Alias: ["Finances"]
Tag: ["🤖", "🕴️", "💲", "✅"]
Date: 2021-08-12
DocType: &DT "Task"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
Priority: "Low"
Status: "Not Started"
StartDate: 2021-09-01
DueDate: 2035-12-31
NextReviewDate: &RD 2025-12-30
TimeStamp: 2021-08-12
location: [51.514678599999996, -0.18378583926867909]
Parent:: [[@@Life Organisation|Life Organisation]]
Progress bar
`= "" + "
" + round((length(filter(this.file.tasks.completed, (t) => t = true)) / length(this.file.tasks)) * 100) + "% completed
" `
name Edit Task parameters
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Finances
title: Summary
collapse: open
All things related to personal Finances.
### To-dos
- [ ] :bar_chart: [[@Finances|Finances]]: Re-establish financial plan for 2025 📅 2025-04-30
- [ ] :bar_chart: [[@Finances|Finances]]: Look at deleveraging 📅2025-12-30
**[[@Investment Task master|Investments]]**
not done
path includes Investments
path includes Task
is not recurring
sort by due
hide backlink
hide task count
not done
path includes hLedger
is not recurring
sort by due
hide backlink
hide task count
### Recurring To-dos
- [ ] :moneybag: [[@Finances]]: Transfer UK pension to CH %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2025-10-31
- [ ] :heavy_dollar_sign: [[@Finances|Finances]]: Close yearly accounts %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2026-01-07
- [x] :heavy_dollar_sign: [[@Finances|Finances]]: Close yearly accounts %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2025-01-07 ✅ 2025-01-05
- [ ] :heavy_dollar_sign: [[@Finances|Finances]]: Swiss tax self declaration %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2025-04-29
**[[@Investment Task master|Investments]]**
not done
path includes Investments
path includes Task
is recurring
sort by due
hide backlink
hide task count
not done
path includes Ledger
is recurring
sort by due
hide backlink
hide task count
### Completed to-dos
- [x] [[@Finances]]: Set up 2022 & CHF 📅 2022-01-23 ✅ 2022-01-22
- [x] Set up Investments on [[hLedger]]
- [x] Explore Personal Accounting software
- [x] Consolidate financial views across geographies
- [x] Check [[Crypto Tasks|Crypto assets]]
- [x] :bar_chart: [[@Finances|Finances]]: Re-establish financial plan for 2024 📅 2024-04-30 ✅ 2024-04-15
### Dependencies
%%🔐α GVwoQnHMhoUoG79zYoNrHATnyNt4bJAM3MoU+GZDPV4sv+ymhDKmr+g4lhplMB355WC0u+HJopXDmDyzCTMiLkjmzp0kaMuXNdXV/0leisQ+1BIKkbUu02e4VZvmCPmbajUvffUJvWSrDBYtWF2naicaaZzpUTRfdwkEZcn03ZqhO9Pv/BzrqnYf7VI/PQwmcZkToRe2kEIW34xYzY+gd9lY8ApfehMLWpyBAJCEXTZW6o7T53iPv2iAbj8PA7kzabaYta/MCGtzzSm5rGNYB0w5cE8/353/tQDgPpfakHziHPLingQLsqSZY+4= 🔐%%