--- Alias: [""] Tag: ["🔖"] Date: 2022-09-29 DocType: Bookmark Hierarchy: Root2 TimeStamp: location: CollapseMetaTable: true --- Parent:: [[@Bookmarks]], [[@Computer Set Up|Computer Setup]], [[Applications]] ---   ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-MacapplicationsNSave   # Mac applications   > [!summary]+ > Note Description   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Bookmarks   ```cardlink url: https://indiecatalog.app/ title: "Indie Apps Catalog: Discover great apps" description: "Discover great apps and support independent development" host: indiecatalog.app favicon: https://indiecatalog.app/static/favicons/favicon.768ec902ad64.ico image: https://indiecatalog.app/static/assets/catalogWideTwitterPreview.314a94f6df9e.png ```   ```cardlink url: https://localsend.org/ title: "LocalSend: Share files to nearby devices" description: "LocalSend is a free, open-source, cross-platform file sharing tool that allows you to share files to nearby devices." host: localsend.org favicon: https://localsend.org/favicon.ico ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.macworld.com/article/675869/how-to-connect-two-or-more-external-displays-to-apple-silicon-m1-macs.html title: "How to connect two or more external displays to an Apple Silicon M1 Mac" description: "Get around Apple's annoying M1 Mac single-display limitation via software and adapters" host: www.macworld.com favicon: https://www.macworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/cropped-macworld-favicon.png?w=32 image: https://www.macworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Connect-two-three-displays-to-M1-M2-Mac.jpg?quality=50&strip=all&w=1024 ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.monduo.co/products/monduo-16-inch-pro-duo-display title: "Most Advanced Tri-Screen for MacBook Pro 16 - Monduo" description: "Mondou is the most advanced tri-monitor setup that instantly adds two screens to any laptop. Our software automatically sync our monitor settings with any built in laptop display." host: www.monduo.co favicon: //cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0682/7914/0630/files/Monduo_Favicon_32x_16bbfff6-4106-4669-bb7b-3b79d12177fd.png?crop=center&height=32&v=1671390276&width=32 image: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0682/7914/0630/products/5.png?v=1670950842 ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.loom.com/ title: "Loom: Async Video Messaging for Work" description: "Record your screen, share your thoughts, and get things done faster with async video." host: www.loom.com favicon: https://cdn.loom.com/assets/favicons-loom/favicon-32x32.png image: https://cdn.sanity.io/images/pvn35iyy/production/38d2b681648b73c67173e22c6775e2a1d50809cf-2400x1254.png?fm=jpg ```   ```cardlink url: https://xournalpp.github.io/ title: "Xournal++ - Xournal++" host: xournalpp.github.io favicon: img/favicon.ico ```   ---   ### Review cycle   - [ ] :label: [[Bookmarks - Mac applications]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months 📅 2025-03-09 - [x] :label: [[Bookmarks - Mac applications]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months 📅 2024-12-09 ✅ 2024-12-09 - [x] :label: [[Bookmarks - Mac applications]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months 📅 2024-09-09 ✅ 2024-09-09 - [x] :label: [[Bookmarks - Mac applications]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months 📅 2024-06-09 ✅ 2024-06-07 - [x] :label: [[Bookmarks - Mac applications]]: review bookmarks %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months 📅 2024-03-09 ✅ 2024-03-08