Obsidian/05.02 Networks/Server Cloud.md

7.8 KiB

Alias Tag Date DocType Hierarchy location Performance Characteristics Disk
Nextcloud server
2021-09-03 Server NonRoot
CPU RAM Bandwidth Speed
1Core 512MB 500GB 1Gbps
OS Domiciliation IPv4 Hostname Host SubDomain
Ubuntu 20.04 BG sofstorage14 AlphaVPS cloud
Capa Type UsedSpace TimeStamp
128GB HDD 21% 2021-09-27

Parent:: mfxm Website Scope, Storage and Syncing

name Edit Server parameters
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData


name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save


Cloud Server

title: Summary
collapse: open
Server for Cloud storage and device syncing.

style: number

Server parameters

title: Dashboard access

title: Address
The service will be located under **[cloud.mfxm.fr](https://cloud.mfxm.fr)** .


title: Nextcloud
[[Nextcloud]] is a cloud storage management service offering a variety of Apps to manage data online.

Installation guide

title: Installation

Installed dependencies


Webserver for Nextcloud. Apache2 has notorious issues with over-clogging memory usage (topping 100% of memory usage). In order to minimise memory usage, #APCu has been installed as a cache manager. In addition, Appache has been paired with:

  • php-fpm for php7.4, enabling faster interaction between apache and backend.
  • the 'event' multi-processing module (MPM) enabling decluttering of processing between ports & Apache

All relevant dependencies have been installed and the set-up tested. A comprehensive tutorial on the MPM switch can be found here or here.

php.ini files can be found at:



Provides SSL certification from Let's Encrypt. Installation dependencies are different from Nginx and explained here


Nothing particular to note on MySQL apart from initial set-up and user management.

Configuration file is under:

title: Optimise memory usage of mysql
% Disable performance schema to hugely reduce RAM usage
performance_schema = OFF

In order to restart mysql, the command is:

sudo service mysql restart

Program name Type Description
fail2ban Daemon Blocks suspicious attempts to login
unattended-upgrades Program Enables automatic updates of installed programs and OS
logwatch Daemon Monitors activity on server and sends activity logs


Mail Transfer Agent. Configuration is standard to allow for emails to be sent by programs / deamons / Nextcloud or others. Such a Configuring Postfix is required for every server to work correctly.


Memory caching addon for Nextcloud. Memory caching management is provided by Nextcloud and needs to be set up as a system cron job. After installing APCu, the webserver needs to be restarted and the cron job defined:

  1. Define the cronjob
sudo crontab -u www-data -e
  1. Add cronjob
 \*/5  *  *  *  * php -f /var/www/html/nextcloud/cron.php --define apc.enable_cli=1
  1. Verify that the cron job is added
sudo crontab -u www-data -l

SVG support

SVG support is installed in the form of a package.

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra

Firewall management, see Configuring UFW for more details.

Server-side monitoring

Monit is a process and daemon monitoring tool. More information on operating the software can be found Configuring Monit.

List of monitored services:

  • System
  • SSH
  • Fail2ban
  • cron
  • Postfix
  • MySQL
  • Apache

Service management

Nextcloud offers two alternatives for manaing the service:

  1. An admin webpanel
  2. A command line tool

Admin webpanel

Accessed through login into the service with admin credentials. Sertings offer an admin section.

Nextcloud command line tool

From the server's command line, Nextcloud offers the ability to perform some tasks like user management.

Introduction to the command

Nextcloud offers a command-line tool which permission needs to be set to "executable". It is located here:


The tool needs to be invoked by the "www-data" user and compiled with PHP:

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ

Generic commands

Nextcloud offers a simple description of all commands here

Data transfer

After each data transfer, run the following command to refresh Nextcloud's webapp:

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all

More info can be found here

title: Data transfer tool

rClone uses a simple config interface to configure remote hosts (including Nextcloud):

rclone config

The config data can be password-protected for security.

  1. Copy data
rclone copy source:'datapath' dest:'datapath'
  1. Sync data
rclone sync source:'datapath' dest:'datapath'

Upload from local
[Nextcloud help](https://help.nextcloud.com/t/how-to-upload-and-share-file-automatically/19202)

  1. Local file structure
  1. Webdav file structure

Nextcloud server hardening

title: Nextcloud tutorial


Cloud Server One-off cost Recurring subscription p.a.

**Server hosting**

| | *€15* ^CloudServerCost

Tasks & Further steps

  • Server Cloud: Backup server 🔁 every 6 months on the 1st Tuesday 📅 2021-09-15
  • Server Cloud: Backup server 🔁 every 6 months on the 1st Tuesday 2021-09-14
  • Set-up landing page