--- Alias: [""] Tag: [""] Date: 2022-12-13 DocType: Bookmark Hierarchy: Root2 TimeStamp: location: CollapseMetaTable: true --- Parent:: [[@@Travels|Travels]], [[@Sport Paris|Sport in Paris]], [[@Sport ZΓΌrich|Sport in ZΓΌrich]], [[@Sport London|Sport in London]] ---   ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-Bookmarks-TravelsSportNSave   # Bookmarks - Travels & Sport   > [!summary]+ > Note Description   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Polo   Loret ipsum   #### South Africa ```cardlink url: https://www.jurassicparkpolo.co.za/ title: "Jurassic Park Polo - It's about your game" host: www.jurassicparkpolo.co.za ```   #### Publications ```cardlink url: https://poloplus10.com/ title: "Startseite - POLO+10" description: "In 20 years, POLO+10 has become the most influential and largest polo magazine in the world. Discover our offer in print and online." host: poloplus10.com favicon: https://cdn-gmned.nitrocdn.com/MHPDUwezGBOsXuFDlBKtrvebOfSFIAtk/assets/static/optimized/rev-d1b8060/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/cropped-favicon-32x32.png ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.pololine.com/ title: "Pololine | Home" description: "PoloLine the official site of Polo. Get all the daily polo news with our exclusive tournaments coverage around the world." host: www.pololine.com image: https://www.pololine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/PoloLine-logo2013_black.jpg ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.worldpolonews.com/ title: "Home | WPN" host: www.worldpolonews.com favicon: https://www.worldpolonews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/logo_worldpolonews-225x22523-1.ico ```   ```cardlink url: https://polozone.com/news/ title: "News" description: "News" host: polozone.com favicon: https://polozone.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/cropped-PZ_logo_red_wht-55x55.png ```   ```cardlink url: http://www.polotimes.co.uk/ title: "Polo Times Magazine" host: www.polotimes.co.uk ```   ---   ### Review cycle   - [ ] :label: [[Bookmarks - Travels & Sport]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% πŸ” every 3 months πŸ“… 2025-03-23 - [x] :label: [[Bookmarks - Travels & Sport]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% πŸ” every 3 months πŸ“… 2024-12-23 βœ… 2024-12-23 - [x] :label: [[Bookmarks - Travels & Sport]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% πŸ” every 3 months πŸ“… 2024-09-23 βœ… 2024-09-23 - [x] :label: [[Bookmarks - Travels & Sport]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% πŸ” every 3 months πŸ“… 2024-06-23 βœ… 2024-06-23 - [x] :label: [[Bookmarks - Travels & Sport]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% πŸ” every 3 months πŸ“… 2024-03-23 βœ… 2024-03-22