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Monit 2 Telegram
2022-03-10 true

Parent:: Selfhosting, VPS Console Dialogue, Configuring Monit

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GitHub - matriphemonit2telegram A simple script to send Monit alerts using Telegram bot.

title: Summary
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A simple script to send Monit alerts using Telegram bot.

By default, Monit only sends alert notifications via email. But we can also set a hook to execute a script. When executing the script, Monit sets a few environment variables about the alert.

This tiny script transforms those variables into a text message and pipes them to Telegram using a bash script for delivery.

This script is inspired by Monit2Twilio.


Create Telegram Bot

If you don't have a Telegram Bot, just create one. By using a Telegram bot you dont have to use a real Telegram client or reuse your Telegram account.

Getting Bot Token

You will get a Telegram Bot Token after bot created. Keep this token, we will use it later. The bot token is looked like this.


Getting Chat ID

To send messages to a Telegram chat, you must first needs to start a chat with the bot. Clicking on the bot link after creation should be enough, it will automatically send a message of /start to the bot.

To get the Chat ID from Telegram bot, execute this command using getUpdates function of Telegram API.

title: Get Chat ID
curl --silent "{TOKEN}/getUpdates" | jq

title: Output
 "ok": true,
 "result": [
 "update_id": 17082016,
 "message": {
 "message_id": 17,
 "from": {
 "id": 22031984,
 "first_name": "User"
 "chat": {
 "id": 22031984,
 "first_name": "User",
 "type": "private"
 "date": 1471402800,
 "text": "Hello from the other side~"

In this example the Chat ID to look out for is 22031984. Replace {TOKEN} with your Telegram bot token.


Clone this repo or download the zipped file.

git clone 
cd monit2telegram

Put your Telegram Bot ID and Chat ID in telegramrc and save it to the /etc directory (/etc/telegramrc).

cp telegramrc /etc/telegramrc

Put and to /usr/local/bin and make them executable.

cp /usr/local/bin/sendtelegram
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sendtelegram
cp /usr/local/bin/monit2telegram
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/monit2telegram

Test the sendtelegram script by running this command.

sendtelegram -c /etc/telegramrc -m "Hello from the other side!"

title: output
Sending message 'Hello from the other side!' to 22031984

You should see Telegram message sent by your Telegram bot.

Set Up Monit

Now you can add Monit alert by adding this line to Monit configuration file.

title: monitrc
check file with path /var/run/
    if changed pid then exec "/usr/local/bin/monit2telegram"