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127 lines
2.6 KiB
127 lines
2.6 KiB
Alias: ["Personal projects"]
Tag: ["🤖", "🕴️", "🚧", "✅"]
Date: 2021-08-12
DocType: &DT "Task"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
Priority: "Medium"
Status: "In-progress"
StartDate: 2021-08-12
DueDate: 2035-12-31
NextReviewDate: &RD 2025-12-30
TimeStamp: 2021-08-12
location: [51.514678599999996, -0.18378583926867909]
Parent:: [[@@Life Organisation| Life Organisation]]
<h6>Progress bar</h6>
`= "<center><progress value='" + (length(filter(this.file.tasks.completed, (t) => t = true)) / length(this.file.tasks)) * 100 + "' max='100'></progress>" + "<br><h6>" + round((length(filter(this.file.tasks.completed, (t) => t = true)) / length(this.file.tasks)) * 100) + "% completed</h6></center>" `
name Edit Task parameters
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Personal projects
title: Summary
collapse: open
Keeping personal projects in check and on track.
### In progress
- [ ] :fleur_de_lis: [[@Personal projects|Personal projects]]: Refaire [[@Personal projects#Chevalière|chevalière]] (Bastard & Flourville) 📅 2025-12-31
- [ ] 🖋 [[@Personal projects|Personal projects]]: Caligraph & frame life mementos 📅 2025-06-30
- [ ] :fleur_de_lis: [[@Personal projects|Personal projects]]: Continue [[ Tasks|]] 📅 2025-11-28
- [ ] 💡: [[@Personal projects|Personal projects]]: Transform lamps into electric 📅2025-06-30
- [ ] 🕰 [[@Personal projects|Personal projects]]: Revision for the mantlepiece clock 📅2025-05-30
- [ ] :blue_car: [[@Personal projects|Personal projects]]: Change car 📅2025-12-31
- [ ] :house: [[@Personal projects|Personal projects]]: Look to buy property 📅2026-06-30
### Completed to-dos
- [x] Post-hiring life hacks ✅ 2021-12-05
- [x] Acheter une [[Voitures|voiture]] ⏳ 2022-07-31 📅 2022-12-31 ✅ 2022-07-06
- [x] :art: [[@Personal projects|Personal projects]]: Continuer à construire un petit trousseau d'[[@Personal projects#art|art]] 📅 2024-12-21 ✅ 2024-12-15
- [x] :fork_and_knife: [[@Personal projects|Personal projects]]: Rechercher à créer un set Christofle (80e les 6 couteaux; 120e les 6 autres aux Puces) 📅 2024-11-30 ✅ 2024-11-18
### Dependencies
#### Chevalière
[[Maison Agry]], [[@@Paris|Paris]]
#### Art
Olivia de Posson
Auden Makosso
##### Ecole de Paris
Sonia Delauney
Eugene Zak
Lou Albert-Lasard