
Tag: ["Server", "Security", "Privacy", "App", "Web", "Tools"]
Date: 2021-09-19
DocType: "Server"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
 CPU: 2Core
 Bandwidth: 4TB
 OS: Ubuntu 20.04
 Domiciliation: NL
 Hostname: vm919620.desivps.com
 Host: DesiVPS
 SubDomain: tools
 Capa: 40GB
 Type: SSD
 UsedSpace: 19%
 TimeStamp: 2021-09-27


Parent:: [[mfxm Website Scope|mfxm.fr]]



name Edit Server parameters
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData

name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save


# Tools server


title: Summary
collapse: open
Higher spec server to be set up with docker to host a variety of tools using containers.


style: number




### Server parameters


title: Dashboard access


title: Address
The service will be located under **[tools.mfxm.fr](https://tools.mfxm.fr)** .




### Services


title: Service description
The Tools server will host a variety of tools in docker containers. Several services will aim to service all others and will be installed outside of docker containers.


#### Installed server dependencies

##### Docker

title: [[Docker config|docker]] for non root users
[[Docker config|docker]] predominantly works for the root user. In order to let non-root users instruct Docker, users need to be added to the Docker group:

`sudo usermod -aG docker (username)`

Potentially, the Docker group needs to be defined:

`sudo groupadd docker`

Currently running Docker containers

title:  docker network
ID: 3a4d267e8155e3ff957e15c86360de1431d177b2131455707bea99038f179481
IP: 17.27.37.x


##### Caddy

[[Configuring Caddy|caddy]] is the webserver of choice. Refer to the dedicated note for config and parametrisation.

title: authentication token


##### Security

| Program name | Type | Description
| **fail2ban** | Daemon | Blocks suspicious attempts to login
| **unattended-upgrades** | Program | Enables automatic updates of installed programs and OS
| **logwatch** | Daemon | Monitors activity on server and sends activity logs


##### fail2ban

Classic installation with a dedicated configuration:

`sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.local`

With the following parameters:

>enabled = true
>maxretry = 10
>bantime = 1m


##### Postfix

Mail Transfer Agent. Configuration is standard to allow for emails to be sent by programs / deamons / [[Nextcloud]] or others. Such a [[Configuring Postfix|system]] is required for every server to work correctly.


##### Certbot

Provides SSL certification from **Let's Encrypt**. Installation dependencies are different from Nginx and explained [here](https://linuxhint.com/secure-apache-lets-encrypt-ubuntu/)


##### UFW

Firewall management, see [[Configuring UFW|here]] for more details.


##### Nodejs & Yarn

JavaScript & JS package manager.




#### Dedicated Server parameters

| Service | Used value
**Network: [[Configuring Docker\|docker]] dedicated** | 17.27.37.x
**IP: pw-manager** |
**IP: StandardNotes** |
**IP: Git** |
**IP: Git db** |
**Port: SSH** | 2227
**Port: SN** | 2700
**Port: Git server** | 8087
**Port: Git SSH** | 2228




#### Password manager

[Bitwarden](https://bitwarden.com) is a FOSS enabling self-hosting with a simple deployment through docker/docker-compose.


##### Service parameters (pw-manager)

title: service parameters
**DockerID**: 970b6f4b6150fa03be24287ae29a065c06ff7ed91a3402f8184c8a9aafa5e94d
**DockerName**: bitwarden_bitwarden_1
**Address**: https://pw-manager.mfxm.fr


##### User management (pw-manager)

title: Link
[Admin panel](https://pw-manager.mfxm.fr)

The admin panel needs to be set up with an authentication token and is accessed with the token. User & key management is done from within this panel.




#### Personal notes

[StandardNotes](https://standardnotes.com) is a program enabling self-hosting with a server-side encryption.


##### Service parameters (notes)

title: service parameters
**DockerNames**: api-gateway, auth-worker, syncing-server-js-worker, auth, syncing-server-js, db, cache
**Address**: https://st-notes.mfxm.fr


##### Configuration (notes)

2 files are used to configure the service:



Docs can be found [here](https://docs.standardnotes.com/self-hosting/docker).


##### User management (notes)

No user management per se. .env file allows (or not) to restrict new registration.


###### dBeaver

[dBeaver](https://dbeaver.io) installed to view the database entries. 

title: Tutorial for setting up conmection

Once in the tool, select the data to see and the 'data' pane to visualise the tables.


##### StandardNotes extensions

title: service parameters
**Location**: ~/standardnotes-extensions
**reverse-proxy**: ~/standardnotes-extensions/public
**Address**: https://tools.mfxm.fr/extensions/index.json


StandardNotes has developped extensions to customise both the skin and editor of the app. It is a paying feature normally but can be self-hosted and free.
One GitHub user is offering a [repo](https://github.com/iganeshk/standardnotes-extensions) for extensions that can be cloned and linked to the application. 

* **Configuration file**


* **Repository update**

`sudo python3 build_repo.py` In the main folder.




#### Git repository

[Gitea](https://gitea.io) is a FOSS enabling self-hosting a Git instance similar to GitHub.


##### Service parameters (git server)

title: service parameters
**Docker ID**: b6ec6f3843c3c9afe13215f73e0f8002475a145e33b0f0b555970b7f6f1ae38b
**Docker Name**: gitea
**Dedicated user**: git
**Address**: https://git.mfxm.fr


##### Service parameters (git db)

title: service parameters
**Docker ID**: a06fac3650f8f7dca29b022401a10f63d825283d762306501690e52ab9073d33
**Docker Name**: gitea_db_1


##### User management (git)

User management has not been parametered to exclude new users but an admin panel exists to control and remove users under the admin login.


##### Doc library (git)



##### Utilities

title: Config file


title: email setup
Gitea can work on internal mail points through:
>ENABLED = true
>FROM = (user addresss)
>HOST = (hostname):25




#### Server-side Monitoring

Refer to the [[Configuring Monit|monit section]] for further information on installation and configuration.

List of monitored services:
- System
- Fail2ban
- cron
- Postfix
- docker
	- Bitwarden
	- Mininote
	- Git
	- Git db




### Utilities


#### Cert storage





### Pricing


<mark class="green">Tools Server</mark> | One-off cost | Recurring subscription p.a.
<p style="color:cyan">**Server hosting**</p> | &emsp; | *$60*




### Tasks & Further steps


- [ ] [[Server Tools]]: Backup server 🔁 every 6 months on the 1st Tuesday 
- [x]  Set-up landing page
