--- Alias: ["Family"] Tag: ["πŸ•΄οΈ", "πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦", "βœ…"] Date: 2021-10-01 DocType: &DT "Task" Hierarchy: Root2 Priority: High Status: Completed StartDate: 2021-10-01 DueDate: 2026-03-31 NextReviewDate: &RD 2025-12-31 TimeStamp: 2021-10-01 fc-calendar: "D2D Calendar" fc-date: *RD fc-category: *DT CollapseMetaTable: true --- Parent:: [[@@Life Organisation|Life Orga]]  
Progress bar
`= "
" + "
" + round((length(filter(this.file.tasks.completed, (t) => t = true)) / length(this.file.tasks)) * 100) + "% completed
" ` ---   ```button name Edit Task parameters type command action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit id EditMetaData ``` ^button-FamilyTaskEdit ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-FamilySave   # Family   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open Task master for everything relating to family. ```   ---   ### Next 5 birthdays   ```ad-bday ~~~tasks not done path includes Family description includes :birthday: limit to 5 tasks sort by due hide backlink hide task count ~~~ ```   ---   ### To-dos   - [x] :family: [[@Family|Family]]: Explore civil procedures to change names (+whether in πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ or πŸ‡«πŸ‡·) πŸ“… 2024-09-15 βœ… 2024-07-25 - [x] :family: [[@Family|Family]]: Explore maintaining in the ANF books πŸ“… 2024-09-15 βœ… 2024-07-25 - [ ] :stopwatch: [[@Family|Family]]: RΓ©parer l’oignon Lip πŸ“… 2025-03-20 - [x] Re-start dialogue βœ… 2021-12-05   ---   ### Recurring sub-Tasks     ---   ### Notes     ---   ### Timeline   ```timeline πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ ```