--- QPDate: QPcoffeetype: Arabica QProast: QPstrengtg: QPbrand: QPtheme: QPcountry: Alias: ["Coffee"] Tag: ["Morning"] Date: 2021-10-26 DocType: "Personal" ChildrenType: ["Product", "Coffee"] Hierarchy: "Root" location: CollapseMetaTable: Yes --- Parent:: [[@Lifestyle]] --- ^Top   ```button name Create Note type append template action NewFile id CreateNote ``` ^button-CoffeeNewNote ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-CoffeeSave   # Folder map   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open This note enables to navigate in the Coffee section and find any Note in this Vault by Note or Tag ```   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Search [[#^Top|TOP]]   ```button name Search Coffees type command action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit id EditMetaData ```   ```dataviewjs dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/print_coffeesearch", {dateadded: dv.current().QPDate, coffeetype: dv.current().QPcoffeetype, roast: dv.current().QProast, brand: dv.current().QPbrand, strength: dv.current().QPstrength, theme: dv.current().QPtheme, country: dv.current().QPcountry}) ```   ```dataviewjs dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_coffee", {dateadded: dv.current().QPDate, type: dv.current().QPcoffeetype, roast: dv.current().QProast, brand: dv.current().QPbrand, strength: dv.current().QPstrength, theme: dv.current().QPtheme, country: dv.current().QPcountry}) ```   ---   ### Navigation   #### By type [[#^Top|TOP]] ##### Arabica   ```dataviewjs dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_coffee", {type: "Arabica"}) ```   ---   #### By Geography [[#^Top|TOP]] ##### Colombia   ```dataviewjs dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_coffee", {country: "Colombia"}) ```   ##### Brazil   ```dataviewjs dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_coffee", {country: "Brazil"}) ```   ---   ### Tag Navigation [[#^Top|TOP]]   ```dataview Table without id tags as "Tags" From "03.03 Food & Wine" Where DocType = "Coffee" Flatten file.tags as tags Group by tags ```   ---   ### High Level tasks [[#^Top|TOP]]   ```tasks not done path includes 03.03 sort by due hide backlink hide task count ```