```toc ```   ##### Prometheus [[Configuring Prometheus|Prometheus]] is a monitoring tool for all types of programs and is based on 'structured log files' i.e. the `JSON` format. Please refer to the dedicated page to understand how [[Configuring Prometheus|Prometheus]] works. It needs to be paired with a visualisation software like Grafana to give its full potential.   **live since**: [[2022-03-17]]   ##### Nodejs & Yarn JavaScript & JS package manager.   #### Personal notes [StandardNotes](https://standardnotes.com) is a program enabling self-hosting with a server-side encryption.   ##### Service parameters (notes) ```ad-info title: service parameters **IP**: **DockerNames**: api-gateway, auth-worker, syncing-server-js-worker, auth, syncing-server-js, db, cache --- **Address**: https://st-notes.mfxm.fr ```   ##### Configuration (notes) 2 files are used to configure the service: ```ad-path ~/standalone/.env ``` ```ad-path ~/standalone/docker/auth.env ``` Docs can be found [here](https://docs.standardnotes.com/self-hosting/docker).   ##### Pro Subscription By selfhosting, access to a Pro subscription is granted. Just make sure each user is flagged as pro in the database: ```ad-command ~~~bash docker-compose exec db sh -c 'MYSQL_PWD=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD mysql $MYSQL_DATABASE' ~~~ ```   Once in the SQL dialogue daemon, rin: ```ad-command ~~~bash INSERT INTO user_roles (role_uuid , user_uuid) VALUES ( ( select uuid from roles where name="PRO_USER" order by version desc limit 1 ) ,( select uuid from users where email="<EMAIL@ADDR>" ) ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE role_uuid = VALUES(`role_uuid`); ~~~ ```   And finally: ```ad-command ~~~bash insert into user_subscriptions set uuid = UUID() , plan_name="PRO_PLAN" , ends_at = 8640000000000000, created_at = 0 , updated_at = 0,user_uuid= (select uuid from users where email="<EMAIL@ADDR>") , subscription_id=1; ~~~ ```   ##### User management (notes) No user management per se. .env file allows (or not) to restrict new registration.   ###### dBeaver [dBeaver](https://dbeaver.io) installed to view the database entries. ```ad-info title: Tutorial for setting up conmection [Tutorial](https://devimalplanet.com/how-to-dbeaver-remote-database-ssh) ``` Once in the tool, select the data to see and the 'data' pane to visualise the tables.   ##### StandardNotes extensions ```ad-info title: service parameters **Location**: ~/standardnotes-extensions **reverse-proxy**: ~/standardnotes-extensions/public --- **Address**: https://tools.mfxm.fr/extensions/index.json ```   StandardNotes has developped extensions to customise both the skin and editor of the app. It is a paying feature normally but can be self-hosted and free. One GitHub user is offering a [repo](https://github.com/iganeshk/standardnotes-extensions) for extensions that can be cloned and linked to the application. * **Configuration file** ```ad-command ~~~bash ~/standardnotes-extensions/.env ~~~ ``` * **Repository update** ```ad-command ~~~bash sudo python3 build_repo.py ~~~ ``` In the main folder.   ---   #### Web Bookmarks [[#^Top|TOP]]   Bookmark is a service to save and organise URLs.   ##### Service parameters (Bookmark) ```ad-info title: service parameters **IP**: **DockerNames**: server & client **live since**: [[2022-05-07]] --- **Address**: https://bookmark.mfxm.fr ```   ##### Configuration (Bookmark) Docker compose set-up. ```ad-path ~/Linkding ``` Docs can be found [here](https://github.com/sissbruecker/linkding).   ---   #### Link Shortener [[#^Top|TOP]]   A self-hosted link shortener.   ##### Service parameters (Link Shortener) ```ad-info title: service parameters **IP**: **DockerNames**: pckd_frontend, pckd_server & pckd_db **live since**: [[2022-05-06]] --- **Address**: https://link.mfxm.fr ```   ##### Configuration (Link Shortener) Docker compose set-up. ```ad-path ~/Pckd ``` Docs can be found [here](https://github.com/Just-Moh-it/Pckd/issues/27).