--- Tag: ["🇪🇸", "🌊", "🏇"] Date: 2022-11-06 DocType: "Place" Hierarchy: "NonRoot" TimeStamp: location: [39.613432,2.880353635614984] Place: Type: Region SubType: Island Style: Jewel Location: "Baleares" Country: Spain Status: Recommended CollapseMetaTable: true --- Parent:: [[@Spain|Spain]]   `= elink("https://waze.com/ul?ll=" + this.location[0] + "%2C" + this.location[1] + "&navigate=yes", "Launch Waze")` ---   ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-MallorcaSave   # Mallorca   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open Note Description ```   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Accommodation   [Es Figueral](http://www.esfigueral.com/)   ```cardlink url: https://www.booking.com/hotel/es/son-barcelo-mas.es.html title: "Agroturisme Son Barceló Mas, Campos, España" description: "El Agroturisme Son Barceló Mas, rodeado de jardines y olivos, cuenta con 2 piscinas al aire libre." host: www.booking.com image: https://t-cf.bstatic.com/xdata/images/hotel/max1024x768/46296392.jpg?k=6706c9711f234af72a3fea75b6709cea7b8252df8e64b4938f521dccdb1ec1fa&o=&hp=1 ```   [Can Ferrereta](https://www.hotelcanferrereta.com/es/)   ---   ### Restaurants   ```cardlink url: https://cassaibeachhouse.com/?lang=en title: "Home - Cassai Beach House" description: "Restaurant at the foot of the beach enjoys this beautiful enclave overlooking the island of Cabrera, turquoise waters and that feeling of pure Mediterranean." host: cassaibeachhouse.com image: https://cassaibeachhouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LogoCassaiBeach3_g.png ```   ```cardlink url: https://terraorigens.com/ title: "Terra Origens" description: "Terra Origens" host: terraorigens.com ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.sabotiga-santanyi.com/ title: "Restaurant Sa Botiga Santanyi" description: "Restaurant im Herzen von Santanyi/Mallorca" host: www.sabotiga-santanyi.com ```   ---   ### Palma   #### Restaurants ```cardlink url: https://www.santina-palma.com/ title: "Home - Santina Home" host: www.santina-palma.com favicon: /favicon-16x16.png ```   [Fetching Data#129d](https://www.bunkerspalma.com/)   #### A visiter - cathedral - Palace - Santa Catalina - Carrer de Sant Feliu - Bellver castle - Miro’s studio   ---   ### A visiter     ---   ### Other activity   ```dataview Table DocType as "Doc type" from [[Mallorca]] where !contains(file.name, "@@Travel") sort DocType asc ```