--- Tag: ["🔖", "🏨"] Date: 2023-12-25 DocType: "Bookmark" Hierarchy: "Root2" TimeStamp: location: CollapseMetaTable: true --- Parent:: [[@Bookmarks]], [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]] ---   ```button name Edit Source parameters type command action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit id EditMetaData ``` ^button-BookmarksHotelsSourceEdit ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-BookmarksHotelsSourceSave   # Bookmarks - Hotels & Restaurants   > [!summary]+ > Bookmark Description   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Hotels   ```dataview table without id file.link as "🏨", Place.Location as "📍", Place.Country as "🌍" from "03.02 Travels" where contains(Tag, "🏨") and Place.Status = "🟥" sort Place.Country asc, Place.Location asc, File.name asc ```   ---   ### Restaurants   ```dataview table without id file.link as "🍴", Place.Location as "📍", Place.Country as "🌍" from "03.02 Travels" where contains(Tag, "🍴") and Place.Status = "🟥" sort Place.Country asc, Place.Location asc, File.name asc ```   ---   ### Review cycle   - [ ] :label: [[Bookmarks - Hotels & Restaurants]]: Review bookmarks %%done_del%% 🔁 every 6 months 📅 2025-06-30