
cssclass: recipeTable
Tag: ["Computer", "Networks", "Web", "App"]
Date: 2021-08-28
DocType: "Personal"
 - Server
 - Task
 - Note
 - Source
 - Product
Hierarchy: "Root"
location: [48.8570517, 2.3677354]
CollapseMetaTable: Yes


Parent:: [[IT & Computer]]




name Create Note
type append template
action NewFile
id CreateNote

name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save


# Networks


title: Summary
collapse: open
This note enables to navigate in the Self-hosting section and find any Note in this Vault by Note or Tag


style: number




### Master Navigation

1. [[Domains]]
2. [[mfxm Website Scope]]
2. [[Selfhosting|Self-hosting]]
	1. [[Server Alias]]
	2. [[Server Cloud]]
	3. [[Server Tools]]
	3. [[mfxm Website Scope#URL Shortening|URL Shortening]]
3. Tools
	1. [[VPS Console Dialogue]]
	2. [[Configuring Postfix|Postfix]]
	3. [[Configuring Monit|monit]]
	4. [[Configuring Docker|docker]]
	5. [[Configuring Caddy|caddy]]
	6. [[Configuring UFW|UFW]]




### Tag Navigation

	Table without id tags as "Tags" From "05.02 Networks"
	Flatten file.tags as tags
	Group by tags




### TimeStamp check

	Table TimeStamp as "Time Stamp" from "05.02 Networks"
	Where TimeStamp > date(today) - dur(100 years)
	Sort TimeStamp ascending




### High Level tasks


#### One-off
not done
path includes Networks
is not recurring
sort by due
hide backlink
hide task count


#### Recurring tasks
not done
path includes Networks
is recurring
sort by due
hide backlink
hide task count




### Costs

![[mfxm Website Scope#^mfxmWSCost]]
![[Server Alias#^AliasServerCost]]
![[Server Cloud#^CloudServerCost]]
![[Server Tools#^ToolsServerCost]]
![[Server VPN#^VPNServerCost]]

|<mark class="blue">_**Aggregation**_</mark> | One-off Cost | Subscription p.a.
_**Total**_ | *€14.5* | *€140.29*




### Server list

dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_server", {tabletype: "overview", dateadded: "2021"})


#### Servers' technical description


dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_server", {tabletype: "technical", dateadded: "2021"})


#### Server usage


dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_server", {tabletype: "usage", dateadded: "2021"})

