--- Tag: ["Hotel"] Date: 2021-10-06 DocType: "Place" Hierarchy: "NonRoot" TimeStamp: location: [48.874536,2.3562137] Place: Type: Hotel SubType: Atmosphere Style: Trendy Location: GareduNord Country: France Status: Occasional --- Parent:: [[@Hotels Paris|Hotels in Paris]]   `= elink("https://waze.com/ul?ll=" + this.location[0] + "%2C" + this.location[1] + "&navigate=yes", "Launch Waze")` ---   ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-HotelGrandAmourSave   # Hotel Grand Amour   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open Trendy hipster hotel by the Gare de l'Est ```   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Contact   ```ad-address ~~~ 18 rue de la Fidélité 75010 Paris France ~~~ ```   Phone:: <a href="tel:+33144160330">01 44 16 03 30</a> Email:: grandamour@hotelamourparis.fr Website:: https://grandamour.hotelamourparis.fr/   ---   ### Notes   Sister hotel to [[Hotel Amour]]