if you want to view the source, please visit the github repository of this plugin
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// main.ts
var main_exports = {};
__export(main_exports, {
default: () => OpenWeather
module.exports = __toCommonJS(main_exports);
var import_obsidian = require("obsidian");
var displayErrorMsg = true;
location: "",
key: "",
units: "metric",
excludeFolder: "",
weatherFormat1: "%desc% \u2022 Current Temp: %temp%\xB0C \u2022 Feels Like: %feels%\xB0C\n",
weatherFormat2: "%name%: %dateMonth4% %dateDay2% - %timeH2%:%timeM% %ampm1%\nCurrent Temp: %temp%\xB0C \u2022 Feels Like: %feels%\xB0C\nWind: %wind-speed% Km/h from the %wind-dir%^ with gusts up to %wind-gust% Km/h^\nSunrise: %sunrise% \u2022 Sunset: %sunset%\n",
weatherFormat3: "%icon% %dateMonth4% %dateDay2% %dateYear1% \u2022 %timeH2%:%timeM% %ampm1% \u2022 %desc%
Recorded Temp: %temp% \u2022 Felt like: %feels%
Wind: %wind-speed% Km/h from the %wind-dir%^ with gusts up to %wind-gust% Km/h^
Sunrise: %sunrise% \u2022 Sunset: %sunset%",
weatherFormat4: "%icon% %dateMonth4% %dateDay2% %dateYear1% \u2022 %timeH2%:%timeM% %ampm1% \u2022 %desc%
Current Temp: %temp% \u2022 Feels like: %feels%
Wind: %wind-speed% Km/h from the %wind-dir%^ with gusts up to %wind-gust% Km/h^
Sunrise: %sunrise% \u2022 Sunset: %sunset%",
statusbarActive: true,
weatherFormatSB: " | %desc% | Current Temp: %temp%\xB0C | Feels Like: %feels%\xB0C | ",
statusbarUpdateFreq: "15"
var FormatWeather = class {
constructor(location, key, units, format) {
this.location = location;
this.key = key;
this.units = units;
this.format = format;
async getWeather() {
let weatherData;
let weatherString;
let url = `https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=${this.location}&appid=${this.key}&units=${this.units}`;
let req = await fetch(url);
let json = await req.json();
let conditions = json.weather[0].description;
conditions = conditions.replace(/^\w|\s\w/g, (c2) => c2.toUpperCase());
let iconName = json.weather[0].icon;
const iconApi = await fetch("http://openweathermap.org/img/w/" + iconName + ".png");
let iconUrl = iconApi.url;
let temp = json.main.temp;
temp = Math.round(temp);
let feelsLike = json.main.feels_like;
feelsLike = Math.round(feelsLike);
let tempMin = json.main.temp_min;
tempMin = Math.round(tempMin);
let tempMax = json.main.temp_max;
tempMax = Math.round(tempMax);
let pressure = json.main.pressure;
let humidity = json.main.humidity;
let seaLevel = json.main.sea_level;
let groundLevel = json.main.grnd_level;
let visibility = json.visibility;
let windSpeed = json.wind.speed;
if (this.units == "metric") {
windSpeed = Math.round(windSpeed * 3.6);
} else {
windSpeed = Math.round(windSpeed);
let windDirection = json.wind.deg;
windDirection = this.getCardinalDirection(windDirection);
let windGust = json.wind.gust;
if (windGust != void 0) {
if (this.units == "metric") {
windGust = Math.round(windGust * 3.6);
} else {
windGust = Math.round(windGust);
} else {
windGust = "N/A";
let dt = json.dt;
let a = new Date(dt * 1e3);
const months1 = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"];
const months2 = ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"];
const months3 = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
const months4 = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
let year1 = a.getFullYear();
let year2str = String(year1).slice(-2);
let year2 = Number(year2str);
let month1 = months1[a.getMonth()];
let month2 = months2[a.getMonth()];
let month3 = months3[a.getMonth()];
let month4 = months4[a.getMonth()];
let date1 = a.getDate();
let date2 = a.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + a.getDate() : a.getDate();
let ampm1 = "AM";
let ampm2 = "am";
if (a.getHours() > 11) {
ampm1 = "PM";
ampm2 = "pm";
let hour1 = a.getHours();
let hour2 = a.getHours();
if (a.getHours() > 12) {
hour2 = a.getHours() - 12;
if (a.getHours() == 0) {
hour1 = 12;
hour2 = 12;
let min = a.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + a.getMinutes() : a.getMinutes();
let sec = a.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + a.getSeconds() : a.getSeconds();
let sr = json.sys.sunrise;
let b = new Date(sr * 1e3);
let srhour = b.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + b.getHours() : b.getHours();
let srmin = b.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + b.getMinutes() : b.getMinutes();
let srsec = b.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + b.getSeconds() : b.getSeconds();
let sunrise = srhour + ":" + srmin + ":" + srsec;
let ss = json.sys.sunset;
let c = new Date(ss * 1e3);
let sshour = c.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + c.getHours() : c.getHours();
let ssmin = c.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + c.getMinutes() : c.getMinutes();
let sssec = c.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + c.getSeconds() : c.getSeconds();
let sunset = sshour + ":" + ssmin + ":" + sssec;
let name = json.name;
weatherData = {
"status": "ok",
"conditions": conditions,
"icon": iconUrl,
"temp": temp,
"feelsLike": feelsLike,
"tempMin": tempMin,
"tempMax": tempMax,
"pressure": pressure,
"humidity": humidity,
"seaLevel": seaLevel,
"groundLevel": groundLevel,
"visibility": visibility,
"windSpeed": windSpeed,
"windDirection": windDirection,
"windGust": windGust,
"year1": year1,
"year2": year2,
"month1": month1,
"month2": month2,
"month3": month3,
"month4": month4,
"date1": date1,
"date2": date2,
"ampm1": ampm1,
"ampm2": ampm2,
"hour1": hour1,
"hour2": hour2,
"min": min,
"sec": sec,
"sunrise": sunrise,
"sunset": sunset,
"name": name
weatherString = this.format.replace(/%desc%/g, weatherData.conditions);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%icon%/g, `
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%temp%/g, weatherData.temp);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%feels%/g, weatherData.feelsLike);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%tempmin%/g, weatherData.tempMin);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%tempmax%/g, weatherData.tempMax);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%pressure%/g, weatherData.pressure);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%humidity%/g, weatherData.humidity);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%pressure-sl%/g, weatherData.seaLevel);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%pressure-gl%/g, weatherData.groundLevel);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%visibility%/g, weatherData.visibility);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%wind-speed%/g, weatherData.windSpeed);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%wind-dir%/g, weatherData.windDirection);
if (weatherData.windGust == "N/A") {
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/\^.+\^/g, "");
} else {
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%wind-gust%/g, weatherData.windGust);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/\^(.+)\^/g, "$1");
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%dateYear1%/g, `${weatherData.year1}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%dateYear2%/g, `${weatherData.year2}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%dateMonth1%/g, `${weatherData.month1}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%dateMonth2%/g, `${weatherData.month2}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%dateMonth3%/g, `${weatherData.month3}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%dateMonth4%/g, `${weatherData.month4}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%dateDay1%/g, `${weatherData.date1}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%dateDay2%/g, `${weatherData.date2}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%ampm1%/g, `${weatherData.ampm1}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%ampm2%/g, `${weatherData.ampm2}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%timeH1%/g, `${weatherData.hour1}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%timeH2%/g, `${weatherData.hour2}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%timeM%/g, `${weatherData.min}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%timeS%/g, `${weatherData.sec}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%sunrise%/g, `${weatherData.sunrise}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%sunset%/g, `${weatherData.sunset}`);
weatherString = weatherString.replace(/%name%/g, `${weatherData.name}`);
return weatherString;
async getWeatherString() {
let weatherString = await this.getWeather();
return weatherString;
getCardinalDirection(angle) {
const directions = ["North", "Northeast", "East", "Southeast", "South", "Southwest", "West", "Northwest"];
return directions[Math.round(angle / 45) % 8];
var OpenWeather = class extends import_obsidian.Plugin {
async onload() {
await this.loadSettings();
this.addRibbonIcon("thermometer-snowflake", "OpenWeather", (evt) => {
const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(import_obsidian.MarkdownView);
if (!view) {
new import_obsidian.Notice("Open a Markdown file first.");
if (view.getViewType() === "markdown") {
const md = view;
if (md.getMode() === "source") {
new InsertWeatherPicker(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat1, this.settings.weatherFormat2, this.settings.weatherFormat3, this.settings.weatherFormat4).open();
} else {
new import_obsidian.Notice("Markdown file must be in source mode to insert weather string.");
} else {
new import_obsidian.Notice("Open a Markdown file first.");
this.statusBar = this.addStatusBarItem();
if (this.settings.statusbarActive) {
if (this.settings.key.length == 0 || this.settings.location.length == 0) {
if (displayErrorMsg) {
new import_obsidian.Notice("OpenWeather plugin settings are undefined, check your settings.", 8e3);
console.log("Err:", displayErrorMsg);
displayErrorMsg = false;
} else {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormatSB);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
} else {
id: "replace-template-string",
name: "Replace template strings",
editorCallback: async (editor, view) => {
if (this.settings.weatherFormat1.length > 0) {
if (view.data.contains("%weather1%")) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat1);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
let doc = editor.getValue().replace(/%weather1%/gmi, weatherStr);
if (this.settings.weatherFormat2.length > 0) {
if (view.data.contains("%weather2%")) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat2);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
let doc = editor.getValue().replace(/%weather2%/gmi, weatherStr);
if (this.settings.weatherFormat3.length > 0) {
if (view.data.contains("%weather3%")) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat3);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
let doc = editor.getValue().replace(/%weather3%/gmi, weatherStr);
if (this.settings.weatherFormat4.length > 0) {
if (view.data.contains("%weather4%")) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat4);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
let doc = editor.getValue().replace(/%weather4%/gmi, weatherStr);
id: "insert-format-one",
name: "Insert weather format one",
editorCallback: async (editor, view) => {
if (this.settings.weatherFormat1.length > 0) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat1);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
} else {
new import_obsidian.Notice("Weather string 1 is undefined! Please add a definition for it in the OpenWeather plugin settings.", 5e3);
id: "insert-format-two",
name: "Insert weather format two",
editorCallback: async (editor, view) => {
if (this.settings.weatherFormat2.length > 0) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat2);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
} else {
new import_obsidian.Notice("Weather string 2 is undefined! Please add a definition for it in the OpenWeather plugin settings.", 5e3);
id: "insert-format-three",
name: "Insert weather format three",
editorCallback: async (editor, view) => {
if (this.settings.weatherFormat3.length > 0) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat3);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
} else {
new import_obsidian.Notice("Weather string 3 is undefined! Please add a definition for it in the OpenWeather plugin settings.", 5e3);
id: "insert-format-four",
name: "Insert weather format four",
editorCallback: async (editor, view) => {
if (this.settings.weatherFormat4.length > 0) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat4);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
} else {
new import_obsidian.Notice("Weather string 4 is undefined! Please add a definition for it in the OpenWeather plugin settings.", 5e3);
this.addSettingTab(new OpenWeatherSettingsTab(this.app, this));
this.registerEvent(this.app.workspace.on("file-open", async (file) => {
if (file) {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2e3));
await this.replaceTemplateStrings();
await this.updateCurrentWeatherDiv();
this.registerEvent(this.app.metadataCache.on("resolved", async () => {
await this.replaceTemplateStrings();
await this.updateCurrentWeatherDiv();
let updateFreq = this.settings.statusbarUpdateFreq;
this.registerInterval(window.setInterval(() => this.updateWeather(), Number(updateFreq) * 60 * 1e3));
this.registerInterval(window.setInterval(() => this.updateCurrentWeatherDiv(), Number(updateFreq) * 60 * 1e3));
async updateCurrentWeatherDiv() {
const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(import_obsidian.MarkdownView);
if (!view)
if (document.getElementsByClassName("weather_current_1").length === 1) {
const divEl = document.getElementsByClassName("weather_current_1")[0];
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat1);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
divEl.innerHTML = weatherStr;
if (document.getElementsByClassName("weather_current_2").length === 1) {
const divEl = document.getElementsByClassName("weather_current_2")[0];
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat2);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
divEl.innerHTML = weatherStr;
if (document.getElementsByClassName("weather_current_3").length === 1) {
const divEl = document.getElementsByClassName("weather_current_3")[0];
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat3);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
divEl.innerHTML = weatherStr;
if (document.getElementsByClassName("weather_current_4").length === 1) {
const divEl = document.getElementsByClassName("weather_current_4")[0];
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat4);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
divEl.innerHTML = weatherStr;
async replaceTemplateStrings() {
const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(import_obsidian.MarkdownView);
if (!view)
const file = app.workspace.getActiveFile();
if (view.file.parent.path === this.settings.excludeFolder)
let editor = view.getViewData();
if (editor == null)
if (this.settings.weatherFormat1.length > 0) {
if (editor.contains("%weather1%")) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat1);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
editor = editor.replace(/%weather1%/gmi, weatherStr);
file == null ? void 0 : file.vault.modify(file, editor);
if (this.settings.weatherFormat2.length > 0) {
if (editor.contains("%weather2%")) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat2);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
editor = editor.replace(/%weather2%/gmi, weatherStr);
file == null ? void 0 : file.vault.modify(file, editor);
if (this.settings.weatherFormat3.length > 0) {
if (editor.contains("%weather3%")) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat3);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
editor = editor.replace(/%weather3%/gmi, weatherStr);
file == null ? void 0 : file.vault.modify(file, editor);
if (this.settings.weatherFormat4.length > 0) {
if (editor.contains("%weather4%")) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormat4);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
editor = editor.replace(/%weather4%/gmi, weatherStr);
file == null ? void 0 : file.vault.modify(file, editor);
async updateWeather() {
if (this.settings.statusbarActive) {
if (this.settings.key.length == 0 || this.settings.location.length == 0) {
if (displayErrorMsg) {
new import_obsidian.Notice("OpenWeather plugin settings are undefined, check your settings.");
displayErrorMsg = false;
} else {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.settings.location, this.settings.key, this.settings.units, this.settings.weatherFormatSB);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
} else {
onunload() {
async loadSettings() {
this.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, await this.loadData());
async saveSettings() {
await this.saveData(this.settings);
var ALL_COMMANDS = [];
var InsertWeatherPicker = class extends import_obsidian.SuggestModal {
constructor(location, key, units, weatherFormat1, weatherFormat2, weatherFormat3, weatherFormat4) {
this.location = location;
this.key = key;
this.units = units;
this.weatherFormat1 = weatherFormat1;
this.weatherFormat2 = weatherFormat2;
this.weatherFormat3 = weatherFormat3;
this.weatherFormat4 = weatherFormat4;
async getSuggestions(query) {
if (this.weatherFormat1.length > 0) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.location, this.key, this.units, this.weatherFormat1);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
this.weatherFormat1 = weatherStr;
ALL_COMMANDS.push({ command: "Insert Weather String - Format 1", format: this.weatherFormat1 });
if (this.weatherFormat2.length > 0) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.location, this.key, this.units, this.weatherFormat2);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
this.weatherFormat2 = weatherStr;
ALL_COMMANDS.push({ command: "Insert Weather String - Format 2", format: this.weatherFormat2 });
if (this.weatherFormat3.length > 0) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.location, this.key, this.units, this.weatherFormat3);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
this.weatherFormat3 = weatherStr;
ALL_COMMANDS.push({ command: "Insert Weather String - Format 3", format: this.weatherFormat3 });
if (this.weatherFormat4.length > 0) {
let wstr = new FormatWeather(this.location, this.key, this.units, this.weatherFormat4);
let weatherStr = await wstr.getWeatherString();
this.weatherFormat4 = weatherStr;
ALL_COMMANDS.push({ command: "Insert Weather String - Format 4", format: this.weatherFormat4 });
ALL_COMMANDS.push({ command: "Replace Template Strings", format: "Replace all occurences of %weather1%, %weather2%, %weather3% and %weather4%\nin the current document." });
return ALL_COMMANDS.filter((command) => command.command.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()));
renderSuggestion(command, el) {
el.createEl("div", { text: command.command });
el.createEl("small", { text: command.format });
async onChooseSuggestion(command, evt) {
this.command = command.command;
this.format = command.format;
const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(import_obsidian.MarkdownView);
if (!view)
if (view.file.parent.path === "Templates")
let editor = view.getViewData();
if (editor == null)
if (command.command == "Replace Template Strings") {
if (this.weatherFormat1.length > 0) {
editor = editor.replace(/%weather1%/gmi, this.weatherFormat1);
view.setViewData(editor, false);
if (this.weatherFormat2.length > 0) {
editor = editor.replace(/%weather2%/gmi, this.weatherFormat2);
view.setViewData(editor, false);
if (this.weatherFormat3.length > 0) {
editor = editor.replace(/%weather3%/gmi, this.weatherFormat3);
view.setViewData(editor, false);
if (this.weatherFormat4.length > 0) {
editor = editor.replace(/%weather4%/gmi, this.weatherFormat4);
view.setViewData(editor, false);
} else {
var OpenWeatherSettingsTab = class extends import_obsidian.PluginSettingTab {
constructor(app2, plugin) {
super(app2, plugin);
this.plugin = plugin;
display() {
const { containerEl } = this;
const abstractFiles = app.vault.getAllLoadedFiles();
const folders = [];
abstractFiles.forEach((folder) => {
if (folder instanceof import_obsidian.TFolder && folder.name.length > 0) {
containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Settings for calling OpenWeather API" });
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Enter Location").setDesc("Name of the city you want to retrieve weather for").addText((text) => text.setPlaceholder("Enter city Eg. edmonton").setValue(this.plugin.settings.location).onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.location = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
await this.plugin.updateWeather();
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("OpenWeather API Key").setDesc("A free OpenWeather API key is required for the plugin to work. Go to https://openweathermap.org to register and get a key").addText((text) => text.setPlaceholder("Enter OpenWeather API Key").setValue(this.plugin.settings.key).onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.key = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
await this.plugin.updateWeather();
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Units of Measurement").setDesc("Units of measurement. Standard, Metric and Imperial units are available").addDropdown((dropDown) => {
dropDown.addOption("standard", "Standard");
dropDown.addOption("metric", "Metric");
dropDown.addOption("imperial", "Imperial");
dropDown.onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.units = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
await this.plugin.updateWeather();
containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Folder to Exclude From Automatic Template Strings Replacement" });
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Exclude Folder").setDesc("Folder to Exclude from Automatic Template String Replacement").addDropdown((dropDown) => {
folders.forEach((e) => {
dropDown.addOption(e.name, e.name);
dropDown.onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.excludeFolder = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Weather Strings Formatting (Up to 4 Strings are Available)" });
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Weather String Format 1").setDesc("Weather string format one").addTextArea((textArea) => {
textArea.setPlaceholder("Weather String Format 1").setValue(this.plugin.settings.weatherFormat1).onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.weatherFormat1 = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("rows", 10);
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("cols", 60);
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Weather String Format 2").setDesc("Weather string format two").addTextArea((textArea) => {
textArea.setPlaceholder("Weather String Format 2").setValue(this.plugin.settings.weatherFormat2).onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.weatherFormat2 = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("rows", 10);
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("cols", 60);
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Weather String Format 3").setDesc("Weather string format three").addTextArea((textArea) => {
textArea.setPlaceholder("Weather String Format 3").setValue(this.plugin.settings.weatherFormat3).onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.weatherFormat3 = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("rows", 10);
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("cols", 60);
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Weather String Format 4").setDesc("Weather string format four").addTextArea((textArea) => {
textArea.setPlaceholder("Weather String Format 4").setValue(this.plugin.settings.weatherFormat4).onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.weatherFormat4 = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("rows", 10);
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("cols", 60);
if (import_obsidian.Platform.isDesktop) {
containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Show Weather in Statusbar Options" });
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Show Weather in Statusbar").setDesc("Enable weather display in statusbar").addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.statusbarActive).onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.statusbarActive = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
await this.plugin.updateWeather();
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Weather String Format Statusbar").setDesc("Weather string format for the statusbar").addTextArea((textArea) => {
textArea.setPlaceholder("Statusbar Weather Format").setValue(this.plugin.settings.weatherFormatSB).onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.weatherFormatSB = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
await this.plugin.updateWeather();
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("rows", 10);
textArea.inputEl.setAttr("cols", 60);
} else {
this.plugin.settings.statusbarActive = false;
containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: `Show Weather in Statusbar and Dynamic DIV's Delay` });
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Update Frequency").setDesc("Update frequency for weather information displayed on the statusbar and dynamic DIV's").addDropdown((dropDown) => {
dropDown.addOption("1", "Every Minute");
dropDown.addOption("5", "Every 5 Minutes");
dropDown.addOption("10", "Every 10 Minutes");
dropDown.addOption("15", "Every 15 Minutes");
dropDown.addOption("20", "Every 20 Minutes");
dropDown.addOption("30", "Every 30 Minutes");
dropDown.addOption("60", "Every Hour");
dropDown.onChange(async (value) => {
this.plugin.settings.statusbarUpdateFreq = value;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();
await this.plugin.updateWeather();