- Salzbourg
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Date: 2024-08-24
DocType: Place
Hierarchy: NonRoot
location: [47.7981346,13.0464806]
Type: City
SubType: Touristic
Style: Classical
Location: Salzburg
Country: Austria
Status: 🟧
CollapseMetaTable: true
Parent:: [[@@Travels|Travels]]
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dv.el('center', '[🗺️](' + "https://waze.com/ul?ll=" + tempCoorSet[0] + "%2C" + tempCoorSet[1] + "&navigate=yes" + ')')
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Salzburg
> [!summary]+
> Note Description
style: number
### 🛌 Accommodation
url: https://cocoon-hotels.de/de/
title: "Lifestyle Hotels in München & Salzburg | COCOON"
description: "Herzlich Willkommen in deinem ✿ Cocoon ✿ Entdecke unsere Lifestyle Hotels in München & Salzburg. ➨ Jetzt buchen!"
host: cocoon-hotels.de
favicon: https://cocoon-hotels.de/app/uploads/2022/10/cropped-cocoon_favicon-32x32.jpg
image: https://cocoon-hotels.de/app/uploads/2022/10/cropped-cocoon_favicon.jpg
### 🧆 Food & Drinks
#### 🍽️ Restaurants
url: https://www.restaurant-paradoxon.com/
title: "Restaurant Paradoxon - Ungewöhnlich gut essen in Salzburg | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
description: "Ein spannender Ort der Veränderung und Freude am Genuss. Martin Kilga und sein Team greifen gerne auf den Purismus einfacher Zutaten zurück und übersetzen deren Geschmack – kreativ, unprätentiös und motiviert."
host: www.restaurant-paradoxon.com
favicon: https://www.restaurant-paradoxon.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-favicon_paradoxon-32x32.jpg
url: https://furo.at/
title: "Furō – Essen in Salzburg | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
host: furo.at
favicon: https://furo.at/wp-content/uploads/favicon-150x150.png
url: https://www.habesharestaurant.at/
title: "Habesha Restaurant | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
host: www.habesharestaurant.at
#### ☕️ Cafés
url: https://www.220grad.com/
title: "220GRAD | Rösthaus & Cafe | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
host: www.220grad.com
favicon: https://www.220grad.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/favicon-1-100x100.jpg
url: https://www.cafe-bazar.at/en/
title: "Coffee House in Salzburg - Café Bazar | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
description: "Traditional coffee house in Salzburg ► The Café Bazar is a typical austrian coffeehouse in the center of Salzburg: ✔ breakfast ✔ lunch ✔ Austrian specialties"
host: www.cafe-bazar.at
favicon: fileadmin/images/favicon/bazar/favicon-32x32.png
url: https://www.cafeno5-salzburg.at/
title: "Home | Café N°5 Salzburg | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
description: "\"vielleicht die Beste Nussschnecke der Welt\", hausgemachte Kuchen & Kaffeespezialitäten aus der Wildkaffee Rösterei gibt´s im Café N°5 Salzburg"
host: www.cafeno5-salzburg.at
favicon: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1b8018_24cc704e965945608de753376c8a3237%7Emv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_192%2Ch_192%2Clg_1%2Cusm_0.66_1.00_0.01/1b8018_24cc704e965945608de753376c8a3237%7Emv2.jpg
### 🛍️ Shopping
### 👁️🗨️ A visiter
url: https://fullsuitcase.com/salzburg-best-things-to-do/
title: "17 BEST Places to See & Things to Do in Salzburg, Austria (+Map & Tips)"
description: "What to see and do in Salzburg, Austria: top places to visit, tourist attractions, and best things to do for first-time visitors. + Map and useful tips."
host: fullsuitcase.com
favicon: https://fullsuitcase.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Full-Suitcase-logo-1-100x100.png
image: https://fullsuitcase.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Best-things-to-do-in-Salzburg-Austria.jpg
### 🔗 Other activity
Table DocType as "Doc type" from [[Salzburg]]
where !contains(file.name, "@@Travel")
sort DocType asc