--- Alias: ["", ""] Tag: ["ðŠī", "ðš"] Date: 2023-10-07 DocType: "Plant" Hierarchy: "NonRoot" TimeStamp: location: CollapseMetaTable: true cssclass: recipeTable Plant: SciName: "Hibiscus syriacus marina" Origin: "India & China" Size: "Up to 3 meters" FlowerColour: ["blue", "red"] FlowerSeason: "July to September" State: "Seasonal" Exposition: "Sun, little wind" Maintenance: "Flower once a week" WinterTolerance: "-15C" banner: --- Parent:: [[@Plants|Plants]] ---   ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-HibiscusSyriacusOiseauBleuNSave # Hibiscus Syriacus Oiseau Bleu   > [!summary]+ >Description   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### ð Summary   | | | | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | | ð **Scientific Name**: | `$=dv.current().Plant.SciName` | | ðš **Origin**: | `$=dv.current().Plant.Origin` | | ðš **Colour**: | `$=dv.current().Plant.FlowerColour` | | ð **Flowering**: | `$=dv.current().Plant.FlowerSeason` | | ð **Plant cycle**: | `$=dv.current().Plant.State` | | ðŧ **Exposition**: | `$=dv.current().Plant.Exposition` | | ðŋ **Maintenance:** | `$=dv.current().Plant.Maintenance` | | âïļ **Winter resistance** | `$=dv.current().Plant.WinterTolerance` | | ð **Growth** | `$=dv.current().Plant.Size` |   ---   ### ð Notes     ---   ### ð History   Bought on [[2023-10-07|7th October 2023]]. Planted in a 8L pot   ---   ### ðļ Pictures   ```gallery path=00.01 Admin/Pictures/Hibiscus imgWidth=100 divWidth=100 ```