
Alias: ["Travels"]
Tag: ["Lifehacks", "Travel"]
Date: 2021-09-21
DocType: "Personal"
 - Task
 - Travel
 - Note
 - Place
 - Product
Hierarchy: "Root"
location: [51.514678599999996, -0.18378583926867909]
CollapseMetaTable: Yes


Parent:: [[@Lifestyle]]




name Create Note
type append template
action NewFile
id CreateNote

name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save


# Folder map

title: Summary
collapse: open
This note enables to navigate in the Travels section and find any Note in this Vault by Note or Tag


style: number




### Master Navigation

1. Travel ideas
	1. [[Jazz Route (US)]]
	2. [[South Africa]]
	3. [[Ethiopia]]
	4. [[Short breaks]]
2. Tools
	1. [[Travel guides]]




### Tag Navigation

	Table without id tags as "Tags" From "03.02 Travels"
	Flatten file.tags as tags
	Group by tags




### Description

	Table without id file.link as "Title", Travel.Country as "Destination", Travel.Type as "Type", Travel.Duration as "Preferred duration", Travel.BestSeason as "Best time of the year" from "03.02 Travels"
	Where DocType = "Travel"
	Sort TimeStamp ascending




### High Level tasks


not done
path includes Travels
sort by due
hide backlink
hide task count



### Recommendations


Dubaï: XVA Art Hotel