- "🤖"
- "🕴️"
kanban-plugin: basic
## Health
- [ ] # Doctor
> [!info]
> Practicians only through health insurance.
The list of practicians can be found [here](https://www.helsana.ch/en/private/services/leistungserbringer-suche.html).
General Practioner: [[Dr Cleopatra Morales]]
Insurance dispatch: [📱](tel:0800800090)
- [ ] # Dentist
> [!info] Doctolib
- [ ] # Optician: [[Ace & Tate]]
### Prices
| | Price in CHF
|**Eye test** | free
|**presc glasses** | 150-250
|** presc shades** |225-300
## Utilities
- [ ] # Wincasa
### Rent payment
💵: CH67 3000 5230 4455 1902 N
🏦: Zürich Lebensvers. AG
### Deposit
💵: CH28 0070 0350 0524 5847 1
🏦: Zürcher Kantonalbank
- [ ] # Energy: ewz
> [!info] Info
> **Frequency**: monthly
> **Approx amount**: 100 CHF
### Bank account
💵: CH97 3000 0001 1568 1994 0
Ref: 00 00002 02831 90030 00181 99386
- [ ] # Phone, TV & Internet: Swisscom
> [!info] Info
> **Payment frequency**: monthly
> **Approx amount**: 58.80 CHF
### Bank account
💵: CH32 3000 0001 8769 3077 7
🏦: Swisscom (CH) Ltd
## Services
- [ ] # Cleaner
> [!info]
> Wednesday every second week
**Patricia**: [📱](tel:+41765336058)
- [ ] # Garage
> 1 tyre: 27.5 CHF
> Storage: 80 CHF per season
[[Rex Automobile CH|Rex Automobile]]
- [ ] # Seamstress
> Shirt button: 4 CHF
> Small jumper hole: 10 CHF
> Big jumper hole: 15 CHF
[[Svetlana Danilova]]
## Wealth
- [ ] # Taxes in Zürich
[Online portal](https://zhp.services.zh.ch/app/ZHprivateTax/)
### Resources
[Wealth Tax in Zürich](https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/Switzerland/Individual/Other-taxes)
## Lifestyle
- [ ] # Polo: [[Polo Park Zürich]]
- [ ] # Polo: [[Son Ginard Polo Club]]
[[Francisco Podesta]]
- [ ] # Polo: [[Iridike Polo Club]]
[[Lucho Irazabal]]
[[Nano Iturroz|Nano]]
- [ ] # Polo: [[Epsom Polo Club]]
[[Callum Anderson]]
[[Ryan Anderson]]
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