--- Alias: [] Tag: ["🇺🇸", "🏢", "🐊"] Date: 2023-02-17 DocType: "Place" Hierarchy: "NonRoot" TimeStamp: location: [25.7741728,-80.19362] Place: Type: Region SubType: City Style: "Florida" Location: "Florida" Country: USA Status: Recommended CollapseMetaTable: true --- Parent:: [[@United States|United States]], [[@@Travels|Travels]]   `= elink("https://waze.com/ul?ll=" + this.location[0] + "%2C" + this.location[1] + "&navigate=yes", "Launch Waze")` ---   ```button name Save type command action Save current file id Save ``` ^button-MiamiFLSave   # Miami   ```ad-abstract title: Summary collapse: open Note Description ```   ```toc style: number ```   ---   ### Accommodation   ```cardlink url: https://www.lifehousehotels.com/hotels/miami/little-havana title: "Life House - Contextually Designed Hotels" description: "We are more than a hotel company. We exist to make travel more meaningful and accessible. To us, access means more than the ability to enter. Access means belonging and participating. We believe that the more of the world we experience, the more our own world expands." host: www.lifehousehotels.com favicon: /favicon-32x32.png?v=2 image: https://dev.aws.life-house.com/media/modern-traveler-1440.6ea207c4.jpg ```   ---   ### Restaurants   ```cardlink url: https://www.mandolinrestaurant.com/ title: "Mandolin Aegean Bistro | Greek Restaurant in Miami, FL" description: "At Mandolin we pride ourselves on consistency and quality of our food. Recreating traditional recipes while respecting the seasonality and freshness of the Aegean cuisine. Located in Miami, FL." host: www.mandolinrestaurant.com favicon: https://media-cdn.getbento.com/accounts/46c3628b83ff859c5f0fcb6aad5825ea/media/images/50165MAB_IconBlack.png image: https://images.getbento.com/accounts/46c3628b83ff859c5f0fcb6aad5825ea/media/I7SCeEFzS9iXr7WQvTpD_MAB_logowording_black.png?w=1200&fit=fill&auto=compress,format&h=600&bg=EDEDF1&pad=100 ```   ```cardlink url: https://saporedimaremiami.com/ title: "Sapore di Mare MIami Fine Italian Restaurant – The Best Italian Seafood Restaurant in Miami" host: saporedimaremiami.com ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.boiaderestaurant.com/ title: "Boia De | Italian Restaurant in Miami, FL" description: "Italian Restaurant located in Miami, FL." host: www.boiaderestaurant.com favicon: https://media-cdn.getbento.com/accounts/5194193b6aa588b67083206d393f9374/media/images/58284illustration-1.svg image: https://images.getbento.com/accounts/5194193b6aa588b67083206d393f9374/media/images/48693logo.svg?w=1200&fit=fill&auto=compress,format&h=600&bg=EDEDF1&pad=100 ```   ```cardlink url: https://liramiami.com/ title: "LIRA Beirut eatery" host: liramiami.com ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.dirtyfrench.com/location/dirty-french-steakhouse/ title: "Dirty French Steakhouse- Miami | Hours + Location | DIRTY FRENCH | Major Food Group | New York Bistro" description: "Dirty French is a New York bistro created by Mario Carbone, Rich Torrisi and Jeff Zalaznick located in The Ludlow hotel on the Lower East Side." host: www.dirtyfrench.com favicon: https://media-cdn.getbento.com/accounts/5c8b221001f32e1e6cb3e9e25a58827e/media/images/42843dirty_french_fav.png image: https://images.getbento.com/accounts/0935902790a44fe50910a64ea90833d7/media/images/62549Dirty_French_Miami_480-hdr-edit_FULL_RES-2.jpg?w=1200&fit=crop&auto=compress,format&h=600 ```   ```cardlink url: https://joesstonecrab.com/ title: "Joe's Stone Crab" description: "In 1913, Joe Weiss opened up a small lunch counter on Miami Beach. This was before Miami Beach was even a city. Folks stopped in to chat and for a top-notch fish sandwich and fries. This, of course, was only the beginning, and what happened next is a story worth telling." host: joesstonecrab.com image: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0597/2901/9067/files/logo_1200x1200.png?v=1634928786 ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.walrusrodeo.com/ title: "Walrus Rodeo" host: www.walrusrodeo.com image: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/62eadab36f203339b4276227/t/62eadf9f84943400ee3dc7a7/1659559839053/logo-inprogress-11.png?format=1500w ```   ---   ### Bars   ```cardlink url: https://freehandhotels.com/miami/broken-shaker/ title: "Broken Shaker | Miami Beach Cocktail Bar & Lounge" description: "A backyard oasis in the heart of Miami Beach, Broken Shaker offers an eclectic bar menu of handcrafted cocktails and small bites." host: freehandhotels.com favicon: https://freehandhotels.com/miami/wp-content/themes/freehand/dist/images/favicon/favicon-32x32.png ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.easthotels.com/en/miami/restaurants-and-bars/sugar/ title: "Sugar | Rooftop Bar & Lounge | EAST Miami" description: "Sugar is a lush rooftop bar and lounge on the 40th floor of EAST Miami that serves up exotic cocktails, Asian-inspired tapas and spectacular views." host: www.easthotels.com favicon: /files/east-hotels/favicon/favicon-32x32.png ```   ```cardlink url: https://vmmiamibeach.com/hotel/amenities/ title: "Amenities - The Villa Casa Casuarina | South Beach Miami Activities" description: "Amenities at The Villa include, Frette linens and wifi throughout the property. Luxuriate in one of the Villa’s ten custom guest suites featuring king sized beds or custom double king beds, custom Italian marble oversized bathrooms with two shower heads, expansive closet space, separate living rooms or sitting areas and balconies or patios." host: vmmiamibeach.com favicon: https://vmmiamibeach.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/villa__icon-100x100.png image: https://vmmiamibeach.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Accommodations-The-Venus-Suite3.jpg ```   ---   ### Shopping     ---   ### A visiter   ```cardlink url: https://www.visitflorida.com/travel-ideas/articles/explore-little-havana-in-miami/ title: "Things to Do in Little Havana: Your Guide for Cuban Miami" description: "Miami neighborhoods are as different as the multicultural people who live in this subtropical metropolis, where waves of immigration and history leave their watermark street to street." host: www.visitflorida.com image: https://assets.simpleviewinc.com/simpleview/image/upload/c_limit,h_1200,q_75,w_1200/v1/clients/visitflorida/Calle_Ocho_Patrick_Farrell_f91716bc-4c61-4ce3-85fa-3f6cbe153414.jpg ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.flaglermuseum.us/ title: "Home" description: "Whitehall, Henry Flagler's Gilded Age estate in Palm Beach, was called \"more wonderful than any palace in Europe, grander and more magnificent than any other private dwelling in the world.\" Today, Whitehall is a National Historic Landmark and is open as the Flagler Museum, featuring tours, and changing exhibitions." host: www.flaglermuseum.us ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.miamiandbeaches.com/things-to-do/attractions/versace-mansion title: "Peek Inside The Iconic Versace Mansion On South Beach" description: "Explore the iconic Versace Mansion, now known as The Villa Casa Casuarina, one of Miami Beach’s most recognized destinations." host: www.miamiandbeaches.com ```   ```cardlink url: https://www.tripsavvy.com/the-complete-guide-to-wynwood-miami-4174451 title: "The Complete Guide to Wynwood, Miami" description: "This is the complete guide to the buzziest Miami neighborhood around. From where to eat to what to see, we've got Wynwood covered!" host: www.tripsavvy.com favicon: /favicon.ico image: https://www.tripsavvy.com/thmb/qyWi7e5pktBe-9nMAPcwpxiXkQc=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Wynwood_001WEB-5c38c8c5c9e77c000133e53d.jpg ```   ```cardlink url: https://vizcaya.org/ title: "Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, Miami FL" description: "A National Historic Landmark, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens is a 1916 waterfront estate home with 32 decorated rooms and 10 acres of formal gardens." host: vizcaya.org ```   ---   ### Sports     ---   ### NYE   ```cardlink url: https://bayfrontnye.com/ title: "Bayfront New Year – Celebrate New Year's Eve" host: bayfrontnye.com favicon: https://bayfrontnye.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-BayFrontNYEFav-32x32.png ```   ```cardlink url: https://ballandchainmiami.com/ title: "Live Music Miami, Florida - Ball & Chain" description: "Ball & Chain in Little Havana Florida features the best live music Miami has to offer, delicious food, salsa dancing, and private event space" host: ballandchainmiami.com favicon: https://ballandchainmiami.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/cropped-ballandchain_logo1-32x32.png image: https://ballandchainmiami.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ballandchain-facebook.jpg ```   **Gay festival for NYE** ```cardlink url: https://dreamlandnye.com/ title: "Dreamland NYE · Miami, FL 2022" description: "Ring in the New Year at Dreamland, a premium LGBTQ+ experience: 4 Days. 5 Parties. The Magic City." host: dreamlandnye.com favicon: https://dreamlandnye.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/FAV.png image: https://dreamlandnye.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Dreamland-37.jpg ```   ---   ### Other activity   ```dataview Table DocType as "Doc type" from [[Miami]] where !contains(file.name, "@@Travel") sort DocType asc ```