- [ ] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: Explore the possibility of webhosting through [[Hosting Tasks#Decentralised hosting|decentralised services]] (Blockchain) 📅 2025-12-31
- [ ] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#Backup procedure|backup]] the DB & Files %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2025-04-02
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#Backup procedure|backup]] the DB & Files %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2025-01-01 ✅ 2025-01-01
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#Backup procedure|backup]] the DB & Files %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2024-10-02 ✅ 2024-10-02
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#Backup procedure|backup]] the DB & Files %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2024-07-03 ✅ 2024-07-03
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#Backup procedure|backup]] the DB & Files %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2024-04-03 ✅ 2024-04-03
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#Backup procedure|backup]] the DB & Files %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2024-01-03 ✅ 2024-01-05
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#Backup procedure|backup]] the DB & Files %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2023-10-04 ✅ 2023-10-03
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#Backup procedure|backup]] the DB & Files %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2023-07-05 ✅ 2023-07-05
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#Backup procedure|backup]] the DB & Files %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2023-04-05 ✅ 2023-04-06
- [ ] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#PHP versioning|Check the php version]] of the website %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2025-04-02
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#PHP versioning|Check the php version]] of the website %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2025-01-01 ✅ 2025-01-01
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#PHP versioning|Check the php version]] of the website %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2024-10-02 ✅ 2024-10-02
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#PHP versioning|Check the php version]] of the website %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2024-07-03 ✅ 2024-07-03
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#PHP versioning|Check the php version]] of the website %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2024-04-03 ✅ 2024-04-03
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#PHP versioning|Check the php version]] of the website %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2024-01-03 ✅ 2024-01-05
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#PHP versioning|Check the php version]] of the website %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2023-10-04 ✅ 2023-10-03
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#PHP versioning|Check the php version]] of the website %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2023-07-05 ✅ 2023-07-05
- [x] :fleur_de_lis: [[Hosting Tasks|Hosting]]: [[Hosting Tasks#PHP versioning|Check the php version]] of the website %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 months on the 1st Wednesday 📅 2023-04-05 ✅ 2023-04-06