--- Alias: ["Megan Rose", "Boubinou", "Meggi-mo"] Tag: ["Personal"] Date: 2021-10-04 DocType: "Person" Hierarchy: "NonRoot" TimeStamp: CollapseMetaTable: Yes location: Person: LastName: "Condron Keenan" FirstName: "Megan Rose" DoB: 1992-02-28 Address: Phone: Email: Relation: Girlfriend fc-calendar: "D2D Calendar" fc-category: "Birthday" fc-date: day: 28 month: 2 --- %% Parent:: [[@@Life Organisation|Life]] %% Parents:: Siblings:: Spouse:: Children:: ---   ```button name Edit Person parameters type command action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit id EditMetaData ``` ^button-MRCKPersonEdit ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-MRCKPersonSave   # MRCK :hedgehog: :bear: :chipmunk: :two_hearts: :heartbeat:   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open All things Boubinou :fairy: :revolving_hearts: :pisces: :couple_with_heart: ```   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Summary   | | |-|- | **Date of birth** | `=this.Person.DoB` **Address** | `=this.Person.Address` **Phone** | `=this.Person.Phone` **Email** | `=this.Person.Email`   ---   ### Personal details   :secret: %%πŸ”Ξ± okDecUbeyafROs3ED3W/MQPHa8u/PrKQxUzigpBCA0Z9dOkaHOvO7VXQ7QNQP3mJD9ln4b3guGuUENLxDU4X5n9PhIWKeOD0gapN2kaeZLm802bhIfisMRr/vUFUe6a2EAHKL2SMgHZ0clAlJ10T08SdUe4DVunI9T+rafBB0f4Z2rnrN0xMSt4AH11LAX2+1hIHkczCI5qGMWC82cTsXTg2SZIXmvWOiVCEwP7k03mrqTzTNKYcINfwpoVsrA/V6uL88BUx573FnUUvxsx/pcI5pUgJzj3Rr8jmhZOBN4+xmJE0pz/x/szzB5FGwJpege7KD6LTLnBhn6SR2G97IbZHz1pwtI6x2VXyGfDwyQgXzezTnOPXlqS8AAI5ehiXJRwGSPurWfhlbEodzPNQ18HvN/s+nQPZ+s6ZBMGJZTnaQV3FyhJVcLDEHLv2HjXAkezN0QiJEfO5jQdlWxcv1jKFuv42 πŸ”%%   ---   ### Discussions & ideas   Summary notes of discussions and ideas with Meg   #### Travels - [ ] :small_airplane: Horse-riding holiday - [ ] :small_airplane: Ireland   #### Relocation Paris, ZΓΌrich, London **Β£3560** in total contribution to flat (deposit & flat search)   #### Activities - [ ] :horse_racing: animal sanctuary - [ ] :horse_racing: horse riding   ---   ### Misc   **Best decade**: 60s **Florists in London**: Fjura, Still Life ***Le labo***: Another 13 ***Mamma-mo***: Candle Jo Malone Lime, Basil, Mandarine   ---   ### Books   - [[The Fran Lebowitz Reader]]   ---   ### Food   #### Dishes - [[Mushroom FricassΓ©e]] - [[Big Shells With Spicy Lamb Sausage and Pistachios]] - [[Udon in Buttery Tomato n Soy broth]]   #### Snacks ![[Pasted Image 20220130101126.jpeg]]   ---   ### Cadeaux   #### 30th Bday [The best ski resorts in Switzerland | Telegraph Travel](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ski/articles/Switzerlands-best-ski-resorts/) [Murren Switzerland Vacation - Switzerland Beautiful Places](https://www.magicswitzerland.com/destinations/murren/) [MΓΌrren - Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCrren) [10 Ski Areas Near Zurich | Winter in Zurich](https://www.zuerich.com/en/visit/the-seasons-in-zurich/winter/ski-areas-near-zurich) [The 10 best hotels & places to stay in Saas-Fee, Switzerland - Saas-Fee hotels](https://www.booking.com/searchresults.en-gb.html?do_not_redirect_to_sr=1&dest_type=city&dest_id=-2553924&highlighted_hotels=65344&highlighted_hotels=65344&m_pinned=1&origin=hp&hp_avform=1&rows=20&error_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.booking.com%2Fhotel%2Fch%2Fhoteleuropa.en-gb.html%3Faid%3D839822%3Blabel%3Dski%3Bsid%3D132cd9845d3bca6798ff5c43a706510f%3Bdist%3D0%3Broom1%3DA%252CA%3Bsb_price_type%3Dtotal%3Btype%3Dtotal%26%3B&is_ski_area=1&aid=839822&label=ski&sid=132cd9845d3bca6798ff5c43a706510f&sb=1&search_form_id=6eda43eff24b01b4&checkin_monthday=4&checkin_year_month=2022-3&checkout_monthday=6&checkout_year_month=2022-3&checkin=2022-03-04&checkout=2022-03-06&group_adults=2&group_children=0&no_rooms=1&sb_travel_purpose=leisure)   #### Other - [ ] 🎁 πŸ₯˜ Foods & pottering - [ ] 🎁 πŸ«’ good olive oil - [ ] 🎁 β˜• De Longhi coffee (& cappuccino) maker - [ ] 🎁 🧴 Scents & smells - [ ] 🎁 🧴 Nose, Sleeping on the Roof, Floraiku - [ ] 🎁 🏩 Stays - [ ] :gift: :hotel: stay at Le Manoir, Oxfordshire - [ ] 🎁 πŸƒβ€β™€ Activities - [ ] 🎁 πŸ¦“ Animal sanctuary - [ ] 🎁 🦁 Animal holiday - [ ] :gift: πŸ‡ horse-riding holiday - [ ] 🎁 πŸ’ Bijoux - [ ] 🎁 πŸ’ Pascale Monvoisin (Paris) - [ ] :gift: :ring: [Bijou Ours](https://www.tous.com/): [Gold Sweet Dolls Bracelet | TOUS](https://www.tous.com/gb-en/gold-sweet-dolls-bracelet/p/815911150) - [x] :gift: πŸ’ earrings (lou yetu), calepin nrf βœ… 2021-02-28 - [ ] :gift: :womans_clothes: Fashion - [ ] :gift: :womans_clothes: French designer - [ ] :gift: :womans_clothes: Mulberry, black top with pearls - [ ] :gift: :books: Livre - [ ] :gift: :books: mon bel oranger - [ ] :gift: :books: tistou les pouces verts - [x] :gift: :books: The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir βœ… 2022-02-20 - [x] :gift: :books: [[The Fran Lebowitz Reader]] βœ… 2021-12-23 - [x] :gift: :books: Amy Winehouse, beyond black βœ… 2021-12-23 - [x] :gift: livre paris βœ… 2020-12-25 - [x] :gift: [Journal protection](https://www.wayfair.co.uk/home-decor/pdp/house-of-hampton-tamara-book-box-u000526750.html) βœ… 2022-02-20   ---   ### Bague de fiancailles   1. W. Carter & son Victorian 18th century daisy ring   ---   ### Recurring   - [ ] :birthday: **[[MRCK|Meggi-mo]]** πŸ” every year πŸ“… 2023-02-28 - [x] :birthday: **[[MRCK|Meggi-mo]]** πŸ” every year πŸ“… 2022-02-28 βœ… 2022-02-28 - [ ] :birthday: **[[MRCK|Meggi-mo]]'s Papa** (1962) πŸ” every year πŸ“… 2023-02-02 - [x] :birthday: **[[MRCK|Meggi-mo]]'s Papa** (1962) πŸ” every year πŸ“… 2022-02-02 βœ… 2022-02-02 - [ ] [[MRCK|Meggi-mo]] Saint Patrick's Day πŸ” every year πŸ“… 2023-03-17 - [x] [[MRCK|Meggi-mo]] Saint Patrick's Day πŸ” every year πŸ“… 2022-03-17 βœ… 2022-03-17