'use strict'; var obsidian = require('obsidian'); var require$$1$4 = require('path'); var require$$0$5 = require('url'); var require$$0$4 = require('events'); var require$$1 = require('util'); var require$$0$2 = require('stream'); var require$$2$1 = require('fs'); var require$$4 = require('http'); var require$$1$3 = require('https'); var require$$0$1 = require('dns'); var require$$2 = require('os'); var require$$0$3 = require('buffer'); var require$$1$1 = require('zlib'); var require$$0$6 = require('http2'); var require$$1$2 = require('tls'); var require$$0$7 = require('net'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } var require$$1__default$4 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$1$4); var require$$0__default$4 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$5); var require$$0__default$3 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$4); var require$$1__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$1); var require$$0__default$1 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$2); var require$$2__default$1 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$2$1); var require$$4__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$4); var require$$1__default$3 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$1$3); var require$$0__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$1); var require$$2__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$2); var require$$0__default$2 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$3); var require$$1__default$1 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$1$1); var require$$0__default$5 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$6); var require$$1__default$2 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$1$2); var require$$0__default$6 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$7); /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; function getDefaultExportFromCjs (x) { return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, 'default') ? x['default'] : x; } function commonjsRequire (path) { throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + path + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.'); } var source$4 = {exports: {}}; var create = {}; var dist$1 = {exports: {}}; (function (module, exports) { /// /// /// Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const typedArrayTypeNames = [ 'Int8Array', 'Uint8Array', 'Uint8ClampedArray', 'Int16Array', 'Uint16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Uint32Array', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array', 'BigInt64Array', 'BigUint64Array' ]; function isTypedArrayName(name) { return typedArrayTypeNames.includes(name); } const objectTypeNames = [ 'Function', 'Generator', 'AsyncGenerator', 'GeneratorFunction', 'AsyncGeneratorFunction', 'AsyncFunction', 'Observable', 'Array', 'Buffer', 'Blob', 'Object', 'RegExp', 'Date', 'Error', 'Map', 'Set', 'WeakMap', 'WeakSet', 'ArrayBuffer', 'SharedArrayBuffer', 'DataView', 'Promise', 'URL', 'FormData', 'URLSearchParams', 'HTMLElement', ...typedArrayTypeNames ]; function isObjectTypeName(name) { return objectTypeNames.includes(name); } const primitiveTypeNames = [ 'null', 'undefined', 'string', 'number', 'bigint', 'boolean', 'symbol' ]; function isPrimitiveTypeName(name) { return primitiveTypeNames.includes(name); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types function isOfType(type) { return (value) => typeof value === type; } const { toString } = Object.prototype; const getObjectType = (value) => { const objectTypeName = toString.call(value).slice(8, -1); if (/HTML\w+Element/.test(objectTypeName) && is.domElement(value)) { return 'HTMLElement'; } if (isObjectTypeName(objectTypeName)) { return objectTypeName; } return undefined; }; const isObjectOfType = (type) => (value) => getObjectType(value) === type; function is(value) { if (value === null) { return 'null'; } switch (typeof value) { case 'undefined': return 'undefined'; case 'string': return 'string'; case 'number': return 'number'; case 'boolean': return 'boolean'; case 'function': return 'Function'; case 'bigint': return 'bigint'; case 'symbol': return 'symbol'; } if (is.observable(value)) { return 'Observable'; } if (is.array(value)) { return 'Array'; } if (is.buffer(value)) { return 'Buffer'; } const tagType = getObjectType(value); if (tagType) { return tagType; } if (value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Number) { throw new TypeError('Please don\'t use object wrappers for primitive types'); } return 'Object'; } is.undefined = isOfType('undefined'); is.string = isOfType('string'); const isNumberType = isOfType('number'); is.number = (value) => isNumberType(value) && !is.nan(value); is.bigint = isOfType('bigint'); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types is.function_ = isOfType('function'); is.null_ = (value) => value === null; is.class_ = (value) => is.function_(value) && value.toString().startsWith('class '); is.boolean = (value) => value === true || value === false; is.symbol = isOfType('symbol'); is.numericString = (value) => is.string(value) && !is.emptyStringOrWhitespace(value) && !Number.isNaN(Number(value)); is.array = (value, assertion) => { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { return false; } if (!is.function_(assertion)) { return true; } return value.every(assertion); }; is.buffer = (value) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; return (_d = (_c = (_b = (_a = value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.constructor) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.isBuffer) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(_b, value)) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : false; }; is.blob = (value) => isObjectOfType('Blob')(value); is.nullOrUndefined = (value) => is.null_(value) || is.undefined(value); is.object = (value) => !is.null_(value) && (typeof value === 'object' || is.function_(value)); is.iterable = (value) => { var _a; return is.function_((_a = value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[Symbol.iterator]); }; is.asyncIterable = (value) => { var _a; return is.function_((_a = value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[Symbol.asyncIterator]); }; is.generator = (value) => { var _a, _b; return is.iterable(value) && is.function_((_a = value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.next) && is.function_((_b = value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.throw); }; is.asyncGenerator = (value) => is.asyncIterable(value) && is.function_(value.next) && is.function_(value.throw); is.nativePromise = (value) => isObjectOfType('Promise')(value); const hasPromiseAPI = (value) => { var _a, _b; return is.function_((_a = value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.then) && is.function_((_b = value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.catch); }; is.promise = (value) => is.nativePromise(value) || hasPromiseAPI(value); is.generatorFunction = isObjectOfType('GeneratorFunction'); is.asyncGeneratorFunction = (value) => getObjectType(value) === 'AsyncGeneratorFunction'; is.asyncFunction = (value) => getObjectType(value) === 'AsyncFunction'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins, @typescript-eslint/ban-types is.boundFunction = (value) => is.function_(value) && !value.hasOwnProperty('prototype'); is.regExp = isObjectOfType('RegExp'); is.date = isObjectOfType('Date'); is.error = isObjectOfType('Error'); is.map = (value) => isObjectOfType('Map')(value); is.set = (value) => isObjectOfType('Set')(value); is.weakMap = (value) => isObjectOfType('WeakMap')(value); is.weakSet = (value) => isObjectOfType('WeakSet')(value); is.int8Array = isObjectOfType('Int8Array'); is.uint8Array = isObjectOfType('Uint8Array'); is.uint8ClampedArray = isObjectOfType('Uint8ClampedArray'); is.int16Array = isObjectOfType('Int16Array'); is.uint16Array = isObjectOfType('Uint16Array'); is.int32Array = isObjectOfType('Int32Array'); is.uint32Array = isObjectOfType('Uint32Array'); is.float32Array = isObjectOfType('Float32Array'); is.float64Array = isObjectOfType('Float64Array'); is.bigInt64Array = isObjectOfType('BigInt64Array'); is.bigUint64Array = isObjectOfType('BigUint64Array'); is.arrayBuffer = isObjectOfType('ArrayBuffer'); is.sharedArrayBuffer = isObjectOfType('SharedArrayBuffer'); is.dataView = isObjectOfType('DataView'); is.enumCase = (value, targetEnum) => Object.values(targetEnum).includes(value); is.directInstanceOf = (instance, class_) => Object.getPrototypeOf(instance) === class_.prototype; is.urlInstance = (value) => isObjectOfType('URL')(value); is.urlString = (value) => { if (!is.string(value)) { return false; } try { new URL(value); // eslint-disable-line no-new return true; } catch (_a) { return false; } }; // Example: `is.truthy = (value: unknown): value is (not false | not 0 | not '' | not undefined | not null) => Boolean(value);` is.truthy = (value) => Boolean(value); // Example: `is.falsy = (value: unknown): value is (not true | 0 | '' | undefined | null) => Boolean(value);` is.falsy = (value) => !value; is.nan = (value) => Number.isNaN(value); is.primitive = (value) => is.null_(value) || isPrimitiveTypeName(typeof value); is.integer = (value) => Number.isInteger(value); is.safeInteger = (value) => Number.isSafeInteger(value); is.plainObject = (value) => { // From: https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-plain-obj/blob/main/index.js if (toString.call(value) !== '[object Object]') { return false; } const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(value); return prototype === null || prototype === Object.getPrototypeOf({}); }; is.typedArray = (value) => isTypedArrayName(getObjectType(value)); const isValidLength = (value) => is.safeInteger(value) && value >= 0; is.arrayLike = (value) => !is.nullOrUndefined(value) && !is.function_(value) && isValidLength(value.length); is.inRange = (value, range) => { if (is.number(range)) { return value >= Math.min(0, range) && value <= Math.max(range, 0); } if (is.array(range) && range.length === 2) { return value >= Math.min(...range) && value <= Math.max(...range); } throw new TypeError(`Invalid range: ${JSON.stringify(range)}`); }; const NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1; const DOM_PROPERTIES_TO_CHECK = [ 'innerHTML', 'ownerDocument', 'style', 'attributes', 'nodeValue' ]; is.domElement = (value) => { return is.object(value) && value.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT && is.string(value.nodeName) && !is.plainObject(value) && DOM_PROPERTIES_TO_CHECK.every(property => property in value); }; is.observable = (value) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if (!value) { return false; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-extend-native/no-use-extend-native if (value === ((_b = (_a = value)[Symbol.observable]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a))) { return true; } if (value === ((_d = (_c = value)['@@observable']) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(_c))) { return true; } return false; }; is.nodeStream = (value) => is.object(value) && is.function_(value.pipe) && !is.observable(value); is.infinite = (value) => value === Infinity || value === -Infinity; const isAbsoluteMod2 = (remainder) => (value) => is.integer(value) && Math.abs(value % 2) === remainder; is.evenInteger = isAbsoluteMod2(0); is.oddInteger = isAbsoluteMod2(1); is.emptyArray = (value) => is.array(value) && value.length === 0; is.nonEmptyArray = (value) => is.array(value) && value.length > 0; is.emptyString = (value) => is.string(value) && value.length === 0; const isWhiteSpaceString = (value) => is.string(value) && !/\S/.test(value); is.emptyStringOrWhitespace = (value) => is.emptyString(value) || isWhiteSpaceString(value); // TODO: Use `not ''` when the `not` operator is available. is.nonEmptyString = (value) => is.string(value) && value.length > 0; // TODO: Use `not ''` when the `not` operator is available. is.nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace = (value) => is.string(value) && !is.emptyStringOrWhitespace(value); is.emptyObject = (value) => is.object(value) && !is.map(value) && !is.set(value) && Object.keys(value).length === 0; // TODO: Use `not` operator here to remove `Map` and `Set` from type guard: // - https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/pull/29317 is.nonEmptyObject = (value) => is.object(value) && !is.map(value) && !is.set(value) && Object.keys(value).length > 0; is.emptySet = (value) => is.set(value) && value.size === 0; is.nonEmptySet = (value) => is.set(value) && value.size > 0; is.emptyMap = (value) => is.map(value) && value.size === 0; is.nonEmptyMap = (value) => is.map(value) && value.size > 0; // `PropertyKey` is any value that can be used as an object key (string, number, or symbol) is.propertyKey = (value) => is.any([is.string, is.number, is.symbol], value); is.formData = (value) => isObjectOfType('FormData')(value); is.urlSearchParams = (value) => isObjectOfType('URLSearchParams')(value); const predicateOnArray = (method, predicate, values) => { if (!is.function_(predicate)) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid predicate: ${JSON.stringify(predicate)}`); } if (values.length === 0) { throw new TypeError('Invalid number of values'); } return method.call(values, predicate); }; is.any = (predicate, ...values) => { const predicates = is.array(predicate) ? predicate : [predicate]; return predicates.some(singlePredicate => predicateOnArray(Array.prototype.some, singlePredicate, values)); }; is.all = (predicate, ...values) => predicateOnArray(Array.prototype.every, predicate, values); const assertType = (condition, description, value, options = {}) => { if (!condition) { const { multipleValues } = options; const valuesMessage = multipleValues ? `received values of types ${[ ...new Set(value.map(singleValue => `\`${is(singleValue)}\``)) ].join(', ')}` : `received value of type \`${is(value)}\``; throw new TypeError(`Expected value which is \`${description}\`, ${valuesMessage}.`); } }; exports.assert = { // Unknowns. undefined: (value) => assertType(is.undefined(value), 'undefined', value), string: (value) => assertType(is.string(value), 'string', value), number: (value) => assertType(is.number(value), 'number', value), bigint: (value) => assertType(is.bigint(value), 'bigint', value), // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types function_: (value) => assertType(is.function_(value), 'Function', value), null_: (value) => assertType(is.null_(value), 'null', value), class_: (value) => assertType(is.class_(value), "Class" /* class_ */, value), boolean: (value) => assertType(is.boolean(value), 'boolean', value), symbol: (value) => assertType(is.symbol(value), 'symbol', value), numericString: (value) => assertType(is.numericString(value), "string with a number" /* numericString */, value), array: (value, assertion) => { const assert = assertType; assert(is.array(value), 'Array', value); if (assertion) { value.forEach(assertion); } }, buffer: (value) => assertType(is.buffer(value), 'Buffer', value), blob: (value) => assertType(is.blob(value), 'Blob', value), nullOrUndefined: (value) => assertType(is.nullOrUndefined(value), "null or undefined" /* nullOrUndefined */, value), object: (value) => assertType(is.object(value), 'Object', value), iterable: (value) => assertType(is.iterable(value), "Iterable" /* iterable */, value), asyncIterable: (value) => assertType(is.asyncIterable(value), "AsyncIterable" /* asyncIterable */, value), generator: (value) => assertType(is.generator(value), 'Generator', value), asyncGenerator: (value) => assertType(is.asyncGenerator(value), 'AsyncGenerator', value), nativePromise: (value) => assertType(is.nativePromise(value), "native Promise" /* nativePromise */, value), promise: (value) => assertType(is.promise(value), 'Promise', value), generatorFunction: (value) => assertType(is.generatorFunction(value), 'GeneratorFunction', value), asyncGeneratorFunction: (value) => assertType(is.asyncGeneratorFunction(value), 'AsyncGeneratorFunction', value), // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types asyncFunction: (value) => assertType(is.asyncFunction(value), 'AsyncFunction', value), // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types boundFunction: (value) => assertType(is.boundFunction(value), 'Function', value), regExp: (value) => assertType(is.regExp(value), 'RegExp', value), date: (value) => assertType(is.date(value), 'Date', value), error: (value) => assertType(is.error(value), 'Error', value), map: (value) => assertType(is.map(value), 'Map', value), set: (value) => assertType(is.set(value), 'Set', value), weakMap: (value) => assertType(is.weakMap(value), 'WeakMap', value), weakSet: (value) => assertType(is.weakSet(value), 'WeakSet', value), int8Array: (value) => assertType(is.int8Array(value), 'Int8Array', value), uint8Array: (value) => assertType(is.uint8Array(value), 'Uint8Array', value), uint8ClampedArray: (value) => assertType(is.uint8ClampedArray(value), 'Uint8ClampedArray', value), int16Array: (value) => assertType(is.int16Array(value), 'Int16Array', value), uint16Array: (value) => assertType(is.uint16Array(value), 'Uint16Array', value), int32Array: (value) => assertType(is.int32Array(value), 'Int32Array', value), uint32Array: (value) => assertType(is.uint32Array(value), 'Uint32Array', value), float32Array: (value) => assertType(is.float32Array(value), 'Float32Array', value), float64Array: (value) => assertType(is.float64Array(value), 'Float64Array', value), bigInt64Array: (value) => assertType(is.bigInt64Array(value), 'BigInt64Array', value), bigUint64Array: (value) => assertType(is.bigUint64Array(value), 'BigUint64Array', value), arrayBuffer: (value) => assertType(is.arrayBuffer(value), 'ArrayBuffer', value), sharedArrayBuffer: (value) => assertType(is.sharedArrayBuffer(value), 'SharedArrayBuffer', value), dataView: (value) => assertType(is.dataView(value), 'DataView', value), enumCase: (value, targetEnum) => assertType(is.enumCase(value, targetEnum), 'EnumCase', value), urlInstance: (value) => assertType(is.urlInstance(value), 'URL', value), urlString: (value) => assertType(is.urlString(value), "string with a URL" /* urlString */, value), truthy: (value) => assertType(is.truthy(value), "truthy" /* truthy */, value), falsy: (value) => assertType(is.falsy(value), "falsy" /* falsy */, value), nan: (value) => assertType(is.nan(value), "NaN" /* nan */, value), primitive: (value) => assertType(is.primitive(value), "primitive" /* primitive */, value), integer: (value) => assertType(is.integer(value), "integer" /* integer */, value), safeInteger: (value) => assertType(is.safeInteger(value), "integer" /* safeInteger */, value), plainObject: (value) => assertType(is.plainObject(value), "plain object" /* plainObject */, value), typedArray: (value) => assertType(is.typedArray(value), "TypedArray" /* typedArray */, value), arrayLike: (value) => assertType(is.arrayLike(value), "array-like" /* arrayLike */, value), domElement: (value) => assertType(is.domElement(value), "HTMLElement" /* domElement */, value), observable: (value) => assertType(is.observable(value), 'Observable', value), nodeStream: (value) => assertType(is.nodeStream(value), "Node.js Stream" /* nodeStream */, value), infinite: (value) => assertType(is.infinite(value), "infinite number" /* infinite */, value), emptyArray: (value) => assertType(is.emptyArray(value), "empty array" /* emptyArray */, value), nonEmptyArray: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyArray(value), "non-empty array" /* nonEmptyArray */, value), emptyString: (value) => assertType(is.emptyString(value), "empty string" /* emptyString */, value), emptyStringOrWhitespace: (value) => assertType(is.emptyStringOrWhitespace(value), "empty string or whitespace" /* emptyStringOrWhitespace */, value), nonEmptyString: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyString(value), "non-empty string" /* nonEmptyString */, value), nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace(value), "non-empty string and not whitespace" /* nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace */, value), emptyObject: (value) => assertType(is.emptyObject(value), "empty object" /* emptyObject */, value), nonEmptyObject: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyObject(value), "non-empty object" /* nonEmptyObject */, value), emptySet: (value) => assertType(is.emptySet(value), "empty set" /* emptySet */, value), nonEmptySet: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptySet(value), "non-empty set" /* nonEmptySet */, value), emptyMap: (value) => assertType(is.emptyMap(value), "empty map" /* emptyMap */, value), nonEmptyMap: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyMap(value), "non-empty map" /* nonEmptyMap */, value), propertyKey: (value) => assertType(is.propertyKey(value), 'PropertyKey', value), formData: (value) => assertType(is.formData(value), 'FormData', value), urlSearchParams: (value) => assertType(is.urlSearchParams(value), 'URLSearchParams', value), // Numbers. evenInteger: (value) => assertType(is.evenInteger(value), "even integer" /* evenInteger */, value), oddInteger: (value) => assertType(is.oddInteger(value), "odd integer" /* oddInteger */, value), // Two arguments. directInstanceOf: (instance, class_) => assertType(is.directInstanceOf(instance, class_), "T" /* directInstanceOf */, instance), inRange: (value, range) => assertType(is.inRange(value, range), "in range" /* inRange */, value), // Variadic functions. any: (predicate, ...values) => { return assertType(is.any(predicate, ...values), "predicate returns truthy for any value" /* any */, values, { multipleValues: true }); }, all: (predicate, ...values) => assertType(is.all(predicate, ...values), "predicate returns truthy for all values" /* all */, values, { multipleValues: true }) }; // Some few keywords are reserved, but we'll populate them for Node.js users // See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2536 Object.defineProperties(is, { class: { value: is.class_ }, function: { value: is.function_ }, null: { value: is.null_ } }); Object.defineProperties(exports.assert, { class: { value: exports.assert.class_ }, function: { value: exports.assert.function_ }, null: { value: exports.assert.null_ } }); exports.default = is; // For CommonJS default export support module.exports = is; module.exports.default = is; module.exports.assert = exports.assert; }(dist$1, dist$1.exports)); var asPromise = {}; var pCancelable = {exports: {}}; class CancelError extends Error { constructor(reason) { super(reason || 'Promise was canceled'); this.name = 'CancelError'; } get isCanceled() { return true; } } class PCancelable { static fn(userFn) { return (...arguments_) => { return new PCancelable((resolve, reject, onCancel) => { arguments_.push(onCancel); // eslint-disable-next-line promise/prefer-await-to-then userFn(...arguments_).then(resolve, reject); }); }; } constructor(executor) { this._cancelHandlers = []; this._isPending = true; this._isCanceled = false; this._rejectOnCancel = true; this._promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._reject = reject; const onResolve = value => { if (!this._isCanceled || !onCancel.shouldReject) { this._isPending = false; resolve(value); } }; const onReject = error => { this._isPending = false; reject(error); }; const onCancel = handler => { if (!this._isPending) { throw new Error('The `onCancel` handler was attached after the promise settled.'); } this._cancelHandlers.push(handler); }; Object.defineProperties(onCancel, { shouldReject: { get: () => this._rejectOnCancel, set: boolean => { this._rejectOnCancel = boolean; } } }); return executor(onResolve, onReject, onCancel); }); } then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { // eslint-disable-next-line promise/prefer-await-to-then return this._promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected); } catch(onRejected) { return this._promise.catch(onRejected); } finally(onFinally) { return this._promise.finally(onFinally); } cancel(reason) { if (!this._isPending || this._isCanceled) { return; } this._isCanceled = true; if (this._cancelHandlers.length > 0) { try { for (const handler of this._cancelHandlers) { handler(); } } catch (error) { this._reject(error); return; } } if (this._rejectOnCancel) { this._reject(new CancelError(reason)); } } get isCanceled() { return this._isCanceled; } } Object.setPrototypeOf(PCancelable.prototype, Promise.prototype); pCancelable.exports = PCancelable; pCancelable.exports.CancelError = CancelError; var types$1 = {}; var core = {}; var source$3 = {exports: {}}; var source$2 = {exports: {}}; (function (module, exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); function isTLSSocket(socket) { return socket.encrypted; } const deferToConnect = (socket, fn) => { let listeners; if (typeof fn === 'function') { const connect = fn; listeners = { connect }; } else { listeners = fn; } const hasConnectListener = typeof listeners.connect === 'function'; const hasSecureConnectListener = typeof listeners.secureConnect === 'function'; const hasCloseListener = typeof listeners.close === 'function'; const onConnect = () => { if (hasConnectListener) { listeners.connect(); } if (isTLSSocket(socket) && hasSecureConnectListener) { if (socket.authorized) { listeners.secureConnect(); } else if (!socket.authorizationError) { socket.once('secureConnect', listeners.secureConnect); } } if (hasCloseListener) { socket.once('close', listeners.close); } }; if (socket.writable && !socket.connecting) { onConnect(); } else if (socket.connecting) { socket.once('connect', onConnect); } else if (socket.destroyed && hasCloseListener) { listeners.close(socket._hadError); } }; exports.default = deferToConnect; // For CommonJS default export support module.exports = deferToConnect; module.exports.default = deferToConnect; }(source$2, source$2.exports)); (function (module, exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const defer_to_connect_1 = source$2.exports; const util_1 = require$$1__default["default"]; const nodejsMajorVersion = Number(process.versions.node.split('.')[0]); const timer = (request) => { if (request.timings) { return request.timings; } const timings = { start: Date.now(), socket: undefined, lookup: undefined, connect: undefined, secureConnect: undefined, upload: undefined, response: undefined, end: undefined, error: undefined, abort: undefined, phases: { wait: undefined, dns: undefined, tcp: undefined, tls: undefined, request: undefined, firstByte: undefined, download: undefined, total: undefined } }; request.timings = timings; const handleError = (origin) => { const emit = origin.emit.bind(origin); origin.emit = (event, ...args) => { // Catches the `error` event if (event === 'error') { timings.error = Date.now(); timings.phases.total = timings.error - timings.start; origin.emit = emit; } // Saves the original behavior return emit(event, ...args); }; }; handleError(request); const onAbort = () => { timings.abort = Date.now(); // Let the `end` response event be responsible for setting the total phase, // unless the Node.js major version is >= 13. if (!timings.response || nodejsMajorVersion >= 13) { timings.phases.total = Date.now() - timings.start; } }; request.prependOnceListener('abort', onAbort); const onSocket = (socket) => { timings.socket = Date.now(); timings.phases.wait = timings.socket - timings.start; if (util_1.types.isProxy(socket)) { return; } const lookupListener = () => { timings.lookup = Date.now(); timings.phases.dns = timings.lookup - timings.socket; }; socket.prependOnceListener('lookup', lookupListener); defer_to_connect_1.default(socket, { connect: () => { timings.connect = Date.now(); if (timings.lookup === undefined) { socket.removeListener('lookup', lookupListener); timings.lookup = timings.connect; timings.phases.dns = timings.lookup - timings.socket; } timings.phases.tcp = timings.connect - timings.lookup; // This callback is called before flushing any data, // so we don't need to set `timings.phases.request` here. }, secureConnect: () => { timings.secureConnect = Date.now(); timings.phases.tls = timings.secureConnect - timings.connect; } }); }; if (request.socket) { onSocket(request.socket); } else { request.prependOnceListener('socket', onSocket); } const onUpload = () => { var _a; timings.upload = Date.now(); timings.phases.request = timings.upload - ((_a = timings.secureConnect) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : timings.connect); }; const writableFinished = () => { if (typeof request.writableFinished === 'boolean') { return request.writableFinished; } // Node.js doesn't have `request.writableFinished` property return request.finished && request.outputSize === 0 && (!request.socket || request.socket.writableLength === 0); }; if (writableFinished()) { onUpload(); } else { request.prependOnceListener('finish', onUpload); } request.prependOnceListener('response', (response) => { timings.response = Date.now(); timings.phases.firstByte = timings.response - timings.upload; response.timings = timings; handleError(response); response.prependOnceListener('end', () => { timings.end = Date.now(); timings.phases.download = timings.end - timings.response; timings.phases.total = timings.end - timings.start; }); response.prependOnceListener('aborted', onAbort); }); return timings; }; exports.default = timer; // For CommonJS default export support module.exports = timer; module.exports.default = timer; }(source$3, source$3.exports)); var source$1 = {exports: {}}; const { V4MAPPED, ADDRCONFIG, ALL, promises: { Resolver: AsyncResolver }, lookup: dnsLookup } = require$$0__default["default"]; const {promisify} = require$$1__default["default"]; const os = require$$2__default["default"]; const kCacheableLookupCreateConnection = Symbol('cacheableLookupCreateConnection'); const kCacheableLookupInstance = Symbol('cacheableLookupInstance'); const kExpires = Symbol('expires'); const supportsALL = typeof ALL === 'number'; const verifyAgent = agent => { if (!(agent && typeof agent.createConnection === 'function')) { throw new Error('Expected an Agent instance as the first argument'); } }; const map4to6 = entries => { for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.family === 6) { continue; } entry.address = `::ffff:${entry.address}`; entry.family = 6; } }; const getIfaceInfo = () => { let has4 = false; let has6 = false; for (const device of Object.values(os.networkInterfaces())) { for (const iface of device) { if (iface.internal) { continue; } if (iface.family === 'IPv6') { has6 = true; } else { has4 = true; } if (has4 && has6) { return {has4, has6}; } } } return {has4, has6}; }; const isIterable = map => { return Symbol.iterator in map; }; const ttl = {ttl: true}; const all = {all: true}; class CacheableLookup { constructor({ cache = new Map(), maxTtl = Infinity, fallbackDuration = 3600, errorTtl = 0.15, resolver = new AsyncResolver(), lookup = dnsLookup } = {}) { this.maxTtl = maxTtl; this.errorTtl = errorTtl; this._cache = cache; this._resolver = resolver; this._dnsLookup = promisify(lookup); if (this._resolver instanceof AsyncResolver) { this._resolve4 = this._resolver.resolve4.bind(this._resolver); this._resolve6 = this._resolver.resolve6.bind(this._resolver); } else { this._resolve4 = promisify(this._resolver.resolve4.bind(this._resolver)); this._resolve6 = promisify(this._resolver.resolve6.bind(this._resolver)); } this._iface = getIfaceInfo(); this._pending = {}; this._nextRemovalTime = false; this._hostnamesToFallback = new Set(); if (fallbackDuration < 1) { this._fallback = false; } else { this._fallback = true; const interval = setInterval(() => { this._hostnamesToFallback.clear(); }, fallbackDuration * 1000); /* istanbul ignore next: There is no `interval.unref()` when running inside an Electron renderer */ if (interval.unref) { interval.unref(); } } this.lookup = this.lookup.bind(this); this.lookupAsync = this.lookupAsync.bind(this); } set servers(servers) { this.clear(); this._resolver.setServers(servers); } get servers() { return this._resolver.getServers(); } lookup(hostname, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'number') { options = { family: options }; } if (!callback) { throw new Error('Callback must be a function.'); } // eslint-disable-next-line promise/prefer-await-to-then this.lookupAsync(hostname, options).then(result => { if (options.all) { callback(null, result); } else { callback(null, result.address, result.family, result.expires, result.ttl); } }, callback); } async lookupAsync(hostname, options = {}) { if (typeof options === 'number') { options = { family: options }; } let cached = await this.query(hostname); if (options.family === 6) { const filtered = cached.filter(entry => entry.family === 6); if (options.hints & V4MAPPED) { if ((supportsALL && options.hints & ALL) || filtered.length === 0) { map4to6(cached); } else { cached = filtered; } } else { cached = filtered; } } else if (options.family === 4) { cached = cached.filter(entry => entry.family === 4); } if (options.hints & ADDRCONFIG) { const {_iface} = this; cached = cached.filter(entry => entry.family === 6 ? _iface.has6 : _iface.has4); } if (cached.length === 0) { const error = new Error(`cacheableLookup ENOTFOUND ${hostname}`); error.code = 'ENOTFOUND'; error.hostname = hostname; throw error; } if (options.all) { return cached; } return cached[0]; } async query(hostname) { let cached = await this._cache.get(hostname); if (!cached) { const pending = this._pending[hostname]; if (pending) { cached = await pending; } else { const newPromise = this.queryAndCache(hostname); this._pending[hostname] = newPromise; try { cached = await newPromise; } finally { delete this._pending[hostname]; } } } cached = cached.map(entry => { return {...entry}; }); return cached; } async _resolve(hostname) { const wrap = async promise => { try { return await promise; } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'ENODATA' || error.code === 'ENOTFOUND') { return []; } throw error; } }; // ANY is unsafe as it doesn't trigger new queries in the underlying server. const [A, AAAA] = await Promise.all([ this._resolve4(hostname, ttl), this._resolve6(hostname, ttl) ].map(promise => wrap(promise))); let aTtl = 0; let aaaaTtl = 0; let cacheTtl = 0; const now = Date.now(); for (const entry of A) { entry.family = 4; entry.expires = now + (entry.ttl * 1000); aTtl = Math.max(aTtl, entry.ttl); } for (const entry of AAAA) { entry.family = 6; entry.expires = now + (entry.ttl * 1000); aaaaTtl = Math.max(aaaaTtl, entry.ttl); } if (A.length > 0) { if (AAAA.length > 0) { cacheTtl = Math.min(aTtl, aaaaTtl); } else { cacheTtl = aTtl; } } else { cacheTtl = aaaaTtl; } return { entries: [ ...A, ...AAAA ], cacheTtl }; } async _lookup(hostname) { try { const entries = await this._dnsLookup(hostname, { all: true }); return { entries, cacheTtl: 0 }; } catch (_) { return { entries: [], cacheTtl: 0 }; } } async _set(hostname, data, cacheTtl) { if (this.maxTtl > 0 && cacheTtl > 0) { cacheTtl = Math.min(cacheTtl, this.maxTtl) * 1000; data[kExpires] = Date.now() + cacheTtl; try { await this._cache.set(hostname, data, cacheTtl); } catch (error) { this.lookupAsync = async () => { const cacheError = new Error('Cache Error. Please recreate the CacheableLookup instance.'); cacheError.cause = error; throw cacheError; }; } if (isIterable(this._cache)) { this._tick(cacheTtl); } } } async queryAndCache(hostname) { if (this._hostnamesToFallback.has(hostname)) { return this._dnsLookup(hostname, all); } let query = await this._resolve(hostname); if (query.entries.length === 0 && this._fallback) { query = await this._lookup(hostname); if (query.entries.length !== 0) { // Use `dns.lookup(...)` for that particular hostname this._hostnamesToFallback.add(hostname); } } const cacheTtl = query.entries.length === 0 ? this.errorTtl : query.cacheTtl; await this._set(hostname, query.entries, cacheTtl); return query.entries; } _tick(ms) { const nextRemovalTime = this._nextRemovalTime; if (!nextRemovalTime || ms < nextRemovalTime) { clearTimeout(this._removalTimeout); this._nextRemovalTime = ms; this._removalTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this._nextRemovalTime = false; let nextExpiry = Infinity; const now = Date.now(); for (const [hostname, entries] of this._cache) { const expires = entries[kExpires]; if (now >= expires) { this._cache.delete(hostname); } else if (expires < nextExpiry) { nextExpiry = expires; } } if (nextExpiry !== Infinity) { this._tick(nextExpiry - now); } }, ms); /* istanbul ignore next: There is no `timeout.unref()` when running inside an Electron renderer */ if (this._removalTimeout.unref) { this._removalTimeout.unref(); } } } install(agent) { verifyAgent(agent); if (kCacheableLookupCreateConnection in agent) { throw new Error('CacheableLookup has been already installed'); } agent[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection] = agent.createConnection; agent[kCacheableLookupInstance] = this; agent.createConnection = (options, callback) => { if (!('lookup' in options)) { options.lookup = this.lookup; } return agent[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection](options, callback); }; } uninstall(agent) { verifyAgent(agent); if (agent[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection]) { if (agent[kCacheableLookupInstance] !== this) { throw new Error('The agent is not owned by this CacheableLookup instance'); } agent.createConnection = agent[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection]; delete agent[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection]; delete agent[kCacheableLookupInstance]; } } updateInterfaceInfo() { const {_iface} = this; this._iface = getIfaceInfo(); if ((_iface.has4 && !this._iface.has4) || (_iface.has6 && !this._iface.has6)) { this._cache.clear(); } } clear(hostname) { if (hostname) { this._cache.delete(hostname); return; } this._cache.clear(); } } source$1.exports = CacheableLookup; source$1.exports.default = CacheableLookup; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Data_URIs const DATA_URL_DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE = 'text/plain'; const DATA_URL_DEFAULT_CHARSET = 'us-ascii'; const testParameter = (name, filters) => { return filters.some(filter => filter instanceof RegExp ? filter.test(name) : filter === name); }; const normalizeDataURL = (urlString, {stripHash}) => { const match = /^data:(?[^,]*?),(?[^#]*?)(?:#(?.*))?$/.exec(urlString); if (!match) { throw new Error(`Invalid URL: ${urlString}`); } let {type, data, hash} = match.groups; const mediaType = type.split(';'); hash = stripHash ? '' : hash; let isBase64 = false; if (mediaType[mediaType.length - 1] === 'base64') { mediaType.pop(); isBase64 = true; } // Lowercase MIME type const mimeType = (mediaType.shift() || '').toLowerCase(); const attributes = mediaType .map(attribute => { let [key, value = ''] = attribute.split('=').map(string => string.trim()); // Lowercase `charset` if (key === 'charset') { value = value.toLowerCase(); if (value === DATA_URL_DEFAULT_CHARSET) { return ''; } } return `${key}${value ? `=${value}` : ''}`; }) .filter(Boolean); const normalizedMediaType = [ ...attributes ]; if (isBase64) { normalizedMediaType.push('base64'); } if (normalizedMediaType.length !== 0 || (mimeType && mimeType !== DATA_URL_DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE)) { normalizedMediaType.unshift(mimeType); } return `data:${normalizedMediaType.join(';')},${isBase64 ? data.trim() : data}${hash ? `#${hash}` : ''}`; }; const normalizeUrl$1 = (urlString, options) => { options = { defaultProtocol: 'http:', normalizeProtocol: true, forceHttp: false, forceHttps: false, stripAuthentication: true, stripHash: false, stripTextFragment: true, stripWWW: true, removeQueryParameters: [/^utm_\w+/i], removeTrailingSlash: true, removeSingleSlash: true, removeDirectoryIndex: false, sortQueryParameters: true, ...options }; urlString = urlString.trim(); // Data URL if (/^data:/i.test(urlString)) { return normalizeDataURL(urlString, options); } if (/^view-source:/i.test(urlString)) { throw new Error('`view-source:` is not supported as it is a non-standard protocol'); } const hasRelativeProtocol = urlString.startsWith('//'); const isRelativeUrl = !hasRelativeProtocol && /^\.*\//.test(urlString); // Prepend protocol if (!isRelativeUrl) { urlString = urlString.replace(/^(?!(?:\w+:)?\/\/)|^\/\//, options.defaultProtocol); } const urlObj = new URL(urlString); if (options.forceHttp && options.forceHttps) { throw new Error('The `forceHttp` and `forceHttps` options cannot be used together'); } if (options.forceHttp && urlObj.protocol === 'https:') { urlObj.protocol = 'http:'; } if (options.forceHttps && urlObj.protocol === 'http:') { urlObj.protocol = 'https:'; } // Remove auth if (options.stripAuthentication) { urlObj.username = ''; urlObj.password = ''; } // Remove hash if (options.stripHash) { urlObj.hash = ''; } else if (options.stripTextFragment) { urlObj.hash = urlObj.hash.replace(/#?:~:text.*?$/i, ''); } // Remove duplicate slashes if not preceded by a protocol if (urlObj.pathname) { urlObj.pathname = urlObj.pathname.replace(/(? 0) { let pathComponents = urlObj.pathname.split('/'); const lastComponent = pathComponents[pathComponents.length - 1]; if (testParameter(lastComponent, options.removeDirectoryIndex)) { pathComponents = pathComponents.slice(0, pathComponents.length - 1); urlObj.pathname = pathComponents.slice(1).join('/') + '/'; } } if (urlObj.hostname) { // Remove trailing dot urlObj.hostname = urlObj.hostname.replace(/\.$/, ''); // Remove `www.` if (options.stripWWW && /^www\.(?!www\.)(?:[a-z\-\d]{1,63})\.(?:[a-z.\-\d]{2,63})$/.test(urlObj.hostname)) { // Each label should be max 63 at length (min: 1). // Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname#Restrictions_on_valid_host_names // Each TLD should be up to 63 characters long (min: 2). // It is technically possible to have a single character TLD, but none currently exist. urlObj.hostname = urlObj.hostname.replace(/^www\./, ''); } } // Remove query unwanted parameters if (Array.isArray(options.removeQueryParameters)) { for (const key of [...urlObj.searchParams.keys()]) { if (testParameter(key, options.removeQueryParameters)) { urlObj.searchParams.delete(key); } } } if (options.removeQueryParameters === true) { urlObj.search = ''; } // Sort query parameters if (options.sortQueryParameters) { urlObj.searchParams.sort(); } if (options.removeTrailingSlash) { urlObj.pathname = urlObj.pathname.replace(/\/$/, ''); } const oldUrlString = urlString; // Take advantage of many of the Node `url` normalizations urlString = urlObj.toString(); if (!options.removeSingleSlash && urlObj.pathname === '/' && !oldUrlString.endsWith('/') && urlObj.hash === '') { urlString = urlString.replace(/\/$/, ''); } // Remove ending `/` unless removeSingleSlash is false if ((options.removeTrailingSlash || urlObj.pathname === '/') && urlObj.hash === '' && options.removeSingleSlash) { urlString = urlString.replace(/\/$/, ''); } // Restore relative protocol, if applicable if (hasRelativeProtocol && !options.normalizeProtocol) { urlString = urlString.replace(/^http:\/\//, '//'); } // Remove http/https if (options.stripProtocol) { urlString = urlString.replace(/^(?:https?:)?\/\//, ''); } return urlString; }; var normalizeUrl_1 = normalizeUrl$1; var getStream$2 = {exports: {}}; var once$3 = {exports: {}}; // Returns a wrapper function that returns a wrapped callback // The wrapper function should do some stuff, and return a // presumably different callback function. // This makes sure that own properties are retained, so that // decorations and such are not lost along the way. var wrappy_1 = wrappy$1; function wrappy$1 (fn, cb) { if (fn && cb) return wrappy$1(fn)(cb) if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError('need wrapper function') Object.keys(fn).forEach(function (k) { wrapper[k] = fn[k]; }); return wrapper function wrapper() { var args = new Array(arguments.length); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } var ret = fn.apply(this, args); var cb = args[args.length-1]; if (typeof ret === 'function' && ret !== cb) { Object.keys(cb).forEach(function (k) { ret[k] = cb[k]; }); } return ret } } var wrappy = wrappy_1; once$3.exports = wrappy(once$2); once$3.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict); once$2.proto = once$2(function () { Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { value: function () { return once$2(this) }, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { value: function () { return onceStrict(this) }, configurable: true }); }); function once$2 (fn) { var f = function () { if (f.called) return f.value f.called = true; return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) }; f.called = false; return f } function onceStrict (fn) { var f = function () { if (f.called) throw new Error(f.onceError) f.called = true; return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) }; var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`'; f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once"; f.called = false; return f } var once$1 = once$3.exports; var noop$2 = function() {}; var isRequest$1 = function(stream) { return stream.setHeader && typeof stream.abort === 'function'; }; var isChildProcess = function(stream) { return stream.stdio && Array.isArray(stream.stdio) && stream.stdio.length === 3 }; var eos$1 = function(stream, opts, callback) { if (typeof opts === 'function') return eos$1(stream, null, opts); if (!opts) opts = {}; callback = once$1(callback || noop$2); var ws = stream._writableState; var rs = stream._readableState; var readable = opts.readable || (opts.readable !== false && stream.readable); var writable = opts.writable || (opts.writable !== false && stream.writable); var cancelled = false; var onlegacyfinish = function() { if (!stream.writable) onfinish(); }; var onfinish = function() { writable = false; if (!readable) callback.call(stream); }; var onend = function() { readable = false; if (!writable) callback.call(stream); }; var onexit = function(exitCode) { callback.call(stream, exitCode ? new Error('exited with error code: ' + exitCode) : null); }; var onerror = function(err) { callback.call(stream, err); }; var onclose = function() { process.nextTick(onclosenexttick); }; var onclosenexttick = function() { if (cancelled) return; if (readable && !(rs && (rs.ended && !rs.destroyed))) return callback.call(stream, new Error('premature close')); if (writable && !(ws && (ws.ended && !ws.destroyed))) return callback.call(stream, new Error('premature close')); }; var onrequest = function() { stream.req.on('finish', onfinish); }; if (isRequest$1(stream)) { stream.on('complete', onfinish); stream.on('abort', onclose); if (stream.req) onrequest(); else stream.on('request', onrequest); } else if (writable && !ws) { // legacy streams stream.on('end', onlegacyfinish); stream.on('close', onlegacyfinish); } if (isChildProcess(stream)) stream.on('exit', onexit); stream.on('end', onend); stream.on('finish', onfinish); if (opts.error !== false) stream.on('error', onerror); stream.on('close', onclose); return function() { cancelled = true; stream.removeListener('complete', onfinish); stream.removeListener('abort', onclose); stream.removeListener('request', onrequest); if (stream.req) stream.req.removeListener('finish', onfinish); stream.removeListener('end', onlegacyfinish); stream.removeListener('close', onlegacyfinish); stream.removeListener('finish', onfinish); stream.removeListener('exit', onexit); stream.removeListener('end', onend); stream.removeListener('error', onerror); stream.removeListener('close', onclose); }; }; var endOfStream = eos$1; var once = once$3.exports; var eos = endOfStream; var fs = require$$2__default$1["default"]; // we only need fs to get the ReadStream and WriteStream prototypes var noop$1 = function () {}; var ancient = /^v?\.0/.test(process.version); var isFn = function (fn) { return typeof fn === 'function' }; var isFS = function (stream) { if (!ancient) return false // newer node version do not need to care about fs is a special way if (!fs) return false // browser return (stream instanceof (fs.ReadStream || noop$1) || stream instanceof (fs.WriteStream || noop$1)) && isFn(stream.close) }; var isRequest = function (stream) { return stream.setHeader && isFn(stream.abort) }; var destroyer = function (stream, reading, writing, callback) { callback = once(callback); var closed = false; stream.on('close', function () { closed = true; }); eos(stream, {readable: reading, writable: writing}, function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) closed = true; callback(); }); var destroyed = false; return function (err) { if (closed) return if (destroyed) return destroyed = true; if (isFS(stream)) return stream.close(noop$1) // use close for fs streams to avoid fd leaks if (isRequest(stream)) return stream.abort() // request.destroy just do .end - .abort is what we want if (isFn(stream.destroy)) return stream.destroy() callback(err || new Error('stream was destroyed')); } }; var call = function (fn) { fn(); }; var pipe = function (from, to) { return from.pipe(to) }; var pump$1 = function () { var streams = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var callback = isFn(streams[streams.length - 1] || noop$1) && streams.pop() || noop$1; if (Array.isArray(streams[0])) streams = streams[0]; if (streams.length < 2) throw new Error('pump requires two streams per minimum') var error; var destroys = streams.map(function (stream, i) { var reading = i < streams.length - 1; var writing = i > 0; return destroyer(stream, reading, writing, function (err) { if (!error) error = err; if (err) destroys.forEach(call); if (reading) return destroys.forEach(call); callback(error); }) }); return streams.reduce(pipe) }; var pump_1 = pump$1; const {PassThrough: PassThroughStream} = require$$0__default$1["default"]; var bufferStream$1 = options => { options = {...options}; const {array} = options; let {encoding} = options; const isBuffer = encoding === 'buffer'; let objectMode = false; if (array) { objectMode = !(encoding || isBuffer); } else { encoding = encoding || 'utf8'; } if (isBuffer) { encoding = null; } const stream = new PassThroughStream({objectMode}); if (encoding) { stream.setEncoding(encoding); } let length = 0; const chunks = []; stream.on('data', chunk => { chunks.push(chunk); if (objectMode) { length = chunks.length; } else { length += chunk.length; } }); stream.getBufferedValue = () => { if (array) { return chunks; } return isBuffer ? Buffer.concat(chunks, length) : chunks.join(''); }; stream.getBufferedLength = () => length; return stream; }; const {constants: BufferConstants} = require$$0__default$2["default"]; const pump = pump_1; const bufferStream = bufferStream$1; class MaxBufferError extends Error { constructor() { super('maxBuffer exceeded'); this.name = 'MaxBufferError'; } } async function getStream$1(inputStream, options) { if (!inputStream) { return Promise.reject(new Error('Expected a stream')); } options = { maxBuffer: Infinity, ...options }; const {maxBuffer} = options; let stream; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const rejectPromise = error => { // Don't retrieve an oversized buffer. if (error && stream.getBufferedLength() <= BufferConstants.MAX_LENGTH) { error.bufferedData = stream.getBufferedValue(); } reject(error); }; stream = pump(inputStream, bufferStream(options), error => { if (error) { rejectPromise(error); return; } resolve(); }); stream.on('data', () => { if (stream.getBufferedLength() > maxBuffer) { rejectPromise(new MaxBufferError()); } }); }); return stream.getBufferedValue(); } getStream$2.exports = getStream$1; // TODO: Remove this for the next major release getStream$2.exports.default = getStream$1; getStream$2.exports.buffer = (stream, options) => getStream$1(stream, {...options, encoding: 'buffer'}); getStream$2.exports.array = (stream, options) => getStream$1(stream, {...options, array: true}); getStream$2.exports.MaxBufferError = MaxBufferError; // rfc7231 6.1 const statusCodeCacheableByDefault = new Set([ 200, 203, 204, 206, 300, 301, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501, ]); // This implementation does not understand partial responses (206) const understoodStatuses = new Set([ 200, 203, 204, 300, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501, ]); const errorStatusCodes = new Set([ 500, 502, 503, 504, ]); const hopByHopHeaders = { date: true, // included, because we add Age update Date connection: true, 'keep-alive': true, 'proxy-authenticate': true, 'proxy-authorization': true, te: true, trailer: true, 'transfer-encoding': true, upgrade: true, }; const excludedFromRevalidationUpdate = { // Since the old body is reused, it doesn't make sense to change properties of the body 'content-length': true, 'content-encoding': true, 'transfer-encoding': true, 'content-range': true, }; function toNumberOrZero(s) { const n = parseInt(s, 10); return isFinite(n) ? n : 0; } // RFC 5861 function isErrorResponse(response) { // consider undefined response as faulty if(!response) { return true } return errorStatusCodes.has(response.status); } function parseCacheControl(header) { const cc = {}; if (!header) return cc; // TODO: When there is more than one value present for a given directive (e.g., two Expires header fields, multiple Cache-Control: max-age directives), // the directive's value is considered invalid. Caches are encouraged to consider responses that have invalid freshness information to be stale const parts = header.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/); // TODO: lame parsing for (const part of parts) { const [k, v] = part.split(/\s*=\s*/, 2); cc[k] = v === undefined ? true : v.replace(/^"|"$/g, ''); // TODO: lame unquoting } return cc; } function formatCacheControl(cc) { let parts = []; for (const k in cc) { const v = cc[k]; parts.push(v === true ? k : k + '=' + v); } if (!parts.length) { return undefined; } return parts.join(', '); } var httpCacheSemantics = class CachePolicy { constructor( req, res, { shared, cacheHeuristic, immutableMinTimeToLive, ignoreCargoCult, _fromObject, } = {} ) { if (_fromObject) { this._fromObject(_fromObject); return; } if (!res || !res.headers) { throw Error('Response headers missing'); } this._assertRequestHasHeaders(req); this._responseTime = this.now(); this._isShared = shared !== false; this._cacheHeuristic = undefined !== cacheHeuristic ? cacheHeuristic : 0.1; // 10% matches IE this._immutableMinTtl = undefined !== immutableMinTimeToLive ? immutableMinTimeToLive : 24 * 3600 * 1000; this._status = 'status' in res ? res.status : 200; this._resHeaders = res.headers; this._rescc = parseCacheControl(res.headers['cache-control']); this._method = 'method' in req ? req.method : 'GET'; this._url = req.url; this._host = req.headers.host; this._noAuthorization = !req.headers.authorization; this._reqHeaders = res.headers.vary ? req.headers : null; // Don't keep all request headers if they won't be used this._reqcc = parseCacheControl(req.headers['cache-control']); // Assume that if someone uses legacy, non-standard uncecessary options they don't understand caching, // so there's no point stricly adhering to the blindly copy&pasted directives. if ( ignoreCargoCult && 'pre-check' in this._rescc && 'post-check' in this._rescc ) { delete this._rescc['pre-check']; delete this._rescc['post-check']; delete this._rescc['no-cache']; delete this._rescc['no-store']; delete this._rescc['must-revalidate']; this._resHeaders = Object.assign({}, this._resHeaders, { 'cache-control': formatCacheControl(this._rescc), }); delete this._resHeaders.expires; delete this._resHeaders.pragma; } // When the Cache-Control header field is not present in a request, caches MUST consider the no-cache request pragma-directive // as having the same effect as if "Cache-Control: no-cache" were present (see Section 5.2.1). if ( res.headers['cache-control'] == null && /no-cache/.test(res.headers.pragma) ) { this._rescc['no-cache'] = true; } } now() { return Date.now(); } storable() { // The "no-store" request directive indicates that a cache MUST NOT store any part of either this request or any response to it. return !!( !this._reqcc['no-store'] && // A cache MUST NOT store a response to any request, unless: // The request method is understood by the cache and defined as being cacheable, and ('GET' === this._method || 'HEAD' === this._method || ('POST' === this._method && this._hasExplicitExpiration())) && // the response status code is understood by the cache, and understoodStatuses.has(this._status) && // the "no-store" cache directive does not appear in request or response header fields, and !this._rescc['no-store'] && // the "private" response directive does not appear in the response, if the cache is shared, and (!this._isShared || !this._rescc.private) && // the Authorization header field does not appear in the request, if the cache is shared, (!this._isShared || this._noAuthorization || this._allowsStoringAuthenticated()) && // the response either: // contains an Expires header field, or (this._resHeaders.expires || // contains a max-age response directive, or // contains a s-maxage response directive and the cache is shared, or // contains a public response directive. this._rescc['max-age'] || (this._isShared && this._rescc['s-maxage']) || this._rescc.public || // has a status code that is defined as cacheable by default statusCodeCacheableByDefault.has(this._status)) ); } _hasExplicitExpiration() { // 4.2.1 Calculating Freshness Lifetime return ( (this._isShared && this._rescc['s-maxage']) || this._rescc['max-age'] || this._resHeaders.expires ); } _assertRequestHasHeaders(req) { if (!req || !req.headers) { throw Error('Request headers missing'); } } satisfiesWithoutRevalidation(req) { this._assertRequestHasHeaders(req); // When presented with a request, a cache MUST NOT reuse a stored response, unless: // the presented request does not contain the no-cache pragma (Section 5.4), nor the no-cache cache directive, // unless the stored response is successfully validated (Section 4.3), and const requestCC = parseCacheControl(req.headers['cache-control']); if (requestCC['no-cache'] || /no-cache/.test(req.headers.pragma)) { return false; } if (requestCC['max-age'] && this.age() > requestCC['max-age']) { return false; } if ( requestCC['min-fresh'] && this.timeToLive() < 1000 * requestCC['min-fresh'] ) { return false; } // the stored response is either: // fresh, or allowed to be served stale if (this.stale()) { const allowsStale = requestCC['max-stale'] && !this._rescc['must-revalidate'] && (true === requestCC['max-stale'] || requestCC['max-stale'] > this.age() - this.maxAge()); if (!allowsStale) { return false; } } return this._requestMatches(req, false); } _requestMatches(req, allowHeadMethod) { // The presented effective request URI and that of the stored response match, and return ( (!this._url || this._url === req.url) && this._host === req.headers.host && // the request method associated with the stored response allows it to be used for the presented request, and (!req.method || this._method === req.method || (allowHeadMethod && 'HEAD' === req.method)) && // selecting header fields nominated by the stored response (if any) match those presented, and this._varyMatches(req) ); } _allowsStoringAuthenticated() { // following Cache-Control response directives (Section 5.2.2) have such an effect: must-revalidate, public, and s-maxage. return ( this._rescc['must-revalidate'] || this._rescc.public || this._rescc['s-maxage'] ); } _varyMatches(req) { if (!this._resHeaders.vary) { return true; } // A Vary header field-value of "*" always fails to match if (this._resHeaders.vary === '*') { return false; } const fields = this._resHeaders.vary .trim() .toLowerCase() .split(/\s*,\s*/); for (const name of fields) { if (req.headers[name] !== this._reqHeaders[name]) return false; } return true; } _copyWithoutHopByHopHeaders(inHeaders) { const headers = {}; for (const name in inHeaders) { if (hopByHopHeaders[name]) continue; headers[name] = inHeaders[name]; } // 9.1. Connection if (inHeaders.connection) { const tokens = inHeaders.connection.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/); for (const name of tokens) { delete headers[name]; } } if (headers.warning) { const warnings = headers.warning.split(/,/).filter(warning => { return !/^\s*1[0-9][0-9]/.test(warning); }); if (!warnings.length) { delete headers.warning; } else { headers.warning = warnings.join(',').trim(); } } return headers; } responseHeaders() { const headers = this._copyWithoutHopByHopHeaders(this._resHeaders); const age = this.age(); // A cache SHOULD generate 113 warning if it heuristically chose a freshness // lifetime greater than 24 hours and the response's age is greater than 24 hours. if ( age > 3600 * 24 && !this._hasExplicitExpiration() && this.maxAge() > 3600 * 24 ) { headers.warning = (headers.warning ? `${headers.warning}, ` : '') + '113 - "rfc7234 5.5.4"'; } headers.age = `${Math.round(age)}`; headers.date = new Date(this.now()).toUTCString(); return headers; } /** * Value of the Date response header or current time if Date was invalid * @return timestamp */ date() { const serverDate = Date.parse(this._resHeaders.date); if (isFinite(serverDate)) { return serverDate; } return this._responseTime; } /** * Value of the Age header, in seconds, updated for the current time. * May be fractional. * * @return Number */ age() { let age = this._ageValue(); const residentTime = (this.now() - this._responseTime) / 1000; return age + residentTime; } _ageValue() { return toNumberOrZero(this._resHeaders.age); } /** * Value of applicable max-age (or heuristic equivalent) in seconds. This counts since response's `Date`. * * For an up-to-date value, see `timeToLive()`. * * @return Number */ maxAge() { if (!this.storable() || this._rescc['no-cache']) { return 0; } // Shared responses with cookies are cacheable according to the RFC, but IMHO it'd be unwise to do so by default // so this implementation requires explicit opt-in via public header if ( this._isShared && (this._resHeaders['set-cookie'] && !this._rescc.public && !this._rescc.immutable) ) { return 0; } if (this._resHeaders.vary === '*') { return 0; } if (this._isShared) { if (this._rescc['proxy-revalidate']) { return 0; } // if a response includes the s-maxage directive, a shared cache recipient MUST ignore the Expires field. if (this._rescc['s-maxage']) { return toNumberOrZero(this._rescc['s-maxage']); } } // If a response includes a Cache-Control field with the max-age directive, a recipient MUST ignore the Expires field. if (this._rescc['max-age']) { return toNumberOrZero(this._rescc['max-age']); } const defaultMinTtl = this._rescc.immutable ? this._immutableMinTtl : 0; const serverDate = this.date(); if (this._resHeaders.expires) { const expires = Date.parse(this._resHeaders.expires); // A cache recipient MUST interpret invalid date formats, especially the value "0", as representing a time in the past (i.e., "already expired"). if (Number.isNaN(expires) || expires < serverDate) { return 0; } return Math.max(defaultMinTtl, (expires - serverDate) / 1000); } if (this._resHeaders['last-modified']) { const lastModified = Date.parse(this._resHeaders['last-modified']); if (isFinite(lastModified) && serverDate > lastModified) { return Math.max( defaultMinTtl, ((serverDate - lastModified) / 1000) * this._cacheHeuristic ); } } return defaultMinTtl; } timeToLive() { const age = this.maxAge() - this.age(); const staleIfErrorAge = age + toNumberOrZero(this._rescc['stale-if-error']); const staleWhileRevalidateAge = age + toNumberOrZero(this._rescc['stale-while-revalidate']); return Math.max(0, age, staleIfErrorAge, staleWhileRevalidateAge) * 1000; } stale() { return this.maxAge() <= this.age(); } _useStaleIfError() { return this.maxAge() + toNumberOrZero(this._rescc['stale-if-error']) > this.age(); } useStaleWhileRevalidate() { return this.maxAge() + toNumberOrZero(this._rescc['stale-while-revalidate']) > this.age(); } static fromObject(obj) { return new this(undefined, undefined, { _fromObject: obj }); } _fromObject(obj) { if (this._responseTime) throw Error('Reinitialized'); if (!obj || obj.v !== 1) throw Error('Invalid serialization'); this._responseTime = obj.t; this._isShared = obj.sh; this._cacheHeuristic = obj.ch; this._immutableMinTtl = obj.imm !== undefined ? obj.imm : 24 * 3600 * 1000; this._status = obj.st; this._resHeaders = obj.resh; this._rescc = obj.rescc; this._method = obj.m; this._url = obj.u; this._host = obj.h; this._noAuthorization = obj.a; this._reqHeaders = obj.reqh; this._reqcc = obj.reqcc; } toObject() { return { v: 1, t: this._responseTime, sh: this._isShared, ch: this._cacheHeuristic, imm: this._immutableMinTtl, st: this._status, resh: this._resHeaders, rescc: this._rescc, m: this._method, u: this._url, h: this._host, a: this._noAuthorization, reqh: this._reqHeaders, reqcc: this._reqcc, }; } /** * Headers for sending to the origin server to revalidate stale response. * Allows server to return 304 to allow reuse of the previous response. * * Hop by hop headers are always stripped. * Revalidation headers may be added or removed, depending on request. */ revalidationHeaders(incomingReq) { this._assertRequestHasHeaders(incomingReq); const headers = this._copyWithoutHopByHopHeaders(incomingReq.headers); // This implementation does not understand range requests delete headers['if-range']; if (!this._requestMatches(incomingReq, true) || !this.storable()) { // revalidation allowed via HEAD // not for the same resource, or wasn't allowed to be cached anyway delete headers['if-none-match']; delete headers['if-modified-since']; return headers; } /* MUST send that entity-tag in any cache validation request (using If-Match or If-None-Match) if an entity-tag has been provided by the origin server. */ if (this._resHeaders.etag) { headers['if-none-match'] = headers['if-none-match'] ? `${headers['if-none-match']}, ${this._resHeaders.etag}` : this._resHeaders.etag; } // Clients MAY issue simple (non-subrange) GET requests with either weak validators or strong validators. Clients MUST NOT use weak validators in other forms of request. const forbidsWeakValidators = headers['accept-ranges'] || headers['if-match'] || headers['if-unmodified-since'] || (this._method && this._method != 'GET'); /* SHOULD send the Last-Modified value in non-subrange cache validation requests (using If-Modified-Since) if only a Last-Modified value has been provided by the origin server. Note: This implementation does not understand partial responses (206) */ if (forbidsWeakValidators) { delete headers['if-modified-since']; if (headers['if-none-match']) { const etags = headers['if-none-match'] .split(/,/) .filter(etag => { return !/^\s*W\//.test(etag); }); if (!etags.length) { delete headers['if-none-match']; } else { headers['if-none-match'] = etags.join(',').trim(); } } } else if ( this._resHeaders['last-modified'] && !headers['if-modified-since'] ) { headers['if-modified-since'] = this._resHeaders['last-modified']; } return headers; } /** * Creates new CachePolicy with information combined from the previews response, * and the new revalidation response. * * Returns {policy, modified} where modified is a boolean indicating * whether the response body has been modified, and old cached body can't be used. * * @return {Object} {policy: CachePolicy, modified: Boolean} */ revalidatedPolicy(request, response) { this._assertRequestHasHeaders(request); if(this._useStaleIfError() && isErrorResponse(response)) { // I consider the revalidation request unsuccessful return { modified: false, matches: false, policy: this, }; } if (!response || !response.headers) { throw Error('Response headers missing'); } // These aren't going to be supported exactly, since one CachePolicy object // doesn't know about all the other cached objects. let matches = false; if (response.status !== undefined && response.status != 304) { matches = false; } else if ( response.headers.etag && !/^\s*W\//.test(response.headers.etag) ) { // "All of the stored responses with the same strong validator are selected. // If none of the stored responses contain the same strong validator, // then the cache MUST NOT use the new response to update any stored responses." matches = this._resHeaders.etag && this._resHeaders.etag.replace(/^\s*W\//, '') === response.headers.etag; } else if (this._resHeaders.etag && response.headers.etag) { // "If the new response contains a weak validator and that validator corresponds // to one of the cache's stored responses, // then the most recent of those matching stored responses is selected for update." matches = this._resHeaders.etag.replace(/^\s*W\//, '') === response.headers.etag.replace(/^\s*W\//, ''); } else if (this._resHeaders['last-modified']) { matches = this._resHeaders['last-modified'] === response.headers['last-modified']; } else { // If the new response does not include any form of validator (such as in the case where // a client generates an If-Modified-Since request from a source other than the Last-Modified // response header field), and there is only one stored response, and that stored response also // lacks a validator, then that stored response is selected for update. if ( !this._resHeaders.etag && !this._resHeaders['last-modified'] && !response.headers.etag && !response.headers['last-modified'] ) { matches = true; } } if (!matches) { return { policy: new this.constructor(request, response), // Client receiving 304 without body, even if it's invalid/mismatched has no option // but to reuse a cached body. We don't have a good way to tell clients to do // error recovery in such case. modified: response.status != 304, matches: false, }; } // use other header fields provided in the 304 (Not Modified) response to replace all instances // of the corresponding header fields in the stored response. const headers = {}; for (const k in this._resHeaders) { headers[k] = k in response.headers && !excludedFromRevalidationUpdate[k] ? response.headers[k] : this._resHeaders[k]; } const newResponse = Object.assign({}, response, { status: this._status, method: this._method, headers, }); return { policy: new this.constructor(request, newResponse, { shared: this._isShared, cacheHeuristic: this._cacheHeuristic, immutableMinTimeToLive: this._immutableMinTtl, }), modified: false, matches: true, }; } }; var lowercaseKeys$2 = object => { const result = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) { result[key.toLowerCase()] = value; } return result; }; const Readable$1 = require$$0__default$1["default"].Readable; const lowercaseKeys$1 = lowercaseKeys$2; class Response$1 extends Readable$1 { constructor(statusCode, headers, body, url) { if (typeof statusCode !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('Argument `statusCode` should be a number'); } if (typeof headers !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Argument `headers` should be an object'); } if (!(body instanceof Buffer)) { throw new TypeError('Argument `body` should be a buffer'); } if (typeof url !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Argument `url` should be a string'); } super(); this.statusCode = statusCode; this.headers = lowercaseKeys$1(headers); this.body = body; this.url = url; } _read() { this.push(this.body); this.push(null); } } var src$3 = Response$1; // We define these manually to ensure they're always copied // even if they would move up the prototype chain // https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_incomingmessage const knownProps = [ 'destroy', 'setTimeout', 'socket', 'headers', 'trailers', 'rawHeaders', 'statusCode', 'httpVersion', 'httpVersionMinor', 'httpVersionMajor', 'rawTrailers', 'statusMessage' ]; var mimicResponse$3 = (fromStream, toStream) => { const fromProps = new Set(Object.keys(fromStream).concat(knownProps)); for (const prop of fromProps) { // Don't overwrite existing properties if (prop in toStream) { continue; } toStream[prop] = typeof fromStream[prop] === 'function' ? fromStream[prop].bind(fromStream) : fromStream[prop]; } }; const PassThrough$1 = require$$0__default$1["default"].PassThrough; const mimicResponse$2 = mimicResponse$3; const cloneResponse$1 = response => { if (!(response && response.pipe)) { throw new TypeError('Parameter `response` must be a response stream.'); } const clone = new PassThrough$1(); mimicResponse$2(response, clone); return response.pipe(clone); }; var src$2 = cloneResponse$1; var jsonBuffer = {}; //TODO: handle reviver/dehydrate function like normal //and handle indentation, like normal. //if anyone needs this... please send pull request. jsonBuffer.stringify = function stringify (o) { if('undefined' == typeof o) return o if(o && Buffer.isBuffer(o)) return JSON.stringify(':base64:' + o.toString('base64')) if(o && o.toJSON) o = o.toJSON(); if(o && 'object' === typeof o) { var s = ''; var array = Array.isArray(o); s = array ? '[' : '{'; var first = true; for(var k in o) { var ignore = 'function' == typeof o[k] || (!array && 'undefined' === typeof o[k]); if(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(o, k) && !ignore) { if(!first) s += ','; first = false; if (array) { if(o[k] == undefined) s += 'null'; else s += stringify(o[k]); } else if (o[k] !== void(0)) { s += stringify(k) + ':' + stringify(o[k]); } } } s += array ? ']' : '}'; return s } else if ('string' === typeof o) { return JSON.stringify(/^:/.test(o) ? ':' + o : o) } else if ('undefined' === typeof o) { return 'null'; } else return JSON.stringify(o) }; jsonBuffer.parse = function (s) { return JSON.parse(s, function (key, value) { if('string' === typeof value) { if(/^:base64:/.test(value)) return Buffer.from(value.substring(8), 'base64') else return /^:/.test(value) ? value.substring(1) : value } return value }) }; const EventEmitter$2 = require$$0__default$3["default"]; const JSONB = jsonBuffer; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.toString(); }; const loadStore = options => { const adapters = { redis: '@keyv/redis', mongodb: '@keyv/mongo', mongo: '@keyv/mongo', sqlite: '@keyv/sqlite', postgresql: '@keyv/postgres', postgres: '@keyv/postgres', mysql: '@keyv/mysql', etcd: '@keyv/etcd', }; if (options.adapter || options.uri) { const adapter = options.adapter || /^[^:]*/.exec(options.uri)[0]; return new (commonjsRequire(adapters[adapter]))(options); } return new Map(); }; class Keyv$1 extends EventEmitter$2 { constructor(uri, options) { super(); this.opts = Object.assign( { namespace: 'keyv', serialize: JSONB.stringify, deserialize: JSONB.parse, }, (typeof uri === 'string') ? { uri } : uri, options, ); if (!this.opts.store) { const adapterOptions = Object.assign({}, this.opts); this.opts.store = loadStore(adapterOptions); } if (typeof this.opts.store.on === 'function') { this.opts.store.on('error', error => this.emit('error', error)); } this.opts.store.namespace = this.opts.namespace; } _getKeyPrefix(key) { return `${this.opts.namespace}:${key}`; } get(key, options) { const keyPrefixed = this._getKeyPrefix(key); const { store } = this.opts; return Promise.resolve() .then(() => store.get(keyPrefixed)) .then(data => (typeof data === 'string') ? this.opts.deserialize(data) : data) .then(data => { if (data === undefined || data === null) { return undefined; } if (typeof data.expires === 'number' && Date.now() > data.expires) { this.delete(key); return undefined; } return (options && options.raw) ? data : data.value; }); } set(key, value, ttl) { const keyPrefixed = this._getKeyPrefix(key); if (typeof ttl === 'undefined') { ttl = this.opts.ttl; } if (ttl === 0) { ttl = undefined; } const { store } = this.opts; return Promise.resolve() .then(() => { const expires = (typeof ttl === 'number') ? (Date.now() + ttl) : null; if (typeof value === 'symbol') { this.emit('error', 'symbol cannot be serialized'); } value = { value, expires }; return this.opts.serialize(value); }) .then(value => store.set(keyPrefixed, value, ttl)) .then(() => true); } delete(key) { const keyPrefixed = this._getKeyPrefix(key); const { store } = this.opts; return Promise.resolve() .then(() => store.delete(keyPrefixed)); } clear() { const { store } = this.opts; return Promise.resolve() .then(() => store.clear()); } } var src$1 = Keyv$1; const EventEmitter$1 = require$$0__default$3["default"]; const urlLib = require$$0__default$4["default"]; const normalizeUrl = normalizeUrl_1; const getStream = getStream$2.exports; const CachePolicy = httpCacheSemantics; const Response = src$3; const lowercaseKeys = lowercaseKeys$2; const cloneResponse = src$2; const Keyv = src$1; class CacheableRequest { constructor(request, cacheAdapter) { if (typeof request !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Parameter `request` must be a function'); } this.cache = new Keyv({ uri: typeof cacheAdapter === 'string' && cacheAdapter, store: typeof cacheAdapter !== 'string' && cacheAdapter, namespace: 'cacheable-request' }); return this.createCacheableRequest(request); } createCacheableRequest(request) { return (opts, cb) => { let url; if (typeof opts === 'string') { url = normalizeUrlObject(urlLib.parse(opts)); opts = {}; } else if (opts instanceof urlLib.URL) { url = normalizeUrlObject(urlLib.parse(opts.toString())); opts = {}; } else { const [pathname, ...searchParts] = (opts.path || '').split('?'); const search = searchParts.length > 0 ? `?${searchParts.join('?')}` : ''; url = normalizeUrlObject({ ...opts, pathname, search }); } opts = { headers: {}, method: 'GET', cache: true, strictTtl: false, automaticFailover: false, ...opts, ...urlObjectToRequestOptions(url) }; opts.headers = lowercaseKeys(opts.headers); const ee = new EventEmitter$1(); const normalizedUrlString = normalizeUrl( urlLib.format(url), { stripWWW: false, removeTrailingSlash: false, stripAuthentication: false } ); const key = `${opts.method}:${normalizedUrlString}`; let revalidate = false; let madeRequest = false; const makeRequest = opts => { madeRequest = true; let requestErrored = false; let requestErrorCallback; const requestErrorPromise = new Promise(resolve => { requestErrorCallback = () => { if (!requestErrored) { requestErrored = true; resolve(); } }; }); const handler = response => { if (revalidate && !opts.forceRefresh) { response.status = response.statusCode; const revalidatedPolicy = CachePolicy.fromObject(revalidate.cachePolicy).revalidatedPolicy(opts, response); if (!revalidatedPolicy.modified) { const headers = revalidatedPolicy.policy.responseHeaders(); response = new Response(revalidate.statusCode, headers, revalidate.body, revalidate.url); response.cachePolicy = revalidatedPolicy.policy; response.fromCache = true; } } if (!response.fromCache) { response.cachePolicy = new CachePolicy(opts, response, opts); response.fromCache = false; } let clonedResponse; if (opts.cache && response.cachePolicy.storable()) { clonedResponse = cloneResponse(response); (async () => { try { const bodyPromise = getStream.buffer(response); await Promise.race([ requestErrorPromise, new Promise(resolve => response.once('end', resolve)) ]); if (requestErrored) { return; } const body = await bodyPromise; const value = { cachePolicy: response.cachePolicy.toObject(), url: response.url, statusCode: response.fromCache ? revalidate.statusCode : response.statusCode, body }; let ttl = opts.strictTtl ? response.cachePolicy.timeToLive() : undefined; if (opts.maxTtl) { ttl = ttl ? Math.min(ttl, opts.maxTtl) : opts.maxTtl; } await this.cache.set(key, value, ttl); } catch (error) { ee.emit('error', new CacheableRequest.CacheError(error)); } })(); } else if (opts.cache && revalidate) { (async () => { try { await this.cache.delete(key); } catch (error) { ee.emit('error', new CacheableRequest.CacheError(error)); } })(); } ee.emit('response', clonedResponse || response); if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(clonedResponse || response); } }; try { const req = request(opts, handler); req.once('error', requestErrorCallback); req.once('abort', requestErrorCallback); ee.emit('request', req); } catch (error) { ee.emit('error', new CacheableRequest.RequestError(error)); } }; (async () => { const get = async opts => { await Promise.resolve(); const cacheEntry = opts.cache ? await this.cache.get(key) : undefined; if (typeof cacheEntry === 'undefined') { return makeRequest(opts); } const policy = CachePolicy.fromObject(cacheEntry.cachePolicy); if (policy.satisfiesWithoutRevalidation(opts) && !opts.forceRefresh) { const headers = policy.responseHeaders(); const response = new Response(cacheEntry.statusCode, headers, cacheEntry.body, cacheEntry.url); response.cachePolicy = policy; response.fromCache = true; ee.emit('response', response); if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(response); } } else { revalidate = cacheEntry; opts.headers = policy.revalidationHeaders(opts); makeRequest(opts); } }; const errorHandler = error => ee.emit('error', new CacheableRequest.CacheError(error)); this.cache.once('error', errorHandler); ee.on('response', () => this.cache.removeListener('error', errorHandler)); try { await get(opts); } catch (error) { if (opts.automaticFailover && !madeRequest) { makeRequest(opts); } ee.emit('error', new CacheableRequest.CacheError(error)); } })(); return ee; }; } } function urlObjectToRequestOptions(url) { const options = { ...url }; options.path = `${url.pathname || '/'}${url.search || ''}`; delete options.pathname; delete options.search; return options; } function normalizeUrlObject(url) { // If url was parsed by url.parse or new URL: // - hostname will be set // - host will be hostname[:port] // - port will be set if it was explicit in the parsed string // Otherwise, url was from request options: // - hostname or host may be set // - host shall not have port encoded return { protocol: url.protocol, auth: url.auth, hostname: url.hostname || url.host || 'localhost', port: url.port, pathname: url.pathname, search: url.search }; } CacheableRequest.RequestError = class extends Error { constructor(error) { super(error.message); this.name = 'RequestError'; Object.assign(this, error); } }; CacheableRequest.CacheError = class extends Error { constructor(error) { super(error.message); this.name = 'CacheError'; Object.assign(this, error); } }; var src = CacheableRequest; // We define these manually to ensure they're always copied // even if they would move up the prototype chain // https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_incomingmessage const knownProperties = [ 'aborted', 'complete', 'headers', 'httpVersion', 'httpVersionMinor', 'httpVersionMajor', 'method', 'rawHeaders', 'rawTrailers', 'setTimeout', 'socket', 'statusCode', 'statusMessage', 'trailers', 'url' ]; var mimicResponse$1 = (fromStream, toStream) => { if (toStream._readableState.autoDestroy) { throw new Error('The second stream must have the `autoDestroy` option set to `false`'); } const fromProperties = new Set(Object.keys(fromStream).concat(knownProperties)); const properties = {}; for (const property of fromProperties) { // Don't overwrite existing properties. if (property in toStream) { continue; } properties[property] = { get() { const value = fromStream[property]; const isFunction = typeof value === 'function'; return isFunction ? value.bind(fromStream) : value; }, set(value) { fromStream[property] = value; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }; } Object.defineProperties(toStream, properties); fromStream.once('aborted', () => { toStream.destroy(); toStream.emit('aborted'); }); fromStream.once('close', () => { if (fromStream.complete) { if (toStream.readable) { toStream.once('end', () => { toStream.emit('close'); }); } else { toStream.emit('close'); } } else { toStream.emit('close'); } }); return toStream; }; const {Transform, PassThrough} = require$$0__default$1["default"]; const zlib = require$$1__default$1["default"]; const mimicResponse = mimicResponse$1; var decompressResponse = response => { const contentEncoding = (response.headers['content-encoding'] || '').toLowerCase(); if (!['gzip', 'deflate', 'br'].includes(contentEncoding)) { return response; } // TODO: Remove this when targeting Node.js 12. const isBrotli = contentEncoding === 'br'; if (isBrotli && typeof zlib.createBrotliDecompress !== 'function') { response.destroy(new Error('Brotli is not supported on Node.js < 12')); return response; } let isEmpty = true; const checker = new Transform({ transform(data, _encoding, callback) { isEmpty = false; callback(null, data); }, flush(callback) { callback(); } }); const finalStream = new PassThrough({ autoDestroy: false, destroy(error, callback) { response.destroy(); callback(error); } }); const decompressStream = isBrotli ? zlib.createBrotliDecompress() : zlib.createUnzip(); decompressStream.once('error', error => { if (isEmpty && !response.readable) { finalStream.end(); return; } finalStream.destroy(error); }); mimicResponse(response, finalStream); response.pipe(checker).pipe(decompressStream).pipe(finalStream); return finalStream; }; class QuickLRU$2 { constructor(options = {}) { if (!(options.maxSize && options.maxSize > 0)) { throw new TypeError('`maxSize` must be a number greater than 0'); } this.maxSize = options.maxSize; this.onEviction = options.onEviction; this.cache = new Map(); this.oldCache = new Map(); this._size = 0; } _set(key, value) { this.cache.set(key, value); this._size++; if (this._size >= this.maxSize) { this._size = 0; if (typeof this.onEviction === 'function') { for (const [key, value] of this.oldCache.entries()) { this.onEviction(key, value); } } this.oldCache = this.cache; this.cache = new Map(); } } get(key) { if (this.cache.has(key)) { return this.cache.get(key); } if (this.oldCache.has(key)) { const value = this.oldCache.get(key); this.oldCache.delete(key); this._set(key, value); return value; } } set(key, value) { if (this.cache.has(key)) { this.cache.set(key, value); } else { this._set(key, value); } return this; } has(key) { return this.cache.has(key) || this.oldCache.has(key); } peek(key) { if (this.cache.has(key)) { return this.cache.get(key); } if (this.oldCache.has(key)) { return this.oldCache.get(key); } } delete(key) { const deleted = this.cache.delete(key); if (deleted) { this._size--; } return this.oldCache.delete(key) || deleted; } clear() { this.cache.clear(); this.oldCache.clear(); this._size = 0; } * keys() { for (const [key] of this) { yield key; } } * values() { for (const [, value] of this) { yield value; } } * [Symbol.iterator]() { for (const item of this.cache) { yield item; } for (const item of this.oldCache) { const [key] = item; if (!this.cache.has(key)) { yield item; } } } get size() { let oldCacheSize = 0; for (const key of this.oldCache.keys()) { if (!this.cache.has(key)) { oldCacheSize++; } } return Math.min(this._size + oldCacheSize, this.maxSize); } } var quickLru = QuickLRU$2; const EventEmitter = require$$0__default$3["default"]; const tls$1 = require$$1__default$2["default"]; const http2$2 = require$$0__default$5["default"]; const QuickLRU$1 = quickLru; const kCurrentStreamsCount = Symbol('currentStreamsCount'); const kRequest = Symbol('request'); const kOriginSet = Symbol('cachedOriginSet'); const kGracefullyClosing = Symbol('gracefullyClosing'); const nameKeys = [ // `http2.connect()` options 'maxDeflateDynamicTableSize', 'maxSessionMemory', 'maxHeaderListPairs', 'maxOutstandingPings', 'maxReservedRemoteStreams', 'maxSendHeaderBlockLength', 'paddingStrategy', // `tls.connect()` options 'localAddress', 'path', 'rejectUnauthorized', 'minDHSize', // `tls.createSecureContext()` options 'ca', 'cert', 'clientCertEngine', 'ciphers', 'key', 'pfx', 'servername', 'minVersion', 'maxVersion', 'secureProtocol', 'crl', 'honorCipherOrder', 'ecdhCurve', 'dhparam', 'secureOptions', 'sessionIdContext' ]; const getSortedIndex = (array, value, compare) => { let low = 0; let high = array.length; while (low < high) { const mid = (low + high) >>> 1; /* istanbul ignore next */ if (compare(array[mid], value)) { // This never gets called because we use descending sort. Better to have this anyway. low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid; } } return low; }; const compareSessions = (a, b) => { return a.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams > b.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams; }; // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8336 const closeCoveredSessions = (where, session) => { // Clients SHOULD NOT emit new requests on any connection whose Origin // Set is a proper subset of another connection's Origin Set, and they // SHOULD close it once all outstanding requests are satisfied. for (const coveredSession of where) { if ( // The set is a proper subset when its length is less than the other set. coveredSession[kOriginSet].length < session[kOriginSet].length && // And the other set includes all elements of the subset. coveredSession[kOriginSet].every(origin => session[kOriginSet].includes(origin)) && // Makes sure that the session can handle all requests from the covered session. coveredSession[kCurrentStreamsCount] + session[kCurrentStreamsCount] <= session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams ) { // This allows pending requests to finish and prevents making new requests. gracefullyClose(coveredSession); } } }; // This is basically inverted `closeCoveredSessions(...)`. const closeSessionIfCovered = (where, coveredSession) => { for (const session of where) { if ( coveredSession[kOriginSet].length < session[kOriginSet].length && coveredSession[kOriginSet].every(origin => session[kOriginSet].includes(origin)) && coveredSession[kCurrentStreamsCount] + session[kCurrentStreamsCount] <= session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams ) { gracefullyClose(coveredSession); } } }; const getSessions = ({agent, isFree}) => { const result = {}; // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const normalizedOptions in agent.sessions) { const sessions = agent.sessions[normalizedOptions]; const filtered = sessions.filter(session => { const result = session[Agent$1.kCurrentStreamsCount] < session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams; return isFree ? result : !result; }); if (filtered.length !== 0) { result[normalizedOptions] = filtered; } } return result; }; const gracefullyClose = session => { session[kGracefullyClosing] = true; if (session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === 0) { session.close(); } }; class Agent$1 extends EventEmitter { constructor({timeout = 60000, maxSessions = Infinity, maxFreeSessions = 10, maxCachedTlsSessions = 100} = {}) { super(); // A session is considered busy when its current streams count // is equal to or greater than the `maxConcurrentStreams` value. // A session is considered free when its current streams count // is less than the `maxConcurrentStreams` value. // SESSIONS[NORMALIZED_OPTIONS] = []; this.sessions = {}; // The queue for creating new sessions. It looks like this: // QUEUE[NORMALIZED_OPTIONS][NORMALIZED_ORIGIN] = ENTRY_FUNCTION // // The entry function has `listeners`, `completed` and `destroyed` properties. // `listeners` is an array of objects containing `resolve` and `reject` functions. // `completed` is a boolean. It's set to true after ENTRY_FUNCTION is executed. // `destroyed` is a boolean. If it's set to true, the session will be destroyed if hasn't connected yet. this.queue = {}; // Each session will use this timeout value. this.timeout = timeout; // Max sessions in total this.maxSessions = maxSessions; // Max free sessions in total // TODO: decreasing `maxFreeSessions` should close some sessions this.maxFreeSessions = maxFreeSessions; this._freeSessionsCount = 0; this._sessionsCount = 0; // We don't support push streams by default. this.settings = { enablePush: false }; // Reusing TLS sessions increases performance. this.tlsSessionCache = new QuickLRU$1({maxSize: maxCachedTlsSessions}); } static normalizeOrigin(url, servername) { if (typeof url === 'string') { url = new URL(url); } if (servername && url.hostname !== servername) { url.hostname = servername; } return url.origin; } normalizeOptions(options) { let normalized = ''; if (options) { for (const key of nameKeys) { if (options[key]) { normalized += `:${options[key]}`; } } } return normalized; } _tryToCreateNewSession(normalizedOptions, normalizedOrigin) { if (!(normalizedOptions in this.queue) || !(normalizedOrigin in this.queue[normalizedOptions])) { return; } const item = this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin]; // The entry function can be run only once. // BUG: The session may be never created when: // - the first condition is false AND // - this function is never called with the same arguments in the future. if (this._sessionsCount < this.maxSessions && !item.completed) { item.completed = true; item(); } } getSession(origin, options, listeners) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (Array.isArray(listeners)) { listeners = [...listeners]; // Resolve the current promise ASAP, we're just moving the listeners. // They will be executed at a different time. resolve(); } else { listeners = [{resolve, reject}]; } const normalizedOptions = this.normalizeOptions(options); const normalizedOrigin = Agent$1.normalizeOrigin(origin, options && options.servername); if (normalizedOrigin === undefined) { for (const {reject} of listeners) { reject(new TypeError('The `origin` argument needs to be a string or an URL object')); } return; } if (normalizedOptions in this.sessions) { const sessions = this.sessions[normalizedOptions]; let maxConcurrentStreams = -1; let currentStreamsCount = -1; let optimalSession; // We could just do this.sessions[normalizedOptions].find(...) but that isn't optimal. // Additionally, we are looking for session which has biggest current pending streams count. for (const session of sessions) { const sessionMaxConcurrentStreams = session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams; if (sessionMaxConcurrentStreams < maxConcurrentStreams) { break; } if (session[kOriginSet].includes(normalizedOrigin)) { const sessionCurrentStreamsCount = session[kCurrentStreamsCount]; if ( sessionCurrentStreamsCount >= sessionMaxConcurrentStreams || session[kGracefullyClosing] || // Unfortunately the `close` event isn't called immediately, // so `session.destroyed` is `true`, but `session.closed` is `false`. session.destroyed ) { continue; } // We only need set this once. if (!optimalSession) { maxConcurrentStreams = sessionMaxConcurrentStreams; } // We're looking for the session which has biggest current pending stream count, // in order to minimalize the amount of active sessions. if (sessionCurrentStreamsCount > currentStreamsCount) { optimalSession = session; currentStreamsCount = sessionCurrentStreamsCount; } } } if (optimalSession) { /* istanbul ignore next: safety check */ if (listeners.length !== 1) { for (const {reject} of listeners) { const error = new Error( `Expected the length of listeners to be 1, got ${listeners.length}.\n` + 'Please report this to https://github.com/szmarczak/http2-wrapper/' ); reject(error); } return; } listeners[0].resolve(optimalSession); return; } } if (normalizedOptions in this.queue) { if (normalizedOrigin in this.queue[normalizedOptions]) { // There's already an item in the queue, just attach ourselves to it. this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin].listeners.push(...listeners); // This shouldn't be executed here. // See the comment inside _tryToCreateNewSession. this._tryToCreateNewSession(normalizedOptions, normalizedOrigin); return; } } else { this.queue[normalizedOptions] = {}; } // The entry must be removed from the queue IMMEDIATELY when: // 1. the session connects successfully, // 2. an error occurs. const removeFromQueue = () => { // Our entry can be replaced. We cannot remove the new one. if (normalizedOptions in this.queue && this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin] === entry) { delete this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin]; if (Object.keys(this.queue[normalizedOptions]).length === 0) { delete this.queue[normalizedOptions]; } } }; // The main logic is here const entry = () => { const name = `${normalizedOrigin}:${normalizedOptions}`; let receivedSettings = false; try { const session = http2$2.connect(origin, { createConnection: this.createConnection, settings: this.settings, session: this.tlsSessionCache.get(name), ...options }); session[kCurrentStreamsCount] = 0; session[kGracefullyClosing] = false; const isFree = () => session[kCurrentStreamsCount] < session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams; let wasFree = true; session.socket.once('session', tlsSession => { this.tlsSessionCache.set(name, tlsSession); }); session.once('error', error => { // Listeners are empty when the session successfully connected. for (const {reject} of listeners) { reject(error); } // The connection got broken, purge the cache. this.tlsSessionCache.delete(name); }); session.setTimeout(this.timeout, () => { // Terminates all streams owned by this session. // TODO: Maybe the streams should have a "Session timed out" error? session.destroy(); }); session.once('close', () => { if (receivedSettings) { // 1. If it wasn't free then no need to decrease because // it has been decreased already in session.request(). // 2. `stream.once('close')` won't increment the count // because the session is already closed. if (wasFree) { this._freeSessionsCount--; } this._sessionsCount--; // This cannot be moved to the stream logic, // because there may be a session that hadn't made a single request. const where = this.sessions[normalizedOptions]; where.splice(where.indexOf(session), 1); if (where.length === 0) { delete this.sessions[normalizedOptions]; } } else { // Broken connection const error = new Error('Session closed without receiving a SETTINGS frame'); error.code = 'HTTP2WRAPPER_NOSETTINGS'; for (const {reject} of listeners) { reject(error); } removeFromQueue(); } // There may be another session awaiting. this._tryToCreateNewSession(normalizedOptions, normalizedOrigin); }); // Iterates over the queue and processes listeners. const processListeners = () => { if (!(normalizedOptions in this.queue) || !isFree()) { return; } for (const origin of session[kOriginSet]) { if (origin in this.queue[normalizedOptions]) { const {listeners} = this.queue[normalizedOptions][origin]; // Prevents session overloading. while (listeners.length !== 0 && isFree()) { // We assume `resolve(...)` calls `request(...)` *directly*, // otherwise the session will get overloaded. listeners.shift().resolve(session); } const where = this.queue[normalizedOptions]; if (where[origin].listeners.length === 0) { delete where[origin]; if (Object.keys(where).length === 0) { delete this.queue[normalizedOptions]; break; } } // We're no longer free, no point in continuing. if (!isFree()) { break; } } } }; // The Origin Set cannot shrink. No need to check if it suddenly became covered by another one. session.on('origin', () => { session[kOriginSet] = session.originSet; if (!isFree()) { // The session is full. return; } processListeners(); // Close covered sessions (if possible). closeCoveredSessions(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session); }); session.once('remoteSettings', () => { // Fix Node.js bug preventing the process from exiting session.ref(); session.unref(); this._sessionsCount++; // The Agent could have been destroyed already. if (entry.destroyed) { const error = new Error('Agent has been destroyed'); for (const listener of listeners) { listener.reject(error); } session.destroy(); return; } session[kOriginSet] = session.originSet; { const where = this.sessions; if (normalizedOptions in where) { const sessions = where[normalizedOptions]; sessions.splice(getSortedIndex(sessions, session, compareSessions), 0, session); } else { where[normalizedOptions] = [session]; } } this._freeSessionsCount += 1; receivedSettings = true; this.emit('session', session); processListeners(); removeFromQueue(); // TODO: Close last recently used (or least used?) session if (session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === 0 && this._freeSessionsCount > this.maxFreeSessions) { session.close(); } // Check if we haven't managed to execute all listeners. if (listeners.length !== 0) { // Request for a new session with predefined listeners. this.getSession(normalizedOrigin, options, listeners); listeners.length = 0; } // `session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams` might get increased session.on('remoteSettings', () => { processListeners(); // In case the Origin Set changes closeCoveredSessions(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session); }); }); // Shim `session.request()` in order to catch all streams session[kRequest] = session.request; session.request = (headers, streamOptions) => { if (session[kGracefullyClosing]) { throw new Error('The session is gracefully closing. No new streams are allowed.'); } const stream = session[kRequest](headers, streamOptions); // The process won't exit until the session is closed or all requests are gone. session.ref(); ++session[kCurrentStreamsCount]; if (session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams) { this._freeSessionsCount--; } stream.once('close', () => { wasFree = isFree(); --session[kCurrentStreamsCount]; if (!session.destroyed && !session.closed) { closeSessionIfCovered(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session); if (isFree() && !session.closed) { if (!wasFree) { this._freeSessionsCount++; wasFree = true; } const isEmpty = session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === 0; if (isEmpty) { session.unref(); } if ( isEmpty && ( this._freeSessionsCount > this.maxFreeSessions || session[kGracefullyClosing] ) ) { session.close(); } else { closeCoveredSessions(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session); processListeners(); } } } }); return stream; }; } catch (error) { for (const listener of listeners) { listener.reject(error); } removeFromQueue(); } }; entry.listeners = listeners; entry.completed = false; entry.destroyed = false; this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin] = entry; this._tryToCreateNewSession(normalizedOptions, normalizedOrigin); }); } request(origin, options, headers, streamOptions) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.getSession(origin, options, [{ reject, resolve: session => { try { resolve(session.request(headers, streamOptions)); } catch (error) { reject(error); } } }]); }); } createConnection(origin, options) { return Agent$1.connect(origin, options); } static connect(origin, options) { options.ALPNProtocols = ['h2']; const port = origin.port || 443; const host = origin.hostname || origin.host; if (typeof options.servername === 'undefined') { options.servername = host; } return tls$1.connect(port, host, options); } closeFreeSessions() { for (const sessions of Object.values(this.sessions)) { for (const session of sessions) { if (session[kCurrentStreamsCount] === 0) { session.close(); } } } } destroy(reason) { for (const sessions of Object.values(this.sessions)) { for (const session of sessions) { session.destroy(reason); } } for (const entriesOfAuthority of Object.values(this.queue)) { for (const entry of Object.values(entriesOfAuthority)) { entry.destroyed = true; } } // New requests should NOT attach to destroyed sessions this.queue = {}; } get freeSessions() { return getSessions({agent: this, isFree: true}); } get busySessions() { return getSessions({agent: this, isFree: false}); } } Agent$1.kCurrentStreamsCount = kCurrentStreamsCount; Agent$1.kGracefullyClosing = kGracefullyClosing; var agent$1 = { Agent: Agent$1, globalAgent: new Agent$1() }; const {Readable} = require$$0__default$1["default"]; class IncomingMessage$2 extends Readable { constructor(socket, highWaterMark) { super({ highWaterMark, autoDestroy: false }); this.statusCode = null; this.statusMessage = ''; this.httpVersion = '2.0'; this.httpVersionMajor = 2; this.httpVersionMinor = 0; this.headers = {}; this.trailers = {}; this.req = null; this.aborted = false; this.complete = false; this.upgrade = null; this.rawHeaders = []; this.rawTrailers = []; this.socket = socket; this.connection = socket; this._dumped = false; } _destroy(error) { this.req._request.destroy(error); } setTimeout(ms, callback) { this.req.setTimeout(ms, callback); return this; } _dump() { if (!this._dumped) { this._dumped = true; this.removeAllListeners('data'); this.resume(); } } _read() { if (this.req) { this.req._request.resume(); } } } var incomingMessage = IncomingMessage$2; /* istanbul ignore file: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/a91293d4d9ab403046ab5eb022332e4e3d249bd3/lib/internal/url.js#L1257 */ var urlToOptions$3 = url => { const options = { protocol: url.protocol, hostname: typeof url.hostname === 'string' && url.hostname.startsWith('[') ? url.hostname.slice(1, -1) : url.hostname, host: url.host, hash: url.hash, search: url.search, pathname: url.pathname, href: url.href, path: `${url.pathname || ''}${url.search || ''}` }; if (typeof url.port === 'string' && url.port.length !== 0) { options.port = Number(url.port); } if (url.username || url.password) { options.auth = `${url.username || ''}:${url.password || ''}`; } return options; }; var proxyEvents$2 = (from, to, events) => { for (const event of events) { from.on(event, (...args) => to.emit(event, ...args)); } }; var isRequestPseudoHeader$1 = header => { switch (header) { case ':method': case ':scheme': case ':authority': case ':path': return true; default: return false; } }; var errors = {exports: {}}; (function (module) { /* istanbul ignore file: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/lib/internal/errors.js */ const makeError = (Base, key, getMessage) => { module.exports[key] = class NodeError extends Base { constructor(...args) { super(typeof getMessage === 'string' ? getMessage : getMessage(args)); this.name = `${super.name} [${key}]`; this.code = key; } }; }; makeError(TypeError, 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', args => { const type = args[0].includes('.') ? 'property' : 'argument'; let valid = args[1]; const isManyTypes = Array.isArray(valid); if (isManyTypes) { valid = `${valid.slice(0, -1).join(', ')} or ${valid.slice(-1)}`; } return `The "${args[0]}" ${type} must be ${isManyTypes ? 'one of' : 'of'} type ${valid}. Received ${typeof args[2]}`; }); makeError(TypeError, 'ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL', args => { return `Protocol "${args[0]}" not supported. Expected "${args[1]}"`; }); makeError(Error, 'ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT', args => { return `Cannot ${args[0]} headers after they are sent to the client`; }); makeError(TypeError, 'ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN', args => { return `${args[0]} must be a valid HTTP token [${args[1]}]`; }); makeError(TypeError, 'ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE', args => { return `Invalid value "${args[0]} for header "${args[1]}"`; }); makeError(TypeError, 'ERR_INVALID_CHAR', args => { return `Invalid character in ${args[0]} [${args[1]}]`; }); }(errors)); const http2$1 = require$$0__default$5["default"]; const {Writable} = require$$0__default$1["default"]; const {Agent, globalAgent} = agent$1; const IncomingMessage$1 = incomingMessage; const urlToOptions$2 = urlToOptions$3; const proxyEvents$1 = proxyEvents$2; const isRequestPseudoHeader = isRequestPseudoHeader$1; const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL, ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT, ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN, ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_CHAR } = errors.exports; const { HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, HTTP2_METHOD_CONNECT } = http2$1.constants; const kHeaders = Symbol('headers'); const kOrigin = Symbol('origin'); const kSession = Symbol('session'); const kOptions = Symbol('options'); const kFlushedHeaders = Symbol('flushedHeaders'); const kJobs = Symbol('jobs'); const isValidHttpToken = /^[\^`\-\w!#$%&*+.|~]+$/; const isInvalidHeaderValue = /[^\t\u0020-\u007E\u0080-\u00FF]/; class ClientRequest$1 extends Writable { constructor(input, options, callback) { super({ autoDestroy: false }); const hasInput = typeof input === 'string' || input instanceof URL; if (hasInput) { input = urlToOptions$2(input instanceof URL ? input : new URL(input)); } if (typeof options === 'function' || options === undefined) { // (options, callback) callback = options; options = hasInput ? input : {...input}; } else { // (input, options, callback) options = {...input, ...options}; } if (options.h2session) { this[kSession] = options.h2session; } else if (options.agent === false) { this.agent = new Agent({maxFreeSessions: 0}); } else if (typeof options.agent === 'undefined' || options.agent === null) { if (typeof options.createConnection === 'function') { // This is a workaround - we don't have to create the session on our own. this.agent = new Agent({maxFreeSessions: 0}); this.agent.createConnection = options.createConnection; } else { this.agent = globalAgent; } } else if (typeof options.agent.request === 'function') { this.agent = options.agent; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.agent', ['Agent-like Object', 'undefined', 'false'], options.agent); } if (options.protocol && options.protocol !== 'https:') { throw new ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL(options.protocol, 'https:'); } const port = options.port || options.defaultPort || (this.agent && this.agent.defaultPort) || 443; const host = options.hostname || options.host || 'localhost'; // Don't enforce the origin via options. It may be changed in an Agent. delete options.hostname; delete options.host; delete options.port; const {timeout} = options; options.timeout = undefined; this[kHeaders] = Object.create(null); this[kJobs] = []; this.socket = null; this.connection = null; this.method = options.method || 'GET'; this.path = options.path; this.res = null; this.aborted = false; this.reusedSocket = false; if (options.headers) { for (const [header, value] of Object.entries(options.headers)) { this.setHeader(header, value); } } if (options.auth && !('authorization' in this[kHeaders])) { this[kHeaders].authorization = 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(options.auth).toString('base64'); } options.session = options.tlsSession; options.path = options.socketPath; this[kOptions] = options; // Clients that generate HTTP/2 requests directly SHOULD use the :authority pseudo-header field instead of the Host header field. if (port === 443) { this[kOrigin] = `https://${host}`; if (!(':authority' in this[kHeaders])) { this[kHeaders][':authority'] = host; } } else { this[kOrigin] = `https://${host}:${port}`; if (!(':authority' in this[kHeaders])) { this[kHeaders][':authority'] = `${host}:${port}`; } } if (timeout) { this.setTimeout(timeout); } if (callback) { this.once('response', callback); } this[kFlushedHeaders] = false; } get method() { return this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]; } set method(value) { if (value) { this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] = value.toUpperCase(); } } get path() { return this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_PATH]; } set path(value) { if (value) { this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_PATH] = value; } } get _mustNotHaveABody() { return this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD' || this.method === 'DELETE'; } _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { // https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/654df09ae0c5e17d1b52a900a545f0664d8c7627/lib/internal/http2/util.js#L148-L156 if (this._mustNotHaveABody) { callback(new Error('The GET, HEAD and DELETE methods must NOT have a body')); /* istanbul ignore next: Node.js 12 throws directly */ return; } this.flushHeaders(); const callWrite = () => this._request.write(chunk, encoding, callback); if (this._request) { callWrite(); } else { this[kJobs].push(callWrite); } } _final(callback) { if (this.destroyed) { return; } this.flushHeaders(); const callEnd = () => { // For GET, HEAD and DELETE if (this._mustNotHaveABody) { callback(); return; } this._request.end(callback); }; if (this._request) { callEnd(); } else { this[kJobs].push(callEnd); } } abort() { if (this.res && this.res.complete) { return; } if (!this.aborted) { process.nextTick(() => this.emit('abort')); } this.aborted = true; this.destroy(); } _destroy(error, callback) { if (this.res) { this.res._dump(); } if (this._request) { this._request.destroy(); } callback(error); } async flushHeaders() { if (this[kFlushedHeaders] || this.destroyed) { return; } this[kFlushedHeaders] = true; const isConnectMethod = this.method === HTTP2_METHOD_CONNECT; // The real magic is here const onStream = stream => { this._request = stream; if (this.destroyed) { stream.destroy(); return; } // Forwards `timeout`, `continue`, `close` and `error` events to this instance. if (!isConnectMethod) { proxyEvents$1(stream, this, ['timeout', 'continue', 'close', 'error']); } // Wait for the `finish` event. We don't want to emit the `response` event // before `request.end()` is called. const waitForEnd = fn => { return (...args) => { if (!this.writable && !this.destroyed) { fn(...args); } else { this.once('finish', () => { fn(...args); }); } }; }; // This event tells we are ready to listen for the data. stream.once('response', waitForEnd((headers, flags, rawHeaders) => { // If we were to emit raw request stream, it would be as fast as the native approach. // Note that wrapping the raw stream in a Proxy instance won't improve the performance (already tested it). const response = new IncomingMessage$1(this.socket, stream.readableHighWaterMark); this.res = response; response.req = this; response.statusCode = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS]; response.headers = headers; response.rawHeaders = rawHeaders; response.once('end', () => { if (this.aborted) { response.aborted = true; response.emit('aborted'); } else { response.complete = true; // Has no effect, just be consistent with the Node.js behavior response.socket = null; response.connection = null; } }); if (isConnectMethod) { response.upgrade = true; // The HTTP1 API says the socket is detached here, // but we can't do that so we pass the original HTTP2 request. if (this.emit('connect', response, stream, Buffer.alloc(0))) { this.emit('close'); } else { // No listeners attached, destroy the original request. stream.destroy(); } } else { // Forwards data stream.on('data', chunk => { if (!response._dumped && !response.push(chunk)) { stream.pause(); } }); stream.once('end', () => { response.push(null); }); if (!this.emit('response', response)) { // No listeners attached, dump the response. response._dump(); } } })); // Emits `information` event stream.once('headers', waitForEnd( headers => this.emit('information', {statusCode: headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS]}) )); stream.once('trailers', waitForEnd((trailers, flags, rawTrailers) => { const {res} = this; // Assigns trailers to the response object. res.trailers = trailers; res.rawTrailers = rawTrailers; })); const {socket} = stream.session; this.socket = socket; this.connection = socket; for (const job of this[kJobs]) { job(); } this.emit('socket', this.socket); }; // Makes a HTTP2 request if (this[kSession]) { try { onStream(this[kSession].request(this[kHeaders])); } catch (error) { this.emit('error', error); } } else { this.reusedSocket = true; try { onStream(await this.agent.request(this[kOrigin], this[kOptions], this[kHeaders])); } catch (error) { this.emit('error', error); } } } getHeader(name) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('name', 'string', name); } return this[kHeaders][name.toLowerCase()]; } get headersSent() { return this[kFlushedHeaders]; } removeHeader(name) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('name', 'string', name); } if (this.headersSent) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT('remove'); } delete this[kHeaders][name.toLowerCase()]; } setHeader(name, value) { if (this.headersSent) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT('set'); } if (typeof name !== 'string' || (!isValidHttpToken.test(name) && !isRequestPseudoHeader(name))) { throw new ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN('Header name', name); } if (typeof value === 'undefined') { throw new ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE(value, name); } if (isInvalidHeaderValue.test(value)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_CHAR('header content', name); } this[kHeaders][name.toLowerCase()] = value; } setNoDelay() { // HTTP2 sockets cannot be malformed, do nothing. } setSocketKeepAlive() { // HTTP2 sockets cannot be malformed, do nothing. } setTimeout(ms, callback) { const applyTimeout = () => this._request.setTimeout(ms, callback); if (this._request) { applyTimeout(); } else { this[kJobs].push(applyTimeout); } return this; } get maxHeadersCount() { if (!this.destroyed && this._request) { return this._request.session.localSettings.maxHeaderListSize; } return undefined; } set maxHeadersCount(_value) { // Updating HTTP2 settings would affect all requests, do nothing. } } var clientRequest = ClientRequest$1; var auto$1 = {exports: {}}; const tls = require$$1__default$2["default"]; var resolveAlpn = (options = {}, connect = tls.connect) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timeout = false; let socket; const callback = async () => { await socketPromise; socket.off('timeout', onTimeout); socket.off('error', reject); if (options.resolveSocket) { resolve({alpnProtocol: socket.alpnProtocol, socket, timeout}); if (timeout) { await Promise.resolve(); socket.emit('timeout'); } } else { socket.destroy(); resolve({alpnProtocol: socket.alpnProtocol, timeout}); } }; const onTimeout = async () => { timeout = true; callback(); }; const socketPromise = (async () => { try { socket = await connect(options, callback); socket.on('error', reject); socket.once('timeout', onTimeout); } catch (error) { reject(error); } })(); }); const net$1 = require$$0__default$6["default"]; /* istanbul ignore file: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v13.0.1/lib/_http_agent.js */ var calculateServerName$1 = options => { let servername = options.host; const hostHeader = options.headers && options.headers.host; if (hostHeader) { if (hostHeader.startsWith('[')) { const index = hostHeader.indexOf(']'); if (index === -1) { servername = hostHeader; } else { servername = hostHeader.slice(1, -1); } } else { servername = hostHeader.split(':', 1)[0]; } } if (net$1.isIP(servername)) { return ''; } return servername; }; const http = require$$4__default["default"]; const https = require$$1__default$3["default"]; const resolveALPN = resolveAlpn; const QuickLRU = quickLru; const Http2ClientRequest = clientRequest; const calculateServerName = calculateServerName$1; const urlToOptions$1 = urlToOptions$3; const cache = new QuickLRU({maxSize: 100}); const queue = new Map(); const installSocket = (agent, socket, options) => { socket._httpMessage = {shouldKeepAlive: true}; const onFree = () => { agent.emit('free', socket, options); }; socket.on('free', onFree); const onClose = () => { agent.removeSocket(socket, options); }; socket.on('close', onClose); const onRemove = () => { agent.removeSocket(socket, options); socket.off('close', onClose); socket.off('free', onFree); socket.off('agentRemove', onRemove); }; socket.on('agentRemove', onRemove); agent.emit('free', socket, options); }; const resolveProtocol = async options => { const name = `${options.host}:${options.port}:${options.ALPNProtocols.sort()}`; if (!cache.has(name)) { if (queue.has(name)) { const result = await queue.get(name); return result.alpnProtocol; } const {path, agent} = options; options.path = options.socketPath; const resultPromise = resolveALPN(options); queue.set(name, resultPromise); try { const {socket, alpnProtocol} = await resultPromise; cache.set(name, alpnProtocol); options.path = path; if (alpnProtocol === 'h2') { // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/33343 socket.destroy(); } else { const {globalAgent} = https; const defaultCreateConnection = https.Agent.prototype.createConnection; if (agent) { if (agent.createConnection === defaultCreateConnection) { installSocket(agent, socket, options); } else { socket.destroy(); } } else if (globalAgent.createConnection === defaultCreateConnection) { installSocket(globalAgent, socket, options); } else { socket.destroy(); } } queue.delete(name); return alpnProtocol; } catch (error) { queue.delete(name); throw error; } } return cache.get(name); }; auto$1.exports = async (input, options, callback) => { if (typeof input === 'string' || input instanceof URL) { input = urlToOptions$1(new URL(input)); } if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = undefined; } options = { ALPNProtocols: ['h2', 'http/1.1'], ...input, ...options, resolveSocket: true }; if (!Array.isArray(options.ALPNProtocols) || options.ALPNProtocols.length === 0) { throw new Error('The `ALPNProtocols` option must be an Array with at least one entry'); } options.protocol = options.protocol || 'https:'; const isHttps = options.protocol === 'https:'; options.host = options.hostname || options.host || 'localhost'; options.session = options.tlsSession; options.servername = options.servername || calculateServerName(options); options.port = options.port || (isHttps ? 443 : 80); options._defaultAgent = isHttps ? https.globalAgent : http.globalAgent; const agents = options.agent; if (agents) { if (agents.addRequest) { throw new Error('The `options.agent` object can contain only `http`, `https` or `http2` properties'); } options.agent = agents[isHttps ? 'https' : 'http']; } if (isHttps) { const protocol = await resolveProtocol(options); if (protocol === 'h2') { if (agents) { options.agent = agents.http2; } return new Http2ClientRequest(options, callback); } } return http.request(options, callback); }; auto$1.exports.protocolCache = cache; const http2 = require$$0__default$5["default"]; const agent = agent$1; const ClientRequest = clientRequest; const IncomingMessage = incomingMessage; const auto = auto$1.exports; const request = (url, options, callback) => { return new ClientRequest(url, options, callback); }; const get = (url, options, callback) => { // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prevent-abbreviations const req = new ClientRequest(url, options, callback); req.end(); return req; }; var source = { ...http2, ClientRequest, IncomingMessage, ...agent, request, get, auto }; var getBodySize = {}; var isFormData = {}; Object.defineProperty(isFormData, "__esModule", { value: true }); const is_1$4 = dist$1.exports; isFormData.default = (body) => is_1$4.default.nodeStream(body) && is_1$4.default.function_(body.getBoundary); Object.defineProperty(getBodySize, "__esModule", { value: true }); const fs_1 = require$$2__default$1["default"]; const util_1 = require$$1__default["default"]; const is_1$3 = dist$1.exports; const is_form_data_1 = isFormData; const statAsync = util_1.promisify(fs_1.stat); getBodySize.default = async (body, headers) => { if (headers && 'content-length' in headers) { return Number(headers['content-length']); } if (!body) { return 0; } if (is_1$3.default.string(body)) { return Buffer.byteLength(body); } if (is_1$3.default.buffer(body)) { return body.length; } if (is_form_data_1.default(body)) { return util_1.promisify(body.getLength.bind(body))(); } if (body instanceof fs_1.ReadStream) { const { size } = await statAsync(body.path); if (size === 0) { return undefined; } return size; } return undefined; }; var proxyEvents = {}; Object.defineProperty(proxyEvents, "__esModule", { value: true }); function default_1$1(from, to, events) { const fns = {}; for (const event of events) { fns[event] = (...args) => { to.emit(event, ...args); }; from.on(event, fns[event]); } return () => { for (const event of events) { from.off(event, fns[event]); } }; } proxyEvents.default = default_1$1; var timedOut = {}; var unhandle = {}; Object.defineProperty(unhandle, "__esModule", { value: true }); // When attaching listeners, it's very easy to forget about them. // Especially if you do error handling and set timeouts. // So instead of checking if it's proper to throw an error on every timeout ever, // use this simple tool which will remove all listeners you have attached. unhandle.default = () => { const handlers = []; return { once(origin, event, fn) { origin.once(event, fn); handlers.push({ origin, event, fn }); }, unhandleAll() { for (const handler of handlers) { const { origin, event, fn } = handler; origin.removeListener(event, fn); } handlers.length = 0; } }; }; Object.defineProperty(timedOut, "__esModule", { value: true }); timedOut.TimeoutError = void 0; const net = require$$0__default$6["default"]; const unhandle_1 = unhandle; const reentry = Symbol('reentry'); const noop = () => { }; class TimeoutError extends Error { constructor(threshold, event) { super(`Timeout awaiting '${event}' for ${threshold}ms`); this.event = event; this.name = 'TimeoutError'; this.code = 'ETIMEDOUT'; } } timedOut.TimeoutError = TimeoutError; timedOut.default = (request, delays, options) => { if (reentry in request) { return noop; } request[reentry] = true; const cancelers = []; const { once, unhandleAll } = unhandle_1.default(); const addTimeout = (delay, callback, event) => { var _a; const timeout = setTimeout(callback, delay, delay, event); (_a = timeout.unref) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(timeout); const cancel = () => { clearTimeout(timeout); }; cancelers.push(cancel); return cancel; }; const { host, hostname } = options; const timeoutHandler = (delay, event) => { request.destroy(new TimeoutError(delay, event)); }; const cancelTimeouts = () => { for (const cancel of cancelers) { cancel(); } unhandleAll(); }; request.once('error', error => { cancelTimeouts(); // Save original behavior /* istanbul ignore next */ if (request.listenerCount('error') === 0) { throw error; } }); request.once('close', cancelTimeouts); once(request, 'response', (response) => { once(response, 'end', cancelTimeouts); }); if (typeof delays.request !== 'undefined') { addTimeout(delays.request, timeoutHandler, 'request'); } if (typeof delays.socket !== 'undefined') { const socketTimeoutHandler = () => { timeoutHandler(delays.socket, 'socket'); }; request.setTimeout(delays.socket, socketTimeoutHandler); // `request.setTimeout(0)` causes a memory leak. // We can just remove the listener and forget about the timer - it's unreffed. // See https://github.com/sindresorhus/got/issues/690 cancelers.push(() => { request.removeListener('timeout', socketTimeoutHandler); }); } once(request, 'socket', (socket) => { var _a; const { socketPath } = request; /* istanbul ignore next: hard to test */ if (socket.connecting) { const hasPath = Boolean(socketPath !== null && socketPath !== void 0 ? socketPath : net.isIP((_a = hostname !== null && hostname !== void 0 ? hostname : host) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '') !== 0); if (typeof delays.lookup !== 'undefined' && !hasPath && typeof socket.address().address === 'undefined') { const cancelTimeout = addTimeout(delays.lookup, timeoutHandler, 'lookup'); once(socket, 'lookup', cancelTimeout); } if (typeof delays.connect !== 'undefined') { const timeConnect = () => addTimeout(delays.connect, timeoutHandler, 'connect'); if (hasPath) { once(socket, 'connect', timeConnect()); } else { once(socket, 'lookup', (error) => { if (error === null) { once(socket, 'connect', timeConnect()); } }); } } if (typeof delays.secureConnect !== 'undefined' && options.protocol === 'https:') { once(socket, 'connect', () => { const cancelTimeout = addTimeout(delays.secureConnect, timeoutHandler, 'secureConnect'); once(socket, 'secureConnect', cancelTimeout); }); } } if (typeof delays.send !== 'undefined') { const timeRequest = () => addTimeout(delays.send, timeoutHandler, 'send'); /* istanbul ignore next: hard to test */ if (socket.connecting) { once(socket, 'connect', () => { once(request, 'upload-complete', timeRequest()); }); } else { once(request, 'upload-complete', timeRequest()); } } }); if (typeof delays.response !== 'undefined') { once(request, 'upload-complete', () => { const cancelTimeout = addTimeout(delays.response, timeoutHandler, 'response'); once(request, 'response', cancelTimeout); }); } return cancelTimeouts; }; var urlToOptions = {}; Object.defineProperty(urlToOptions, "__esModule", { value: true }); const is_1$2 = dist$1.exports; urlToOptions.default = (url) => { // Cast to URL url = url; const options = { protocol: url.protocol, hostname: is_1$2.default.string(url.hostname) && url.hostname.startsWith('[') ? url.hostname.slice(1, -1) : url.hostname, host: url.host, hash: url.hash, search: url.search, pathname: url.pathname, href: url.href, path: `${url.pathname || ''}${url.search || ''}` }; if (is_1$2.default.string(url.port) && url.port.length > 0) { options.port = Number(url.port); } if (url.username || url.password) { options.auth = `${url.username || ''}:${url.password || ''}`; } return options; }; var optionsToUrl = {}; Object.defineProperty(optionsToUrl, "__esModule", { value: true }); /* istanbul ignore file: deprecated */ const url_1 = require$$0__default$4["default"]; const keys = [ 'protocol', 'host', 'hostname', 'port', 'pathname', 'search' ]; optionsToUrl.default = (origin, options) => { var _a, _b; if (options.path) { if (options.pathname) { throw new TypeError('Parameters `path` and `pathname` are mutually exclusive.'); } if (options.search) { throw new TypeError('Parameters `path` and `search` are mutually exclusive.'); } if (options.searchParams) { throw new TypeError('Parameters `path` and `searchParams` are mutually exclusive.'); } } if (options.search && options.searchParams) { throw new TypeError('Parameters `search` and `searchParams` are mutually exclusive.'); } if (!origin) { if (!options.protocol) { throw new TypeError('No URL protocol specified'); } origin = `${options.protocol}//${(_b = (_a = options.hostname) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : options.host) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ''}`; } const url = new url_1.URL(origin); if (options.path) { const searchIndex = options.path.indexOf('?'); if (searchIndex === -1) { options.pathname = options.path; } else { options.pathname = options.path.slice(0, searchIndex); options.search = options.path.slice(searchIndex + 1); } delete options.path; } for (const key of keys) { if (options[key]) { url[key] = options[key].toString(); } } return url; }; var weakableMap = {}; Object.defineProperty(weakableMap, "__esModule", { value: true }); class WeakableMap { constructor() { this.weakMap = new WeakMap(); this.map = new Map(); } set(key, value) { if (typeof key === 'object') { this.weakMap.set(key, value); } else { this.map.set(key, value); } } get(key) { if (typeof key === 'object') { return this.weakMap.get(key); } return this.map.get(key); } has(key) { if (typeof key === 'object') { return this.weakMap.has(key); } return this.map.has(key); } } weakableMap.default = WeakableMap; var getBuffer$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(getBuffer$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); // TODO: Update https://github.com/sindresorhus/get-stream const getBuffer = async (stream) => { const chunks = []; let length = 0; for await (const chunk of stream) { chunks.push(chunk); length += Buffer.byteLength(chunk); } if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunks[0])) { return Buffer.concat(chunks, length); } return Buffer.from(chunks.join('')); }; getBuffer$1.default = getBuffer; var dnsIpVersion = {}; (function (exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.dnsLookupIpVersionToFamily = exports.isDnsLookupIpVersion = void 0; const conversionTable = { auto: 0, ipv4: 4, ipv6: 6 }; exports.isDnsLookupIpVersion = (value) => { return value in conversionTable; }; exports.dnsLookupIpVersionToFamily = (dnsLookupIpVersion) => { if (exports.isDnsLookupIpVersion(dnsLookupIpVersion)) { return conversionTable[dnsLookupIpVersion]; } throw new Error('Invalid DNS lookup IP version'); }; }(dnsIpVersion)); var isResponseOk = {}; Object.defineProperty(isResponseOk, "__esModule", { value: true }); isResponseOk.isResponseOk = void 0; isResponseOk.isResponseOk = (response) => { const { statusCode } = response; const limitStatusCode = response.request.options.followRedirect ? 299 : 399; return (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode <= limitStatusCode) || statusCode === 304; }; var deprecationWarning = {}; Object.defineProperty(deprecationWarning, "__esModule", { value: true }); const alreadyWarned = new Set(); deprecationWarning.default = (message) => { if (alreadyWarned.has(message)) { return; } alreadyWarned.add(message); // @ts-expect-error Missing types. process.emitWarning(`Got: ${message}`, { type: 'DeprecationWarning' }); }; var normalizeArguments$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(normalizeArguments$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); const is_1$1 = dist$1.exports; const normalizeArguments = (options, defaults) => { if (is_1$1.default.null_(options.encoding)) { throw new TypeError('To get a Buffer, set `options.responseType` to `buffer` instead'); } is_1$1.assert.any([is_1$1.default.string, is_1$1.default.undefined], options.encoding); is_1$1.assert.any([is_1$1.default.boolean, is_1$1.default.undefined], options.resolveBodyOnly); is_1$1.assert.any([is_1$1.default.boolean, is_1$1.default.undefined], options.methodRewriting); is_1$1.assert.any([is_1$1.default.boolean, is_1$1.default.undefined], options.isStream); is_1$1.assert.any([is_1$1.default.string, is_1$1.default.undefined], options.responseType); // `options.responseType` if (options.responseType === undefined) { options.responseType = 'text'; } // `options.retry` const { retry } = options; if (defaults) { options.retry = { ...defaults.retry }; } else { options.retry = { calculateDelay: retryObject => retryObject.computedValue, limit: 0, methods: [], statusCodes: [], errorCodes: [], maxRetryAfter: undefined }; } if (is_1$1.default.object(retry)) { options.retry = { ...options.retry, ...retry }; options.retry.methods = [...new Set(options.retry.methods.map(method => method.toUpperCase()))]; options.retry.statusCodes = [...new Set(options.retry.statusCodes)]; options.retry.errorCodes = [...new Set(options.retry.errorCodes)]; } else if (is_1$1.default.number(retry)) { options.retry.limit = retry; } if (is_1$1.default.undefined(options.retry.maxRetryAfter)) { options.retry.maxRetryAfter = Math.min( // TypeScript is not smart enough to handle `.filter(x => is.number(x))`. // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-fn-reference-in-iterator ...[options.timeout.request, options.timeout.connect].filter(is_1$1.default.number)); } // `options.pagination` if (is_1$1.default.object(options.pagination)) { if (defaults) { options.pagination = { ...defaults.pagination, ...options.pagination }; } const { pagination } = options; if (!is_1$1.default.function_(pagination.transform)) { throw new Error('`options.pagination.transform` must be implemented'); } if (!is_1$1.default.function_(pagination.shouldContinue)) { throw new Error('`options.pagination.shouldContinue` must be implemented'); } if (!is_1$1.default.function_(pagination.filter)) { throw new TypeError('`options.pagination.filter` must be implemented'); } if (!is_1$1.default.function_(pagination.paginate)) { throw new Error('`options.pagination.paginate` must be implemented'); } } // JSON mode if (options.responseType === 'json' && options.headers.accept === undefined) { options.headers.accept = 'application/json'; } return options; }; normalizeArguments$1.default = normalizeArguments; var calculateRetryDelay$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(calculateRetryDelay$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); calculateRetryDelay$1.retryAfterStatusCodes = void 0; calculateRetryDelay$1.retryAfterStatusCodes = new Set([413, 429, 503]); const calculateRetryDelay = ({ attemptCount, retryOptions, error, retryAfter }) => { if (attemptCount > retryOptions.limit) { return 0; } const hasMethod = retryOptions.methods.includes(error.options.method); const hasErrorCode = retryOptions.errorCodes.includes(error.code); const hasStatusCode = error.response && retryOptions.statusCodes.includes(error.response.statusCode); if (!hasMethod || (!hasErrorCode && !hasStatusCode)) { return 0; } if (error.response) { if (retryAfter) { if (retryOptions.maxRetryAfter === undefined || retryAfter > retryOptions.maxRetryAfter) { return 0; } return retryAfter; } if (error.response.statusCode === 413) { return 0; } } const noise = Math.random() * 100; return ((2 ** (attemptCount - 1)) * 1000) + noise; }; calculateRetryDelay$1.default = calculateRetryDelay; (function (exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.UnsupportedProtocolError = exports.ReadError = exports.TimeoutError = exports.UploadError = exports.CacheError = exports.HTTPError = exports.MaxRedirectsError = exports.RequestError = exports.setNonEnumerableProperties = exports.knownHookEvents = exports.withoutBody = exports.kIsNormalizedAlready = void 0; const util_1 = require$$1__default["default"]; const stream_1 = require$$0__default$1["default"]; const fs_1 = require$$2__default$1["default"]; const url_1 = require$$0__default$4["default"]; const http = require$$4__default["default"]; const http_1 = require$$4__default["default"]; const https = require$$1__default$3["default"]; const http_timer_1 = source$3.exports; const cacheable_lookup_1 = source$1.exports; const CacheableRequest = src; const decompressResponse$1 = decompressResponse; // @ts-expect-error Missing types const http2wrapper = source; const lowercaseKeys = lowercaseKeys$2; const is_1 = dist$1.exports; const get_body_size_1 = getBodySize; const is_form_data_1 = isFormData; const proxy_events_1 = proxyEvents; const timed_out_1 = timedOut; const url_to_options_1 = urlToOptions; const options_to_url_1 = optionsToUrl; const weakable_map_1 = weakableMap; const get_buffer_1 = getBuffer$1; const dns_ip_version_1 = dnsIpVersion; const is_response_ok_1 = isResponseOk; const deprecation_warning_1 = deprecationWarning; const normalize_arguments_1 = normalizeArguments$1; const calculate_retry_delay_1 = calculateRetryDelay$1; let globalDnsCache; const kRequest = Symbol('request'); const kResponse = Symbol('response'); const kResponseSize = Symbol('responseSize'); const kDownloadedSize = Symbol('downloadedSize'); const kBodySize = Symbol('bodySize'); const kUploadedSize = Symbol('uploadedSize'); const kServerResponsesPiped = Symbol('serverResponsesPiped'); const kUnproxyEvents = Symbol('unproxyEvents'); const kIsFromCache = Symbol('isFromCache'); const kCancelTimeouts = Symbol('cancelTimeouts'); const kStartedReading = Symbol('startedReading'); const kStopReading = Symbol('stopReading'); const kTriggerRead = Symbol('triggerRead'); const kBody = Symbol('body'); const kJobs = Symbol('jobs'); const kOriginalResponse = Symbol('originalResponse'); const kRetryTimeout = Symbol('retryTimeout'); exports.kIsNormalizedAlready = Symbol('isNormalizedAlready'); const supportsBrotli = is_1.default.string(process.versions.brotli); exports.withoutBody = new Set(['GET', 'HEAD']); exports.knownHookEvents = [ 'init', 'beforeRequest', 'beforeRedirect', 'beforeError', 'beforeRetry', // Promise-Only 'afterResponse' ]; function validateSearchParameters(searchParameters) { // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const key in searchParameters) { const value = searchParameters[key]; if (!is_1.default.string(value) && !is_1.default.number(value) && !is_1.default.boolean(value) && !is_1.default.null_(value) && !is_1.default.undefined(value)) { throw new TypeError(`The \`searchParams\` value '${String(value)}' must be a string, number, boolean or null`); } } } function isClientRequest(clientRequest) { return is_1.default.object(clientRequest) && !('statusCode' in clientRequest); } const cacheableStore = new weakable_map_1.default(); const waitForOpenFile = async (file) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onError = (error) => { reject(error); }; // Node.js 12 has incomplete types if (!file.pending) { resolve(); } file.once('error', onError); file.once('ready', () => { file.off('error', onError); resolve(); }); }); const redirectCodes = new Set([300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307, 308]); const nonEnumerableProperties = [ 'context', 'body', 'json', 'form' ]; exports.setNonEnumerableProperties = (sources, to) => { // Non enumerable properties shall not be merged const properties = {}; for (const source of sources) { if (!source) { continue; } for (const name of nonEnumerableProperties) { if (!(name in source)) { continue; } properties[name] = { writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false, // @ts-expect-error TS doesn't see the check above value: source[name] }; } } Object.defineProperties(to, properties); }; /** An error to be thrown when a request fails. Contains a `code` property with error class code, like `ECONNREFUSED`. */ class RequestError extends Error { constructor(message, error, self) { var _a, _b; super(message); Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); this.name = 'RequestError'; this.code = (_a = error.code) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'ERR_GOT_REQUEST_ERROR'; if (self instanceof Request) { Object.defineProperty(this, 'request', { enumerable: false, value: self }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'response', { enumerable: false, value: self[kResponse] }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'options', { // This fails because of TS 3.7.2 useDefineForClassFields // Ref: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/34972 enumerable: false, value: self.options }); } else { Object.defineProperty(this, 'options', { // This fails because of TS 3.7.2 useDefineForClassFields // Ref: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/34972 enumerable: false, value: self }); } this.timings = (_b = this.request) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.timings; // Recover the original stacktrace if (is_1.default.string(error.stack) && is_1.default.string(this.stack)) { const indexOfMessage = this.stack.indexOf(this.message) + this.message.length; const thisStackTrace = this.stack.slice(indexOfMessage).split('\n').reverse(); const errorStackTrace = error.stack.slice(error.stack.indexOf(error.message) + error.message.length).split('\n').reverse(); // Remove duplicated traces while (errorStackTrace.length !== 0 && errorStackTrace[0] === thisStackTrace[0]) { thisStackTrace.shift(); } this.stack = `${this.stack.slice(0, indexOfMessage)}${thisStackTrace.reverse().join('\n')}${errorStackTrace.reverse().join('\n')}`; } } } exports.RequestError = RequestError; /** An error to be thrown when the server redirects you more than ten times. Includes a `response` property. */ class MaxRedirectsError extends RequestError { constructor(request) { super(`Redirected ${request.options.maxRedirects} times. Aborting.`, {}, request); this.name = 'MaxRedirectsError'; this.code = 'ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS'; } } exports.MaxRedirectsError = MaxRedirectsError; /** An error to be thrown when the server response code is not 2xx nor 3xx if `options.followRedirect` is `true`, but always except for 304. Includes a `response` property. */ class HTTPError extends RequestError { constructor(response) { super(`Response code ${response.statusCode} (${response.statusMessage})`, {}, response.request); this.name = 'HTTPError'; this.code = 'ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE'; } } exports.HTTPError = HTTPError; /** An error to be thrown when a cache method fails. For example, if the database goes down or there's a filesystem error. */ class CacheError extends RequestError { constructor(error, request) { super(error.message, error, request); this.name = 'CacheError'; this.code = this.code === 'ERR_GOT_REQUEST_ERROR' ? 'ERR_CACHE_ACCESS' : this.code; } } exports.CacheError = CacheError; /** An error to be thrown when the request body is a stream and an error occurs while reading from that stream. */ class UploadError extends RequestError { constructor(error, request) { super(error.message, error, request); this.name = 'UploadError'; this.code = this.code === 'ERR_GOT_REQUEST_ERROR' ? 'ERR_UPLOAD' : this.code; } } exports.UploadError = UploadError; /** An error to be thrown when the request is aborted due to a timeout. Includes an `event` and `timings` property. */ class TimeoutError extends RequestError { constructor(error, timings, request) { super(error.message, error, request); this.name = 'TimeoutError'; this.event = error.event; this.timings = timings; } } exports.TimeoutError = TimeoutError; /** An error to be thrown when reading from response stream fails. */ class ReadError extends RequestError { constructor(error, request) { super(error.message, error, request); this.name = 'ReadError'; this.code = this.code === 'ERR_GOT_REQUEST_ERROR' ? 'ERR_READING_RESPONSE_STREAM' : this.code; } } exports.ReadError = ReadError; /** An error to be thrown when given an unsupported protocol. */ class UnsupportedProtocolError extends RequestError { constructor(options) { super(`Unsupported protocol "${options.url.protocol}"`, {}, options); this.name = 'UnsupportedProtocolError'; this.code = 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL'; } } exports.UnsupportedProtocolError = UnsupportedProtocolError; const proxiedRequestEvents = [ 'socket', 'connect', 'continue', 'information', 'upgrade', 'timeout' ]; class Request extends stream_1.Duplex { constructor(url, options = {}, defaults) { super({ // This must be false, to enable throwing after destroy // It is used for retry logic in Promise API autoDestroy: false, // It needs to be zero because we're just proxying the data to another stream highWaterMark: 0 }); this[kDownloadedSize] = 0; this[kUploadedSize] = 0; this.requestInitialized = false; this[kServerResponsesPiped] = new Set(); this.redirects = []; this[kStopReading] = false; this[kTriggerRead] = false; this[kJobs] = []; this.retryCount = 0; // TODO: Remove this when targeting Node.js >= 12 this._progressCallbacks = []; const unlockWrite = () => this._unlockWrite(); const lockWrite = () => this._lockWrite(); this.on('pipe', (source) => { source.prependListener('data', unlockWrite); source.on('data', lockWrite); source.prependListener('end', unlockWrite); source.on('end', lockWrite); }); this.on('unpipe', (source) => { source.off('data', unlockWrite); source.off('data', lockWrite); source.off('end', unlockWrite); source.off('end', lockWrite); }); this.on('pipe', source => { if (source instanceof http_1.IncomingMessage) { this.options.headers = { ...source.headers, ...this.options.headers }; } }); const { json, body, form } = options; if (json || body || form) { this._lockWrite(); } if (exports.kIsNormalizedAlready in options) { this.options = options; } else { try { // @ts-expect-error Common TypeScript bug saying that `this.constructor` is not accessible this.options = this.constructor.normalizeArguments(url, options, defaults); } catch (error) { // TODO: Move this to `_destroy()` if (is_1.default.nodeStream(options.body)) { options.body.destroy(); } this.destroy(error); return; } } (async () => { var _a; try { if (this.options.body instanceof fs_1.ReadStream) { await waitForOpenFile(this.options.body); } const { url: normalizedURL } = this.options; if (!normalizedURL) { throw new TypeError('Missing `url` property'); } this.requestUrl = normalizedURL.toString(); decodeURI(this.requestUrl); await this._finalizeBody(); await this._makeRequest(); if (this.destroyed) { (_a = this[kRequest]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.destroy(); return; } // Queued writes etc. for (const job of this[kJobs]) { job(); } // Prevent memory leak this[kJobs].length = 0; this.requestInitialized = true; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof RequestError) { this._beforeError(error); return; } // This is a workaround for https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/33335 if (!this.destroyed) { this.destroy(error); } } })(); } static normalizeArguments(url, options, defaults) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; const rawOptions = options; if (is_1.default.object(url) && !is_1.default.urlInstance(url)) { options = { ...defaults, ...url, ...options }; } else { if (url && options && options.url !== undefined) { throw new TypeError('The `url` option is mutually exclusive with the `input` argument'); } options = { ...defaults, ...options }; if (url !== undefined) { options.url = url; } if (is_1.default.urlInstance(options.url)) { options.url = new url_1.URL(options.url.toString()); } } // TODO: Deprecate URL options in Got 12. // Support extend-specific options if (options.cache === false) { options.cache = undefined; } if (options.dnsCache === false) { options.dnsCache = undefined; } // Nice type assertions is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.string, is_1.default.undefined], options.method); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.object, is_1.default.undefined], options.headers); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.string, is_1.default.urlInstance, is_1.default.undefined], options.prefixUrl); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.object, is_1.default.undefined], options.cookieJar); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.object, is_1.default.string, is_1.default.undefined], options.searchParams); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.object, is_1.default.string, is_1.default.undefined], options.cache); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.object, is_1.default.number, is_1.default.undefined], options.timeout); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.object, is_1.default.undefined], options.context); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.object, is_1.default.undefined], options.hooks); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.boolean, is_1.default.undefined], options.decompress); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.boolean, is_1.default.undefined], options.ignoreInvalidCookies); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.boolean, is_1.default.undefined], options.followRedirect); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.number, is_1.default.undefined], options.maxRedirects); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.boolean, is_1.default.undefined], options.throwHttpErrors); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.boolean, is_1.default.undefined], options.http2); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.boolean, is_1.default.undefined], options.allowGetBody); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.string, is_1.default.undefined], options.localAddress); is_1.assert.any([dns_ip_version_1.isDnsLookupIpVersion, is_1.default.undefined], options.dnsLookupIpVersion); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.object, is_1.default.undefined], options.https); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.boolean, is_1.default.undefined], options.rejectUnauthorized); if (options.https) { is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.boolean, is_1.default.undefined], options.https.rejectUnauthorized); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.function_, is_1.default.undefined], options.https.checkServerIdentity); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.string, is_1.default.object, is_1.default.array, is_1.default.undefined], options.https.certificateAuthority); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.string, is_1.default.object, is_1.default.array, is_1.default.undefined], options.https.key); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.string, is_1.default.object, is_1.default.array, is_1.default.undefined], options.https.certificate); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.string, is_1.default.undefined], options.https.passphrase); is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.string, is_1.default.buffer, is_1.default.array, is_1.default.undefined], options.https.pfx); } is_1.assert.any([is_1.default.object, is_1.default.undefined], options.cacheOptions); // `options.method` if (is_1.default.string(options.method)) { options.method = options.method.toUpperCase(); } else { options.method = 'GET'; } // `options.headers` if (options.headers === (defaults === null || defaults === void 0 ? void 0 : defaults.headers)) { options.headers = { ...options.headers }; } else { options.headers = lowercaseKeys({ ...(defaults === null || defaults === void 0 ? void 0 : defaults.headers), ...options.headers }); } // Disallow legacy `url.Url` if ('slashes' in options) { throw new TypeError('The legacy `url.Url` has been deprecated. Use `URL` instead.'); } // `options.auth` if ('auth' in options) { throw new TypeError('Parameter `auth` is deprecated. Use `username` / `password` instead.'); } // `options.searchParams` if ('searchParams' in options) { if (options.searchParams && options.searchParams !== (defaults === null || defaults === void 0 ? void 0 : defaults.searchParams)) { let searchParameters; if (is_1.default.string(options.searchParams) || (options.searchParams instanceof url_1.URLSearchParams)) { searchParameters = new url_1.URLSearchParams(options.searchParams); } else { validateSearchParameters(options.searchParams); searchParameters = new url_1.URLSearchParams(); // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const key in options.searchParams) { const value = options.searchParams[key]; if (value === null) { searchParameters.append(key, ''); } else if (value !== undefined) { searchParameters.append(key, value); } } } // `normalizeArguments()` is also used to merge options (_a = defaults === null || defaults === void 0 ? void 0 : defaults.searchParams) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((value, key) => { // Only use default if one isn't already defined if (!searchParameters.has(key)) { searchParameters.append(key, value); } }); options.searchParams = searchParameters; } } // `options.username` & `options.password` options.username = (_b = options.username) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ''; options.password = (_c = options.password) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : ''; // `options.prefixUrl` & `options.url` if (is_1.default.undefined(options.prefixUrl)) { options.prefixUrl = (_d = defaults === null || defaults === void 0 ? void 0 : defaults.prefixUrl) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : ''; } else { options.prefixUrl = options.prefixUrl.toString(); if (options.prefixUrl !== '' && !options.prefixUrl.endsWith('/')) { options.prefixUrl += '/'; } } if (is_1.default.string(options.url)) { if (options.url.startsWith('/')) { throw new Error('`input` must not start with a slash when using `prefixUrl`'); } options.url = options_to_url_1.default(options.prefixUrl + options.url, options); } else if ((is_1.default.undefined(options.url) && options.prefixUrl !== '') || options.protocol) { options.url = options_to_url_1.default(options.prefixUrl, options); } if (options.url) { if ('port' in options) { delete options.port; } // Make it possible to change `options.prefixUrl` let { prefixUrl } = options; Object.defineProperty(options, 'prefixUrl', { set: (value) => { const url = options.url; if (!url.href.startsWith(value)) { throw new Error(`Cannot change \`prefixUrl\` from ${prefixUrl} to ${value}: ${url.href}`); } options.url = new url_1.URL(value + url.href.slice(prefixUrl.length)); prefixUrl = value; }, get: () => prefixUrl }); // Support UNIX sockets let { protocol } = options.url; if (protocol === 'unix:') { protocol = 'http:'; options.url = new url_1.URL(`http://unix${options.url.pathname}${options.url.search}`); } // Set search params if (options.searchParams) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string options.url.search = options.searchParams.toString(); } // Protocol check if (protocol !== 'http:' && protocol !== 'https:') { throw new UnsupportedProtocolError(options); } // Update `username` if (options.username === '') { options.username = options.url.username; } else { options.url.username = options.username; } // Update `password` if (options.password === '') { options.password = options.url.password; } else { options.url.password = options.password; } } // `options.cookieJar` const { cookieJar } = options; if (cookieJar) { let { setCookie, getCookieString } = cookieJar; is_1.assert.function_(setCookie); is_1.assert.function_(getCookieString); /* istanbul ignore next: Horrible `tough-cookie` v3 check */ if (setCookie.length === 4 && getCookieString.length === 0) { setCookie = util_1.promisify(setCookie.bind(options.cookieJar)); getCookieString = util_1.promisify(getCookieString.bind(options.cookieJar)); options.cookieJar = { setCookie, getCookieString: getCookieString }; } } // `options.cache` const { cache } = options; if (cache) { if (!cacheableStore.has(cache)) { cacheableStore.set(cache, new CacheableRequest(((requestOptions, handler) => { const result = requestOptions[kRequest](requestOptions, handler); // TODO: remove this when `cacheable-request` supports async request functions. if (is_1.default.promise(result)) { // @ts-expect-error // We only need to implement the error handler in order to support HTTP2 caching. // The result will be a promise anyway. result.once = (event, handler) => { if (event === 'error') { result.catch(handler); } else if (event === 'abort') { // The empty catch is needed here in case when // it rejects before it's `await`ed in `_makeRequest`. (async () => { try { const request = (await result); request.once('abort', handler); } catch (_a) { } })(); } else { /* istanbul ignore next: safety check */ throw new Error(`Unknown HTTP2 promise event: ${event}`); } return result; }; } return result; }), cache)); } } // `options.cacheOptions` options.cacheOptions = { ...options.cacheOptions }; // `options.dnsCache` if (options.dnsCache === true) { if (!globalDnsCache) { globalDnsCache = new cacheable_lookup_1.default(); } options.dnsCache = globalDnsCache; } else if (!is_1.default.undefined(options.dnsCache) && !options.dnsCache.lookup) { throw new TypeError(`Parameter \`dnsCache\` must be a CacheableLookup instance or a boolean, got ${is_1.default(options.dnsCache)}`); } // `options.timeout` if (is_1.default.number(options.timeout)) { options.timeout = { request: options.timeout }; } else if (defaults && options.timeout !== defaults.timeout) { options.timeout = { ...defaults.timeout, ...options.timeout }; } else { options.timeout = { ...options.timeout }; } // `options.context` if (!options.context) { options.context = {}; } // `options.hooks` const areHooksDefault = options.hooks === (defaults === null || defaults === void 0 ? void 0 : defaults.hooks); options.hooks = { ...options.hooks }; for (const event of exports.knownHookEvents) { if (event in options.hooks) { if (is_1.default.array(options.hooks[event])) { // See https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/31445#issuecomment-576929044 options.hooks[event] = [...options.hooks[event]]; } else { throw new TypeError(`Parameter \`${event}\` must be an Array, got ${is_1.default(options.hooks[event])}`); } } else { options.hooks[event] = []; } } if (defaults && !areHooksDefault) { for (const event of exports.knownHookEvents) { const defaultHooks = defaults.hooks[event]; if (defaultHooks.length > 0) { // See https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/31445#issuecomment-576929044 options.hooks[event] = [ ...defaults.hooks[event], ...options.hooks[event] ]; } } } // DNS options if ('family' in options) { deprecation_warning_1.default('"options.family" was never documented, please use "options.dnsLookupIpVersion"'); } // HTTPS options if (defaults === null || defaults === void 0 ? void 0 : defaults.https) { options.https = { ...defaults.https, ...options.https }; } if ('rejectUnauthorized' in options) { deprecation_warning_1.default('"options.rejectUnauthorized" is now deprecated, please use "options.https.rejectUnauthorized"'); } if ('checkServerIdentity' in options) { deprecation_warning_1.default('"options.checkServerIdentity" was never documented, please use "options.https.checkServerIdentity"'); } if ('ca' in options) { deprecation_warning_1.default('"options.ca" was never documented, please use "options.https.certificateAuthority"'); } if ('key' in options) { deprecation_warning_1.default('"options.key" was never documented, please use "options.https.key"'); } if ('cert' in options) { deprecation_warning_1.default('"options.cert" was never documented, please use "options.https.certificate"'); } if ('passphrase' in options) { deprecation_warning_1.default('"options.passphrase" was never documented, please use "options.https.passphrase"'); } if ('pfx' in options) { deprecation_warning_1.default('"options.pfx" was never documented, please use "options.https.pfx"'); } // Other options if ('followRedirects' in options) { throw new TypeError('The `followRedirects` option does not exist. Use `followRedirect` instead.'); } if (options.agent) { for (const key in options.agent) { if (key !== 'http' && key !== 'https' && key !== 'http2') { throw new TypeError(`Expected the \`options.agent\` properties to be \`http\`, \`https\` or \`http2\`, got \`${key}\``); } } } options.maxRedirects = (_e = options.maxRedirects) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : 0; // Set non-enumerable properties exports.setNonEnumerableProperties([defaults, rawOptions], options); return normalize_arguments_1.default(options, defaults); } _lockWrite() { const onLockedWrite = () => { throw new TypeError('The payload has been already provided'); }; this.write = onLockedWrite; this.end = onLockedWrite; } _unlockWrite() { this.write = super.write; this.end = super.end; } async _finalizeBody() { const { options } = this; const { headers } = options; const isForm = !is_1.default.undefined(options.form); const isJSON = !is_1.default.undefined(options.json); const isBody = !is_1.default.undefined(options.body); const hasPayload = isForm || isJSON || isBody; const cannotHaveBody = exports.withoutBody.has(options.method) && !(options.method === 'GET' && options.allowGetBody); this._cannotHaveBody = cannotHaveBody; if (hasPayload) { if (cannotHaveBody) { throw new TypeError(`The \`${options.method}\` method cannot be used with a body`); } if ([isBody, isForm, isJSON].filter(isTrue => isTrue).length > 1) { throw new TypeError('The `body`, `json` and `form` options are mutually exclusive'); } if (isBody && !(options.body instanceof stream_1.Readable) && !is_1.default.string(options.body) && !is_1.default.buffer(options.body) && !is_form_data_1.default(options.body)) { throw new TypeError('The `body` option must be a stream.Readable, string or Buffer'); } if (isForm && !is_1.default.object(options.form)) { throw new TypeError('The `form` option must be an Object'); } { // Serialize body const noContentType = !is_1.default.string(headers['content-type']); if (isBody) { // Special case for https://github.com/form-data/form-data if (is_form_data_1.default(options.body) && noContentType) { headers['content-type'] = `multipart/form-data; boundary=${options.body.getBoundary()}`; } this[kBody] = options.body; } else if (isForm) { if (noContentType) { headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } this[kBody] = (new url_1.URLSearchParams(options.form)).toString(); } else { if (noContentType) { headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'; } this[kBody] = options.stringifyJson(options.json); } const uploadBodySize = await get_body_size_1.default(this[kBody], options.headers); // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.2 // A user agent SHOULD send a Content-Length in a request message when // no Transfer-Encoding is sent and the request method defines a meaning // for an enclosed payload body. For example, a Content-Length header // field is normally sent in a POST request even when the value is 0 // (indicating an empty payload body). A user agent SHOULD NOT send a // Content-Length header field when the request message does not contain // a payload body and the method semantics do not anticipate such a // body. if (is_1.default.undefined(headers['content-length']) && is_1.default.undefined(headers['transfer-encoding'])) { if (!cannotHaveBody && !is_1.default.undefined(uploadBodySize)) { headers['content-length'] = String(uploadBodySize); } } } } else if (cannotHaveBody) { this._lockWrite(); } else { this._unlockWrite(); } this[kBodySize] = Number(headers['content-length']) || undefined; } async _onResponseBase(response) { const { options } = this; const { url } = options; this[kOriginalResponse] = response; if (options.decompress) { response = decompressResponse$1(response); } const statusCode = response.statusCode; const typedResponse = response; typedResponse.statusMessage = typedResponse.statusMessage ? typedResponse.statusMessage : http.STATUS_CODES[statusCode]; typedResponse.url = options.url.toString(); typedResponse.requestUrl = this.requestUrl; typedResponse.redirectUrls = this.redirects; typedResponse.request = this; typedResponse.isFromCache = response.fromCache || false; typedResponse.ip = this.ip; typedResponse.retryCount = this.retryCount; this[kIsFromCache] = typedResponse.isFromCache; this[kResponseSize] = Number(response.headers['content-length']) || undefined; this[kResponse] = response; response.once('end', () => { this[kResponseSize] = this[kDownloadedSize]; this.emit('downloadProgress', this.downloadProgress); }); response.once('error', (error) => { // Force clean-up, because some packages don't do this. // TODO: Fix decompress-response response.destroy(); this._beforeError(new ReadError(error, this)); }); response.once('aborted', () => { this._beforeError(new ReadError({ name: 'Error', message: 'The server aborted pending request', code: 'ECONNRESET' }, this)); }); this.emit('downloadProgress', this.downloadProgress); const rawCookies = response.headers['set-cookie']; if (is_1.default.object(options.cookieJar) && rawCookies) { let promises = rawCookies.map(async (rawCookie) => options.cookieJar.setCookie(rawCookie, url.toString())); if (options.ignoreInvalidCookies) { promises = promises.map(async (p) => p.catch(() => { })); } try { await Promise.all(promises); } catch (error) { this._beforeError(error); return; } } if (options.followRedirect && response.headers.location && redirectCodes.has(statusCode)) { // We're being redirected, we don't care about the response. // It'd be best to abort the request, but we can't because // we would have to sacrifice the TCP connection. We don't want that. response.resume(); if (this[kRequest]) { this[kCancelTimeouts](); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete delete this[kRequest]; this[kUnproxyEvents](); } const shouldBeGet = statusCode === 303 && options.method !== 'GET' && options.method !== 'HEAD'; if (shouldBeGet || !options.methodRewriting) { // Server responded with "see other", indicating that the resource exists at another location, // and the client should request it from that location via GET or HEAD. options.method = 'GET'; if ('body' in options) { delete options.body; } if ('json' in options) { delete options.json; } if ('form' in options) { delete options.form; } this[kBody] = undefined; delete options.headers['content-length']; } if (this.redirects.length >= options.maxRedirects) { this._beforeError(new MaxRedirectsError(this)); return; } try { // Do not remove. See https://github.com/sindresorhus/got/pull/214 const redirectBuffer = Buffer.from(response.headers.location, 'binary').toString(); // Handles invalid URLs. See https://github.com/sindresorhus/got/issues/604 const redirectUrl = new url_1.URL(redirectBuffer, url); const redirectString = redirectUrl.toString(); decodeURI(redirectString); // Redirecting to a different site, clear sensitive data. if (redirectUrl.hostname !== url.hostname || redirectUrl.port !== url.port) { if ('host' in options.headers) { delete options.headers.host; } if ('cookie' in options.headers) { delete options.headers.cookie; } if ('authorization' in options.headers) { delete options.headers.authorization; } if (options.username || options.password) { options.username = ''; options.password = ''; } } else { redirectUrl.username = options.username; redirectUrl.password = options.password; } this.redirects.push(redirectString); options.url = redirectUrl; for (const hook of options.hooks.beforeRedirect) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await hook(options, typedResponse); } this.emit('redirect', typedResponse, options); await this._makeRequest(); } catch (error) { this._beforeError(error); return; } return; } if (options.isStream && options.throwHttpErrors && !is_response_ok_1.isResponseOk(typedResponse)) { this._beforeError(new HTTPError(typedResponse)); return; } response.on('readable', () => { if (this[kTriggerRead]) { this._read(); } }); this.on('resume', () => { response.resume(); }); this.on('pause', () => { response.pause(); }); response.once('end', () => { this.push(null); }); this.emit('response', response); for (const destination of this[kServerResponsesPiped]) { if (destination.headersSent) { continue; } // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const key in response.headers) { const isAllowed = options.decompress ? key !== 'content-encoding' : true; const value = response.headers[key]; if (isAllowed) { destination.setHeader(key, value); } } destination.statusCode = statusCode; } } async _onResponse(response) { try { await this._onResponseBase(response); } catch (error) { /* istanbul ignore next: better safe than sorry */ this._beforeError(error); } } _onRequest(request) { const { options } = this; const { timeout, url } = options; http_timer_1.default(request); this[kCancelTimeouts] = timed_out_1.default(request, timeout, url); const responseEventName = options.cache ? 'cacheableResponse' : 'response'; request.once(responseEventName, (response) => { void this._onResponse(response); }); request.once('error', (error) => { var _a; // Force clean-up, because some packages (e.g. nock) don't do this. request.destroy(); // Node.js <= 12.18.2 mistakenly emits the response `end` first. (_a = request.res) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeAllListeners('end'); error = error instanceof timed_out_1.TimeoutError ? new TimeoutError(error, this.timings, this) : new RequestError(error.message, error, this); this._beforeError(error); }); this[kUnproxyEvents] = proxy_events_1.default(request, this, proxiedRequestEvents); this[kRequest] = request; this.emit('uploadProgress', this.uploadProgress); // Send body const body = this[kBody]; const currentRequest = this.redirects.length === 0 ? this : request; if (is_1.default.nodeStream(body)) { body.pipe(currentRequest); body.once('error', (error) => { this._beforeError(new UploadError(error, this)); }); } else { this._unlockWrite(); if (!is_1.default.undefined(body)) { this._writeRequest(body, undefined, () => { }); currentRequest.end(); this._lockWrite(); } else if (this._cannotHaveBody || this._noPipe) { currentRequest.end(); this._lockWrite(); } } this.emit('request', request); } async _createCacheableRequest(url, options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // TODO: Remove `utils/url-to-options.ts` when `cacheable-request` is fixed Object.assign(options, url_to_options_1.default(url)); // `http-cache-semantics` checks this // TODO: Fix this ignore. // @ts-expect-error delete options.url; let request; // This is ugly const cacheRequest = cacheableStore.get(options.cache)(options, async (response) => { // TODO: Fix `cacheable-response` response._readableState.autoDestroy = false; if (request) { (await request).emit('cacheableResponse', response); } resolve(response); }); // Restore options options.url = url; cacheRequest.once('error', reject); cacheRequest.once('request', async (requestOrPromise) => { request = requestOrPromise; resolve(request); }); }); } async _makeRequest() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; const { options } = this; const { headers } = options; for (const key in headers) { if (is_1.default.undefined(headers[key])) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete delete headers[key]; } else if (is_1.default.null_(headers[key])) { throw new TypeError(`Use \`undefined\` instead of \`null\` to delete the \`${key}\` header`); } } if (options.decompress && is_1.default.undefined(headers['accept-encoding'])) { headers['accept-encoding'] = supportsBrotli ? 'gzip, deflate, br' : 'gzip, deflate'; } // Set cookies if (options.cookieJar) { const cookieString = await options.cookieJar.getCookieString(options.url.toString()); if (is_1.default.nonEmptyString(cookieString)) { options.headers.cookie = cookieString; } } for (const hook of options.hooks.beforeRequest) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const result = await hook(options); if (!is_1.default.undefined(result)) { // @ts-expect-error Skip the type mismatch to support abstract responses options.request = () => result; break; } } if (options.body && this[kBody] !== options.body) { this[kBody] = options.body; } const { agent, request, timeout, url } = options; if (options.dnsCache && !('lookup' in options)) { options.lookup = options.dnsCache.lookup; } // UNIX sockets if (url.hostname === 'unix') { const matches = /(?.+?):(?.+)/.exec(`${url.pathname}${url.search}`); if (matches === null || matches === void 0 ? void 0 : matches.groups) { const { socketPath, path } = matches.groups; Object.assign(options, { socketPath, path, host: '' }); } } const isHttps = url.protocol === 'https:'; // Fallback function let fallbackFn; if (options.http2) { fallbackFn = http2wrapper.auto; } else { fallbackFn = isHttps ? https.request : http.request; } const realFn = (_a = options.request) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : fallbackFn; // Cache support const fn = options.cache ? this._createCacheableRequest : realFn; // Pass an agent directly when HTTP2 is disabled if (agent && !options.http2) { options.agent = agent[isHttps ? 'https' : 'http']; } // Prepare plain HTTP request options options[kRequest] = realFn; delete options.request; // TODO: Fix this ignore. // @ts-expect-error delete options.timeout; const requestOptions = options; requestOptions.shared = (_b = options.cacheOptions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.shared; requestOptions.cacheHeuristic = (_c = options.cacheOptions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.cacheHeuristic; requestOptions.immutableMinTimeToLive = (_d = options.cacheOptions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.immutableMinTimeToLive; requestOptions.ignoreCargoCult = (_e = options.cacheOptions) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.ignoreCargoCult; // If `dnsLookupIpVersion` is not present do not override `family` if (options.dnsLookupIpVersion !== undefined) { try { requestOptions.family = dns_ip_version_1.dnsLookupIpVersionToFamily(options.dnsLookupIpVersion); } catch (_f) { throw new Error('Invalid `dnsLookupIpVersion` option value'); } } // HTTPS options remapping if (options.https) { if ('rejectUnauthorized' in options.https) { requestOptions.rejectUnauthorized = options.https.rejectUnauthorized; } if (options.https.checkServerIdentity) { requestOptions.checkServerIdentity = options.https.checkServerIdentity; } if (options.https.certificateAuthority) { requestOptions.ca = options.https.certificateAuthority; } if (options.https.certificate) { requestOptions.cert = options.https.certificate; } if (options.https.key) { requestOptions.key = options.https.key; } if (options.https.passphrase) { requestOptions.passphrase = options.https.passphrase; } if (options.https.pfx) { requestOptions.pfx = options.https.pfx; } } try { let requestOrResponse = await fn(url, requestOptions); if (is_1.default.undefined(requestOrResponse)) { requestOrResponse = fallbackFn(url, requestOptions); } // Restore options options.request = request; options.timeout = timeout; options.agent = agent; // HTTPS options restore if (options.https) { if ('rejectUnauthorized' in options.https) { delete requestOptions.rejectUnauthorized; } if (options.https.checkServerIdentity) { // @ts-expect-error - This one will be removed when we remove the alias. delete requestOptions.checkServerIdentity; } if (options.https.certificateAuthority) { delete requestOptions.ca; } if (options.https.certificate) { delete requestOptions.cert; } if (options.https.key) { delete requestOptions.key; } if (options.https.passphrase) { delete requestOptions.passphrase; } if (options.https.pfx) { delete requestOptions.pfx; } } if (isClientRequest(requestOrResponse)) { this._onRequest(requestOrResponse); // Emit the response after the stream has been ended } else if (this.writable) { this.once('finish', () => { void this._onResponse(requestOrResponse); }); this._unlockWrite(); this.end(); this._lockWrite(); } else { void this._onResponse(requestOrResponse); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof CacheableRequest.CacheError) { throw new CacheError(error, this); } throw new RequestError(error.message, error, this); } } async _error(error) { try { for (const hook of this.options.hooks.beforeError) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop error = await hook(error); } } catch (error_) { error = new RequestError(error_.message, error_, this); } this.destroy(error); } _beforeError(error) { if (this[kStopReading]) { return; } const { options } = this; const retryCount = this.retryCount + 1; this[kStopReading] = true; if (!(error instanceof RequestError)) { error = new RequestError(error.message, error, this); } const typedError = error; const { response } = typedError; void (async () => { if (response && !response.body) { response.setEncoding(this._readableState.encoding); try { response.rawBody = await get_buffer_1.default(response); response.body = response.rawBody.toString(); } catch (_a) { } } if (this.listenerCount('retry') !== 0) { let backoff; try { let retryAfter; if (response && 'retry-after' in response.headers) { retryAfter = Number(response.headers['retry-after']); if (Number.isNaN(retryAfter)) { retryAfter = Date.parse(response.headers['retry-after']) - Date.now(); if (retryAfter <= 0) { retryAfter = 1; } } else { retryAfter *= 1000; } } backoff = await options.retry.calculateDelay({ attemptCount: retryCount, retryOptions: options.retry, error: typedError, retryAfter, computedValue: calculate_retry_delay_1.default({ attemptCount: retryCount, retryOptions: options.retry, error: typedError, retryAfter, computedValue: 0 }) }); } catch (error_) { void this._error(new RequestError(error_.message, error_, this)); return; } if (backoff) { const retry = async () => { try { for (const hook of this.options.hooks.beforeRetry) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await hook(this.options, typedError, retryCount); } } catch (error_) { void this._error(new RequestError(error_.message, error, this)); return; } // Something forced us to abort the retry if (this.destroyed) { return; } this.destroy(); this.emit('retry', retryCount, error); }; this[kRetryTimeout] = setTimeout(retry, backoff); return; } } void this._error(typedError); })(); } _read() { this[kTriggerRead] = true; const response = this[kResponse]; if (response && !this[kStopReading]) { // We cannot put this in the `if` above // because `.read()` also triggers the `end` event if (response.readableLength) { this[kTriggerRead] = false; } let data; while ((data = response.read()) !== null) { this[kDownloadedSize] += data.length; this[kStartedReading] = true; const progress = this.downloadProgress; if (progress.percent < 1) { this.emit('downloadProgress', progress); } this.push(data); } } } // Node.js 12 has incorrect types, so the encoding must be a string _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { const write = () => { this._writeRequest(chunk, encoding, callback); }; if (this.requestInitialized) { write(); } else { this[kJobs].push(write); } } _writeRequest(chunk, encoding, callback) { if (this[kRequest].destroyed) { // Probably the `ClientRequest` instance will throw return; } this._progressCallbacks.push(() => { this[kUploadedSize] += Buffer.byteLength(chunk, encoding); const progress = this.uploadProgress; if (progress.percent < 1) { this.emit('uploadProgress', progress); } }); // TODO: What happens if it's from cache? Then this[kRequest] won't be defined. this[kRequest].write(chunk, encoding, (error) => { if (!error && this._progressCallbacks.length > 0) { this._progressCallbacks.shift()(); } callback(error); }); } _final(callback) { const endRequest = () => { // FIX: Node.js 10 calls the write callback AFTER the end callback! while (this._progressCallbacks.length !== 0) { this._progressCallbacks.shift()(); } // We need to check if `this[kRequest]` is present, // because it isn't when we use cache. if (!(kRequest in this)) { callback(); return; } if (this[kRequest].destroyed) { callback(); return; } this[kRequest].end((error) => { if (!error) { this[kBodySize] = this[kUploadedSize]; this.emit('uploadProgress', this.uploadProgress); this[kRequest].emit('upload-complete'); } callback(error); }); }; if (this.requestInitialized) { endRequest(); } else { this[kJobs].push(endRequest); } } _destroy(error, callback) { var _a; this[kStopReading] = true; // Prevent further retries clearTimeout(this[kRetryTimeout]); if (kRequest in this) { this[kCancelTimeouts](); // TODO: Remove the next `if` when these get fixed: // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/32851 if (!((_a = this[kResponse]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.complete)) { this[kRequest].destroy(); } } if (error !== null && !is_1.default.undefined(error) && !(error instanceof RequestError)) { error = new RequestError(error.message, error, this); } callback(error); } get _isAboutToError() { return this[kStopReading]; } /** The remote IP address. */ get ip() { var _a; return (_a = this.socket) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remoteAddress; } /** Indicates whether the request has been aborted or not. */ get aborted() { var _a, _b, _c; return ((_b = (_a = this[kRequest]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.destroyed) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.destroyed) && !((_c = this[kOriginalResponse]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.complete); } get socket() { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this[kRequest]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.socket) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : undefined; } /** Progress event for downloading (receiving a response). */ get downloadProgress() { let percent; if (this[kResponseSize]) { percent = this[kDownloadedSize] / this[kResponseSize]; } else if (this[kResponseSize] === this[kDownloadedSize]) { percent = 1; } else { percent = 0; } return { percent, transferred: this[kDownloadedSize], total: this[kResponseSize] }; } /** Progress event for uploading (sending a request). */ get uploadProgress() { let percent; if (this[kBodySize]) { percent = this[kUploadedSize] / this[kBodySize]; } else if (this[kBodySize] === this[kUploadedSize]) { percent = 1; } else { percent = 0; } return { percent, transferred: this[kUploadedSize], total: this[kBodySize] }; } /** The object contains the following properties: - `start` - Time when the request started. - `socket` - Time when a socket was assigned to the request. - `lookup` - Time when the DNS lookup finished. - `connect` - Time when the socket successfully connected. - `secureConnect` - Time when the socket securely connected. - `upload` - Time when the request finished uploading. - `response` - Time when the request fired `response` event. - `end` - Time when the response fired `end` event. - `error` - Time when the request fired `error` event. - `abort` - Time when the request fired `abort` event. - `phases` - `wait` - `timings.socket - timings.start` - `dns` - `timings.lookup - timings.socket` - `tcp` - `timings.connect - timings.lookup` - `tls` - `timings.secureConnect - timings.connect` - `request` - `timings.upload - (timings.secureConnect || timings.connect)` - `firstByte` - `timings.response - timings.upload` - `download` - `timings.end - timings.response` - `total` - `(timings.end || timings.error || timings.abort) - timings.start` If something has not been measured yet, it will be `undefined`. __Note__: The time is a `number` representing the milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch. */ get timings() { var _a; return (_a = this[kRequest]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.timings; } /** Whether the response was retrieved from the cache. */ get isFromCache() { return this[kIsFromCache]; } pipe(destination, options) { if (this[kStartedReading]) { throw new Error('Failed to pipe. The response has been emitted already.'); } if (destination instanceof http_1.ServerResponse) { this[kServerResponsesPiped].add(destination); } return super.pipe(destination, options); } unpipe(destination) { if (destination instanceof http_1.ServerResponse) { this[kServerResponsesPiped].delete(destination); } super.unpipe(destination); return this; } } exports.default = Request; }(core)); (function (exports) { var __createBinding = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __exportStar = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.CancelError = exports.ParseError = void 0; const core_1 = core; /** An error to be thrown when server response code is 2xx, and parsing body fails. Includes a `response` property. */ class ParseError extends core_1.RequestError { constructor(error, response) { const { options } = response.request; super(`${error.message} in "${options.url.toString()}"`, error, response.request); this.name = 'ParseError'; this.code = this.code === 'ERR_GOT_REQUEST_ERROR' ? 'ERR_BODY_PARSE_FAILURE' : this.code; } } exports.ParseError = ParseError; /** An error to be thrown when the request is aborted with `.cancel()`. */ class CancelError extends core_1.RequestError { constructor(request) { super('Promise was canceled', {}, request); this.name = 'CancelError'; this.code = 'ERR_CANCELED'; } get isCanceled() { return true; } } exports.CancelError = CancelError; __exportStar(core, exports); }(types$1)); var parseBody$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(parseBody$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); const types_1$1 = types$1; const parseBody = (response, responseType, parseJson, encoding) => { const { rawBody } = response; try { if (responseType === 'text') { return rawBody.toString(encoding); } if (responseType === 'json') { return rawBody.length === 0 ? '' : parseJson(rawBody.toString()); } if (responseType === 'buffer') { return rawBody; } throw new types_1$1.ParseError({ message: `Unknown body type '${responseType}'`, name: 'Error' }, response); } catch (error) { throw new types_1$1.ParseError(error, response); } }; parseBody$1.default = parseBody; (function (exports) { var __createBinding = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __exportStar = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const events_1 = require$$0__default$3["default"]; const is_1 = dist$1.exports; const PCancelable = pCancelable.exports; const types_1 = types$1; const parse_body_1 = parseBody$1; const core_1 = core; const proxy_events_1 = proxyEvents; const get_buffer_1 = getBuffer$1; const is_response_ok_1 = isResponseOk; const proxiedRequestEvents = [ 'request', 'response', 'redirect', 'uploadProgress', 'downloadProgress' ]; function asPromise(normalizedOptions) { let globalRequest; let globalResponse; const emitter = new events_1.EventEmitter(); const promise = new PCancelable((resolve, reject, onCancel) => { const makeRequest = (retryCount) => { const request = new core_1.default(undefined, normalizedOptions); request.retryCount = retryCount; request._noPipe = true; onCancel(() => request.destroy()); onCancel.shouldReject = false; onCancel(() => reject(new types_1.CancelError(request))); globalRequest = request; request.once('response', async (response) => { var _a; response.retryCount = retryCount; if (response.request.aborted) { // Canceled while downloading - will throw a `CancelError` or `TimeoutError` error return; } // Download body let rawBody; try { rawBody = await get_buffer_1.default(request); response.rawBody = rawBody; } catch (_b) { // The same error is caught below. // See request.once('error') return; } if (request._isAboutToError) { return; } // Parse body const contentEncoding = ((_a = response.headers['content-encoding']) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '').toLowerCase(); const isCompressed = ['gzip', 'deflate', 'br'].includes(contentEncoding); const { options } = request; if (isCompressed && !options.decompress) { response.body = rawBody; } else { try { response.body = parse_body_1.default(response, options.responseType, options.parseJson, options.encoding); } catch (error) { // Fallback to `utf8` response.body = rawBody.toString(); if (is_response_ok_1.isResponseOk(response)) { request._beforeError(error); return; } } } try { for (const [index, hook] of options.hooks.afterResponse.entries()) { // @ts-expect-error TS doesn't notice that CancelableRequest is a Promise // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop response = await hook(response, async (updatedOptions) => { const typedOptions = core_1.default.normalizeArguments(undefined, { ...updatedOptions, retry: { calculateDelay: () => 0 }, throwHttpErrors: false, resolveBodyOnly: false }, options); // Remove any further hooks for that request, because we'll call them anyway. // The loop continues. We don't want duplicates (asPromise recursion). typedOptions.hooks.afterResponse = typedOptions.hooks.afterResponse.slice(0, index); for (const hook of typedOptions.hooks.beforeRetry) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await hook(typedOptions); } const promise = asPromise(typedOptions); onCancel(() => { promise.catch(() => { }); promise.cancel(); }); return promise; }); } } catch (error) { request._beforeError(new types_1.RequestError(error.message, error, request)); return; } if (!is_response_ok_1.isResponseOk(response)) { request._beforeError(new types_1.HTTPError(response)); return; } globalResponse = response; resolve(request.options.resolveBodyOnly ? response.body : response); }); const onError = (error) => { if (promise.isCanceled) { return; } const { options } = request; if (error instanceof types_1.HTTPError && !options.throwHttpErrors) { const { response } = error; resolve(request.options.resolveBodyOnly ? response.body : response); return; } reject(error); }; request.once('error', onError); const previousBody = request.options.body; request.once('retry', (newRetryCount, error) => { var _a, _b; if (previousBody === ((_a = error.request) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.options.body) && is_1.default.nodeStream((_b = error.request) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.options.body)) { onError(error); return; } makeRequest(newRetryCount); }); proxy_events_1.default(request, emitter, proxiedRequestEvents); }; makeRequest(0); }); promise.on = (event, fn) => { emitter.on(event, fn); return promise; }; const shortcut = (responseType) => { const newPromise = (async () => { // Wait until downloading has ended await promise; const { options } = globalResponse.request; return parse_body_1.default(globalResponse, responseType, options.parseJson, options.encoding); })(); Object.defineProperties(newPromise, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(promise)); return newPromise; }; promise.json = () => { const { headers } = globalRequest.options; if (!globalRequest.writableFinished && headers.accept === undefined) { headers.accept = 'application/json'; } return shortcut('json'); }; promise.buffer = () => shortcut('buffer'); promise.text = () => shortcut('text'); return promise; } exports.default = asPromise; __exportStar(types$1, exports); }(asPromise)); var createRejection$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(createRejection$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); const types_1 = types$1; function createRejection(error, ...beforeErrorGroups) { const promise = (async () => { if (error instanceof types_1.RequestError) { try { for (const hooks of beforeErrorGroups) { if (hooks) { for (const hook of hooks) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop error = await hook(error); } } } } catch (error_) { error = error_; } } throw error; })(); const returnPromise = () => promise; promise.json = returnPromise; promise.text = returnPromise; promise.buffer = returnPromise; promise.on = returnPromise; return promise; } createRejection$1.default = createRejection; var deepFreeze$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(deepFreeze$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); const is_1 = dist$1.exports; function deepFreeze(object) { for (const value of Object.values(object)) { if (is_1.default.plainObject(value) || is_1.default.array(value)) { deepFreeze(value); } } return Object.freeze(object); } deepFreeze$1.default = deepFreeze; var types = {}; Object.defineProperty(types, "__esModule", { value: true }); (function (exports) { var __createBinding = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __exportStar = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.defaultHandler = void 0; const is_1 = dist$1.exports; const as_promise_1 = asPromise; const create_rejection_1 = createRejection$1; const core_1 = core; const deep_freeze_1 = deepFreeze$1; const errors = { RequestError: as_promise_1.RequestError, CacheError: as_promise_1.CacheError, ReadError: as_promise_1.ReadError, HTTPError: as_promise_1.HTTPError, MaxRedirectsError: as_promise_1.MaxRedirectsError, TimeoutError: as_promise_1.TimeoutError, ParseError: as_promise_1.ParseError, CancelError: as_promise_1.CancelError, UnsupportedProtocolError: as_promise_1.UnsupportedProtocolError, UploadError: as_promise_1.UploadError }; // The `delay` package weighs 10KB (!) const delay = async (ms) => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); const { normalizeArguments } = core_1.default; const mergeOptions = (...sources) => { let mergedOptions; for (const source of sources) { mergedOptions = normalizeArguments(undefined, source, mergedOptions); } return mergedOptions; }; const getPromiseOrStream = (options) => options.isStream ? new core_1.default(undefined, options) : as_promise_1.default(options); const isGotInstance = (value) => ('defaults' in value && 'options' in value.defaults); const aliases = [ 'get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'head', 'delete' ]; exports.defaultHandler = (options, next) => next(options); const callInitHooks = (hooks, options) => { if (hooks) { for (const hook of hooks) { hook(options); } } }; const create = (defaults) => { // Proxy properties from next handlers defaults._rawHandlers = defaults.handlers; defaults.handlers = defaults.handlers.map(fn => ((options, next) => { // This will be assigned by assigning result let root; const result = fn(options, newOptions => { root = next(newOptions); return root; }); if (result !== root && !options.isStream && root) { const typedResult = result; const { then: promiseThen, catch: promiseCatch, finally: promiseFianlly } = typedResult; Object.setPrototypeOf(typedResult, Object.getPrototypeOf(root)); Object.defineProperties(typedResult, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(root)); // These should point to the new promise // eslint-disable-next-line promise/prefer-await-to-then typedResult.then = promiseThen; typedResult.catch = promiseCatch; typedResult.finally = promiseFianlly; } return result; })); // Got interface const got = ((url, options = {}, _defaults) => { var _a, _b; let iteration = 0; const iterateHandlers = (newOptions) => { return defaults.handlers[iteration++](newOptions, iteration === defaults.handlers.length ? getPromiseOrStream : iterateHandlers); }; // TODO: Remove this in Got 12. if (is_1.default.plainObject(url)) { const mergedOptions = { ...url, ...options }; core_1.setNonEnumerableProperties([url, options], mergedOptions); options = mergedOptions; url = undefined; } try { // Call `init` hooks let initHookError; try { callInitHooks(defaults.options.hooks.init, options); callInitHooks((_a = options.hooks) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.init, options); } catch (error) { initHookError = error; } // Normalize options & call handlers const normalizedOptions = normalizeArguments(url, options, _defaults !== null && _defaults !== void 0 ? _defaults : defaults.options); normalizedOptions[core_1.kIsNormalizedAlready] = true; if (initHookError) { throw new as_promise_1.RequestError(initHookError.message, initHookError, normalizedOptions); } return iterateHandlers(normalizedOptions); } catch (error) { if (options.isStream) { throw error; } else { return create_rejection_1.default(error, defaults.options.hooks.beforeError, (_b = options.hooks) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.beforeError); } } }); got.extend = (...instancesOrOptions) => { const optionsArray = [defaults.options]; let handlers = [...defaults._rawHandlers]; let isMutableDefaults; for (const value of instancesOrOptions) { if (isGotInstance(value)) { optionsArray.push(value.defaults.options); handlers.push(...value.defaults._rawHandlers); isMutableDefaults = value.defaults.mutableDefaults; } else { optionsArray.push(value); if ('handlers' in value) { handlers.push(...value.handlers); } isMutableDefaults = value.mutableDefaults; } } handlers = handlers.filter(handler => handler !== exports.defaultHandler); if (handlers.length === 0) { handlers.push(exports.defaultHandler); } return create({ options: mergeOptions(...optionsArray), handlers, mutableDefaults: Boolean(isMutableDefaults) }); }; // Pagination const paginateEach = (async function* (url, options) { // TODO: Remove this `@ts-expect-error` when upgrading to TypeScript 4. // Error: Argument of type 'Merge> | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Options | undefined'. // @ts-expect-error let normalizedOptions = normalizeArguments(url, options, defaults.options); normalizedOptions.resolveBodyOnly = false; const pagination = normalizedOptions.pagination; if (!is_1.default.object(pagination)) { throw new TypeError('`options.pagination` must be implemented'); } const all = []; let { countLimit } = pagination; let numberOfRequests = 0; while (numberOfRequests < pagination.requestLimit) { if (numberOfRequests !== 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await delay(pagination.backoff); } // @ts-expect-error FIXME! // TODO: Throw when result is not an instance of Response // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const result = (await got(undefined, undefined, normalizedOptions)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const parsed = await pagination.transform(result); const current = []; for (const item of parsed) { if (pagination.filter(item, all, current)) { if (!pagination.shouldContinue(item, all, current)) { return; } yield item; if (pagination.stackAllItems) { all.push(item); } current.push(item); if (--countLimit <= 0) { return; } } } const optionsToMerge = pagination.paginate(result, all, current); if (optionsToMerge === false) { return; } if (optionsToMerge === result.request.options) { normalizedOptions = result.request.options; } else if (optionsToMerge !== undefined) { normalizedOptions = normalizeArguments(undefined, optionsToMerge, normalizedOptions); } numberOfRequests++; } }); got.paginate = paginateEach; got.paginate.all = (async (url, options) => { const results = []; for await (const item of paginateEach(url, options)) { results.push(item); } return results; }); // For those who like very descriptive names got.paginate.each = paginateEach; // Stream API got.stream = ((url, options) => got(url, { ...options, isStream: true })); // Shortcuts for (const method of aliases) { got[method] = ((url, options) => got(url, { ...options, method })); got.stream[method] = ((url, options) => { return got(url, { ...options, method, isStream: true }); }); } Object.assign(got, errors); Object.defineProperty(got, 'defaults', { value: defaults.mutableDefaults ? defaults : deep_freeze_1.default(defaults), writable: defaults.mutableDefaults, configurable: defaults.mutableDefaults, enumerable: true }); got.mergeOptions = mergeOptions; return got; }; exports.default = create; __exportStar(types, exports); }(create)); (function (module, exports) { var __createBinding = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __exportStar = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const url_1 = require$$0__default$4["default"]; const create_1 = create; const defaults = { options: { method: 'GET', retry: { limit: 2, methods: [ 'GET', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE' ], statusCodes: [ 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524 ], errorCodes: [ 'ETIMEDOUT', 'ECONNRESET', 'EADDRINUSE', 'ECONNREFUSED', 'EPIPE', 'ENOTFOUND', 'ENETUNREACH', 'EAI_AGAIN' ], maxRetryAfter: undefined, calculateDelay: ({ computedValue }) => computedValue }, timeout: {}, headers: { 'user-agent': 'got (https://github.com/sindresorhus/got)' }, hooks: { init: [], beforeRequest: [], beforeRedirect: [], beforeRetry: [], beforeError: [], afterResponse: [] }, cache: undefined, dnsCache: undefined, decompress: true, throwHttpErrors: true, followRedirect: true, isStream: false, responseType: 'text', resolveBodyOnly: false, maxRedirects: 10, prefixUrl: '', methodRewriting: true, ignoreInvalidCookies: false, context: {}, // TODO: Set this to `true` when Got 12 gets released http2: false, allowGetBody: false, https: undefined, pagination: { transform: (response) => { if (response.request.options.responseType === 'json') { return response.body; } return JSON.parse(response.body); }, paginate: response => { if (!Reflect.has(response.headers, 'link')) { return false; } const items = response.headers.link.split(','); let next; for (const item of items) { const parsed = item.split(';'); if (parsed[1].includes('next')) { next = parsed[0].trimStart().trim(); next = next.slice(1, -1); break; } } if (next) { const options = { url: new url_1.URL(next) }; return options; } return false; }, filter: () => true, shouldContinue: () => true, countLimit: Infinity, backoff: 0, requestLimit: 10000, stackAllItems: true }, parseJson: (text) => JSON.parse(text), stringifyJson: (object) => JSON.stringify(object), cacheOptions: {} }, handlers: [create_1.defaultHandler], mutableDefaults: false }; const got = create_1.default(defaults); exports.default = got; // For CommonJS default export support module.exports = got; module.exports.default = got; module.exports.__esModule = true; // Workaround for TS issue: https://github.com/sindresorhus/got/pull/1267 __exportStar(create, exports); __exportStar(asPromise, exports); }(source$4, source$4.exports)); var got = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(source$4.exports); var mimeTypes = {}; var require$$0 = { "application/1d-interleaved-parityfec": { source: "iana" }, "application/3gpdash-qoe-report+xml": { source: "iana", charset: 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require$$1__default$4["default"].extname; /** * Module variables. * @private */ var EXTRACT_TYPE_REGEXP = /^\s*([^;\s]*)(?:;|\s|$)/; var TEXT_TYPE_REGEXP = /^text\//i; /** * Module exports. * @public */ exports.charset = charset; exports.charsets = { lookup: charset }; exports.contentType = contentType; exports.extension = extension; exports.extensions = Object.create(null); exports.lookup = lookup; exports.types = Object.create(null); // Populate the extensions/types maps populateMaps(exports.extensions, exports.types); /** * Get the default charset for a MIME type. * * @param {string} type * @return {boolean|string} */ function charset (type) { if (!type || typeof type !== 'string') { return false } // TODO: use media-typer var match = EXTRACT_TYPE_REGEXP.exec(type); var mime = match && db[match[1].toLowerCase()]; if (mime && mime.charset) { return mime.charset } // default text/* to utf-8 if (match && TEXT_TYPE_REGEXP.test(match[1])) { return 'UTF-8' } return false } /** * Create a full Content-Type header given a MIME type or extension. * * @param {string} str * @return {boolean|string} */ function contentType (str) { // TODO: should this even be in this module? if (!str || typeof str !== 'string') { return false } var mime = str.indexOf('/') === -1 ? exports.lookup(str) : str; if (!mime) { return false } // TODO: use content-type or other module if (mime.indexOf('charset') === -1) { var charset = exports.charset(mime); if (charset) mime += '; charset=' + charset.toLowerCase(); } return mime } /** * Get the default extension for a MIME type. * * @param {string} type * @return {boolean|string} */ function extension (type) { if (!type || typeof type !== 'string') { return false } // TODO: use media-typer var match = EXTRACT_TYPE_REGEXP.exec(type); // get extensions var exts = match && exports.extensions[match[1].toLowerCase()]; if (!exts || !exts.length) { return false } return exts[0] } /** * Lookup the MIME type for a file path/extension. * * @param {string} path * @return {boolean|string} */ function lookup (path) { if (!path || typeof path !== 'string') { return false } // get the extension ("ext" or ".ext" or full path) var extension = extname('x.' + path) .toLowerCase() .substr(1); if (!extension) { return false } return exports.types[extension] || false } /** * Populate the extensions and types maps. * @private */ function populateMaps (extensions, types) { // source preference (least -> most) var preference = ['nginx', 'apache', undefined, 'iana']; Object.keys(db).forEach(function forEachMimeType (type) { var mime = db[type]; var exts = mime.extensions; if (!exts || !exts.length) { return } // mime -> extensions extensions[type] = exts; // extension -> mime for (var i = 0; i < exts.length; i++) { var extension = exts[i]; if (types[extension]) { var from = preference.indexOf(db[types[extension]].source); var to = preference.indexOf(mime.source); if (types[extension] !== 'application/octet-stream' && (from > to || (from === to && types[extension].substr(0, 12) === 'application/'))) { // skip the remapping continue } } // set the extension -> mime types[extension] = type; } }); } }(mimeTypes)); function downloadImage(url) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const res = yield got(url, { responseType: 'buffer' }); return { fileContent: res.body, fileExtension: mimeTypes.extension(res.headers['content-type']) }; }); } /** * Open or create a folderpath if it does not exist * @param vault * @param folderpath */ function checkAndCreateFolder(vault, folderpath) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { folderpath = obsidian.normalizePath(folderpath); const folder = vault.getAbstractFileByPath(folderpath); if (folder && folder instanceof obsidian.TFolder) { return; } yield vault.createFolder(folderpath); }); } function isValidUrl(url) { try { new URL(url); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } function getBaseUrl(url, prefix) { const dir = '/'; const urlAsArray = url.split(dir); const doubleSlashIndex = url.indexOf('://'); if (doubleSlashIndex !== -1 && doubleSlashIndex === url.indexOf(dir) - 1) { urlAsArray.length = 3; let url = urlAsArray.join(dir); if (prefix !== undefined) url = url.replace(/http:\/\/|https:\/\//, prefix); return url; } else { const pointIndex = url.indexOf('.'); if (pointIndex !== -1 && pointIndex !== 0) { return (prefix !== undefined ? prefix : 'https://') + urlAsArray[0]; } } } function normalizeFilename(fileName) { const illegalSymbols = [':', '#', '/', '\\', '|', '?', '*', '<', '>', '"']; if (illegalSymbols.some((el) => fileName.contains(el))) { illegalSymbols.forEach((ilSymbol) => { fileName = fileName.replace(ilSymbol, ''); }); return fileName; } else { return fileName; } } function pathJoin(dir, subpath) { const result = require$$1__default$4["default"].join(dir, subpath); // it seems that obsidian do not understand paths with backslashes in Windows, so turn them into forward slashes return obsidian.normalizePath(result.replace(/\\/g, '/')); } var dist = {}; var xxhash64 = {}; var cuint = {}; var uint32 = {exports: {}}; /** C-like unsigned 32 bits integers in Javascript Copyright (C) 2013, Pierre Curto MIT license */ (function (module) { (function (root) { // Local cache for typical radices ({ 36: UINT32( Math.pow(36, 5) ) , 16: UINT32( Math.pow(16, 7) ) , 10: UINT32( Math.pow(10, 9) ) , 2: UINT32( Math.pow(2, 30) ) }); ({ 36: UINT32(36) , 16: UINT32(16) , 10: UINT32(10) , 2: UINT32(2) }); /** * Represents an unsigned 32 bits integer * @constructor * @param {Number|String|Number} low bits | integer as a string | integer as a number * @param {Number|Number|Undefined} high bits | radix (optional, default=10) * @return */ function UINT32 (l, h) { if ( !(this instanceof UINT32) ) return new UINT32(l, h) this._low = 0; this._high = 0; this.remainder = null; if (typeof h == 'undefined') return fromNumber.call(this, l) if (typeof l == 'string') return fromString.call(this, l, h) fromBits.call(this, l, h); } /** * Set the current _UINT32_ object with its low and high bits * @method fromBits * @param {Number} low bits * @param {Number} high bits * @return ThisExpression */ function fromBits (l, h) { this._low = l | 0; this._high = h | 0; return this } UINT32.prototype.fromBits = fromBits; /** * Set the current _UINT32_ object from a number * @method fromNumber * @param {Number} number * @return ThisExpression */ function fromNumber (value) { this._low = value & 0xFFFF; this._high = value >>> 16; return this } UINT32.prototype.fromNumber = fromNumber; /** * Set the current _UINT32_ object from a string * @method fromString * @param {String} integer as a string * @param {Number} radix (optional, default=10) * @return ThisExpression */ function fromString (s, radix) { var value = parseInt(s, radix || 10); this._low = value & 0xFFFF; this._high = value >>> 16; return this } UINT32.prototype.fromString = fromString; /** * Convert this _UINT32_ to a number * @method toNumber * @return {Number} the converted UINT32 */ UINT32.prototype.toNumber = function () { return (this._high * 65536) + this._low }; /** * Convert this _UINT32_ to a string * @method toString * @param {Number} radix (optional, default=10) * @return {String} the converted UINT32 */ UINT32.prototype.toString = function (radix) { return this.toNumber().toString(radix || 10) }; /** * Add two _UINT32_. The current _UINT32_ stores the result * @method add * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.add = function (other) { var a00 = this._low + other._low; var a16 = a00 >>> 16; a16 += this._high + other._high; this._low = a00 & 0xFFFF; this._high = a16 & 0xFFFF; return this }; /** * Subtract two _UINT32_. The current _UINT32_ stores the result * @method subtract * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.subtract = function (other) { //TODO inline return this.add( other.clone().negate() ) }; /** * Multiply two _UINT32_. The current _UINT32_ stores the result * @method multiply * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.multiply = function (other) { /* a = a00 + a16 b = b00 + b16 a*b = (a00 + a16)(b00 + b16) = a00b00 + a00b16 + a16b00 + a16b16 a16b16 overflows the 32bits */ var a16 = this._high; var a00 = this._low; var b16 = other._high; var b00 = other._low; /* Removed to increase speed under normal circumstances (i.e. not multiplying by 0 or 1) // this == 0 or other == 1: nothing to do if ((a00 == 0 && a16 == 0) || (b00 == 1 && b16 == 0)) return this // other == 0 or this == 1: this = other if ((b00 == 0 && b16 == 0) || (a00 == 1 && a16 == 0)) { this._low = other._low this._high = other._high return this } */ var c16, c00; c00 = a00 * b00; c16 = c00 >>> 16; c16 += a16 * b00; c16 &= 0xFFFF; // Not required but improves performance c16 += a00 * b16; this._low = c00 & 0xFFFF; this._high = c16 & 0xFFFF; return this }; /** * Divide two _UINT32_. The current _UINT32_ stores the result. * The remainder is made available as the _remainder_ property on * the _UINT32_ object. It can be null, meaning there are no remainder. * @method div * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.div = function (other) { if ( (other._low == 0) && (other._high == 0) ) throw Error('division by zero') // other == 1 if (other._high == 0 && other._low == 1) { this.remainder = new UINT32(0); return this } // other > this: 0 if ( other.gt(this) ) { this.remainder = this.clone(); this._low = 0; this._high = 0; return this } // other == this: 1 if ( this.eq(other) ) { this.remainder = new UINT32(0); this._low = 1; this._high = 0; return this } // Shift the divisor left until it is higher than the dividend var _other = other.clone(); var i = -1; while ( !this.lt(_other) ) { // High bit can overflow the default 16bits // Its ok since we right shift after this loop // The overflown bit must be kept though _other.shiftLeft(1, true); i++; } // Set the remainder this.remainder = this.clone(); // Initialize the current result to 0 this._low = 0; this._high = 0; for (; i >= 0; i--) { _other.shiftRight(1); // If shifted divisor is smaller than the dividend // then subtract it from the dividend if ( !this.remainder.lt(_other) ) { this.remainder.subtract(_other); // Update the current result if (i >= 16) { this._high |= 1 << (i - 16); } else { this._low |= 1 << i; } } } return this }; /** * Negate the current _UINT32_ * @method negate * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.negate = function () { var v = ( ~this._low & 0xFFFF ) + 1; this._low = v & 0xFFFF; this._high = (~this._high + (v >>> 16)) & 0xFFFF; return this }; /** * Equals * @method eq * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return {Boolean} */ UINT32.prototype.equals = UINT32.prototype.eq = function (other) { return (this._low == other._low) && (this._high == other._high) }; /** * Greater than (strict) * @method gt * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return {Boolean} */ UINT32.prototype.greaterThan = UINT32.prototype.gt = function (other) { if (this._high > other._high) return true if (this._high < other._high) return false return this._low > other._low }; /** * Less than (strict) * @method lt * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return {Boolean} */ UINT32.prototype.lessThan = UINT32.prototype.lt = function (other) { if (this._high < other._high) return true if (this._high > other._high) return false return this._low < other._low }; /** * Bitwise OR * @method or * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.or = function (other) { this._low |= other._low; this._high |= other._high; return this }; /** * Bitwise AND * @method and * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.and = function (other) { this._low &= other._low; this._high &= other._high; return this }; /** * Bitwise NOT * @method not * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.not = function() { this._low = ~this._low & 0xFFFF; this._high = ~this._high & 0xFFFF; return this }; /** * Bitwise XOR * @method xor * @param {Object} other UINT32 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.xor = function (other) { this._low ^= other._low; this._high ^= other._high; return this }; /** * Bitwise shift right * @method shiftRight * @param {Number} number of bits to shift * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.shiftRight = UINT32.prototype.shiftr = function (n) { if (n > 16) { this._low = this._high >> (n - 16); this._high = 0; } else if (n == 16) { this._low = this._high; this._high = 0; } else { this._low = (this._low >> n) | ( (this._high << (16-n)) & 0xFFFF ); this._high >>= n; } return this }; /** * Bitwise shift left * @method shiftLeft * @param {Number} number of bits to shift * @param {Boolean} allow overflow * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.shiftLeft = UINT32.prototype.shiftl = function (n, allowOverflow) { if (n > 16) { this._high = this._low << (n - 16); this._low = 0; if (!allowOverflow) { this._high &= 0xFFFF; } } else if (n == 16) { this._high = this._low; this._low = 0; } else { this._high = (this._high << n) | (this._low >> (16-n)); this._low = (this._low << n) & 0xFFFF; if (!allowOverflow) { // Overflow only allowed on the high bits... this._high &= 0xFFFF; } } return this }; /** * Bitwise rotate left * @method rotl * @param {Number} number of bits to rotate * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.rotateLeft = UINT32.prototype.rotl = function (n) { var v = (this._high << 16) | this._low; v = (v << n) | (v >>> (32 - n)); this._low = v & 0xFFFF; this._high = v >>> 16; return this }; /** * Bitwise rotate right * @method rotr * @param {Number} number of bits to rotate * @return ThisExpression */ UINT32.prototype.rotateRight = UINT32.prototype.rotr = function (n) { var v = (this._high << 16) | this._low; v = (v >>> n) | (v << (32 - n)); this._low = v & 0xFFFF; this._high = v >>> 16; return this }; /** * Clone the current _UINT32_ * @method clone * @return {Object} cloned UINT32 */ UINT32.prototype.clone = function () { return new UINT32(this._low, this._high) }; if (module.exports) { // Node.js module.exports = UINT32; } else { // Browser root['UINT32'] = UINT32; } })(commonjsGlobal); }(uint32)); var uint64 = {exports: {}}; /** C-like unsigned 64 bits integers in Javascript Copyright (C) 2013, Pierre Curto MIT license */ (function (module) { (function (root) { // Local cache for typical radices var radixPowerCache = { 16: UINT64( Math.pow(16, 5) ) , 10: UINT64( Math.pow(10, 5) ) , 2: UINT64( Math.pow(2, 5) ) }; var radixCache = { 16: UINT64(16) , 10: UINT64(10) , 2: UINT64(2) }; /** * Represents an unsigned 64 bits integer * @constructor * @param {Number} first low bits (8) * @param {Number} second low bits (8) * @param {Number} first high bits (8) * @param {Number} second high bits (8) * or * @param {Number} low bits (32) * @param {Number} high bits (32) * or * @param {String|Number} integer as a string | integer as a number * @param {Number|Undefined} radix (optional, default=10) * @return */ function UINT64 (a00, a16, a32, a48) { if ( !(this instanceof UINT64) ) return new UINT64(a00, a16, a32, a48) this.remainder = null; if (typeof a00 == 'string') return fromString.call(this, a00, a16) if (typeof a16 == 'undefined') return fromNumber.call(this, a00) fromBits.apply(this, arguments); } /** * Set the current _UINT64_ object with its low and high bits * @method fromBits * @param {Number} first low bits (8) * @param {Number} second low bits (8) * @param {Number} first high bits (8) * @param {Number} second high bits (8) * or * @param {Number} low bits (32) * @param {Number} high bits (32) * @return ThisExpression */ function fromBits (a00, a16, a32, a48) { if (typeof a32 == 'undefined') { this._a00 = a00 & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = a00 >>> 16; this._a32 = a16 & 0xFFFF; this._a48 = a16 >>> 16; return this } this._a00 = a00 | 0; this._a16 = a16 | 0; this._a32 = a32 | 0; this._a48 = a48 | 0; return this } UINT64.prototype.fromBits = fromBits; /** * Set the current _UINT64_ object from a number * @method fromNumber * @param {Number} number * @return ThisExpression */ function fromNumber (value) { this._a00 = value & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = value >>> 16; this._a32 = 0; this._a48 = 0; return this } UINT64.prototype.fromNumber = fromNumber; /** * Set the current _UINT64_ object from a string * @method fromString * @param {String} integer as a string * @param {Number} radix (optional, default=10) * @return ThisExpression */ function fromString (s, radix) { radix = radix || 10; this._a00 = 0; this._a16 = 0; this._a32 = 0; this._a48 = 0; /* In Javascript, bitwise operators only operate on the first 32 bits of a number, even though parseInt() encodes numbers with a 53 bits mantissa. Therefore UINT64() can only work on 32 bits. The radix maximum value is 36 (as per ECMA specs) (26 letters + 10 digits) maximum input value is m = 32bits as 1 = 2^32 - 1 So the maximum substring length n is: 36^(n+1) - 1 = 2^32 - 1 36^(n+1) = 2^32 (n+1)ln(36) = 32ln(2) n = 32ln(2)/ln(36) - 1 n = 5.189644915687692 n = 5 */ var radixUint = radixPowerCache[radix] || new UINT64( Math.pow(radix, 5) ); for (var i = 0, len = s.length; i < len; i += 5) { var size = Math.min(5, len - i); var value = parseInt( s.slice(i, i + size), radix ); this.multiply( size < 5 ? new UINT64( Math.pow(radix, size) ) : radixUint ) .add( new UINT64(value) ); } return this } UINT64.prototype.fromString = fromString; /** * Convert this _UINT64_ to a number (last 32 bits are dropped) * @method toNumber * @return {Number} the converted UINT64 */ UINT64.prototype.toNumber = function () { return (this._a16 * 65536) + this._a00 }; /** * Convert this _UINT64_ to a string * @method toString * @param {Number} radix (optional, default=10) * @return {String} the converted UINT64 */ UINT64.prototype.toString = function (radix) { radix = radix || 10; var radixUint = radixCache[radix] || new UINT64(radix); if ( !this.gt(radixUint) ) return this.toNumber().toString(radix) var self = this.clone(); var res = new Array(64); for (var i = 63; i >= 0; i--) { self.div(radixUint); res[i] = self.remainder.toNumber().toString(radix); if ( !self.gt(radixUint) ) break } res[i-1] = self.toNumber().toString(radix); return res.join('') }; /** * Add two _UINT64_. The current _UINT64_ stores the result * @method add * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.add = function (other) { var a00 = this._a00 + other._a00; var a16 = a00 >>> 16; a16 += this._a16 + other._a16; var a32 = a16 >>> 16; a32 += this._a32 + other._a32; var a48 = a32 >>> 16; a48 += this._a48 + other._a48; this._a00 = a00 & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = a16 & 0xFFFF; this._a32 = a32 & 0xFFFF; this._a48 = a48 & 0xFFFF; return this }; /** * Subtract two _UINT64_. The current _UINT64_ stores the result * @method subtract * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.subtract = function (other) { return this.add( other.clone().negate() ) }; /** * Multiply two _UINT64_. The current _UINT64_ stores the result * @method multiply * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.multiply = function (other) { /* a = a00 + a16 + a32 + a48 b = b00 + b16 + b32 + b48 a*b = (a00 + a16 + a32 + a48)(b00 + b16 + b32 + b48) = a00b00 + a00b16 + a00b32 + a00b48 + a16b00 + a16b16 + a16b32 + a16b48 + a32b00 + a32b16 + a32b32 + a32b48 + a48b00 + a48b16 + a48b32 + a48b48 a16b48, a32b32, a48b16, a48b32 and a48b48 overflow the 64 bits so it comes down to: a*b = a00b00 + a00b16 + a00b32 + a00b48 + a16b00 + a16b16 + a16b32 + a32b00 + a32b16 + a48b00 = a00b00 + a00b16 + a16b00 + a00b32 + a16b16 + a32b00 + a00b48 + a16b32 + a32b16 + a48b00 */ var a00 = this._a00; var a16 = this._a16; var a32 = this._a32; var a48 = this._a48; var b00 = other._a00; var b16 = other._a16; var b32 = other._a32; var b48 = other._a48; var c00 = a00 * b00; var c16 = c00 >>> 16; c16 += a00 * b16; var c32 = c16 >>> 16; c16 &= 0xFFFF; c16 += a16 * b00; c32 += c16 >>> 16; c32 += a00 * b32; var c48 = c32 >>> 16; c32 &= 0xFFFF; c32 += a16 * b16; c48 += c32 >>> 16; c32 &= 0xFFFF; c32 += a32 * b00; c48 += c32 >>> 16; c48 += a00 * b48; c48 &= 0xFFFF; c48 += a16 * b32; c48 &= 0xFFFF; c48 += a32 * b16; c48 &= 0xFFFF; c48 += a48 * b00; this._a00 = c00 & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = c16 & 0xFFFF; this._a32 = c32 & 0xFFFF; this._a48 = c48 & 0xFFFF; return this }; /** * Divide two _UINT64_. The current _UINT64_ stores the result. * The remainder is made available as the _remainder_ property on * the _UINT64_ object. It can be null, meaning there are no remainder. * @method div * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.div = function (other) { if ( (other._a16 == 0) && (other._a32 == 0) && (other._a48 == 0) ) { if (other._a00 == 0) throw Error('division by zero') // other == 1: this if (other._a00 == 1) { this.remainder = new UINT64(0); return this } } // other > this: 0 if ( other.gt(this) ) { this.remainder = this.clone(); this._a00 = 0; this._a16 = 0; this._a32 = 0; this._a48 = 0; return this } // other == this: 1 if ( this.eq(other) ) { this.remainder = new UINT64(0); this._a00 = 1; this._a16 = 0; this._a32 = 0; this._a48 = 0; return this } // Shift the divisor left until it is higher than the dividend var _other = other.clone(); var i = -1; while ( !this.lt(_other) ) { // High bit can overflow the default 16bits // Its ok since we right shift after this loop // The overflown bit must be kept though _other.shiftLeft(1, true); i++; } // Set the remainder this.remainder = this.clone(); // Initialize the current result to 0 this._a00 = 0; this._a16 = 0; this._a32 = 0; this._a48 = 0; for (; i >= 0; i--) { _other.shiftRight(1); // If shifted divisor is smaller than the dividend // then subtract it from the dividend if ( !this.remainder.lt(_other) ) { this.remainder.subtract(_other); // Update the current result if (i >= 48) { this._a48 |= 1 << (i - 48); } else if (i >= 32) { this._a32 |= 1 << (i - 32); } else if (i >= 16) { this._a16 |= 1 << (i - 16); } else { this._a00 |= 1 << i; } } } return this }; /** * Negate the current _UINT64_ * @method negate * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.negate = function () { var v = ( ~this._a00 & 0xFFFF ) + 1; this._a00 = v & 0xFFFF; v = (~this._a16 & 0xFFFF) + (v >>> 16); this._a16 = v & 0xFFFF; v = (~this._a32 & 0xFFFF) + (v >>> 16); this._a32 = v & 0xFFFF; this._a48 = (~this._a48 + (v >>> 16)) & 0xFFFF; return this }; /** * @method eq * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return {Boolean} */ UINT64.prototype.equals = UINT64.prototype.eq = function (other) { return (this._a48 == other._a48) && (this._a00 == other._a00) && (this._a32 == other._a32) && (this._a16 == other._a16) }; /** * Greater than (strict) * @method gt * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return {Boolean} */ UINT64.prototype.greaterThan = UINT64.prototype.gt = function (other) { if (this._a48 > other._a48) return true if (this._a48 < other._a48) return false if (this._a32 > other._a32) return true if (this._a32 < other._a32) return false if (this._a16 > other._a16) return true if (this._a16 < other._a16) return false return this._a00 > other._a00 }; /** * Less than (strict) * @method lt * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return {Boolean} */ UINT64.prototype.lessThan = UINT64.prototype.lt = function (other) { if (this._a48 < other._a48) return true if (this._a48 > other._a48) return false if (this._a32 < other._a32) return true if (this._a32 > other._a32) return false if (this._a16 < other._a16) return true if (this._a16 > other._a16) return false return this._a00 < other._a00 }; /** * Bitwise OR * @method or * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.or = function (other) { this._a00 |= other._a00; this._a16 |= other._a16; this._a32 |= other._a32; this._a48 |= other._a48; return this }; /** * Bitwise AND * @method and * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.and = function (other) { this._a00 &= other._a00; this._a16 &= other._a16; this._a32 &= other._a32; this._a48 &= other._a48; return this }; /** * Bitwise XOR * @method xor * @param {Object} other UINT64 * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.xor = function (other) { this._a00 ^= other._a00; this._a16 ^= other._a16; this._a32 ^= other._a32; this._a48 ^= other._a48; return this }; /** * Bitwise NOT * @method not * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.not = function() { this._a00 = ~this._a00 & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = ~this._a16 & 0xFFFF; this._a32 = ~this._a32 & 0xFFFF; this._a48 = ~this._a48 & 0xFFFF; return this }; /** * Bitwise shift right * @method shiftRight * @param {Number} number of bits to shift * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.shiftRight = UINT64.prototype.shiftr = function (n) { n %= 64; if (n >= 48) { this._a00 = this._a48 >> (n - 48); this._a16 = 0; this._a32 = 0; this._a48 = 0; } else if (n >= 32) { n -= 32; this._a00 = ( (this._a32 >> n) | (this._a48 << (16-n)) ) & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = (this._a48 >> n) & 0xFFFF; this._a32 = 0; this._a48 = 0; } else if (n >= 16) { n -= 16; this._a00 = ( (this._a16 >> n) | (this._a32 << (16-n)) ) & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = ( (this._a32 >> n) | (this._a48 << (16-n)) ) & 0xFFFF; this._a32 = (this._a48 >> n) & 0xFFFF; this._a48 = 0; } else { this._a00 = ( (this._a00 >> n) | (this._a16 << (16-n)) ) & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = ( (this._a16 >> n) | (this._a32 << (16-n)) ) & 0xFFFF; this._a32 = ( (this._a32 >> n) | (this._a48 << (16-n)) ) & 0xFFFF; this._a48 = (this._a48 >> n) & 0xFFFF; } return this }; /** * Bitwise shift left * @method shiftLeft * @param {Number} number of bits to shift * @param {Boolean} allow overflow * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.shiftLeft = UINT64.prototype.shiftl = function (n, allowOverflow) { n %= 64; if (n >= 48) { this._a48 = this._a00 << (n - 48); this._a32 = 0; this._a16 = 0; this._a00 = 0; } else if (n >= 32) { n -= 32; this._a48 = (this._a16 << n) | (this._a00 >> (16-n)); this._a32 = (this._a00 << n) & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = 0; this._a00 = 0; } else if (n >= 16) { n -= 16; this._a48 = (this._a32 << n) | (this._a16 >> (16-n)); this._a32 = ( (this._a16 << n) | (this._a00 >> (16-n)) ) & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = (this._a00 << n) & 0xFFFF; this._a00 = 0; } else { this._a48 = (this._a48 << n) | (this._a32 >> (16-n)); this._a32 = ( (this._a32 << n) | (this._a16 >> (16-n)) ) & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = ( (this._a16 << n) | (this._a00 >> (16-n)) ) & 0xFFFF; this._a00 = (this._a00 << n) & 0xFFFF; } if (!allowOverflow) { this._a48 &= 0xFFFF; } return this }; /** * Bitwise rotate left * @method rotl * @param {Number} number of bits to rotate * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.rotateLeft = UINT64.prototype.rotl = function (n) { n %= 64; if (n == 0) return this if (n >= 32) { // A.B.C.D // B.C.D.A rotl(16) // C.D.A.B rotl(32) var v = this._a00; this._a00 = this._a32; this._a32 = v; v = this._a48; this._a48 = this._a16; this._a16 = v; if (n == 32) return this n -= 32; } var high = (this._a48 << 16) | this._a32; var low = (this._a16 << 16) | this._a00; var _high = (high << n) | (low >>> (32 - n)); var _low = (low << n) | (high >>> (32 - n)); this._a00 = _low & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = _low >>> 16; this._a32 = _high & 0xFFFF; this._a48 = _high >>> 16; return this }; /** * Bitwise rotate right * @method rotr * @param {Number} number of bits to rotate * @return ThisExpression */ UINT64.prototype.rotateRight = UINT64.prototype.rotr = function (n) { n %= 64; if (n == 0) return this if (n >= 32) { // A.B.C.D // D.A.B.C rotr(16) // C.D.A.B rotr(32) var v = this._a00; this._a00 = this._a32; this._a32 = v; v = this._a48; this._a48 = this._a16; this._a16 = v; if (n == 32) return this n -= 32; } var high = (this._a48 << 16) | this._a32; var low = (this._a16 << 16) | this._a00; var _high = (high >>> n) | (low << (32 - n)); var _low = (low >>> n) | (high << (32 - n)); this._a00 = _low & 0xFFFF; this._a16 = _low >>> 16; this._a32 = _high & 0xFFFF; this._a48 = _high >>> 16; return this }; /** * Clone the current _UINT64_ * @method clone * @return {Object} cloned UINT64 */ UINT64.prototype.clone = function () { return new UINT64(this._a00, this._a16, this._a32, this._a48) }; if (module.exports) { // Node.js module.exports = UINT64; } else { // Browser root['UINT64'] = UINT64; } })(commonjsGlobal); }(uint64)); cuint.UINT32 = uint32.exports; cuint.UINT64 = uint64.exports; var xxhash = {}; var toBuffer = {}; var toUtf8Array = {}; Object.defineProperty(toUtf8Array, "__esModule", { value: true }); /** * Convert string to proper UTF-8 array */ function toUTF8Array(str) { const len = str.length; const utf8 = []; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let c = str.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 0x80) { utf8.push(c); } else if (c < 0x800) { utf8.push(0xc0 | (c >> 6), 0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); } else if (c < 0xd800 || c >= 0xe000) { utf8.push(0xe0 | (c >> 12), 0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f), 0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); } else { // surrogate pair i++; // UTF-16 encodes 0x10000-0x10FFFF by // subtracting 0x10000 and splitting the // 20 bits of 0x0-0xFFFFF into two halves c = 0x10000 + (((c & 0x3ff) << 10) | (str.charCodeAt(i) & 0x3ff)); utf8.push(0xf0 | (c >> 18), 0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3f), 0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f), 0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); } } return new Uint8Array(utf8); } toUtf8Array.default = toUTF8Array; Object.defineProperty(toBuffer, "__esModule", { value: true }); const to_utf8_array_1 = toUtf8Array; function default_1(input) { if (input instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return new Uint8Array(input); } else if (typeof input === "string") { return to_utf8_array_1.default(input); } return input; } toBuffer.default = default_1; Object.defineProperty(xxhash, "__esModule", { value: true }); const cuint_1$2 = cuint; const to_buffer_1 = toBuffer; function isClonable(obj) { return obj.hasOwnProperty("clone"); } class XXHash extends cuint_1$2.UINT64 { /** * @param seed unsigned 32-bit integer */ constructor(uintConstructor) { super(NaN); this.uintConstructor = uintConstructor; } get vn() { return [this.v1, this.v2, this.v3, this.v4]; } getIncrement() { return this.size / 4; } reseed(seed) { this.seed = isClonable(seed) ? seed.clone() : this.uintConstructor(seed); this.v1 = this.seed .clone() .add(this.primes.P1) .add(this.primes.P2); this.v2 = this.seed.clone().add(this.primes.P2); this.v3 = this.seed.clone(); this.v4 = this.seed.clone().subtract(this.primes.P1); this.totalLen = 0; this.memsize = 0; this.memory = undefined; } /** * Finalize the hash computation. The hash instance is ready for reuse for the given seed */ digest() { const m = this.memory; if (m === undefined) throw new ReferenceError("Hash Memory not set, .update() has to be called before digest()"); const { P5 } = this.primes; const h = this.totalLen >= this.size ? this.v1 .rotl(1) .add(this.v2.clone().rotl(7)) .add(this.v3.clone().rotl(12)) .add(this.v4.clone().rotl(18)) : this.seed.clone().add(P5); const hash = this.digestCore(m, h); // Reset the state this.reseed(this.seed); return hash; } /** * Add data to be computed for the hash */ update(v) { const input = to_buffer_1.default(v); const len = input.length; if (len === 0) return this; this.totalLen += len; const memory = this.memsize === 0 ? input instanceof Buffer ? new Buffer(this.size) : new Uint8Array(this.size) : this.memory; if (this.memsize + len < this.size) { // fill in tmp buffer // XXH64_memcpy(memory + this.memsize, input, len) if (input instanceof Buffer) { input.copy(memory, this.memsize, 0, len); } else { memory.set(input.subarray(0, len), this.memsize); } this.memsize += len; this.memory = memory; return this; } let p = 0; const bEnd = p + len; const inc = this.getIncrement(); if (this.memsize > 0) { // some data left from previous update // XXH64_memcpy(memory + this.memsize, input, 16-this.memsize); if (input instanceof Buffer) { input.copy(memory, this.memsize, 0, this.size - this.memsize); } else { memory.set(input.subarray(0, this.size - this.memsize), this.memsize); } let i = 0; for (const v of this.vn) { this.shiftUpdate(v, memory, i); i += inc; } p += this.size - this.memsize; this.memsize = 0; } if (p <= bEnd - this.size) { const limit = bEnd - this.size; do { for (const v of this.vn) { this.shiftUpdate(v, input, p); p += inc; } } while (p <= limit); } if (p < bEnd) { // XXH64_memcpy(memory, p, bEnd-p); if (input instanceof Buffer) { input.copy(memory, this.memsize, p, bEnd); } else { memory.set(input.subarray(p, bEnd), this.memsize); } this.memsize = bEnd - p; } this.memory = memory; return this; } } xxhash.default = XXHash; Object.defineProperty(xxhash64, "__esModule", { value: true }); const cuint_1$1 = cuint; const xxhash_1$1 = xxhash; class XXHash64 extends xxhash_1$1.default { constructor(seed) { super(cuint_1$1.UINT64); this.size = 32; this.primes = { P1: this.uintConstructor("11400714785074694791"), P2: this.uintConstructor("14029467366897019727"), P3: this.uintConstructor("1609587929392839161"), P4: this.uintConstructor("9650029242287828579"), P5: this.uintConstructor("2870177450012600261") }; this.reseed(seed); } static hash(seed, input) { const instance = new this(seed); if (input === undefined) return instance; return instance.update(input).digest(); } shiftDigest(h, v) { h.xor(v .multiply(this.primes.P2) .rotl(31) .multiply(this.primes.P1)); h.multiply(this.primes.P1).add(this.primes.P4); } shiftUpdate(v, m, p) { v.add(this.uintConstructor((m[p + 1] << 8) | m[p], (m[p + 3] << 8) | m[p + 2], (m[p + 5] << 8) | m[p + 4], (m[p + 7] << 8) | m[p + 6]).multiply(this.primes.P2)) .rotl(31) .multiply(this.primes.P1); } digestCore(m, h) { const { P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 } = this.primes; if (this.totalLen >= this.size) { for (const v of this.vn) { this.shiftDigest(h, v); } } const u = this.uintConstructor(NaN); h.add(u.fromNumber(this.totalLen)); let i = 0; const inc = this.getIncrement(); while (i <= this.memsize - inc) { u.fromBits((m[i + 1] << 8) | m[i], (m[i + 3] << 8) | m[i + 2], (m[i + 5] << 8) | m[i + 4], (m[i + 7] << 8) | m[i + 6]); u.multiply(P2) .rotl(31) .multiply(P1); h.xor(u) .rotl(27) .multiply(P1) .add(P4); i += inc; } if (i + 4 <= this.memsize) { u.fromBits((m[i + 1] << 8) | m[i], (m[i + 3] << 8) | m[i + 2], 0, 0); h.xor(u.multiply(P1)) .rotl(23) .multiply(P2) .add(P3); i += 4; } while (i < this.memsize) { u.fromBits(m[i++], 0, 0, 0); h.xor(u.multiply(P5)) .rotl(11) .multiply(P1); } h.xor(h.clone().shiftRight(33)).multiply(P2); h.xor(h.clone().shiftRight(29)).multiply(P3); h.xor(h.clone().shiftRight(32)); return h; } } xxhash64.default = XXHash64; var xxhash32 = {}; Object.defineProperty(xxhash32, "__esModule", { value: true }); const cuint_1 = cuint; const xxhash_1 = xxhash; class XXHash32$1 extends xxhash_1.default { constructor(seed) { super(cuint_1.UINT32); this.size = 16; this.primes = { P1: this.uintConstructor("2654435761"), P2: this.uintConstructor("2246822519"), P3: this.uintConstructor("3266489917"), P4: this.uintConstructor("668265263"), P5: this.uintConstructor("374761393") }; this.reseed(seed); } static hash(seed, input) { const instance = new this(seed); if (input === undefined) return instance; return instance.update(input).digest(); } /** * Merged this sequence of method calls as it speeds up the calculations by a factor of 2 */ updateUint(uint, low, high) { const { P1, P2 } = this.primes; let b00 = P2._low; let b16 = P2._high; let c00 = low * b00; let c16 = c00 >>> 16; c16 += high * b00; c16 &= 0xffff; // Not required but improves performance c16 += low * b16; let a00 = uint._low + (c00 & 0xffff); let a16 = a00 >>> 16; a16 += uint._high + (c16 & 0xffff); let v = (a16 << 16) | (a00 & 0xffff); v = (v << 13) | (v >>> 19); a00 = v & 0xffff; a16 = v >>> 16; b00 = P1._low; b16 = P1._high; c00 = a00 * b00; c16 = c00 >>> 16; c16 += a16 * b00; c16 &= 0xffff; // Not required but improves performance c16 += a00 * b16; uint._low = c00 & 0xffff; uint._high = c16 & 0xffff; } shiftUpdate(v, m, p) { this.updateUint(v, (m[p + 1] << 8) | m[p], (m[p + 3] << 8) | m[p + 2]); } digestCore(m, h) { const { P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 } = this.primes; const u = this.uintConstructor(NaN); h.add(u.fromNumber(this.totalLen)); let i = 0; const inc = this.getIncrement(); while (i <= this.memsize - inc) { u.fromBits((m[i + 1] << 8) | m[i], (m[i + 3] << 8) | m[i + 2]); h.add(u.multiply(P3)) .rotl(17) .multiply(P4); i += inc; } while (i < this.memsize) { u.fromBits(m[i++], 0); h.add(u.multiply(P5)) .rotl(11) .multiply(P1); } h.xor(h.clone().shiftRight(15)).multiply(P2); h.xor(h.clone().shiftRight(13)).multiply(P3); h.xor(h.clone().shiftRight(16)); return h; } } xxhash32.default = XXHash32$1; Object.defineProperty(dist, "__esModule", { value: true }); const xxhash64_1 = xxhash64; dist.XXHash64 = xxhash64_1.default; const xxhash32_1 = xxhash32; var XXHash32 = dist.XXHash32 = xxhash32_1.default; class LinkHashes { constructor() { this.linksInfo = {}; } ensureHashGenerated(link, data) { if (!this.linksInfo[link]) { this.linksInfo[link] = XXHash32.hash(0, data).toNumber(); } } isSame(link, data) { const fileHash = XXHash32.hash(0, data).toNumber(); return this.linksInfo[link] == fileHash; } } const linkHashes = new LinkHashes(); const EXTERNAL_MEDIA_LINK_PATTERN = /\!\[(?.*?)\]\((?.+?)\)/g; function replaceImages(app, content, assetsDir) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield replaceAsync(content, EXTERNAL_MEDIA_LINK_PATTERN, imageTagProcessor(app, assetsDir)); }); } function replaceAsync(string, searchValue, replacer) { try { if (typeof replacer === 'function') { // 1. Run fake pass of `replace`, collect values from `replacer` calls // 2. Resolve them with `Promise.all` // 3. Run `replace` with resolved values var values = []; String.prototype.replace.call(string, searchValue, function () { values.push(replacer.apply(undefined, arguments)); return ''; }); return Promise.all(values).then(function (resolvedValues) { return String.prototype.replace.call(string, searchValue, function () { return resolvedValues.shift(); }); }); } else { return Promise.resolve(String.prototype.replace.call(string, searchValue, replacer)); } } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } const FILENAME_ATTEMPTS = 5; function imageTagProcessor(app, mediaDir) { return function processImageTag(match, anchor, link) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!isValidUrl(link)) { return match; } yield checkAndCreateFolder(app.vault, mediaDir); try { const { fileContent, fileExtension } = yield downloadImage(link); let attempt = 0; while (attempt < FILENAME_ATTEMPTS) { try { const { fileName, needWrite } = yield chooseFileName(app.vault.adapter, mediaDir, anchor, link, fileContent, fileExtension); if (needWrite && fileName) { yield app.vault.createBinary(fileName, fileContent); } if (fileName) { const maskedFilename = fileName.replace(/\s/g, '%20'); return `![${anchor}](${maskedFilename})`; } else { return match; } } catch (error) { if (error.message === 'File already exists.') { attempt++; } else { throw error; } } } return match; } catch (error) { console.warn('Image processing failed: ', error); return match; } }); }; } const FILENAME_TEMPLATE = 'media'; const MAX_FILENAME_INDEX = 1000; function chooseFileName(adapter, dir, baseName, link, contentData, fileExtension) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!fileExtension) { return { fileName: '', needWrite: false }; } // if there is no anchor try get file name from url if (!baseName) { const parsedUrl = new URL(link); baseName = require$$1$4.basename(parsedUrl.pathname); } // if there is no part for file name from url use name template if (!baseName) { baseName = FILENAME_TEMPLATE; } // if filename already ends with correct extension, remove it to work with base name if (baseName.endsWith(`.${fileExtension}`)) { baseName = baseName.slice(0, -1 * (fileExtension.length + 1)); } baseName = normalizeFilename(baseName); let fileName = ''; let needWrite = true; let index = 0; while (!fileName && index < MAX_FILENAME_INDEX) { const suggestedName = index ? pathJoin(dir, `${baseName}-${index}.${fileExtension}`) : pathJoin(dir, `${baseName}.${fileExtension}`); if (yield adapter.exists(suggestedName, false)) { linkHashes.ensureHashGenerated(link, contentData); const fileData = yield adapter.readBinary(suggestedName); if (linkHashes.isSame(link, fileData)) { fileName = suggestedName; needWrite = false; } } else { fileName = suggestedName; } index++; } if (!fileName) { throw new Error('Failed to generate file name for media file.'); } linkHashes.ensureHashGenerated(link, contentData); return { fileName, needWrite }; }); } const DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { inboxDir: 'ReadItLater Inbox', assetsDir: 'ReadItLater Inbox/assets', openNewNote: false, youtubeNoteTitle: 'Youtube - %title%', youtubeNote: `[[ReadItLater]] [[Youtube]]\n\n# [%videoTitle%](%videoURL%)\n\n%videoPlayer%`, twitterNoteTitle: 'Tweet from %tweetAuthorName% (%date%)', twitterNote: `[[ReadItLater]] [[Tweet]]\n\n# [%tweetAuthorName%](%tweetURL%)\n\n%tweetContent%`, parseableArticleNoteTitle: '%title%', parsableArticleNote: `[[ReadItLater]] [[Article]]\n\n# [%articleTitle%](%articleURL%)\n\n%articleContent%`, notParseableArticleNoteTitle: 'Article %date%', notParsableArticleNote: `[[ReadItLater]] [[Article]]\n\n[%articleURL%](%articleURL%)`, textSnippetNoteTitle: 'Notice %date%', textSnippetNote: `[[ReadItLater]] [[Textsnippet]]\n\n%content%`, downloadImages: true, }; class Note { constructor(fileName, content) { this.fileName = fileName; this.content = content; } } class Parser { constructor(app, settings) { this.app = app; this.settings = settings; } isValidUrl(url) { try { new URL(url); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } getFormattedDateForFilename() { const date = new Date(); return obsidian.moment(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH-mm-ss'); } } class YoutubeParser extends Parser { constructor(app, settings) { super(app, settings); this.PATTERN = /(youtube.com|youtu.be)\/(watch)?(\?v=)?(\S+)?/; } test(url) { return this.isValidUrl(url) && this.PATTERN.test(url); } prepareNote(url) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const response = yield obsidian.request({ method: 'GET', url }); const videoTitle = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response, 'text/html').title; const videoId = this.PATTERN.exec(url)[4]; const videoPlayer = ``; const content = this.settings.youtubeNote .replace(/%videoTitle%/g, videoTitle) .replace(/%videoURL%/g, url) .replace(/%videoId%/g, videoId) .replace(/%videoPlayer%/g, videoPlayer); const fileNameTemplate = this.settings.youtubeNoteTitle.replace(/%title%/g, videoTitle); const fileName = `${fileNameTemplate}.md`; return new Note(fileName, content); }); } } function extend (destination) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) destination[key] = source[key]; } } return destination } function repeat (character, count) { return Array(count + 1).join(character) } function trimLeadingNewlines (string) { return string.replace(/^\n*/, '') } function trimTrailingNewlines (string) { // avoid match-at-end regexp bottleneck, see #370 var indexEnd = string.length; while (indexEnd > 0 && string[indexEnd - 1] === '\n') indexEnd--; return string.substring(0, indexEnd) } var blockElements = [ 'ADDRESS', 'ARTICLE', 'ASIDE', 'AUDIO', 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'BODY', 'CANVAS', 'CENTER', 'DD', 'DIR', 'DIV', 'DL', 'DT', 'FIELDSET', 'FIGCAPTION', 'FIGURE', 'FOOTER', 'FORM', 'FRAMESET', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'HEADER', 'HGROUP', 'HR', 'HTML', 'ISINDEX', 'LI', 'MAIN', 'MENU', 'NAV', 'NOFRAMES', 'NOSCRIPT', 'OL', 'OUTPUT', 'P', 'PRE', 'SECTION', 'TABLE', 'TBODY', 'TD', 'TFOOT', 'TH', 'THEAD', 'TR', 'UL' ]; function isBlock (node) { return is(node, blockElements) } var voidElements = [ 'AREA', 'BASE', 'BR', 'COL', 'COMMAND', 'EMBED', 'HR', 'IMG', 'INPUT', 'KEYGEN', 'LINK', 'META', 'PARAM', 'SOURCE', 'TRACK', 'WBR' ]; function isVoid (node) { return is(node, voidElements) } function hasVoid (node) { return has(node, voidElements) } var meaningfulWhenBlankElements = [ 'A', 'TABLE', 'THEAD', 'TBODY', 'TFOOT', 'TH', 'TD', 'IFRAME', 'SCRIPT', 'AUDIO', 'VIDEO' ]; function isMeaningfulWhenBlank (node) { return is(node, meaningfulWhenBlankElements) } function hasMeaningfulWhenBlank (node) { return has(node, meaningfulWhenBlankElements) } function is (node, tagNames) { return tagNames.indexOf(node.nodeName) >= 0 } function has (node, tagNames) { return ( node.getElementsByTagName && tagNames.some(function (tagName) { return node.getElementsByTagName(tagName).length }) ) } var rules$1 = {}; rules$1.paragraph = { filter: 'p', replacement: function (content) { return '\n\n' + content + '\n\n' } }; rules$1.lineBreak = { filter: 'br', replacement: function (content, node, options) { return options.br + '\n' } }; rules$1.heading = { filter: ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'], replacement: function (content, node, options) { var hLevel = Number(node.nodeName.charAt(1)); if (options.headingStyle === 'setext' && hLevel < 3) { var underline = repeat((hLevel === 1 ? '=' : '-'), content.length); return ( '\n\n' + content + '\n' + underline + '\n\n' ) } else { return '\n\n' + repeat('#', hLevel) + ' ' + content + '\n\n' } } }; rules$1.blockquote = { filter: 'blockquote', replacement: function (content) { content = content.replace(/^\n+|\n+$/g, ''); content = content.replace(/^/gm, '> '); return '\n\n' + content + '\n\n' } }; rules$1.list = { filter: ['ul', 'ol'], replacement: function (content, node) { var parent = node.parentNode; if (parent.nodeName === 'LI' && parent.lastElementChild === node) { return '\n' + content } else { return '\n\n' + content + '\n\n' } } }; rules$1.listItem = { filter: 'li', replacement: function (content, node, options) { content = content .replace(/^\n+/, '') // remove leading newlines .replace(/\n+$/, '\n') // replace trailing newlines with just a single one .replace(/\n/gm, '\n '); // indent var prefix = options.bulletListMarker + ' '; var parent = node.parentNode; if (parent.nodeName === 'OL') { var start = parent.getAttribute('start'); var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(parent.children, node); prefix = (start ? Number(start) + index : index + 1) + '. '; } return ( prefix + content + (node.nextSibling && !/\n$/.test(content) ? '\n' : '') ) } }; rules$1.indentedCodeBlock = { filter: function (node, options) { return ( options.codeBlockStyle === 'indented' && node.nodeName === 'PRE' && node.firstChild && node.firstChild.nodeName === 'CODE' ) }, replacement: function (content, node, options) { return ( '\n\n ' + node.firstChild.textContent.replace(/\n/g, '\n ') + '\n\n' ) } }; rules$1.fencedCodeBlock = { filter: function (node, options) { return ( options.codeBlockStyle === 'fenced' && node.nodeName === 'PRE' && node.firstChild && node.firstChild.nodeName === 'CODE' ) }, replacement: function (content, node, options) { var className = node.firstChild.getAttribute('class') || ''; var language = (className.match(/language-(\S+)/) || [null, ''])[1]; var code = node.firstChild.textContent; var fenceChar = options.fence.charAt(0); var fenceSize = 3; var fenceInCodeRegex = new RegExp('^' + fenceChar + '{3,}', 'gm'); var match; while ((match = fenceInCodeRegex.exec(code))) { if (match[0].length >= fenceSize) { fenceSize = match[0].length + 1; } } var fence = repeat(fenceChar, fenceSize); return ( '\n\n' + fence + language + '\n' + code.replace(/\n$/, '') + '\n' + fence + '\n\n' ) } }; rules$1.horizontalRule = { filter: 'hr', replacement: function (content, node, options) { return '\n\n' + options.hr + '\n\n' } }; rules$1.inlineLink = { filter: function (node, options) { return ( options.linkStyle === 'inlined' && node.nodeName === 'A' && node.getAttribute('href') ) }, replacement: function (content, node) { var href = node.getAttribute('href'); var title = cleanAttribute(node.getAttribute('title')); if (title) title = ' "' + title + '"'; return '[' + content + '](' + href + title + ')' } }; rules$1.referenceLink = { filter: function (node, options) { return ( options.linkStyle === 'referenced' && node.nodeName === 'A' && node.getAttribute('href') ) }, replacement: function (content, node, options) { var href = node.getAttribute('href'); var title = cleanAttribute(node.getAttribute('title')); if (title) title = ' "' + title + '"'; var replacement; var reference; switch (options.linkReferenceStyle) { case 'collapsed': replacement = '[' + content + '][]'; reference = '[' + content + ']: ' + href + title; break case 'shortcut': replacement = '[' + content + ']'; reference = '[' + content + ']: ' + href + title; break default: var id = this.references.length + 1; replacement = '[' + content + '][' + id + ']'; reference = '[' + id + ']: ' + href + title; } this.references.push(reference); return replacement }, references: [], append: function (options) { var references = ''; if (this.references.length) { references = '\n\n' + this.references.join('\n') + '\n\n'; this.references = []; // Reset references } return references } }; rules$1.emphasis = { filter: ['em', 'i'], replacement: function (content, node, options) { if (!content.trim()) return '' return options.emDelimiter + content + options.emDelimiter } }; rules$1.strong = { filter: ['strong', 'b'], replacement: function (content, node, options) { if (!content.trim()) return '' return options.strongDelimiter + content + options.strongDelimiter } }; rules$1.code = { filter: function (node) { var hasSiblings = node.previousSibling || node.nextSibling; var isCodeBlock = node.parentNode.nodeName === 'PRE' && !hasSiblings; return node.nodeName === 'CODE' && !isCodeBlock }, replacement: function (content) { if (!content) return '' content = content.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, ' '); var extraSpace = /^`|^ .*?[^ ].* $|`$/.test(content) ? ' ' : ''; var delimiter = '`'; var matches = content.match(/`+/gm) || []; while (matches.indexOf(delimiter) !== -1) delimiter = delimiter + '`'; return delimiter + extraSpace + content + extraSpace + delimiter } }; rules$1.image = { filter: 'img', replacement: function (content, node) { var alt = cleanAttribute(node.getAttribute('alt')); var src = node.getAttribute('src') || ''; var title = cleanAttribute(node.getAttribute('title')); var titlePart = title ? ' "' + title + '"' : ''; return src ? '![' + alt + ']' + '(' + src + titlePart + ')' : '' } }; function cleanAttribute (attribute) { return attribute ? attribute.replace(/(\n+\s*)+/g, '\n') : '' } /** * Manages a collection of rules used to convert HTML to Markdown */ function Rules (options) { this.options = options; this._keep = []; this._remove = []; this.blankRule = { replacement: options.blankReplacement }; this.keepReplacement = options.keepReplacement; this.defaultRule = { replacement: options.defaultReplacement }; this.array = []; for (var key in options.rules) this.array.push(options.rules[key]); } Rules.prototype = { add: function (key, rule) { this.array.unshift(rule); }, keep: function (filter) { this._keep.unshift({ filter: filter, replacement: this.keepReplacement }); }, remove: function (filter) { this._remove.unshift({ filter: filter, replacement: function () { return '' } }); }, forNode: function (node) { if (node.isBlank) return this.blankRule var rule; if ((rule = findRule(this.array, node, this.options))) return rule if ((rule = findRule(this._keep, node, this.options))) return rule if ((rule = findRule(this._remove, node, this.options))) return rule return this.defaultRule }, forEach: function (fn) { for (var i = 0; i < this.array.length; i++) fn(this.array[i], i); } }; function findRule (rules, node, options) { for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { var rule = rules[i]; if (filterValue(rule, node, options)) return rule } return void 0 } function filterValue (rule, node, options) { var filter = rule.filter; if (typeof filter === 'string') { if (filter === node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) return true } else if (Array.isArray(filter)) { if (filter.indexOf(node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) > -1) return true } else if (typeof filter === 'function') { if (filter.call(rule, node, options)) return true } else { throw new TypeError('`filter` needs to be a string, array, or function') } } /** * The collapseWhitespace function is adapted from collapse-whitespace * by Luc Thevenard. * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014 Luc Thevenard * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * collapseWhitespace(options) removes extraneous whitespace from an the given element. * * @param {Object} options */ function collapseWhitespace (options) { var element = options.element; var isBlock = options.isBlock; var isVoid = options.isVoid; var isPre = options.isPre || function (node) { return node.nodeName === 'PRE' }; if (!element.firstChild || isPre(element)) return var prevText = null; var keepLeadingWs = false; var prev = null; var node = next(prev, element, isPre); while (node !== element) { if (node.nodeType === 3 || node.nodeType === 4) { // Node.TEXT_NODE or Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE var text = node.data.replace(/[ \r\n\t]+/g, ' '); if ((!prevText || / $/.test(prevText.data)) && !keepLeadingWs && text[0] === ' ') { text = text.substr(1); } // `text` might be empty at this point. if (!text) { node = remove(node); continue } node.data = text; prevText = node; } else if (node.nodeType === 1) { // Node.ELEMENT_NODE if (isBlock(node) || node.nodeName === 'BR') { if (prevText) { prevText.data = prevText.data.replace(/ $/, ''); } prevText = null; keepLeadingWs = false; } else if (isVoid(node) || isPre(node)) { // Avoid trimming space around non-block, non-BR void elements and inline PRE. prevText = null; keepLeadingWs = true; } else if (prevText) { // Drop protection if set previously. keepLeadingWs = false; } } else { node = remove(node); continue } var nextNode = next(prev, node, isPre); prev = node; node = nextNode; } if (prevText) { prevText.data = prevText.data.replace(/ $/, ''); if (!prevText.data) { remove(prevText); } } } /** * remove(node) removes the given node from the DOM and returns the * next node in the sequence. * * @param {Node} node * @return {Node} node */ function remove (node) { var next = node.nextSibling || node.parentNode; node.parentNode.removeChild(node); return next } /** * next(prev, current, isPre) returns the next node in the sequence, given the * current and previous nodes. * * @param {Node} prev * @param {Node} current * @param {Function} isPre * @return {Node} */ function next (prev, current, isPre) { if ((prev && prev.parentNode === current) || isPre(current)) { return current.nextSibling || current.parentNode } return current.firstChild || current.nextSibling || current.parentNode } /* * Set up window for Node.js */ var root = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {}); /* * Parsing HTML strings */ function canParseHTMLNatively () { var Parser = root.DOMParser; var canParse = false; // Adapted from https://gist.github.com/1129031 // Firefox/Opera/IE throw errors on unsupported types try { // WebKit returns null on unsupported types if (new Parser().parseFromString('', 'text/html')) { canParse = true; } } catch (e) {} return canParse } function createHTMLParser () { var Parser = function () {}; { if (shouldUseActiveX()) { Parser.prototype.parseFromString = function (string) { var doc = new window.ActiveXObject('htmlfile'); doc.designMode = 'on'; // disable on-page scripts doc.open(); doc.write(string); doc.close(); return doc }; } else { Parser.prototype.parseFromString = function (string) { var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); doc.open(); doc.write(string); doc.close(); return doc }; } } return Parser } function shouldUseActiveX () { var useActiveX = false; try { document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('').open(); } catch (e) { if (window.ActiveXObject) useActiveX = true; } return useActiveX } var HTMLParser = canParseHTMLNatively() ? root.DOMParser : createHTMLParser(); function RootNode (input, options) { var root; if (typeof input === 'string') { var doc = htmlParser().parseFromString( // DOM parsers arrange elements in the and . // Wrapping in a custom element ensures elements are reliably arranged in // a single element. '' + input + '', 'text/html' ); root = doc.getElementById('turndown-root'); } else { root = input.cloneNode(true); } collapseWhitespace({ element: root, isBlock: isBlock, isVoid: isVoid, isPre: options.preformattedCode ? isPreOrCode : null }); return root } var _htmlParser; function htmlParser () { _htmlParser = _htmlParser || new HTMLParser(); return _htmlParser } function isPreOrCode (node) { return node.nodeName === 'PRE' || node.nodeName === 'CODE' } function Node (node, options) { node.isBlock = isBlock(node); node.isCode = node.nodeName === 'CODE' || node.parentNode.isCode; node.isBlank = isBlank(node); node.flankingWhitespace = flankingWhitespace(node, options); return node } function isBlank (node) { return ( !isVoid(node) && !isMeaningfulWhenBlank(node) && /^\s*$/i.test(node.textContent) && !hasVoid(node) && !hasMeaningfulWhenBlank(node) ) } function flankingWhitespace (node, options) { if (node.isBlock || (options.preformattedCode && node.isCode)) { return { leading: '', trailing: '' } } var edges = edgeWhitespace(node.textContent); // abandon leading ASCII WS if left-flanked by ASCII WS if (edges.leadingAscii && isFlankedByWhitespace('left', node, options)) { edges.leading = edges.leadingNonAscii; } // abandon trailing ASCII WS if right-flanked by ASCII WS if (edges.trailingAscii && isFlankedByWhitespace('right', node, options)) { edges.trailing = edges.trailingNonAscii; } return { leading: edges.leading, trailing: edges.trailing } } function edgeWhitespace (string) { var m = string.match(/^(([ \t\r\n]*)(\s*))[\s\S]*?((\s*?)([ \t\r\n]*))$/); return { leading: m[1], // whole string for whitespace-only strings leadingAscii: m[2], leadingNonAscii: m[3], trailing: m[4], // empty for whitespace-only strings trailingNonAscii: m[5], trailingAscii: m[6] } } function isFlankedByWhitespace (side, node, options) { var sibling; var regExp; var isFlanked; if (side === 'left') { sibling = node.previousSibling; regExp = / $/; } else { sibling = node.nextSibling; regExp = /^ /; } if (sibling) { if (sibling.nodeType === 3) { isFlanked = regExp.test(sibling.nodeValue); } else if (options.preformattedCode && sibling.nodeName === 'CODE') { isFlanked = false; } else if (sibling.nodeType === 1 && !isBlock(sibling)) { isFlanked = regExp.test(sibling.textContent); } } return isFlanked } var reduce = Array.prototype.reduce; var escapes = [ [/\\/g, '\\\\'], [/\*/g, '\\*'], [/^-/g, '\\-'], [/^\+ /g, '\\+ '], [/^(=+)/g, '\\$1'], [/^(#{1,6}) /g, '\\$1 '], [/`/g, '\\`'], [/^~~~/g, '\\~~~'], [/\[/g, '\\['], [/\]/g, '\\]'], [/^>/g, '\\>'], [/_/g, '\\_'], [/^(\d+)\. /g, '$1\\. '] ]; function TurndownService (options) { if (!(this instanceof TurndownService)) return new TurndownService(options) var defaults = { rules: rules$1, headingStyle: 'setext', hr: '* * *', bulletListMarker: '*', codeBlockStyle: 'indented', fence: '```', emDelimiter: '_', strongDelimiter: '**', linkStyle: 'inlined', linkReferenceStyle: 'full', br: ' ', preformattedCode: false, blankReplacement: function (content, node) { return node.isBlock ? '\n\n' : '' }, keepReplacement: function (content, node) { return node.isBlock ? '\n\n' + node.outerHTML + '\n\n' : node.outerHTML }, defaultReplacement: function (content, node) { return node.isBlock ? '\n\n' + content + '\n\n' : content } }; this.options = extend({}, defaults, options); this.rules = new Rules(this.options); } TurndownService.prototype = { /** * The entry point for converting a string or DOM node to Markdown * @public * @param {String|HTMLElement} input The string or DOM node to convert * @returns A Markdown representation of the input * @type String */ turndown: function (input) { if (!canConvert(input)) { throw new TypeError( input + ' is not a string, or an element/document/fragment node.' ) } if (input === '') return '' var output = process$1.call(this, new RootNode(input, this.options)); return postProcess.call(this, output) }, /** * Add one or more plugins * @public * @param {Function|Array} plugin The plugin or array of plugins to add * @returns The Turndown instance for chaining * @type Object */ use: function (plugin) { if (Array.isArray(plugin)) { for (var i = 0; i < plugin.length; i++) this.use(plugin[i]); } else if (typeof plugin === 'function') { plugin(this); } else { throw new TypeError('plugin must be a Function or an Array of Functions') } return this }, /** * Adds a rule * @public * @param {String} key The unique key of the rule * @param {Object} rule The rule * @returns The Turndown instance for chaining * @type Object */ addRule: function (key, rule) { this.rules.add(key, rule); return this }, /** * Keep a node (as HTML) that matches the filter * @public * @param {String|Array|Function} filter The unique key of the rule * @returns The Turndown instance for chaining * @type Object */ keep: function (filter) { this.rules.keep(filter); return this }, /** * Remove a node that matches the filter * @public * @param {String|Array|Function} filter The unique key of the rule * @returns The Turndown instance for chaining * @type Object */ remove: function (filter) { this.rules.remove(filter); return this }, /** * Escapes Markdown syntax * @public * @param {String} string The string to escape * @returns A string with Markdown syntax escaped * @type String */ escape: function (string) { return escapes.reduce(function (accumulator, escape) { return accumulator.replace(escape[0], escape[1]) }, string) } }; /** * Reduces a DOM node down to its Markdown string equivalent * @private * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode The node to convert * @returns A Markdown representation of the node * @type String */ function process$1 (parentNode) { var self = this; return reduce.call(parentNode.childNodes, function (output, node) { node = new Node(node, self.options); var replacement = ''; if (node.nodeType === 3) { replacement = node.isCode ? node.nodeValue : self.escape(node.nodeValue); } else if (node.nodeType === 1) { replacement = replacementForNode.call(self, node); } return join(output, replacement) }, '') } /** * Appends strings as each rule requires and trims the output * @private * @param {String} output The conversion output * @returns A trimmed version of the ouput * @type String */ function postProcess (output) { var self = this; this.rules.forEach(function (rule) { if (typeof rule.append === 'function') { output = join(output, rule.append(self.options)); } }); return output.replace(/^[\t\r\n]+/, '').replace(/[\t\r\n\s]+$/, '') } /** * Converts an element node to its Markdown equivalent * @private * @param {HTMLElement} node The node to convert * @returns A Markdown representation of the node * @type String */ function replacementForNode (node) { var rule = this.rules.forNode(node); var content = process$1.call(this, node); var whitespace = node.flankingWhitespace; if (whitespace.leading || whitespace.trailing) content = content.trim(); return ( whitespace.leading + rule.replacement(content, node, this.options) + whitespace.trailing ) } /** * Joins replacement to the current output with appropriate number of new lines * @private * @param {String} output The current conversion output * @param {String} replacement The string to append to the output * @returns Joined output * @type String */ function join (output, replacement) { var s1 = trimTrailingNewlines(output); var s2 = trimLeadingNewlines(replacement); var nls = Math.max(output.length - s1.length, replacement.length - s2.length); var separator = '\n\n'.substring(0, nls); return s1 + separator + s2 } /** * Determines whether an input can be converted * @private * @param {String|HTMLElement} input Describe this parameter * @returns Describe what it returns * @type String|Object|Array|Boolean|Number */ function canConvert (input) { return ( input != null && ( typeof input === 'string' || (input.nodeType && ( input.nodeType === 1 || input.nodeType === 9 || input.nodeType === 11 )) ) ) } var turndownPluginGfm_cjs = {}; Object.defineProperty(turndownPluginGfm_cjs, '__esModule', { value: true }); var highlightRegExp = /highlight-(?:text|source)-([a-z0-9]+)/; function highlightedCodeBlock (turndownService) { turndownService.addRule('highlightedCodeBlock', { filter: function (node) { var firstChild = node.firstChild; return ( node.nodeName === 'DIV' && highlightRegExp.test(node.className) && firstChild && firstChild.nodeName === 'PRE' ) }, replacement: function (content, node, options) { var className = node.className || ''; var language = (className.match(highlightRegExp) || [null, ''])[1]; return ( '\n\n' + options.fence + language + '\n' + node.firstChild.textContent + '\n' + options.fence + '\n\n' ) } }); } function strikethrough (turndownService) { turndownService.addRule('strikethrough', { filter: ['del', 's', 'strike'], replacement: function (content) { return '~' + content + '~' } }); } var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf; var rules = {}; rules.tableCell = { filter: ['th', 'td'], replacement: function (content, node) { return cell(content, node) + spannedCells(node, '') } }; rules.tableRow = { filter: 'tr', replacement: function (content, node) { var borderCells = ''; var alignMap = { left: ':--', right: '--:', center: ':-:' }; if (isHeadingRow(node)) { for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { var border = '---'; var align = ( node.childNodes[i].getAttribute('align') || '' ).toLowerCase(); if (align) border = alignMap[align] || border; borderCells += cell(border, node.childNodes[i]) + spannedCells(node.childNodes[i], border); } } return '\n' + content + (borderCells ? '\n' + borderCells : '') } }; rules.table = { // Only convert tables that are not nested in another table, they are kept using `keep` (see below). // TODO: nested tables should be converted to plain text in a strict (non HTML) gfm filter: function (node) { return node.nodeName === 'TABLE' && !isNestedTable(node) }, replacement: function (content) { // Ensure there are no blank lines content = content.replace('\n\n', '\n'); return '\n\n' + content + '\n\n' } }; rules.tableSection = { filter: ['thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot'], replacement: function (content) { return content } }; rules.captionSection = { // only return content if caption if the first node immediately after TABLE filter: 'caption', replacement: function (content, node) { if (node.parentNode.nodeName === 'TABLE' && node.parentNode.childNodes[0] === node) return content return '' } }; function isHeadingRow (tr) { var parentNode = tr.parentNode; var tableNode = parentNode; if (parentNode.nodeName === 'THEAD' || parentNode.nodeName === 'TFOOT' || parentNode.nodeName === 'TBODY') { tableNode = parentNode.parentNode; } return (tableNode.nodeName === 'TABLE' && tableNode.rows[0] === tr) } function cell (content, node) { var index = indexOf.call(node.parentNode.childNodes, node); var prefix = ' '; if (index === 0) prefix = '| '; // Ensure single line per cell (both windows and unix EoL) // TODO: allow gfm non-strict mode to replace new lines by `
` content = content.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').replace(/\n/g, ' '); // | must be escaped as \| content = content.replace(/\|/g, '\\|'); return prefix + content + ' |' } function spannedCells (node, spannedCellContent) { var colspan = node.getAttribute('colspan') || 1; if (colspan <= 1) return '' return (' ' + spannedCellContent + ' |').repeat(colspan - 1) } function isNestedTable (tableNode) { var currentNode = tableNode.parentNode; while (currentNode) { if (currentNode.nodeName === 'TABLE') return true currentNode = currentNode.parentNode; } return false } function tables (turndownService) { turndownService.keep(function (node) { return node.nodeName === 'TABLE' && isNestedTable(node) }); for (var key in rules) turndownService.addRule(key, rules[key]); } function taskListItems (turndownService) { turndownService.addRule('taskListItems', { filter: function (node) { return node.type === 'checkbox' && node.parentNode.nodeName === 'LI' }, replacement: function (content, node) { return (node.checked ? '[x]' : '[ ]') + ' ' } }); } function gfm (turndownService) { turndownService.use([ highlightedCodeBlock, strikethrough, tables, taskListItems ]); } var gfm_1 = turndownPluginGfm_cjs.gfm = gfm; turndownPluginGfm_cjs.highlightedCodeBlock = highlightedCodeBlock; turndownPluginGfm_cjs.strikethrough = strikethrough; turndownPluginGfm_cjs.tables = tables; turndownPluginGfm_cjs.taskListItems = taskListItems; function parseHtmlContent(content) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const gfm = gfm_1; const turndownService = new TurndownService({ headingStyle: 'atx', hr: '---', bulletListMarker: '-', codeBlockStyle: 'fenced', emDelimiter: '*', }); turndownService.use(gfm); const articleContent = turndownService.turndown(content); return articleContent; }); } class TwitterParser extends Parser { constructor(app, settings) { super(app, settings); this.PATTERN = /(https:\/\/twitter.com\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+))/; } test(url) { return this.isValidUrl(url) && this.PATTERN.test(url); } prepareNote(url) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const response = JSON.parse(yield obsidian.request({ method: 'GET', contentType: 'application/json', url: `https://publish.twitter.com/oembed?url=${url}`, })); const tweetAuthorName = response.author_name; const content = yield parseHtmlContent(response.html); const processedContent = this.settings.twitterNote .replace(/%tweetAuthorName%/g, tweetAuthorName) .replace(/%tweetURL%/g, response.url) .replace(/%tweetContent%/g, content); const fileNameTemplate = this.settings.twitterNoteTitle .replace(/%tweetAuthorName%/g, tweetAuthorName) .replace(/%date%/g, this.getFormattedDateForFilename()); const fileName = `${fileNameTemplate}.md`; return new Note(fileName, processedContent); }); } } var Readability$1 = {exports: {}}; /*eslint-env es6:false*/ (function (module) { /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Arc90 Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * This code is heavily based on Arc90's readability.js (1.7.1) script * available at: http://code.google.com/p/arc90labs-readability */ /** * Public constructor. * @param {HTMLDocument} doc The document to parse. * @param {Object} options The options object. */ function Readability(doc, options) { // In some older versions, people passed a URI as the first argument. Cope: if (options && options.documentElement) { doc = options; options = arguments[2]; } else if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) { throw new Error("First argument to Readability constructor should be a document object."); } options = options || {}; this._doc = doc; this._docJSDOMParser = this._doc.firstChild.__JSDOMParser__; this._articleTitle = null; this._articleByline = null; this._articleDir = null; this._articleSiteName = null; this._attempts = []; // Configurable options this._debug = !!options.debug; this._maxElemsToParse = options.maxElemsToParse || this.DEFAULT_MAX_ELEMS_TO_PARSE; this._nbTopCandidates = options.nbTopCandidates || this.DEFAULT_N_TOP_CANDIDATES; this._charThreshold = options.charThreshold || this.DEFAULT_CHAR_THRESHOLD; this._classesToPreserve = this.CLASSES_TO_PRESERVE.concat(options.classesToPreserve || []); this._keepClasses = !!options.keepClasses; this._serializer = options.serializer || function(el) { return el.innerHTML; }; this._disableJSONLD = !!options.disableJSONLD; // Start with all flags set this._flags = this.FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS | this.FLAG_WEIGHT_CLASSES | this.FLAG_CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY; // Control whether log messages are sent to the console if (this._debug) { let logNode = function(node) { if (node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE) { return `${node.nodeName} ("${node.textContent}")`; } let attrPairs = Array.from(node.attributes || [], function(attr) { return `${attr.name}="${attr.value}"`; }).join(" "); return `<${node.localName} ${attrPairs}>`; }; this.log = function () { if (typeof dump !== "undefined") { var msg = Array.prototype.map.call(arguments, function(x) { return (x && x.nodeName) ? logNode(x) : x; }).join(" "); dump("Reader: (Readability) " + msg + "\n"); } else if (typeof console !== "undefined") { let args = Array.from(arguments, arg => { if (arg && arg.nodeType == this.ELEMENT_NODE) { return logNode(arg); } return arg; }); args.unshift("Reader: (Readability)"); console.log.apply(console, args); } }; } else { this.log = function () {}; } } Readability.prototype = { FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS: 0x1, FLAG_WEIGHT_CLASSES: 0x2, FLAG_CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY: 0x4, // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType ELEMENT_NODE: 1, TEXT_NODE: 3, // Max number of nodes supported by this parser. Default: 0 (no limit) DEFAULT_MAX_ELEMS_TO_PARSE: 0, // The number of top candidates to consider when analysing how // tight the competition is among candidates. DEFAULT_N_TOP_CANDIDATES: 5, // Element tags to score by default. DEFAULT_TAGS_TO_SCORE: "section,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,td,pre".toUpperCase().split(","), // The default number of chars an article must have in order to return a result DEFAULT_CHAR_THRESHOLD: 500, // All of the regular expressions in use within readability. // Defined up here so we don't instantiate them repeatedly in loops. REGEXPS: { // NOTE: These two regular expressions are duplicated in // Readability-readerable.js. Please keep both copies in sync. unlikelyCandidates: /-ad-|ai2html|banner|breadcrumbs|combx|comment|community|cover-wrap|disqus|extra|footer|gdpr|header|legends|menu|related|remark|replies|rss|shoutbox|sidebar|skyscraper|social|sponsor|supplemental|ad-break|agegate|pagination|pager|popup|yom-remote/i, okMaybeItsACandidate: /and|article|body|column|content|main|shadow/i, positive: /article|body|content|entry|hentry|h-entry|main|page|pagination|post|text|blog|story/i, negative: /-ad-|hidden|^hid$| hid$| hid |^hid |banner|combx|comment|com-|contact|foot|footer|footnote|gdpr|masthead|media|meta|outbrain|promo|related|scroll|share|shoutbox|sidebar|skyscraper|sponsor|shopping|tags|tool|widget/i, extraneous: /print|archive|comment|discuss|e[\-]?mail|share|reply|all|login|sign|single|utility/i, byline: /byline|author|dateline|writtenby|p-author/i, replaceFonts: /<(\/?)font[^>]*>/gi, normalize: /\s{2,}/g, videos: /\/\/(www\.)?((dailymotion|youtube|youtube-nocookie|player\.vimeo|v\.qq)\.com|(archive|upload\.wikimedia)\.org|player\.twitch\.tv)/i, shareElements: /(\b|_)(share|sharedaddy)(\b|_)/i, nextLink: /(next|weiter|continue|>([^\|]|$)|»([^\|]|$))/i, prevLink: /(prev|earl|old|new|<|«)/i, tokenize: /\W+/g, whitespace: /^\s*$/, hasContent: /\S$/, hashUrl: /^#.+/, srcsetUrl: /(\S+)(\s+[\d.]+[xw])?(\s*(?:,|$))/g, b64DataUrl: /^data:\s*([^\s;,]+)\s*;\s*base64\s*,/i, // See: https://schema.org/Article jsonLdArticleTypes: /^Article|AdvertiserContentArticle|NewsArticle|AnalysisNewsArticle|AskPublicNewsArticle|BackgroundNewsArticle|OpinionNewsArticle|ReportageNewsArticle|ReviewNewsArticle|Report|SatiricalArticle|ScholarlyArticle|MedicalScholarlyArticle|SocialMediaPosting|BlogPosting|LiveBlogPosting|DiscussionForumPosting|TechArticle|APIReference$/ }, UNLIKELY_ROLES: [ "menu", "menubar", "complementary", "navigation", "alert", "alertdialog", "dialog" ], DIV_TO_P_ELEMS: new Set([ "BLOCKQUOTE", "DL", "DIV", "IMG", "OL", "P", "PRE", "TABLE", "UL" ]), ALTER_TO_DIV_EXCEPTIONS: ["DIV", "ARTICLE", "SECTION", "P"], PRESENTATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES: [ "align", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "frame", "hspace", "rules", "style", "valign", "vspace" ], DEPRECATED_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE_ELEMS: [ "TABLE", "TH", "TD", "HR", "PRE" ], // The commented out elements qualify as phrasing content but tend to be // removed by readability when put into paragraphs, so we ignore them here. PHRASING_ELEMS: [ // "CANVAS", "IFRAME", "SVG", "VIDEO", "ABBR", "AUDIO", "B", "BDO", "BR", "BUTTON", "CITE", "CODE", "DATA", "DATALIST", "DFN", "EM", "EMBED", "I", "IMG", "INPUT", "KBD", "LABEL", "MARK", "MATH", "METER", "NOSCRIPT", "OBJECT", "OUTPUT", "PROGRESS", "Q", "RUBY", "SAMP", "SCRIPT", "SELECT", "SMALL", "SPAN", "STRONG", "SUB", "SUP", "TEXTAREA", "TIME", "VAR", "WBR" ], // These are the classes that readability sets itself. CLASSES_TO_PRESERVE: [ "page" ], // These are the list of HTML entities that need to be escaped. HTML_ESCAPE_MAP: { "lt": "<", "gt": ">", "amp": "&", "quot": '"', "apos": "'", }, /** * Run any post-process modifications to article content as necessary. * * @param Element * @return void **/ _postProcessContent: function(articleContent) { // Readability cannot open relative uris so we convert them to absolute uris. this._fixRelativeUris(articleContent); this._simplifyNestedElements(articleContent); if (!this._keepClasses) { // Remove classes. this._cleanClasses(articleContent); } }, /** * Iterates over a NodeList, calls `filterFn` for each node and removes node * if function returned `true`. * * If function is not passed, removes all the nodes in node list. * * @param NodeList nodeList The nodes to operate on * @param Function filterFn the function to use as a filter * @return void */ _removeNodes: function(nodeList, filterFn) { // Avoid ever operating on live node lists. if (this._docJSDOMParser && nodeList._isLiveNodeList) { throw new Error("Do not pass live node lists to _removeNodes"); } for (var i = nodeList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var node = nodeList[i]; var parentNode = node.parentNode; if (parentNode) { if (!filterFn || filterFn.call(this, node, i, nodeList)) { parentNode.removeChild(node); } } } }, /** * Iterates over a NodeList, and calls _setNodeTag for each node. * * @param NodeList nodeList The nodes to operate on * @param String newTagName the new tag name to use * @return void */ _replaceNodeTags: function(nodeList, newTagName) { // Avoid ever operating on live node lists. if (this._docJSDOMParser && nodeList._isLiveNodeList) { throw new Error("Do not pass live node lists to _replaceNodeTags"); } for (const node of nodeList) { this._setNodeTag(node, newTagName); } }, /** * Iterate over a NodeList, which doesn't natively fully implement the Array * interface. * * For convenience, the current object context is applied to the provided * iterate function. * * @param NodeList nodeList The NodeList. * @param Function fn The iterate function. * @return void */ _forEachNode: function(nodeList, fn) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(nodeList, fn, this); }, /** * Iterate over a NodeList, and return the first node that passes * the supplied test function * * For convenience, the current object context is applied to the provided * test function. * * @param NodeList nodeList The NodeList. * @param Function fn The test function. * @return void */ _findNode: function(nodeList, fn) { return Array.prototype.find.call(nodeList, fn, this); }, /** * Iterate over a NodeList, return true if any of the provided iterate * function calls returns true, false otherwise. * * For convenience, the current object context is applied to the * provided iterate function. * * @param NodeList nodeList The NodeList. * @param Function fn The iterate function. * @return Boolean */ _someNode: function(nodeList, fn) { return Array.prototype.some.call(nodeList, fn, this); }, /** * Iterate over a NodeList, return true if all of the provided iterate * function calls return true, false otherwise. * * For convenience, the current object context is applied to the * provided iterate function. * * @param NodeList nodeList The NodeList. * @param Function fn The iterate function. * @return Boolean */ _everyNode: function(nodeList, fn) { return Array.prototype.every.call(nodeList, fn, this); }, /** * Concat all nodelists passed as arguments. * * @return ...NodeList * @return Array */ _concatNodeLists: function() { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var args = slice.call(arguments); var nodeLists = args.map(function(list) { return slice.call(list); }); return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], nodeLists); }, _getAllNodesWithTag: function(node, tagNames) { if (node.querySelectorAll) { return node.querySelectorAll(tagNames.join(",")); } return [].concat.apply([], tagNames.map(function(tag) { var collection = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); return Array.isArray(collection) ? collection : Array.from(collection); })); }, /** * Removes the class="" attribute from every element in the given * subtree, except those that match CLASSES_TO_PRESERVE and * the classesToPreserve array from the options object. * * @param Element * @return void */ _cleanClasses: function(node) { var classesToPreserve = this._classesToPreserve; var className = (node.getAttribute("class") || "") .split(/\s+/) .filter(function(cls) { return classesToPreserve.indexOf(cls) != -1; }) .join(" "); if (className) { node.setAttribute("class", className); } else { node.removeAttribute("class"); } for (node = node.firstElementChild; node; node = node.nextElementSibling) { this._cleanClasses(node); } }, /** * Converts each and uri in the given element to an absolute URI, * ignoring #ref URIs. * * @param Element * @return void */ _fixRelativeUris: function(articleContent) { var baseURI = this._doc.baseURI; var documentURI = this._doc.documentURI; function toAbsoluteURI(uri) { // Leave hash links alone if the base URI matches the document URI: if (baseURI == documentURI && uri.charAt(0) == "#") { return uri; } // Otherwise, resolve against base URI: try { return new URL(uri, baseURI).href; } catch (ex) { // Something went wrong, just return the original: } return uri; } var links = this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["a"]); this._forEachNode(links, function(link) { var href = link.getAttribute("href"); if (href) { // Remove links with javascript: URIs, since // they won't work after scripts have been removed from the page. if (href.indexOf("javascript:") === 0) { // if the link only contains simple text content, it can be converted to a text node if (link.childNodes.length === 1 && link.childNodes[0].nodeType === this.TEXT_NODE) { var text = this._doc.createTextNode(link.textContent); link.parentNode.replaceChild(text, link); } else { // if the link has multiple children, they should all be preserved var container = this._doc.createElement("span"); while (link.firstChild) { container.appendChild(link.firstChild); } link.parentNode.replaceChild(container, link); } } else { link.setAttribute("href", toAbsoluteURI(href)); } } }); var medias = this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, [ "img", "picture", "figure", "video", "audio", "source" ]); this._forEachNode(medias, function(media) { var src = media.getAttribute("src"); var poster = media.getAttribute("poster"); var srcset = media.getAttribute("srcset"); if (src) { media.setAttribute("src", toAbsoluteURI(src)); } if (poster) { media.setAttribute("poster", toAbsoluteURI(poster)); } if (srcset) { var newSrcset = srcset.replace(this.REGEXPS.srcsetUrl, function(_, p1, p2, p3) { return toAbsoluteURI(p1) + (p2 || "") + p3; }); media.setAttribute("srcset", newSrcset); } }); }, _simplifyNestedElements: function(articleContent) { var node = articleContent; while (node) { if (node.parentNode && ["DIV", "SECTION"].includes(node.tagName) && !(node.id && node.id.startsWith("readability"))) { if (this._isElementWithoutContent(node)) { node = this._removeAndGetNext(node); continue; } else if (this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(node, "DIV") || this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(node, "SECTION")) { var child = node.children[0]; for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) { child.setAttribute(node.attributes[i].name, node.attributes[i].value); } node.parentNode.replaceChild(child, node); node = child; continue; } } node = this._getNextNode(node); } }, /** * Get the article title as an H1. * * @return string **/ _getArticleTitle: function() { var doc = this._doc; var curTitle = ""; var origTitle = ""; try { curTitle = origTitle = doc.title.trim(); // If they had an element with id "title" in their HTML if (typeof curTitle !== "string") curTitle = origTitle = this._getInnerText(doc.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]); } catch (e) {/* ignore exceptions setting the title. */} var titleHadHierarchicalSeparators = false; function wordCount(str) { return str.split(/\s+/).length; } // If there's a separator in the title, first remove the final part if ((/ [\|\-\\\/>»] /).test(curTitle)) { titleHadHierarchicalSeparators = / [\\\/>»] /.test(curTitle); curTitle = origTitle.replace(/(.*)[\|\-\\\/>»] .*/gi, "$1"); // If the resulting title is too short (3 words or fewer), remove // the first part instead: if (wordCount(curTitle) < 3) curTitle = origTitle.replace(/[^\|\-\\\/>»]*[\|\-\\\/>»](.*)/gi, "$1"); } else if (curTitle.indexOf(": ") !== -1) { // Check if we have an heading containing this exact string, so we // could assume it's the full title. var headings = this._concatNodeLists( doc.getElementsByTagName("h1"), doc.getElementsByTagName("h2") ); var trimmedTitle = curTitle.trim(); var match = this._someNode(headings, function(heading) { return heading.textContent.trim() === trimmedTitle; }); // If we don't, let's extract the title out of the original title string. if (!match) { curTitle = origTitle.substring(origTitle.lastIndexOf(":") + 1); // If the title is now too short, try the first colon instead: if (wordCount(curTitle) < 3) { curTitle = origTitle.substring(origTitle.indexOf(":") + 1); // But if we have too many words before the colon there's something weird // with the titles and the H tags so let's just use the original title instead } else if (wordCount(origTitle.substr(0, origTitle.indexOf(":"))) > 5) { curTitle = origTitle; } } } else if (curTitle.length > 150 || curTitle.length < 15) { var hOnes = doc.getElementsByTagName("h1"); if (hOnes.length === 1) curTitle = this._getInnerText(hOnes[0]); } curTitle = curTitle.trim().replace(this.REGEXPS.normalize, " "); // If we now have 4 words or fewer as our title, and either no // 'hierarchical' separators (\, /, > or ») were found in the original // title or we decreased the number of words by more than 1 word, use // the original title. var curTitleWordCount = wordCount(curTitle); if (curTitleWordCount <= 4 && (!titleHadHierarchicalSeparators || curTitleWordCount != wordCount(origTitle.replace(/[\|\-\\\/>»]+/g, "")) - 1)) { curTitle = origTitle; } return curTitle; }, /** * Prepare the HTML document for readability to scrape it. * This includes things like stripping javascript, CSS, and handling terrible markup. * * @return void **/ _prepDocument: function() { var doc = this._doc; // Remove all style tags in head this._removeNodes(this._getAllNodesWithTag(doc, ["style"])); if (doc.body) { this._replaceBrs(doc.body); } this._replaceNodeTags(this._getAllNodesWithTag(doc, ["font"]), "SPAN"); }, /** * Finds the next node, starting from the given node, and ignoring * whitespace in between. If the given node is an element, the same node is * returned. */ _nextNode: function (node) { var next = node; while (next && (next.nodeType != this.ELEMENT_NODE) && this.REGEXPS.whitespace.test(next.textContent)) { next = next.nextSibling; } return next; }, /** * Replaces 2 or more successive
elements with a single

. * Whitespace between
elements are ignored. For example: *


* will become: *


*/ _replaceBrs: function (elem) { this._forEachNode(this._getAllNodesWithTag(elem, ["br"]), function(br) { var next = br.nextSibling; // Whether 2 or more
elements have been found and replaced with a //

block. var replaced = false; // If we find a
chain, remove the
s until we hit another node // or non-whitespace. This leaves behind the first
in the chain // (which will be replaced with a

later). while ((next = this._nextNode(next)) && (next.tagName == "BR")) { replaced = true; var brSibling = next.nextSibling; next.parentNode.removeChild(next); next = brSibling; } // If we removed a
chain, replace the remaining
with a

. Add // all sibling nodes as children of the

until we hit another
// chain. if (replaced) { var p = this._doc.createElement("p"); br.parentNode.replaceChild(p, br); next = p.nextSibling; while (next) { // If we've hit another

, we're done adding children to this

. if (next.tagName == "BR") { var nextElem = this._nextNode(next.nextSibling); if (nextElem && nextElem.tagName == "BR") break; } if (!this._isPhrasingContent(next)) break; // Otherwise, make this node a child of the new

. var sibling = next.nextSibling; p.appendChild(next); next = sibling; } while (p.lastChild && this._isWhitespace(p.lastChild)) { p.removeChild(p.lastChild); } if (p.parentNode.tagName === "P") this._setNodeTag(p.parentNode, "DIV"); } }); }, _setNodeTag: function (node, tag) { this.log("_setNodeTag", node, tag); if (this._docJSDOMParser) { node.localName = tag.toLowerCase(); node.tagName = tag.toUpperCase(); return node; } var replacement = node.ownerDocument.createElement(tag); while (node.firstChild) { replacement.appendChild(node.firstChild); } node.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, node); if (node.readability) replacement.readability = node.readability; for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) { try { replacement.setAttribute(node.attributes[i].name, node.attributes[i].value); } catch (ex) { /* it's possible for setAttribute() to throw if the attribute name * isn't a valid XML Name. Such attributes can however be parsed from * source in HTML docs, see https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4275, * so we can hit them here and then throw. We don't care about such * attributes so we ignore them. */ } } return replacement; }, /** * Prepare the article node for display. Clean out any inline styles, * iframes, forms, strip extraneous

tags, etc. * * @param Element * @return void **/ _prepArticle: function(articleContent) { this._cleanStyles(articleContent); // Check for data tables before we continue, to avoid removing items in // those tables, which will often be isolated even though they're // visually linked to other content-ful elements (text, images, etc.). this._markDataTables(articleContent); this._fixLazyImages(articleContent); // Clean out junk from the article content this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "form"); this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "fieldset"); this._clean(articleContent, "object"); this._clean(articleContent, "embed"); this._clean(articleContent, "footer"); this._clean(articleContent, "link"); this._clean(articleContent, "aside"); // Clean out elements with little content that have "share" in their id/class combinations from final top candidates, // which means we don't remove the top candidates even they have "share". var shareElementThreshold = this.DEFAULT_CHAR_THRESHOLD; this._forEachNode(articleContent.children, function (topCandidate) { this._cleanMatchedNodes(topCandidate, function (node, matchString) { return this.REGEXPS.shareElements.test(matchString) && node.textContent.length < shareElementThreshold; }); }); this._clean(articleContent, "iframe"); this._clean(articleContent, "input"); this._clean(articleContent, "textarea"); this._clean(articleContent, "select"); this._clean(articleContent, "button"); this._cleanHeaders(articleContent); // Do these last as the previous stuff may have removed junk // that will affect these this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "table"); this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "ul"); this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "div"); // replace H1 with H2 as H1 should be only title that is displayed separately this._replaceNodeTags(this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["h1"]), "h2"); // Remove extra paragraphs this._removeNodes(this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["p"]), function (paragraph) { var imgCount = paragraph.getElementsByTagName("img").length; var embedCount = paragraph.getElementsByTagName("embed").length; var objectCount = paragraph.getElementsByTagName("object").length; // At this point, nasty iframes have been removed, only remain embedded video ones. var iframeCount = paragraph.getElementsByTagName("iframe").length; var totalCount = imgCount + embedCount + objectCount + iframeCount; return totalCount === 0 && !this._getInnerText(paragraph, false); }); this._forEachNode(this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["br"]), function(br) { var next = this._nextNode(br.nextSibling); if (next && next.tagName == "P") br.parentNode.removeChild(br); }); // Remove single-cell tables this._forEachNode(this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["table"]), function(table) { var tbody = this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(table, "TBODY") ? table.firstElementChild : table; if (this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(tbody, "TR")) { var row = tbody.firstElementChild; if (this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(row, "TD")) { var cell = row.firstElementChild; cell = this._setNodeTag(cell, this._everyNode(cell.childNodes, this._isPhrasingContent) ? "P" : "DIV"); table.parentNode.replaceChild(cell, table); } } }); }, /** * Initialize a node with the readability object. Also checks the * className/id for special names to add to its score. * * @param Element * @return void **/ _initializeNode: function(node) { node.readability = {"contentScore": 0}; switch (node.tagName) { case "DIV": node.readability.contentScore += 5; break; case "PRE": case "TD": case "BLOCKQUOTE": node.readability.contentScore += 3; break; case "ADDRESS": case "OL": case "UL": case "DL": case "DD": case "DT": case "LI": case "FORM": node.readability.contentScore -= 3; break; case "H1": case "H2": case "H3": case "H4": case "H5": case "H6": case "TH": node.readability.contentScore -= 5; break; } node.readability.contentScore += this._getClassWeight(node); }, _removeAndGetNext: function(node) { var nextNode = this._getNextNode(node, true); node.parentNode.removeChild(node); return nextNode; }, /** * Traverse the DOM from node to node, starting at the node passed in. * Pass true for the second parameter to indicate this node itself * (and its kids) are going away, and we want the next node over. * * Calling this in a loop will traverse the DOM depth-first. */ _getNextNode: function(node, ignoreSelfAndKids) { // First check for kids if those aren't being ignored if (!ignoreSelfAndKids && node.firstElementChild) { return node.firstElementChild; } // Then for siblings... if (node.nextElementSibling) { return node.nextElementSibling; } // And finally, move up the parent chain *and* find a sibling // (because this is depth-first traversal, we will have already // seen the parent nodes themselves). do { node = node.parentNode; } while (node && !node.nextElementSibling); return node && node.nextElementSibling; }, // compares second text to first one // 1 = same text, 0 = completely different text // works the way that it splits both texts into words and then finds words that are unique in second text // the result is given by the lower length of unique parts _textSimilarity: function(textA, textB) { var tokensA = textA.toLowerCase().split(this.REGEXPS.tokenize).filter(Boolean); var tokensB = textB.toLowerCase().split(this.REGEXPS.tokenize).filter(Boolean); if (!tokensA.length || !tokensB.length) { return 0; } var uniqTokensB = tokensB.filter(token => !tokensA.includes(token)); var distanceB = uniqTokensB.join(" ").length / tokensB.join(" ").length; return 1 - distanceB; }, _checkByline: function(node, matchString) { if (this._articleByline) { return false; } if (node.getAttribute !== undefined) { var rel = node.getAttribute("rel"); var itemprop = node.getAttribute("itemprop"); } if ((rel === "author" || (itemprop && itemprop.indexOf("author") !== -1) || this.REGEXPS.byline.test(matchString)) && this._isValidByline(node.textContent)) { this._articleByline = node.textContent.trim(); return true; } return false; }, _getNodeAncestors: function(node, maxDepth) { maxDepth = maxDepth || 0; var i = 0, ancestors = []; while (node.parentNode) { ancestors.push(node.parentNode); if (maxDepth && ++i === maxDepth) break; node = node.parentNode; } return ancestors; }, /*** * grabArticle - Using a variety of metrics (content score, classname, element types), find the content that is * most likely to be the stuff a user wants to read. Then return it wrapped up in a div. * * @param page a document to run upon. Needs to be a full document, complete with body. * @return Element **/ _grabArticle: function (page) { this.log("**** grabArticle ****"); var doc = this._doc; var isPaging = page !== null; page = page ? page : this._doc.body; // We can't grab an article if we don't have a page! if (!page) { this.log("No body found in document. Abort."); return null; } var pageCacheHtml = page.innerHTML; while (true) { this.log("Starting grabArticle loop"); var stripUnlikelyCandidates = this._flagIsActive(this.FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS); // First, node prepping. Trash nodes that look cruddy (like ones with the // class name "comment", etc), and turn divs into P tags where they have been // used inappropriately (as in, where they contain no other block level elements.) var elementsToScore = []; var node = this._doc.documentElement; let shouldRemoveTitleHeader = true; while (node) { if (node.tagName === "HTML") { this._articleLang = node.getAttribute("lang"); } var matchString = node.className + " " + node.id; if (!this._isProbablyVisible(node)) { this.log("Removing hidden node - " + matchString); node = this._removeAndGetNext(node); continue; } // Check to see if this node is a byline, and remove it if it is. if (this._checkByline(node, matchString)) { node = this._removeAndGetNext(node); continue; } if (shouldRemoveTitleHeader && this._headerDuplicatesTitle(node)) { this.log("Removing header: ", node.textContent.trim(), this._articleTitle.trim()); shouldRemoveTitleHeader = false; node = this._removeAndGetNext(node); continue; } // Remove unlikely candidates if (stripUnlikelyCandidates) { if (this.REGEXPS.unlikelyCandidates.test(matchString) && !this.REGEXPS.okMaybeItsACandidate.test(matchString) && !this._hasAncestorTag(node, "table") && !this._hasAncestorTag(node, "code") && node.tagName !== "BODY" && node.tagName !== "A") { this.log("Removing unlikely candidate - " + matchString); node = this._removeAndGetNext(node); continue; } if (this.UNLIKELY_ROLES.includes(node.getAttribute("role"))) { this.log("Removing content with role " + node.getAttribute("role") + " - " + matchString); node = this._removeAndGetNext(node); continue; } } // Remove DIV, SECTION, and HEADER nodes without any content(e.g. text, image, video, or iframe). if ((node.tagName === "DIV" || node.tagName === "SECTION" || node.tagName === "HEADER" || node.tagName === "H1" || node.tagName === "H2" || node.tagName === "H3" || node.tagName === "H4" || node.tagName === "H5" || node.tagName === "H6") && this._isElementWithoutContent(node)) { node = this._removeAndGetNext(node); continue; } if (this.DEFAULT_TAGS_TO_SCORE.indexOf(node.tagName) !== -1) { elementsToScore.push(node); } // Turn all divs that don't have children block level elements into p's if (node.tagName === "DIV") { // Put phrasing content into paragraphs. var p = null; var childNode = node.firstChild; while (childNode) { var nextSibling = childNode.nextSibling; if (this._isPhrasingContent(childNode)) { if (p !== null) { p.appendChild(childNode); } else if (!this._isWhitespace(childNode)) { p = doc.createElement("p"); node.replaceChild(p, childNode); p.appendChild(childNode); } } else if (p !== null) { while (p.lastChild && this._isWhitespace(p.lastChild)) { p.removeChild(p.lastChild); } p = null; } childNode = nextSibling; } // Sites like http://mobile.slate.com encloses each paragraph with a DIV // element. DIVs with only a P element inside and no text content can be // safely converted into plain P elements to avoid confusing the scoring // algorithm with DIVs with are, in practice, paragraphs. if (this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(node, "P") && this._getLinkDensity(node) < 0.25) { var newNode = node.children[0]; node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node); node = newNode; elementsToScore.push(node); } else if (!this._hasChildBlockElement(node)) { node = this._setNodeTag(node, "P"); elementsToScore.push(node); } } node = this._getNextNode(node); } /** * Loop through all paragraphs, and assign a score to them based on how content-y they look. * Then add their score to their parent node. * * A score is determined by things like number of commas, class names, etc. Maybe eventually link density. **/ var candidates = []; this._forEachNode(elementsToScore, function(elementToScore) { if (!elementToScore.parentNode || typeof(elementToScore.parentNode.tagName) === "undefined") return; // If this paragraph is less than 25 characters, don't even count it. var innerText = this._getInnerText(elementToScore); if (innerText.length < 25) return; // Exclude nodes with no ancestor. var ancestors = this._getNodeAncestors(elementToScore, 5); if (ancestors.length === 0) return; var contentScore = 0; // Add a point for the paragraph itself as a base. contentScore += 1; // Add points for any commas within this paragraph. contentScore += innerText.split(",").length; // For every 100 characters in this paragraph, add another point. Up to 3 points. contentScore += Math.min(Math.floor(innerText.length / 100), 3); // Initialize and score ancestors. this._forEachNode(ancestors, function(ancestor, level) { if (!ancestor.tagName || !ancestor.parentNode || typeof(ancestor.parentNode.tagName) === "undefined") return; if (typeof(ancestor.readability) === "undefined") { this._initializeNode(ancestor); candidates.push(ancestor); } // Node score divider: // - parent: 1 (no division) // - grandparent: 2 // - great grandparent+: ancestor level * 3 if (level === 0) var scoreDivider = 1; else if (level === 1) scoreDivider = 2; else scoreDivider = level * 3; ancestor.readability.contentScore += contentScore / scoreDivider; }); }); // After we've calculated scores, loop through all of the possible // candidate nodes we found and find the one with the highest score. var topCandidates = []; for (var c = 0, cl = candidates.length; c < cl; c += 1) { var candidate = candidates[c]; // Scale the final candidates score based on link density. Good content // should have a relatively small link density (5% or less) and be mostly // unaffected by this operation. var candidateScore = candidate.readability.contentScore * (1 - this._getLinkDensity(candidate)); candidate.readability.contentScore = candidateScore; this.log("Candidate:", candidate, "with score " + candidateScore); for (var t = 0; t < this._nbTopCandidates; t++) { var aTopCandidate = topCandidates[t]; if (!aTopCandidate || candidateScore > aTopCandidate.readability.contentScore) { topCandidates.splice(t, 0, candidate); if (topCandidates.length > this._nbTopCandidates) topCandidates.pop(); break; } } } var topCandidate = topCandidates[0] || null; var neededToCreateTopCandidate = false; var parentOfTopCandidate; // If we still have no top candidate, just use the body as a last resort. // We also have to copy the body node so it is something we can modify. if (topCandidate === null || topCandidate.tagName === "BODY") { // Move all of the page's children into topCandidate topCandidate = doc.createElement("DIV"); neededToCreateTopCandidate = true; // Move everything (not just elements, also text nodes etc.) into the container // so we even include text directly in the body: while (page.firstChild) { this.log("Moving child out:", page.firstChild); topCandidate.appendChild(page.firstChild); } page.appendChild(topCandidate); this._initializeNode(topCandidate); } else if (topCandidate) { // Find a better top candidate node if it contains (at least three) nodes which belong to `topCandidates` array // and whose scores are quite closed with current `topCandidate` node. var alternativeCandidateAncestors = []; for (var i = 1; i < topCandidates.length; i++) { if (topCandidates[i].readability.contentScore / topCandidate.readability.contentScore >= 0.75) { alternativeCandidateAncestors.push(this._getNodeAncestors(topCandidates[i])); } } var MINIMUM_TOPCANDIDATES = 3; if (alternativeCandidateAncestors.length >= MINIMUM_TOPCANDIDATES) { parentOfTopCandidate = topCandidate.parentNode; while (parentOfTopCandidate.tagName !== "BODY") { var listsContainingThisAncestor = 0; for (var ancestorIndex = 0; ancestorIndex < alternativeCandidateAncestors.length && listsContainingThisAncestor < MINIMUM_TOPCANDIDATES; ancestorIndex++) { listsContainingThisAncestor += Number(alternativeCandidateAncestors[ancestorIndex].includes(parentOfTopCandidate)); } if (listsContainingThisAncestor >= MINIMUM_TOPCANDIDATES) { topCandidate = parentOfTopCandidate; break; } parentOfTopCandidate = parentOfTopCandidate.parentNode; } } if (!topCandidate.readability) { this._initializeNode(topCandidate); } // Because of our bonus system, parents of candidates might have scores // themselves. They get half of the node. There won't be nodes with higher // scores than our topCandidate, but if we see the score going *up* in the first // few steps up the tree, that's a decent sign that there might be more content // lurking in other places that we want to unify in. The sibling stuff // below does some of that - but only if we've looked high enough up the DOM // tree. parentOfTopCandidate = topCandidate.parentNode; var lastScore = topCandidate.readability.contentScore; // The scores shouldn't get too low. var scoreThreshold = lastScore / 3; while (parentOfTopCandidate.tagName !== "BODY") { if (!parentOfTopCandidate.readability) { parentOfTopCandidate = parentOfTopCandidate.parentNode; continue; } var parentScore = parentOfTopCandidate.readability.contentScore; if (parentScore < scoreThreshold) break; if (parentScore > lastScore) { // Alright! We found a better parent to use. topCandidate = parentOfTopCandidate; break; } lastScore = parentOfTopCandidate.readability.contentScore; parentOfTopCandidate = parentOfTopCandidate.parentNode; } // If the top candidate is the only child, use parent instead. This will help sibling // joining logic when adjacent content is actually located in parent's sibling node. parentOfTopCandidate = topCandidate.parentNode; while (parentOfTopCandidate.tagName != "BODY" && parentOfTopCandidate.children.length == 1) { topCandidate = parentOfTopCandidate; parentOfTopCandidate = topCandidate.parentNode; } if (!topCandidate.readability) { this._initializeNode(topCandidate); } } // Now that we have the top candidate, look through its siblings for content // that might also be related. Things like preambles, content split by ads // that we removed, etc. var articleContent = doc.createElement("DIV"); if (isPaging) articleContent.id = "readability-content"; var siblingScoreThreshold = Math.max(10, topCandidate.readability.contentScore * 0.2); // Keep potential top candidate's parent node to try to get text direction of it later. parentOfTopCandidate = topCandidate.parentNode; var siblings = parentOfTopCandidate.children; for (var s = 0, sl = siblings.length; s < sl; s++) { var sibling = siblings[s]; var append = false; this.log("Looking at sibling node:", sibling, sibling.readability ? ("with score " + sibling.readability.contentScore) : ""); this.log("Sibling has score", sibling.readability ? sibling.readability.contentScore : "Unknown"); if (sibling === topCandidate) { append = true; } else { var contentBonus = 0; // Give a bonus if sibling nodes and top candidates have the example same classname if (sibling.className === topCandidate.className && topCandidate.className !== "") contentBonus += topCandidate.readability.contentScore * 0.2; if (sibling.readability && ((sibling.readability.contentScore + contentBonus) >= siblingScoreThreshold)) { append = true; } else if (sibling.nodeName === "P") { var linkDensity = this._getLinkDensity(sibling); var nodeContent = this._getInnerText(sibling); var nodeLength = nodeContent.length; if (nodeLength > 80 && linkDensity < 0.25) { append = true; } else if (nodeLength < 80 && nodeLength > 0 && linkDensity === 0 && nodeContent.search(/\.( |$)/) !== -1) { append = true; } } } if (append) { this.log("Appending node:", sibling); if (this.ALTER_TO_DIV_EXCEPTIONS.indexOf(sibling.nodeName) === -1) { // We have a node that isn't a common block level element, like a form or td tag. // Turn it into a div so it doesn't get filtered out later by accident. this.log("Altering sibling:", sibling, "to div."); sibling = this._setNodeTag(sibling, "DIV"); } articleContent.appendChild(sibling); // Fetch children again to make it compatible // with DOM parsers without live collection support. siblings = parentOfTopCandidate.children; // siblings is a reference to the children array, and // sibling is removed from the array when we call appendChild(). // As a result, we must revisit this index since the nodes // have been shifted. s -= 1; sl -= 1; } } if (this._debug) this.log("Article content pre-prep: " + articleContent.innerHTML); // So we have all of the content that we need. Now we clean it up for presentation. this._prepArticle(articleContent); if (this._debug) this.log("Article content post-prep: " + articleContent.innerHTML); if (neededToCreateTopCandidate) { // We already created a fake div thing, and there wouldn't have been any siblings left // for the previous loop, so there's no point trying to create a new div, and then // move all the children over. Just assign IDs and class names here. No need to append // because that already happened anyway. topCandidate.id = "readability-page-1"; topCandidate.className = "page"; } else { var div = doc.createElement("DIV"); div.id = "readability-page-1"; div.className = "page"; while (articleContent.firstChild) { div.appendChild(articleContent.firstChild); } articleContent.appendChild(div); } if (this._debug) this.log("Article content after paging: " + articleContent.innerHTML); var parseSuccessful = true; // Now that we've gone through the full algorithm, check to see if // we got any meaningful content. If we didn't, we may need to re-run // grabArticle with different flags set. This gives us a higher likelihood of // finding the content, and the sieve approach gives us a higher likelihood of // finding the -right- content. var textLength = this._getInnerText(articleContent, true).length; if (textLength < this._charThreshold) { parseSuccessful = false; page.innerHTML = pageCacheHtml; if (this._flagIsActive(this.FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS)) { this._removeFlag(this.FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS); this._attempts.push({articleContent: articleContent, textLength: textLength}); } else if (this._flagIsActive(this.FLAG_WEIGHT_CLASSES)) { this._removeFlag(this.FLAG_WEIGHT_CLASSES); this._attempts.push({articleContent: articleContent, textLength: textLength}); } else if (this._flagIsActive(this.FLAG_CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY)) { this._removeFlag(this.FLAG_CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY); this._attempts.push({articleContent: articleContent, textLength: textLength}); } else { this._attempts.push({articleContent: articleContent, textLength: textLength}); // No luck after removing flags, just return the longest text we found during the different loops this._attempts.sort(function (a, b) { return b.textLength - a.textLength; }); // But first check if we actually have something if (!this._attempts[0].textLength) { return null; } articleContent = this._attempts[0].articleContent; parseSuccessful = true; } } if (parseSuccessful) { // Find out text direction from ancestors of final top candidate. var ancestors = [parentOfTopCandidate, topCandidate].concat(this._getNodeAncestors(parentOfTopCandidate)); this._someNode(ancestors, function(ancestor) { if (!ancestor.tagName) return false; var articleDir = ancestor.getAttribute("dir"); if (articleDir) { this._articleDir = articleDir; return true; } return false; }); return articleContent; } } }, /** * Check whether the input string could be a byline. * This verifies that the input is a string, and that the length * is less than 100 chars. * * @param possibleByline {string} - a string to check whether its a byline. * @return Boolean - whether the input string is a byline. */ _isValidByline: function(byline) { if (typeof byline == "string" || byline instanceof String) { byline = byline.trim(); return (byline.length > 0) && (byline.length < 100); } return false; }, /** * Converts some of the common HTML entities in string to their corresponding characters. * * @param str {string} - a string to unescape. * @return string without HTML entity. */ _unescapeHtmlEntities: function(str) { if (!str) { return str; } var htmlEscapeMap = this.HTML_ESCAPE_MAP; return str.replace(/&(quot|amp|apos|lt|gt);/g, function(_, tag) { return htmlEscapeMap[tag]; }).replace(/&#(?:x([0-9a-z]{1,4})|([0-9]{1,4}));/gi, function(_, hex, numStr) { var num = parseInt(hex || numStr, hex ? 16 : 10); return String.fromCharCode(num); }); }, /** * Try to extract metadata from JSON-LD object. * For now, only Schema.org objects of type Article or its subtypes are supported. * @return Object with any metadata that could be extracted (possibly none) */ _getJSONLD: function (doc) { var scripts = this._getAllNodesWithTag(doc, ["script"]); var metadata; this._forEachNode(scripts, function(jsonLdElement) { if (!metadata && jsonLdElement.getAttribute("type") === "application/ld+json") { try { // Strip CDATA markers if present var content = jsonLdElement.textContent.replace(/^\s*\s*$/g, ""); var parsed = JSON.parse(content); if ( !parsed["@context"] || !parsed["@context"].match(/^https?\:\/\/schema\.org$/) ) { return; } if (!parsed["@type"] && Array.isArray(parsed["@graph"])) { parsed = parsed["@graph"].find(function(it) { return (it["@type"] || "").match( this.REGEXPS.jsonLdArticleTypes ); }); } if ( !parsed || !parsed["@type"] || !parsed["@type"].match(this.REGEXPS.jsonLdArticleTypes) ) { return; } metadata = {}; if (typeof parsed.name === "string" && typeof parsed.headline === "string" && parsed.name !== parsed.headline) { // we have both name and headline element in the JSON-LD. They should both be the same but some websites like aktualne.cz // put their own name into "name" and the article title to "headline" which confuses Readability. So we try to check if either // "name" or "headline" closely matches the html title, and if so, use that one. If not, then we use "name" by default. var title = this._getArticleTitle(); var nameMatches = this._textSimilarity(parsed.name, title) > 0.75; var headlineMatches = this._textSimilarity(parsed.headline, title) > 0.75; if (headlineMatches && !nameMatches) { metadata.title = parsed.headline; } else { metadata.title = parsed.name; } } else if (typeof parsed.name === "string") { metadata.title = parsed.name.trim(); } else if (typeof parsed.headline === "string") { metadata.title = parsed.headline.trim(); } if (parsed.author) { if (typeof parsed.author.name === "string") { metadata.byline = parsed.author.name.trim(); } else if (Array.isArray(parsed.author) && parsed.author[0] && typeof parsed.author[0].name === "string") { metadata.byline = parsed.author .filter(function(author) { return author && typeof author.name === "string"; }) .map(function(author) { return author.name.trim(); }) .join(", "); } } if (typeof parsed.description === "string") { metadata.excerpt = parsed.description.trim(); } if ( parsed.publisher && typeof parsed.publisher.name === "string" ) { metadata.siteName = parsed.publisher.name.trim(); } return; } catch (err) { this.log(err.message); } } }); return metadata ? metadata : {}; }, /** * Attempts to get excerpt and byline metadata for the article. * * @param {Object} jsonld — object containing any metadata that * could be extracted from JSON-LD object. * * @return Object with optional "excerpt" and "byline" properties */ _getArticleMetadata: function(jsonld) { var metadata = {}; var values = {}; var metaElements = this._doc.getElementsByTagName("meta"); // property is a space-separated list of values var propertyPattern = /\s*(dc|dcterm|og|twitter)\s*:\s*(author|creator|description|title|site_name)\s*/gi; // name is a single value var namePattern = /^\s*(?:(dc|dcterm|og|twitter|weibo:(article|webpage))\s*[\.:]\s*)?(author|creator|description|title|site_name)\s*$/i; // Find description tags. this._forEachNode(metaElements, function(element) { var elementName = element.getAttribute("name"); var elementProperty = element.getAttribute("property"); var content = element.getAttribute("content"); if (!content) { return; } var matches = null; var name = null; if (elementProperty) { matches = elementProperty.match(propertyPattern); if (matches) { // Convert to lowercase, and remove any whitespace // so we can match below. name = matches[0].toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ""); // multiple authors values[name] = content.trim(); } } if (!matches && elementName && namePattern.test(elementName)) { name = elementName; if (content) { // Convert to lowercase, remove any whitespace, and convert dots // to colons so we can match below. name = name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "").replace(/\./g, ":"); values[name] = content.trim(); } } }); // get title metadata.title = jsonld.title || values["dc:title"] || values["dcterm:title"] || values["og:title"] || values["weibo:article:title"] || values["weibo:webpage:title"] || values["title"] || values["twitter:title"]; if (!metadata.title) { metadata.title = this._getArticleTitle(); } // get author metadata.byline = jsonld.byline || values["dc:creator"] || values["dcterm:creator"] || values["author"]; // get description metadata.excerpt = jsonld.excerpt || values["dc:description"] || values["dcterm:description"] || values["og:description"] || values["weibo:article:description"] || values["weibo:webpage:description"] || values["description"] || values["twitter:description"]; // get site name metadata.siteName = jsonld.siteName || values["og:site_name"]; // in many sites the meta value is escaped with HTML entities, // so here we need to unescape it metadata.title = this._unescapeHtmlEntities(metadata.title); metadata.byline = this._unescapeHtmlEntities(metadata.byline); metadata.excerpt = this._unescapeHtmlEntities(metadata.excerpt); metadata.siteName = this._unescapeHtmlEntities(metadata.siteName); return metadata; }, /** * Check if node is image, or if node contains exactly only one image * whether as a direct child or as its descendants. * * @param Element **/ _isSingleImage: function(node) { if (node.tagName === "IMG") { return true; } if (node.children.length !== 1 || node.textContent.trim() !== "") { return false; } return this._isSingleImage(node.children[0]); }, /** * Find all