--- Alias: ["QED"] Tag: ["Energy", "Infrastructure", "Industrial", "Renewable", "ESG", "Investment"] Date: 2021-08-17 DocType: "Investment" Hierarchy: "NonRoot" TimeStamp: 2021-08-17 location: [55.951496985714286, -3.202781542857143] Investment: Type: "VC" Style: "Growth" Stage: "Early" Ccy: GBP Trading: PDate: 2021-04-19 PPrice: 19.22 LPrice: 19.22 CollapseMetaTable: yes --- Parent:: [[VC Investments|VC Investment]] ---   ```button name Edit Investment parameters type command action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit id EditMetaData ``` ^button-QEDInvEdit ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-QEDInvSave   # QED Naval   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open QED Naval is a turbine manufacturer and maintenance platform for Tidal energy. Based in Edinburgh, they have developped a highly scalable and easy-to-maintain turbine within a very young method of energy production: Tidal. ```   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Investment thesis   Tidal Energy is clean, under-reaearched and under-exploited at present. It is more stable and less cost-intensive than other renewable energy sources as well as less invasive and impactful on the environment. QED Naval's Unique Selling Point lies in the development of a highly scalable (associated within a park thereof) and easy-to-maintain turbine module (Subhub).   ---   ### Risk profile   <mark style="background:orange">High risk</mark> Very early stage of the project in a fast-moving industry. Regulatory and Implementation risks are high whilst funding risk quite low given current round of VC & the securing of a pilot project (TIGER)   ---   ### News & corporate activity   #### Current pipeline - <mark style="background:grey">Subhub</mark>: demonstration of ease of maintenance of the turbine (ease of towing in open sea, ease of deploying on production site)   #### Innovation N/A   ---   ### Further steps   Further steps are captured in the [[VC Tasks|VC task list]]