--- cssclass: cards Alias: ["Dashboard"] Date: 2021-11-20 DocType: "Note" ChildrenType: ["Task", "Note"] Hierarchy: "Root" TimeStamp: location: [47.3639129,8.55627491017841] CollapseMetaTable: Yes --- Parent:: [[@Life Admin|Life Admin]] --- ```dataviewjs dv.el("center", '[[' + luxon.DateTime.now().toISODate() + '|Daily Note]]') ``` ---   ```button name Create Note type append template action NewFile id CreateNote ``` ^button-DailytrackerNewTask ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-DailytrackerSave   ```jsx:
not found: ⛅️ 🌡️-9°C 🌬️↖4km/h
  # Main dashboard   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open This space is the main dashboard of my vault. ```   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Next 5 birthdays   ```tasks not done description includes :birthday: limit to 5 tasks sort by due hide backlink hide task count ```   ---   ### Task management   #### Main Tasks ```dataviewjs const {taskFunc} = customJS taskFunc.getAllTasks({app, dv, luxon, that:this, theme: "LifeHacks"}) ```   #### Next 5 recurring to-dos ```tasks not done is recurring description does not include :birthday: sort by due limit to 5 tasks hide backlinks hide task count ```   #### Next 5 one-off to-dos ```tasks not done is not recurring path does not include Templates limit to 5 tasks hide backlinks hide task count ```   ---   ### Current reading   ```dataview Table without id "![](" + Source.Cover + ")" as "Cover", file.link as "Title", Source.Author as "Author", Source.Published as "Publication Date", Source.Language as "Language" where Source.Type = "Book" where ReadingState = "In progress" ```   ---   ### 6 Article ideas   ```dataview table without id file.link as "Title", Tag as "Themes" from "00.03 News" where contains(Read, "No") limit 6 ```   ---   ### 3 Recipe ideas   `dice: #NotYetTested|link` `dice: #NotYetTested|link` `dice: #NotYetTested|link`   ---   ### Health   #### Activities ``` tracker searchType: frontmatter searchTarget: Happiness, Gratefulness, Ski, Riding, Racket, Football folder: /00.01 Admin/Calendars month: mode: annotation startWeekOn: 'Mon' threshold: 75, 75, 0, 0, 0, 0 color: green headerMonthColor: orange dimNotInMonth: false annotation: ☀️,🥳,⛷,🏇,🎾,⚽ showAnnotationOfAllTargets: true ```   #### Sleep Pattern ``` tracker searchType: frontmatter searchTarget: Sleep folder: /00.01 Admin/Calendars startDate: 2022-01-22 endDate: line: xAxisLabel: Date yAxisLabel: Hours slept lineColor: green showPoint: false xAxisColor: grey xAxisLabelColor: grey yAxisColor: grey yAxisLabelColor: grey ```   #### Daily Steps ``` tracker searchType: frontmatter searchTarget: Steps folder: /00.01 Admin/Calendars startDate: 2022-01-22 endDate: line: xAxisLabel: Date yAxisLabel: "# of steps" lineColor: cyan showPoint: false xAxisColor: grey xAxisLabelColor: grey yAxisColor: grey yAxisLabelColor: grey ```   #### Water Consumption ``` tracker searchType: frontmatter searchTarget: Water folder: /00.01 Admin/Calendars startDate: 2022-01-22 endDate: line: xAxisLabel: Date yAxisLabel: Amount of soft drink (liter) lineColor: blue showPoint: false xAxisColor: grey xAxisLabelColor: grey yAxisColor: grey yAxisLabelColor: grey ```   #### Coffee Consumption ``` tracker searchType: frontmatter searchTarget: Coffee folder: /00.01 Admin/Calendars startDate: 2022-01-22 endDate: line: xAxisLabel: Date yAxisLabel: "# Espresso shots" lineColor: brown showPoint: false xAxisColor: grey xAxisLabelColor: grey yAxisColor: grey yAxisLabelColor: grey ```   #### Mood ``` tracker searchType: frontmatter searchTarget: Stress, FrontHeadBar, EarHeadBar, BackHeadBar datasetName: Discomfort, Front Headache, Ear Headache, Neck Headache folder: /00.01 Admin/Calendars startDate: 2022-01-22 endDate: line: xAxisLabel: Date yAxisLabel: Intensity (base 100) lineColor: red, yellow, orange, purple showPoint: false showLegend: true legendPosition: bottom xAxisColor: grey xAxisLabelColor: grey yAxisColor: grey yAxisLabelColor: grey ```   ---   ### Obsidian Activity ```ActivityHistory / ``` ```commits-recents project=/ divWidth=50 divAlign=left ``` ```commits-type project=/ divWidth=50 divAlign=right ```