
Tag: ["Admin", "Computer"]
Date: 2021-08-15
DocType: "Public"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
TimeStamp: 2021-08-15
CollapseMetaTable: Yes



let subject = dv.page("MRCK").file.name;
let content = dv.page("MRCK").file.body
dv.el("center", '[Send as email](readdle-spark://compose?body=' + encodeURI(content) + '&subject=' + encodeURI(subject) + ')')

await dv.io.load(dv.page("MRCK").file.path);

name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save


# Obsidian plugins


Repository for plugin information.


style: number




### Plugins to watch

- [x] [[Obsidian plugins]]: <mark style="background:grey">Plugin</mark>: crypto lookup ✅ 2022-01-12
- [x] [[Obsidian plugins]]: <mark style="background:grey">Plugin</mark>: fix timetable ✅ 2022-01-12
- [x] <mark style="background:grey">Plugin</mark>: [wordpress](https://github.com/devbean/obsidian-wordpress) ✅ 2022-01-08
- [x] <mark style="background:grey">App</mark>: Obsidian optimisation for iOS ✅ 2021-12-08
- [!]  <mark style="background:grey">Export</mark>: Obsidian -> Email
- [x] <mark style="background:grey">Export</mark>: Obsidian -> Calendar ✅ 2021-12-08
- [x] <mark style="background:grey">Data</mark>: Queries within Tables ✅ 2021-10-23
- [x] <mark style="background:grey">Edit</mark>: Emoji Shortcodes for iOS ✅ 2021-10-23
- [x] <mark style="background:grey">Edit</mark>: Icon plugin for iOS ✅ 2021-10-23
- [x] <mark style="background:grey">Map</mark>: QuickAdd/getLocation for iOS ✅ 2021-12-11
- [x] <mark style="background:grey">Map</mark>: Map rendering for iOS (Leaflet/Map View) ✅ 2021-12-11


[GitHub - Borouch/taskmodoro-obsidian: File based Obsidian task manager with integrated pomodoro timer](https://github.com/Borouch/taskmodoro-obsidian)
[GitHub - remotely-save/remotely-save](https://github.com/remotely-save/remotely-save)
[GitHub - zsviczian/obsidian-codeeditor: Support js and css file editing in Obsidian.](https://github.com/zsviczian/obsidian-codeeditor)




### Dataview





### CSS Snippets

[ITS theme --> table css snippet](https://github.com/SlRvb/Obsidian--ITS-Theme)


[Notation Colour Block](https://github.com/deathau/obsidian-snippets#notation-colour-blocks)

[Realistic Highlights](https://github.com/deathau/obsidian-snippets#realistic-highlights)

[Inline Block Embeds](https://github.com/deathau/obsidian-snippets#inline-block-embeds)





### Advanced Tables





### Buttons





### Emoji





### QuickAdd

