
Tag: ["Novel", "🏰", "🇫🇷", "Cathars"]
Date: 2021-09-25
DocType: "Source"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
location: [51.514678599999996, -0.18378583926867909]
 Type: "Book"
 Language: EN
 Author: Charmaine Craig
 Published: 2003
 Link: https://www.goodreads.com/work/best_book/824714-the-good-men-a-novel-of-heresy
 Cover: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/519Xm82pZqL._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_.jpg
CollapseMetaTable: true


Parent:: [[@Reading master|Reading list]]
ReadingState:: 🟥



name Edit Source parameters
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData

name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save


# The Good Men


title: Summary
collapse: open
by Charmaine Craig. In fourteenth-century France, a young woman from the mountain village of Montaillou was tried for heresy by the Catholic inquisition. Her name was Grazida Lizier and, by her own confession, her “joy was shared” with the wrong man: the village rector.


style: number




### Cover


dv.el("span", "![](" + dv.current().Source.Cover + ")")




### Notes


***Miss Burma*** from the same author