--- QPType: Restaurant QPStyle: QPAmbiance: QPKeyword: QPArea: "" QPStatus: Prospect QPDAdded: Alias: ["London"] Tag: ["🕴️", "🎡", "🏢"] Date: 2021-10-04 DocType: "Personal" location: [51.5073219,-0.1276474] ChildrenType: - Place - Note - Task - Product Hierarchy: "Root" CollapseMetaTable: true --- Parent:: [[@@Life Organisation|Life Orga]] ---   ```button name Create Note type append template action NewFile id CreateNote ``` ^LondonNewNote ```button name Save type command action Save current file color blue id Save ``` ^button-NMSave   # :TpCoatOfArmsOfTheCityOfLondon: Folder map   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open This note enables to navigate in the London section and find any Note in this Vault by Note or Tag ```   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Master Navigation     [[@Restaurants London|🍽]]    [[@Brunchs London|:fried_egg:]]    [[@Café London|:coffee:]]     [[@Sport London|:soccer:]]     [[@Bars London|:cocktail:]]     [[Royal Automobile Club|♣️]]   ---   ### Search   ```button name Search Places type command action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit id EditMetaData ```   ```dataviewjs dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/print_placesearch", {placetype: dv.current().QPType, dateadded: dv.current().QPDAdded, style: dv.current().QPStyle, ambiance: dv.current().QPAmbiance, area: dv.current().QPArea, theme: dv.current().QPKeyword, country: "UK", status: dv.current().QPStatus}) ```   ```dataviewjs dv.view("00.01 Admin/dv-views/query_place", {placetype: dv.current().QPType, dateadded: dv.current().QPDAdded, style: dv.current().QPStyle, ambiance: dv.current().QPAmbiance, area: dv.current().QPArea, theme: dv.current().QPKeyword, country: "UK", status: dv.current().QPStatus}) ```   ---   ### Birthdays   - [ ] :birthday: **Stefan Schmidt**, [[@@London|London]] %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2024-06-29 - [x] :birthday: **Stefan Schmidt**, [[@@London|London]] %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2023-06-29 ✅ 2023-06-29 - [ ] :birthday: **Alex Houyvet**, [[@@London|London]] %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2024-07-13 - [x] :birthday: **Alex Houyvet**, [[@@London|London]] %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2023-07-13 ✅ 2023-07-13   ---   ### Other activity   ```dataview Table DocType as "Doc type" from [[@@London]] where !contains(file.name, "@@London") sort DocType asc ```   ---   ### Tag Navigation [[#^Top|TOP]]   ```dataview Table without id tags as "Tags" From "02.01 London" Flatten file.tags as tags Group by tags ```   ---   ### High Level tasks   ```tasks not done path includes London sort by due hide backlink hide task count ``` [[#^Top|TOP]]