Obsidian/05.02 Networks/Selfhosting.md

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Self host
Self hosting
2021-08-26 Personal Root2

Parent:: @Networks, @Computer Set Up


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title: Summary
collapse: open
This note explores self-hosting through its infrastructure and associated services.

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This section sums up required infrastructure for self-hosting online services.


An option is to look at a Virtual Private Server (VPS) service. This also solves the issue of the access to the Internet, that is more and more advised to not come from a home connection.

title: Tip
A good aggregator for low-cost VPS [here](https://lowendbox.com)

Otherwise, physical hardware include:

Product Type Price range

Synology (DS218/220+)

NAS £250/300

Dell Poweredge Tower Server T30

Server £300/400

HP Z420

Workstation £400


OS & Applications

#^Top Linux is the most common OS for servers. Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS the most common distributions. MacOS would require a Virtual Machine to run properly.

Internet connection

More and more literature point that a home Internet connection may not be the most appropriate way for a server to connect to the Internet. ISPs limit traffic to manage bandwidth and comply to legislations.


#^Top Domain management is important for several reasons: email and email routine can only be defined once per domain. As such, email services (self-hosting, email aliasing) need to be run on separate domains.

For self-hosting, the folllowing domain will be used: mfxm.fr

title: Warning
Sub-domains to be defined with **webhost**.


Security is paramount at the points of connection to the server. SSH protocols are secured but csn be intercepted. Two different ways of protection can be implemented:



title: Documentation
[SSH Key Tutorial](https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/use-public-key-authentication-with-ssh/)
[SSH Key Tutorial 2](https://upcloud.com/community/tutorials/use-ssh-keys-authentication/)

All documentation to implement such control can be found VPS Console Dialogue#Securing Server access.

title: Documentation
[SSH VPN](https://openvpn.net/community-resources/how-to/)

Not tested.

Other security considerations

Additional measures can be found below and are in majority described VPS Console Dialogue#Editing the Server's SSH config.

title: Documentation
[Securing SSH](https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/eight-ways-secure-ssh)

Continuity & backups


title: Documentation
[Local backup](https://blog.ssdnodes.com/blog/vps-backups-simple-overthinking/)
[Hot Copy](https://programmerbear.com/how-to-backup-your-entire-server-or-vps-while-its-running-using-linux-hot-copy/)

Backups are managed through the tar command and dispatched over the network with rclone. Instructions can be found VPS Console Dialogue#Backing up a server.

Server Monitoring


title: Documentation
[Performance Co-Pilot](https://pcp.io/)

Monitoring is implemented through a free and open-source tool called Configuring Monit.

Running multiple services on the same hardware


title: Considerations to start
[Caddy tutorial](https://cyberhost.uk/caddy-setup/)
[Nginx Proxy Manager tutorial](https://cyberhost.uk/npm-setup/)

In essence, to run multiple services on the same hardware, a few basic steps need to be taken to ensure that each service runs properly.

Consideration Tool Description

Compartimentalise services into containers

docker Creates containers that can be run independently

Simplify docker commands

docker-compose Enables to create 'script' for docker commands

Route internet traffic appropriately

reverse proxy: nginx, Caddy2 Enables to route addresses to the appropriate containers and manage SSL certificates (and https forcing)

Self-hosted services


A list of FOSS services can be found here

Service OS Technical reqs Description

**Email service**

| Linux | 2GB RAM recommended | self-host an #Email service

**Email aliases**

| Linux | 2GB RAM; ports: 22, 25, 80, 443 | an #Email alias service\ like [SimpleLogin](https://simplelogin.io) **Nextcloud** | Linux | 500M RAM; MySQL & SQL Lite; PHP 8.0; Apache 2.4 with PHP or nginx with PHP | #Personal cloud syncing instance

**Instant Message**

| Linux | 2/4GB RAM; ports & other extensions | Element instance for #Instant Messenging


| Linux | 500MB RAM | Host a private #VPN

Email service

#^Top Email service can be fully built but has many components to it: server, database, imap, caldav, carddav, DNS specificities, spam whitelisting as well as security (server access & spam filtering). It can therefore be tideous to build an email service from scratch. Pre-packaged solitions exist to manage all components:

  1. IRedMail
  2. Mail-in-a-Box
  3. Docker-mailserver which is command-line-only and to be built more extensively than the two other alternatives
title: Documentation
[Reddit Documentation](https://reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/6h88qf/on_selfhosted_mail_servers/)


Email alias service


title: Documentation

Personal /Nextcloud & syncing


title: Documentation

title: Build your own
[Web interface](https://github.com/mickael-kerjean/filestash)

Instant Messenging


title: Documentation


Easy service to set-up through WireGuard #^Top

title: Documentation
title: VPS plans
[Cheap single-location VPN VPS](https://my.webhorizon.in/order/config/index/nat/?group_id=24&pricing_id=282)
[With multi jurisdiction option](https://natvps.net/)


#^Top Through Wordpres with Thirsty Affiliates: free of charge.

Self hosting ideas


title: Photoprism
Self-hosted photo management solution: [here](https://photoprism.app/)
title: Piwigo

title: Hugo
Open source CMS solution: [here](https://gohugo.io/)



Tool Self-hosted service Link to tutorial Sub-domain

**Password manager**

| **Bitwarden** | [here](https://cyberhost.uk/selfhost-bitwarden/) | pw-manager


| **AdGuard Home** | [here](https://cyberhost.uk/adguard-setup/) | dns-resolver

**Note-taking app**

| **[Notea](https://cinwell.com/notea/)**, **[Turtl](https://turtlapp.com)**, **[Boost Note](https://boostnote.io)**, **[Trilium](https://github.com/zadam/trilium)** | [Notea](https://cyberhost.uk/notea/), [Turtl with docker](https://github.com/turtl/server#running-the-server) | notes

**Git instance**

| **[Gitea](https://gitea.io/en-us/)** | [for Gitea](https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-install-the-self-hosted-git-server-gitea-on-ubuntu-18-04/), [Gitea with docker](https://www.how2shout.com/linux/gitea-on-docker-installation-of-self-hosted-git-service/), [Gitea with docker-compose](https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/install-with-docker/) | git

Database: MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres

App Database
Turtl Postgres
Gitea MariaDB
AdGuard none
Bitwarden none
title: VPS ideas
[MikroVPS - FR](https://my.mikrovps.net/cart.php?a=checkout&gid=34&language=English&pid=584&promocode=LEB2021LXC50&utm_source=lowendbox&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=lbpromo2021)
