
Alias: ["Equity Investment"]
Tag: ["Wealth", "Equity"]
Date: 2021-08-17
DocType: "Confidential"
Hierarchy: "Root2"
location: [51.514678599999996,-0.18378583926867909]
CollapseMetaTable: Yes


Parent:: [[@Investment master|Investments]]



name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save


# Equity Investments


title: Summary
collapse: open
The note summarises investment made in public Equity.


style: number




### Investment overview


	Table Investment.Ccy as "Currency", Investment.Style as "Style", Investment.Stage as "Stage" from "Investments"
	Where DocType = "Investment" and Investment.Type = "Equity"
	Sort file.name ascending




### Transactions overview


	Table Investment.Ccy as "Currency", Trading.PPrice as "Price at Purchase", Trading.PDate as "Investment Date" from "Investments"
	Where DocType = "Investment" and Investment.Type = "Equity"
	Sort file.name ascending




### Equity investment monitor




not done
path includes Airbus
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not done
path includes Thalès
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not done
path includes Valneva
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