jabs was unprecedented. Just nine months after the UK went into lockdown, 90-year-old Margaret Keenan officially became the first person in the world outside a trial to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. But the virus is mutating, and the emergence of the Omicron variant last month is already focusing attention on the next generation of jabs.
So what do we know about the new Covid-19 vaccines? One change is with delivery mechanisms, such as San Francisco firm Vaxart’s vaccine-in-a-pill, and Scancell’s spring-powered injectors that pierce the skin without a needle. But the biggest development is in T-cell technology. Produced by the bone marrow, T-cells are white blood cells that form a key part of the immune system. While current vaccines mainly generate antibodies that stick to the virus and stop it infecting the body, the new vaccines prime T-cells to find and destroy infected cells, thus preventing viral replication and disease. (The current vaccines also produce a T-cell response, but to a lesser extent.)
Continue reading...", + "content": "Focus on the exciting potential of T-cell immunity is spurring the sector on to create a new generation of jabs
The speed at which scientists worked to develop the first Covid jabs was unprecedented. Just nine months after the UK went into lockdown, 90-year-old Margaret Keenan officially became the first person in the world outside a trial to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. But the virus is mutating, and the emergence of the Omicron variant last month is already focusing attention on the next generation of jabs.
So what do we know about the new Covid-19 vaccines? One change is with delivery mechanisms, such as San Francisco firm Vaxart’s vaccine-in-a-pill, and Scancell’s spring-powered injectors that pierce the skin without a needle. But the biggest development is in T-cell technology. Produced by the bone marrow, T-cells are white blood cells that form a key part of the immune system. While current vaccines mainly generate antibodies that stick to the virus and stop it infecting the body, the new vaccines prime T-cells to find and destroy infected cells, thus preventing viral replication and disease. (The current vaccines also produce a T-cell response, but to a lesser extent.)
Continue reading...", + "category": "Pharmaceuticals industry", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/dec/11/as-covid-mutates-the-vaccine-makers-are-adapting-too", + "creator": "Julia Kollewe", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T16:00:13Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "b65533bb7a35d9a66ce324537918dcf8" }, { "title": "From hippos to hamsters: how Covid is affecting creatures great and small", @@ -114918,13 +116980,13 @@ "hash": "cfa0a5e44a9b3f717362966773c4756b" }, { - "title": "My family has a vaccine refusenik – should we still get together at Christmas? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri", - "description": "You can’t force him to get vaccinated – but equally, he can’t force you to spend time with him. Face this head on and explain how you feel
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s faced this difficulty this year. One of my family members, who’s in his 40s, has consistently refused to be vaccinated against Covid and will not be moved from his position. He will not explain his reasons for rejecting the vaccine, whether it is ideological or simply rebellion against the so-called “nanny state”.
He has already been (politely but firmly) excluded from one family get-together as a result of his intransigence. We have explained that he is not being rejected personally, but there are concerns within the family about his vulnerability to catching the virus and transmitting the infection to the children and their grandparents.
Continue reading...", - "content": "You can’t force him to get vaccinated – but equally, he can’t force you to spend time with him. Face this head on and explain how you feel
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s faced this difficulty this year. One of my family members, who’s in his 40s, has consistently refused to be vaccinated against Covid and will not be moved from his position. He will not explain his reasons for rejecting the vaccine, whether it is ideological or simply rebellion against the so-called “nanny state”.
He has already been (politely but firmly) excluded from one family get-together as a result of his intransigence. We have explained that he is not being rejected personally, but there are concerns within the family about his vulnerability to catching the virus and transmitting the infection to the children and their grandparents.
Continue reading...", - "category": "Life and style", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/dec/10/someone-in-my-family-wont-get-the-vaccine-should-we-still-spend-christmas-with-them", - "creator": "Annalisa Barbieri", - "pubDate": "2021-12-10T14:00:42Z", + "title": "‘There’s always been an affinity between Christmas and ghosts’: Mark Gatiss on the joy of festive frights", + "description": "The writer and actor puts the ghoul into yule with screen and stage roles reprising haunting classics from Charles Dickens and MR James
Close the curtains. Light the fire. Then prepare to be terrified; it’s Christmas. For although the word “cosy” may be closely tied to festivities at this time of year, so it seems is the word “ghost”.
In northern Europe people understandably cope with the shorter days and darker evenings by drawing in around a roaring hearth, metaphorical or otherwise. Light and warmth: it makes sense. But what kind of stories are told while friends and families gather together? The answer, of course, is the spookier, the better.
Continue reading...", + "content": "The writer and actor puts the ghoul into yule with screen and stage roles reprising haunting classics from Charles Dickens and MR James
Close the curtains. Light the fire. Then prepare to be terrified; it’s Christmas. For although the word “cosy” may be closely tied to festivities at this time of year, so it seems is the word “ghost”.
In northern Europe people understandably cope with the shorter days and darker evenings by drawing in around a roaring hearth, metaphorical or otherwise. Light and warmth: it makes sense. But what kind of stories are told while friends and families gather together? The answer, of course, is the spookier, the better.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Culture", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2021/dec/11/theres-always-been-an-affinity-between-christmas-and-ghosts-mark-gatiss-on-the-joy-of-festive-frights", + "creator": "Vanessa Thorpe", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T15:33:51Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114936,16 +116998,16 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "a64af93c6d782704a097a7162b39e111" + "hash": "7489ea7f943626380c4fa70f6b8c3ba0" }, { - "title": "Charlie Watts remembered by Dave Green", - "description": "2 June 1941 – 24 August 2021
The Rolling Stones drummer’s childhood friend and fellow musician recalls a home-loving connoisseur and collector of ephemera
I first met Charlie Watts in 1946, when I was four and he was five. We moved into new prefabs built after the war in Wembley Park – we were number 22, he was number 23 – and our mums hit it off pretty much straight away. We were very close, Charlie and me, throughout our lives. There was one point after he joined the Stones when we didn’t see each other for years, but when we did eventually reconnect, we picked up where we left off. Our relationship never really changed.
From an early age we were both interested in jazz. It was a mutual thing. I used to listen to records in Charlie’s bedroom, discovering musicians such as Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington and Jelly Roll Morton. Later, when his dad bought him a drum kit and I got a double bass, we’d only been playing for a few months when we heard that a jazz band was doing auditions for a drummer and bass player. We did the audition and as we were the only ones that turned up we got the gig with the Jo Jones Seven and started doing weekly sessions at the Masons Arms pub in Edgware.
Continue reading...", - "content": "2 June 1941 – 24 August 2021
The Rolling Stones drummer’s childhood friend and fellow musician recalls a home-loving connoisseur and collector of ephemera
I first met Charlie Watts in 1946, when I was four and he was five. We moved into new prefabs built after the war in Wembley Park – we were number 22, he was number 23 – and our mums hit it off pretty much straight away. We were very close, Charlie and me, throughout our lives. There was one point after he joined the Stones when we didn’t see each other for years, but when we did eventually reconnect, we picked up where we left off. Our relationship never really changed.
From an early age we were both interested in jazz. It was a mutual thing. I used to listen to records in Charlie’s bedroom, discovering musicians such as Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington and Jelly Roll Morton. Later, when his dad bought him a drum kit and I got a double bass, we’d only been playing for a few months when we heard that a jazz band was doing auditions for a drummer and bass player. We did the audition and as we were the only ones that turned up we got the gig with the Jo Jones Seven and started doing weekly sessions at the Masons Arms pub in Edgware.
Continue reading...", - "category": "Charlie Watts", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/music/2021/dec/11/obituaries-2021-charlie-watts-remembered-by-dave-green", - "creator": "Guardian Staff", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T14:00:11Z", + "title": "Carrie-Anne Moss: ‘There was a scene in the first Matrix with me in stilettos. I could barely stand straight’", + "description": "Twenty years after first playing kick-ass hacker Trinity in The Matrix, Moss is returning to the role in The Matrix: Resurrections. Thankfully, she wasn’t asked to wear heels this time …
When The Matrix asks us all to take the red pill again on 22 December, Carrie-Anne Moss, 54, will return to the role that made her famous. Moss first played Trinity, a motorbike-riding, badass, PVC-clad hacker, in 1999, and despite the character not surviving the original trilogy, she is back, along with her co-star Keanu Reeves, for the fourth instalment, The Matrix Resurrections, directed by Lana Wachowski, this time without her sister Lilly. Moss, who was born in Canada, started her career as a model and had several small parts on television and in films before The Matrix struck gold. She played Marvel’s first on-screen lesbian character, Jeri Hogarth, in the Netflix series Jessica Jones, and away from the acting world, she runs a “labour of love” lifestyle site called Annapurna Living. She lives with her husband and three children in the countryside in California, which means she does not see the current trend for Matrix-inspired fashion such as big stompy boots and tiny sunglasses out on the streets.
Was returning to the world of The Matrix a tough decision?
Oh, no. I was absolutely over-the-moon excited about the prospect. It was something that I never imagined happening. People had mentioned it to me in passing, and I was always thinking: ‘No way. Never gonna happen.’
Twenty years after first playing kick-ass hacker Trinity in The Matrix, Moss is returning to the role in The Matrix: Resurrections. Thankfully, she wasn’t asked to wear heels this time …
When The Matrix asks us all to take the red pill again on 22 December, Carrie-Anne Moss, 54, will return to the role that made her famous. Moss first played Trinity, a motorbike-riding, badass, PVC-clad hacker, in 1999, and despite the character not surviving the original trilogy, she is back, along with her co-star Keanu Reeves, for the fourth instalment, The Matrix Resurrections, directed by Lana Wachowski, this time without her sister Lilly. Moss, who was born in Canada, started her career as a model and had several small parts on television and in films before The Matrix struck gold. She played Marvel’s first on-screen lesbian character, Jeri Hogarth, in the Netflix series Jessica Jones, and away from the acting world, she runs a “labour of love” lifestyle site called Annapurna Living. She lives with her husband and three children in the countryside in California, which means she does not see the current trend for Matrix-inspired fashion such as big stompy boots and tiny sunglasses out on the streets.
Was returning to the world of The Matrix a tough decision?
Oh, no. I was absolutely over-the-moon excited about the prospect. It was something that I never imagined happening. People had mentioned it to me in passing, and I was always thinking: ‘No way. Never gonna happen.’
Twenty years after first playing kick-ass hacker Trinity in The Matrix, Moss is returning to the role in The Matrix: Resurrections. Thankfully, she wasn’t asked to wear heels this time …
When The Matrix asks us all to take the red pill again on 22 December, Carrie-Anne Moss, 54, will return to the role that made her famous. Moss first played Trinity, a motorbike-riding, badass, PVC-clad hacker, in 1999, and despite the character not surviving the original trilogy, she is back, along with her co-star Keanu Reeves, for the fourth instalment, The Matrix Resurrections, directed by Lana Wachowski, this time without her sister Lilly. Moss, who was born in Canada, started her career as a model and had several small parts on television and in films before The Matrix struck gold. She played Marvel’s first on-screen lesbian character, Jeri Hogarth, in the Netflix series Jessica Jones, and away from the acting world, she runs a “labour of love” lifestyle site called Annapurna Living. She lives with her husband and three children in the countryside in California, which means she does not see the current trend for Matrix-inspired fashion such as big stompy boots and tiny sunglasses out on the streets.
Was returning to the world of The Matrix a tough decision?
Oh, no. I was absolutely over-the-moon excited about the prospect. It was something that I never imagined happening. People had mentioned it to me in passing, and I was always thinking: ‘No way. Never gonna happen.’
Twenty years after first playing kick-ass hacker Trinity in The Matrix, Moss is returning to the role in The Matrix: Resurrections. Thankfully, she wasn’t asked to wear heels this time …
When The Matrix asks us all to take the red pill again on 22 December, Carrie-Anne Moss, 54, will return to the role that made her famous. Moss first played Trinity, a motorbike-riding, badass, PVC-clad hacker, in 1999, and despite the character not surviving the original trilogy, she is back, along with her co-star Keanu Reeves, for the fourth instalment, The Matrix Resurrections, directed by Lana Wachowski, this time without her sister Lilly. Moss, who was born in Canada, started her career as a model and had several small parts on television and in films before The Matrix struck gold. She played Marvel’s first on-screen lesbian character, Jeri Hogarth, in the Netflix series Jessica Jones, and away from the acting world, she runs a “labour of love” lifestyle site called Annapurna Living. She lives with her husband and three children in the countryside in California, which means she does not see the current trend for Matrix-inspired fashion such as big stompy boots and tiny sunglasses out on the streets.
Was returning to the world of The Matrix a tough decision?
Oh, no. I was absolutely over-the-moon excited about the prospect. It was something that I never imagined happening. People had mentioned it to me in passing, and I was always thinking: ‘No way. Never gonna happen.’
2 June 1941 – 24 August 2021
The Rolling Stones drummer’s childhood friend and fellow musician recalls a home-loving connoisseur and collector of ephemera
I first met Charlie Watts in 1946, when I was four and he was five. We moved into new prefabs built after the war in Wembley Park – we were number 22, he was number 23 – and our mums hit it off pretty much straight away. We were very close, Charlie and me, throughout our lives. There was one point after he joined the Stones when we didn’t see each other for years, but when we did eventually reconnect, we picked up where we left off. Our relationship never really changed.
From an early age we were both interested in jazz. It was a mutual thing. I used to listen to records in Charlie’s bedroom, discovering musicians such as Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington and Jelly Roll Morton. Later, when his dad bought him a drum kit and I got a double bass, we’d only been playing for a few months when we heard that a jazz band was doing auditions for a drummer and bass player. We did the audition and as we were the only ones that turned up we got the gig with the Jo Jones Seven and started doing weekly sessions at the Masons Arms pub in Edgware.
Continue reading...", + "content": "2 June 1941 – 24 August 2021
The Rolling Stones drummer’s childhood friend and fellow musician recalls a home-loving connoisseur and collector of ephemera
I first met Charlie Watts in 1946, when I was four and he was five. We moved into new prefabs built after the war in Wembley Park – we were number 22, he was number 23 – and our mums hit it off pretty much straight away. We were very close, Charlie and me, throughout our lives. There was one point after he joined the Stones when we didn’t see each other for years, but when we did eventually reconnect, we picked up where we left off. Our relationship never really changed.
From an early age we were both interested in jazz. It was a mutual thing. I used to listen to records in Charlie’s bedroom, discovering musicians such as Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington and Jelly Roll Morton. Later, when his dad bought him a drum kit and I got a double bass, we’d only been playing for a few months when we heard that a jazz band was doing auditions for a drummer and bass player. We did the audition and as we were the only ones that turned up we got the gig with the Jo Jones Seven and started doing weekly sessions at the Masons Arms pub in Edgware.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Charlie Watts", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/music/2021/dec/11/obituaries-2021-charlie-watts-remembered-by-dave-green", + "creator": "Guardian Staff", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T14:00:11Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -114978,7 +117040,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "a6e49b3262fb82547311bc5c70c4cb06" + "hash": "67441e6b8b13e331ee5e9609edb15632" }, { "title": "David Baddiel and his daughter on his social media addiction: ‘it can reward and punish you’", @@ -115022,27 +117084,6 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "7763dd63744e6c5ca01abf97ee1142a4" }, - { - "title": "John Torode: ‘The kitchen is a great place to find yourself’", - "description": "The celebrity chef, 56, shares his secrets for a happy relationship and the best sausage rolls
Living with my grandmother is probably my earliest memory, realising my mother had died and not really understanding it. Then, discovering food with my grandmother and learning to cook by her side. The most vivid memories are of standing in the kitchen and the smell of food. That stayed with me, the comfort of it.
I’ve still got the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car my mother gave me for my fourth birthday. It was the last birthday present she gave me. That means a lot. It sits on my shelf. She was 31 when she died. They don’t really know what it was, whether it was heart disease of some type. People say to me: “Does it make you a different person?” I have no idea.
Continue reading...", - "content": "The celebrity chef, 56, shares his secrets for a happy relationship and the best sausage rolls
Living with my grandmother is probably my earliest memory, realising my mother had died and not really understanding it. Then, discovering food with my grandmother and learning to cook by her side. The most vivid memories are of standing in the kitchen and the smell of food. That stayed with me, the comfort of it.
I’ve still got the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car my mother gave me for my fourth birthday. It was the last birthday present she gave me. That means a lot. It sits on my shelf. She was 31 when she died. They don’t really know what it was, whether it was heart disease of some type. People say to me: “Does it make you a different person?” I have no idea.
Continue reading...", - "category": "Life and style", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/dec/11/john-torode-the-kitchen-is-a-great-place-to-find-yourself", - "creator": "Katherine Hassell", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T14:00:11Z", - "enclosure": "", - "enclosureType": "", - "image": "", - "id": "", - "language": "en", - "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", - "feed": "The Guardian", - "read": false, - "favorite": false, - "created": false, - "tags": [], - "hash": "9946461322ab7f6224fb94fac6d13b7a" - }, { "title": "Blind date: ‘After my rugby stories, she may not want to meet my friends’", "description": "April, 27, heritage project officer, meets Jake, 27, company director
April on Jake
What were you hoping for?
Someone based in London with similar interests, who was laid-back but up for trying new things.
Frances-Rose Thomas, 15, died at home after accessing content involving suicide on a school iPad
The parents of a 15-year-old autistic girl who died by suicide after her school did not monitor her online activity have described the circumstances of her death as a “catastrophic failure” as they warned the Department for Education (DfE) against complacency.
Frances-Rose Thomas, known as Frankie, took her own life at home in Witley, Surrey, on 25 September 2018 after reading a story which involved suicide on a school iPad, which had no safety features.
In the UK and Ireland, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org or jo@samaritans.ie. In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international helplines can be found at www.befrienders.org.
Continue reading...", - "content": "Frances-Rose Thomas, 15, died at home after accessing content involving suicide on a school iPad
The parents of a 15-year-old autistic girl who died by suicide after her school did not monitor her online activity have described the circumstances of her death as a “catastrophic failure” as they warned the Department for Education (DfE) against complacency.
Frances-Rose Thomas, known as Frankie, took her own life at home in Witley, Surrey, on 25 September 2018 after reading a story which involved suicide on a school iPad, which had no safety features.
In the UK and Ireland, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org or jo@samaritans.ie. In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international helplines can be found at www.befrienders.org.
Continue reading...", + "title": "Man shot dead by police near Kensington Palace", + "description": "Officers were called after man with a gun was seen entering a bank and bookmakers in west London
A man has died after sustaining gunshot wounds in an incident involving armed officers, close to Kensington Palace in London, the Metropolitan police has said.
Officers were called to reports of a man with a firearm seen to enter a bank and bookmakers in Marloes Road, west London, shortly after 3pm on Saturday, Scotland Yard said.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Officers were called after man with a gun was seen entering a bank and bookmakers in west London
A man has died after sustaining gunshot wounds in an incident involving armed officers, close to Kensington Palace in London, the Metropolitan police has said.
Officers were called to reports of a man with a firearm seen to enter a bank and bookmakers in Marloes Road, west London, shortly after 3pm on Saturday, Scotland Yard said.
Continue reading...", + "category": "London", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/11/man-shot-dead-by-police-near-kensington-palace", + "creator": "Nadeem Badshah and agency", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T18:13:54Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "3d15e6920f312fbd1c8ad6b6d60b0a78" + }, + { + "title": "Hygge, glögg and pepparkakor... why we’re all falling for a Scandi Christmas", + "description": "After the comfort food and rituals, Britons are embracing more traditions, such as the festival of Santa Lucia
From Ikea to meatballs, hygge to Nordic noir, Scandinavia’s influence on the UK has been rising steadily for decades. But this Christmas, amid the coronavirus pandemic and Brexit, enthusiasm for the region and its traditions is hitting new heights.
Scandinavian goods distributor ScandiKitchen closed online Christmas orders early this year after unprecedented demand for festive products including meatballs, glögg (mulled wine), pepparkakor (ginger biscuits), chocolate, ham and cheese.
Continue reading...", + "content": "After the comfort food and rituals, Britons are embracing more traditions, such as the festival of Santa Lucia
From Ikea to meatballs, hygge to Nordic noir, Scandinavia’s influence on the UK has been rising steadily for decades. But this Christmas, amid the coronavirus pandemic and Brexit, enthusiasm for the region and its traditions is hitting new heights.
Scandinavian goods distributor ScandiKitchen closed online Christmas orders early this year after unprecedented demand for festive products including meatballs, glögg (mulled wine), pepparkakor (ginger biscuits), chocolate, ham and cheese.
Continue reading...", "category": "UK news", - "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/11/surrey-teenager-who-took-her-own-life-was-not-safe-at-school-say-parents", - "creator": "Jedidajah Otte", - "pubDate": "2021-12-11T13:15:20Z", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/11/hygge-glogg-and-pepparkakor-why-were-all-falling-for-a-scandi-christmas", + "creator": "Miranda Bryant", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T17:48:15Z", "enclosure": "", "enclosureType": "", "image": "", @@ -115104,7 +117166,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "b076afef901f7be5d01c870677b0e284" + "hash": "98acee78bb92d36ee6058ecb43f5d3a0" }, { "title": "Trump’s ultimate yes man: how Devin Nunes embraced the role he was long accused of playing", @@ -115379,6 +117441,27 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "2ec298dbe6878aabf58cd76dcad3fd8e" }, + { + "title": "Drone footage shows collapsed Illinois warehouse after tornadoes sweep US – video", + "description": "An Amazon warehouse near Edwardsville, Illinois, about 25 miles (40km) north-east of St Louis, was destroyed in extreme weather conditions on Friday night. It wasn’t immediately clear how many people were hurt by the roof collapse, but emergency services called it a 'mass casualty incident' on Facebook. One official told KTVI-TV that as many as 100 people may have been in the building, working the night shift, at the time of the collapse.
Up to 100 people are feared to have been killed after a devastating outbreak of tornadoes ripped through Kentucky and other US states on Friday night and early Saturday morning
Continue reading...", + "content": "An Amazon warehouse near Edwardsville, Illinois, about 25 miles (40km) north-east of St Louis, was destroyed in extreme weather conditions on Friday night. It wasn’t immediately clear how many people were hurt by the roof collapse, but emergency services called it a 'mass casualty incident' on Facebook. One official told KTVI-TV that as many as 100 people may have been in the building, working the night shift, at the time of the collapse.
Up to 100 people are feared to have been killed after a devastating outbreak of tornadoes ripped through Kentucky and other US states on Friday night and early Saturday morning
Continue reading...", + "category": "Tornadoes", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2021/dec/11/drone-footage-shows-collapsed-illinois-warehouse-after-tornadoes-sweep-us-video", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T13:52:18Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "3135d727d63debdb3f9f5026437155d3" + }, { "title": "‘I didn't find the exam difficult’: Indian woman learns to read and write at 104 – video", "description": "A 104-year-old woman has fulfilled her dream to learn to read. After starting in April, Kuttiyamma achieved 89% in literacy and 100% in mathematics in the Kerala state primary literacy exam last month, the oldest woman to do so.
Kuttiyamma had been curious about reading and would often try to make out the alphabet herself, but when she was born in a village to a low-caste rural family, there was no education. Her neighbour Rehana John, a 34-year-old literacy trainer, persuaded her to start to learn to read. Previously, John’s oldest student had been 85
Continue reading...", @@ -115505,6 +117588,258 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "968a7c05fe862a75e9df1f12e398a2f7" }, + { + "title": "Treasury defends ‘impromptu’ drinks party after Sunak’s autumn budget", + "description": "Staff celebrated chancellor’s autumn spending review with wine and beer during lockdown, while pubs and bars were shuttered
The Treasury has been forced to defend officials holding an “impromptu” drinks party to celebrate Rishi Sunak’s autumn spending review during lockdown.
A spokesperson insisted it was a “small number” of staff who celebrated around their desks, despite reports putting the number closer to two dozen civil servants at the event.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Staff celebrated chancellor’s autumn spending review with wine and beer during lockdown, while pubs and bars were shuttered
The Treasury has been forced to defend officials holding an “impromptu” drinks party to celebrate Rishi Sunak’s autumn spending review during lockdown.
A spokesperson insisted it was a “small number” of staff who celebrated around their desks, despite reports putting the number closer to two dozen civil servants at the event.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Politics", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/dec/11/treasury-defends-impromptu-drinks-party-after-rishi-sunak-autumn-budget", + "creator": "Tom Ambrose", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T11:42:39Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "69ec86a4c48f894d35bbaa398ffd1479" + }, + { + "title": "No ho ho: Italian church apologises over bishop’s claim about Santa Claus", + "description": "Antonio Stagliano was trying to focus on the story of Saint Nicholas when he told children Santa did not exist, says church in Sicily
A Roman Catholic diocese in Sicily has publicly apologised to outraged parents after its bishop told a group of children that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
Bishop Antonio Stagliano didn’t mean the comments, and was trying to underline the true meaning of Christmas and the story of Saint Nicholas, a bishop who gave gifts to the poor and was persecuted by a Roman emperor, said the Rev Alessandro Paolino, the communications director for the diocese of Noto.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Antonio Stagliano was trying to focus on the story of Saint Nicholas when he told children Santa did not exist, says church in Sicily
A Roman Catholic diocese in Sicily has publicly apologised to outraged parents after its bishop told a group of children that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
Bishop Antonio Stagliano didn’t mean the comments, and was trying to underline the true meaning of Christmas and the story of Saint Nicholas, a bishop who gave gifts to the poor and was persecuted by a Roman emperor, said the Rev Alessandro Paolino, the communications director for the diocese of Noto.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Italy", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/11/no-ho-ho-italian-church-apologises-over-bishops-claim-about-santa-claus", + "creator": "Associated Press", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T04:22:30Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "4dc9dd87974fb4b6d4e505196067d586" + }, + { + "title": "French court finds UK man guilty of murder for running over his wife", + "description": "Former Tory Councillor David Turtle has been sentenced to 14 years in jail after driving into his wife outside their home in France
A former Tory councillor has been convicted of killing his wife by deliberately running over her in his Mercedes at their home in France.
David Turtle, 67, was found guilty of murder by a French court and sentenced to 14 years in jail.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Former Tory Councillor David Turtle has been sentenced to 14 years in jail after driving into his wife outside their home in France
A former Tory councillor has been convicted of killing his wife by deliberately running over her in his Mercedes at their home in France.
David Turtle, 67, was found guilty of murder by a French court and sentenced to 14 years in jail.
Continue reading...", + "category": "France", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/11/french-court-finds-uk-man-david-turtle-guilty-of-killing-his-wife", + "creator": "Kim Willsher", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T13:35:59Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "3d91e49f93bdb8b656e39f41ab074e7f" + }, + { + "title": "Covid live: 633 new Omicron cases detected in UK; variant could cause 75,000 deaths in England", + "description": "UK health officials urge those eligible to get third vaccine dose; Taiwan and Mauritius detect first cases of new variant
What’s the truth about lockdown-busting parties at No 10? Don’t ask Shagatha Christie, writes Marina Hyde in her column this week.
Here are some extracts:
There was simply no other place a Johnson government would ever end up but mired in rampant lies, chaos, negligence, financial sponging and the live evisceration of public service. To the Conservatives and media outriders somehow only now discovering this about their guy, I think we have to say: you ordered this. Now eat it.
Regrettably, though, space constraints must end our recap of the week here. But on it all goes, as Omicron closes in. We’ll play out with a reminder that in a pandemic that has so far killed 146,000 of the Britons who these people are supposed to be in politics to serve, the absolutely vital public health message has now TWICE been most fatally undermined by people who worked at the very heart of No 10 with Boris Johnson. That is absolutely a disgrace, and absolutely not a coincidence.
Continue reading...", + "content": "UK health officials urge those eligible to get third vaccine dose; Taiwan and Mauritius detect first cases of new variant
What’s the truth about lockdown-busting parties at No 10? Don’t ask Shagatha Christie, writes Marina Hyde in her column this week.
Here are some extracts:
There was simply no other place a Johnson government would ever end up but mired in rampant lies, chaos, negligence, financial sponging and the live evisceration of public service. To the Conservatives and media outriders somehow only now discovering this about their guy, I think we have to say: you ordered this. Now eat it.
Regrettably, though, space constraints must end our recap of the week here. But on it all goes, as Omicron closes in. We’ll play out with a reminder that in a pandemic that has so far killed 146,000 of the Britons who these people are supposed to be in politics to serve, the absolutely vital public health message has now TWICE been most fatally undermined by people who worked at the very heart of No 10 with Boris Johnson. That is absolutely a disgrace, and absolutely not a coincidence.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Coronavirus", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2021/dec/11/covid-live-booster-significantly-reduces-risk-of-omicron-symptoms-taiwan-detects-first-case-of-variant", + "creator": "Nadeem Badshah (now); Lucy Campbell (earlier)", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T16:34:50Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "c8302d5e9dc88cc8cdcaec841510a892" + }, + { + "title": "Why TV crews are falling over each other to film drama in ‘Bristolywood’", + "description": "The city’s picturesque past and vibrant present have made it a magnet for high-end productions
An adrenaline-pumping knife chase through graffiti-sprayed lanes takes place in the comedy-thriller The Outlaws, while class tensions simmer at a lavish student ball in the legal drama Showtrial. The city providing the backdrop and inspiration for both these series is Bristol – a location now so popular with film and TV makers that crews are actually falling over themselves in the streets.
The city council has been inundated with requests to film in the city’s dank alleys, high-rises and grand Georgian squares since the beginning of the year, according to Bristol Film Office, which is part of the city council. It has seen a 225% increase in drama production on pre-pandemic levels. In the first quarter of 2019/20 there were four major drama productions under way in Bristol – but this more than tripled to 13 in the first quarter of 2020/21. Since January, 15 high-end TV dramas have been filmed in the city.
Continue reading...", + "content": "The city’s picturesque past and vibrant present have made it a magnet for high-end productions
An adrenaline-pumping knife chase through graffiti-sprayed lanes takes place in the comedy-thriller The Outlaws, while class tensions simmer at a lavish student ball in the legal drama Showtrial. The city providing the backdrop and inspiration for both these series is Bristol – a location now so popular with film and TV makers that crews are actually falling over themselves in the streets.
The city council has been inundated with requests to film in the city’s dank alleys, high-rises and grand Georgian squares since the beginning of the year, according to Bristol Film Office, which is part of the city council. It has seen a 225% increase in drama production on pre-pandemic levels. In the first quarter of 2019/20 there were four major drama productions under way in Bristol – but this more than tripled to 13 in the first quarter of 2020/21. Since January, 15 high-end TV dramas have been filmed in the city.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Bristol", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/11/bristol-film-tv-crews-drama-locations-bristolywood", + "creator": "Tom Wall", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T15:00:12Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "c75af711c8b05aa29162fc4bdf61c25a" + }, + { + "title": "Banksy designs T-shirts to raise funds for ‘Colston Four’ accused of Bristol statue damage", + "description": "Anonymous artist says sales proceeds will go to the four people accused of Edward Colston statue damage ‘so they can go for a pint’
Banksy says he has made T-shirts that he will be selling to support four people facing trial accused of criminal damage over the toppling of a statue of slave trader Edward Colston.
The anonymous artist posted on Instagram pictures of limited-edition grey souvenir T-shirts, which will go on sale on Saturday in Bristol.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Anonymous artist says sales proceeds will go to the four people accused of Edward Colston statue damage ‘so they can go for a pint’
Banksy says he has made T-shirts that he will be selling to support four people facing trial accused of criminal damage over the toppling of a statue of slave trader Edward Colston.
The anonymous artist posted on Instagram pictures of limited-edition grey souvenir T-shirts, which will go on sale on Saturday in Bristol.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Banksy", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2021/dec/11/banksy-designs-t-shirts-to-raise-funds-for-colston-four-accused-of-bristol-statue-damage", + "creator": "Staff and agencies", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T05:13:59Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "10517b8276bdd05efaf60b14fdac9500" + }, + { + "title": "Trump launched profane tirade about Netanyahu in interview – report", + "description": "Former president was furious over ex-Israeli PM’s acknowledgment Biden won election, book says
Donald Trump spat an expletive about his old ally, Israel’s ex-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for congratulating Joe Biden on his victory in last year’s election, according to a new book.
Trump lashed out in an interview for a book on US-Israel relations during his presidency, the author Barak Ravid wrote on the Axios website on Friday. Trump’s remarks were also published by the English-language website of Israel’s Yediot Aharonot newspaper.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Former president was furious over ex-Israeli PM’s acknowledgment Biden won election, book says
Donald Trump spat an expletive about his old ally, Israel’s ex-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for congratulating Joe Biden on his victory in last year’s election, according to a new book.
Trump lashed out in an interview for a book on US-Israel relations during his presidency, the author Barak Ravid wrote on the Axios website on Friday. Trump’s remarks were also published by the English-language website of Israel’s Yediot Aharonot newspaper.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Donald Trump", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/10/donald-trump-benjamin-netanyahu-book", + "creator": "Guardian staff and agencies", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T02:59:19Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "a39462e4a814e899a529e69db7715b8c" + }, + { + "title": "John Lewis removes ‘Lollita’ child’s party dress from sale after criticism", + "description": "Store pulls dress from website and apologises ‘for upset caused’ after Twitter users connect name to child abuse novel
John Lewis has pulled a child’s party dress named “Lollita” from its shelves after receiving criticism for stocking it. The Chi Chi London “Lollita” dress was on sale for children aged three to 11 years old on the retailer’s website for £50.
The name is similar to Vladimir Nabokov’s 1955 novel Lolita, which details child sexual abuse. It outlines how a middle-aged professor abuses a 12-year-old girl.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Store pulls dress from website and apologises ‘for upset caused’ after Twitter users connect name to child abuse novel
John Lewis has pulled a child’s party dress named “Lollita” from its shelves after receiving criticism for stocking it. The Chi Chi London “Lollita” dress was on sale for children aged three to 11 years old on the retailer’s website for £50.
The name is similar to Vladimir Nabokov’s 1955 novel Lolita, which details child sexual abuse. It outlines how a middle-aged professor abuses a 12-year-old girl.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Retail industry", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/dec/11/john-lewis-removes-lollita-childs-party-dress-from-sale-after-backlash", + "creator": "PA Media", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T14:06:29Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "f30091f6149711a535466cb2c81479d7" + }, + { + "title": "Covid live: Omicron could cause 75,000 deaths in England; booster ‘significantly reduces’ risk of symptoms", + "description": "UK health officials urge those eligible to get third vaccine dose; Taiwan and Mauritius detect first cases of new variant
What’s the truth about lockdown-busting parties at No 10? Don’t ask Shagatha Christie, writes Marina Hyde in her column this week.
Here are some extracts:
There was simply no other place a Johnson government would ever end up but mired in rampant lies, chaos, negligence, financial sponging and the live evisceration of public service. To the Conservatives and media outriders somehow only now discovering this about their guy, I think we have to say: you ordered this. Now eat it.
Regrettably, though, space constraints must end our recap of the week here. But on it all goes, as Omicron closes in. We’ll play out with a reminder that in a pandemic that has so far killed 146,000 of the Britons who these people are supposed to be in politics to serve, the absolutely vital public health message has now TWICE been most fatally undermined by people who worked at the very heart of No 10 with Boris Johnson. That is absolutely a disgrace, and absolutely not a coincidence.
Continue reading...", + "content": "UK health officials urge those eligible to get third vaccine dose; Taiwan and Mauritius detect first cases of new variant
What’s the truth about lockdown-busting parties at No 10? Don’t ask Shagatha Christie, writes Marina Hyde in her column this week.
Here are some extracts:
There was simply no other place a Johnson government would ever end up but mired in rampant lies, chaos, negligence, financial sponging and the live evisceration of public service. To the Conservatives and media outriders somehow only now discovering this about their guy, I think we have to say: you ordered this. Now eat it.
Regrettably, though, space constraints must end our recap of the week here. But on it all goes, as Omicron closes in. We’ll play out with a reminder that in a pandemic that has so far killed 146,000 of the Britons who these people are supposed to be in politics to serve, the absolutely vital public health message has now TWICE been most fatally undermined by people who worked at the very heart of No 10 with Boris Johnson. That is absolutely a disgrace, and absolutely not a coincidence.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Coronavirus", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2021/dec/11/covid-live-booster-significantly-reduces-risk-of-omicron-symptoms-taiwan-detects-first-case-of-variant", + "creator": "Lucy Campbell", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T12:59:09Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "9749d48d3a722f6f1728883c494737cb" + }, + { + "title": "My family has a vaccine refusenik – should we still get together at Christmas? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri", + "description": "You can’t force him to get vaccinated – but equally, he can’t force you to spend time with him. Face this head on and explain how you feel
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s faced this difficulty this year. One of my family members, who’s in his 40s, has consistently refused to be vaccinated against Covid and will not be moved from his position. He will not explain his reasons for rejecting the vaccine, whether it is ideological or simply rebellion against the so-called “nanny state”.
He has already been (politely but firmly) excluded from one family get-together as a result of his intransigence. We have explained that he is not being rejected personally, but there are concerns within the family about his vulnerability to catching the virus and transmitting the infection to the children and their grandparents.
Continue reading...", + "content": "You can’t force him to get vaccinated – but equally, he can’t force you to spend time with him. Face this head on and explain how you feel
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s faced this difficulty this year. One of my family members, who’s in his 40s, has consistently refused to be vaccinated against Covid and will not be moved from his position. He will not explain his reasons for rejecting the vaccine, whether it is ideological or simply rebellion against the so-called “nanny state”.
He has already been (politely but firmly) excluded from one family get-together as a result of his intransigence. We have explained that he is not being rejected personally, but there are concerns within the family about his vulnerability to catching the virus and transmitting the infection to the children and their grandparents.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Life and style", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/dec/10/someone-in-my-family-wont-get-the-vaccine-should-we-still-spend-christmas-with-them", + "creator": "Annalisa Barbieri", + "pubDate": "2021-12-10T14:00:42Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "a64af93c6d782704a097a7162b39e111" + }, + { + "title": "John Torode: ‘The kitchen is a great place to find yourself’", + "description": "The celebrity chef, 56, shares his secrets for a happy relationship and the best sausage rolls
Living with my grandmother is probably my earliest memory, realising my mother had died and not really understanding it. Then, discovering food with my grandmother and learning to cook by her side. The most vivid memories are of standing in the kitchen and the smell of food. That stayed with me, the comfort of it.
I’ve still got the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car my mother gave me for my fourth birthday. It was the last birthday present she gave me. That means a lot. It sits on my shelf. She was 31 when she died. They don’t really know what it was, whether it was heart disease of some type. People say to me: “Does it make you a different person?” I have no idea.
Continue reading...", + "content": "The celebrity chef, 56, shares his secrets for a happy relationship and the best sausage rolls
Living with my grandmother is probably my earliest memory, realising my mother had died and not really understanding it. Then, discovering food with my grandmother and learning to cook by her side. The most vivid memories are of standing in the kitchen and the smell of food. That stayed with me, the comfort of it.
I’ve still got the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car my mother gave me for my fourth birthday. It was the last birthday present she gave me. That means a lot. It sits on my shelf. She was 31 when she died. They don’t really know what it was, whether it was heart disease of some type. People say to me: “Does it make you a different person?” I have no idea.
Continue reading...", + "category": "Life and style", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/dec/11/john-torode-the-kitchen-is-a-great-place-to-find-yourself", + "creator": "Katherine Hassell", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T14:00:11Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "9946461322ab7f6224fb94fac6d13b7a" + }, + { + "title": "Surrey teenager who took her own life ‘was not safe at school’, say parents", + "description": "Frances-Rose Thomas, 15, died at home after accessing content involving suicide on a school iPad
The parents of a 15-year-old autistic girl who died by suicide after her school did not monitor her online activity have described the circumstances of her death as a “catastrophic failure” as they warned the Department for Education (DfE) against complacency.
Frances-Rose Thomas, known as Frankie, took her own life at home in Witley, Surrey, on 25 September 2018 after reading a story which involved suicide on a school iPad, which had no safety features.
In the UK and Ireland, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org or jo@samaritans.ie. In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international helplines can be found at www.befrienders.org.
Continue reading...", + "content": "Frances-Rose Thomas, 15, died at home after accessing content involving suicide on a school iPad
The parents of a 15-year-old autistic girl who died by suicide after her school did not monitor her online activity have described the circumstances of her death as a “catastrophic failure” as they warned the Department for Education (DfE) against complacency.
Frances-Rose Thomas, known as Frankie, took her own life at home in Witley, Surrey, on 25 September 2018 after reading a story which involved suicide on a school iPad, which had no safety features.
In the UK and Ireland, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org or jo@samaritans.ie. In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international helplines can be found at www.befrienders.org.
Continue reading...", + "category": "UK news", + "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/11/surrey-teenager-who-took-her-own-life-was-not-safe-at-school-say-parents", + "creator": "Jedidajah Otte", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T13:15:20Z", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - EN", + "feed": "The Guardian", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "b076afef901f7be5d01c870677b0e284" + }, { "title": "PM 'fingers all over' decision to evacuate pets from Kabul, says MP – video", "description": "The head of the Foreign Office has been accused of covering up the prime minister’s involvement in the decision to evacuate pets from Kabul at a select committee hearing.
Labour MP Chris Bryant made the accusation to Sir Philip Barton and read out a leaked letter from Boris Johnson’s parliamentary private secretary which he said implied Johnson’s 'fingers' were 'all over' the controversial decision.
Barton did not accept the charge and, in a separate interview, Johnson dismissed the accusation that he was involved as 'complete nonsense'
Continue reading...", @@ -141879,6 +144214,90 @@ "image": null, "description": "Le Monde.fr - 1er site d’information. Les articles du journal et toute l’actualité en continu : International, France, Société, Economie, Culture, Environnement, Blogs ...", "items": [ + { + "title": "Référendum en Nouvelle-Calédonie : une drôle de non-campagne", + "description": "Cette troisième consultation, organisée dimanche 12 décembre, se déroule dans un climat étrange : les indépendantistes ont appelé à la boycotter à cause de la crise sanitaire, et les loyalistes font campagne sans adversaire sur le terrain.", + "content": "Dimanche 12 décembre, les Calédoniens votent pour un troisième référendum sur l’indépendance. Nouméa, le 8 décembre 2021.", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2021/12/11/referendum-en-nouvelle-caledonie-une-drole-de-non-campagne_6105708_823448.html", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 18:00:15 +0100", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - FR", + "feed": "Le Monde", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "c4873daa7f25387e6e726f8a5ca7137f" + }, + { + "title": "Covid-19 : un traitement préventif pour les personnes peu réceptives aux vaccins autorisé en France", + "description": "Ce traitement par anticorps vise à agir avant l’apparition de la maladie. Il doit suppléer la vaccination chez des personnes dont l’organisme réagit peu aux vaccins.", + "content": "Evusheld combine deux molécules, tixagévimab et cilgavimab.", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2021/12/11/covid-19-un-traitement-preventif-pour-les-personnes-peu-receptives-aux-vaccins-autorise-en-france_6105710_3244.html", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 19:12:03 +0100", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - FR", + "feed": "Le Monde", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "bfe9fecf2965dbde4abd3ca5f6b15de0" + }, + { + "title": "Etats-Unis : des tornades ont tué au moins 70 personnes dans le Kentucky et provoqué des dégâts dans plusieurs Etats du Sud", + "description": "C’est dans le Kentucky, dans le centre-est du pays, que le bilan le plus lourd est à déplorer après le passage, vendredi 10 décembre, de ce phénomène météorologique dévastateur qui touche particulièrement les plaines des Etats-Unis.", + "content": "Une église détruite par la tornade dans la ville de Mayfield, dans le Kentucky, le 11 décembre.", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2021/12/11/aux-etats-unis-une-tornade-fait-au-moins-cinquante-morts-dans-le-kentucky-selon-le-gouverneur-de-l-etat_6105687_3210.html", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 12:22:31 +0100", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - FR", + "feed": "Le Monde", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "9cdb25047bb97a64db93b7c674ce641b" + }, + { + "title": "Jacques Auxiette, ancien président des Pays de la Loire, est mort", + "description": "L’annonce de la mort de l’élu socialiste a suscité des réactions unanimes, saluant son engagement et sa passion du travail de terrain.", + "content": "Jacques Auxiette, président de la région Pays de la Loire, à Nantes, le 1er décembre 2014.", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lemonde.fr/disparitions/article/2021/12/11/jacques-auxiette-ancien-president-des-pays-de-la-loire-est-mort_6105702_3382.html", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 16:11:53 +0100", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - FR", + "feed": "Le Monde", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "f201d6ebbee7d4b6d1d04c6f3a6e60f1" + }, { "title": "« Je veux que les journalistes meurent vieux » : les lauréats du prix Nobel de la paix dénoncent une « période sombre » pour l’information", "description": "Le rédacteur en chef de « Novaïa Gazeta », colauréat du prix, a fait observer un moment de silence pour les reporters tués dans l’exercice de leur profession.", @@ -141984,27 +144403,6 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "1402b37e50db25241b35c1e77a2bbcc6" }, - { - "title": "Aux Etats-Unis, une tornade fait au moins cinquante morts dans le Kentucky, selon le gouverneur de l’Etat", - "description": "La tempête a provoqué des dégâts et tué plusieurs personnes dans des Etats du sud-est et du centre-sud des Etats-Unis, vendredi 10 décembre.", - "content": "Une église détruite par la tornade dans la ville de Mayfield, dans le Kentucky, le 11 décembre.", - "category": "", - "link": "https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2021/12/11/aux-etats-unis-une-tornade-fait-au-moins-cinquante-morts-dans-le-kentucky-selon-le-gouverneur-de-l-etat_6105687_3210.html", - "creator": "", - "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 12:22:31 +0100", - "enclosure": "", - "enclosureType": "", - "image": "", - "id": "", - "language": "fr", - "folder": "00.03 News/News - FR", - "feed": "Le Monde", - "read": false, - "favorite": false, - "created": false, - "tags": [], - "hash": "06032e852be73afdbf0fb456fbc0e61b" - }, { "title": "Présidentielle : comment Valérie Pécresse va mener sa campagne", "description": "La candidate des Républicains s’emploie à mettre son parti en ordre de bataille. Elle doit s’exprimer, samedi 11 décembre, devant les cadres et les parlementaires du mouvement, réunis à la Mutualité, à Paris.", @@ -142195,9 +144593,9 @@ "hash": "cf2a7ed277677a070fc8061fb47d03d1" }, { - "title": "Inondations : les Landes et les Pyrénées-Atlantiques redescendent en vigilance orange", + "title": "Inondations : premières opérations de nettoyage dans le Sud-Ouest, décrue en cours", "description": "Météo-France a levé l’alerte rouge dans les deux départements du Sud-Ouest touchés depuis jeudi par de fortes crues provoquées par des pluies abondantes.", - "content": "Le Sud-Ouest est placé en vigilance orange pour des risques d’inondations et d’avalanches, samedi 11 décembre, dans le bulletin matinal de Météo-France.", + "content": "A Bayonne, le 11 décembre 2021, des employés de la mairie nettoient les bords de la Nive, après les inondations.", "category": "", "link": "https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2021/12/11/inondations-les-landes-et-les-pyrenees-atlantiques-redescendent-en-vigilance-orange_6105641_3244.html", "creator": "", @@ -142213,7 +144611,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "dbf9deca233b8e8af2ef2eb5e6f83c04" + "hash": "cd0554894feb9b1777de4d85ba487e83" }, { "title": "La démocratie américaine « est devenue une arme de destruction massive » : Pékin charge sévèrement Washington", @@ -143118,6 +145516,69 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "bde1911e94e6d056c9b3575958dd786c" }, + { + "title": "Aux Etats-Unis, une tornade fait des dizaines de morts, une « tragédie inimaginable », déplore Joe Biden", + "description": "La tempête a provoqué des dégâts et tué au moins cinquante personnes dans des Etats du sud et du sud-est des Etats-Unis, vendredi 10 décembre.", + "content": "Une église détruite par la tornade dans la ville de Mayfield, dans le Kentucky, le 11 décembre.", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2021/12/11/aux-etats-unis-une-tornade-fait-au-moins-cinquante-morts-dans-le-kentucky-selon-le-gouverneur-de-l-etat_6105687_3210.html", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 12:22:31 +0100", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - FR", + "feed": "Le Monde", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "f42bfcfa0527b556ac7230b082239ca6" + }, + { + "title": "Inondations : les Landes et les Pyrénées-Atlantiques redescendent en vigilance orange", + "description": "Météo-France a levé l’alerte rouge dans les deux départements du Sud-Ouest touchés depuis jeudi par de fortes crues provoquées par des pluies abondantes.", + "content": "Le Sud-Ouest est placé en vigilance orange pour des risques d’inondations et d’avalanches, samedi 11 décembre, dans le bulletin matinal de Météo-France.", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2021/12/11/inondations-les-landes-et-les-pyrenees-atlantiques-redescendent-en-vigilance-orange_6105641_3244.html", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 07:00:38 +0100", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - FR", + "feed": "Le Monde", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "dbf9deca233b8e8af2ef2eb5e6f83c04" + }, + { + "title": "Aux Etats-Unis, une tornade fait au moins cinquante morts dans le Kentucky, selon le gouverneur de l’Etat", + "description": "La tempête a provoqué des dégâts et tué plusieurs personnes dans des Etats du sud-est et du centre-sud des Etats-Unis, vendredi 10 décembre.", + "content": "Une église détruite par la tornade dans la ville de Mayfield, dans le Kentucky, le 11 décembre.", + "category": "", + "link": "https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2021/12/11/aux-etats-unis-une-tornade-fait-au-moins-cinquante-morts-dans-le-kentucky-selon-le-gouverneur-de-l-etat_6105687_3210.html", + "creator": "", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 12:22:31 +0100", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "fr", + "folder": "00.03 News/News - FR", + "feed": "Le Monde", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "06032e852be73afdbf0fb456fbc0e61b" + }, { "title": "Guerre d’Algérie : la France va ouvrir ses archives sur les « enquêtes judiciaires » avec « quinze ans d’avance », annonce Roselyne Bachelot", "description": "Avant l’annonce de la ministre de la culture, vendredi matin, Emmanuel Macron avait déjà décidé en mars de « faciliter l’accès aux archives classifiées de plus de cinquante ans », couvrant la période du conflit. Ces gestes d’apaisement étaient recommandés dans le rapport remis au chef de l’Etat par l’historien Benjamin Stora, en janvier, dans le but de « réconcilier les mémoires » et de « regarder l’histoire en face ».", @@ -162805,9 +165266,135 @@ "description": "Engadget is a web magazine with obsessive daily coverage of everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics", "items": [ { - "title": "Watch the Blue Origin launch that'll carry Alan Shepard's daughter to space", - "description": "If the weather remains favorable and no technical issues stop it, the New Shepard vehicle carrying six people will be lifting off today at 9:45AM Eastern time. It's Blue Origin's third ever crewed mission and the first time that a flight will be at full capacity with six passengers onboard. One of those passengers is Laura Shepard Churchley, daughter of Alan Shepard who's known for being the first American to go to space. She'll be making the trip with Good Morning America co-host Michael Strahan as guests of the Jeff Bezos-owned aerospace company.
The trip's paying passengers are technology-focused venture fund founder Lane Bess and his child Cameron Bass aka MeepsKitten on Twitch, Voyager Space CEO Dylan Taylor and engineer/Starfighters Aerospace volunteer pilot Evan Dick. Blue Origin NS-19 was supposed to make the trip to suborbital space on December 9th, but it was pushed back due strong winds.
#NewShepard is on the pad. The mission team is going through nominal procedures in preparation for this particular vehicle’s 3rd crewed flight of 2021 and its 5th overall this year. Meet the #NS19 crew as they prepare for their flight to space today: https://t.co/p6F9B4Jyvb
— Blue Origin (@blueorigin) December 11, 2021
The company launched its first crewed spaceflight in July, carrying Jeff Bezos and his brother above the Kármán line. In October it flew William Shatner into space for its second crewed flight. Mission NS-19 isn't only the third crewed Blue Origin flight this year, it's also one of the many across space agencies and private space companies, including SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. As Jennifer Levasseur, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, told The Washington Post, it's "the busiest year in human spaceflight." She added: "We're entering a new phase of activity that we've never, frankly, seen before. And it creates a lot of excitement."
You can watch the launch and the preparations before it below when broadcast begins at 8:15AM ET.
", - "content": "If the weather remains favorable and no technical issues stop it, the New Shepard vehicle carrying six people will be lifting off today at 9:45AM Eastern time. It's Blue Origin's third ever crewed mission and the first time that a flight will be at full capacity with six passengers onboard. One of those passengers is Laura Shepard Churchley, daughter of Alan Shepard who's known for being the first American to go to space. She'll be making the trip with Good Morning America co-host Michael Strahan as guests of the Jeff Bezos-owned aerospace company.
The trip's paying passengers are technology-focused venture fund founder Lane Bess and his child Cameron Bass aka MeepsKitten on Twitch, Voyager Space CEO Dylan Taylor and engineer/Starfighters Aerospace volunteer pilot Evan Dick. Blue Origin NS-19 was supposed to make the trip to suborbital space on December 9th, but it was pushed back due strong winds.
#NewShepard is on the pad. The mission team is going through nominal procedures in preparation for this particular vehicle’s 3rd crewed flight of 2021 and its 5th overall this year. Meet the #NS19 crew as they prepare for their flight to space today: https://t.co/p6F9B4Jyvb
— Blue Origin (@blueorigin) December 11, 2021
The company launched its first crewed spaceflight in July, carrying Jeff Bezos and his brother above the Kármán line. In October it flew William Shatner into space for its second crewed flight. Mission NS-19 isn't only the third crewed Blue Origin flight this year, it's also one of the many across space agencies and private space companies, including SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. As Jennifer Levasseur, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, told The Washington Post, it's "the busiest year in human spaceflight." She added: "We're entering a new phase of activity that we've never, frankly, seen before. And it creates a lot of excitement."
You can watch the launch and the preparations before it below when broadcast begins at 8:15AM ET.
", + "title": "Sony reportedly planned to bring PlayStation Now to phones", + "description": "Microsoft wasn't the only big console maker hoping to bring its games to phones. The Verge said it has obtained a document from Epic Games' lawsuit against Apple indicating the iPhone maker had learned Sony was planning a "mobile extension" of PlayStation Now in 2017. The service would stream over 450 PS3 games at first, and follow up with PS4 titles.
Apple mentioned the PlayStation Now expansion as it was in the early stages of developing Apple Arcade, its answer to Sony's service as well as Xbox Game Pass. While Arcade didn't launch until 2019 and still doesn't include streaming, Apple saw PlayStation Now as indicative of a broader shift toward gaming subscriptions.
Provided Apple's scoop was accurate, it's unclear why Sony still isn't streaming games to smartphone owners. A hybrid of PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus is reportedly due in spring 2022, but the relevant rumor didn't make mention of mobile access. Sony has already declined to comment.
There may have been a few factors at work. Sony might not have wanted to test Apple policies effectively blocking cloud gaming apps — Microsoft had to use the web to get around that limitation. There are also familiar technical challenges, such as adapting gamepad-focused titles to touchscreens or ensuring reliable streams on cellular connections. Either way, this suggests Sony was at least considering a more ambitious version of PlayStation Now than the service you see today.
", + "content": "Microsoft wasn't the only big console maker hoping to bring its games to phones. The Verge said it has obtained a document from Epic Games' lawsuit against Apple indicating the iPhone maker had learned Sony was planning a "mobile extension" of PlayStation Now in 2017. The service would stream over 450 PS3 games at first, and follow up with PS4 titles.
Apple mentioned the PlayStation Now expansion as it was in the early stages of developing Apple Arcade, its answer to Sony's service as well as Xbox Game Pass. While Arcade didn't launch until 2019 and still doesn't include streaming, Apple saw PlayStation Now as indicative of a broader shift toward gaming subscriptions.
Provided Apple's scoop was accurate, it's unclear why Sony still isn't streaming games to smartphone owners. A hybrid of PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus is reportedly due in spring 2022, but the relevant rumor didn't make mention of mobile access. Sony has already declined to comment.
There may have been a few factors at work. Sony might not have wanted to test Apple policies effectively blocking cloud gaming apps — Microsoft had to use the web to get around that limitation. There are also familiar technical challenges, such as adapting gamepad-focused titles to touchscreens or ensuring reliable streams on cellular connections. Either way, this suggests Sony was at least considering a more ambitious version of PlayStation Now than the service you see today.
", + "category": "Consumer Discretionary", + "link": "https://www.engadget.com/sony-playstation-now-mobile-phones-181840562.html?src=rss", + "creator": "Jon Fingas", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 18:18:40 +0000", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "EndGadget", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "f495ad94d17c1c08db91819764fe5d1a" + }, + { + "title": "Twitter asks judge to throw out Trump's lawsuit over ban", + "description": "It won't surprise you to hear Twitter is fighting former President Trump's lawsuit over his ban. Bloombergreports Twitter has asked a judge to dismiss the suit as it allegedly misinterprets and threatens the company's First Amendment free speech rights. The social network noted it was a private company that isn't obligated to host speech it doesn't like, and that Trump repeatedly violated the rules he agreed to when he chose to use the service. A forced ban reversal would challenge "bedrock principles of constitutional law," Twitter said.
Moreover, Twitter argued its editorial choices related to basic public concerns, including threats to a peaceful White House transition as well as statements that could foster "further violence." The company merely flagged Trump's tweets as misleading in the run-up to the January 6th Capitol assault, but banned him after he continued.
Lead attorney John Coale has contended Twitter is a "state actor" as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act supposedly equates to a subsidy that forces it to honor the First Amendment like the government does. Biden's Justice Department has objected to this interpretation in a court filing, however, stating that Section 230 is only meant to protect against liability, not regulate the speech of officials like the ex-President.
Trump isn't waiting for a return to Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. He recently launched Truth Social in a bid to enable himself and other conservatives who've felt silenced by tech companies. If Twitter succeeds in its dismissal request, though, Trump won't have much of a choice but to give up his once-preferred platform.
", + "content": "It won't surprise you to hear Twitter is fighting former President Trump's lawsuit over his ban. Bloombergreports Twitter has asked a judge to dismiss the suit as it allegedly misinterprets and threatens the company's First Amendment free speech rights. The social network noted it was a private company that isn't obligated to host speech it doesn't like, and that Trump repeatedly violated the rules he agreed to when he chose to use the service. A forced ban reversal would challenge "bedrock principles of constitutional law," Twitter said.
Moreover, Twitter argued its editorial choices related to basic public concerns, including threats to a peaceful White House transition as well as statements that could foster "further violence." The company merely flagged Trump's tweets as misleading in the run-up to the January 6th Capitol assault, but banned him after he continued.
Lead attorney John Coale has contended Twitter is a "state actor" as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act supposedly equates to a subsidy that forces it to honor the First Amendment like the government does. Biden's Justice Department has objected to this interpretation in a court filing, however, stating that Section 230 is only meant to protect against liability, not regulate the speech of officials like the ex-President.
Trump isn't waiting for a return to Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. He recently launched Truth Social in a bid to enable himself and other conservatives who've felt silenced by tech companies. If Twitter succeeds in its dismissal request, though, Trump won't have much of a choice but to give up his once-preferred platform.
", + "category": "Company Legal & Law Matters", + "link": "https://www.engadget.com/twitter-asks-for-trump-lawsuit-dismissal-165330145.html?src=rss", + "creator": "Jon Fingas", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 16:53:30 +0000", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "EndGadget", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "f76af7549933ab3c2922efd355fc3907" + }, + { + "title": "Hitting the Books: How the Silicon Valley mindset damages rural American communities", + "description": "America has always been a nation segregated into haves and have-nots with rampant inequity a seemingly natural aspect of our social order — the motif impacting towns and cities just as starkly as the people who live in them. But it doesn't have to be this way, argue authors UC Davis Professor, Stephen Wheeler, and Temple University Associate Professor, Christina Rosan.
In their new book, Reimagining Sustainable Cities: Strategies for Designing Greener, Healthier and More Equitable Communities, Wheeler and Rosan examine the steps municipalities across the country have taken in recent years in response to climate change, as well as their social and sustainability shortcomings, offering community-based solutions to ensure that urban development in the 21st century equitably raises the standard of living for all residents, not just for the rich.
In the excerpt below, the authors take a look at the myriad trials faced by residents of eastern Kentucky, a once thriving pastoral region ravaged by the intractable march towards modernization and distillation of wealth to the select few.
Copyright © 2021 by Stephen M. Wheeler and Christina D. Rosan. Reprinted with permission from University of California Press.
While this book is about reimagining sustainable cities, we pause here to connect sustainable cities with the larger national and international context in terms of spatial inequality. We live in a world that is deeply interconnected. If we want sustainable cities, we need to work on reducing spatial disparities between cities and rural areas, and between different regions worldwide. Linkages between communities need to be recognized, and resources shared and equalized. Situations must be ended in which some regions exploit others by giving them the unwanted by-products of production, such as pollution, waste, and labor exploitation, while simultaneously moving resources and profits from poor regions to rich ones.
In and around the towns of eastern Kentucky, where Stephen Wheeler’s ancestral family is from, people of English and Scottish descent lived for many generations as self-sufficient farming families. That way of life changed in the second half of the twentieth century. Better roads, electricity, and telecommunications connected Appalachia with the rest of the world. Urban job opportunities lured away the young. Farming families became part of the cash economy and acquired new desires for processed foods, appliances, motor vehicles, and personal accessories. But hill farms didn’t generate enough cash to buy such things, especially with rising federal subsidies for agribusiness in other parts of the country. So the people of eastern Kentucky became designated as poor and came to see themselves that way.
Environmental problems grew as well. Giant bulldozers scraped away hilltops and extracted coal, adding this region to the long list of others worldwide suffering from the “resource curse.” Runoff from coal mining poisoned wells and polluted waterways. Coal jobs left as quickly as they had come, leaving many even poorer.
A new, more globalized retail economy brought first Kmart and then Walmart, putting family-owned stores out of business. Fast-food outlets proliferated. But the new service economy jobs didn’t pay much. To make better money some people began growing marijuana in hard-to-reach locations in the hills. Drug use, alcoholism, and obesity spread. Fundamentalist religion gained adherents and combined with Fox News (starting in the 1990s) to promote reactionary political values. A region that had been Democratic until the late twentieth century now helped elect US Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). McConnell in turn played one of the largest roles in thwarting progressive legislation from Barack Obama’s administration, supporting Donald Trump’s presidency and fueling the rise of populism in the US.
If this tale of decline were one isolated example, it might not matter much. But spatial inequality persists and spreads worldwide. Some left-behind communities are rural. Others are urban. Entire countries are stuck in poverty due to the legacy of military or economic colonization. Spatial inequality is a core challenge to the development of more sustainable cities. Every community needs to be able to thrive, not just certain favored ones within a highly unequal global system. Instead of engaging in a zero-sum approach to development, with winners and losers, communities need to support one another so that all improve their quality of life and sustainability.
The so-called winners of today’s global economic competition have their own problems. At the other end of the spectrum from Appalachia is Silicon Valley. This forty-mile corridor in the San Francisco Bay Area is an economic dynamo envied the world over. Covered by orchards and agricultural fields in the 1950s, this beautiful area was known as “Valley of Heart’s Desire.” Now no orchards remain, and the region is a congested sprawl of poorly connected office parks, subdivisions, malls, and commercial strips. Incomes are high, but the price of a home is nearly five times that in the US as a whole. Many residents cannot afford housing near their jobs and so endure lengthy commutes or are housing insecure. Social inequality, traffic congestion, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions expanded greatly during the past fifty years, reducing the quality of life in the region and contributing to global warming.
The Silicon Valley ethic of “move fast and break things” has created dynamic companies, unprecedented technology, and great wealth for a few. But the new gig economy pioneered there often operates at the expense of workers and the environment. It often produces an enormous concentration of wealth that comes from the exploitation of others. One study found that one-fifth of San Francisco Uber and Lyft drivers earned virtually nothing when their full expenses, including things such as health insurance, were accounted for. The tech industry has also been heavily criticized for sexual harassment during the MeToo movement and racism during the Black Lives Matter movement. The combination of individualism, predatory capitalism, toxic masculinity, and lack of concern for the common good that Silicon Valley represents works strongly against a sustainable and equitable future.
Similar problems of unequal development exist in other successful urban areas worldwide, including Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Bangalore, Singapore, Toronto, London, Amsterdam, Paris, and Tel Aviv. Though among the world’s economic success stories, on many dimensions of sustainability they are failures. The growing core-periphery disparities that produce left-behind communities and “sacrifice zones” on the one hand and wealthy but unsustainable and highly unequal job centers on the other are at the heart of recent global development patterns.
Let us imagine instead a world where we are not content with the concentration of wealth and opportunity in a small number of global cities; where all communities have affordable housing and provide a decent quality of life; where cities meet the needs of people locally and regionally but do not drain wealth from other parts of the world; where no areas are left behind in the transition to a green economy, their populations increasingly alienated, despairing, and vulnerable to unscrupulous politicians and warlords; and where social dimensions of sustainability are well served everywhere.
Today’s spatial inequity problems have long historical roots, illuminated by literature in fields such as economic geography, sociology, and environmental history. One starting point is physical geography. Some parts of the world have more fertile soils than others, more abundant mineral resources, more useful plant, animal, and fish species, and/or more benign topography and climate. Other places have been strategically well located to serve as trading centers and market towns or have been easy to defend against attack. Such communities have been able to accumulate modest amounts of wealth and power. The “chessboard” of geographical wealth is constantly shifting and with global warming is likely to shift in even greater ways in the future.
However, in other cases spatial inequities have resulted from military, religious, cultural, political, and/or economic systems that further centralize power and wealth. Typically these have drained resources from the periphery to the core of empires. Many parts of the world still suffer the legacy of colonization. Local traditions and cultures were disrupted, peoples were exploited, racism was institutionalized, ecosystems were harmed, and corrupt, colonizer-friendly governments were installed following independence. The damage has been so profound and long-lasting in many places that reparations may be appropriate. The need for climate justice may likewise call for reparations and repayments.
Twentieth-century economic development philosophies exacerbated spatial inequality on the assumption that economic globalization was to everyone’s long-term benefit. Various versions of “growth pole” theory, originating in the 1950s, sought to focus business development in particular geographical locales within countries on the assumption that this would leverage economic development in other parts. Such wider-scale progress was rare; growth poles instead often channeled resources to local elites, created isolated business enclaves, and harmed the environment.
The municipal economic development practice of chasing branches of multinational corporations has likewise undermined prospects for a more stable long-term economic base in cities worldwide. This “race to the bottom” competition leads suburbs to compete to host the newest shopping mall, central cities to compete for corporate headquarters, and states or countries to lower their environmental and labor standards to attract multinational corporations. However, the resulting businesses often don’t provide the expected number of jobs, pay the decent wages promised, or stay more than a few years. As Margaret Dewar has pointed out in her well-titled article “Why State and Local Economic Development Programs Cause So Little Economic Development,” politicians have an incentive in the short term to appear to be generating jobs by attracting well-known companies but little incentive to take into account long-term economic or environmental sustainabilIty. A recent example of the extreme lengths that municipalities will go to in order to attract development can be seen in the global competition for the second Amazon headquarters.
The Bretton Woods framework of post–World War II development assistance only deepened global spatial disparities, creating what economist Andres Gunder Frank termed “the development of underdevelopment.” Agencies such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund loaned funds to developing countries for megaprojects that created wealth for elites but left others poor and displaced, while countries accumulated enormous debt to lenders in the Global North. National governments focused on what sustainability-oriented NGOs refer to as “extreme infrastructure.” These dams, power plants, industrial zones, and large-scale agricultural projects sought to jump-start an export-oriented form of economic development that was often environmentally harmful and funneled capital created by Third World labor and resources into First World bank accounts.
Yet another source of disparities has been the structural adjustment policies that neoliberal governments in wealthy nations insisted upon as a condition for international assistance during the past forty years. These require developing countries to take actions such as cutting social programs, privatizing public assets such as utilities and railroads, reducing barriers to foreign investment, and lowering taxes on the wealthy. The effect has been to make life harder for the poor while enriching elites and international corporations. It is increasingly clear that structural adjustment policies need to be discontinued and policies that promote spatial equity put in their place.
Finally, the offshoring of manufacturing from wealthy nations to low-cost and less regulated parts of the globe during the past half century has had complex effects on spatial disparities. It has impoverished the US Rust Belt as well as the British Midlands, leading to the growth of right-wing populism in both places. Meanwhile, it has helped fuel the rise of megacities and megaregions in the developing world, leading to massive internal migration and expanding economic disparities between those urban areas and the countryside. Undoubtedly, these global economic shifts have improved quality of life for many. But they have harmed others, disrupted societies, contributed to the climate crisis, and widened the gulf between rich and poor communities (figure 7).
Although spatial disparities are still expanding in many places, there is hope for the rebirth of left-behind cities and regions. Manchester, UK, the first industrial powerhouse in Europe, lost much of its manufacturing in the middle of the twentieth century but has since rebuilt itself by focusing on culture, education, physical regeneration, and its geographical role as a transportation center. The US steel capital of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after losing 350,000 industrial jobs in the 1980s, reinvented itself as a center of renewable energy, health care, and education. Even the long-declining hulk of Detroit, one of the most hollowed-out American cities, is showing signs of a turnaround. Examples such as these indicate the possibility for left-behind places to rebound. But all of these cities had assets to start with, including a strong identity and an active elite that led revitalization efforts. Other communities and regions don’t have such advantages. And the pervasive problems associated with spatial inequality affect wealthy as well as declining places, necessitating holistic and imaginative solutions at higher levels of governance.
", + "content": "America has always been a nation segregated into haves and have-nots with rampant inequity a seemingly natural aspect of our social order — the motif impacting towns and cities just as starkly as the people who live in them. But it doesn't have to be this way, argue authors UC Davis Professor, Stephen Wheeler, and Temple University Associate Professor, Christina Rosan.
In their new book, Reimagining Sustainable Cities: Strategies for Designing Greener, Healthier and More Equitable Communities, Wheeler and Rosan examine the steps municipalities across the country have taken in recent years in response to climate change, as well as their social and sustainability shortcomings, offering community-based solutions to ensure that urban development in the 21st century equitably raises the standard of living for all residents, not just for the rich.
In the excerpt below, the authors take a look at the myriad trials faced by residents of eastern Kentucky, a once thriving pastoral region ravaged by the intractable march towards modernization and distillation of wealth to the select few.
Copyright © 2021 by Stephen M. Wheeler and Christina D. Rosan. Reprinted with permission from University of California Press.
While this book is about reimagining sustainable cities, we pause here to connect sustainable cities with the larger national and international context in terms of spatial inequality. We live in a world that is deeply interconnected. If we want sustainable cities, we need to work on reducing spatial disparities between cities and rural areas, and between different regions worldwide. Linkages between communities need to be recognized, and resources shared and equalized. Situations must be ended in which some regions exploit others by giving them the unwanted by-products of production, such as pollution, waste, and labor exploitation, while simultaneously moving resources and profits from poor regions to rich ones.
In and around the towns of eastern Kentucky, where Stephen Wheeler’s ancestral family is from, people of English and Scottish descent lived for many generations as self-sufficient farming families. That way of life changed in the second half of the twentieth century. Better roads, electricity, and telecommunications connected Appalachia with the rest of the world. Urban job opportunities lured away the young. Farming families became part of the cash economy and acquired new desires for processed foods, appliances, motor vehicles, and personal accessories. But hill farms didn’t generate enough cash to buy such things, especially with rising federal subsidies for agribusiness in other parts of the country. So the people of eastern Kentucky became designated as poor and came to see themselves that way.
Environmental problems grew as well. Giant bulldozers scraped away hilltops and extracted coal, adding this region to the long list of others worldwide suffering from the “resource curse.” Runoff from coal mining poisoned wells and polluted waterways. Coal jobs left as quickly as they had come, leaving many even poorer.
A new, more globalized retail economy brought first Kmart and then Walmart, putting family-owned stores out of business. Fast-food outlets proliferated. But the new service economy jobs didn’t pay much. To make better money some people began growing marijuana in hard-to-reach locations in the hills. Drug use, alcoholism, and obesity spread. Fundamentalist religion gained adherents and combined with Fox News (starting in the 1990s) to promote reactionary political values. A region that had been Democratic until the late twentieth century now helped elect US Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). McConnell in turn played one of the largest roles in thwarting progressive legislation from Barack Obama’s administration, supporting Donald Trump’s presidency and fueling the rise of populism in the US.
If this tale of decline were one isolated example, it might not matter much. But spatial inequality persists and spreads worldwide. Some left-behind communities are rural. Others are urban. Entire countries are stuck in poverty due to the legacy of military or economic colonization. Spatial inequality is a core challenge to the development of more sustainable cities. Every community needs to be able to thrive, not just certain favored ones within a highly unequal global system. Instead of engaging in a zero-sum approach to development, with winners and losers, communities need to support one another so that all improve their quality of life and sustainability.
The so-called winners of today’s global economic competition have their own problems. At the other end of the spectrum from Appalachia is Silicon Valley. This forty-mile corridor in the San Francisco Bay Area is an economic dynamo envied the world over. Covered by orchards and agricultural fields in the 1950s, this beautiful area was known as “Valley of Heart’s Desire.” Now no orchards remain, and the region is a congested sprawl of poorly connected office parks, subdivisions, malls, and commercial strips. Incomes are high, but the price of a home is nearly five times that in the US as a whole. Many residents cannot afford housing near their jobs and so endure lengthy commutes or are housing insecure. Social inequality, traffic congestion, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions expanded greatly during the past fifty years, reducing the quality of life in the region and contributing to global warming.
The Silicon Valley ethic of “move fast and break things” has created dynamic companies, unprecedented technology, and great wealth for a few. But the new gig economy pioneered there often operates at the expense of workers and the environment. It often produces an enormous concentration of wealth that comes from the exploitation of others. One study found that one-fifth of San Francisco Uber and Lyft drivers earned virtually nothing when their full expenses, including things such as health insurance, were accounted for. The tech industry has also been heavily criticized for sexual harassment during the MeToo movement and racism during the Black Lives Matter movement. The combination of individualism, predatory capitalism, toxic masculinity, and lack of concern for the common good that Silicon Valley represents works strongly against a sustainable and equitable future.
Similar problems of unequal development exist in other successful urban areas worldwide, including Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Bangalore, Singapore, Toronto, London, Amsterdam, Paris, and Tel Aviv. Though among the world’s economic success stories, on many dimensions of sustainability they are failures. The growing core-periphery disparities that produce left-behind communities and “sacrifice zones” on the one hand and wealthy but unsustainable and highly unequal job centers on the other are at the heart of recent global development patterns.
Let us imagine instead a world where we are not content with the concentration of wealth and opportunity in a small number of global cities; where all communities have affordable housing and provide a decent quality of life; where cities meet the needs of people locally and regionally but do not drain wealth from other parts of the world; where no areas are left behind in the transition to a green economy, their populations increasingly alienated, despairing, and vulnerable to unscrupulous politicians and warlords; and where social dimensions of sustainability are well served everywhere.
Today’s spatial inequity problems have long historical roots, illuminated by literature in fields such as economic geography, sociology, and environmental history. One starting point is physical geography. Some parts of the world have more fertile soils than others, more abundant mineral resources, more useful plant, animal, and fish species, and/or more benign topography and climate. Other places have been strategically well located to serve as trading centers and market towns or have been easy to defend against attack. Such communities have been able to accumulate modest amounts of wealth and power. The “chessboard” of geographical wealth is constantly shifting and with global warming is likely to shift in even greater ways in the future.
However, in other cases spatial inequities have resulted from military, religious, cultural, political, and/or economic systems that further centralize power and wealth. Typically these have drained resources from the periphery to the core of empires. Many parts of the world still suffer the legacy of colonization. Local traditions and cultures were disrupted, peoples were exploited, racism was institutionalized, ecosystems were harmed, and corrupt, colonizer-friendly governments were installed following independence. The damage has been so profound and long-lasting in many places that reparations may be appropriate. The need for climate justice may likewise call for reparations and repayments.
Twentieth-century economic development philosophies exacerbated spatial inequality on the assumption that economic globalization was to everyone’s long-term benefit. Various versions of “growth pole” theory, originating in the 1950s, sought to focus business development in particular geographical locales within countries on the assumption that this would leverage economic development in other parts. Such wider-scale progress was rare; growth poles instead often channeled resources to local elites, created isolated business enclaves, and harmed the environment.
The municipal economic development practice of chasing branches of multinational corporations has likewise undermined prospects for a more stable long-term economic base in cities worldwide. This “race to the bottom” competition leads suburbs to compete to host the newest shopping mall, central cities to compete for corporate headquarters, and states or countries to lower their environmental and labor standards to attract multinational corporations. However, the resulting businesses often don’t provide the expected number of jobs, pay the decent wages promised, or stay more than a few years. As Margaret Dewar has pointed out in her well-titled article “Why State and Local Economic Development Programs Cause So Little Economic Development,” politicians have an incentive in the short term to appear to be generating jobs by attracting well-known companies but little incentive to take into account long-term economic or environmental sustainabilIty. A recent example of the extreme lengths that municipalities will go to in order to attract development can be seen in the global competition for the second Amazon headquarters.
The Bretton Woods framework of post–World War II development assistance only deepened global spatial disparities, creating what economist Andres Gunder Frank termed “the development of underdevelopment.” Agencies such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund loaned funds to developing countries for megaprojects that created wealth for elites but left others poor and displaced, while countries accumulated enormous debt to lenders in the Global North. National governments focused on what sustainability-oriented NGOs refer to as “extreme infrastructure.” These dams, power plants, industrial zones, and large-scale agricultural projects sought to jump-start an export-oriented form of economic development that was often environmentally harmful and funneled capital created by Third World labor and resources into First World bank accounts.
Yet another source of disparities has been the structural adjustment policies that neoliberal governments in wealthy nations insisted upon as a condition for international assistance during the past forty years. These require developing countries to take actions such as cutting social programs, privatizing public assets such as utilities and railroads, reducing barriers to foreign investment, and lowering taxes on the wealthy. The effect has been to make life harder for the poor while enriching elites and international corporations. It is increasingly clear that structural adjustment policies need to be discontinued and policies that promote spatial equity put in their place.
Finally, the offshoring of manufacturing from wealthy nations to low-cost and less regulated parts of the globe during the past half century has had complex effects on spatial disparities. It has impoverished the US Rust Belt as well as the British Midlands, leading to the growth of right-wing populism in both places. Meanwhile, it has helped fuel the rise of megacities and megaregions in the developing world, leading to massive internal migration and expanding economic disparities between those urban areas and the countryside. Undoubtedly, these global economic shifts have improved quality of life for many. But they have harmed others, disrupted societies, contributed to the climate crisis, and widened the gulf between rich and poor communities (figure 7).
Although spatial disparities are still expanding in many places, there is hope for the rebirth of left-behind cities and regions. Manchester, UK, the first industrial powerhouse in Europe, lost much of its manufacturing in the middle of the twentieth century but has since rebuilt itself by focusing on culture, education, physical regeneration, and its geographical role as a transportation center. The US steel capital of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after losing 350,000 industrial jobs in the 1980s, reinvented itself as a center of renewable energy, health care, and education. Even the long-declining hulk of Detroit, one of the most hollowed-out American cities, is showing signs of a turnaround. Examples such as these indicate the possibility for left-behind places to rebound. But all of these cities had assets to start with, including a strong identity and an active elite that led revitalization efforts. Other communities and regions don’t have such advantages. And the pervasive problems associated with spatial inequality affect wealthy as well as declining places, necessitating holistic and imaginative solutions at higher levels of governance.
", + "category": "Budget, Tax & Economy", + "link": "https://www.engadget.com/hitting-the-books-reimagining-sustainable-cities-christina-rosan-stephen-wheeler-uc-press-163019173.html?src=rss", + "creator": "Andrew Tarantola", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 16:30:19 +0000", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "EndGadget", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "ca0fc9f041aeeb666f74f616105105b5" + }, + { + "title": "Logging library for millions of apps has a serious vulnerability", + "description": "A vulnerability called Log4Shell found in open-source logging library Log4j leaves millions of devices vulnerable to attacks. As The Verge notes, apps and services keep a record of all the events that happen while they're running, giving them a way to analyze how their program is performing and to figure out what went wrong in case of errors. Log4j happens to be a popular and widely used logging library, and even popular cloud services like Steam and iCloud, as well as apps like Amazon, Twitter and Minecraft are reportedly vulnerable to attacks exploiting Log4Shell.
According to Ars Technica, it first came to light after Minecraft websites started reporting about a vulnerability allowing hackers to execute malicious code in the game. It became clear soon after, though, that the problem doesn't affect Minecraft only. Security researcher Marcus Hutchins, who helped stop the spread of the WannaCry malware, called the vulnerability "extremely bad" since millions of applications use Log4j for logging.
Bad actors could use it to remotely execute codes on servers, directing them to download and run malware that would compromise companies' and people's data. Worse, it's pretty easy to exploit and could be triggered simply by posting messages. Hutchins said that in the case of Minecraft, attackers were able to execute code remotely by posting a message on the chatbox. In a blog post, app security company LunaSec said triggering the vulnerability in Apple's servers is as easy as changing an iPhone's name.
Log4j has already issued a fix for the vulnerability, and affected services like Minecraft and Cloudflare have already rolled out patches to protect users. Those running their own networks with Log4j may also want to patch their systems at the soonest possible opportunity if they can.
", + "content": "A vulnerability called Log4Shell found in open-source logging library Log4j leaves millions of devices vulnerable to attacks. As The Verge notes, apps and services keep a record of all the events that happen while they're running, giving them a way to analyze how their program is performing and to figure out what went wrong in case of errors. Log4j happens to be a popular and widely used logging library, and even popular cloud services like Steam and iCloud, as well as apps like Amazon, Twitter and Minecraft are reportedly vulnerable to attacks exploiting Log4Shell.
According to Ars Technica, it first came to light after Minecraft websites started reporting about a vulnerability allowing hackers to execute malicious code in the game. It became clear soon after, though, that the problem doesn't affect Minecraft only. Security researcher Marcus Hutchins, who helped stop the spread of the WannaCry malware, called the vulnerability "extremely bad" since millions of applications use Log4j for logging.
Bad actors could use it to remotely execute codes on servers, directing them to download and run malware that would compromise companies' and people's data. Worse, it's pretty easy to exploit and could be triggered simply by posting messages. Hutchins said that in the case of Minecraft, attackers were able to execute code remotely by posting a message on the chatbox. In a blog post, app security company LunaSec said triggering the vulnerability in Apple's servers is as easy as changing an iPhone's name.
Log4j has already issued a fix for the vulnerability, and affected services like Minecraft and Cloudflare have already rolled out patches to protect users. Those running their own networks with Log4j may also want to patch their systems at the soonest possible opportunity if they can.
", + "category": "Technology & Electronics", + "link": "https://www.engadget.com/log4shell-vulnerability-log4j-155543990.html?src=rss", + "creator": "Mariella Moon", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 15:55:43 +0000", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "EndGadget", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "70af2b92bad954ef8fab9dd65fe5325f" + }, + { + "title": "A scene from the 'Sex and the City' revival created a PR emergency for Peloton", + "description": "This post contains a major spoiler for the first season of 'And Just Like That.'
Peloton is grappling with another media crisis in 2021, although this one is decidedly... stranger. As The Vergereports, Peloton has raced to defend its signature Bike after a scene in the first episode of HBO Max's Sex and the City revival, And Just Like That, featured the cycling hardware in a less-than-flattering way.
The scene depicted Carrie's husband Mr. Big, played by Chris Noth, dying of a heart attack soon after he finished a 45-minute Peloton class on the company's Bike (with real instructor Jess King in a fictional role, we'd add). Peloton is worried viewers might think the Bike was responsible, and not just because the show might hurt sales — the company's stock price plunged between December 9th and December 10th, and it didn't get much better by the weekend.
In a statement, Peloton health and wellness advisor Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum argued that Mr. Big's death likely occurred despite the Bike, not because of it. Big lived an "extravagant lifestyle" that included drinking, smoking and a steak-filled diet, and he'd even had a cardiac incident in SATC's sixth season. If anything, Dr. Steinbaum suggested, Big's riding might have "helped delay" his heart attack.
Peloton also said it was caught off-guard. Spokesperson Denise Kelly toldBuzzFeed News the company was aware an HBO-purchased Bike would be in the episode and that King would portray an instructor, but "confidentiality reasons" prevented it from learning about the tragic plot point until the And Just Like That premiere.
This likely won't significantly dent Peloton's sales figures. Still, this probably isn't the publicity the firm wanted as it grapples with a treadmill recall and stiffer competition from rivals like Bowflex, Echelon and NordicTrack. Peloton may have to hope price cuts, a new strength training camera and a loyal following will help it overcome any hesitancy from Sex and the City fans.
", + "content": "This post contains a major spoiler for the first season of 'And Just Like That.'
Peloton is grappling with another media crisis in 2021, although this one is decidedly... stranger. As The Vergereports, Peloton has raced to defend its signature Bike after a scene in the first episode of HBO Max's Sex and the City revival, And Just Like That, featured the cycling hardware in a less-than-flattering way.
The scene depicted Carrie's husband Mr. Big, played by Chris Noth, dying of a heart attack soon after he finished a 45-minute Peloton class on the company's Bike (with real instructor Jess King in a fictional role, we'd add). Peloton is worried viewers might think the Bike was responsible, and not just because the show might hurt sales — the company's stock price plunged between December 9th and December 10th, and it didn't get much better by the weekend.
In a statement, Peloton health and wellness advisor Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum argued that Mr. Big's death likely occurred despite the Bike, not because of it. Big lived an "extravagant lifestyle" that included drinking, smoking and a steak-filled diet, and he'd even had a cardiac incident in SATC's sixth season. If anything, Dr. Steinbaum suggested, Big's riding might have "helped delay" his heart attack.
Peloton also said it was caught off-guard. Spokesperson Denise Kelly toldBuzzFeed News the company was aware an HBO-purchased Bike would be in the episode and that King would portray an instructor, but "confidentiality reasons" prevented it from learning about the tragic plot point until the And Just Like That premiere.
This likely won't significantly dent Peloton's sales figures. Still, this probably isn't the publicity the firm wanted as it grapples with a treadmill recall and stiffer competition from rivals like Bowflex, Echelon and NordicTrack. Peloton may have to hope price cuts, a new strength training camera and a loyal following will help it overcome any hesitancy from Sex and the City fans.
", + "category": "Celebrities", + "link": "https://www.engadget.com/sex-and-the-city-peloton-bike-scene-152028623.html?src=rss", + "creator": "Jon Fingas", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 15:20:28 +0000", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "EndGadget", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "ab120d072aa4d569948182e245454993" + }, + { + "title": "Recommended Reading: The real cost of the global chip shortage", + "description": "Yoolim Lee and Yantoultra Ngui, Bloomberg
As COVID-19 rages throughout the world, global supply chains are stretched thin. By now you've heard the conditions created a global chip shortage that has affected many companies. What you probably haven't heard are first-hand accounts of how the push to keep factories open turned tragic for many families.
Taylor Lorenz, The New York Times
Birds aren't real. They've been replaced by drones, used by the US government to spy on us. Meet the latest conspiracy theory that's gaining popularity on Instagram, TIkTok and YouTube.
Jon Keegan and Alfred Ng, The Markup
Life360 is a popular option for parents to keep an eye on their children via phone location, but the app is selling that data, on both adults and kids, to several companies that peddle such sensitive info to any and all buyers.
", + "content": "Yoolim Lee and Yantoultra Ngui, Bloomberg
As COVID-19 rages throughout the world, global supply chains are stretched thin. By now you've heard the conditions created a global chip shortage that has affected many companies. What you probably haven't heard are first-hand accounts of how the push to keep factories open turned tragic for many families.
Taylor Lorenz, The New York Times
Birds aren't real. They've been replaced by drones, used by the US government to spy on us. Meet the latest conspiracy theory that's gaining popularity on Instagram, TIkTok and YouTube.
Jon Keegan and Alfred Ng, The Markup
Life360 is a popular option for parents to keep an eye on their children via phone location, but the app is selling that data, on both adults and kids, to several companies that peddle such sensitive info to any and all buyers.
", + "category": "Personal Finance - Lifestyle", + "link": "https://www.engadget.com/recommended-reading-the-real-cost-of-the-global-chip-shortage-150038137.html?src=rss", + "creator": "Billy Steele", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 15:00:38 +0000", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "EndGadget", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "d67714c071b35ff2023211b4995ea55c" + }, + { + "title": "Watch the Blue Origin launch that'll carry Alan Shepard's daughter to space (updated)", + "description": "If the weather remains favorable and no technical issues stop it, the New Shepard vehicle carrying six people will be lifting off today at 9:45AM Eastern time. It's Blue Origin's third ever crewed mission and the first time that a flight will be at full capacity with six passengers onboard. One of those passengers is Laura Shepard Churchley, daughter of Alan Shepard who's known for being the first American to go to space. She'll be making the trip with Good Morning America co-host Michael Strahan as guests of the Jeff Bezos-owned aerospace company.
The trip's paying passengers are technology-focused venture fund founder Lane Bess and his child Cameron Bass aka MeepsKitten on Twitch, Voyager Space CEO Dylan Taylor and engineer/Starfighters Aerospace volunteer pilot Evan Dick. Blue Origin NS-19 was supposed to make the trip to suborbital space on December 9th, but it was pushed back due strong winds.
#NewShepard is on the pad. The mission team is going through nominal procedures in preparation for this particular vehicle’s 3rd crewed flight of 2021 and its 5th overall this year. Meet the #NS19 crew as they prepare for their flight to space today: https://t.co/p6F9B4Jyvb
— Blue Origin (@blueorigin) December 11, 2021
The company launched its first crewed spaceflight in July, carrying Jeff Bezos and his brother above the Kármán line. In October it flew William Shatner into space for its second crewed flight. Mission NS-19 isn't only the third crewed Blue Origin flight this year, it's also one of the many across space agencies and private space companies, including SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. As Jennifer Levasseur, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, told The Washington Post, it's "the busiest year in human spaceflight." She added: "We're entering a new phase of activity that we've never, frankly, seen before. And it creates a lot of excitement."
You can watch the launch and the preparations before it below when broadcast begins at 8:15AM ET.
Update 12/11 10:25AM ET: The mission was successful, making this the first time Blue Origin has sent a full capsule to space and back.
", + "content": "If the weather remains favorable and no technical issues stop it, the New Shepard vehicle carrying six people will be lifting off today at 9:45AM Eastern time. It's Blue Origin's third ever crewed mission and the first time that a flight will be at full capacity with six passengers onboard. One of those passengers is Laura Shepard Churchley, daughter of Alan Shepard who's known for being the first American to go to space. She'll be making the trip with Good Morning America co-host Michael Strahan as guests of the Jeff Bezos-owned aerospace company.
The trip's paying passengers are technology-focused venture fund founder Lane Bess and his child Cameron Bass aka MeepsKitten on Twitch, Voyager Space CEO Dylan Taylor and engineer/Starfighters Aerospace volunteer pilot Evan Dick. Blue Origin NS-19 was supposed to make the trip to suborbital space on December 9th, but it was pushed back due strong winds.
#NewShepard is on the pad. The mission team is going through nominal procedures in preparation for this particular vehicle’s 3rd crewed flight of 2021 and its 5th overall this year. Meet the #NS19 crew as they prepare for their flight to space today: https://t.co/p6F9B4Jyvb
— Blue Origin (@blueorigin) December 11, 2021
The company launched its first crewed spaceflight in July, carrying Jeff Bezos and his brother above the Kármán line. In October it flew William Shatner into space for its second crewed flight. Mission NS-19 isn't only the third crewed Blue Origin flight this year, it's also one of the many across space agencies and private space companies, including SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. As Jennifer Levasseur, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, told The Washington Post, it's "the busiest year in human spaceflight." She added: "We're entering a new phase of activity that we've never, frankly, seen before. And it creates a lot of excitement."
You can watch the launch and the preparations before it below when broadcast begins at 8:15AM ET.
Update 12/11 10:25AM ET: The mission was successful, making this the first time Blue Origin has sent a full capsule to space and back.
", "category": "Science", "link": "https://www.engadget.com/watch-blue-origin-launch-alan-shepards-daughter-120823788.html?src=rss", "creator": "Mariella Moon", @@ -162823,7 +165410,7 @@ "favorite": false, "created": false, "tags": [], - "hash": "9379980e84afeb26acb9eee5e585be06" + "hash": "02b3772ea48a8dbf1330fc3c7100ff49" }, { "title": "Ford will triple its output for the all-electric Mustang Mach-E", @@ -163245,6 +165832,27 @@ "tags": [], "hash": "1e3ecd6bdca3b04c44fb067af02e8b2d" }, + { + "title": "Watch the Blue Origin launch that'll carry Alan Shepard's daughter to space", + "description": "If the weather remains favorable and no technical issues stop it, the New Shepard vehicle carrying six people will be lifting off today at 9:45AM Eastern time. It's Blue Origin's third ever crewed mission and the first time that a flight will be at full capacity with six passengers onboard. One of those passengers is Laura Shepard Churchley, daughter of Alan Shepard who's known for being the first American to go to space. She'll be making the trip with Good Morning America co-host Michael Strahan as guests of the Jeff Bezos-owned aerospace company.
The trip's paying passengers are technology-focused venture fund founder Lane Bess and his child Cameron Bass aka MeepsKitten on Twitch, Voyager Space CEO Dylan Taylor and engineer/Starfighters Aerospace volunteer pilot Evan Dick. Blue Origin NS-19 was supposed to make the trip to suborbital space on December 9th, but it was pushed back due strong winds.
#NewShepard is on the pad. The mission team is going through nominal procedures in preparation for this particular vehicle’s 3rd crewed flight of 2021 and its 5th overall this year. Meet the #NS19 crew as they prepare for their flight to space today: https://t.co/p6F9B4Jyvb
— Blue Origin (@blueorigin) December 11, 2021
The company launched its first crewed spaceflight in July, carrying Jeff Bezos and his brother above the Kármán line. In October it flew William Shatner into space for its second crewed flight. Mission NS-19 isn't only the third crewed Blue Origin flight this year, it's also one of the many across space agencies and private space companies, including SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. As Jennifer Levasseur, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, told The Washington Post, it's "the busiest year in human spaceflight." She added: "We're entering a new phase of activity that we've never, frankly, seen before. And it creates a lot of excitement."
You can watch the launch and the preparations before it below when broadcast begins at 8:15AM ET.
", + "content": "If the weather remains favorable and no technical issues stop it, the New Shepard vehicle carrying six people will be lifting off today at 9:45AM Eastern time. It's Blue Origin's third ever crewed mission and the first time that a flight will be at full capacity with six passengers onboard. One of those passengers is Laura Shepard Churchley, daughter of Alan Shepard who's known for being the first American to go to space. She'll be making the trip with Good Morning America co-host Michael Strahan as guests of the Jeff Bezos-owned aerospace company.
The trip's paying passengers are technology-focused venture fund founder Lane Bess and his child Cameron Bass aka MeepsKitten on Twitch, Voyager Space CEO Dylan Taylor and engineer/Starfighters Aerospace volunteer pilot Evan Dick. Blue Origin NS-19 was supposed to make the trip to suborbital space on December 9th, but it was pushed back due strong winds.
#NewShepard is on the pad. The mission team is going through nominal procedures in preparation for this particular vehicle’s 3rd crewed flight of 2021 and its 5th overall this year. Meet the #NS19 crew as they prepare for their flight to space today: https://t.co/p6F9B4Jyvb
— Blue Origin (@blueorigin) December 11, 2021
The company launched its first crewed spaceflight in July, carrying Jeff Bezos and his brother above the Kármán line. In October it flew William Shatner into space for its second crewed flight. Mission NS-19 isn't only the third crewed Blue Origin flight this year, it's also one of the many across space agencies and private space companies, including SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. As Jennifer Levasseur, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, told The Washington Post, it's "the busiest year in human spaceflight." She added: "We're entering a new phase of activity that we've never, frankly, seen before. And it creates a lot of excitement."
You can watch the launch and the preparations before it below when broadcast begins at 8:15AM ET.
", + "category": "Science", + "link": "https://www.engadget.com/watch-blue-origin-launch-alan-shepards-daughter-120823788.html?src=rss", + "creator": "Mariella Moon", + "pubDate": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 12:08:23 +0000", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "en", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "EndGadget", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "9379980e84afeb26acb9eee5e585be06" + }, { "title": "The Morning After: 'Alan Wake 2' is coming in 2023", "description": "The 2021 Game Awards kicked off last night, mixing the year’s winners (It Takes Two, Deathloop, Kena and several more) with fresh game trailers and bona fide compelling new releases incoming, including Alan Wake 2. (I’m finally playing through the original at the moment, so this piqued my attention.)
We also got a release date for Final Fantasy VII Remake on PC, new Star Wars, Dune and Star Trek games and several (ten, actually) Lady Gaga hits coming to Beat Saber. There may be something for every gamer.
— Mat Smith
The Game Awards 2021
'Among Us' is heading to VR with help from the 'I Expect You To Die' team
'Slitterhead' is a new horror game from the creator of Silent Hill
Square Enix action-RPG 'Forspoken' hits PS5 and PC on May 24th, 2022
First trailer for the Halo TV series shows Master Chief in live action
The 'Cuphead' DLC will finally arrive on June 30th
Oppo has teased its first foldable smartphone nearly three years after it unveiled a prototype device. The Find N looks like a device along the lines of Samsung's Galaxy Fold lineup, created after "four years of intense R&D and six generations of prototypes." Expect to hear more next week at Oppo’s Inno Day on December 15th — which is good because the company hasn’t shared many concrete specs just yet.
Masayuki Uemura, the lead creator of the Famicom and Super Famicom (aka NES and SNES), died on December 6th at the age of 78. Uemura, initially employed by Sharp, first became involved with Nintendo after the company's Gunpei Yokoi asked about using Sharp solar cells to produce light gun games. Uemura joined Nintendo in 1971, and the company released gun games that included a home-friendly game called Duck Hunt (yes, the predecessor of the NES title). By November 1981, Uemura was tasked to build a machine that lets you play arcade games on your TV. The result was 1983's Famicom, known to the rest of the world as the Nintendo Entertainment System.
Before Amazon's Alexa became known as the company’s voice assistant, it was the name of its web-ranking site. It was established in 1996 and became famous some time ago for analyzing web traffic and listing the world’s most popular websites.
While Amazon didn't explicitly say why it's shutting down the service, Alexa Internet's traffic has reportedly been on the decline over the past decade. At least the name will live on in Amazon’s smart speakers, displays and the rest.
Paramount+ is adding 18 live channels (just like TV). The initial batch includes one focused entirely on Star Trek, which will stream episodes from new shows like Discovery and Picard and classics such as Enterprise and The Next Generation. (I'm not sure Enterprise is a classic, but you know what I mean.) There are also franchise-specific channels for Survivor, The Challenge and, oh boy, PAW Patrol.
Good luck, parents.
WhatsApp begins offering Novi money transfers to some users in the US
Engadget Deals: Shark's robot vacuum with AI navigation is 30 percent off at Amazon
Tinder's 'Music Mode' is like a mixtape from potential dates
Meta's Horizon Worlds opens up to adults in the US and Canada
Netflix created an info hub for its original shows and movies
YouTube's Rewind replacement is a livestream event called Escape2021
'NHL 22' will add women's hockey teams for the first time
Ford stops F-150 Lightning reservations at 200,000
SpaceX launches a NASA telescope to observe black holes
Italian regulator fines Amazon $1.28 billion for abusing its market dominance
Netflix's live-action Cowboy Bebop is over after one disappointing season
", @@ -171779,6 +174387,90 @@ "image": null, "description": "News for nerds, stuff that matters", "items": [ + { + "title": "COVID Booster Cuts Death Rate by 90%, Israeli Study Finds", + "description": "An Israeli study tracked more than 843,000 people who received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine — and then explored whether the results improved for the 758,000 who then also got a booster shot. \n\nThe results? HealthDay reports:\nBoosted folks are 90% less likely to die from a Delta infection than people relying solely on the initial two-dose vaccination, Israeli data show. \n\nThat protection will be critically important during the next couple of months as the Delta variant continues to dominate throughout the United States, said Dr. William Schaffner, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. \"While we are preoccupied with Omicron, you need to remember that Delta is essentially in every town and city in the United States today — being transmitted, infecting new people, sending people to the hospital, in some parts of the country stressing the health care system once again,\" Schaffner said. \"Although we have Omicron in the United States and it's starting to take hold, nonetheless well over 95% of all new infections today are caused by Delta....\" \n\nA second study out of Israel focused on infection and severity of illness, and it also produced good tidings for boosters in the face of the Delta variant. This study involved nearly 4.7 million Israelis who'd been fully vaccinated with Pfizer and were eligible for boosters. Confirmed infections were tenfold lower in the group of people who got the Pfizer booster, researchers reported. Further, results showed that the longer a booster was in a person's system, the more resistant they became to infection from the Delta strain.\nRead more of this story at Slashdot.
", + "content": "An Israeli study tracked more than 843,000 people who received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine — and then explored whether the results improved for the 758,000 who then also got a booster shot. \n\nThe results? HealthDay reports:\nBoosted folks are 90% less likely to die from a Delta infection than people relying solely on the initial two-dose vaccination, Israeli data show. \n\nThat protection will be critically important during the next couple of months as the Delta variant continues to dominate throughout the United States, said Dr. William Schaffner, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. \"While we are preoccupied with Omicron, you need to remember that Delta is essentially in every town and city in the United States today — being transmitted, infecting new people, sending people to the hospital, in some parts of the country stressing the health care system once again,\" Schaffner said. \"Although we have Omicron in the United States and it's starting to take hold, nonetheless well over 95% of all new infections today are caused by Delta....\" \n\nA second study out of Israel focused on infection and severity of illness, and it also produced good tidings for boosters in the face of the Delta variant. This study involved nearly 4.7 million Israelis who'd been fully vaccinated with Pfizer and were eligible for boosters. Confirmed infections were tenfold lower in the group of people who got the Pfizer booster, researchers reported. Further, results showed that the longer a booster was in a person's system, the more resistant they became to infection from the Delta strain.\nRead more of this story at Slashdot.
", + "category": "", + "link": "https://science.slashdot.org/story/21/12/11/0323242/covid-booster-cuts-death-rate-by-90-israeli-study-finds?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed", + "creator": "EditorDavid", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T18:34:00+00:00", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "Slashdot", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "bf5cc2a9eb5dea2b6b006fcea0a86b02" + }, + { + "title": "What's Behind the 'Birds Aren't Real' Protests?", + "description": " It's not your everyday fake news, explains the New York Times. (Alternate URLs here.)\n\nIn Pittsburgh; Memphis, Tennessee; and Los Angeles, massive billboards recently popped up declaring, \"Birds Aren't Real.\" On Instagram and TikTok, Birds Aren't Real accounts have racked up hundreds of thousands of followers, and YouTube videos about it have gone viral. Last month, Birds Aren't Real adherents even protested outside Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco to demand that the company change its bird logo. \n\nThe events were all connected by a Gen Z-fueled conspiracy theory, which posits that birds do not exist and are really drone replicas installed by the U.S. government to spy on Americans. Hundreds of thousands of young people have joined the movement, wearing Birds Aren't Real T-shirts, swarming rallies and spreading the slogan. It might smack of QAnon, the conspiracy theory that the world is controlled by an elite cabal of child-trafficking Democrats. Except that the creator of Birds Aren't Real and the movement's followers are in on a joke: They know that birds are, in fact, real and that their theory is made up. \n\nWhat Birds Aren't Real truly is, they say, is a parody social movement with a purpose. In a post-truth world dominated by online conspiracy theories, young people have coalesced around the effort to thumb their nose at, fight and poke fun at misinformation. It is Gen Z's attempt to upend the rabbit hole with absurdism... Most Birds Aren't Real members, many of whom are part of an on-the-ground activism network called the Bird Brigade, grew up in a world overrun with misinformation. Some have relatives who have fallen victim to conspiracy theories. So for members of Gen Z, the movement has become a way to collectively grapple with those experiences. By cosplaying conspiracy theorists, they have found community and kinship [according to 23-year-old Peter McIndoe, who created Birds Aren't Real on a whim in 2017...] \n\nCameron Kasky, 21, an activist from Parkland, Florida, who helped organize the March for Our Lives student protest against gun violence in 2018 and is involved in Birds Aren't Real, said the parody \"makes you stop for a second and laugh. In a uniquely bleak time to come of age, it doesn't hurt to have something to laugh about together.\" \nMcIndoe began selling Birds Aren't Real merchandise in 2018, according to the article, and now brings in \"several thousand dollars a month\" with some help from his friend Connor Gaydos. \n\n\"If anyone believes birds aren't real,\" Gaydos tells the Times, \"we're the last of their concerns, because then there's probably no conspiracy they don't believe.\"Read more of this story at Slashdot.
", + "content": " It's not your everyday fake news, explains the New York Times. (Alternate URLs here.)\n\nIn Pittsburgh; Memphis, Tennessee; and Los Angeles, massive billboards recently popped up declaring, \"Birds Aren't Real.\" On Instagram and TikTok, Birds Aren't Real accounts have racked up hundreds of thousands of followers, and YouTube videos about it have gone viral. Last month, Birds Aren't Real adherents even protested outside Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco to demand that the company change its bird logo. \n\nThe events were all connected by a Gen Z-fueled conspiracy theory, which posits that birds do not exist and are really drone replicas installed by the U.S. government to spy on Americans. Hundreds of thousands of young people have joined the movement, wearing Birds Aren't Real T-shirts, swarming rallies and spreading the slogan. It might smack of QAnon, the conspiracy theory that the world is controlled by an elite cabal of child-trafficking Democrats. Except that the creator of Birds Aren't Real and the movement's followers are in on a joke: They know that birds are, in fact, real and that their theory is made up. \n\nWhat Birds Aren't Real truly is, they say, is a parody social movement with a purpose. In a post-truth world dominated by online conspiracy theories, young people have coalesced around the effort to thumb their nose at, fight and poke fun at misinformation. It is Gen Z's attempt to upend the rabbit hole with absurdism... Most Birds Aren't Real members, many of whom are part of an on-the-ground activism network called the Bird Brigade, grew up in a world overrun with misinformation. Some have relatives who have fallen victim to conspiracy theories. So for members of Gen Z, the movement has become a way to collectively grapple with those experiences. By cosplaying conspiracy theorists, they have found community and kinship [according to 23-year-old Peter McIndoe, who created Birds Aren't Real on a whim in 2017...] \n\nCameron Kasky, 21, an activist from Parkland, Florida, who helped organize the March for Our Lives student protest against gun violence in 2018 and is involved in Birds Aren't Real, said the parody \"makes you stop for a second and laugh. In a uniquely bleak time to come of age, it doesn't hurt to have something to laugh about together.\" \nMcIndoe began selling Birds Aren't Real merchandise in 2018, according to the article, and now brings in \"several thousand dollars a month\" with some help from his friend Connor Gaydos. \n\n\"If anyone believes birds aren't real,\" Gaydos tells the Times, \"we're the last of their concerns, because then there's probably no conspiracy they don't believe.\"Read more of this story at Slashdot.
", + "category": "", + "link": "https://tech.slashdot.org/story/21/12/11/0421223/whats-behind-the-birds-arent-real-protests?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed", + "creator": "EditorDavid", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T17:34:00+00:00", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "Slashdot", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "f88d070fd50b10c28afce1e10cff8f0a" + }, + { + "title": "The Linux Kernel's Second Language? Rust Gets Another Step Closer", + "description": "\"In 2022 we will very likely see the experimental Rust programming language support within the Linux kernel mainlined,\" writes Phoronix, citing patches sent out Monday \"introducing the initial support and infrastructure around handling of Rust within the kernel.\" \nThis summer saw the earlier patch series posted for review and discussion around introducing Rust programming language support in the Linux kernel to complement its longstanding C focus. In the months since there has been more progress on enabling Rust for the Linux kernel development, Linus Torvalds is not opposed to it, and others getting onboard with the effort. Rust for the Linux kernel remains of increasing interest to developers over security concerns with Rust affording more memory safety protections, potentially lowering the barrier to contributing to the kernel, and other related benefits.... \n\nMiguel Ojeda sent out the \"v2\" patches for Rust support in the kernel. With these updated packages, the Rust code is now relying on stable Rust releases rather than the beta compiler state previously, new modularization options added, stricter code enforcements, extra Rust compiler diagnostics enabled, new abstractions for in-kernel use, and other low-level code improvements. \n\nRed Hat is also now joining Arm, Google, and Microsoft in voicing their support for Rust code within the Linux kernel. \n\n ZDNet contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols also expects the first Rust code in Linux's kernel sometime in 2022:\n\nAs Ryan Levick, a Microsoft principal cloud developer advocate, explained, \"Rust is completely memory safe.\" Since roughly two-thirds of security issues can be traced back to handling memory badly, this is a major improvement. In addition, \"Rust prevents those issues usually without adding any runtime overhead,\" Levick said.Read more of this story at Slashdot.
", + "content": "\"In 2022 we will very likely see the experimental Rust programming language support within the Linux kernel mainlined,\" writes Phoronix, citing patches sent out Monday \"introducing the initial support and infrastructure around handling of Rust within the kernel.\" \nThis summer saw the earlier patch series posted for review and discussion around introducing Rust programming language support in the Linux kernel to complement its longstanding C focus. In the months since there has been more progress on enabling Rust for the Linux kernel development, Linus Torvalds is not opposed to it, and others getting onboard with the effort. Rust for the Linux kernel remains of increasing interest to developers over security concerns with Rust affording more memory safety protections, potentially lowering the barrier to contributing to the kernel, and other related benefits.... \n\nMiguel Ojeda sent out the \"v2\" patches for Rust support in the kernel. With these updated packages, the Rust code is now relying on stable Rust releases rather than the beta compiler state previously, new modularization options added, stricter code enforcements, extra Rust compiler diagnostics enabled, new abstractions for in-kernel use, and other low-level code improvements. \n\nRed Hat is also now joining Arm, Google, and Microsoft in voicing their support for Rust code within the Linux kernel. \n\n ZDNet contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols also expects the first Rust code in Linux's kernel sometime in 2022:\n\nAs Ryan Levick, a Microsoft principal cloud developer advocate, explained, \"Rust is completely memory safe.\" Since roughly two-thirds of security issues can be traced back to handling memory badly, this is a major improvement. In addition, \"Rust prevents those issues usually without adding any runtime overhead,\" Levick said.Read more of this story at Slashdot.
", + "category": "", + "link": "https://linux.slashdot.org/story/21/12/11/0334210/the-linux-kernels-second-language-rust-gets-another-step-closer?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed", + "creator": "EditorDavid", + "pubDate": "2021-12-11T16:34:00+00:00", + "enclosure": "", + "enclosureType": "", + "image": "", + "id": "", + "language": "", + "folder": "00.03 News/Tech", + "feed": "Slashdot", + "read": false, + "favorite": false, + "created": false, + "tags": [], + "hash": "fc97caaad34f9af29475b84126f10bfd" + }, + { + "title": "Blue Origin Helps Humanity Set a New Record for Spaceflight", + "description": "Blue Origin successfully completed a 10-minute suborbital spaceflight this morning. \n\nBut with SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, and the space agencies of Russia and China, Blue Origin also helped humanity achieve another milestone Saturday. The Washington Post explains how it will push us far past a record set in 1985 when America's space shuttle made nine flights into space:\n\nSaturday's launch will be the 13th human spaceflight of the year, two more than in 1985, when NASA carried out those nine shuttle flights, and the Russian Soyuz vehicle carried astronauts on two launches. \n\nAll of those flights reached orbit, while several of the flights this year barely scratched the edge of space in relatively short suborbital jaunts. Still, this year is \"the busiest year in human spaceflight,\" Jennifer Levasseur, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, said in an interview. \"We're entering a new phase of activity that we've never, frankly, seen before. And it creates a lot of excitement.\" \n\nSaturday's Blue Origin flight will also carry Dylan Taylor, chairman and CEO of space exploration firm Voyager Space; Evan Dick, an investor; Lane and Cameron Bess, the first parent-child pair to fly to space; and Laura Shepard Churchley, a daughter of Alan Shepard, the first American to go to space... \n\nChina, which is building a space station in low Earth orbit, flew two crewed missions this year, and Russia has flown three, including the flight this week. The flurry of activity is reminiscent of 1985, Levasseur said, a time when NASA was optimistic that it would fly dozens of times a year, carrying all sorts of people to space. \n\nThe Post ultimately calls 2021 \"one of the most remarkable years for human spaceflight.\"Read more of this story at Slashdot.
", + "content": "Blue Origin successfully completed a 10-minute suborbital spaceflight this morning. \n\nBut with SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, and the space agencies of Russia and China, Blue Origin also helped humanity achieve another milestone Saturday. The Washington Post explains how it will push us far past a record set in 1985 when America's space shuttle made nine flights into space:\n\nSaturday's launch will be the 13th human spaceflight of the year, two more than in 1985, when NASA carried out those nine shuttle flights, and the Russian Soyuz vehicle carried astronauts on two launches. \n\nAll of those flights reached orbit, while several of the flights this year barely scratched the edge of space in relatively short suborbital jaunts. Still, this year is \"the busiest year in human spaceflight,\" Jennifer Levasseur, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, said in an interview. \"We're entering a new phase of activity that we've never, frankly, seen before. And it creates a lot of excitement.\" \n\nSaturday's Blue Origin flight will also carry Dylan Taylor, chairman and CEO of space exploration firm Voyager Space; Evan Dick, an investor; Lane and Cameron Bess, the first parent-child pair to fly to space; and Laura Shepard Churchley, a daughter of Alan Shepard, the first American to go to space... \n\nChina, which is building a space station in low Earth orbit, flew two crewed missions this year, and Russia has flown three, including the flight this week. The flurry of activity is reminiscent of 1985, Levasseur said, a time when NASA was optimistic that it would fly dozens of times a year, carrying all sorts of people to space. \n\nThe Post ultimately calls 2021 \"one of the most remarkable years for human spaceflight.\"Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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+ width:var(--line-width) !important; +} + +.full-width .markdown-source-view.is-readable-line-width .CodeMirror, .full-width .markdown-preview-view.is-readable-line-width .markdown-preview-sizer{ + width:100% !important; +} + + +/* ------------------- */ +/* Left sidebar */ +/* -------------------*/ +/* App Ribbon*/ + +.workspace-ribbon svg { + Color:var(--text-accent); +} + +.workspace-ribbon .side-dock-ribbon-action:hover { + filter:brightness(1.2); +} + +/* Nav action buttons */ + +.nav-header { + padding:0; +} + +.app-container.is-left-sidedock-collapsed .workspace-split.mod-left-split .nav-action-button { + margin-top: 20px; +} + +.markdown-preview-view .nav-buttons-container{ + margin-top: 100px; +} + +.nav-action-button svg { + Margin-left:0rem; + Margin-top:0.1rem; +} + +.nav-action-button { + width:2.3rem; + Height:2.3rem; + Margin-right:10px !important; +} + +.nav-action-button .widget-icon{ + fill: var(--text-accent) !important; +} + +.nav-action-button.is-active .widget-icon { + fill: #FFF !important; +} + +.nav-action-button.is-active { + Background:var(--text-accent); + Border-radius:100%; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-action-button.is-active { + border-radius: 5px; + background: hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l), 0.1) ; +} + +.nav-action-button.is-active svg { + Margin-left:0.15rem; + Margin-top:0.2rem; + color: var(--text-accent) !important; +} + +.nav-action-button.is-active svg { + Color:#FFF !important; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-action-button.is-active svg { + Color:var(--text-accent) !important; +} + +.minimal-icons-on .nav-action-button.is-active svg { + Margin-left:0.1rem; + Margin-top:0.25rem; +} + +.nav-action-button:hover svg{ + Filter: brightness(1.5); +} + +.nav-action-button svg{ + Width:0.8em; + Color:var(--text-accent); +} + +.nav-action-button, +.workspace-leaf-content[data-type='search'] .nav-action-button, +.workspace-leaf-content[data-type='backlink'] .nav-action-button { + margin:0; +} + +/* LOGO or image */ + +.theme-light .nav-header:before,.theme-dark .nav-header:before{ + Content:var(--site-title); + Font-weight:700; + Font-family:var(--text-title); + Font-size:1.3em; + Color:var(--text-accent); + Margin-left:auto; + Margin-right:auto; + Text-align:center; + Display:none; + Background:var(--logo-url); + Margin-top:10px; + Margin-bottom:40px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: contain; + Background-position:center center; + Display:block; + Height:60px !important; + Width:100% !important; +} + +.bold-italic-accent.site-title-accent.theme-light .nav-header::before,.bold-italic-accent.site-title-accent.theme-dark .nav-header::before{ + filter: hue-rotate(var(--hue-bold-italic)) !important; +} + +.invert-logo.theme-dark .nav-header:before{ + Filter: invert(100%); +} + +.workspace-split.mod-right-split .nav-header::before, .view-content .nav-header::before{ +display:none !important; +} + +/* ------- Nav folder ---------- */ + +/* Customize font style */ + +.font-nav-folder-header .nav-folder,.font-nav-folder-header .search-result,.font-nav-folder-header .backlink-pane,.font-nav-folder-header .outline,.font-nav-folder-header #calendar-container,.font-nav-folder-header .tag-container,.font-nav-folder-header .outgoing-link-pane,.font-nav-folder-header .checklist-plugin-main{ + font-family: var(--text-title); +} + +.font-nav-folder-text .nav-folder,.font-nav-folder-text .search-result,.font-nav-folder-text .backlink-pane,.font-nav-folder-text .outline,.font-nav-folder-text #calendar-container,.font-nav-folder-text .tag-container,.font-nav-folder-text .outgoing-link-pane,.font-nav-folder-text .checklist-plugin-main{ + font-family: var(--text); +} + + +/* Don't display collapse indicators */ + +.nav-folder-collapse-indicator.collapse-icon{ + Display:none !important; +} + +/* Styling */ + +.nav-folder-title { + margin:0px; + font-weight:400; + padding:0 10px 0 24px; + cursor:var(--cursor); + Text-transform:uppercase; +} + +.theme-light .nav-folder-title .nav-folder-title-content { + Color:var(--text-accent) !important; + Filter:brightness(0.8); +} + + +.nav-folder .is-collapsed .nav-folder-title .nav-folder-title-content{ + Font-weight:var(--normal-weight) !important; +} + +.nav-folder .nav-folder-title .nav-folder-title-content{ + Font-weight:bold; +} + +.nav-folder-title .nav-folder-title-content:hover{ + filter:brightness(1.2); +} + +.theme-dark .nav-folder-title { + Color:var(--text-accent) !important; + Filter:brightness(0.8); +} + +.nav-folder { + white-space: initial; + margin: 10px 5px 20px 5px !important; + border-radius: 5px; + cursor: var(--cursor); +} + + +.nav-folder-title.is-being-dragged-over { + background-color:var(--background-modifier-accent); + border-color:var(--background-modifier-accent); + border-radius:0; + border-left:1px solid transparent; + border-right:1px solid transparent; +} + +.nav-folder-title-content { + padding:1px 4px; +} + +.nav-folder.mod-root { + padding-top:2px; +} + +/* Files */ + +.nav-files-container { + overflow-x:hidden; +} + +.nav-file { + margin-left:12px; + padding-right:4px; + Cursor:var(--cursor) !important; +} + +.nav-file-title { + width:calc(100% - 30px); + margin:0 8px 0 -4px; + padding:0px 2px; + border-width:0; + cursor:var(--cursor) !important; +} + +.nav-file-title:hover, .nav-file-title.is-active{ + Background-color:transparent !important; +} + + +.nav-folder-title:hover { + Background-color:transparent !important; +} + +.menu-v1 .nav-file-title-content { + width: 100%; + white-space: initial; + padding: 14px 15px !important; + background: var(--background-primary) !important; + //background: hsla(var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.07); + margin: 5px 0px; + border-radius: 5px; + box-shadow: 1px 5px 13px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) !important; + padding: 0 5px; + vertical-align: middle; + cursor: var(--cursor) !important; +} + +.menu-v3 .nav-file-title-content { + background: hsla(var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.07); + box-shadow: none; + width: 100%; + white-space: initial; + padding: 14px 15px !important; + margin: 5px 0px; + border-radius: 5px; + padding: 0 5px; + vertical-align: middle; + cursor: var(--cursor) !important; +} + + +.menu-v1 .nav-file .is-active > .nav-file-title-content{ + Color:#fff; + Background-color:var(--text-accent) !important; +} + +.menu-v3 .nav-file .is-active > .nav-file-title-content{ + Color:#fff; +Background-color:var(--text-accent) !important; +} + +.workspace-leaf-content[data-type=starred] .nav-file-title-content { + width:calc(100% - 15px); +} + +.nav-file-title-content, .nav-folder-title, +.is-collapsed .search-result-file-title, +.tag-pane-tag { + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + color:var(--text-normal); +} + +/* Menu v2 */ + +.menu-v2 .nav-folder-collapse-indicator.collapse-icon{ + Display: inline !important; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-folder { + margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important; + border-radius: 0px; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-folder:not(.is-collapsed) { + //border-bottom: 2px solid hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s), var(--accent-l),0.1); + //border-bottom:2px solid var(--text-accent); + margin-bottom: 10px !important; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-folder-title { + margin: 0px 0px 0px 24px !important; +} +.menu-v2 .nav-folder-title-content{ + margin-bottom: 24px; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-folder-children { + padding-left: 0px; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-file { + margin-left:0px !important; + padding-right:0px !important; + Cursor:var(--cursor) !important; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-file-title { + width:100% !important; + margin:0px 0px 0px 0px !important; + padding:0px 2px; + border-width:0; + cursor:var(--cursor) !important; +} + +.menu-v2.bold-italic-accent .nav-folder:not(.is-collapsed) > .nav-folder-title svg{ + filter: hue-rotate(var(--hue-bold-italic)); +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-folder:not(.is-collapsed) > .nav-folder-title svg{ + font-weight: bold; + position: relative; + color: var(--text-accent); + top: 5px; + height: 12px; + width: 12px; +} + + + +.menu-v2 .nav-file-title-content { + width: 100%; + white-space: initial; + padding: 20px 0px !important; + border-bottom: 1px solid hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s), var(--accent-l),0.1); + cursor: var(--cursor) !important; + border-radius: 0px!important; + margin: 0px 40px !important; + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + color: var(--text-normal); + margin-left: ; +} + +.nav-file-title-content:hover { + Color:var(--text-accent); +} + + +.menu-v2 .nav-file { + background: hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s), var(--accent-l),0.05) !important; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-file .nav-file-title-content { + background: none; + padding-l +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-file .is-active > .nav-file-title-content { + background: none; + color: var(--text-normal) !important; +} + +.menu-v2 .nav-file .is-active { + border-left: 5px solid var(--text-accent); + background: hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s), var(--accent-l),0.05) !important; + border-radius: 0px; +} + +/* Search */ + +.tree-item-self, .tree-item-children{ + Color:var(--text-normal) !important; +} + +.tree-item-children:hover{ + Color:var(--text-accent); +} + +.search-results-children .tree-item-self:hover{ + color:var(--text-accent) !important; + Background:transparent !important; +} + +.search-result-file-match { + cursor:var(--cursor) !important; + margin-top:0; + margin-bottom:0; + padding-top:6px; + padding-bottom:5px; + font-size: calc(var(--font-smaller) * var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + line-height:1.3; + margin-bottom:8px; + padding:0 0 6px 0; + color:var(--text-normal); + border-bottom:none;/*1px solid var(--background-modifier-border-focus);*/ +} + +.search-result-file-match:hover { + color:var(--text-normal); +} + +.search-result-container:before { + height:1px; +} + +.search-result-container.is-loading:before { + background-color:var(--background-modifier-accent); +} + +.menu-v1 .search-result { + margin-bottom: 15px !important; + background:var(--background-primary) !important; + margin: 0px 15px; + border-radius: 5px; + box-shadow:1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) !important;/*1px 5px 13px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);*/ +} + +.menu-v3 .search-result { + margin-bottom: 15px !important; + background:hsla(var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.07);; + margin: 0px 15px; + border-radius: 5px; + box-shadow:none;/*1px 5px 13px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);*/ +} + + +.menu-v2 .search-result-container{ + padding: 0px 20px !important; + margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; + background: var(--background-secondary-alt); +} + +/*.menu-v2 .search-result-container::before{ + content: "RESULTS"; + position: relative; + display: block; + color: var(--text-accent); + font-weight: bold; + width: 100% !important; + text-align: center; + margin-bottom: 30px; + font-size:calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); +}*/ + +.menu-v2 .search-result { + box-shadow: none; + background: transparent; + margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important; + border-radius: 0px; +} + +.menu-v2 .search-result:hover{ + margin: 0px 0px !important; +} + +.menu-v2 .search-results-children{ + padding: 0px 20px; +} +.menu-v2 .search-results-children .tree-item{ + border-top: 1px solid hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s), var(--accent-l),0.2); + padding:15px 15px 5px 0px; +} + +.menu-v2 .search-results-children div:nth-child(2) { + border-top: 0px solid !important; +} +.menu-v2 .search-results-children .tree-item-self:hover{ + background: transparent !important; +} +.menu-v2 .backlink-pane { + background: transparent !important; + padding: 0px 0px; + //margin-top: -10px; +} + +.menu-v2 .backlink-pane .search-results-children{ + margin-bottom: 20px; +} + +.search-result-count { + opacity:1; + color:var(--text-faint); + padding:0 0 0 5px; +} + +.search-result-file-match:before { + top:0; +} + +.search-result-file-match:not(:first-child) { + margin-top:0px; +} + +.search-result-file-matched-text { + Background:none;/*var(--background-match-highlight);*/ + Color:var(--text-accent); + Font-weight:bold; +} + +.search-input { + max-width:calc(100% - 20px); + margin-left:10px; + width:500px; +} + +.search-input-container{ + Margin-top:20px; +} +.search-input-container input { + Border-radius:20px; + Margin-bottom:20px; +} + +.search-result-file-title { + //font-size:var(--font-small) !important; + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + color:var(--text-normal); + Font-weight:var(--normal-weight); +} + +.side-dock-collapsible-section-header { + font-size:var(--font-small); + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + color:var(--text-muted); + cursor:var(--cursor); + margin-right:0; +} + +.tree-view-item-self:hover .tree-view-item-collapse, +.side-dock-collapsible-section-header:hover, +.side-dock-collapsible-section-header:not(.is-collapsed) { + color:var(--text-normal); +} + +.search-result-collapse-indicator, +.search-result-file-title:hover .search-result-collapse-indicator, +.side-dock-collapsible-section-header-indicator:hover, +.side-dock-collapsible-section-header:hover .side-dock-collapsible-section-header-indicator { + color:var(--background-modifier-border-hover); +} + + +input[type='text'], input[type='search'], input[type='email'], input[type='password'], input[type='number'] { + Font-family:var(--text) !important; +} + +input.search-input:focus { + border-color:var(--background-modifier-border); +} + +.workspace-leaf-content[data-type='search'] .search-result-file-matches { + border-left:0; + padding-left:0; +} + +.search-empty-state { + //font-size:var(--font-small); + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + color:var(--text-faint); + padding-left:10px; + margin:0; +} + +.search-result-container { + Padding:0px 10px 5px 5px; +} + +.search-result-file-title { + line-height:1.3; + padding:15px 4px 15px 24px; + vertical-align:middle; + cursor:var(--cursor)!important; + overflow:hidden; + text-overflow:ellipsis; +} + +.search-result-file-title > span:not(.search-result-collapse-indicator):not(.search-result-count) { + white-space:nowrap; + overflow:hidden; + text-overflow:ellipsis; +} + +.search-result-collapse-indicator { + left:5px; +} + +.search-result-file-match:before { + height:0.5px; +} + +.search-info-more-matches { + font-size: calc(var(--font-smaller) * var(--font-smaller) * var(--font-normal)); + padding-top:4px; + padding-bottom:4px; + color:var(--text-normal); +} + + +/* ----------------------- */ +/* Main pane */ +/* ---------------------- */ + +/* Title Bar */ + +.workspace-leaf-header, .view-header { + background-color:var(--background-primary) !important; + border:none !important; +} + +.view-header-title-container::before { + Display:none !important; +} + +.view-header-title-container::after { + Display:none !important; +} + +.view-header-title { + //font-size:var(--font-small); + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + Box-shadow:none !important; + text-align: center; +} + +.bold-italic-accent .view-header-title { + //color: var(--text-normal) !important; + //filter: hue-rotate(var(--hue-bold-italic)); +} + +.view-actions { + //Background:var(--background-primary) !important; + background: none !important + Box-shadow:none !important; +} + +.view-actions svg{ +Color:var(--text-accent) !important; +} + +.view-actions:hover .view-action{ + opacity:1 !important; + z-index: 1 !important; +} + +/* Workspace */ + +.workspace-tab-header-inner { + padding:3px 3px 3px 10px; +} + +.workspace > .workspace-split:not(.mod-root) .workspace-leaf-content { + height:calc(100% - 6px); +} + +.workspace-split.mod-root { + Background:var(--background-primary); +} + +.workspace-split.mod-horizontal > * > .workspace-leaf-resize-handle { + height:0px; + border-bottom:1px solid var(--background-modifier-border); +} + +.workspace-split.mod-right-split > .workspace-leaf-resize-handle { + border-left:1px solid var(--background-modifier-border); + width:0px !important; +} + +.workspace-split.mod-vertical > * > .workspace-leaf-resize-handle, +.workspace-split.mod-left-split > .workspace-leaf-resize-handle { + border-right:1px solid var(--background-modifier-border); + width:0px !important; +} + +.workspace-split.mod-right-split > .workspace-leaf-resize-handle:active, +.workspace-split.mod-horizontal > * > .workspace-leaf-resize-handle:active, +.workspace-split.mod-vertical > * > .workspace-leaf-resize-handle:active, +.workspace-split.mod-left-split > .workspace-leaf-resize-handle:active { + border-color:var(--background-modifier-border-hover); +} + +.workspace-tab-container-before, .workspace-tab-container-after{ + width:0; +} + +.workspace-leaf { + border-left:0px; +} + +.mod-horizontal .workspace-leaf { + border-bottom:0px; + background-color:transparent; +} + +.workspace-leaf:not(.mod-active) {} + +.workspace-tab-container-inner { + background:transparent; + border-bottom:1px solid var(--background-modifier-border); + border-radius:0; + width:100%; + max-width:100%; + margin:0 auto; + padding-left:5px; +} + +.workspace-tab-header.is-before-active .workspace-tab-header-inner, +.workspace-tab-header.is-active, +.workspace-tab-header.is-after-active, +.workspace-tab-header.is-after-active .workspace-tab-header-inner, +.workspace-tab-header.is-before-active, +.workspace-tab-header.is-after-active { + background:transparent; +} + +.workspace-tabs { + border:0; + padding-right:0; + font-size:100%; +} + +.workspace-tab-header-container { + border:0 !important; + Background-color:transparent; + height:36px; +} + +.workspace-tab-header-container:hover { + opacity:1; +} + +.workspace-tab-header-inner-icon svg{ + Color:var(--text-accent); +} + +/* ----------------------- */ +/* Typography and fonts */ + + +::selection { background:var(--text-selection); } + +/* Hue for bold and italic pop, preview and edit mode */ +.bold-italic-accent strong,.bold-italic-accent em{ + color: var(--text-accent); + filter: hue-rotate(var(--hue-bold-italic)); 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+} + +/* Tag pane */ + +.tag-pane-tag .list-item-ending-flair { + right:5px; +} + +.list-item:hover .list-item-ending-flair { + background:transparent; + color:var(--text-faint); +} + +.search-result-file-title:hover { + color:var(--text-normal); +} + +.tag-container{ + Padding:10px 40px !important; + Font-size:1em !important; +} + +.tag-pane-tag-text:before{ + content:"#"; + Color:var(--text-accent); + Margin-left:-13px; + Padding-right:6px; + +} + +.tag-pane-tag > .collapse-icon + .tree-item-inner > .tag-pane-tag-text:before { + content: none; + margin-left: -5px; +} + +.tag-container .tree-item-icon { + Color:var(--text-accent); +} + +.tag-container::before { + Content:"TAGS"; + color:var(--text-accent); + Font-weight:bold; + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); +} + +.tag-pane-tag-count { + padding:0; + color:var(--text-faint); +} + +.tag-pane-tag { + padding:2px 10px; + cursor:var(--cursor); +} + +.workspace-leaf-content[data-type='tag'] { + padding-top:10px; +} + + +/* Outgoing links */ + +.outgoing-link-item { + Background:var(--background-primary); + //Font-size:var(--font-small); + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.05); + Border-radius: 8px; + Margin-bottom:15px; +} + +.menu-v2 .outgoing-link-item { + box-shadow: none; + background: transparent; + padding: 20px 20px; + border-radius: 0px; + border-bottom: 1px solid hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.1); + margin: 0px 0px !important; +} +.menu-v2 .outgoing-link-pane { + padding: 0px 0px; +} + +.menu-v3 .outgoing-link-item { + box-shadow: none; + Border-radius: 8px; + Margin-bottom:15px; + background: hsla(var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.07); +} + + +/* --------------- */ +/* Status bar */ + +.status-bar { + background-color:var(--background-primary); + color:var(--text-faint); + //font-size:var(--font-smaller); + font-size: calc(var(--font-smaller) * var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + padding:0; +} + +.status-bar-item { + padding:0 5px; +} + +.status-bar-item-segment { + margin-right:10px; +} + +/* --------------- */ +/* iframes */ + +iframe { + border:0; +} + + +/* --------------- */ +/* Graphs */ + +.graph-controls { + border:none; + left:0; + top:0; + margin-bottom:0; + padding:10px 20px 10px 10px; +} + + +.theme-light .graph-controls { + Background-color:hsl(var(--accent-h),calc(var(--accent-s) - 20%),calc(var(--accent-l) + 35%)); + //box-shadow: -10px -10px 20px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) !important; +} + +.theme-dark .graph-controls { + Background-color:hsl(var(--accent-h),calc(var(--accent-s) + 10%),calc(var(--accent-l) - 35%)); +} + +.graph-control-section .setting-item .setting-item-info .setting-item-name { +color:var(--text-normal) !important; +//color: var(--text-accent); +} + +.graph-control-section-header { + //Color:var(--text-accent); + font-weight: bold; +} + +.graph-controls.is-close { + Background-color:var(--background-primary); + box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.05); + padding: 5px; + margin-left: 1rem; +} +.graph-controls-button svg { + color: var(--text-accent); +} + +input[type=range] { + background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.03); + height:16px; + padding:9px 7px 0 7px; + -webkit-appearance:none; + cursor:default; + margin:0; + border-radius:50px; +} + +input[type=range]:focus { + +} + +input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { + background:var(--text-muted); + height:1px; + margin-top:-9px; +} + +input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb { + background:var(--text-accent); + height:7px; + width:20px; + margin-top:0px; + cursor:default; +} + +input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb:hover, +input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb:active { + background:var(--text-normal); +} + +.local-graph-jumps-slider-container, +.workspace-split.mod-left-split .local-graph-jumps-slider-container, +.workspace-split.mod-right-split .local-graph-jumps-slider-container, +.workspace-fake-target-overlay .local-graph-jumps-slider-container { + background:transparent; + opacity:0.6; + padding:0; + left:12px; + transition:opacity 0.2s linear; + height:auto; +} + +.mod-root .local-graph-jumps-slider-container { + right:0; + left:0; + width:var(--line-width); + max-width:var(--max-width); + margin:0 auto; + top:30px; +} + +.workspace-split.mod-left-split .local-graph-jumps-slider-container:hover, +.workspace-split.mod-right-split .local-graph-jumps-slider-container:hover, +.workspace-fake-target-overlay .local-graph-jumps-slider-container:hover, +.local-graph-jumps-slider-container:hover { + opacity:0.8; + transition:opacity 0.2s linear; +} + + +.graph-view.color-fill-focused { + color: var(--text-accent); +} + +.graph-view.color-fill { + color: var(--text-accent); + opacity: 0.6; +} + +.graph-view.color-circle { + color:transparent; +} + +.graph-view.color-line { + color:var(--text-faint); +} + +.graph-view.color-text { + color:var(--text-normal); +} + +.bold-italic-accent .graph-view.color-fill-highlight { + color: hsl(var(--accent-h), calc(var(--accent-s) + 50%), var(--accent-d)) +} + +.graph-view.color-line-highlight { + color:var(--interactive-accent); +} + +/* --------------- */ +/* Scroll bars */ + +::-webkit-scrollbar { + width:7px; +} + +::-webkit-scrollbar-track { + background-color:var(--background-primary); +} + +::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { + border-width:0px 4px 6px 0px; + border-style:solid; + border-radius:0 !important; + border-color:var(--background-primary); + min-height:40px; +} + +/* ----------------------- */ +/* Focus mode */ + +.hide-action-buttons .view-action { + opacity: 0 !important; + transition: 0.3s; +} + +.hide-action-buttons .view-action:hover { + opacity: 1; +} + +.hide-instruction .prompt-instructions { + Display:none; +} + +.hide-tooltip .tooltip { + Display:none; +} + +.hide-scrollbar ::-webkit-scrollbar { + Display:none; +} + +.hide-file-name .titlebar-button-container { + display: none; +} + +.hide-left-menu .workspace-ribbon { + Display:none; +} +.hide-file-name .workspace-leaf-header, .hide-file-name .view-header .view-header-title:hover { + Opacity:1; +} + +.hide-file-name .workspace-leaf-header,.hide-file-name .view-header .view-header-title { + Opacity:0; + transition: 0.3s; +} + +.view-header-icon { + opacity:0 !important; +} + +.hide-left-menu .workspace-tab-header-container { + Opacity:0; + transition: 0.3s; +} + +.hide-left-menu .workspace-tab-header-container:hover { + Opacity:1; +} + +.hide-status-bar .status-bar { + Display:none; +} + +.writing-focus .CodeMirror-code .CodeMirror-activeline pre span{ + color: var(--font-normal) !important; +} + +.writing-focus .CodeMirror-code .CodeMirror-activeline pre .cm-hmd-internal-link { + color: var(--text-accent) !important; +} +.writing-focus .CodeMirror-code:not(.CodeMirror-activeline) span{ + color: var(--text-faint) !important; +} + +.writing-focus.bold-italic-accent .CodeMirror-code .CodeMirror-activeline .cm-strong,.writing-focus.bold-italic-accent .CodeMirror-code .CodeMirror-activeline .cm-em { + color: var(--text-accent) !important; + filter: hue-rotate(var(--hue-bold-italic)); + } + +/* Edit button */ + +.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4),.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5), +.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) { + top: calc(90vh - 10px); + Margin-right:1rem; +} + +.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5),.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4),.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6){ + Position:absolute; !important; + Background:var(--text-accent); + Width:3rem; + Height:3rem; + Border-radius:100%; + Padding:0.9rem 0.9rem; +} + +.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4),.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5),.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) { + Opacity:1 !important; +} + +.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4) svg,.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5) svg,.edit-button .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) svg{ + Color:#FFF !important; + //Width:1.3rem; + margin-bottom: 0.1rem !important; +} + + +.edit-button.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4) svg, .edit-button.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5) svg, .edit-button.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) svg{ + margin-left:0.1rem; + Margin-top:-0.1rem; + Width:1rem; +} + +/* with Sliding pane plugin */ + +.edit-button.plugin-sliding-panes-rotate-header .view-actions .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4),.edit-button.plugin-sliding-panes-rotate-header .view-actions .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5),.edit-button.plugin-sliding-panes-rotate-header .view-actions .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) { + position: absolute; + left: calc(84vw); +} + +.edit-button.plugin-sliding-panes-rotate-header .view-actions .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4) svg,.edit-button.plugin-sliding-panes-rotate-header .view-actions .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5) svg,.edit-button.plugin-sliding-panes-rotate-header .view-actions .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) svg{ + margin-left: -0.5rem;} + +.edit-button.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4),.edit-button.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5),.edit-button.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) { + Margin-left:-1rem; +} + +/* ----------------------------- */ +/* PLUGINS */ +/* ----------------------------- */ +/* Andy Matuschak mode! */ + + +body.plugin-sliding-panes-stacking .workspace > .mod-root > .workspace-leaf { + box-shadow: 10px 2px 9px 4px #444 !important; +} + +body.plugin-sliding-panes-rotate-header .workspace > .mod-root > .workspace-leaf > .workspace-leaf-content > .view-header > .view-header-title-container > .view-header-title { + Opacity:1; + //Font-size:var(--font-small); + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + +} + +body.plugin-sliding-panes-rotate-header.plugin-sliding-panes-header-alt .workspace > .mod-root > .workspace-leaf > .workspace-leaf-content > .view-header .view-header-title-container { + Text-align:left !important; +} + +.plugin-sliding-panes-stacking .view-header-title { + text-align: left; +} + + + +/* Correct a problem on tablet */ +.is-mobile.plugin-sliding-panes-stacking .workspace-leaf { + margin-left: -10px; +} +/* -------------------- */ +/* CALENDAR */ + +.calendar .day.today { + font-weight: 800 !important; + font-size: 1.5em !important; +} + +.calendar .day{ + font-size:calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)) !important; +} + +/* -------------------- */ +/* CHECKLIST PLUGIN */ + +.group-todo { + Margin-left:20px; +} + +.checklist-plugin-main button{ + background: transparent !important; +} + +.task-list-item-checkbox { + Border:1px solid var(--text-accent) !important; + Width:15px !important; + Height:15px !important; +} + +input[type=checkbox] { + Top:6px !important; +} + +.group-todo li:before { + Display:none !important; +} + +.group-todo .title { + Color:var(--text-accent); +} + +.menu-v1 .checklist-plugin-main li.classic { + Background:var(--background-primary) !important; + box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);/*1px 1px 5px rgb(0 0 0 / 5%);*/ +} + +.menu-v3 .checklist-plugin-main li.classic { + Background:hsla(var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.07); +} + +.menu-v3 .checklist-plugin-main li.classic:hover{ + Background:hsla(var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.07); +} + +.menu-v2 .checklist-plugin-main li.classic { + background: hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s), var(--accent-l),0.05) !important; + margin: 0px 0px !important; + border-radius: 0px !important; + border-bottom: 1px solid hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s), var(--accent-l),0.1) !important; + padding: 10px 10px; +} + +.menu-v2 .checklist-plugin-main .group-todo { + margin: 0px 0px !important; +} +.menu-v2 .checklist-plugin-main .svelte-yzsyxo ul{ + margin: 0px 0px !important; +} +.checklist-plugin-main .group-header .title { + Color:var(--text-accent) !important; + Box-shadow:none; + //Font-size:var(--font-small); + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); +} +.checklist-plugin-main li{ + //Font-size:var(--font-small) !important; + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); +} + +.checklist-plugin-main .group { + Margin-left:10px !important; +} + +.checklist-plugin-main .group li:before { + Display:none; +} +.checklist-plugin-main .checkbox { + Border:1px solid var(--text-accent) !important; +} + +.checklist-plugin-main { + --todoList-checkboxSize:15px !important; +} + +/* -------------------- */ +/* KANBAN plugin */ + +.kanban-plugin { + Background:var(--background-primary) !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin__lane-wrapper { + Border-radius:30px !important; + width: 23rem !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin__lane{ + background: var(--background-secondary-alt) !important; + box-shadow:2px 2px 3px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); + padding: 0px 15px; + border-radius: 15px !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin p, .kanban-plugin li,.kanban-plugin button{ + Font-family:var(--text) !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin__lane-title { + Color:var(--text-accent) !important; + Font-weight:700; + Text-transform:uppercase; +} + +.kanban-plugin__item-wrapper { + margin-top: 10px !important; + //box-shadow:6px 8px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02); + //background: var(--background-secondary-alt) !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin__item { + border: none !important; + border-radius: 10px !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin .markdown-preview-view li,.kanban-plugin .markdown-preview-view ul,kanban-plugin .markdown-preview-view ol,.kanban-plugin .markdown-preview-view p,.kanban-plugin .markdown-preview-view input { + Margin-left:0px !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin__item-wrapper { + padding:0px 0px!important; + //background: hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.1) !important; + background: transparent; + border-radius: 5px; + //padding: 0px 0px !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin__item-title-wrapper { + padding: 0px 0px !important; + //background: var(--background-primary) !important; + background: hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.1) !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin__item-title{ + padding: 10px 0px 10px 20px !important; +} + +.kanban-plugin__item-title p{ + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); +} + +button.kanban-plugin__new-item-button { + color: var(--text-accent) !important; + font-size: calc(var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); +} + +button.kanban-plugin__new-item-button:hover { + color: #FFF !important; +} +/* MIND MAP PLUGIN */ + +.theme-light .mm-node.mm-root .mm-node-content { + Background:var(--text-accent); +} + + +/* ------------------------------- */ +/* Dataview plugin */ + +.table-view-table > thead > tr > th { + Border-bottom:none !important; + Font-size:var(--font-normal) !important; + Padding-left:10px !important; +} + +.dataview-articles-style .dataview.table-view-table thead { + display: none; +} + +.dataview-articles-style .dataview.table-view-table tbody tr { + background: transparent !important; +} + +.dataview-articles-style .dataview.table-view-table tbody td{ + font-size: 1.1rem; + color: var(--text-normal) !important; + padding: 2rem 1rem!important; + border-top: 2px solid hsla(var(--accent-h), var(--accent-s), var(--accent-l),0.05); + //font-family: lora; +} + +.dataview-articles-style .dataview.table-view-table tbody td:nth-child(3){ + width:40% !important; +} +.dataview-articles-style .dataview.table-view-table tbody td:nth-child(2){ + font-size: calc(var(--font-smaller) * var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + font-style: italic; + //color: var(--text-accent) !important; +} +.dataview-articles-style .dataview.table-view-table .internal-link{ + color: var(--text-normal); +} +/* ----------------------- */ +/* Tablet styling */ + +@media (min-width:400pt) { + + .mobile-toolbar-option { + border-radius:8px; + margin:6px 0; + } + .mobile-toolbar-option:hover { + background-color:var(--background-tertiary); + } + .is-mobile.is-ios .safe-area-top-cover { + background-color:transparent; + } + .is-mobile .modal, + .is-mobile .modal-container .modal.mod-settings { + max-width:800px; + transform:translateZ(0); + border-top-left-radius:15px !important; + border-top-right-radius:15px !important; + margin-bottom:-15px; + overflow:hidden; + } + .is-mobile .modal-container .modal.mod-settings .vertical-tabs-container { + transform:translateZ(0); + } + .is-mobile .view-action { + padding:5px 5px 4px; + } + .is-mobile .prompt { + max-width:600px; + max-height:600px; + bottom:auto !important; + border-radius:15px; + top:100px !important; + } + + .is-mobile .suggestion-container { + max-width:600px; + max-height:600px; + border-radius:15px; + bottom:80px; + border:1px solid var(--background-modifier-border); + } + .is-mobile .modal-container .suggestion-item { + padding:10px 5px 10px 10px; + border-radius:var(--radius-m); + } + .is-mobile .suggestion-flair { + right:0; + left:auto; + position:absolute; + padding:10px; + } + .is-mobile .menu { + top:60px !important; + right:0 !important; + bottom:auto; + left:auto; + margin:0 auto; + width:360px; + padding:10px 10px 20px; + border-radius:15px; + box-shadow:0 0 100vh 100vh rgba(0,0,0,0.5); + } + + /* Animations */ + .is-mobile .menu, + .is-mobile .suggestion-container, + .is-mobile .modal, + .is-mobile .prompt { + transition:unset !important; + transform:unset !important; + animation:unset !important; + } + .is-mobile .modal-container .modal-bg{ + opacity:0.8 !important; + } + .is-mobile .modal-container .prompt { + opacity:1 !important; + } + .is-mobile .community-plugin-search .setting-item { + padding-top:10px; + } + .is-mobile .menu .menu-item:hover { + background-color:var(--background-tertiary); + } + .is-mobile .setting-item:not(.mod-toggle):not(.setting-item-heading) { + flex-direction:row; + align-items:center; + } + .is-mobile .setting-item-control select, + .is-mobile .setting-item-control input, + .is-mobile .setting-item-control button { + width:auto; + } + .is-mobile .workspace-drawer:not(.is-pinned) { + margin:30px 16px 0; + height:calc(100vh - 48px); + border-radius:15px; + } + .is-mobile .setting-item:not(.mod-toggle):not(.setting-item-heading) .setting-item-control { + width:auto; + margin-top:0; + } + .is-mobile .modal .search-input-container input { + width:100%; + } + .is-mobile .modal-setting-back-button, + .is-mobile .modal.mod-settings .vertical-tab-header:before { + margin-top:0; + } + .is-mobile .markdown-preview-view ol > li.task-list-item .collapse-indicator, + .is-mobile .markdown-preview-view ul > li.task-list-item .collapse-indicator { + margin-left:-2.5em; + margin-top:0.1em; + } + .pull-down-action { + width:400px; + top:15px; + padding:15px; + border-radius:15px; + } + .is-mobile .side-dock-ribbon-action svg { + Color:var(--text-accent) !important; + } + +} + + +/* ----------------------- */ +/* phone */ + +/* Show edit button */ +@media (max-width:400pt) { + .is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4),.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5), + .is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) { + top: calc(90vh - 10px); + Margin-right:1rem; + } + + .is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5),.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4),.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6){ + Position:absolute; !important; + Background:var(--text-accent); + Width:3rem; + Height:3rem; + Border-radius:100%; + Padding:0.9rem 0.9rem; + } + + .is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4),.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5),.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) { + Opacity:1 !important; + } + + .is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4) svg,.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5) svg,.is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) svg{ + Color:#FFF !important; + Width:1.3rem; + margin-bottom: 0.1rem !important; + } + + + .is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(4) svg, .is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(5) svg, .is-mobile .view-action:nth-last-of-type(6) svg{ + margin-left:0.1rem; + Margin-top:-0.1rem; + Width:1rem; + } +} + +/* ------------------------- */ +/* Custom css for html elements */ + +/* Column */ +.columns-2 { + margin: 0; + height: auto; + column-count: 2; +} + +.columns-3{ + margin: 0; + height: auto; + column-count: 3; +} +/*.columns-3 { + width: 33% !important; + display: block-inline; + //float: right; + position: relative; +}*/ + +/* Buttons */ +button{ + background: var(--text-accent) !important; + color: #FFF !important; + border-radius: 5px; + padding: 7px 15px; +} + + +button span{ + color: #FFF; +} + +.kanban-plugin button.kanban-plugin__new-item-button { + color: #FFF !important; +} + +button a{ + color: #FFF !important; +} + +button:hover{ + filter: brightness(1.1); +} + +/* Cards */ +.cards-2 { + float: left; + width: calc(50% - var(--p-offset)); + padding: 3rem 2rem 3rem 0rem; + margin: 0; +} + +.cards-2 img{ + width: 100%; + height: 17rem; + position: relative; + object-fit: cover; + margin-bottom: 1rem; +} + +.cards-2 p{ + margin-left: 0px !important; +} + +.cards-2 h2{ + margin: 0 ; + font-size: 2rem !important; +} + +.cards-2 h2:before{ + content: none !important; +} + + +.cards-3 { + float: left; + width: calc(33.33% - var(--p-offset)); + padding: 3rem 2rem 1rem 0rem; + margin: 0; +} + +.cards-3 img{ + width: 100%; + height: 10rem; + position: relative; + object-fit: cover; + cursor: pointer !important; +} +.cards-3 img:hover{ + -webkit-transform:scale(1.25); /* Safari et Chrome */ + -moz-transform:scale(1.25); /* Firefox */ + -ms-transform:scale(1.25); /* Internet Explorer 9 */ + -o-transform:scale(1.25); /* Opera */ + transform:scale(1.1); + transition: 0.2s; +} + +.cards-2 p{ + margin-left: 0px !important; + text-overflow: ellipsis; + display: -webkit-box; + overflow: hidden; + -webkit-line-clamp: 6; + -webkit-box-orient: vertical; +} + +.cards-2 a{ + color: var(--font-normal); + text-decoration: none; +} + +.cards-2 a:hover{ + color: var(--text-accent); +} + +.cards-3 h2{ + margin: 0 ; + color: var(--text-normal) !important; + font-size: 1.5rem !important; +} + +.cards-3 h2:before{ + content: none !important; +} + +.cards-3 p{ + margin-left: 0px !important; + text-overflow: ellipsis; + display: -webkit-box; + overflow: hidden; + -webkit-line-clamp: 4; + -webkit-box-orient: vertical; +} + +.cards-3 a{ + color: var(--font-normal); + text-decoration: none; +} + +.cards-3 a:hover{ + color: var(--text-accent); +} + + +.card-title{ + font-size: 2rem; + color: var(--font-normal); + text-align: left; +} + + +/* Text width */ +.text-normal-width { + width: var(--line-width) !important; + margin-right: auto; + margin-left: auto; + margin-bottom: 0px; +} + +.text-full-width { + width: 100%; + } + +.img-full-width img{ + object-fit: cover; + max-height: 35rem; + position: relative; + display: block; + width: 100%; +} + + +/* Menu */ +.menu-page,.menu-page-v2{ + padding: 15px 10px 15px 15px; + margin-top: 20px; + font-size: calc(var(--font-smaller) * var(--font-small) * var(--font-normal)); + position: relative; + left: 0px; + width: 100%; + margin-bottom: 3rem; + font-family: var(--text-title); +} + +.menu-page { + background-color: var(--background-secondary-alt); + text-align: center; +} + +.menu-page-v2 { + border-bottom: 2px solid hsla(var(--accent-h),var(--accent-s),var(--accent-l),0.1); + text-align: center; +} + +.menu-page:before,.menu-page-v2:before{ + Content:"MENU";/*Content:"\2302" \2630 */ + Font-size:1em; + font-weight: 700; + Color:var(--text-accent) !important; + Margin-right:3rem; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} + +.menu-page a,.menu-page-v2 a{ + color: var(--text-normal); + font-weight: 500; + text-transform : uppercase ; + margin-right: 20px; + text-decoration: none; + //text-align: right; + padding: 15px 8px; +} + +/*.menu-page a:before{ + content: "/ "; + color: var(--text-accent); +} +.menu-page a:first-child:before{ + content: ""; +}*/ + +.menu-page a:hover{ + //color: var(--text-accent); + cursor: pointer; + border-bottom: 3px solid var(--text-accent); +} + +.menu-page-v2 a:hover{ + color: var(--text-accent); + cursor: pointer; + font-weight: 800; +} + + + +/* Style Settings */ + +.style-settings-container .style-settings-container { + margin-left: 15px; +} + +/* @settings +name: Harmonic theme customization +id: perso +settings: + - + id: logo + title: 1. Global customization (Logo OR title, Accent color, navigation folder style, icon style) + type: heading + level: 2 + collapsed: true + - + id: accent + title: Accent color + type: variable-color + format: hsl-split + default: '#4F60B3' + - + id: invert-background-color + title: Invert color between page and sidebars + type: class-toggle + - + + id: minimal-icons-on + title: Icons + description: Activate minimal icons + type: class-toggle + - + id: logo-section + title: Choose a logo OR a title for your obsidian + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: false + - + id: site-title + title: Your obsidian title + description: Put the title in quotation marks (see default parameter) + type: variable-text + default: '"OBSIDIAN"' + - + id: site-title-accent + title: Color accent for your obsidian title + description: Display the title with the bold and italic accent color (menu > Make pages pop) + type: class-toggle + - + id: logo-url + title: Your obsidian logo (url) + description: Put the url syntax like in default + type: variable-text + default: url("") + - + id: invert-logo + title: Invert logo colors in dark mode + description: B&W image works well + type: class-toggle + - + id: nav-folder-section + title: Customize the navigation folder panel + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: false + - + id: menus + title: Alternative menu styles + description: Choose diffent styles for the left and right sidebars + type: class-select + default: menu-v1 + options: + - + label: Design 1 + value: menu-v1 + - + label: Design 2 + value: menu-v3 + - + label: Design 3 + value: menu-v2 + - + id: menus-font + title: Font of navigation folders + description: Choose diffent styles for the left and right sidebars + type: class-select + default: font-nav-folder-text + options: + - + label: Text + value: font-nav-folder-text + - + label: Headings + value: font-nav-folder-header + - + id: font-small + title: Font size of navigation folder + description: Select a font size + type: variable-number-slider + default: 0.85 + min: 0.7 + max: 1 + step: 0.01 + - + id: focus-mode + title: 2. Focus mode + type: heading + level: 2 + collapsed: true + - + id: hide-left-menu + title: Hide vertical menu of the left sidebar + type: class-toggle + - + id: hide-action-buttons + title: Hide action buttons + type: class-toggle + - + id: hide-file-name + title: Hide file name in main window + type: class-toggle + - + id: hide-tooltip + title: Hide tooltip + type: class-toggle + - + id: hide-scrollbar + title: Hide scrollbar + type: class-toggle + - + id: hide-instruction + title: Hide instructions + type: class-toggle + - + id: hide-status-bar + title: Hide status bar + type: class-toggle + - + id: edit-button + title: Edit button + description: Create a button to edit and preview + type: class-toggle + - + id: writing-focus + title: Writing focus + description: Hightligh the paragraph you are writing, faint the others (edit mode) + type: class-toggle + - + id: features + title: 3. Make pages pop (bold and italic accentuation, image, blockquote) + type: heading + level: 2 + collapsed: true + - + id: bold-italic-section + title: Customize bold and italic + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: false + - + id: bold-italic-accent + title: Bold and italic accentuation + description: Make bold and italic pop with an other color + type: class-toggle + - + id: hue-bold-italic + title: Bold and italic hue + description: Change the hue of the accent color (step -> 45 degrees) + type: variable-number-slider + default: 180 + min: 30 + max: 330 + step: 30 + format: deg + - + id: image-section + title: Customize images + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: false + - + id: img-border-radius + title: Border radius for images + type: variable-number-slider + default: 15 + min: 0 + max: 100 + step: 1 + format: px + - + id: img-border-shadow + title: Shadow for images + type: class-toggle + - + id: blockquote-section + title: Customize blockquote + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: false + - + id: blockquote-background + title: Display background and border for quote + type: class-toggle + - + id: blockquote-bracket + title: Quotation mark for quote + type: class-toggle + - + id: blockquote-serif + title: Serif font for quote + type: class-toggle + - + id: blockquote-text-center + title: Center text for quote + type: class-toggle + - + id: page-settings + title: 4. Page settings (line width, fullwidth mode, paragraph offset) + type: heading + level: 2 + collapsed: true + - + id: line-width + title: Line width + description: Define your line width + type: variable-number-slider + default: 44 + min: 30 + max: 60 + step: 1 + format: rem + - + id: full-width + title: Full width mode + description: Activate full width + type: class-toggle + - + id: p-offset + title: Paragraph offset + description: Change your paragraph offset + type: variable-number-slider + default: 2.2 + min: 0 + max: 8 + step: 0.1 + format: rem + - + id: fonts + title: 5. Fonts (Preview mode, edit mode, monospace, titles) + description : Pre-insalled google fonts - Cabin, Hind, IBM Plex Sans, Josefin Sans, Jost, Lato, Libre Baskerville, Lora, Montserrat, Mukta, Mulish, Noto Sans, Nunito, Nunito Sans, Open Sans, Outfit, Readex Pro, Roboto, Source Sans Pro, Work Sans + type: heading + level: 2 + collapsed: true + - + id: text + title: Text font + description: Font used for paragraph in preview mode + type: variable-text + default: mulish + - + id: text-editor + title: Editor font + description: Font used for paragraph in edit mode + type: variable-text + default: mulish + - + id: font-monospace + title: Monospace font + description: Font used for for code blocks and front matter + type: variable-text + default: menlo + - + id: text-title + title: Header font + description: Font used for titles + type: variable-text + default: mulish + - + id: custom-fonts + title: 6. Typography + type: heading + level: 2 + collapsed: true + - + id: font-normal + title: Body font size + description: Font size in px of paragraphs + type: variable-number + default: 17 + format: px + - + id: normal-weight + title: Body font weight + description: Font weight of paragraphs + type: variable-number + default: 400 + - + id: text-spacing + title: Letter spacing for paragraph + type: variable-text + default: 0em + - + id: line-height + title: Body line height + description: Line height of the main text + type: variable-number + default: 1.5 + - + id: headings + title: 7. Headings + type: heading + level: 2 + collapsed: true + - + id: title-spacing + title: Letter spacing for titles + description: Letter spacing Used for every titles + type: variable-text + default: 0em + - + id: title-accent-color + title: Accent color title + description: Choose the accent color for every titles + type: class-toggle + - + id: title-collapse + title: Collapse indicator for titles + description: Hide collapse indicators + type: class-toggle + - + id: h-reveal + title: Hx activate + description: activate Hx in titles + type: class-toggle + - + id: h-change-color + title: Color of Hx + description: Apply color of bold-italic for Hx + type: class-toggle + - + id: level-1-headings + title: Level 1 Headings + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: true + - + id: h1 + title: H1 font size + description: Accepts any CSS font-size value + type: variable-text + default: 2em + - + id: h1-weight + title: H1 font weight + description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight + type: variable-number + default: 400 + - + id: h1-style + title: H1 font style + description: Accepts normal or italic representing the CSS font-style + type: variable-text + default: normal + - + id: h1-color + title: H1 font color + type: variable-themed-color + format: hex + default-light: '#363636' + default-dark: '#d1d1d1' + - + id: level-2-headings + title: Level 2 Headings + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: true + - + id: h2 + title: H2 font size + description: Accepts any CSS font-size value + type: variable-text + default: 1.6em + - + id: h2-weight + title: H2 font weight + description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight + type: variable-number + default: 400 + - + id: h2-style + title: H2 font style + description: Accepts normal or italic representing the CSS font-style + type: variable-text + default: normal + - + id: h2-color + title: H2 font color + type: variable-themed-color + format: hex + default-light: '#363636' + default-dark: '#d1d1d1' + - + id: level-3-headings + title: Level 3 Headings + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: true + - + id: h3 + title: H3 font size + description: Accepts any CSS font-size value + type: variable-text + default: 1.2em + - + id: h3-weight + title: H3 font weight + description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight + type: variable-number + default: 400 + - + id: h3-style + title: H3 font style + description: Accepts normal or italic representing the CSS font-style + type: variable-text + default: normal + - + id: h3-color + title: H3 font color + type: variable-themed-color + format: hex + default-light: '#363636' + default-dark: '#d1d1d1' + - + id: level-4-headings + title: Level 4 Headings + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: true + - + id: h4 + title: H4 font size + description: Accepts any CSS font-size value + type: variable-text + default: 1em + - + id: h4-weight + title: H4 font weight + description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight + type: variable-number + default: 400 + - + id: h4-style + title: H4 font style + description: Accepts normal or italic representing the CSS font-style + type: variable-text + default: normal + - + id: h4-color + title: H4 font color + type: variable-themed-color + format: hex + default-light: '#363636' + default-dark: '#d1d1d1' + - + id: level-5-headings + title: Level 5 Headings + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: true + - + id: h5 + title: H5 font size + description: Accepts any CSS font-size value + type: variable-text + default: 0.85em + - + id: h5-weight + title: H5 font weight + description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight + type: variable-number + default: 400 + - + id: h5-style + title: H5 font style + description: Accepts normal or italic representing the CSS font-style + type: variable-text + default: normal + - + id: h5-color + title: H5 font color + type: variable-themed-color + format: hex + default-light: '#363636' + default-dark: '#d1d1d1' + - + id: level-6-headings + title: Level 6 Headings + type: heading + level: 3 + collapsed: true + - + id: h6 + title: H6 font size + description: Accepts any CSS font-size value + type: variable-text + default: 0.85em + - + id: h6-weight + title: H6 font weight + description: Accepts numbers representing the CSS font-weight + type: variable-number + default: 400 + - + id: h6-style + title: H6 font style + description: Accepts normal or italic representing the CSS font-style + type: variable-text + default: normal + - + id: h6-color + title: H6 font color + type: variable-themed-color + format: hex + default-light: '#363636' + default-dark: '#d1d1d1' + - + id: credits + title: Credits + type: heading + description: Made by @Thiews to be shared. Support my work at buymeacoffee.com/thiews + level: 2 + collapsed: true +*/ + + + + + + + +/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Icons replacement (icons found in Minimal theme) */ +/* Thanks to Matthew Meyers, Chetachi Ezikeuzor, inspired by Kepano */ + +.tree-item-self .collapse-icon { + width:20px; +} + +.minimal-icons-on .view-action svg, +.minimal-icons-on .workspace-tab-header-inner-icon svg, +.minimal-icons-on .nav-action-button svg, +.minimal-icons-on .graph-controls-button svg { + width:18px; + height:18px; +} +.minimal-icons-on .menu-item-icon svg { + width:16px; + height:16px; +} +.minimal-icons-on .workspace-ribbon-collapse-btn svg { + width:18px; + height:18px; +} + +.minimal-icons-on svg.any-key, +.minimal-icons-on svg.blocks, +.minimal-icons-on svg.bar-graph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.breadcrumbs-trail-icon, +.minimal-icons-on svg.audio-file, +.minimal-icons-on svg.bold-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.italic-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.bracket-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.broken-link, +.minimal-icons-on svg.bullet-list-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.bullet-list, +.minimal-icons-on svg.calendar-day, +.minimal-icons-on svg.calendar-with-checkmark, +.minimal-icons-on svg.check-in-circle, +.minimal-icons-on svg.check-small, +.minimal-icons-on svg.checkbox-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.checkmark, +.minimal-icons-on svg.clock, +.minimal-icons-on svg.cloud, +.minimal-icons-on svg.code-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.create-new, +.minimal-icons-on svg.cross-in-box, +.minimal-icons-on svg.cross, +.minimal-icons-on svg.crossed-star, +.minimal-icons-on svg.dice, +.minimal-icons-on svg.disk, +.minimal-icons-on svg.document, +.minimal-icons-on svg.documents, +.minimal-icons-on svg.dot-network, +.minimal-icons-on svg.double-down-arrow-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.double-up-arrow-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.down-arrow-with-tail, +.minimal-icons-on svg.down-chevron-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.enter, +.minimal-icons-on svg.exit-fullscreen, +.minimal-icons-on svg.expand-vertically, +.minimal-icons-on svg.excalidraw-icon, +.minimal-icons-on svg.filled-pin, +.minimal-icons-on svg.folder, +.minimal-icons-on svg.fullscreen, +.minimal-icons-on svg.gear, +.minimal-icons-on svg.hashtag, +.minimal-icons-on svg.heading-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.go-to-file, +.minimal-icons-on svg.help .widget-icon, +.minimal-icons-on svg.help, +.minimal-icons-on svg.highlight-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.horizontal-split, +.minimal-icons-on svg.image-file, +.minimal-icons-on svg.image-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.indent-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.info, +.minimal-icons-on svg.install, +.minimal-icons-on svg.keyboard-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.left-arrow-with-tail, +.minimal-icons-on svg.left-arrow, +.minimal-icons-on svg.left-chevron-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.lines-of-text, +.minimal-icons-on svg.link-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.link, +.minimal-icons-on svg.magnifying-glass, +.minimal-icons-on svg.microphone-filled, +.minimal-icons-on svg.microphone, +.minimal-icons-on svg.minus-with-circle, +.minimal-icons-on svg.note-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.number-list-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.open-vault, +.minimal-icons-on svg.pane-layout, +.minimal-icons-on svg.paper-plane, +.minimal-icons-on svg.paused, +.minimal-icons-on svg.pencil, +.minimal-icons-on svg.pin, +.minimal-icons-on svg.plus-with-circle, +.minimal-icons-on svg.popup-open, +.minimal-icons-on svg.presentation, +.minimal-icons-on svg.price-tag-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.quote-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.redo-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.reset, +.minimal-icons-on svg.right-arrow-with-tail, +.minimal-icons-on svg.right-arrow, +.minimal-icons-on svg.right-chevron-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.right-triangle, +.minimal-icons-on svg.run-command, +.minimal-icons-on svg.search, +.minimal-icons-on svg.sheets-in-box, +.minimal-icons-on svg.spreadsheet, +.minimal-icons-on svg.stacked-levels, +.minimal-icons-on svg.star-list, +.minimal-icons-on svg.star, +.minimal-icons-on svg.strikethrough-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.switch, +.minimal-icons-on svg.sync-small, +.minimal-icons-on svg.sync, +.minimal-icons-on svg.tag-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.three-horizontal-bars, +.minimal-icons-on svg.trash, +.minimal-icons-on svg.undo-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.unindent-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.up-and-down-arrows, +.minimal-icons-on svg.up-arrow-with-tail, +.minimal-icons-on svg.up-chevron-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.vault, +.minimal-icons-on svg.vertical-split, +.minimal-icons-on svg.vertical-three-dots, +.minimal-icons-on svg.wrench-screwdriver-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.clock-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.command-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.add-note-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.calendar-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.duplicate-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.file-explorer-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.graph-glyph, +.minimal-icons-on svg.import-glyph, 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+.minimal-icons-on svg.sheets-in-box > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.spreadsheet > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.stacked-levels > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.star-list > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.star > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.strikethrough-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.switch > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.sync-small > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.sync > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.tag-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.three-horizontal-bars > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.trash > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.undo-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.unindent-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.up-and-down-arrows > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.up-arrow-with-tail > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.up-chevron-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.vault > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.vertical-split > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.vertical-three-dots > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.wrench-screwdriver-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.clock-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.add-note-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.calendar-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.duplicate-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.file-explorer-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.graph-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.import-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.languages > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.links-coming-in > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.links-going-out > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.merge-files > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.open-elsewhere-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.paper-plane-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.paste-text > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.paste > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.percent-sign-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.play-audio-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.plus-minus-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.presentation-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.question-mark-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.restore-file-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.scissors-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.scissors > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.search-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.select-all-text > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.split > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.star-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.stop-audio-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.sweep > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.two-blank-pages > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.tomorrow-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.yesterday-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.workspace-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.box-glyph > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.wand > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.longform > path, +.minimal-icons-on svg.changelog > path { + display:none; +} + +.minimal-icons-on svg.any-key { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.audio-file { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.bar-graph { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.breadcrumbs-trail-icon { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.blocks { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.bold-glyph { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.italic-glyph { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.bracket-glyph { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.broken-link { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.bullet-list-glyph { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.bullet-list { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.calendar-with-checkmark { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.check-in-circle { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.check-small { + -webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); +} +.minimal-icons-on svg.checkbox-glyph 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