--- Alias: [""] Tag: ["QR", "Code"] Date: 2022-04-11 DocType: "Product" Hierarchy: "NonRoot" TimeStamp: location: Product: Type: Utility Link: https://zint.org.uk Value: free CollapseMetaTable: yes --- Parent:: [[@Computer Set Up|Computer Setup]], [[Applications]], [[VPS Console Dialogue|CLI]] ---   ```button name Edit Product parameters type command action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit id EditMetaData ``` ^button-ZintProdEdit ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-ZintProdSave   # Zint   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open Product Description ```   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Characteristics   Zint is a Command Line Interface for generating QR codes. It is installed through `brew` on my day-to-day Mac.   #### Command structure The command is articulated as follows: ```ad-command ~~~bash zint -b <CODE NOMENCLATURE> -o <PATH> --vers=<CODE VERSION> -d "<TO ENCODE>" ~~~ ``` All parameters are well documented on the website of the provider of zint. A QR code has nomenclature 58, for example. The `d` parameter is expanded a little further in the following section.   #### Data to encode Originally designed for text or URLs, QR codes can encode more complex information that can be passed on. Below is a recap of a few useful ways to use a QR code.   ##### WiFi credentials Encoding follows this nomenclature: ```ad-command ~~~bash WIFI:S:<NAME>;T:<WEP|WPA|else...>;P:<PW> ~~~ ```   ##### Geo-location Encoding with relative coordinates: ```ad-command ~~~bash geo:x.xxxx,y.yyyyy ~~~ ```   ##### Messenging services 1. **SMS** ```ad-command ~~~bash smsto:<PHONE NUMBER>,text ~~~ ```   2. **Whatsapp** ```ad-command ~~~bash https://wa.me/<PHONE NUMBER>?text=<urlencodedtext> ~~~ ```   3. **Signal** ```ad-command ~~~bash https://signal.me/#p/+<PHONE NUMBER> ~~~ ```   4. **Telegram** ```ad-command ~~~bash https://wa.me/<PHONE NUMBER>?text=<urlencodedtext> ~~~ ```   5. **Email** ```ad-command ~~~bash mailto:<EMAIL ADD>?subject=<SUBJECT>&body=<BODY> ~~~ ```   ---   ### Documentation   [Zint | Home](https://zint.org.uk)