/* THIS IS A GENERATED/BUNDLED FILE BY ESBUILD if you want to view the source, please visit the github repository of this plugin */ var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defProps = Object.defineProperties; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __spreadValues = (a, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); } return a; }; var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b)); var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod)); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var fulfilled = (value) => { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; var rejected = (value) => { try { step(generator.throw(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next()); }); }; // node_modules/tslib/tslib.js var require_tslib = __commonJS({ "node_modules/tslib/tslib.js"(exports, module2) { var __extends2; var __assign2; var __rest2; var __decorate2; var __param2; var __metadata2; var __awaiter2; var __generator2; var __exportStar2; var __values2; var __read2; var __spread2; var __spreadArrays2; var __spreadArray2; var __await2; var __asyncGenerator2; var __asyncDelegator2; var __asyncValues2; var __makeTemplateObject2; var __importStar2; var __importDefault2; var __classPrivateFieldGet2; var __classPrivateFieldSet2; var __classPrivateFieldIn2; var __createBinding2; (function(factory) { var root = typeof global === "object" ? global : typeof self === "object" ? self : typeof this === "object" ? this : {}; if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("tslib", ["exports"], function(exports2) { factory(createExporter(root, createExporter(exports2))); }); } else if (typeof module2 === "object" && typeof module2.exports === "object") { factory(createExporter(root, createExporter(module2.exports))); } else { factory(createExporter(root)); } function createExporter(exports2, previous) { if (exports2 !== root) { if (typeof Object.create === "function") { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); } else { exports2.__esModule = true; } } return function(id, v) { return exports2[id] = previous ? previous(id, v) : v; }; } })(function(exporter) { var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; } || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; __extends2 = function(d, b) { if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null"); extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; __assign2 = Object.assign || function(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; __rest2 = function(s, e) { var t = {}; for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p]; if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; } return t; }; __decorate2 = function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; __param2 = function(paramIndex, decorator) { return function(target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }; }; __metadata2 = function(metadataKey, metadataValue) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); }; __awaiter2 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; __generator2 = function(thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function(v) { return step([n, v]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (_) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op = body.call(thisArg, _); } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } }; __exportStar2 = function(m, o) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) __createBinding2(o, m, p); }; __createBinding2 = Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === void 0) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); } : function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === void 0) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; }; __values2 = function(o) { var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0; if (m) return m.call(o); if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return { next: function() { if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0; return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; } }; throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); }; __read2 = function(o, n) { var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; if (!m) return o; var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e; try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); } catch (error) { e = { error }; } finally { try { if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return ar; }; __spread2 = function() { for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read2(arguments[i])); return ar; }; __spreadArrays2 = function() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; }; __spreadArray2 = function(to, from, pack) { if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) { if (ar || !(i in from)) { if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i); ar[i] = from[i]; } } return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from)); }; __await2 = function(v) { return this instanceof __await2 ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await2(v); }; __asyncGenerator2 = function(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return this; }, i; function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function(v) { return new Promise(function(a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; } function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } } function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await2 ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); } function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); } function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); } function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); } }; __asyncDelegator2 = function(o) { var i, p; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function(e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }, i; function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function(v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await2(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; } }; __asyncValues2 = function(o) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values2 === "function" ? __values2(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return this; }, i); function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function(v) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; } function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v2) { resolve({ value: v2, done: d }); }, reject); } }; __makeTemplateObject2 = function(cooked, raw) { if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; } return cooked; }; var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); } : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }; __importStar2 = function(mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) { for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding2(result, mod, k); } __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; __importDefault2 = function(mod) { return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; __classPrivateFieldGet2 = function(receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); }; __classPrivateFieldSet2 = function(receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value), value; }; __classPrivateFieldIn2 = function(state, receiver) { if (receiver === null || typeof receiver !== "object" && typeof receiver !== "function") throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object"); return typeof state === "function" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver); }; exporter("__extends", __extends2); exporter("__assign", __assign2); exporter("__rest", __rest2); exporter("__decorate", __decorate2); exporter("__param", __param2); exporter("__metadata", __metadata2); exporter("__awaiter", __awaiter2); exporter("__generator", __generator2); exporter("__exportStar", __exportStar2); exporter("__createBinding", __createBinding2); exporter("__values", __values2); exporter("__read", __read2); exporter("__spread", __spread2); exporter("__spreadArrays", __spreadArrays2); exporter("__spreadArray", __spreadArray2); exporter("__await", __await2); exporter("__asyncGenerator", __asyncGenerator2); exporter("__asyncDelegator", __asyncDelegator2); exporter("__asyncValues", __asyncValues2); exporter("__makeTemplateObject", __makeTemplateObject2); exporter("__importStar", __importStar2); exporter("__importDefault", __importDefault2); exporter("__classPrivateFieldGet", __classPrivateFieldGet2); exporter("__classPrivateFieldSet", __classPrivateFieldSet2); exporter("__classPrivateFieldIn", __classPrivateFieldIn2); }); } }); // src/main.ts var main_exports = {}; __export(main_exports, { default: () => PodNotes }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(main_exports); // src/parser/feedParser.ts var import_obsidian = require("obsidian"); var FeedParser = class { constructor(feed) { this.feed = feed; } findItemByTitle(title, url) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const body = yield this.parseFeed(url); const items = body.querySelectorAll("item"); const item = Array.from(items).find((item2) => { const parsed = this.parseItem(item2); return parsed.title === title; }); if (!item) { throw new Error("Could not find episode"); } const episode = this.parseItem(item); const feed = yield this.getFeed(url); if (!episode.artworkUrl) { episode.artworkUrl = feed.artworkUrl; } if (!episode.podcastName) { episode.podcastName = feed.title; } if (!episode.feedUrl) { episode.feedUrl = feed.url; } return episode; }); } getEpisodes(url) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const body = yield this.parseFeed(url); return this.parsePage(body); }); } getFeed(url) { return __async(this, null, function* () { var _a; const body = yield this.parseFeed(url); const titleEl = body.querySelector("title"); const linkEl = body.querySelector("link"); const itunesImageEl = body.querySelector("image"); if (!titleEl || !linkEl) { throw new Error("Invalid RSS feed"); } const title = titleEl.textContent || ""; const artworkUrl = (itunesImageEl == null ? void 0 : itunesImageEl.getAttribute("href")) || ((_a = itunesImageEl == null ? void 0 : itunesImageEl.querySelector("url")) == null ? void 0 : _a.textContent) || ""; return { title, url, artworkUrl }; }); } parsePage(page) { const items = page.querySelectorAll("item"); return Array.from(items).map(this.parseItem.bind(this)); } parseItem(item) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const titleEl = item.querySelector("title"); const streamUrlEl = item.querySelector("enclosure"); const linkEl = item.querySelector("link"); const descriptionEl = item.querySelector("description"); const pubDateEl = item.querySelector("pubDate"); const itunesImageEl = item.querySelector("image"); if (!titleEl || !streamUrlEl || !descriptionEl || !pubDateEl) { console.log(titleEl, streamUrlEl, linkEl, descriptionEl, pubDateEl); throw new Error("Invalid RSS feed"); } const title = titleEl.textContent || ""; const streamUrl = streamUrlEl.getAttribute("url") || ""; const url = (linkEl == null ? void 0 : linkEl.textContent) || ""; const description = descriptionEl.textContent || ""; const pubDate = new Date(pubDateEl.textContent); const artworkUrl = (itunesImageEl == null ? void 0 : itunesImageEl.getAttribute("href")) || ((_a = this.feed) == null ? void 0 : _a.artworkUrl); return { title, streamUrl, url: url || ((_b = this.feed) == null ? void 0 : _b.url) || "", description, podcastName: ((_c = this.feed) == null ? void 0 : _c.title) || "", artworkUrl, episodeDate: pubDate, feedUrl: ((_d = this.feed) == null ? void 0 : _d.url) || "" }; } parseFeed(feedUrl) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const req = yield (0, import_obsidian.requestUrl)({ url: feedUrl }); const dp = new DOMParser(); const body = dp.parseFromString(req.text, "text/xml"); return body; }); } }; // node_modules/svelte/internal/index.mjs function noop() { } function assign(tar, src) { for (const k in src) tar[k] = src[k]; return tar; } function is_promise(value) { return value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.then === "function"; } function run(fn) { return fn(); } function blank_object() { return /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } function run_all(fns) { fns.forEach(run); } function is_function(thing) { return typeof thing === "function"; } function safe_not_equal(a, b) { return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || (a && typeof a === "object" || typeof a === "function"); } var src_url_equal_anchor; function src_url_equal(element_src, url) { if (!src_url_equal_anchor) { src_url_equal_anchor = document.createElement("a"); } src_url_equal_anchor.href = url; return element_src === src_url_equal_anchor.href; } function is_empty(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } function subscribe(store, ...callbacks) { if (store == null) { return noop; } const unsub = store.subscribe(...callbacks); return unsub.unsubscribe ? () => unsub.unsubscribe() : unsub; } function get_store_value(store) { let value; subscribe(store, (_) => value = _)(); return value; } function component_subscribe(component, store, callback) { component.$$.on_destroy.push(subscribe(store, callback)); } function create_slot(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) { if (definition) { const slot_ctx = get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn); return definition[0](slot_ctx); } } function get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) { return definition[1] && fn ? assign($$scope.ctx.slice(), definition[1](fn(ctx))) : $$scope.ctx; } function get_slot_changes(definition, $$scope, dirty, fn) { if (definition[2] && fn) { const lets = definition[2](fn(dirty)); if ($$scope.dirty === void 0) { return lets; } if (typeof lets === "object") { const merged = []; const len = Math.max($$scope.dirty.length, lets.length); for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { merged[i] = $$scope.dirty[i] | lets[i]; } return merged; } return $$scope.dirty | lets; } return $$scope.dirty; } function update_slot_base(slot, slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, slot_changes, get_slot_context_fn) { if (slot_changes) { const slot_context = get_slot_context(slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, get_slot_context_fn); slot.p(slot_context, slot_changes); } } function get_all_dirty_from_scope($$scope) { if ($$scope.ctx.length > 32) { const dirty = []; const length = $$scope.ctx.length / 32; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { dirty[i] = -1; } return dirty; } return -1; } function null_to_empty(value) { return value == null ? "" : value; } var is_client = typeof window !== "undefined"; var raf = is_client ? (cb) => requestAnimationFrame(cb) : noop; var is_hydrating = false; function start_hydrating() { is_hydrating = true; } function end_hydrating() { is_hydrating = false; } function append(target, node) { target.appendChild(node); } function append_styles(target, style_sheet_id, styles) { const append_styles_to = get_root_for_style(target); if (!append_styles_to.getElementById(style_sheet_id)) { const style = element("style"); style.id = style_sheet_id; style.textContent = styles; append_stylesheet(append_styles_to, style); } } function get_root_for_style(node) { if (!node) return document; const root = node.getRootNode ? node.getRootNode() : node.ownerDocument; if (root && root.host) { return root; } return node.ownerDocument; } function append_stylesheet(node, style) { append(node.head || node, style); } function insert(target, node, anchor) { target.insertBefore(node, anchor || null); } function detach(node) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } function destroy_each(iterations, detaching) { for (let i = 0; i < iterations.length; i += 1) { if (iterations[i]) iterations[i].d(detaching); } } function element(name) { return document.createElement(name); } function text(data) { return document.createTextNode(data); } function space() { return text(" "); } function empty() { return text(""); } function listen(node, event, handler, options) { node.addEventListener(event, handler, options); return () => node.removeEventListener(event, handler, options); } function prevent_default(fn) { return function(event) { event.preventDefault(); return fn.call(this, event); }; } function attr(node, attribute, value) { if (value == null) node.removeAttribute(attribute); else if (node.getAttribute(attribute) !== value) node.setAttribute(attribute, value); } function children(element2) { return Array.from(element2.childNodes); } function set_data(text2, data) { data = "" + data; if (text2.wholeText !== data) text2.data = data; } function set_style(node, key, value, important) { if (value === null) { node.style.removeProperty(key); } else { node.style.setProperty(key, value, important ? "important" : ""); } } function custom_event(type, detail, { bubbles = false, cancelable = false } = {}) { const e = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); e.initCustomEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, detail); return e; } var current_component; function set_current_component(component) { current_component = component; } function get_current_component() { if (!current_component) throw new Error("Function called outside component initialization"); return current_component; } function onMount(fn) { get_current_component().$$.on_mount.push(fn); } function afterUpdate(fn) { get_current_component().$$.after_update.push(fn); } function onDestroy(fn) { get_current_component().$$.on_destroy.push(fn); } function createEventDispatcher() { const component = get_current_component(); return (type, detail, { cancelable = false } = {}) => { const callbacks = component.$$.callbacks[type]; if (callbacks) { const event = custom_event(type, detail, { cancelable }); callbacks.slice().forEach((fn) => { fn.call(component, event); }); return !event.defaultPrevented; } return true; }; } function bubble(component, event) { const callbacks = component.$$.callbacks[event.type]; if (callbacks) { callbacks.slice().forEach((fn) => fn.call(this, event)); } } var dirty_components = []; var binding_callbacks = []; var render_callbacks = []; var flush_callbacks = []; var resolved_promise = Promise.resolve(); var update_scheduled = false; function schedule_update() { if (!update_scheduled) { update_scheduled = true; resolved_promise.then(flush); } } function add_render_callback(fn) { render_callbacks.push(fn); } function add_flush_callback(fn) { flush_callbacks.push(fn); } var seen_callbacks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); var flushidx = 0; function flush() { const saved_component = current_component; do { while (flushidx < dirty_components.length) { const component = dirty_components[flushidx]; flushidx++; set_current_component(component); update(component.$$); } set_current_component(null); dirty_components.length = 0; flushidx = 0; while (binding_callbacks.length) binding_callbacks.pop()(); for (let i = 0; i < render_callbacks.length; i += 1) { const callback = render_callbacks[i]; if (!seen_callbacks.has(callback)) { seen_callbacks.add(callback); callback(); } } render_callbacks.length = 0; } while (dirty_components.length); while (flush_callbacks.length) { flush_callbacks.pop()(); } update_scheduled = false; seen_callbacks.clear(); set_current_component(saved_component); } function update($$) { if ($$.fragment !== null) { $$.update(); run_all($$.before_update); const dirty = $$.dirty; $$.dirty = [-1]; $$.fragment && $$.fragment.p($$.ctx, dirty); $$.after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); } } var outroing = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); var outros; function group_outros() { outros = { r: 0, c: [], p: outros }; } function check_outros() { if (!outros.r) { run_all(outros.c); } outros = outros.p; } function transition_in(block, local) { if (block && block.i) { outroing.delete(block); block.i(local); } } function transition_out(block, local, detach2, callback) { if (block && block.o) { if (outroing.has(block)) return; outroing.add(block); outros.c.push(() => { outroing.delete(block); if (callback) { if (detach2) block.d(1); callback(); } }); block.o(local); } else if (callback) { callback(); } } function handle_promise(promise, info) { const token = info.token = {}; function update2(type, index, key, value) { if (info.token !== token) return; info.resolved = value; let child_ctx = info.ctx; if (key !== void 0) { child_ctx = child_ctx.slice(); child_ctx[key] = value; } const block = type && (info.current = type)(child_ctx); let needs_flush = false; if (info.block) { if (info.blocks) { info.blocks.forEach((block2, i) => { if (i !== index && block2) { group_outros(); transition_out(block2, 1, 1, () => { if (info.blocks[i] === block2) { info.blocks[i] = null; } }); check_outros(); } }); } else { info.block.d(1); } block.c(); transition_in(block, 1); block.m(info.mount(), info.anchor); needs_flush = true; } info.block = block; if (info.blocks) info.blocks[index] = block; if (needs_flush) { flush(); } } if (is_promise(promise)) { const current_component2 = get_current_component(); promise.then((value) => { set_current_component(current_component2); update2(info.then, 1, info.value, value); set_current_component(null); }, (error) => { set_current_component(current_component2); update2(info.catch, 2, info.error, error); set_current_component(null); if (!info.hasCatch) { throw error; } }); if (info.current !== info.pending) { update2(info.pending, 0); return true; } } else { if (info.current !== info.then) { update2(info.then, 1, info.value, promise); return true; } info.resolved = promise; } } function update_await_block_branch(info, ctx, dirty) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); const { resolved } = info; if (info.current === info.then) { child_ctx[info.value] = resolved; } if (info.current === info.catch) { child_ctx[info.error] = resolved; } info.block.p(child_ctx, dirty); } var globals = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global; function bind(component, name, callback) { const index = component.$$.props[name]; if (index !== void 0) { component.$$.bound[index] = callback; callback(component.$$.ctx[index]); } } function create_component(block) { block && block.c(); } function mount_component(component, target, anchor, customElement) { const { fragment, on_mount, on_destroy, after_update } = component.$$; fragment && fragment.m(target, anchor); if (!customElement) { add_render_callback(() => { const new_on_destroy = on_mount.map(run).filter(is_function); if (on_destroy) { on_destroy.push(...new_on_destroy); } else { run_all(new_on_destroy); } component.$$.on_mount = []; }); } after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); } function destroy_component(component, detaching) { const $$ = component.$$; if ($$.fragment !== null) { run_all($$.on_destroy); $$.fragment && $$.fragment.d(detaching); $$.on_destroy = $$.fragment = null; $$.ctx = []; } } function make_dirty(component, i) { if (component.$$.dirty[0] === -1) { dirty_components.push(component); schedule_update(); component.$$.dirty.fill(0); } component.$$.dirty[i / 31 | 0] |= 1 << i % 31; } function init(component, options, instance23, create_fragment24, not_equal, props, append_styles2, dirty = [-1]) { const parent_component = current_component; set_current_component(component); const $$ = component.$$ = { fragment: null, ctx: null, props, update: noop, not_equal, bound: blank_object(), on_mount: [], on_destroy: [], on_disconnect: [], before_update: [], after_update: [], context: new Map(options.context || (parent_component ? parent_component.$$.context : [])), callbacks: blank_object(), dirty, skip_bound: false, root: options.target || parent_component.$$.root }; append_styles2 && append_styles2($$.root); let ready = false; $$.ctx = instance23 ? instance23(component, options.props || {}, (i, ret, ...rest) => { const value = rest.length ? rest[0] : ret; if ($$.ctx && not_equal($$.ctx[i], $$.ctx[i] = value)) { if (!$$.skip_bound && $$.bound[i]) $$.bound[i](value); if (ready) make_dirty(component, i); } return ret; }) : []; $$.update(); ready = true; run_all($$.before_update); $$.fragment = create_fragment24 ? create_fragment24($$.ctx) : false; if (options.target) { if (options.hydrate) { start_hydrating(); const nodes = children(options.target); $$.fragment && $$.fragment.l(nodes); nodes.forEach(detach); } else { $$.fragment && $$.fragment.c(); } if (options.intro) transition_in(component.$$.fragment); mount_component(component, options.target, options.anchor, options.customElement); end_hydrating(); flush(); } set_current_component(parent_component); } var SvelteElement; if (typeof HTMLElement === "function") { SvelteElement = class extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); } connectedCallback() { const { on_mount } = this.$$; this.$$.on_disconnect = on_mount.map(run).filter(is_function); for (const key in this.$$.slotted) { this.appendChild(this.$$.slotted[key]); } } attributeChangedCallback(attr2, _oldValue, newValue) { this[attr2] = newValue; } disconnectedCallback() { run_all(this.$$.on_disconnect); } $destroy() { destroy_component(this, 1); this.$destroy = noop; } $on(type, callback) { const callbacks = this.$$.callbacks[type] || (this.$$.callbacks[type] = []); callbacks.push(callback); return () => { const index = callbacks.indexOf(callback); if (index !== -1) callbacks.splice(index, 1); }; } $set($$props) { if (this.$$set && !is_empty($$props)) { this.$$.skip_bound = true; this.$$set($$props); this.$$.skip_bound = false; } } }; } var SvelteComponent = class { $destroy() { destroy_component(this, 1); this.$destroy = noop; } $on(type, callback) { const callbacks = this.$$.callbacks[type] || (this.$$.callbacks[type] = []); callbacks.push(callback); return () => { const index = callbacks.indexOf(callback); if (index !== -1) callbacks.splice(index, 1); }; } $set($$props) { if (this.$$set && !is_empty($$props)) { this.$$.skip_bound = true; this.$$set($$props); this.$$.skip_bound = false; } } }; // node_modules/svelte/store/index.mjs var subscriber_queue = []; function writable(value, start = noop) { let stop; const subscribers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); function set(new_value) { if (safe_not_equal(value, new_value)) { value = new_value; if (stop) { const run_queue = !subscriber_queue.length; for (const subscriber of subscribers) { subscriber[1](); subscriber_queue.push(subscriber, value); } if (run_queue) { for (let i = 0; i < subscriber_queue.length; i += 2) { subscriber_queue[i][0](subscriber_queue[i + 1]); } subscriber_queue.length = 0; } } } } function update2(fn) { set(fn(value)); } function subscribe2(run2, invalidate = noop) { const subscriber = [run2, invalidate]; subscribers.add(subscriber); if (subscribers.size === 1) { stop = start(set) || noop; } run2(value); return () => { subscribers.delete(subscriber); if (subscribers.size === 0) { stop(); stop = null; } }; } return { set, update: update2, subscribe: subscribe2 }; } // src/store/index.ts var import_obsidian2 = require("obsidian"); var plugin = writable(); var currentTime = writable(0); var duration = writable(0); var currentEpisode = function() { const store = writable(); const { subscribe: subscribe2, update: update2 } = store; return { subscribe: subscribe2, update: update2, set: (newEpisode, addPrevToQueue = true) => { update2((previousEpisode) => { if (previousEpisode) { if (addPrevToQueue) { addEpisodeToQueue(previousEpisode); } const ct = get_store_value(currentTime); const dur = get_store_value(duration); const isFinished = ct === dur; playedEpisodes.setEpisodeTime(previousEpisode, ct, dur, isFinished); } return newEpisode; }); } }; }(); var isPaused = writable(true); var playedEpisodes = function() { const store = writable({}); const { subscribe: subscribe2, update: update2, set } = store; return { subscribe: subscribe2, set, update: update2, setEpisodeTime: (episode, time, duration2, finished) => { update2((playedEpisodes2) => { playedEpisodes2[episode.title] = { title: episode.title, podcastName: episode.podcastName, time, duration: duration2, finished }; return playedEpisodes2; }); }, markAsPlayed: (episode) => { update2((playedEpisodes2) => { const playedEpisode = playedEpisodes2[episode.title]; if (playedEpisode) { playedEpisode.time = playedEpisode.duration; playedEpisode.finished = true; } playedEpisodes2[episode.title] = playedEpisode; return playedEpisodes2; }); }, markAsUnplayed: (episode) => { update2((playedEpisodes2) => { const playedEpisode = playedEpisodes2[episode.title]; if (playedEpisode) { playedEpisode.time = 0; playedEpisode.finished = false; } playedEpisodes2[episode.title] = playedEpisode; return playedEpisodes2; }); } }; }(); var savedFeeds = writable({}); var episodeCache = writable({}); var downloadedEpisodes = function() { const store = writable({}); const { subscribe: subscribe2, update: update2, set } = store; function isEpisodeDownloaded(episode) { var _a; return (_a = get_store_value(store)[episode.podcastName]) == null ? void 0 : _a.some((e) => e.title === episode.title); } return { subscribe: subscribe2, set, update: update2, isEpisodeDownloaded, addEpisode: (episode, filePath, size) => { update2((downloadedEpisodes2) => { const podcastEpisodes = downloadedEpisodes2[episode.podcastName] || []; podcastEpisodes.push(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, episode), { filePath, size })); downloadedEpisodes2[episode.podcastName] = podcastEpisodes; return downloadedEpisodes2; }); }, removeEpisode: (episode, removeFile) => { update2((downloadedEpisodes2) => { const podcastEpisodes = downloadedEpisodes2[episode.podcastName] || []; const index = podcastEpisodes.findIndex((e) => e.title === episode.title); const filePath = podcastEpisodes[index].filePath; podcastEpisodes.splice(index, 1); if (removeFile) { try { const file = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(filePath); if (file instanceof import_obsidian2.TFile) { app.vault.delete(file); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } downloadedEpisodes2[episode.podcastName] = podcastEpisodes; return downloadedEpisodes2; }); }, getEpisode: (episode) => { var _a; return (_a = get_store_value(store)[episode.podcastName]) == null ? void 0 : _a.find((e) => e.title === episode.title); } }; }(); var queue = function() { const store = writable({ icon: "list-ordered", name: "Queue", episodes: [], shouldEpisodeRemoveAfterPlay: true, shouldRepeat: false }); const { subscribe: subscribe2, update: update2, set } = store; return { subscribe: subscribe2, update: update2, set, add: (episode) => { update2((queue2) => { queue2.episodes.push(episode); return queue2; }); }, remove: (episode) => { update2((queue2) => { queue2.episodes = queue2.episodes.filter((e) => e.title !== episode.title); return queue2; }); }, playNext: () => { update2((queue2) => { const nextEp = queue2.episodes.shift(); if (nextEp) { currentEpisode.set(nextEp, false); } return queue2; }); } }; }(); var favorites = writable({ icon: "lucide-star", name: "Favorites", episodes: [], shouldEpisodeRemoveAfterPlay: false, shouldRepeat: false }); var localFiles = writable({ icon: "folder", name: "Local Files", episodes: [], shouldEpisodeRemoveAfterPlay: false, shouldRepeat: false }); var playlists = writable({}); var podcastView = writable(); var viewState = function() { const store = writable(0 /* PodcastGrid */); const { subscribe: subscribe2, set } = store; return { subscribe: subscribe2, set: (newState) => { var _a; set(newState); (_a = get_store_value(podcastView)) == null ? void 0 : _a.scrollIntoView(); } }; }(); function addEpisodeToQueue(episode) { queue.update((playlist) => { const newEpisodes = [episode, ...playlist.episodes]; playlist.episodes = newEpisodes; return playlist; }); } // src/main.ts var import_obsidian18 = require("obsidian"); // src/utility/formatSeconds.ts function formatSeconds(seconds, format2) { return window.moment().startOf("day").seconds(seconds).format(format2); } // src/utility/encodePodnotesURI.ts function encodePodnotesURI(title, feedUrl, time) { const url = new URL(`obsidian://podnotes`); url.searchParams.set("episodeName", title); url.searchParams.set("url", feedUrl); if (time) { url.searchParams.set("time", time.toString()); } return url; } // src/API/API.ts var API = class { get podcast() { return get_store_value(currentEpisode); } get length() { return get_store_value(duration); } get currentTime() { return get_store_value(currentTime); } set currentTime(value) { currentTime.update((_) => value); } get isPlaying() { return !get_store_value(isPaused); } getPodcastTimeFormatted(format2, linkify = false) { if (!this.podcast) { throw new Error("No podcast loaded"); } const time = formatSeconds(this.currentTime, format2); if (!linkify) return time; if (!this.podcast.feedUrl) { return time; } const url = encodePodnotesURI(this.podcast.title, this.podcast.feedUrl, this.currentTime); return `[${time}](${url.href})`; } start() { isPaused.update((_) => false); } stop() { isPaused.update((_) => true); } skipBackward() { const skipBackLen = get_store_value(plugin).settings.skipBackwardLength; this.currentTime -= skipBackLen; } skipForward() { const skipForwardLen = get_store_value(plugin).settings.skipForwardLength; this.currentTime += skipForwardLen; } }; // src/constants.ts var VIEW_TYPE = "podcast_player_view"; var FAVORITES_SETTINGS = { icon: "lucide-star", name: "Favorites", shouldEpisodeRemoveAfterPlay: false, shouldRepeat: false }; var QUEUE_SETTINGS = { icon: "list-ordered", name: "Queue", shouldEpisodeRemoveAfterPlay: true, shouldRepeat: false }; var LOCAL_FILES_SETTINGS = { icon: "folder", name: "Local Files", shouldEpisodeRemoveAfterPlay: false, shouldRepeat: false }; var DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { savedFeeds: {}, podNotes: {}, defaultPlaybackRate: 1, playedEpisodes: {}, favorites: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, FAVORITES_SETTINGS), { episodes: [] }), queue: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, QUEUE_SETTINGS), { episodes: [] }), playlists: {}, skipBackwardLength: 15, skipForwardLength: 15, currentEpisode: void 0, timestamp: { template: "- {{time}} " }, note: { path: "", template: "" }, download: { path: "" }, downloadedEpisodes: {}, localFiles: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, LOCAL_FILES_SETTINGS), { episodes: [] }) }; // src/ui/settings/PodNotesSettingsTab.ts var import_obsidian10 = require("obsidian"); // node_modules/tslib/modules/index.js var import_tslib = __toESM(require_tslib(), 1); var { __extends, __assign, __rest, __decorate, __param, __metadata, __awaiter, __generator, __exportStar, __createBinding, __values, __read, __spread, __spreadArrays, __spreadArray, __await, __asyncGenerator, __asyncDelegator, __asyncValues, __makeTemplateObject, __importStar, __importDefault, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __classPrivateFieldIn } = import_tslib.default; // src/ui/settings/PodcastQueryGrid.svelte var import_obsidian6 = require("obsidian"); // src/iTunesAPIConsumer.ts var import_obsidian3 = require("obsidian"); function queryiTunesPodcasts(query) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const url = new URL("https://itunes.apple.com/search?"); url.searchParams.append("term", query); url.searchParams.append("media", "podcast"); url.searchParams.append("limit", "3"); url.searchParams.append("kind", "podcast"); const res = yield (0, import_obsidian3.requestUrl)({ url: url.href }); const data = res.json.results; return data.map((d) => ({ title: d.collectionName, url: d.feedUrl, artworkUrl: d.artworkUrl100 })); }); } // src/utility/checkStringIsUrl.ts function checkStringIsUrl(url) { try { return new URL(url); } catch (e) { } return null; } // src/ui/obsidian/Text.svelte var import_obsidian4 = require("obsidian"); // src/utility/extractStylesFromObj.ts function extractStylesFromObj(obj) { return Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value}`).join("; "); } // src/ui/obsidian/Text.svelte function create_fragment(ctx) { let span; return { c() { span = element("span"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); ctx[6](span); }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); ctx[6](null); } }; } function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { value = "" } = $$props; let { disabled = false } = $$props; let { placeholder = "" } = $$props; let { type = "text" } = $$props; let textRef; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let text2; let { style: styles = {} } = $$props; onMount(() => { text2 = new import_obsidian4.TextComponent(textRef); updateTextComponentAttributes(text2); }); afterUpdate(() => { updateTextComponentAttributes(text2); }); function updateTextComponentAttributes(component) { if (value !== void 0) component.setValue(value); if (disabled) component.setDisabled(disabled); if (placeholder) component.setPlaceholder(placeholder); if (type) component.inputEl.type = type; if (styles) { text2.inputEl.setAttr("style", extractStylesFromObj(styles)); } component.onChange((newValue) => { $$invalidate(1, value = newValue); dispatch("change", { value: newValue }); }); } function span_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { textRef = $$value; $$invalidate(0, textRef); }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, value = $$props2.value); if ("disabled" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, disabled = $$props2.disabled); if ("placeholder" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, placeholder = $$props2.placeholder); if ("type" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, type = $$props2.type); if ("style" in $$props2) $$invalidate(5, styles = $$props2.style); }; return [textRef, value, disabled, placeholder, type, styles, span_binding]; } var Text = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, { value: 1, disabled: 2, placeholder: 3, type: 4, style: 5 }); } }; var Text_default = Text; // src/ui/obsidian/Button.svelte var import_obsidian5 = require("obsidian"); // src/types/IconType.ts var ICON_LIST_UNIQUE = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["activity", "airplay", "alarm-check", "alarm-clock-off", "alarm-clock", "alarm-minus", "alarm-plus", "album", "alert-circle", "alert-octagon", "alert-triangle", "align-center-horizontal", "align-center-vertical", "align-center", "align-end-horizontal", "align-end-vertical", "align-horizontal-distribute-center", "align-horizontal-distribute-end", "align-horizontal-distribute-start", "align-horizontal-justify-center", "align-horizontal-justify-end", "align-horizontal-justify-start", "align-horizontal-space-around", "align-horizontal-space-between", "align-justify", "align-left", "align-right", "align-start-horizontal", "align-start-vertical", "align-vertical-distribute-center", "align-vertical-distribute-end", "align-vertical-distribute-start", "align-vertical-justify-center", "align-vertical-justify-end", "align-vertical-justify-start", "align-vertical-space-around", "align-vertical-space-between", "anchor", "aperture", "archive", "arrow-big-down", "arrow-big-left", "arrow-big-right", "arrow-big-up", "arrow-down-circle", "arrow-down-left", "arrow-down-right", "arrow-down", "arrow-left-circle", "arrow-left-right", "arrow-left", "arrow-right-circle", "arrow-right", "arrow-up-circle", "arrow-up-left", "arrow-up-right", "arrow-up", "asterisk", "at-sign", "award", "axe", "banknote", "bar-chart-2", "bar-chart", "baseline", "battery-charging", "battery-full", "battery-low", "battery-medium", "battery", "beaker", "bell-minus", "bell-off", "bell-plus", "bell-ring", "bell", "bike", "binary", "bitcoin", "bluetooth-connected", "bluetooth-off", "bluetooth-searching", "bluetooth", "bold", "book-open", "book", "bookmark-minus", "bookmark-plus", "bookmark", "bot", "box-select", "box", "briefcase", "brush", "bug", "building-2", "building", "bus", "calculator", "calendar", "camera-off", "camera", "car", "carrot", "cast", "check-circle-2", "check-circle", "check-square", "check", "chevron-down", "chevron-first", "chevron-last", "chevron-left", "chevron-right", "chevron-up", "chevrons-down-up", "chevrons-down", "chevrons-left", "chevrons-right", "chevrons-up-down", "chevrons-up", "chrome", "circle-slashed", "circle", "clipboard-check", "clipboard-copy", "clipboard-list", "clipboard-x", "clipboard", "clock-1", "clock-10", "clock-11", "clock-12", "clock-2", "clock-3", "clock-4", "clock-5", "clock-6", "clock-7", "clock-8", "clock-9", "clock", "cloud-drizzle", "cloud-fog", "cloud-hail", "cloud-lightning", "cloud-moon", "cloud-off", "cloud-rain-wind", "cloud-rain", "cloud-snow", "cloud-sun", "cloud", "cloudy", "clover", "code-2", "code", "codepen", "codesandbox", "coffee", "coins", "columns", "command", "compass", "contact", "contrast", "cookie", "copy", "copyleft", "copyright", "corner-down-left", "corner-down-right", "corner-left-down", "corner-left-up", "corner-right-down", "corner-right-up", "corner-up-left", "corner-up-right", "cpu", "credit-card", "crop", "cross", "crosshair", "crown", "currency", "database", "delete", "dice-1", "dice-2", "dice-3", "dice-4", "dice-5", "dice-6", "disc", "divide-circle", "divide-square", "divide", "dollar-sign", "download-cloud", "download", "dribbble", "droplet", "droplets", "drumstick", "edit-2", "edit-3", "edit", "egg", "equal-not", "equal", "eraser", "euro", "expand", "external-link", "eye-off", "eye", "facebook", "fast-forward", "feather", "figma", "file-check-2", "file-check", "file-code", "file-digit", "file-input", "file-minus-2", "file-minus", "file-output", "file-plus-2", "file-plus", "file-search", "file-text", "file-x-2", "file-x", "file", "files", "film", "filter", "flag-off", "flag-triangle-left", "flag-triangle-right", "flag", "flame", "flashlight-off", "flashlight", "flask-conical", "flask-round", "folder-minus", "folder-open", "folder-plus", "folder", "form-input", "forward", "frame", "framer", "frown", "function-square", "gamepad-2", "gamepad", "gauge", "gavel", "gem", "ghost", "gift", "git-branch-plus", "git-branch", "git-commit", "git-fork", "git-merge", "git-pull-request", "github", "gitlab", "glasses", "globe-2", "globe", "grab", "graduation-cap", "grid", "grip-horizontal", "grip-vertical", "hammer", "hand-metal", "hand", "hard-drive", "hard-hat", "hash", "haze", "headphones", "heart", "help-circle", "hexagon", "highlighter", "history", "home", "image-minus", "image-off", "image-plus", "image", "import", "inbox", "indent", "indian-rupee", "infinity", "info", "inspect", "instagram", "italic", "japanese-yen", "key", "keyboard", "landmark", "languages", "laptop-2", "laptop", "lasso-select", "lasso", "layers", "layout-dashboard", "layout-grid", "layout-list", "layout-template", "layout", "library", "life-buoy", "lightbulb-off", "lightbulb", "link-2-off", "link-2", "link", "linkedin", "list-checks", "list-minus", "list-ordered", "list-plus", "list-x", "list", "loader-2", "loader", "locate-fixed", "locate-off", "locate", "lock", "log-in", "log-out", "mail", "map-pin", "map", "maximize-2", "maximize", "megaphone", "meh", "menu", "message-circle", "message-square", "mic-off", "mic", "minimize-2", "minimize", 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"gitlab", "glasses", "globe-2", "globe", "grab", "graduation-cap", "grid", "grip-horizontal", "grip-vertical", "hammer", "hand-metal", "hand", "hard-drive", "hard-hat", "hash", "haze", "headphones", "heart", "help-circle", "hexagon", "highlighter", "history", "home", "image-minus", "image-off", "image-plus", "image", "import", "inbox", "indent", "indian-rupee", "infinity", "lucide-info", "inspect", "instagram", "italic", "japanese-yen", "key", "keyboard", "landmark", "lucide-languages", "laptop-2", "laptop", "lasso-select", "lasso", "layers", "layout-dashboard", "layout-grid", "layout-list", "layout-template", "layout", "library", "life-buoy", "lightbulb-off", "lightbulb", "link-2-off", "link-2", "lucide-link", "linkedin", "list-checks", "list-minus", "list-ordered", "list-plus", "list-x", "list", "loader-2", "loader", "locate-fixed", "locate-off", "locate", "lock", "log-in", "log-out", "mail", "map-pin", "map", "maximize-2", "maximize", "megaphone", "meh", "menu", "message-circle", 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"zap", "zoom-in", "zoom-out", "search-large", "lucide-search"]); var ICON_LIST = Array.from(ICON_LIST_UNIQUE); // src/ui/obsidian/Button.svelte function create_fragment2(ctx) { let span; return { c() { span = element("span"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); ctx[9](span); }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); ctx[9](null); } }; } function instance2($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { text: text2 = "" } = $$props; let { tooltip = "" } = $$props; let { icon = void 0 } = $$props; let { disabled = false } = $$props; let { warning = false } = $$props; let { cta = false } = $$props; let buttonRef; let { class: className } = $$props; let { style: styles } = $$props; let button; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); onMount(() => createButton(buttonRef)); afterUpdate(() => updateButtonAttributes(button)); function createButton(container) { button = new import_obsidian5.ButtonComponent(container); updateButtonAttributes(button); } function updateButtonAttributes(btn) { if (text2) btn.setButtonText(text2); if (tooltip) btn.setTooltip(tooltip); if (icon) btn.setIcon(icon); if (disabled) btn.setDisabled(disabled); if (warning) btn.setWarning(); else btn.buttonEl.classList.remove("mod-warning"); if (className) btn.setClass(className); if (cta) btn.setCta(); else btn.removeCta(); btn.onClick((event) => { dispatch("click", { event }); }); if (styles) { btn.buttonEl.setAttr("style", extractStylesFromObj(styles)); } } function span_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { buttonRef = $$value; $$invalidate(0, buttonRef); }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("text" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, text2 = $$props2.text); if ("tooltip" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, tooltip = $$props2.tooltip); if ("icon" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, icon = $$props2.icon); if ("disabled" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, disabled = $$props2.disabled); if ("warning" in $$props2) $$invalidate(5, warning = $$props2.warning); if ("cta" in $$props2) $$invalidate(6, cta = $$props2.cta); if ("class" in $$props2) $$invalidate(7, className = $$props2.class); if ("style" in $$props2) $$invalidate(8, styles = $$props2.style); }; return [ buttonRef, text2, tooltip, icon, disabled, warning, cta, className, styles, span_binding ]; } var Button = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance2, create_fragment2, safe_not_equal, { text: 1, tooltip: 2, icon: 3, disabled: 4, warning: 5, cta: 6, class: 7, style: 8 }); } }; var Button_default = Button; // src/ui/settings/PodcastResultCard.svelte function add_css(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-19t0wm1", ".podcast-query-card.svelte-19t0wm1{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%}.podcast-query-image-container.svelte-19t0wm1{width:100%;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.podcast-query-heading.svelte-19t0wm1{text-align:center}.podcast-query-button-container.svelte-19t0wm1{margin-top:auto}"); } function create_fragment3(ctx) { let div2; let div0; let img; let img_src_value; let img_alt_value; let t0; let h4; let t1_value = ctx[0].title + ""; let t1; let t2; let div1; let button; let current; button = new Button_default({ props: { text: ctx[1] ? "Remove" : "Add", warning: ctx[1], style: { "cursor": "pointer" } } }); button.$on("click", function() { if (is_function(ctx[1] ? ctx[3] : ctx[2])) (ctx[1] ? ctx[3] : ctx[2]).apply(this, arguments); }); return { c() { div2 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); img = element("img"); t0 = space(); h4 = element("h4"); t1 = text(t1_value); t2 = space(); div1 = element("div"); create_component(button.$$.fragment); set_style(img, "width", "100%"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx[0].artworkUrl)) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); attr(img, "alt", img_alt_value = ctx[0].title); attr(div0, "class", "podcast-query-image-container svelte-19t0wm1"); attr(h4, "class", "podcast-query-heading svelte-19t0wm1"); attr(div1, "class", "podcast-query-button-container svelte-19t0wm1"); attr(div2, "class", "podcast-query-card svelte-19t0wm1"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div2, anchor); append(div2, div0); append(div0, img); append(div2, t0); append(div2, h4); append(h4, t1); append(div2, t2); append(div2, div1); mount_component(button, div1, null); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, [dirty]) { ctx = new_ctx; if (!current || dirty & 1 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx[0].artworkUrl)) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } if (!current || dirty & 1 && img_alt_value !== (img_alt_value = ctx[0].title)) { attr(img, "alt", img_alt_value); } if ((!current || dirty & 1) && t1_value !== (t1_value = ctx[0].title + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); const button_changes = {}; if (dirty & 2) button_changes.text = ctx[1] ? "Remove" : "Add"; if (dirty & 2) button_changes.warning = ctx[1]; button.$set(button_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(button.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(button.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div2); destroy_component(button); } }; } function instance3($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { podcast } = $$props; let { isSaved = false } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); function onClickAddPodcast() { dispatch("addPodcast", { podcast }); } function onClickRemovePodcast() { dispatch("removePodcast", { podcast }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("podcast" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, podcast = $$props2.podcast); if ("isSaved" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, isSaved = $$props2.isSaved); }; return [podcast, isSaved, onClickAddPodcast, onClickRemovePodcast]; } var PodcastResultCard = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance3, create_fragment3, safe_not_equal, { podcast: 0, isSaved: 1 }, add_css); } }; var PodcastResultCard_default = PodcastResultCard; // src/ui/settings/PodcastQueryGrid.svelte function add_css2(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-lyr6b4", ".podcast-query-container.svelte-lyr6b4{margin-bottom:2rem}.podcast-query-results.svelte-lyr6b4{width:100%;height:100%;display:grid;grid-gap:1rem}.grid-3.svelte-lyr6b4{grid-template-columns:repeat(3, 1fr)}.grid-2.svelte-lyr6b4{grid-template-columns:repeat(2, 1fr)}.grid-1.svelte-lyr6b4{grid-template-columns:repeat(1, 1fr)}"); } function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[6] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } function create_each_block(ctx) { var _a; let podcastresultcard; let current; podcastresultcard = new PodcastResultCard_default({ props: { podcast: ctx[6], isSaved: ((_a = ctx[2][ctx[6].title]) == null ? void 0 : _a.url) === ctx[6].url } }); podcastresultcard.$on("addPodcast", ctx[4]); podcastresultcard.$on("removePodcast", ctx[5]); return { c() { create_component(podcastresultcard.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(podcastresultcard, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { var _a2; const podcastresultcard_changes = {}; if (dirty & 1) podcastresultcard_changes.podcast = ctx2[6]; if (dirty & 5) podcastresultcard_changes.isSaved = ((_a2 = ctx2[2][ctx2[6].title]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.url) === ctx2[6].url; podcastresultcard.$set(podcastresultcard_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(podcastresultcard.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(podcastresultcard.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(podcastresultcard, detaching); } }; } function create_fragment4(ctx) { let div1; let text_1; let t; let div0; let div0_class_value; let current; text_1 = new Text_default({ props: { placeholder: "Search...", style: { width: "100%", "margin-bottom": "1rem" } } }); text_1.$on("change", ctx[3]); let each_value = ctx[0]; let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); } const out = (i) => transition_out(each_blocks[i], 1, 1, () => { each_blocks[i] = null; }); return { c() { div1 = element("div"); create_component(text_1.$$.fragment); t = space(); div0 = element("div"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(div0, "class", div0_class_value = null_to_empty(` podcast-query-results ${ctx[1]} `) + " svelte-lyr6b4"); attr(div1, "class", "podcast-query-container svelte-lyr6b4"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div1, anchor); mount_component(text_1, div1, null); append(div1, t); append(div1, div0); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); } current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (dirty & 53) { each_value = ctx2[0]; let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx2, each_value, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); } } group_outros(); for (i = each_value.length; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { out(i); } check_outros(); } if (!current || dirty & 2 && div0_class_value !== (div0_class_value = null_to_empty(` podcast-query-results ${ctx2[1]} `) + " svelte-lyr6b4")) { attr(div0, "class", div0_class_value); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(text_1.$$.fragment, local); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(text_1.$$.fragment, local); each_blocks = each_blocks.filter(Boolean); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div1); destroy_component(text_1); destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); } }; } function instance4($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $savedFeeds; component_subscribe($$self, savedFeeds, ($$value) => $$invalidate(2, $savedFeeds = $$value)); let searchResults = []; let gridSizeClass = "grid-3"; if (searchResults.length % 3 === 0 || searchResults.length > 3) { gridSizeClass = "grid-3"; } else if (searchResults.length % 2 === 0) { gridSizeClass = "grid-2"; } else if (searchResults.length % 1 === 0) { gridSizeClass = "grid-1"; } const debouncedUpdate = (0, import_obsidian6.debounce)(({ detail: { value } }) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { const customFeedUrl = checkStringIsUrl(value); if (customFeedUrl) { const feed = yield new FeedParser().getFeed(customFeedUrl.href); $$invalidate(0, searchResults = [feed]); return; } $$invalidate(0, searchResults = yield queryiTunesPodcasts(value)); }), 300, true); function addPodcast(event) { const { podcast } = event.detail; savedFeeds.update((feeds) => Object.assign(Object.assign({}, feeds), { [podcast.title]: podcast })); } function removePodcast(event) { const { podcast } = event.detail; savedFeeds.update((feeds) => { const newFeeds = Object.assign({}, feeds); delete newFeeds[podcast.title]; return newFeeds; }); } return [ searchResults, gridSizeClass, $savedFeeds, debouncedUpdate, addPodcast, removePodcast ]; } var PodcastQueryGrid = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance4, create_fragment4, safe_not_equal, {}, add_css2); } }; var PodcastQueryGrid_default = PodcastQueryGrid; // src/ui/obsidian/Icon.svelte var import_obsidian7 = require("obsidian"); function add_css3(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-c77uvx", ".icon-clickable.svelte-c77uvx{cursor:pointer}"); } function create_fragment5(ctx) { let div; let span; let div_class_value; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { div = element("div"); span = element("span"); attr(div, "class", div_class_value = null_to_empty(ctx[0] ? "icon-clickable" : "") + " svelte-c77uvx"); attr(div, "aria-label", ctx[1]); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); append(div, span); ctx[7](span); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(div, "click", ctx[3]); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (dirty & 1 && div_class_value !== (div_class_value = null_to_empty(ctx2[0] ? "icon-clickable" : "") + " svelte-c77uvx")) { attr(div, "class", div_class_value); } if (dirty & 2) { attr(div, "aria-label", ctx2[1]); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); ctx[7](null); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } function instance5($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { size = 16 } = $$props; let { icon } = $$props; let { clickable = true } = $$props; let { label = "" } = $$props; let ref; let { style: styles = {} } = $$props; let stylesStr; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); onMount(() => { (0, import_obsidian7.setIcon)(ref, icon, size); $$invalidate(2, ref.style.cssText = stylesStr, ref); }); afterUpdate(() => { (0, import_obsidian7.setIcon)(ref, icon, size); $$invalidate(2, ref.style.cssText = stylesStr, ref); }); function forwardClick(event) { dispatch("click", { event }); } function span_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { ref = $$value; $$invalidate(2, ref); }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("size" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, size = $$props2.size); if ("icon" in $$props2) $$invalidate(5, icon = $$props2.icon); if ("clickable" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, clickable = $$props2.clickable); if ("label" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, label = $$props2.label); if ("style" in $$props2) $$invalidate(6, styles = $$props2.style); }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & 64) { $: stylesStr = extractStylesFromObj(styles); } }; return [clickable, label, ref, forwardClick, size, icon, styles, span_binding]; } var Icon = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance5, create_fragment5, safe_not_equal, { size: 4, icon: 5, clickable: 0, label: 1, style: 6 }, add_css3); } }; var Icon_default = Icon; // src/ui/settings/PlaylistItem.svelte function add_css4(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-nlujum", ".playlist-item.svelte-nlujum{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:space-between;padding:0.5rem;border-bottom:1px solid var(--background-modifier-border);width:100%}.playlist-item-left.svelte-nlujum{display:flex;align-items:center}.playlist-item-controls.svelte-nlujum{display:flex;align-items:center;gap:0.25rem}"); } function create_if_block(ctx) { let icon; let current; icon = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: ctx[2] ? "check" : "trash", label: ctx[2] ? "Confirm deletion" : "Delete playlist", size: 20, style: { color: "red" } } }); icon.$on("click", ctx[3]); return { c() { create_component(icon.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(icon, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const icon_changes = {}; if (dirty & 4) icon_changes.icon = ctx2[2] ? "check" : "trash"; if (dirty & 4) icon_changes.label = ctx2[2] ? "Confirm deletion" : "Delete playlist"; icon.$set(icon_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(icon.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(icon.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(icon, detaching); } }; } function create_fragment6(ctx) { let div2; let div0; let icon; let t0; let span; let t1_value = ctx[0].name + ""; let t1; let t2; let t3_value = ctx[0].episodes.length + ""; let t3; let t4; let t5; let div1; let current; icon = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: ctx[0].icon, style: { "margin-right": "0.2rem" }, clickable: false, size: 20 } }); let if_block = ctx[1] && create_if_block(ctx); return { c() { div2 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); create_component(icon.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); span = element("span"); t1 = text(t1_value); t2 = text("\n ("); t3 = text(t3_value); t4 = text(")"); t5 = space(); div1 = element("div"); if (if_block) if_block.c(); set_style(span, "font-weight", "500"); set_style(span, "margin-right", "0.2rem"); attr(div0, "class", "playlist-item-left svelte-nlujum"); attr(div1, "class", "playlist-item-controls svelte-nlujum"); attr(div2, "class", "playlist-item svelte-nlujum"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div2, anchor); append(div2, div0); mount_component(icon, div0, null); append(div0, t0); append(div0, span); append(span, t1); append(div0, t2); append(div0, t3); append(div0, t4); append(div2, t5); append(div2, div1); if (if_block) if_block.m(div1, null); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const icon_changes = {}; if (dirty & 1) icon_changes.icon = ctx2[0].icon; icon.$set(icon_changes); if ((!current || dirty & 1) && t1_value !== (t1_value = ctx2[0].name + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); if ((!current || dirty & 1) && t3_value !== (t3_value = ctx2[0].episodes.length + "")) set_data(t3, t3_value); if (ctx2[1]) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & 2) { transition_in(if_block, 1); } } else { if_block = create_if_block(ctx2); if_block.c(); transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(div1, null); } } else if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => { if_block = null; }); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(icon.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(icon.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div2); destroy_component(icon); if (if_block) if_block.d(); } }; } function instance6($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { playlist } = $$props; let { showDeleteButton = true } = $$props; let clickedDelete = false; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); function onClickedDelete(event) { if (clickedDelete) { dispatch("delete", { value: playlist }); return; } $$invalidate(2, clickedDelete = true); setTimeout(() => { $$invalidate(2, clickedDelete = false); }, 2e3); } function onClickedRepeat(event) { dispatch("toggleRepeat", { value: playlist }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("playlist" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, playlist = $$props2.playlist); if ("showDeleteButton" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, showDeleteButton = $$props2.showDeleteButton); }; return [playlist, showDeleteButton, clickedDelete, onClickedDelete]; } var PlaylistItem = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance6, create_fragment6, safe_not_equal, { playlist: 0, showDeleteButton: 1 }, add_css4); } }; var PlaylistItem_default = PlaylistItem; // src/ui/obsidian/Dropdown.svelte var import_obsidian8 = require("obsidian"); function create_fragment7(ctx) { let span; return { c() { span = element("span"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); ctx[5](span); }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); ctx[5](null); } }; } function instance7($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { value = "" } = $$props; let { options = {} } = $$props; let { disabled = false } = $$props; let dropdownRef; let dropdown; let { style: styles } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); onMount(() => { dropdown = new import_obsidian8.DropdownComponent(dropdownRef); updateDropdownAttributes(dropdown); }); function updateDropdownAttributes(dropdown2) { if (options) dropdown2.addOptions(options); if (value) dropdown2.setValue(value); if (disabled) dropdown2.setDisabled(disabled); dropdown2.onChange((value2) => { dispatch("change", { value: value2 }); }); if (styles) { dropdown2.selectEl.setAttr("style", extractStylesFromObj(styles)); } } function span_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { dropdownRef = $$value; $$invalidate(0, dropdownRef); }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, value = $$props2.value); if ("options" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, options = $$props2.options); if ("disabled" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, disabled = $$props2.disabled); if ("style" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, styles = $$props2.style); }; return [dropdownRef, value, options, disabled, styles, span_binding]; } var Dropdown = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance7, create_fragment7, safe_not_equal, { value: 1, options: 2, disabled: 3, style: 4 }); } }; var Dropdown_default = Dropdown; // src/ui/settings/PlaylistManager.svelte function add_css5(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-46vu4x", ".playlist-manager-container.svelte-46vu4x{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%;margin-bottom:2rem}.playlist-list.svelte-46vu4x{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%;overflow-y:auto}.add-playlist-container.svelte-46vu4x{margin-top:1rem}"); } function get_each_context2(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[12] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } function create_each_block2(ctx) { let playlistitem; let current; playlistitem = new PlaylistItem_default({ props: { playlist: ctx[12] } }); playlistitem.$on("delete", ctx[8]); playlistitem.$on("toggleRepeat", ctx[9]); return { c() { create_component(playlistitem.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(playlistitem, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const playlistitem_changes = {}; if (dirty & 1) playlistitem_changes.playlist = ctx2[12]; playlistitem.$set(playlistitem_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(playlistitem.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(playlistitem.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(playlistitem, detaching); } }; } function create_fragment8(ctx) { let div2; let div0; let playlistitem0; let t0; let playlistitem1; let t1; let t2; let div1; let dropdown; let updating_value; let t3; let text_1; let updating_value_1; let t4; let button; let current; playlistitem0 = new PlaylistItem_default({ props: { playlist: ctx[3], showDeleteButton: false } }); playlistitem1 = new PlaylistItem_default({ props: { playlist: ctx[4], showDeleteButton: false } }); let each_value = ctx[0]; let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block2(get_each_context2(ctx, each_value, i)); } const out = (i) => transition_out(each_blocks[i], 1, 1, () => { each_blocks[i] = null; }); function dropdown_value_binding(value) { ctx[10](value); } let dropdown_props = { options: ctx[5] }; if (ctx[2] !== void 0) { dropdown_props.value = ctx[2]; } dropdown = new Dropdown_default({ props: dropdown_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(dropdown, "value", dropdown_value_binding)); dropdown.$on("change", ctx[7]); function text_1_value_binding(value) { ctx[11](value); } let text_1_props = { placeholder: "Playlist name" }; if (ctx[1] !== void 0) { text_1_props.value = ctx[1]; } text_1 = new Text_default({ props: text_1_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(text_1, "value", text_1_value_binding)); button = new Button_default({ props: { icon: "plus", cta: true } }); button.$on("click", ctx[6]); return { c() { div2 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); create_component(playlistitem0.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); create_component(playlistitem1.$$.fragment); t1 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t2 = space(); div1 = element("div"); create_component(dropdown.$$.fragment); t3 = space(); create_component(text_1.$$.fragment); t4 = space(); create_component(button.$$.fragment); attr(div0, "class", "playlist-list svelte-46vu4x"); attr(div1, "class", "add-playlist-container svelte-46vu4x"); attr(div2, "class", "playlist-manager-container svelte-46vu4x"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div2, anchor); append(div2, div0); mount_component(playlistitem0, div0, null); append(div0, t0); mount_component(playlistitem1, div0, null); append(div0, t1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); } append(div2, t2); append(div2, div1); mount_component(dropdown, div1, null); append(div1, t3); mount_component(text_1, div1, null); append(div1, t4); mount_component(button, div1, null); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const playlistitem0_changes = {}; if (dirty & 8) playlistitem0_changes.playlist = ctx2[3]; playlistitem0.$set(playlistitem0_changes); const playlistitem1_changes = {}; if (dirty & 16) playlistitem1_changes.playlist = ctx2[4]; playlistitem1.$set(playlistitem1_changes); if (dirty & 769) { each_value = ctx2[0]; let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context2(ctx2, each_value, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block2(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); } } group_outros(); for (i = each_value.length; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { out(i); } check_outros(); } const dropdown_changes = {}; if (!updating_value && dirty & 4) { updating_value = true; dropdown_changes.value = ctx2[2]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_value = false); } dropdown.$set(dropdown_changes); const text_1_changes = {}; if (!updating_value_1 && dirty & 2) { updating_value_1 = true; text_1_changes.value = ctx2[1]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_value_1 = false); } text_1.$set(text_1_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(playlistitem0.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(playlistitem1.$$.fragment, local); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } transition_in(dropdown.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(text_1.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(button.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(playlistitem0.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(playlistitem1.$$.fragment, local); each_blocks = each_blocks.filter(Boolean); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } transition_out(dropdown.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(text_1.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(button.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div2); destroy_component(playlistitem0); destroy_component(playlistitem1); destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); destroy_component(dropdown); destroy_component(text_1); destroy_component(button); } }; } function instance8($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $queue; let $favorites; component_subscribe($$self, queue, ($$value) => $$invalidate(3, $queue = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, favorites, ($$value) => $$invalidate(4, $favorites = $$value)); let playlistArr = []; let playlistInput = ""; let options = ICON_LIST.reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[curr] = curr; return acc; }, {}); let icon = ICON_LIST[0]; onMount(() => { const unsubscribe = playlists.subscribe((playlists2) => { $$invalidate(0, playlistArr = Object.values(playlists2)); }); return () => { unsubscribe(); }; }); function onAddPlaylist() { playlists.update((value) => { value[playlistInput] = { name: playlistInput, icon, episodes: [], shouldEpisodeRemoveAfterPlay: false, shouldRepeat: false }; return value; }); $$invalidate(1, playlistInput = ""); $$invalidate(2, icon = ICON_LIST[0]); } function onChangeIcon(event) { $$invalidate(2, icon = event.detail.value); } function onDeletePlaylist(event) { playlists.update((value) => { delete value[event.detail.value.name]; return value; }); } function onToggleRepeat(event) { playlists.update((value) => { value[event.detail.value.name].shouldRepeat = !value[event.detail.value.name].shouldRepeat; return value; }); } function dropdown_value_binding(value) { icon = value; $$invalidate(2, icon); } function text_1_value_binding(value) { playlistInput = value; $$invalidate(1, playlistInput); } return [ playlistArr, playlistInput, icon, $queue, $favorites, options, onAddPlaylist, onChangeIcon, onDeletePlaylist, onToggleRepeat, dropdown_value_binding, text_1_value_binding ]; } var PlaylistManager = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance8, create_fragment8, safe_not_equal, {}, add_css5); } }; var PlaylistManager_default = PlaylistManager; // src/TemplateEngine.ts var import_obsidian9 = require("obsidian"); // node_modules/fuse.js/dist/fuse.esm.js function isArray(value) { return !Array.isArray ? getTag(value) === "[object Array]" : Array.isArray(value); } var INFINITY = 1 / 0; function baseToString(value) { if (typeof value == "string") { return value; } let result = value + ""; return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY ? "-0" : result; } function toString(value) { return value == null ? "" : baseToString(value); } function isString(value) { return typeof value === "string"; } function isNumber(value) { return typeof value === "number"; } function isBoolean(value) { return value === true || value === false || isObjectLike(value) && getTag(value) == "[object Boolean]"; } function isObject(value) { return typeof value === "object"; } function isObjectLike(value) { return isObject(value) && value !== null; } function isDefined(value) { return value !== void 0 && value !== null; } function isBlank(value) { return !value.trim().length; } function getTag(value) { return value == null ? value === void 0 ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]" : Object.prototype.toString.call(value); } var INCORRECT_INDEX_TYPE = "Incorrect 'index' type"; var LOGICAL_SEARCH_INVALID_QUERY_FOR_KEY = (key) => `Invalid value for key ${key}`; var PATTERN_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE = (max) => `Pattern length exceeds max of ${max}.`; var MISSING_KEY_PROPERTY = (name) => `Missing ${name} property in key`; var INVALID_KEY_WEIGHT_VALUE = (key) => `Property 'weight' in key '${key}' must be a positive integer`; var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var KeyStore = class { constructor(keys) { this._keys = []; this._keyMap = {}; let totalWeight = 0; keys.forEach((key) => { let obj = createKey(key); totalWeight += obj.weight; this._keys.push(obj); this._keyMap[obj.id] = obj; totalWeight += obj.weight; }); this._keys.forEach((key) => { key.weight /= totalWeight; }); } get(keyId) { return this._keyMap[keyId]; } keys() { return this._keys; } toJSON() { return JSON.stringify(this._keys); } }; function createKey(key) { let path = null; let id = null; let src = null; let weight = 1; let getFn = null; if (isString(key) || isArray(key)) { src = key; path = createKeyPath(key); id = createKeyId(key); } else { if (!hasOwn.call(key, "name")) { throw new Error(MISSING_KEY_PROPERTY("name")); } const name = key.name; src = name; if (hasOwn.call(key, "weight")) { weight = key.weight; if (weight <= 0) { throw new Error(INVALID_KEY_WEIGHT_VALUE(name)); } } path = createKeyPath(name); id = createKeyId(name); getFn = key.getFn; } return { path, id, weight, src, getFn }; } function createKeyPath(key) { return isArray(key) ? key : key.split("."); } function createKeyId(key) { return isArray(key) ? key.join(".") : key; } function get(obj, path) { let list = []; let arr = false; const deepGet = (obj2, path2, index) => { if (!isDefined(obj2)) { return; } if (!path2[index]) { list.push(obj2); } else { let key = path2[index]; const value = obj2[key]; if (!isDefined(value)) { return; } if (index === path2.length - 1 && (isString(value) || isNumber(value) || isBoolean(value))) { list.push(toString(value)); } else if (isArray(value)) { arr = true; for (let i = 0, len = value.length; i < len; i += 1) { deepGet(value[i], path2, index + 1); } } else if (path2.length) { deepGet(value, path2, index + 1); } } }; deepGet(obj, isString(path) ? path.split(".") : path, 0); return arr ? list : list[0]; } var MatchOptions = { includeMatches: false, findAllMatches: false, minMatchCharLength: 1 }; var BasicOptions = { isCaseSensitive: false, includeScore: false, keys: [], shouldSort: true, sortFn: (a, b) => a.score === b.score ? a.idx < b.idx ? -1 : 1 : a.score < b.score ? -1 : 1 }; var FuzzyOptions = { location: 0, threshold: 0.6, distance: 100 }; var AdvancedOptions = { useExtendedSearch: false, getFn: get, ignoreLocation: false, ignoreFieldNorm: false, fieldNormWeight: 1 }; var Config = __spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, BasicOptions), MatchOptions), FuzzyOptions), AdvancedOptions); var SPACE = /[^ ]+/g; function norm(weight = 1, mantissa = 3) { const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const m = Math.pow(10, mantissa); return { get(value) { const numTokens = value.match(SPACE).length; if (cache.has(numTokens)) { return cache.get(numTokens); } const norm2 = 1 / Math.pow(numTokens, 0.5 * weight); const n = parseFloat(Math.round(norm2 * m) / m); cache.set(numTokens, n); return n; }, clear() { cache.clear(); } }; } var FuseIndex = class { constructor({ getFn = Config.getFn, fieldNormWeight = Config.fieldNormWeight } = {}) { this.norm = norm(fieldNormWeight, 3); this.getFn = getFn; this.isCreated = false; this.setIndexRecords(); } setSources(docs = []) { this.docs = docs; } setIndexRecords(records = []) { this.records = records; } setKeys(keys = []) { this.keys = keys; this._keysMap = {}; keys.forEach((key, idx) => { this._keysMap[key.id] = idx; }); } create() { if (this.isCreated || !this.docs.length) { return; } this.isCreated = true; if (isString(this.docs[0])) { this.docs.forEach((doc, docIndex) => { this._addString(doc, docIndex); }); } else { this.docs.forEach((doc, docIndex) => { this._addObject(doc, docIndex); }); } this.norm.clear(); } add(doc) { const idx = this.size(); if (isString(doc)) { this._addString(doc, idx); } else { this._addObject(doc, idx); } } removeAt(idx) { this.records.splice(idx, 1); for (let i = idx, len = this.size(); i < len; i += 1) { this.records[i].i -= 1; } } getValueForItemAtKeyId(item, keyId) { return item[this._keysMap[keyId]]; } size() { return this.records.length; } _addString(doc, docIndex) { if (!isDefined(doc) || isBlank(doc)) { return; } let record = { v: doc, i: docIndex, n: this.norm.get(doc) }; this.records.push(record); } _addObject(doc, docIndex) { let record = { i: docIndex, $: {} }; this.keys.forEach((key, keyIndex) => { let value = key.getFn ? key.getFn(doc) : this.getFn(doc, key.path); if (!isDefined(value)) { return; } if (isArray(value)) { let subRecords = []; const stack = [{ nestedArrIndex: -1, value }]; while (stack.length) { const { nestedArrIndex, value: value2 } = stack.pop(); if (!isDefined(value2)) { continue; } if (isString(value2) && !isBlank(value2)) { let subRecord = { v: value2, i: nestedArrIndex, n: this.norm.get(value2) }; subRecords.push(subRecord); } else if (isArray(value2)) { value2.forEach((item, k) => { stack.push({ nestedArrIndex: k, value: item }); }); } else ; } record.$[keyIndex] = subRecords; } else if (isString(value) && !isBlank(value)) { let subRecord = { v: value, n: this.norm.get(value) }; record.$[keyIndex] = subRecord; } }); this.records.push(record); } toJSON() { return { keys: this.keys, records: this.records }; } }; function createIndex(keys, docs, { getFn = Config.getFn, fieldNormWeight = Config.fieldNormWeight } = {}) { const myIndex = new FuseIndex({ getFn, fieldNormWeight }); myIndex.setKeys(keys.map(createKey)); myIndex.setSources(docs); myIndex.create(); return myIndex; } function parseIndex(data, { getFn = Config.getFn, fieldNormWeight = Config.fieldNormWeight } = {}) { const { keys, records } = data; const myIndex = new FuseIndex({ getFn, fieldNormWeight }); myIndex.setKeys(keys); myIndex.setIndexRecords(records); return myIndex; } function computeScore$1(pattern, { errors = 0, currentLocation = 0, expectedLocation = 0, distance = Config.distance, ignoreLocation = Config.ignoreLocation } = {}) { const accuracy = errors / pattern.length; if (ignoreLocation) { return accuracy; } const proximity = Math.abs(expectedLocation - currentLocation); if (!distance) { return proximity ? 1 : accuracy; } return accuracy + proximity / distance; } function convertMaskToIndices(matchmask = [], minMatchCharLength = Config.minMatchCharLength) { let indices = []; let start = -1; let end = -1; let i = 0; for (let len = matchmask.length; i < len; i += 1) { let match = matchmask[i]; if (match && start === -1) { start = i; } else if (!match && start !== -1) { end = i - 1; if (end - start + 1 >= minMatchCharLength) { indices.push([start, end]); } start = -1; } } if (matchmask[i - 1] && i - start >= minMatchCharLength) { indices.push([start, i - 1]); } return indices; } var MAX_BITS = 32; function search(text2, pattern, patternAlphabet, { location = Config.location, distance = Config.distance, threshold = Config.threshold, findAllMatches = Config.findAllMatches, minMatchCharLength = Config.minMatchCharLength, includeMatches = Config.includeMatches, ignoreLocation = Config.ignoreLocation } = {}) { if (pattern.length > MAX_BITS) { throw new Error(PATTERN_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE(MAX_BITS)); } const patternLen = pattern.length; const textLen = text2.length; const expectedLocation = Math.max(0, Math.min(location, textLen)); let currentThreshold = threshold; let bestLocation = expectedLocation; const computeMatches = minMatchCharLength > 1 || includeMatches; const matchMask = computeMatches ? Array(textLen) : []; let index; while ((index = text2.indexOf(pattern, bestLocation)) > -1) { let score = computeScore$1(pattern, { currentLocation: index, expectedLocation, distance, ignoreLocation }); currentThreshold = Math.min(score, currentThreshold); bestLocation = index + patternLen; if (computeMatches) { let i = 0; while (i < patternLen) { matchMask[index + i] = 1; i += 1; } } } bestLocation = -1; let lastBitArr = []; let finalScore = 1; let binMax = patternLen + textLen; const mask = 1 << patternLen - 1; for (let i = 0; i < patternLen; i += 1) { let binMin = 0; let binMid = binMax; while (binMin < binMid) { const score2 = computeScore$1(pattern, { errors: i, currentLocation: expectedLocation + binMid, expectedLocation, distance, ignoreLocation }); if (score2 <= currentThreshold) { binMin = binMid; } else { binMax = binMid; } binMid = Math.floor((binMax - binMin) / 2 + binMin); } binMax = binMid; let start = Math.max(1, expectedLocation - binMid + 1); let finish = findAllMatches ? textLen : Math.min(expectedLocation + binMid, textLen) + patternLen; let bitArr = Array(finish + 2); bitArr[finish + 1] = (1 << i) - 1; for (let j = finish; j >= start; j -= 1) { let currentLocation = j - 1; let charMatch = patternAlphabet[text2.charAt(currentLocation)]; if (computeMatches) { matchMask[currentLocation] = +!!charMatch; } bitArr[j] = (bitArr[j + 1] << 1 | 1) & charMatch; if (i) { bitArr[j] |= (lastBitArr[j + 1] | lastBitArr[j]) << 1 | 1 | lastBitArr[j + 1]; } if (bitArr[j] & mask) { finalScore = computeScore$1(pattern, { errors: i, currentLocation, expectedLocation, distance, ignoreLocation }); if (finalScore <= currentThreshold) { currentThreshold = finalScore; bestLocation = currentLocation; if (bestLocation <= expectedLocation) { break; } start = Math.max(1, 2 * expectedLocation - bestLocation); } } } const score = computeScore$1(pattern, { errors: i + 1, currentLocation: expectedLocation, expectedLocation, distance, ignoreLocation }); if (score > currentThreshold) { break; } lastBitArr = bitArr; } const result = { isMatch: bestLocation >= 0, score: Math.max(1e-3, finalScore) }; if (computeMatches) { const indices = convertMaskToIndices(matchMask, minMatchCharLength); if (!indices.length) { result.isMatch = false; } else if (includeMatches) { result.indices = indices; } } return result; } function createPatternAlphabet(pattern) { let mask = {}; for (let i = 0, len = pattern.length; i < len; i += 1) { const char = pattern.charAt(i); mask[char] = (mask[char] || 0) | 1 << len - i - 1; } return mask; } var BitapSearch = class { constructor(pattern, { location = Config.location, threshold = Config.threshold, distance = Config.distance, includeMatches = Config.includeMatches, findAllMatches = Config.findAllMatches, minMatchCharLength = Config.minMatchCharLength, isCaseSensitive = Config.isCaseSensitive, ignoreLocation = Config.ignoreLocation } = {}) { this.options = { location, threshold, distance, includeMatches, findAllMatches, minMatchCharLength, isCaseSensitive, ignoreLocation }; this.pattern = isCaseSensitive ? pattern : pattern.toLowerCase(); this.chunks = []; if (!this.pattern.length) { return; } const addChunk = (pattern2, startIndex) => { this.chunks.push({ pattern: pattern2, alphabet: createPatternAlphabet(pattern2), startIndex }); }; const len = this.pattern.length; if (len > MAX_BITS) { let i = 0; const remainder = len % MAX_BITS; const end = len - remainder; while (i < end) { addChunk(this.pattern.substr(i, MAX_BITS), i); i += MAX_BITS; } if (remainder) { const startIndex = len - MAX_BITS; addChunk(this.pattern.substr(startIndex), startIndex); } } else { addChunk(this.pattern, 0); } } searchIn(text2) { const { isCaseSensitive, includeMatches } = this.options; if (!isCaseSensitive) { text2 = text2.toLowerCase(); } if (this.pattern === text2) { let result2 = { isMatch: true, score: 0 }; if (includeMatches) { result2.indices = [[0, text2.length - 1]]; } return result2; } const { location, distance, threshold, findAllMatches, minMatchCharLength, ignoreLocation } = this.options; let allIndices = []; let totalScore = 0; let hasMatches = false; this.chunks.forEach(({ pattern, alphabet, startIndex }) => { const { isMatch, score, indices } = search(text2, pattern, alphabet, { location: location + startIndex, distance, threshold, findAllMatches, minMatchCharLength, includeMatches, ignoreLocation }); if (isMatch) { hasMatches = true; } totalScore += score; if (isMatch && indices) { allIndices = [...allIndices, ...indices]; } }); let result = { isMatch: hasMatches, score: hasMatches ? totalScore / this.chunks.length : 1 }; if (hasMatches && includeMatches) { result.indices = allIndices; } return result; } }; var BaseMatch = class { constructor(pattern) { this.pattern = pattern; } static isMultiMatch(pattern) { return getMatch(pattern, this.multiRegex); } static isSingleMatch(pattern) { return getMatch(pattern, this.singleRegex); } search() { } }; function getMatch(pattern, exp) { const matches = pattern.match(exp); return matches ? matches[1] : null; } var ExactMatch = class extends BaseMatch { constructor(pattern) { super(pattern); } static get type() { return "exact"; } static get multiRegex() { return /^="(.*)"$/; } static get singleRegex() { return /^=(.*)$/; } search(text2) { const isMatch = text2 === this.pattern; return { isMatch, score: isMatch ? 0 : 1, indices: [0, this.pattern.length - 1] }; } }; var InverseExactMatch = class extends BaseMatch { constructor(pattern) { super(pattern); } static get type() { return "inverse-exact"; } static get multiRegex() { return /^!"(.*)"$/; } static get singleRegex() { return /^!(.*)$/; } search(text2) { const index = text2.indexOf(this.pattern); const isMatch = index === -1; return { isMatch, score: isMatch ? 0 : 1, indices: [0, text2.length - 1] }; } }; var PrefixExactMatch = class extends BaseMatch { constructor(pattern) { super(pattern); } static get type() { return "prefix-exact"; } static get multiRegex() { return /^\^"(.*)"$/; } static get singleRegex() { return /^\^(.*)$/; } search(text2) { const isMatch = text2.startsWith(this.pattern); return { isMatch, score: isMatch ? 0 : 1, indices: [0, this.pattern.length - 1] }; } }; var InversePrefixExactMatch = class extends BaseMatch { constructor(pattern) { super(pattern); } static get type() { return "inverse-prefix-exact"; } static get multiRegex() { return /^!\^"(.*)"$/; } static get singleRegex() { return /^!\^(.*)$/; } search(text2) { const isMatch = !text2.startsWith(this.pattern); return { isMatch, score: isMatch ? 0 : 1, indices: [0, text2.length - 1] }; } }; var SuffixExactMatch = class extends BaseMatch { constructor(pattern) { super(pattern); } static get type() { return "suffix-exact"; } static get multiRegex() { return /^"(.*)"\$$/; } static get singleRegex() { return /^(.*)\$$/; } search(text2) { const isMatch = text2.endsWith(this.pattern); return { isMatch, score: isMatch ? 0 : 1, indices: [text2.length - this.pattern.length, text2.length - 1] }; } }; var InverseSuffixExactMatch = class extends BaseMatch { constructor(pattern) { super(pattern); } static get type() { return "inverse-suffix-exact"; } static get multiRegex() { return /^!"(.*)"\$$/; } static get singleRegex() { return /^!(.*)\$$/; } search(text2) { const isMatch = !text2.endsWith(this.pattern); return { isMatch, score: isMatch ? 0 : 1, indices: [0, text2.length - 1] }; } }; var FuzzyMatch = class extends BaseMatch { constructor(pattern, { location = Config.location, threshold = Config.threshold, distance = Config.distance, includeMatches = Config.includeMatches, findAllMatches = Config.findAllMatches, minMatchCharLength = Config.minMatchCharLength, isCaseSensitive = Config.isCaseSensitive, ignoreLocation = Config.ignoreLocation } = {}) { super(pattern); this._bitapSearch = new BitapSearch(pattern, { location, threshold, distance, includeMatches, findAllMatches, minMatchCharLength, isCaseSensitive, ignoreLocation }); } static get type() { return "fuzzy"; } static get multiRegex() { return /^"(.*)"$/; } static get singleRegex() { return /^(.*)$/; } search(text2) { return this._bitapSearch.searchIn(text2); } }; var IncludeMatch = class extends BaseMatch { constructor(pattern) { super(pattern); } static get type() { return "include"; } static get multiRegex() { return /^'"(.*)"$/; } static get singleRegex() { return /^'(.*)$/; } search(text2) { let location = 0; let index; const indices = []; const patternLen = this.pattern.length; while ((index = text2.indexOf(this.pattern, location)) > -1) { location = index + patternLen; indices.push([index, location - 1]); } const isMatch = !!indices.length; return { isMatch, score: isMatch ? 0 : 1, indices }; } }; var searchers = [ ExactMatch, IncludeMatch, PrefixExactMatch, InversePrefixExactMatch, InverseSuffixExactMatch, SuffixExactMatch, InverseExactMatch, FuzzyMatch ]; var searchersLen = searchers.length; var SPACE_RE = / +(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)/; var OR_TOKEN = "|"; function parseQuery(pattern, options = {}) { return pattern.split(OR_TOKEN).map((item) => { let query = item.trim().split(SPACE_RE).filter((item2) => item2 && !!item2.trim()); let results = []; for (let i = 0, len = query.length; i < len; i += 1) { const queryItem = query[i]; let found = false; let idx = -1; while (!found && ++idx < searchersLen) { const searcher = searchers[idx]; let token = searcher.isMultiMatch(queryItem); if (token) { results.push(new searcher(token, options)); found = true; } } if (found) { continue; } idx = -1; while (++idx < searchersLen) { const searcher = searchers[idx]; let token = searcher.isSingleMatch(queryItem); if (token) { results.push(new searcher(token, options)); break; } } } return results; }); } var MultiMatchSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([FuzzyMatch.type, IncludeMatch.type]); var ExtendedSearch = class { constructor(pattern, { isCaseSensitive = Config.isCaseSensitive, includeMatches = Config.includeMatches, minMatchCharLength = Config.minMatchCharLength, ignoreLocation = Config.ignoreLocation, findAllMatches = Config.findAllMatches, location = Config.location, threshold = Config.threshold, distance = Config.distance } = {}) { this.query = null; this.options = { isCaseSensitive, includeMatches, minMatchCharLength, findAllMatches, ignoreLocation, location, threshold, distance }; this.pattern = isCaseSensitive ? pattern : pattern.toLowerCase(); this.query = parseQuery(this.pattern, this.options); } static condition(_, options) { return options.useExtendedSearch; } searchIn(text2) { const query = this.query; if (!query) { return { isMatch: false, score: 1 }; } const { includeMatches, isCaseSensitive } = this.options; text2 = isCaseSensitive ? text2 : text2.toLowerCase(); let numMatches = 0; let allIndices = []; let totalScore = 0; for (let i = 0, qLen = query.length; i < qLen; i += 1) { const searchers2 = query[i]; allIndices.length = 0; numMatches = 0; for (let j = 0, pLen = searchers2.length; j < pLen; j += 1) { const searcher = searchers2[j]; const { isMatch, indices, score } = searcher.search(text2); if (isMatch) { numMatches += 1; totalScore += score; if (includeMatches) { const type = searcher.constructor.type; if (MultiMatchSet.has(type)) { allIndices = [...allIndices, ...indices]; } else { allIndices.push(indices); } } } else { totalScore = 0; numMatches = 0; allIndices.length = 0; break; } } if (numMatches) { let result = { isMatch: true, score: totalScore / numMatches }; if (includeMatches) { result.indices = allIndices; } return result; } } return { isMatch: false, score: 1 }; } }; var registeredSearchers = []; function register(...args) { registeredSearchers.push(...args); } function createSearcher(pattern, options) { for (let i = 0, len = registeredSearchers.length; i < len; i += 1) { let searcherClass = registeredSearchers[i]; if (searcherClass.condition(pattern, options)) { return new searcherClass(pattern, options); } } return new BitapSearch(pattern, options); } var LogicalOperator = { AND: "$and", OR: "$or" }; var KeyType = { PATH: "$path", PATTERN: "$val" }; var isExpression = (query) => !!(query[LogicalOperator.AND] || query[LogicalOperator.OR]); var isPath = (query) => !!query[KeyType.PATH]; var isLeaf = (query) => !isArray(query) && isObject(query) && !isExpression(query); var convertToExplicit = (query) => ({ [LogicalOperator.AND]: Object.keys(query).map((key) => ({ [key]: query[key] })) }); function parse(query, options, { auto = true } = {}) { const next = (query2) => { let keys = Object.keys(query2); const isQueryPath = isPath(query2); if (!isQueryPath && keys.length > 1 && !isExpression(query2)) { return next(convertToExplicit(query2)); } if (isLeaf(query2)) { const key = isQueryPath ? query2[KeyType.PATH] : keys[0]; const pattern = isQueryPath ? query2[KeyType.PATTERN] : query2[key]; if (!isString(pattern)) { throw new Error(LOGICAL_SEARCH_INVALID_QUERY_FOR_KEY(key)); } const obj = { keyId: createKeyId(key), pattern }; if (auto) { obj.searcher = createSearcher(pattern, options); } return obj; } let node = { children: [], operator: keys[0] }; keys.forEach((key) => { const value = query2[key]; if (isArray(value)) { value.forEach((item) => { node.children.push(next(item)); }); } }); return node; }; if (!isExpression(query)) { query = convertToExplicit(query); } return next(query); } function computeScore(results, { ignoreFieldNorm = Config.ignoreFieldNorm }) { results.forEach((result) => { let totalScore = 1; result.matches.forEach(({ key, norm: norm2, score }) => { const weight = key ? key.weight : null; totalScore *= Math.pow(score === 0 && weight ? Number.EPSILON : score, (weight || 1) * (ignoreFieldNorm ? 1 : norm2)); }); result.score = totalScore; }); } function transformMatches(result, data) { const matches = result.matches; data.matches = []; if (!isDefined(matches)) { return; } matches.forEach((match) => { if (!isDefined(match.indices) || !match.indices.length) { return; } const { indices, value } = match; let obj = { indices, value }; if (match.key) { obj.key = match.key.src; } if (match.idx > -1) { obj.refIndex = match.idx; } data.matches.push(obj); }); } function transformScore(result, data) { data.score = result.score; } function format(results, docs, { includeMatches = Config.includeMatches, includeScore = Config.includeScore } = {}) { const transformers = []; if (includeMatches) transformers.push(transformMatches); if (includeScore) transformers.push(transformScore); return results.map((result) => { const { idx } = result; const data = { item: docs[idx], refIndex: idx }; if (transformers.length) { transformers.forEach((transformer) => { transformer(result, data); }); } return data; }); } var Fuse = class { constructor(docs, options = {}, index) { this.options = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, Config), options); if (this.options.useExtendedSearch && false) { throw new Error(EXTENDED_SEARCH_UNAVAILABLE); } this._keyStore = new KeyStore(this.options.keys); this.setCollection(docs, index); } setCollection(docs, index) { this._docs = docs; if (index && !(index instanceof FuseIndex)) { throw new Error(INCORRECT_INDEX_TYPE); } this._myIndex = index || createIndex(this.options.keys, this._docs, { getFn: this.options.getFn, fieldNormWeight: this.options.fieldNormWeight }); } add(doc) { if (!isDefined(doc)) { return; } this._docs.push(doc); this._myIndex.add(doc); } remove(predicate = () => false) { const results = []; for (let i = 0, len = this._docs.length; i < len; i += 1) { const doc = this._docs[i]; if (predicate(doc, i)) { this.removeAt(i); i -= 1; len -= 1; results.push(doc); } } return results; } removeAt(idx) { this._docs.splice(idx, 1); this._myIndex.removeAt(idx); } getIndex() { return this._myIndex; } search(query, { limit = -1 } = {}) { const { includeMatches, includeScore, shouldSort, sortFn, ignoreFieldNorm } = this.options; let results = isString(query) ? isString(this._docs[0]) ? this._searchStringList(query) : this._searchObjectList(query) : this._searchLogical(query); computeScore(results, { ignoreFieldNorm }); if (shouldSort) { results.sort(sortFn); } if (isNumber(limit) && limit > -1) { results = results.slice(0, limit); } return format(results, this._docs, { includeMatches, includeScore }); } _searchStringList(query) { const searcher = createSearcher(query, this.options); const { records } = this._myIndex; const results = []; records.forEach(({ v: text2, i: idx, n: norm2 }) => { if (!isDefined(text2)) { return; } const { isMatch, score, indices } = searcher.searchIn(text2); if (isMatch) { results.push({ item: text2, idx, matches: [{ score, value: text2, norm: norm2, indices }] }); } }); return results; } _searchLogical(query) { const expression = parse(query, this.options); const evaluate = (node, item, idx) => { if (!node.children) { const { keyId, searcher } = node; const matches = this._findMatches({ key: this._keyStore.get(keyId), value: this._myIndex.getValueForItemAtKeyId(item, keyId), searcher }); if (matches && matches.length) { return [ { idx, item, matches } ]; } return []; } const res = []; for (let i = 0, len = node.children.length; i < len; i += 1) { const child = node.children[i]; const result = evaluate(child, item, idx); if (result.length) { res.push(...result); } else if (node.operator === LogicalOperator.AND) { return []; } } return res; }; const records = this._myIndex.records; const resultMap = {}; const results = []; records.forEach(({ $: item, i: idx }) => { if (isDefined(item)) { let expResults = evaluate(expression, item, idx); if (expResults.length) { if (!resultMap[idx]) { resultMap[idx] = { idx, item, matches: [] }; results.push(resultMap[idx]); } expResults.forEach(({ matches }) => { resultMap[idx].matches.push(...matches); }); } } }); return results; } _searchObjectList(query) { const searcher = createSearcher(query, this.options); const { keys, records } = this._myIndex; const results = []; records.forEach(({ $: item, i: idx }) => { if (!isDefined(item)) { return; } let matches = []; keys.forEach((key, keyIndex) => { matches.push(...this._findMatches({ key, value: item[keyIndex], searcher })); }); if (matches.length) { results.push({ idx, item, matches }); } }); return results; } _findMatches({ key, value, searcher }) { if (!isDefined(value)) { return []; } let matches = []; if (isArray(value)) { value.forEach(({ v: text2, i: idx, n: norm2 }) => { if (!isDefined(text2)) { return; } const { isMatch, score, indices } = searcher.searchIn(text2); if (isMatch) { matches.push({ score, key, value: text2, idx, norm: norm2, indices }); } }); } else { const { v: text2, n: norm2 } = value; const { isMatch, score, indices } = searcher.searchIn(text2); if (isMatch) { matches.push({ score, key, value: text2, norm: norm2, indices }); } } return matches; } }; Fuse.version = "6.6.2"; Fuse.createIndex = createIndex; Fuse.parseIndex = parseIndex; Fuse.config = Config; { Fuse.parseQuery = parse; } { register(ExtendedSearch); } // src/utility/getUrlExtension.ts function getUrlExtension(url) { const regexp = new RegExp(/\.([0-9a-z]+)(?:[?#]|$)/i); const match = regexp.exec(url); if (!match) { return ""; } const [, extension] = match; return extension; } // src/TemplateEngine.ts function TemplateEngine(template, tags) { return template.replace(/\{\{(.*?)(:\s*?.+?)?\}\}/g, (match, tagId, params) => { const tagValue = tags[tagId.toLowerCase()]; if (tagValue === null || tagValue === void 0) { const fuse = new Fuse(Object.keys(tags), { shouldSort: true, findAllMatches: false, threshold: 0.4, isCaseSensitive: false }); const similarTag = fuse.search(tagId); new import_obsidian9.Notice(`Tag ${tagId} is invalid.${similarTag.length > 0 ? ` Did you mean ${similarTag[0].item}?` : ""}`); return match; } if (typeof tagValue === "function") { if (params) { const splitParams = params.slice(1).split(","); const args = Array.isArray(splitParams) ? splitParams : [params]; return tagValue(...args); } return tagValue(); } return tagValue; }); } function NoteTemplateEngine(template, episode) { var _a; return TemplateEngine(template, { "title": episode.title, "description": (prependToLines) => { if (prependToLines) { return (0, import_obsidian9.htmlToMarkdown)(episode.description).split("\n").map(prepend(prependToLines)).join("\n"); } return (0, import_obsidian9.htmlToMarkdown)(episode.description); }, "url": episode.url, "date": (format2) => episode.episodeDate ? window.moment(episode.episodeDate).format(format2 != null ? format2 : "YYYY-MM-DD") : "", "podcast": episode.podcastName, "artwork": (_a = episode.artworkUrl) != null ? _a : "" }); } function prepend(prepend2) { return (str) => `${prepend2}${str}`; } function TimestampTemplateEngine(template) { return TemplateEngine(template, { "time": (format2) => get_store_value(plugin).api.getPodcastTimeFormatted(format2 != null ? format2 : "HH:mm:ss"), "linktime": (format2) => get_store_value(plugin).api.getPodcastTimeFormatted(format2 != null ? format2 : "HH:mm:ss", true) }); } function FilePathTemplateEngine(template, episode) { return TemplateEngine(template, { "title": replaceIllegalFileNameCharactersInString(episode.title), "podcast": replaceIllegalFileNameCharactersInString(episode.podcastName) }); } function DownloadPathTemplateEngine(template, episode) { const templateExtension = getUrlExtension(template); const templateWithoutExtension = templateExtension ? template.replace(templateExtension, "") : template; return TemplateEngine(templateWithoutExtension, { "title": replaceIllegalFileNameCharactersInString(episode.title), "podcast": replaceIllegalFileNameCharactersInString(episode.podcastName) }); } function replaceIllegalFileNameCharactersInString(string) { return string.replace(/[\\,#%&{}/*<>$'":@\u2023|?]*/g, "").replace(/\n/, " ").replace(" ", " "); } // src/ui/settings/PodNotesSettingsTab.ts var PodNotesSettingsTab = class extends import_obsidian10.PluginSettingTab { constructor(app2, plugin2) { super(app2, plugin2); this.plugin = plugin2; this.settingsTab = this; } display() { const { containerEl } = this; containerEl.empty(); const header = containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "PodNotes" }); header.style.textAlign = "center"; const settingsContainer = containerEl.createDiv(); settingsContainer.classList.add("settings-container"); new import_obsidian10.Setting(settingsContainer).setName("Search Podcasts").setHeading().setDesc("Search for podcasts by name or custom feed URL."); const queryGridContainer = settingsContainer.createDiv(); this.podcastQueryGrid = new PodcastQueryGrid_default({ target: queryGridContainer }); new import_obsidian10.Setting(settingsContainer).setName("Playlists").setHeading().setDesc(`Add playlists to gather podcast episodes.`); const playlistManagerContainer = settingsContainer.createDiv(); this.playlistManager = new PlaylistManager_default({ target: playlistManagerContainer }); this.addDefaultPlaybackRateSetting(settingsContainer); this.addSkipLengthSettings(settingsContainer); this.addNoteSettings(settingsContainer); this.addDownloadSettings(settingsContainer); } hide() { var _a, _b; (_a = this.podcastQueryGrid) == null ? void 0 : _a.$destroy(); (_b = this.playlistManager) == null ? void 0 : _b.$destroy(); } addDefaultPlaybackRateSetting(container) { new import_obsidian10.Setting(container).setName("Default Playback Rate").addSlider((slider) => slider.setLimits(0.5, 4, 0.1).setValue(this.plugin.settings.defaultPlaybackRate).onChange((value) => { this.plugin.settings.defaultPlaybackRate = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); }).setDynamicTooltip()); } addSkipLengthSettings(container) { new import_obsidian10.Setting(container).setName("Skip backward length (s)").addText((textComponent) => { textComponent.inputEl.type = "number"; textComponent.setValue(`${this.plugin.settings.skipBackwardLength}`).onChange((value) => { this.plugin.settings.skipBackwardLength = parseInt(value); this.plugin.saveSettings(); }).setPlaceholder("seconds"); }); new import_obsidian10.Setting(container).setName("Skip forward length (s)").addText((textComponent) => { textComponent.inputEl.type = "number"; textComponent.setValue(`${this.plugin.settings.skipForwardLength}`).onChange((value) => { this.plugin.settings.skipForwardLength = parseInt(value); this.plugin.saveSettings(); }).setPlaceholder("seconds"); }); } addNoteSettings(settingsContainer) { const container = settingsContainer.createDiv(); container.createEl("h4", { text: "Note settings" }); const timestampSetting = new import_obsidian10.Setting(container).setName("Capture timestamp format").setHeading().addTextArea((textArea) => { textArea.setValue(this.plugin.settings.timestamp.template); textArea.setPlaceholder("- {{linktime}} "); textArea.onChange((value) => { this.plugin.settings.timestamp.template = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); updateTimestampDemo(value); }); textArea.inputEl.style.width = "100%"; }); timestampSetting.settingEl.style.flexDirection = "column"; timestampSetting.settingEl.style.alignItems = "unset"; timestampSetting.settingEl.style.gap = "10px"; const timestampFormatDemoEl = container.createDiv(); const updateTimestampDemo = (value) => { if (!this.plugin.api.podcast) return; const demoVal = TimestampTemplateEngine(value); timestampFormatDemoEl.empty(); import_obsidian10.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(demoVal, timestampFormatDemoEl, "", null); }; updateTimestampDemo(this.plugin.settings.timestamp.template); const randomEpisode = getRandomEpisode(); const noteCreationFilePathSetting = new import_obsidian10.Setting(container).setName("Note creation file path").setHeading().addText((textComponent) => { textComponent.setValue(this.plugin.settings.note.path); textComponent.setPlaceholder("inputs/podcasts/{{podcast}} - {{title}}.md"); textComponent.onChange((value) => { this.plugin.settings.note.path = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); const demoVal = FilePathTemplateEngine(value, randomEpisode); noteCreationFilePathDemoEl.empty(); import_obsidian10.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(demoVal, noteCreationFilePathDemoEl, "", null); }); textComponent.inputEl.style.width = "100%"; }); noteCreationFilePathSetting.settingEl.style.flexDirection = "column"; noteCreationFilePathSetting.settingEl.style.alignItems = "unset"; noteCreationFilePathSetting.settingEl.style.gap = "10px"; const noteCreationFilePathDemoEl = container.createDiv(); const noteCreationSetting = new import_obsidian10.Setting(container).setName("Note creation template").setHeading().addTextArea((textArea) => { textArea.setValue(this.plugin.settings.note.template); textArea.onChange((value) => { this.plugin.settings.note.template = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); textArea.inputEl.style.width = "100%"; textArea.inputEl.style.height = "25vh"; textArea.setPlaceholder("## {{title}}\n\n### Metadata\nPodcast:: {{podcast}}\nEpisode:: {{title}}\nPublishDate:: {{date:YYYY-MM-DD}}\n### Description\n> {{description}}"); }); noteCreationSetting.settingEl.style.flexDirection = "column"; noteCreationSetting.settingEl.style.alignItems = "unset"; noteCreationSetting.settingEl.style.gap = "10px"; } addDownloadSettings(container) { container.createEl("h4", { text: "Download settings" }); const randomEpisode = getRandomEpisode(); const downloadPathSetting = new import_obsidian10.Setting(container).setName("Episode download path").setDesc("The path where the episode will be downloaded to. Avoid setting an extension, as it will be added automatically.").setHeading().addText((textComponent) => { textComponent.setValue(this.plugin.settings.download.path); textComponent.setPlaceholder("inputs/podcasts/{{podcast}} - {{title}}"); textComponent.onChange((value) => { this.plugin.settings.download.path = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); const demoVal = DownloadPathTemplateEngine(value, randomEpisode); downloadFilePathDemoEl.empty(); import_obsidian10.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(`${demoVal}.mp3`, downloadFilePathDemoEl, "", null); }); textComponent.inputEl.style.width = "100%"; }); downloadPathSetting.settingEl.style.flexDirection = "column"; downloadPathSetting.settingEl.style.alignItems = "unset"; downloadPathSetting.settingEl.style.gap = "10px"; const downloadFilePathDemoEl = container.createDiv(); } }; function getRandomEpisode() { const fallbackDemoObj = { description: "demo", podcastName: "demo", title: "demo", url: "demo", artworkUrl: "demo", streamUrl: "demo", episodeDate: new Date(), feedUrl: "demo" }; const feedEpisodes = Object.values(get_store_value(episodeCache)); if (!feedEpisodes.length) return fallbackDemoObj; const randomFeed = feedEpisodes[Math.floor(Math.random() * feedEpisodes.length)]; if (!randomFeed.length) return fallbackDemoObj; const randomEpisode = randomFeed[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomFeed.length)]; return randomEpisode; } // src/ui/PodcastView/index.ts var import_obsidian17 = require("obsidian"); // src/ui/PodcastView/PlaylistCard.svelte function add_css6(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-r5cl0s", ".playlist-card.svelte-r5cl0s{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%;cursor:pointer;border:1px solid var(--background-modifier-border);text-align:center;overflow:hidden}.playlist-card.svelte-r5cl0s:hover{background-color:var(--background-modifier-border)}"); } function create_fragment9(ctx) { let div; let icon; let t0; let span; let t1; let t2_value = ctx[0].episodes.length + ""; let t2; let t3; let div_aria_label_value; let current; let mounted; let dispose; icon = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: ctx[0].icon, size: 40, clickable: true } }); return { c() { div = element("div"); create_component(icon.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); span = element("span"); t1 = text("("); t2 = text(t2_value); t3 = text(")"); attr(div, "class", "playlist-card svelte-r5cl0s"); attr(div, "aria-label", div_aria_label_value = ctx[0].name); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); mount_component(icon, div, null); append(div, t0); append(div, span); append(span, t1); append(span, t2); append(span, t3); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(div, "click", ctx[1]); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const icon_changes = {}; if (dirty & 1) icon_changes.icon = ctx2[0].icon; icon.$set(icon_changes); if ((!current || dirty & 1) && t2_value !== (t2_value = ctx2[0].episodes.length + "")) set_data(t2, t2_value); if (!current || dirty & 1 && div_aria_label_value !== (div_aria_label_value = ctx2[0].name)) { attr(div, "aria-label", div_aria_label_value); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(icon.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(icon.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); destroy_component(icon); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } function instance9($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { playlist } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); function onClickPlaylist(event) { dispatch("clickPlaylist", { playlist, event }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("playlist" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, playlist = $$props2.playlist); }; return [playlist, onClickPlaylist]; } var PlaylistCard = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance9, create_fragment9, safe_not_equal, { playlist: 0 }, add_css6); } }; var PlaylistCard_default = PlaylistCard; // src/ui/common/Image.svelte function add_css7(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-64m37l", "img.svelte-64m37l:hover{cursor:pointer !important}"); } var get_fallback_slot_changes = (dirty) => ({}); var get_fallback_slot_context = (ctx) => ({}); function create_if_block_1(ctx) { let current; const fallback_slot_template = ctx[9].fallback; const fallback_slot = create_slot(fallback_slot_template, ctx, ctx[8], get_fallback_slot_context); return { c() { if (fallback_slot) fallback_slot.c(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (fallback_slot) { fallback_slot.m(target, anchor); } current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (fallback_slot) { if (fallback_slot.p && (!current || dirty & 256)) { update_slot_base(fallback_slot, fallback_slot_template, ctx2, ctx2[8], !current ? get_all_dirty_from_scope(ctx2[8]) : get_slot_changes(fallback_slot_template, ctx2[8], dirty, get_fallback_slot_changes), get_fallback_slot_context); } } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(fallback_slot, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(fallback_slot, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (fallback_slot) fallback_slot.d(detaching); } }; } function create_if_block2(ctx) { let img; let img_src_value; let img_class_value; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { img = element("img"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx[0])) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); attr(img, "alt", ctx[1]); attr(img, "class", img_class_value = null_to_empty(ctx[3]) + " svelte-64m37l"); set_style(img, "opacity", !ctx[2] ? 1 : ctx[4] ? 1 : 0, false); set_style(img, "transition", ctx[2] ? "opacity 0.5s ease-out" : "", false); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, img, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(img, "click", ctx[10]), listen(img, "load", ctx[11]), listen(img, "error", ctx[12]) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & 1 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx2[0])) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } if (dirty & 2) { attr(img, "alt", ctx2[1]); } if (dirty & 8 && img_class_value !== (img_class_value = null_to_empty(ctx2[3]) + " svelte-64m37l")) { attr(img, "class", img_class_value); } if (dirty & 20) { set_style(img, "opacity", !ctx2[2] ? 1 : ctx2[4] ? 1 : 0, false); } if (dirty & 4) { set_style(img, "transition", ctx2[2] ? "opacity 0.5s ease-out" : "", false); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(img); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } function create_fragment10(ctx) { let current_block_type_index; let if_block; let if_block_anchor; let current; const if_block_creators = [create_if_block2, create_if_block_1]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if (ctx2[5] || ctx2[4]) return 0; if (ctx2[6]) return 1; return -1; } if (~(current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx, -1))) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); } return { c() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (~current_block_type_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(target, anchor); } insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx2, dirty); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if (~current_block_type_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx2, dirty); } } else { if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); } if (~current_block_type_index) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx2); if_block.c(); } else { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } else { if_block = null; } } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (~current_block_type_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(detaching); } if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } function instance10($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; let { src } = $$props; let { alt } = $$props; let { fadeIn = false } = $$props; let { class: _class = "" } = $$props; let loaded = false; let loading = true; let failed = false; const dispatcher = createEventDispatcher(); function onClick(event) { dispatcher("click", { event }); } const click_handler = (e) => onClick(e); const load_handler = () => { $$invalidate(4, loaded = true); $$invalidate(5, loading = false); }; const error_handler = () => { $$invalidate(6, failed = true); $$invalidate(5, loading = false); }; $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("src" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, src = $$props2.src); if ("alt" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, alt = $$props2.alt); if ("fadeIn" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, fadeIn = $$props2.fadeIn); if ("class" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, _class = $$props2.class); if ("$$scope" in $$props2) $$invalidate(8, $$scope = $$props2.$$scope); }; return [ src, alt, fadeIn, _class, loaded, loading, failed, onClick, $$scope, slots, click_handler, load_handler, error_handler ]; } var Image = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance10, create_fragment10, safe_not_equal, { src: 0, alt: 1, fadeIn: 2, class: 3 }, add_css7); } }; var Image_default = Image; // src/ui/PodcastView/PodcastGridCard.svelte function add_css8(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-m1ctcb", ".podcast-image{width:100%;height:100%;cursor:pointer !important;background-size:cover;background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;border:1px solid var(--background-modifier-border)}"); } function create_fragment11(ctx) { let image; let current; image = new Image_default({ props: { src: ctx[0].artworkUrl, alt: ctx[0].title, class: "podcast-image" } }); image.$on("click", function() { if (is_function(ctx[1].bind(null, ctx[0]))) ctx[1].bind(null, ctx[0]).apply(this, arguments); }); return { c() { create_component(image.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(image, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(new_ctx, [dirty]) { ctx = new_ctx; const image_changes = {}; if (dirty & 1) image_changes.src = ctx[0].artworkUrl; if (dirty & 1) image_changes.alt = ctx[0].title; image.$set(image_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(image.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(image.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(image, detaching); } }; } function instance11($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { feed } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); function onclickPodcast(feed2) { dispatch("clickPodcast", { feed: feed2 }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("feed" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, feed = $$props2.feed); }; return [feed, onclickPodcast]; } var PodcastGridCard = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance11, create_fragment11, safe_not_equal, { feed: 0 }, add_css8); } }; var PodcastGridCard_default = PodcastGridCard; // src/ui/PodcastView/PodcastGrid.svelte function add_css9(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-1xbcyvn", ".podcast-grid.svelte-1xbcyvn{display:grid;grid-template-columns:repeat(auto-fit, minmax(7rem, 1fr));grid-auto-flow:row;grid-auto-rows:1fr;grid-gap:0rem}"); } function get_each_context3(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[5] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[8] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } function create_if_block_12(ctx) { let each_1_anchor; let current; let each_value_1 = ctx[1]; let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i)); } const out = (i) => transition_out(each_blocks[i], 1, 1, () => { each_blocks[i] = null; }); return { c() { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } each_1_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(target, anchor); } insert(target, each_1_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & 6) { each_value_1 = ctx2[1]; let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx2, each_value_1, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); each_blocks[i].m(each_1_anchor.parentNode, each_1_anchor); } } group_outros(); for (i = each_value_1.length; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { out(i); } check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { each_blocks = each_blocks.filter(Boolean); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); if (detaching) detach(each_1_anchor); } }; } function create_each_block_1(ctx) { let playlistcard; let current; playlistcard = new PlaylistCard_default({ props: { playlist: ctx[8] } }); playlistcard.$on("clickPlaylist", ctx[2]); return { c() { create_component(playlistcard.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(playlistcard, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const playlistcard_changes = {}; if (dirty & 2) playlistcard_changes.playlist = ctx2[8]; playlistcard.$set(playlistcard_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(playlistcard.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(playlistcard.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(playlistcard, detaching); } }; } function create_else_block(ctx) { let div; return { c() { div = element("div"); div.innerHTML = `
No saved podcasts.
`; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); } }; } function create_if_block3(ctx) { let each_1_anchor; let current; let each_value = ctx[0]; let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block3(get_each_context3(ctx, each_value, i)); } const out = (i) => transition_out(each_blocks[i], 1, 1, () => { each_blocks[i] = null; }); return { c() { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } each_1_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(target, anchor); } insert(target, each_1_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & 1) { each_value = ctx2[0]; let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context3(ctx2, each_value, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block3(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); each_blocks[i].m(each_1_anchor.parentNode, each_1_anchor); } } group_outros(); for (i = each_value.length; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { out(i); } check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { each_blocks = each_blocks.filter(Boolean); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); if (detaching) detach(each_1_anchor); } }; } function create_each_block3(ctx) { let podcastgridcard; let current; podcastgridcard = new PodcastGridCard_default({ props: { feed: ctx[5] } }); podcastgridcard.$on("clickPodcast", ctx[3]); return { c() { create_component(podcastgridcard.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(podcastgridcard, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const podcastgridcard_changes = {}; if (dirty & 1) podcastgridcard_changes.feed = ctx2[5]; podcastgridcard.$set(podcastgridcard_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(podcastgridcard.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(podcastgridcard.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(podcastgridcard, detaching); } }; } function create_fragment12(ctx) { let div; let t; let current_block_type_index; let if_block1; let current; let if_block0 = ctx[1].length > 0 && create_if_block_12(ctx); const if_block_creators = [create_if_block3, create_else_block]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if (ctx2[0].length > 0) return 0; return 1; } current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx, -1); if_block1 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); return { c() { div = element("div"); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t = space(); if_block1.c(); attr(div, "class", "podcast-grid svelte-1xbcyvn"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(div, null); append(div, t); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(div, null); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (ctx2[1].length > 0) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & 2) { transition_in(if_block0, 1); } } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_12(ctx2); if_block0.c(); transition_in(if_block0, 1); if_block0.m(div, t); } } else if (if_block0) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block0, 1, 1, () => { if_block0 = null; }); check_outros(); } let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx2, dirty); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx2, dirty); } else { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); if_block1 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block1) { if_block1 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx2); if_block1.c(); } else { if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); } transition_in(if_block1, 1); if_block1.m(div, null); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block0); transition_in(if_block1); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block0); transition_out(if_block1); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(); } }; } function instance12($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { feeds = [] } = $$props; let { playlists: playlists2 = [] } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); function forwardClickPlaylist({ detail: { playlist, event } }) { dispatch("clickPlaylist", { playlist, event }); } function clickPodcast_handler(event) { bubble.call(this, $$self, event); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("feeds" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, feeds = $$props2.feeds); if ("playlists" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, playlists2 = $$props2.playlists); }; return [feeds, playlists2, forwardClickPlaylist, clickPodcast_handler]; } var PodcastGrid = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance12, create_fragment12, safe_not_equal, { feeds: 0, playlists: 1 }, add_css9); } }; var PodcastGrid_default = PodcastGrid; // src/ui/obsidian/Slider.svelte var import_obsidian11 = require("obsidian"); function create_fragment13(ctx) { let span; return { c() { span = element("span"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); ctx[4](span); }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); ctx[4](null); } }; } function instance13($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { value } = $$props; let { limits } = $$props; let sliderRef; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let slider; let { style: styles } = $$props; onMount(() => { slider = new import_obsidian11.SliderComponent(sliderRef); updateSliderAttributes(slider); }); afterUpdate(() => { updateSliderAttributes(slider); }); function updateSliderAttributes(sldr) { if (value) sldr.setValue(value); if (limits) sldr.setLimits.apply(sldr, limits); if (styles) { sldr.sliderEl.setAttr("style", extractStylesFromObj(styles)); } sldr.onChange((value2) => { dispatch("change", { value: value2 }); }); } function span_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { sliderRef = $$value; $$invalidate(0, sliderRef); }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, value = $$props2.value); if ("limits" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, limits = $$props2.limits); if ("style" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, styles = $$props2.style); }; return [sliderRef, value, limits, styles, span_binding]; } var Slider = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance13, create_fragment13, safe_not_equal, { value: 1, limits: 2, style: 3 }); } }; var Slider_default = Slider; // src/ui/PodcastView/Loading.svelte function add_css10(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-11b4xh2", ".la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2.svelte-11b4xh2,.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2>div.svelte-11b4xh2{position:relative;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2.svelte-11b4xh2{display:block;font-size:0;color:#fff}.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2>div.svelte-11b4xh2{display:inline-block;float:none;background-color:currentColor;border:0 solid currentColor}.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2.svelte-11b4xh2{width:40px;height:32px}.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2>div.svelte-11b4xh2{width:4px;height:32px;margin:2px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;border-radius:0;-webkit-animation:svelte-11b4xh2-line-scale 1.2s infinite ease;-moz-animation:svelte-11b4xh2-line-scale 1.2s infinite ease;-o-animation:svelte-11b4xh2-line-scale 1.2s infinite ease;animation:svelte-11b4xh2-line-scale 1.2s infinite ease}.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2>div.svelte-11b4xh2:nth-child(1){-webkit-animation-delay:-1.2s;-moz-animation-delay:-1.2s;-o-animation-delay:-1.2s;animation-delay:-1.2s}.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2>div.svelte-11b4xh2:nth-child(2){-webkit-animation-delay:-1.1s;-moz-animation-delay:-1.1s;-o-animation-delay:-1.1s;animation-delay:-1.1s}.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2>div.svelte-11b4xh2:nth-child(3){-webkit-animation-delay:-1s;-moz-animation-delay:-1s;-o-animation-delay:-1s;animation-delay:-1s}.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2>div.svelte-11b4xh2:nth-child(4){-webkit-animation-delay:-.9s;-moz-animation-delay:-.9s;-o-animation-delay:-.9s;animation-delay:-.9s}.la-line-scale.svelte-11b4xh2>div.svelte-11b4xh2:nth-child(5){-webkit-animation-delay:-.8s;-moz-animation-delay:-.8s;-o-animation-delay:-.8s;animation-delay:-.8s}@-webkit-keyframes svelte-11b4xh2-line-scale{0%,40%,100%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(.4);transform:scaleY(.4)}20%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(1);transform:scaleY(1)}}@-moz-keyframes svelte-11b4xh2-line-scale{0%,40%,100%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(.4);-moz-transform:scaleY(.4);transform:scaleY(.4)}20%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(1);-moz-transform:scaleY(1);transform:scaleY(1)}}@-o-keyframes svelte-11b4xh2-line-scale{0%,40%,100%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(.4);-o-transform:scaleY(.4);transform:scaleY(.4)}20%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(1);-o-transform:scaleY(1);transform:scaleY(1)}}@keyframes svelte-11b4xh2-line-scale{0%,40%,100%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(.4);-moz-transform:scaleY(.4);-o-transform:scaleY(.4);transform:scaleY(.4)}20%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(1);-moz-transform:scaleY(1);-o-transform:scaleY(1);transform:scaleY(1)}}"); } function create_fragment14(ctx) { let div5; return { c() { div5 = element("div"); div5.innerHTML = ` `; attr(div5, "class", "la-line-scale svelte-11b4xh2"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div5, anchor); }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div5); } }; } var Loading = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, null, create_fragment14, safe_not_equal, {}, add_css10); } }; var Loading_default = Loading; // src/ui/common/IntersectionObserver.svelte function add_css11(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-1kuj9kb", "div.svelte-1kuj9kb{width:100%;height:100%}"); } var get_default_slot_changes = (dirty) => ({ intersecting: dirty & 1 }); var get_default_slot_context = (ctx) => ({ intersecting: ctx[0] }); function create_fragment15(ctx) { let div; let current; const default_slot_template = ctx[8].default; const default_slot = create_slot(default_slot_template, ctx, ctx[7], get_default_slot_context); return { c() { div = element("div"); if (default_slot) default_slot.c(); attr(div, "class", "svelte-1kuj9kb"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if (default_slot) { default_slot.m(div, null); } ctx[9](div); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (default_slot) { if (default_slot.p && (!current || dirty & 129)) { update_slot_base(default_slot, default_slot_template, ctx2, ctx2[7], !current ? get_all_dirty_from_scope(ctx2[7]) : get_slot_changes(default_slot_template, ctx2[7], dirty, get_default_slot_changes), get_default_slot_context); } } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(default_slot, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(default_slot, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (default_slot) default_slot.d(detaching); ctx[9](null); } }; } function instance14($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; let { once = false } = $$props; let { top = 0 } = $$props; let { bottom = 0 } = $$props; let { left = 0 } = $$props; let { right = 0 } = $$props; let intersecting = false; let container; onMount(() => { if (typeof IntersectionObserver !== "undefined") { const rootMargin = `${bottom}px ${left}px ${top}px ${right}px`; const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { $$invalidate(0, intersecting = entries[0].isIntersecting); if (intersecting && once) { observer.unobserve(container); } }, { rootMargin }); observer.observe(container); return () => observer.unobserve(container); } function handler() { const bcr = container.getBoundingClientRect(); $$invalidate(0, intersecting = bcr.bottom + bottom > 0 && bcr.right + right > 0 && bcr.top - top < window.innerHeight && bcr.left - left < window.innerWidth); if (intersecting && once) { window.removeEventListener("scroll", handler); } } window.addEventListener("scroll", handler); return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handler); }); function div_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { container = $$value; $$invalidate(1, container); }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("once" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, once = $$props2.once); if ("top" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, top = $$props2.top); if ("bottom" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, bottom = $$props2.bottom); if ("left" in $$props2) $$invalidate(5, left = $$props2.left); if ("right" in $$props2) $$invalidate(6, right = $$props2.right); if ("$$scope" in $$props2) $$invalidate(7, $$scope = $$props2.$$scope); }; return [ intersecting, container, once, top, bottom, left, right, $$scope, slots, div_binding ]; } var IntersectionObserver_1 = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance14, create_fragment15, safe_not_equal, { once: 2, top: 3, bottom: 4, left: 5, right: 6 }, add_css11); } }; var IntersectionObserver_default = IntersectionObserver_1; // src/ui/common/ImageLoader.svelte function create_if_block4(ctx) { let image; let current; image = new Image_default({ props: { alt: ctx[1], src: ctx[0], fadeIn: ctx[2], class: ctx[3] } }); image.$on("click", ctx[5]); return { c() { create_component(image.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(image, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const image_changes = {}; if (dirty & 2) image_changes.alt = ctx2[1]; if (dirty & 1) image_changes.src = ctx2[0]; if (dirty & 4) image_changes.fadeIn = ctx2[2]; if (dirty & 8) image_changes.class = ctx2[3]; image.$set(image_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(image.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(image.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(image, detaching); } }; } function create_default_slot(ctx) { let if_block_anchor; let current; let if_block = ctx[6] && create_if_block4(ctx); return { c() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (ctx2[6]) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & 64) { transition_in(if_block, 1); } } else { if_block = create_if_block4(ctx2); if_block.c(); transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } else if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => { if_block = null; }); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } function create_fragment16(ctx) { let intersectionobserver; let current; intersectionobserver = new IntersectionObserver_default({ props: { once: true, $$slots: { default: [ create_default_slot, ({ intersecting }) => ({ 6: intersecting }), ({ intersecting }) => intersecting ? 64 : 0 ] }, $$scope: { ctx } } }); return { c() { create_component(intersectionobserver.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(intersectionobserver, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const intersectionobserver_changes = {}; if (dirty & 207) { intersectionobserver_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } intersectionobserver.$set(intersectionobserver_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(intersectionobserver.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(intersectionobserver.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(intersectionobserver, detaching); } }; } function instance15($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { src } = $$props; let { alt } = $$props; let { fadeIn = false } = $$props; let { class: _class = "" } = $$props; const dispatcher = createEventDispatcher(); const click_handler = (event) => dispatcher("click", { event }); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("src" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, src = $$props2.src); if ("alt" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, alt = $$props2.alt); if ("fadeIn" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, fadeIn = $$props2.fadeIn); if ("class" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, _class = $$props2.class); }; return [src, alt, fadeIn, _class, dispatcher, click_handler]; } var ImageLoader = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance15, create_fragment16, safe_not_equal, { src: 0, alt: 1, fadeIn: 2, class: 3 }); } }; var ImageLoader_default = ImageLoader; // src/ui/PodcastView/EpisodeListItem.svelte function add_css12(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-1gcgk6w", ".podcast-episode-item.svelte-1gcgk6w{display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:space-between;align-items:center;padding:0.5rem;width:100%;border:solid 1px var(--background-divider);gap:0.25rem}.podcast-episode-item.svelte-1gcgk6w:hover{background-color:var(--background-divider)}.podcast-episode-item.svelte-1gcgk6w:hover{cursor:pointer}.strikeout.svelte-1gcgk6w{text-decoration:line-through}.podcast-episode-information.svelte-1gcgk6w{display:flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:space-between;align-items:left;width:100%}.episode-item-date.svelte-1gcgk6w{color:gray}.podcast-episode-thumbnail-container.svelte-1gcgk6w{flex-basis:20%;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.podcast-episode-thumbnail{border-radius:15%;max-width:5rem;max-height:5rem;cursor:pointer !important}"); } function create_if_block5(ctx) { let div; let imageloader; let current; imageloader = new ImageLoader_default({ props: { src: ctx[0].artworkUrl, alt: ctx[0].title, fadeIn: true, class: "podcast-episode-thumbnail" } }); return { c() { div = element("div"); create_component(imageloader.$$.fragment); attr(div, "class", "podcast-episode-thumbnail-container svelte-1gcgk6w"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); mount_component(imageloader, div, null); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const imageloader_changes = {}; if (dirty & 1) imageloader_changes.src = ctx2[0].artworkUrl; if (dirty & 1) imageloader_changes.alt = ctx2[0].title; imageloader.$set(imageloader_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(imageloader.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(imageloader.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); destroy_component(imageloader); } }; } function create_fragment17(ctx) { var _a; let div1; let t0; let div0; let span0; let t1_value = ctx[3].toUpperCase() + ""; let t1; let t2; let span1; let t3_value = ctx[0].title + ""; let t3; let span1_class_value; let current; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block = ctx[2] && ((_a = ctx[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.artworkUrl) && create_if_block5(ctx); return { c() { div1 = element("div"); if (if_block) if_block.c(); t0 = space(); div0 = element("div"); span0 = element("span"); t1 = text(t1_value); t2 = space(); span1 = element("span"); t3 = text(t3_value); attr(span0, "class", "episode-item-date svelte-1gcgk6w"); attr(span1, "class", span1_class_value = null_to_empty(`episode-item-title ${ctx[1] && "strikeout"}`) + " svelte-1gcgk6w"); attr(div0, "class", "podcast-episode-information svelte-1gcgk6w"); set_style(div0, "flex-basis", ctx[2] ? "80%" : "", false); attr(div1, "class", "podcast-episode-item svelte-1gcgk6w"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div1, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(div1, null); append(div1, t0); append(div1, div0); append(div0, span0); append(span0, t1); append(div0, t2); append(div0, span1); append(span1, t3); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(div1, "click", ctx[4]), listen(div1, "contextmenu", ctx[5]) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { var _a2; if (ctx2[2] && ((_a2 = ctx2[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.artworkUrl)) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & 5) { transition_in(if_block, 1); } } else { if_block = create_if_block5(ctx2); if_block.c(); transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(div1, t0); } } else if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => { if_block = null; }); check_outros(); } if ((!current || dirty & 8) && t1_value !== (t1_value = ctx2[3].toUpperCase() + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value); if ((!current || dirty & 1) && t3_value !== (t3_value = ctx2[0].title + "")) set_data(t3, t3_value); if (!current || dirty & 2 && span1_class_value !== (span1_class_value = null_to_empty(`episode-item-title ${ctx2[1] && "strikeout"}`) + " svelte-1gcgk6w")) { attr(span1, "class", span1_class_value); } if (dirty & 4) { set_style(div0, "flex-basis", ctx2[2] ? "80%" : "", false); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div1); if (if_block) if_block.d(); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } function instance16($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { episode } = $$props; let { episodeFinished = false } = $$props; let { showEpisodeImage = false } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); function onClickEpisode() { dispatch("clickEpisode", { episode }); } function onContextMenu(event) { dispatch("contextMenu", { episode, event }); } let _date; let date; $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("episode" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, episode = $$props2.episode); if ("episodeFinished" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, episodeFinished = $$props2.episodeFinished); if ("showEpisodeImage" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, showEpisodeImage = $$props2.showEpisodeImage); }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & 65) { $: { $$invalidate(6, _date = new Date(episode.episodeDate || "")); $$invalidate(3, date = window.moment(_date).format("DD MMMM YYYY")); } } }; return [ episode, episodeFinished, showEpisodeImage, date, onClickEpisode, onContextMenu, _date ]; } var EpisodeListItem = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance16, create_fragment17, safe_not_equal, { episode: 0, episodeFinished: 1, showEpisodeImage: 2 }, add_css12); } }; var EpisodeListItem_default = EpisodeListItem; // src/ui/PodcastView/EpisodeList.svelte function add_css13(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-1ov6u04", ".episode-list-view-container.svelte-1ov6u04{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.podcast-episode-list.svelte-1ov6u04{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%}.episode-list-menu.svelte-1ov6u04{display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:right;align-items:center;gap:1rem;width:100%;padding-left:0.5rem;padding-right:0.5rem}.episode-list-search.svelte-1ov6u04{width:100%;margin-bottom:0.5rem}"); } function get_each_context4(ctx, list, i) { var _a; const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[15] = list[i]; const constants_0 = (_a = child_ctx[5][child_ctx[15].title]) == null ? void 0 : _a.finished; child_ctx[16] = constants_0; return child_ctx; } var get_header_slot_changes = (dirty) => ({}); var get_header_slot_context = (ctx) => ({}); function fallback_block(ctx) { let t; return { c() { t = text("Fallback"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, t, anchor); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(t); } }; } function create_if_block_2(ctx) { let div1; let div0; let text_1; let updating_value; let t0; let icon0; let t1; let icon1; let current; function text_1_value_binding(value) { ctx[12](value); } let text_1_props = { placeholder: "Search episodes", style: { width: "100%" } }; if (ctx[4] !== void 0) { text_1_props.value = ctx[4]; } text_1 = new Text_default({ props: text_1_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(text_1, "value", text_1_value_binding)); text_1.$on("change", ctx[9]); icon0 = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: ctx[3] ? "eye-off" : "eye", size: 25 } }); icon0.$on("click", ctx[13]); icon1 = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: "refresh-cw", size: 25 } }); icon1.$on("click", ctx[14]); return { c() { div1 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); create_component(text_1.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); create_component(icon0.$$.fragment); t1 = space(); create_component(icon1.$$.fragment); attr(div0, "class", "episode-list-search svelte-1ov6u04"); attr(div1, "class", "episode-list-menu svelte-1ov6u04"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div1, anchor); append(div1, div0); mount_component(text_1, div0, null); append(div1, t0); mount_component(icon0, div1, null); append(div1, t1); mount_component(icon1, div1, null); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const text_1_changes = {}; if (!updating_value && dirty & 16) { updating_value = true; text_1_changes.value = ctx2[4]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_value = false); } text_1.$set(text_1_changes); const icon0_changes = {}; if (dirty & 8) icon0_changes.icon = ctx2[3] ? "eye-off" : "eye"; icon0.$set(icon0_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(text_1.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(icon0.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(icon1.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(text_1.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(icon0.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(icon1.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div1); destroy_component(text_1); destroy_component(icon0); destroy_component(icon1); } }; } function create_if_block_13(ctx) { let p; return { c() { p = element("p"); p.textContent = "No episodes found."; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, p, anchor); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(p); } }; } function create_if_block6(ctx) { let episodelistitem; let current; episodelistitem = new EpisodeListItem_default({ props: { episode: ctx[15], episodeFinished: ctx[16], showEpisodeImage: ctx[1] } }); episodelistitem.$on("clickEpisode", ctx[7]); episodelistitem.$on("contextMenu", ctx[8]); return { c() { create_component(episodelistitem.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(episodelistitem, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const episodelistitem_changes = {}; if (dirty & 1) episodelistitem_changes.episode = ctx2[15]; if (dirty & 33) episodelistitem_changes.episodeFinished = ctx2[16]; if (dirty & 2) episodelistitem_changes.showEpisodeImage = ctx2[1]; episodelistitem.$set(episodelistitem_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(episodelistitem.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(episodelistitem.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(episodelistitem, detaching); } }; } function create_each_block4(ctx) { let if_block_anchor; let current; let if_block = (!ctx[3] || !ctx[16]) && create_if_block6(ctx); return { c() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (!ctx2[3] || !ctx2[16]) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & 41) { transition_in(if_block, 1); } } else { if_block = create_if_block6(ctx2); if_block.c(); transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } else if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => { if_block = null; }); check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } function create_fragment18(ctx) { let div1; let t0; let t1; let div0; let t2; let current; const header_slot_template = ctx[11].header; const header_slot = create_slot(header_slot_template, ctx, ctx[10], get_header_slot_context); const header_slot_or_fallback = header_slot || fallback_block(ctx); let if_block0 = ctx[2] && create_if_block_2(ctx); let if_block1 = ctx[0].length === 0 && create_if_block_13(ctx); let each_value = ctx[0]; let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block4(get_each_context4(ctx, each_value, i)); } const out = (i) => transition_out(each_blocks[i], 1, 1, () => { each_blocks[i] = null; }); return { c() { div1 = element("div"); if (header_slot_or_fallback) header_slot_or_fallback.c(); t0 = space(); if (if_block0) if_block0.c(); t1 = space(); div0 = element("div"); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); t2 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } attr(div0, "class", "podcast-episode-list svelte-1ov6u04"); attr(div1, "class", "episode-list-view-container svelte-1ov6u04"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div1, anchor); if (header_slot_or_fallback) { header_slot_or_fallback.m(div1, null); } append(div1, t0); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(div1, null); append(div1, t1); append(div1, div0); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(div0, null); append(div0, t2); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); } current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (header_slot) { if (header_slot.p && (!current || dirty & 1024)) { update_slot_base(header_slot, header_slot_template, ctx2, ctx2[10], !current ? get_all_dirty_from_scope(ctx2[10]) : get_slot_changes(header_slot_template, ctx2[10], dirty, get_header_slot_changes), get_header_slot_context); } } if (ctx2[2]) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); if (dirty & 4) { transition_in(if_block0, 1); } } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_2(ctx2); if_block0.c(); transition_in(if_block0, 1); if_block0.m(div1, t1); } } else if (if_block0) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block0, 1, 1, () => { if_block0 = null; }); check_outros(); } if (ctx2[0].length === 0) { if (if_block1) { } else { if_block1 = create_if_block_13(ctx2); if_block1.c(); if_block1.m(div0, t2); } } else if (if_block1) { if_block1.d(1); if_block1 = null; } if (dirty & 427) { each_value = ctx2[0]; let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context4(ctx2, each_value, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block4(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1); each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); } } group_outros(); for (i = each_value.length; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { out(i); } check_outros(); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(header_slot_or_fallback, local); transition_in(if_block0); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(header_slot_or_fallback, local); transition_out(if_block0); each_blocks = each_blocks.filter(Boolean); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div1); if (header_slot_or_fallback) header_slot_or_fallback.d(detaching); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(); destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); } }; } function instance17($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $playedEpisodes; component_subscribe($$self, playedEpisodes, ($$value) => $$invalidate(5, $playedEpisodes = $$value)); let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; let { episodes = [] } = $$props; let { showThumbnails = false } = $$props; let { showListMenu = true } = $$props; let hidePlayedEpisodes = false; let searchInputQuery = ""; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); function forwardClickEpisode(event) { dispatch("clickEpisode", { episode: event.detail.episode }); } function forwardContextMenuEpisode(event) { dispatch("contextMenuEpisode", { episode: event.detail.episode, event: event.detail.event }); } function forwardSearchInput(event) { dispatch("search", { query: event.detail.value }); } function text_1_value_binding(value) { searchInputQuery = value; $$invalidate(4, searchInputQuery); } const click_handler = () => $$invalidate(3, hidePlayedEpisodes = !hidePlayedEpisodes); const click_handler_1 = () => dispatch("clickRefresh"); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("episodes" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, episodes = $$props2.episodes); if ("showThumbnails" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, showThumbnails = $$props2.showThumbnails); if ("showListMenu" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, showListMenu = $$props2.showListMenu); if ("$$scope" in $$props2) $$invalidate(10, $$scope = $$props2.$$scope); }; return [ episodes, showThumbnails, showListMenu, hidePlayedEpisodes, searchInputQuery, $playedEpisodes, dispatch, forwardClickEpisode, forwardContextMenuEpisode, forwardSearchInput, $$scope, slots, text_1_value_binding, click_handler, click_handler_1 ]; } var EpisodeList = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance17, create_fragment18, safe_not_equal, { episodes: 0, showThumbnails: 1, showListMenu: 2 }, add_css13); } }; var EpisodeList_default = EpisodeList; // src/ui/common/Progressbar.svelte function create_fragment19(ctx) { let progress; let mounted; let dispose; return { c() { progress = element("progress"); attr(progress, "style", ctx[2]); attr(progress, "max", ctx[0]); progress.value = ctx[1]; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, progress, anchor); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(progress, "click", ctx[3]), listen(progress, "mousedown", ctx[4]), listen(progress, "mouseup", ctx[5]), listen(progress, "mousemove", ctx[6]) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (dirty & 4) { attr(progress, "style", ctx2[2]); } if (dirty & 1) { attr(progress, "max", ctx2[0]); } if (dirty & 2) { progress.value = ctx2[1]; } }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(progress); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } function instance18($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { max } = $$props; let { value } = $$props; let isDragging = false; let { style: _styled = {} } = $$props; let styles; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); function forwardClick(e) { dispatch("click", { event: e }); } function onDragStart() { isDragging = true; } function onDragEnd() { isDragging = false; } function handleDragging(e) { if (!isDragging) return; forwardClick(e); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("max" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, max = $$props2.max); if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, value = $$props2.value); if ("style" in $$props2) $$invalidate(7, _styled = $$props2.style); }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & 128) { $: { $$invalidate(2, styles = extractStylesFromObj(_styled)); } } }; return [ max, value, styles, forwardClick, onDragStart, onDragEnd, handleDragging, _styled ]; } var Progressbar = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance18, create_fragment19, safe_not_equal, { max: 0, value: 1, style: 7 }); } }; var Progressbar_default = Progressbar; // src/ui/PodcastView/spawnEpisodeContextMenu.ts var import_obsidian14 = require("obsidian"); // src/createPodcastNote.ts var import_obsidian12 = require("obsidian"); function createPodcastNote(episode) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const pluginInstance = get_store_value(plugin); const filePath = FilePathTemplateEngine(pluginInstance.settings.note.path, episode); const filePathDotMd = filePath.endsWith(".md") ? filePath : `${filePath}.md`; const content = NoteTemplateEngine(pluginInstance.settings.note.template, episode); const createOrGetFile = (path, content2) => __async(this, null, function* () { const file = getPodcastNote(episode); if (file) { new import_obsidian12.Notice(`Note for "${pluginInstance.api.podcast.title}" already exists`); return file; } return yield app.vault.create(path, content2); }); try { const file = yield createOrGetFile(filePathDotMd, content); app.workspace.getLeaf().openFile(file); } catch (error) { console.error(error); new import_obsidian12.Notice(`Failed to create note: "${filePathDotMd}"`); } }); } function getPodcastNote(episode) { const pluginInstance = get_store_value(plugin); const filePath = FilePathTemplateEngine(pluginInstance.settings.note.path, episode); const filePathDotMd = filePath.endsWith(".md") ? filePath : `${filePath}.md`; const file = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(filePathDotMd); if (!file || !(file instanceof import_obsidian12.TFile)) { return null; } return file; } function openPodcastNote(epiosode) { const file = getPodcastNote(epiosode); if (!file) { new import_obsidian12.Notice(`Note for "${epiosode.title}" does not exist`); return; } app.workspace.getLeaf().openFile(file); } // src/downloadEpisode.ts var import_obsidian13 = require("obsidian"); function downloadFile(url, options) { return __async(this, null, function* () { var _a, _b, _c, _d; try { const response = yield fetch(url); const reader = (_a = response.body) == null ? void 0 : _a.getReader(); if (!reader) { throw new Error("No reader"); } const contentLength = +response.headers.get("Content-Length"); const chunks = []; let receivedLength = 0; while (true) { const { done, value } = yield reader.read(); if (done) { break; } chunks.push(value); receivedLength += value.length; (_b = options == null ? void 0 : options.onProgress) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(options, receivedLength, contentLength); } (_c = options == null ? void 0 : options.onFinished) == null ? void 0 : _c.call(options); return { blob: new Blob(chunks, { type: (_d = response.headers.get("Content-Type")) != null ? _d : "" }), contentLength, receivedLength, responseUrl: response.url }; } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to download ${url}: ${error.message}`); } }); } function downloadEpisodeWithProgressNotice(episode, downloadPathTemplate) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const { doc, update: update2 } = createNoticeDoc(`Download "${episode.title}"`); const SOME_LARGE_INT_SO_THE_BOX_DOESNT_AUTO_CLOSE = 999999999; const notice = new import_obsidian13.Notice(doc, SOME_LARGE_INT_SO_THE_BOX_DOESNT_AUTO_CLOSE); update2((bodyEl) => bodyEl.createEl("p", { text: "Starting download..." })); let progressBar; let percentEl; update2((bodyEl) => { percentEl = bodyEl.createSpan({ text: "0%" }); progressBar = new Progressbar_default({ target: bodyEl, props: { max: 100, value: 0, style: { width: "100%", height: "2rem" } } }); }); const { blob, responseUrl } = yield downloadFile(episode.streamUrl, { onProgress: (progress, total) => { update2((_) => { percentEl.textContent = `${Math.floor(progress / total * 100)}%`; progressBar.$set({ value: progress / total * 100 }); }, false); }, onFinished: () => { progressBar.$destroy(); update2((bodyEl) => bodyEl.createEl("p", { text: "Download complete!" })); } }); if (!blob.type.contains("audio")) { throw new Error("Not an audio file"); } try { update2((bodyEl) => bodyEl.createEl("p", { text: `Creating file...` })); yield createEpisodeFile({ episode, downloadPathTemplate, blob, responseUrl }); update2((bodyEl) => bodyEl.createEl("p", { text: `Successfully downloaded "${episode.title}" from ${episode.podcastName}.` })); } catch (error) { update2((bodyEl) => { bodyEl.createEl("p", { text: `Failed to create file for downloaded episode "${episode.title}" from ${episode.podcastName}.` }); const errorMsgEl = bodyEl.createEl("p", { text: error.message }); errorMsgEl.style.fontStyle = "italic"; }); } setTimeout(() => notice.hide(), 1e4); }); } function createNoticeDoc(title) { const doc = new DocumentFragment(); const container = doc.createDiv(); container.style.width = "100%"; container.style.display = "flex"; const titleEl = container.createEl("span", { text: title }); titleEl.style.textAlign = "center"; titleEl.style.fontWeight = "bold"; titleEl.style.marginBottom = "0.5em"; const bodyEl = doc.createDiv(); bodyEl.style.display = "flex"; bodyEl.style.flexDirection = "column"; bodyEl.style.alignItems = "center"; bodyEl.style.justifyContent = "center"; return { doc, update: (updateFn, empty2 = true) => { if (empty2) bodyEl.empty(); updateFn(bodyEl); } }; } function createEpisodeFile(_0) { return __async(this, arguments, function* ({ episode, downloadPathTemplate, blob, responseUrl }) { const basename = DownloadPathTemplateEngine(downloadPathTemplate, episode); const filePath = `${basename}.${getUrlExtension(responseUrl)}`; const buffer = yield blob.arrayBuffer(); try { yield app.vault.createBinary(filePath, buffer); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to write file "${filePath}": ${error.message}`); } downloadedEpisodes.addEpisode(episode, filePath, blob.size); }); } // src/ui/PodcastView/spawnEpisodeContextMenu.ts function spawnEpisodeContextMenu(episode, event, disabledMenuItems) { const menu = new import_obsidian14.Menu(); if (!(disabledMenuItems == null ? void 0 : disabledMenuItems.play)) { menu.addItem((item) => item.setIcon("play").setTitle("Play").onClick(() => { currentEpisode.set(episode); viewState.set(2 /* Player */); })); } if (!(disabledMenuItems == null ? void 0 : disabledMenuItems.markPlayed)) { const episodeIsPlayed = Object.values(get_store_value(playedEpisodes)).find((e) => e.title === episode.title && e.finished); menu.addItem((item) => item.setIcon(episodeIsPlayed ? "cross" : "check").setTitle(`Mark as ${episodeIsPlayed ? "Unplayed" : "Played"}`).onClick(() => { if (episodeIsPlayed) { playedEpisodes.markAsUnplayed(episode); } else { playedEpisodes.markAsPlayed(episode); } })); } if (!(disabledMenuItems == null ? void 0 : disabledMenuItems.download)) { const isDownloaded = downloadedEpisodes.isEpisodeDownloaded(episode); menu.addItem((item) => item.setIcon(isDownloaded ? "cross" : "download").setTitle(isDownloaded ? "Remove file" : "Download").onClick(() => { if (isDownloaded) { downloadedEpisodes.removeEpisode(episode, true); } else { const downloadPath = get_store_value(plugin).settings.download.path; if (!downloadPath) { new import_obsidian14.Notice(`Please set a download path in the settings.`); return; } downloadEpisodeWithProgressNotice(episode, downloadPath); } })); } if (!(disabledMenuItems == null ? void 0 : disabledMenuItems.createNote)) { const episodeNoteExists = Boolean(getPodcastNote(episode)); menu.addItem((item) => item.setIcon("pencil").setTitle(`${episodeNoteExists ? "Open" : "Create"} Note`).onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () { if (episodeNoteExists) { openPodcastNote(episode); } else { const { path, template } = get_store_value(plugin).settings.note; const canCreateNote = Boolean(path && template); if (!canCreateNote) { new import_obsidian14.Notice(`Please set a note path and template in the settings.`); return; } yield createPodcastNote(episode); } }))); } if (!(disabledMenuItems == null ? void 0 : disabledMenuItems.favorite)) { const episodeIsFavorite = get_store_value(favorites).episodes.find((e) => e.title === episode.title); menu.addItem((item) => item.setIcon("lucide-star").setTitle(`${episodeIsFavorite ? "Remove from" : "Add to"} Favorites`).onClick(() => { if (episodeIsFavorite) { favorites.update((playlist) => { playlist.episodes = playlist.episodes.filter((e) => e.title !== episode.title); return playlist; }); } else { favorites.update((playlist) => { const newEpisodes = [...playlist.episodes, episode]; playlist.episodes = newEpisodes; return playlist; }); } })); } if (!(disabledMenuItems == null ? void 0 : disabledMenuItems.queue)) { const episodeIsInQueue = get_store_value(queue).episodes.find((e) => e.title === episode.title); menu.addItem((item) => item.setIcon("list-ordered").setTitle(`${episodeIsInQueue ? "Remove from" : "Add to"} Queue`).onClick(() => { if (episodeIsInQueue) { queue.update((playlist) => { playlist.episodes = playlist.episodes.filter((e) => e.title !== episode.title); return playlist; }); } else { queue.update((playlist) => { const newEpisodes = [...playlist.episodes, episode]; playlist.episodes = newEpisodes; return playlist; }); } })); } if (!(disabledMenuItems == null ? void 0 : disabledMenuItems.playlists)) { menu.addSeparator(); const playlistsInStore = get_store_value(playlists); for (const playlist of Object.values(playlistsInStore)) { const episodeIsInPlaylist = playlist.episodes.find((e) => e.title === episode.title); menu.addItem((item) => item.setIcon(playlist.icon).setTitle(`${episodeIsInPlaylist ? "Remove from" : "Add to"} ${playlist.name}`).onClick(() => { if (episodeIsInPlaylist) { playlists.update((playlists2) => { playlists2[playlist.name].episodes = playlists2[playlist.name].episodes.filter((e) => e.title !== episode.title); return playlists2; }); } else { playlists.update((playlists2) => { const newEpisodes = [...playlists2[playlist.name].episodes, episode]; playlists2[playlist.name].episodes = newEpisodes; return playlists2; }); } })); } } menu.showAtMouseEvent(event); } // src/utility/createUrlObjectFromFilePath.ts var import_obsidian15 = require("obsidian"); function createUrlObjectFromFilePath(filePath) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const file = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(filePath); if (!file || !(file instanceof import_obsidian15.TFile)) return ""; const binary = yield app.vault.readBinary(file); return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([binary], { type: "audio/mpeg" })); }); } // src/ui/PodcastView/EpisodePlayer.svelte function add_css14(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-1s6o65l", ".episode-player.svelte-1s6o65l{display:flex;flex-direction:column;height:100%}.episode-image-container.svelte-1s6o65l{width:100%;height:auto;padding:5% 20%}.hover-container.svelte-1s6o65l{width:15rem;height:15rem;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;position:relative;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.podcast-artwork.svelte-1s6o65l{width:100%;height:100%;background-size:cover;background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;position:absolute}.podcast-artwork-placeholder.svelte-1s6o65l{width:100%;height:100%;background-size:cover;background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;position:absolute;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.podcast-artwork.svelte-1s6o65l:hover{cursor:pointer !important}.podcast-artwork-overlay.svelte-1s6o65l{position:absolute}.podcast-artwork-isloading-overlay.svelte-1s6o65l{position:absolute;display:block}.podcast-artwork-overlay.svelte-1s6o65l:hover{cursor:pointer !important}.opacity-50.svelte-1s6o65l{opacity:0.5}.podcast-title.svelte-1s6o65l{font-size:1.5rem;font-weight:bold;margin:0%;margin-bottom:0.5rem;text-align:center}.status-container.svelte-1s6o65l{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:space-around}.controls-container.svelte-1s6o65l{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:space-between;margin-top:1rem;margin-left:25%;margin-right:25%}.playbackrate-container.svelte-1s6o65l{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:space-around;margin-bottom:2.5rem;flex-direction:column;margin-top:auto}"); } function create_fallback_slot(ctx) { let div; let icon; let div_class_value; let current; icon = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: "image", size: 150 } }); return { c() { div = element("div"); create_component(icon.$$.fragment); attr(div, "class", div_class_value = null_to_empty("podcast-artwork-placeholder" + (ctx[2] || ctx[9] ? " opacity-50" : "")) + " svelte-1s6o65l"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); mount_component(icon, div, null); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (!current || dirty[0] & 516 && div_class_value !== (div_class_value = null_to_empty("podcast-artwork-placeholder" + (ctx2[2] || ctx2[9] ? " opacity-50" : "")) + " svelte-1s6o65l")) { attr(div, "class", div_class_value); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(icon.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(icon.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); destroy_component(icon); } }; } function create_else_block2(ctx) { let div; let icon; let div_style_value; let current; icon = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: ctx[9] ? "play" : "pause" } }); return { c() { div = element("div"); create_component(icon.$$.fragment); attr(div, "class", "podcast-artwork-overlay svelte-1s6o65l"); attr(div, "style", div_style_value = `display: ${ctx[2] || ctx[9] ? "block" : "none"}`); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); mount_component(icon, div, null); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const icon_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & 512) icon_changes.icon = ctx2[9] ? "play" : "pause"; icon.$set(icon_changes); if (!current || dirty[0] & 516 && div_style_value !== (div_style_value = `display: ${ctx2[2] || ctx2[9] ? "block" : "none"}`)) { attr(div, "style", div_style_value); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(icon.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(icon.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); destroy_component(icon); } }; } function create_if_block7(ctx) { let div; let loading; let current; loading = new Loading_default({}); return { c() { div = element("div"); create_component(loading.$$.fragment); attr(div, "class", "podcast-artwork-isloading-overlay svelte-1s6o65l"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); mount_component(loading, div, null); current = true; }, p: noop, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(loading.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(loading.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); destroy_component(loading); } }; } function create_catch_block(ctx) { return { c: noop, m: noop, p: noop, d: noop }; } function create_then_block(ctx) { let audio; let audio_src_value; let audio_autoplay_value; let audio_updating = false; let audio_animationframe; let audio_is_paused = true; let mounted; let dispose; function audio_timeupdate_handler() { cancelAnimationFrame(audio_animationframe); if (!audio.paused) { audio_animationframe = raf(audio_timeupdate_handler); audio_updating = true; } ctx[23].call(audio); } return { c() { audio = element("audio"); if (!src_url_equal(audio.src, audio_src_value = ctx[31])) attr(audio, "src", audio_src_value); audio.autoplay = audio_autoplay_value = true; if (ctx[6] === void 0) add_render_callback(() => ctx[22].call(audio)); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, audio, anchor); if (!isNaN(ctx[1]._playbackRate)) { audio.playbackRate = ctx[1]._playbackRate; } if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(audio, "durationchange", ctx[22]), listen(audio, "timeupdate", audio_timeupdate_handler), listen(audio, "play", ctx[24]), listen(audio, "pause", ctx[24]), listen(audio, "ratechange", ctx[25]), listen(audio, "ended", ctx[13]), listen(audio, "loadedmetadata", ctx[15]), listen(audio, "play", prevent_default(ctx[19])) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & 16 && !src_url_equal(audio.src, audio_src_value = ctx2[31])) { attr(audio, "src", audio_src_value); } if (!audio_updating && dirty[0] & 1 && !isNaN(ctx2[0])) { audio.currentTime = ctx2[0]; } audio_updating = false; if (dirty[0] & 512 && audio_is_paused !== (audio_is_paused = ctx2[9])) { audio[audio_is_paused ? "pause" : "play"](); } if (dirty[0] & 2 && !isNaN(ctx2[1]._playbackRate)) { audio.playbackRate = ctx2[1]._playbackRate; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(audio); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } function create_pending_block(ctx) { return { c: noop, m: noop, p: noop, d: noop }; } function create_header_slot(ctx) { let h3; return { c() { h3 = element("h3"); h3.textContent = "Queue"; }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, h3, anchor); }, p: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(h3); } }; } function create_fragment20(ctx) { var _a; let div5; let div1; let div0; let image; let t0; let current_block_type_index; let if_block; let t1; let h2; let t2_value = ctx[5].title + ""; let t2; let t3; let promise; let t4; let div2; let span0; let t5_value = formatSeconds(ctx[7], "HH:mm:ss") + ""; let t5; let t6; let progressbar; let t7; let span1; let t8_value = formatSeconds(ctx[6] - ctx[7], "HH:mm:ss") + ""; let t8; let t9; let div3; let button0; let t10; let button1; let t11; let div4; let span2; let t12_value = ctx[1].playbackRate + ""; let t12; let t13; let t14; let slider; let t15; let episodelist; let current; let mounted; let dispose; image = new Image_default({ props: { class: "podcast-artwork" + (ctx[2] || ctx[9] ? " opacity-50" : ""), src: (_a = ctx[5].artworkUrl) != null ? _a : "", alt: ctx[5].title, $$slots: { fallback: [create_fallback_slot] }, $$scope: { ctx } } }); const if_block_creators = [create_if_block7, create_else_block2]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if (ctx2[3]) return 0; return 1; } current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx, [-1, -1]); if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); let info = { ctx, current: null, token: null, hasCatch: false, pending: create_pending_block, then: create_then_block, catch: create_catch_block, value: 31 }; handle_promise(promise = ctx[4], info); progressbar = new Progressbar_default({ props: { value: ctx[7], max: ctx[6], style: { "height": "2rem" } } }); progressbar.$on("click", ctx[12]); button0 = new Button_default({ props: { icon: "skip-back", tooltip: "Skip backward", style: { margin: "0", cursor: "pointer" } } }); button0.$on("click", function() { if (is_function(ctx[8].api.skipBackward.bind(ctx[8].api))) ctx[8].api.skipBackward.bind(ctx[8].api).apply(this, arguments); }); button1 = new Button_default({ props: { icon: "skip-forward", tooltip: "Skip forward", style: { margin: "0", cursor: "pointer" } } }); button1.$on("click", function() { if (is_function(ctx[8].api.skipForward.bind(ctx[8].api))) ctx[8].api.skipForward.bind(ctx[8].api).apply(this, arguments); }); slider = new Slider_default({ props: { value: ctx[1].playbackRate, limits: [0.5, 3.5, 0.1] } }); slider.$on("change", ctx[14]); episodelist = new EpisodeList_default({ props: { episodes: ctx[10].episodes, showListMenu: false, showThumbnails: true, $$slots: { header: [create_header_slot] }, $$scope: { ctx } } }); episodelist.$on("contextMenuEpisode", ctx[16]); episodelist.$on("clickEpisode", ctx[18]); return { c() { div5 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); create_component(image.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); if_block.c(); t1 = space(); h2 = element("h2"); t2 = text(t2_value); t3 = space(); info.block.c(); t4 = space(); div2 = element("div"); span0 = element("span"); t5 = text(t5_value); t6 = space(); create_component(progressbar.$$.fragment); t7 = space(); span1 = element("span"); t8 = text(t8_value); t9 = space(); div3 = element("div"); create_component(button0.$$.fragment); t10 = space(); create_component(button1.$$.fragment); t11 = space(); div4 = element("div"); span2 = element("span"); t12 = text(t12_value); t13 = text("x"); t14 = space(); create_component(slider.$$.fragment); t15 = space(); create_component(episodelist.$$.fragment); attr(div0, "class", "hover-container svelte-1s6o65l"); attr(div1, "class", "episode-image-container svelte-1s6o65l"); attr(h2, "class", "podcast-title svelte-1s6o65l"); attr(div2, "class", "status-container svelte-1s6o65l"); attr(div3, "class", "controls-container svelte-1s6o65l"); attr(div4, "class", "playbackrate-container svelte-1s6o65l"); attr(div5, "class", "episode-player svelte-1s6o65l"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div5, anchor); append(div5, div1); append(div1, div0); mount_component(image, div0, null); append(div0, t0); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(div0, null); append(div5, t1); append(div5, h2); append(h2, t2); append(div5, t3); info.block.m(div5, info.anchor = null); info.mount = () => div5; info.anchor = t4; append(div5, t4); append(div5, div2); append(div2, span0); append(span0, t5); append(div2, t6); mount_component(progressbar, div2, null); append(div2, t7); append(div2, span1); append(span1, t8); append(div5, t9); append(div5, div3); mount_component(button0, div3, null); append(div3, t10); mount_component(button1, div3, null); append(div5, t11); append(div5, div4); append(div4, span2); append(span2, t12); append(span2, t13); append(div4, t14); mount_component(slider, div4, null); append(div5, t15); mount_component(episodelist, div5, null); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(div0, "click", ctx[11]), listen(div0, "contextmenu", ctx[17]), listen(div0, "mouseenter", ctx[20]), listen(div0, "mouseleave", ctx[21]) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(new_ctx, dirty) { var _a2; ctx = new_ctx; const image_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & 516) image_changes.class = "podcast-artwork" + (ctx[2] || ctx[9] ? " opacity-50" : ""); if (dirty[0] & 32) image_changes.src = (_a2 = ctx[5].artworkUrl) != null ? _a2 : ""; if (dirty[0] & 32) image_changes.alt = ctx[5].title; if (dirty[0] & 516 | dirty[1] & 2) { image_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx }; } image.$set(image_changes); let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx, dirty); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx, dirty); } else { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); if_block.c(); } else { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(div0, null); } if ((!current || dirty[0] & 32) && t2_value !== (t2_value = ctx[5].title + "")) set_data(t2, t2_value); info.ctx = ctx; if (dirty[0] & 16 && promise !== (promise = ctx[4]) && handle_promise(promise, info)) { } else { update_await_block_branch(info, ctx, dirty); } if ((!current || dirty[0] & 128) && t5_value !== (t5_value = formatSeconds(ctx[7], "HH:mm:ss") + "")) set_data(t5, t5_value); const progressbar_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & 128) progressbar_changes.value = ctx[7]; if (dirty[0] & 64) progressbar_changes.max = ctx[6]; progressbar.$set(progressbar_changes); if ((!current || dirty[0] & 192) && t8_value !== (t8_value = formatSeconds(ctx[6] - ctx[7], "HH:mm:ss") + "")) set_data(t8, t8_value); if ((!current || dirty[0] & 2) && t12_value !== (t12_value = ctx[1].playbackRate + "")) set_data(t12, t12_value); const slider_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & 2) slider_changes.value = ctx[1].playbackRate; slider.$set(slider_changes); const episodelist_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & 1024) episodelist_changes.episodes = ctx[10].episodes; if (dirty[1] & 2) { episodelist_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx }; } episodelist.$set(episodelist_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(image.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(if_block); transition_in(progressbar.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(button0.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(button1.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(slider.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(episodelist.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(image.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(if_block); transition_out(progressbar.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(button0.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(button1.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(slider.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(episodelist.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div5); destroy_component(image); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(); info.block.d(); info.token = null; info = null; destroy_component(progressbar); destroy_component(button0); destroy_component(button1); destroy_component(slider); destroy_component(episodelist); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } function instance19($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $currentEpisode; let $duration; let $currentTime; let $playedEpisodes; let $plugin; let $isPaused; let $queue; component_subscribe($$self, currentEpisode, ($$value) => $$invalidate(5, $currentEpisode = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, duration, ($$value) => $$invalidate(6, $duration = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, currentTime, ($$value) => $$invalidate(7, $currentTime = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, playedEpisodes, ($$value) => $$invalidate(26, $playedEpisodes = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, plugin, ($$value) => $$invalidate(8, $plugin = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, isPaused, ($$value) => $$invalidate(9, $isPaused = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, queue, ($$value) => $$invalidate(10, $queue = $$value)); class CircumentForcedTwoWayBinding { constructor() { this.playbackRate = $plugin.settings.defaultPlaybackRate || 1; } get _playbackRate() { return this.playbackRate; } } const offBinding = new CircumentForcedTwoWayBinding(); let isHoveringArtwork = false; let isLoading = true; function togglePlayback() { isPaused.update((value) => !value); } function onClickProgressbar({ detail: { event } }) { const progressbar = event.target; const percent = event.offsetX / progressbar.offsetWidth; currentTime.set(percent * $duration); } function removeEpisodeFromPlaylists() { playlists.update((lists) => { Object.values(lists).forEach((playlist) => { playlist.episodes = playlist.episodes.filter((ep) => ep.title !== $currentEpisode.title); }); return lists; }); queue.remove($currentEpisode); } function onEpisodeEnded() { playedEpisodes.markAsPlayed($currentEpisode); removeEpisodeFromPlaylists(); queue.playNext(); } function onPlaybackRateChange(event) { $$invalidate(1, offBinding.playbackRate = event.detail.value, offBinding); } function onMetadataLoaded() { $$invalidate(3, isLoading = false); restorePlaybackTime(); } function restorePlaybackTime() { const playedEps = $playedEpisodes; const currentEp = $currentEpisode; if (playedEps[currentEp.title]) { currentTime.set(playedEps[currentEp.title].time); } else { currentTime.set(0); } isPaused.set(false); } let srcPromise = getSrc($currentEpisode); let playerTime = 0; onMount(() => { const unsub = currentTime.subscribe((ct) => { $$invalidate(0, playerTime = ct); }); const unsubDownloadedSource = downloadedEpisodes.subscribe((_) => { $$invalidate(4, srcPromise = getSrc($currentEpisode)); }); const unsubCurrentEpisode = currentEpisode.subscribe((_) => { $$invalidate(4, srcPromise = getSrc($currentEpisode)); }); return () => { unsub(); unsubDownloadedSource(); unsubCurrentEpisode(); }; }); onDestroy(() => { playedEpisodes.setEpisodeTime($currentEpisode, $currentTime, $duration, $currentTime === $duration); isPaused.set(true); }); function handleContextMenuEpisode({ detail: { event, episode } }) { spawnEpisodeContextMenu(episode, event); } function handleContextMenuEpisodeImage(event) { spawnEpisodeContextMenu($currentEpisode, event, { play: true, markPlayed: true }); } function handleClickEpisode(event) { const { episode } = event.detail; currentEpisode.set(episode); viewState.set(2 /* Player */); } function getSrc(episode) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (downloadedEpisodes.isEpisodeDownloaded(episode)) { const downloadedEpisode = downloadedEpisodes.getEpisode(episode); if (!downloadedEpisode) return ""; return createUrlObjectFromFilePath(downloadedEpisode.filePath); } else { return episode.streamUrl; } }); } function play_handler(event) { bubble.call(this, $$self, event); } const mouseenter_handler = () => $$invalidate(2, isHoveringArtwork = true); const mouseleave_handler = () => $$invalidate(2, isHoveringArtwork = false); function audio_durationchange_handler() { $duration = this.duration; duration.set($duration); } function audio_timeupdate_handler() { playerTime = this.currentTime; $$invalidate(0, playerTime); } function audio_play_pause_handler() { $isPaused = this.paused; isPaused.set($isPaused); } function audio_ratechange_handler() { offBinding._playbackRate = this.playbackRate; $$invalidate(1, offBinding); } $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty[0] & 1) { $: { currentTime.set(playerTime); } } }; return [ playerTime, offBinding, isHoveringArtwork, isLoading, srcPromise, $currentEpisode, $duration, $currentTime, $plugin, $isPaused, $queue, togglePlayback, onClickProgressbar, onEpisodeEnded, onPlaybackRateChange, onMetadataLoaded, handleContextMenuEpisode, handleContextMenuEpisodeImage, handleClickEpisode, play_handler, mouseenter_handler, mouseleave_handler, audio_durationchange_handler, audio_timeupdate_handler, audio_play_pause_handler, audio_ratechange_handler ]; } var EpisodePlayer = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance19, create_fragment20, safe_not_equal, {}, add_css14, [-1, -1]); } }; var EpisodePlayer_default = EpisodePlayer; // src/ui/PodcastView/TopBar.svelte function add_css15(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-shb2ik", ".topbar-container.svelte-shb2ik{display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:center;justify-content:space-between;height:50px;min-height:50px;border-bottom:1px solid var(--background-divider)}.topbar-menu-button.svelte-shb2ik{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%;opacity:0.1}.topbar-selected.svelte-shb2ik{opacity:1 !important}.topbar-selectable.svelte-shb2ik{cursor:pointer;opacity:0.5}"); } function create_fragment21(ctx) { let div3; let div0; let icon0; let div0_class_value; let t0; let div1; let icon1; let div1_class_value; let t1; let div2; let icon2; let div2_class_value; let current; let mounted; let dispose; icon0 = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: "grid", size: 20 } }); icon1 = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: "list-minus", size: 20 } }); icon2 = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: "play", size: 20 } }); return { c() { div3 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); create_component(icon0.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); div1 = element("div"); create_component(icon1.$$.fragment); t1 = space(); div2 = element("div"); create_component(icon2.$$.fragment); attr(div0, "class", div0_class_value = null_to_empty(` topbar-menu-button topbar-selectable ${ctx[0] === 0 /* PodcastGrid */ ? "topbar-selected" : ""} `) + " svelte-shb2ik"); attr(div0, "aria-label", "Podcast grid"); attr(div1, "class", div1_class_value = null_to_empty(` topbar-menu-button ${ctx[0] === 1 /* EpisodeList */ ? "topbar-selected" : ""} ${ctx[1] ? "topbar-selectable" : ""} `) + " svelte-shb2ik"); attr(div1, "aria-label", "Episode list"); attr(div2, "class", div2_class_value = null_to_empty(` topbar-menu-button ${ctx[0] === 2 /* Player */ ? "topbar-selected" : ""} ${ctx[2] ? "topbar-selectable" : ""} `) + " svelte-shb2ik"); attr(div2, "aria-label", "Player"); attr(div3, "class", "topbar-container svelte-shb2ik"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div3, anchor); append(div3, div0); mount_component(icon0, div0, null); append(div3, t0); append(div3, div1); mount_component(icon1, div1, null); append(div3, t1); append(div3, div2); mount_component(icon2, div2, null); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen(div0, "click", ctx[3].bind(null, 0 /* PodcastGrid */)), listen(div1, "click", ctx[3].bind(null, 1 /* EpisodeList */)), listen(div2, "click", ctx[3].bind(null, 2 /* Player */)) ]; mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (!current || dirty & 1 && div0_class_value !== (div0_class_value = null_to_empty(` topbar-menu-button topbar-selectable ${ctx2[0] === 0 /* PodcastGrid */ ? "topbar-selected" : ""} `) + " svelte-shb2ik")) { attr(div0, "class", div0_class_value); } if (!current || dirty & 3 && div1_class_value !== (div1_class_value = null_to_empty(` topbar-menu-button ${ctx2[0] === 1 /* EpisodeList */ ? "topbar-selected" : ""} ${ctx2[1] ? "topbar-selectable" : ""} `) + " svelte-shb2ik")) { attr(div1, "class", div1_class_value); } if (!current || dirty & 5 && div2_class_value !== (div2_class_value = null_to_empty(` topbar-menu-button ${ctx2[0] === 2 /* Player */ ? "topbar-selected" : ""} ${ctx2[2] ? "topbar-selectable" : ""} `) + " svelte-shb2ik")) { attr(div2, "class", div2_class_value); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(icon0.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(icon1.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(icon2.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(icon0.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(icon1.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(icon2.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div3); destroy_component(icon0); destroy_component(icon1); destroy_component(icon2); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; } function instance20($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { viewState: viewState2 = 0 /* PodcastGrid */ } = $$props; let { canShowEpisodeList = false } = $$props; let { canShowPlayer = false } = $$props; function handleClickMenuItem(newState) { if (viewState2 === newState) return; if (newState === 1 /* EpisodeList */ && !canShowEpisodeList) return; if (newState === 2 /* Player */ && !canShowPlayer) return; $$invalidate(0, viewState2 = newState); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("viewState" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, viewState2 = $$props2.viewState); if ("canShowEpisodeList" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, canShowEpisodeList = $$props2.canShowEpisodeList); if ("canShowPlayer" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, canShowPlayer = $$props2.canShowPlayer); }; return [viewState2, canShowEpisodeList, canShowPlayer, handleClickMenuItem]; } var TopBar = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance20, create_fragment21, safe_not_equal, { viewState: 0, canShowEpisodeList: 1, canShowPlayer: 2 }, add_css15); } }; var TopBar_default = TopBar; // src/ui/PodcastView/EpisodeListHeader.svelte function add_css16(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-uuatlf", ".podcast-header.svelte-uuatlf{display:flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:space-around;align-items:center;padding:0.5rem}.podcast-heading.svelte-uuatlf{text-align:center}"); } function create_if_block8(ctx) { let img; let img_src_value; return { c() { img = element("img"); attr(img, "id", "podcast-artwork"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx[1])) attr(img, "src", img_src_value); attr(img, "alt", ctx[0]); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, img, anchor); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & 2 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx2[1])) { attr(img, "src", img_src_value); } if (dirty & 1) { attr(img, "alt", ctx2[0]); } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(img); } }; } function create_fragment22(ctx) { let div; let t0; let h2; let t1; let if_block = ctx[1] && create_if_block8(ctx); return { c() { div = element("div"); if (if_block) if_block.c(); t0 = space(); h2 = element("h2"); t1 = text(ctx[0]); attr(h2, "class", "podcast-heading svelte-uuatlf"); attr(div, "class", "podcast-header svelte-uuatlf"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(div, null); append(div, t0); append(div, h2); append(h2, t1); }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (ctx2[1]) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block8(ctx2); if_block.c(); if_block.m(div, t0); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } if (dirty & 1) set_data(t1, ctx2[0]); }, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block) if_block.d(); } }; } function instance21($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { text: text2 = "" } = $$props; let { artworkUrl = "" } = $$props; $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("text" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, text2 = $$props2.text); if ("artworkUrl" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, artworkUrl = $$props2.artworkUrl); }; return [text2, artworkUrl]; } var EpisodeListHeader = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance21, create_fragment22, safe_not_equal, { text: 0, artworkUrl: 1 }, add_css16); } }; var EpisodeListHeader_default = EpisodeListHeader; // src/ui/PodcastView/PodcastView.svelte var import_obsidian16 = require("obsidian"); // src/utility/searchEpisodes.ts function searchEpisodes(query, episodes) { if (episodes.length === 0) return []; if (query.length === 0) { return episodes; } const fuse = new Fuse(episodes, { shouldSort: true, findAllMatches: true, threshold: 0.4, isCaseSensitive: false, keys: ["title"] }); const searchResults = fuse.search(query); return searchResults.map((resItem) => resItem.item); } // src/ui/PodcastView/PodcastView.svelte function add_css17(target) { append_styles(target, "svelte-unmvd4", ".podcast-view.svelte-unmvd4{display:flex;flex-direction:column;height:100%}.go-back.svelte-unmvd4{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;padding:0.5rem;gap:0.5rem;cursor:pointer;margin-right:auto;opacity:0.75}.go-back.svelte-unmvd4:hover{opacity:1}"); } function create_if_block_4(ctx) { let podcastgrid; let current; podcastgrid = new PodcastGrid_default({ props: { feeds: ctx[0], playlists: ctx[4] } }); podcastgrid.$on("clickPodcast", ctx[9]); podcastgrid.$on("clickPlaylist", ctx[14]); return { c() { create_component(podcastgrid.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(podcastgrid, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const podcastgrid_changes = {}; if (dirty & 1) podcastgrid_changes.feeds = ctx2[0]; if (dirty & 16) podcastgrid_changes.playlists = ctx2[4]; podcastgrid.$set(podcastgrid_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(podcastgrid.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(podcastgrid.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(podcastgrid, detaching); } }; } function create_if_block_14(ctx) { let episodelist; let current; episodelist = new EpisodeList_default({ props: { episodes: ctx[3], showThumbnails: !ctx[1] || !ctx[2], $$slots: { header: [create_header_slot2] }, $$scope: { ctx } } }); episodelist.$on("clickEpisode", ctx[10]); episodelist.$on("contextMenuEpisode", ctx[11]); episodelist.$on("clickRefresh", ctx[12]); episodelist.$on("search", ctx[13]); return { c() { create_component(episodelist.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(episodelist, target, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const episodelist_changes = {}; if (dirty & 8) episodelist_changes.episodes = ctx2[3]; if (dirty & 6) episodelist_changes.showThumbnails = !ctx2[1] || !ctx2[2]; if (dirty & 67108910) { episodelist_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } episodelist.$set(episodelist_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(episodelist.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(episodelist.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(episodelist, detaching); } }; } function create_if_block9(ctx) { let episodeplayer; let current; episodeplayer = new EpisodePlayer_default({}); return { c() { create_component(episodeplayer.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(episodeplayer, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: noop, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(episodeplayer.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(episodeplayer.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(episodeplayer, detaching); } }; } function create_else_block3(ctx) { let episodelistheader; let current; episodelistheader = new EpisodeListHeader_default({ props: { text: "Latest Episodes" } }); return { c() { create_component(episodelistheader.$$.fragment); }, m(target, anchor) { mount_component(episodelistheader, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: noop, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(episodelistheader.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(episodelistheader.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { destroy_component(episodelistheader, detaching); } }; } function create_if_block_3(ctx) { let span; let icon0; let t0; let t1; let div; let icon1; let t2; let episodelistheader; let current; let mounted; let dispose; icon0 = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: "arrow-left", style: { display: "flex", "align-items": "center" }, size: 20 } }); icon1 = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: ctx[2].icon, size: 40, clickable: false } }); episodelistheader = new EpisodeListHeader_default({ props: { text: ctx[2].name } }); return { c() { span = element("span"); create_component(icon0.$$.fragment); t0 = text(" Latest Episodes"); t1 = space(); div = element("div"); create_component(icon1.$$.fragment); t2 = space(); create_component(episodelistheader.$$.fragment); attr(span, "class", "go-back svelte-unmvd4"); set_style(div, "display", "flex"); set_style(div, "align-items", "center"); set_style(div, "justify-content", "center"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); mount_component(icon0, span, null); append(span, t0); insert(target, t1, anchor); insert(target, div, anchor); mount_component(icon1, div, null); insert(target, t2, anchor); mount_component(episodelistheader, target, anchor); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(span, "click", ctx[17]); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const icon1_changes = {}; if (dirty & 4) icon1_changes.icon = ctx2[2].icon; icon1.$set(icon1_changes); const episodelistheader_changes = {}; if (dirty & 4) episodelistheader_changes.text = ctx2[2].name; episodelistheader.$set(episodelistheader_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(icon0.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(icon1.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(episodelistheader.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(icon0.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(icon1.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(episodelistheader.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); destroy_component(icon0); if (detaching) detach(t1); if (detaching) detach(div); destroy_component(icon1); if (detaching) detach(t2); destroy_component(episodelistheader, detaching); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } function create_if_block_22(ctx) { let span; let icon; let t0; let t1; let episodelistheader; let current; let mounted; let dispose; icon = new Icon_default({ props: { icon: "arrow-left", style: { display: "flex", "align-items": "center" }, size: 20 } }); episodelistheader = new EpisodeListHeader_default({ props: { text: ctx[1].title, artworkUrl: ctx[1].artworkUrl } }); return { c() { span = element("span"); create_component(icon.$$.fragment); t0 = text(" Latest Episodes"); t1 = space(); create_component(episodelistheader.$$.fragment); attr(span, "class", "go-back svelte-unmvd4"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, span, anchor); mount_component(icon, span, null); append(span, t0); insert(target, t1, anchor); mount_component(episodelistheader, target, anchor); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = listen(span, "click", ctx[16]); mounted = true; } }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const episodelistheader_changes = {}; if (dirty & 2) episodelistheader_changes.text = ctx2[1].title; if (dirty & 2) episodelistheader_changes.artworkUrl = ctx2[1].artworkUrl; episodelistheader.$set(episodelistheader_changes); }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(icon.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(episodelistheader.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(icon.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(episodelistheader.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(span); destroy_component(icon); if (detaching) detach(t1); destroy_component(episodelistheader, detaching); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; } function create_header_slot2(ctx) { let current_block_type_index; let if_block; let if_block_anchor; let current; const if_block_creators = [create_if_block_22, create_if_block_3, create_else_block3]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty) { if (ctx2[1]) return 0; if (ctx2[2]) return 1; return 2; } current_block_type_index = select_block_type_1(ctx, -1); if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); return { c() { if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(target, anchor); insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type_1(ctx2, dirty); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx2, dirty); } else { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx2); if_block.c(); } else { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block_anchor); } }; } function create_fragment23(ctx) { let div; let topbar; let updating_viewState; let t; let current_block_type_index; let if_block; let current; function topbar_viewState_binding(value) { ctx[15](value); } let topbar_props = { canShowEpisodeList: true, canShowPlayer: !!ctx[6] }; if (ctx[8] !== void 0) { topbar_props.viewState = ctx[8]; } topbar = new TopBar_default({ props: topbar_props }); binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(topbar, "viewState", topbar_viewState_binding)); const if_block_creators = [create_if_block9, create_if_block_14, create_if_block_4]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if (ctx2[8] === 2 /* Player */) return 0; if (ctx2[8] === 1 /* EpisodeList */) return 1; if (ctx2[8] === 0 /* PodcastGrid */) return 2; return -1; } if (~(current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx, -1))) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); } return { c() { div = element("div"); create_component(topbar.$$.fragment); t = space(); if (if_block) if_block.c(); attr(div, "class", "podcast-view svelte-unmvd4"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, div, anchor); mount_component(topbar, div, null); append(div, t); if (~current_block_type_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(div, null); } ctx[18](div); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { const topbar_changes = {}; if (dirty & 64) topbar_changes.canShowPlayer = !!ctx2[6]; if (!updating_viewState && dirty & 256) { updating_viewState = true; topbar_changes.viewState = ctx2[8]; add_flush_callback(() => updating_viewState = false); } topbar.$set(topbar_changes); let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx2, dirty); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if (~current_block_type_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx2, dirty); } } else { if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); } if (~current_block_type_index) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx2); if_block.c(); } else { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(div, null); } else { if_block = null; } } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(topbar.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(topbar.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); destroy_component(topbar); if (~current_block_type_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(); } ctx[18](null); } }; } function instance22($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $queue; let $currentEpisode; let $episodeCache; let $downloadedEpisodes; let $localFiles; let $favorites; let $podcastView; let $viewState; component_subscribe($$self, queue, ($$value) => $$invalidate(19, $queue = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, currentEpisode, ($$value) => $$invalidate(6, $currentEpisode = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, episodeCache, ($$value) => $$invalidate(20, $episodeCache = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, downloadedEpisodes, ($$value) => $$invalidate(21, $downloadedEpisodes = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, localFiles, ($$value) => $$invalidate(22, $localFiles = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, favorites, ($$value) => $$invalidate(23, $favorites = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, podcastView, ($$value) => $$invalidate(7, $podcastView = $$value)); component_subscribe($$self, viewState, ($$value) => $$invalidate(8, $viewState = $$value)); let feeds = []; let selectedFeed = null; let selectedPlaylist = null; let displayedEpisodes = []; let displayedPlaylists = []; let latestEpisodes = []; onMount(() => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { const unsubscribePlaylists = playlists.subscribe((pl) => { $$invalidate(4, displayedPlaylists = [$queue, $favorites, $localFiles, ...Object.values(pl)]); }); const unsubscribeSavedFeeds = savedFeeds.subscribe((storeValue) => { $$invalidate(0, feeds = Object.values(storeValue)); }); yield fetchEpisodesInAllFeeds(feeds); const unsubscribeEpisodeCache = episodeCache.subscribe((cache) => { $$invalidate(5, latestEpisodes = Object.entries(cache).map(([_, episodes]) => episodes.slice(0, 10)).flat().sort((a, b) => { if (a.episodeDate && b.episodeDate) return Number(b.episodeDate) - Number(a.episodeDate); return 0; })); }); if (!selectedFeed) { $$invalidate(3, displayedEpisodes = latestEpisodes); } return () => { unsubscribeEpisodeCache(); unsubscribeSavedFeeds(); unsubscribePlaylists(); }; })); function fetchEpisodes(feed, useCache = true) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const cachedEpisodesInFeed = $episodeCache[feed.title]; if (useCache && cachedEpisodesInFeed && cachedEpisodesInFeed.length > 0) { return cachedEpisodesInFeed; } try { const episodes = yield new FeedParser(feed).getEpisodes(feed.url); episodeCache.update((cache) => Object.assign(Object.assign({}, cache), { [feed.title]: episodes })); return episodes; } catch (error) { return $downloadedEpisodes[feed.title]; } }); } function fetchEpisodesInAllFeeds(feedsToSearch) { return Promise.all(feedsToSearch.map((feed) => fetchEpisodes(feed))).then((episodes) => { return episodes.flat(); }); } function handleClickPodcast(event) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const { feed } = event.detail; $$invalidate(3, displayedEpisodes = []); $$invalidate(1, selectedFeed = feed); $$invalidate(3, displayedEpisodes = yield fetchEpisodes(feed)); viewState.set(1 /* EpisodeList */); }); } function handleClickEpisode(event) { const { episode } = event.detail; currentEpisode.set(episode); viewState.set(2 /* Player */); } function handleContextMenuEpisode({ detail: { event, episode } }) { spawnEpisodeContextMenu(episode, event); } function handleClickRefresh() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!selectedFeed) return; $$invalidate(3, displayedEpisodes = yield fetchEpisodes(selectedFeed, false)); }); } const handleSearch = (0, import_obsidian16.debounce)((event) => { const { query } = event.detail; if (selectedFeed) { const episodesInFeed = $episodeCache[selectedFeed.title]; $$invalidate(3, displayedEpisodes = searchEpisodes(query, episodesInFeed)); return; } $$invalidate(3, displayedEpisodes = searchEpisodes(query, latestEpisodes)); }, 250); function handleClickPlaylist(event) { const { event: clickEvent, playlist } = event.detail; if (playlist.name === $queue.name && $queue.episodes.length > 0) { if (!$currentEpisode) { currentEpisode.set($queue.episodes[0]); } viewState.set(2 /* Player */); } else { $$invalidate(2, selectedPlaylist = playlist); $$invalidate(3, displayedEpisodes = playlist.episodes); viewState.set(1 /* EpisodeList */); } } function topbar_viewState_binding(value) { $viewState = value; viewState.set($viewState); } const click_handler = () => { $$invalidate(1, selectedFeed = null); $$invalidate(3, displayedEpisodes = latestEpisodes); viewState.set(1 /* EpisodeList */); }; const click_handler_1 = () => { $$invalidate(2, selectedPlaylist = null); $$invalidate(3, displayedEpisodes = latestEpisodes); viewState.set(1 /* EpisodeList */); }; function div_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { $podcastView = $$value; podcastView.set($podcastView); }); } return [ feeds, selectedFeed, selectedPlaylist, displayedEpisodes, displayedPlaylists, latestEpisodes, $currentEpisode, $podcastView, $viewState, handleClickPodcast, handleClickEpisode, handleContextMenuEpisode, handleClickRefresh, handleSearch, handleClickPlaylist, topbar_viewState_binding, click_handler, click_handler_1, div_binding ]; } var PodcastView = class extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance22, create_fragment23, safe_not_equal, {}, add_css17); } }; var PodcastView_default = PodcastView; // src/ui/PodcastView/index.ts var MainView = class extends import_obsidian17.ItemView { constructor(leaf, plugin2) { super(leaf); this.plugin = plugin2; } getViewType() { return VIEW_TYPE; } getDisplayText() { return "Podcast Player"; } getIcon() { return "play-circle"; } onOpen() { return __async(this, null, function* () { this.PodcastView = new PodcastView_default({ target: this.contentEl }); }); } onClose() { return __async(this, null, function* () { var _a; (_a = this.PodcastView) == null ? void 0 : _a.$destroy(); this.contentEl.empty(); }); } }; // src/types/StoreController.ts var StoreController = class { constructor(store) { this.store = store; } on() { this.unsubscribe = this.store.subscribe(this.onChange.bind(this)); return this; } off() { this.unsubscribe(); return this; } }; // src/store_controllers/EpisodeStatusController.ts var EpisodeStatusController = class extends StoreController { constructor(store, plugin2) { super(store); this.plugin = plugin2; } onChange(value) { this.plugin.settings.playedEpisodes = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); } }; // src/store_controllers/SavedFeedsController.ts var SavedFeedsController = class extends StoreController { constructor(store, plugin2) { super(store); this.plugin = plugin2; } onChange(value) { this.plugin.settings.savedFeeds = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); } }; // src/store_controllers/PlaylistController.ts var PlaylistController = class extends StoreController { constructor(store, plugin2) { super(store); this.plugin = plugin2; } onChange(value) { this.plugin.settings.playlists = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); } }; // src/store_controllers/QueueController.ts var QueueController = class extends StoreController { constructor(store, plugin2) { super(store); this.plugin = plugin2; } onChange(value) { this.plugin.settings.queue = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, value), QUEUE_SETTINGS); this.plugin.saveSettings(); } on() { this.removeCurrentEpisodeFromQueue(); return super.on(); } off() { this.unsubscribeCurrentEpisode(); return super.off(); } removeCurrentEpisodeFromQueue() { this.unsubscribeCurrentEpisode = currentEpisode.subscribe((episode) => { if (!episode) return; const queue2 = get_store_value(this.store); const episodeIsInQueue = queue2.episodes.find((e) => e.title === episode.title); this.store.update((playlist) => { if (!episodeIsInQueue) return playlist; playlist.episodes = playlist.episodes.filter((e) => e.title !== episode.title); return playlist; }); }); } }; // src/store_controllers/FavoritesController.ts var FavoritesController = class extends StoreController { constructor(store, plugin2) { super(store); this.plugin = plugin2; } onChange(value) { this.plugin.settings.favorites = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, value), FAVORITES_SETTINGS); this.plugin.saveSettings(); } }; // src/store_controllers/CurrentEpisodeController.ts var CurrentEpisodeController = class extends StoreController { constructor(store, plugin2) { super(store); this.plugin = plugin2; } onChange(value) { this.plugin.settings.currentEpisode = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); } }; // src/store_controllers/DownloadedEpisodesController.ts var DownloadedEpisodesController = class extends StoreController { constructor(store, plugin2) { super(store); this.plugin = plugin2; } onChange(value) { this.plugin.settings.downloadedEpisodes = value; this.plugin.saveSettings(); } }; // src/main.ts var import_obsidian19 = require("obsidian"); // src/store_controllers/LocalFilesController.ts var LocalFilesController = class extends StoreController { constructor(store, plugin2) { super(store); this.plugin = plugin2; } onChange(value) { this.plugin.settings.localFiles = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, value), LOCAL_FILES_SETTINGS); this.plugin.saveSettings(); } }; // src/main.ts var PodNotes = class extends import_obsidian18.Plugin { onload() { return __async(this, null, function* () { plugin.set(this); yield this.loadSettings(); playedEpisodes.set(this.settings.playedEpisodes); savedFeeds.set(this.settings.savedFeeds); playlists.set(this.settings.playlists); queue.set(this.settings.queue); favorites.set(this.settings.favorites); localFiles.set(this.settings.localFiles); downloadedEpisodes.set(this.settings.downloadedEpisodes); if (this.settings.currentEpisode) { currentEpisode.set(this.settings.currentEpisode); } this.playedEpisodeController = new EpisodeStatusController(playedEpisodes, this).on(); this.savedFeedsController = new SavedFeedsController(savedFeeds, this).on(); this.playlistController = new PlaylistController(playlists, this).on(); this.queueController = new QueueController(queue, this).on(); this.favoritesController = new FavoritesController(favorites, this).on(); this.localFilesController = new LocalFilesController(localFiles, this).on(); this.downloadedEpisodesController = new DownloadedEpisodesController(downloadedEpisodes, this).on(); this.currentEpisodeController = new CurrentEpisodeController(currentEpisode, this).on(); this.addCommand({ id: "start-playing", name: "Play Podcast", checkCallback: (checking) => { if (checking) { return !this.api.isPlaying && !!this.api.podcast; } this.api.start(); } }); this.addCommand({ id: "stop-playing", name: "Stop Podcast", checkCallback: (checking) => { if (checking) { return this.api.isPlaying && !!this.api.podcast; } this.api.stop(); } }); this.addCommand({ id: "skip-backward", name: "Skip Backward", checkCallback: (checking) => { if (checking) { return this.api.isPlaying && !!this.api.podcast; } this.api.skipBackward(); } }); this.addCommand({ id: "skip-forward", name: "Skip Forward", checkCallback: (checking) => { if (checking) { return this.api.isPlaying && !!this.api.podcast; } this.api.skipForward(); } }); this.addCommand({ id: "download-playing-episode", name: "Download Playing Episode", checkCallback: (checking) => { if (checking) { return !!this.api.podcast; } const episode = this.api.podcast; downloadEpisodeWithProgressNotice(episode, this.settings.download.path); } }); this.addCommand({ id: "hrpn", name: "Reload PodNotes", callback: () => { const id = this.manifest.id; this.app.plugins.disablePlugin(id).then(() => this.app.plugins.enablePlugin(id)); } }); this.addCommand({ id: "capture-timestamp", name: "Capture Timestamp", editorCheckCallback: (checking, editor, view) => { if (checking) { return !!this.api.podcast && !!this.settings.timestamp.template; } const cursorPos = editor.getCursor(); const capture = TimestampTemplateEngine(this.settings.timestamp.template); editor.replaceRange(capture, cursorPos); editor.setCursor(cursorPos.line, cursorPos.ch + capture.length); } }); this.addCommand({ id: "create-podcast-note", name: "Create Podcast Note", checkCallback: (checking) => { if (checking) { return !!this.api.podcast && !!this.settings.note.path && !!this.settings.note.template; } createPodcastNote(this.api.podcast); } }); this.addSettingTab(new PodNotesSettingsTab(this.app, this)); this.registerView(VIEW_TYPE, (leaf) => { this.view = new MainView(leaf, this); this.api = new API(); return this.view; }); this.app.workspace.onLayoutReady(this.onLayoutReady.bind(this)); this.registerObsidianProtocolHandler("podnotes", (_0) => __async(this, [_0], function* ({ url, episodeName, time }) { if (!url || !episodeName || !time) { new import_obsidian18.Notice("URL, episode name, and timestamp are required to play an episode"); return; } const decodedName = episodeName.replace(/\+/g, " "); const currentEp = get_store_value(currentEpisode); const episodeIsPlaying = (currentEp == null ? void 0 : currentEp.title) === decodedName; if (episodeIsPlaying) { viewState.set(2 /* Player */); this.api.currentTime = parseFloat(time); } if (!episodeIsPlaying) { const pcastParser = new FeedParser(); const episode = yield pcastParser.findItemByTitle(decodedName, url); if (!episode) { new import_obsidian18.Notice("Episode not found"); return; } currentEpisode.set(episode); viewState.set(2 /* Player */); new import_obsidian18.Notice("Episode found, playing now. Please click timestamp again to play at specific time."); } })); this.registerEvent(this.app.workspace.on("file-menu", (menu, file) => { if (!(file instanceof import_obsidian19.TFile)) return; if (!file.extension.match(/mp3|mp4|wma|aac|wav|webm|aac|flac|m4a|/)) return; menu.addItem((item) => item.setIcon("play").setTitle("Play with PodNotes").onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () { var _a; const localEpisode = { title: file.basename, description: "", podcastName: "local file", url: app.fileManager.generateMarkdownLink(file, ""), streamUrl: yield createUrlObjectFromFilePath(file.path), episodeDate: new Date(file.stat.ctime) }; if (!downloadedEpisodes.isEpisodeDownloaded(localEpisode)) { downloadedEpisodes.addEpisode(localEpisode, file.path, file.stat.size); localFiles.update((localFiles2) => { localFiles2.episodes.push(localEpisode); return localFiles2; }); } if ((_a = get_store_value(playedEpisodes)[file.basename]) == null ? void 0 : _a.finished) { playedEpisodes.markAsUnplayed(localEpisode); } currentEpisode.set(localEpisode); viewState.set(2 /* Player */); }))); })); }); } onLayoutReady() { if (this.app.workspace.getLeavesOfType(VIEW_TYPE).length) { return; } this.app.workspace.getRightLeaf(false).setViewState({ type: VIEW_TYPE }); } onunload() { this == null ? void 0 : this.playedEpisodeController.off(); this == null ? void 0 : this.savedFeedsController.off(); this == null ? void 0 : this.playlistController.off(); this == null ? void 0 : this.queueController.off(); this == null ? void 0 : this.favoritesController.off(); this == null ? void 0 : this.localFilesController.off(); this == null ? void 0 : this.downloadedEpisodesController.off(); this == null ? void 0 : this.currentEpisodeController.off(); } loadSettings() { return __async(this, null, function* () { this.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, yield this.loadData()); }); } saveSettings() { return __async(this, null, function* () { yield this.saveData(this.settings); }); } };