Obsidian/06.02 Investments/Enjin.md

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Alias Tag Date DocType Hierarchy TimeStamp location Investment Trading
Enjin (ENJ)
2021-08-17 Investment NonRoot 2021-08-17
Type Style Stage Ccy
Crypto Growth Early USD
PDate PPrice
2021-03-08 1.9

Parent:: Crypto Investments

name Edit Investment parameters
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action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
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title: Summary
collapse: open
Enjin is a Japanese NFT platform aiming primarily at enhancing gamers' pay-to-play experience. The firm is migrating in-game paid objects and artefacts onto their proprietary blockchain to port those across games. Their technology leans on Polkadot to be able to be chain-agnostic and they are avle to reach games on desktop, phones and consoles.
A gamer should, in the future, be able to buy a sword or another artefact in a specific game and use it in another one through a bridge powered by Enjin.

style: number

Investment thesis

Early player in the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) space for video games, Enjin, from Japan, is building an enironment for cross-portability of NFT applied to games, enterprise solutions and collectibles in general. Gamers are possibly the most likely population to mass-adopt the concept of NFT beyond art. Enjin is well-positionnee to grow meaningfully in this space. In addition, Enjin is now a member of the Un Global Compact and has committed to remain ESG-compliant.

Risk profile

High risk Adoption and competition risk are high; even higher since NFT have made the headlines in early 2021.


The ENJ token represents the utility token of Enjin, which primary aim is to mint NFTs for gaming and artistic purposes. Circulation and availability is deemed to decrease as that token represents the reserve value of each NFT minted. Enjin also offers JENJ, the utility token of Jumpnet and EFI, the utility token of Efinity, Enjin's cross-chain solution to ensure portability of its NFTs across blockchains, based on Polkadot. Today, ENJ cannot be staked natively but finctionality to stake is being developed to increase attractivity of that token.

News & corporate activity

Current pipeline

  • Launch of Enterprise solutions
  • Launch of Wallet 2.0
  • Launch of their NFT platform
  • Launch of Efinity (2021-06-24)
  • Launch of Jumpnet (2021-06-02)


  1. Portability of game artefacts cross-games
  2. Signatory of UN Global Compact
  3. Full NFT environment


Current announced partnerships:

  1. Microsoft: Partnership on Enterprise solution
  2. Playstation: Partnership to integrate NFT artefacts
  3. Xbox: Partnership to integrate NFT artefacts

Further steps

Further steps are captured in the Crypto Tasks