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Today marks the unofficial start of the campaign for the midterm elections. This year’s midterms will be the first major referendum on the Biden era of government — and a test of how much voters want to reinstall the Trump wing of the Republican Party.
On today’s episode, Astead W. Herndon, a political reporter and the host of our new podcast, “The Run-Up,” offers a guide to the campaign. He’ll explore the forces at play in this election and how we arrived at such a fraught moment in American politics.
Background reading:
For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
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It was not Mr. Gorbachev’s intention to liquidate the Soviet empire when he came to power in 1985. But after little more than six tumultuous years, he had lifted the Iron Curtain and presided over the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, ending the Cold War.
Guest: Serge Schmemann, a member of The New York Times’s editorial board.
Background reading:
For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
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In Vancouver, a Canadian city that has been at the forefront of innovative approaches to drug use, a novel and surprising tactic is being tried: It’s called “safer supply.”
Guest: Stephanie Nolen, a global health reporter for The New York Times.
Background reading:
For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
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\n\nThe Mortified Podcast is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX. Bing the series. Check out upcoming Mortified live events in your area.
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This technology is giving employers a means to gauge what their employees are doing and it’s already impacting how much and when people get paid.
Times investigative reporters have discovered that this tracking software is more common than one might think.
Guest: Jodi Kantor, an investigative reporter for The New York Times.
Background reading:
For more information on today’s episode, visit
. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
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\n\nThe Mortified Podcast is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX. Binge the entire series.
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During her time on the throne, which saw the crumbling of the British Empire and the buffeting of the royal family by scandals, Elizabeth’s courtly and reserved manner helped to shore up the monarchy and provided an unwavering constant for her country, the Commonwealth and the wider world.
Guest: Alan Cowell, a contributor to The New York Times and a former Times foreign correspondent.
Background reading:
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