
Alias: [""]
Tag: [""]
Date: <% tp.date.now("YYYY-MM-DD") %>
Hierarchy: "Root"
CollapseMetaTable: Yes





name Create Note
type append template
action NewFile
id CreateNote
^button-<% tp.file.title.split("@")[1] %>NewNote

name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
^button-<% tp.file.title.split("@")[1] %>Save


# Folder map

title: Summary
collapse: open
This note enables to navigate in the <% tp.file.folder() %> section and find any Note in this Vault by Note or Tag


style: number




### Master Navigation

	Table Date as "Creation Date" from "Admin"
	Sort Date ascending



### Tag Navigation

	Table without id tags as "Tags" From "Admin"
	Flatten file.tags as tags
	Group by tags




### TimeStamp check

	Table TimeStamp as "Time Stamp" from "Admin"
	Where TimeStamp > date(today) - dur(100 years)
	Sort TimeStamp ascending




### High Level tasks


not done
path includes Life Admin
sort by due
hide backlink
hide task count
