Alias: ["Lifestyle"]
Tag: ["🤖", "🕴️", "✅"]
Date: 2021-08-12
DocType: "Task"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
Priority: "Low"
Status: "In-progress"
StartDate: 2021-08-12
DueDate: 2099-12-31
NextReviewDate: &RD 2024-12-30
TimeStamp: 2024-12-23
CollapseMetaTable: true
date: *RD
Parent:: [[@@Life Organisation|Life Organisation]]
<h6>Progress bar</h6>
`= "<center><progress value='" + (length(filter(this.file.tasks.completed, (t) => t = true)) / length(this.file.tasks)) * 100 + "' max='100'></progress>" + "<br><h6>" + round((length(filter(this.file.tasks.completed, (t) => t = true)) / length(this.file.tasks)) * 100) + "% completed</h6></center>" `
name Edit Task parameters
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Lifestyle
title: Summary
collapse: open
Repository of Tasks & To-dos regarding life style.
style: numbe
### Objectives
#### Résolutions 2025
- [ ] 🏃🏼 [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: 🎯 Start running 📅2025-06-30
- [ ] 🍎 [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: 🎯continuer la transition des sucres synthétiques vers sucres naturels 📅2025-12-31
- [ ] 🤝🏼 [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: 🎯 Remettre à plat amitiés pré-burnout 📅2025-12-31
#### Résolutions 2024
- [ ] 🍎 [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: 🎯 Transitioner sucres synthétiques vers sucres naturels 📅2024-12-31
- [x] 🏊🏼♂️ [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: 🎯 Swim more regularly in Summer 📅 2024-09-30 ✅ 2024-09-24
- [x] 🎹 [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: 🎯 Start a vinyl collection 📅 2024-12-31 ✅ 2024-08-24
#### Résolutions 2023
- [x] 🤵🏻 [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Etre plus social 📅 2023-12-31 ✅ 2023-12-27
- [x] 🏃🏻♂️ [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Etre plus actif & plus sain 📅 2023-12-31 ✅ 2023-09-30
#### Résolutions 2022
- [x] :swimming_man: [[@Lifestyle]]: Re-start swimming 📅 2022-07-30 ✅ 2022-07-24
- [x] :horse_racing: [[@Lifestyle]]: Re-start [[@Lifestyle#polo|Polo]] 📅 2022-07-30 ✅ 2022-07-17
- [x] 🎵 [[@Lifestyle]]: Continue building [[@Lifestyle#Music Library|Music Library]] 📅 2022-09-30 ✅ 2022-09-28
#### Résolutions 2021
- [x] Stop smoking 📅 2021-12-31 ✅ 2021-12-05
- [x] [[@Lifestyle]]: Build Movie library ✅ 2022-01-13
- [x] Organisation of holiday in France
- [x] Tattoo
### Misc
- [ ] :watch: [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]] Change wristband of B&M watch %%done_del%% 🔁 every 3 years 📅2025-03-21
### Polo
#### Apparel
url: https://www.instinctpolo.com/home.html
title: "Instinct - Polo Helmet"
description: "Instinct - Polo Helmet"
host: www.instinctpolo.com
favicon: images/logo-instinct.ico
url: https://www.emitapolo.com
title: "Emita Polo - Polo Sticks & Polo Equipment"
description: "Emita Polo is the UK's leading Polo equipment supplier, offering everything you need from the yard to the pitch."
host: www.emitapolo.com
url: https://www.kronopolo.com/
title: "Krono Polo. Join The Game"
description: "Krono Polo Official Website. Shop polo equipment, helmets, boots, gloves, ready-to-wear and accessories for men & women."
host: www.kronopolo.com
favicon: https://www.kronopolo.com/image/catalog/banner/k.png
url: https://www.birdypolo.com
title: "BIRDY HOME | birdy-polo"
host: www.birdypolo.com
favicon: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/635728_8d20f2606a9d492995ee4abf8ed455b6.jpg/v1/fill/w_192%2Ch_192%2Clg_1%2Cusm_0.66_1.00_0.01/635728_8d20f2606a9d492995ee4abf8ed455b6.jpg
#### Clubs
1. [[Epsom Polo Club|EPC]]
2. [Rugby Polo Club](geo:52.33100963781016,-1.2585905491865028)
(Molawa) #🏇
1. [[Polo Park Zürich]]
1. [[Son Ginard Polo Club]]
2. [[Iridike Polo Club]]
[Absolute Polo Holidays and Coaching Courses South Africa](https://www.absolutepolo.co.za/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaasTvsfLrqv-9Pow5YMuGhXRQbMIT_mpTmMmkmhkQTDgux_GbVrmEnPYpc_aem_TLw1v2PDT4CsqqNFK5pAWQ)
#### Events
- [ ] :sunny: :racehorse: [[@France|:fr:]], [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Check out the [Coupe d’Or](https://www.deauvillepoloclub.com/coupe-d-or) %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2025-08-10
- [ ] :sunny: :racehorse: [[@@Paris|Paris]], [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Check out the [Open de France](https://www.poloclubchantilly.com/) %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2025-08-25
- [ ] :sunny: :racehorse: [[@Switzerland|Gstaad]], [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Check out the [Gold Cup Gstaad](https://www.polo-gstaad.ch/) %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2025-08-10
- [ ] :snowflake: :racehorse: [[@Switzerland|St. Moritz]], [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Check out the [St Moritz Snow Polo](https://www.snowpolo-stmoritz.com/) %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2025-10-15
- [x] :snowflake: :racehorse: [[@Switzerland|St. Moritz]], [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Check out the [St Moritz Snow Polo](https://www.snowpolo-stmoritz.com/) %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2024-10-15 ✅ 2024-10-16
- [ ] :snowflake: :racehorse: 🇦🇷 [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Check out the Abierto de Polo %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2025-11-15
- [x] :snowflake: :racehorse: 🇦🇷 [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]]: Check out the Abierto de Polo %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2024-11-15 ✅ 2024-11-15
### News & articles
Table without id file.link as "Name", Tag as "Themes" from "01.01 Life Orga"
where contains(DocType, "WebClipping")
### Dependencies
#### Music Library
url: https://45rpm.ch/zurich-vinyl-guide-this-is-where-you-find-your-records/
title: "Zurich Vinyl Guide: This is where you find your records"
description: "If you come to Zurich and are looking for record stores, this is your guide."
host: 45rpm.ch
image: https://img.45rpm.ch/1800x,q85/2022/01/Sekan-at-ZeroZero-3.png
See [[Internet services|Internet]] section